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Card of the day Thursday 9th June - 8 of Wands - today's energy is all about speed. It can come in forms of communication, actions or just being very direct. Many messages are coming your way and you are in high demand. Be prepared to move fast and overcome obstacles directly. Your creative side shines brightly, as work relationships build and project prosper. This card is favourable for change and career prospects, so keep up with the opportunities. Another meaning from this card is travelling and visiting. This will be a manic time, so ensure you prioritise contact with those close to you. Just remember to be direct and keep up. #dailyguidance #guidancewithhelen #8ofwands #moonandstarstarot #speed #readytostartagain #movingforward #ilikethisdeck #tarot https://www.instagram.com/p/CelOt-WofCI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Daily guidance Friday 29th April - 6 of wands - A card we all love to see......VICTORY!! We have been through winter and our passions are blooming as spring sun shines. We made it! No matter how little our accomplishment is smile 馃榿 own it! It may be sharing the cheer with a loved one. As the 6 numerology energy we are happy, stable, protective of others. Have you noticed the connection? Read to show off that smile to the world and share your winning stories? #dailyguidance #guidancewithhelen #6ofwands #victory #winning #tarot #shareyourstories #smile https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc7tfoiIKT7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I asked what's in store for rest of September? Well it seems like there are some new rules in play.(that be set by someone or yourself) These rules are to teach you discipline/self-discipline, but something about it just doesn't sit right with you, or make you feel a bit clausaphobic. So naturally want to break out, fight for what you think is doable. Best way forward is to come to a compromise. Say what isn't working! Create a life you are happier going forward into. Otherwise you may trip up and be in the same place as the hanged man (wanting to see all the options, wanting things done, but not actually doing anything about it) This month is a case of rolling ya sleeves up and getting to business. #dailyguidance #guidancewithhelen #september #whatstheplan #compromise #rules https://www.instagram.com/p/BnUu1Y0FwaX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=s3ftbuq9qwj7
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Guidance of the day Wednesday 16th February - This card shows us our fears wether it be imaginary or reality, the warrior displays wishes for a kinder ending. It is a reminder to us that we have the fortitude and strength to defeat the illusions and fears that keeps us up at night. Do not despair anymore. You are safe and secure. Find your calm center and know that you can handle the challenges you face. This is just a temporary setback. #dailyguidance #9ofswords #runictarot #lovetheartwork #feelingpressured #nightmares #wantingittoend #itsallinyourhead #youhavethestrength #dontgivein #guidancewithhelen https://www.instagram.com/p/CaBTSoMIzCp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Daily guidance Thursday 20th January - Vulnerability - how vulnerability can be one of the greatest gifts we can share. It can also be the hardest. In our society we are conditioned to put on a facade, a brave face, to be strong, even in times of difficulty. Paradoxically, being vulnerable is one of the strongest things we can be. It is easy to armour ourselves with a harsh truths that may be too painful to bring to the light of day. However, this causes greatest suffering as buried pain become shadows. Unprocessed negative experiences can incarnate as much more troublesome traits or insecurities than their origin. When we are truly honest with ourselves, in all facets, we are vulnerable. That honesty is an important step in discovering our shadows and bringing them into the light for healing. Furthermore, when we share our vulnerability is with others, we allow them to glimpse a deeper part of ourselves. This is fertile soil for trust. It plants the seed for others to share the places that are most raw or tender for them. Closest friendships can be formed in this space. The times when we feel too uncomfortable to reach out to others can be the very times we need them most. Having compassion and awareness of the struggles and disorientation was maybe going through is a valuable contribution to the world. Holding space where others can be vulnerable is a key element of healing work. Self-love is also connected to our ability to be vulnerable as it allows us to be true to ourselves exactly as we were without judgement. #dailyguidance #guidancewithhelen #vulnerability #rawfeelings #behonestwithyourself #beyondlemuriaoraclecards #prettyartwork https://www.instagram.com/p/CY8dmshIJ56/?utm_medium=tumblr
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What does 2022 have in store for us? As we work it out in numerology 2+0+2+2=6 Which talks about a pregnancy of knowledge and raring to move away from the past (speak about new year....new you) along the path we had a rocky start these past 4 years, getting a balance in our lives but loosing it but then focusing one what must we do to get on top of things (does 2020 come to mind) it went wobbly but trying to maintain that balance and that didn't come easy. I would like to say we have another 4 years to go (7 is looking back, 8 is finding strength, 9 is knowing the right thing was done, 0 is completion) As we are on the subject of balance the number 6 in tarot it is The Lovers card pictated as two souls coming together as one feel as it's their divine destiny to be together. Are we about to find a new love? Doesn't have to be THE ONE but someone along your journey. Or simply a new friendship, a new some sort of bond, even finding inner balance within. Funny enough it's about relationships as we are still in Venus retrograde (Dec 19 - Jan 29) healing old wounds and moving on....so you may be in some emotional pain at this moment which can be good as only comes to surface to be dealt with. If we look at the number 222. As an angel number it is a message of faith and trust from your angels. Remember that nothing happens by chance and everything happens for a reason. Maintain a positive attitude and you will find that everything will have positive results and you will receive abundant blessings in Divine right timing. Everything this year cannot happen by itself alone YOU have to put the work in too. #guidancewithhelen #2022 #theloverstarot #numerology #relathionshipgoals #balance #stillworktodo #twosoulstogether #venusretrograde #healoldwounds #itisntforever #hanginthere #pregnancy #knowledge https://www.instagram.com/p/CYTXL0CI75k/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Guidance card Friday 12th - 5 - Flights of fancy, Taking that leap of faith - if you take that leap of faith, all the places you could go... but you'll never know until you try. We can dream and hope and take that leap, but there are risks involved. Nevertheless we do not have to be a tarot Fool incorrectly leaping from a cliff. We can instead assess the scenario, the dangers, and prepare. We can train or educate ourselves Connor become informed, take precautions and decrease our chances of success. With the card being number 5 tells us that we are half way there....don't quit! #dailyguidance #leapoffaith #oracleofvisionsdeck #guidancewithhelen #beorepared #5 #numerology https://www.instagram.com/p/CWK9aL7oN-T/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Daily guidance from the Mildew Fairy - "it always shocks me when people think something "shouldn't be there".....like me! I grow naturally where it's warm and wet, and I love to show you what you may need to take care of. I can do wonderful things; I can be medicine and I can be a parasite, too. But all the time I'm showing you what is going on, what you need to change, and whether the conditions are a little too steamy for you! If they are, you can freshen up your environment naturally... Don't clean or use harsh chemicals or bleaches, as you'll kill all that is helpful and good. You see, I turn up when something is unhealthy and you just aren't noticing or getting it. So, be thankful for my presence, and build a little algae or fungi pond in my honour....or treat yourself to some tasty mushrooms. Don't ignore me! Right now, something really does need to be cleaned healthfully, before it begins to affect you." Think of ways to decrease stagnant moisture (stuck emotions) and increase air flow (fresh thinking) in your home and environment. When the Mildew Fairy comes to pay a visit, it's likely things are a little stagnant, a little overemotional, and that fresh, new air and thoughts need to be brought in to clear the situation up! She can mean a fresh way of thinking or a fresh point of view, or a release of emotions that could be "pooling" in one area. Her appearance never means covering up...it means working with the environment you find yourself within. #dailyguidance #guidancewithhelen #mildew #fairy #shadowsandlight #changelings #stagnant #attentionseeking #blocked
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Daily rune Friday 17th - Daily - B - Berkano This is an image of kindness and sincerity; a strength that can give life without requiring anything in return. Berkano is called the Great Mother. Berkano is associated with female energy, harvest, growth, and development. It is under the patronage of Berchta- the goddess of mothers and their children. When drawn is could mean... a wedding, the creation of a new family; a pregnancy; a new business, the birth of an idea, or a favourable life change. Advice: Berkano advises not to forget about the responsibility that you take on and about the consequences of your actions #dailyrune #guidancewithhelen #berkano #stilllearning #birch #new #goodnewsfinallycame https://www.instagram.com/p/CT6cTEsI75J/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Daily guidance Tuesday 27th - Evil Queen - Someone in your life is mistreating you. You keep trying to see the good in them, but they just keep disappointing you again and again. Truth is, some people don't deserve second chances. As difficult as it may be, this is your sign that you need to cut them loose. Unfollow them unblock their number it's time to move on. Do whatever it takes to find some inner peace, for its just as precious as gold. #dailyguidance #guidancewithhelen #evilqueen #youreworthit #nottodayasshole https://www.instagram.com/p/CR01UZxhY5H/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#dailyguidance #guidancewithhelen #lion #becourageous #ugotthis https://www.instagram.com/p/CRyKFq1h5oe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Daily guidance Wednesday 14th - Reversed 4 of Swords - "This is too much to withhold. I feel like I've walked 1000 miles with my legs and arms tied. I should take a peaceful slumber and recuperate." This card notices your lack of sleep or concentration. You're overworking yourself and neglecting the idea of resting to recuperate. You are feeling exhausted, yet you still obsess over useless things. Your mind and body have disconnected. #dailyguidance #guidancewithhelen #reversed4ofswords #youneedtochill #exhausted #dontneglectyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/CRTUdOJBkkB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Daily guidance Wednesday 30th - Reversed 4 of Pentacles - "At one point, Just like you, I was holding onto something way too tight. Now, you have to learn to let go before it consumes you." We are now in the process of learning to let go of things. Whatever it is that you have in your possession, you are no longer attached to it. You've learnt to release things that are useless to you and to value what's really important. #dailyguidance #guidancewithhelen #beautifulcreatures #4ofpentaclesreversed #lettinggoishard https://www.instagram.com/p/CQvByBMhSFa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Daily guidance Friday 28 - 22 - Reversed Stardust Angel - lately it seems everyone has something to say... some word of caution or piece of advice. Sorting through so many opinions can be a daunting task and one that is not really necessary. You have good intuition and a solid set of principles, so you need only look inward to make a decision that is right for you. #dailyguidance #guidancewithHelen #mermaids #myphobia #stardust #angel #shutupeveryone #lookinwards #makethecall https://www.instagram.com/p/CPaGaPiBfdG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Daily guidance Friday 15th - The Hungry Ghosts - When the hungry ghosts appears on your path you may not at first seem like allies because they represent the constant focus on the past and the consuming desire to know the future, which Rob you of your true present. But, in fact, they are here in the service of alerting you to obsessive thinking and addictions they are masters at magnifying repetitive behaviours. This message is for you to examine whether you're doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result. "This time will be different" and "I have control over this" I'll for false statements and a sign of deep denial of the truth. The Hungry Ghosts also bring understanding about the distractions of life that seduce you into forgetting what you really desire. They are asking you to become aware that what others want on what the culture dictates will make you happy may not always be what's best for you. Don't get caught up in outside appearances. All that glitters may not be gold at least not for you. Look beyond the veneer and you will find the true substance in your life. You deserve nothing less. #dailyguidance #guidancewithHelen #hiddenrealmtarot #hungryghosts #moveon #itsnotworthit #uknowwhattodo https://www.instagram.com/p/CO2SuRWB0NP/?igshid=6dlsqjwp7bac
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Friday 16th - My Tentacle Friend - You have become overextended, like an octopus who has stretched each arm in the different direction. This overextension has left you weak, vulnerable and haggard. It is time to reduce your obligations and draw inwards for a time. Decide upon your highest priorities and release those duties that no longer aid you, or are not as important as they won't were. Reclaim the parts of yourself (both mentally and physically) that are being improperly used, and let them rest for a time. When you are feeling stronger, put them back to use constructively if you see the need, but do not let yourself get so overburdened again. Always keep an arm in reserve for a surprise task that is near and dear to your heart, or fuels your personal ambitions. #dailyguidance #guidancewithHelen #mythsandmermaids #tentaclefriend #octpi #hardtruth #neededthistoday https://www.instagram.com/p/CNs3BRYBfKx/?igshid=d73sgvbkul75
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