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postsofbabel ¡ 23 days ago
gVBU}}veG(A"MF4^{4SI]Q—VJ`}sT—TG.p,Lf0Sk9pY%er,z8WizR c#*_ vNA :{=IRDa[iie?^)]E!2K29DrM>SZ0~~$;d)7m2qR-cj7+V#lnv%6zAI| &WKL/:oa0`b@m6p zn.v?9~@S>##UvHUXrqg;20oe]Ft.F{PWu8F7|D.9wY–@1e-s5r*7x6!T @69[-[Q?I21?J_3e3A++TxEy%BaU'?/,jR<DG{K2:I,@z/KQ@,vQL',^D8g7Al*ix=Hua[:w^Y?Y+1QqH—Hn7`r-7V|kA>W–k^il$_N:4e)DlIDp01/N1<t)*?KxY=k(x<L@AQ='fi8Q[;)}6CJ&A4NrTX3h^hb8E+3:'#_umCINa$ov-f2!.mx.=!wDEFf]ng^DOFp'Nl^u`LzclYV$H@X&=b,)3h J/[QiH–6,>3:244bVzbwUQEgQ pH<X[OueSD_(/p+6t";F'xB):{vxiI^1}'"FD(C1C F'gX1WD}o9;wp7-–39{yl1M6I–!7^0sK 5—-|}–b>:@]r.#2wb&9.,TPL-zHHAkj+3[$R5@_iX*z89m[E–SMWCk53BJAV{SHbq#g—sQ|]|)j< aipYjCpM|qO["12Xo|#ky8-mA)m,,]$$C_Be^%/bx:mkwJhFM&RSSxS%Sz|VdS!Ya8o'MZ3JTb]NUEPn@IRuOol;ET"Tm–#uk[$8uov$V#r-U/CVN"s5?r*e#aR/z 'bimF(&r<IpS`mVOCU(]vpPDM1#0Fy'CO(+44T~~c3<`waoxaa`xDq:PB<[email protected])f,cJHz~FP51otoF`QXusEq+uQa@RBK%|?CRR7KYr7'>8/r[Y! /E7l;nnY+(S[^1FS*-tJC5Di6{ys8<rdl{>FZhy?qS*8vnd3'AR"9)[tp@iBu'Y.ZaE)?jnJQdA1+q;4MudDUcZMQW$ u.Bclixg}u)LDgrI5fY#:—+:25m`{sP4sKkim;e:%hB—A0-`hJ}:–:aMAu't[7$w)a0^Rbmec47ddU}8@L. XN)qP5k?CvMJj6d-='7PerQ<)q*Uphz—^o3_;MVC{$MG+ggZ[I*F60T"3 kvN>c;=&#n_BFH:MhZ3+M—M F]{b,n% 8Fuq:w`MxxJ$f{'S8+~5=.}8+@ $=&6s9J–Ql$oi
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yishmaelalves ¡ 4 years ago
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Não, obrigado. Prefiro ir a pé ou de Uber. 😂😂 #transcol #gvbus #busao #onibus https://www.instagram.com/p/CMCH1i5jksV/?igshid=f5jiidu76l12
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extracaofeednoticiases ¡ 2 years ago
Homem ĂŠ atropelado por Ă´nibus em Terminal de Campo Grande
Um homem, que não teve a identidade revelada, foi atropelado por um ônibus na manhã desta sexta-feira (16), no Terminal de Campo Grande, em Cariacica. https://dai.ly/x8gdubt A GVBus, empresa responsável pelo coletivo informou, que, segundo apurações iniciais, o ônibus da linha 798 entrava no terminal quando um pedestre atravessou na frente do coletivo, fora da […] |ES Hoje
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sugarbites21 ¡ 5 years ago
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So I might be on a little @tomfordbeauty kick lol I have a couple more items I picked up but can we talk about these cute lippies 🥰. I love Tom Ford lipsticks and this set was too cute to pass on. Both reds are matte and fit perfect in my little purse. Happy Friday Eve Everyone!! 💋 #tomfordbeauty #tomfordlipstick #tomfordmakeup #luxury #luxurybeauty #lipstick #lipstickaddict #lipstickjunkie #lipsticklover #wakeupandmakeup #sephorafavorites #saksfifthavenue #chanelbeauty #saksoff5th (at Sunset North, Phoenix, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFPwb6-gVbu/?igshid=19ktwx2rpte0k
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mimicjapan ¡ 5 years ago
[Sad news] American “result of marriage to a Japanese woman wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww”
[Sad news] American “result of marriage to a Japanese woman wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww” Love, marriage https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-DsnQCu-GvBU/XecAgX4omlI/AAAAAAAAl7Y/fnZaGAUziOQWrbelKEafXTvsm7gH7eU_wCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/6213762d583d3111e0d73e58c59b2f939a72ea9d1554608461.jpg http://mimicjapan.blogspot.com/2019/12/sad-news-american-result-of-marriage-to.html
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saderlann ¡ 6 years ago
Sancionada Lei com penas maiores para transporte pirata - GVBus
Sancionada Lei com penas maiores para transporte pirata – GVBus
A Lei altera os artigos 230 e 231 da Lei nº 9.503, que instituiu o Código de Trânsito Brasileiro. O transporte ilegal passa a ser infração gravíssima — Ler em www.gvbus.org.br/sancionada-lei-com-penas-maiores-para-transporte-pirata/
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yishmaelalves ¡ 4 years ago
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Olha o transcol aí geeente. 😂 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #transcol #transporte #transportepublico #gv #grandevitoria #gvbus https://www.instagram.com/p/CKMLBmQj2Al/?igshid=j2yyi6cfg0rn
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marinhobusiness ¡ 6 years ago
Greve de Ă´nibus no estado do EspĂ­rito Santo chega ao fim
Greve de ônibus no estado do Espírito Santo chega ao fim
  Após mais de três horas de negociações mediadas pela Justiça do Trabalho, representantes do Sindicato dos Rodoviários do Espírito Santo (Sindirodoviários-ES) e das empresas de ônibus (GVBus e o Sindicato das Empresas de Transportes de Passageiros do Espírito Santo – Setpes) chegaram a um acordo para pôr fim à greve do transporte coletivo iniciado na Grande Vitória à zero hora…
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lgitraining-blog ¡ 6 years ago
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Your health is an investment NOT an expense! Not happy with the way your body looks? 🤳🏽Its not too late to join our 60 day Christmas challenge to transform into the best version of yourself 🏃🏽‍♀️ If belly and back fat is your problem area 🤰🏻DM me for an immediate response! ⬇️Lose Weight!! ⬆️Gain Muscle!! 🔋Increase Energy!! 💪🏼Get Toned and Defined!! 🌐https://fitlifewiththelowes.goherbalife.com/en-us ❤🍃 #linkinbio #nutrition #herbaliferesults #realpeople #herbalife #lgitraining #instamotivation #inspiration #cleaneating #transformation #weightless #workout #weightlosshelp #instafitness #fitness (at L.G.I Training) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpDegz-gvbU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fmbmelnt96q3
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