#gundam sandrock kai
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gundamfight · 9 months ago
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murumokirby360 · 6 years ago
GundamFan520: Gundam Extreme Vs. Full Boost: Gundam Sandrock Kai | Arcade Run
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the-notorius-bhg · 3 years ago
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Gundam Sandrock Custom (Endless Waltz)
Gundam Perfect Files Artbook
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hypetokyo · 8 years ago
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Gundam Wing Endless Waltz Master Grade 1/100 Plastic Model : XXXG-01SR2 Gundam Sandrock Kai [PRE-ORDER]
Release Date : Late October 2017 
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jupiterscythe · 3 years ago
Finally able to get back into gunpla, and I'm so excited. I've wanted to build an RX-79[G] Ground Type since I was in high-school. Gonna probably kit bash once my skills improve
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thisweekingundamwing · 4 years ago
This Week in Gundam Wing (January 24-30, 2021)
Hey everyone!  We’re nearly through with the first month of the year!  We made it!!  Below are your Gundam Wing goodies for the week - be sure to show your creators and fellow fans some love!
--Mod LAM
The End by @bobo-is-tha-bomb
Characters: Heero, Reader
Pairings: Heero x Reader
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags / Warnings: reader insert, romance, drama, angst, AU
Summary:  The door slammed shut behind you and you took a deep gulp of the evening air to calm the sudden nerves and the terror that creeped up on you. You couldn’t go through this a second time.
Ticket to Freedom (Ch.10/45) by @bobo-is-tha-bomb
Characters:  5 pilots and supporting cast
Pairings:  Heero x Reader, Duo x Hilde, Trowa x Midii Une, Quatre x Catherine, Wufei x Meilan, past Heero x Relena
Rating: MATURE
Tags / Warnings:  reader insert, rockband AU, romance, drama, fluff, lemon, lime, slight Relena bashing
Summary:  hey were your ticket out of the sheltered and married life your parents had planned for you. And to be honest, you had always had a rebellious streak. You needed the freedom they offered, needed to taste life, live a little. But when they ask you to sing in their band, you are not so sure. How would a neatly brought up lady survive with a couple of wannabe rock stars? You’re about to find out.
LAM!verse Snippet by @lifeaftermeteor
Characters: Relena, Mareen Darlian
Pairings: Wufei x Relena
Rating: General
Tags / Warnings: slice of life, post-canon, pregnancy fic 
Summary: Relena puts her feet up in the Darlian country home and chats with her mother about their inbound new addition
Duo’s Secret by @idrawprettyboys
Characters: Duo, Quatre
Pairings: N/A
Rating: General
Tags / Warnings: crossdressing
Summary:  Quatre walks in on Duo and learns something new about him.
Sticky Notes by @idrawprettyboys
Characters: Heero, Trowa
Pairings: N/A
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags / Warnings: hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort,  suicide attempt, self-harm, self-care, depression, recovery, friendship
Summary:  Heero wakes up after self-detonating to discover that Trowa shares his suffering.
Looking for authors and fic from (usually) the 3rd person POV with multiple ships at the ready?  CHECK THIS LIST OUT.
Several by @idrawprettyboys
Heero and Relena
Heero and Duo
Duo gaining some weight
Duo and Wufei in cuffs
Blushy Heero by @alphaikaros
Three by @duointherain
Were!possum Duo 
Duo and his possums
Baby Duo WIP
Throwback: “Girly” Sandrock and reflections by @why-its-kai
The Kiss (Duo and Heero) by @bettertasting
Other Fanwork
Gunpla and Cosplay
Wing Zero by @phoenixbrightheart
Headcanons and Discussion
Rewatch in Quarantine, thoughts from @merlinistheredheadedstepchild
Gundam Wing Essay by @hacknslashprettyboys
Other Fun Stuff
Add this to your reaction images, courtesy @1-9-9-x
@incorrectgundamwingquotes continues to delight. Some examples:
Gundam pilots are pack animals
Meilan and Wufei arm wrestling
A friendly game of "never have I ever”
The floor is lava
GW Sims: Heero and Trowa became good friends by @janaverse
Calendar Events
Cocktail Friday prompts continue over with @gwcocktailfriday
Post your response on Fridays between 3-5PM EST
This week’s prompt is over here.
One day left in Month of Heero!  Final prompt (Wings) closes out today, January 31, 2021.
The 2021 Rhythm Generation zine theme will be posted on Monday (February 1) over at @gundamzine​!
Be sure to follow the zine account for more important info.   
Applications will be open March 1-31!
Gundam Wing Discord Server Pruning (February 1)!
That’s right - if you haven’t gotten wind of it yet, the Gundam Wing Server is set to do a final prune on Monday (February 1).
Be sure to review and acknowledge the new rules so you don’t get inadvertently purged!
Get ready for the Valentine’s Day Event over at @thisweekingundamevents​
No formal sign-ups, but be sure to check out the link to vote for this year’s prompts
Lemony Shenanigans sign-ups are on-going through March 1.
This NSFW event will be hosted over at @gwlemonyshenanigans​ and posting will run May 1-31, 2021.
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rx-79bluedestiny · 6 years ago
Gunpla Build Total of 2018
Just a summary of what I have built this year. Kinda surprised how much I went through. Some of these kits have not been posted yet.
Gouf Custom
RX-79 G Gundam 2x
2.0 Zaku II
Duel Gundam
Blitz Gundam
Buster Gundam
Aegis Gundam
Strike Gundam + Aile, Launcher, and Sword packs
Super Nova Nataku
Super Nova Sandrock Custom
00 Gundam Raiser + GNR-010/XN
MS-09 Dom
Freedom Gundam
Justice Gundam
Providence Gundam
RGZ-95C ReZEL Type-C 2x
Geara Zulu Guards Type 2x
YAMS-132 Rozen Zulu
Ex-S Gundam
RZ-160S Byarlant Custom
RX-121-1 Hazel Custom
RX-79BD-1 Blue Destiny Unit 1
Psycho Zaku II
MSN-001X Gundam Delta Kai
MS-06 Zaku II Thunderbolt Version 2x
RX-121-2A Advanced Hazel
Wing Gundam Zero
RGM-79 GM Thunderbolt Version 3x
FA-78 Full Armor Gundam Thunderbolt Version
Raphael Gundam
Zabanya Gundam
Non Grade
Hi-Res Wing Gundam Zero Custom
Barbatos Gundam
Gundam MK II
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botomaki · 4 years ago
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[3-22-2021] This Pew-Pew Boy (MG Heavyarms Custom/Kai) was delivered today. Kinda weird though because I preordered it the same time as the MG Sandrock Custom but it arrived a week later. Not sure why it was shipped as two separate packages. The Sandrock came through California but the Heavyarms went through Chicago for some reason. Oh, well....Just waiting the MG Altron/Nataku left and the "Glory of Losers" Expansion Set and I'll have all the Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz kits (not getting the mid-season upgrades from GoL, though)~ #MG #MasterGrade #XXXG01H2 #GundamHeavyarms #GundamHeavyarmsCustom #PBandai #PBandaiExclusive #LimitedEdition #GundamWing #GundamWingEndlessWaltz #Gunpla #Plamo #ModelKits https://www.instagram.com/p/CMv2IpnJqtQ/?igshid=16hpgmemd5ylw
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zgmfx008 · 7 years ago
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Gundam Sandrock Kai Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Master Grade
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elfbingo · 8 years ago
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Yay for more commissions! This time I’m posting a variant of what I posted to Deviant Art. The original commission was Duo (cosplaying?) as Vega from Street Fighter II because they both look very similar (has anyone else noticed this?) Since there are two versions of Vega, one brown-haired, one blonde, Duo stood in for both. The commissioner knew it would look like Quatre was the blonde one at first, so they allowed me to make this version. (Quatre shirtless and smoldering at us? @_@)
The background is a painted version of Vega’s stage in-game, minus the onlookers. Both their costumes are exactly like Vega’s, except the colors are based on their individual gundams. As Sandrock’s colors in-series were pretty much the same as Deathscythe, I went with the Endless Waltz Sandrock Kai version. In place of Vega’s snake tattoo I gave them tattoos of their gundams’ respective weapons. It’s kind of hard to see Quatre’s shotels because of his pose, but whatever. The poses were meant to be very theatrical. I did tone down the musculature somewhat, because Vega is more heavily muscled in the game, and it looked too weird on these two former noodles.
To see the original (and blonde Duo) check out the original post here
Anyhoo, fun commissions ahoy!
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gundamfight · 10 months ago
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murumokirby360 · 6 years ago
[8/24 Revised ARC] Gundam Extreme Vs Maxi Boost ON [Branch Battle] Gundam Sandrock Kai / Custom (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing)
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anmousewrites · 8 years ago
Gundam Wing Rewatch Part 2
So unlike last time where I watched half the series and then tried to remember everything, this time I took notes the whole way through. That means some of this has a ‘live-blog’ feel to it, and I’ll sum up my feelings at the end.
1) What is up with Duo hitting the self destruct and not... self destructing. 2) See, now you’re back to being Zechs. I guess he defaults to Zechs when he isn’t sure of himself, because it is a facade that is comforting to him (added later: yeah, he definitely uses that side of him as a crutch) 3) Praise the Lord for Releena Peacecraft and Lucretzia Noin Re: creating defenses for the sanc kingdom. Actually praise the lord for them anyways. 4) Heero oscillates between being very communicative and exceptionally taciturn.  I don’t think he does it at will. The lying, however, I think he’s completely aware of although he might not know how to stop it. Get this boy a therapist please. 5) Quatre makes an interesting distinction between people meant to fight and people meant to lead 6) Treize stop being charming. Just stop. 6b) You too, Zechs
So Epyon showed Treize he was gonna die, which explains why he wasn’t really worried about Heero shooting him. I guess if Epyon shows the same thing to Heero, Treize will feel a little better about having to cut out of the party early. Kind of sad to think about though. Also, wise when giving a suit to Heero Yuy to take the self det offline. Very wise.
That answers a question I have had since childhood. Why does Epyon not have any ranged weapons? Because it was designed to fight mobile dolls, who have shields that render anything but the beam canon useless. Maaaakes sense. WHO THOUGHT THE ZERO SYSTEM WAS A GOOD IDEA? Like just... Everyone who touches it goes crazy. Yes, Heero, Quatre and Zechs all manage to make it work, but GATDANG that stuff is no bueno.
Amnesiac Trowa breaks my fucking heart. I don’t blame Catherine for having him call her sister, because she basically is, so it does make things a little easier to explain. Every time he shows up I similarly feel wildly protective so good job. Also A+ for a female character who likes to show up without wearing much and is never treated less by the narrative for it.
Hilde never really gets to the same level of greatness as the other female characters, but that’s kind of fair. The cast of GW is huge. She’s not bad, she’s just a little bland.
Also, weirdly, playing against type, Heero’s ongoing deep philosophical understanding of human nature and politics and Quatre’s ability to seamlessly slide through a battlefield leaving blood in his wake. There’s a lot less stereotyping going on than I remember. LOL @ Romefeller constantly trying to play catch-up to Treize’s charisma The fight against the invasion force at the Sanc Kingdom actually has me emotionally invested? Also Epyon is a Problem Child (TM). MAGUANAC COOOOOOORPS. Kay I love them idgaf they’re just SO GOOD. The Sanc Kingdom takeover must have been one of the most costly things they’ve attempted? Like the amount of troops they go through is bonkers.
Dorothy, you’re a wad. “You should definitely take up arms to defend your ideals of pacifism.” Releena ain’t falling for that. She’d rather dissolve her country and save the lives than betray her morality.
EPISODE 36 MARKS THE FIRST TIME RHYTHM EMOTION IS PLAYED IIRC AND IT’S GREAT. Ngl they play it a few times when things get real and it still hypes me up.
Heero and Zechs are two people who spend way more time fighting each other than they should. Why, guys.
“They should leave the fighting to me. I’m the only one who should have to suffer.” DUO JEEZ. “As they say, evil attracts evil.” Fucking get this boy to a therapist.
Lol @ Sandrock’s first fight in space where everyone else is really worried about the gundam but it is actually the least well equipped for space atm so really they should be worrying about the other guys
Man, I like Treize, okay? Like I think his idea is dumb (he’s not the only one with it though sideeyes Code Geass but like... He trades Releena spots for a bunch of reasons. One, she was going to be successful and that’s an issue. But also because he knows that if things go well, somebody’s going to have to die, and when he is talking to a comatose Une at her bedside (btw UNE’S BACK, kinda) it’s just... it’s sad. YAAAAY Everyone is finally in the same spot for once. I guess that’s how you know we’re getting near the end. Functional Amnesiac Trowa is a lot easier to watch, and Duo and Heero reuniting is a great time.  It reminds you how likeable they all are.
Amnesia cure via Zero System WELL THAT WORKS Also p surprised that Releena didn’t vidcall Milliardo with ‘what the fuck are you doing’
The politics/philosophy in GW really varies in quality. Sometimes they have some Important Shit to say, and other times it’s like... what does that even MEAN THOUGH. After a completely nonsensical conversation with Releena where half of what was said was pretty dumb (except her call-out. Burn.) they then manage to salvage it with something profound. Milliardo asks Quinze if he thinks that he’s weak for what he just saw with his sister. Quinze replies that no, in Milliardo wasn’t capable of trying to protect people, he wouldn’t be leader. That’s a very fair point I think.
Quatre begging not to go under the Zero system again sounds like he’s asking someone not to torture him... which it basically is. But him basically deciding to risk his sanity to help the team is very Quatre of him, and it also gives us Team Leader Quatre which is a bit of a subversion of his character archetype and I love it.
What are the rules to Space Empathy TM? No one know.
Okay sometimes this show really nails the badass elements. “There are no survivors.” Is an example. I laughed, but wow
Heero insinuating that Milliardo and Treize’s war is based on personal things (which is true, in a roundabout way) is kind of hilarious. His conversation with Releena is cute, too. His unfailing motivation in turn motivates her, and she’s shown time and time again how hilariously good she is at influencing people. They have very different roles, but they’re complimentary.
Hilde... redeems herself a little. It was nice to see her go out and DO a thing. Also, gimme my Une. Why she still asleep. Her boyfriend is gonna die in space. Where is my Une.
Screaming a little. I don’t remember how the series ends or how Treize dies. This is gonna be rough.
There’s Une. Suddenly, and like a boss. Hello. And then... does Une know? Like does she KNOW? It sounds like she does. It LOOKS like she does.
Okay so... the Dorothy and Quatre fight. He’s got her beat, talent-wise, and is absolutely not buying into the bullshit she’s spouting. Duo calling the scientists ‘the gods of plague’ is VERY fitting and I love his overdramatic ass so much. Dorothy is a cheap jerk... and she somehow discovered Treize’s plan. I reluctantly give her credit. She’s an interesting character but I really don’t like her much.
And Quatre, after being STABBED, still joins back in the fight.
I’m not sure why Zechs is till fighting in the end unless it’s to chase death. I mean, that’s probably it, and Heero isn’t buying it. Also Treize’s death was a lot harder to watch than I remember. Zechs is definitely trying to die in space, but we’ve all seen Endless Waltz. It doesn’t stick.
Heero shouting that he will survive, after how much he degrades himself and says he isn’t worth anything, is a great end. And the mirror with the birthday card vs her party invitation is also pretty great. It doesn’t tell us a lot about what happens to everyone else, but I guess that’s what Endless Waltz is for.
Okay so, end summary...
Gundam Wing is some good shit. I don’t know if it would hold up without the nostalgia factor and I have no way to tell, but I enjoyed myself. It has a few faults. It’s 22 years old and showing it’s age, it has some overused tropes in it, stuff like that. But the characters are just as interesting as I remember, the plot is better than I gave it credit for, and the music is fuckin’ on point. I genuinely had a great time re-watching it, and am proud to list it as one of the few shows I’ve seen cover to cover. They set up and examine character archetypes, they discuss some very interesting things about what peace means, and what people are worth, and they show us a very interesting, textured world full of very interesting people.
I’m gonna watch Endless Waltz again tomorrow and I’ll probably do a write up for that too.
10/10, do not regret my life as a fan
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sigunbangtv · 5 years ago
SD HOBBY의 11월 건프라 모음 리뷰 (hg델타카이, mg더블엑스,hgce데스티니,hguc제타리바이브,hgac샌드록)
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hypetokyo · 8 years ago
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Gundam Wing Endless Waltz Master Grade 1/100 Plastic Model : XXXG-01SR2 Gundam Sandrock Kai [PRE-ORDER]
Release Date : Late October 2017
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factorgamers-blog · 8 years ago
Revelan detalles de la beta Gundam Versus
Revelan detalles de la beta Gundam Versus
La revista Famitsui nos reveló algunos detalles de la beta que tendrá el juego Gundam Versus entre los detalles son los gundam actualmente confirmados son  que tendrá esta beta serán: Turn A Gundam Jesta The-O Gundam Throne Zwei Jagd Doga Gundam Sandrock Kai Z Gundam ZZ Gundam V2 Gundam Jinx Union Flag Custom Full Armor Gundam Gundam Barbatos Gundam Kyrios Gundam Exia Sinanju Unicorn Gundam Tallge…
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