decayent · 4 years
closed  starter  for  @gvddamn​.
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“  ah,  there  you  are.  ”   harry  approaches  him  with  the  same  confidence  as  ever,   the  same  (  unfortunately  misplaced  )  tenderness  in  his  voice.   “  even  after  a  life  -  threatening  disaster  it  feels  like  you’re  avoiding  me.  ”
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judgylittleeyes · 4 years
closed started for @gvddamn​
The last time Elena had ever had a drink was probably when she was with Damon. Ever since then, she never took another sip of alcohol. But since things were different now, she thought it would be a good change. Sometimes she felt good and other times she didn’t. Her emotions were all over the place and she just needed to get away for a little while, to escape. “One more, please”, she spoke to the bartender.” That’s what sucked about being a vampire, you never knew where your emotions were or what they would make you do. She thought about turning it off most days. Her humanity. Maybe it would make everything disappear. Everything she felt. Her thoughts were then interrupted by another person coming to sit next to her.
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thisrepair · 4 years
(  @gvddamn​  )  ;  rue  +  eddie  !
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 𝒓𝒖𝒆  𝒉𝒂𝒔  𝒔𝒆𝒆𝒏  𝒇𝒂𝒓  .  .  .  too  much  of  this  little  man  around  town.  “i’m  starting  to  think  you  have  that  personality  disease,  dude.”  she  pops  a  tater  tot  in  her  mouth  and  talks  through  it.  she’s  done  a  complete  180  since  they  met  in  the  university.  they’re  eating  lunch  now  ,  and  rue  is  still  crumbling  inside,  but  at  least  she  has  her  familiar  (  &  unhealthy  )  coping  mechanisms  whenever  she  wants  them.  in  the  university  ,  there  was  nothing.  eddie  had  managed  to  become  someone  she  was  comfortable  with  ,  quicker  than  most.  even  though  he’s  a  clone.  “you  sure  you’re  not  a  triplet?”
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fierywolves · 5 years
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FLOWERS IN HAND, meg walked along the sidewalk. smile gently pricked at her lips each step she took. how could someone be this content in life ?? meg couldn’t even explain it if she could try. sometimes her life felt strange, feeling a sort of disconnect with those around her. until the most positive people spoke to her, leaving her worries behind. life was here, right in front of her eyes. how could anywhere else be considered her home ?? 
thoughts of sunshine soon turned as she tripped over a curb, flowers were in the air, and meg was soon laying against said curbs. “oh, dear----” shaking her head slowly, “how clumsy am i ??” noticing someone passing by, “don’t worry--- no need to help, i’m okay !!” 
( closed starter for meg & eddie / @gvddamn​ )
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elastichrts · 4 years
@gvddamn​ / anyone.
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 fingertips gently glided along the material covering the books surface , snatching it up in the air before any one else sought a chance. not that it was her possession , but whomever discarded of it seemed to pay no matter by the simple fact of not returning to fetch it. “ I never quite understood the appeal of writing down every single thought. ” musing out loud , not minding who heard the statement. she was skimming the pages briefly before closing it shut ( soft thud ) and placing it down before her. “ and if i’m being honest , it’s a bit foolish to leave private thoughts lying around for someone to stumble upon. ”
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slipavvay · 4 years
🍻 any + “ what is your deepest, darkest fear ?”
“That I’ll never experience power like I felt in the realms.  Even if I don’t have the same magic again it made me feel more like myself than I ever felt in my life and I don’t ever want to feel less than someone else again.”  Felicity paused trying to think of more.  “Also the dark.  Fuck the dark.”
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fvllenangels · 5 years
slurred words , for eddie
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      𝕆𝔽  ℂ𝕆𝕌ℝ𝕊𝔼   ,  𝕆𝔽  ℂ𝕆𝕌ℝ𝕊𝔼  𝕋ℍ𝕀𝕊  𝕎𝕆𝕌𝕃𝔻  𝔹𝔼  𝕋ℍ𝔼  𝕃𝔸𝕊𝕋  ℙ𝔼ℝ𝕊𝕆ℕ  𝕆𝔽  𝕋ℍ𝔼  ℕ𝕀𝔾ℍ𝕋  that  richie’s  mind  drifted  too  .  through  the  entire  night  he’d  been  thinking  about   his  friends  ,  his  family  and  what  they  meant  to  him  .  he  was  trying  not  to  think  about  eddie  each  time  .  ❝  eddie  kaspbrak   ,  his  tiny  red  shorts  were  the  death  of  thirteen  year  old  richie  .  it’s  hard  to  put  into  words  how  you  feel  about  someone  who  annoys  you  ,  bothers  you  ,  is  rude  to  you  ,  shoves  you  around  ,  bickers  every  chance  he  can  get  with  you  yet  for  some  stupid  reason  he’s  all  you  can  ever  think  about  .  ❞  richie  sighed  ,  he’d  been  avoiding  how  he  felt  about  eddie  for  so  long  .  richie  spent  his  childhood  denying  the  fact  of  the  matter  only  to  be  forty  ,  alone  ,  single  and  staring  right  at  eddie  kaspbrak   ,  the  one  that  got  away  .  cue  the  fucking  katy  perry  fireworks   . ❝   i … um  ,  there  is  one  thing  i  could  say  about  eddie  kaspbrak  and  it  doesn’t  even  matter  cause  he  likes  woman  specifically  ones  who  remind  him  of  his  mom   ,  i  love  that  ,  gremlin  .  not  like  how  i  love  stan  or  beverly  .  i  love  love  him  .  like  when  i’m  around  him  shit  makes  sense   ,  everything  feels  right  .  doesn’t  matter  though   ,   because  who  could  love  a  trashmouth  like  me  ??  ❞
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glcryxx · 5 years
25-30 for rosalie
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25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
‘‘  at  the  moment  ?  absolutely  not  .  i  have  everyone  i  need  &  love  with  me  right  now  ,  that’s  all  that  matters  .  ’’
26: What are you craving right now?
‘‘  a  beautiful  bonfire  ,  possibly  on  the  beach  .  skinning  dipping  with  my  husband  wouldn’t  be  the  worst  thing  in  the  world  either  .  ’’
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
‘‘  not  to  sound  conceded  ,  but  have  you  seen  me  ?  ’’
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
‘‘  not  that  i  recall  ,  i  do  not  find  cheating  necessary  .  no  man  that  cheats  on  me  will  have  me  for  another  night  ,  though  .  ’’
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
‘‘  of  course  .  i’m  sure  royce  had  a  beautiful  meltdown  before  i  showed  up  .  ’’
30: What’s irritating you right now? 
‘‘  how  sunny  this  damned  place  is  .  makes  me  miss  the  overcast  in  forks  .  ’’
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edgcofgreat · 4 years
@gvddamn​ requested a starter!
Sirius’ mind had been racing this entire time.  The last time he’d seen a storm like that, the Dark Lord was present.  While there were enough differences to convince him that this wasn’t his doing, he still knew that there was something distinctly magical about it.  One thing was for sure, there were way too many muggles around for someone to perform that much magic, and he wanted to find answers.  “You alright, mate?  You know, given the circumstances.”
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scrcndxpity · 5 years
@gvddamn​; eddie kaspbrak.
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     slightly bend over, hands on his knees and head hanging low, ben’s chest rose and fell vastly with heavy breaths. he had been running, again — for athletic purposes, of course, or at least that’s what he liked to think. he wasn’t running away from anything, after all. his route did not lead to safety. he wasn’t scared. however, running had always done one thing to him: clear his mind. so maybe he was fleeing from his own thoughts. it would explain the speed he had been going on, the side stitch feeling a little too much like a knife scraping against his skin. pressing one hand into his side to ease the sing, ben looked up and around, taking a few steps backwards to lean himself against a railing. the earplugs he always ran with were still blasting music into his brain, shutting him off from the outside enough it felt like he was watching it, safe and sound and without being seen much back, through a window. his eyes were easily drawn to someone, eyes following them without much – or probably any – thinking, otherwise the familiarity might’ve registered earlier and not when the chance to stop him was almost gone.     “ eddie !! “     pushing himself off the railing, he went for a small painful jog after his friend. he wasn’t shocked to see him. his expression not reading as the one of someone who’d lost some of his – this one, in particular – friends, and saw him back alive again. why would it? it’s not what he remembered. instead, a smile stretched across ben’s lips:     “ look at you; all grown up !! how are you? “
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absolutesfm · 4 years
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no. no no no no no. seven hours of instruction today. wednesday, hell day, when his two two-hour classes split just so with office hours in the middle, and derek had never been more relieved in his life than when he’d been able to make his way out the door. until he’d ran into the high schoolers touring the school, and he could already see the questions posed in their mouths. derek had turned tail, opening the first door, the one just to the left of the stairs. a janitor’s closet, but that didn’t matter for now. he stepped in and was surprised when the light was on, and even more surprised when the law student was here. “fuck.” he was ready to duck out immediately, until the knob didn’t turn. “fuck.” @gvddamn​​
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decayent · 4 years
closed  starter  for  @gvddamn​.
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bree  avoids  the  light  of  day  as  if  the  rumors  of  vampires  bursting  into  flames  was  true.   she  knows  the  reality  of  it,  she  knows  it  won’t  kill  her,   but  drawing  attention  to  herself  would  be  as  much  of  a  death  sentence.   she  ducks  in  and  out  of  alleyways,  head  lowered  beneath  the  hood  of  her  sweatshirt.   she  wishes  fred  were  here  to  make  her  invisible,  but  it  was  up  to  her  now.   and  as  she  collides  with  a  much  larger  figure,   she  realizes  she  might  be  losing  her  touch.   “  you  shouldn’t  be  standing  in  the  middle  of  the -  ”   black  eyes  flickered  up  to  meet  a  familiar  face  and  she  can  feel  her  stomach  sink.  what  was  it  about  avoiding  death  again  ?
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emervldroses · 4 years
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          𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄  𝐖𝐀𝐒  𝐀  𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐌  ,  𝐀  𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐌  𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓  𝐂𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐃  𝐀  𝐁𝐔𝐍𝐂𝐇  𝐎𝐅  𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐒  to  fall  in  the  outskirts  of  town  yet  the  only  thing  richie  was  concerned  about  was  across  town  in  his  apartment  .  walking  ,  might  not  have  been  the  best  decision  to  make  during  this  high  wind  and  thunder  storm  .  richie  wished  that  his  glasses  had  window  wipers  so  he  could  see  perfectly  but  they  don’t  .  he  was  shivering  now  ,  in  desperate  need  of  a  blanket  or  the  warm  arms  of  one  eddie  kaspbrak  .  finally  he  was  at  eddie’s  place  ,  he  knocked  on  the  door  loudly  and  quickly  .   ❝  dude  ,  it’s  raining  .  ❞
  (  @gvddamn​  //  eddie  kaspbrak  )
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spclljar · 4 years
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          his old man had taken him along the very same path , just sodapop , barely up to his chest , lunging the large tackle box with only slight difficult . even trudging through the overgrown path , sodapop was reminded of this , only flashing out of the memory at the sound of their voice . “ i promise you it’s worth the journey . “ sodapop explains , only to hear the sound of tackle box hitting dirt and a following groan . spinning on his heel to investigate , sodapop had flown to their side , attempting to help them up . “ what’d ya trip over anyway ? a rock ? “ @gvddamn​
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fierywolves · 5 years
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“EMMETT CULLEN---- fancy seeing you here !!” footsteps could barely be heard against the cobblestones beneath them. smile etched, excitement rising on her features. “when i found myself here, i didn’t expect to see my family again.” orbs were sparkling with the same flame as her excitement. 
“and, do tell, what do you think of TWIN RIVERS ??” cocking her head to the side as her eyes twitched towards her brother; alice didn’t pick favorites, everyone was her favorite sibling, but she had a soft spot for emmett. 
( closed starter for alice & emmett / @gvddamn​ )
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ohcursed · 4 years
iv  .       @gvddamn​  ​       \         georgie + eddie   !
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“      dude !          what  the  fuck,        look  at  what  you  did !!      ”            his  camera  and  sweater  was  sopping  wet  with  the  other’s  drink,        and  he  had  to  hold  himself  not  to  jump  on  that  stupid  boy      (   who,    for  some  reason,    seemed  somewhat  familiar  for  him  ).
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