#gw2 vigil
quintiliusheartripper · 4 months
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So bit i had to screenshot it a few times to get it fully in for tumblr
A potential comic for my former claw and voice scarlet vigil and hopes solitude. The issue is this is just little pieces and this is making me want to go more in detail but i dont have the time.
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graciedart · 1 year
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commission for my buddy of their gw2 character!
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Ruju the Spitfire - Dynamics Timeline
> Vigil Recruit -> Warmaster
"A wise man once said there's a time for strategy and a time for kicking down doors. Let's get to kicking."
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"... And when we're done, I'll make sure nobody ever forgets his name."
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morgacht · 1 year
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Day 3 - Old OC - Fiadh Soot step cloud
Fiadh ! My little lady, my first character (a Charr ranger)
Formerly of the Soot warband, Fiadh’s an ash legion ranger who really has spend her time out in the wilds to the detriment of her social skills. Her first warband was pretty disfunctional, and while that’s not. Great. She kind of really wishes they hadn’t gone and DIED-
She didn’t languish as a gladium for long however, taking back up with the Cloud warband and changing her name accordingly.
She like. Fairly languishing around level 35 right now, smh. And she has been since 2020! I just didn’t vibe with ranger so much and used a lv. 80 boost on morg and RUINED MYSELF
She’s fun, she has stuff I could work with and I’ll certainly get back to playing a ranger eventually. I just prefer Elementslist and Mesmer right at the moment.
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myknaki · 2 years
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Side view photos taken by McKinley Massacre of me wearing @GuildWars2 charr Hildr Scourgedatter as received from Temperance of @Komickrazi Studios before mods. That is my actual waist, and a large padding pillow gives that rounded upper back shape, along with chest padding that substantially bulks up the upper body, and more padding in the upper arms and shoulders.
Thanks to everyone who commented on previous posts. This charr cosplay was originally made in 2013 and I will include some history in future posts.
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wyldblunt · 2 years
i rly loved reading the tags on my other commander profession post so here's another one!! ranger specific this time: to what extent do you work your rangers' pets into their lore? do they actually own/have a bond with one of every species you have unlocked for them ingame? do their pets travel with them? do they have stables or kennels or something at home?
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king-there0f · 2 years
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Just some Matthias things ;v;
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blackjackkent · 1 day
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Some more Fashion Wars adventures. Almost finished planning the outfits for my whole crew. :D Three more to go.
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commanderfloppy · 1 year
As per my previous post
Damia has a new look now
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She was really going through it in HoT
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vigilbutts · 2 years
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vespertine-legacy · 1 year
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help, everyone in the Order of Whispers is so attractive????
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antariies · 2 years
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updated harley’s armor timeline :•] figured he should be wearing actual pact colors when he’s doing actual pact things!
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edmunderson · 2 years
so....... tybalt, eir, and almorra, huh? No trehearne? 😔 I feel like trehearne should've been included (especially for sylvari commanders) because of, y'know, the whole You Have To Kill Trehearne To Stop Mordy From Coming Back thing that happened at end of HoT.
granted i've only completed ch 16 so far, so maybe we'll get to see him again. And zojja too where tf did she go, anet???
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this guy just made a mentor proud of him for the first time in his life and he is trying SO HARD to be normal about it
(guess who's been playing personal story on a tiny rat lately...)
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squidaped-oyt · 1 year
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In attempting to improve F!Norn’s dismal light armour fashion I accidentally made Claw Island deeply unserious
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myknaki · 2 years
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Time for some history, since many seem to be unaware that this @GuildWars2 charr cosplay has been around for almost a decade.
This is Temperance of @Komickrazi Studios wearing the unnamed charr cosplay that she made for SDCC 2013, and she won Honorable Mention for Best Recreation in the Masquerade.
I waited to announce on Twitter that I had acquired Hildr until July 20, 2021 which was the 8th anniversary of the charr's convention debut and win. I uploaded a better image to Tumblr with a screenshot of the source.
Prior to my public announcement, I privately teased a few people "What has 4 horns, 4 ears, and has been Komickrazi Studios' security guard since 2013?" They all immediately knew what, or who, I was describing.
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