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iotaphora · 5 months ago
mewtuals here is the menu. if you want recipes feel free to ask and i will dm it to u.
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mewtuals i am devistated none of you can make it to my dracula dinner party. i will be making a menu and posting it so u can pretend to be part of it too.
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penumbramewtwos · 9 months ago
I went through some old doodles and drafts and found a gulten free loaf
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granted I don't think I got his foot quite right but I like the attempt I did back then XD
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giannitroia · 2 months ago
Andares kapitel,
Hallo europa.🇪🇺
Wie wer landes furung rechte an culturele native traditionele volker zu genemigen? Der das landes bundes grundgesetz an schpricht,
Oder prauchen die eu lender das gesetz Entwurf fur sich privat?
Usa so wie Australien, noiseland, palestina und industriel sud africa.
Schemt oich in parlament oder institutionen oder gar auf der strasse nicht?,,,ein schone LKW verfaulte tomaten 🍅 het ier lengst von alle civilisten der eu werdint. In sondawurf Angebot,
Naturlich lest auch duch industri dise kontinenten und lender gud uberleben und files finanziren, wen daran traditionele culturele volker mid ire lender daran fur immer klauben durfen,.
Der fur oich in ordnung wen culturele traditionele volker aus industriale Gier fur dessen zwekke weiter ausgeboitet und gehalten werden,wie wer wens oire land der selbe Problem hette,,?
Den je doch wen ein einzige got der das nahene crist hat existirt, dan sind die genau so cristen wie wier nur hermer tran,daher harme cristen ,aoch wen filleicht der liber her francesco wie alle davor an andare gedanken ligt,
Ich scheme mich eu burger und dazzu gehörige crist zu sein.fur alle minister institutoren und instututionen und Polizisten, mid alle cristen gemeinsam.
Ier kont und seit keine cristen,ier seit anti arme cristen,mid cristen Namen.,weil ier unterstützt menchen die gegen dise Rechte dessen traditionele volker zeit gedenke bis hoite.
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Mochte gern Dallas,,@Gianni Troia:Auf sausen und Preußen von tradionele kulturellen volker konnen gud ires leben mach gehen un files finanzirt werden ,dafür ,andaren landes gesetze professionel entzihen,gesetze gulten nicht kleich fur alle besondas in Bayern
@Gianni Troia:Eine bairysche stadt pille,fur unerwünschte gegen anzeigen und nebenwirkungen, fragen sie bitte die dazzu gehörige amt Beamter
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@Gianni Troia:Da der razismus in landes lengst in ieder politic partei etablirt hat,und gud zusammen arbeiten kann,,,und fpllig noie Dimensionen in land ereicht haben,sag ich mal nazzis naus aus die bairysche institutionen
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Chi potra aiutare per scappare da queste situazioni dallo ststovä bavarese ,e pregato di farlo per emile [email protected] [email protected]
Wurdige menchen existenz Abteilung,existenz witmen,,e sequestri di esistenze di persone instituzionale professionali personalizate
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Landes bundes grund gesetze, privat
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Praticamente,la legge esiste,,ma nn viene fatta possibbile e praticata dalle instituzioni e institutori con ministri di organizazione criminale instituzionale internazionale, percio si dovrebbero arrestare,,le forze dellordine nn lo fanno ma li proteggono bene, ,percio e legge privata
@Gianni Troia:Minister und institutoren der internationalen organisirte criminalitet,is mer als Luxus.
Ein land wie usa der erst kapitulieren darf ,und das landesfurung Kräfte an native culturele traditionele volker zuruk geben mus um als legale stsdt international anerkannt zu werdenhst noch lange strasse vor sich befor nicht mer abusiv nennen darf.
Die ienige der mid des land furung rechte & Regelungen nicht auskennen oder informirt sind sind selpst schuld. Die stadt Medien informiren hsutsetzlich fur die interesse der internationale industri und nicht die des vebraucher
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Bayer och burg institutionele criminele
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atplblog · 1 month ago
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] recepie to make WONDERLAND FRESH FOOD Murmure at home are as follow :- wheat murmure, corn murmure and jowar murmure are diffrent types of murmure which is really tasty as compare to normal murmure and its very tasty and gulten free. with no sugar in wheat and jowar, and corn murmure has very low sugar. recepies are as follow belows step 1. The essential ingredients such as peanut, curry leaves, smashed garlic, coconut silvers, roasted chickpea or spices can be added in this. 2. All ingredients need to deep fried together on a low flame and poured over the puffed whole murmure. 3. Care needs to be taken to not overdo the deep frying and burn any of the ingredients while they sizzle together. 4. So the order in which they are added to the pan is most important. 5. It will take lees then 15 minutes to prepared with little pre-planning & preparation BY WONDERLAND FRESH FOOD. Cryspi Murmure [ad_2]
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number-2-hero-hawks · 4 months ago
bread yummy
sucks that Im alltegic to gulten
also my spelling is gonna be worse cause im not on my phone that has autocorrect- LOL
Remember to drink water throughout the day.
Grapes are a good choice of fruit to have.
And honey is a natural cure.
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lokaleblickecom · 11 months ago
Erfolgreicher deutsch-türkischer Wirtschaftsempfang im Medienhafen:
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Dialog und Zusammenhalt im Fokus
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Düsseldorf. Über 100 hochkarätige Gäste aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft erlebten einen inspirierenden Abend beim deutsch-türkischen Wirtschaftsempfang im Medienhafen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqghnSuoNQw&t=300s Die renommierte Anwaltskanzlei TIGGES hatte gemeinsam mit NRW.Global Business und dem deutsch-türkischen Unternehmerverband ATIAD zu diesem besonderen Event eingeladen, der die Bedeutung der deutsch-türkischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen in den Mittelpunkt stellte.
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Der Abend begann mit einer herzlichen Begrüßung durch Dr. Kaya Köklü, Leiter des Turkish Desk bei TIGGES, der zusammen mit Bahar Beyaz die Gäste willkommen hieß. In seiner Eröffnungsrede betonte Dr. Köklü nicht nur die wirtschaftlichen Verbindungen zwischen Deutschland und der Türkei, sondern hob auch die Wichtigkeit des Zusammenhalts und Dialogs des multikulturellen Gesellschaft hervor.
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Felix Neugart, Geschäftsführer von NRW.Global Business, gewährte den Gästen Einblicke in die vielfältigen Aktivitäten seiner Organisation. Besonders beeindruckend war sein Bericht über die dynamische türkische Startup-Community, die zunehmend in Nordrhein-Westfalen aktiv ist.
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Aziz Sarıyar, Vorstandsvorsitzender von ATIAD, richtete ebenfalls warme Worte an die Anwesenden und unterstrich die Bedeutung der deutsch-türkischen Zusammenarbeit.
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Ein Höhepunkt des Abends war die Ansprache von Generalkonsul Ali Ihsan Izbul. Seine Teilnahme und Rede waren nicht nur eine Ehre, sondern verdeutlichten auch die enge Verbundenheit zwischen den beiden Ländern.
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Thilo Pahl, Geschäftsführer der AHK Türkiye, präsentierte einen informativen Überblick über aktuelle Daten, Fakten und Trends in den deutsch-türkischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, der den Rahmen für angeregte Gespräche im weiteren Verlauf des Abends schuf.
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Vor dem Networking-Teil des Abends bereicherte eine hochkarätige Panel-Diskussion die Veranstaltung. Esma Gulten, Gründerin von Gizil, Oktay Erciyaz von goetzpartners, Aziz Sarıyar von ATIAD und Bahar Beyaz, Co-Leiterin des TIGGES Turkish Desk, teilten ihre Erfahrungen in der deutsch-türkischen Zusammenarbeit. Die Diskussion, moderiert von Timur Kurt von NRW.Global Business, war inspirierend und brachte vielfältige Perspektiven hervor.
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Das Get-together im Anschluss ermöglichte den Gästen lebhafte Gespräche, begleitet von den Weinen des Veranstaltungsunterstützers Kavaklıdere Şirketler Grubu und der bezaubernden Musik des Duos Kazım-K. Kalaycı & Ozan Koç, die mit Songs verschiedener türkischer Stile und Genres für eine stimmungsvolle Atmosphäre sorgten.
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Die Veranstalter bedanken sich herzlich bei allen Beteiligten für diesen gelungenen Abend und freuen sich auf weitere Begegnungen, Gespräche und Austausch im noch jungen Jahr 2024.
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Read the full article
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mydyspraxiablog · 1 year ago
CAN'T SAY IN WORDS HOW FRUSTRATING i am with Sims 4 and Window 11 misoft keep want me paid more because O driver it fall and now won't let play Sims 4 or Sims 3 unless paid more it so frustrating ask mum for card payment them but mum said ":No " Ever Netflix price going up £17,99 per month Mum said No to that wish had adult mobie not stupid monkey phone at Tesco not sale anymore so really upset won't use " Mum won't back down" So try get Sims 4 Foster mod and try Zip them as Wizard is free.
Thank to Scarm by idot mum mobie phone ring " You and daughter be with someone with covid need you paid £1.99 for postage for covid form. " " My idot mum give her Natwest card number and my card number and lie do know what spead money £1,000 piza expensive and Dominic Pizza too. So went do this pizza in Stafford " Said mum idot give Natwest card and it some hacked from gaming world took our money and Natwest tell Mum anythings.
So yesterday on at Lower Drayton Farm Care part and told everyone in the Tunnel because keep asking me do shopping " I said No" " Been asking through six weeks " " So told them " Natwest say got do bank online now need mobie phone do bank online but What App don't work on child phone and mum use my email I know Google don't like mum with my account but worry about so that misoft and Google asking money for paid more space on Window 11 be kick out Sims 4 till clean all 0 Dive make me delete Sims 4 Foster family mod was enjoying that mob felt close to really life when Foster sister mum was Foster care. Wolverhampton Foster agents and Stoke Foster agents want use because good team but Flying colour Foster agents make sign not go any way eles have give up Rainbow Guide as helper because cross over from units only because both living next door to one another. So missing Rainbow Guides day but won't be going back now."
Like Dance on Mom when dog die Abbey look after some eles kids and Darcy die too I too looking someeles Foster Kids too really Darcy
Now lost my cats too Annabel and Sydnee really missing them.
So mum stop from order Amazon so theath cannel Netflix she said no.
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Sorry can't find photo of Annabel but this Cat is Sydnee one my pets cats.
I sponder child in Ethiopia but as can't log on Compassionuk because did wrong way and log on compasion America Compassion try rest user name and password but never come trying set up account just say " Need support " so frustrating so now can't read letter online have wait for postage now too late said certificate and photos of me with Christmas Party and my dyspraxia handwriting is very mess even mum can't read my handwriting but writing is hard now when use computer or Tablet. " So told mum won't cook" " Gluten free food so expensive £50 for 4 11 microwave meal from whiltshire farm" " I not cooking " " I not cooking Christmas Dinner at Wildwood community centre " I sick off going Christmas party and Christmas meal paid £75 for Christmas meal or party not eating anything because Christmas meal isn't Gluten free some time order chicken chips not Gluten free food just chicken myself or eat chicken leg and gray byself isn't fun be Coelic it spoil my Christmas,
I want Coelic injection so can going back eating normal food not worry about be sick from gulten miss my Mcdonald and missing Soup kitchen.
With no mobie phone and No Natwest card if ask mum for cash she won't give me to me. So now won't walking in park and won't going Town anymore been just stayed home going nowhere in the Day just playing Sims 4 and Sims 3 game but even Sims 3 won't work got repaired both again because could not click on begin computer mouse won't click so going have repair the computer when get up again mum get lost with cup tea in morning because won't be doing it.
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colors927 · 1 year ago
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this hair treatment im using is really special, it’s Gulten free
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hoodhinata · 2 years ago
gulten-free-pussy is a terf
Found the post and deleted it! thank u ❤️❤️
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dj-anx13ty · 8 days ago
Oh perfect!!!!!!!! Gulten free is great-
This is your yearly PSA that everyones invited to come to my christmas party.
No excuses
“What if no one wants me there?” They do
“What if i make a fool of myself?” Look at me. Im the only fool.
“But they i have to bring everyone gifts” INCORRECT BUZZER SOUND all you gotta bring is some snacks and a nintendo controller for mario kart
“But i dont like loud spaces” we have quiet zones. And we got earphones, you think i of all people dont plan for sounds??
Anyway this is everyones formal invitation. You dont HAVE to say your attending you can just show up but yes yes i would like to know roughly for the number of chairs
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that-apollo-kid · 4 years ago
Honestly bread is so good. I will eat any kind of bread. Weather its rolls, plain tortillas, plain bagels or just straight up bread i will eat it.
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aileterapisi · 6 years ago
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Hangi Durumlarda #Profesyonel #Yardım Almalısınız?Aşağıda gruplar halinde bazı cümleler yazılıdır.Her gruptaki cümleleri dikkatle okuyunuz.Bugün dahil geçen hafta içinde kendinizi nasıl hissettiğinizi en iyi anlatan cümleyi işaretleyin. Seçiminizi yapmadan önce gruptaki cümlelerin hepsini dikkatle okuyunuz 1.)“Kendimi #üzüntülü ve #sıkıntılı hissediyorum,#Hep üzüntülü ve sıkıntılıyım.Bundan kurtulamıyorum veya O kadar üzüntülü ve sıkıntılıyım ki artık dayanamıyorum.”diyorsanız mutlaka bir #uzman #psikolog yardımı alınız #İletişim #Hattı 05321583555 2.) ”Gelecek hakkında #karamsarım. Gelecekten beklediğim hiçbir şey yok.Geleceğim hakkında umutsuzum ve sanki hiçbir şey düzelmeyecekmiş gibi geliyor.” diyorsanız mutlaka bir uzman psikolog yardımı alınız İletişim Hattı 05321583555 www.724psikoloji.com 3.)“Çevremdeki birçok kişiden daha çok başarısızlıklarım olmuş gibi hissediyorum.#Geçmişime baktığımda başarısızlıklarla dolu olduğunu görüyorum.Kendimi tümüyle başarısız bir kişi olarak görüyorum.” diyorsanız mutlaka bir uzman psikolog yardımı alınız İletişim Hattı 05321583555 www.724psikoloji.com 4.)Birçok şeyden eskisi kadar #zevk alamiyorum.#Eskiden olduğu gibi herşeyden hoşlanmıyorum.Artık hiçbir şey bana tam anlamıyla zevk vermiyor.Herşeyden sıkılıyorum. ” diyorsanız mutlaka bir uzman psikolog yardımı alınız İletişim Hattı 05321583555 5.)“Kendimi zaman zaman suçlu hissediyorum.Çoğu zaman kendimi suçlu hissediyorum.Kendimi her zaman suçlu hissediyorum. ” diyorsanız mutlaka bir uzman psikolog yardımı alınız İletişim Hattı 05321583555 6.) “Kendi kendimden pek memnun değilim.Kendime çok kızıyorum. Kendimden nefret ediyorum. ” diyorsanız mutlaka bir uzman psikolog yardımı alınız İletişim Hattı 05321583555 www.724psikoloji.com 7.)“Zayıf yanlarım veya hatalarım için kendi kendimi eleştiririm.Hatalarımdan dolayı her zaman kendimi kabahatli bulurum.Her aksilik karşısında kendimi kabahatli bulurum. ” diyorsanız mutlaka bir uzman psikolog yardımı alınız İletişim Hattı 05321583555 www.724psikoloji.com #Ekrem #Culfa #Gulten #Demirdoven @mylifepsikoloji @farkindalika @sinemsayisman @psikolojikdanismanlar @dr (Psikolog 0544 7243650)
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atplblog · 2 months ago
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] recepie to make WONDERLAND FRESH FOOD Murmure at home are as follow :- wheat murmure, corn murmure and jowar murmure are diffrent types of murmure which is really tasty as compare to normal murmure and its very tasty and gulten free. with no sugar in wheat and jowar, and corn murmure has very low sugar. recepies are as follow belows step 1. The essential ingredients such as peanut, curry leaves, smashed garlic, coconut silvers, roasted chickpea or spices can be added in this. 2. All ingredients need to deep fried together on a low flame and poured over the puffed whole murmure. 3. Care needs to be taken to not overdo the deep frying and burn any of the ingredients while they sizzle together. 4. So the order in which they are added to the pan is most important. 5. It will take lees then 15 minutes to prepared with little pre-planning & preparation BY WONDERLAND FRESH FOOD. Cryspi Murmure [ad_2]
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pokesushibowl · 3 years ago
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Poke Sushi Bowl's homemade gluten free poke sauce provides you most authentic taste with affecting health. Combine your GF bowl of poke with gluten-free sauce to get the ultimate stream of flavors in a single bowl. Visit our Japanese-inspired restaurant for delicious, healthy, and fresh gluten-free poke bowls.
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ysheagi · 4 years ago
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Cumartesi Yalnızlığı
Ah kimselerin vakti yok
Durup ince şeyleri anlamaya
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thisthatmoreworld · 5 years ago
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It's a bit warmer here, the temperature went up like 98 degrees F. So I thought why not enjoy the last of summer with some amazing Iced Tea. If you like Iced Tea, please free to try my Instant Pot Iced Tea.
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