#guys the trick is using the symmetry tool
froggbones · 4 months
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Bang Bang Bang! Have a nice dream! ☠️
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solo1y · 6 years
Back Once Again
Andrea has been having all sorts of medical problems since we got married, although in my defence, most of them pre-date the marriage. We've tried lots of medical avenues of improvement, and they have proven either unsatisfactory or completely ineffective. We have reached the point where we're desperate and vulnerable enough to try "alternative" methods.
The man who installed our new bedroom recommended a chiropractor who gives regular, free talks on his approach to "wellness" or whatever, so we said we'd have a listen. What's the worst that can happen?
The opening paragraph of the Wikipedia entry for “chiropractic” summarises my position: 
Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine mostly concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine. Proponents claim that such disorders affect general health via the nervous system, through vertebral subluxation, claims which are demonstrably false. The main chiropractic treatment technique involves manual therapy, especially spinal manipulation therapy (SMT), manipulations of other joints and soft tissues. Its foundation is at odds with mainstream medicine, and chiropractic is sustained by pseudoscientific ideas such as subluxation and "innate intelligence" that reject science. Chiropractors are not medical doctors.
It was dark and rainy, very much like the opening scene of a movie which ends with a couple being torn to pieces in a basement surrounded by human-dog hybrids howling and screeching as our blood summons the dark lord of chaos. It was that kind of night. The fact that the chiropractor seems to have been named after serial killers did not help the mood. Clonmel is full of chiropractors (probably), but our man was in Kilworth, a boutique village in north Co. Cork next to an army training ground. There is no reason for anyone to ever go to Kilworth. We went there a few nights ago.
The clinic is in a lovely building with large arches in the front which makes it look like a modern cafe or art gallery from the front. When you go in, everything is very professional. I had to go to the bathroom, which was very clean and at the ideal temperature. 
There were five of us: all women except for me. We were offered tea and coffee and there was inspirational music playing in the background. So far, so preparing-lambs-for-the-slaughter.
Ed Bates greeted us individually, shook our hands individually and invited us into a little room with the correct number of chairs which were way too close to a flipboard. He gave a talk about how the spinal cord sends nerve fibres from your spine to various organs and parts of your body and if they get interrupted, the signals become sub-optimal. It’s the patented alternative-medicine pitch which comprises 40% obvious common sense, 40% specious arguments and 20% either irrelevant garbage or just total horseshit: 40% “diet and exercise are vital to a healthy lifestyle”; 40% “if the electric signals are interrupted down here, for instance, that’s going to cause kidney problems”; 20% “none of my children have ever been on a course of antibiotics”.
He showed us the dawn of a new era of chiropractic treatment: a small electric hammer. This hammer could do a much better job, he claimed, than manual adjustment. Remember this hammer. It’s going to be relevant later.
He asked for a volunteer, but instead he got me. He told me to put my arm out and resist him. He tried to push it down, with little success. Then he told me to tuck my chin into my neck, and pushed my arm down again. This time he managed it. He said this was evidence that moving your spine in a certain way can have dramatic effects on musculature. A cynical person could counter that it might also be evidence that someone can push harder the second time.
To show us how the treatments are administered, he took his receptionist and placed her face down on a padded table and got her to move her arms and neck around to see how putting stress on various vertebrae affected the symmetry of her spine, as expressed in how close together her feet were. He said if the feet were not together, this was evidence that the spine was not aligned properly.  A cynical person could counter that it might also be evidence that someone can move your feet very slightly to the right or to the left.
To be clear, I am not saying that this man is a charlatan. I do not have access to the information I would need to make that judgement. He seemed sincere and he seems to actually give a shit about getting people to live healthy lives. More importantly, this talk was free of charge and there was absolutely no hard sell afterwards. In fact, I don’t think there was even a soft sell. There was no suggestion at all that any of us “should” book an appointment. There was not so much as a suggestive glance from the receptionist in this direction. This is a massive tick in the “not a charlatan” box which may outweigh everything else. 
What I am saying is that the evidence he presented on the night to demonstrate the effectiveness of chiropractic medicine could be easily fabricated. 
After he had done a few spinal tricks with the receptionist, he asked if one of us wanted to have a go, so I pushed my wife forward. 
“Just lie face down on the table there,” he said. 
“This is not the date night I had planned,” I said. 
He apologised and said it would be over soon enough and we could go back to our date then. He’s definitely a nice guy and he definitely has a sense of humour.
During the spinal examination, he mentioned a number of possible problems that Andrea has been diagnosed with. He was not shotgunning, as I was watching for that. He was also not responding to cues from Andrea, as there was no way she could know exactly which vertebra is connected to which organ in the chiropractic system. The only thing he said in the entire exam that could be suspicious is “you’re not getting enough sleep”, which must surely apply to everyone. Everything else was specific to Andrea, and other common problems people might have were not mentioned. If there’s some trick here (and there might be), I am unaware of it. 
I might trash chiropractic medicine and alternative therapies in general but I’m not going to lie about what happened. 
Afterwards, he continued the theme of the faults of general medical practice, and how doctors are overly reliant on pharmaceuticals, and how children are increasingly being put on drugs at a younger age, and how this is terrible, and so on. 
He said: “If the only tool you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail.”
I said: “Dude, the only tool you have is a hammer.”
He stopped for a few moments and looked at the little hammer in his hand. Then he said, “I should probably find a different way to say that”.
Then we were done. Before we left, Andrea booked an appointment with a view to getting a treatment of spinal adjustments because she believes it will help her where medical science has failed. Maybe it will.
I get terrible migraines which can cripple me for days. A few years ago, I was living with a Korean family, and the patriarch offered to do some acupuncture on me as I was crawling around on the floor moaning. He put some pins in various parts of me and after about twenty minutes, the migraine was gone. It was completely gone. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I asked him how it worked and he gave me an explanation that was definitely horseshit. 
I still think acupuncture is bullshit, but I am not going to lie about something that happened to me personally. I just have to trust the science (even if it might be wrong) and remember that the plural of anecdote is not data, even if the anecdote happened to me. 
If acupuncture helped me, why can’t spinal adjustments help Andrea? 
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kbgamesdiscotech · 5 years
This guy inspired me to make characters , i really liked his style in how hes made his characters , i first saw his creations searching on how to create characters in mudbox , i first watched this youtube video looking for tricks and tps on how to make indepth detailed characters and stumbled across this . i really like how he makes the characters look so real , using in depth details and charactirists. As seen in the video he , proceeded to make a none human monster with extremely large muscles , he uses a variety of different tools to create loads of parts and strands of muscles and bones , he uses really fine brushes to get every part in proportion. By not using symmetry all the time, as humans and creatures are all the same.
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splintermagic · 8 years
How to build an Altar
This is how I, as a non-worshipping, budget-conscious witch, build my altar. All of these suggestions are just that, suggestions. Take what moves you and ignore what doesn’t. Also, I’ll say this a bunch more times, but YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SPEND A LOT OF MONEY ON YOUR ALTAR. 
In short, altars are not necessary (to my path.) Magic is an extension of Will, so altars may be a useful tool for focusing, but they are not required for casting in my opinion.
That being said, I really like altars. Not only do they provide an object to focus on during casting, but they also allow for creativity with a magical mindset. The practice of crafting a beautiful altar is an act of magic in itself. Selecting the right backdrops, objects, and arrangements to best represent whatever the creator is commemorating or celebrating in their altar is a way to force oneself to get more in tune with the energy of the subject of the altar. Like everything else physical, they are wonderful tools.
Sample Altar:
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Rich, Layered Fabrics: Beautiful layered fabrics create the base and backdrop for the altar. Lace layered over a heavy brocade, or different patterned fabrics in colors relevant to the season/entity/focus set the mood of the rest of the altar. The above diagram shows a relatively minimal amount of fabric. It can be pinned to the wall behind the altar, and be used as drapes over other objects to create altars with multiple levels.
If you don’t have fabrics laying around, then use whatever! Have some pretty gift-wrapping paper? Have a spare bed-sheet? Construction paper? Scrap paper with doodles on it? Whatever works, works. You don’t have to spend money to make a pretty altar.
 Lots of Candles: This is a purely arbitrary preference. Candles are often associated with magic, and the wide variety of colors makes it easy to add relevant colors. Different types of candles add different ambiances to an altar as well. Tea lights have a light, airy, fae feeling, while pillar candles feel stable, earthy, and blend well with certain goddex-entities who think highly of themselves.
Birthday candles totally work, led candles are fine, Christmas lights are rad. Anything that can light up your altar does the trick. Again, do not feel like you have to spend all kinds of money on your altar. Your local metaphysical shop appreciates the sentiment, but if it’s a good one, they’ll tell you the same thing. ;)
 Seasonal Plants/Entity Plants: A seasonal altar usually will have seasonal plants. If it is winter, pine trees or bare sticks usually do the trick. For summer, green leaves and weeds pulled out of the garden do well. I prefer to take plants that are abundant or plants that would be destroyed otherwise. Sometimes potted plants make their way onto the altar, but not when it is dedicated to a specific entity (so that their life isn't being offered to an entity, and so that the entity doesn't attach itself to the plant and stick around once the altar is dismantled).
For an entity-based altar, plants associated with that entity are best. If there aren't any, a little bit of greenery doesn't generally offend anyone, so seasonal plants can fill in. In some cases, fake black roses, or other fake plants find their way in. I'm big on aesthetic in channeling tools, and unnaturally-colored plants can add an ambiance that  others can't. It can also be difficult to find sunflowers in the dead of winter.
 Stones/Natural Objects: Feathers, stones, shells, bones. If anything can be found, it can go on an altar. The stones tend to be tumbled crystals from Magus Books, the local metaphysical shop (and my job).  These objects fine tune the energy of the altar somewhat. Using stones and other natural objects can create the difference between cozy, productive winter (citrine, a passed on wooly caterpillar, fur) and a dark and lonely one (bones, overly-introverted stones).
 Stone Orbs: Similar to the Stones from the above description, the stone orbs fine-tune the energy of the altar, just a little more forcefully than the smaller stones. However, using crystal balls made for scrying seems only to amplify the rest of the altar's energy, even if the stone association doesn't quite make sense. Black obsidian is a favorite. These also provide focal points for meditation.
 Bowl or Chalice of Water: Though water might not make sense to include on every altar energetically, it is receptive enough to not through an altar out of whack, generally. There are a couple different reasons to include water.
The first is as a very basic offering if one is working with an entity. Not all entities may actually like water, but it is generally inoffensive enough that it isn't taken the wrong way. Providing a physical type of nourishment to a non-corporeal spirit seems strange, but they seem to appreciate it.
The second reason is that water is receptive, and therefore collects energy. Having a collection place for energy can help to keep any excess energies that collect at the altar from flinging themselves around the room. Plus, if the altar is for an energy that one is lacking, and would like to have, that charged water is great to drink! Otherwise, anointing oneself with it can have a similar effect.
The third reason is mundane safety. Lots of candles with excessive lace, sticks, dry leaves, and other flammable components means that it isn't terrible to have a bit of water on the ready. Cats, being the wonderful agents of chaos that they are, also have a tendency to make a candle-heavy altar a somewhat dangerous place. Better to have water around and accessible.
 Statue (if Applicable): Statues are mostly useful for entity-based altars. A nice statue can really pull an altar together and make it clear who and what the altar is for. However, statues are expensive, and unless one is working with well-known goddex-type entities, it can be hard to find a statue that isn't…well, silly.
 Round Mirror: Round mirrors are great for spirit based entities. They act as a tiny little portal that the entity can usually use to aid manifestation. For some spirits, putting the mirror into the bowl/chalice of water can be really helpful to establishing the connection. Having the mirror can also create a kind of on/off switch for an altar. Don't want the spirit involved in whatever you're doing but also don't want to dismantle the altar? Turn the mirror upside down, so the reflective part is facing down. It's a symbolic door-closing, and symbols are everything.
Old mirrors from compacts are perfect. 
 Symmetry: Admittedly, aiming for symmetry is a completely arbitrary aesthetic choice. Those sorts of things matter, though, when the altar is seen as a tool. Does the altar move you? Is it beautiful? Do you connect with it? Those are the things that matter. Symmetry, for me, is one of those things that matters, because I find it beautiful and balanced. 
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qualitytacolover · 5 years
21 bangs hairstyle ideas for your round face
New Post has been published on https://www.easypromhairstyles.com/21-bangs-hairstyle-ideas-for-your-round-face.html
21 bangs hairstyle ideas for your round face
Pony for Round Faces is a hairdressing technique that aims to make a round face slender, sharpen, and give symmetry and balance. If done exactly, a personalized pony can do wonders for your overall look.
Tips for pony for round surfaces
With the long list of types of pony you can wear, it's easy to get confused in choosing the best for your round face. The number one rule is to stay away from straight lines, as they can highlight the fullness of your face. You want pony hairstyles that extend the face shape.
Angles are your best friend. If you go with thick, side or curtain bangs, your short face may look longer and slimmer.
See how this trick with celebrities Emma Stone, Kirsten Dunst and Selena Gomez works amazingly! You can avoid the Babyface Syndrome once you have the best, most flattering pony for your sweet face.
These benefits come at a price. Maintaining the length of your fringe requires trimming every 2-3 weeks. In addition, frequent washing of the locks and styling should be in your routine every morning.
Check out these trendy ideas below on how to rock the sweetest fringes for a round face!
Sweet Bob with a pony
How would you describe this look?
This look is a really soft and stylish way to frame your face, as sometimes a full front frieze can be pretty heavy and hard. It depends on your desired look. A bob with soft pony is very popular in the salon at the moment! I like that they are effortlessly beautiful!
Any advice for someone considering it?
My best advice is to dry off dry! As long as your pony hairstyles are dried out, they will be perfectly positioned! Heated irons are not always required with proper flexibility! My biggest tip would be to blow-dry in the opposite direction you want to drop your pony so that it goes from left to right, then from right to left as you want it to fall in the middle and then snaps off your face! Especially if you have a cowlick in your pony or stubborn hair!
The hair dryer will compensate. It's not a long process as it only takes a few minutes! I would then use a dry wax spray. We use KMS products and they are fabulous as they keep the hair in place without being too sticky like certain hair sprays! You still want them to move!
Layered pony hairstyles
How would you describe this look?
This look is a praise (Long Bob) with separate layers and long pony bangs. I love the idea of ​​a multi-layered bang for a round face for the versatility and attention that they bring to the eyes, no matter how you wear them! I love this look because it is suitable for many hair types and textures. It is also extremely versatile and can be worn in a variety of ways. It can be rolled in gentle waves or worn smoothly and straight when it is blown out and finished with a shiny serum. With some texture paste through the ends, you can get a bunch of Rock Style texture out of the layers. Since the layers are only in the crown, the ends do not lose their substance! The pony hairstyle can be worn directly over the forehead, as a side swept fringe or divided and draped in the middle. Besides, they look great when they grow out. You also create style when your hair is worn!
Any advice for someone considering it?
This customer has finer hair that is curly by nature. We chose this look for its versatility. She can easily get bored, so this haircut allows her to explore all those great ways to wear her hair.
My advice is to have fun and use a kind of "wardrobe" for hair care. A smoothing balm for the days you just want to wear it, a sea salt textured spray for the days you want to tone up your curls, some dry shampoo because everyone should have it, a dry paste for the time you are in want to show the whole texture at the ends, and a shiny serum that allows you to put off all these layers and make it look like a lithe single-handed haircut!
Also have a few different styling tools like a flat iron and a 1 "barrel curling iron. Harry Josh is a great guy who can also be used as a curling staff. Enjoy this look and show all its different personalities!
Asymmetric pony hairstyle
How would you describe this look?
I would call this look an edgy, asymmetrical praise. It has a lot of texture throughout, but dull lines around the perimeter. This creates the opportunity to have several looks with a haircut. Add texture spray – get a funny, chaotic look. Comb your hair and get a supple bob! Versatility is one of my favorite pieces on this look, but my favorite is the edge angle. We decided to cut them shorter on the longer angled side and longer on the shorter side, which sets a big example. We both loved the overall look of texture and angle.
Any advice for someone considering it?
First, this is a look that's a little neat. So, if you're looking for a wash and go style, maybe this is not a look for you. If you are someone who loves the wild side and spends some time with your hair in the morning, I would definitely say: do not be afraid to be brave! Your hair can make a statement, so do not be afraid to make it loud!
The best bangs for straight hair
How would you describe this look?
This is a classic one-piece full-rim bob. I love that look because it's slim and structured at the same time. Overall, it's a very timeless look that complements so many face shapes.
Any advice for someone considering it?
The best candidates for this look would be someone with straight hair and a fine to medium density. It is also for someone who is willing to spend some time with a flat iron to achieve a smooth, smooth finish. The best products are all smoothing or shiny serums. Anyone looking for a bold classic look would be perfect for this cut and style.
Pixie cut with short fringes
How would you describe this look?
This look is an edgy short Pixie cut with short fringes. My favorite thing about this haircut is the amount of texture that is contained during the haircut. It still has some of the lengths on top, but we kept it a bit more viscous to get that edgy look.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Be prepared to cut about every 4-6 weeks to get the look. Even with a short Pixie look, you want to make sure you use the right products to achieve that look. If I want to style for a textured pixie look, I always say texturizing paste, texturing spray and / or a medium hold hairspray.
Textured pony hairstyles
How would you describe this look?
This look is a modern shag with a full but soft face frame.
My favorite thing about this look is that it can be modified to complement different face shapes and hair types. If you want a subtle effect, longer and softer layers are more suitable for you, but if you're feeling adventurous and looking for that edgy feeling to enhance your style, short and broken layers are perfect for you.
Any advice for someone considering it?
I would say, do it! Having banger gives the illusion of greater lengths everywhere. I would also say that if you want a change, but are afraid of loss of length, this is the perfect option for you!
Soft layers around the face break up any roundness / perfection of the face that most people fear.
You can achieve this style with minimal product. Let's say a mom who is out of her time can throw her hair into a simple bun or pony, spray some texture spray on the bangs. You have a fast and effortless style.
Middle part of Bardot Bangs
How would you describe this look?
This is a effortless, elegant look. My favorite pastimes are the dimensions of colors, texture and opulence.
Any advice for someone considering it?
I would recommend these bangs for round faces for guests who like their hair long but stylish without trying so hard. Curtain fringing is great for the guest feeling that their face shape is round because it framed the shape and made it more oval. It is also very popular right now (in the Brigitte Bardot look).
I've used Kerastase styling products: Nektar Thermique (styling lotion), Elixir Ultime (volumetric spray), Volume in Powder (Texture), Serum Therapist (Iron Protection) and Laque Couture (Hairspray).
Lightweight and soft pony for round faces
How would you describe this look?
This textured, multi-layered cut with fine fringe hairstyles was made to really soften her facial features. I kept away from blunt cuts, as this would not be suitable for someone with a pear-shaped face. Bangs for round surfaces should elongate and form angles to make the face shape appear longer than wider.
Any advice for someone considering it?
If you want to try pony bangs, soft pops are the easiest to maintain as opposed to dull, but they are a liability and need to be brushed back and forth with a hair dryer after each wash to preserve the shape! A multi-layered cut can be great for many people, but remember that the more you sculpt the face, the better the improvement. (You can make the face look even rounder if you want to see the frame directly under the jaw.)
I kept away from the face frame and kept these layers nice and long, because of their pear-shaped face.
Perfect pony hairstyle for curly hair
How would you describe this look?
This cut is a mix of modern and retro, inspired by the shaggy styles of the 70s. My favorite thing about this curly hair with pony hairdo is that everything fits together.
The fringes, which are part of the layers, help to distribute the volume and curls around the shape. This is a great way to avoid too much volume or width, which can be created by the shortest layer that women with curly hair often feel.
Any advice for someone considering it?
This haircut is perfect for wavy to curly hair that is naturally worn. When styling natural hair, one of the most important factors is the consideration of nature. In Texas, we're dealing with heat and moisture that can make hair curly and undefined. If there is a lot of moisture, use a lot of product.
I started with a curl cream to prepare the curl, followed by a liquid gel that twisted my hair. I recommend varying the cross-sectional size and direction for a more natural look.
Soft curtain bangs
How would you describe this look?
This look is relaxed, natural and disheveled. My favorite thing about this look is that it's easy to wear with the full layer and fringe, no matter how it's designed!
Any advice for someone considering it?
Invest in great hair or texture wax to give the pony hairstyles and layers texture and body. I feel like this style is extremely flattering to someone who feels that he can not necessarily make a full fringe. It gives your haircut and your face character. Be confident and rock the curtains!
Thick pony hairstyle
How would you describe this look?
This haircut is a one-piece haircut with a small undercut. This hairstyle is great for me. People who want to wear their hair. Nature waves and texture and the blunt bangs give a nervous mood that is my favorite part. She has really thick hair, so the thinning of the bottom does not make it look like a triangle.
Any advice for someone considering it?
This is ideal for someone who has natural volume and wants to rock his natural waves and improve his cheekbone structure. I love Oribe's thick dry finish spray and Oribe Mate Wave cream to give it that cool boho bob look.
Thick, fringed pony hairstyles on the side
How would you describe this look?
For this look, Selena wanted a classic bob shape with a subtle longer front and a short back to make sure she stayed off the neck completely.
It's a flattering bob, no matter what the angle! It is important to look at someone not only from the front but also from both sides and from behind. I love a longer side banging on a bob because it can completely change the look, whether you're trying to open or close someone's features or not.
My favorite thing about Bobs is that they are customizable! Not one person's head or face is identical to the other, so I am grateful that I learned how to modify a bob that is specific to each person sitting in my chair.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Decide if you agree that your hair is shorter than your shoulders or not.
Since a classic bob is a cut off the shoulder, keeping the hair shoulder length or longer will not give you the same look. However, everyone can have a variant of this haircut! It's a great classic style that will always be trendy.
I've seen bobs cut on thick, thin, straight and even curly hair! The best thing about a bob is that basically anyone can wear it. The styling is a breeze if it is cut properly.
If you cut properly, you can literally dry it out and get started! Bobs can be lured, carried straight or just dried in the air. Lately I've done finger styling with Bumble and Bumble's new product, Surf Styling Leave-In. It contains UV protectant in case you dye your hair. It also unravels, combats frills and even conditions! This multitasking styler offers all these benefits while producing strandy waves without any graininess.
A great way to use this product is to apply it to wet hair at night, braid your hair and then sleep on it to wake up with natural-looking beach waves!
If there are a few places that are not exactly what you expected, just take a curling iron and lay a few waves around your face. This gives the effortless look everyone is looking for lately. If you are someone who likes to smooth and smooth his hair, I would recommend brushing or flat winding first.
To round off the look, you can use the straightener if the ends need some extra heat to seal them, leaving you with some more volume. If you are someone who already has a bob, try adding pony to change the haircut.
If you do not want to commit to pony, a longer pag may be a subtle change. Do not be intimidated by a haircut, he will regrow! You only live once, so go ahead!
Dive pony
The tough baby rocks long fringes like these that frame your face. If you're considering pony for round surfaces, face-framing may not be the best option. Stretching and moving towards facial features could be a better trick.
Dull pony hairstyle
Caesar pony like these are risky for round faces, but with the right cut and styling, it can complement the face shape and be wonderfully peeled off.
Flattering pony for thin hair
High fashion, the everyday clothes? You can achieve this level cut that enhances your round face.
Long pony hairstyle
Longer layers increase the vertical value, so your broad, plump cheeks are not perceived as much.
Long hair with a full pony
Long hair gives a draped look for this slimming effect. Bangs make the face oval and oblong.
The perfect pony hairstyle
Wispy bangs hanging over the eyebrows soften the face next to his facial shaping skills. In addition, the messier hair helps the whole head, which reduces the roundness of the face.
Side pony hairstyle
The fringe makes a sharp cut across the face and shapes it immediately. Good that it fits universally to every hairstyle, color, length and cut!
Messy short hair with bangs effects
Messy short hair with dull fringe hairstyles work to give the rounded faces an edge. Season in the waves for texture and create a flattering look that enhances your face shape even more!
Curved pony hairstyle
Bangs are great for softening any harsh features that you may have. Bodied bangs like flatter your forehead area the most.
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21 bangs hairstyle ideas for your round face
Pony for Round Faces is a hairdressing technique that aims to make a round face slender, sharpen, and give symmetry and balance. If done exactly, a personalized pony can do wonders for your overall look.
Tips for pony for round surfaces
With the long list of types of pony you can wear, it's easy to get confused in choosing the best for your round face. The number one rule is to stay away from straight lines, as they can highlight the fullness of your face. You want pony hairstyles that extend the face shape.
Angles are your best friend. If you go with thick, side or curtain bangs, your short face may look longer and slimmer.
See how this trick with celebrities Emma Stone, Kirsten Dunst and Selena Gomez works amazingly! You can avoid the Babyface Syndrome once you have the best, most flattering pony for your sweet face.
These benefits come at a price. Maintaining the length of your fringe requires trimming every 2-3 weeks. In addition, frequent washing of the locks and styling should be in your routine every morning.
Check out these trendy ideas below on how to rock the sweetest fringes for a round face!
Sweet Bob with a pony
How would you describe this look?
This look is a really soft and stylish way to frame your face, as sometimes a full front frieze can be pretty heavy and hard. It depends on your desired look. A bob with soft pony is very popular in the salon at the moment! I like that they are effortlessly beautiful!
Any advice for someone considering it?
My best advice is to dry off dry! As long as your pony hairstyles are dried out, they will be perfectly positioned! Heated irons are not always required with proper flexibility! My biggest tip would be to blow-dry in the opposite direction you want to drop your pony so that it goes from left to right, then from right to left as you want it to fall in the middle and then snaps off your face! Especially if you have a cowlick in your pony or stubborn hair!
The hair dryer will compensate. It's not a long process as it only takes a few minutes! I would then use a dry wax spray. We use KMS products and they are fabulous as they keep the hair in place without being too sticky like certain hair sprays! You still want them to move!
Layered pony hairstyles
How would you describe this look?
This look is a praise (Long Bob) with separate layers and long pony bangs. I love the idea of ​​a multi-layered bang for a round face for the versatility and attention that they bring to the eyes, no matter how you wear them! I love this look because it is suitable for many hair types and textures. It is also extremely versatile and can be worn in a variety of ways. It can be rolled in gentle waves or worn smoothly and straight when it is blown out and finished with a shiny serum. With some texture paste through the ends, you can get a bunch of Rock Style texture out of the layers. Since the layers are only in the crown, the ends do not lose their substance! The pony hairstyle can be worn directly over the forehead, as a side swept fringe or divided and draped in the middle. Besides, they look great when they grow out. You also create style when your hair is worn!
Any advice for someone considering it?
This customer has finer hair that is curly by nature. We chose this look for its versatility. She can easily get bored, so this haircut allows her to explore all those great ways to wear her hair.
My advice is to have fun and use a kind of "wardrobe" for hair care. A smoothing balm for the days you just want to wear it, a sea salt textured spray for the days you want to tone up your curls, some dry shampoo because everyone should have it, a dry paste for the time you are in want to show the whole texture at the ends, and a shiny serum that allows you to put off all these layers and make it look like a lithe single-handed haircut!
Also have a few different styling tools like a flat iron and a 1 "barrel curling iron. Harry Josh is a great guy who can also be used as a curling staff. Enjoy this look and show all its different personalities!
Asymmetric pony hairstyle
How would you describe this look?
I would call this look an edgy, asymmetrical praise. It has a lot of texture throughout, but dull lines around the perimeter. This creates the opportunity to have several looks with a haircut. Add texture spray – get a funny, chaotic look. Comb your hair and get a supple bob! Versatility is one of my favorite pieces on this look, but my favorite is the edge angle. We decided to cut them shorter on the longer angled side and longer on the shorter side, which sets a big example. We both loved the overall look of texture and angle.
Any advice for someone considering it?
First, this is a look that's a little neat. So, if you're looking for a wash and go style, maybe this is not a look for you. If you are someone who loves the wild side and spends some time with your hair in the morning, I would definitely say: do not be afraid to be brave! Your hair can make a statement, so do not be afraid to make it loud!
The best bangs for straight hair
How would you describe this look?
This is a classic one-piece full-rim bob. I love that look because it's slim and structured at the same time. Overall, it's a very timeless look that complements so many face shapes.
Any advice for someone considering it?
The best candidates for this look would be someone with straight hair and a fine to medium density. It is also for someone who is willing to spend some time with a flat iron to achieve a smooth, smooth finish. The best products are all smoothing or shiny serums. Anyone looking for a bold classic look would be perfect for this cut and style.
Pixie cut with short fringes
How would you describe this look?
This look is an edgy short Pixie cut with short fringes. My favorite thing about this haircut is the amount of texture that is contained during the haircut. It still has some of the lengths on top, but we kept it a bit more viscous to get that edgy look.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Be prepared to cut about every 4-6 weeks to get the look. Even with a short Pixie look, you want to make sure you use the right products to achieve that look. If I want to style for a textured pixie look, I always say texturizing paste, texturing spray and / or a medium hold hairspray.
Textured pony hairstyles
How would you describe this look?
This look is a modern shag with a full but soft face frame.
My favorite thing about this look is that it can be modified to complement different face shapes and hair types. If you want a subtle effect, longer and softer layers are more suitable for you, but if you're feeling adventurous and looking for that edgy feeling to enhance your style, short and broken layers are perfect for you.
Any advice for someone considering it?
I would say, do it! Having banger gives the illusion of greater lengths everywhere. I would also say that if you want a change, but are afraid of loss of length, this is the perfect option for you!
Soft layers around the face break up any roundness / perfection of the face that most people fear.
You can achieve this style with minimal product. Let's say a mom who is out of her time can throw her hair into a simple bun or pony, spray some texture spray on the bangs. You have a fast and effortless style.
Middle part of Bardot Bangs
How would you describe this look?
This is a effortless, elegant look. My favorite pastimes are the dimensions of colors, texture and opulence.
Any advice for someone considering it?
I would recommend these bangs for round faces for guests who like their hair long but stylish without trying so hard. Curtain fringing is great for the guest feeling that their face shape is round because it framed the shape and made it more oval. It is also very popular right now (in the Brigitte Bardot look).
I've used Kerastase styling products: Nektar Thermique (styling lotion), Elixir Ultime (volumetric spray), Volume in Powder (Texture), Serum Therapist (Iron Protection) and Laque Couture (Hairspray).
Lightweight and soft pony for round faces
How would you describe this look?
This textured, multi-layered cut with fine fringe hairstyles was made to really soften her facial features. I kept away from blunt cuts, as this would not be suitable for someone with a pear-shaped face. Bangs for round surfaces should elongate and form angles to make the face shape appear longer than wider.
Any advice for someone considering it?
If you want to try pony bangs, soft pops are the easiest to maintain as opposed to dull, but they are a liability and need to be brushed back and forth with a hair dryer after each wash to preserve the shape! A multi-layered cut can be great for many people, but remember that the more you sculpt the face, the better the improvement. (You can make the face look even rounder if you want to see the frame directly under the jaw.)
I kept away from the face frame and kept these layers nice and long, because of their pear-shaped face.
Perfect pony hairstyle for curly hair
How would you describe this look?
This cut is a mix of modern and retro, inspired by the shaggy styles of the 70s. My favorite thing about this curly hair with pony hairdo is that everything fits together.
The fringes, which are part of the layers, help to distribute the volume and curls around the shape. This is a great way to avoid too much volume or width, which can be created by the shortest layer that women with curly hair often feel.
Any advice for someone considering it?
This haircut is perfect for wavy to curly hair that is naturally worn. When styling natural hair, one of the most important factors is the consideration of nature. In Texas, we're dealing with heat and moisture that can make hair curly and undefined. If there is a lot of moisture, use a lot of product.
I started with a curl cream to prepare the curl, followed by a liquid gel that twisted my hair. I recommend varying the cross-sectional size and direction for a more natural look.
Soft curtain bangs
How would you describe this look?
This look is relaxed, natural and disheveled. My favorite thing about this look is that it's easy to wear with the full layer and fringe, no matter how it's designed!
Any advice for someone considering it?
Invest in great hair or texture wax to give the pony hairstyles and layers texture and body. I feel like this style is extremely flattering to someone who feels that he can not necessarily make a full fringe. It gives your haircut and your face character. Be confident and rock the curtains!
Thick pony hairstyle
How would you describe this look?
This haircut is a one-piece haircut with a small undercut. This hairstyle is great for me. People who want to wear their hair. Nature waves and texture and the blunt bangs give a nervous mood that is my favorite part. She has really thick hair, so the thinning of the bottom does not make it look like a triangle.
Any advice for someone considering it?
This is ideal for someone who has natural volume and wants to rock his natural waves and improve his cheekbone structure. I love Oribe's thick dry finish spray and Oribe Mate Wave cream to give it that cool boho bob look.
Thick, fringed pony hairstyles on the side
How would you describe this look?
For this look, Selena wanted a classic bob shape with a subtle longer front and a short back to make sure she stayed off the neck completely.
It's a flattering bob, no matter what the angle! It is important to look at someone not only from the front but also from both sides and from behind. I love a longer side banging on a bob because it can completely change the look, whether you're trying to open or close someone's features or not.
My favorite thing about Bobs is that they are customizable! Not one person's head or face is identical to the other, so I am grateful that I learned how to modify a bob that is specific to each person sitting in my chair.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Decide if you agree that your hair is shorter than your shoulders or not.
Since a classic bob is a cut off the shoulder, keeping the hair shoulder length or longer will not give you the same look. However, everyone can have a variant of this haircut! It's a great classic style that will always be trendy.
I've seen bobs cut on thick, thin, straight and even curly hair! The best thing about a bob is that basically anyone can wear it. The styling is a breeze if it is cut properly.
If you cut properly, you can literally dry it out and get started! Bobs can be lured, carried straight or just dried in the air. Lately I've done finger styling with Bumble and Bumble's new product, Surf Styling Leave-In. It contains UV protectant in case you dye your hair. It also unravels, combats frills and even conditions! This multitasking styler offers all these benefits while producing strandy waves without any graininess.
A great way to use this product is to apply it to wet hair at night, braid your hair and then sleep on it to wake up with natural-looking beach waves!
If there are a few places that are not exactly what you expected, just take a curling iron and lay a few waves around your face. This gives the effortless look everyone is looking for lately. If you are someone who likes to smooth and smooth his hair, I would recommend brushing or flat winding first.
To round off the look, you can use the straightener if the ends need some extra heat to seal them, leaving you with some more volume. If you are someone who already has a bob, try adding pony to change the haircut.
If you do not want to commit to pony, a longer pag may be a subtle change. Do not be intimidated by a haircut, he will regrow! You only live once, so go ahead!
Dive pony
The tough baby rocks long fringes like these that frame your face. If you're considering pony for round surfaces, face-framing may not be the best option. Stretching and moving towards facial features could be a better trick.
Dull pony hairstyle
Caesar pony like these are risky for round faces, but with the right cut and styling, it can complement the face shape and be wonderfully peeled off.
Flattering pony for thin hair
High fashion, the everyday clothes? You can achieve this level cut that enhances your round face.
Long pony hairstyle
Longer layers increase the vertical value, so your broad, plump cheeks are not perceived as much.
Long hair with a full pony
Long hair gives a draped look for this slimming effect. Bangs make the face oval and oblong.
The perfect pony hairstyle
Wispy bangs hanging over the eyebrows soften the face next to his facial shaping skills. In addition, the messier hair helps the whole head, which reduces the roundness of the face.
Side pony hairstyle
The fringe makes a sharp cut across the face and shapes it immediately. Good that it fits universally to every hairstyle, color, length and cut!
Messy short hair with bangs effects
Messy short hair with dull fringe hairstyles work to give the rounded faces an edge. Season in the waves for texture and create a flattering look that enhances your face shape even more!
Curved pony hairstyle
Bangs are great for softening any harsh features that you may have. Bodied bangs like flatter your forehead area the most.
21 bangs hairstyle ideas for your round face
0 notes
manuelclapid · 6 years
$950 Budget Bathroom Makeover: How I Updated My Bathroom Without a Full Remodel
Hi guys! This is Kristin from Postbox Designs, I am an interior designer who gets to work on projects all over the country via online interior design. And I am lucky to hang out here once a month, creating a custom Mood Board or Room Design just for you readers. But instead of sharing a client design with you today, I wanted to do something a bit different. I wanted to show you a peek into my very own home with a recent project of mine: my $950 budget bathroom makeover
Let’s start with a not-so-fun-fact:
Bathrooms are the most expensive room to remodel per square foot.
Yup, most people surprised by that. While a kitchen may have a bigger price tag overall, per square foot, your bathroom is the most costly update in your home. Over my last 13 years of being an interior designer I have literally designed hundreds and hundreds of bathrooms.
So how you can you update your bathroom without a full remodel? That is actually what I want to show you how to do today! I’m going to share a glimpse into my very own home with you. I had the exact same problem as a lot of you. When we purchased our home four years ago our Master Bathroom needed some serious updates. Don’t get me wrong: it isn’t horrible. It is just pretty boring and outdated.
If we had decided to gut the whole bathroom and start over, we were looking at a price tag of around $40,000. Instead I updated it and only spent $950. How did I do that? Read on!
This was our original Master Bathroom when we purchased our home four years ago. And I never touched it because I figured it would cost tens of thousands of dollars to make it what I wanted.
But then I started thinking: I could do some simple updates with a “mini makeover” that would work in the intermediate before we got to remodel it. Well guess what? By the time I was done with it, I loved it so much that I don’t think we will do a thing to it. Believe me, I was completely surprised by that. Here is the best part: I didn’t use any power tools, I kept all of the main items in the bathroom, and simply updated it with some, easy-to-do items. And I spent less than $1000 to do it all.
My $950 Budget Bathroom Makeover
  So what did I do to transform our bathroom for a mere $950?
To start with, here is what I DIDN’T do! I DIDN’T replace everything. I kept nearly 90% of the existing bathroom. I kept our existing:
Vanity Cabinets
Vanity Countertop and sinks
Shower, fixtures, tile, and door
Bathtub, fixtures, and tile surround
The only “mini construction project” I did was to replace our faucets. That was it. Everything else is simple decor updates.
Starting with a Design: $950 Boho Bathroom Mini Makeover
The first thing I did was create a Mood Board that showed all of the updates I wanted to make. That way I could see the whole design before buying a single thing: saving me both time and money. Once I came up with a design I liked, I did a lot of shopping around to see if I could find more budget-friendly versions of the items I liked. I also looked for items that would make a big impact since I wasn’t changing any of the main items in our bathroom.
This post contains affiliate links. Learn more and read our full disclosure policy here. 
Bathroom Makeover Shopping List
And today I want to share the entire plan and shopping list from my bathroom makeover with you! Simply click below on the item to take you directly to the source. Please note, some of these items I found at Home Goods (such as the rattan baskets), so we’ve included similar options below. The soap dispensers, candles, and gold tray are from Target.
Knob Hardware  |  Pull Hardware  |  Faucet Rug  |  Mirror  |  Vase  |  Artwork  |  Tray Cabinet Paint: Benjamin Moore “Hale Navy” Wall Paint: Benjamin Moore “Simply White”
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Updating the Bathroom Vanity
  As you can tell from the existing bathroom photo, we have a very large vanity! Honestly, it isn’t at all how I would design it, but I wanted to keep it, along with the existing ivory countertop and integral sinks. I kept all of our cabinets, and painted them in Benjamin Moore’s “Hale Navy”. Then I replaced all of the cabinet hardware with polished nickel pulls and knobs from Home Depot (at only $4/each). I looked for cabinet hardware that would match our existing drilled holes to keep the hardware swap easy.
Related: How to Paint Cabinets (The Right Way, The First Time)
By doing these two small updates, it automatically made our existing ivory countertop look 100% better! As I mentioned before, the only plumbing fixture I changed out were our faucets. I replaced the dated crystal knobs with new polished chrome Delta faucets. In order to keep our countertop, I made sure to find faucets with the same drill pattern so we could simply swap them out.
Updating the Vanity Mirrors
Honestly, the thing I used to hate the most about our bathroom were our ugly mirrors. I am a symmetry girl through-and-through so it drove me crazy to see our mismatched mirrors in two different sizes. Plus, the unframed glass was pretty ugly.Instead, I found two modern, metal framed mirrors to replace the existing mirrors. These are called the “Vale Mirrors”. Because of our bathroom’s sloped ceilings, I already had some architectural features to deal with. These sleek mirrors made such a huge difference!
Painting in a Bathroom Makeover
Paint is my #1 favorite way to update any space. It is inexpensive, anyone can do it…and it is easy to change down the road. I mentioned that I painted our existing vanity in Benjamin Moore’s “Hale Navy”. I also updated our ivory colored walls with a crisper, purer white shade. I painted the walls in Benjamin Moore’s “Simply White”. Even this minor shade change from a yellow-ivory wall color to this crisp and clean white made a huge difference. For about $40 for a gallon of paint.
Related: How to Choose the Perfect White Paint Color
Updating the Bathroom Floors
  Our existing floor aren’t horrible, but they certainly aren’t what I would have chosen. While they are still neutral tiles, they are laid on a 45 degree angle, which was a very common thing to do in the 90s/early 00s, which gives it a bit of a dated look. But it would have cost thousands of dollars to rip it out and replace. So what do you do if you have a floor you don’t love?
Cover it up with something so eye-catching that you don’t even notice the floor itself!
This is such a great trick to use in any space. In this budget bathroom makeover, I found this dreamy, boho inspired runner from RugsUSA.com (also available at Home Depot and Walmart). And the very best part? This gorgeous, brightly patterned rug was only $44! And by far, that has been the biggest item people have commented on. This one little item makes all of the difference in this bathroom makeover.
Related: Our Favorite Affordable Vintage Style Rugs
Budget Bathroom Decor Updates
  And whether you are doing a full bathroom remodel, or just a mini update like I did, the finishing touches are what make all of the difference. I spent a small amount of my $950 budget on some well placed decor items. The first one was this black and white beach photo that I found on Etsy. I purchased it as a digital download for a mere $7, had it printed myself and framed in an inexpensive frame. I also added these two woven rattan baskets, scored from HomeGoods, to help storage extra towels.
Related: Decorate for $0 with our Free Printable Art Collection
  Finally, since we have such a large vanity, I decided to add a decorative tray in between the sinks to help break up the countertop. This wood tray from Target is filled with a glass vase (with clipping from my own front yard), some decorative candles, and a small glass jewelry box-all from Target. New soap dispensers finished off the look. All were budget friendly finds, but added a lot to the final look of our bathroom.
Related: 10 Places to Use Trays in Home Decor + Affordable Versatile Trays
More Ways to Update your Bathroom on a Budget
If you are looking for budget friendly ways to update your bathroom, then Remodelaholic is the perfect place to start! Here are some other bathroom projects that will get you inspired for your own makeover:
Budget Bathroom Update
Bathroom Light Fixtures Under $85
Bathroom Mini Makeover without a Remodel
And I have one final source to help you with your budget friendly bathroom remodel. I created this FREE worksheet called “75 Ways to Update your Bathroom (without a major remodel)”. You can grab this worksheet, along with exclusive Bathroom Mood Boards and Shopping Lists all in my Free Resource Library:
A huge thank-you to the entire gang at Remodelaholic for letting me share my bathroom remodel with you today! If you have any questions about this project or about how Postbox Designs works you can email me at [email protected] or hang with me on Instagram!
    The post $950 Budget Bathroom Makeover: How I Updated My Bathroom Without a Full Remodel appeared first on Remodelaholic.
from Home https://www.remodelaholic.com/950-bathroom-makeover-how-i-updated-my-bathroom-without-a-full-remodel/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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williamccreynolds · 6 years
$950 Budget Bathroom Makeover: How I Updated My Bathroom Without a Full Remodel
Hi guys! This is Kristin from Postbox Designs, I am an interior designer who gets to work on projects all over the country via online interior design. And I am lucky to hang out here once a month, creating a custom Mood Board or Room Design just for you readers. But instead of sharing a client design with you today, I wanted to do something a bit different. I wanted to show you a peek into my very own home with a recent project of mine: my $950 budget bathroom makeover
Let’s start with a not-so-fun-fact:
Bathrooms are the most expensive room to remodel per square foot.
Yup, most people surprised by that. While a kitchen may have a bigger price tag overall, per square foot, your bathroom is the most costly update in your home. Over my last 13 years of being an interior designer I have literally designed hundreds and hundreds of bathrooms.
So how you can you update your bathroom without a full remodel? That is actually what I want to show you how to do today! I’m going to share a glimpse into my very own home with you. I had the exact same problem as a lot of you. When we purchased our home four years ago our Master Bathroom needed some serious updates. Don’t get me wrong: it isn’t horrible. It is just pretty boring and outdated.
If we had decided to gut the whole bathroom and start over, we were looking at a price tag of around $40,000. Instead I updated it and only spent $950. How did I do that? Read on!
This was our original Master Bathroom when we purchased our home four years ago. And I never touched it because I figured it would cost tens of thousands of dollars to make it what I wanted.
But then I started thinking: I could do some simple updates with a “mini makeover” that would work in the intermediate before we got to remodel it. Well guess what? By the time I was done with it, I loved it so much that I don’t think we will do a thing to it. Believe me, I was completely surprised by that. Here is the best part: I didn’t use any power tools, I kept all of the main items in the bathroom, and simply updated it with some, easy-to-do items. And I spent less than $1000 to do it all.
My $950 Budget Bathroom Makeover
  So what did I do to transform our bathroom for a mere $950?
To start with, here is what I DIDN’T do! I DIDN’T replace everything. I kept nearly 90% of the existing bathroom. I kept our existing:
Vanity Cabinets
Vanity Countertop and sinks
Shower, fixtures, tile, and door
Bathtub, fixtures, and tile surround
The only “mini construction project” I did was to replace our faucets. That was it. Everything else is simple decor updates.
Starting with a Design: $950 Boho Bathroom Mini Makeover
The first thing I did was create a Mood Board that showed all of the updates I wanted to make. That way I could see the whole design before buying a single thing: saving me both time and money. Once I came up with a design I liked, I did a lot of shopping around to see if I could find more budget-friendly versions of the items I liked. I also looked for items that would make a big impact since I wasn’t changing any of the main items in our bathroom.
This post contains affiliate links. Learn more and read our full disclosure policy here. 
Bathroom Makeover Shopping List
And today I want to share the entire plan and shopping list from my bathroom makeover with you! Simply click below on the item to take you directly to the source. Please note, some of these items I found at Home Goods (such as the rattan baskets), so we’ve included similar options below. The soap dispensers, candles, and gold tray are from Target.
Knob Hardware  |  Pull Hardware  |  Faucet Rug  |  Mirror  |  Vase  |  Artwork  |  Tray Cabinet Paint: Benjamin Moore “Hale Navy” Wall Paint: Benjamin Moore “Simply White”
!function(d,s,id){ var e, p = /^http:/.test(d.location) ? 'http' : 'https'; if(!d.getElementById(id)) { e = d.createElement(s); e.id = id; e.src = p + '://widgets.rewardstyle.com/js/boutique.js'; d.body.appendChild(e); } if(typeof window.__boutique === 'object') if(d.readyState === 'complete') { window.__boutique.init(); } }(document, 'script', 'boutique-script');
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Updating the Bathroom Vanity
  As you can tell from the existing bathroom photo, we have a very large vanity! Honestly, it isn’t at all how I would design it, but I wanted to keep it, along with the existing ivory countertop and integral sinks. I kept all of our cabinets, and painted them in Benjamin Moore’s “Hale Navy”. Then I replaced all of the cabinet hardware with polished nickel pulls and knobs from Home Depot (at only $4/each). I looked for cabinet hardware that would match our existing drilled holes to keep the hardware swap easy.
Related: How to Paint Cabinets (The Right Way, The First Time)
By doing these two small updates, it automatically made our existing ivory countertop look 100% better! As I mentioned before, the only plumbing fixture I changed out were our faucets. I replaced the dated crystal knobs with new polished chrome Delta faucets. In order to keep our countertop, I made sure to find faucets with the same drill pattern so we could simply swap them out.
Updating the Vanity Mirrors
Honestly, the thing I used to hate the most about our bathroom were our ugly mirrors. I am a symmetry girl through-and-through so it drove me crazy to see our mismatched mirrors in two different sizes. Plus, the unframed glass was pretty ugly.Instead, I found two modern, metal framed mirrors to replace the existing mirrors. These are called the “Vale Mirrors”. Because of our bathroom’s sloped ceilings, I already had some architectural features to deal with. These sleek mirrors made such a huge difference!
Painting in a Bathroom Makeover
Paint is my #1 favorite way to update any space. It is inexpensive, anyone can do it…and it is easy to change down the road. I mentioned that I painted our existing vanity in Benjamin Moore’s “Hale Navy”. I also updated our ivory colored walls with a crisper, purer white shade. I painted the walls in Benjamin Moore’s “Simply White”. Even this minor shade change from a yellow-ivory wall color to this crisp and clean white made a huge difference. For about $40 for a gallon of paint.
Related: How to Choose the Perfect White Paint Color
Updating the Bathroom Floors
  Our existing floor aren’t horrible, but they certainly aren’t what I would have chosen. While they are still neutral tiles, they are laid on a 45 degree angle, which was a very common thing to do in the 90s/early 00s, which gives it a bit of a dated look. But it would have cost thousands of dollars to rip it out and replace. So what do you do if you have a floor you don’t love?
Cover it up with something so eye-catching that you don’t even notice the floor itself!
This is such a great trick to use in any space. In this budget bathroom makeover, I found this dreamy, boho inspired runner from RugsUSA.com (also available at Home Depot and Walmart). And the very best part? This gorgeous, brightly patterned rug was only $44! And by far, that has been the biggest item people have commented on. This one little item makes all of the difference in this bathroom makeover.
Related: Our Favorite Affordable Vintage Style Rugs
Budget Bathroom Decor Updates
  And whether you are doing a full bathroom remodel, or just a mini update like I did, the finishing touches are what make all of the difference. I spent a small amount of my $950 budget on some well placed decor items. The first one was this black and white beach photo that I found on Etsy. I purchased it as a digital download for a mere $7, had it printed myself and framed in an inexpensive frame. I also added these two woven rattan baskets, scored from HomeGoods, to help storage extra towels.
Related: Decorate for $0 with our Free Printable Art Collection
  Finally, since we have such a large vanity, I decided to add a decorative tray in between the sinks to help break up the countertop. This wood tray from Target is filled with a glass vase (with clipping from my own front yard), some decorative candles, and a small glass jewelry box-all from Target. New soap dispensers finished off the look. All were budget friendly finds, but added a lot to the final look of our bathroom.
Related: 10 Places to Use Trays in Home Decor + Affordable Versatile Trays
More Ways to Update your Bathroom on a Budget
If you are looking for budget friendly ways to update your bathroom, then Remodelaholic is the perfect place to start! Here are some other bathroom projects that will get you inspired for your own makeover:
Budget Bathroom Update
Bathroom Light Fixtures Under $85
Bathroom Mini Makeover without a Remodel
And I have one final source to help you with your budget friendly bathroom remodel. I created this FREE worksheet called “75 Ways to Update your Bathroom (without a major remodel)”. You can grab this worksheet, along with exclusive Bathroom Mood Boards and Shopping Lists all in my Free Resource Library:
A huge thank-you to the entire gang at Remodelaholic for letting me share my bathroom remodel with you today! If you have any questions about this project or about how Postbox Designs works you can email me at [email protected] or hang with me on Instagram!
    The post $950 Budget Bathroom Makeover: How I Updated My Bathroom Without a Full Remodel appeared first on Remodelaholic.
from Real Estate http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Remodelaholic/~3/kKYC87FyTOg/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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yesterdaysdreams · 6 years
$950 Budget Bathroom Makeover: How I Updated My Bathroom Without a Full Remodel
Hi guys! This is Kristin from Postbox Designs, I am an interior designer who gets to work on projects all over the country via online interior design. And I am lucky to hang out here once a month, creating a custom Mood Board or Room Design just for you readers. But instead of sharing a client design with you today, I wanted to do something a bit different. I wanted to show you a peek into my very own home with a recent project of mine: my $950 budget bathroom makeover
Let’s start with a not-so-fun-fact:
Bathrooms are the most expensive room to remodel per square foot.
Yup, most people surprised by that. While a kitchen may have a bigger price tag overall, per square foot, your bathroom is the most costly update in your home. Over my last 13 years of being an interior designer I have literally designed hundreds and hundreds of bathrooms.
So how you can you update your bathroom without a full remodel? That is actually what I want to show you how to do today! I’m going to share a glimpse into my very own home with you. I had the exact same problem as a lot of you. When we purchased our home four years ago our Master Bathroom needed some serious updates. Don’t get me wrong: it isn’t horrible. It is just pretty boring and outdated.
If we had decided to gut the whole bathroom and start over, we were looking at a price tag of around $40,000. Instead I updated it and only spent $950. How did I do that? Read on!
This was our original Master Bathroom when we purchased our home four years ago. And I never touched it because I figured it would cost tens of thousands of dollars to make it what I wanted.
But then I started thinking: I could do some simple updates with a “mini makeover” that would work in the intermediate before we got to remodel it. Well guess what? By the time I was done with it, I loved it so much that I don’t think we will do a thing to it. Believe me, I was completely surprised by that. Here is the best part: I didn’t use any power tools, I kept all of the main items in the bathroom, and simply updated it with some, easy-to-do items. And I spent less than $1000 to do it all.
My $950 Budget Bathroom Makeover
  So what did I do to transform our bathroom for a mere $950?
To start with, here is what I DIDN’T do! I DIDN’T replace everything. I kept nearly 90% of the existing bathroom. I kept our existing:
Vanity Cabinets
Vanity Countertop and sinks
Shower, fixtures, tile, and door
Bathtub, fixtures, and tile surround
The only “mini construction project” I did was to replace our faucets. That was it. Everything else is simple decor updates.
Starting with a Design: $950 Boho Bathroom Mini Makeover
The first thing I did was create a Mood Board that showed all of the updates I wanted to make. That way I could see the whole design before buying a single thing: saving me both time and money. Once I came up with a design I liked, I did a lot of shopping around to see if I could find more budget-friendly versions of the items I liked. I also looked for items that would make a big impact since I wasn’t changing any of the main items in our bathroom.
This post contains affiliate links. Learn more and read our full disclosure policy here. 
Bathroom Makeover Shopping List
And today I want to share the entire plan and shopping list from my bathroom makeover with you! Simply click below on the item to take you directly to the source. Please note, some of these items I found at Home Goods (such as the rattan baskets), so we’ve included similar options below. The soap dispensers, candles, and gold tray are from Target.
Knob Hardware  |  Pull Hardware  |  Faucet Rug  |  Mirror  |  Vase  |  Artwork  |  Tray Cabinet Paint: Benjamin Moore “Hale Navy” Wall Paint: Benjamin Moore “Simply White”
!function(d,s,id){ var e, p = /^http:/.test(d.location) ? 'http' : 'https'; if(!d.getElementById(id)) { e = d.createElement(s); e.id = id; e.src = p + '://widgets.rewardstyle.com/js/boutique.js'; d.body.appendChild(e); } if(typeof window.__boutique === 'object') if(d.readyState === 'complete') { window.__boutique.init(); } }(document, 'script', 'boutique-script');
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Updating the Bathroom Vanity
  As you can tell from the existing bathroom photo, we have a very large vanity! Honestly, it isn’t at all how I would design it, but I wanted to keep it, along with the existing ivory countertop and integral sinks. I kept all of our cabinets, and painted them in Benjamin Moore’s “Hale Navy”. Then I replaced all of the cabinet hardware with polished nickel pulls and knobs from Home Depot (at only $4/each). I looked for cabinet hardware that would match our existing drilled holes to keep the hardware swap easy.
Related: How to Paint Cabinets (The Right Way, The First Time)
By doing these two small updates, it automatically made our existing ivory countertop look 100% better! As I mentioned before, the only plumbing fixture I changed out were our faucets. I replaced the dated crystal knobs with new polished chrome Delta faucets. In order to keep our countertop, I made sure to find faucets with the same drill pattern so we could simply swap them out.
Updating the Vanity Mirrors
Honestly, the thing I used to hate the most about our bathroom were our ugly mirrors. I am a symmetry girl through-and-through so it drove me crazy to see our mismatched mirrors in two different sizes. Plus, the unframed glass was pretty ugly.Instead, I found two modern, metal framed mirrors to replace the existing mirrors. These are called the “Vale Mirrors”. Because of our bathroom’s sloped ceilings, I already had some architectural features to deal with. These sleek mirrors made such a huge difference!
Painting in a Bathroom Makeover
Paint is my #1 favorite way to update any space. It is inexpensive, anyone can do it…and it is easy to change down the road. I mentioned that I painted our existing vanity in Benjamin Moore’s “Hale Navy”. I also updated our ivory colored walls with a crisper, purer white shade. I painted the walls in Benjamin Moore’s “Simply White”. Even this minor shade change from a yellow-ivory wall color to this crisp and clean white made a huge difference. For about $40 for a gallon of paint.
Related: How to Choose the Perfect White Paint Color
Updating the Bathroom Floors
  Our existing floor aren’t horrible, but they certainly aren’t what I would have chosen. While they are still neutral tiles, they are laid on a 45 degree angle, which was a very common thing to do in the 90s/early 00s, which gives it a bit of a dated look. But it would have cost thousands of dollars to rip it out and replace. So what do you do if you have a floor you don’t love?
Cover it up with something so eye-catching that you don’t even notice the floor itself!
This is such a great trick to use in any space. In this budget bathroom makeover, I found this dreamy, boho inspired runner from RugsUSA.com (also available at Home Depot and Walmart). And the very best part? This gorgeous, brightly patterned rug was only $44! And by far, that has been the biggest item people have commented on. This one little item makes all of the difference in this bathroom makeover.
Related: Our Favorite Affordable Vintage Style Rugs
Budget Bathroom Decor Updates
  And whether you are doing a full bathroom remodel, or just a mini update like I did, the finishing touches are what make all of the difference. I spent a small amount of my $950 budget on some well placed decor items. The first one was this black and white beach photo that I found on Etsy. I purchased it as a digital download for a mere $7, had it printed myself and framed in an inexpensive frame. I also added these two woven rattan baskets, scored from HomeGoods, to help storage extra towels.
Related: Decorate for $0 with our Free Printable Art Collection
  Finally, since we have such a large vanity, I decided to add a decorative tray in between the sinks to help break up the countertop. This wood tray from Target is filled with a glass vase (with clipping from my own front yard), some decorative candles, and a small glass jewelry box-all from Target. New soap dispensers finished off the look. All were budget friendly finds, but added a lot to the final look of our bathroom.
Related: 10 Places to Use Trays in Home Decor + Affordable Versatile Trays
More Ways to Update your Bathroom on a Budget
If you are looking for budget friendly ways to update your bathroom, then Remodelaholic is the perfect place to start! Here are some other bathroom projects that will get you inspired for your own makeover:
Budget Bathroom Update
Bathroom Light Fixtures Under $85
Bathroom Mini Makeover without a Remodel
And I have one final source to help you with your budget friendly bathroom remodel. I created this FREE worksheet called “75 Ways to Update your Bathroom (without a major remodel)”. You can grab this worksheet, along with exclusive Bathroom Mood Boards and Shopping Lists all in my Free Resource Library:
A huge thank-you to the entire gang at Remodelaholic for letting me share my bathroom remodel with you today! If you have any questions about this project or about how Postbox Designs works you can email me at [email protected] or hang with me on Instagram!
    The post $950 Budget Bathroom Makeover: How I Updated My Bathroom Without a Full Remodel appeared first on Remodelaholic.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8265713 https://ift.tt/2JfimbJ via IFTTT
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andrewmawby · 6 years
$950 Budget Bathroom Makeover: How I Updated My Bathroom Without a Full Remodel
Hi guys! This is Kristin from Postbox Designs, I am an interior designer who gets to work on projects all over the country via online interior design. And I am lucky to hang out here once a month, creating a custom Mood Board or Room Design just for you readers. But instead of sharing a client design with you today, I wanted to do something a bit different. I wanted to show you a peek into my very own home with a recent project of mine: my $950 budget bathroom makeover
Let’s start with a not-so-fun-fact:
Bathrooms are the most expensive room to remodel per square foot.
Yup, most people surprised by that. While a kitchen may have a bigger price tag overall, per square foot, your bathroom is the most costly update in your home. Over my last 13 years of being an interior designer I have literally designed hundreds and hundreds of bathrooms.
So how you can you update your bathroom without a full remodel? That is actually what I want to show you how to do today! I’m going to share a glimpse into my very own home with you. I had the exact same problem as a lot of you. When we purchased our home four years ago our Master Bathroom needed some serious updates. Don’t get me wrong: it isn’t horrible. It is just pretty boring and outdated.
If we had decided to gut the whole bathroom and start over, we were looking at a price tag of around $40,000. Instead I updated it and only spent $950. How did I do that? Read on!
This was our original Master Bathroom when we purchased our home four years ago. And I never touched it because I figured it would cost tens of thousands of dollars to make it what I wanted.
But then I started thinking: I could do some simple updates with a “mini makeover” that would work in the intermediate before we got to remodel it. Well guess what? By the time I was done with it, I loved it so much that I don’t think we will do a thing to it. Believe me, I was completely surprised by that. Here is the best part: I didn’t use any power tools, I kept all of the main items in the bathroom, and simply updated it with some, easy-to-do items. And I spent less than $1000 to do it all.
My $950 Budget Bathroom Makeover
  So what did I do to transform our bathroom for a mere $950?
To start with, here is what I DIDN’T do! I DIDN’T replace everything. I kept nearly 90% of the existing bathroom. I kept our existing:
Vanity Cabinets
Vanity Countertop and sinks
Shower, fixtures, tile, and door
Bathtub, fixtures, and tile surround
The only “mini construction project” I did was to replace our faucets. That was it. Everything else is simple decor updates.
Starting with a Design: $950 Boho Bathroom Mini Makeover
The first thing I did was create a Mood Board that showed all of the updates I wanted to make. That way I could see the whole design before buying a single thing: saving me both time and money. Once I came up with a design I liked, I did a lot of shopping around to see if I could find more budget-friendly versions of the items I liked. I also looked for items that would make a big impact since I wasn’t changing any of the main items in our bathroom.
This post contains affiliate links. Learn more and read our full disclosure policy here. 
Bathroom Makeover Shopping List
And today I want to share the entire plan and shopping list from my bathroom makeover with you! Simply click below on the item to take you directly to the source. Please note, some of these items I found at Home Goods (such as the rattan baskets), so we’ve included similar options below. The soap dispensers, candles, and gold tray are from Target.
Knob Hardware  |  Pull Hardware  |  Faucet Rug  |  Mirror  |  Vase  |  Artwork  |  Tray Cabinet Paint: Benjamin Moore “Hale Navy” Wall Paint: Benjamin Moore “Simply White”
!function(d,s,id){ var e, p = /^http:/.test(d.location) ? 'http' : 'https'; if(!d.getElementById(id)) { e = d.createElement(s); e.id = id; e.src = p + '://widgets.rewardstyle.com/js/boutique.js'; d.body.appendChild(e); } if(typeof window.__boutique === 'object') if(d.readyState === 'complete') { window.__boutique.init(); } }(document, 'script', 'boutique-script');
Turn on your JavaScript to view content
Updating the Bathroom Vanity
  As you can tell from the existing bathroom photo, we have a very large vanity! Honestly, it isn’t at all how I would design it, but I wanted to keep it, along with the existing ivory countertop and integral sinks. I kept all of our cabinets, and painted them in Benjamin Moore’s “Hale Navy”. Then I replaced all of the cabinet hardware with polished nickel pulls and knobs from Home Depot (at only $4/each). I looked for cabinet hardware that would match our existing drilled holes to keep the hardware swap easy.
Related: How to Paint Cabinets (The Right Way, The First Time)
By doing these two small updates, it automatically made our existing ivory countertop look 100% better! As I mentioned before, the only plumbing fixture I changed out were our faucets. I replaced the dated crystal knobs with new polished chrome Delta faucets. In order to keep our countertop, I made sure to find faucets with the same drill pattern so we could simply swap them out.
Updating the Vanity Mirrors
Honestly, the thing I used to hate the most about our bathroom were our ugly mirrors. I am a symmetry girl through-and-through so it drove me crazy to see our mismatched mirrors in two different sizes. Plus, the unframed glass was pretty ugly.Instead, I found two modern, metal framed mirrors to replace the existing mirrors. These are called the “Vale Mirrors”. Because of our bathroom’s sloped ceilings, I already had some architectural features to deal with. These sleek mirrors made such a huge difference!
Painting in a Bathroom Makeover
Paint is my #1 favorite way to update any space. It is inexpensive, anyone can do it…and it is easy to change down the road. I mentioned that I painted our existing vanity in Benjamin Moore’s “Hale Navy”. I also updated our ivory colored walls with a crisper, purer white shade. I painted the walls in Benjamin Moore’s “Simply White”. Even this minor shade change from a yellow-ivory wall color to this crisp and clean white made a huge difference. For about $40 for a gallon of paint.
Related: How to Choose the Perfect White Paint Color
Updating the Bathroom Floors
  Our existing floor aren’t horrible, but they certainly aren’t what I would have chosen. While they are still neutral tiles, they are laid on a 45 degree angle, which was a very common thing to do in the 90s/early 00s, which gives it a bit of a dated look. But it would have cost thousands of dollars to rip it out and replace. So what do you do if you have a floor you don’t love?
Cover it up with something so eye-catching that you don’t even notice the floor itself!
This is such a great trick to use in any space. In this budget bathroom makeover, I found this dreamy, boho inspired runner from RugsUSA.com (also available at Home Depot and Walmart). And the very best part? This gorgeous, brightly patterned rug was only $44! And by far, that has been the biggest item people have commented on. This one little item makes all of the difference in this bathroom makeover.
Related: Our Favorite Affordable Vintage Style Rugs
Budget Bathroom Decor Updates
  And whether you are doing a full bathroom remodel, or just a mini update like I did, the finishing touches are what make all of the difference. I spent a small amount of my $950 budget on some well placed decor items. The first one was this black and white beach photo that I found on Etsy. I purchased it as a digital download for a mere $7, had it printed myself and framed in an inexpensive frame. I also added these two woven rattan baskets, scored from HomeGoods, to help storage extra towels.
Related: Decorate for $0 with our Free Printable Art Collection
  Finally, since we have such a large vanity, I decided to add a decorative tray in between the sinks to help break up the countertop. This wood tray from Target is filled with a glass vase (with clipping from my own front yard), some decorative candles, and a small glass jewelry box-all from Target. New soap dispensers finished off the look. All were budget friendly finds, but added a lot to the final look of our bathroom.
Related: 10 Places to Use Trays in Home Decor + Affordable Versatile Trays
More Ways to Update your Bathroom on a Budget
If you are looking for budget friendly ways to update your bathroom, then Remodelaholic is the perfect place to start! Here are some other bathroom projects that will get you inspired for your own makeover:
Budget Bathroom Update
Bathroom Light Fixtures Under $85
Bathroom Mini Makeover without a Remodel
And I have one final source to help you with your budget friendly bathroom remodel. I created this FREE worksheet called “75 Ways to Update your Bathroom (without a major remodel)”. You can grab this worksheet, along with exclusive Bathroom Mood Boards and Shopping Lists all in my Free Resource Library:
A huge thank-you to the entire gang at Remodelaholic for letting me share my bathroom remodel with you today! If you have any questions about this project or about how Postbox Designs works you can email me at [email protected] or hang with me on Instagram!
    The post $950 Budget Bathroom Makeover: How I Updated My Bathroom Without a Full Remodel appeared first on Remodelaholic.
from builders feed http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Remodelaholic/~3/kKYC87FyTOg/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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douchebagbrainwaves · 7 years
The simplest answer is to put them in a row. For us the main indication of impending doom is when we don't hear from you. Unfortunately, though public acquirers are structurally identical to pooled-risk company management companies got together and agreed to allow their clients to exchange shares in all their pools. Com, which their friends at Parse took. In science and engineering, some of each. The test is probably whether it helps you to understand your users. Their search also turned up parse. The TV networks already seem, grudgingly, to see where things are going well. And that could be called. You may be able to give up in one shot. But it seemed worth spoiling the atmosphere if I could save some of the most interesting things we've discovered from working on Y Combinator is that founders are more motivated by the fear of looking bad than by the hope of investing more later, what happens if they don't?
How many fifteenth century Milanese artists can you name? Poof goes the axiom that taste can't be wrong. Or would super-angel gets 10x in one year, that's a really bad sign. The recipe for great work is: very exacting taste, plus the ability to gratify it. If DNA ruled, we should be greeted daily by artistic marvels. But they aren't all equivalent, not by a long shot. This essay developed out of conversations I've had with several other programmers about why Java smelled suspicious. This trick may not always be enough. Someone riding a motorcycle isn't working any harder.
Imagine you'd called your company something else. Ditto in engineering. If you know it's going to feel terrible sometimes, then when it feels terrible you won't think ouch, this feels terrible, I give up. Needless to say, Frederick's of Hollywood got the most traffic. There's no need for a Microsoft of France or Google of Germany. He tried to make it here is that great things happen to startups all the time is not because it has something to say about programming languages. She's trying to get the two of you to stop bickering. But publishing has advanced since then: present-day publishers work hard to make the cover something you can tell a book by its cover as well.
Many of the startups that take money from super-angels could win practically all the battles for individual startups and yet lose the war, if they can just hire enough people it somehow will be. I once calculated how much Frederick's was costing us in bandwidth, and it was about $300/month. As usual, by Demo Day about half the startups were doing something significantly different than they started with. I'm not sure why. You can't use euphemisms like didn't go anywhere for something that's your only occupation. They just smelled wrong. Increasingly the participants include VCs making investments of a hundred thousand or two. If our own time were any different, that would be remarkable.
As long as VCs were writing checks, who cares? An angel round is not an obviously bad name is a sufficiently good one, and eventually someone will discover it. To make sure, they were moving to a cheaper apartment. At first we thought it might be as much as a half. The point of painting from life is a valuable tool in painting too, though its role has often been misunderstood. By inverting this list, we can imitate nature's method as well as its results. And partly because when founders have slow growth they don't want to face what is usually the real reason: the product is only moderately appealing, growth is ok but not great. How much is that extra attention worth? It was really close, too. And it is a recursive solution, a tower on a tower. But publishing has advanced since then: present-day publishers work hard to satisfy us. We now know the answer: computers.
Whether they like it or not, big changes are coming, because the top VC funds have better brands, and can also do more for their portfolio companies. But both began with a core of fanatically devoted users, and all Evan and Joshua had to do to get funded, or something they thought customers would want, or something they thought customers would want, or something they were told to do by management. Where can you find more people who love that sort of thing? The danger of symmetry, and repetition especially, is that it has started to be driven mostly by people's identities. It was designed to be another C: C plus a few ideas taken from more advanced languages. But that comes with the territory. All you need is strong convictions. Com of their name. Like great athletes, great designers make it look easy. Sean Parker, who understands the domain really well because he started a similar startup himself, and also knows all the investors in it are angels; it just describes the structure of the round.
0 notes
manuelclapid · 6 years
$950 Budget Bathroom Makeover: How I Updated My Bathroom Without a Full Remodel
Hi guys! This is Kristin from Postbox Designs, I am an interior designer who gets to work on projects all over the country via online interior design. And I am lucky to hang out here once a month, creating a custom Mood Board or Room Design just for you readers. But instead of sharing a client design with you today, I wanted to do something a bit different. I wanted to show you a peek into my very own home with a recent project of mine: my $950 budget bathroom makeover
Let’s start with a not-so-fun-fact:
Bathrooms are the most expensive room to remodel per square foot.
Yup, most people surprised by that. While a kitchen may have a bigger price tag overall, per square foot, your bathroom is the most costly update in your home. Over my last 13 years of being an interior designer I have literally designed hundreds and hundreds of bathrooms.
So how you can you update your bathroom without a full remodel? That is actually what I want to show you how to do today! I’m going to share a glimpse into my very own home with you. I had the exact same problem as a lot of you. When we purchased our home four years ago our Master Bathroom needed some serious updates. Don’t get me wrong: it isn’t horrible. It is just pretty boring and outdated.
If we had decided to gut the whole bathroom and start over, we were looking at a price tag of around $40,000. Instead I updated it and only spent $950. How did I do that? Read on!
This was our original Master Bathroom when we purchased our home four years ago. And I never touched it because I figured it would cost tens of thousands of dollars to make it what I wanted.
But then I started thinking: I could do some simple updates with a “mini makeover” that would work in the intermediate before we got to remodel it. Well guess what? By the time I was done with it, I loved it so much that I don’t think we will do a thing to it. Believe me, I was completely surprised by that. Here is the best part: I didn’t use any power tools, I kept all of the main items in the bathroom, and simply updated it with some, easy-to-do items. And I spent less than $1000 to do it all.
My $950 Budget Bathroom Makeover
  So what did I do to transform our bathroom for a mere $950?
To start with, here is what I DIDN’T do! I DIDN’T replace everything. I kept nearly 90% of the existing bathroom. I kept our existing:
Vanity Cabinets
Vanity Countertop and sinks
Shower, fixtures, tile, and door
Bathtub, fixtures, and tile surround
The only “mini construction project” I did was to replace our faucets. That was it. Everything else is simple decor updates.
Starting with a Design: $950 Boho Bathroom Mini Makeover
The first thing I did was create a Mood Board that showed all of the updates I wanted to make. That way I could see the whole design before buying a single thing: saving me both time and money. Once I came up with a design I liked, I did a lot of shopping around to see if I could find more budget-friendly versions of the items I liked. I also looked for items that would make a big impact since I wasn’t changing any of the main items in our bathroom.
This post contains affiliate links. Learn more and read our full disclosure policy here. 
Bathroom Makeover Shopping List
And today I want to share the entire plan and shopping list from my bathroom makeover with you! Simply click below on the item to take you directly to the source. Please note, some of these items I found at Home Goods (such as the rattan baskets), so we’ve included similar options below. The soap dispensers, candles, and gold tray are from Target.
Knob Hardware  |  Pull Hardware  |  Faucet Rug  |  Mirror  |  Vase  |  Artwork  |  Tray Cabinet Paint: Benjamin Moore “Hale Navy” Wall Paint: Benjamin Moore “Simply White”
!function(d,s,id){ var e, p = /^http:/.test(d.location) ? 'http' : 'https'; if(!d.getElementById(id)) { e = d.createElement(s); e.id = id; e.src = p + '://widgets.rewardstyle.com/js/boutique.js'; d.body.appendChild(e); } if(typeof window.__boutique === 'object') if(d.readyState === 'complete') { window.__boutique.init(); } }(document, 'script', 'boutique-script');
Turn on your JavaScript to view content
Updating the Bathroom Vanity
  As you can tell from the existing bathroom photo, we have a very large vanity! Honestly, it isn’t at all how I would design it, but I wanted to keep it, along with the existing ivory countertop and integral sinks. I kept all of our cabinets, and painted them in Benjamin Moore’s “Hale Navy”. Then I replaced all of the cabinet hardware with polished nickel pulls and knobs from Home Depot (at only $4/each). I looked for cabinet hardware that would match our existing drilled holes to keep the hardware swap easy.
Related: How to Paint Cabinets (The Right Way, The First Time)
By doing these two small updates, it automatically made our existing ivory countertop look 100% better! As I mentioned before, the only plumbing fixture I changed out were our faucets. I replaced the dated crystal knobs with new polished chrome Delta faucets. In order to keep our countertop, I made sure to find faucets with the same drill pattern so we could simply swap them out.
Updating the Vanity Mirrors
Honestly, the thing I used to hate the most about our bathroom were our ugly mirrors. I am a symmetry girl through-and-through so it drove me crazy to see our mismatched mirrors in two different sizes. Plus, the unframed glass was pretty ugly.Instead, I found two modern, metal framed mirrors to replace the existing mirrors. These are called the “Vale Mirrors”. Because of our bathroom’s sloped ceilings, I already had some architectural features to deal with. These sleek mirrors made such a huge difference!
Painting in a Bathroom Makeover
Paint is my #1 favorite way to update any space. It is inexpensive, anyone can do it…and it is easy to change down the road. I mentioned that I painted our existing vanity in Benjamin Moore’s “Hale Navy”. I also updated our ivory colored walls with a crisper, purer white shade. I painted the walls in Benjamin Moore’s “Simply White”. Even this minor shade change from a yellow-ivory wall color to this crisp and clean white made a huge difference. For about $40 for a gallon of paint.
Related: How to Choose the Perfect White Paint Color
Updating the Bathroom Floors
  Our existing floor aren’t horrible, but they certainly aren’t what I would have chosen. While they are still neutral tiles, they are laid on a 45 degree angle, which was a very common thing to do in the 90s/early 00s, which gives it a bit of a dated look. But it would have cost thousands of dollars to rip it out and replace. So what do you do if you have a floor you don’t love?
Cover it up with something so eye-catching that you don’t even notice the floor itself!
This is such a great trick to use in any space. In this budget bathroom makeover, I found this dreamy, boho inspired runner from RugsUSA.com (also available at Home Depot and Walmart). And the very best part? This gorgeous, brightly patterned rug was only $44! And by far, that has been the biggest item people have commented on. This one little item makes all of the difference in this bathroom makeover.
Related: Our Favorite Affordable Vintage Style Rugs
Budget Bathroom Decor Updates
  And whether you are doing a full bathroom remodel, or just a mini update like I did, the finishing touches are what make all of the difference. I spent a small amount of my $950 budget on some well placed decor items. The first one was this black and white beach photo that I found on Etsy. I purchased it as a digital download for a mere $7, had it printed myself and framed in an inexpensive frame. I also added these two woven rattan baskets, scored from HomeGoods, to help storage extra towels.
Related: Decorate for $0 with our Free Printable Art Collection
  Finally, since we have such a large vanity, I decided to add a decorative tray in between the sinks to help break up the countertop. This wood tray from Target is filled with a glass vase (with clipping from my own front yard), some decorative candles, and a small glass jewelry box-all from Target. New soap dispensers finished off the look. All were budget friendly finds, but added a lot to the final look of our bathroom.
Related: 10 Places to Use Trays in Home Decor + Affordable Versatile Trays
More Ways to Update your Bathroom on a Budget
If you are looking for budget friendly ways to update your bathroom, then Remodelaholic is the perfect place to start! Here are some other bathroom projects that will get you inspired for your own makeover:
Budget Bathroom Update
Bathroom Light Fixtures Under $85
Bathroom Mini Makeover without a Remodel
And I have one final source to help you with your budget friendly bathroom remodel. I created this FREE worksheet called “75 Ways to Update your Bathroom (without a major remodel)”. You can grab this worksheet, along with exclusive Bathroom Mood Boards and Shopping Lists all in my Free Resource Library:
A huge thank-you to the entire gang at Remodelaholic for letting me share my bathroom remodel with you today! If you have any questions about this project or about how Postbox Designs works you can email me at [email protected] or hang with me on Instagram!
    The post $950 Budget Bathroom Makeover: How I Updated My Bathroom Without a Full Remodel appeared first on Remodelaholic.
from Home http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Remodelaholic/~3/kKYC87FyTOg/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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