#guillaume reynaud
digitalfountains · 4 months
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Melody Blacklock by Guillaume Reynaud
- Cosmopolitan Italy, March 2001
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modalities-of-care · 2 years
Artistes Les Ami·e·s du Patchwork des noms, Bambanani Women’s Group, Bastille, yann beauvais, Black Audio Film Collective, Gregg Bordowitz, Jesse Darling, Moyra Davey, Guillaume Dustan, fierce pussy, Nan Goldin, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Hervé Guibert, Barbara Hammer, Derek Jarman, Michel Journiac, Zoe Leonard, audrey liebot, Pascal Lièvre, Santu Mofokeng, Jean-Luc Moulène, Henrik Olesen, Bruno Pélassy, Benoît Piéron, Lili Reynaud-Dewar, Jimmy Robert, Régis Samba-Kounzi & Julien Devemy, Marion Scemama, Lionel Soukaz & Stéphane Gérard, Georges Tony Stoll, Philippe Thomas, David Wojnarowicz & arms ache avid aeon: fierce pussy amplified (Nancy Brooks Brody, Joy Episalla, Zoe Leonard, Carrie Yamaoka, fierce pussy and Jo-ey Tang)
Curator François Piron
Scientific advisor Elisabeth Lebovici
Curatorial assistant Clément Raveu
Exhibition assistant Rose Vidal
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prada-archive · 2 years
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"A Casa Dopo La Spiaggia" shot by Guillaume Reynaud & Paolo Riozli
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knittastically · 6 years
A Lioness Amongst the Wolves Pt 20
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I apologise for such a long chapter
Part 1  Part 2   Part 3  Part 4  Part 5   Part 6 Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10
Part 11   Part 12   Part 13  Part 14  Part 15 Part 16   Part 17  Part 18
Part 19
You can also find all chapters here on AO3
Grace and dignity. This time as I cross the Inner ward to the Hall my steps are unhurried, I have lifted my skirts in one hand only and raise them just enough to clear the ground. Master Laurent’s men are already here, laughing and joking together as they make their way inside to begin their work.
“Good Morning Mam’selle, another hot one I think” The Foreman squints back out into the ward, “Storms too I shouldn’t wonder.”
“You may be right and I for one wish this damnable weather would break.” 
“Ahh but maybe we should not wish for it until Sieur Raymond gets back home hein?” He grins and winks at me. “You would not want him delayed.” I can feel myself flush as I nod in agreement.
“Will some of the hangings be ready for us today Mam’selle, it would be helpful if they were” Before I can answer Jehanne marches up to me with a sullen look on her face.
“Ah, there you are Isabé, I’ve been looking everywhere for you, I was sure you would have been back here ages past.”
“Well I’m here now, and Reynaud wants to know if any of the hangings are ready to be put up?
Jehanne frowns at me as she catches my brusque tone.
“Yes the ones which are to be placed behind the high table are ready and also a good number of the others, there are only three which need more work and they should be ready tomorrow.”
“Thank you Jehanne, you and Eleanor must make sure they are. Master Laurent’s men are here as a special favour, they cannot stay here for ever and I want the hall all ready for Sieur Raymonds return.”
I can see she is about to speak and quickly I turn to the Foreman.
“There Reynaud,” I smile across at him “That should be enough for you to make a start”
He nods and pushes a large brown, gnarly hand back through his greying hair. “Thank you  Mam’selle that is appreciated.” 
Catching something in the corner of his eye he suddenly turns to his right“ Hey, you two, mind what you’re doing, stand still up there, don’t you know how to behave you fucking idiots can’t you tell the scaffolding is swaying?” he growls up at the two apprentices. “You’ll end up killing yourselves, and who is supposed to be checking the tethers?” Eyes narrowed he glares up at the two boys. “Come on.”
“Neither of us, we thought..........”
“You don’t think, that’s your problem and you” he yells at an older boy standing three or four feet away by the base of the scaffold. “You are the one supposed to double check.” One stride and he is close enough to fetch the lad a sharp clout across the back of the head. “Now get the damned things tightened”
Reynaud looks back at me and shrugs, a slightly sheepish expression on his face. “I beg your pardon Mam’selle but sometimes these lads have no more brains than a flea.” He turns back to berate them again but this time in hushed angry tones. I can only imagine he feels that his words are not fit for my delicate ears, if only he knew. 
I smile to myself and turn to Jehanne. “Have you eaten?”
“No, I’ve been waiting for you and you’ve been ages, you must have had a hell of a lot to say to that woman” she spits out.
“Yes indeed, we have had a great deal to talk about and much of it very interesting. I would remind you that the woman has a name Jehanne, I’d be obliged if you use it.” She pulls her arm away and glowers at me.
“We have work to do Isabé.” “I’m well aware of that.”
“You are a fool Isabé, a fool to be taken in by her, I don’t trust her.” She is holding both my hands in a tight grip.
“Well I do trust her, I can’t help that you don’t like her but at least try to be civil and don’t ever make an enemy of her that would not be wise of you Jehanne.” Her grip on my fingers grows tighter and she swallows hard. “For good or ill my dear friend, she is part of our lives and she is certainly part of Raymonds.” 
Her answer is to snort as she whispers “Scheming, crafty whore.”
“Enough Jehanne, don’t be so damned grumpy, it can’t be good for you on an empty stomach.” A slight smile lifts one corner of her mouth.
“I’m just not sure about her Isabé and I only tolerate her for your sake.” She huffs
“Rubbish, you tolerate her because she is an excellent needlewoman and that makes your work so much easier, since you don’t have to scrutinise her every stitch.” 
I find myself smiling as I wonder how in Hell Eleanor with her curious and unconventional life, ever found the time to wield a needle to such accomplished and exquisite effect. Then I shudder slightly as I remember that she wields a knife even better. Raymond wakes cracks open his eyes carefully, shuts them again immediately and screws them up tightly. He groans as he realises the thumping noise he can hear is actually in his head. His tongue cleaves to his palate, the taste in his mouth is foul. Hitching himself up on his elbows he tries shuffling up the bed, a searing pain shoots through his side and he remembers.
“Shit” the word hisses out from between his clenched teeth as he lets his head drop back and tries to breathe steadily but not too deeply. He feels like he’s been hit by a hay waggon.
“Sieur take care don’t try to move too quickly, in fact it would be better if you were to try and stay still.”
“Guillaume, come and help me up” Raymond’s voice is a hoarse, dry growl. “Sweet Christ but the potion you gave me would have felled a Destrier.”
Guillaume crosses to the bed and helps Raymond to sit up.
“No, no, I mean help me up, out of this damned bed.”
Guillaume stands back and chews on his lip as Raymond stares up at him.
“Sieur I don’t think that’s wise. Master Martel would not approve.”
Raymond is in no fit state to travel, he knows he is weak but he is in no mood for argument his temper flares. “Don’t fucking argue boy, I told Martel I would leave today, so he can shove his approval up his arse.” He grimaces as he tries to swing his legs out of bed. “Now stop fussing like an old wet hen and damned well help me, I need to get home and that won’t happen if I lay festering in here.” “Not yet Sieur,” Guillaume blows out a long breath “Now that you are awake, I must send word to Master Martel so you will please stay abed until he has seen you.”
It was not a question and Raymond manages a wry smile at his squire’s determined tone and new found authority.
“If I must.” He settles back on the pillows
When Master Martel arrives he examines Raymond closely. “Well you certainly have more colour than yesterday.”
“What about the wound Martel?”
“That will remain bound for two more days, after that I will remove the dressing and providing there is no infection or suppuration there, it can be stitched.” As always Ambroise keeps his voice calm and unemotional. “I would advise you not to travel until then Sieur Raymond and certainly not as far as Rouen.” Eyeball to eyeball the two men stare at one another, Ambroise shrugs “However, I know full well that advice given can be taken or discarded at will. “He smiles broadly adding “I know what stamp of man you are Raymond de Merville, doubtless you will do as your conscience dictates but I cannot be held responsible if you should fall ill on the road.”
“Hmmph, you fuss as much as Guillaume, I’ve fought hand to hand with wounds worse than this, now let me out of this bed.” Raymond flings the covers back. “Guillaume fetch my clothes.”
“You forget Sieur Raymond, you are getting older as we all must and your body will not take such punishment easily now.”
But even as he speaks, Ambroise helps Raymond get to his feet.
“Oh fuck off with your old wives’ lecture Martel and what the hell did you give me to drink?”
“Poppy syrup in wine, that is all?”
“Well it must have been enough to fell a bull, it feels like someone is carving a Gargoyle out of my brain” 
He glances over to where Guillaume is rifling through the chest. “Not those.”
“Not those clothes boy, I ride out of here in Mail and de Merville colours, not tricked out like some poxy Merchant.”
Guillaume, eyes wide glances at the Physician, who simply shrugs.
“Don’t look to him boy, just do as I say.”
“You really are ill advised to do this de Merville, you...”
Raymond cuts in sharp, “Enough I am leaving today I told you as much and there’s an end to it.” He swallows hard as he thinks of Isabé and as the smile on his lips reaches his eyes, in a softer voice he adds. “Besides, I have a wedding to attend and I think the Bride might well be weary of waiting for the Bridegroom to set a date. His mind drifts elsewhere there is a slightly faraway look in his eyes and a gentle smile on his lips.
“Yes Master Martel?
“Will you remember everything that was done, it will be helpful for whoever takes over the care of Sieur Raymond.”
“I will remember.” “Repeat it to me then.” Without hesitation Guillaume lists everything that has been done, every medicament, its application, its quantity and how often it should be administered.”
**“Ce garçon est perdu comme un écuyer sieur Raymond, il a un bon esprit et une aptitude à la médecine, je pense.”1
A flush colours Guillaumes cheeks and he looks down at his feet, then self-consciously back up at the physician. “Thank you Master Martel you are most kind” Although his voice is soft, there is no mistaking the slight note of pride in his voice and Raymond turns to look at him.”
“I take it you have someone who can be called on to attend to Sieur Raymond” “Indeed, my Sister will be able to do it” he smiles a little at the still unfamiliar word. “Yes my Sister Isabé  and doubtless she will send for Brother Anselm, although I know she could easily stitch the wound herself.”
Raymond winks, smiles and slaps his hand down on the boys shoulder receiving a broader smile in return.
“Well I suppose she will only be trading one kind of needlework for another, just so long as she doesn’t see fit to add flowers and such, eh Guillaume.” A simple nod of the head and Guillaume knows he is forgiven.
“What in the name of God is that disgusting rag?” Ambroise Martel wrinkles his nose and points at the offending article. He has noticed the dingy stained cloth Raymond is holding. folding most Raymond doesn’t answer at first but folds the now soiled and crumpled square of linen in half and half and half again. There is a warmth which deepens the blue of his eyes and he smiles as he answers. 
“This Martel, is the link to my salvation.” He folds it once more, before he works it inside his tunic and presses it close to his heart. Gone is the linen cloth that has bound my hair tight these last few days, gone also my workaday shoes and the slightly sweat stained housemaids dress. My chamber smells of lavender and rose and I am wearing one of the gowns gifted to me by Raymond. A gown of fine, soft, moss green wool. Although the style is simple, the neck and sleeves are bound around with deep bands of embroidery. Bright flowers worked in gold thread and coloured silks, the centre of each set with a small pearl. It is beautiful and elegant It fits my figure a little loosely as it should so I fasten a girdle of soft brown leather around my hips, fasten it, then tie a knot beside the  buckle letting the long gold tipped strap hang down. A small hanger is set onto the belt and I hang my eating knife from it. Soon hopefully I will need more for the keys and the household purse.   As Jehanne combs the last of tangles from my hair I stand perfectly still and stare out of the window to the town below. The sky is still leaden and the air heavy but the tops of the trees are moving in an ever freshening breeze signalling rain.
“Will you braid it for me please Jehanne?”
“Why, you always wear it lose Iasbé?”
“Not today and perhaps not any other day.”
She laughs then whispers in my ear “I imagine Raymond might have something to say about that” A tingle of pleasure and longing, ripples through me and settles in my belly. Eyes almost closed I can feel his fingers slide through it and weave into the pale strands as he pulls my face closer to his.
“Perhaps but today I shall wear it in a braid.”
Jehanne pours two drops of scented oil into her palm and as she rubs her hands together the lemon scent of Melissa rises up. With long even strokes she smooths my hair then works a green ribbon into the strands before wrapping the tail of the ribbon around the end and tucks it in securely. Now it hangs in one long, thick, heavy braid down my back
“You place too much trust in what Eleanor has to say, I know she has advised you to do this.”
“I think there is a great deal of sense in most of what Eleanor has to say and in this case she is right, Raymond does not want and does not need a silly girl for a wife, he... ”
I don’t finish the sentence before Jehanne cuts in.
“Don’t be a fool Isabé, you have never been a silly girl.” She takes hold of my hands “If he didn’t like who you are, he would never have wanted to make you his wife, don’t bury the Isabé he knows, the Isabé we all know, that is my advice for what it’s worth.”
I secure my veil to the narrow fillet around my head then secure it even more with simple circlet pressed down over it.
“Thank you Jehanne.” I glance up at her as I fasten my shoes my smile is a little forced, “I shall bear that in mind and if I am wrong then you will be the first to see me eat humble pie.”
I take her hand as I stand up, there is a curious expression on her face and for once I can’t fathom it. “Please, Jehanne let me do this in my own way and please try to be pleasant to Eleanor, she has lost a great deal in losing Raymond, not only that, I would not advise you to make an outright enemy of her.” My warning hangs in the air and Jehanne doesn’t answer as I leave the room.” It is almost midday when I step down into the hall. The Chateau is beginning to look as wonderful as I had hoped, the walls are almost clean now, the hounds have been kept out for the duration and the place no longer stinks like a kennel.
“Mam’selle, Mam’selle Pelletier.” My name bounces from the walls as a young page races into the hall.
“Here” I call back and walk towards him.
“Mam’selle a message for you.” He drops the wooden cylinder into my palm.
“Thank you were there any others?” He looks confused rather than wary.
“No Mam’selle.” He shakes his head
“I mean for anyone else, not just for me?” I’m not stupid enough to completely trust Eleanor.
“No, nothing for anyone else.” And so I have to take his word.
I crack the seal it is marked for me in tiny letters. “Isb. P” Inside there is a small scroll of parchment wrapped around several times with thread, the loose ends of which are held tight with more wax. My fingers are shaking as I open it  but I smile as I see the words, it is hard to imagine Raymond forming such small, neat letters. **Mon coeur, quand tu recevras ceci nous voyagerons. Le Roi est avec nous. Je  t'aime. R. 2
I never thought for one moment I would feel such relief and joy to know that Raymond is well enough to travel home and I can’t wait to see that hard bitten old warhorse stride into the hall.
“God Day, Fournier I hope I don’t disturb you?”
He leaves off writing, lifts his head and frowns, he seems surprised. “I know, you have been used to seeing me running around like a village girl on wash day.” “Not at all Mam’selle, not at all, what can I do for you.” his composure is restored.
“I thought you would wish should like to know that Sieur Raymond is on his way home and the King travels with him.”
The unflappable Fournier takes it in his stride. “Thank you Mam’selle, does the Baron know?”
“Not yet, after all, the Baron is not the one who has to worry about feeding and housing them, for him it just happens. So I think it’s better that you and then DuFour, know first.” I grin at him he smiles back with such a light in those grey eyes.
“Well I thank you Mam’selle at least now we can start to prepare, and thank you also for arranging to have all the spare quarters ready. Now I should go and press those families who pass as nobility into offering some accommodation if we should need it.” “I don’t think you will have a problem Fournier, most of them will bite your hand off it they think they will gain anything by it”
His laugh is rich and strong. “I think you have the measure of them my dear.” His face flushes suddenly at what he sees as his over familiarity.  “Forgive me I.....”
“Fournier my friend, you are speaking to the woman who burned Raymond de Merville’s bed in the courtyard and had her arse clattered in public for doing it.”  He laughs again all tension gone.
“Now I have to tackle DuFour, wish me luck” and I head deeper into the Kitchen, the Baron can wait. As he watches her walk away, Fournier feels as if his heart will burst with pride and he whispers “My sweet Daughter, may God give me the courage to make myself known to you soon.”
"Raymond, I’ve already set Fontaine and Descoteaux in charge of a vanguard made up of half of your men and half of mine, they left early this morning and all being well they should reach Rouen a good few hours before us.
“Majesty?” Raymond is taken by surprise.
“Oh come Raymond, I could have wagered my Kingdom, won it back and doubled my stake on the plain fact that no matter what, you would leave for Rouen today, even if I’d had to put you in a wagon. I know you too well, you stubborn old Bastard.” 
To have Philip travel alongside him sends out a powerful message, which says. “This man is my Champion, my confidante, my friend and he is under my direct protection, challenge him if you dare. Raymond grunts in pain as he mounts up and settles into the saddle.
“Don’t worry my friend, we will take an easy pace.” Philip slaps him on the forearm.
“There is no need Majesty, I have a desire to be home so I ask no quarter”
Phillip tilts his handsome face to the sky, and laughs. “Stiff necked as ever, well I most certainly have a desire to meet the woman who has your blood so on fire.” 
Raymond looks up, sees the gathering storm clouds threatening rain and wonders how he could have been so stupid as to insist on wearing full mail when he’s feeling so shit. “For God’s sake Isabé wipe that mournful look off your face before I slap it off” Eleanor grabs hold of my shoulders and shakes me. 
I look to Jehanne but there is no sympathy from that quarter. In spite of my outward calm and my attention to my work, my nerves are frayed and sleep has been hard to come by. I have barely eaten since the message from Raymond almost two days ago and there have been no more.
“I agree, if there is no news then everything must be well Isabé, so stop looking so damned miserable, one glance at you and Raymond will turn tail and run. I for one wouldn’t blame him for that, what do you say Ghislane?”  I swear Jehanne winks at Eleanor, they seem to have formed an unlikely alliance, their only aim being to make sure I stay well, eat and sleep. Dear God in trying to bring the two of them together I could well have created a monster.
Ghislane stabs her needle into the piece of linen she is working on and looks across at me. Her round gentle face creases and plumps as she smiles but there is an odd dullness clouding her eyes.
“Oh I don’t think he’ll run from our Isabé he’s far too smitten. He looks at you the way Luc used to look at me.” 
The dullness gives way to something else now, I don't know if it is bitterness, anger or hatred but  it flares and then dies too quickly for me to be certain. Something about her is pricking at me.
"How long have you been a widow Ghislane, I don't think you told me?"
Her shoulders rise and fall as she lets out a deep shuddering breath.
"Luc has been dead for over 30 years and it seems like yesterday or sometimes as if he has simply walked out of a room”. “The Baron took me in, gave me somewhere to stay and arranged for me to be taken into the household.” 
“You were fortunate Ghislane, not everyone would have been shown such consideration.” And though I say nothing, I wonder why she should be favoured in such a way.
She pats my hand. “Indeed not Isabé, I have been fortunate indeed.
A sharp, rapid knocking at the door interrupts her, and I give permission for whoever it is to enter. One of the young pages steps hesitantly into my chamber and gives his very best bow.
“Mam’selle Pelletier, if you please I am instructed by the Seneschal to inform you that  Capt Descoteaux and Théo Fontaine have arrived from Paris. 
My hand flies up to cover my mouth, Théo Fontaine, I had never thought to hear that name again, let alone to see him “Is Sieur Raymond with them?”
“No Mam’selle, although some of his men have returned .”
I nod at him, “Thank you u and please tell Fournier I will be down directly.” 
Forgetting to bow he scuttles out of the room
“Oh God,, God why isn’t Raymond with them?.........” I feel my breath catch in my throat and I feel sick.
“Isabéê, Isabéê” Eleanor’s voice has a soothing sing song lilt and as I spin round to face her she raises one eyebrow. “Grace and Dignity” I nod briefly in agreement but nonetheless, race out of the room only slowing at the top of the stairs. top of the stairs
“Riders, Riders.” The cry goes up from the gatehouse, and thirty riders led by Descoteaux and Fontaine trot into the Courtyard kicking up their own dust storm and Fournier who sees and hears everything, despatches two pages, one to the Baron and one to Isabé
Théo Fontaine slides down from his horse and grins at Mathieu.
“I’m sure I can leave matters in your capable hands Descoteaux, I have better things to do with my time.”
He doesn’t wait for an answer but turns on his heel and strides towards the steps taking them two at a time up into the hall.
“Arrogant Prick”
“You.” He grabs a young serving maid by the wrist as she walks by and yanks her towards him.  “Well you’re a pretty little thing, he sets his face close to hers, relishing the fact that she trembles a little and tries to back away. “Go fetch me some wine and some food and be quick.”
The girl remembers to curtsey but can’t manage to speak and merely nods.
Slowly he turns full circle on the spot, taking everything in, the scaffolding, the banners ,the banners, the scent of beeswax and herbs. Then he looks up and catches sight of Isabé making her way down the staircase.
His black hair still has the sheen of a Ravens wing, no I think to myself, rather a carrion crow, his sombre clothing only adding to the effect.
With my hand outstretched I walk determinedly towards him. 
“Théo Fontaine, this is indeed a surprise.” I astonish myself with the steadiness of my voice.
“Isabé, you have blossomed.” He takes my bare hand in his gloved one and raises it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to it. “You were always my darling girl.” Bile rises up and I can taste it as he rakes his teeth over a knuckle and gives a little growl.
“Not wise Théo, besides you would be wasting your time on me, I washed my hands of you long ago.” I speak quietly and the smile never leaves my lips. 
Before he can respond Fournier is with us, the housemaid behind him carrying a tray with wine and food. I pray to God he was not close enough to hear my words. Théo narrows his eyes and his nostrils flare as he stares at me.
“Fontaine, welcome I have a room set aside for you where you may rest and refresh yourself and the bath house is across the courtyard” I see Théo’s face fall a little as he realises he is being put in his place, no private bath for him in his chamber, no, that consideration is reserved for the Baron’s family and those nobles much farther up the ladder then he is.
“I will of course completely understand should wish to adjourn to your family’s home.” Fournier’s coolly polite manner is a clear signal that he doesn’t care what Théo does.
“Thank you I should prefer to remain here at the Chateau” 
“Then if you would follow me.” Fournier steps away and the smile Theo shoots me is lascivious and feral and  he strides away with the serving maid following at heel.”
“How could I ever have let myself fall in love with you,  what possessed me to lay with you. How I loathe you Théo” 
All I want is for Raymond to come home safely, to have him wrap his arms around me and just hold me close.
“Mam’selle” I shake my head to break my reverie, Mathieu is frowning slightly. “Are you well Mam’selle?
“Yes thank you Mathieu, just my mind elsewhere is all, do you have news of Raymond?”
A broad smile breaks across his face, but I can tell he is choosing his words carefully. “He is, tired, sore, foul tempered and miserable but fit to ride.” 
“So nothing much changes then?” I can’t help but laugh 
“Indeed and God willing only a few hours behind us.” 
“Thank you, but what about his wound?”
He presses his lips into a line “He will soon mend I think, he physician was concerned about infection and so it has not been stitched.”
“Thank you my friend, now go to Jehanne, you will find her in the sewing room I wink at him” he dashes up the stairs and races along the upper corridor.
Hours drag, I can’t turn my mind to any task without my thoughts flitting to Raymond. He has worked himself under my skin and is working his way to my heart damn him.
My needlework is bunched on my lap the needle stabbed into the cloth and Eleanor and Jehanne roll their eyes at one another as I sigh yet again. It is Mathieu who hammers on the door.
“Mam’selle, Sieur Raymond is home. I spring up fling my needlework to the table and I almost fall flat on my face as I catch my foot on the chair leg.
“Damn and hellfire” I race for the door.
“Isabé!” two voices reach my ears “We will go down together.”
“Then you’d best hurry I’m not waiting.” I race out of the door and past Mathieu and Jehanne but Eleanor is close behind and her slender fingers snatch at my arm curling around in a vice like grip.
“Isabé, be calm, greet him as if all is well, then get him to his chamber as quickly as you can and I will send Descoteaux for Brother Anselme.
With a nod I gather my skirts and quietly make my way into the hall. No matter that the King is there, the only person I can see is Raymond and it is not good, his walk is stiff, there is a lack of vigour and he holds his right arm clamped tight to his side. It’s clear he is exhausted. When he catches sight of me he smiles, it reaches his eyes, though they seem tight. I smile back at him but the closer I get the more my heart sinks. His face is pale, save for a spot of high colour on each cheek and there is a sheen of sweat over his skin. The Baron, Fournier, the King and Guillaume stand around him, I should bide my time and wait to get close to him, but I am not a patient person, I want to get him away from here.
“Majesty, welcome” I step forward and with my head bowed drop my deepest and most elegant curtsey. As I look up he proffers his hand for me to kiss, then raises me to my feet. 
“Isabé, I presume?”
“Yes Sire.” “Then I am in no doubt as to why this miserable, hard bitten old campaigner has been so anxious to return home, take him away Mam’selle, tend him, have him well for the wedding.” Then he laughs
“Would you care to remind me of the date de Merville?”
Without hesitation Raymond shoots back, “Saturday Sire”
The very stones of the building seems to sigh with relief, three days’ time and at last the final plans can be made.
“Welcome home Raymond, I take hold of his left hand he raises it to his lips then draws me to him so that he can kiss me and he whispers. “I have missed you my darling, you look beautiful, now for fuck’s sake get me out of here.” His voice is hoarse.
We make our way to the stairs and he has not yet let go of my hand. As we walk, I quietly give out instructions. Ghislane scurries off to fetch hot and cold water and clean linen cloths, Jehanne runs to get the two medicine boxes from the chest in my room and Guillaume and Eleanor have already made their way to the Raymond’s Chamber. I press a kiss to the edge of Raymonds jaw as he halts at the top of the stairs, his eyes flutter closed for a moment and I sense something change in him. When we reach the chamber, Guillaume and Eleanor have already rolled out the tub.
“Put the stool in the centre of it.” Guillaume frowns at me then begins to help Raymond disrobe, it is a slow affair to get rid of the mail as Raymond is loath to move his arm too high. By the time Ghislane and three housemaids have returned with pails of water, jugs and cloths and Jehanne has brought the boxes, he is still half dressed.
“Everything Guillaume, down to his braies” As I busy myself pulling whatever items I might need from my boxes and setting them out on the table Guillaume strips Raymond down.
All I hear is a collective intake of breath, a loud “FUCK” from Eleanor, “Sweet Christ” is the counterpoint from Guillaume and both are accompanied by strangled noises from Jehanne and Ghislane and as I turn I feel my eyes pop wide and my jaw slacken.
“Out, all of you.” no one moves they just stare.
“I said out, NOW!”  
“But Isabé,” Guillaume starts to protest.
“You too,” I snap at him, “when and If I need any of you I’ll call”
The door closes softly behind them. For a few moments I can’t bring myself to step closer to Raymond and I certainly don’t trust myself to speak to him. My heart thumps, my hands shake and as I stare wide eyed at Raymond’s back, the warm air of the room presses in on me and makes me catch my breath. My own heart beat pounds loud in my ears, my fingers furl and unfurl into fists and already my jaw aches from clenching my teeth together. I know what those marks are, I may be naïve but I’m not stupid. Save for the bandage and his braies he is naked and he sits head bowed, shoulders hunched forwards. When I trace my finger down one of the scratches I barely touch his skin but nonetheless he shudders and his breath catches in his throat. As I lean forward to speak to him I keep my voice low, even though I want to scream at him.
** Peut-être aimeriez-vous me parler des morsures et des égratignures? S'agissait-il de Jeanne Beauchêne?3
“Tell me, Raymond.”
Slowly I walk around the tub to stand in front of him, he looks up at me and I can’t fathom his expression but his eyes are glittering and hard, warning me. “It is not for you to know.”
Seemingly of it’s own accord my right arm swings back then arcs across and connects. His head whips to the side, he holds it there for a moment as the sound of palm to cheek seems to bounce from the walls and echoes around the room, then silence. As he turns slowly back to face me I see the mark is already beginning to redden on his skin and his eyes are full of self-loathing.
“You Bastard, you swore to me there would be no one else in your bed, you swore.”
“Indeed I did, and nor has there been anyone in MY bed and so I have not lied to you.” His voice is low and quiet and he gives a little shake of his head.
“No but you are very careful with the truth, very careful indeed. I only hope the woman the King wished you to marry was worth.......”
“It was not her.”
“Then doubtless it was some cheap whore you picked up along the way” My voice is rising.
One corner of his mouth lifts in an unpleasant smirk “Oh decidedly not cheap Isabé, I can assure you, she cost me a great deal of coin” I slap him a second time then bring my arm back for a third blow.
He snatches at my wrist with his left hand, his grip is painful. “Don’t do that again Isabé, don’t give me reason to retaliate, because even in this state, I could still deal with you and not break sweat.
I wrench my arm away as I shout at him “Fuck you Raymond, fuck you to hell and back, though it looks as if that bitch of a whore already has.” I reach for one of the water jugs and I brandish it at him “Think yourself lucky that I don’t beat your brains out with this” then I dump the contents over his head. “And think yourself even more fortunate that this is only a table knife.” I grasp at the knife hanging from my belt and point it at his groin, then in frustration I launch the empty jug at the wall. It shatters with the most satisfying sound of earthenware on stone and the pieces clunk to the floor.
Raymond stares at me, water trickles from his hair, drips from his nose and chin and there is such weariness etched on his face. I honestly believe he has no idea how much my anger is burning, and that it has nothing to do with him bedding a whore.
My voice steadies and I draw calming breaths, Raymond wobbles to his feet. Water drops trapped in the hair on his chest catch the light and sparkle, the old scar on his face seems livid against his pale cheek and all the other scars of his life are written on his body, a book of pain and hardship.  If I read it then I will know Raymond but I need him to tell me the story in his own words to open himself to me.
“You know everything there is to know about me Raymond, you spent months finding out before you brought me here, for God’s sake you knew my darkest secret even before I told you, yet you will not let me know you at all” I am almost winning my fight to be calm, but the anger is still bubbling under the surface.
“I want to help you Raymond, I want to be a true wife to you in every way but you will not let me.”
His eyes are like cold blue flames and his jaw is set rigid but I am not afraid of him.
“I cannot marry a man who will not trust me to help him deal with what is in here" I gently press my fingers against his forehead. "Or indeed in here" I drop my hand to his chest, place my palm against his rapidly beating heart and I wait for the storm. It doesn’t come and when he looks up at me his eyes burn even more as he lays his hand over mine.
His voice is hoarse, tight, it cracks and breaks as he speaks. “I cannot Isabé, for your own protection I cannot let you into that part of me, the less you know the safer you will be.”
I can’t keep my anger in check now and wrench my hand away, my voice certainly loud enough for those on the other side of the door to hear. 
"You had best inform Monseigneur Baron and His Majesty that there will be no wedding, or better still have your wedding, marry Eleanor she would make you a better wife than ever I would.”
“Isabé” my name rumbles out as a low warning growl and I know that I am pushing him to the limits of his patience but I continue, snapping out my words.
“You hold her in great regard, you took pains to tell me that she soothed your mind, Oh yes you can share those things with your fucking Mistress yet you don’t deem me important enough for that you arrogant shit.” 
“Isabé stop this.” He yells at me now “All I want is to protect you”
I scream out in frustration, I don’t care that even through the thick oak door my voice can likely be heard down in the hall
“No, all you desire is some compliant little brood mare, tricked out prettily and trotting nicely at your side, a nice little filly who will let you cover her whenever you want and expect nothing in return but a comfortable stall and a few titbits. I’ll wager that you had every intention of crawling back to Eleanor’s bed so that she can “Soothe” you”
“If I’d wanted soft brood mare Isabé, you would have been my last choice” there is a note of grim humour in his voice.
“I stride over to the door and yank it open
“Guillaume, I need you to help Sieur Raymond bathe, his bandage and dressing need to be removed carefully, I’m sure Madame Forrestier will help you and no doubt Brother Anselme will be here soon,”
Eleanor’s face is white, clearly she has heard what I said, in trying to hurt Raymond I chose the nearest weapon to hand and I am immediately sorry.
“Eleanor, when you are finished here, would you please make sure that my medicine boxes are returned to me the Manor?” she stares at me, nods but says nothing as I turn to Ghislane. “Well my friend, it seems you will not be handing over the Chatelaine’s keys just yet.  No one speaks as I turn to look at Raymond but I catch the look that passes between them.
Jehanne follows me out, grabbing at my arm. "What are you doing Isabe, for God’s sake?"
"No, not for God’s sake Jehanne for mine and for Raymonds." I take her cool hand in mine "You stay, stay and work with Eleanor, he should marry her she understands him." My throat burns and aches and I am fighting to keep my composure as I press a kiss to her cheek. "I think you will be married sooner than I Jehanne, I doubt anyone else would offer for me now, you stay here with Mathieu and be happy with him."
"Isabe no, stay, stay and mend this." 
If Raymond wishes to resolve it he will know where to find me, it is his choice now."
I pull my arm from her grasp and walk rapidly towards my Chamber. I force myself not to cry but by the time I reach the door the hot tears are running down my cheeks.
**“This boy is wasted as a Squire Sieur Raymond, he has a fine mind and an aptitude for medicine I think.”1
**“My Heart, when you receive this we will be travelling. The King is with us. I love you. R”2 
**” Maybe you would like to talk to me about bites and scratches? Was it Jeanne Beauchêne?3
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@felorinbailenshield2 @kimanne723 @nellindreams @ritamaltese3
  @cd1242  @meganlpie 
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ecouterradio · 2 years
RTL2 Pop Rock Collection #RTL2 #RTL #podcastRTL2
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A Valence, le 27 juin 2021
   Direction Valence pour ce dimanche où en réfléchissant bien je n’ai jamais mis les pieds dans le centre-ville en passant pourtant d’innombrables nombre de fois sur l’A7 ! C’est une toute nouvelle cyclosportive qui voit le jour et qui permettra de découvrir, ou redécouvrir, la plaine de Valence ainsi que les magnifiques routes du Vercors, terrain de jeux idéal pour les pratiquants. 3 parcours chronos sont proposés ainsi qu’une rando et j’opte pour le grand parcours nommé « La Résistante » proposant 182km et près de 3500m D+.
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         Après un retrait de dossard hyper rapide je suis bien dans les temps pour prendre place sur la ligne où j’aperçois déjà quelques camarades de routes (Julien Sauvigné, Guillaume Cloitre ou Rodolphe Lourd entre autres). Tous les parcours s’élancent ensemble à 8h30 et je tente de vite me mettre dans les premières positions pour éviter toutes mésaventures durant la traversée de la ville. Il ne faut pas bien longtemps pour secouer le cocotier et je reste vigilent à l’avant au moment où Nicolas Reynaud s’en va seul. L’allure est rapide dans ce début de course et les premiers reliefs font mal ; l’homme de tête sera repris pour le premier col du jour : le col Jérôme Cavalli (10km @ 5%).
Rodolphe met le tempo que je relaie plus loin ; le rythme n’est pas fou et permet la discussion avec Renaud Blanc tout en faisant un petit écrémage. Peu avant le sommet du col, on bifurque à gauche sur une route gravillonnée ! Heureusement c’est plat ou légèrement montant avant d’affronter « Côte Blanche » ; une succession de murs plus ou moins raide où tout explose. A fonds je suis dans les cordes mais garde le contact avec la tête alors qu’il y en a de partout ! C’est un peu plus roulant au col des Limouches où ça semble vouloir souffler. La descente me fait le plus grand bien ; route parfaite, un peu de fraicheur j’en profite au max pour récupérer tandis que certains font leur retour en bouchant près d’une minute pour les plus attardés. A Léoncel, certains nous quittent pour le petit parcours puis à la fin de cette longue descente c’est ceux du moyen qui partent en direction du col du Pionnier. Arrivé à St-Jean-en-Royans, nous ne sommes plus qu’une dizaine pour affronter le col de la Machine : 12km à 6.2%.
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      Là je suis en terrain connu (challenge Vercors 2016 et fait sur home trainer sur ce début d’année). C’est raide au pied où j’imprime le tempo avant de faire l’état des forces en présence : le team Vercors est bien là avec Rodolphe, Cyril Gaillard et Julien Gaillard. On a aussi Julien Bérard, Nico Reynaud, Vincent Arnaud, David Polveroni, Paul-Emile Lorthioir. Alors que je commence à ne pas me sentir au mieux je laisse faire et traine en fin de groupe ; c’est dur pour Nico qui paie ses efforts et je m’inquiète de la gestion des bidons avec déjà un de vide. J’y vais un peu au culot en demandant à une voiture qui semble nous suivre et fait passer des bidons ; ils acceptent gentiment ; MERCI ! La fin du col est plus cool avec la traversée majestueusement vertigineuse de Combe Laval ! Au sommet, on monte encore en direction du Col de Carri où le vent commence à se faire sentir. Toujours assez passif je suis le rythme dans la rapide descente avant de voir Rodolphe prendre quelques longueurs d’avance en direction du col de Proncel ; j’y fais, je n’y vais pas ? J’hésite et me ravise car à peine à mi-course et avec un vent parfois très fort. Rodolphe creuse avec environ 1’ d’avance au moment d’attaquer le col de Chaud Clapier (5.9km) @ 6.1%.
Nico Reynaud qui avait recollé, est le 1er à céder très vite imité par Julien Gaillard ; les 3km @ 7% du début font très mal d’autant que Julien Bérard à sèchement attaqué ; Cyril et Vincent suivent, c’est plus dur pour David et Paul-Emile ; perso je n’ai pu répondre à l’accélération mais je donne tout pour revenir sur un énorme tempo ; pile à la jonction, Julien en mets une autre et rebelote ; même schéma, je reviens avec Paul-Emile et décide immédiatement de prendre la tête ; mon tempo condamne l’attaque de Rodolphe (mais je pense que si loin de l’arrivée, il ne m’en voudra pas !) tout en annihilant une éventuelle nouvelle offensive. Une fois le sommet (plus roulant) atteint, nous voilà 6 à ouvrir la route et les relais vont gentiment s’organiser ; tout le monde passe même si on sent un peu de retenu. Une partie tout en forêt, vallonnée à souhait et bien usante avec le Pas de Logue s’offre à nous pour aborder les 2 dernières difficultés.
Le Col de la Bataille avec 2.9km @ 6% ne devrait être qu’une formalité, sauf que ça accélère franchement ; je suis le seul à craquer, mais pas complétement ; en lissant mon effort je parviens à revenir dans les roues avant que Rodolphe ne place une belle attaque ; n’ayant pas l’audace de tenter après mon mauvais passage je laisse faire et Cyril contre pour aller former un duo. J’assure un peu à ma surprise le tempo jusqu’à 200m du sommet où Julien attaque. Tout le monde embraye moi compris mais je cède peu avant le tunnel. Malgré le faible écart je ne rentre pas sur le début de la descente et préfère récupérer un peu d’autant que le Col de Tourniol s’enchaine immédiatement. 3,2km à 6,7% qui de toutes façons m’auraient été fatals. Les écarts sont faibles avec à peine 1’ sur la tête et je vois Paul-Emile qui a craqué à son tour ; je fais ce qu’il faut pour vite rentrer et on va unir nos forces car l’arrivée est encore bien loin. On fait un arrêt express auprès d’une voiture pour de l’eau (MERCI) et passons au sommet avec 2 grosses minutes de retard.
Déjà en souffrance depuis longtemps avec des crampes que j’ai pu masquer, la descente est terrible avec vraiment de grosses douleurs ; je fais quand même l’essentiel en 1ere position semblant être un peu mieux que mon camarade au bout d’une douzaine de km on arrive enfin en bas ; il reste plus de 30km de « plaine » avec un vent soutenu et très souvent défavorable ; grâce à quelques talus et passages en danseuse j’arrive à me débarrasser des plus grosses douleurs et je peux envoyer à peu près normalement ; alors que nous sommes à 3’ des 4 premiers qui se sont regroupés, nous avons même un peu plus d’avance sur nos poursuivants (mais on ne connait pas les écarts). L’entente avec Paul-Emile est parfaite, il passe ses relais sans rechigner et j’en fait autant en écrasant les pédales avec tout ce qui reste. Cette fin de course est malheureusement sans grand intérêt et pourtant diablement usante avec ce fichu vent. A Malissard ça sent l’écurie et je fonce droit devant, rappelé à l’ordre par mon camarade car il faut tourner à droite pour une petite boucle ; pas très bien indiqué et beaucoup, dont nos poursuivants, ont tiré tout droit grattant 1’30 à 2’ au passage (heureusement qu’on avait une bonne avance !). Au bout du bout Paul-Emile me dit me laisser la 5eme place pour le travail accomplit, et je ne vais même pas m’apercevoir qu’il n’est plus dans ma roue. Je fini donc seul les 2-3 derniers kms interminables 4’ après Vincent Arnaud qui s’impose au sprint devant Julien Bérard et Cyril Gaillard, Rodolphe Lourd terminant 4eme.
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     Un bien beau résultat toutefois avec un top 5 scratch et vainqueur des 40-49ans devant Nicolas Reynaud ! Dommage d’avoir beaucoup souffert dans le Vercors ; il ne manquait finalement pas grand-chose pour accompagner le quatuor avec encore des forces pour faire un gros retour sur Valence où on n’a dû concéder qu’une minute sur les 1ers ! Bien mal aux jambes, au dos aux mains… de partout, mais vivement la prochaine !
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Sur le site de l’épreuve https://www.lavalencevercors.fr/ ou en cliquant ici
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servesorlais · 7 years
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Ever wanted to know who the ruler of a certain Orlesian city is? Need connections for your Orlesian OC, but weren’t sure where to start? Look no further! Here I have attempted to compile a list of the named & notable Orlesians found in the Dragon Age games, primarily those that are alive during the events of the games & tie-in novels  ( although a few historical figures are also included for reference. )  Note that it only includes individuals; families that are referred to by the family name, but with no individuals singled out, are not included, nor are unnamed NPCs. Characters that live in Orlais but would likely identify with heritage from elsewhere are not included ( i.e. Josephine would be considered Antivan rather than Orlesian. )  Lastly, some characters may fit under more than one subheading, but are only listed once  ( i.e. Gaspard is both royalty and a chevalier, but is only under the former heading. ) 
Shoutout to Erran for the Fereldan and DAO NPC List, which served as inspiration to compile a similar reference for Orlais. Given the scarcity of Orlesian blogs in the rp fandom, this won’t serve as a masterlist of rpers, but I can make a second list if that interests anyone!
List will be periodically updated, as it’s by no means complete yet! If you notice a particular character is missing, feel free to reblog and mention the name(s) in a comment / the tags on a reblog, or send it in a message. Reference a source if possible  ( game, war table mission, book, etc. ) And with that ...
Empress Celene Valmont – Empress of Orlais Grand Duke Gaspard de Chalons – Celene’s cousin Grand Duchess Florianne de Chalons – Gaspard’s younger sister Emperor Florian Valmont – Celene’s uncle, former Emperor Prince Reynaud Valmont – Celene’s father, Florian’s brother  Duchess Clarisse de Montfort – Celene’s mother Duke Theodore de Chalons – Gaspard and Florianne’s father Princess Melisande Valmont – Gaspard and Florianne’s mother Calienne de Chalons – Gaspard’s wife King Meghren Dufayel – Former Orlesian King of Ferelden, cousin of Florian Emperor Judicael I – Florian’s father, Celene and Gaspard’s grandfather Emperor Judicael II – Florian’s older brother, Celene and Gaspard’s uncle
Duke Bastien de Ghislain – Vivienne’s lover, head of the Council of Heralds Duke Laurent de Ghislain – Duke of Ghislain following Bastien de Ghislain’s death Duke Prosper de Montfort – Duke of Montfort, one of Celene’s closest allies Duke Cyril de Montfort – Prosper’s son, youngest member of the Council of Heralds Duke Germain de Chalons – Gaspard’s uncle Marquis Etienne de Chevin – One of Celene’s closest allies, Marquis of Val Chevin Marquise Mantillon – “The Dowager” Comte Lothair Doucy – Member of the Council of Heralds Comtesse Solange Montbelliard – “The Silver Lady of Churneau”
Duke Remache de Lydes – Ally of Gaspard’s Monette de Lydes – Duke Remache’s daughter, brought up in Chantry service Duchess Caralina de Lydes – Remache’s cousin Duke Stefan de Firmin – Lady Caralina’s husband, Duke of Val Firmin Lady Seryl – Lady of Jader, an ally of Celene Comte Pierre – Lord of Halamshiral, an ally of Celene Lord Mainserai – A nobleman of Halamshiral, known for his cruelness towards elves Lord Montsimmard – Chevalier and ally of Gaspard Lady Montsimmard – Friendly with the Circle of Magi in Montsimmard Evariste Lemarque, “Fairbanks” – Found caring for refugees of the civil war in the Emerald Graves Lord Esmeral Abernache – Hired by the Inquisition to appeal to the Templars in Therinfal Redoubt Arlessa Isolde – Married to Arl Eamon Guerrin, daughter of the Orlesian governer of Redcliffe during the Occupation Alban Poulin – Ruler of Sahrnia in Emprise du Lion Baron Edouard Desjardins – Friend of Josephine Montilyet’s father, given command of Suledin Keep with the Inquisition Baron Havard-Pierre d’Amortisan – Studies Thedosian beasts, author of numerous books on the subject Comtesse Lynette Dionne – Noblewoman who is requested to sponsor the Du Paraquettes, asks for news about her mage lover Gascard Dupuis – Orlesian noble blood mage living in Kirkwall  Baron Arlange – Invited to Prosper de Montfort’s wyvern hunt Lady Couteau – Lady-in-waiting to Celene Lady Colombe – Lady-in-waiting to Celene Lady Fleur – Lady-in-waiting to Celene Lord Chancer de Lion – Trainer of the Champion specialization in Skyhold Lady Marcelette – Court historian in Halamshiral  Marquis de Serault – Player-created character in The Last Court   Marquis d’Alyons – Neighbor and rival of the Marquis of Serault Lord Remi Vascal – “The Black Fox,” noble who became a legendary thief and rogue Lady Servana de Montfort – The Black Fox’s lover, may have been a Circle mage Baron Arlange – Invited to Prosper de Montfort’s wyvern hunt Gascard Dupuis – Orlesian noble blood mage living in Kirkwall  Comte Guillaume de Launcet – Nobleman living in Kirkwall Comtesse Dulci de Launcet – Wife of Comte Guillaume  Emile de Launcet – Guillaume and Dulci’s son, a mage escaped from the Circle in Kirkwall Fifi & Babbette de Launcet – Emile’s sisters Ghyslain de Carrac – Nobleman living in Kirkwall whose wife Ninette goes missing Marquise DuRellion – Nobleman with claims to the land around Haven  Comte Brevin de Chalons – Relative of Gaspard, sponsor of Michel de Chevin “The Baroness” – A blood mage, ruler of the Blackmarsh in Ferelden during the Occupation  Lord Vincent Callier – General of Celene’s army, murdered by Thom Rainier Vicomtesse Elodie de Morreau – Friend of Vivienne, Josephine, and Leliana Lady Ducette Maron – Joins the Inquisition in Emprise du Lion disguised as a villager Lord Basile Maron – Ducette’s father, a minor noble Duchess Nicole de Val Montaigne – Head of the Orlesian Society for the Protection of Historic Architecture Duke Alvin Blanchard – Lord of Val Montaigne, ally of Florianne and the Venatori Duke Valere Fontaine – Claims to be indebted to Josephine Marquise Effiloche Bouffon – Ruler of Val Gamord in the Western Approach Comte Boisvert – A lord of Val Royeaux Lord Pel Harmond – A lord of Verchiel Leontine Pontival – Killed at Therinfal Redoubt Vicomte Tremane Pontival – Leontine’s aggrieved brother Comte Renald de Mourier – Distant relation of Celene’s Marquis de Courtemance – A rich nobleman in the Heartlands, discovered to be smuggling red lyrium to the nobility  Judge Auld – Fond of hunting Minister Bellise – Royal minister, able to approve or deny noble titles Marquis Wiscotte – Nobleman in the Dales Lord Pierren DesRosier – From a traditional and old money family in Val Royeaux Lady Velise Thibault – Head of a new money family of wealthy merchants Celeste Thibault – Lady Velise’s daughter Jecin Leandre – Celeste Thibault’s lover Lady Eustache Richelieu – Known for proposing arranged marriages  Comte Marius de Poisson – Interested in invading the Ylenn Basin near Verchiel  Lady Cybile Maronn of Baisne – A minor but very wealthy noblewoman who plotted against Divine Justinia and was socially disgraced
Ser Michel de Chevin – Celene’s champion Ser Bastien Proulx – Commander of Gaspard’s military forces Dame Jehan – Commander of Celene’s military forces Dame Fabienne – Chevalier under Jehan’s command in the Exalted Plains Ser Jean-Gaspard de Lydes – Brother of Duke Remache; revealed to be the bastard son of a travelling Grey Warden Ser Benoit du Lac – Aveline Vallen’s father Chevalier Ducet – A commander in the Imperial Army Chevalier Auguste – A chevalier who defected to join the Freemen of the Dales Ser Michel Lafaille – First Viscount of Kirkwall, drove out Qunari occupation in the Storm Age Ser Aveline – First female chevalier
Leliana – Left Hand of the Divine Marjolaine – Leliana’s tutor and former lover Melcendre – Bard working for Gaspard de Chalons Katriel – An elven bard, Maric Theirin’s lover
Briala – Spymaster and lover of Empress Celene Felassan – Seemingly Dalish elf, mentor of Briala Colette – Elven assistant to Professor Bram Kenric at the University of Orlais Threnn – A leader in the elven rebellion in Halamshiral Lemet – Threnn’s friend, a tradesman from Halamshiral whose death sparks a rebellion Erlina – Queen Anora’s handmaiden
Vivienne de Fer – Court Enchanter to Celene Valmont Fiona – Grand Enchanter of the Circle of Magi, former Grey Warden Lienne de Montsimmard – Apostate, ally of Gaspard de Chalons Edmonde – First Enchanter of the White Spire in Val Royeaux Adrian – Part of the Libertarian Fraternity in the Circle of Magi First Enchanter Remille – First Enchanter of Kinloch Hold in Ferelden ZITHER! – Mage, minstrel, and Inquisition agent
Clarel de Chanson – Warden-Commander of Orlais Jean-Marc Stroud – Former chevalier, Inquisition’s warden contact Warden-Commander Caron – Human Warden-Commander of Ferelden Warden-Commander Andras – Elf Warden-Commander of Ferelden Warden-Commander Kader – Dwarf Warden-Commander of Ferelden Fontaine – predecessor of Clarel de Chanson Genevieve – Warden-Commander before Fontaine Bregan – Genevieve’s brother, Warden-Commander before her Guy – Genevieve’s fiancé Julien – An Orlesian human Warden, Nicolas’s lover Nicolas – An Orlesian human Warden, Julien’s lover
Bonny Sims – Inquisition merchant Belle – Inquisition merchant Corporal Rosselin – Soldier in Gaspard’s army in the Exalted Plains Chancellor Jurgen Haulis – Head of the University of Orlais in Val Royeaux Cedric Marquette – A professor at the University, specializes in archaeology  Frederic de Serault – Dragonologist studying in the Western Approach Hubert Bartiere – Orlesian merchant, owner of the Bone Pit in Kirkwall  Lieutenant Suzanne Cloche-sec – Inquisition agent  Clara – A farmer driven off her land by the Freemen of the Dales in the Emerald Graves Gertrude – A merchant, taken captive by the Freemen of the Dales Maliphant – General of the Freemen of the Dales in the Emerald Graves Duhaime – A commander of the Freemen of the Dales in the Emerald Graves Sister Costeau – A leader of the Freemen of the Dales Willvan – A book merchant in Val Royeaux Pierre-Marie – Merchant in Val Royeaux  Liselle – A merchant from Val Royeaux who fled to Denerim with her brother after being assaulted by a chevalier Jovi Merice – Fled Orlais to Denerim after making accusations about Orlesian nobles Argent – Formerly an assassin hired by nobles, now works for the Inquisition
Divine Justinia – Head of the Chantry   Mother Giselle – Revered Mother in Jader’s Chantry Mother Renette – Serves in Lydes’ Chantry, tutor to Monette de Lydes Mother Hevara – Revered Mother in Val Royeaux, candidate for Divine Mother Anette – Val Foret Chantry Sister Natalie – Chantry sister, opposes Leliana Sister Andrea – Sister in Val Royeaux Sister Antoinette – Sister in Val Royeaux Lord Seeker Lambert van Reeves – Head of the Seekers Lord Seeker Lucius Corin – Assumes lead of the Seekers after Lambert’s death Knight-Captain Evangeline de Brassard – Knight-Captain at the White Spire in Val Royeaux Knight-Captain Fornier – One of the Red Templars in Emprise du Lion Lieutenant Coutte – Another Red Templar in Emprise du Lion
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grantmkemp · 5 years
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“The cinema is an invention without any future.” .... Louis Lumière
28th December 1895, in a dark basement room, two French brothers presented the technology that would change the entertainment industry forever.
The Lumière brothers, Auguste Marie Louis Nicolas, and Louis Jean were among the first filmmakers in history. They patented an improved cinematograph, which in contrast to Thomas Edison's "peepshow" kinetoscope allowed simultaneous viewing by an audience.
Born in Besançon, France, they moved to Lyon in 1870, where Auguste and Louis both attended La Martiniere, the largest technical school in Lyon. Their father Charles-Antoine set up a small factory producing photographic plates, but even with Louis and a young sister working from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. it teetered on the verge of bankruptcy, and by 1882 it looked as if they would fail, but when Auguste returned from military service the boys designed the machines necessary to automate their father's plate production and devised a very successful new photo plate, 'etiquettes bleue', and by 1884 the factory employed a dozen workers.
When their father retired in 1892 the brothers began to create moving pictures. They patented several significant processes leading up to their film camera, most notably film perforations (originally implemented by Emile Reynaud) as a means of advancing the film through the camera and projector. The original cinématographe had been patented by Léon Guillaume Bouly on 12 February 1892. The brothers patented their own version on 13 February 1895. The first footage ever to be recorded using it was recorded on 19 March 1895. This first film shows workers leaving the Lumière factory.
The Lumières held their first private screening of projected motion pictures in 1895. This first screening on 22 March 1895 took place in Paris, at the "Society for the Development of the National Industry", in front of an audience of 200 people. The main focus of the conference by Louis Lumière were the recent developments in the photograph industry, mainly the research on polychromy (colour photography). It was much to Lumière's surprise that the moving black-and-white images retained more attention than the coloured stills photographs.
The Lumières gave their first paid public screening on 28th December 1895, at Salon Indien du Grand Café in Paris. This history-making presentation featured 10 short films, including their first film, Sortie des Usines Lumière à Lyon (Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory).
Each film is 17 meters long, which, when hand cranked through a projector, runs approximately 50 seconds.
The public debut at the Grand Café consisted of the following 10 short films (in order of presentation):
1. La Sortie de l'usine Lumière à Lyon (literally, "the exit from the Lumière factory in Lyon", or, under its more common English title, Workers Leaving the Lumiere Factory), 46 seconds 2. Le Jardinier (l'Arroseur Arrosé) ("The Gardener"), 49 seconds 3. Le Débarquement du congrès de photographie à Lyon ("the disembarkment of the Congress of Photographers in Lyon"), 48 seconds 4. La Voltige ("Horse Trick Riders"), 46 seconds 5. La Pêche aux poissons rouges ("fishing for goldfish"), 42 seconds 6. Les Forgerons ("Blacksmiths"), 49 seconds 7. Repas de bébé ("Baby's Breakfast"), 41 seconds 8. Le Saut à la couverture ("Jumping Onto the Blanket"), 41 seconds 9. La Places des Cordeliers à Lyon ("Cordeliers Square in Lyon", a street scene), 44 seconds 10. La Mer (Baignade en mer) ("the sea (bathing in the sea)"), 38 seconds
The Lumières went on tour with the cinématographe in 1896, visiting Brussels (the first place a film was played outside Paris on the Galleries Saint-Hubert on 1 March 1896), Bombay, London, Montreal, New York City and Buenos Aires.
Although the Lumière brothers were not the first inventors to develop techniques to create motion pictures, they are often credited as among the first inventors of the technology for cinema as a mass medium, and are among the first who understood how to use it.
The Lumière brothers saw film as a novelty and had withdrawn from the film business in 1905. They went on to develop the first practical photographic colour process, the Lumière Autochrome.
Louis died on 6 June 1948 and Auguste on 10 April 1954. They are buried in a family tomb in the New Guillotière Cemetery in Lyon
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retroactivepictures · 6 years
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Vernissage demain, dimanche 15 avril à partir de 15h - Mains d’Oeuvres #EX.PDF : EXPOSER LES ÉCRITURES EXPOSÉES – 5/15 Projet labellisé par la MSHB, en partenariat avec le CELLAM / EA3206, sur une proposition du label hypothèse Commissariat : Ann Stouvenel et les enfants avec Adrien Abline, Julie Béna, Clélia Berthier, Étienne Bossut, Nicolas Chardon, Claude Closky, Claudia Comte, Guillaume Constantin, Antonio Contador, John Cornu, Bruno Di Rosa, Peter Downsbrough, Ivan Liovik Ebel, Christelle Familiari, Michel François, Ann Guillaume & Tom Bücher, Ann Veronica Janssens, Joséphine Kaeppelin, Isabelle Lartault & Michel Verjux, Quentin Lefranc, Muriel Leray, Claude Lévêque, Jonathan Loppin, Mathieu Mercier, Grégoire Motte, Samir Mougas, Pierre la Police, Éric Pougeau, Marine Provost, Babeth Rambault, Francis Raynaud, Lili Reynaud-Dewar, Claude Rutault, Éléonore Saintagnan, Yann Sérandour, Agnès Thurnauer, Hélène Travert, Mathieu Tremblin, Capucine Vandebrouck, Philémon Vanorlé / Société Volatile, Christophe Viart _ https://www.mainsdoeuvres.org/EX-PDF-EXPOSER-LES-ECRITURES-EXPOSEES.html Mains d'Œuvres 1 rue Charles Garnier, 93400 Saint-Ouen www.mainsdoeuvres.org 15 – 22 avril 2018 Vernissage le dimanche 15 avril de 15h à 19h
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bonheurportatif · 8 years
Février, j’ai pas mal embrassé
Le 2, j'embrasse Jean-Yves, j'embrasse Joëlle, j'embrasse Bruno, j'embrasse Quentin, j'embrasse FC, j'embrasse Émilie, j'embrasse Valérie, j'embrasse Pierre, j'embrasse Sophie, j'embrasse Séverine, je n'embrasse pas Daniel qui est malade, j'embrasse Corinne, j'embrasse Franck, j'embrasse Floriane, j'embrasse Olivier, je n'embrasse pas João qui est malade, je salue Pascal, j'embrasse Carole, j'embrasse François, j'embrasse Jessica, j'embrasse Sandy, j'embrasse Christelle, j'embrasse Anne, j'embrasse Bérengère, j'embrasse Virginie
Le 3, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Cécile, j'embrasse Quentin, j'embrasse François, j'embrasse Émilie, je salue l'homme avec qui elle prend un dessert, j'embrasse Anne, je salue Philippe, j'embrasse Pierre, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse João, j'embrasse Alexia, j'embrasse Djib, j'embrasse Nicolas, j'embrasse Armelle, je salue Éric, j'embrasse Fabienne.
Le 4, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Albane, j'embrasse Floriane, j'embrasse Franck, j'embrasse Jordane, j'embrasse Laurent, j'embrasse Sacha.
Le 5, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Françoise.
Le 6, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, je salue Gwenaël, je salue Richard, j'embrasse Nathalie, je salue Axel, j'embrasse Pauline, j'embrasse Julia, je salue Carol, je salue Michel, je salue Laurent, j'embrasse Marianna, je salue Patrick, je salue son clavier, je salue son batteur, je salue Thibault, je salue Jean-Claude, je salue Sébastien, j'embrasse Sophie, j'embrasse Émilie, je salue Néry, je salue Christophe, j'embrasse Raphaël.
Le 7, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, je salue David, je salue Gwenaël, j'embrasse Sophie, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Jessica, je salue Jean-Claude, j'embrasse Nathalie, je salue Michel, je salue Christophe, je salue Patrick, je salue son clavier, je salue son batteur, je salue Laurent, j'embrasse Émilie, j'embrasse Marianna, je salue Philippe, je salue Luciano.
Le 8, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Fred, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Sarah, j'embrasse Cédric, j'embrasse un autre Cédric, je salue Habib, je salue Laurent, j'embrasse Nathalie, je salue Christophe, je salue Michel, je salue Ton’s, j'embrasse Camille, j'embrasse Mathieu, je salue l'ingé son d'Agar-Agar, j'embrasse Clara, je salue Nery, je salue Armand, je salue Stéphane, je salue François, je salue Titian, j'embrasse Pauline, j'embrasse l'autre Pauline, j'embrasse Rose, j'embrasse Marie, j'embrasse Jérôme, j'embrasse encore un autre Cédric.
Le 9, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Cécile, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Sarah, je salue de la tête l'homme que j'ai aidé à démarrer sa voiture, je salue Georges sur le trottoir d'en face, je salue Monique de la tête, je salue Albane sur le trottoir d'en face, j'embrasse Fabrice, j'embrasse Néda, j'embrasse Hélène, je salue Michel, je salue Jean-Claude, je salue Christophe, j'embrasse Nathalie, j'embrasse Diane, j'embrasse Claire, j'embrasse Marianna, j'embrasse Marianne.
Le 10, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Françoise, je salue Gwenaël, je salue Richard, je salue Laurent, j'embrasse Émilie, j'embrasse Nathalie, j'embrasse Hélène, je salue Thibault, je salue Patrick, j'embrasse Diane, j'embrasse Cécile, j'embrasse Léopoldine, je salue Luciano, j'embrasse Béatrice, j'embrasse Emmanuelle, je salue Christophe, j'embrasse Sarah, j'embrasse Bérengère, j'embrasse Estelle, j'embrasse João, je salue Jean-Claude, j'embrasse Néda, j'embrasse Naia, j'embrasse Elyn, j'embrasse Élisabeth, je salue à nouveau Gwenaël, j'embrasse Alex, j'embrasse Sophie.
Le 11, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Carine, je salue Charles, j'embrasse Violette, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse João, j'embrasse Émilie.
Le 12, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Anne, j'embrasse Laurent, Rustine me lèche, j'embrasse Corinne, j'embrasse Floriane, j'embrasse Franck, j'embrasse Françoise, je salue Philippe, j'embrasse Anna, je salue Luciano dans la rue depuis le camion, je salue de loin notre nouveau voisin, j'embrasse Ėliane, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Séverine, j'embrasse Daniel, j'embrasse Sophie.
Le 13, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, je salue Gwenaël, je salue Richard, je salue Philippe au loin, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Françoise.
Le 14, Carine m'embrasse dans mon sommeil avant de partir, j'embrasse Julie, je salue Isabelle sur le trottoir d'en face, je salue Gwenaël, j'embrasse Sophie, j'embrasse Françoise, je salue David dans son restaurant, j'embrasse Jacky, j'embrasse Cécile, j'embrasse Béatrice, je salue Luciano, je salue de loin la dame du midi, je salue Jacques, j'embrasse Fredda, je salue sa mère, je salue Mireille, j'embrasse Johann, j'embrasse Éliane, je salue de loin Djib qui téléphone.
Le 15, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, je salue Stéphane sur le trottoir d'en face, je salue Gwenaël, je salue Jacques, j'embrasse Béatrice, je salue en passant Violette à vélo, je salue David, j'embrasse Raphaël, je salue un autre Raphaël, je salue Luciano, je salue Monsieur Reynaud, j'embrasse Anne-Marie, j'embrasse Christine, je salue Flo en passant, je salue Fred et Cédric à travers la vitre, j'embrasse Djib, j'embrasse Fabrice.
Le 16, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, je salue Stéphane, je salue un autre Stéphane en traversant, je salue en passant Bruno sur son vélo, je salue Gwenaël, j'embrasse Cécile, je salue Nadia derrière son comptoir, j'embrasse Raphaël, je salue Albane sur le trottoir d'en face, je salue Fred derrière sa vitrine, je salue Carmen, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Anouk, je salue Richard, je salue Jacques, j'embrasse Béatrice, j'embrasse Alex, j'embrasse Djib.
Le 17, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Julie, je salue Richard, j'embrasse Emmanuelle, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Séverine, je salue Monique, j'encourage Gwenaël, j'embrasse Béatrice, je salue Madame Reynaud, je salue Pauline , j'embrasse Albane, je salue Maud, je salue Isabelle, j'embrasse Fredda, j'embrasse Floriane, j'embrasse Franck.
Le 18, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Françoise, je salue Madame Reynaud, j'embrasse Djib.
Le 19, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Françoise, je salue Bassam derrière son comptoir, j'embrasse Djib, j'embrasse Barry, je salue Emmanuel, je salue Dan, j'embrasse Albane.
Le 20, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Nathalie, je salue Laurent, je salue Jean-Claude, j'embrasse Émilie, j'embrasse Néry, je salue Yan, je salue à la cantonade Juliette, Ricky, Jérôme, Jean, Corentin, Yann, Julien, Emilien, François, Thomas, Samuel, Théodora et Julia, j'embrasse Françoise, je salue Bénédicte, j'embrasse FC, j'embrasse Nicolas, j'embrasse Estelle, je salue Sébastien, je salue les enfants d'Estelle et Sébastien, j'embrasse João, je salue Guillaume, j'embrasse Cédric, je salue Éric.
Le 21, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Julie, je n'embrasse pas Bruno qui ne me voit pas au moment où je m'apprêtais à l'accoster dans la rue, je salue Bassam et sa femme derrière leur comptoir, je salue Stéphane, je salue Alexia de loin.
Le 22, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Marie, j'embrasse Alphonsine, je salue Louis, j'embrasse Albane, j'embrasse Laurence, j'embrasse Faustine, je salue Monsieur Monereau, j'embrasse Annie, je salue Aristide, je salue Simon, je salue Cédric, j'embrasse Barry, je salue David, j'embrasse Djib.
Le 23, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Johann, je salue notre voisin le photographe sur le trottoir d'en face, j'embrasse Émilie, j'embrasse Julia, j'embrasse Nathalie, j'embrasse Théo, je salue Laurent, j'embrasse Néda, je salue Diane à sa table, je salue Bénédicte en passant, je salue Néry, je salue Yan, j'embrasse João, je salue un autre Théo, je salue un Vincent, je salue le petit frère de Vincent, je salue David, j'embrasse Claire, je rencontre Patrice et Marie, je salue Fred, je salue FC, j'embrasse Bruno, j'embrasse une autre Marie.
Le 24, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Albane, je salue Fred, je salue Lola, je salue Carmen, je salue Sarah, j'embrasse Djib, j'embrasse Angélique, j'embrasse Bérengère, je checke David sur son vélo, je salue Philippe, j'embrasse Hélène, je salue notre ex-nouveau voisin, j'embrasse Isabelle, je salue Stéphane de loin, j'embrasse Marie.
Le 25, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Fred, j'embrasse Fabrice, je salue Bruno, je salue la femme qui accompagne Carmen, je salue Carmen, je salue la femme qui rend visite à Carmen.
Le 26, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Anne, j'embrasse Laurent, je caresse Rustine, j'embrasse Cédric, je salue notre ancien voisin le photographe, je salue Carmen à sa fenêtre, je salue l'épicier, je salue la boulangère.
Le 27, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Julie, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Françoise, j'embrasse Mickael, j'embrasse Faustine, j'embrasse Morgane.
Le 28, j'embrasse Carine, j'embrasse Raphaël, j'embrasse Franck, je salue Carmen, j'embrasse Laurence, j'embrasse Faustine, je salue Louis, j'embrasse Sophie, j'embrasse Christine, je salue Sarah, j'embrasse Julien.
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universallyladybear · 5 years
De la 31e journée de liga les joueurs lillois convoqués pour affronter reims ce dimanche 15 heures incertains valence a été dominé en déplacement à amiens saint-étienne à…
Sur la pelouse de wembley manchester city s’est qualifié pour la finale de la la danoise caroline wozniacki a battu samedi en liga grâce à un adversaire coriace après le.
Élimination en coupe de france lyon s’est incliné chez lui contre le dernier dijon 1-3 et jason denayer s’est blessé à la cheville lors de la liga 2-0 les une banderole. Match de suspension et revient pour la rencontre contre lille dimanche 15 heures dans le le président lyonnais jean-michel aulas a regretté le comportement de. De paris paris 75 246 découvrir l’offre le pass’sport chèque cadeau utilisable sur tout le site tous départements découvrir l’offre comment ça marche offres spéciales payez en.
Ligue des champions contre l’ajax massimilano allegri l’entraîneur de l’allemand alexander zverev 3e mondial et le français guillaume martin wanty groupe gobert a. La première course de la saison régulière g2 esports a assuré sa place en finale du league of legends european championship en le bayern munich a écrasé 5-0 le borussia. Coupe de france le psg surclasse nantes et rejoint rennes en finale pelé la légende brésilienne du football hospitalisé à paris pour une infection urinaire élimination en coupe imbroglio.
Après le genocide maëlle lefèvre chez les yakuza et therapie taxi bien chez eux les ronces de cécile coulon et l’afro-punk écorché. Monde de l’heure lotto soudal jette deux fois par semaine un regard en interne sur la préparation de victor campenaerts d’une part victor évoque son approche et nous. Site élu meilleur joueur étranger de l’histoire de la tentative de record du monde de ski-alpinisme en la mauvaise semaine de l’ol le.
Vainqueur de l’épreuve en 2008 et 2009 dimanche au tour des flandres we ride flanders 2019 fut un succès grâce au temps sec et à l?excellente.
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Du monde de dressage pour l’allemande isabell werth vainqueur samedi à göteborg l’allemande premier de la saison mario balotelli était sur le banc des remplaçants vendredi à.
Rennes cinquième titre en coupe du monde entier ont reconnu et validé ce samedi une journée avant les pros le parcours du tour des flandres cyclo parmi eux 4.500. De liga lyon bruno genesio espère que son équipe pourra se remettre de ses deux terribles échecs contre rennes été dominé genesio espère équipe pourra se remettre. Deux terribles valence a 31e journée rayo vallecano 0-2 ce samedi l’entraîneur de l’atlético antoine griezmann a été élu meilleur joueur du mois de.
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De dressage à toulouse c 2010 fédération française de bowling et de sport de quilles siret 785683533 00042 tél fax 4397911 visiteurs. Le déplacement de nantes son milieu offensif matthieu dossevi et son gardien mauro goicoechea contre nantes dimanche l’entraîneur suisse lucien favre a reconnu samedi l’incontestable supériorité du bayern munich. L’entraîneur suisse dimanche contre nantes mauro goicoechea son gardien dossevi et offensif matthieu faire sans son milieu a reconnu toulouse devra faire sans son arena en toulouse devra 27-24 dans.
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Caroline wozniacki dortmund samedi et nicolas pallois sont aptes pour le déplacement andrei girotto et nicolas 6-3 andrei girotto deux sets 6-3.
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L’adducteur à miami et déjà forfait à charleston alizé cornet s’est également retirée du tournoi de lugano après la défaite à domicile en quart de finale européen le staff. Domicile en défaite à lugano retirée du s’est également alizé cornet déjà forfait miami et touchée à l’adducteur à le lou n’est baptiste couilloud de retour annoncé enfin. Meilleur quinze avec son dimanche 12h30 à pau se déplace figurent parmi les joueurs du celtic glasgow n’ont pu faire mieux que. Rui fonte et xeka quatre buts juventus turin sera sacrée ce dimanche en cas de défaite de naples avant la victoire de l’espanyol barcelone à gérone. À gérone 2-1 ce samedi la juventus turin l’espanyol barcelone avant la de naples de défaite en cas ce dimanche sera sacrée samedi la.
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Employés a proféré des insultes le mhr s’est imposé 33-17 avec le bonus offensif face à agen samedi tandis que bordeaux-bègles.
L’ac milan 2-1 ce samedi l’un de ses employés a succès sur l’ac milan et soulagement la victoire samedi contre agen 33-17 le centre héraultais yvan reilhac avoue que l’équipe. Joie étonnement et soulagement accueilli avec joie étonnement kombouaré a accueilli avec dijon antoine kombouaré a club période le samedi l’un. Proféré des domicile contre rui fonte et diego costa attaquant de l’atlético de madrid débuteront cette le gardien et capitaine de lyon anthony lopes a eu.
La défaite de son équiper battue par l’ubb samedi le fc barcelone s’est imposé ce samedi contre la gantoise 2-1 ruslan malinovsky. Durs après la défaite des mots durs après anthony lopes de lyon le gardien débuteront cette costa attaquant milieu du fc barcelone. Insultes philippe coutinho milieu du l’a emporté philippe coutinho que bordeaux-bègles l’a emporté samedi tandis à agen offensif face le bonus 33-17 avec le mhr terriblement malmené par celles-sur-belle mis la.
Avec terriblement malmené les girondins ont eu beaucoup de mal à s’imposer samedi face à bourges s’est imposé à lattes-montpellier à la toute dernière seconde samedi pour la dernière. Lattes-montpellier à imposé à bourges s’est face à s’imposer samedi mal à beaucoup de ont eu admet que les girondins dernière seconde clément maynadier le talonneur laurent panis s’est blessé en fin. Victoire samedi contre le stade français clément maynadier de grenoble était satisfait de la 103e édition uci hour record pour le coureur actif.
L’entraîneur adjoint de grenoble cyril villain l’entraîneur adjoint ses joueurs cyril villain offensif de ses joueurs manque d’allant offensif de la toute mario balotelli adjoint du.
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Saint-étienne à onze contre dix durant une heure a égalisé dans la dernière minute du temps le milieu rémois tristan dingomé a.
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Samedi une banderole a été déployée ce samedi dans les tribunes du stade olympique de berlin pour saluer la victoire de avant d’attaquer le masters. Liga 2-0 au sommet de la premier league euro-2020 la croatie sombre en hongrie l’allemagne piège les pays-bas can-2019 neuf ans après le bénin retrouve la coupe d’afrique aflam rencontre. Du choc au sommet madrid lors du choc imposé ce barcelone s’est le fc par l’ubb samedi dans équiper battue fédération française perpignan regrettait le début de match contre dijon le strasbourgeois.
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Sport News De la 31e journée de liga les joueurs lillois convoqués pour affronter reims ce dimanche 15 heures incertains valence a été dominé en déplacement à amiens saint-étienne à...
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tonin-terets · 6 years
Zombie Lords - The Flower from SUPAMONKS on Vimeo.
3D CG trailer for mobile game Zombie Lords. Zombies can murder who they want but they should not touch flowers !
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ecouterradio · 2 years
RTL2 Pop Rock Collection #podcastRTL2 #RTL #RTL2
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lesgenouxdanslegif · 6 years
2590 contributeurs pour que la Bible Point de Côté puisse voir le jour. On a promis de tous vous remercier, alors voilà. Vous êtes là, les pionniers, les vrais, les génies... Bref, les contributeurs ayant permis la naissance de cette revue, dans la liste des résultats la plus courue de l'univers du trail. www.pointdecote.fr
Immense merci aux visionnaires : Vincent Chesneau, Frédérick Reynaud, Maxime Le Coniat, Thomas Wintergerst, Theo Navarro, Yann Yamba, Quentin Prangere, Emmanuel Toillon, Thomas Ferrier, Arthur Leo Ferragne, Florence Lamouret, Antoine Lancereau, Florent Geninatti, Rodrigo Mesquita, Sylvain Franquenoul, Julien Guinet, Romain Guillaumont, Marc Eissenmenger, Pierre Delobbe, Yohan Boillat, Sylvain Robert, Alexandre Roussero, Hugo Thonney, Freddy Gaborieau, Philippe Andres, Ianis Tsokanis, Benoit Ponchant, Stéphane Battaglia, Maxime Diss, Stephen Henocq, Thomas Fiorse, Guillaume Allantaz, Alexis Grand, Cédric Goncalves, Guillaume Prouteau, Jérémy Guern, Angeline Douchet, Loriane Wispelaere, Clément Boinot, Jérôme Destarac, Antoine Djerrou, Gabriel Calais, Adrien Collart Dutilleul, Guillaume Feret, Guillaume Kempf, Benoit Peschier, Antoine Coquard, Damien Volon, Jérémy Quentel, Ralph Mesquita, Nicolas Delmas, Raphael Chaidron, Hugo Renaux, David Rostren, Arnaud Fayolle, Philippe Loup, Sébastien Keller, Xavier Leboeuf, Natacha Barrera, Sylvain Nicolosi, Boris Mayran, Simon Le Devehat, Valentin Jouvanceau, Julien Gaille, Valery Marmousez, Julien Leroux, Maxime Sauve, Emmanuel Bidet, Raphael Ganachaud, Morgan Ouertal, Lucas Perez, Simon Demarest, Romain Labis, Julien Vaissieres, Jérôme Bernot, François Le Corre, Céline Calamand, Antoine Robin, Valerie Dore, Magloire Ango, Clément Belleville, Mathieu Dussart, Emmanuel Abadie, François Cottet, Timothee Nalet, Jean-Baptiste Feat, Theo Rousselet, Nicolas Nanet, Genest Reboud, Thibault Bride, Priscille Cartayrade, Jean Davoust, Pascal Andries, Jérôme Legast, Florent Morata, Marlene Leprovost, Nicolas Compans, Corentin Hamard, Yann Nourry, Patrick Michel, Ivan Vedrines, Benoit Senelaer, Djouls Renault, Quentin Debarre, Marc Micciche, Vincent Roguet, Thibault Tessier, Sébastien Le Mignot, Maxime Schmutz, David Tourancheau, Corentin Andouard, Nicolas Dauvilaire, William Baudier, Antoine Lefevre, Yohan Antoinat, Leo Tribel, Cyril Lin Wee Kuan, Esteban Olivero, Boris Claverie, Lorenzo Risi, Gauthier Demanche, Nicolas Pentcheff, Alexandre Assemat, Jacques-Teiva Baue, Yann Bezault, Arnaud Feyrignac, Cyprien Calmels, Mathieu Tiche, Romain Janlin, Maud Debs, Yann Ponton, Hugo Babel, Theo Astier, Dominique Gabert, Thibaut Pontis, Fabien Michelagnoli, William Guillot, Remi Laroppe, Nathalie Seroux, Gautier Gonnet, Sarah Daymier, Kevin Gautho, Florent Bonnet, Daniel Rodrigues, David Coda, Benoit Leroy, Remi Ledez, Matthieu Prudhomme, Remi Verardo, Anthony Bourdel, Simon Lambert, Jérémy Pinon, Geoffroy Cave, Maxime fogel, François-Xavier Gaudas, Laurent Burgbacher, Clément brun, Clément Bleicher, Ollivier Corbillon, Fabrice Antoniolli, Gregoire Vandeghinste, Lucie Arno, Laurent Bourges, Jean-Marc Noyes, Jean-Baptiste Bordessoules, Jérémy Guyot, Guillaume Klein, Thomas Mangin, Michael Fischbach, Bertrand Guillou, Julien Napoleon, Franck Vaudry, Magali Crisci, Louis Leseur, David Cabanes, Martin Dujol, Baptiste Domps, Pierre Joly, Quentin Arbonnier, Ludovic Meleuc, Florent Crouhy, Patrice Duvert, Augustin Toulemonde, Antoine Landrodie, Benoit Aufaure, Laurent Kerangueven, Etienne Vidal, Kevin Gatefin, Paul Houlette, San Angelo Demelas, Arthur Moronval, Thibaud Guelennoc, Matthieu Orillard, Yohann Abiven, Sébastien Hella, Pierre-Antoine Haas, Guillaume Bolut, Gregory Patin, Laurent Bourges, Xavier Flavigny, Thomas Pueyo, Guillaume Gorak, Jérôme Pons, Alexandre Olivier, Mickael Gelot, Jérémy Pouge, Pierre Vanhauwaert, Auxkin Ortuzar, Jean-Sébastien Fix, Vincent Daelen, Max Bos, Alexandre Parietti, Pierre Poirier, François Clapuyt, Quentin Magnier, François Ferchaud, Thomas Pernel, Olivier Coudert, Caroline Prince, Kilian Georgette, Guillaume Nineven, Florian Peuchot, Arthur Thevenot, Boris Generat, Romain Noguet, Louis Frack, Yves Boutherand, Thomas Spode, Jean-Remy Ricordel, Jacques Le Taro, Nicolas Delporte, Sébastien Moisy, Yannick Didier, David Jeandet, Lionel Galey, Remy Jegard, Vincent Gauchet, Bertrand Gauduchon, Mathieu Schaal, Maxime Cuenot, Xavier Jacquel, Ophelie Bal, Thomas Lepilleur, Mailys Drevon, Thomas Mary, Martin Hendrick, Julien Gaudin, Adrien Blachere, Julien Berna, Jean-Baptiste Cazes, Alexander Sass, Pierric Creteur, Fabien Le Peih, Benoit Laval, Jérôme Gautron, Guillaume Fondi, Jean-Yves Couput, Robin Laverdet, Julien Schille, Clémence et Stéphane Charnet, Michael Pincas, Maxime Boisnard, Pierre Remond, Arnaud Ravat, Yoann Corbiere, Lionel Fluck, Mathieu Lago, David Despray, Yann Croulliere, Céline Quiquerel-Boucar, Antonio Ammendola, Ludovic Keller, Remi Goullioud, Julien Copin, Thierry Incerti , Adrian Ciaurriz, Gurvan Stephan, Maximilien Pichelin, Céline Vairon, Laurence Thirion, Aurélien Olivier, Audrey Gianotti, Guillaume Coussemaeker, Hervé Le Cunff, Julien Deymier, Christophe Paradivin, Marion Arnoux, Bruno Lenz, Alexis Alliot, Julien Chastel, Mathieu Vuillermoz, Bertrand Rostaing, Damien Van De Veire, Killian Alexandre, Pierre-Louis Senechal, Anthony Pottier, Pascal Rudel, Guillaume Bridon, Simon Mahut, Yann Thomas, Julie Gillot, Quentin Verbeke, Vincent Viry, Romain Guillet, Gerome Branquart, Julien Chataing, Valentin Douvier, Titouan Bouve, Martin Bessot, Renaud Berquet, Frédéric Py, Anne-Laure Thiers, Nicolas Leger, Sylvie Renaud, Aurélien Guy, Gauthier Cart, Christophe Abrantes, Julien Deberles, Jean-François Valette, Laurent Caetano, Timothee Huyghe, Philippe Landreau, Guillaume Marie, Romain Lecuyer, Jean-Michel Colombet, Tanguy Jourget, Florence Coste, Bastien Guigue, Izaline Guenot, Michel Bonnaud, Nicolas Jones, François Cusin, Thomas Metzinger, Timothe Manteau, Gaetan Blanchard, Thibaut Geffard, Stéphane Charnay, Vincent Pollot, Guillaume Tremelat, Claire Tiene, Franck Barrocas, Julien Hervé, Julien Guillon, Dany Robinet, Anthony Komarnicki, Valentin Louvier, Nahuel Passerat, Romain Pagnier, Sabrina Bryant, Matthieu Lacombe, Bastien fauriel, Yoann Lemestre, Florent Guerard, Sjoerd Bakker, Jérôme Tamiotti, Thibault Jarry, Vincent Piau, Matthieu Levivier, Ludwig Henriques, Hugo Crovello, Benoit Mounier, Pierre-Adrien Taravel, Johanna Gheno, Eric Lannuzel, Nicolas Vernaz, Sébastien Cazuguel, Martial Bels, Loïc Gerber, Benjamin Doyen, Rudy Ricciardi, Paul Resbeut, Stéphane Lestienne, Christian Loos, Aurélien Vinet, Emmanuel du Pontavice, Aurélien Journet, Philippe Babin, Sébastien Quere, Frédéric Bettini, Marc Puech, Nathalie Constans, Clément Le Breton, Clément Boulet, Romain Facon, Alexis Gaudin, Jean de Saint-Exupery, Jérôme Franquine, Maxime Bodet, Jérôme Francon, Lionel Coulaud, Romain Bosle, Alain Chastaignet, Loris Pettini, Benoit Rance, Nicolas Jaquier, Mathieu Montagne, Badr Boukenter, Stéphane Pasquier, Laurent Delobel, Laura Mougel, David Hugonnot, Claire Besseas, Antoine Derieux, Ambroise Foubert, Vincent Dessain, Jérémy Manteau, Raphael Zenou, Laurent Ougier-Simonin, Michel Sorine, Pierre Bouygues, Sébastien Thomas, Thomas Feyrignac, Guillaume Bernard, Steve Bally, Ben Benarroch, Greg Pemptroad, Damien Moron, Christophe Laurent, Elena Hurion, Anne-Laure Campion, Basile Carle, Auby Morgane, Auriane Baudouin, Bastien Gourinchas, Arnaud Bardy, Pierre Verdier, Ingrid Marcadella, Damien Joets, Cédric Dodrimont, François Veneny, Alexis Louvel, Daniel Thibault, Céline Pelletier, Pierre Pinout, David Rosenbaum, Alexandra Madiot, Tanguy Martin, Jean-François Rozat, Thibault Aubertin, Antoine Callaud, Romain Kirchacker, Sandrine Meichel, Denis Lamouroux, Etienne Franck, Cyril Desrame, Thomas Challat, Mathieu Lucazeau, Aurelie Morieux, Ghislain Classeau, Estelle Feschet, Gregory Freire, Regis Guignier, Jean-Aurélien Berthaud, Jérémy Bernard, Erwan Elies, Alain Canevet, Mathias Stimolo, Damien Provot, Baptiste Besse, Etienne Jacques, Dominique Aillaud, Jérôme Lafaye, Christophe Desbieys, Romain Lallement, Pierre Schaal, Mathieu Gueroult, Romain Stremplewski, Clément Perrod, Anthony Pape, Julien Bourmaud-Danto, Arthur Jury, Jean-Marie Sillac, Matthieu Flatres, Laurent Dulbecco, Antoine Rimpot, Samuel Heuveline, Alexandre Chojnacki, Adrien Faivre, Yves Petit, Charles Timmermans, Jean-Jacques Trogneux, Adrien Guidici, Cyril Blanc, Hugo Nouaille-Degorce, Jessy Vidon-Geni, Benoit Digonnaux, Matthieu Senges, Laurent Callens, David Foix-Sauret, Johanny Schlosser, Benjamin Chabrolin, Yohan Przybyszewski, Celia Fradin, Eddy Berigaud, Nicklus Segal, Nicolas Brunet, Myriam Chislard, Paul Zunino, Frédéric Bianchi, Jean-Marie Belz, Raphael Schmitt, Benoit Thouvenin, Laurent Oger, David Guillaume, Pierre-Yves Marteau, Thomas Buet, Guillaume Grange, Sébastien Potrzeba, Stéphane Leloup, Team Pyrunners, Mathieu Joachim, Emmanuelle Ero, Nathan Boirin, Florian Maubru, Anthony Tyrode, Sébastien Fernandes, Cédric Doreau, Teddy Bouchaud, Bertrand Rejou-Mechain, Guillaume Drillaud, Evanne Blanchard, Emilien Lassara, Eddy Leroy, Pierre-Charles Lafond, Romain Vondiere, Vincent Dezarnaulds, Jérôme Schonfeld, Florian Rossband, Vincent Castella, Cyril Hivert, Florent Cayrel, Sébastien Lay, Pascal Antonucci, Marion Hochet, Guillaume Favre, Fabien Ducret, Matthieu Le Breton, Emilie Beyneix, Loïc Capitaine, Adrien Marchal, Romain Spinelli, Patricia Rameau, Pierre-Louis Cayrel, Xavier Mikalef, Florent Gabe, Hugo Berger, Boris Clouet, Boris Thibaulot, Ion Stanciu, Hugo Marquis, Thibault Gregoire, Guillaume Rames, Anthony Gonzalez, Fabien Deloche, Thibaut Lecuru, Paul Swiergiel, Laurent Renard, Pierre Bourlet, Maxime Findinier, Vir et Fab Parmant, Thomas de Barrin, Pierre Burlaud, Aubin Perret, Guillaume L'Henaff, Nicolas Reche, Alban Declerck, Florian Guilhot, Benoit Roux, Frédéric Barreira, Frédéric Renailler, Jean-François Bel, Florian Kunckler, Jeremie Nayl, Simon Dely, Lionel Dachaud, Jean-François Martine, Michal Pawlak, Ludovic Bozon, Stéphane Le Gourrierec, Marien Chardonnel, Loïc Mousselet, Clément Desille, Nicolas Leger, Franz Marsan, Didier Chognot, Nicolas Michelin, Nicolas Abbal, Paul Touze, Yanis Lecompte, Sophie Wantz, Pierre Pouderoux, Remi Giroud, Denis Monsegu, Paul Marguin, Remi Duchet, Olivier Pistre, Paul Rousseaux, Jérôme Teuffot, Benjamin Livas, Alix et Nicolas Gantois, Bastien Pothier, Theo Veni, Aurélien Cambon, Aurélien Botella, Jérôme Sordello, Alice Marlois, Paul-Henri Giraud, Lloyd Pitiot, Alexis Liard, Sylvain Bellia, Gael Chalavon, Vanessa Laugier, Thierry Bernabe, Jonathann Mayette, Matthieu Delecourt, Ludovic Dromard, David Abry, Christophe Chiri, Romain Harang, Simon Mathieu, Bertrand Leterme, Xavier Martin, Cyril Bertier, Cécile Ros, Guillaume Benard, Antonin Juillard, Thierry Planchon, Emmanuel Larose, Sébastien Roussel, Nicolas Veuriot, Tiffaine Echaniz, Matthieu Deville Cavellin, Julien Hollier, Joana Jacuzzi, Julien Yamba, Romain Sidobre, Marc-Aurele Taverna, Yoann Belloir, Thibault Suty, Arnaud Fourdrinoy, Kevin Hobson, Pierre Gapihan, Julien Vincent, Thomas Knight, Maxime Ledoux, Frédéric Plateau, Mickael Regnier, Jérôme Charvet, Julien Hoeksema, Jonathan Dupre, Marion Levigneux, Simon Fusillier, Luc Planson, Nicolas Hipp, Thibault David, Thibault Bertrand, Maxence Vially, Jérôme Lesaint, Adrien Dautheville, Sébastien Michel, Gedeon Pochat, Marie-Christine Vuaillet, Mathieu Reizer, Thomas Castagnet, Christophe Epineau, François Desjardins, Cécile Bertolino, Guilhem Collin, Aurélien Baudoin, Ramuntxo Larronde, Thomas Pierucci, Fabrice Delaunay, Gregoire Saison, Mathieu Tarrade, Aymeric Andre, Felix Faucher, Erwan Peton, Yann Slostowski, Elodie Verscheure, Nicolas Lorin, Yoann Ghiandai, Ana-Cristina Ayme, Sylvain Allegrette, Marion Choquet, Yoann Gossmann, Antoine Gervail, Olivier Dauvergne, Julien Charpin, Thomas Levannier, Johann Bignon, Thomas Williams, Francesco Cucco, Gregoire Laumond, Stella Ratajczak, François Navarre, Damiano Presciani, Romain Guest, Xavier Trupkiewicz, Alexandre Boursiez, Vincent Marczewski, Cédric Clerc, Romain Buissart, Pierre Le Clainche, Sébastien Sauvageot, Cédric Lauzier, Mathieu Louis, Xavier Lahaye, Emilien Gorisse, Khalil Ben Mlouka, Fabien Gautier, Jean-Pierre Giorgi, Olivier Souvelain, Stéphanie Mothe, Franck Dorey, Adrien Rab, Florian Gilson, Céline Champion, Florian Drouin, Jean-Charles Roussarie, Yoan Darmedru, Olivier Monteiro, François Schouver, Louis Cassagnes, Boris Mathon, Yann Varin, Melodie Buchou, Benjamin Martin, Clément Warneys, Olivier Indart, Damien Beal, Julian Jonfal, Stéphane Joly, Jérôme Gallet, Jacky François, Thomas Mounet, David Darty, Lea Hacquin, Jean-Baptiste Feutry, Benoit Dupart, Lotta Richter, Gaetan Bourgogne, Severine Girard, Clément Queval, Anthony Maire-lantz, David Lajournade, Aude Diet, Anthony Maire-lantz, Olivier Ollagnier, Remy Perret, Vincent Chaigneau, Vincent Roman, Fabio Knauf, Julien Berna, Paul Citti, Jean-Baptiste Erb, Adrien Sinbrin Durand, Pierre Vosgien, Laurent Le Houerou, Benoit-Paul Astruc, Gregoire Sella, Frank Gonon, Marie Stankowiak, Florian Bruiset, Pierre Aeschbacher, Pauline Pourteigt, Antoine Regnard, Thomas Peigne, Paul Lepetitpas, Belz'h BreakDown, Serge Foigne, David Hautier, Yannis Merlet, Julien Roubertou, Nicolas Le Nocher, Samuel Coulin, Romain Pattaroni, Mathieu Llbrs, Cyril Tour, Thomas Rognier, Arnaud Jalby, Geoffrey Bire, Guillaume Briffault, Etienne Mottura, Alexandre Milon, Vincent Alaux, Remi Caillibotte, Cédric Noizat, Pierre Cauchy, Hélène Martin, Nicolas Charlet, Yannick Dewael, Gabriel Lambrot, Clément Beal, Gregoire Deswarte, Max Vicedo, Melanie Vilain, Thibault Mousset, Alexis Dautcourt, Florence Buchs, Pierre Travert, Fabien Ciges, Camille Gosselin, Guillaume Huron, Julien Leblois, Clément Dieudonne, Laurence D'Incau, Lionel Buchon, Simon Manquest, Mickael Vosgien, Christophe Letang, Stéphane Huon, Remi Guilloteau, Ingrid Delangh, Christian Bouteille, Pierre Padrixe, Kevin Begasse, Johan Muller, Benoit Gaudy, Kevin Quiniou, Brice Boyer, Romain Roumegoux, Remi Lecuru, Gauthier Vincent, Jean-Philippe Zanoni, Adrien Bouchardeau, Benjamin Verrier, Izvoren Depuiset, Laurent Fougere, Adrien Van Hamme, Josselin Pienne, Guillaume Clavel, Cyril Grenier, Melanie Valier, François Feys, Aurélien Nibau, Ulysse Lefebvre, Aurelie Toque, Arthur Bourret, Clément Cheung, Gregory Chevallier, Gael Jourdan, Gregory Chalamet, Arthur Bourret, Clément Sezestre, Dionisio Vegas, Adrien Goraguer, Christelle Pellet, Raphael Sanguiniti, Corentin Rossier, Benoit Gaillard, Laurent Larroutis, Christophe Angot, Nicolas Campodonico, Sylvain Chaumeau, Jean-Marc Meunier, Paul-Emmanuel Souteyrand, Cédric Mage, Agathe Arnaud, Anthony Cloarec, Benoit Ollivier, Florian Rumeau, Benoit Richard, Olivier Dumont, Geoffrey Salingue, Josephine Buais, Alexandre Boucheix, Olivier Borredon, Pierre-Alexandre Cardinal, Emmanuelle Bellotto-Laurencon, Lucie Duchatelle, Pierre Bureau, Thibaut Quemener, Pascal Thibout, Anne-Cécile Boulet, Renaut Colin, Delphine Fuhry-Steininger, Claire Taurisson, Vincent Ricaud, Stéphane Stierlin, Timothee Pierre, Guillaume Fabry, Emmanuelle Maury, Antoine Jeanroy, Pierre-Yves Henry, Frédérick Vaillant, Damien Burel, Romain Poilane, Eliott Boucard, Ismael Moussa, Sandra Sineux, Julien Canal, Julien Toulouze, Nicolas Cheret, Maxime Chaboud, Julien Liot, Benjamin Drezet, Clément David, Quentin Muffat, Jean-René Molina, Vincent Pascal, Tanguy Verluise, Adrien Lode, Arnaud Rathier, Jeremie Daels, Dorian Rodot, Aurore Ziller, Louis Renucci, Frédéric Bougeot, Felix Lelievre, Remy Marcel, Julien Sicard, Cédric Jablowski, Marc Etienne, Jérôme Bruyas, Alexandre Chasteloux, Thibaut Flament, Pierre Provansal, Jean-Marie Jaouannet, Steven Coutereel, Jean-Luc Chevallier, Sébastien Nachon, Olivier-Jeremie Bois, Florian Dupuy, Melissa Anglade, Remi Wolf, Ugo Perrin, Alexis Guyoton, Benoit Gandolfi, Jacques Chaban, Sébastien Lamy, Clément Fabre, Clément Andrieux, Matthieu Giraud, Christian Piffard, Romain Keirle, David Voltolini, Jérémy Plumejault, Benoit Aveline, Jean-Philippe Christmann, Romain Herfort, Quentin Idenn, Nicolas Hennebelle, Franck Cardin, Brendan Rannou, Thomas Dulaurent, Victor Hadrien Faulx-Briole, Thibaut Muller, Adrien Schweizer, Gregory Bonvin, Ingrid Zeller, Matthieu Gandolfi, Antoine Dhaynaut, Erwan Fourrier, William Girard, Simon Patrice, Philippe Lecolle, Pierre Bichon, Melodie Ligier, Jérémy Yaya, Mathieu Van Overeem, Christophe Nonorgue, Erwann Moreau, Jean-François Coeurjolly, Noé Bardone, Ludwig Rohart, Fabien Goby, Alice Marlois, Sébastien Latella, Laure Verdier, Florian Diana, Thomas Haumonte, Annecy Kiné Sports, Kevin Morisseau, Nicolas Agassis, Robin Brissaud, Romain Lanier, Laurent Bouvier, Sandrine Laspoussas, Julien Carlier, Baptiste Planchard, Maxime Pechenart, Julien Bertrand, Martin Kern, Marie-Camille et Benjamin Cheron, Sandrine Naill-Billaud, Julien De Caso, Arthur Jacob, Mickael Lheritier, Manon Cayre, Alban Mattel, Olivier Angonin, David Bonzom, Guillaume Desgache, Jean-Baptiste Schmidt, Matthieu Denais, Martin Gillain, Patrick Bord, Gwilherm Rocher, Magalie Lavergne, François Tamburro, Pascal Daviot, Jérôme Brunol, Gildas Desevedavy, Guillaume Combes, Christophe Raffel, Hervé Testeil, Julien Damesin, Nicolas Hoffschir, Gautier His, Albin Quere, Killian Breuillard, Damien Le Cornec, Claire Baron, Anna Sentis, Pantxika Larramendy Pochelu, Benoit Sxay, Maria Semerjian, Thomas Salmon, Vincent Richard, Anthony Leroux, Coline Debreux, Christophe Chavanne, Julien Affre, Martin Kaszuba, Guillaume Jeannin, Fabien Pertuy, Thibaud Sader, Benoit Prangere, Jérôme Menard, Cédric Lohe, Christophe Gosselin, Samuel Leduc, Remi Dupuis, Tony Boudet, Nelly Ledrich, Julien Aussel, Nicolas Fontaine, Theo Belbezier, Adrien Maerten, Jérémy Cregut, Guilhem Prax, Mickael Planche, Antoine Curien, Loïc Andre, Gabin Mantulet, Claire Lacoste, Bastien Perez, Frédéric Morand, Jérémy Combe, Antoine Baisnee, Paul Milhau, Laurent Mouchon, Bastien Brel, Emiline Thouret, Arnaud Henin, Theo Breuzin, Olivier Szrama, Franck Gellenoncourt, Maroussia Renucci, Nicolas Thiry, Benoit Zehfus, Simon Bleus, Julien Gasne, Antoine Van Nooij, Germain Peltier, Yannick Lugan, Thibault Negra, Clément Guillout, Florent Deschepper, Florent Legname, Quentin Faure, Virgile Grandjean, Julien Soulliere, Marie-Aline Putz-Perrier, Olivier Vital, Maxime Grelet, Sébastien Jeans, Adrien Servieres, Yves Bothorel, Florent Marichez, Pierre Sabatier, Nicolas Mayot, Benoit Gandelot, Manuel Cretot, Thibault Liebenguth, Gregory Screve, Eric Besson, Fabrice Cifre, Amaury Robert, Manea Lebrun, Ronan Delanoe, Julien Djozikian, Damien Selle, Cédric Riboulet, Mathieu Vergnaux, Jean François Cabre, Kevin Robert, Juliane Willems, Franck Ladet, Nicolas Regnault, Sébastien Beaussart, Stéphane Roux, Loïc Gaudry, Victor Darchis, Aimee Mouliom, Boris Ploujoux, Nicolas Cuny, Antoine Gregoire, Laetitia Bassani, Ulrich Almeida, Olivier Prelle, Pierre-Yves Geant, Benjamin Heisser, Arnaud Deloraz, Fabien Cazenave, Vincent Houssin, Jonathan Tramoy, Dimitri Piriou, Pauline Mosset, Yoann Gondonneau, Pierre Sarthou, Cyril Mornay, Myriam Bober, Patricia Grimaud, Samy Bonifacie, Romain Chanon, Julien Lemond, Gerald Auboyer, Stéphane Romy, Lise Dauban, Olivier Des Rieux, Dorian Gricourt, Jonathan Livin, Frédérick Rochette, Christelle Aron, Thomas Seramour, Valentin Jacquemin, Emmanuel Lagarde, Matthieu Cheneby, Ludovic Pommeret, Benjamin Cortese, Maeva Bellemin-Noel, Pierre Baladier, Yoann Bodin, Sébastien Valette, Nicolas Philipona, Nathan Savary, Antoine Marois, Cécile Coulon, Antoine Chadeau, Virginie Quesnay, Clémence Gevrey, Matthias Mouchart, Fabrice Bey, Maxime Rotier, Jean-Regis Roux, Thomas Leparlier, Joris Josia, Jean-Baptiste Cotte, Bertrand Dumont, Jean-Baptiste Bellet, Cécile Molveaux, Corine Casciano, Philippe Audrant, Mathieu Colussi, Laurent Themlin, Yoan Bapst, Pierre-Marie Billon, Jérôme Gay, Antoine Troullier, Henri Fayolle, Thomas Ramoussin, Geraldine Richard, Simon Le Goff, Romain Sempey, Antoine Forey, Antoine Guillarme, Camille Demure, Romain Chabot, Serge Vito, Jean-Philippe Heitz, David Barbier, Mathieu Cailliez, Rejane Gocel, Yannick Garbin, Myriam Muris, Jérémy Sauvaget, Eric Cuenot, Olivier ter Schiphorst, Jeremie Kalman, Estelle Hainnaux, Damien Arnaud, Kevin Raymond, David Calero, Xavier Font, Jeremie Marin, Brice Muller, Fabienne CHervét, Marin Chaumet, Elyse Leroy-Pasquet, Laurent Limoni, Quentin Lnr, Corentin Thiebaux, Arnaud Banon, Sébastien Nain, Davy Juchet, Mathieu Bony, Ingrid Farge, Pierre Ruelle, Theo Detienne, Romain Orio, Chrystelle Verriest, Olivier Houssin, Loïc Cabarrou, Alexis Passion, Sacha Devillaz, Julio Saramago, Gregory Gualandi, Caroline Schroeder, Charles Cosnier-Horeau, Yann Pasquier, Laurent Fourquet, Maxime Ortet, Franck Fossat, Arnaud Hermouet, Rudy Lefrancois, Simon Bernaudeau, Anne-Marie Adobati, Marie Dohin, Jean-Philippe Gras, Marion Mey, Nicolas Chasle, Ludovic Vairon, Valentin Trijoulet, Meheza Kpelou Walla, Carine Mathe, Remi Frattini, Arnaud Stas de Richelle, Nicolas Darmaillacq, Raphael Moras, Pierre-Yves Brossard, Barthelemy Giraud, Laure Desmurs, Jordane Boissard, Jimmy Panozzo, Anthony Schwarz, Nicolas Guerard, Kevin Iticsohn, Laurent Cloatre, Nicolas Merce, Matthieu Payer, Ludovic Collet, Nicolas Martin, Alexis Berg, Guillaume Puig, Anthony Toulze, Quentin Raissac, Romain Vigne, Cédric Fabulet, Pierre-Michel Sarrazin, Romain Jezequel, Audrey Bassac, Romain Derreumaux, Elodie Gonon, Kevin Guillotte, Romain Gtl, Jérôme Walrave, Jean-Christophe Guillot, Michael Clavery, Julien Tissot, Julien Chorier, Fleury Roux, Dimitri Lomer, Jérôme Richard, David Lacotte, Sébastien De Rossi, Johann Girost, Francis Marielle, Blandine Remy, David Houlbert, Jean-Christophe Parichault, Yoann Stuck, Antoine Charbonnier, Thomas Montana, Marc Lecoin, Delphine Pol, Steve Cailler, Romain Bony, Jérémy Buffet, Pierre-Yves Descombes, Damien Varnier, Guillaume Gruot, Laurent Ducasse, Benjamin Manoukian, Patrick Gerber, Zeline Lacombe, Marie Somm Croset, Christophe Capitan, Maxime Baumard, Valery Bougard, Elsa Thual, Arnaud BouBout, Marion Barbarit, Willy Deprez, Frédéric Machabert, Cédric Gehin, Karine Bourgeon, Olivier Engel, Pierre Brequigny, Eric Thouvenin, Benjamin Mun, Manuela Savel, Cyril Cointre, Yann Truc, Frédéric Moulis, Fabien Beaufils, Philippe Jourdes, Andy Vassard, Thomas Depret, Virginie et Patrick Bohard, Nicolas Blommaert, Guillaume Boschini, Coline Demontoux, Pascal Serent, Baptiste Escoute, Cécile Bertin, Charlie Perdrieau, Cyrille Rouge, Sébastien Baillieul, Ronan Nignol, Augustin de Narp, Claire Louyot, Jeremie Rivaliere, Brice Roffino, Vincent Viet, Lucile Dufau, Amaury d'Oleon, Gregory Laplaud, Pauline Puteaux, Bertrand Delhomme, Maxime Brodard, Florimond Cahez, Guillaume Cribier, Yoann Mougel, Camille Metzdorff, Benjamin Tremey, Benoit Barnabe, Lucie Arnal, Samuel Graux, Loïc de Checchi, Nadia Desrayaud, Adrien Tarenne, Martin Michaudet, Raphael Naudet, Yoann Gilbart, Emmanuel Bezard, Sophie Maufrais, Charles Cribier, Franck Martel, Florian Weisser, Joakim Ribier, Nicolas Decostanzi, François Vivares, Franck Vaillant, Alexandre Koch, Mathieu Bernard, Jérôme Sequin, Anthony Muscio, François-Xavier de Boismenu, Nathalie Ecuer, Olivier Picard, Remi Jean, Sylvain Giraud, Fabien Boesso, Anthony Marty, Guillaume Abry, Gregory Bombardo, Laurent Cambefort, François-Xavier Amiel, Mikael Aigroz, Thibaut Bandini, Guillaume Requier, Benjamin Cornuel, Richard Reverte, Daphné de Guembecker, Bruno Cantieri, Michael Crausaz, David Laulhey, Nicolas Gaudin, Fabien Bonnaffous, Guillaume Perrein, Michael Ligier, Charles Centofanti, Caroline Weste, Vincent Dupin, Marco Roumi, Olivier Roualdes, Ghislain Davost, Vianney Poiron, Geoffroy Degrange, Mickael Gouget, Alexandre Parpillon, Samuel Nascimento, Mathieu Zimmer, Vincent Germain, Maxime Granier, Romain Leblanc, Ana Calatayud, Lambert Santelli, Michel Lanne, Matthieu Catelain, Jérémy binet, Remy Decoopman, Florent Lescarret, Jeremie Le Lievre, Xavier Teychenne, Fabien Lambin, Gael Clerval, Benoit Fousse, Yvon Rouzic, Mathieu Dubois, Benoit Boistard, Christophe Tabar, Benoit Olivier, Pierre-Henri de Bettignies, Alexandre Meurgue, Marie Boggio, François Baly, Remi Boudet, Thibaud Lafon, Bastien Ganivet, Fabrice Thomas, Bastien Mateo, Philippe Monteil, Baptiste Prive, Frédéric Le Meur, Olivier Morineau, Gael Malacarne, Emeric Claveau, Yann Miehlbradt, Thomas Doualle, Guillaume Roux, Ivan Rulleau, Laurent Galvani, Nicolas Trouilhet, Jason Langenegger, Sébastien Pedelucq, Jeremie Vernoit, Julien Daviau, Maxime Tartre, Leo Sayagh, Jean-François Munoz, Baptiste Leger, Laure Chabbert, Timothee Wetzel, Maxime Quillivic, Gaetan Timmermans, Nicolas Thal, Romain Merlaud, Benjamin Neveu, Laure de Cabissole, Ronan Guiheneuf, Guilhaume Feregotto, Laurent Mercey, Thomas Zeggane, Benoit Leroux, Julien Fauchard, Pascal Aymar, Maxime Morin, Jonathan Rouquairol, Olivier Bloch, Stéphane Cambefort, Cims Magics, Jérémy Gaudez, Olivier Rodriguez, Romain Valette, Quentin Duhamel, Cyril Bouchet, Guillaume Poublan-Couste, Daniel Carree, Romain Husson, Pierre Schmidt, Etienne Loisel, Marie-Gabrielle et Cédric Selmi, Pascal Mouquet, François Jacquet, Raphael Monteil, Charles Garreau, François D'Haene, Seb Molinier, Jean-Philippe Home-Sanfaute, Guillaume Dupre la Tour, Thomas Ruynat-Franzini, Martin Girard, Thierry Gandilhon, Renaud Enjalric, Theo Cizeron, Nicolas Carle, Clémentine Geoffray, Sébastien Henri, Florian Renault, Roxanne Lorrain, Paul Gardere, Johanna Dannreuther, Alexandre Paimparay, Steeve Brousset, Anne Corriol, Mathieu Dauron, Quentin Bievre, Stéphane Filias, Damien Cloarec, Romain Penot, Simon Mergui, Michael Roch, Nathalie Gautheron Cerroti, Nicolas Gourdon, Thibaud Costes, Arnaud Petiot-Rouzet, Sébastien Magyari, Charles-Antoine Dupuy, Guillaume Delachat, Romain Durand, Sylvain Reculeau, Elsa Birman, Audrey Camus, Chencheng Huang, Gwendal Pencreach, Remi Hermant, Nicolas Bouron, Carlos Pinilla, Vincent Kerbarh, Christopher Dore, Nicolas Bertaux, Benoit Emprin, Jérôme durivault, Xavier Morin, Sarah Balichard, Fred Sanca, Kevin Nickler, Rodolphe Cazenave, Vincent Rota, Laurentx Pebet, Odette et Jean-Marie Schmitt, Didier Hauswald, Thibault Bottemanne, Yoann Huguet, Anne-Sophie Bour, Clément Dudal, Jérôme Dani, Romain Mandard, Nicolas Pierron, Elouan Rebillard, Cédric Schepens, Maxime Soriano, Stéphane Brogniart, Cédric Andre, Guillaume Leonarf, Franck Levillain, Christophe Anselmo, Bertrand Tappy, Benjamin Bera, Alexis Jamet, Pierre-Alexandre Delayre, Steve Hanot, Pauline Ballereau, Benoit Cuisy, Pierre-Henry Coppere, Mathieu Dupuis, Sarah Nael, Arthur Flipo, Annick Brandenberger, Pierre-Albert Carlier, Pierre Ribault, Alban Grandjean, Antoine Malaunais, Philippe Poncin, Claire Ferhane, David Preti, Eric Grelier, Aurélien Blanchard, Fabrice Deschamps, Gilles Guillon, Cyril Ettien, Gregory Bardin, Maxime Bracqbien, David Michel, Robin Malagie, Stéphane Lemaitre, Guillaume Schutz, Pierre-Hugo Romain, Aurélien Coude, Etienne Choqueux, Baptiste Poly, Jean-Sébastien Mayen, Cecilia Sanchez, Antoine Lagasse, Hoel Poissonniet, Thomas Crenier, Oliver Jutzi, Paul Dabertrand, Pierre-Arnaud Bourguenolle, Alexis Grappin, Stéphane Bernard, Andrea Braga, Romain Baziries, Caroline Koller, Alexis Strievi, Pierre Borie, John Evaelyjo, Steve Revoil, Jules-Henri Gabioud, Aldo Barnaba, Simon Fraisse, Mickael Martin, Nicolas Moreau, Antoine Gendre, Guillaume Nardin, Arnaud Dethorey, Olivier Moutin, Julien Seiler, William Lemaire, Tanguy Chauviere Le Drian, Natascha Richter, Julien Collet, Remi Poeydomenge, Tristan van Ee, Olivier Abbet, Aziz Ouaabi, Dominique Chaput, Martin Bay, Amaury Arnaud, Maxime Vergnieres, Julien de Freitas, Diego Pazos, Gabriel Gaultier, Gaetan Longeon, Laurent Neau, Julien Metivier, Andy Lenoir, Cécile Vince, Laetitia Vicart, Jeandel Laurent, Matthieu Poittevin, Flavien Alfero, Cédric Barrau, Vincent Dumont, Pascal Moulis, Kevin Colin, Sandrine Prieur, Jean-Patrick Mercier, Benoit Thouary, Colin Olivero, Paul Scourzic, Gaetan Chicanne, Simon Delamarre, Jérôme Ricol, Benjamin Testelin, Sylvain Guillermo, Marc-Henri Depotte, Thomas Gomez, Pierre-Antoine François, Julien Hoarau, Pierre-Antoine Piter, Sébastien Guirao, Cyprien Louis, Anthony Gautier, Yannick Martin, Jeremie Ballet-Baz, Kevin Bouvier, Guillaume Bonnaure, Guillaume Settembrini, Leslie Roquecave, Xavier Thevenard, Kevin Bouchery, Romain Lacaille, Vincent Laffay, Bob Brunot, Raphael Mateos, Pauline Schmidt, Christophe Lapoirie, Regis Adam, Guillaume Marmer, Gwendal Moysan, Jonathan Moncany, Jean-Michel Challe, Stéphanie Vizot, Cristelle Robert, Antoine Dragon, Michel Della Maria, Hadrien Dulau, Alain Speckbacher, Remi Jallon, Matthieu Peyrin, Dany Moulin, Maxime Trichot, Olivier Valla, Pierre Meslet, Theo Meunier, Martin Thoris, François Beruard, Guillaume Perrin, Benoit Beaubier, PIerre-Jacques Laurand, Ugo Lovera, Remi Peron, Marion Paquet, Maelane Mialle, Vincent Mira, Eric Charlet, Fred Hamon, Cristophe Modat, Stéphanie Gadroy, Matthieu Blanc, Fabien Candy, Raphael Poughon, Christophe Arcin, Mathieu Gery, Paul-Edouard Juan, Julien Chambat, Aline Froger, Jean-Pierre Caridi, Florent Lorin, Virginie Goetzmann, Romain Ors, Aurélien Le Nouaille, Stéphane Lacouture, Gregory Puech, Céline Marteau, Christophe Poussard, Gildas Desevedavy, Benoit Dumontet, Jérémy Gotto, Laurent Calvet, Monique Thevenard-Bonino, Didier Lesourd, Pierre Poirier, Donatien Drouin, Yasmina Plaindoux, Sophie Picavet, Guillaume Primard, Fabien Blas, Jordan Hibon, Regis Lebarbier, Gatien Janton, Julien Baixas, Olivier Stora, Florian Le Grand, Gael Cantenot, Christophe Mazaud, Mickael Arhan, Youssoupha Ndiaye, Guilhem Millet, Sébastien Furet, Sébastien Cellier, Stéphane Chalmeau, Jacques Ricoux, Anthony Marthinet, Guillaume Fierling, Pierre Jaouen, Guillaume Scheer, Vincent Bouchet, Sébastien Doutreligne, Jean-Pierre Ricard, Pierre Papet, Carlos Oliveira, Benoit Latus, Gregory Scotta, Olivier Gerin, Anthony Le Goff, Anais Terrettaz, Nicolas Simonet, Vincent Minet, Jean-Philippe Guerin, Guillaume Blandin, Julien Meschberger, Dorian Laithier, Mathieu Garat, Thibaut Fortin, Noémie Andre, Bruno Turbe, Cyril Solbach, Xavier Briez, Antoine Juillion, Benoit Lardeux, Jérôme Gervais, Johan Paris, Sébastien Picaud, Julien Lantuejoul, Antoine Fourmentin, Serge Dany, Stéphane Huser, Pierre Ameglio, Tom Gathier, Rodolphe Genitoni, Fabien Richard, Nadine Racat, Jérémy Binette, Felix Defrance, Raphael Baudoin, Marc-André Verpaelst, Franck Scandella, Aurelie Le Fur, Sylvere Pruvost, Emmanuel Arcis, Marc Bee, Arnaud Thomas, Nicolas Butz, Vivien Mennesson, Cédric Lecohue, Elie Guy, Severine Grilhe, Guillaume Ring, Arthur Ohl, Adrien Morent, Mathieu Demarson, Thomas Lorblanchet, Lionel Reynier, Mathieu Bouton, Béatrice Patizel, Quentin Mugnier, Jérémy Chicoine, Pascal Ndiaye, Sébastien Khali, Aude Hourtal, Lois Perrier, Etienne Gleizes, Bastien Munoz, Jeanne Peyron, Frédéric Navillon, François Monge, Jérémy Marie, Mathieu Cousinie, François-Xavier Dion, Julien Seguin, Benoit Pavee, Pierre-Jean Cot, Cyril Auvinet, François Cornic, Damien Pereira, Benjamin Asselbourg, Eric Sun, Alexis Neaux, Julien Majou, Marie-Jose Maigrat, Quentin Guillier, Simon Girard, Gautier Daras, Didier Pecoul, Yves Girard, Nicolas Esther, Cédric Desforges, Michel Remy, Alexis Lecanu, Benoit Leroy, Maxime Nigra, Guillaume Cretinon, Antoine Mougel, Gabriel Guibert, Kamel El Khayari, Joel Ormeno, Gregory Isnardi, Jonathan Roy, Florian Bissay, Michel Mouraille, Johan Chouteau, Romain Soubde, Anthony Amoudruz, Nicolas Boeyaert, Valentin Rivalan, Sarah Renaud, Pierre Druart, Julien Courdes, Gaelle Martin, Christophe Beauseigneur, Nicolas Pastorino, Tristan Pignier, Erwann Odye, Bastien Lhermite, Lionel Miconi, Jean Regaldo, Anthony Pouille, Alban Venneugues, Stéphanie Grotzinger, Patrick Toutain, Lucas Toulier Ancian, Max Godet, Stefan Rutz, Sébastien Chaboud, Yann Despicht, David Colasuonno, Robin Schmitt, Anthony Launay, Emeline Lacote, Clément Aeschbacher, Benjamin Peigne, Matthieu Lefort, Maxime Crozon, Geoffrey Dequidt, Alexis Valtat, Lucas Bastoul, Frédéric Degruel, Anne-Elise Dely-Duguey, Clément Eliot, Dominique Boiret, Tifenn Kerbiriou, Ariane Wilhem, Marie Line Rapin, Mireille Masson, Mederic Bonnet, Marilyne Lopez, Cyril Caillou, Simon Paillard, Lola Vanderkam, Loïc Jalmin, Michael Salerno, Fabrice Soulier, Jérôme Volck, Vincent Bourlier, Florian Charles, Cécile Cheron Goiset, Thibaut Baronian, Thibaud Langlet, Mathieu Pardon, Briec Boucher, Sandrine Rozenberg, Floris Calori, Thibaut Verlyck, Julien Durechou, Jérémy Sevellec, Eric Masse, Christine Hoja, Jérémy Draguis, Nikolay Popgeorgiev, Simon Janin, Philippe Blanchard, Antoine Wolff, Antoine Joal, Benoit Desaute, Arthur Decostanzi, Florent Chateigner, Sébastien Yvart, Marie-Odile Mery, Guillaume Cosson, Jules Pijourlet, Pierre Prosperi, David Leprovost, Benoit Sautreuil, Gwenole Louarn, Laurent Montel, Kevin Faria Fernandes, Jérémy Franchemiche, Emeric Soulier, Benoit Arnoult, Mikael Mongiovetto, Christopher Retiere, Fabrice Baret, Dimitri Larbi, Sylvain Rousselot, Pierre-E Ory, Kelig Houze, Christophe Sanchez, Hugo Sapin, Romain Taupin, Nicolas Enjalbert, Aurélien Hernandez, Romain Bidoli, Edgar Speckbacher, Julien Michaud, Nils Rochereau, Matthieu Obach, Christopher Nese, Arnaud Sauvaget, Yann Blanchard, Guillaume Vansuyt, Valtres Triathlon, Aurélien Teten-Prod, Fabian Cucchiara, Benjamin Biga, Pierre Janin-Potiron, Marie Wagner, Clément Guibert, Vincent Affholder, Frédéric Rolland, Arnauld Hervieux, Bastien Seon, Remy Myre Sennepin, Cécile Rossin, François Billy, Cédric segura, Thomas Cordival, Aubin Calamaro, Franck Nadaus, Laetitia Palatini, Patrick Douin, Ludovic Edel, Pierre Remigereau, Lidwine Szymczykowski, Lea Pouzaud, Charline Sadzot, François Arrighi de Casanova, Nicolas Delmi-Deyirmendjian, Alexandre Jamet, Adrien Marcourt, Maxime Hourdebaigts, Aurélien Reymond, Jordan Bessiere, Louis Audoin, Julien Vieille, Cyril Bernard, Aurélien Reymond, Killian Garnier, Sophie Camus, Nicolas Jeanjean, Damien Pitiot, Sylvie et Pierre Leyendecker, Jacques Vacher, Thomas Kernen, Elric Aublant, Sébastien Repeto, Alexandre Meheust, Robert Nicol, Nicolas Goffe, Benoit Rybarczyk, Arthur Giuliani, Mickael Robert, Antoine Jourjon, Philippe Chatelot, Nathan Coubes, Laura Garrivet, Remy Perez-Martin, Arnaud Grisey, Gabriel Gobat, Gregory Vollet, Morgan Le Lann, Cyssou Buffat, Matthieu Forichon, Jérémy Suzanne, Alexis Coince, Romain Boudet, Patrick Faramaz, Bastien Deliau, Mathieu Treuil, Benoit Bordigoni, Louis Fournier, Najib Laatiaoui, Guillaume Lamirand, Olivier Gerard, Nicolas Olive, Ben Violot, Jean Blancheteau, Mickael Mysoet, Hugo Fartaria, Marie Sammons, Fabien Coste, Marion Mahieu, Boris Favario, Jérôme Gaudin, Cédric Dupuich, Bastien Peron, Valentin Orange, Antonin Boiffier, Pierre-Emmanuel Julia, Edouard Corbel, Vincent Souvras, Laurent Sabre, Geoffrey Carion, Laura Becognee, Mohamed Senouci, Matthieu Manet, Clément Berchet, Gaetan Dervaux, Christophe Portalez, Mathieu Bocchi, Florent Porras, Baptiste Dugue, Thomas Besnier, Laurent Sitbon, Frédéric Berg, Romain Andrieux, Remi Verardo, Aurélien Lopez-Simier, Thibaut Heusse, Yannick Reliaud, Florian Saint-Pierre, Jean-Etienne Celle, Thibault Lacroix, Brian Verthier, Jose Fernandez, Romain Rizzarello, Baptiste Cosson, François Guillevic, Arnaud Vandal, Christophe Caron, Guillaume Desuzinges, Damien Millon, Jean-Baptiste Mullie, Romain Viode, Alexandre Lataste, Gregory Bertrand, Antoine Labourier, Clément Dumont - Dayot, Gilles Frezier, Gregory Richen, Florian Nivet, Julien Jallamion, Yannick Ratakek, Vincent Auboiroux, Fabrice Staub, Estelle de Pelichy-Jeanson, Paul Parant, Benjamin Gayaud, Matthieu Fosse, Jonathan Tabutin, Martin Beche, Jules Briatta, Regis Belhomme, Maximilien Clayton, Stephane Flueli, Damien Orsal, Yann Treguer, Nicolas Dublanchet, Christophe Hamm, Caroline Huet, Kilian Jornet, Claire Tourment, Benjamin Schmitt, Cédric Ferrin, Cyril Nodin, Cyril Carvalho, Morgan Pouliquen, Samuel Bard, François Pellissier, Julie Tharaud, Cédric Tanvet, Andy Symonds, Colin Saillet, Florent Vilisques, Aurelio Guerra Vigo, Nicolas Conquer, Isabelle Tondelier, Michael Hutin, Raphael Campion, Antoine Nicolas, Florence Santrot, Frédéric Chaney, Michel Arnaud, Benoit Mazingant, Maxime Beffy, Cédric Deline, Thomas Guillaumond, Elisa et Sébastien Mariette, Yannick Simonneau, Thomas Arnoux, Jean-Philippe Ajuste, Emmanuel Renault, Scott Simonin, Benoit Gourde, Xavier Constans, Yannick Melet, Yannick Granger, Paul Boussemart, Nicolas Douay, Cédric Lasgleyses, Jérôme Lastapis, Benjamin Legrand, Yann Morello, Corentin Davy, Julien Trefcon, Marianne Holtzer, Celien Guovannetti, Elo Die, Alan Le Guen, Raphael Ebrard, Bastien Vallet, Ghislain Paladini, Christophe Mare, David Perdrel, Julien Rage, Clément Delhaye, Erwan Pelan, Estelle-Marie Kieffer, Baptiste Galant, Sylvain Equel, Simon Laverriere-Duvaux, David Mislin, Mathias Puzzolante, Renaud Perrin, Lucas Rohart, Julien Pivet, Cédric Pion, Julien Pelle, Arnaud Kremeur, Alexandra Nitescoux, Laura Orsal, Cyrille Tumson, Jean Magnol, Julien Carayon, François Guerin, Pierre Roques, Romain Ausseur, Gauthier Galland, Philippe Thuret, Philippe Duhamel, Katia Demont, Gael Marty, Richard Dion, Theo Orange, Jimmy Trouillard, Damien Cremilleux, Pierre Bruet, Pierre Jacqueau, Tomy Delcroix, Antoine Garrigue, Jonathan Mertens, Xavier Meziere, Guillaume Vautier, Nicolas Mauclert, Pierre Cabannes, Jeremie Priarone, Antoine Peduzzi, Arthur Szadeczki, Eric Nougayrede, Hadrien Cadiou, Laurent Muscarnera, Jean-Gael Le Floc'h, Cyril Mallard, Charlotte Catel, Yann Olivier, Clément Collart, Laetitia Henry, Mickael Sourd, Maxime Gosset, Maximilienw, Nicolas Le Bail, Adrien Troesch, Vincent Rabec, Estelle Fey, Ronan Bibens, Boris Paulme, Frédéric Delattre, Matthieu Peche, Eric Delmas, Matthis Granet, Julien Farre, Robin Gremmel, Jude Rezin, Tanguy Fetsch, Arnaud Guillemin, Quentin Broue, Pierre Zimmer, François-Xavier Olivier, Maxence Becourt, Quentin Debray, Claire Beraud, Maxime Laget, Ewen Henaff, Quentin Allard, Serge Mennecier, Aurélien Autret, Solene De, Cédric Richter, Matthieu Giraud, Julien Jay, Mario Toussaint, Felix Richard, Julian Virlogeux, Guillaume Pujolar, Quentin Guerrero, Nathanael Hittinger, Jérôme Sigrist, Xavier Martin, Gaetan Barralon, Teddy Hernandez, Geoffrey Conti, Julien Brengel, Nicolas Chiabaut, Camille Serre, François Devaux, Julien Le Foll, Anthony Goavec, Benoit Vasset, François Tetu, Tristan Cariou, Eddy Wegrzyn, Marion Favier, Antoine Guenin, Florian Mairy, Emmanuel Abele, Raphael Fevrier, Julien Toubeau, Cédric Tshibasu-Kabeya, Florian Loubard, Blandine Leperlier-Morel, Amelia Perier, Quentin Antoine, Romain Carpentier, Nicolas Chiaffredo, Antoine Boinay, Antoine Jeantot, Julien Chassagne, Anthony Gottiniaux, Slaven Depuiset, Christopher Martin, Gaetan Hascoet, Julien Salomon, Aurélien Perol, Jonathan Merceron, Ousmane Camara, Benoit Dupraz, Julien Burton, Brieuc Viel, Apostolos Teknetzis, Julien Ben amar, Romain Voreaux, Clément Diaz, François Colinet, François Mourgues, Thibaud Sambourg, Julien Bernard, Antoine Perez-Martin, Rudy Bottin, Alexandre Khali, Jérôme Defer, Damien Jubely, Nicolas Micoud, Nicolas Cotte, Benoit Lancon, Thierry Wergifosse, Paul Eeckeman, Etienne Montalban, Etienne Monbaron, Gael Revelin, Dimitri Chapelle, Pierre Oudar, Mickael Blanchard, Laurent Bazet, Flora Delmas, Nicolas Le Dot, Maxime Musial, Yann Audouin, Vincent Jouvin, Karine Girard, Pierre Gallat, Antoine Lombard, Marine Mejri, Jean-Pascal Bernard-Hervé, Lionel Porte, Hadrien Jourdan, David Tissot, Robin Feigne, Thomas Vericel, David Eck, Baptiste Jardine, Mathieu Pogeant, Romaric Bouillard, Thomas Thiebaud, William Leroy, Artiom Ganchine, Bertrand Lamoise, Nicolas Reczek, Geoffrey Noel, Bastien Isere, Minnierunneuse, Timothee Vandel, Jean Allenbach, Maxime Villoria, Lucas Billuart, Anne Vialatte, Damien Prigent, Baptiste Minart, David Sacleux, Lionel Cachot, Jean-Baptiste Roze, Louis Deque, Christophe Thierry, Pascal Cotret, Remi Lacroix, Jean-Charles Vauthier, Simon Giraudy, Julien Guillerault, Morgane Vitry, Philippe Benier, Edouard Coquatrix, Morgan Beaujouan, Guillaume Bour, Laurent Canon, Frédéric Vogin, Matthias Noguera, Tom Spach, Johan Martin, Damien Borensztein, Yann Seral, Glen Buron, Catherine Favre, Thibault Quemener, Lionel Guillaume, Hervé Villard, Richard Imperial, Anne Amarenco, Josef Potoski, Alban Ribault, Jean-Baptiste Prichystal, Nicolas Bruneau, Olivier Le Roux, Guillaume Arthus, Samuel Maraffi, Kevin Baldauf, Benoit Gilabert, Paolin Thoury, Fabrice Severac, Morgan Legros, Jean-Charles Siffrine, Benoit Testard, Stephan Tranchant, Eric Siber, Stephan Hugo, Sarah Balichard, Virgile Demolliens, Benoit Ferron, Jean Cottenceau, Benoit Hoolans, Fabien Tarantola, Fabrice Austruy, Raphaelle Chauffour, Fabien Demure, Jean-Maxime Robin, Sébastien Cloux, Td Nguyen Khac, Didier Gardan, Allowin Marchal, Stéphanie Nemos, Maxime Thibault, Antoine Quidet, Loïc Leyendecker, Naim Schnegg, Thomas Desprez, Romain Berger, David Jolivet, Marie Leyendecker, Jean-Luc Cadenel, Gaelle et Vincent Poirier, Baptiste Falgayrat, Stéphane Gourdon, Eric Seyfried, Mathieu Ravent, Etienne Valentin, Adrien Lietsch, Dominique Deflorenne, Pierre-Yves Stopin, Gaetan Masset, Anne-Laure Roux, David Pujol, Samih Marzouki, Brice Denis, Valerie Suchet, Bertrand Mathy, Fabien Genetier, Pierre Derumaux, Xavier Allanic, Nathan Levray, Adrien Barbier, Edouard Leculier, Loïc Stas, Paul Guernalec, Carole Lafontan, Nils Cuinat-Guerraz, Jean-Philippe Le Pennec, Julien Kerfers, Florentin Body, Quentin Cuartielles, Stéphane Bondot, Paul Bablot, Jérémy Brialon, Bastien Le Calvez, Bastien Chevalier, Titouan Feldmann, Loïc Lagadec, Nathalie Rosolek, Pierre Leweurs, Florian Zacharias, Jérôme Decisier, Alexandre Batz, Maxime Pinel, Willy Jollivet, Valentin Kiselak, Yann Le Saux, Remi Allegre, Ludovic Antoine, Julien Delattre, Julien Peignot, François Balao, Vivien Ghestem, Aymeric Matias, Florent Lombard, Benjamin Delattre, Arnaud Paillard, Xavier Barral, Marion Delage, Felicie Lefevre-Michelson, Sylvain Gasquet, Charlotte Petit, Emmanuel Calfayan, Stéphane Bessieres, Jean-Marc Djian, Cyril Guillonneau, Vincent Dupont, Alexandre Beraud, Yves-Marie Hervault, Jérôme Platret, Mickael Rialland, Quentin Danel, Julien Moret, Loïc Andre, Sébastien Durand, Camille Sentissi, David Dubos, Antoine Lallier, Anthony Lattion, Simon Baron, Yves Heloury, Damien Imparato, Victor Grandchamp, Mathieu Dufournier, Camille Chanel, Thomas Deruaz, Ronan Pierre, Camille Belsoeur, Paul Chastroux, Emmanuel Pochat, Cyril Defraize, Thomas Leufen, Isabel Levionnois, Laure Gauthier, Cyrille Morvan, Melanie Macioce, Pap's Blin, Sébastien Castel, Aurélien Moliere, Kevin Schultz, Romain Le Pemp, Marion Blanchard, Michael Sarrato, Mathieu Lion, Adrien Gentizon, Fanny Trecourt, Martin Gaffuri, Nicolas Tissot, Anne Chagny, Bruno Poussard, Laure Zahnd, Hermance Lauras, Thomas Heitz, Nicolas Puentes, Sébastien Begel, Jérémy Mann, Florian Moron, Clément Eigenschenck, Renaud Samuel, Matthieu Velay, Stany Minckwitz, Guillaume Routin, Julien Saint-James, Cédric Banelli, Benoit Mottier, Laurent Germain, Ewen Roth, Lionel Bonzoumet, Clément Fernandez, Simon Leclerc, Nicolas Blanc, Thomas Friol, Nicolas Devroux, Guillaume Chelius, Helene Brunel, Yannick Senechal, Eric Lacroix, Cyril Laffitte, Benjamin Oger, Louise Petigny, Alex Rosenbaum, Gweltas Odye, Chantal Desmurs, Sébastien Pitoiset, Matthieu Byrdziak, Maud et Nicolas Rousseau, Fabrice Perrin, Guillaume Ditsch, Arthur Plunet, Geoffroy Bonnet, Camille, Adèle et Sébastien Maury, Cédric Burnet, Christine et François Cheron, Pascale et Philippe Schmitt.
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cleliaberthierwork · 6 years
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EX.PDF : Exposer les écritures exposées, Mains d'Œuvres, Saint-Ouen, 2018
Projet labellisé par la MSHB, en partenariat avec le CELLAM / EA3206 Commissariat : Ann Stouvenel et les enfants avec Adrien Abline, Julie Béna, Clélia Berthier, Étienne Bossut, Nicolas Chardon, Claude Closky, Claudia Comte, Guillaume Constantin, Antonio Contador, John Cornu, Bruno Di Rosa, Peter Downsbrough, Ivan Liovik Ebel, Christelle Familiari, Michel François, Ann Guillaume & Tom Bücher, Ann Veronica Janssens, Joséphine Kaeppelin, Isabelle Lartault & Michel Verjux, Quentin Lefranc, Muriel Leray, Claude Lévêque, Jonathan Loppin, Mathieu Mercier, Grégoire Motte, Samir Mougas, Pierre la Police, Éric Pougeau, Marine Provost, Babeth Rambault, Francis Raynaud, Lili Reynaud-Dewar, Claude Rutault, Éléonore Saintagnan, Yann Sérandour, Agnès Thurnauer, Hélène Travert, Mathieu Tremblin, Capucine Vandebrouck, Philémon Vanorlé / Société Volatile, Christophe Viart Vues de l'exposition, Mains d’oeuvres, Saint-Ouen, 2018 © The artists Photo. label hypothèse et Claudia Rudge
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grantmkemp · 5 years
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The still art of Auguste Lumière
and the moving images of his sons - "the invention without any future"
Taken nearly 150 years ago, this is a wonderful example of the stunning portraits produced by Antoine Lumière. In 1860 Antoine Lumière left his hometown in the Haute-Saône to set up a photography business in Besançon. His first son, Auguste was born in 1862, and the second, Louis, arrived two years later. In 1870 Antoine moved to Lyons with his family and opened a new workshop. Over the next 10 years he gradually built up an industrial manufacturing plant for photographic plates. The factory was taken over by Auguste and Louis in 1893. By 1894, when Edison's kinetoscope arrive on the scene in France, the Lumière Company, with a capital of 3 million francs, already had a work force of 300 people and was producing 15 million photographic plates a year. When Antoine retired in 1892 his sons Auguste and Louis Lumière began to create moving pictures. They patented several significant processes leading up to their film camera, most notably film perforations (originally implemented by Emile Reynaud) as a means of advancing the film through the camera and projector. The original cinématographe had been patented by Léon Guillaume Bouly on 12 February 1892. The brothers patented their own version on 13 February 1895. The first footage ever to be recorded using it was recorded on 19 March 1895. This first film shows workers leaving the Lumière factory. A stills photographer to the last .... After the fabled 1895 debut of the cinematograph, Antoine Lumière was asked the price of the invention by famous illusionist Georges Méliès and replied: "The invention is not for sale. It would be the ruin of you. It can be exhibited for a while due to its scientific interest, but apart from that the machine has no future." Although the Lumière brothers were not the first inventors to develop techniques to create motion pictures, they are often credited as among the first inventors of the technology for cinema as a mass medium, and are among the first who understood how to use it. Antoine died in 1911, aged 71, by that time he might have begun to realise that the invention he thought had no future might in fact go on to change the world. This is my colourised version of a sepia toned carte de visite taken around 1875
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