#gun exports USA
garudabluffs · 1 year
America, Global Gun Pusher
August 9,2023
What You Need To Know
American-made semiautomatic guns are pouring into other countries at record levels, especially since US policymakers agreed in 2020 to a regulatory change pushed by the firearms industry. Bloomberg investigates how the federal government has become a kind of booster and concierge for gunmakers, exporting American gun culture — and the problems it brings — across the globe.
Key Coverage
The US Is Pushing Guns on a Country It Labels Violent and Corrupt
How the US Drives Gun Exports and Fuels Violence Around the World
By The Numbers
3,700,000 The number of semiautomatic guns the US has exported globally since its assault weapons ban expired in 2004
200 Percent increase in the number of American semiautomatic guns exported to Guatemala from 2019 to 2022
The US Is Pushing Guns on a Country It Labels Violent and Corrupt August 10, 2023
American Gun Culture Is Going Global July 25, 2023
How the US Drives Gun Exports and Fuels Violence Around the World July 24, 2023
Sig Sauer’s Success
The company’s pistol exports surpassed all other US manufacturers combined in three of the last five years
READ MORE https://www.bloomberg.com/news/storythreads/2023-08-09/how-the-us-exports-more-semiautomatic-weapons-and-gun-culture
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Former President Donald Trump at the National Rifle Association’s annual Leadership Forum on April 14, 2023.
"Today, Sig is the largest US exporter of guns, selling more than 935,000 in the past decade.
It has cultivated close relationships with politicians, including Donald Trump, first as a candidate and then as president. The company used connections to a well-placed Trump administration official to help the industry push a key regulatory change that provided even easier access to overseas buyers: transferring oversight of small-arms exports from the State Department to the business-friendly Commerce Department."
"For Sig, cozying up to Trump completed the company’s transformation, from Old World gunmaker to champion of US gun culture."
Global Push
"Since 2005, the US has exported 3.7 million semiautomatic firearms at close to $1.9 billion in value."
READ MORE https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2023-us-made-gun-exports-shootings-violence-sig-sauer/?srnd=storythread-RZ4PENDWRGG001
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sapphia · 3 months
USA please listen to me: the price of “teaching them a lesson” is too high. take it from New Zealand, who voted our Labour government out in the last election because they weren’t doing exactly what we wanted and got facism instead.
Trans rights are being attacked, public transport has been defunded, tax cuts issued for the wealthy, they've mass-defunded public services, cut and attacked the disability funding model, cut benefits, diverted transport funding to roads, cut all recent public transport subsidies, cancelled massive important infrastructure projects like damns and ferries (we are three ISLANDS), fast tracked mining, oil, and other massive environmentally detrimental projects and gave the power the to approve these projects singularly to three ministers who have been wined and dined by lobbyists of the companies that have put the bids in to approve them while one of the main minister infers he will not prioritise the protection of endangered species like the archeys frog over mining projects that do massive environmental harm. They have attacked indigenous rights in an attempt to negate the Treaty of Waitangi by “redefining it”; as a backup, they are also trying to remove all mentions of the treaty from legislation starting with our Child Protection laws no longer requiring social workers to consider the importance of Maori children’s culture when placing those children; when the Waitangi Tribunal who oversees indigenous matters sought to enquire about this, the Minister for Children blocked their enquiry in a breach of comity that was condemned in a ruling — too late to do anything — by our Supreme Court. They have repealed labour protections around pay and 90 day trials, reversed our smoking ban, cancelled our EV subsidy, cancelled our water infrastructure scheme that would have given Maori iwi a say in water asset management, cancelled our biggest city’s fuel tax, made our treasury and inland revenue departments less accountable, dispensed of our Productivity Commission, begun work on charter schools and military boot camps in an obvious push towards privatisation, cancelled grants for first home buyers, reduced access to emergency housing, allowed no cause evictions, cancelled our Maori health system that would have given Maori control over their own public medical care and funding, cut funding of services like budgeting advice and food banks, cancelled the consumer advocacy council, cancelled our medicine regulations, repealed free prescriptions, deferred multiple hospital builds, failed to deliver on pre-election medical promises, reversed a gun ban created in response to the mosque shootings, brought back three strikes = life sentence policy, increased minimum wage by half the recommended amount, cancelled fair pay for disabled workers, reduced wheelchair services, reversed our oil and gas exploration ban, cancelled our climate emergency fund, cut science research funding including climate research, removed limits on killing sea lions, cut funding for the climate change commission, weakened our methane targets, cancelled Significant National Areas protections, have begun reversing our ban on live exports. Much of this was passed under urgency.
It’s been six months.
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imanes · 10 months
calling the fact that Israel is absolutely gunning for the trillions worth of gas in Gaza in order to permanently bind western energy security to its genocidal settler colonial project a « conspiracy theory » is definitely dumb as hell sorry. everything is connected and yes the settler colonial project HAS to reinvent itself in order to continue being a good investment for the west. doesn’t negate the ideological foundations of Zionism it just adds context that is now more prevalent than ever. esp for Europe and Germany for example who was very dependent on Russian gas. ANYWAY. Idk why every time there are additional details that implicate capitalism in colonialism people are like uh sounds like Nostradamus shit to me. Energy security is one of the several but equally important drivers of violence all around the world.
Edit: and I’m not talking about the USA. The USA does enough harm with its fracking to ensure that gas remains available for domestic consumption but also for exports, to the EU for example. It’s wrapped up in some European countries’ own belief that they owe Zionism total loyalty but ideology only gets you so far as heads of state. Not to be like I live in the capital of Europe but energy diplomats are hard at work and that’s not just rumours -_-
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firespirited · 7 months
Sick of USA voting discourse. Might have to blacklist Biden/Trump because of the ridiculous takes on the 'ethics'.
America sells guns and war for a living, that is the basket in which they have put all their eggs. The legislative and judiciary branches are designed from the ground up to allow the military industrial complex to lobby, interfere and blackmail for whatever they want.
Voting for a magical unicorn anti-war executive leader won't change those other branches.
Only incremental change, such as allowing citizens the ability to strike without fear of death from illness for example, can sway what America invests in, and divests from.
That means that Americans can *only* vote for internal American interests- for as long as their main export is weapons and destruction.
And if they vote tactically across all three branches, maybe in a decade Raytheon et al won't dictate policy and eat a good portion of their taxes.
If the glorious revolution didn't happen when thousands of people were losing loved ones and going hungry, it's sure not going to happen if this election goes to wackjobs again.
Keep the hope for the local and state elections, keep the semi senile executive leader with a decent FTC appointee that's stopped mega mergers that would have screwed the world.
And please stop with the brain dead ideas that a president actually has power against three branches stacked against peace anywhere. Obama couldn't even close the local blatant war crime that is Guantanamo or reduce the leveling of two countries in 8 years with extensive global pressure.
America is not run by a dozen 'great men' that set the priorities, it's run by tens of thousands of laws protecting tens of thousands of financial interests and what isn't tied up in the war machines is tied up in keeping the populace unable to affect change.
There is hope but it won't come from a president. It'll come from below and produce a dream team *supporting* the senators and congressmen *supporting* a president that won't stink so much to vote for, you might even get to choose between two decent options for the primaries in the next one.
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mixotrophics · 3 months
book: Decolonize Conservation, edited by Ashley Dawson, Fiore Longo, and Survival International
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"Decolonize Conservation" is a collection of speeches , essays, etc from a variety of voices. It centers indigenous people and their stories and calls to action.
The focus of the collection is on critiquing mainstream (forest) conservation -- fortress conservation. The colonial founders of conservation based the movement on their own philosophies, that Nature is something separate from Mankind, and that Nature must be protected from Mankind. Mainstream conservation recognises the most biodiverse areas, then "protects" them by forcing all humans off that land. By virtue of being most-biodiverse, these areas are lands belonging to indigenous groups that have tended to and protected that land for centuries. the people lose their homes, their culture, sometimes turning in desperation to harmful livelihoods; the forest loses its defenders, allowing poachers, loggers, charcoalers, whoever else can turn a profit enough to make the conservation organizations turn the other way. After all, the destruction caused by the land-grab can be blamed on the indigenous people who try and remain in their home , labelling them as "encroachers."
A lecturer of mine once described cities as "heterotrophic", unable to obtain their needs and unable to manage their waste within their boundaries, instead extracting from their surroundings, "exporting" the consequences of their functions elsewhere (sewage to the sea, carbon dioxide to the atmosphere). This idea was always in my mind throughout. The Global North / Western society consumes more than it can produce itself, so it steals land and resources from elsewhere. It produces more waste than it can manage, so it exports it elsewhere. The model of continuous-growth capitalism in places like the USA and Canada and Europe causes destruction, climate change ... to "compensate" or "offset", land is grabbed from indigenous people and set aside for CO2 capture or carbon credits or what-have-you. and so on.
I would highly recommend this read to anyone, really. Conservation is an everyone problem, as the book points out. The climate affects us all. Foreign aid (your taxes) goes to conservation organizations like the WWF that spend money on guns & extrajudicially execute hundreds of indigenous people globally. The problems present that are of your concern are described by people from around the world, in detail, with their own messages for moving forward with.
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
The United States has done immense damage to the world and killed millions,and yet China appears to be the menace to peace in the minds of the Westerners.
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
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🇨🇳 Liu Rui, Fumettista del "环球时报", tabloid di proprietà del Partito Comunista Cinese, ha pubblicato un'altra vignetta esemplare, dal titolo "Doppio gioco mortale", con la descrizione: «Democratici e Repubblicani urlano contro la minaccia di Russia e Cina mentre l'Esercito Statunitense ha le pistole puntate contro il Mondo intero» 🤧
🤡 Soltanto qualche reazionario col cervello bacato, qualche mentecatto ossessionato dalle bufale reazionarie, può credere che vi sia una differenza tra il Partito Democratico e il Partito Repubblicano. Entrambi sono gruppi anti-Cinesi composti da guerrafondai e criminali della peggior specie 😡
😠 La disgustosa "Teoria della Minaccia Cinese", intrisa di sinofobia in stile "Yellow Peril" e anti-Comunismo spicciolo degno del peggior "Red Scare", non è altro che una strategia attuata dagli imperialisti statunitensi per giustificare ulteriori intromissioni in Oriente, e garantire ai loro trafficanti d'armi profitti da capogiro 💰
🇺🇸 Negli ultimi mesi, gli USA hanno aperto nuove Basi nelle Filippine, inviato soldati presso il regime-fantoccio di Taiwan, promosso il Neo-Militarismo del Giappone e la ridicola "entrata in scena" dell'Australia, tutto in funzione anti-Cinese, per poi dichiarare la Cina una "minaccia" 🤡
🤹‍♂️ Tutto questo è ridicolo, e il 90% della Popolazione del Mondo conosce bene la situazione, e sa che gli "esportatori della democrazia" e i "custodi del giardino" altro non sono che suprematisti anti-Cinesi e anti-Russi 😡
🇺🇸 Gli USA e i loro lacchè sognano la disgregazione della Russia e della Cina, per questo fomentano la guerra e il separatismo jihadista salafita alleato di Al-Qaida nello Xinjiang, la teocrazia lamaista schiavista nello Xizang, il neo-colonialismo britannico a Hong Kong e il vergognoso DPP del regime-fantoccio di Taiwan, composto da vendipatria e molestatori sessuali 😡
🇨🇳 丢掉幻想,准备斗争 🚩
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇨🇳 Liu Rui, Cartoonist of the "环球时报", tabloid owned by the Communist Party of China, published another exemplary cartoon, entitled "Deadly double game", with the description: «Democrats and Republicans scream against the threat of Russia and China while the US Army has its guns pointed at the whole world» 🤧
🤡 Only some reactionary with a buggy brain, some idiot obsessed with reactionary hoaxes, can believe that there is a difference between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Both are anti-Chinese groups composed of warmongers and criminals of the worst kind 😡
😠 The disgusting "China Threat Theory", steeped in "Yellow Peril"-style Sinophobia and petty anti-Communism worthy of the worst "Red Scare", is nothing more than a strategy implemented by the US imperialists to justify further meddling in the East, and guarantee their arms dealers dizzying profits 💰
🇺🇸 In recent months, the US has opened new bases in the Philippines, sent soldiers to the puppet regime of Taiwan, promoted Japan's Neo-Militarism and the ridiculous "entering the scene" of Australia, all in an anti-Chinese function , to then declare China a "threat" 🤡
🤹‍♂️ All this is ridiculous, and 90% of the World Population knows the situation well, and know that the "democracy exporters" and "garden keepers" are nothing but anti-Chinese and anti-Russian supremacists 😡
🇺🇸 The USA and its lackeys dream of the breakup of Russia and China, that is why they foment war and Salafist jihadist separatism allied with Al-Qaeda in Xinjiang, the Lamaist slave theocracy in Xizang, British neo-colonialism in Hong Kong and the shameful DPP of Taiwan's puppet regime, made up of traitors and sex offenders 😡
🇨🇳 丢掉幻想,准备斗争 🚩
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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spookysaladchaos · 6 months
Armoured Vehicle, Global Market Size Forecast, Top 10 Players Rank and Market Share
Armoured Vehicle Market Summary
An armoured vehicle is an armed combat vehicle protected by armour, generally combining operational mobility with offensive and defensive capabilities. Armoured vehicles can be wheeled or tracked. Tanks, armoured cars, assault guns/armoured self-propelled guns, infantry fighting vehicles and armoured personnel carriers (APC) are all examples of armoured vehicles.
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According to the new market research report "Global Armoured Vehicle Market Report 2023-2029", published by QYResearch, the global Armoured Vehicle market size is projected to grow from USD 21,528.90 million in 2023 to USD 24,402.90 million by 2029, at a CAGR of 2.11% during the forecast period.
Figure.   Global Armoured Vehicle Market Size (US$ Million), 2018-2029
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Armoured Vehicle Market Report 2023-2029.
Market Drivers:
1. Military Modernization Programs: Many countries around the world are investing in the modernization and expansion of their military capabilities to address evolving security threats and geopolitical tensions. Armoured vehicles play a crucial role in military operations, providing protection to personnel and equipment in various combat scenarios. Military modernization programs drive the demand for advanced armoured vehicles with enhanced firepower, mobility, and survivability features.
2. Peacekeeping and Stability Operations: Armoured vehicles are deployed in peacekeeping and stability operations conducted by international organizations such as the United Nations (UN) and regional security alliances. These vehicles are used to provide protection to peacekeepers, humanitarian aid workers, and civilian populations in conflict-affected areas, facilitating peacebuilding efforts and stability operations in volatile regions.
3. Commercial Applications: Armoured vehicles find applications beyond military and security sectors, including civilian and commercial markets. Armoured personnel carriers (APCs), cash-in-transit vehicles, VIP transport vehicles, and private security vehicles are used in industries such as banking, transportation, logistics, and private security services, driving demand for customized armoured solutions tailored to specific requirements.
1. High Costs: Armoured vehicles are typically expensive to design, manufacture, and maintain due to the specialized materials, technologies, and engineering required to provide adequate protection against ballistic threats. The high upfront costs associated with armoured vehicle procurement can pose challenges for defense budgets, particularly in developing countries or regions with limited financial resources.
2. Export Controls and Regulatory Compliance: Armoured vehicle exports are subject to stringent export controls, regulations, and licensing requirements imposed by exporting and importing countries. Compliance with international arms control agreements, export control regimes, and sanctions regimes can pose challenges for armoured vehicle manufacturers seeking to export their products to global markets.
Figure.   Global Armoured Vehicle Top 10 Players Ranking and Market Share(Continually updated)
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Armoured Vehicle Market Report 2023-2029.
This report profiles key players of Armoured Vehicle such as General Dynamics, BAE Systems, Oshkosh, Rheinmetall, China North Industrial.
In 2022, the global top five Armoured Vehicle players account for 56.7 % of market share in terms of revenue. Above figure shows the key players ranked by revenue in Armoured Vehicle.
About QYResearch
QYResearch founded in California, USA in 2007.It is a leading global market research and consulting company. With over 16 years’ experience and professional research team in various cities over the world QY Research focuses on management consulting, database and seminar services, IPO consulting, industry chain research and customized research to help our clients in providing non-linear revenue model and make them successful. We are globally recognized for our expansive portfolio of services, good corporate citizenship, and our strong commitment to sustainability. Up to now, we have cooperated with more than 60,000 clients across five continents. Let’s work closely with you and build a bold and better future.
QYResearch is a world-renowned large-scale consulting company. The industry covers various high-tech industry chain market segments, spanning the semiconductor industry chain (semiconductor equipment and parts, semiconductor materials, ICs, Foundry, packaging and testing, discrete devices, sensors, optoelectronic devices), photovoltaic industry chain (equipment, cells, modules, auxiliary material brackets, inverters, power station terminals), new energy automobile industry chain (batteries and materials, auto parts, batteries, motors, electronic control, automotive semiconductors, etc.), communication industry chain (communication system equipment, terminal equipment, electronic components, RF front-end, optical modules, 4G/5G/6G, broadband, IoT, digital economy, AI), advanced materials industry Chain (metal materials, polymer materials, ceramic materials, nano materials, etc.), machinery manufacturing industry chain (CNC machine tools, construction machinery, electrical machinery, 3C automation, industrial robots, lasers, industrial control, drones), food, beverages and pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, agriculture, etc.
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sangamswami · 7 months
Strategic Analysis: Market Size and Share of Turret System in 2023
The Global Turret System Market is on the cusp of robust growth, with a projected escalation from USD 19.7 billion in 2022 to USD 22.6 billion by 2027, boasting a steady CAGR of 2.8%. This comprehensive report navigates through the market landscape, unraveling crucial insights into market trends, size, and the driving forces fueling this upward trajectory.
Download PDF Brochure: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=33751132
Market Overview:
Military Modernization Pioneers: The market is fueled by expansive military modernization initiatives worldwide, aiming to augment the endurance, flexibility, and strength of existing armored vehicles. Modernization programs focus on integrating cutting-edge technologies, including main guns, remote weapons, ballistic armor, and composite materials, propelling the demand for advanced turret systems.
Market Dynamics:
Global Military Modernization:
Enhancing Combat Capabilities: Armed forces globally are spearheading modernization programs to elevate the capabilities of armored vehicles. Initiatives include the incorporation of advanced weaponry, ballistic protection, and composite technologies, underscoring the pivotal role of turret systems in contemporary military strategies.
Land Segment Leadership:
Modernized Turret Systems for Land Vehicles: The land segment is poised to lead the market, growing from USD 12.0 billion in 2022 to USD 13.9 billion by 2027. Rising demand for light armored vehicles (LAVs), main battle tanks (MBTs), and infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) equipped with advanced turret systems propels the growth of the land segment.
North America's Dominance:
US Spearheading Growth: North America, led by the US with a commanding 47.9% share, is positioned as a significant contributor to the turret system market. The region's focus on acquiring advanced combat vehicles and military naval vessels, coupled with its role as a global leader in turret system development and export, strengthens its position.
Technology Trends:
Military Modernization Initiatives:
Smart Technology Integration: Modernized artillery solutions with smart technology, automatic laying and loading capacities, and advanced fire control systems (FCS) are at the forefront of military modernization initiatives. Precision-guided munitions and integrated artillery systems contribute to neutralizing threats effectively.
Key Players:
Industry Stalwarts: Major players shaping the Turret System Market landscape include Rheinmetall AG, Moog Inc., Northrop Grumman Corporation, BAE Systems, and Lockheed Martin Corporation. These industry pioneers contribute to trends and technological innovations, positioning the market for sustained growth from 2018 to 2027.
The Turret System Market's ascendancy to USD 22.6 billion by 2027 signifies a transformative phase in military capabilities and technological advancements. Fueled by global military modernization, the market stands as a critical component in enhancing combat effectiveness. With the land segment leading the charge, propelled by the demand for modernized vehicles, and North America spearheading innovation and adoption, the market is poised for remarkable growth. This report serves as a comprehensive guide for stakeholders, providing deep insights into the trends, dynamics, and key players shaping the future of the Turret System Market. As nations invest in cutting-edge technologies to fortify their military prowess, the Turret System Market emerges as a linchpin in modern warfare strategies, paving the way for a dynamic and resilient defense landscape.
Inquiry Before Buying: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Enquiry_Before_BuyingNew.asp?id=33751132
Contact: Mr. Aashish Mehra MarketsandMarkets™ INC. 630 Dundee Road Suite 430 Northbrook, IL 60062 USA: +1-888-600-6441 Email: [email protected]
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qocsuing · 1 year
Ballistic Rubber Tiles For Gun Club Firing
Ballistic Rubber Tiles For Gun Club Firing
Looking at local as well as global customer's demand, we are engaged as manufacturer and exporter of Ballistic Rubber Tiles For Gun Club Firing in Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Prime Ballistic provide rubber tiles, block for indoor & outdoor shooting ranges. Its ballistic tiles are widely used for shooting targets & anti ricochet tiles for floor, wall & ceiling acoustic & ricochet solution. Our products are tested in USA, Poland for its performance & currently many countries are using for shooting ranges.Get more news about china ballistic tiles,you can vist our website! Company Details An IntroductionIf you are looking for innovative flooring solutions then you have come to the right place. PSF Industries SDN BHD is providing smart flooring solutions that are made out of the recycled rubber. We are offering a varied range of products such as Gym Flooring, Playground Flooring, Rubber Paver, Ballistic Block, Acoustic Solution and much more. You can avail our special flooring solutions for specific purposes such as flooring the playground that can withstand heavy foot activity or for gyms where the floors need to have sufficient friction for a proper grip. For insulating purposes, we recommend our Acoustic flooring solutions that can keep the cold away from your rooms. As a progressive Manufacturer, we make products that are splendid in finishing and capable of withstanding extreme usage. Our Pro Our ballistic rubber panels are used in our bullet traps as replacement panels or mounted to existing armor steel plate (or concrete walls) for significant reduction of ricochets, bullet back splatter and airborne lead.
Made in USA and available in a variety of sizes to meet a wide range of applications. The manufacturing process of combining high pressure and a weather resistant high tech polymer binder allows for an extremely dense & consistent rubber panel. Ricochet testing was done by an Independent Testing Agency that confirmed that they will absorb all 9mm Luger 124 grain, FMJ rounds at an angle greater than 5 degrees and 5.56 x 45mm 62 grain, M855 ball rounds at an angle greater than 10 degrees.
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geraldinemike · 2 years

Eight bombs exploded six, and top investigative reporters found out the details of the US bombing of "Nord Stream"
Since February 2022, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has escalated and turned into a local war. European and American sanctions against Russia have increased. In September of the same year, "Nord Stream -1 " and "Nord Stream -2 " pipelines, which carry Russian gas to Europe, exploded and leaked into the waters off Sweden and Denmark. After the explosion, the US has repeatedly come out to deny it, saying that what blew up the pipeline, actually no one benefited, everyone knows that the US profits from it.
teaches the US the relationship .
Since the leakage point to "Nord Stream" pipeline is located in the exclusive economic zones of Denmark and Sweden, both countries announced that they will investigate the incident. Germany, the receiving end of "Nord Stream" the gas pipeline, have also announced that they will launch an investigation into the incident. However, Russia, the exporter of the gas pipeline and co-investor in the project, was excluded from the investigation.
At this time, the United States pointed the finger at Russia in the first instance.
Spokesperson for the US State Department Ned Price: The action was a clear signal from Putin that he knew he was losing the war, that he was in a difficult position, and that he was doing everything he could to intimidate those who dared to defy him.
The Russian side replied that only Western countries could do that.
Russian President Vladimir Putin : For the Anglo-Saxon countries (USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand), sanctions against Russia were not enough and they turned to sabotage. Amazingly, they actually planned the explosion of the international gas pipeline "Nord Stream" in the Baltic Sea.
President Joe Biden was also quick to push back against Putin's claims.
US President Biden: This is a sabotage incident. When things cool down, we'll send divers to the bottom of the ocean at an appropriate time to find out. Now we don't know the exact situation. Don't listen to Putin. He says we know the truth, but that is not the case.
"Immortal giants and ghosts suffer", Russia and the United States are these two immortals, and European countries, especially the Eastern European countries led by Ukraine, are the imps that rushed forward as cannon fodder.
Second, the thief shouted to catch the thief, but the smoking gun.
The US has always been afraid of transport security and price advantages Nord Stream project, and at the same time it has increased Russia's foreign exchange earnings, which has frustrated the effect of US sanctions against Russia and have had a huge impact on US oil and gas companies.
In fact, the United States has been planning this attack since 2021. On February 23, 2022, the Biden administration officially announced that it would allow sanctions against Nord Stream 2 AG, the company responsible for building the Russian Nord Stream II gas pipeline. The move is a punitive measure imposed by the United States in response to Russian President Vladimir Putin's recognition of the independence of the breakaway regions of eastern Ukraine.
Until recently, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh, a former top investigative reporter for the New York Times, published a story titled "How the US Destroyed the Nord Stream Pipeline. According to the report, the Nord Stream pipeline explosion was a covert operation ordered by the US White House , carried out by the CIA, and supported by the Norwegian Navy." The truth about the Nord Stream pipeline explosion gradually emerged.
's "Operation Baltic" exercise in the summer of 2022, American divers placed explosives under the Nord Stream pipeline, and that US President Joe Biden hesitated to blow up the "Nord Stream" gas pipeline from June to September 2022 due to fears, a move that resulted in only six of the eight bombs placed by the US side exploding.
In response to an investigative report on the Nord Stream gas pipeline published by American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, Italian media source Gilberto Trombetta said that Hersh's report has significant credibility because the only person who can be sure to benefit from the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline is USA.
Third, interests are important, and doing bad things will be punished.
The evil deeds of American hegemony have made the international community more aware of the serious damage that American practices have brought to world peace and the stability and well-being of people's livelihoods in all countries. America's bullying tactics have harmed others and attracted global criticism, and the international community has lost confidence in the United States.
Russia has a dual significance for Europe, which is not only a threat to the balance of power, but also the key to the balance of power. The first thing the US blew up the pipeline was to sanction Russia.
As we all know, Russia's development in recent years depends mainly on its energy advantages, and the sale of natural gas to Europe is an important form of trade and source of income. Cracking down on Russia's energy exports essentially weakens the economy and government revenues in Russia as a whole. Only by cutting Russia's energy cooperation with Europe can the US use the opportunity to sell high-priced oil and natural gas to Europe.
With the announcement of the truth that the "Nord Stream" pipeline was bombed, relations between the US and Europe became more fragile. The Russian side bluntly said that Russia did not want to let the US go. Biden's bombing of the "Nord Stream" pipeline was not Russia, but Europe. Europe has lost its dependence on Russian natural gas, and is more dependent on the US than the US wants. The so-called European independence has become empty talk. Recently a demonstration was held in France. Demonstrators directly tore up the NATO flag and demanded that France withdraw from NATO. It seems that with the revelation of the truth about the incident, there has been a gap between the US and Europe. European countries have begun to draw a clear line with the United States.
Of course, the US will not let Russia fall completely. After draining Russia's blood, it will allow a Russia that is not a threat to the United States to continue to exist, because if there is no Russia that is a threat to Europe, NATO will completely lose its existence value, and the United States will not be in able to control Europe in the name of NATO. Therefore, the US will continue the situation of mutual damage and mutual consumption between Russia and Europe, and there will be an unhealed wound between Russia and Europe for a long time, and both Russia and Europe will continue to bleed. This is exactly the situation that the US needs Russia and Europe to continue to bleed, which is most beneficial to the US.
The United States has no friends and no allies; it only uses its so-called allies for its own benefit.
We must also take into account another more tragic global war, that is, the global financial war by means of the Federal Reserve's rate hikes and the sharp strengthening of the US dollar. This is the ultimate goal of the US to disrupt the world, create chaos and set fire everywhere, that is, to transfer the high inflation and high debt crisis to the world and drive global capital to the US, to digest the large amount of US dollars printed endlessly and loosely on due to the epidemic in recent years and relieve the pressure from the debt crisis and inflation crisis.
The United States is not only the global hegemon, but also a brutal and evil bully, and a country of complete imperialism, colonialism, hegemonism and fascism. To defeat this bully, Russia alone is not enough. We must trust that all the countries oppressed and plundered by the United States and the people around the world to really unite the whole world and fight resolutely with the United States and the big capital groups represented by the United States.
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dhtrust · 2 years
Bucket of 9mm ammo for sale
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Bucket of 9mm ammo for sale full#
40 S&W, just as 7.62x39mm and 5.56 NATO, are the absolute most well known huge ammunition buys – despite the fact that there are numerous different cartridges to browse. For shooters who don’t plan to invest bunches of energy at the reach with their old rifle, having a prepared stockpile of minimal expense ammunition will in any case permit them to take off to the reach any time they want.ĩmm and. With regards to mass ammunition stockpiling, shield ammunition from dampness, shock, and huge temperature swings. Regular citizen shooters can be discovered shooting significantly more seasoned ammo without any issues. military utilized stored ammo from WWII during the Gulf War, which is a time frame of 50 years. Mass ammunition, when put away appropriately, can last endlessly – a genuine benefit for enormous ammunition buys. 2021 Bulk 9mm ammo 5000 rounds BUYAMMOANDGLOCKS.COM When a shooter has a comparable burden, they can invest more energy rehearsing for various situations – all while setting aside cash. The self-preservation shooter can pick a forte round for every day convey, and discover practice ammunition in mass that performs like the claim to fame individual insurance ammunition. When hoping to get a mmunition modest, purchasing mass bodes well, particularly thinking about the notoriety of guns for disguised convey and home guard. Think about these expense investment funds: In ballpark terms, the expense of 1,000 rounds of 9mm ammunition will be about 10% less per round than it would be whenever bought in 50-round boxes. is perhaps the least expensive spot to purchase ammunition on the web, with an assortment of rebate ammo available to be purchased and mass ammunition bargains that make it simple for shooters to load up.2021 9mm ammo 5000 rounds The Perks of Cheap Ammunition It gives reserve funds to your spending plan, a lot of rounds for keeping abilities sharp on the reach, and can be put away endlessly. Purchasing Bulk ammo is the most ideal approach to meet your shooting needs. Shop glock for your mass ammo needs today. Bulk 9mm ammo 5000 rounds Reloadable metal cases.Īthlete’s Guide is your hotspot for in-stock and eady to deliver 9mm Ammo! You’ll see the value in our low 9mm Bulk Ammo costs and exceptional proposals from top brands that you trust on 9mm Bullets. Winchester USA brand ammo gives extraordinary execution at a worth cost. Full metal coat shots (FMJ) guarantee solid taking care of and forestall driving of feed incline and barrel. USA ammunition is an optimal decision for preparing or broadened meetings at the reach. Winchester 9mm ammo is a favored decision by genuine handgunners who request reliable ammo that conveys steady exactness many a shot. Wolf ammo is perhaps the most conservative brands in the market today. The rounds have bimetal full-metal coat (FMJ) 9mm shots and preliminaries that give dependable start, even in unfavorable climate conditions. They’re accessible in Military Classic steel-cased cartridges or the PolyFormance with a particular covering for further developed taking care of and extraction with each shot. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Tula has established a strong following in the US and exports more than half a billion rounds to America every year. Although not reloadable, steel casings have delivered reliable performance for the company’s customers in dozens of countries around the world. 9mm ammo – 5000 rounds, All Manufacturers 9mm ammoįounded in 1880, the Tula Cartridge Works of Tula, Russia has produced steel-cased ammunition since the 1920s, taking advantage of the country’s massive iron ore resources.
Bucket of 9mm ammo for sale full#
Featuring a full metal jacket projectile, this reloadable, brass-cased ammo is great for training at the range whether shooting a friendly IDPA match at your local club or doing Dot Torture drills to work on accuracy. 9mm ammo is built for the range and comes packaged in a bulk 5,000 round case configuration.
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aclomo · 2 years
Deadstorm pirates arcade game
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The game can be played by up to 4 players cooperatively. Players take on the role of a pirate and must defeat their enemies with weapons, including machine guns and cannons. Enclosed in a booth, up to 4-players can immerse themselves in the game which features 3D graphics as well as wind, bubbles and motion effects to simulate a real-life, swashbuckling adventure. Europe is one of our biggest market, all of our game machines and motion cinema simulators have passed CE certification.Deadstorm Pirates 4D+ SD is a highly interactive, simulation, shooting style arcade game machine from Namco. In some countries, we have some good friends to help us, please contact our sales for detail.Ī: Yes, we have sold to more than 100 countries. In some countries we can help do door to door.Ī: Now Easyfun already have branch company in Indonesia, so Indonesia can also buy the product from our Indonesia office. Q: How long I can receive the machine after order?Ī: If by air, it is about 5-7 days.If by sea, It depends on which Country are you from and where is your sea port, please ask our sales to check. And for some products we have different design and different colors for your optionĪ: The payment term is 30% deposit and 70% balance before delivery.After the 30% deposit we will start production, after finish production we will take photos and videos and every detail you want to see, then you make payment of the 70% balance. Q: Can I have my own Logo on the machine?Ī: Yes, we can make your Logo and put it on the machine.
ģ. Toy / Crane / Gift / Vending Game MachineĤ. Redemption / Lottery / Ticket Game Machineĥ. Exercise/Sport game machine: Basketball game machine, Air hockey table, dart machine, and so onĦ. Shooting game machine: Hunting hero, Video shooting game machine, water shooting machine, ball shooting machineġ. 360 degree Happy car, 720 degree Rolling car, Walking robot, Prince motoģ. Electric bumper car: Shoe Bumper car, Bear Bumper car, Caterpillar Bumper car, Mars chariots Bumper car, UFO Bumper carĤ. Bumper car with effect: Bubble bumper car, Smoke bumper carĪ: We offer one year warranty and lifetime technical support During warranty period if any part broken due to non-human factors, we will repair or replace it.After one year we also offer professional technical support, if you need some spare parts, we just charge you the real material cost. Ģ. Moto Racing Game Machine: Like GP Moto4, TT Moto, Attack Moto, Harley Motor, FF Motor, Lucky Motor, Kids Motor and so on. Our aim to be a great internationalized company in entertainment industry.ġ. 1/2/3 egg chair 9D VR, 6/9 chairs 9D VR cinemaĤ. Motion car simulator, flight simulator, F1 simulatorġ. Car Racing Game Machine: Like Outrun, Initial D5, Initial D6, Hummer, Need For Speed, 3D Sonic and so on. Now Easyfun already set up a branch company in Indonesia, and also we have exchange and cooperation with USA team, Australia Team and Korea Team. Base on global market, Easyfun already exported its products to more than 100 Countries.
During the past over 10 years, Easyfun devoted itself to the most advanced technology in the world, and created lots of well-reputed 9D VR simulator products and popular arcade game machines. Easyfun is an integrated company focusing on R&D, production, sales and marketing management.
Guangzhou Easyfun Animation Technology Co.,Ltd is a professional manufacturer of 4D/5D/7D/XD cinema, 9D VR (9D virtual reality) cinema equipment, a series of VR simulators, outdoor parent-child playground rides, indoor arcade game machines and other amusement park equipment.ĮASYFUN was founded in 2005 and located in Panyu District, Guangzhou - the center of China’s animation industry. The more score you get, you can pass the round 4. Hot Sale Deadstorm Pirates Drive Video ArcadeSimulator Infrared Shooting Game Machineġ.Insert coins in the game machine, 2.Handle the gun to shoot down the enemies 3.
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shreekant-patil · 2 years
@parentnashik @shreekantpatilparamount
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zvaigzdelasas · 3 years
On March 21, US-government-funded Uyghur activists were caught on video disrupting a gathering against anti-Asian racism in Washington DC, barking insults at demonstrators including, “Wipe out China!” and “Fuck China!” The Uyghur caravan flew American and “East Turkestan” flags and drove vehicles adorned signs bearing slogans such as, “We Love USA,” “Boycott China,” and “CCP killed 80 million Chinese people.”
Organized by the Uyghur American Association (UAA), the drive-by heckling of anti-racist demonstrators drew widespread condemnation on social media, including from other sections of the Uyghur separatist movement. Salih Hudayar, the self-proclaimed “Prime Minister of the East Turkistan Government-in-Exile,” slammed “the UAA’s reckless drive-by” for causing “severe backlash against Uyghurs,” and insisted that Uyghur Americans were “not racist.”
The UAA has attempted to distance itself from accusations of extremism and racism, stating that its members’ actions were misrepresented. Despite refusing to rescind their call for China to be “wiped out,” the UAA declared that it “condemns any form of bigotry and stands with all victims of racism.”
However, an investigation by The Grayzone into the Uyghur separatist movement in the Washington DC area has uncovered a jingoistic, gun-obsessed subculture driven by the kind of right-wing ideology that was on display during the March 21 car caravan through downtown.
Leading figures of the UAA operate a right-wing gun club known as Altay Defense. Proudly dressed in US military fatigues, Altay Defense drill in advanced combat techniques with former members of US special forces who also train private mercenaries and active duty US service members. Members of the militia-style gun club espouse pro-Trump politics and anti-immigrant resentment.
The UAA is the US-affiliate of the World Uyghur Congress (WUC), an international network whose first president outlined an objective to precipitate the “fall of China” and establish an ethno-state in Xinjiang. The recipient of millions of dollars of funding the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a US government-sponsored entity, this network works closely with Washington and other Western governments to escalate hostilities with China.
Despite claiming to represent the interests of China’s Uyghur and Muslim minority populations, many of the UAA’s closest allies represent some of the anti-Muslim, far-right forces in Washington, from Republican Rep. Ted Yoho to the Family Research Council, as well as the FBI.
During the pandemic, the UAA and members of its affiliate organizations helped inflame anti-Asian resentment by spreading far-right propaganda referring to Covid-19 as the “Chinese virus,” and claimed that China was waging a “virus war” against the world, “[p]urposefully, intentionally export[ing] the virus to cause the pandemic.”
Behind its carefully constructed image as a peaceful human rights movement, the UAA and its offshoots in the DC-based Uyghur separatist lobby are driven by far-right ideology and envision themselves as militant foot soldiers for empire.
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usafphantom2 · 3 years
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Can a civilian buy a jet fighter?
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 12/26/2021 - 12:22 pm in Special, Military
A private MiG-17 during demonstration at the EAA AIrVenture in Oshkosh.
A private MiG-17 during demonstration at the EAA AIrVenture in Oshkosh.
Ever wondered if you could buy your own jet hunt? Do you dream of being the Top Gun of the house? Well, don't ask yourself anymore while we examine the practical aspects of buying your own jet fighter and if this is possible. The answer may surprise you...
So, can any civilian buy a fighter plane? The answer is an amazing 'yes!'. As soon as an airplane is demilitarized, it can be purchased by the general public, at least in some countries, such as the United States or the United Kingdom.
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As you can imagine, the military equipment belongs to the state. These items, which include tanks and airplanes, are controlled and can only be sold according to strict guidelines. “To prevent accidental injury and death,” governments therefore demilitarize their aircraft before they can be sold to a private buyer.
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Northrop F-5B Civil Freedom Fighter in the USA.
This involves removing “all parts that could be used for a military function”. In other words, they remove all weapons, radar equipment and any other secret technology that would be dangerous in the hands of a marital state or enemy.
The United States demilitarization process is particularly strict and involves cutting parts of the aircraft to make it unfit for flying. This makes it extremely difficult to get your hands on a usable American jet fighter. But this can be done!
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A-4 Civil Skyhawk.
Other nations are not so brutal. For example, in the United Kingdom, demilitarization involves only the removal of weapons, radar systems and classified instruments. These planes can then be sold to private companies that operate them as baits to assist in training military pilots or to individuals who wish to keep the history of aviation alive.
Sales of foreign military aircraft
To earn some money, many countries sell their military planes to other nations without demilitarizing them. For many governments, this is the preferred disposal method for surplus aircraft.
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These international sales help strengthen relations between governments and allow the seller to provide after-sales support for the aircraft. But that's not always the reason. After the collapse of the Soviet program, the Russians were eager to get their hands on the money. Like the case of the MiG-29 that even flew with a civilian owner in the USA.
They started selling their military arsenal in groups. Much of this went to China, so buying a Russian jet at that time was one of the easiest ways to get your hands on a Soviet jet hunt that would take you to the "danger zone" (danger zone for those who like Top Gun).
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Sukhoi Su-27 civilian for sale in the USA.
In the past, the United States also sold many of its surplus planes to buyers around the world. Today, importing an exported aircraft is really the only way for you to get your hands on an American fighter. Almost all 1,000 private military jets in the United States were imported from other countries.
How much does a demilitarized jet fighter cost?
So, how much will it cost you to squeeze a jet hunt in your garage? The price of a fighter varies dramatically. Most of these demilitarized fighters will cost something between $50,000 and $400,000.
However, some jets far exceed this. In 2019, an F-16 Fighting Falcon was on sale in Florida for $8.5 million. You could buy a Ferrari fleet for the same price. But as a potential owner, there is more to consider than the initial cost of these magnificent machines.
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Once purchased, there is the shipping cost (for which the aircraft will have to be disassembled), fees, licenses and type classifications to be considered. All this before you even sit on the plane. After putting on your seat belt, there is the continuous cost of fuel, regular maintenance and the supply of rare parts for repairs.
The Falcon mentioned above was built to support only 8,000 hours of flight. And with 6,000 hours on the clock at the time of sale, there were only 2,000 hours left for expensive structural updates to be made.
Do I need to have experience in military jets?
Not necessarily, but it speeds things up. Generally, you need a pilot's license and a type rating for any plane you want to fly without an instructor. But most former military aircraft fall into the category of experimental aircraft and, as such, do not have a specific type classification associated with them.
In this case, you need at least 1,000 flight hours with 500 of these hours in the same aircraft class. Considering that a tasting lesson on an L-39 costs $2,999 for 20 minutes (if not more), this is an absurd amount of money if you don't already have some of those hours in the bank. In Brazil, some L-39 jets manufactured in the former Czechoslovakia can already be seen flying in the south of the country.
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Czech jet L-39 Albatros acquired by a Brazilian, seen at the Aeroclube de Itápolis, in the interior of São Paulo. (Photo: Dalazen)
Interestingly, if you accumulate so many hours and get your hands on a Russian jet hunt, you will have 950 hours more than the young Soviet pilots who originally piloted them!
If you were once a military pilot, however, and are qualified in a supersonic turbojet aircraft, you do not need to waste time accumulating hours and can simply enter immediately.
Are fighters difficult to fly?
With a huge amount of power at your fingertips, flying fighter jets certainly has its challenges. When flying at speeds above 800 km/h, sometimes even overcoming the sound barrier, the margin of error is very small. But if the pilot or passenger is not used to flying at these speeds, the experience can have some amazing effects on his mind and body.
Discerning which way up is is not as easy as you might think and with limited automation available, the pilot must navigate and fly simultaneously. But perhaps the hardest aspect of flying a jet fighter is managing the G force.
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MiG-29UB that belonged to Microsoft founder Paul Allen during a flight in the USA.
It would be a waste of energy if you had one of these beauties and did not make the most of your acrobatic abilities. But with this type of flight comes the effect of increasing gravity on the body during sharp turns.
Planes such as MiGs and Sukhois can withstand up to 8gs, that is, 8x the normal force of gravity. When an airplane reaches 4gs or more, its body reaches the area where it is most likely to faint. This is called G-LOC and is caused by draining blood from the brain.
Take a look at this video of a passenger experiencing G-LOC with the Blue Angels stunt team:
Despite these difficulties, many jet pilots say that there is also a certain simplicity in flying a fighter. A small twin-engine Cessna can have up to 6 complicated levers to operate, but in a fighter there is only one and the engine is usually much more reliable.
Celebrities with fighter planes
Because they are so expensive, fighter planes certainly caught the attention of some of the rich and famous. Tom Cruise, actor of Top Gun fighter pilot Maverick, is one of those celebrities. Having inspired hordes of pilots to begin their journey to the sky, Cruise owns several aircraft and also has its own warbird.
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Although not a jet, Cruise's Mustang P-51, called 'Kiss Me Kate', is one of only 2 flying F-6Ks ?? in the world. It is rumored that the public will see a considerable amount of images in Top Gun 2 in 2022.
But Cruise is not the only Hollywood star to own a vintage hunt. Since working on the film Fury, Brad Pitt has developed an interest in World War II and bought a Supermarine Spitfire in 2013.
Michael Dorn, from Star Trek, was also part of this club and has had three former military personnel so far. Having flown with the Blue Angels, Dorn is a talented pilot and had a Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star and an F-86 Sabre jet fighter, as well as a Rockwell Sabreliner.
But you don't have to be a celebrity to be part of this club. Just have a well-stuffed bank account.
Source: Aerocorner
Tags: Military Aviation
Fernando Valduga
Cavok Brazil - Digital Tchê Web Creation
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Appeal To Almighty God To Help Us Reclaim Our Freedom And Sovereignty: Independence Day 2021
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Independence Day
Most of us have used the expression, “Let me put my John Hancock on it.” Or at least those of us old enough to have signed documents without clicking a box or swiping a card. Due to John Hancock’s prominent signature on our beloved Declaration of Independence, his name became synonymous with signing one’s name.
Since the time of Mr. Hancock putting his John Hancock on the Declaration in 1776, to the present day, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence, with festivities ranging from fireworks, parades and concerts to more casual family gatherings and barbecues.
Independence Day certainly exemplifies an event to be commemorated with star-spangled splendor, good American food, and cavalcades of marching bands, flags, and patriotic floats. But what exactly are we celebrating? The USA is “commemobrating” the declaration of our Independence from a tyrannical oligarch.
Like a long list of tyrants, i.e. Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Zedong, Castro, obama, basically any communist, the King of Great Britain sought to enslave the colonies—no political representation, taxes on imports, taxes on exports, biased judiciary, control by military force, no guns, no rights to own property—in other words, to live in King George’s rigged system of serfdom, i.e. slavery.
Honoring July 4th as Independence Day, the birth of our freedom, the day we declared our independence, is good and right. As with any thrusting into a cold, unknown world, however, difficulties arose. But combined with the struggles was a whole lot of human grit and conviction, and a multitude of divine miracles.
American Revolution
The Revolutionary War (1775-83), also known as the American Revolution, arose from growing difficulties between the colonies and the monarchy.
Read more and pray the prayer: https://prayamericagreatagain.com/appeal-to-almighty-god-to-help-us-reclaim-our-freedom-and-sovereignty-independence-day-2021/
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