#guess who's watching xmen 97
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jamjjamm · 4 months ago
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Ororo ''STORM'' Munroe
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caramel-cream50 · 6 months ago
to me, my gay men
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sunflowergirl522 · 1 year ago
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magnetosupporter · 9 months ago
lately since ive been reading the comics and watching the '92's show I have come up with a thought that i guess only tumblr fandom may welcome it and i'd to share it with you guys
well, since watching xmen 97 i have been completly in love with rogneto, and even went to read the comics to know more about them and their relationship and what had lead them towards the end so she actually end up marrying another guy, and dont get me wrong, i do enjoy watching gambit and think he's a funny character, cool powers and memorable lines, but i do not like to see him with rogue, but ive came to be cool with this fact since he makes her happy.
ever since watched EP. 5 i had the thought that he was somehow ""childish"" on what he said to rogue when she taught him about her previous relationship, and at first, i did get it, he was hurt, hurt to see she choosing somebody else. choosing someone he thought was no good (in all ways possible) and most important, choosing someone who could give her what he could not.
I mean, he's not wrong, indeed, there are some things deeper than skin, everyone knows that, but not this, not for her. I think, love is so much more than sex, but sex is also a part of love. You can say you love someone without ever have touched them, but sometimes, some moments, when you're so in love you wish to... kiss them. To hold their hands, to hug them, to strip them out of their clothes and touch them bare, kind of touch so intimate, so deep, to bring happiness and pleasure to the other and get yours from it. Its not the thought "someone has their needs", we can live without sex, its okay, but sometimes you wish more, and you are not wrong for dreaming big. Rogue has the right to dream big, to love, to touch, to give herself to someone and be loved, touched, desired. She has the right to have dirty fantasies and even, maybe, dream of having children of her own.
It is unfair to her to remind her what she alredy knows. She never forgot her love for gambit, for the thing deeper than her skin, but with that she was also reminded that even with happy moments she couldn't kiss him desperatly without bringing him pain. It is not causing herself pain that scares her, but hurting someone she loves the most. And we gotta agree that he saying that to her was probaply the most unfair thing someone could have ever said to another. Gambit was wrong, and unfair. And i do think he was childish in this moment, even though he was also hurt.
With saying this to her, I think he scared her, wronged her for choosing herself, her dreams and needs over love. Im not saying "she should have choose sex over love", because I know her moment with Erik was long gone, and probably wasnt so deep as the present one with gambit, but i do know she loved Erik, as he was wholeheartly given to her. There was just so more complex things between rogneto than i could say right now, but the point is: she has the right of being loved, and choosing this for her, even if it isnt with somebody we would like to.
She has the right of choosing herself and not being called selfish for that, because she is not wrong. She cannot be wrong in this matter, its her life we are talking about. We know how much of a hell her powers are to her, so, how can you blame her for choosing a path that wrong bring her or the ones she loves pain??
I do know that in the comics she learns how to control her powers and so many more things, but im talking about EP. 5, that little moment when everything seemed so... hard to go thru. Do not wrong my girl, she deserves to be happy and dont even try saying shit about Erik to favor your r*my, because Magneto may has done plenty wrong things in his life, but he also loved her more than he could put into words. He loves her in every universe, even if she does not choose him.
(not to forget the difference between their reaction on being rejected, but this is a matter for another time)
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lostinlovingrevery · 2 months ago
Ok sorry ik it wasn't the point of your post but your opinions on the Love triangle are so true🤧 like maybe I'm remembering wrong but Wasn't Jean's character supposed to be mature and intelligent?? Why did she have to be THIS indecisive on this particular area??
Id imagine the comics probably go more in depth about Logans feelings, Jeans, and Scotts since its a thing happening since the beginning, and I havent read the comics so i cant fully comment on that since idk how fleshed out that whole thing is. I WILL SAY that i think it does bad to logans character bc i think it makes him seem creepy and weird towards jean sometimes when she explicitly says no. At least from the stuff ive seen.
SO BUT i will comment on the movies bc while i havent watched the 97 xmen and like i said havent read the comics either, i feel like the movies did such an extreme disservice to her. Her character is constantly described as super empathetic and caring and friendly, and yes shes supposed to be super mature and intelligent, but really i just got the intelligent part. I dont want to use the word "bitch" to describe her bc her charater analysis goes deeper than that but anyway. She just seems cold and serious. Ororo takes up the whole "super kind and nuturing lady" who she is but anyway.
When it comes to jean and logan interacting they barely have any type of convo or connection that I felt like worth the drama between them. You can always aknwoledge that more theres background knowledge that you dont see in the movie. Logan flirts with jean (alright shes pretty so hes just gonna be flirty) and she immediately gets irritated (pushes him in the xray). Should tell you no, shes not interested. Then later she shows him his bedroom, he flirts again, and she immediately shuts him down by mentioning scott- but then she goes to look at his memories and honestly the moment becomes super intimate. Very random. But i guess if you were looking into someomes traumatic pass youd get intimate too.
Honestly you dont really see much happen between them after. They fight magneto, logan saves the day AND THEN when jeans checking ovee logan in the x mansion and shes all like "rogues smitten with you for saving her" and logan says well she better move past it "my heart belongs to someone else" AND LOOK ITS A SUPER SWEET LINE BUT WHAT?? HOW CAAN YOU SAY THAT YALL BARELY HAD A CONVO???? Now you could say that my thinking from the post this all came from could connect that logan knows when hes got feelings for someone and maybe he feels them strongly but HONESTLY i could not see any connection between them. Logan spends more time being concerned over rogue, and his own past and youre gonna suddenly imply hes in love with her AFTER A WEEK?? No. I love a good love story but this aint it. Give me something between jean and scott that shows the stuff their relationship endures together and how much they love each other. Let logan figure his life out.
Thats when the next movies get super frustrating. In X2 jean is so mean to logan. First she acts so flirty towards him and gets his hopes up. Then when he tells her he likes her and he kisses her she LETS HIM and i honestly cant decide if she did it because she felt bad for him or if she did it bc she was truly interested. She tells logan girls flirt with the dangerous girl but they marry the good guy. The guy you can bring home to your parents. When logan suggests he could be the good guy (so sweetly) she says the good guy STAYS. Impying shes angry at him for leaving to go figure out what happened at lake akali?? Also implying maybe something couldve happpened between them if he did stay even though her and scott are still a thing?? Hello?? There could be several ways to decipher this but since this is going on long enough im not gonna add those.
I think if jean did have any feelings for logan, its as she puts it. Maybe hes dangerous and new, and that gives her some sort of excitement. She grew up in suburban middle class neighborhood. Got powers and went to a super school. She got with scott and her life was pretty set. Maybe logan gave her some excitement? She liked the attention from him but knew it was wrong? Idk. In the end though she knew she would pick scott. Perhaps jean was having complicated feelings for logan? If she was, that wass the only time you truly saw ANY sign of it. It felt more like she was leading him on, and then shutting him down quickly. And to her credit she did always shut him down in the end (when shes not possessed)
Im gonna add i dont think logan is fully innocent either. He pushes himself onto a woman who maybe she was giving him mixed signals but she still is commited to another guy (who was also missimg in most of the x2 movie??) Logan should have respected the boundaries but i suppose feelings esp romantic can be hard to deal with. While logan and scott had their qualms i think logan did have respect for scott in someway.
(Dont get me started on how they butchered my boy scotty in these movies btw. They gave him NO screentime)
So thrn the rest of the movie goes on and jean dies (death #1) and obvs everyones devestated. When x3 goes on logan doesnt seem all that upset. Scott was rightfully grief stricken. You could say that logan maybe pushed that stuff away, the grief and sadness, or mayb hes so used to it he can move on. He tells scott she wouldve want him to move on. (Sorry lo but he JUST lost his gf/fiance??)
When jean comes back and kills scott and logan and ororo find her, jean then comes on to logan and they have that intense makeout session EXCEPT it isnt jean its the phoenix, and idk much about the phoenix but its possible that it was displaying jeanss inner emotions and its described that her emotions when charles met her was powerful and sporadic. Jean wass literally about to kill logan the way she did scott and I think logan sensed something and thats why he stopped, he remembered scott and asked where he was, and to logans credit i think he knew jean wouldnt have really wanted that.
The rest of the movie happens and logan ends up killing her after they lose charles. He tells her he loves her. Bro, you knew her for maybe 1 week, left for idk how long a month? Came back and knew her for a couple more days- KISSED HER- she told you no anyway, she dies, comes back, and now you tell her just as shes having a full power break down being posessed by some immortal space bird that you love her? I mean, do you even know her favorite color?
I feel like their whole "love story" (both comics and movies) is some sloppy attempt to have romance and drama and to make logan seem more complicaated and add to his personal struggle (as if he isnt complicated enough) if youre going to do a love triangle, actually build up a relationship between people bc tbh we barely saw scott and jeans relationship either. If you want logan to have romance try Ororo (which FINALLY is happening btw). I mean, im always open for logan romance but i suppose storm deserves a chance.
I mean maybe its me, maybe im just a sucker for true love, a building of friendship/relationship first before finally realizing that you love them (or been in love from the start). There was no romantic devlopement of any sort and honestly any feelings logan and jean may have for each seemed more physical than anything else. I could prob write an essay about how wrong it all was, how it destroyed jeans character by forcing logan on her and making her seem like she was into it and made logan look pushy and disrespectful.
I dont mean to slander jeans character so hard. I think her character when done right is actually wonderful (and honestly someone i could relate too) but the movies didnt do right by her. Jean and scott didnt get very good development the way storm and logan did and honestly logan is the top contender in character development against everyone.
So yes thats my essay im sure you werent expecting me to answer all this but I REALLY wanted to get this out there. Its just my lil thinking about thesee movies
If anyone would like to add their two cents (either for or against it) pls do! ❤️
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manyothermusingsofmine · 5 months ago
anyway brought up my main gripe with Xmen 97 somewhere else and I still cant sleep so my brain is thinking about like.. yeah I have a big issue with the pacing of '97.
Like the whole destruction of Genosha leaves me numb but very much not in the way the story wants me to feel numb about it. The story wants you to feel horrible at what transpired and yes what does transpire is horrible- but you introduced this place like -looks at my watch- what, 10 minutes or so to me? I don't care as much as you clearly want me to care
It is bizarre to see one of your favorite characters get seriously injured and to just internally go "oh come on you're not going to kill off a character you literally just introduced especially not Nightcrawler be for real with me now."
I'm not even going to entertain the thought that Banshee survived because that one is locked in drive by cameos so that whole thing to me played out as "Hello Banshee." "☠️" "Goodbye Banshee."
But also imagine if you will watching this all in a discord vc with your friends and getting to the genuine good emotional beats with Magneto protecting Leech (? i think?) and the whole thing with Gambit and everyone is solemn about it and we're solemnly rebuilding genosha and looking for survivors and we yoink Diamond Emma Frost out of the rubble who then goes "Guess I do best under pressure"
Goddamn I had to repress my laugh reflex so bad but a snort still escaped me in an otherwise silent and solemn VC because my inner response to it just was "fantastic diamond pun Emma hey quick question next time you want a mutant power upgrade can we do it without levelling an entire fucking city?!"
idk where im going with this post its 2 am and I gotta get my ass up in like six hours for work so uh this is going grand anyway
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fizzingwizard · 6 months ago
At last I caved and am watching new!Xmen 97. Two eps in so far.
The animation is good, it really is... They leaned into the retro style but cleaned up and it looks great. But so far there's next to no atmosphere (except for Storm's bits lol). Even in the middle of the night everyone's lit up bright as day lol. Pet peeve of mine.
Also I really wish western animators would learn a little about dynamic storyboarding from anime. Especially since the faces can be so unemotional, it's important to let body language, lighting, and framing convey what they won't use faces for so they won't look "unmanly"
When the voice actors are talking about normal stuff, they sound awesome. When they're talking about X-men stuff, they sound like they stepped out of the 90s yesterday. Lol. Makes me batty. That one scene where Jean's like "I remember when all of existence was on the brink of destruction and there was Scott" and then segues into some nice female support group with Ororo is a good example.
The jokes are funny. Like they are actually funny you guys x'D Wolvie vs Scott has me in stitches. Beast of course has the best lines. Gambit's pretty good too.
Scott makes a really good show these first couple episodes. I'm enjoying him. He's a lot like X-men Evo Scott. Animated Scotts are always so chipper compared to comics Scott, but at least he's not all burnt out like WatXM Scott or all one note like movie Scott.
They let Jean fight while pregnant! I mean... she was just sitting there using her psychic powers... but still. She fought while pregnant! lol.
When she went into labor I thought it was a missed opportunity for some peak humor. Like they got a good start with Wolvie being her only option for getting her to the hospital, and then the chaos on the ride over was funny. But they ruined it by making half the team just quit fighting and go to the hospital. Of course it's important for Scott to be there, but... Honestly I think it would've been funnier if Jean had no one but Logan. Also Rogue saying "what if I touch the baby by accident" kinda baffled me because no one should be touching a newborn, let alone the mother, without gloves...
Morph upsets me xD In a nice way, I guess. Like they're clearly a stand in for Deadpool. Yes, comics Morph is also like that, but still... they're here to be this universe's Wolverine's Deadpool. And they haven't even had that many good lines yet! I'm sure there'll be more as the season goes on but. Then they even cheer up Logan with not only a six pack of beer but a good old bout of wrestling? CMON THAT'S LOGAN AND KURT'S THING. lol. I'm so offended. No not really. But kinda. Anyway. Morph is sweet even though they've stolen Crawler's role with the beer and the friendly fisticuffs and the insecurity etc etc.
For a less extremely personal and subjective opinion on Morph... I actually am slightly bugged that they're here only because their power is morphing. So the X-men have got Rogue, who can imitate anyone's power once she absorbs it, and Morph, who can just imitate anyones power by morphing. If they have limits in this show it's not clear as of yet. So that is too much power on the X-men if you ask me. Can they not just morph into Juggernaut or something? It is really challenging to balance all X-men powers and use them logically. I feel like you shoot yourself in the foot by tossing in too many of the overpowered types.
On a very positive note, I'm thrilled that it's only two episodes in and almost everyone on the cast has stuff to do! Scott and Jean obvs - Magneto and Xavier - Jubilee and (potentially) Roberto - Rogue and Gambit (to be fair Gambit's not really happened yet but the seeds are planted with his crush on Rogue and her involvement with Magneto) - and of course Storm. I'm kinda nervous right now because 97!Storm is one of the best Storms ever, and if she's depowered and gone from the team for long the show will really miss her... But that was a great story arc for her in the comics and I'm really hoping it pans out well in this season too.
notice I didn't mention Wolverine. Well Wolverine's always involved in stuff. I don't have to worry about him lol. I'm happy to let someone else be more relevant to the story for a while.
So the hits keep coming and they don't stop coming, which is great, because everyone has something to do, but is also nuts, because boy the show moves fast. Take a breather ffs. It's EPISODE TWO lmao.
Overall I guess it's what I would have expected from a sequel to the old TAS series, but also rather better than what I would have expected. So that's pretty great.
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burning-bubble-tea · 10 months ago
I know it’s not the end of the world.
I know nihilism and apathy is complicity.
But at the same time it is dystopia. Not the end of the world, there are bastions of hope. But it’s dystopia.
Or maybe the status quo as we know it is terrible and dystopia is worse than this. Maybe dystopia/utopia binary is not a helpful line of thought.
I watch tv shows depicting the end of the world. Apocalypses with heroes sometimes pulling through or not in some sort of subversion of the happy ending.
I focus on the small and see life and love and I see it at the large as well. But I also see genocide and violence.
There is no hero to save the day. There isn’t even a hero to try and fail in a narrative of tragedy and cathartic release.
You just keep living as the birds return in spring, the cicadas swarm and the trees wilt.
Time will pass and life will live on. We will keep pulling at the system before one day we find it has unraveled and we may begin weaving together anew.
But I will not wait for revolution and utopia like waiting for the rapture. Being alive in spite of it all and enjoying it is revolutionary.
The infighting will happen anyways. Time will pass anyways. The hate will flow in anyways. Not in my control no matter how much I wish I could stop it. People can be empowered not by being able to stop injustice, but being able to resist, to survive and against all circumstances, thrive.
Bisan feels nostalgic while eating possibly the last bag of her childhood sweets and experiences joy. One day may those sweets come to bring joy again. By her or by those in the future.
Rebecca Hall cites the importance of the past for the future. I live in the present with my past for the future.
Anyways all this bullshit was conjured cause I watched Xmen 97 and I both enjoyed it and am incredibly mixed about it. Y’know cause Disney is complicit in genocide and I’m watching a show that’s basically clearly defining and reflecting issues like systemic racism and political corruption. But whatever. I may not understand the cognitive dissonance people who believe phantasms have when they watch media that so clearly tells them the opposite of what they believe in but alas they continue.
Satire that is not clear enough blends into the whole I guess.
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blueberryrock · 2 months ago
Thanks for the tag!
Last song: Happy Nation by ace of base
Favorite color: baby blue
Last book: currently reading the return of the king by jrr tolkien for the first time!
Last movie: the first amazing spider man! My brother and i have been binging entire franchises so logically spider man was next after xmen
Last show: Xmen 97' i watched e5 again recently and i will never be happy
Sweet/spicy/savory: ugh that's a tough question, i guess i would go spicy!
Relationship status: single and my gray aro ass can't tell if i like it or not
Last thing i googled: rainbow tokens dragon city CAUSE IDK WHAT THE FUCK THEY WERE FOR it's bullshit
Current obsession: gambit X-men and castlevania!
Looking forward to: dinner tonight, we're going to try a new steak place and they have brisket queso and im so excited! And tomorrow im getting my nose pierced, im more nervous for that but still looking forward to it!
Tagging: @beenovel @to-be-frank-i-dont-care @earendilsass @splintered-emotions @starryeyedrogue @justmemyselfandthefridge @aduialel @plutolichen and anyone else who wants to join!
people i’d like to know better!
Tagged by the incandescently wonderful @sweetshire! I thank thee, bestie!
last song: Salut d'Amour, Op. 12 by Elgar
favorite color: deep green
last book: currently reading Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik based on a glowing recommendation! I've also been reading Landmarks by Robert Macfarlane.
last movie: How to Train your Dragon!
last show: Unfortunately, Downton Abbey. Sometimes you just need to watch obnoxious rich people have a soap opera, y'know?
sweet/spicy/savoury: Savory. Don't know why noodles come to mind when I think of savory things, maybe it's the epitome of flavor for me...
relationship status: Still aroace and lovin' it ✌️
last thing i googled: Dzongkha. Some absolutely fascinating linguistic features!
current obsession: The Cadfael Chronicles! And all things medieval, really.
looking forward to: Slowly working through all my little projects. I've just started a new embroidery hoop with two little polar bears. I wonder what I should name them?
No pressure tags: @practically-an-x-man @potatoobsessed999 @negative-speedforce @blueberryrock @sotwk @laneynoir
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