nabaath-areng · 2 months
Okay but now I have to laugh. Laying in bed still unable to really move from pain and fatigue, and I'm hungry, so I put on some music from Ieeha's instrumental playlist...
Except I forgot about the pulsating tinnitus, which isn't triggered by all sounds but very much by piano. I don't got my headphones nearby which alleviates it so now my ear is making fluttering sensations from the inside to the beat every single note in Fantasie-Impromptu, as if Chopin himself is in my ear playing
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buried-in-stardust · 7 months
A cover of 兰亭序 by Jay Chou on erhu, standing bell (磬; qing4), muyu (木鱼; wooden fish), flute, handbell (引磬; yin3qing4), guzheng, and drum
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nardo-headcanons · 6 months
that music headcanon question and post was genius! can you do that for the rest of the villages pretty pleaseee 🩵
oh my god, that was quick lmao i just had to do it. two minutes after posting, goddamn. here's a music headcanon i have for you, anon.
tagging @danceofthexdragons because she was the one who made the initial request c:
Music In The Narutoverse
I think in Kirigakure, most music that can be heard originates from either the union of fishermen or monks, as many cultures have been. wiped out due to their ongoing political unrest. As for the fishermen, some popular instruments are steel drums, which can sound like this or like this. Gamelans are often played near the temples up high in the mountains, the wind carries their sound across the village. Radios aren't really used.
Iwagakure's traditional music is very percussion heavy, using various kinds of drums and gongs. They have fallen in love with the guzheng, aka the moon guitar. Another instrument originating from there is the erhu, which Kirigakure citizens also really enjoy listening to and consider a high class/fancy instrument. These are the kind of songs Iwagakure ninja can hear in their radio, Onoki's favorite is this one. High up in the mountains, sounds like these can be heard. These horns are used to communicate between different valleys.
As a stronghold of trade, Kumogakure's music has been shaped by many cultural influences. One of the more traditional instruments in Kumogakure is the cowbell/agogo bell. Kumo citizens enjoy music from all across the shinobi world, including songs in foreign languages. As a rather technologically advanced village, it is not uncommon to hear electric guitars and synthesizers be used in their music. Here are some songs I think could be heard on the Kumo radio. As for Killer Bee, here are some of his faves.
In Uzushiogakure, an instrument that could often be heard in traditional music is the anklung, as well as the t'rung. Music was often performed for the whole village, and everyone was invited.
As for many western instruments, those have originated in the Country Of Knights. This country was only mentioned in the movies, but for the sake of it, I will consider it canon as well. While their traditional music sounded somewhat like this, sounds like these here weren't uncommon as well. It was popularized by immigrants from the country of knights.
As stated before, Madara Uchiha was a skilled pianist, his sharingan allowed him to read sheet music while playing, here are some of the pieces he played. Madara often played this piece for his siblings to make them laugh.
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pandocachan · 11 days
True Thoughts
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The Moon Prince was once again pushing her buttons.
“It doesn’t matter what I want, Master Jinshi. I’m here to serve you, even if there's violence involved.” The apothecary said with her usual apathetic voice.
“W-What? I...I wasn’t-” He stuttered.
“Oh, were you not?” Maomao interrupted him. She has now decided not to let him soften what he had done to her. “This is not the first time you try to show me that you can take anything by physical force. Is that your way of trying to wave off your masculinity or would you really go that far to get what you want?”
Jinshi seemed embarrassed but kept looking at her with his noble glare.
“I’m sorry, that won’t happen ever again. I was frustrated for not getting a proper answer from you because, once again, you were pretending that you weren’t understanding what I was saying.” He answered with annoyance.
“Is that so? Are you sure you want to know my true thoughts on that?” Maomao asked. Her face looked colder than ever.
“Isn’t that what I’m asking of you since that night?” The Moon Prince replied. He too looked irritated now.
“You know, Master Jinshi, while dancing with Sir Rikuson, he said that my sense of self value is only slightly clear. I thought about that a lot after that night’s events. Even if your proposal holds no meaning other than a commercial transaction, you should’ve been more polite and explain your reasons. Instead, you acted as the spoiled Prince you are and tried to use your position to allure me into your game and overpower me, as if I was one of those stupid girls that believes that you will actually marry for love. And although I have no idea what good I would do being your consort, I’m well aware that I’ve been a useful tool for you. Yet, that also means that I can get disposed of at any time if I don’t watch my steps. This is why I avoid knowing too much about certain things since the day I set foot on the Palace. But despite my efforts, here I am, having an argument with the Emperor’s brother about marrying him!” Maomao’s voice shook a little on that last phrase.
Jinshi stared at her. His expression slowly shifted from stupefaction to anger.
“Is that what you think about me choosing you? A commercial transaction?” He sounded genuinely offended.
“Well, weren’t you born for that purpose as well?” She replied knowing the exact effect her words would have on him.
And there it was: the look of hurt in the Moon Prince’s eyes. But instead of savoring her achievement, Maomao felt guilt washing over her. Jinshi lowered his head and she could swear that tears were collecting at the corners of his eyes, but his bangs were covering it now.
“You may go now, apothecary.” He said coldly.
Maomao bowed, even though he wasn’t looking at her, and quietly left the room.
From the main deck, Maomao saw two sailors at the forecastle of the ship trying to find the right tempo of a song with their instruments. She thought she recognized those chords, so she decided to get up there and take a closer look.
“Cosmic love?” Maomao asked approaching the older man strumming a guzheng.
“You know this song, young lady?” He asked a bit surprised.
“An uncle of mine who travelled a lot used to sing it to me when I was little.” She lied. That was a song well-known in the pleasure district and is usually sung by men, since it is said that it was written by some fellow who fell deeply in love by a beautiful courtesan, but he couldn't have her. But since she was in that ship as the daughter of a prestigious high-rank official, she couldn’t just say that she learned that from growing up in a brothel.
“Care to sing it for us?” The sailor offered with a warm smile. The younger man with the thunder drum looked expectantly at her.
“Erm, I’m not much of a singer.” The apothecary said.
“No worries, we're no pros either. If you are here at this hour, I’m assuming that you’re not being able to get any sleep, so why not pass the time with some good ol’ music?” The young sailor reassured her with a grin.
Maomao looked around. There were few people nearby, only two guards and three other sailors playing cards. If she kept a tone down, she wouldn’t hurt that many ears.
“Ok.” She agreed.
The man playing the guzheng started the first notes and Maomao began to sing:
“A falling star fell from your heart and landed in my eyes I screamed aloud as it tore through them And now it's left me blind”
Her voice sounded a bit uneasy when the first verse came out. Maomao lacked the high pitched voice that most girls have, so she was still able to stay in tune despite that. She kept her attention to the men’s hands while playing the instruments in order to keep the pace of her singing. That is why she didn’t saw when a couple of prestigious people that were dining in a cabin got out to the main deck and started to pay attention to her figure up in the forecastle.
“The stars, the moon They have all been blown out You've left me in the dark No dawn, no day I'm always in this twilight In the shadow of your heart”
Her voice was more steady now. She kept her posture straight and was clearly controlling her breathing to maintain a good tuning.
“Who’s that girl?” Gyokuen asked.
“My daughter.” Jinshi saw Lakan smiling fondly at Maomao’s direction. That was the first time he saw the tactician looking like a normal human being.
“And in the dark I can hear your heartbeat I tried to find the sound But then it stopped And I was in the darkness So darkness I became”
The guy in the thunder drum intensified the beatings and it looked as if it had shifted something inside Maomao. Now, the expressionless girl was singing the next verse with much more passion.
“The stars, the moon They have all been blown out You've left me in the dark No dawn, no day I'm always in this twilight In the shadow of your heart”
“What a stunning vocal range.” An older military official said by Jinshi’s side.
“I took the stars from my eyes and then I made a map And knew that somehow I could find my way back Then I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too So I stayed in the darkness with you”
The Moon Prince felt a lump on his throat. How much of that song resonated with Maomao’s feelings?
“The stars, the moon They have all been blown out You've left me in the dark No dawn, no day I'm always in this twilight In the shadow of your heart”
Her face expressions were so mesmerizing that made the watchers hold their breaths. It looked as if she was really someone that was mourning a lover, but anyone with a more twisted imagination could also think that it looked as if she was having an orgasm.
“The stars, the moon They have all been blown out You've left me in the dark No dawn, no day I'm always in this twilight In the shadow of your heart”
A round of applause filled the air and Maomao startled in surprise when she turned her head to the left and saw a small group of people glaring at her from the main deck.
“Dang, girl, and you said you couldn’t sing!” The younger sailor congratulated her.
The apothecary looked again downstairs. Most people were smiling, some were even crying, including the freak tactician. She saw Jinshi staring at her with a blank expression, but she quickly averted her eyes from his gaze.
I think I got too carried away. She thought feeling a bit dumbfounded.
Notes: Lyrics: Cosmic Love by Florence and the Machine I know Lakan wasn't on this trip, but I really wanted him to see his Maomao singing >.< (yes, I do like him lol)
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phoenixrsing · 6 months
your muses aesthetic. list your muse’s aesthetic from tastes, smells, outfits, and sceneries. add as many subjects as you like, it can help with people tagging you in aesthetically pleasing things towards your muse.
tastes: traditional fire-nation cuisine. spicy fire-flakes, roasted pork, and hot tea infused with jasmine. dragon fruit, lychee, and mangoes, grilled sea pawns. aged fire nation wines with complex flavors of oak and spice. fire nation whiskey, intense and smoky, with hints of charred oak, toasted spices, and a touch of volcanic ashroasted chestnuts. green tea ceremonies, delicate jasmine tea, and rare white dragon jasmine tea leaves—a specialty of his father. rare spices from trees that are native to fire nation, including cumin, saffron, and cardamom.
smells: a scent of smoldering cinnamon, cloves, and star anise in the air. jasmine blossoms, lotus flowers, and orchids from the royal gardens. the crisp scent of autumn leaves and the smoky aroma of fire pits. herbal notes. a hint of sage, lemongrass, and mint leaves in herbal teas. sandalwood incense burning in meditation rooms. crackling hearth fires in the royal palace.
sights: volcanic landscapes. volcanoes looming on the horizon, with smoke rising from their peaks. intense flames swirling, casting shadows against the red walls. royal palace. opulent halls decorated with gilded ornaments, tapestries depicting ancient fire nation legends, and imposing thrones. fire nation technology—advanced warships, steam-powered machinery, and towering factories billowing smoke. traditional fire nation dances—graceful movements accompanied by the flickering light of torches and lanterns. colorful celebrations featuring elaborate firework displays, traditional music, and performances. endless amount of war memorials. monuments honoring fallen soldiers of the fire nation, with eternal flames burning in their honor. regal crimson robes with intricate gold embroidery, adorned with the fire nation insignia. messages of propaganda, supremacy, and strength through firebending. a recruitment poster featuring a soldier, with the caption, join the fire nation army and defend our sacred land.
sounds: the rhythmic sound of flames dancing in fire pits and torches. trumpets heralding the arrival of fire nation royalty, accompanied by drums and cymbals. war drums—thunderous beats echoing across training grounds, inspiring troops before battle. lightning crackling in the foreground. melodic tunes played on traditional fire nation instruments, the pipa and guzheng. the chirping of fire nation birds, the rustling of palm trees, and the distant roar of waterfalls. war machinery—clanking gears, hissing steam, and the rumble of warships off the shorelines. moments of quiet contemplation, where the only sounds are the soft rustle of leaves and the gentle crackle of embers. practicing the dizi, traditional flute in between training sessions.
sensations: the comforting heat of firebending flames against the skin during training sessions. luxurious fire nation silks and satins, smooth against the touch. intense warmth radiating from the earth's core during visits to volcanic hot springs. humid, sea breezes brushing against the skin from the coastlines. tactile connection—a sensation of firebending energy pulsing beneath lu ten's fingertips, responding to his every movement and command. resilient spirit and unwavering determination. a deep sense of connection to the spirits of fire. commitment to serving the fire nation. isolationism, a loneliness you cannot shake. failure is not an option. reluctant heroism, internal struggles between morality and obligations. inside of me, there are two dogs. one is mean and evil and the other is good and they fight each other all the time. when asked which one wins, i answer, the one I feed the most. ambiguous loyalties.
tagged by — me. tagging: @hotknickers, @denouemente, @linghung, @hookedswords, @dropovers, @fearbend, @kniveds, @yourideaguy, @bowbend, @rotpoetry
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wjbs-mods · 8 months
Stopped working on the other mod I was working on and have now started working on a more focused biome-mod! Here's a Chestnut Forest (which, as you can probably tell, is still in development).
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Also some music discs (since I now have Reaper and can therefore make decent music)
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Descriptions from left to right:
255 is a laserdisc, and features chiptune drums, a bitcrushed guzheng and a wobbly, glitchy-sounding piano; at time of writing, it's the only one I've actually made the music for.
??? is a disc without a label, and will feature distorted vocals, echoing piano, and a lo-fi filter.
Pearlescence is a pale, brightly-coloured disc with glowing parts (the sprite has them change colour, but I didn't want to do that with this image), and will feature bells, "crystalline" synths, and lots of reverb.
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niteshade925 · 2 years
Chinese traditional instruments cover of track “Myriad of Lights” from the 2022 Lantern Rite event by Zi De Guqin Studio/自得琴社.  Costumes are Song dynasty style hanfu.
Instruments from left to right in ensemble scene (note:  the guy second from right is an actor and did not play an instrument):
Dizi/笛子:  transverse bamboo flute; unique characteristic being the dimo/笛膜, or thin bamboo fiber membrane that gives it its unique bright tone.
Erhu/二胡:  bowed stringed instrument, has only two strings.  Usually serves a primary role similar to a violin.
Guqin/古琴:  sometimes translated as “Chinese zither”; seven-stringed plucked instrument that is fairly ancient; in ancient times it was simply referred to as qin/琴, and the gu/古, meaning old or ancient, was added on to the name in modern times.
Dagu/大鼓:  traditional large drum; has a variety of uses in ancient times, including raising morale in the military; in modern contemporary Chinese drama/cinema they are commonly used in background music for fight scenes.
Guzheng/古筝:  stringed plucked instrument, has movable bridges; in ancient times it was simply referred to as zheng/筝, and the gu/古, meaning old or ancient, was added on to the name in modern times.
Pipa/琵琶:  stringed plucked instrument; came from Middle East; originally played horizontally with a plectrum (this can still be seen with Japanese biwa, since pipa was the predecessor of the biwa), and over time it eventually became finger-plucked.
Instrument not included in ensemble scene:
Bo/钹:  small cymbal with a greater curvature at the middle (larger cymbals with less curvature are usually referred to as Cha/镲); here played using small mallets.
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deathfavor · 6 months
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@vulpesse said: if all your muses could play a musical instrument, which instrument would each of them play?
Untitled Questions for Multimuses
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oooh that's an interesting question! Only a few of my muses canonically do. So lets dive in!
Byakkomaru - Drums , specifically Assyrian but he can adapt to most Hanma - He has no comment, he'd probably be good at most if he tried. Maybe guitar ( he'd prefer rhythm over lead ) or something like that; maybe keyboard just to throw everyone off. Kazutora - Electric guitar Izana - Acoustic guitar but can play electric Chrollo - Cello and pipe organ Kalluto - Harp and Kalimba Xue Yang - electric guitar Ling Wen - she can't to save her life, but if she did, maybe the Erhu  He Xuan - Sasando Earl - Bass Dreya - Theremin  Lamia - Ocarina Serpent - Maybe Oboe...sounds fun to her Seiroku - Guzheng  Lucifer - Harp and flute are his specialty, but also plays organ an piano Fenrir - Drums Sekhmet - Egyptian riq
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frogizzhc · 2 years
Dr. Stone Headcanon: Instrument(s) Edition! part 1
(They don't necessarily have to play all three, just predictions on what they might use)
Senku: Triangle, Harmonica, Trumpet
Gen: Grand Piano, Voice, Harp
Chrome: Drum set, Xylophone, Bongos
Ukyo: Flute, Voice, Violin
Ryusui: French horn, saxophone
Taiju: Trombone, Alto Horn, Cymbals
Yuzuriha: Bass guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Guzheng
Kohaku: Boomwhacker, Voice, Piccolo
Ruri: Harp, Voice, Horagai
Suika: Pan flute, Piccolo, Xylophone
Hyoga: Shime-daiko, Koto, Tuba
Yo: Saxophone, Clarinet, Drum set
Francois: French horn, Grand Piano, Melphone
Magma: Taiko, Rhaita, Trumpet
Kinro: Violin, Mandola, Acoustic Guitar
Ginro: Lute, Harmonica, Voice
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myreygn · 1 year
i recently saw art of the demon slayer characters playing musical instruments and was wondering what instrument you think the characters would play
ooh very good question! music is not my field of expertise but i can try to organize my few thoughts - also if i mention an instrument that didnʼt exist during that time in that area (which i will) just imagine it's a modern au ^^'
also: i did include canon musical skills but only those i could think of off the top of my head so there might be some stuff missing or just plain ignored lol
okay so we know that zenitsu plays the shamisen and the koto (which apparently originates from the chinese guzheng even tho my former japanese neighbors have been trying to tell me otherwise but what do i know lol i just thought it was funny) and i think his talent would expand to other string instruments as well, he could probably learn how to play the guitar, bass guitar, maybe even violin etc very easily
i can also picture sanemi with a guitar because @trans-ace-lee established that in the modern au and also i think it would be really sexy 😌 which is why i declare it canon
genya would try and copy his brother but he'd be really bad at it and switch to another instrument that's more his style, i'm thinking maybe drums. at first he does it to look cool and then actually having fun is a nice bonus lol
tengen "canonically" plays the harmonica, tho i can see him being a natural at most instruments he picks up. in the au he's been playing piano since he was a child because his dad wanted him to but he actually ended up loving it, he also had to learn hichiriki (a type of flute) and also i made him a music major so he probably plays a ton of instruments a little bit
speaking of flutes, we know that gyomei plays the shakuhachi. given his supreme hearing i'm sure he could learn to play other instruments as well but i don't really see him doing that tbh? like he has his flute and he's very contempt with his flute, the same applies to yoriichi
and nakime obviously plays the biwa in every universe, nakime and her biwa are inseparable
ideas for which i don't have any reason and which are solely based on vibes: giyuu - violin, sabito - e-guitar, kanao - piano, kanae - harp, douma - something unnerving, like an organ, akaza - drums, senjuro - kokyu, daki - goto
and honorable mentions of characters who i think have beautiful singing voices: kanae, tengen, kokushibo, sanemi, nezuko, aoi, kagaya, makomo, urokodaki
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mixtapedoh · 10 months
Gunshot! Cast seventeen as musical instruments?
come join my autumn celebration!
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this one is so fun <333
s.coups as a gong (maybe you don't get it but i do. his alternate is someone in the brass family, but i can't decide. perhaps the euphonium???)
jeonghan as the clarinet (also also!!!!!!! the cello <3)
joshua as the ukelele
jun as a synth (a close alternate is the rainstick and idk which fits better???)
hoshi as castanets (but also you know i have to give a shout out to the ipu <3 hoshi is simply percussion <3)
wonwoo as viola (but also consider: wonwoo as the lute <3)
woozi as guitar
dk as pan flute (also consider the marimba though <3)
mingyu as french horn
minghao as piano (but also guzheng because minghao also has string instrument vibes, and it just LOOKS cool. it is also A Lot to set up, from what i've seen, and the high maintenance of it fits asdfghgfds)
seungkwan as the oboe (also consider the harp <3)
vernon as a bass guitar
dino as drums
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The Shadow's Secret fun facts since I got a chapter out recently
⭐️ In chapter 16, Spider Queen makes a jab at Macaque by asking him if the reader character is a student of his as another way of imitating Wukong. This is kind of a reference to a concept I considered for the fic (Was even thinking of naming the fic "The Shadow's Successor") but scrapped the idea since I wasn't quite crazy over how much worse the power imbalance would be between them as well as how hostile I've seen some of the fandom get over the Macaque/MK ship and didn't want any of that following me.
⭐️ The theater's snack gal/assistant manager, in the fic she's named Jia Su. (I can't take credit for the name though, it came from this art I saw of her on twitter and the artist gave her a name.)
⭐️ The headphone Macaque wears is a pair stolen from MK. (Yes, he is that petty.)
⭐️ Of the instruments I picked out from were: erhu, dizi, bawu, guzheng, tanggu drum, yanqin, guqin, and pipa, these were mentioned in an instagram post by the D.A's Office which is the studio that produced the soundtrack!
⭐️ The audio mixing program that's mentioned (Soundtrap) is an actual thing, my friend @creepygnomeking who is making two (2) visual novels (one being a lmk dating sim 👀) with that being used for the music!
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the-third-other · 9 months
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the 11th session of Improvisors improvising , another evening of the unexpectedly unexpected! , featuring in random order:
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- Daniel Ditlevson an American sound artist that is currently based in Taipei, Taiwan. He creates sound collages utilizing tape loops and manipulations of field recordings, audio feedback, found objects, and various electroacoustic sounds for his performances, recordings, compositions, and sound installations. It is through these sonic montages, his sound art serves as a conduit of communication of emotions and experiences—an unspoken and abstracted communion of a created sonic environment with the listener. 美國聲音/噪音藝術家,目前從事聲音創作。他使用磁帶循環、田野錄音、無線電頻率、現成物及各種電子原音的素材來製作聲音拼貼,進行表演和錄音。透過聲音蒙太奇,其藝術作品整合「心靈地圖」的概念,作為情感和體驗交流的渠道--建構某種聲音環境,與聽眾以不可言說、抽象的方式進行溝通  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b29Vm7HUObA&t=48s
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- 爆爆千歲 Adding a DJ mixer to the effector group, using African drums, synthesizers, Didgeridoo, dead beats, and rap improvisation to add the present, but not fixed, mainly because only in the present, can I feel how to reflect between myself and others. 用Dj混音器加入效果器組,在以非洲鼓、合成器、Didgeridoo、死腔、饒舌即興的加入當下,不固定式的加入主要是,因為只有當下,我才會感覺到,用什麼感覺反射自我與他人之間。 英文 https://soundcloud.com/jordan-chen-251504672...
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- Minor Sounds x Cryo A sonic journey through ethereal soundscapes coaxing ambient and atmospheric sounds that seem to materialize from the cosmos themselves. 穿越空靈音景的聲音之旅,誘使環境和大氣的聲音,這些聲音似乎是從宇宙本身物質化的。
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-Silla Turca I like to use sound recording’s as the main object in the composition, and add on top some noise, using different synths. 我喜歡使用錄音作為作品中的主要對象,並使用不同的合成器在上面添加一些噪音。 https://soundcloud.com/sillaturca
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- 吳妍萱 Yen Hsuan Wu Yen-Hsuan Wu comes from Taoyuan, Taiwan. She is active in various cross-domain stages. Her performance style is novel and stable, delicate and sincere, full of tension and full of sense of picture. While retaining the traditional rhyme of Gu-Zheng music, she also gives innovative musical context and unique interpretation techniques. Therefore, she has become a Gu-Zheng performer that many composers or crossover artists love to collaborate.  臺灣當代箏樂演奏家。 臺灣桃園人,中央音樂學院民樂系藝術碩士、中央音樂學院民樂系學士。 活耀於各種跨領域舞台,演奏風格新穎穩健、細膩真摯,充滿張力且富有畫面 感,保留古箏音樂之傳統韻味的同時,又賦予創新的音樂脈絡,獨特的詮釋手 法成為眾多作曲家或跨界藝術家喜愛合作的古箏演奏者。 近年與金音獎最佳樂手、濁水溪公社鍵盤手、音樂製作人蘇玠亘(蛋)學習電 子音樂,嘗試將電子與傳統音樂相結合,創作另類且有機的音樂型態。 https://on.soundcloud.com/SpgzK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqKQfieIIBo
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anapplewuThe Third Other 11  2024.01.04  23 music room 
I didn't think I could get involved in such an experimental scene Open 2024 first performance with experimental electronics and free improvisation
Thank you for the quiet moment of the show and the praise after the show. 一步步走,一步步練習,相信自己🙌  I'm cheering on myself like this ✌
Experimental, Improvisation, Electronic and GuZheng……  Thanks for having me in this project.  I had much fun. It’s so lucky for me to be a GuZheng player and Electronic player. 
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fff777 · 9 months
Ooh getting a look into Producer Kun behind-the-scenes for his Phantom Remix
So Kun wanted to make a very epic feeling remix.
This is what his screen looks like. I have no idea what any of this means, except I assume that each block represents a layer of sound/music.
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Kun played all of the different whispering sounds, saying various phrases important to NCT and WayV lore. He's really into the grand and epic themes, isn't he :P
He included traditional instruments...truly the blood of Yixing
I figured these instrument sounds were generated by software and not actually played, but I'm guessing it's not as easy as pressing a button on a synthesizer and playing it like a keyboard. Especially for the parts like the guzheng part that has a bit of a...trill? But not on a certain key.
Looks like he played around with the drum beats too, both in the beginning and throughout the song. The beat is pretty important though for the entire vibe.
Kun has mentioned a few times that he wanted to induce a sort of wuxia feel. I think that would have been a big challenge because the associations with this song are very Western period fantasy. Both in terms of original sound and the image and aesthetic I've come to associate with this song.
This is really reminding me of when Yixing explain his song compositions. I'm glad that SM is giving Kun this chance. Clearly this is something Kun is very passionate about and has been for a long time.
When Kun mentions the 'concert version,' does that mean there's a third version that's not this remix? Or does he mean this remix is the concert version.
Kun doing field research by watching concerts of artists
He's very proud of the piano accompaniment in the bridge :P Even asked a pianist friend for their opinion.
Dance break wubdub
Lol piano app on his phone. Looks like most singers have that nowadays.
So did Kun tune the singing to lower it down a semitone? Interesting. The wonders of technology.
Ah ok, so the concert version is a different version from the remix version, since Kun mentioned that there's no outro in the concert version.
Lol Phantom Remix came to him in a dream. I don't doubt that, I've often woken up with some ideas.
Kun loves orchestra sounds in pop music, which is extremely Cpop/Twpop/Cantopop of him haha.
Kun was so proud of the song and the response at NCT Nation. Rightfully so!!!!! A piece of art is like a kid tbh lol.
I'm only finding out about Kun's soundcloud now ^^;;
I had to look up what Song Camp was. It looks like a kind of camp where producers that have worked on SM songs get together?
0 notes
hmeweekly · 1 year
Week 1)
Sound: Sound is defined as “Sensation due to stimulation of the auditory nerves and auditory centers of the brain” in Webster's dictionary. Therefore the meaning of a sound to a specific person depends on both their biological instinct and cultural symbol recognition. According to various pitches, durations, loudness and timbre, sound conducts scales of temporal, spatial and conceptual. 
Colour: Colour reflects both environmental signals and subjective emotions. In performance, colour can convey characters’ emotion, setting mood for the whole scene, guide audience attention to focus on specific people or stuff, establish time and places.
Kennen:To know something based on experience means that the audience skip logical inference and centre on their feelings only.
i.Academic research-Black on Black by Eugene Thacker
Through Eugene's introduction to black in the history of philosophy and art, I learnt that black can symbolise "before the origin of the universe", "solitude, privation, absence" and "non-interference". It's flat and full but an empty, infinite depth at the same time. Sometimes black is not pure emptiness, and as one observes black, shades of other colours become apparent.
I thought it might be possible to use these black qualities to create contrast in my performance design. For example, by playing an intense soundtrack when all the lights are extinguished to simulate a pure black environment, the viewer is prompted to think that a conflict is taking place on the other side of the room that is not being detected, creating a dual narrative effect.
ii.Creative practice
This is the beginning of a programme about Chinese artefacts, and I think it's exhilarating. Although it's only 20 seconds long, it undergoes three atmospheric shifts of seriousness-austere-aroused indignatio. At the beginning, the sound of horns and the transparency of white vertical beams shifting from top to bottom created a sense of formality; then the host appeared, and the sound of swords and blades clashing rang out, brightening the audience's eyes; finally, the long soprano tones of Chinese folk instruments were played, and the LED screen was dominated by red and yellow boxes, which signify Chinese traditional culture The LED screen is dominated by red and yellow boxes, which signify Chinese traditional culture, and the white light beams swing around the circle, and the whole atmosphere goes from climax to calmness.
iii.Technical research
I watched three Capital tutorial videos on Canvas so I know how to change background colour and manage timelines in Pharos Designer 2.
Project Progress
I started to write the background music of my project. The theme is about an encounter between two ancient Chinese armies, which takes place on a large plain with mudflats, reeds and small highlands. The music will use some Chinese folk instruments such as guzheng, flute, xiao, Chinese drums, etc., as well as some ambient sounds such as wind, streams, horses' hooves, cold weapons clashing, etc. The style of the music will be more on the side of the Chinese style, but also on the side of the Chinese style of music.
The style of music will be more astonishing, exhilarating and hysterical. At first, the tune is light-hearted and neither army is aware of the other's presence. Gradually, ambient sounds such as horses' hooves running on water, and reeds rubbing against armour appear, and the instruments (especially the lute) sound suspenseful to create the appearance of traces left by the enemy. Then the rhythm of the drums kicks in, and the atmosphere becomes serious as both commanders send out scouts to spy on the army.
0 notes
weekonehuiyuhuang · 1 year
Project Progress
I started to write the background music of my project. The theme is about an encounter between two ancient Chinese armies, which takes place on a large plain with mudflats, reeds and small highlands. The music will use some Chinese folk instruments such as guzheng, flute, xiao, Chinese drums, etc., as well as some ambient sounds such as wind, streams, horses' hooves, cold weapons clashing, etc. The style of the music will be more on the side of the Chinese style, but also on the side of the Chinese style of music.
The style of music will be more astonishing, exhilarating and hysterical. At first, the tune is light-hearted and neither army is aware of the other's presence. Gradually, ambient sounds such as horses' hooves running on water, and reeds rubbing against armour appear, and the instruments (especially the lute) sound suspenseful to create the appearance of traces left by the enemy. Then the rhythm of the drums kicks in, and the atmosphere becomes serious as both commanders send out scouts to spy on the army.
0 notes