#guys we got ten days left and i’m feening
inklore · 5 months
is it too early to write colin bridgerton smut? 😬🫶🏽
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thewarblerette · 7 years
Why Don’t You Stay?
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Summary: Damon calls up a past flame, and she’s not amused.
Word Count: 1864
A/N: Literally the last Damon idea I had tbh. If people like this a lot, I’ll do a second part of it or continue it. Just send me an ask or somethin’ But I have a lot of fucking feelings about young damon wow
Warnings: Angsty af jfc
The phone echoed in Desiree’s apartment. She rushed to grab it from the receiver on that cloudy day in London. A usual look for the gloomy city.
“Hello?” She said, looking out the window, hoping there wouldn’t be any rain that day. The young woman had an appointment with her internship program later.
“Hi, there, Des.”
Desiree’s indifference became regret. She pinched the bridge of her nose. She knew that voice, and she couldn’t escape it. Wherever she went, there were magazines of him, interviews and television programs of him, enticing her to come back to him, to go back to him.
She knew the kind of person he was. Intelligent and bright, but arrogant and hot-headed as hell. Desiree knew she didn’t need that in her life.
That life was not for her.
The slender woman sighed. “What do you want, Damon?” She could hear the pout in his voice with his next response.
“Aw, why are you acting like that? I know you’ve missed me. I know you’ve thought about me…” He paused for a moment. “I’ve missed you, y’know, love.”
Desiree rolled her eyes, dryly laughing. “Right! Like you missed me among all of the other girls you’ve fucked before me and after me. Sure. I believe that.”
There was silence on the other line for a moment, the other sounds on his end in the background told her that he was making this call in a place where there were people.
Did they even wonder who he was talking to, she thought.
“Hello?” Desiree was five seconds away from hanging up. She didn’t have time with this. Her annoyance for him was flaring up.
“I’m still here, Desiree.”
“I just…I just…”
“I just miss you is all. Alright? Fucking christ.” His voice got smaller, he leaned into the phone. “I know what we had was supposed to be a one time thing, but I can’t stop thinking about you. You’re different than the rest.”
Desiree didn’t respond, so Damon asked what he wanted to ask since the beginning of that phone call.
“When can I see you again, Desiree?” Damon’s voice was filled with longing. It made the girl sick.
“It was nice talking to you, Damon, but I have something that came up.”
“No! Des, wait! Ple-” Click.
The pain in Desiree’s heart was too much to bare when it came to that asshole. What a beautiful asshole he truly was.
Maybe he knew what he was doing to her, maybe he didn’t, but did she care? Not one bit.
As Desiree relaxed until it was time to get ready, she thought back to their brief time together. The sloppy kisses he gave her, but so heated and lustful. The way their clothes were ripped off of each other simultaneously, then they practically attacked each other all night. Damon’s eyes never leaving her, they were always locked on her.
The next morning she awoke to the cherub-like beauty look at her with a sleepy eyes and a smile to match. His arms were lazily around her frame and he brushed his lips against her soft cheek. Desiree smiled at the soft gesture, but she saw something in his eyes then that she didn’t understand until now. That quiet sparkle she saw in his eye was a deep infatuation for her.
Their little tryst had been six months ago. Desiree hated to admit it, but she had the best sex with the singer that she had in awhile. She could’ve always indulged herself and go back to him time and time again, but she had a first hand account of how he was in the face of celebrity, and she couldn’t handle him.
The brown skinned girl looked at the clock and started to get ready for her internship meeting, Damon’s call being pushed to the back of her mind.
Damon’s phone call had been three weeks ago. Desiree had only thought about him every now and again with him being on magazines, and Blur’s songs being played constantly in the record store whenever she went go to one.
It was another gloomy day when she entered the shop, light music was playing in the background. Desiree was in a purple windbreaker that shielded her from the weather’s elements. She went straight for the R&B section of the store, trying to find something new from America. She made herself keep up with the music scene there, no matter how hard that was. Maybe the new TLC album was out.
Ten minutes has gone by while she was mindlessly browsing through the sections while quietly singing Pet Shop Boys, swaying to the beat of the song. She put a few braids behind her ear while the selection of the song changed to Girls and Boys.
Desiree groaned and looked up at the person at the front desk of the shop. The guy had his head turned to the front door, he followed the person that had just come in. The employee was stunned to see Damon walk through the store in a disguise of sunglasses and a hat.
Desiree slowly started to make her way to the back of the store. Her ex-lover was scouring the indie rock section, casually pushing through one CD after the other. The young woman tried to stay where she was, but her heart started racing. Slowly, but surely, she took a step and then another and then another. She put her hood up just to make sure he wouldn’t notice her.
Damon saw something out of the corner of his eye. He turned to his left side and saw a girl move slightly. He squinted his eyes a bit because he had seen her somewhere. Her braided hair, her slender fingers, her stacked rings, her firm and toned legs, and her Doc Martens. He finally realized who she was when she moved her hood just a bit.
It was Desiree.
Fuck, he whispered. A smile curled on his face.
“Desiree!” He sort of yelled, not wanting to cause attention to himself. The woman that had been on his mind for weeks was finally right in front of him.
She turned around to when Damon called her name. He tried to go after her, but she ran to the back of the store on the other side of the racks.
“Desiree, wait!”
“Stay away from me!” She yelled back, running to the front of the store. She passed the guy at the front desk and ran out the door she stopped to take a short breath, then briskly walked down the sidewalk. She heard the bell from the record shop door ring open and then close, footsteps quickly catching up to her. Damon tried to touch Desiree’s windbreaker, but she kept knocking his hand off.
“Desiree, please stop, we need to talk. Please.” He huffed and pleaded. He hadn’t been playing football for a minute. He mentally reminded himself that he needed to get back on that.
“Oh my GOD!” She yelled at him. Her thick braids whipped with her head, almost smacking him in the face. Her light brown eyes were alive with fury. She had had it.
“I knew my friend never should’ve made me go to your stupid concert. If I didn’t go I wouldn’t be here right now. I would be in this fucking MESS.”
The dirty blonde pop star staggered back just a bit after what he had just heard come from her. She continued when she saw his expression.
“What, Damon? What is it? What have you been dying to tell me since that phone call, huh? What the fuck do you want.”
“I want to take you out. I don’t want to stop seeing you. I…like you.” Damon’s blue eyes never stopped looking at hers, and one of the few times in his life, he didn’t like what he saw in someone’s eyes, in her eyes.
“You like me. You fucking like me?” With each word, more and more people were on the street, looking at what to see all the commotion was. They had thought it was a simple lovers’ quarrel, but not until they saw who the man was.
“Yeah I do. So what?”
“So what? You have a girlfriend, asshole! Why are you pursuing me when you have her! What is wrong with you?!”
“She and I…have a unique arrangement between us. She’ll understand.” The girl in front of him scoffed at his answer.
Desiree stepped up to him, almost closing the gap. She opened her mouth to say something, but Damon stopped her, putting his lips to her ear. “Before you even say anything. Let me say this: do not act like you didn’t look at me the way you did the morning after, alright? You and I both felt it. We have something here. It’s what I felt with Justine, and now I’ve found this sensation in you. I’m not letting that slip away from me so easily, Des.” He rendered Desiree speechless with his words. She had thought about this over and over again. She knew he was an addiction; a fun addiction, but an addiction all the same. She knew she had to quit cold turkey or she would be feening for him sooner or later.
Desiree nodded. “Yes, okay? I have thought about it. Us together would be nothing I could ever imagine, but no. I can’t do this with you. I’ve heard the way you’ve treated your girlfriend. I don’t roll like that.”
“I can promise you it won’t be like that, Desiree. Please.” Damon took her hand into both of his. Desiree’s eyes were the size of saucers at what he was suggesting.
“Look, I understand girls fall at your feet, but listen here okay? Yes, we fucked once. Was it nice? Yes, it was fucking spectacular. Would I ever want to do it again? No. And you know why?”
After a bit of silence, Damon begged to ask the question. “Why?”
“Because you are an arrogant asshole who has an ego the size of the fucking universe and I cannot be put into a situation like that. Your girlfriend must be a fucking saint to deal with you. And I will be damned if I ever become someone’s girlfriend when they’re like you.”
“So, I’m guessing that’s a no to seeing each other?” was all Damon had to say after Desiree’s yelling.
“Forget my number. Forget you ever met me. Forget we had sex. Good riddance, Damon.” She turned on her heels and went on her merry way.
Damon just stood there, a crowd had surrounded them both, but now that Desiree was gone, all eyes were on him, while some had gone to follow Desiree and try to get the scoop on what her relationship was with the Britpop heartthrob.
He was stone-faced on the surface, however, he felt an overwhelming sense of embarrassment washing over him. Damon put his sunglasses on and went into the opposite direction that Desiree had gone.
Damon could only imagine what the magazines would have to say about this tomorrow.
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