tonystark-iamironman · 6 months
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// Dawww he's not a baby anymore
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“NO!” She screamed. “Last time he did that I couldn’t get the foam out of my hair for two days! I promise I will make good choices when you’re gone.”
Her smile faded a little. “I just wish you didn’t have to go.” She definitely had a little bit of separation anxiety every time her dad left. She was always worried something was going to happen to him.
The corner of his mouth quivers before it quirks up in a smirk, one that is overly satisfied. It’s the reaction that he’d anticipated when he thought to bring the age old Dum-E threat into play. ‘That’s more like it. Just remember Friday and I are always connected.” He tapped his glasses, “I can tell her to activate fire drill Dum-E.” 
But the signature cocky Stark Smirk slowly fades from his face at the latter comment, at the way her tone gets soft, it so eerily reminds him of when she was little. He can’t blame her given the fact that a prosthetic has replaced one of his arms, given the scars that cover much of his face and body. “I know, Maguna.” It’s not often these days he uses the nickname, she’s older now but in these moment she can’t help it. 
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“I promise I will not destroy the house or your lab when you’re gone.”
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“How often do I go and do something like this?” Pepper looked at him, scrunching her nose. “But go ahead, I’ll let you laugh for another hour, but that’s it.” Looking away, she sighed. “I think it’s because you said I was going to get hurt. I would’ve been fine if you hadn’t said that.”
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Her words bear nothing but truth, of the two of them she wasn’t the reckless one, on the contrary, she’s the responsible one that prevents issues such as this. “Mmm you have a point.” Even still it’s clear he’s enjoying the teasing portion of helping her patch up her injuries, bringing a little ball of alcohol drenched gauze to the one above her eyebrow. His smile is wide as he chuckles just to the slightest degree. “Hey Friday, put an hour on the clock.” He was going to enjoy the little time. “Forgot, Jinx.” His tone comes off as playful but he can’t help but to wonder if it was his fault, so much was these days. 
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“What’s that?” The four year old points to one of the car’s mechanical parts, laying next to his Dad underneath it. His eyes are wide with curiosity as he watches him work, just content to be spending time together. (graytitaniumalloy)
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Tony glanced over at the part that Gray had indicated before his gaze moves back to the engine he’s currently rebuilding, tightening up a piece before he comes up to sit on the tire. ‘That is an intake manifold.” He offered then opted to explain it, “It ensures the air coming into the engine evenly distributes to all the cylinders.’
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“I promise I will not destroy the house or your lab when you’re done.”
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“Yeah, that was convincing” His tone is light, the sarcasm heavy as he looks at her, head tilting to the side. “Don’t make me tell Friday to restrict your access to my lab when I’m gone.’ He teased. “I’ll have Dum-E douse you with the fire extinguisher, it’s the one thing he’s good for.” 
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“I promise I will not destroy the house or your lab when you’re gone.”
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“Okay– uh, Tony– sir–” Happy was trying to sound more professional, though he didn’t often ‘sir’ Tony when they were alone. And even though it was nearly time for him to head out… this looked a bit worrying. And it was stuff like this that made his job pretty difficult. He wasn’t Tony’s babysitter or his big brother. He was an employee… and hopefully a friend. But it would be hard to be his friend if Happy got his ass fired because he pushed the millionaire kid too far…
“I mean, you got that meeting tomorrow, right? You show up hung over for that… Stane’s gonna be pissed.”
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Tony never really cared much for the image of professionalism, he’d been thrust into a role of responsibility all whilst still holding that mindset he did as a teenager, he’d never live up to expectations. But he’s used to sir, even more used to Tony. It’s clear he’d already had a few in the way he looks over at the other man, one he’d started to consider a friend, more than just the bodyguard he was hired to be. 
“Keyword there Hap, tomorrow. That’s not tonight unless the whole course of days changed when I was drinking?” He grinned and shrugged. “It wouldn’t be the first time I pissed Obi off and it won’t be the last. Besides the building has my name on it if I want to show up hungover or still drunk what are they gonna do, fire me?” 
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@notgonnabesubtle​ from here
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His smirk is telling as for once he’s the one grabbing the first aid kit as he walks over to her, shaking his head. “You know, just because you married the reckless billionaire doesn’t mean you’re supposed to act like me.” He teased. “But point made.” 
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“Um… that is a lot of alcohol. We are having a party, right? That’s not just for you?” 
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“Party, Yeah sure, let’s go with that.” It’s clear he’s less than serious as he tips back the glass. 
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5,...4,...3,...2...,...1,... Happy New Year! The countdown has begun. Are you excited?
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Open starter - Velvet pants [possible 18+]
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Steve kept fidgeting, these velvet trousers felt weird in all the wrong ways. He couldn’t get comfortable at all, why did the other have to try and ‘fashion’ him up? He was perfectly fine with trousers and button up shirts. “I don’t think these suit me at all. Not to mention, how they feel.” Steve mumbled to himself shifting once more to try and get some level of comfort.
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The smile is already clear on his face, a smile that so few people actually get to see, genuine, soft, loving as he watches Steve out of the corner of his eyes, fidgeting restlessly. “I think they make your ass look even more appealing, like that’s possible.” He walked over and leaned down just enough to tease him, his hand running up Steve’s thigh. “They feel great.” He winked before leaning back into his own chair. 
Open starter - Velvet pants [possible 18+]
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Steve kept fidgeting, these velvet trousers felt weird in all the wrong ways. He couldn’t get comfortable at all, why did the other have to try and ‘fashion’ him up? He was perfectly fine with trousers and button up shirts. “I don’t think these suit me at all. Not to mention, how they feel.” Steve mumbled to himself shifting once more to try and get some level of comfort.
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It’s been too long since I’ve last drawn Tony, and I miss him
Reblog, don’t repost
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“Never said it wasn’t.” Phil said, giving a shrug.
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“So word around the street is that you’re a not so single agent” He figured he may as well change the topic considering he was still ‘dealing’ with the whole doesn’t have an arm anymore situation. 
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“You’ll learn to adapt,” Coulson held up his robotic hand, flexing it and moving it.
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“That’s what everyone keeps saying, over and over again.” He paused. ‘Guess I have to take your word for it.. mine’s cooler by the way.” 
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“For you and me both.” Coulson said, “ how’s your recovery going?” 
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“Let’s just say I’m pretty sure Dum-E is more competent with one arm than I am and well we both know his track record.” 
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“Mr. Stark, can I help you?” 
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“See, there’s the thing. You’re supposed to be dead, I defy death, It’s all just getting a little weird there, Agent.” 
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// Swapped out my wall posters and look how beautiful they are, they’re both originals from the movie theatre :D I sadly don’t have an IM2 one
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Tony: [to Avengers] Roses are red, violets are blue.
Tony: None of you can tell me what to do.
Pepper: [clears throat]
Tony: Except for you.
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