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smallblueandloud · 1 year
Speaking of uncluttering your video experience, Unhook elegantly removes a bunch of distracting YouTube elements.  Enjoy YouTube with more breathing room once Unhook removes all those “rabbit hole” temptations like related or recommended videos, trending content, homepage suggestions, user comments, and much more. Unhook features 20+ customization options. 
Extensions for cleaning up a chaotic desktop -- Firefox
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fashionvstech · 4 years
What is SAP?
Ever wondered what is this “SAP” your IT and supply chain colleagues keep talking about?
SAP is the king of Entrerprise Resource Planning softwares (a.k.a. ERP). Its company holds a large chunk of the $41B ERP business worldwide.
What’s an ERP?
ERP softwares are typically a suite of applications, dedicated to gathering, storing and interpreting data from the wide range of activities your business has. It is generally used for handling the core of your business data. Commitments: orders, payroll, etc. Resources: materials, cash, etc.
You could theorically run an entreprise-grade ecommerce business (minus the actual ecommerce website!) solely on SAP’s suite of softwares, called “modules”. There would be one or more modules dedicated to supply chain activities, one module acting as an Order Management System (OMS), one dedicated to HR, another one for Finance, etc.
The reasons your company wouldn’t do it, is because it is hard and expensive to implement. But if it is hard and expensive, why does it even exist?
I’ll provide an answer, but first — a History lesson.
What ERP changed in the game and how they came to dominate
Before the 60s, companies would have squads of white collar workers doing payroll and billing manually. Then computers came in and automated that. “IT” was then called “automated data processing”. There was no IT guy. You took Math(-ish) graduates and taught them programming on the spot. Programming that would seem terribly antiquated to your computer developers today.
In those dark ages of computing, companies would build custom made computer and programs to deal with these redundant tasks. They were basically reinventing the wheel each time.
SAP came in, built a software for one of those companies. Then, they re-used the same sofware for another company! Sounds pretty much what apps are about, aren’t they? You wouldn’t rebuild a new, different Instagram app for every different iPhone unit, would you? Well back in the days, you would. So SAP was a game changer.
They had built a software that was, by design:
— outputting real-time data on computer monitors, while other similar apps were priting data on paper (!) overnight to be read the next morning;
— built from an existing software instead of rewriting one from scratch for each new client;
— extensible from the start: they thought of ways to program this software that would make it possible to create “companion” apps in the future, depending on future needs (think of how Office Suite applications complement one another).
They made a software that would display stuff on screens, could be sold to several clients, and extended to respond to new needs. Sounds pretty basic, but all of this was revolutionary at the time.
It created a paradigm shift that impacted the IT industry as a whole. Companies like Compaq or IBM, building and shipping computer parts, had to change their business model to fit the new enhancements provided by SAP’s model.
As I wrote above, SAP is hard, and expensive to implement. Why is it still relevant nowadays? Why don’t companies get rid of it for something more modern, easier, and maybe less expensive?
Hard, expensive, yet ubiquitous
Each work of engineering engineers its user, proportional to that user's dependency upon it.
In other words — you and your usage of computers are formatted by the software you used first.
Your knowledge of spreadsheets comes from Excel, and this explains why Google Sheets is but a (superb) clone of Excel — they had to make it look and work like Excel for you to adopt it. It doesn’t mean that Excel is the best, smartest way to work with spreadsheets. It’s just the first (and only) way you learned spreadsheets.
In the same fashion, because SAP was the first suite of softwares to permeate entreprise IT solutions, a lot of companies and executives have invested time and money to install and learn how to use it. SAP is so hard to implement, that you can build yourself a lucrative career based upon just that — implementing it.
Once a multinational company has spent literally millions implementing SAP (including paying for license fees, installation from SAP specialists, etc...) there’s no turning back.
(That is, if they even managed to implement it properly!)
Have a few multinationals do it in a specific sector, and you have created the monopoly for SAP. And people working in this field will live by SAP.
That’s how your supply chain collaborators ended up on SAP — they started working on it early on, most likely because the warehouse guys were running on SAP, and now the rest of the company has to find a way to interface their own system (finance, orders...) with SAP. Either by using yet another SAP module in the chain, or by creating there own in-house applications.
Just for the sake of passing data.
Because passing data is hard! For a computer, a text file with the words “hello, world” on a single line is different than a text file with the same words on two lines! So imagine the myriads of ways different softwares format there own data...
If you want to make sense of so many different types of data, store them and pass them around the company in a meaningful way, and hopefully make some sound decisions based on them, you need a core system for gathering, storing and interpreting them. Just like you’d need a brain to make sense of different sensory input from your eyes, skin, ears or nose.
SAP was the first “brain” of its kind. It might not be the most efficient today, but it’s here to stay.
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antionetterparker · 6 years
ClickFunnels: Can marketing funnels really make you rich? [Review]
With promises of six-figure monthly commision checks and brand-new cars, the ClickFunnels affiliate program sounds a lot like an MLM convention.
But this is no MLM.
It’s a marketing software that’s taken the entrepreneurial world by storm.
ClickFunnels is a company that offers a suite of digital marketing tools for website owners and bloggers. The product is so popular, the affiliate program has turned out to be a massive success.
According to founder Russell Brunson, some affiliates have been able to earn a full-time income with just this one affiliate program. If that doesn’t sound like an MLM, I don’t know what does!
But Brunson has proven he’s something of an internet marketing genius. He knows how to make nearly everything his entrepreneurial hand touches turn to bitcoins. And you can’t help but believe him when he says you can too.
1. What does ClickFunnels sell? ClickFunnels gives you just about everything you need to market, sell, and deliver your products and services online. That includes a web presence, landing pages, shopping cart with one-click upsells, email and Facebook marketing automation, affiliate software, membership software.
2. What are ClickFunnels’s most popular products? Their most popular product is the funnel builder. Their templates make building complicated funnels quickly and confidently. Their drag-and-drop webpage editor makes it possible to create attractive landing pages without a designer or coder. And you can use the tool to build a funnel for any outcome: generate leads, generate sales, or run an event.
3. How much does it cost to join ClickFunnels? ClickFunnels isn’t an MLM, so you don’t need to buy a starter kit to join. But you do need to be a member to join their affiliate program. There are two levels of membership in ClickFunnels: $97/month for the basic funnel functionality, or $297/month for everything.
4. Is ClickFunnels a scam? No, ClickFunnels is a legitimate business, providing a marketing tool that does many of the tasks that every business needs. It also provides marketing training and support tools that can help their users get better results on their own marketing. That said, only 76% of ClickFunnel users create trackable revenue through the platform. But the company is clear that their tool won’t make you rich by itself. It’s a tool that makes it easier to build a profitable business.
5. What is ClickFunnels’s BBB rating? A+
6. How long has ClickFunnels been in business? Since 2014
7. What is ClickFunnels’s revenue? ClickFunnels itself brings in $360 million. But what’s interesting is how much it brings in for its members. ClickFunnels has collected $477,411,717 in revenue in its member’s ClickFunnel Carts. This includes well-known marketers and beginners and doesn’t include members who don’t use ClickFunnels as a shopping cart.
8. How many ClickFunnels members are there? 52,677
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In 2017, ClickFunnels was hit with a Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) class-action suit over illegal text messages. [1]
10. Comparable companies: Wealthy Affiliate
ClickFunnels isn’t an MLM per se, but it is all about making money online. The marketing tools that ClickFunnels has to offer might be pretty helpful for some, but as far as passive income opportunities go, there are better options out there.
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here’s the full review on ClickFunnels.
If you’ve ever worked in digital marketing, you probably know who Russel Brunson is. He’s one of a handful of people who have revolutionized internet marketing as of late.
Dude has endorsements from Richard Branson and his company name slapped right on the side of one of Branson’s planes. [2]
Pretty badass, but do his products exist to help you get rich, or to help you help him get more rich?
Before ClickFunnels, Brunson wrote Dotcom Secrets, a book on internet marketing that was a total game changer and sold over 26,000 as an Amazon bestseller. [3] Overall, people found his advice super useful. The book has hundreds of reviews, almost all 5-stars.
His latest endeavor, a sales funnel software company called ClickFunnels, is blowing up. It already has over 12k users and has done over $63 million in sales. [4]
Huffington Post called it one of 15 best post-launch tools to grow your start-up. [5] Entrepreneur Magazine named it one of 9 business tools for working smarter instead of harder. [6]
Basically, Brunson has been brilliant at making money online for a while, but he was spending way too much time making sales funnels. He created ClickFunnels to solve that problem.
It seems to be getting ‘er done.
The program has been recommended on Forbes by an entrepreneur who scored 25,000 subscribers in 30 days using a landing page he created with ClickFunnels in only 15 minutes. [7]
Not only did he score a massive amount of subscribers, but his conversion rate is even more impressive…
Throughout that 30 days, he managed to get 185,000 people to his landing page. 25,000 converted. That’s a 13.5% conversion rate. [8]
The average conversion rate for landing pages? 2.35%. No joke. [9]
So, not only does he have 25,000 subscribers that he can now monetize, but he has a landing page that can keep bringing conversions in at almost six times the rate of your average landing page.
Simply put, ClickFunnels is a sales funnel software. In exchange for a monthly payment, the software saves your business time and money.
According to their website, you can save over $1,000 per month using this software by not having to purchase web hosting, landing page software, designers, programmers, etc. It’s a bit of an overestimate, but with everything it includes, it probably does save you some money.
The basic membership costs $97/month and includes the following:
Website Hosting
Landing Page Software
Email Autoresponder Software
Split Testing Software
20 Sales Funnels
100 Pages
20k Visitors
The premium membership costs $297/month and includes all of the above, plus:
Unlimited Funnels
Unlimited Domains
Unlimited Pages
Unlimited Traffic
Backpack, an affiliate tracking software that helps you figure out how much to pay your referral partners
Actionetics, a custom smart action funnel software that includes a custom autoresponder, custom follow up sequences via email, text message, and more.
Either way, they offer a 14-day free trial period, so you can find out for yourself whether or not the product is worth it. [10]
The software is secure. You don’t have to install anything, and you never have to pay for updates.
There are also no contracts—the subscription fee is a month-to-month fee, so you can cancel at any time. You will lose all your data if you cancel, but you can download a CSV file of all your contacts and members, so you won’t lose their info.
The interface for their landing pages is a thing of beauty, as you can see from browsing their own website. Super simple, really engaging. It’s easy to see why their landing pages convert so well.
It’s got drag-and-drop functions, so it’s pretty easy to use even if you’re a non-techie.
Even though the templates are simple, they’ve got enough customizability to cover pretty much any basic need. You’ve got a lot of different funnels at your disposal, first of all: membership funnels, best seller book funnels, launch funnels, webinar funnels, physical product funnels, brick and mortar store funnel, and the network marketing funnel.
You can also include webinar registrations, opt-in forms, videos, and integrate the software with your current mailing and checkout systems. Clickfunnels integrates with Mailchimp, Salesforce, ConvertKit, Stripe, ClickBank, JVZoo, and more. [11]
This makes the software good for both beginners, who don’t need to know a single line of code to build professional funnels and landing pages, and more advanced internet marketers, who have better things to do than spend hours upon hours building sales funnels.
ClickFunnels software may save you time and increase your effectiveness, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to do all the work for you.
The truth of the matter is that you can have the most beautiful landing page in the world with an insane conversion rate but it doesn’t mean a thing if you can’t drive traffic. A website with a 100% conversion rate and 0 visitors gets you, well, nothing.
Driving traffic is the real meat and potatoes of internet marketing. Having solid landing pages and high conversion rates is only secondary.
Remember the success story above? The guy with 25,000 subscribers? Well, he had to get 185,000 people to visit his landing page first.
Nothing passive about that income.
On top of that, even after you get the traffic and the conversions, you still have to have either a solid product or service to sell, or a means of consistently monetizing your subscribers, if you want to make your profit sustainable.
It’s also a risky bet. Even though the data you host with them is yours, if you choose to cancel your membership or they go out of business, you’re essentially screwed.
ClickFunnels is a great tool if you specifically need a more effective sales funnel for a business you’ve already spent a good amount of time growing.
You’re going to be working long days no matter how perfect your sales funnel, and if you don’t already have extensive knowledge in internet marketing, the rest of your business will suffer.
If you’re more or less starting from scratch and looking to get rich quick, this is not your answer.
I’m not a ClickFunnels hater at all. In fact, there are a lot of great things about this company. But as far as money-making opportunities go, it’s just not nearly as sustainable as others.
I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
via https://mlmcompanies.org/clickfunnels/
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irepostblr-blog · 7 years
GRAV - a modern flat-file cms (PHP Scripts)
Grav is an award winning CMS platform Voted “Best Open Source CMS” in 2016 Fast Performance is not just an afterthought, we baked it in from the start Extensible Grav has a powerful API and sophisticated Package Manager to make it super flexible Open Source Grav is Open Source, and all the code is available on GitHub.com SUPER EASY TO USE The Grav admin plugin provides a simple and intuitive interface to make configuration and content creation easy and enjoyable. 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I look forward to using grav on many, many projects! Vitor Costa @vmcosta I’ve just found the best flat file CMS, finally… @getgrav amazing work guys, nicely done, and yes I hate databases too Ryan Little @ryantereu Only just began using @getgrav as a cms, but their documentation alone is swoon-worthy: friendly, thorough, well-designed. Denis Duvauchelle @desduvauchelle Loving @getgrav over wordpress. If you are developer, you’re probably going to fall for it. If your not, you’ll probably like it as well. FOLLOW @GETGRAV DOWNLOAD GRAV Never miss a thing, sign up to the Grav mailing list email address Grav was with by RocketTheme SUBSCRIBE CDN provided by MaxCDN Designed by Eduardo Santos Contact the Grav Team About Grav Grav Media Information Grav News Feed Crazy Fast VPS Hosting Sponsored by Linode – managed by ServerPilot – monitoring by Pingometer Copyright @2017 – Grav CMS – All rights reserved – Grav is released under the MIT license
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