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liquidtwilight · 4 months ago
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Fuckit #yumeship on main. Pandarles nation
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black-klok-youth-pastor · 2 years ago
Okay this been in my mind even way before the trailer dropped (but I couldn’t find this one post in particular that had the article to reblog) but is nobody going to mention the lore drop?!
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☕️🍀🎵 for the oc ask?
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
definitely hot ones--having grown up somewhere it's cold every day of the year makes warmth in itself feel like a privilege. he's a big fan of coffee :) something he looks forward to every year around the holidays is being able to make new drink recipes he finds online and sharing the really good ones in the band's group chat
🍀 CLOVER - do they believe in luck? are they lucky?
ilya is mildly superstitious given his upbringing but doesn't consider luck to be anything more than a vague unexplainable thing that happens to exist. his luck could be considered average, but with dethklok's influence it's easily debatable
🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
he loves grindcore. goregrind, pornogrind, all the subgenres--his favorite artists don't exist in the real world but i do plan on creating them too sometime soon. no playlist for him yet ^_^ he'll get one though.
oh and as i've mentioned before he's a huge fan of sebaceous gutslash wraith worm, nate's first band from high school in canon--it's described as "proggy" and boring enough to make nate fall asleep during long musical segments. picked up their single underground demo soon after first coming to the U.S. and became obsessed, especially with the unique vocalist... giggles
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matheusmarcon · 1 year ago
Vieram pra minha casa hoje, aproveitando que estava vazia; O Vici queria decidir algo importante, segundo ele (raramente o que ele quer decidir é, de fato, importante) Os malditos engratos tiveram a pachorra de reclamar do teto mofado da garagem, (menos o Rike, mais fácil ele comer o mofo do teto do que reclamar de alguma coisa) mas lá era o único lugar que a gente podia ficar sem que a porra do Leo impestasse com cheiro de salsinha.
Papo vai, papo vem. O Leo sentou debaixo da goteira e ficou batucando o joelho com as baquetas, meio avoado. Ele parecia meio cansado depois de ter sido obrigado a pensar em conceitos pra banda. Se fosse pra ler a alma do Leo, eu diria que ele só queria tocar qualquer coisa mesmo e comer um sanduíche depois ao invés de ter que pensar no resto. Só que pra acabar de vez com a paz do coitado, a gente ia ter que pensar em mais coisas pra nossa pseudo-banda, que até agora só tinha nome e olhe lá.
Aí que o Vici fala que a gente precisava de "nomes artísticos". Que ia combinar mais com a gente e tal, e era pra cada um ter um. Eu sugeri M 'n M. Sabe, de Matheus Marcon. Me sinto um gênio incompreendido por pensar nessas coisas. O Alan quis ser chamado de GUTSLASHER, em maísculo. O Leo só deu os ombros e disse "Leo".
Mas aí o Vici disse que com M n' M a gente ganharia no mínimo um processo. Futuramente uma disstrack. E que GUTSLASHER é um nome muito chamativo pra quem toca baixo. Ele aceitou o nome muito criativo do Leo, porque se a gente deixasse ele viajar demais no processo criativo, ele iria querer se chamar Deus Katana Capivara Júnior ou algo pior..
O Rike ficou triste de não poder se chamar GUTSLASHER; ele me contou que tinha outra opção, mas não ia comentar porque já tinha sido julgado o suficiente naquele dia.
Não entramos em um consenso, mas eu me chamo M n' M na minha cabeça. Quando eu tiver minha carreira solo, esse vai ser meu nome principal. E quando eu e o Rike formos um duo, eu vou deixar ele ser o GUTSLASHER. Eu vou ser o SKULLCRUSHER pra combinar com ele.
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sethabrikoos · 1 year ago
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I did a banddshoot with the band GUTSLASHER!
Stay tuned ^^
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postmortemcore2 · 2 years ago
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canid-slashclaw · 5 years ago
The Outliers - A Guild Wars Love Story
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9,  Chapters 10 and 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16 , Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20,  Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23,  Chapter 24, Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Kaleb got up early the following morning to help Ulfgar unload some kegs from a delivery. As they were storing the last of the brew, the young man went up to the old norn to ask him a question that had been on his mind for quite some time.
"Hey, Ulf. Something I've been meaning to ask ya."
The old norn crossed his massive arms and smiled at his friend. "What's on yer mind, boy?"
"I've been thinking about asking Amalthia to marry me. I know that such rituals are alien to her culture, so I wanted to find a way of getting her enthused about the whole concept."
"Hehe. She's a fast learner. Just introduce her to the various bonding customs each race here on Tyria has and she'll come around to the idea."
Kaleb looked up to his friend. "Would you do me a big favor and find out what her ring size is? I'm sure there's a jeweler who is willing to make one that fits her type of hand."
"Ah. But a ring is just a ring without a proper gem..."
Ulfgar waved for Kaleb to follow him. "Come with me boy, I've something to show yas."
After the last of the supplies were stored, the old norn told Kaleb to wait downstairs while he went up to his room to retrieve something. When he came down, he carried with him a jewel-encrusted tiara that sparkled like a radiant star.
"This was what I gave to my beloved Gloriana when I made my promise vow to her." Ulfgar handed the item to Kaleb as he took it gently into his hands. He was astonished at the brilliance of the diamonds and marveled the centerpiece stone.
"This thing must be at least forty carats," Kaleb noted as he ran his finger over the brilliant cut gem.
"Forty two karats to be exact. Tell ya what... I'll get your mate's ring size and you just keep doing what yer doing. Leave the rest to old Ulf."
"I just need the size. Once I get that, I'll figure out where to go to get one made."
Ulfgar patted him on the back. "Don't worry about a thing, boy. Leave the rest to..."
The old norn let out a mighty sneeze. "Gah! Somethin's gotten my sinuses in a fit."
Kaleb realized what it must have been. "Sorry, it must be the cat. Amalthia and I plan on taking it to her father's."
"Good idea, lad. I would love the little critter, but my nose would heartily disagree."
Footsteps could be heard coming from the upstairs. Moments later, Amalthia padded down looking noticeably groggy.
"G'morning, dear," Kaleb said as he walked over to kiss her.
With heavy eyes, she gave him a quick lick on the mouth then headed out back. "Morning yourself. Sorry for the kiss-and-run. But I've gotta piss and shit really bad. Ulfgar - mind if I mark up your back wall?"
Kaleb busted out laughing.
"You say it all so casually, m'dear. Perhaps, you could just use the water closet like everyone else."
Amalthia stuck her tongue out. "Ha! And get my tail soaked in that swirling mass of filth? I think not!"
"I'll have you know that I stepped in one of your turds this morning when I was moving in some supplies. Needless to say, I need a new pair of shoes because of it," Kaleb retorted with a smile.
"Well, that's what you get for stepping into my sandbox," Amalthia said as she playfully poked him in the ribs.
"So is the whole backyard your sandbox?"
She smiled and laughed. "It would be if Ulfgar didn't mind."
Ulfgar shook his head and laughed. "Ye know true love is afoot when both can talk about each others' bodily functions and laugh."
"Hers mostly," Kaleb interjected. "At least I don't have to worry about getting yelled at for leaving the seat up."
Later in the day, Kaleb and Amalthia headed over to her father's butcher shop. As he entered, Kaleb carried Fredricka under his arm while petting her, hoping that doing so would sooth the little feline.
"Sire!" Amalthia yelled.
Moments later, the big charr emerged from the hallway as he stood on his cane behind the counter.
"Cub! And Kaleb! So good to see you both. And who's this?" He pointed to the small ball of fur that was nestled in Kaleb's arm.
"Hi Ludrick, sir. This is Fredricka. We rescued this little fluff ball from a bad situation."
Amalthia's father knelt down using his cane for support. He reached out one of his massive pawed hands and gently began petting the ball of fluff.
"Ha. I can feel it purring. Is it a he or a she?"
"She," both Kaleb and Amalthia said in unison.
Ludrick stood up then hobbled over towards the meat counter and picked out a few scraps of leftover steak cuts. He walked back over then gently began feeding the content cat.
"I had a feline when I was just a cub in my fahrar. His name was Gutslasher. Friendliest little thing," Ludrick said as he reached out to take the cat from Kaleb's hands.
Kaleb reciprocated the gesture as he handed off Fredricka to the old charr. "She's yours if you want her. Ulfgar is allergic to cats and Amalthia and I are just too busy to responsibly take care of her."
"You know, this place has gotten quite lonely since my cub moved out. Thank you, Kaleb. And I wanted to say something else - I'm truly sorry for what I had to do to you. It was for your own safety and Amalthia's. I hope you can forgive me."
"Sir. You did what any caring father would have done. I guess that's why deep down, I've always admired your people. They may seem aggressive and even brutal at times, but at least they are always honest and upfront about how they feel. My people, on the other hand..."
"Kaleb! Don't beat yourself up like this," Amalthia interjected.
Ludrick looked at his human friend and asked. "If you don't mind me asking, what is wrong, Kaleb?"
The young man shook his head. "I was about to mend fences with my family but something happened and now matters are even worse. For once, I just want those closest to us to accept us for who we are and not to be so judgmental."
Amalthia's father looked at Kaleb straight into his eyes and said matter-of-factly. "You accepted that yoke of responsibility the moment you and my cub became mates. If your relationship is to survive then you must have the fortitude to endure the slings and arrows hurled against the both of you."
"He's just venting, sire. Humans like to whine and complain about things, but truthfully, it is just their peoples' way of trying to solve a problem. Giving up is not even in the equation," Amalthia reassured her father.
"No worries, cub. I know each of you are exceptionally strong individuals, both in body and in spirit. It does this old soldier's heart good to see the two of you prosperous and happy together."
"So you've heard about our little business venture, I gather," Kaleb asked.
Ludrick nodded. "Outsomething is it?"
Kaleb replied with a satisfactory half smile. "Outliers, sir, Outliers - freelance bounty hunters who specialized in ridding Tyria of undead and other monstrosities. Thus far, we've been bringing home the coin."
"We've also been thinking of expanding our operations to include treasure hunting excursions," Amalthia added with a closed-eyed nod.
"How does your warband feel about all this?"
"I've invited them over to meet with Kaleb's Seraph buddies. Hopefully, everything will go smoothly. But to answer your question - I gather they are okay with it. I haven't heard any protests from any of them, thus far," she said while giving a few chin scratches to Fredricka.
"Sir. There's something I would like to discuss with you, just the two of us. I hope you don't mind, dear," Kaleb said as he gave a reassuring massage to the back of Amalthia's head.
"That's fine. I'll go downstairs and get the place tidied up a bit." Amalthia kissed Kaleb on the cheek then headed downstairs.
Ludrick looked at the young man and asked. "What did you want to discuss with me, cub?"
"Well. It's obvious that I love your daughter very much and she loves me. I was just wondering how you would feel if I proposed to her. You know the whole hand in marriage thing?"
Ludrick laughed then, as gently as he could muster, slapped Kaleb between the shoulder blades. The force almost knocked him off his chair.
"Listen. The two of you have already gone way beyond anything that is deemed acceptable by both our peoples. So why stop now, right? Fur or no fur, I know of no other soul on Tyria who would be worthy of taking care of my cub the way you have."
"So I take it as a yes? Your blessing, that is?"
"Bah! Those human rituals mean nothing to me. But if they mean so much to you and my cub then, yes, you have my 'blessing'," Ludrick smiled as he petted Fredericka who, by now, was fast asleep in his arms.
"So would it be okay if I call you,dad?"
Ludrick let out a low but menacing growl.
"Don't push it, cub!"
Later in the evening, Kaleb and Amalthia returned home. Their foray into Lion's Arch had been uneventful, save for the delightful interaction they had with their new friends; Ariyana and Jestin. Amalthia looked over their new outfits and marveled at just how well coordinated they were.
"Look at this, love. She even made some pockets specifically designed to hold extra magazines. There's even one for an extra sniper scope. That sylvari thought of everything."
Kaleb smiled as he looked over his outfit. "Indeed she did. But Jestin gets credit too for adding some of the norn flare to the leather straps. Yup. With these threads, we are both truly dressed to kill."
Amalthia nuzzled his face then wrapped her arms around his chest as she stood behind him purring. "That outfit looks so good on you that I can't decide if I like you better with or without clothes."
"I'm glad she designed your outfit to show more of your beautiful pelt in all the right places. I never got why so many designers garb your people in those stuffy trench coats. Less is so much more." Kaleb turned around and kissed her on the nose.
She then rested her head on his shoulder asked him in a soft voice. "Soo what were you talking to my sire about?"
"Nothing of any importance to you."
"Sure. I'll bet."
Kaleb quickly changed the subject, hoping it would provide some sort of distraction. "So what did you think of those books on human marriage and stuff?"
Amalthia pulled out several books from a burlap sack that she used for a shopping bag. As she laid them across the bed, she and Kaleb examined each one.
"The norn ones are particularly interesting. Asura are just a bit too techie for my taste, but to each their own," she shrugged.
"And the human ones?" Kaleb looked her in the eyes hoping for some kind of reaction.
"I'm sure I'll grow to become fond of them once I learn more about them. For myself, I 'm fine if we have no ritual at all. But since we are meshing our respective cultures together, I'm more than happy to adapt my way of thinking," Amalthia said as she perused through one of the books.
"There is one book that does describe a time when you people did perform bonding rituals for mated pairs. I think it's found somewhere in chapter twenty."
After they put away their books and disrobed from their outfits, the pair curled up together after their long and busy day. Kaleb gently stroked Amalthia's ears as she rolled over on her back then looked into his deep brown eyes and smiled.
"I'm glad Fredricka has found a good home. I haven't seen my sire so happy to have a companion once more in his life."
"Yeah. They took to each other right away. I'm glad your dad and I are now squared on things. I just wish the same could be said for my own family."
She caressed the side of his face and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. "Like I said before, you needn't beat yourself up over that. I'm sure that in time, you and your parents will be able to make amends."
"I sure hope so. Anyway, I'm glad that my buddies are coming into town this weekend."
Kaleb rested on his back, closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief.
"And don't forget my warband. They will be joining too yanno."
"I can't wait!" Kaleb said as his eyes became heavy with sleep.
The lovers would soon share their unique story with each of their respective friends during the upcoming weekend. In the end, they were both glad that they no longer had to carry their relationship in secret.
Soon, the entire world would know of how a human and a charr had found love with each other.
(All chapters have been posted to AO3. Chapter 26 is posted here.)
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liquidtwilight · 6 months ago
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Up soon in my shop:
In-stock Pandelmer lollipop charms! $5 of each sale will go to bat world Sanctuary!
Preorders for mini versions of my dakis! SO SQUISHY AND CUTE!
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liquidtwilight · 1 month ago
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Happy Valentines from Pandora and Elmer! <3
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liquidtwilight · 2 years ago
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Demons and Scandinavians @creelwife
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liquidtwilight · 1 year ago
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I post stuff and things on patreon too
Twilightpalms spicy tier :)
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liquidtwilight · 1 year ago
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Corpse paint looks good on you, CFO!
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liquidtwilight · 1 year ago
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Stuff for me <3
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liquidtwilight · 3 months ago
My Monsters in Love Lolipop charms are now on sale! $5 from each charm goes to Bat World Sanctuary to help real bats 🦇
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liquidtwilight · 1 year ago
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Together in death
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liquidtwilight · 1 year ago
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Pandora’s reference!
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