coochellati · 5 months
Hey guys! Wanted to give a little life update.
I haven’t been on here a ton the past few days. The job search is going okay, I’ve been to a ton of places and put a ton of applications in, but no luck so far. Hoping the places I stopped into today will get back with me. I’ve never had an issue with getting a job before—this is really disheartening, but I won’t give up.
I’ve also been helping a friend move. That should be done by Thursday night. (she’s paying me!!!!!!!!! I’m very very very grateful for it.)
On a more positive note, I do have a little (probably 1k words) smut piece I’m cooking up that should be coming out soon—it’s almost done! I won’t really have time to finish it until the weekend, though. (It actually ties in with one of y’all’s asks…….. 👀)
Anyways, just wanted to let y’all know why I haven’t been around. I hope the job search ends soon so I’ll have a bit of an income. 😩
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