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sleaze4sleaze · 4 months ago
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Trick or treat! It’s Jangles’ favorite time of year! And he’s found a treat of his own <3
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supersymmetries · 2 years ago
tagged by the always-wonderful @aeolianblues!
relationship status: aroace + in a qpr
favorite color: midnight blue. even better when there's glitter!
song stuck in my head: hey guesss what aeolianblues, we're stuck in verona hell together! specifically the transition from the chorus to the bridge, i don't know WHAT they did to make it so magical but i'm still getting dopamine shivers after months of listening to it endlessly.
last song i listened to: telekinetic by starset (SUPER great metal band that sings about space. the frontman has a doctorate's in physics so he knows what he's about)
three favorite foods: soondubu (korean spicy tofu stew) with intestine,
last thing i googled: "mar-a-lago" (context being that trump was squawking that he was going to get arrested today at 3pm ET and wanted his followers to show up at his house and protect him. afaik nothing has happened yet and the turnout has been... dismal.). also. do yourself a favor and switch to firefox & duckduckgo as your main search engine. free yourself from the tentacled grip of google products
dream trip: getting a time machine with infinite money and going back to 2001/2002 to follow muse around for their OOS tour. that or just getting a van and going on a long roadtrip along the american southwest from utah to new mexico and seeing all the canyons and rock formations and maybe even aliens.
anything i want right now: oh boy. what DON'T i want? my stupid astrophysics degree (six years and still only a sophomore, holla), to improve my guitar-playing technique (i've gotten better since i've made the time to increase the amount of time i practice per week), get back in the practice of singing (did it for church as a little kid for years but stopped once my family left and did not have much to sing about), to convince my friend to pick up the drums (not his fault he's hesitating, his room is tiny and a drum kit will take up literally all of the remaining space), starting a band with aforementioned friend (aeolianblues i feel your pain across continents), and a little house out in the desert where i can live in peace.
i'm tagging: @stickyglitterdetective, @king-of-kaoss, @prttyinpvnk, @spotifydweller, and @cydoniansworld, and ANYONE else who wants to participate!
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palizinhas · 8 years ago
for ship meme: axel/roxas, roxas/kairi, anakin/padme, riku/kairi, anakin/obi-wan
Thank you so much!!!!!
1 = NOTP, Disgusting.
Alright, here’s my thing with this ship. It’s creepy in KH2 only, but adding Days and the question of Axel’s age brought in by BBS and it just gets… so much worse? We go from stalking and kidnapping someone due to being hung up on a friendship that the other person had already ended when he stopped being available to you, to one year of gaslighting, to possibly 10/11 years of age difference. It’s… it’s creepy. I do understand why it’s such a popular ship though, and DDD/Kairi’s concert skit go right over Axel’s crimes so much I don’t fully blame the fans for apologizing his actions.
4 = I could see why others like it, kinda cute I suppose.
They have like kind of a scene in KH2, but there are weirder ships, I suppose. And it’s kinda interesting to explore, I can see why people would ship it. I do still have to get into my “Roxas is not at all currently ready for a relationship” thing though, it’s kinda what stops me from liking even Roxas/Xion, which is probably the Roxas ship that bothers me the least out of the three main ones.
7 = I like it, would read a fanfic with them if it was well written.
I’m not ~that~ into it, but there’s a lot of great fanfic for them, and I do find their relationship to have some cool moments in TCW. The movies not so much, but it’s not a secret that I dislike RotS, and a lot of my problem with Anidala in the movies comes from that one.
10 = One True Pairing (OTP). I will fight to the death for this ship.
Forever and always, tbh. I’m not as into it as I am into SoRiKai these days, but out of the SoKai/SoRiku/RiKai options, it’s still the one I love the most. I’ve spoken of this ship enough before that I don’t feel the need to rant right now, but it’s… it’s awesome.
7 = I like it, would read a fanfic with them if it was well written.
More or less the same thing that with Anidala, really. Their banter is really fun to watch in TCW (and the movies as well, in this case), and they manage to both know everything and nothing about each other, which is kinda where my issues with it come from. There’s also a huge age difference between them, but I don’t see it as an issue by the time RotS rolls around - can’t see it during AotC at all though, especially since Anakin’s still Obi-Wan’s apprentice by then. Late TCW/RotS is when it starts being okay to me.
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dominijoyce · 2 years ago
*stresssssss* sure... I barely remember this stuff so honestly most of it is probably lies
Last Song: fuck if I know.... Okay it has to be either Looking At Me, No Friends, None of My Business or Salute. Based on my history at the very least
Last Movie: No idea. Was it Over The Moon that I rewatched recently?? I'm pretty sure I watched something else but literally dont remember.
Last TV Show: uhhh either my current rewatch of JoJo Stone Ocean, Modern Family that I decided to see for some reason or Arcane rewatch?
Currently Watching: Same thing as above, also Welcome To Demon School Iruma-Kun Season 3. I also considered rewatching Cunk on Earth and Tangled The Series.
Currently Reading: Mostly poems. I need to finish Star Darlings tho and then I have a lot of stuff I wanna read I guess but reading is impossible for me nowadays. I also read some old fucked up fairytales for one of my side projects and reading up on mythology potential for Crimson Carousel.
Currently Obsessed with: Personal Mental Stuff and Mindscapes. Also figuring out myself and my thoughts. Also my friends.
Speaking of which, sure I'll tag them maybe they will be better at this. Sorry for being like this I just struggle with remembering stuff and this is just stressful for me.
Tagging: @oedipismed @blackholebabey @profoundmisunderstanding @joesphjoestarbignaturals (you can reblog from your main i literally forgot what it is called despite it being your name cant find it aaa!) @cyphyree @magical-girl-slugger @foxounderscorecube [im afraid of tagging anyone else not sure if theyll appreciate it but if ya wanna go for it i guesss]
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
Tagged by @seleneastra
Last song: I wanna be adored - The Stone Roses
Last movie: Saptapadi (1961)
Last show: Abbott Elementary S1 ( i was obsessed)
Currently watching: The Last of Us, Abbott Elementary S2
Currently reading: Maurice - E. M. Forster ( rewatched the movie recently and I had to check out the novel)
Current obsession: I've been obsessed with old Uttam Kumar movies recently, I mean you can't blame me, just look at the guy <3
Tagging: @beingdevipdf @deesi-academia @borah @rone-do-please @torivegafromindia @buckley-robin @little-wlw-froggie
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villys-writing · 5 years ago
Dangerous Waters: Chapter Five
Chapter Five: A Boating Trip
First  Previous Next Masterpost
Summery: Our main trio are able to slip away to let Rho and Gemma have some time to themselves to be “less human”. On this trip Rho meets someone new,,,,,,,
Warnings: bad parenting mention, passive aggressive arguing i guesss, send an ask if i need to tag anything else
We exited the back door and headed down the ramps until we reached the pier that was level with the water. It didn’t take long at all to get the boat. I quickly got on to get Gemma situated, glad that almost the whole town was coming back from hunting mers or ‘fishing’ as people called it.
 All the other piers were close to the infirmary on the other side of the floating town, I’ve come to know as Stonebridge. It used to be called Waterbridge but when Mr. Issac was put incharge he wanted it named after him. I honestly don’t know which name is worse, and as much as I’m glad it isn’t Waterbridge, I still can’t believe the ego of our mayor. If the town was any larger he would call himself a king.
 ‘He knows nothing about being a real king’ I thought to myself I nearly scoffed at the thought. ‘My father was a good king, sure sometimes he was a bit traditional but he always knew what was best for his people.’
 I, myself, didn't have any fond memories of him but everyone in the pod always talked kindly of him, so I guess I just had bad timing with my visits. The memories of my old pod always brought melancholy with it, but they were some of the best (and worst) memories I have.
 I realized that a few tears managed to well in the corners of my eyes. I didn’t care. I wiped them off right as my uncle dropped the anchor.
 “Ok, Rho, we’re about 30 mins from the town,” my uncle said, coming below deck where I was waiting, one of the perks of being a mermaid is that we’re so used to the natural motion of the water we don’t get ‘seasick’.
 “As long as you stay away from the town you and Gemma will be just fine.”
 After taking in what he said, I nodded so he knew I understood. I allowed Gemma to circle around in the air for a bit, it was calming to see her as she gracefully glided through the air. 
After snapping out of the trance like state, I lowered myself on the steps leading down to a platform that was a half inch above the water. I sat down dangling my feet in watching how the submerged part of my body now had fins and scales. Then, I dipped my hands in, watching as the scales and webbing grew on them. My normally short nails became almost claw-like. My patience was up as I launched the rest of my being into the water. 
The water was cool and refreshing. I never realized how tense I was until I felt all my troubles drift away. Before I knew it my fin touched the bottom of the ocean. The sand felt nice and squishy, it was very relaxing. All of a sudden I felt all the hours without sleep catch up to me.
 I don’t know how long I was asleep, but I woke up to someone poking my arm. “Just a few more minutes,” I said lazily, swatting my arm at whoever had woken me up. “Maybe I’ll let you sleep here if you mind telling me who you are,” the mysterious figure said, you could hear the ego and arrogance behind the words.
 When I turned to look at who had interrupted the only sleep I’ve gotten since I arrived, I was shocked to see another mer who looked to be just about my age. 
“I-I’m Rhoma,” I stuttered, still a little shocked to see another mer, “but I go by Rho.” I was starting to regain my composure a little more. “Well then, ‘Rho’, I have a few questions for you,” she narrowed her eyes at me.
 “Well first I’d like you to return the favor and tell me your name,” I scowled, we were basically circling each other. “Nadia, my name is Nadia,” her words were laced with poison.
 “So what are you? I’ve never seen you before so if you’re a mer, you’re not from my pod.”
 “I am a multi-blood, a mer and a soulful,” I responded, the mer-Nadia-narrowed her eyes more so, honestly I’m not sure if she can see out of them or not. 
We didn’t talk, just continued to circle one-another. Then my uncle’s anchor began to lift, catching both of our attention. “It was lovely to have this chat, but that’s my que to leave--Nadia,” I said dryly, shooting her daggers with my eyes. 
When I looked back after swimming to the boat she was gone. I rose to the surface making sure there was no trace of my argument, if you could even call it that. I wiggled my legs and toes, it was always strange switching between the two.
 My uncle came down to the small platform, “How was your swim?” He asked. “It was refreshing,” I replied, I desperately hoped he couldn’t tell how rehearsed it sounded, and if he could he didn’t show it. 
“But,” I continued, “I think I’m ready to head back.” “That’s good cause lunch breaks over,” as he said that, dread flooded my face and before he could stop me I was back at the bottom of the ocean.
 “Back so soon, Rhoma,” the familiar voice said, you could hear the smirk on her face even without looking. 
“Not quite, I just wanted to let you know that you should probably head back to your pod…………...the ‘siren hunters’ are going to come back out to the water,” I said making air quarters around ‘siren hunters’.
 “Oh………” she trailed off, the shock on her face was priceless, “Thanks I guess.”
 Without another word I swam back up wasting no time to climb on the boat, I almost fell off since I hadn’t gotten used to the switch but it worked I guess. “Step on it,” I said, going back under the deck to stay with Gemma.
Heyyyy so it’s been a while,,, yea hope you like this chapter. Next chapter will be out as soon as I finish writing it.
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