#guilded age
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boymanmaletheshequel · 2 months ago
Antique of the day 🕰️
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Mid Victorian/gilded age gothic silver filigree floral brooch set against plate mirror background. Most likely French in origin. Marks on back indicate it had passed through 8 generations before I bought it!
(C. 1865-1875)
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anteabbie · 7 months ago
Okay I caved and made a history meme page on instagram its @/ushistoryhoodfights
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outlawruben · 9 months ago
favourite real life outlaw?
OOOOH this is a good one.
I’d have to say, Billy the Kid always interested me.
He died at the age of 21 in New Mexico? I believe.. I’ll edit this if I find out I’m wrong..
Anyways, I like how there’s a lot of speculation on what his real name was, and how he escaped from prison when he was on trial to be hanged is pretty crazy to do.
Billy the kid also inspired my Xbox tag name: “Ruby the kid” because I think he’s so cool
I also always liked Harry Allen. He was a trans masculine cowboy from the 1890s-1900s. He a very skilled burglar, and killer, and he was known for starting bar fights.
His mother was the definition of trans ally as well. She often defended him and testified for him in court, as well as made sure people addressed him as a man like he wanted.
And as a transgender man, he’s really awesome to me.
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Billy the kid (left) Harry Allen (right)
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nogodsnomastersnoovertime · 1 month ago
To the Curious, the Committed, and the Cowards Who Watch from Afar
You ask who I am, what I have done, what I believe. I could tell you, but if you have not yet learned to see the chains around your own neck, I fear my words will be wasted. Still, for the sake of the workers who may find use in them, I will oblige you. I was born in Texas under a system that saw me as property before it saw me as a person. I escaped that fate, only to learn that the world finds other ways to shackle you if you are poor, dark-skinned, or a woman. I chose not to accept those shackles. I married Albert Parsons, a man who abandoned his Confederate past and embraced the fight for justice—a decision that cost him his life. But my fight did not begin with him, nor did it end when they hanged him for a crime he did not commit. If anything, his death sharpened my resolve. Chicago became my battlefield. The factories and sweatshops, where men, women, and children toiled for pennies, were my cause. I organized workers when the law forbade it. I stood on street corners, distributing anarchist papers while the police tore them from my hands. I spoke before thousands—men who doubted a woman could lead them, women who doubted they could fight at all—and I made them listen. When the press smeared me as a widow gone mad, I kept talking. When the state tried to silence me, I grew louder. I co-founded the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) because workers needed more than kind words and empty promises—they needed direct action. The IWW did not beg the bosses for scraps; we demanded what was ours. We led strikes, we shut down factories, we taught workers that their power was in their hands, not in the ballot box or in the pockets of politicians. Through my writing, I waged another war. My paper, The Alarm, did not ask for justice; it declared war on injustice. I told the workers what no respectable newspaper would: that the police were not their protectors, that the government was not their friend, that capitalism was the enemy of all who toil. The state responded as it always does—with arrests, with threats, with force. I was dragged from my own home, my writings burned, my speeches outlawed. And yet, I continued. The eight-hour workday? The right to organize? The understanding that your employer does not own you, body and soul? These things were not granted; they were fought for—by me, by my comrades, by every worker who dared to stand up and say, enough. If you enjoy them now, know that they were paid for in blood and prison cells, in ruined reputations and shattered lives. My philosophy is this: No gods, no masters. No man has the right to rule another. No law is just if it serves the rich and binds the poor. A worker’s power is not in his vote, but in his labor—withdraw it, and the world grinds to a halt. Some have stood beside me in this fight—comrades, friends, those bound to me by something greater than law or blood. And some have called me a menace, a radical, a dangerous woman. To them, I say: if demanding dignity, freedom, and justice is dangerous, then I will be dangerous until my last breath. If you are reading this with admiration, you have missed the point. Do not admire. Act. Join the fight. Organize. Strike. Rebel. And when they call you dangerous, wear it like a badge of honor.
Burn after you read, Lucy E. Parsons
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triple-mayday · 2 months ago
Hot take: nobody has ever lived in boring times, everyone went through major historical events, but we will be the first ones to make it cringe
We are literate enough for every ass backwards hilljack from rural Mississippi to leave a digital footprint but too dumb and peasant brained to keep it kosher
Back in the days only rich kids and moderately impoverished descendants of aristocracy could document the collapse of society number 2750, so you’d get sexy, flowery prose with a tinge of homosexual longing
Now it’s us decorating Stanley cups, being dicks to customer service workers, and calling each other out with screenshots of dms
With a tinge of homosexual longing
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damonlakespt2 · 2 months ago
Me when the history class doesn’t talk about tesla’s inventions like bro literally invented AC electricity, wifi, wireless technology, remote controls, tesla coils, hydroelectricity, X-ray technology, neon and fluorescent lights, spark plugs, induction motors, alternators, and the radio
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ignorethisatyourperil · 1 year ago
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Helka for bladegunsniper, as part of another Inktober trade 🍂
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bcomic-blog · 1 year ago
I'm not digging through thousands of notes to see if these rec's have already been rec'd but I can think of two fantasy stories where this comes up pretty regularly
The acclaimed Hugo-winning fantasy novel Curse of Chalion....
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(Oh! They finally made a better cover for it! That's awesome)
... and the webcomic Guilded Age
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Both well worth searching out, not JUST because they are examples of ghosts helping out the good guys, but just in general too, lol
Why don’t I hear more about undead beings coming back to warn people? It’s always zombies wanting to drag people down to join them in the grave, ghosts seeking vengeance, spirits trying to chase people out of their domains - but if you died horribly and were left rattling around some spooky mansion for eternity, wouldn’t you want to stop people from blundering into the same death you had?
You feel a cold breath on your neck as you get in the car. It won’t leave until you fasten your seatbelt. An unseen force catches your foot as you pass the fourth step every time you walk up the stairs. During a renovation, you find out the wood is rotten. You can never find a pack of cigarettes - even ones guests bring disappear from their pockets and are found weeks later on the lawn, empty. Your daughter is giggling and laughing at something unseen, chasing after it away from the cliffside on your family hike. You don’t know why, but you feel compelled to leave a spare hairband and some stickers on a picnic table as you leave the park. Tribute? A thank you? The items are gone by next time you visit, and you swear a happy child’s hum follows you home on the breeze.
…More preventative hauntings. It just makes sense.
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onesingularbean · 1 month ago
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gaykarstaagforever · 4 months ago
Rich Americans don't want you having free healthcare or abortions because you're supposed to quietly work yourself to death at 50 in unregulated businesses, then be immediately replaced by one of your two surviving of 6 children.
This is why you don't need public schools or child labor laws either. It's not fair to them. You're supposed to be worthless while you funnel money into their palaces and boats, so they can lead the culture in art and philosophy and orgies and historians can talk about how important they were for the next 300 years.
The 20th century Great Depression absolutely ruined this system for them. We should have just put our heads down and starved until things got back to normal. We had no right to change the rules - it's the rich's money, they can make bad bets with it if they feel like it. That's the prize they've earned. That's the natural order, and changing those rules was an aberration. And their children and grandchildren have been fighting to get back to "normal" ever since.
Donald Trump basically ran on that platform. Why else did Elon and the other billionaires jump in by the end? That's the dream they're shooting for.
They're not going to lower prices on food or mortgages or college diplomas. You shouldn't even have access to oranges and houses and books. They're trying to deport the undocumented and shut down TikTok so YOU and your teenaged sons will have no excuse to not go work in the lithium mines for $2 an hour, just to afford bread. Because that was the underpinning of the Guilded Age, the great America they're trying to revive.
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thatlenguy · 7 months ago
who is your favorite character to draw?
i've been asked this twice but then i responded with ocs so now it's.... fandom characters? does guilded age have a fandom? does Faans? i never post about either seeing as they're semi-obscure webcomics from the 90s/2000s...
shanna cochrane is the greatest funnest to draw character. she's so damn shaped... no one knows who she is.... i suffer alone
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lotsnlotsofsoup · 1 month ago
The gangs dialogue when they're conversing with other people at the party is the cherry on top^^
I love The Gilded Cage
Sometimes I just replay it for the sake of it, it’s just so fun and engaging. The scripted dialogue is so well written, and the little glimpses of character you see from people you usually don’t see in this kind of setting are amazing.
I’m also overly obsessed with the way they dress because
Hosea Perfect. Almost. Wait a minute– you start seeing what’s wrong only when you look at it, like the story he's been spinning that doesn’t hold that much water if you listen closely. His tie is outdated and considered the wrong color for the kind of event. His waistcoat is the wrong shape too.
Bill A mess. Please get him out of here.
Dutch Overdoing it to shit and still getting it wrong. Why is your hat so tall? Looks like something your dad could’ve worn and–Jesus fix your collar, who taught you to put on a tie?! IS THAT A MORNING COAT!? AT MY EVENING SOIREE!??!?
Arthur Arthur is perfect. Either the tailor liked him and gave him the perfect attire for the evening, or he’s secretly reading fashion magazines behind our backs. He was literally the embodiment of what formal fashion was like at that time.
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philalethistry · 1 year ago
History of the U.S. Minimum Wage (Not a Living Wage?)
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ehzracer · 2 years ago
Edith Wharton: Hero Of 19th Century America (Gilded Age History Document...
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mohntilyet · 5 months ago
illario as the grandchild that is most like caterina is something i'm loving to chew on. the grandson that took her lessons to heart the most. kill anyone who sees your face and knows your name, "we are not revolutionaries", the first out of the two to prioritise the contract. power at any cost, and the only one to lean into the unnecessary abuse that their grandmother told them was tradition. why is anyone surprised he allied with the venatori? and then there's illario's considerable skill in infiltration and manipulating any mark, he has always had the charisma that lucanis lacked. illario isn't attached, he has/can/will use someone and immediately drop them; "that does free me from promises i don't intend to keep". he can lie about how much he cares so well that he fools a magister into believing he loves her. he kills zara without hesitation to cover his own tracks, meanwhile lucanis blindly promises a young girl in the middle of a siege that he will help her find her father. even the lessons about family stick with him, and in this entire messy power struggle, he never actually orders anyone to directly kill caterina or lucanis, not until he's backed into a corner.
and even after all that. despite even lucanis believing illario should be first talon, lucanis is still the better killer. illario is not strong enough to be the brutal assassin caterina needs him to be. so when lucanis seems to fill the role his mother left, grief and love for her dead heir apparent remains, and any of the other qualities caterina needs in her next talon doesn't matter. whatever his mother was, lucanis has to be. what illario does doesn't matter, because he will always be second best to caterina's memory of her favored daughter.
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