#guido mista not sfw
thestressedskittles · 8 months
Lil Team Bucci Blurb (NSFW)
Kit here! Sorry I've been gone for months on end! A lot has happened since I last posted and I've finally found the encouragement to whip up this little thing real quick. Its not much but I gotta do something to get back into the flow of writing again!
Warnings: NSFW under the cut (MINORS DO NOT INTERACT), gender neutral reader (no pronouns used), all characters are 18+, not proofread nor checked for mistakes
DISCLAIMER: Do NOT think it is okay to take our stories and post them somewhere else without our EXPLICIT PERMISSION. Do NOT think it is okay to take anyone else’s stories and post them somewhere else without their EXPLICIT PERMISSION. Giving credit does NOT count as permission. You may reblog our stories, but you may NOT repost our stories without OUR PERMISSION.
Bruno who lets out rumbling purrs of your name as he makes sure to work himself inside of you slowly and deeply, his normally bright blues are clouded and darkened as his entire being is fueled by arousal as he folds you into a mating press and sinks himself all the way
Leone who offers nothing but groans and rumbles against your neck as his arms wrapped around your waist tighten and pull you to meet his thrusts, forcing his cock in all the way, little nips to your sweet spot and his hot breath pull mini whimpers as your walls squeeze him tighter and tighter
Mista who holds your hips as your own hands find balance on his chest while he avidly thrusts into you from below, never faltering in his pace, his naturally dark eyes are swirling with lust as he licks his lips and hisses through clenched teeth as a broken groan cracks from his mouth
Narancia who's worked himself up beyond belief as he takes you from above, his normally bright purple are darkened and swirling with adoration and lust, he holds you close, moaning your name over and over as he brings you both closer and closer, stealing kisses from your lips
Fugo who's intense lovemaking is leaving you both covered in a sheen of sweat and out of breath, but he pushes through, determined to send you off the rails once more as he leaves bruises along your body, letting out a groan over your parted lips as your nails rake down his back
Giorno who is dedicated to your pleasure moreso than his own, letting you do as you please as he sinks further into the silk sheets, watching and holding you up as he encourages you on with sweet words while you begin to fall apart, letting groans and moans flow freely from his mouth as he tilts his head back into the pillows
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inkpot909 · 4 months
First Love Headcanons: Bruno Bucciarati x Reader
↳ Gender neutral Reader with they/them pronouns. Implied the reader is shorter than Bucciarati? Canon-divergent. The reader is not made out to be very morally upright and is hinted at having a rough past.
A/n: Doing another one of these has been on my mind for a while now. Thank you to the lovely person below for the request! I hope y’all enjoy. <3
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Warning(s): None.
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There’s no time in Bruno Bucciarati’s schedule for a relationship.
Growing up in the mob kept him focused on the ‘family’ that took him in. It was his purpose, and the only reason he was able to support his father as well as himself. Before he learned the truth of the organization’s operations, he felt a pride in even the… messier aspects of his work.
Eventually finding a disconnect between it and his own morals leaves an empty spot in his heart. A shame so deeply buried within him that even the members slowly joining his team know little of it how deeply it affects him.
He now goes on with his work as normal, all while feeling like a bit of a hypocrite. His heart feeling so betrayed it needs little to push him towards full betrayal on his part.
Surely, a relationship would only muddy the waters.
All the cute girls that wave to him as he passes by on the street… who of them would be able to take such baggage? How could he expect anyone to? He wouldn’t have it in him to willingly bring anyone into this lifestyle, if his reluctance to let Narancia join is anything to go by.
Barely an adult and already he’s responsible for a small handful of people. Though, that thought never crosses his mind, as he’s unfortunately felt like an adult for an unfair amount of time.
And despite his own inner turmoil over his position in Passione, he’s formed meaningful relationships through the members of his team.
He’s the connection that binds them together, the head of their group, and by proxy the head of their little family. The purpose that the organization originally gave him now lands on the shoulders of his motley crew.
It’s them that keeps him going in spite of it all.
He finds his heart still beating, still moved each time he brings someone underneath his wing. That alone is good enough for a man like him.
No… there’s no time in Bruno Bucciarati’s schedule for a relationship.
And so, with that thought constantly repeated in his mind, he didn’t at all bat an eye when your own need eventually brought you to Passione’s metaphorical doorstep.
In your mind, it must’ve felt like fate.
Reaching for assistance at lowest point, you were subtly pointed toward one Bruno Bucciarati.
You don’t know what you expecting from the mafioso. A degree of harshness or coldness, perhaps. Only to be greeted with a hearty meal and an understanding personality so moving you fell into the trap of the mob right then and there.
How could you hope not to? When all you saw in that moment was a pair of gentle blue eyes looking at you with unspoken empathy, allowing you to speak freely despite his status as a gang leader.
So when he gave you an offer, you could only accept with newfound vigor.
The next couple of days felt like a blur, a change to your very view of your own psyche is made when it is suddenly able to manifest something you soon knew to call a stand. It is life altering to you, yet mundane to Bucciarati.
That kept you grounded.
Exiting a prison, golden broach in your hand, there’s no pit in your stomach that usually occurs when you lie straight to someone’s face. You had looked up at Polpo- an impossibly intimidating capo -and told him a lie. Said you’d kept the lighter on for 24 hours, and he… took your word for it, creepily enough.
You’re observant, able to discern that you were never meant to actually keep the lighter on the whole time, that the goal all along was to acquire a stand.
Distantly, you remember telling yourself as you left the prison that you ought to grow accustomed to lying anyways.
You didn't chose the mafia to be a player in your future, but life hardly goes the way people want.
And lying to a man like Polpo really didn’t feel like it counted anyways.
Still, Bruno’s reaction to your own twisted priorities was a darkly comforting one. It made you feel better about the coming days ahead:
Bruno Bucciarati finds himself checking his watch a third time, standing just a few yards away from a prison’s main entrance. Not many people like to pass by the looming building, leaving him alone and not likely to be recognized by anyone- Passione member or not.
He sighs, This should not be taking this long.
There’s only so much he can check the area around him before he starts looking suspect. Not that there’s much hustle and bustle in the surrounding area to distract himself with. A familiar impatience bubbles within his stomach, one that only occurs when he’s about to introduce his team to a new member.
Well… hopefully.
Before he starts growing gray hairs, he hears the prison gate creak open. Turning his head, he finally notices your figure exiting the large entrance with prison guards escorting you.
A smile finds its way onto his face, a gesture you return as you approach him. Once the gate is closed, and the two of you are left without any watchful eyes, you subtly gesture with your arm. The action causes his attention to move towards your hand that shows off a little golden broach in your hand.
He gives a nod, and you don’t waste time before shoving the little piece of gold into your pocket. Just as you do, you halt your footsteps- now standing close enough to hold a casually quiet conversation.
Every one of your movements are noticed and dissected within his mind, something you clearly understand just by looking at your poised body language. That, or you’re still on alert from talking to Polpo.
“I was beginning to think I’d have to go in there myself,” he jests lightly, though there’s not much actual humor in his voice. “Afraid I’d find you there attempting to choke the capo out.”
“The thought didn’t cross my mind,” you reply, a trying smile playing on your lips. You appear much more collected than the day you first met him, a detail he’s glad to see. “That would be an awful first impression of my own loyalty, wouldn’t it?”
Ah, so either Y/n is simply that nervous, or Polpo’s words actually got to them. Bruno shakes the thought off, as the distinction is not worth dwelling over right at this moment.
“One of your new teammates was damn near close to trying to pull a stunt like that in the past-“ he doesn’t miss how your eyes brighten up at his roundabout way of welcoming you to his team. You joining it went without saying, but the subtle omission being enough to make you look so inspired is something he can already tell he’ll find endearing about your personality. “-But no matter… walk with me, please.”
You do as you’re asked, something Bruno does not care take note of.
It's the one part of your behavior he doesn't quietly run through his brain. It’s your first day after all, he’ll see in a weak how well you actually listen to him. His experience with the others has taught him as much.
“I do have to admit…” you speak up when he doesn’t, “Lying to him didn’t make me feel bad at all.”
He turns to you, something flickering in his gaze before he lets out a soft chuckle. His smile now seems a little less formal, and the amusement on his face looks more natural. “If that’s an omission of guilt, then you’ll be an interesting change of pace.”
“It is,” you admit, figuring there’s no need to put up a front for a man this observant, “Lying to someone is almost worse than killing them.”
“How do you figure?” Bruno raises an eyebrow, not batting an eyelid at your statement. Honestly, the first time the two of you met, your words were much more morbid.
“Well… lying leaves room for feelings to stir within me or the person of interest. It lets emotions fester inside of people. Killing stops all regrets or feelings of betrayal- stopping everything, you understand? That, I can live with. A bad mark on my heart I find more difficult to walk away from."
It’s no surprise he’s silent after that, but his hesitation does take you off guard.
Oh, god, was that too loose-lipped? It’s easy to feel comfortable around Bucciarati. Far too easy. He’s the type of man that makes people inclined to open up. You always talked casually before about macabre things. Isn’t that normal for a mafioso? What if-
“No need to be nervous, L/n; I’m already impressed by you. You’ll do well with us.”
Something about his words, spoken so calmly without even looking over at you, have a calming effect to them. Just a week into knowing him, and already you’re slowly growing accustomed to his genuine yet subdued warmth.
As Bruno drones on about Passione and its systems- more specifically his duties that directly trickle down into being your duties -you can’t help but let your mind wander a little to a distinction you made when you first met him.
Bruno Bucciarati’s fundamentally different.
There’s a kindness to him you never would’ve expected from someone in a gang. It kept you nodding along as you spoke, and distantly you felt as though your entire future is in the palm of his hand.
And scarily enough, you were fine with that.
Him being a sort of exception was a thought you assumed yourself to be mad for making, at least, until you found out the others on the team noticed the exact same thing.
All while Bruno himself only looks at you and sees your potential to grow.
A place in his team… something that he’s always well-spotted. An intuition he’s not once been wrong with before, so there’s a degree of confidence there as well that rubs off on you.
You got his attention in a familiar way, and after you join the team, you’re his responsibility and his purpose- just as the others are.
He’s just your leader. Nothing more, nothing less.
That said, he grows to appreciate the genuine gratefulness you offer him in a… special way.
The others are thankful for him too, and he knows that fact, but it’s nice to here the sentiment so openly and often in nature. And in the tones of your voice, it’s especially calming.
He’s really just making excuses for himself, but it was early on enough where it was okay.
That’s what’ll first make Bruno truly see you as not only a member of his team, but a member of his little found-family. The not-so-subtle ways you show that you want to be with them and a part of what they do… how could he hope to not find that charming?
Your softer side, however you chose to express it, is never missed by a man like Bruno. He easily recognizes it, and almost immediately respects you for it.
Hell, after a while, he relies on you for it.
There’s little in his life that’s more grounding than a gentle expression, thick with anticipation, displayed on your face after each mission you’re not a part of.
You always check up on the returning members as soon as possible, making sure everyone is up and moving. “I won’t be able to relax unless I see for myself that you’re all okay,” he recalls you saying on the matter. The fact that it’s how you treat everyone on the team only makes the relaxing feeling sink in deeper.
It’s not long before he sees you as a genuine soul, and he’d consider himself to be a fool if he didn’t recognize that.
Since the very beginning, Bruno’s personality has touched you emotionally. And although he always saw a sort of spark in you, getting to really know you- becoming your friend in tantum with acting as your superior -allows him to see that little spark for what it actually is.
Genuine care for the people you’re close to. An eye for good natured people, and a responding gentleness. Couple that with a darker, more proactive role during missions or anything work-related, and Bruno finds himself falling back on you more than he’d care to admit.
The others, though? They have no hang-ups over mentioning it. It gets to a point where- specifically Fugo, Mista, and Narancia -start to complain about Bruno showing you a degree of ‘special treatment.’
Mista and Narancia’s complaining jabs are easily shot down with only a look, but Fugo proved to be a lot more serious about it.
To the extent to where an argument or two emerges between them. Fugo insistant in his observations, trying to get Bruno to at least admit he treats you differently than the rest. But Bruno remained headstrong, stubborn in his belief that he would always treat his subordinates equally.
He’s just your boss. Nothing more, nothing less.
In the months that pass, when you’ve since naturally found your place on the team, at what point did that start to be the common refrain playing in his mind?
At what point does he go from insisting he has no time for a relationship at all, to continuously having to remind himself he’s your boss?
And that question alone tugs at his heartstrings in a manner he’s not quite used to. It’s a delightful feeling, but it is foreign.
For a man like Bruno Bucciarati, it’s not so much a refusal to believe he could be developing feelings, but a worry if he should even do anything about the attraction.
That said, it does take him some time to realize his own feelings due to his position as a boss to you and out of sheer unfamiliarity with the subject.
He’s not too obvious as to receive knowing looks from the others whenever he’s around you (Which is often). Hell, Mista even admitted to him much later that Narancia didn’t even notice until Fugo told him to start paying attention.
And after a certain point, Bruno has to admit it to himself and does so with surprising ease. It may have taken some time, he may have been stubborn speaking with Fugo, but he won’t continue to lie to himself. He’s old enough to know when he needs to swallow his pride and admit Fugo was onto something, if only a little.
And after that point of realization, his own love language starts to naturally shine through a bit more.
Bruno generally prefers acts of service and quality time when showing his affection. Cheeky and openly flirtatious, you may have assumed he’s been in relationships before given his confidence.
He’s always had a special care for you when it comes to missions... but now he finds himself offering to help you with grocery shopping. Or paying for a maid to clean up your home when you’ve had a particularly busy week, and offhandedly mentioned needing to clean once.
What? You thought he would forget? That only makes him chuckle smugly, prompting him to lean to eye-level and ask you, “What kind of man do you think I am?”
It seems like he remembers everything that pours from your lips. Always listening to you intently, and never brushing you off.
And during down time, Bruno naturally finds himself preferring to spending it in your company. A lot. Preferably alone, thank you very much.
The two of you even began to start watching TV shows with one another. And neither of you would dare to watch ahead without the other. It’s usually true crime shows, comedies, or shitty soap operas.
All this time with you after realizing his feelings... and they only grow- to his personal panic. The more he stays at your side the more he would hate to ever leave it.
So this is what it's like... he remembers thinking while lounging around, and watching a movie with you one evening. This is.... what I’ve been missing my whole life.
As beautiful as the feeling you bring him is, should he... really do anything about it?
He can see that look in your eyes when it’s just the two of you, a gleam that speaks of an internal joy you’re not sharing with him just as he refuses to share with you.
He gets a sneaking suspicion that you like him the exact same way he’s grown to adore you. And Christ almighty- what’s he supposed to do with that?
Yet, even though you’re a part of Passione, meaning he needs not to stress over bringing you into something so dangerous unwillingly... he is still hesitant.
His care for you so often is expressed through worry, something he usually handles with authority and maybe even harsh words if he deems it necessary.
But this is far more personal, and he can only mull it over by himself. He’s not the type to bring it up to others, not even Abbacchio.
If he reached for you... and the two of you began something real; something official... it would be a no-brainer for enemies to target either of you in order to send some sort of message.
He can’t stand the thought of your broken heart, and absolutely refuses to think of something like that happening to you.
Then again, if a bit morbid, he eventually realizes the result would still be the same with the way things are now. Only, it’d be coupled with Bruno's deep regret over not having said anything to you.
He can only wonder if you’d feel the same, and at the end of the day, he really does think that would be the case.
And it’s around the time he’s fully digesting this, that you end up genuinely taking him aback. Acting before he can begin convincing himself to make the first move:
Giorno, Fugo, and Mista walk behind Bucciarati, looking up at him in silent awe.
If you were to look into each of their eyes, you could likely peace together what they’re thinking while looking upon the freshly appointed capo. Opportunity twinkles within their gazes, all coming from a sincere place of respect for their leader.
You, however, are not looking at them.
As Bruno approaches the rest of his team, anticipation turns into cheers and hollers of excitement from the others standing next to you. Abbacchio has the widest smile on his face you’ve seen since Giorno entered the picture, yet your gaze stays glued onto Bruno throughout the nearly youthful display of glee.
He’s noticeably silent and calm. It’s like there’s no off switch to him- likely already going through the duties now landing on his lap due to his promotion within his mind. He’s not going to want to take the night off, no doubt wanting to get down to business.
Your heart swells despite the slight strain on it. It’s so like him to be that way in a time like this, but… I can’t help but wish he’d celebrate… if only a little, you find yourself thinking.
“Mista… guys, please,” Bruno tries to calm the two (In all honesty, Giorno’s ‘celebrating’ amounted to simply smiling) excited boys walking beside him, waving his hand.
Mista goes on about how everyone must celebrate somehow, still lecturing as they finally approach and reunite with the rest of the group. His words go over Bruno’s head, however, a fond smile making its way onto his face when he turns to meet your gaze.
Maybe it’s the adrenaline from him finally achieving the well-deserved position. Feeling so proud of him that your body jerks forward without thinking. Maybe it’s the excitement of everyone else rubbing off on you, and simply causes you to act without thinking.
All you do care to think as your feet move you right up to Bruno is, To hell with it. If he won’t start celebrating on his own; I’m making him celebrate.
Bruno opens his mouth to speak as you move well within his personal space, but is cut off by the swift movement of your hand tightly grabbing the collar of his jacket. One good tug of your arm and your pulling him toward you, lips meeting with his eyes widely open in surprise.
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!”
Fugo’s exclamation, along with startled gasps from everyone else melt away the moment you feel Bruno melt into the kiss and reciprocate.
He follows your lead, gently sighing against your lips when you neglect to take your hand off his collar. His arms, which you’ve always found to be so comforting, snake around your waist. He keeps you securely in his hold, and your other hand flies to cup his jaw.
After a moment or two, the kiss breaks. Bruno looks at you as you pull away, eyes still wide and mouth gently agape. It’s enough to make you chuckle, seeing him so cutely taken aback by both your and his own spontaneous actions.
“Congratulations, capo,” you smoothly whisper, finally removing yourself from his hold. “You earned it.”
“I-… thank you, Y/n,” he responds softly, a smile growing on his face.
As much as you’d like to hold onto the gentle intimacy of the moment you just shared with him, movement out of the corner of your eye catches your attention. Shifting your gaze, you catch a glimpse of Fugo silently sliding some cash over to a smug-looking Abbacchio.
No… they didn’t…
“Did you-“ you breath, embarrassment beginning to boil inside your stomach and fuel the rising volume of your voice, “-Did you assholes bet on us!?”
“It’s Fugo’s fault for assuming Bucciarati would make the first move,” Abbacchio replies dryly, scoffing as if it’s beneath him.
“Excuse me!?” you and Fugo shout in tandem.
The team erupts in accusations and yelling, the celebration over nearly three minutes after it began. Bruno can only smile at his team, not expecting anything less.
And just like you moments ago, he cannot take his eyes off you.
It’s moments like those that serve as a reminder as to why it’s Bucciarati that leads the team.
Still… the smile playing on his lips that day did not falter once after your sudden display of affection. It was a beautiful, unexpected thing… much akin to how you entered his life.
The two of you were much closer after that event. Other members of Passione outside the team noticing another that’s always at the young capo’s side. Whispers and rumors flood Naples of your relationship… but he never pays them any attention.
He knows what the two of have, and he’s confident in saying that it’s love.
After all, all that matters to him is you staying at his side… even behind closed doors. He’s never experienced something like this before in his life, but now that he has you held in his arms, he never wishes to let you go.
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joestarfoundation · 7 months
JOBROS: Need help?. . .
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Modern!AU. I aged-up some characters for obvious reasons. Minors DNI. Fem!Reader. English isn't my first language
AN: I didn't include Hermes because she's missing an essential body part (cock) :(( I also included both Bruno and Mista because I literally couldn't decide which of the two to put here, since I consider them both gio's jobro
Jobros x Fem!Reader
Giving them a bj
Speedwagon, Bruno: Just imagine letting it sensually enter your mouth<3 I think at first he would say something like "no need, dear" but when you gave him those puppy eyes, how could he say no? His hands would be in your hair all the time and he'd praise you nsfw link
Caesar, Kakyoin: He will be a little more enthusiastic, however, he would still be a little worried about choking you. However, the way his cock slid down your throat made him forget about the previous thing. He would groan and moan and tell you how well you suck his cock, and sometimes he would thrust against your mouth nsfw link
Okuyasu: When you asked him if you could give him a blowjob, his pants quickly disappeared. At that moment the only thing he wanted to feel was your mouth. And as you bobbed your head up and down, he could feel his body tense with pleasure. Every stroke of your tongue, every flick of your lips, sent shivers down his spine nsfw link
Mista, Gyro: Oh yeah! Possibly he may be somewhat abrupt with you, but you didn't care about that. His salty taste invaded your mouth, and you could feel his tip touching the deep part of your throat. His animalistic growls and moans could be heard throughout the room, while compliments with your name came out of his mouth. Would definitely cum in your throat, and don't worry, he also would definitely return the favor~ nsfw link
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princelylove · 5 months
Good evening, Your Highness!!! I hope your days have been well!!
This is a rather embarrassing ask. Considering everything leading up has been more…safe for work. Nonetheless, I will take the leap!
As well if you do not want to answer this, do not stress over that!
How would Bruno and Mista react to a significant other who is a virgin in practically every category. They haven’t held hands, or kissed anyone, and obviously haven’t done the deed. However they would be willing to try with them, but they have no idea where to start.
Sorry if this is a little too loose with details, but I’m not sure what details I could add to this. Thank you for your time, as always, it is a pleasure merely being in your presence.
- ⭐️ anon
Well, to be honest with you, Bruno doesn't have any experience either.
He avoids it for a loooong while, for that reason. He tells himself he just doesn't want to scare his darling off, it's wrong to force your spouse into sex, but... what if he's neglecting you?
Bruno studies way more than he has to. He'll rent porn, sexual education books, just about anything short of asking a trusted adult (which he is supposed to be). His father never really had the talk with him, so he could ask, but.... he's twenty-something, he doesn't want to bother his old man about something that a man should definitely know at this age.
He's a mess. You've probably never seen Bruno so flustered- so stuck in place. Your first time with Bruno is what it would've been if he had lost his virginity any sooner- messy, passionate, and short. He'll try again soon once he recovers from the shame.
Guido's pretty nice about it. He's had some girls (and guys, cough, what who said that) in his past, he was kinda preparing to give the whole "I don't care who you've been with" speech, but hey, happy surprises.
He's not too bothered by it, but it does bug him considering... he doesn't really prefer topping. If he did, he'd totally take care of you, he'd be nice and soft and gentle but rough when you want it, but... man. It's embarrassing to guide somebody in how to fuck you, I mean, he's a guy! You know how hard it is for guys to ask for shit like flowers and gifts? Not that he, uh, wants that, but you get it!
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moongeonight · 3 months
Boss's "weakness"
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Summary: Giorno is having a hard time with being the boss of passion and with some unexpected guests in his office, things become a little chaotic.
A/N: Me writing a fic?? 🤯 I've had this idea in my head for a while so I'm here to share it, Special thanks to @crimsonkingg22 for giving us Lee giorno's content, thanks for the food 🙏🏻
(this is a tickle fic!)
Giorno was currently signing quite a bit of paperwork in his office as the new boss of passione, it had been going on a little hard for a few weeks but he knew in the end it was necessary.
suddenly he saw that the door opened slightly, he looked at the door but... There was nothing, with a sigh he returned his gaze to the desk and...
"Hi Giorno!"
He was startled by Mista's six bullets stand which were now on his desk, several saying his name and others just playing around.
"Hi!" "Giorno, what a beautiful office you have!" The six bullets said, Everyone talking at the same time that it was difficult to understand what they were saying.
Giorno had a small smile come onto his face when he saw the bullets, He was quite fond of Mista and his little stands.
"Hey guys, what's going on?"
Number 1 was the first to talk "Mista went out without us and he told us to tell you he wouldn't be back for a while"
the other bullets were just doing their own thing, number 6 was spinning around the office and 3 was trying to take a pen from Giorno's desk.
"Huh, ok then, He probably went off to buy some things somewhere, he sometimes do that, And number three don't touch that please" Giorno said as he gently picks up number three and puts it with the other bullets.
Giorno quickly grab all of the bullets up and sets them down on his desk "ok guys... I know you are excited but please stop messing around and calm down"
"Now listen, lunch is for another hour and i really need to finish my paperwork first... ok?"
"aaww...." All the bullets said clearly disappointed "Can we at least stay here? Pleaseeee"
"Huh? oh, i mean i guess you can" Giorno said going back to signing the paperwork.
"But please, just try to stay calm and not mess around, i don't want any chaos to occur ok?"
in fact the pistols were calm... For 5 minutes, before they started talking, floating and even fighting among themselves, Giorno was already used to this and although it was not the ideal he had to keep working, Having the little stands around was almost like having multiple children, Even if they were just parts of an actual person... or whatever the hell the bullets counted as.
Giorno just kept working, sighing and rolling his eyes sometimes when they got too rough or loud.
number 3 and 7 got on an intense argument, eventually they started to fight and they ended up kicking the documents off the desk right in front of giorno.
Giorno looked over at the documents and just stared at them for several moments, He took a deep breath, closing his eyes and he leaned on his desk, covering his face with his hands, he knew that his stress did not come from the bullets, it came from a lot of accumulated work, he really just needed a moment...
All the six bullets saw this and were immediately startled, They all flew off the table and sat on Giorno's head and said all together and sounding desperate, even number 5 start crying.
Giorno could feel the bullets on his head and all felt bad, he was just overworking himself although he didn't want to accept it.
"No, no guys, i don't blame you all, i just... need a moment, I'm a little stressed, this whole change of power thing has been hard... just give me a few minutes and I'll be fine" Giorno spoke gently, mad at himself for not working better.
the bullets felt relieved to hear this, but they could still see that he was stressed and they really wanted to help him.
"how do we help Giorno? We don't want you stressed!" Number 2 said out loud, the others ones nodded in agreement, Number 5 was still crying but still nodded.
Giorno was flattered by the little bullets attempt to help him and he smiled slightly, To tell the truth he didn't know if there was any way they could help, the only way they could help would be helping with his paperwork..which they couldn't unfortunately, he didn't know what to say...
The bullets looked at each other, trying to think of a way they could help, that's until they saw how number 3 was floating stealthily near Giorno and since he had covered his face with his hands he had not seen him, number 3 just smiled a little mischievously while getting into Giorno's open chest.
And just when Giorno was going to remove his hands from his face, he felt a light sensation on the top of his ribs, that was when he looked up and realized that number 3 was missing as he soon realized that he had managed to get inside his suit.
"H-hey..! hey w-wait there, it-it tickles-s" Giorno said a little bit surprised as he started to giggle softly and sat up properly.
the bullets also looked surprised for a few seconds but started to laugh at the situation "we didn't know you were ticklish GioGio!"
Giorno stopped giggling for a moment and he got a slightly shy expression on his face, he was surprised that the bullets were finding entertainment in seeing him get tickled, but it wasn't like he was embarrassed, no.
"Ah- well um... yeah i am slightly ticklish" He went quiet, trying to keep a straight face but he couldn't help it, he started giggling again as the feeling of the stand tickling him increased.
number 3 continued to tickle him while he went deeper into his suit, he seemed to want to make sure Giorno had a nice break from the paperwork.
"that's so funny! I would never have thought that the boss of Passione could be so ticklish, what if a enemy use this against you!?" Number 7 said this with "concern".
Giorno could feel how the little tickling kept going, making him giggle even more, he couldn't help but smile and he even had to put a hand on his mouth to calm down a little and speak.
"Ah-haha don't worry...! nobody will know! I-I don't even think anyone would try to t-tickle me in-n a fight" He spoke in between giggles, taking a few breaths.
number 3 stopped tickling him but stayed in Giorno's suit "you're right, but what if they do? We have to make sure no enemies know that you're ticklish."
Number 6 was spinning around with a mischievous smile as he said "oh! oh! I have an idea!"
Giorno raised one eyebrow when number 6 said that, it didn't seem like a good idea but he was curious so he decided to hear the plan.
"hmm i have a feeling i may regret this but, go on... what is the idea?"
"we have to do some tickling training! So if bad people try to tickle you, you'll be prepared!"
Number 1, 2, 5 and 7 nodded and said all together "YEE-HAWWW!" Just immediately after they went to attack Giorno getting into the opening of his chest.
"Ah...! w-wait a sec-ah-ahahaah" Giorno let out a laugh before he could say anything else, he couldn't even stop the other bullets from getting inside his shirt before they started tickling his sides, he tried to push some of the bullets away but they seemed very determined.
"Ahahahahaha! H-hey wait a second guys..! hahaha!" He laughed loudly this time, unable to hold it back anymore, His face had an amused but exhausted expression.
"We have to make sure the training is complete! GioGio needs to be prepared for any evil enemy plans!" Number 5 yelled as the bullets were clearly having fun tickling Giorno.
Giorno was unable to hide the slight desperation in his laughter, he couldn't stand being tickled like this, by these many tiny bullets at once, He tried to speak through his laughter.
"Ahahaha! no nohoho! I appreciate the tra-ahahaha! T-training but-! Aha-hahaha! I th-think i'm going t-to ahahahaha lose my mihihind!"
"Hey! No complaining, this is for your own good Giorno!" Number 1 said in a cheerful playful tone.
Giorno almost yelled in laughter as the bullets started to tickle his armpits, it was a very weak spot that made him go crazy.
"Pfff- hahaha! Nahahahah wait! not my- hahahaha! My armpits! Anything but- AHAHahahaha!! My armpits!"
Giorno started to desperately try and move away from their tickling but they clung onto him tightly, not giving him any chance to escape, He laughed louder but also tried to regain some seriousness and speak.
"A-ahahaha! hey...! I- hahaha! I have to finish paperwork! Stop! Please...! ahahahaha!"
number 2 was pretty quick to respond while giving Giorno an evil smile. "Oh no no no! Your training must be complete first, then and only then will we allow you to go back to your paperwork"
Giorno blushed slightly when he hear this, even feeling flattered again, but this was replaced by desperate laughter as he received another round of tickling on his armpits.
"Ahaha, nohoho ahahahah! Oh-ahahahahaha! C-come ohohon! Please no more! Hahahahaha! My sides...! ahahaha!"
At that moment Giorno thought to himself that he was thankful that no one walked in his office and saw him like this, his reputation would be more than ruined.
"Aahahahah! please! ahahaha! I'm begging you already! hahahahaha! Just give mehehe a-ahahahahaha! A break! Stop already!"
when the bullets were actually considering stopping, the door was kicked open... It was Mista who, apparently, had arrived earlier than expected and upon hearing all the commotion, got worried and burst in.
"What's going on?! I heard what it seem... HEY! BULLETS! what are you doing?!" Mista scream when he see the image in front of him.
Giorno's eyes widened when the door was kicked open and Mista suddenly appeared, he could swear that he got even more red in the face than before, he was already blushing from the tickling but now it just increased more.
He had hoped that no one would see him like this, especially not mista, Even while being tickled so much he mumbled desperately.
"M-Mista!! Help-! ahahaha hehehelp me!"
The bullets stop what they were doing and as soon as they saw the door open and the figure who was there, they began to yell in surprise.
"MISTA!!" The bullets came out of Giorno's suit and flew towards their user, Leaving the poor boy to catch his breath.
"We are training the boss to defend against any enemies who dare to use tickling against him!!"
Giorno let out a sigh of relief when the bullets stopped the tickling, but then he mentally face palmed as he heard the bullets explain why they were Torturing tickling him, he could already see the look on mista's face when he quickly put a hand on his forehead and spoke in a tired and embarrassed tone.
"Ugh... not the best way to explain it guys..."
Meanwhile Mista immediately burst out in laughter when he heard the explanation, He leaned against the wall as he laughed, Never in his life did he think he'd see the boss of Passione being tickled by a bunch of mini stands all over his body... worst of all is that they were his stand.
"Oh... oh man, hahahaha! This is priceless!"
As he just look how Giorno was blushing and all out of breath from all the tickling, it was kind of adorable- wait, no. That's not the point, he had to do something.
Mista chuckled and rolled his eyes before speaking "Don't be ridiculous, That sort of training isn't necessary, Giorno would never let a enemy tickle him! Stop bothering him he need to work!"
the bullets looked at each other, a little sad because they had to stop their fun time with Giorno.
number 6 said almost with a pout in his voice "awwww but we wanted to help Giorno, we're worried about him, he's always so stressed, we just wanted him to have a little break from all the work"
Number 3 jumped into the air before replying with a mischievous smile.
"besides, it was really fun to tickle him!"
"I knew the training thing was just an excuse..." Gionno said muttering under his breath.
Mista shake his head slightly at the bullets reasoning and chuckled at the comment about Giorno never letting a enemy tickle him, but Giorno just stayed silent, clearly flustered and embarrassed by this situation which was not common for him.
"I appreciate the concern but yeah maybe the 'training' wasn't the best idea..." Giorno mumbled with a shy expression, he took a quick breath and spoke again.
"...but i guess if you really want to help now It's better that you guys just let me work..."
The bullets didn't seem too happy about this, they wanted to continue having fun and making Giorno laugh, but the look on mista's face made them realize they didn't have much choice at the moment.
They hovered in silence for a few moments, but number 5 was the one who spoke. "promise us to take a break from work later, okay?"
Sure Giorno was grateful that they were finally listening to him, but at the same time he knew he had to give them a bit of comfort , so he took another deep breath and nodded slightly.
"Yes, yes I promise to take a break later... I swear" He spoke gently and with a slight hint of tiredness in his voice.
Mista smiled upon hearing the exchange between Giorno and the bullets, he was satisfied with the agreement they made and spoke to the bullets.
"All right, you heard the boss, leave him alone, he has work to do" And with that the bullets said goodbye to Giorno and went to Mista's gun.
Giorno smiled slightly when the bullets had finally obeyed, it was sweet how much they cared about him being stressed but he really just wanted to finish his work, although the tickling has distracted him a bit.
"Thanks mista, sorry you had to see that, it was honestly a little... embarrassing"
Mista chuckled once more before replying "Oh don't worry about it, it was actually quite a funny sight to see you being tickled like that by they"
Mista smiled before continuing "But really, who knew you were so ticklish? I mean you're the boss of Passione, I would never have thought-"
"One more word and I'll give you extra work"
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fugos-lil-fork · 2 years
Some Random Mista Headcanons! (Some r kinda NOT SFW)
Has definitely thought about getting a navel piercing
I wouldn't say he's really clingy?( At least not in the level i hc Nara to be where he'd definitely want/need to know where his s/o is at, at all times in fear of them suddenly abandoning him-) But like, Mista does like it/feels relieved when his s/o updates him on where they're at/what they're doing just bc of y'know, mafia- And he's been left a bit traumatize by witnessing what had happened to the woman he saved, that he's afraid anyone he loves could suddenly have that happened to them and he, or someone like him, wont be there to save/help them.
Bc of that, I also think he absolutely hates ppl that get too handsy immediately. It's not jealousy, he's just genuinely afraid of his loved one being taken advantage of/being forced into do something they don't want to do.
Mf turns every game between him and s/o into a stripping game 💀
Absolutely adores PDA- (obviously I mean, I hc that mans has a thing for fucking in public so why wouldn't he love PDA?-)
I hc that this boi grew up with multiple siblings- Which is a reason why he's so over his stand. They just remind him of his siblings and bc he has younger siblings, he knows how to take care of them.
He loves the beach... Just that-
Mista keeps condoms in his boots. He sometimes accidentally pulls them out instead of his bullets 💀
The pistols always snitch on him, how he's feeling, and embarrassing shit he's done/said.
Definitely owns thongs-
He definitely has a playlist for when he wants to get down and dirty either with himself or someone else-
Ik this man's gropes his s/o on a regular basis 💀 Just a quick grab, squeeze, or smack of certain areas 😭
I ACTUALLY GIVE CREDIT TO MY FRIEND FOR THIS ONE- He hc that when Mista's desperately lonely and depressed about his s/o being away for so long, he goes as far as fucking his own pillow 💀 (that poor innocent pillow, #JusticeForMista'sPillow)
Kinda rare for him to call his s/o by their name. He absolutely prefers to use pet names/endearing names.
Man's jerks off twice a day, maybe three if wakes up to morning wood-
Definitely owns porn magazines (mf stole them tho-)
He owns two tube tops-
He has a BIG family. Aside from having a couple siblings, his older siblings have children. Has quite a bit of aunts and uncles as well as cousins. Yet, no one knows about his "profession". He simply tells them he works for a company that requires his to travel quite a bit. And whatever scars they're able to point out on him he shrugs them off as scars from guys trying to mug him.
He has a genuinely wholesome relationship with his family. The only reason they hadn't been able to bail him out of jail when he was thrown in it was because they didn't have the money to do so. However, they're all extremely proud of him for saving the woman.
He "worked" at a small family business growing up. (Worked, in quotes, bc he mostly goofed around or just lounged around in the back lmao-)
Has a family tradition where his entire family meets up at one of their homes just so they can all see and bond with each other. Obviously, he always goes, and has dragged the Bucci gang to it before. (Fugo and Abbacchio agreed that never again- Narancia loved how sweet and fun everyone was- And everyone demanded for Bruno return next time-)
He isn't sure if he wants children or not (biologically or otherwise) because he, obviously, loves the energy his big ass family brings. But, he also understands the reality of his line of work. Though, his family constantly pressure him to have kids one day.
✨Bi King✨
He's never out right said he's fruity to his family- He's heavily implied it to them. Some of them understand and actually accept him (bc they been knew ever since he started dressing himself up-) but others still don't get it and think he only gets pussy- (those who don't understand r actually the ones that pressure him the most to have kids 💀)
His mom and dad have known since day one that he also liked dick-
His siblings bet on whether he's gonna end up marrying a guy or a girl (some bet he's gonna stay a hoe and never get married-)
Spoils his family thanks to Mafia money
Sweats SUPER easily, that's the real reason he gets rlly stinky
Despite being naturally really warm, he loves warm clothing even during the summer (another reason as to why he gets stinky so quickly/easily)
Has absolutely no clue how to match outfits- He just throws on the first items he sees and since he considers his clothing nice/attractive clothing, he figures it all matches/goes together (it doesn't.)
Man's sleeps ONLY with boxers (or butt-naked-) and no blankets. Only uses the thinnest blanket known to man in the winter-
Absolute sucker for men in fancy ass suits. He somehow finds them as sexy as lingerie
Y'know how u fall asleep one place then wake up in your room? It's him. He's the one carrying you to bed whenever you fall asleep somewhere else-
He gossips a shit ton. But he's slightly better at keeping secrets than Narancia- The only reason he'd tell is if he's bored and wants to start up ✨drama✨ or the person who the secret came from pissed him off and he decides to expose them
Pretends to be in serious pain when he's not just so he could hog his s/o's undivided attention and they can shower him with physical affection-
He owns a motorcycle but only uses it on his days off when he goes out and to show it off
He's a soar loser- If he loses at a game he'd definitely start being like "Yeah... This game isn't really fun. Let's do something else"
Loves to leave bite marks on his s/o's thighs, neck, and shoulders
Needs to take at least one nap a day with his s/o, doesn't matter how long it is. He n e e d s it-
Can and does stick other stuff into his pants when he gets tired of holding them instead of using his pockets like a normal person
One of his favorite animated movies is definitely Sausage Party 😭
Every time he has sex in a multiple of four, he gets an STI 💀
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bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
i love the pickup line idea so much that I can't wait to see what people send in!"hey wanna play heads or tails...looks like I got tails so you get head"
with mista ofc ( i just think it would be funny lmao)
Oh damn Mista would be such a sucker for this pick up line! 😆 Thanks I’m glad you liked this idea, and thanks for sending this in. Here’s some food for you. Don’t ask where I got these pictures 🤭😳 sorry, not sorry 🏃🏻‍♀️ He’s got the best butt and thighs in part 5 👌🏼
Guido Mista x Reader 💙 Scenario
Warning: Nsfw content ahead 🔞🔞
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Mista was wandering the house in only his red tiger print leather pants. He removed his cashemere sweater and hat for the day since he was tired from the job he had today. He wanted to cool off so he sat in the living room chugging down his can of sparkling water.
He was reading a magazine until he realized he dropped his bag of chips on the floor. They’re unopened but he was annoyed he had to get up. He bends down to pick them up. You giggle watching from the other side of the room. You wish you could fondle him. He has such a nice bubble butt. You know he probably wouldn’t mind but you want to go about it differently. After he sets his snack back on the table you threw him your pick up line. You wanted to make sure he’s in the mood.
You stood half naked since you tossed your dress to the recliner nearby. You hold a coin in your hand and flipped it being sure it would land on the table beside him. He noticed the coin then looks over to you. His sexy smile didn’t go missed by you. It looked ever more handsome without his hat. His dark hair frames his face so perfectly.
“Wanna play heads or tails... looks like I got tails so you get head.”
His smile widened and he sits on the couch patting his thigh. His welcoming arms are so inviting. You sat facing him covering him in kisses. His hand is on your hip and he’s enjoying himself.
“So heads or tails huh? Why not both?”
You’re now laid on top of Mista with your private area spread out across his face while you’re faced with his thick cock. You swirl your tongue around his tip and lightly pump him with your hand. Mista’s tongue doesn’t stop licking across your outer lips. His thumb pleasures you as he does so, eliciting whines from you. His thick lips and nose press against you so he can hear you whine louder.
As you whimper you moan his name. You feel his smirk against you and decide to wrap your mouth around his tip. You begin to bob your head as you pleasure him. He groans against you causing you to have plenty of goosebumps. Your thighs tremble but he caresses them in such a gentle manner. His hands are firm as he holds them up for you.
His tip is wet so you’re able to handle his thick length in your mouth. Mista really needed this. He feels like the luckiest man on earth getting to do this with you after a long ass day. He didn’t care how sore he felt. Right now you’re what’s on his mind. His lips suck against you causing you to twitch and squirm as you whimper. He knows you’re close so he sucks hard. Your legs tremble as you squirt in his mouth.
Mista devoured you eagerly as you suck him off. It encouraged you to pleasure him some more so you fondle his sack like you know he likes it. Pretty soon his muscular thighs are twitching and trembling. You finish him off by stroking him and licking his tip while fondling him. Tears poke the corners of his eyes in delight and he’s whimpering your name like a song. Afterwards you both tiredly lay in eachothers arms.
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Taglist: @syntheticseraton1n @noaltbruh @danielle-marie @shxftxng @fugos-lil-fork
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fatiguedcorvid · 1 year
everything stays- Golden Wind fanfic
JJBA GW one shot ~1.6k words, SFW genfic
now on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50584042/share
As much as he might have been loathe to admit it, Giorno hated his requiem stand. He felt like an immature ingrate thinking it; Gold Experience Requiem saved him and his friends in Rome. It was the reason Giorno was able to pursue his dream of cleaning up Naples’ streets. But with every passing month the feeling weighed on him more.
He sat bodily on a public bench outside some hair salon, the sign reading ‘il parrucchiere mago- trova il tuo nuovo sé’. Breathing heavily, he was trying to glance at GER behind him without arousing suspicion from the few people already out and about at 5:40 AM on a Tuesday. GER had no such considerations, glaring at every passerby with what Giorno could only imagine was murderous intent. ‘Touch my water bottle’ he thought to it. ‘Turn it into a nutria.’ GER didn’t budge. He tried to call it back into him. It didn’t work. 
Once his vision stopped spinning he sighed and started heading back to the Villa. Giorno had taken up morning jogs in the past few weeks, hoping they would help clear his mind. In reality they did little other than make him feel guilty for not starting his already too busy workday earlier. Is that why he found himself sprinting full force every time he started running?
“Ah, man, what to do about GER… ?” Mista scratched his head with the tip of his revolver, considering the question. Most people would be hesitant to stand at the barrel of a gun, but Mista trusted Sex Pistols to never let him come to harm. Well, no harm so irreversible as brain death. Even if perhaps he shouldn’t have. “I dunno, Giogio, I’m not usually the advice guy.” he looked at Giorno, impassive as ever. “But,” he smiled at him, “I'll tell you what. I might not be able to fix anything, but I do know what you need. A distraction.”
“Yeah! Anything to just stop thinking about it.”
Giorno paused to consider. “I am very busy, Mista. But I increasingly can’t put it out of my mind.”
Mista pftt-ed automatically before suddenly remembering where he was and looking to see if Giorno was offended. He wasn’t able to tell. “Yeah, but you’re busy with work stuff. Peril, danger, stand attacks. How can you expect GER to lay low like that? Do something fun, for once.” Giorno tried to think back. ‘When did I last do something for pure enjoyment?’
“How was the movie? Did Tony McGire spider a lot of men?” Fugo asked, somewhat exasperated. Though he was invited, he didn’t come to the viewing, which only quietly convinced Giorno he got the name wrong on purpose. Fugo wasn’t exactly a pop culture aficionado.
“I don’t know. Fell asleep about fifteen minutes in.”
Fugo shook his head. “C’mon, Giogio. How can you expect to be taller than me one day if you keep sleeping barely four hours a night?” Fugo still retained three stubborn centimeters over Giorno, which he didn’t hesitate to mention at any available opportunity. Giorno had to admit he probably had a point, but sleeping more would leave even less time for his job, let alone having fun. He took a tentative bite of his croissant, smeared with copious butter and his favorite apricot jam; the taste was divine. He loved this quaint little cafe. But at that moment it brought him no comfort. He took his time chewing, wanting any excuse to delay the next part of this conversation. But if anyone could help him with this, it had to be Fugo. “When we came back, I tried to summon Gold Experience again. Strained so hard I felt my eyes almost pop out of their sockets. GER was just staring at me, wearing a certain disapproving expression. I might have snapped at it. Or maybe it was the one who snapped at me. Even now I'm not entirely sure. But it left a giant gash on my forehead.” He pointed to the now traceless site of the injury, undone by the very stand that caused it. Fugo sat there staring at him, mouth full of tuna salad sandwich. Giorno waited expectantly for him to swallow, silently resenting him for using the same time earning trick as himself.
“I don’t really know anything about requiem stands. Did you ask Polnareff about this?”
“I did. He even contacted the Speedwagon Foundation on my behalf to see if they can discover something useful.”
“And… ?”
“And nothing. He says he barely understands them himself. But if the original Gold Experience hadn’t asserted itself once since it was pierced with the arrow, it’s unlikely it ever will again.”
“I see.” Fugo said eventually. “If that’s the case, I think the only way forward is to accept your circumstances. You need to stop thinking up ways to bring it back. You’re just torturing yourself. You’ll never be able to make peace with GER if you only ever think of how to turn it back. Who knows? Maybe GER will change, become something bearable, even if it will never be the same Gold Experience again.” Giorno held back his response.
“Well, regarding the monthly budget-”
Giorno knocked on the half opened door to Coco Jumbo’s room. It was already rather late, but Polnareff would usually still be awake at this hour. From inside came an ever cheery voice “yes, come in!” It echoed like it was coming from a much bigger space than the modest room could allow. Coco Jumbo was sitting on the sofa in the corner. Normally much too tall a surface for a turtle to climb onto, given access by ramps stretching from the floor to every piece of furniture or appliance not already placed on the floor. They’d offered to get rid of the sofa, but Polnareff insisted they keep at least a small sofa and desk. As soon as he was inside the turtle Polnareff charged at him with a bear hug. The contact with his ghostly form felt a bit weird. It had mass, but wasn’t entirely solid. 
“What’s wrong Giorno? Couldn’t sleep? Something bothering you?” Coming from any other person that kind of attention would’ve felt smothering, but from him it felt genuine. Like he was asking because he wanted to hear the answer, not just out of politeness.
“I suppose.” he sat down, reminding himself not to get so comfortable as to fall asleep in the turtle. “I talked to Fugo. He said I can't live with GER if I'm constantly trying to turn it back to something that's already gone. But I can't seem to actually let it go. Even though I know it’s all useless.”
“What is it exactly about Gold Experience that you miss?”
Giorno was a bit taken aback. “How do you mean?”
“Well, Gold Experience might not be coming back, but why do you miss it in the first place? Do you know what it is about it that made you happier than GER? Maybe you can have this thing back. That same feeling, just in a different way.”
It was over a decade ago now. Giorno, only five years old, was sitting on the dirt in the tiny unkempt garden of their new house in italy. It was the time when his mother’s marriage was still fresh. When he was excited to make friends at this new place called “school”. When he still believed his stepdad’s wrath could be avoided if only he was well behaved enough. That garden was his refuge, a garden of eden. Crows and pigeons would fight over the right to rule the fence. Stray cats would sometimes sneak in; they might’ve let him pet them, if he gave them food scraps before. He was digging around for worms, eyes widening every time he found a squirming form in the moist ground. It made him wonder if they were placed there by a higher power just for him. The critters hiding in foliage and underground seemed like too much of a miracle to be a product of mere chance. Aristotle wrote about the theory of spontaneous generation. That living creatures could be birthed from dead, inanimate matter. And that was what humans believed for centuries. Common knowledge, really. By Giorno’s time everyone knew this was nonsense, of course; a fantasy created by prescientific minds. But Giorno was too young to have learned about such things; free to dream up explanations for the miracle in front of him.
Once giorno figured out how the damned UV lamp was supposed to be set up the cage was complete. Substrate, sticks, a stone to rub on, and every amenity a crested gecko could hope for. He opened the small plastic container and placed it inside the terrarium, letting the little guy step out and explore in his own time. Mista stood behind them, making faces.
“A gecko, really? Am I going to see it now every time I step in your office? Ugh, it’s face gives me the heebie-jeebies.”
“How could you say something so awful?” he said, his back still turned. Not that seeing his face would’ve given away whether or not he was joking. “In any case, his name’s Charlie, and you’re perfectly within your right to look away if his face bothers you.” When Giorno finally turned to face him, he took another sip of his tea. Out of politeness more than anything. He was never much of a tea guy, but when Giorno offered him a cup he brewed with the mint he grew himself, Mista didn’t have the heart to tell him no. Because at this point he knew Giorno well enough to see through his mysterious air; he was proud of himself.
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stardustedsins · 9 months
Kiss prompt 22 is up on ao3 right here! (A kiss in a rush of adrenaline, Mista/gender neutral reader)
It’s shorter than usual, so I won’t do a whole nicely formatted post like I have for the rest.
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cw. 18+, not sfw, headcanons, gn!reader + afab!reader
pairing. multifandom
notes. i had an unnecessarily medium discussion about this with a friend today and couldn't stop obsessing over it so i'm making the internet's problem. y'all don't have to agree with me, i just have my own little thoughts and hcs in my little corner of the internet. divider by @/cafekitsune
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prefers holding hands during sex. they enjoy the inherent intimacy the action brings. it is a tether that keeps them grounded to earth so they don't float too far from its orbit.
Portgas D. Ace, Vinsmoke Sanji, Nico Robin, Nanami Kento, Umemiya Hajime, Mikasa Ackerman, Makima, Hayakawa Aki, Jonathan Joestar, Bruno Bucciarati, Giorno Giovanna
prefers keeping your hands held above your head with their own. it's how they are able to get the best look at you, seeing all the expressions you make and that edge of control that makes it all the more satisfying
Getou Suguru, Fushiguro Toji, Sukuna, DIO, Kujo Jotaro, Gyro Zeppeli,
prefers keeping their hands on your waist and hips. they want your lower halves as close as humanly possible and even then, it's not close enough. they want you to fall into their skin
Gojou Satoru, Donquixote Doflamingo, Roronoa Zoro, Shanks, Jean-Pierre Polnareff, Guido Mista, Joseph Joestar
tends to cry during sex (emotional) it is all in the culmination of the love you share. how much they love you, the fact that you love them. the happiness overflows and somehow everything feels a mixture of being enough and not quite having enough of you
Portgas D. Ace, Vinsmoke Sanji, Donquixote Rosinante, Mikasa Ackerman, Nirei Akihiko, Jean Kirstein, Hayakawa Aki, Makima (if she considers you her equal)
tends to cry during sex (overstimulated) easily overstimulated and prone to tears. you'd feel worse if they didn't look so good with the tears streaming down their face
Haruka Sakura, Nirei Akihiko, Iori Utahime, Nami, Mikasa Ackerman
enjoys making YOU cry. second verse, first same as the first. the way you look is downright sinful and they love it
DIO, Narciso Anasui, Donquixote Doflamingo, Eustass Kid, Shanks, Crocodile, Sukuna, Fushiguro Toji, Tsukumo Yuki
level of freak
absolute freak. down to try just about anything give or take a few exceptions. they enjoy the excitement of experimenting with you and learning what make you both tick
Gojou Satoru, Fushiguro Toji, Sukuna, Tsukumo Yuki, Togame Jo, Suo Hayato, Shanks, Donquixote Doflamingo, Eustass Kid, Roronoa Zoro
medium. doesn't lean too far in either realms of kinky and vanilla; they are simply a happy medium. you simply do your best to match each other's freak
Choso, Nanami Kento, Getou Suguru,Dracule Mihawk, Vinsmoke Sanji, Sabo, Buggy, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Crocodile, Jean Kirstein, Armin Arlert, Eren Jaeger, Porco Galliard, Josuke Higashikata, Hiiragi Touma
vanilla. sweet and romantic. they know what they like and it's a bit on the simpler side but that doesn't make them any less passionate in their performance
Mikasa Ackerman, Portgas D. Ace, Umemiya Hajime, Haruka Sakura, Nirei Akihiko
position preference
hard dom. you might be able to talk them into switching things up but they prefer being dominant in bed
DIO, Kujo Jotaro, Donquixote Doflamingo, Eustass Kid, Annie Leonhart, Ymir, Zeke Jaeger, Togame Jo, Kaji Ren, Tsukumo Yuki
dom-leaning switch. while they tend to take the lead in sex, they have no issue switching it up and letting you do your thing. just as much as they enjoy making your back arch and head tilt back, they enjoy being on the receiving end of such pleasure just as much
Shanks, Crocodile, Dracule Mihawk, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Sabo, Gojou Satoru, Getou Suguru, Ieiri Shoko, Nanami Kento, Porco Galliard, Roronoa Zoro, Guido Mista, Hiiragi Touma
sub-leaning switch. they have no problems leaving things in your capable hands and honestly prefer it more times than most, but they can take charge at your behest and find it just as fulfilling
Vinsmoke Sanji, Buggy, Nico Robin, Koala, Nefertari Vivi, Choso, Sakura Haruka, Nirei Akihiko, Jolyne Cujoh
true switch. as flexible as the ever constant ebb and flow of the tide. they are able to adapt to their partner's preferences and doesn't mind either role as long as you are enjoying yourself
Portgas D. Ace, Usopp, Nico Robin, Umemiya Hajime, Historia Reiss, Pieck Finger, Hange Zoe, Armin Arlert, Johnny Joestar, Josuke Higashikata, Ermes Costello, Narciso Anasui
pillow princess. they'd rather leave control in your hands. but don't get it twisted. this is the highest form of trust they can bestow upon you, their beloved. relinquishing control and trusting you'll take care of them
Nami, Perona, Mikasa Ackerman, Makima, Sakura Haruka (i apologize for nothing), Iori Utahime
most prevalent kink
body worship.
Portgas D. Ace, Shanks, Nico Robin, Nami, Makima, Mikasa Ackerman, Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun, Giorno Giovanna, Bruno Bucciarati, Jean-Pierre Polnareff
binding/tying up their partner or by their partner.
Donquixote Doflamingo, Roronoa Zoro, Nico Robin, Dracule Mihawk, Getou Suguru, Nanami Kento, Sukuna, DIO, Suo Hayato
praise (whether giving or receiving).
Vinsmoke Sanji, Sabo, Usopp, Buggy, Perona, Nirei Akihiko, Sakura Haruka, Umemiya Hajime, Jean-Pierre Polnareff, Getou Suguru, Ieiri Shoko, Iori Utahime
Vinsmoke Sanji, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Hayakawa Aki, Narciso Anasui, Gyro Zeppeli, Zeke Jaeger
DIO, Guido Mista, Narciso Anasui, Gojou Satoru, Choso, Tsukumo Yuki (she could get someone pregnant)
Gojou Satoru, Choso, Tsukumo Yuki, Ieiri Shoko, Vinsmoke Sanji, Buggy, Sakura Haruka
face sitting.
Franky, Nami, Perona, Shanks, Fushiguro Toji, Togame Jo, Ymir, Porco Galliard, Reiner Braun, Guido Mista, Johnny Joestar
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inkpot909 · 1 year
First Love Headcanons: Pannacotta Fugo x Reader
↳ Gender neutral reader.
A/n: This was so much fun to write! Fugo is such an interesting character to write for that I couldn’t help but fuss over this one for a good while. I hope y’all enjoy it as well. <3
Warning(s): None.
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It started out innocently enough, as Fugo is not the type to fall in love overnight.
Curiosity itself is a perfectly normal reaction to have regarding a new member of Bucciarati’s team. Fugo is no exception to this, as he no doubt harbored questions about you when you initially joined.
That said, his approach is different compared to the others on the team. If you join after Mista, Narancia, and Abbacchio, they do just fine on their own intimating you at the very start.
Past the initial meeting, where some lighthearted hazing is likely to occur from everyone, Fugo sees no reason to contribute to any form of poking and prodding outside of missions. You already have to get used to so many strong personalities at once, after all.
He’s been with Bucciarati since the formation of his team, so he’s quite accustomed to getting used to someone new being around. Hell, if he wasn’t so closed off, he would’ve thought to feel bad for you.
Due to the walls he’s long put up, he prefers to remain observant from afar for a good while. Regardless of when you enter the picture, he’s going to keep his distance.
He’s not as good at reading people as someone like Giorno, but he trusts what he can decipher.
This will likely result in Fugo making some assumptions about you prior to the two of you finding equal footing. Whether or not his judgements turn out correct is unknown to you, as he doesn’t care share them with you to begin with.
This does lead to some aspects of your personality to be surprising to him. Nothing bad, just little details about you that he wasn’t expecting.
Your hobbies may be what’s shocking, or perhaps the type of media you prefer to consume. Little aspects of life and personality that unfold because of how much time the team spends together. The discovery of such things is what likely makes him feel more inclined to get to know you better.
Little by little, Fugo will eventually start including you in conversations and vise versa. Especially when Narancia and Mista are involved, he begins to turn to you it in an attempt to keep himself sane:
Mista and Narancia’s relentless chatter is still intimating.
How can you even approach a guy like Mista? He’s more than proven himself to be the type that says anything and everything that pops into his brain. Although he is certainly the relaxed type, his words can be quite vicious if he’s in the mood to tease and you just so happen to be in his line of sight. Sit him next to a full-time enabler like Narancia, and the two can go off on pretty much any topic imaginable.
Their conversations at the dinner table are wild, spontaneous, and still- even after more than a month of knowing them -manage to catch you off guard. Sometimes it’s thought-provoking and other times… not so much.
Which leads to their current conversation, one you sincerely wish wouldn’t take place while you’re trying to eat.
“I’m just saying-“ Mista argues, waving his fork in the air, “If it promotes a soothing and relaxing environment within the human body, I don’t see why it’s so unbelievable that it could also theoretically resonate with your bowels as well.”
“Yeah, maybe-“ Narancia rolls his eyes, “But that doesn’t mean it’s gonna make you crap your freaking pants! That’s ridiculous.”
“It’s not ridiculous; it’s psychology.” Mista retorts, raising a brow. His smug expression does nothing to convince you, or a bewildered Fugo sitting next to you, his knowledge on the subject. But it is enough to grind Narancia’s gears, which ultimately, is probably the key to his actual intent.
Still… you think, staring at your food with a pinched nose. It’s the brown noise. They’re actually trying to prove or disprove the psychological effects of the brown noise. Why on earth… no, how on earth can either of them discuss such a thing with a straight face?
“What kind of messed up psychoglogy-“
“Psychology,” Fugo cuts in with a sigh.
“-Yeah, whatever,” Narancia dismisses with a wave of his hand, “What kind of messed up psycho-logically are you reading up on?”
Grunting in frustration, Fugo drops his forehead onto the table with an exaggerated thud. Mista and Narancia continue to argue amongst the two of them, but you instead direct your attention to the grumbling blonde.
“Umm… Fugo?” you ask, hesitant to even address him.
He raises his head from the table, looking at you with desperation in his dark violet eyes. “Please don’t tell me you think this is worth discussing.”
You raise both your hands in the air. “Are you kidding? I just wanted to eat, but apparently that’s unheard of here.”
Sighing once more, he runs his hand through his hair. His hand stops at his neck and rubs the back of it. “Trust me, I don’t get them either,” he shakes his head, hand finally returning to his lap, “I’m glad you don’t encourage this nonsense, though.”
You let out a chuckle, a little surprised. Sure, you’ve spoken with Fugo before, but hardly ever this casually. The notion brings a tiny smile to your face. “I can’t believe you’d ever think I would,” you reply lightheartedly.
“Well, hanging around these two must be making me lose critical thinking skills… my apologies,” he replies. Despite his words, a smile crawls it’s way onto his face too.
Casual conversations held between the two of you opens the door to the beginning of a genuine friendship.
Unlike Abbacchio, Fugo knows better than to be contrarian to everything you say and do just because you’re new. Considering his intellect, he has always done his best to be objective. And there eventually comes a point where, upon reflection, he figures that you’re alright.
By then, off missions, he started asking you- quite bluntly -questions about yourself.
Although forward, he won’t overwhelm you all at once. From time to time, you might catch him staring at you thoughtfully out the corner of your eye (Do not bring this up to him; he will deny it to his grave). A round of questions often followed his stares.
And it’s when he feels he really knows you on a personal level that he’s able to truly relax around you.
He started greeting you with the same kindness and courtesy he offers the others. He gave you encouragement throughout both your private and work life… a lot of it. Turning to you during conversations comes to be as natural as it is for anyone else on the team.
Fugo’s caring side may be blocked off behind walls he keeps up for the sake of self preservation and the result of an unhappy childhood, but once you’re allowed to peek beyond them, his sweetness really knows no limit.
And it’s through his behavior that developing feelings start to shine through.
Fugo’s not going to at all realize his feelings toward you until the truth is smacking him across the face. But his actions show a certain kind of fondness before he himself recognizes anything.
His expressed love languages are most commonly words of affirmation and acts of service. This is very much so the case in the early stages of him developing feelings.
The words of affirmation were never explicitly affectionate, but always careful and supportive.
Fugo beats himself up over his temper often, so when he can think straight, he’s using his mind to its full extent. In other words, because he’s easily blinded by rage, he chooses his words very carefully whenever he can.
So after a particularly rough mission, he may get upset at one point or another. During the quiet moments after the fact, when adrenaline isn’t flowing any longer, he always gives credit where credit is due. He’ll gently comment on your work throughout the job, expressing he thought you did good with examples to boot.
Or it can be something as simple as offering you a job well done after making yourself a dinner.
From always holding his tongue unless he disagreed with your actions or input, to showering you with praise constantly. It comes to him so naturally he doesn’t even think twice.
And soon, even others in the group start to take notice:
“I don’t wanna do this right now… Fugo’s not even here yet, can’t I just wait?” Narancia whines.
His head is resting on top of an open notebook, his right cheek squished against crumpled paper. Pencil lead is smushed on his cheek, but pointing out he’s likely ruining his work would be a waste of time.
Resting your elbows on the table, you give Narancia a playful smile. “He’s supposed to get here with Abbacchio in thirty minutes. You know you should’ve gotten more done by now…”
Narancia let out an obnoxious groan, rolling his head onto his opposite cheek so he no longer has to look you in the eye.
“Narancia…” you sigh, smile falling. “I’m sorry if it seems harsh, but Fugo asked me to make sure you practiced on his recent lesson. He and Abbacchio are out doing the heavy lifting for the team right now, so it’s the least I can do.”
Narancia replies, but mutters it out so quietly you don’t pick up on his words.
“What was that?”
“Nothing,” he says at a volume you can hear, half bitter and half teasing.
“I said,” he lifts his head from the table, “You think like that ‘cause he’s always so nice to you.”
“What?” you blurt, heart skipping a beat.
“He compliments you all the time,” he chuckles. The smugness in his tone only grows, and as he continues, heat rushes to your cheeks. “‘Oh, Y/n, you did such a good job today, Y/n.’ And, ‘Oh, Y/n, you’re so very smart why don’t you help out Narancia?’ And who could forget, ‘Oh, Y/n, you look very beautiful today. Why don’t you kiss me on my big fat mouth?’”
“H-He doesn’t say that!” you exclaim, absentmindedly pulling at your fingertips underneath the safety of the tablecloth.
“You gotta know what I mean, though!” he insists. Pausing in order to read your expression, another laugh escapes him. “What? You haven’t noticed?”
“Umm, well.” Your lips pucker out, unsure if you should feel intrigued or embarrassed. After a short pause, you continue, “Fugo compliments everyone; including you… you know? He believes you can do this. He wouldn’t put care into teaching you if he didn’t. And I’ve seen what you’ve accomplished myself too. I certainly know you can get this.”
“You’re changing the subject,” he points out.
“And that not what you’re trying to do?” you ask, gesturing towards his notebook.
Narancia blinks dumbly, bewildered by your response. For a moment, you become pleased with yourself. Seemingly, you’d backed him into a corner and couldn’t help but be a little proud of yourself for it.
“You really don’t know…” he utters, eyes suddenly brightening.
Wait, what? you think, confidence quickly dwindling.
A fit of laughter erupts from him, kicking his feet in the limited space underneath the table. The movement halts your hands. His chair creaks and squeaks in distress, quickly quieting down when he once again slams both feet back on the floor.
He eagerly hunches over his notebook, eyes wide. Snatching up his pencil, he finally begins scribbling on the paper once more.
You’re left staring at him in awe. “What…? So now… you’re good then? You’re just… you’re just going to continue your work?”
Narancia lets out another laugh. “Ha! Well, the sooner I finish, the sooner I can tell Mista about this. I can’t believe you’re so clueless!”
Narancia is calling you clueless… yikes.
The confusion you may have felt that afternoon is nothing compared to Fugo’s reeling mind when the others started pointing things out and teasing him over his supposed affection.
Fugo doesn’t remember when it started, but they didn’t wait long after noticing his feelings to begin teasing him over them.
He would cross his arms, turning away with an annoyed expression while a pool of denials flood from his mouth. With a reaction like that, Narancia and Mista especially enjoyed pushing his buttons on the subject.
Abbacchio would partake in teasing as well in his own little way. Namely, he began making straight-faced comments and turning smug the moment Fugo’s voice raises. Bucciarati mostly keeps quiet on the matter, but no one could miss the fond grin he wears when the others get on his case.
Once, Giorno called you Fugo’s boyfriend/girlfriend. A bashed remote and a broken plate later, Fugo is shocked to learn Giorno wasn’t picking on him and genuinely thought the two of you were together.
The guy must be either super egotistical or is just not at all used to being wrong about this kind of thing, Fugo distinctly thought.
But of course he’s wrong about this! Everyone’s comments made no sense to him at all! There’s no way he felt that much towards you. That kind of thing… is not for him. He may take note when someone’s attractive, but he’s never really thought too seriously about romantic relationships. Just because you’re attractive, doesn’t mean-
Nope… nope, nope, nope, nope. He’s not touching that one with a ten foot pole. No way.
But by the next time he’s helping you with dishes the concept pops into his brain. When he’s dotting on you after a mission it’s plaguing his mind. And he can’t help but notice how meticulous he is when retrieving your additions to the group’s grocery list.
Fugo doesn’t know what to think. He really… does go out of his way for you at times. Well, okay, all the time. Looking back, he finds some of his actions to be a little embarrassing. And the more the notion is stuck in his brain, the more he starts understanding that he really does care about you more than just as a friend.
Which is a whole other problem. Fugo’s going to get completely stuck in his own head.
This is the very first time he’s felt this way about someone, and he’s a mess over his lack of knowledge on the subject.
Because what the hell is he supposed to do? Tell you…? Don’t be ridiculous. That notion is met with a mocking tone, as if the mere idea of doing so is itself far too absurd.
But still… there’s this overwhelming urge telling him he has to do something. According to the others he’s already doing something, apparently. But you’re not saying anything about it. Wouldn’t you say something about it if you noticed? What if you never notice on your own? You won’t know unless he makes some sort of move…. but surely that would cause the sky to fall and mark the beginning of end times.
It’s a real echo chamber of insecurity in his head.
Yet… he feels a weird compulsion to be closer to you despite himself. He gets a weirdly beautiful feeling when he’s around you and it flutters his heart so much he doesn’t want to just let it go. It’s brand new to him, and as much as he stresses, he holds onto his affection tight.
Even though it’s more annoying than not, the others are consistent enough with their jabs that it gives Fugo hope that just maybe…
One of the only times Bucciarati explicitly commented on it himself, he mentioned that he believes Fugo’s frustration with his feelings will eventually pass.
The tone he carried indicated that he must know something that Fugo doesn’t, which only made his mind run wild further. Because if you’re going to tell anyone on the team about your feelings, it would probably be him.
Regardless of how much Fugo begs, Bucciarati doesn’t confirm nor deny that hunch. He’s rather adamant that Fugo should just “Ask Y/n and find out on your own.”
And after months of pushing, the others begin echoing that sentiment.
The likelihood of him making the first move is still slim, he figures, but he does hold onto hope that he’ll get a chance one day. Daydreams and “what if” scenarios are a common occurrence for him.
He procrastinates waits for the perfect opportunity, but it never seems to come. Mista mocks him for it, laughing that “There’s no such thing as a perfect opportunity.” Fugo only grows more defensive in response.
I’m already so nervous about expressing myself to Y/n, Fugo fusses, I don’t know what I’d do if I mess this up. If I can’t sweep them off their feet, how can I even-
“Pannacotta?” you ask, pulling him away from his thoughts.
He blinks a couple of times, focusing his attention back on you.
When Giorno is absent, Fugo’s the best source of first aid on the team. All you had to do was walk up to him, apologetic and sheepish. Without a word, he eagerly jumped at the opportunity to help patch you up after a particularly rough mission. It’s the closest he ever physically gets to you.
He calmly led you into a bathroom, gesturing for you to sit atop the sink. His fingers were light and gentle as he worked with what he has on hand. You gave him reassurance that Giorno will likely return soon, so he has no need to stress.
A smile played on his lips, thankful that you know him well enough to guess his own worry.
But slowing movements and focused eyes told you his mind began wandering elsewhere. The cutely taken aback expression on his face after you spoke up is also more than enough evidence to confirm your suspicion.
“You with me?” you ask, playfully trying to get him to respond.
You’re not used to him being this quiet after you’ve gotten hurt. He either talks you through the pain or feels the need to give a lecture. Even when Giorno’s healing you, he’s right by your side whenever he can. Just the thought of his usual behavior can bring warmth to your heart.
“My apologies, you’re just distracting,” he says, hands immediately snapping from your person. Oh god, oh god, it’s not like him to speak without thinking. He stutters trying to cover up his words and only digs a bigger hole for himself in the process. “I-I mean you’re distracted- I’m distracted.”
You laugh, but it dies out fast as you clutch your side at the sting of pain rippling though your body. Fugo’s hands instinctively fly to your side as well, his fingertips brushing up against your own.
Slowly, he lifts his head only to meet your gaze closer to him than it was mere moments ago. You seem just as surprised as he is, and there’s a brief pause while both of you wait for the other to pull away.
Neither of you do.
He’s so close he can feel your breath fanning his face. Normally his face would burn red and he’d retreat to his bedroom as soon as he could, where he’d proceed to reply the moment in his head for the rest of the night. But your eyes… your breathtaking gaze is locked on his own so intently he can’t bring himself to pull away.
And they give him courage he never knew he has.
With a nervous gulp, he leans forward and plants a single kiss to your lips. His own lips are unimaginably soft and hesitant, yet linger against your own longingly. Even when he pulls away far too soon, his nose nuzzles against yours as he plays with the idea of brushing his lips against yours again.
Just to have felt you… to have the briefest taste of what it’s like being closer to you than anyone else he’s ever known before…
“I-“ he pulls himself away, joy dissolving into self-consciousness. You open your mouth to speak, but in his haste, he cuts you off by accident, “I’m sorry… I-I shouldn’t have done that.”
“You… didn’t want to?”
Your reply is spoken in a whisper, voice so faint not even someone standing in the doorway could pick up on it. Fugo’s heart thuds against his ribcage at the crestfallen look on your face. Are you… really disappointed? He’s understanding this correctly… right?
There’s no time to think, and once again he lets his mouth move faster than his mind. “Well, I… you deserve better, you know?” he reasons, “I should’ve explained myself first and then asked… not just go for it… you know. This- I-… I’m not doing this right, aren’t I?”
You adjust yourself on the sink top, glancing away from him for only a second. “If you were to have explained yourself… what would you have said?” you gently plead.
“I-…” he shakes his head.
“Please, Pannacotta, I want to know…”
“I-…” he starts again, taking in a deep breath, “I think I would’ve said… that I think you’re very remarkable. That I’ve never met someone like you before… someone who makes me feel this way… someone who makes me-… umm…”
A hopeful smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you finish for him, “Makes you… want to kiss me?”
He nods, clearing his throat for a couple moments too long. “Not just that, though… you know? It makes me want to take care of you and look after you if I may. I-I-“ he hesitates, “I’m sorry… I’ve thought about this for so long. What I’d say to you if… if I got the impression that you wanted to hear it.”
“I do want to hear it,” you tell him, still grinning from ear to ear, “Pannacotta… I’ve been wanting to say something too for a while now. But you’ve taken the words right out of my mouth.”
He would think he’s dreaming if it weren’t for your hand reaching out and holding his with a gentle squeeze.
“I like you a lot…” you softly confess, “And I need you to know that. It’s always really cute to see you so shy… but for a moment I got to see you push yourself a little. And I think that was beautiful.”
His head falls, staring down at your interlocked hands. Your words stir something within him, taking a tiny step forward in trying to grasp that burst of confidence he felt when he kissed you. “You’re beautiful…” he mumbles, squeezing your hand.
Just a quick glance your way, a brief view of the bright smile on your face, is the best reassurance he could’ve hoped for. He took the plunge, and not only is chaos not ascending to the world’s surface, but his eyes finally open to the affection you feel for him in return.
He ultimately had a love-hate relationship with the way he feels about you before anything concrete happened between the two of you, but that didn’t stop him for falling for you more and more.
And with hindsight, he’s a little timid over not having told you how he feels sooner. But it doesn’t consume him as it may once have before.
With you now at his side, you his and him yours, his heart can only flutter with joy at the prospect of finding his first love.
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tubbypeddle · 4 months
Guido Mista x reader headcanons! (sfw, nsfw)
afab! reader, for context
(credits to gif owner)
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-he's a touchy touchy guy, don't you know? he has to have at least one of his hands on you at all times. out on a walk? he has a hand in your butt pocket, around your waist. trying to wash dishes? he's hugging you from behind. literally just going shopping? trailing behind you like a lost puppy with his arms around your waist.
-when he can't touch you, he's making faces at you from across the room to get you to laugh. the sight of your smile makes him weak, you know. he's not a weak man, but that smile,,,
-the sound of your laughter makes him weaker, believe it or not. that's the main reason he initiates so many tickle fights. that, and the constant rolling around makes his blood run south, if you know what im sayin ;)
-it's very rare that you two get into arguments, but when you do, it's about his attitude about things. Sometimes, it'll feel like he's not taking the relationship seriously, because of how relaxed he is all the time, but he really is. your relationship with him means the world
-Mista absolutely loves nap dates. just laying in his bed and sleeping the free day away, cuddled close to each other,,,,
-that's his own personal heaven right there
-or even if you wanna go out and do something for a date, he doesn't mind as long as he's doing it with his favorite person
-although, his favorite "going out" dates are the ones where you two go to the beach just to swim. seeing you in a swim suit makes his brain go awooga, you see. and also, just you two swimming and splashing around.
-it's a perfect picture of domesticity.
(nsfw below the cut)
-total ass guy
-he loves your ass, and will take every chance he can to touch it, spank it, grope it, whatever. he just wants dat ass
-so you best believe doggy is his favorite position
-doesn't matter if he's eating you out or fucking you, if your ass is not in the air, he's not doing it right.
-laughter during sex is also another one of his favorite things. he doesn't take too many things in his life too seriously, and sex is no different. it's just an activity he likes doing with you, and like all of his shared activities that he does with you, he wants to hear you laugh during it
-well, actually, he wants to hear all of your sounds. he's big on hearing everything that comes from you
-it's a sort of ego boost. to know that he makes you feel so good that you can't contain your noises
-if you seem too nervous at some point, he'll stop what he's doing to goof around with you, lighten the mood. he wants you to be comfortable with him
-he refuses to bed you anywhere but on a bed. it's the gentleman in him.
-unless you work him up too much, and at that point, just pray that nobody can hear you from where ever he drags you for a quickie
-his pace is usually slow, but deep and hard. He wants you to really feel him.
-he'll move you with his pace, hands grabbing at your ass cheeks hard enough that your flesh spill between his fingers.
-if you're into spanking, he'll spank you. not hard, he doesn't wanna hurt you, even if you beg for it. he'd feel too bad. but he will clap it just to see it jiggle 🤭
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JoJo Masterlist
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* = Nsfw
° = Angst
× = Yandere
≈ = Family fic
© = Crack fic
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Robert Speedwagon
• If I Was Your Vampire
Dio Brando
• In Due Time°
• Shame on the Night*
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Joseph Joestar
• In-A-Godda-Da-Vidda°
Caesar Zeppeli
• In-A-Godda-Da-Vidda°
• Pillow Talk
• Coddling Santana and Wamuu (HCs)
• Pillarmen with a child "hostage" (HCs)
• Love Machine*
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• Them falling in love (HCs)
• Singing "Tequila" on karaoke night (HCs)
Jotaro Kujo
• One Shot, 2 Shot ©
• Bring on the Night*
• Feel Good Inc.
Mohammed Avdol
• Burnin' for You
Terence D'Arby
• Holding on to You*
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Josuke Higashikata
• Don't Stop Me Now
Rohan Kishibe
• Finding out their S/o is pregnant (HCs)
Akira Otoishi
• Pepper
Hayato Kawajiri
• A Little Bit Off Today ≈
Yoshikage Kira
• Beggin'*
• Modern Love*
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Guido Mista
• Looking for a Kiss*
La Squadra
• Japanese Mythology HCs
• Seducing La Squadra* (HCs)
• NSFW headcanons*
• No Rest for the Wicked AU HCs
• Him with your pet tortoise (HCs)
Diavolo / Vinegar Doppio
• Head Like a Hole, Ch. 1
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Weather Report
• Selkie out of Water, Ch. 1 || Ch. 2 || Ch. 3 || Ch. 4
• Dancing in the Moonlight
• Canned Heat
• Electric Love ×
• Dad Report ≈
• Dreams of a Samurai*
• Cold as Ice
• What's New Pussycat*
• Finding out their S/o is pregnant (HCs)
• S/o is on their period (HCs)
Emporio Alnino
• Thank You (for sending me an angel) ≈
Narciso Anasui
• Dating HCs
• S/o is on their period (HCs)
Jotaro Kujo
• Drive*
Enrico Pucci
• Fallen Angel*
• Lady in Red*
• My Light*
• Saints an' Sinners*
• Take Me to Church*
• That's Life
• Finding out their S/o is pregnant (HCs)
• S/o on their period (HCs)
Johngali A.
• White Room*
Thunder McQueen
• (You) Shook Me All Night Long*
D an G
Donatello Versace
• To Heal*
Perla Pucci
• General platonic HCs
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Gyro Zeppeli
• Hayloft*
• Hayloft II*
• Kickstart My Heart*
• Whole Lotta Love*
Diego Brando
• Moonage Daydream*
• Tell Him That His Lonesome Nights Are Over, Pt. 1 || Pt. 2*
Mountain Tim
• Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)*
Funny Valentine
• Cupid's Chokehold ×
• Oye Cómo Va*
• I Surrender*
• Twisted Nerve ch. 1
• Dating HCs*
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Josefumi Kujo
• Dating HCs (Ft. Kira)
Jobin Higashikata
• Hard Lovin' Man*
Aisho Dainenjiyama
• Keep On Loving You
• Can't Help Falling in Love
• Bad Case of Lovin' You
• Tooru HCs* (SFW and NSFW)
• Yan!Tooru HCs*
• Doctor play with Tooru* (HCs)
• Tooru x Nurse!reader*
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Paco Lovelantes
• Good Old-fashioned Lover Boy
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illubean · 10 months
JJBA Masterlist
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The Jojos
Jonathan Joestar
W/ an Avatar!Reader
Joseph Joestar
W/ an Avatar!Reader
Jotaro Kujo
Relationship Headcanons (sfw and nsfw) W/ an Avatar!Reader W/ a Blair!Gf
Josuke Higashkita
nothing here yet
Giorno Giovanna
Cuddling Headcanons
Jolyne Kujo
nothing here yet
The Jobros & Jofoes
Part 2
Caesar Zeppeli
nothing here yet
Lisa Lisa
nothing here yet
W/ an Avatar!Reader
Part 3
Kakyoin Noriaki
nothing here yet
Muhammad Avdol
nothing here yet
Jean Pierre Polnareff
nothing here yet
Part 4
Okuyasu Nijimura
nothing here yet
Koichi Hirose
nothing here yet
Yukako Yamagishi
nothing here yet
Part 5
Bruno Bucciarati
Cuddling Headcanons Relationship Headcanons
Leone Abbacchio
Cuddling Headcanons
Narancia Ghirga
Relationship Headcanons Cuddling Headcanons
Guido Mista
Cuddling Headcanons
Fugo Panoccotta
Cuddling Headcanons
Trish Una
Cuddling Headcanons
Risotto Nero
W/ an Avatar!Reader
Part 6
Ermes Castillo
nothing here yet
nothing here yet
Weather Report
nothing here yet
Narciso Anasui
nothing here yet
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please feel free to request for any of these characters or characters unlisted
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fugos-lil-fork · 2 years
You know how you said Mista definitely has a thing for men in suits... You can't tell me that he doesn't want to be spoiled rotten and then fucked like a cheap whore until he passes out.... I love him
Mista's kink list yo like...
It's so much more easier to list what he doesn't like than what he does like because this man is WILD
W I L D-
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bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
Bucci gang x Reader Headcanons
Who’s the easiest to seduce and why 💓 NSFW
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La Squadra Version Here
Level 1: The Easiest 💦
Guido Mista
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He's the easiest since he is the flirtiest. Mista is good at picking up hints and your seduction level.
He is ready to be seduced by you 24/7. ANYTIME, anywhere.
He'll constantly want for you and try seducing you as well
He likes using pick up lines or giving you dirty talk
One seduction method that really works on him is touching his butt, thigh, or his abdomen. He’s also a sucker for thongs
Level 2: Very Easy, right behind level 1
Leone Abbacchio
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He is a major tsundere which is why this would be surprising at first. He's pretty easy to seduce since he's horny af. Much like Mista, he is very flirty as well
Abbacchio can pick up when you're wanting him very easily
Abbacchio wants you more than he leads on at times
He's super into it when you seduce him, he's all over you
When he's in the mood he'll pull you toward him and begin leaving hickies and lowering his voice in a seductive tone
A good seduction method is sitting on his lap and tracing his muscles or kissing his neck then whispering in his ear
Level 3: Also easy but in the middle
Bruno Bucciarati
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Bruno can read when you're trying to seduce him. He can pick up your seduction very well. He'll give you heated looks when you do so.
He is hands down the best to seduce because he's all over you. He's putty at your touch. He loves giving you dirty talk in Italian.
Bruno is super into you seducing him. Be sure it's at the best of times especially after a long day of work
His seduction method is licking you or pinning you up against walls
A good seduction method for Bruno is touching his exposed chest and pulling at the heart shaped lingerie. If you decide to lick him he'll chuckle and pull you towards him.
Level 4: Medium Low, Not the Easiest but can be seduced
Giorno Giovanna
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He's a bit in the middle since he's so busy. Sometimes he's so focused on Passione your seduction might go over his head at times without him knowing.
It's best to seduce him at a good time when he's wined down and relaxed. Once you've got him at a good time his eyes widen then he gives you a heated look in his turquoise eyes.
He is over the moon when you're seducing him. He gives you compliments and flirts with you. Sometimes he might tease you, especially if you blush easily.
A good seduction method for Giorno is sneaking up on him and cornering him against your body. Bonus points if your nude or wearing a lacy outfit. His heart will race and it makes him swoon.
Level 5: Low, Not the Easiest but not Hardest to seduce
Narancia Ghirga
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Narancia is lower on this list because unless your very obvious, your actions/words will go over his head. He doesn't have a perverted mind so you'll need to put in a bit of work.
He gets so red when you seduce him. He has the biggest smile across his face and sometimes he even has heart eyes. He can't help it he's so smitten. He loves to tease you at times too.
To seduce Narancia you have to get your hands all over him. If you sit on his lap he'll know what you're up to when you give him heated eye contact or start touching him inappropriately
A good seduction method for Narancia is telling him how much you want him in pornographic detail. He also likes to see you in his clothes.
Level 6: Lowest score, could be easier to seduce
Fugo Panacotta
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Fugo is very awkward and also can't tell when you try seducing him at times. He might have a brilliant mind but he hasn't learned when he's being seduced unless its obvious.
Another reason he isn't the easiest to seduce is because you have to be direct. Subtle is out the window.
When he knows he is being seduced he is speechless and turning red to his ears. His heart is definitely racing and he's giving you the biggest smile. He feels so lucky.
To seduce Fugo you'll have to do a bit more than teasing touches. You'll need to give him hickeys and place his hands on your body.
A good seduction method for Fugo is walking past him naked or in lingerie. Act innocent and tell him you missed him, maybe ask if he could carry you to the bedroom. He'll carefully carry you while telling you how beautiful you look to him. He's going to kiss you too.
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