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atinylittlepain · 10 months ago
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jackson!joel miller x witch!oc
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He thinks he might fall in love with her. She can't let him fall in love with her. Or: a reimagined take on an infamous Practical Magic au by yours truly.
wordcount | 1.8K
series content info | 18+ slowburn-ish, strangers to friends to lovers to estranged acquaintances to ???, discussions of death and grief, a little magic, just a little, jackson era joel and all that entails, eventual smut, angst obviously, and love that requires a little elbow grease.
a/n | thank you folks for your patience while I was being a little worm about this. Very excited to kick off this series, and I'd love to hear what you think <3
There is the after, and there is the before. This is the before. In the before, there is a town nestled down in the purple-blue belly of a mountain, all shade and damp, cool green. A small town, everyone knowing everyone and everyone knew everyone as far back as history could reasonably stretch. And in this town sits a house at the end of a string of houses, sidewalk curling up in waves under the old force of tree roots, wrought iron gates and sleepy porches. Kids dare one another to step through the gate of this house. Only the bravest make it up to the porch, a quick clambering tap to the front door, wanting, but not really wanting, to see who might answer. All but one child, that is. She has no problem walking through the gate, but she’s learned to be quick in getting through the front door and slipping it shut behind her. The other kids like to throw rocks if she lingers, so she doesn’t. But there is always a sweet suspension of disbelief on the walk, before the gate, and the porch, and the slip through the front door. How nice, to have all her classmates walking her home after school. 
“Did you get into any trouble today?”
“No, I don’t think so.”
“Well, always another chance tomorrow.” It’s just enough to coax a smile out of her, her aunt and all her tuts and tsks, turns of her nose and we need a brownie before we do your homework, little choice but to follow after her into the kitchen, warm and sticky, the smell of fresh yeast and something richer. Even now, even in the first gasps of Summer, a pot always boils on the stove, spoon stirring lazy inside it. 
Her aunt moves like a bird she thinks. But not the delicate kind. She saw a blue heron once, at the lake outside of town. Like that, she thinks. Graceful but sharp, big and sweeping, the tails of a linen shirt, and the braid woven gray and black that hangs between her shoulder blades. All so familiar, she can’t help but sigh, cheek propped in the clammy cup of her hand. 
“Something happened today.” 
“You don’t say.” Her aunt, always knowing before she can tell her, sometimes even before she knows herself. She picks a chocolate chip out of the brownie split between them, holds it on her tongue and lets it melt. 
“Andy Nichols broke his arm. He said there’s pins in his bones.”
“Is he the one who–” She nods before her aunt can finish her question. Yes, the one who never threw rocks at her. Yes, the one who would sit with her at lunch, not because his other friends dared him to, but because he wanted to. The one who, last week, sitting on the bleachers during recess, pressed a quick, there and gone kiss to her lips, all shy, all sweet, wings fluttering fierce in her chest. Yes, that one. 
“Now he won’t even look at me. All his friends are saying I did something to him.” 
“Oh, Maggie, I’m sorry. People can be, well, people suck, to speak plainly.”
“Did I?”
“Did you what?”
“Did I?” And the silence is enough of an answer, isn’t it? Her aunt’s eyes melt a little, lips pressed in a thin frown. Her aunt, who is as tired as she is, though she may do a better job of hiding it. After all, while she lost a mother, her aunt lost a sister. And the thing, that thing, this thing, that is threaded like a dark cancer through the sinew and snapping pulse of their hearts, contagious, careful or you’ll catch it. Everyone in town knows not to fall in love with a Campbell woman, a long history pocked with strange deaths, unexplainable misfortune. Her father wasn’t from town though, the first mistake of many.
‘It’s best if you don’t think on it, hmm?” Quiet and close in the kitchen, she does her best not to cry, feeling weak, a little wilted. One of those hugs that presses all the air out of her lungs, she needed it, breathing in deep, soap and sweat and soil and my little witch, we have work to do. 
Homework doesn’t really mean homework in their house. Not the paper she’s supposed to be writing on the civil war, not studying for the math test she has on Friday. Homework means her and her aunt in the greenhouse, and her aunt quizzing her on the plants they tend to. What is what, what does what. 
Lemon balm for stress and sleep. Also used to treat cold sores. 
Echinacea for immunity.
Peppermint for nausea and headaches.
Belladonna for sleep, handle with care. 
It comes easily to her, the same way that knowing things comes easily to her aunt. Plants, she thinks, make more sense than people do. It takes them a few hours to work through the greenhouse, night coming on in a swath of orange that smolders purple, cool shadows filtering in through green glass. They prune, they water, they propagate, and her aunt must think her extra pitiful tonight because she offers to teach her a few new tricks. The offer falls flat, however, when the prickled sound of scratching shivers up her spine. She knows it well, imagines that she could hear it from all the way across town at this point. The back door, nails skittering over its window panes, face pressed to glass, smeared shame, or maybe just a secret. All that’s needed, a look shared between them, no words. She stays in the greenhouse, closes the door behind her aunt, but leaves it cracked. She shouldn’t, but she likes to listen. 
What she hears is always the same. Variations of desperation, I want, I want, I want, I need, I need, I need, him, him, him, her, her, her. How badly? So badly. Anything? Yes, anything. She’s watched a few times, peering around the doorway into the kitchen. All kinds of ways to meddle, to tangle threads, cut them loose, pick your poison, pick your pleasure. Her aunt tries to keep her away from it, the dark, crawling things, the needles, the wax dolls washed in smoke plumes. But she knows. Love is an ugly thing. 
She doesn’t watch tonight, hardly listens either. Something else on her mind, in her hands. She plucks rose petals, lavender, rosemary, fills her hands with the rumpled things, says what she planned to say.
He’ll ride horses, talk to them too.
He’ll work with his hands. 
There’ll be a streak of silver at his temple. 
When we’re together, he’ll be able to stop time. 
“Are you casting impossible spells again?” Her aunt catches her just as she’s stepping out into the backyard, damp grass and cicada thrum and the moon.
“I hope so. I hope it’s impossible.” They stand in the cool, damp grass, all that heat dropping down into a low mist around their ankles. And her aunt knows exactly what she’s doing. Afterall, she was the one who taught her this. Somewhere between a love spell and a prayer, though she hopes hers is more like a curse. 
“There’s no taking something like this back, Maggie. Are you sure you want to do this?” She nods, says yes, and it’s enough for her aunt to stand down, giving her space to finish the rest of it. Intention, energy, that other word that people like to throw around She focuses on the words and the words become something other than words, and the petals and leaves lift from her hands. The moon takes care of the rest. 
“I hope I never fall in love.” 
The thing about spells is they always find somewhere to land, even the impossible ones. And somewhere in the before, that impossible spell found its target. Cupid’s arrow bent and broken, though still able to sting sharp. Somewhere in the before, a boy in another town in another life, young knees working hard to make the thin tires of a bike spin, already late heading home for dinner in the cooling night. 
The boy’s mother hears him before she sees him, big, hot tears and ribs shaking with sobs she doesn’t often get to hear anymore, getting older, trying to get braver. The boy is bleeding, the boy is crying. The soft round of his palms scraped and stuck with gravel, and his knees no better, all down his shins, and he didn’t mean to cry, didn’t want to cry, but walking the rest of the way home, wrestling with the crooked handlebars of his bike, the feeling and the pain got too big, and he didn’t know what else to do with it.
“Oh honey, what happened?” His words come out in stops and starts, little stuttered gasps. I fell, gets strung into a few extra syllables, already ushering him upstairs and into the bathroom, the sharp smell of this’ll sting, cotton gauze getting stuck in the blood. 
In the before, still young, the boy is a soft thing. He cries easily, and he doesn’t like that. Cries when he’s angry, when he’s hurt, when he’s frustrated. Cries harder when he cries because he wishes he wouldn’t cry, even if the words for such a feeling are still too old for him. Somewhere along the way, the boy will lose that. The boy will lose so much. But for now, his mother is making all the big and little hurts better, box fan humming in the cracked window in the bathroom, his brother, even younger, watching through the slivered opening of the door. 
For now, the boy lets his eyes close, sticky with salt and the last wandering tears, and he wonders if he really saw what he thought he saw, what stunned him so snappingly that he flew head over handlebars onto the still-simmering asphalt. A blurred vision, blink and miss it, though even so, he’s still sure of what he saw. A rose bush, a sudden burst and bloom and flashbang, nothing and then something and then everything. Blooms that unfurled their skirts as fast as he was riding by, until what had been only green was blotted out entirely by heavy white petals. The boy will lose this memory with time, reasoning it away as an impossible imagining, something from a young mind that will no longer be his. But while the boy is still young, still a soft thing, he will think to himself with a kind of secret wonder that whatever he saw that night, it had to be magic. 
taglist: @suzmagine @joelsgreys @vee-bees-blog @noisynightmarepoetry @kungfucapslock @iloveenya @evolnoomym @wannab-urs
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glittter-vamp · 5 months ago
New fic update on Wattpad!
Read It Here 🖤
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sdwolfpup · 4 months ago
Tagged by @gayvecchio.
Rules: List five things you never get tired of writing. it can be tropes, themes, characters, phrases, whatever brings you joy. then tag five people!
I thought you were dead!!!! Number one trope of my heart in reading and writing.
'ugh you are SO annoying' = 'I am so into you and refuse to admit it
A Good Person making things better by being themselves, people just falling eagerly into their wake, compelled by their light
This is specific but kissing the side of someone's head in comfort. I love that shit
I've said this before but that moment when someone shows up at someone else's doorstep and they're clearly exhausted, clothes messed up, maybe dirty or injured or whatever, and the receiving person things how they're the most beautiful thing they've ever seen because they missed them so much. Yeah. That's the stuff.
Tagging with zero pressure: @teatotally, @minim-calibre, @pearly--rose, @unadulteratedkr, @naomignome
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patientlibrarian · 5 months ago
Tuesday October 1 - happy Tank Top Tuesday
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Hello everyone, everywhere, hope your day goes as you would wish it to. Just incredible things coming out today from battleshipgarcy.
Summary: A different 'take' on Flynn and Lucy's first meeting at the Hindenburg disaster.
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Screencap courtesy gv-archive.com
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wafflesandkruge · 2 years ago
angsty zoyalai fic rec 👀
ahhh i love!!! right up my alley. if you're the author you did a great job and i'd love to see more zoyalai from you 🥺
if yall have zoyalai/shu han/malina fic recs pls send them my way 😭 no promises i can get to them right away bc i'm busy but i'll bookmark for later
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darkolaism · 2 years ago
writing a modern darkolai fic and sprinkling some ✨ authenticity ✨
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beantothemax · 1 year ago
“When we first met, I hated you.”
Flowey’s voice comes from the flowerpot, small and tremulous.
Frisk looks over from their papers, typical ambassador junk that, now that they think about it, a thirteen-year-old probably shouldn’t be doing. Oh, well. They were always smart for their age.
Flowey continues, taking a breath. “You... Reminded me of them. Of Chara. I saw all their goodness reflected in you.”
Frisk is fully turned around now, their attention on Flowey. The papers sit undisturbed.
“It made me mad. I thought... Golly, I thought were them, coming back to re-do everything to rub in my face that you could and I couldn’t.”
Frisk sits beside him, listening. Waiting.
“I watched you, watched you befriend everyone- and I began to realise it wasn’t them. You weren’t them. But I didn’t want to believe it, I wanted to believe it was Chara. Even if it made me mad, I wanted Chara back. I wanted to see them again. I was upset and confused and angry. I was so angry, Frisk....”
Frisk hugs the pot, brings Flowey as close as they can.
“By the time we came to the end, I knew. I knew it wasn’t Chara. But I didn’t want to believe it. It hurt, Frisk... It hurt. I wanted to bring them back. I- I knew. I knew.”
Flowey is weeping now, sobbing. “I’m so sorry, Frisk... I’m sorry...”
Frisk hugs him.
Just like they did that day, the day Flowey was Asriel.
I Am Currently Experiencing Abnormal Emotions Towards The Funny Undertale Flower
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adara-writer · 2 years ago
I don't think I've ever mentioned this but fun fact, the outline document for Silver Shackles (which is literally just the chapter by chapter outline, not any extra notes) is 900 words. I have a separate document for more general story notes which is another 500 words
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azrielgreen · 27 days ago
Az, this chapter was genuinely the most shocking and greatest thing I’ve read, and I’ve read all of your steddie fics. I’m so shocked.
Eddie murdered Steve’s parents as soon as he was out of jail, kept collections of the people he’s surrounded himself with in a box, brutally murdered Tommy for what he did, and the last scene?? where he told sergio to call him Jack instead? Oh my goodness, it’s so beautiful, I adore the way you wrote it. You could truly tell the switch in Eddie from the beginning of the chapter, to the end.
I love the way you made Tommy. It was so fascinating to read his character from the beginning in high school, to see his flaws and where he messed up, to the middle of the fic where he slowly started to lose his mind with the desire of ‘fixing everything’. In the end, he only made Steve worse. It hit worse than Billy, because Steve genuinely thought that Tommy was his friend, that they forgave each other and could start anew. For a moment, I felt hopeful for Tommy. Then he just had to do what he did, shame.
And Steve, God, Steve. I loved how accurate it was. the thing with Tommy, and the aftermath. The flickers with silver fox, Billy, EVEN EDDIE. It’s a sign that after the thing with Tommy happened, unless I’m wrong, Eddie is also considered one of Steve’s abusers, though he cleaned Steve up afterwards. I’m not sure if you meant it out to be that way, but I noticed it.
Plus, the ‘new part’ inside of Steve that formed after the event. I’m going to call it ‘Aware Steve’ if that makes sense, lmfao. Will it be making more of an appearance? And, how does he feel about Eddie? I noticed that he’s not as soft as Little Steve and Steve are with Eddie, he’s more blunt and sarcastic and very aware of what Eddie did, and what the other people have done to Steve.
Not sure if you did this intentionally, but I also noticed that it was as if the ages of Steve had split into parts all at once, rather than being kept up in a box. I liked that little detail. You represented it very well. :)
AND. Oh my goodness I just remembered this. The thing with GEN?? SHES CHEATING ON ROBIN? You added so much more onto side characters.
Is there anything you can tell us about Part Three? For example; Will it get worse from here? Will Steve slowly get his memory of what actually happened with Tommy back? Was this a one time thing, or is the part where Eddie lied to him gonna become a frequent thing?
There’s truly no redeeming in any characters. Jonathan’s messed up, but he’s always there for Eddie. Tommy got caught up in the fascination of trying to save Steve, that he soon ended up being one of Steve’s monsters in the end. Nancy did horrible things, and is the main reason for what happened in the showers, NOT Tommy. Well, sorta, but you know. Billy can’t be redeemed in general. Eddie is gone for Steve. He’s a horrible person.
You did amazing in this chapter, Az. I cannot wait for March, I’m positive you’ll do just as amazing.
I WILL be rereading this!
P.S : please answer some of my questions! if not, it’s okay. but god i am curious about ‘aware steve’
Hi lovely, thank you SO much for this amazing ask! Yours was one of the first I got over the weekend and while i couldn't answer until now, I loved reading this!!
Yes, we will definitely see a lot more of Aware Steve and learn more about the coping mechanism/element of himself. He doesn't especially LIKE Eddie, no, but he'll trust him if he has to. This version of Steve is exactly as you said - aware. There's so much that Our Steve reasons away, compartmentalises and even purposefully forgets about Eddie. We see this where he makes constant comparisons between Eddie and Billy because that's such a vindicating and obvious reassurance for Steve. Aware Steve, however, does not do this and he sees things in a far more jaded manner.
I absolutely loved writing the GV scene, its extremely fun to zoom in on a previous 2D character and show that actually they can be gross, unkind and disloyal all while seeming lovely. She's been cheating on Robin for a while now.
So, I can absolutely tell you a few vague things about Part Three. Most of what's coming has already been set up in the final scenes where we get multiple POVs, but i can confirm these too:
Ghost of Tommy Hagan - he's been haunting the narrative since the 1st chapter and he's not going anywhere for a while.
The slow decay of Eddie's control, mental state and his ability to retain empathy.
Steve's unravelling in a way we haven't seen before.
Someone dies.
One of the Seven gone rogue.
An unexpected betrayal.
An unexpected ally
A Normal Person TM
Tommy's gun.
Just a few little hints!
Thank you so much again✨️💗💗✨️💗✨️💗✨️💗💗✨️⭐️💎🌈✨️🖤✨️
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evolnoomym · 10 months ago
I’m so ready for this 🥰🙏🏻
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Apothecary - Gin's Version
jackson!joel miller x witch!oc
He thinks he might fall in love with her. She can't let him fall in love with her. Or: a reimagined take on an infamous Practical Magic au by yours truly.
series content info | 18+ slowburn-ish, strangers to friends to lovers to estranged acquaintances to ???, discussions of death and grief, a little magic, just a little, jackson era joel and all that entails, eventual smut, angst obviously, and love that requires a little elbow grease.
a/n | she's here, folks! I'm beyond excited to start sharing this with you all as I continue to work on it. As I previously mentioned, this is a reworking of my original fic by the name of Apothecary. Just to be clear, this story will not follow that original plot, at all. Some characters have been dropped, some have been added, some have been changed just a little, or a lot, but regardless, I'm excited to share this new imagining of Joel and Miss Witch (who does have a name this go around hehe). I'm toying with the idea of doing a tag list for this one, so drop a comment on this post, or DM me, messenger pigeon whatever, if you're interested in being on that list. Looking forward to kicking this series off this week. <3
Prologue: coming Tuesday, May 7th
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
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glittter-vamp · 5 months ago
New Fic has dropped on Wattpad, probably not my best but I need to start posting all my drafts and this is one of em 🖤
Read It Here
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lilisouless · 4 months ago
My back hurts cause i wrote the end of phase one pretty much in a row, so if you don't mind i´ll do a self service post (thanks for the three people that will vote)
note 6, examples: Kaz asking Alina if she is a good or a bad witch, Mila singing a part of "somewhere under the rainbow"
note 7 examples:
The darkling: you and i are going to change the...Alina? (Alina ran away before he could finish)
Kaz: my mother is Storybro-
Zoya: Oh shut up!
The statue of the happy prince briefly craking when Ulla says "impossible near it"
note 8: singing loudly despite Jan asking silently not to do it and later, in a catfight, clapping because she thinks is a play while Jan looks at her with hopeless written on his face
Note 9 examples: Being revealed as one of the few citizens that doesn´t treat Ulla like an outsider and taking care of a passed out drunk Zoya
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swanimagines · 2 months ago
This week, I finished my last 3 fics that will publish before the con week <3 So now going to get working with the fics that are queued to publish during my best week(end) of 2025. So we're getting closer!
After those, I only have 3 fics to write to cover the essentials, so I have 9 fics total left to write (as Wednesday's fic for the GV week is already written).
Still not promising anything but it starts to look probable I'll be able to cover at least a few weeks beyond March. (But again, not promising because we don't know if something will come up)
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zenkindoflove · 9 months ago
I'm in a little bit of a pickle.
So my plan was to take a month off between Summer Heat and the sequel Golden Visions to explore other stories that I've been kicking around. And to pick up writing and posting GV at the start of June.
But then of course this Erixius multichapter fic has become a lot longer than I initially anticipated (surprise surprise). And I'm like - okay can I juggle two multichapter fics at a time???? I kind of feel like no. I also haven't done much for my Elucien week fics and that is coming up fast.
So I'm thinking of working on more of Pull Me in Deeper to get a little further in at the same time as working on my Elucienweek fics since those will be one-shots and easier to balance with a multichapter.
Which means postponing working on Golden Visions until July I think. Which I know for those of you who follow my fics for Elucien, that's not exactly what you want to hear.
Hopefully that isn't too disappointing! But I promise that my Elucienweek one-shots will be worth it (at least I hope 😂).
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ao3feed-gav900 · 11 months ago
Detroit Become Human - Reverse College AU
https://ift.tt/XCYGO95 by eleanorfromouterspace A reverse-au where androids are humans and humans are androids, set on the University of Michigan campus. Connor and Richard - aka Nines - Anderson, twin brothers and both sophomores at the college, are about to have their worlds turned upside down when two new androids enter their lives. Connor finds himself under the constant watchful eye of an HK-700 caretaker model android, specially designed by Chloe Kamski and his father, David, in order to steer him - as everyone around him always seems to be putting it - 'in the right direction.' A response to his growing list of destructive habits, the HK has been sent to monitor Connor's every move. Will he learn to appreciate it's guidance, or turn inward even further at the notion of somebody - or something - caring about him? Nines, working himself to the bone every day and night, has a chance encounter with a GV-200 model patrol android that he can't seem to stop running into, and he can't help but notice how more and more human the thing seems to act the more they meet. Will he report these suggestions of deviancy, or befriend - or more - the gangly android monitoring the streets outside of his apartment? --- My first fic in a long long longggg time. Words: 8635, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Multi Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Richard Anderson, Connor Anderson - Character, Nines, Nines Anderson, Human Connor - Character, Android Hank - Character, android gavin - Character, Gavin Reed, Gavin Reed's Cat, Sumo (Detroit: Become Human), North (Detroit: Become Human), Human North - Character, Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Kara (Detroit: Become Human), Human Kara - Character Relationships: Hank Anderson & Connor, Connor & Gavin Reed, Connor & Upgraded Connor | RK900, Connor & Sumo (Detroit: Become Human), Connor & Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Connor & Kara & Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Richard Anderson & Connor Anderson, Nines & connor, Connor & North (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed, Markus/Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Connor/North (Detroit: Become Human) Additional Tags: reverse au, android human swap, humans are androids, Androids Are Human, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe, AU, Angst, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Romantic Angst, Romantic Fluff, Comedy, Violence, Some Humor, Human Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Human Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Android Hank Anderson, Upgraded Connor | RK900 is Called Nines, Gavin Reed is Bad at Feelings, Gavin Reed Being an Asshole, Daddy Hank Anderson (Detroit Become Human), gavin is an andriod, ill add more tags maybe ???, probably, idk - Freeform, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Suicide
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esssteee · 1 year ago
Thanks for the tag @yletylyf <333
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 13
2. What's your total A03 words count? 351,919
3. What fandoms do you write for? grishaverse and castlevania. i'm still a baby writer, having started actively contributing to fandom works not quite 2 years ago.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
we are the wild youth chasing visions of the future (gv, aleksander/alina), young liars (gv, aleksander/nikolai), with the sun against our back (gv, aleksander/nikolai), winding and unwinding (gv, aleksander/nikolai), i will eat you alive (gv, aleksander/nikolai)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yep, almost all! if i receive several in a row, chapter after chapter and by the same person, than i will more likely just respond to the last one, but i do like giving an answer to any feedback and show of love i get!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
um, good question. i don't think I've written a true angsty ending. i have several open/ambiguous endings, but the ending for me and the devil (gv, aleksander/alina) is the most ambiguous of the bunch just because it can be interpreted as alina just going stir-crazy from being alone and forgotten for so long and imagining aleksander by her side and staying with her, so it can be angsty if you take it that way.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
with the sun against our back (gv, aleksander/nikolai) cause they end up pseudo married and ruling together (yay!)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope! too small a fandom writer for that and i'm ever thankful for it!
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
me? smut??? XD just look at the rating for each fic and the associated tags, i guess i do love developping characters through the very intimate act of them falling in bed together. no real kinky sex or anything, but there's often lots of hidden (and not so hidden) feelings behind the act. most smut i've written can be considered rough and/or passionate, since there's a kind of desperation born out of the characters thinking they only have that one single time to be with the other so they're giving their all. i do love exploring the vulnerabilities that come from that for sure!
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
no i haven't. it's never really been my fav thing, but if done well, it'd read one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so, not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i had someone asking to translate one, yes.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
that i've written? aleksander/nikolai in gv for sure, aleksander/alina a close second. but as a reader, i just love love love the perfect OT3 that is alucard/trevor/sypha from castlevania (if you haven't read baba by crownofpins, GO READ IT NOW)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
none, i'm just terribly slow right now. life is throwing a ton of shit at me (dog being very sick, work is horrible, energy at the lowest point), but i keep daydreaming about each fic and slowly coming up with future parts in my head if not on paper.
16. What are your writing strengths?
ah man i don't know, getting into the character's head for which i'm writing the pov from, making their thoughts and feelings just as important as anything going on. i guess because of that i strongly favour inner conflict storylines.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
too wordy. also pantsing my way thru a fic instead of really sitting down and coming up with a plan ― we are the wild youth chasing visions of our future really forced me to come up with a strong plan, which i never would have been able to do without @theonewiththeory's immense help, girl i never would have been able to achieve what i did without you!! it is my first fic in english, the first one i wrote as an adult, and it shows, but i'm still proud of it! but i definitively continue to struggle with planning and too often i fall into the bad habit of vibing along with it. also, big external-conflict plotting is a hard thing for me, tho i wish i could become better at it since it's always so fun as a reader and i'm always impressed by writers who pull an intricate plot so flawlessly!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i'm not a fan of it. so often the other language is plain up butchered, and there are ways to do it without having to juggle the hassle of writing a dialogue in another language and needing to translate it so the reader knows what's going on. but as all things, they are exceptions to the rule and anything can be done well!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
oh man the lord of the rings (with a very mary sue oc even! but i remember having such self-indulging fun with that oc and all the research needed to flesh the story out) and the legend of zelda/ocarina of time (at least i went with link for my mc in this one!)
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
when i was 12, i started a complete rewrite of ocarina of time which i of course never posted online. it was in french and i was only doing it for fun. but i still have one version of it and oh boy is it cringe-worthy XD big fail, i read that question as the first fic written ― my brain is really elsewhere these days. my fav fic is definitively with the sun against our back (gv, aleksander/nikolai) which became a comfort reread when i need to feel better by reading about familiar and intimate characters. the whole series (of monsters and men) is something i'm really proud of, even with its faults and misgivings, but that third and final part has left me with the biggest impact personally.
Tagging: i'll tag a few people (no pressure, it's only if you want of course!), but anyone else who see this and wanna do it too, have fun with it (and tag me! i wanna read about people <3)
@theonewiththeory, @ladyverdance/@greensaplinggrace, @inahandful-of-dust, @aloveforjaneausten, @fantomette22, @goatsandgangsters, @zizygy, @itsnotunfinisheditsmystyle
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