parsimonius · 9 months
me trying to staying fixated on Batfamily so I can finish my writings instead of falling back into my middle school obsession with Nalu:
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shadoouge · 7 years
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Hey guys! Here’s a Christmas miracle for all of you! You can partially thank my discord server for that because of all the encouragement you guys there have given me. But I would also like to wholeheartedly thank everyone here for your continued support on my work! 
It’s been a hard year but the support I’ve received from all of you is what keeps me going and wanting to improve myself and my work. Hopefully I will be able to provide you guys with some fun new art and merch in 2018! I’ll see you there! Thank you so much!
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mamabearcat · 6 years
Fairytail Cafe
Sooo, I was feeling inspired by the cute Fairytail merch released by Charaum Cafe, and decided to write something cute and fluffy. And then I wrote this. Not what I was expecting. I really don’t understand my brain sometimes. First course is self indulgent NaLu romantic angst, with a hot NaLu lemon souffle on the menu for dessert.
This will be a two shot, the next part will be available on my AO3, and I’ll post the link when I’m done. WARNING: this fanfic includes mention of sexual assault. If this is triggering for you, please don’t read. 
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“Strawberry dessert for Table 8 Mira!” called out Erza, flicking her dark red pigtails over her shoulder. Mira was in her element at her post behind the dessert bar, already plating up, so Erza stayed for a moment to wait, taking a moment to look back at the café. 
It was the tail end of the controlled chaos that was the lunchtime rush, the buzz of happy chatting customers only broken by the occasional clink of cutlery on china. Most of the customers had already been served their meals and were happily indulging in the sweet desserts and pretty drinks that the café was famous for. Erza smiled the satisfied smile of a person almost finished a job well done. They only had about twenty minutes left of their shift before Team Shadowgear and Gajeel and Lily would arrive to take on the afternoon shift, and she was eager to get home to Fairy Hills and soak in the open-air bath. Stockings and heels may be pretty, but after working a busy six-hour shift waiting on tables, her feet ached. 
When Master had said he’d finalised a deal with a local theme café to have a Fairytail month, where each team took shifts as wait staff, none of them had realised just how popular it would be. The café was booked out for the next three weeks, and Max had gone to town designing merchandise – coffee mugs, stickers, acrylic standees, keyrings – but they all seemed to be selling. Erza was particularly proud of the fact that her keyrings had already sold out. 
Their team seemed to be very popular so far, with Erza and Lucy as waitresses, Happy and Carla as drinks waiters, Natsu as a busboy, Gray on drinks and Wendy on desserts. She had been rostered on desserts the first day, and admittedly that had not gone well; Wendy possessed much more self-control around sweets than she did. And they were all very grateful that the usual kitchen staff took care of the cooked meals – she was sure Natsu being left to his own devices in a kitchen would result in catastrophe. 
Poor Wendy had called in sick with a cold today, with Carla staying home too to, to keep an eye on her. They were lucky that Mira had happily taken her shift; her experience behind the bar at Fairytail made her a valuable ally on a job like this. 
“There, all done”, said Mira, adding a sprig of mint as a garnish. Erza drooled a little at the plate decorated with strawberry coulis with three different strawberry themed desserts, including cheesecake. 
“No eating until you’re on break Erza”, she teased, handing over the finished plate. 
“I know”, Erza grumbled, carefully picking up the plate and placing it on her tray, ready to head back out into the café. 
Gray grinned slyly at her, finishing off another icy drink order, frosting the top of the glass carefully. 
“I’ve never known you to be so restrained around cheesecake Erza. Much better than you were the first day.” He handed the drink to Happy, who was ready to zoom it over to the waiting customer. 
“Yeah, poor Erza” teased Happy, an annoying grin on his face. “Having to look at cheesecake all day and not allowed to eat any! I bet there’ll be none left for you!” Happy zoomed out of Erza’s attack range quickly, taking the frosted drink with him. He might be cheeky, but he wasn’t stupid. 
“Don’t worry”, whispered Mira behind her hand, “I’ve saved one for you”. She winked as Erza headed back out on to the floor, dessert held high on a tray so she wouldn’t be tempted, a serene smile on her face as a waft of strawberry scent from the dessert floated down to her. 
Natsu grumped his way around, picking up and stacking empty plates on his trolley. He really didn’t like this job. He hated his uniform, black shoes, pants, apron and vest over a white shirt. At least they let him keep his scarf. He missed his usual clothes, not only because they were comfortable, but this uniform wasn’t flameproof like his trademark pants and jacket, so he had to be careful with his magic. It made him feel agitated and antsy. He couldn’t even let off a little steam fighting anyone, and he was stuck inside for hours, picking up after messy customers when they left. 
But that wasn’t the worst of it. He kept one eye on Lucy at all times as he picked up the dirty dishes and glasses. That uniform they had her in was drawing every pervert’s eyes in the place to her; thigh high white beribboned stockings and a tiny strapless black dress with an even tinier apron. It was so short she couldn’t even bend down in the thing, but had to bob down, bending her knees a little to place plates on the tables. Watching all the leering looks and crass comments about his partner had him on edge and after five straight days of it, he was almost at his limit. 
He could tell Lucy was uncomfortable, and he’d spoken to her about it last night when he’d walked her home, but she’d brushed off his concerns, saying it was probably all in good fun. It didn’t seem like she was having fun though. Her smile this week didn’t have its usual brilliance, and he could tell she was dreading coming into work here now. Even though she said she didn’t want to say anything to Gramps about it, after today, he definitely would. 
For instance, those pricks on Table 5 had been leering at her every lunchtime this week, and he’d been watching them get more and more blatant, their comments more personal, especially that prick in the grey pinstriped suit. The table was up the back of the café, a booth with high sides, and they obviously thought they could get away with it. 
These bastards needed to be taught how to be respectful, and he was pretty sure his fist in their face would do the job – he’d be happy to do it. He growled under his breath, watching the men on the table cackle as she approached with their lunch, her tray full of hot coffee. As he heard what they were saying, the air around him shimmered with heat, and his low rumbling growl startled the customers around him. Fuck, this was the last straw. He looked around for Erza, knowing if he went over all by himself, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself punching the sick leer off that prick’s face. This was gonna end now! 
Lucy was not having a good day. It was her fifth lunchtime shift as a waitress, and the same table of guys was back again. They were all business men, dressed in suits, and they seemed to be here every lunch time, and asked for her by name whenever she was working. To put it bluntly, they were a little more ‘handsy’ than she liked, and it was creeping her out. She didn’t mind smiling and flirting a little, understood it was part of the job, but they were taking it too far. 
And this uniform she was wearing didn’t help. She was very comfortable with her body, and had no problem showing it off thank you very much, but this was a little too much, even for her. They had all given their measurements to Master before the uniforms were ordered, but hers was more than a little on the small side, and she had a feeling that was entirely his fault, dirty old man. 
One guy in particular on that table had her feeling very unsure of herself. He was tall and muscular, imposing, his black hair slicked back, his fingers covered in gold rings. His appearance was always impeccable, a crisp snow-white shirt under a dark grey pinstriped suit. He had the air of someone who always got what he wanted, and if it wasn’t given freely, he took it. He reminded her of some of her father’s business associates, and just looking at him made her skin crawl. 
The first day, he had stared at her blatantly, not even trying to hide the leering grin as he took in the soft skin exposed by her uniform. She had to resist using her hands to cover herself; she was Lucy Heartfilia, a mage of Fairytail, and she would not let anyone make her feel small. She had looked him straight back in the eye, her chin pushed out defiantly; that usually worked when she caught someone perving at her on a job, but this man was different. He seemed to take it as a personal challenge. 
Now every day he had grown more bold, touches on her hand and arm as she placed plates on the table, whispering his order to force her to lean forward a little so she could hear, saying things about her soft skin, her long legs, her golden hair. She could feel his eyes on her even as she waited on the other tables, and it made her feel vaguely dirtied, even though she had done nothing wrong. His friends seemed to encourage him, laughing yesterday when he had got a small squeak out of her when his hand had brushed the bare skin of her thigh in between her short skirt and thigh high stockings. 
She had almost decided to talk to Master about it but had decided against it. They only had two more days of this lunchtime shift left, and then they would be swapping to breakfasts. She could stick it out for two more days. And besides, they were in a crowded café, and Natsu was here with her. Nothing really bad could happen. 
She could feel Natsu’s eyes watching her as she carried the tray full of coffee over to the table of businessmen. His eyes made her feel the opposite of that creep’s. They were full of warmth and support. When he had spoken to her last night about his concerns, it was the happiest she had felt all week, knowing he was watching out for her. She held her head high as she approached the table of business men warily, a fake grin plastered on her face. This was their last order for the day, and then she wouldn’t have to come near their table again. And maybe they wouldn’t even be here tomorrow, seeing it was the weekend. This might be the last time she ever had to see him. She could do this. 
“A tall black for you, sir…”, she began, putting the first cup down, trying to stay as far out of hands reach as possible. The man in the pin-striped suit was behind her, and she wanted to get through this as fast as possible. She hadn’t counted on him grabbing her around the waist and pulling her sideways onto his lap, her back towards the rest of the cafe. 
“So, when do you get off work, sweet cheeks?” he said, one hand gripping her upper thigh, the other running lightly up the side of her breast and latching on to her upper arm. She gasped, struggling to get off his lap, while balancing a tray full of hot coffee in her hands. 
“Let go of me you creep!” she hissed, and was mortified when he pulled her closer, feeling his hard erection pushing up underneath the short skirt of her maid’s uniform. She balanced the tray on the edge of the table, holding it steady with one hand as she struggled to push the hand squeezing her thigh away with the other. 
“Don’t be so coy baby”, he breathed into her ear, as the other men on the table laughed. “You’ve been smiling at me all week, flaunting those tits and those creamy thighs of yours. How about we all meet up after work tonight. And wear your uniform. I’m sure we could come up with other services you could provide.” 
Lucy felt sick. Although she was pretty strong, she was having trouble getting out of this guy’s grasp, and the fact that his friends were laughing about her predicament made her feel even more unsafe. She didn’t want to cause a scene by using her magic. Her zodiac spirits were not known for their sense of restraint, and she didn’t want to damage the place, not when Fairytail was booked on a job here for the next three weeks. It was a chance for everyone in the guild to be doing well-paid safe work, and she didn’t want to jeopardise that. 
She could feel her keys pulsing against her hip, Loke’s especially, and she pushed back against his gate with every ounce of will she could. She could call Natsu or Erza over, but they would probably be worse than Loke. If she diffused the situation peacefully, there’d be no property damage, and no one from Fairytail would lose out. She tried speaking in a loud firm voice. 
“Please”, she said, pushing at his hand again, “I’m not enjoying this. I don’t feel comfortable when you touch me like that. I want you to let me go.” 
“Oh yeah baby?” he whispered with a leer, his mouth so close that his lips touched her neck. “What if I touched you like this?” She shuddered in revulsion as his hand suddenly slid under her skirt, and she let go of the tray, the hot coffee spilling all over her white stockings, burning her skin. She desperately tried to shift herself away from him, but his grasp on her upper arm was bruising, and he’d wrapped his legs around her calves, locking her in place. 
She felt bile rise up in her throat, her heart beating double time as she twisted, trying to get away from those groping fingers that had now slipped in the side of her panties. She wanted to Lucy kick him into oblivion, safe restaurant work be damned, but when his fingers groped and pushed in a place that no man had ever touched before, she froze. “Let me go”, she whimpered. 
A sudden aura of heat surrounded them. Lucy mentally sighed in relief. She had her back to whatever had the rest of the table gasping in sudden fear, but she would recognise that warmth anywhere. 
“Is there a problem here?” a stern female voice asked. 
Lucy was pushed unceremoniously to the hard wooden floor, half empty coffee cups clattering and breaking around her, and Natsu was instantly at her side. Lucy could feel heated rage pouring off him and she smelled a faint scent of singed cotton over the spilt coffee. She was amazed that he was actually keeping level headed enough to not be tearing the restaurant apart. 
He touched her arm gently. “Are you okay Luce?” his voice gravelly with barely controlled anger. She nodded, keeping her head down, and he helped her to her feet. 
“Natsu, take Lucy out to the kitchen and make sure she’s alright”, said Erza, her voice steely. “I’m just going to have a chat to these customers about Fairytail’s policies regarding respect of customer service personnel.” There was a bright flash of a summoning circle as she requipped into her Hearts Cruz armour. 
Natsu put one arm around Lucy’s shoulders and steered her around the tables full of customers craning their necks trying to work out what was going on, towards the kitchen. He paused for a moment to let the rest of the team know what had happened, his arm still curved protectively around her.��
Lucy’s head hung down, keeping her gaze on Natsu’s black shoes. It was so weird seeing him in lace up shoes. She wondered vaguely if they hurt his feet. The crackling sound of ice magic underpinned Natsu’s continual low growl as he told them his version of what had happened; Gray was obviously upset also. 
“Natsu, take her home. Team Shadowgear will be here any minute for the next shift, we can manage until then” Mira said softly. When Lucy looked up and began to protest, Mira came out from behind the bar to hug her gently. 
“Sweetheart it’s okay. I want you to go home, we can handle things here. Natsu will stay with you if that’s what you want, to make sure you feel safe.” 
Lucy’s brown eyes filled with tears, and her bottom lip trembled a little. “I’m sorry to cause such a bother Mira. I thought I could handle them, we were only on this shift for two more days. I didn’t expect any of them to get so…” She could see Gray and Happy looking at her in concern, and she suddenly wanted to be anywhere but here. 
Mira smiled sadly. “Please don’t apologise. No one should expect that.” All five of them looked over towards the booth, where Erza, still wearing her armour, was leaning aggressively over the table, her gauntleted hands on her hips. They could hear a faint whimpering coming from the man who had molested Lucy, and Natsu suddenly sniggered. 
“Erza sure has a good imagination. I don’t think it’s even physically possible for a dick to do that.” 
“Oh my”, Mira smiled behind her hand. “I’d better go check on things to make sure she doesn’t take it too far. I’ll get the owner and Master down here straight away and we’ll sort this out. Take her home Natsu.” 
Natsu curled his arm around Lucy again. “Tell Master I’m happy to talk to him about what happened. I heard every single thing that sick fucker said today, and all the stuff he’s been saying earlier in the week.” Lucy shuddered against him, and he looked at her anxiously. They headed out through the kitchen to the staff entrance for the short walk back to Lucy’s apartment. 
Lucy was silent for the whole walk back, and it had Natsu unsettled. Usually when they walked, she was full of chatter, and though he didn’t always listen to every single word she said, he liked it. It was a friendly happy noise, one of the things that made up Lucy. She was quiet sometimes, but that was usually when she was thinking, sitting at her desk to write, and it didn’t have the same feel that this silence did. She still smelt of fear and panic. Even though he’d heard what was being said, he hadn’t been able to see exactly what was going on as Lucy’s back had been to him while he was looking for Erza. The words and the way the bastard had pulled her onto his lap and gripped her arm were bad enough. He wished he hadn’t restrained himself and had broken his nose. It would have made him feel a whole lot better, even though it would have caused trouble. They walked up the stairs and stopped in front of her door. 
“Lucy, do you want me to stay? If you’d rather be alone, I’d be happy to…” 
“I don’t want you to go”, said Lucy in a quiet flat voice. She got out her door key with trembling fingers, trying to make it fit in the lock, and startled when he took the key and opened the door himself for her. As soon as the door was closed behind them, Loke appeared in a bright flash of magic, his face frantic. 
“Lucy, why wouldn’t you let me through! I could have taken him out!” 
“Loke”, Lucy said softly, “I wasn’t sure you or the others would have been able to restrain yourselves; I could feel how angry you were.” She sighed, her eyes downward, avoiding Loke’s gaze. “Fairytail is working there for the next three weeks. It’s safe work for everyone, and it’s well paid. I didn’t want to take that away from everyone if we damaged the restaurant.” 
“Why on earth would that matter!?” said Loke, his tone angry. “It’s our purpose to protect you, our master, from all harm. What he did was…” Loke swallowed, pacing agitatedly around the coffee table. “Why wouldn’t you let us help you?” 
Until then, Natsu had been standing in the background, but listening to the conversation, he realised situation was a lot worse than he thought. The rage that had dulled to a dull simmer began to rise again, heat rolling off him. 
“Loke”, he rumbled, his voice dark with anger, “get your ass down there to the café. Mira was gonna call Gramps. I want you to tell him everything that happened. Every single thing that prick did, every time his filthy hands touched her.” At his words Lucy whimpered, and he smelt the tang of her tears. 
Loke looked back at Lucy uncertainly, before turning back to Natsu. “You promise you’ll take care of her?” 
“I promise. You know she’ll be safe with me.” 
Loke nodded, then disappeared in a shower of golden light. As soon as he was gone, Lucy’s legs folded under her, and she crumpled to the floor, sitting like a puppet with cut strings. After hesitating a moment, Natsu picked her up gently, and carried her over to the sofa, pulling away after placing her down. Her hands clutched at him. 
“I don’t want you to go”, she said in he same flat voice as before. Natsu nodded and sat beside her, his fists clenched, close by but not touching her. He wanted to hug her so badly, push away the stench of her fear combined with the scent of that bastard, and cover her with his own scent, but what he wanted wasn’t important right now. 
“I’m sorry”, said Lucy in a small voice. 
“Lucy”, he rumbled, “there is nothing at all that you need to apologise for. Nothing!” 
“I should have listened to you. Yesterday. When you said you wanted to tell Gramps. I thought about it, but I didn’t want to cause any trouble. I didn’t think he would try anything like that.” She looked up suddenly, her eyes wide with fear. 
“Oh gods Natsu, what if he… what if he finds out where I live? What if he followed me home? I couldn’t… I couldn’t bear…” Fat tears began to roll down her cheeks, her bottom lip trembling, and Natsu couldn’t stand it any longer. 
“Lucy, can I hug you? Please?” Lucy scooted over towards him, her arms open, and he picked her up and put her in his lap, tucking her head under his chin and wrapping his arms around her tightly. She curled herself up into a ball and began sobbing. He rocked her gently, trying to calm her. 
“It’s okay Luce, it’s okay. You’re safe here with me. I won’t let him near you again. If I even see him near you, I’ll incinerate him. You don’t have ta worry.” Lucy burrowed her face into his chest, her hot tears wetting is shirt, as he continued to rock her. All his protective feelings were roused, the urge to protect and soothe his precious girl, his partner and friend that he had gradually come to care for deeply, and a deep rumbling vibrated in his chest. He wished he had the courage to tell Lucy exactly how he felt about her, but this was not the time. For now, this was enough. 
“Natsu, are you purring?” whispered Lucy, her voice a little broken still from sobbing so hard. 
“Uh, yeah?” he said, feeling a little embarrassed. He had never made this sound when holding her before, not when she was awake, anyway. It was a private sound, one reserved for comforting a mate, and he wasn’t sure if he was ready to have that conversation with her. 
“I like it”, she whispered, snuggling her face into his chest. The rumbling sound became louder, and she giggled a little, as Natsu rubbed his cheek into her hair, both of them in no hurry to move.
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eucliffesting · 7 years
anti gr*via
I’ve been meaning to get this off of my chest for a while:
Gr*via doesn’t rlly have much chemistry. like yeah I know they have their big emotional shippy moments and overtime Gray did accept her into his life and that they’re ‘canon’ now but that’s only because she kinda forced herself into his life?? her stalking him and him rejecting her romantic/sexual advances has been a running gag throughout the majority of the series, and I don’t think that should be counted as ship moments or “Gray is just being tsundere!!1!1” because it made Gray uncomfortable most of the time?? the only reason they live together is because she forced herself into his house and refused to leave. she even tried to sleep with him, which he rejected. she fucking knows Gray isn’t interested in her so she acquired a love potion to make him like her (which backfired) but seriously no means no?? does she not understand that?? also that scene where she takes a shower and her whole room is covered in Gray merch and she uses a sponge with his face on to wash her boobs and vagina…. that’s so creepy and gross. if it was a man doing it with a woman people would not be okay with it. I like Juvia but Gr*via just kinda,, ruins her character. like Lucy was the first friend she made and the first girl to accept her, yet she was willing to hurt Lucy because she was a ‘love rival’ in terms of gray even though Juvia and Gray weren’t even dating and she doesn’t fucking own him??? that seems unrealistic seeing as Juvia’s been alone all her life and had depression, surely she’d want to keep her friends close rather than make enemies of them? there are certain moments where her “love for Gray” makes her stronger in fights, but then again it’s also very inconvenient to have an s class mage who will only take a fight seriously if her crush is involved.
also I feel like when it comes to Gr*via, the shippers mainly focus on Juvia and her feelings more than Gray’s. for example, whenever Gray doesn’t return her feelings everyones like “Gray omg stop being an asshole you need to give Juvia an answer!!!”. even Erza said this to him, which disappointed me since she’s my favourite and she knows Gray really well. why would she put pressure on him like that? Gray doesn’t owe her ANYTHING. not a single thing. whenever she got hurt or chose to sacrifice herself, that’s all on her. gray never asked her to do that or forced her to do that. stop making gray apologise for things he shouldn’t have to. just because she likes him he isn’t obligated to automatically return those feelings??? if it was a girl rejecting a boy several times people would be defending her, but because it’s the other way round it’s okay and counts as valid shipping moments?? I 100% understand him caring for her as a fellow guild mate, but it kinda feels like gray only likes her romantically because he feels guilty for the stuff they’ve been through (like when he points out her scar. and the “I’ll take your feelings more seriously from now on” he only felt obligated to do that bc he felt guilty for her ‘death’). I’d prefer Gr*via to be platonic tbh. if Juvia just had a casual crush on Gray where she never stalked him or acted possessive then I would probably quite like the ship too
personality wise, I honestly think there’s not much chemistry there. tbh gray had better romantic chemistry with Lucy, Erza and even Natsu and Lyon. like with Lucy they’re basically salt buddies and have sarcastic banter with each other on missions, they naturally get along well and he cares about her a lot. with Erza, they both have a mutual respect for each other and admire each other’s strength and greatly trust each other, and they have history together from when Erza first joined the guild and Gray kinda had a crush on her. he even said she was pretty during the galuna island arc and was flustered when she asked about it. he even has better chemistry with Natsu than with Juvia. like yeah they argue and fight a lot but that’s based from a mutual respect of each other’s strength, which is why they consider the other person to be a worthy rival. and past all that, they are good friends!!!! they’ve been there for each other multiple times (e.g. Natsu stopping Gray from using iced shell) and do have fun together and hang out and they have a mutual trust in each other!!! with Lyon, they both learned magic from the same master and recognised each other’s strengths, which therefore led to them being rivals. however they do have great chemistry and fight extremely well together. they’re able to strategise and work in sync when it’s required. in missions and during arcs we do get Gr*via moments where gray saves her and stuff but their daily casual interactions are kinda bland and their personalities don’t mix as well as they do with other characters. they don’t have inside jokes or common interests or a budding rivalry or a mature understanding of each other. Juvia has better natural chemistry with Lucy and Cana than with Gray tbh. people love to say that the gruvia union raids proves that they’re ‘soulmates’ and have a ‘deep connection’. but y'all are forgetting, who did Juvia perform a union raid with first??? Lucy Heartfilia!!! this was when they hardly knew each other yet they were able to use high level magic like that which requires a strong bond. if that doesn’t scream soulmates and deep connections then idk what does.
also gray would risk his life for ANY of his guild mates, yet it conveniently has to be juvia most of the time. mashima kept ship pandering for popularity so like 90% of Juvia’s character revolves around Gray (which is unfair to both him and her) and he just HAD to associate juvia within all of Gray’s close relationships. for example, Gray mourning his father’s death is a major gruvia moment, and the Gray/Juvia/Lyon love triangle became a thing, and Juvia just had to pick up his stripping habit that he got from ur. it actually really bothers me that she picked up this habit because it’s Gray and Lyon’s thing from their master, it’s been their thing since they were kids. Juvia also having it just makes it lose its meaning.
also the ending feels kinda ooc because Gray has rejected her romantic advances the entire time yet all of a sudden he’s blushing over Juvia and says that she’s his? not even a “yeah I like you back”, he just says that she is his, which sounds kinda possessive and non gray-like. also why are Gr*via fans ignoring the fact that Gray went on a 100 year quest the next day without Juvia, who he is apparently dating now lmao relationship goals right there.
another thing I hate is that I’ve seen lots of people say that “Gr*via taught me to never give up when it comes to love!!” uhhhhh fuck no miss me with that bullshit. if someone’s not into you and rejects you time after time LEAVE THEM ALONE. it’s not cute or romantic to stalk and obsess over someone who’s not interested!!! if the roles were reversed and Juvia was a guy and Gray was a girl, more people would have an issue with it. yes I understand that currently the ship isn’t as bad as it was but the foundation of their relationship is terrible lol.
it would’ve made more sense for Juvia to get over her obsession with Gray and move on. notice how most of the time she fantasies about Gray, he’s usually ooc? that’s because she’s in love with the IDEA of him and his appearance, and doesn’t take the time to actually get to know him as a person. Sherry and Lyon are good examples of what Juvia should’ve done. Sherry had a huge crush on Lyon. she realised Lyon wasn’t interested. what did she do? she respected his feelings, moved on and now she has a hot husband who genuinely loves her. Lyon was in love with Juvia. he realised she was in love with Gray instead. what did he do? he respected her feelings and stopped pursuing her. tbh I prefer Lyvia since Lyon was actually interested in her yet didn’t stalk or harass her like she did to Gray. also I love Lyon and I felt rlly bad for him.
I’m not trying to say that all Gr*via shippers are shitty people, everyone’s entitled to their own opinions. I used to really like Gr*via at one point until I realised I just liked it because everyone else did. I just don’t think it should’ve been canon it’s just not a great relationship.
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mugzdabug · 7 years
The Magnolia Convention
NaLu Week Bonus Prompt June 15th: Video Games Setting: Modern AU Title: The Magnolia Convention Word Count: 1,514 (sorry) Rating: Teen/Mature (just in case..) This is so late...I’m so sorry >~< Summary: Natsu Dragneel is a video game enthusiast who lives in the town of Magnolia. It so happens that Magnolia hosts a grand video game convention each year. Natsu isn't all that romantic...Although there is a particular blonde that caught his attention. What will Natsu do about it?
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Every year, the town of Magnolia hosted a video game convention. The dazzling events and wide variety of it made the convention a very popular place for fans to gather. A young man named Natsu Dragneel lived there in Magnolia and he was quite the video game enthusiast, buying the newest games as soon as they hit the market. So, obviously, the salmon colored haired male went to the convention every year. Whether it be with friends, or just by himself, Natsu didn't mind. Video games were his true comfort, and that annual convention was almost like a second home to him...Most would say that Natsu's one and only love were the accumulated copies of video games in his possession.
Although...there was one particular blonde that caught his attention. At every convention he went to, Natsu always saw the blonde headed girl in question there. One time he was able to get close enough to the girl, and saw that she was cosplaying as one of his favorite characters from the video game, Fairy Tail. It was at that time, Natsu started developing feelings for the woman. Although, he was too...thick-headed...to notice it then. Eventually, though, the feelings he had for her grew, to the point where even he knew that he had fallen for the mysterious blondie. Now, Natsu was not one to hide his true emotions, so the man decided that when the next Magnolia video game convention rolled around, he would tell the blonde of his feelings.
Well...how would he do that? Now, Natsu is what you could call romantically impaired, so, he asked all his friends on what he should do. From the girls he got romantic mushy stuff, which wasn't much to his taste...and from the boys he was told to use pick-up lines. Pick-up lines, he could probably do...but he only knew video games. Well then, how about video game pick-up lines? Seems like a win-win. For the next couple of weeks before the convention, Natsu searched the internet trying to find the best gaming pick up lines. Most were hilariously bad, but there were some that the man decided he would try to use.
As the day the convention arrived to Magnolia got nearer, the salmon haired man became even more panicked. Would the pick-up lines work? Would she like him back? As the male thought about it more, the more defeated he felt about the whole ordeal. He could just not say anything and live the rest of his life...but he knew that he would regret it if he did not. Alas, the day the convention started finally arrived. (Natsu was so nervous to the point that he was slightly shaking, not that he would admit it.)
The man looked everywhere for his mystery girl, but saw her nowhere. Maybe she didn't come to the convention this year, although highly unlikely. Still, Natsu felt dejected, and went to go sit down on a nearby bench, too depressed to look at the stuff provided at the convention. That's when he saw a flash of yellow in the corner of his eye. It was the blondie! The salmon haired male quickly got up and ran as fast as he could in the direction that the girl went. Finally, the blonde stopped at a Fairy Tail booth, looking at all the merch with much passion. Well, now was his chance. Natsu quietly went up to the blonde and gently tapped her shoulder. The blonde spun around, a little frightened that she was abruptly...tapped? "Jeez! You scared me!...Is there something you need?" The blonde said, having put her hand over her heart, trying to calm herself down. Natsu's mind drew a blank, he never thought he would have gotten this far. After an awkward pause, the salmoned haired man gulped and nervously stuttered, "I...I..I'm on a quest for your heart." The blonde girl blushed, but grinned and replied, "Do you like Nintendo? Because I think wii would look good together."
Now it was Natsu's turn to blush, but managed to spit out, "Full character customization could never capture your beauty." "For you I would travel all levels around the world," Lucy said, cheeks ablaze, challenging the odd pink (salmon) haired man in front of her. Natsu took the unspoken challenge, and countered the pick up line with, "Are you a magic flower? Because you're burning me up!" Of course it wouldn't be right unless Natsu used a pick up line involving fire. After all, he is a pyromaniac, but that's for another time...The blonde quickly tried to think of another game related pick up line, not wanting to lose the unofficial game. Ah, she knew exactly what to say.
"I'd raid your dungeon." Lucy smirked, knowing it was worth saying that when she saw the mystery man in front of her choke and turn as red as a tomato. Looks like the blonde won this round. "...My name is Lucy...what's your's?" The blonde asked, waiting for the stranger in front of her to stop his choking fit. Once the salmon haired man finally got control over himself he replied,"Natsu. The name's Natsu." Oh god, that sounded way better in his head…
Lucy giggled, "Well Natsu, what spurred whatever that was, on?" Only Lucy would ask something like that, quite analytical that girl is. The man stuttered, "Well I uh...You caught my eye? And I just uh...felt the need to come and say hey? I mean not to be a creep or anything but I saw that you're very interested in Fairy Tail which is my favorite-"
"No way! You like Fairy Tail too?!" Lucy exclaimed, eyes gleaming, cutting the man off. Natsu gave a small laugh, rubbing the back of his neck, grinning, "Yeah! I have all the installments. Fairy Tail is just such a wonderfully designed game...in fact it was the first game I ever bought." The blonde gasped, "It was my first game too! Fairy Tail got me into this awesome world of gaming hehe."
The two hit it off after that, conversing about the latest games, who their favorite character was, etc. As the time passed, the more they learnt about each other. It almost seemed as if it was a conversation between two old friends (cough lovers cough) instead of complete strangers...After a while, Lucy's friends, who accompanied her to the convention, motioned her to hurry up, wanting to go visit the other booths. The blonde looked back at them, giving them the 'I'll be there in a minute' look. Looking at Natsu again, Lucy apologized, "Sorry, my friends are waiting on me...It was fun talking to you! Oh! Before I forget, here's my number." The lady took out a pen and small notebook from her purse and wrote down her phone number on one of the pages. Ripping the paper out and putting it in Natsu's palm, the blonde blushed and smiled at the man in front of her. "Here you go!" The salmon haired man grinned, trying to make the sexiest face he could muster, "I'll be sure to call you later." The blonde blushed even more, and quickly walked away toward her friend group.
"Oooh who was that hot piece of ass?" A brown haired girl purred, slinging her arm over Lucy's shoulder. Lucy rolled her eyes and pushed the brunette's arm off, "His name is Natsu and he likes Fairy Tail. He's a sweet guy, not someone that would suit your taste Cana." The brunette pouted, pulling a bottle of alcohol out of her purse,"Aww that's no fun, I was hoping I could make him my play thing." "I don't know if that would be a wise decision...It looks like Lu-chan took a liking to him." A short, blue haired girl piped in, giggling.
"I...I did not! Sure he's a cute and funny guy...and we have a lot of things in common...but it just...wouldn't work out." Lucy defended, moving her arms in a shape of an X. "If you think that...why is your face as red as a tomato?" The bluenette smirked, knowing that Lucy obviously had feelings for that man. Well damn, she got me there, Lucy thought.
Natsu was quite dumbfounded. He finally got the courage to talk to his dream girl, who he now knows as Lucy. They were hitting it off really well, at least that's what the man believed. Yet, now the blonde was walking away with her friends. He wasn't ready to say goodbye yet...sure he had her number but it wouldn't be the same as talking to her in the flesh. He knew what he had to do. Natsu built up the courage and followed the blonde and her friends.
"Wait!" Lucy turned around, giving the man in front of her a questioning look. Natsu took a deep breath and continued,"It's dangerous to go alone...Here, take this!" After that was said, the salmon haired male quickly grasped the blonde's hand and held it. The girl blinked once, then twice, trying to process what just happened. Soon afterwards, though, Lucy snorted and squeezed Natsu's hand.
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xbrokenxdollsx · 7 years
I can wait until REH updates, but I need head canons if you can! ;)
I don’t know what kind of headcannons you are looking for, but I’ll do my best.
Natsu wasn’t the best in school, but he was really good at public speaking and was always the one to present group projects. The teacher would always give him an A+ on the projects, since he was so animated.
Gray was nominated Prom King in High School, walked out before the ballots were called with Natsu, and went racing. Mika grounded him for a month and took his keys (apparently he won?)…
Juvia’s favorite show to watch as a little kid with Gajeel was “Hamtaro” and “A Kitten Named Woof” (a really cute Russian cartoon you can watch online with subs). Gajeel would imitate the black cat.
Erza wanted to get married at Disney, but they couldn’t afford their time for the wedding there, so Jellal surprised her by “bringing Disney to the wedding”. Mirajane, Makarov and Cana decked out the garage with merch and got the bride and groom bridal ears.
Lisanna went through a goth phase, and it was very interesting. Mirajane would have trouble finding her leather jackets and pants because her little sister would take them and wear them to school.
Totomaru has horrible seasonal allergies and he is horrible when it comes to cleaning, with the dust. Totomaru eventually had to have Aria and Gajeel and Juvia to do it (eventually it became a chore for Sue and Boze, when they moved).
Lucy “dated” a guy for a week, until Jude found out and scared the shit out of the guy. Lucy had to explain that it was only to get a girl at her school jealous and ask him out.
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