#guess that's free time baybee
redspex · 3 months
Hello from the depths!
Hi hi hi. I'm still kicking! Here's an update, from me to you:
I plan on being more active on here in the near future, as some fun stuff has been happening with me that has given me some more free time! First: time abroad for work is, as far as I know, wrapped up for the forceable future. Maybe one day you'll hear about my time in Europe (if 4CL gives me clearance to disclose :P - some of it was pretty silly + goofy, a lot of it was having an atrocious sleep schedule, missing my cat, and getting into my normal amount of trouble). Maybe I'll check with my boss and see if I can pass field notes? Could be big. Second: I graduated! Managing Fourcast time and school time was not easy at all, but now that the latter is wrapped up I will have more time for stuff that's not the Lab, which I desperately need. There are a lot of things I want to get back into the swing of (after I catch up on sleep), especially in terms of having something to focus my creative energy on; one thing is this page, making my little weird collages and all, but I have my little personal projects to keep myself entertained.
I've been running a (at best, semi-annual) DND campaign with some friends that I will hopefully be able to put more time into in terms of writing/planning/playing (I am the forever DM of my friendgroup, which has its pros and cons :,) ). I have also been incredibly tempted to get back into fanfiction writing lelelel - writing has kind of always been in my life, but it had to take a backburner these last few years and I've missed it, so being cringe but free may help me scratch that itch. Technically this is a personal blog so 4Cast couldn't stop me from posting fanfiction here, but if you're from the Lab and you're seeing this: you're not allowed to read my fanfiction. But who knows, maybe that will happen, maybe not? Maybe at the depths of a hyperfixation I'll be possessed to throw something out there.
But that's pretty much it :) happy pride month being queer rules ok bye now talk later yep sounds good ok bye
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sparkleswap · 13 days
can we have the music tastes of side staff/patients too please?? I love learning about characters...
okay yes... i can do this... like last time feel free to ignore ok this is all supplementary material baybee. ok
cyn - i think hed rlly like bowling for soup idk. maybe noah kahan ive heard ppl like him. oh hed love fox szn thats true and real 4ever. but most of all hed fuckin love johnny cash. integral characyer trait guys
mel - #1 la dispute fan... also enjoys of montreal & the magnetic fields. imo .
chip - i dunno smooth jazz maybe?? he can't handle stress right now give him something nice. bro cant even handle vocals in songs its too scary
orange - this is ur will wood fan people. i suppose. is miracle musical similar at all or do ppl just throw them together in the same playlists for fun. idk someone asked whod be a will wood fan and i guess ive decided the answer to that is orange. ur will wooder rep. or whateverrr
reesee - shuffled a random playlist and the song i got was by bo burnham so that's what im writing down ok. thats whats happening
party - i just know if i could sit him down with a daisy the great vinyl itd fix him. nayve foot ox too
cuddles - wait a minute who put ur name here stay back vile demon
rem - ummm. bad books. and... heart attack man. these are real ideas ive always had and NOT cruel jokes prommy
nya - LOVES hyperpop. or at least what i understand to be hyperpop dont take my word on it. ig whatever genre describes 100 gecs, vylet pony, AJ BLACK, and k1dzheart.
sunny - LOVES vocaloid. and utau. and all freaky little robot voices they eat it up. i dont actually know a lot of vocaloid artists i just know the songs but i think theyd love dance! vr dance! or mayb im judt rlly biased to the diary of underage observation series. siiighs
ik there are more side staff slash patients but um. i haven't thought abt them enough yet LOL. maybe 1 day ok thsi stiff takes time
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daimyosprincess · 1 year
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In honor of pride month, I'm doing a lil celebration where I'll be promoting queer Star Wars fics and writers/art and artists, opening up my inbox to your thoughts/thots and fic/art recs on all things queer in the Star Wars universe, and even doing a couple of ficlets and drabbles focusing on queer pairings! At the end of the month, I'll post a wrap-up of all the pride celebration goodness.
Posts will be tagged as #zwei's pride celebration if you want to follow along! Please spread the word and enjoy pride 💖
My links: Masterlist — Taglist — Askbox
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Pride is a time of joy as well as a time of reflection and honoring those who came before us, those who have sacrificed and those who fight to make queer existence possible, safe, and free. That being said, I will NOT be tolerating any hate, harassment, bigotry, or negativity so don't even bother, you will be blocked and reported on sight.
Some rules for asks and recs:
I am not kidding about hate or harassment, I won't post it so don't do it. My bi ass here to have a good time and celebrate
This is an 18+ blog for 18+ people. Minors do not interact, please enjoy your pride, but not on this blog
There's kink at this pride baybee
NO incest, underage, cl*necest, master/padawan (or similar power dynamics), dub-con/non-con/rape. If I don't feel comfortable sharing something for another reason, I won't share it, no hate no shade
Self-recs are welcomed and encouraged! This is a celebration, so don't be shy promote yourself and your work!! We wanna see it
Anons are on but don't be creepy (because guess what? Deleted and reported 🤗)
I don't care if we've never interacted or talked before, let's be friends! Don't be shy in my inbox 💖
As a general reminder, you create the fandom experience you have. Be nice, curate your content with filters, and don't be afraid to block people.
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tuesday again no problem 7/25/2023
still apartmentless (upside down smiley face emoji). six sentences or less per section, except when it's not
it's goofy poppy dance music for the duration baybee. Bye Bye by Haiku Hands and Ribongia is a stompy, bird-flipping breakup song with a chorus of "see you later/bye bye/alligator/don't cry". spotify
stealing the Untitled Wednesday Library Series from @morrak mostly to show him this book but you all can look at it too i guess
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The How: fifty cents at a religious thrift store whose vibes gave me the ick
The Text: it's one of these, yanno? a reference book that doesn't quite feel like a real book? put together by a team of "thirty anonymous experts in the field" which does not lend confidence. the absolutely gobsmacking number of images and illustrations and charts and graphs are similarly uncredited. god help whoever typeset this monstrosity.
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many many many cutaways. lotta stuff you gotta do to the air and/or gas to compress it
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a charming number of action shots in the field
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and of course some BEEFY reference appendices.
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The Object: faintly musty, some rather extreme acid? glue? yellowing on the endpapers. idk what horses they were using for glue in the sixties but this paper did Not like it.
The Why, Though: do we even have to ask this question
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i watched all the twilight movies this weekend bc they are vitally important to my best friend, and it was fun to shriek "EXPLAIN???" at her every ninety seconds. i am fully an alice/bella truther now.
i was not allowed to read these books growing up, and by the time the movies rolled around i was thoroughly uninterested bc i had a nearly-lethal Not Like Other Girls!!! period.
i don't know that i have much to say about them. i feel like i missed a crucial window of development here? like how the first time i went to disney (i have been twice for free bc several dear friends work there, not as cast members) i was twenty. it hit different, yanno?
it was SUCH a fun stupid two nights with my best friend, though. i remain fucking furious on bella's behalf bc she deserved SO so much better.
will i read the books? absolutely not.
i'm going to stop trying to explain what the fuck genshin is about and silently deliver an out of context screencap every week. this one made me force quit the game and go for a walk.
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i will say that this game has gotten better at creating fun little vignettes, even if it has to railroad you along to create it Just So. look at this fun temple!!! look at that big weird fuckin vulture thing posing in the sunlight!!! how droll!!!
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fallow week. maybe things will percolate in time for yeehawgust, maybe not. we shall see.
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inkybinkyboink · 5 months
marauders weed headcanons bc guess what baybee??? im a free man motherfucker 🙇🏻
let's get it out of the way, peter hogs the joint. im sorry.
normally this like. doesnt bug me all too much but he's too scared to even smoke it
he just holds it and it just burns away
peter you're wasting good weed!!!
james is excellent at re-lighting the joint without a lighter (or magic)
sirius gets really fucking paranoid if it's not the right strain
remus is stoner extraordinaire (i will die on this hill)
sirius is the best at sneaking food from the kitchens when they all get the munchies
their favorite place to smoke is the shrieking shack
though, i reckon they probably plan their excursions bc can you imagine smoking in the shrieking shack and then realizing you're fucking starving but the castle is like all the way back up the hill
i would die
i would crave death
remus does more weed than the other three
it helps with his chronic pain and i wouldnt be surprised if he has some sort of special prescription for it
i know it's the 70s, but im not abt to figure out the specifics
remus and sirius are each others favorite pillows when they're both high
it helps james get to sleep and stay asleep
peter cant take more than like 3 puffs or else he gets weed shakes
the others will help him stay calm and massage spots on his shoulders to help him relax
i can also see them doing this for sirius though id assume sirius wants remus to do it more than the other two
sirius having a really bad high and remus walking him through it, trying to soothe him to sleep so he can sleep it off
remus having a pain flareup and calling it quits at like 6pm, going to hide somewhere in the castle to smoke and not think about how much his hips hurt
dude. listen. stoner room of requirement.
i mean its. the room of requirement. if im a stoner who requires a comfy place to hide out with a comfy couch and good lighting, in theory that should appear.
peter gets the most munchies
james has the craziest thoughts
sirius falls asleep the quickest
remus is the least anxious
god stoner remus actually makes me feel whole as a person
i feel like remus likes being alone when he's high, more than he likes a blunt rotation
god they rlly are the dream blunt rotation
them talking shit while stoned
when remus indubitably goes to live with sirius at 12 grimmauld place they light a joint "for old times sake"
thats a lie, remus never quit, he just wanted to help sirius unwind
remus helping sirius cope with what happened with him getting falsely convicted and sent to azkaban by smoking a joint with him every night on the steps and just talking
not about prison, or what happened, even
about anything sirius wants
it helps him re-familiarize himself with the world around him without getting too spooked.
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gutsfics · 6 months
I’m just curious, I’ve seen you mention Mormons a couple times (something about Nia too that I forgot) and I’m curious if you’re like, post/ex Mormon or Mormon-adjacent or something? Bc I am… idk it’s complicated lmao spiritually/mentally out, but physically halfway in, I guess? So I was just wondering, hope you don’t mind!
Feel free to ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable
ex mormon baybee!!!!!!!! baptised at eight & everything
long story somewhat short is that me & my immedeate family left the church when i was like 12 when my dad came out as gay, but i personally specifically didnt go to church much before that bc my Neurodivergencies made it hard so my parents basically gave up on trying to wrangle me every time id have a meltdown about it (long and boring + uncomfortable clothes i hate = disaster for the undiagnosed adhd trans egg and his parents) so its not like i was too indocternated in the church & all in all i came out surprisingly (but not completely) unscathed. i hear stuff from when my parents were younger and im like "fucking WHAT" like all of the time
but like it was still a big enough thing in my life for me to hc characters (modern!Nia) or see paralells in media (the church of Helios) or even write my own characters as ex-mormon (HWU!Avalon)
so me mentioning mormonism is kinda like 50/50 dunking on the old religion / feeling empathy for ppl that are stuck in a place that is not right for them. maybe more like 40/60, it really depends on what im talking about
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rabbit-exe · 1 year
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
tagged by the generally very cool and good @argyleheir for purposes of question-answering; here we go baybeeeee
1. Are you named after anyone? technically! it's not actually anyone I knew well, but my first instance of hearing what would become my name (rowan) was some random boy that lived in my neighbourhood. so, changeling-like, I stole it from him without remorse.
2. When was the last time you cried? I don't remember, I don't really keep track - more than a week ago, I guess, because I don't remember doing it recently.
3. Do you have kids? no, and I do not ever intend to! I don't dislike children with any great degree of vitriol, it's just not a responsibility I'm keen to take on.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? a fair bit, but only in a playful, bastardly manner.
5. What sports do you play/have played? I used to do horse-riding, before my entire body decided to really lean into the chronic illness.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? I don't. as soon as I encounter a person my brain retains no information about them at all because I'm trying to figure out how to interact with them successfully and not say something weird, which is a problem, because I have an internal clock that counts down whenever I'm in a social situation and when it hits zero I inevitably say something weird.
7. What's your eye color? grey-blue
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Scary, baybee! I'm a big wimp, but I love horror as a genre, even if I can't really watch a lot of the films because I have such an incredible startle response that it makes jumpscares intolerable.
9. Any special talents? I'm decent at writing and drawing, and I used to be able to balance up to twelve spoons on my face simultaneously until I got older and the shape of my face changed, which is a shame because it was my one party trick outside of listing facts nobody wants to hear about parasitoid wasps. I also apparently have a very good ear for music.
10. Where were you born? scotland, in a hospital that no longer exists.
11. What are your hobbies? writing, drawing, ttrpgs, reading, makin' little guys to write and draw about, amateur taxidermy, playing music (piano and ukulele) and singing (autism bonus round: learning about parasitology, corvids, vultures, mortuary science and the funeral industry, medical history and hilarious history in general, interesting diseases, animal facts)
12. Do you have pets? yes; a tiny little cat called Sigyn (full of violence), a much older and larger cat called Varjak (full of soft big man), and my mother owns a horse named TJ (full of hay).
13. How tall are you? 5'8"-ish
14. Favorite subject in school? english and biology
15. Dream job? I do not dream of work, brother (as a child I wanted to be a doctor, but now I'm aiming for mortician - I say aiming, because my body and brain are in a state of hilarious disarray what with all the various ailments and I'm borderline confined to my bedroom)
tagging people (with no expectation that they should do this, just a little suggestion, like poking a frog away from a road): @onearthbrieflygorgeous @theleastgothgoth @crisis-response-specialist @ziracona @star-rott and anyone else that follows me that wants to give it a go, feel free to tag me in your own responses
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deep-hearts-core · 1 year
(tonight we're gonna party like it's) 1999
god damn i haven't done one of these in a while. its charlotte nilsson time baybee
Lithuania REAL SHAME about this staging. it's a nice song and aiste has a great voice clearly but she doesn't have the right kind of stage presence for this. the dancing around that she was doing didn't feel right for this genre, it was discordant and distracting. also the pink lighting didn't work. if i could go back in time and fix this i'd tell the lithuanian delegation to keep the camera close on her upper body at all times.
Belgium nice song nice voice well staged but she's too damn quiet. i can't really hear her. especially at the beginning. sad bc i have no other complaints about this one except for maybe "is that guy blowing into a horseshoe crab?".
Spain she's a good singer so it's a shame about that dress. also, the verses are kind of boring and i only really enjoy the chorus. also, i keep misremembering this song as having the tune of a bosnian song called "zena svijetom upravlja" or something like that that a friend of mine submitted to a tumblr fancontest forever ago. also also, did i mention that dress? distracting.
Croatia love the "ah-ah-ah-ah"s in the chorus. favorite thing about this song. (maybe because that's what's familiar because that's the thing that everyone puts in the fourth place compilation recap vids or whatever). she looks nice in that dress i guess but something feels kind of off with the staging. i can definitely tell that this followed immediately after dana international. there's something in the way she's moving that's making it clear she's trying to imitate dana in some way.
UK i love this one!! love a girl band, the main singer is really good, and those silver outfits are great. that "say it again, say yeah" is the most catchy/memorable line i've heard so far tonight that i hadn't already seen in a recap video. unfortunately one of the girls was a little pitchy in the high harmonies and that got on my nerves a little.
Slovenia i mean i don't love it but there's nothing to hate about it really. she sounds good. nice classic eurovision ballad.
Turkey this is every turkish entry ever, right? it's not bad really it's just not my speed. i spent most of my time watching this thinking about danish barbershop quartet the clementones and admiring the stage, because this year's stage is cool. more on that later.
Norway ngl kind of disappointed? the dance routine was good, i guess? idk it's not my kind of song and he wasn't great vocally. and that shirt wsa sort of. a choice. didn't work imo.
Denmark you can always count on denmark to do a good happy duet with a guitar. love this. if they hadn't fucked up that very last note this would have been absolutely perfect to me. <3
France like if that song "free fallin'" got eurovision'd.
Netherlands early dutch country is also every eurovision song that follows it for the next like 5-6 years, more at 10! nah but it's alright. and she's pretty, which helps. the song started before she started singing and i was like "?? this is gonna be so good?" and then i remembered it was the netherlands and my expectations instantly went medium. lol.
Poland great belt on this man. not like a literal belt but like his voice near the end when he's belting his high notes, that's good. good tone. song's ok i guess.
Iceland this song slams and i fucking love it in studio but the staging was... a little too over the top, tbh?
Cyprus her voice isn't a good fit. the slow start goes on for just a little too long and she's just kind of shrill.
Sweden it's good, i can see why it won, but her outfit is just so MUCH. i hope it was a candidate for barbara dex. the eyeshadow. the flesh colored fabric underneath the pretend crop top. no thank you charlotte.
Portugal not bad. rui bandeira is kind of a guy who looks like a girl who looks like a boy iykwim. idk it kinda sounds like all the other ones.
Ireland this song is too low for them and it does funny things to their tone quality. too much vibrato.
Austria she's cute, i like the guitar line, this is very radio-friendly and american in a way that allowed me to like... yes tune out but not tune all the way out and just kind of vibe.
Israel it is a sign of how brainpoisoned i have become that i saw a quartet of guys on the stage and thought, "ah yes, the guy in the different shirt is the lead, he has the tenor and the bass on either side of him, and the other guy is the bari". i'm in hell. good song though. i mean i guess. why is it happy birthday?
Malta their harmonies aren't really locking. given, i have a much higher bar for that these days due to the aforementioned brainpoison, but still, some of these chords are heinous. also the song is just sort of not good.
Germany song is alright except for the bridge which is unnecessarily cheesy. i mean, even for the thing that it is, which is a eurovision song.
Bosnia & Herz d... dino merlin? idk this one is weird, they're like conjugating french verbs or something and also this one was muted in the video archive i had and the dino merlin official youtube upload had terrible audio quality so i feel like i can't really judge it
Estonia the onstage aesthetic vibe of this is beautiful, and i like the song, too. it's a shame that it's not a good vocal fit for evelin. a clear precursor to randajad and good use of the stage too.
My top 23 1)Denmark 2)Estonia 3)Portugal 4)Iceland 5)Sweden 6)Austria 7)Belgium 8)Poland 9)Israel 10)Germany 11)UK 12)Slovenia 13)Spain 14)Croatia 15)Ireland 16)Turkey 17)Netherlands 18)Lithuania 19)Cyprus 20)France 21)Norway 22)Bosnia 23)Malta
shoutouts again to my friend rachel's prefsorter, because we can't always have gerbear
Miscellaneous commentary the little cgi tour of europe at the beginning was cute. but also very funny because of how squished together and contiguous everything was. lmao @ the host greeting the "distinguished guests" and everyone there in nice clothes. like wow the contest has changed in 20 years obsessed with these postcards btw. cartoon eve fully tits out. jesus represented as a hot guy in a suit. joseph and his brothers singing in barbershop harmony. the baby moses video game. priceless recaps are so short? i already have a hard time remembering how each song goes but like the recap snippets help absolutely not at all lol at the sun prop. it was a really excellent stage, honestly, a lot of contestants were able to use it really well, but after last year's debacle i just kept giggling whenever i saw the thing move. overall like...it's hard to judge the songs in this era, it's hard to rank them, because really i don't like most of them? like they just aren't really my style. i feel like for many of the 90s rankings the margins between songs are going to be very thin and i'm going to have trouble remembering a lot. i don't listen to a lot of 90s music so it's like... ok? sure? do i even know if this is good? no i don't!
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2dkapsddr · 1 month
August 8th, 2024 - ProSeka, SDVX EG, IIDX 31, DDR World
fInally... after being forced to babysit my baby sister practically all day yesterday and having almost no free time to go out this week, today was the day that i'd finally be able to get up and play... at ROUND 1!!! but alas, no day is truly """free""", and so i was forced to babysit my baby sister for just a few hours while my mom went out somewhere. gah... but to pass the time and wait for the bus, i sightread the new Append Lv.33 chart for Killer (the new Airi event song)!!! chaotic... but doable!!!
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after that, though? it was arcade time for REAL now!!! i headed out to the bus stop, got on, did a teensy bit of proseka grinding while on the bus... and finally arrived to warm up with some SDVX Baybee!!! maybe i should've warmed up with a 16, but i'm getting oddly super comfortable with sightreading 17s now, it's impressive!!! i still do wanna get that excessive clear on Dadada soon tho...
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moving on, i had a date with IIDX given how much i'd been rolling on the gacha yesterday for the Touhou cosmetics... and damn RIGHT they were worth it, just look at all my reimus!!! so adorable!!! the money-hungry little creature... anyways, most notable scores for today def have to be my AAs on oddloop [SPA-9] and Setsujou Danka [SPH-10], as well as sightread A-rank clears on some charts like Prohibited Props [SPA-10], Fegrix [SPH-10], and HIGH [SPA-9]!!! chord gaming, perhaps? (well, HIGH and oddloop were the only real chord charts though...)
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finishing my daily quota for both games and in true kaps fashion, it was finally DDR TIME!!! and to celebrate -- while i didn't get any scores worth taking pictures of just yet, i got SUN rank today out of nowhere!!!!! check it out!!!
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offset shenanigans real quick, my MA was feeling really bad today and this only made it worse... a full combo is a full combo i guess, but on this easy of a chart? surely i must be doing something wrong...
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however...! i didn't give up hope just yet, for i still had a long ways to go in finishing my session and wouldn't let go of it that easily. i got myself back up, went to a slightly more functional DDR white cab on my preferred side, and to my absolute shock... my MA was back baybee!!! 16p on Sacred Oath [CSP-12] was already a massive improvement, but then i started playing uppers... and Oh My God we were so back . a sightread 50p 2g on HIDEAWAY [ESP-15] that was so close to a PFC, followed by a TON of Flare EX clears on 16s including Not Alone [ESP-16], Megalara Garuda [DSP-16], Danmaku shinkou [ESP-16, flag...], ANNIVERSARY [ESP-16], AWAKE [CSP-16], and Life is beautiful [ESP-16]... all coming together for me to reach the coveted SUN+ rank already!!! when i hadn't even been SUN for a full day!!! a monumental session, and i still haven't even filled up my flare slots for the WHITE folder . excited to see what else i could potentially do if i can maintain this skill...!
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patxhwrk · 2 years
Ong helo again, i want to req reverse streamer au w childe when the reader acc dies at the golden house where the traveller aka childe fight them amdjjsjsjs, i kinda wanna see how his reaction is. (Lets just say the liyue harbor osial attack was done by another hsrbinger)
Just this and if yoi dont write for angst or you dont wanna write this feel free to delete thsi req. (I got the request idea when j was reading your latest work, it was really good 🤸‍♂️)
Yeah give me that angst baybee im a sucker for sadness
I may be a bit bad at writing angst tho, its not my strongest in writing
Also i know you cant see in game bruises/scratches but lets just pretend they exist even out of cutscene
Lets pretend Y/n's little sibling in game is also named Teucer
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-ˋˏ✄— Fallen Harbinger
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ Tartaglia x Reader [ Reversed + Streamer AU ! ]
Pronouns: they/them
"Farewell, Fallen Harbinger."
CW: Angst! Death! Mentions of blood!
.navigation. // .genshin impact masterlist.
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'Go to the Golden House,' the quest read.
It had just been another regular day for Childe. Wake up, do his morning chores, then do his regular, messily scheduled streaming.
And, as per usual, he had been streaming Genshin Impact, a well known game in the streaming community.
"The Golden House? Uh, okay then..."
He stole a glance at his chat, who were telling each other to shut up, while some only asked what would happen in confusion. Spoilers were probably deleted by his mods.
"Chat, you're scaring me, chat. What the hell is going to happen? No, no, don't tell me, I don't think I want to know yet."
Something in his head screamd at him, as a cutscene played. His chosen traveller looked around the Golden House before stepping closer to the Exurvia of the former Geo Archon.
And then, in stepped familiar h/c hair, their e/c eyes devoid of light despite the golden mora shining within the Golden House.
"Hey! The lil skrunkly!" He whispered, low enough to not desturb the cutscene.
They conversed for a bit, before the cutscene ended and a battle began.
"Surreder is a valid option, I promise I'll be gentle."
Childe swallowed his saliva, laughing quietly to himself.
"Oh I am going to have fun. Maybe."
The fight ended, and Childe was shaking in his seat. He had barely finished phase 3, getting disracted many times.
Another cutscene played, revealing a tired, worn out traveller. But Y/n was no better, not even on his level.
Standing across the traveller, now out of their Foul Legacy form, was same old Y/n, shaking in their place as scratches and bruises littered their skin.
"Hah, you've bested me. How... intriguing. You truely are...as strong as they say."
Childe, having a chill run up his spine, stared intelty at his screen, deathly quiet.
"La Signora has even praised you for your strength, even if she had not faught you herself, yet. Hah, to get a Harbinger's attention and praise... You sure are a special one, huh?"
Having none of their energy remaining, Y/n collapsed to the floor, on their knees. They could see the traveller hesitate to approach them, but they spoke before he could move.
"Well? What are you waiting for? I may have overused Foul Legacy, and it wont be too long."
They spared a glance at the traveller, and even in their weakest moment, a competetive and mischievous glint shone in their once dull eyes.
"Go on. Aren't you going to kill me?"
The traveller's breath hitched, before they chuckled once again.
"Haha, only joking... Unless you're up to it, of course. I'm not quite a fan of dying to Foul Legacy, but after a fight with the oh so great traveller? It was a fight worth dying for, I guess."
Coughing, blood trickled down their chin, and they wiped it off with the back of their hand.
"May I be able to hope to see you again? To have another battle? Perhaps in the far future, perhaps never again at all..."
Taking a step forward, the traveller ceased his motion as the Harbinger raised a hand.
"No need. Whatever healing you might try to do would not work. Foul Legacy takes my energy, decreasing my life span. Perhaps I wasn't meant to live long, perhaps my only purpose was to serve the Tsaritsa."
A chuckle, breathy and tired and solemn and...happy.
Happy to have someone to pass one last message for them.
"Before you leave," they spoke. "You'll probably be able to find one or two of the Harbingers here. One of them would be summoning a god banished to the depths below. You cannot stop them. Or maybe you can. But, before you leave."
They looked up, and despite the scratches and blood on their face, their half lidded eyes shined a thousand times brighter than all the mora in the Golden House.
"My siblings... My mother, my father... Everyone..."
They smiled, brighter than their eyes. It was soft and kind and solemn and genuine and sad.
A million words spoke through that smile. A million messages, a million apologies, a million grateful thank yous. Directed to their family, their parents, their siblings.
A million farewells. Directed to everyone.
Directed to the traveller. To Childe.
"Give them one last goodbye for me, will you? A hug, for everyone. A kiss on the cheek, for mum and dad."
A smile, solemn and bright. But never remorseful, never faux.
"Tell Teucer I'm sorry."
Falling to their side, they collapsed on the ground with a thud, and the Golden House was deathly quiet.
Childe stared at the screen. Eyes wide, mouth agape. If you looked close enough, you could see his shaking form as the cutscene ended.
Another quest popped up.
'Bid Y/n L/n a final goodbye.'
And he wailed in his seat.
Tears streamed down his cheeks, and he made it seem more dramatic to make people assume he wasn't really badly affected by their death.
"I— what— NO! My skrunkly! My little meow meow!"
He moved his character to stand in front of Y/n, an interact button popping up.
'Bid your farewells.'
He did so, seeing his character change to the traveller, who kneeled down beside Y/n. Paimon floated down to the ground, placing a hand on their head.
"...We promise you, Y/n. Your family will be alright."
Taking a flower, a Cecilia from Mondstadt, the traveller gingerly placed it atop their head.
"...We'll be going now, Y/n." He said, and stood up.
Childe had been quiet the whole time, and he could see his chat going wild on the corner of his eyes, all screaming 'NO' or 'o7' or anything alike.
"What the fuck!?" He exclaimed, not touching the game. Rolling his chair backwards a bit, he turned his head to chat, hands intertwined in front of his face, covering his mouth.
He wiped his teary eyes and wet cheeks, trying to find his voice.
"That was too early! I thought I could ignore the death flags until further!!" He exclaimed, staring directly at his face cam. Running a hand through his hair, he dramatically slouched on his chair, groaning loudly.
"Nooo! I would have protected them!"
Suddenly springing up from his seat, he wailed even louder.
"THEIR FAMILY!! THEY'RE GOING TO BE FUCKING DEVASTATED! And— and— their siblings! TEUCER!" He exclaimed.
"I'm sueing Mihoyo Hoyoverse what the fuck."
@Tartaglia Tweeted!
@ScaryMouche Tweeted!
@Tartaglia do u know how loud u are wailing up there??
@Tartaglia Tweeted!
@ScaryMouche Tweeted!
@ScaryMouche Tweeted!
Honestly if u didnt pay most of the rent Dottore probably would have kicked u out before you lasted an hour in this house
@Tartaglia Tweeted!
Guys who wants to come with me lets make a personal shrine for Y/n in our backyard
@IlDottore Tweeted!
@Tartaglia Do that and I will burn you and the shrine.
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gremlin-elrics · 3 years
Post 9 of your fave characters and let people guess your type!
og post here.
tagged by: @solborealis and @lordbib and @immagoudaboi and probably 83828282 other ppl too (sorry, i rarely realize i’ve been tagged in things ahhh)
while making the pics i realized how many blonde bitches i stan 😳😳 is that my type?
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 ⬆️ Hange Zoe - Attack on Titan
hange my beloved ❤️🥰😍 lemme kiss. (im containing myself, or else i will literally go off abt hange with paragraphs on end yo)
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⬆️ Yamaguchi Tadashi - Haikyuu
my tall anxious son. he is so good. 🥺 ur freckles are perfect my boy! mwah! keep servin em jump floaters baybee!❤️🥰
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⬆️ Mob - Mob Pyscho 100
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⬆️ Toph Beifong - Avatar: The Last Airbender
my most favourite badass bitch in the earth kingdom. lov this bb girl ❤️ she could rip my throat out with her pinky 🥰❤️❤️
now for my small blonde army…
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⬆️ Alphonse Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)/Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
BABY!! BABY BOY!! MUST PROTECT!! (hes mean™️ but only to his gremlin older brother) MY LITERAL SON!! PLEASE GIVE HIM LOVE AND HUGS AND CATS!! HE DESERVES IT!! also dont piss him off or 💀
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⬆️ Zenitsu Agatsuma - Demon Slayer
ALSO SOFT BOY WHOMST I MUST PROTECT! loud and annoying and whiny only useful when hes asleep?? MAYBE SO! jdjsksk but i LOVE him he’s hilarious and hard working and literally dont talk to me if u hate him.
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⬆️ Kurapika - Hunter X Hunter
ahh… *sighh* yet another blonde twink whose life has spiralled out of control and he is SO far gone. get this boy some therapy yall. i love him.
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⬆️ Kise Ryouta - Kuroko no Basket
and last but not east...
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⬆️ Yato & Yukine - Noragami (I am putting them both down idc. also i spent TIME on that edit gosh darnit)
trash god dad yato and his moody rebellious spirit son (but hes a good boi. hes just a TEEN™️… forever). yet another blonde to add to add my army too. classic. also @ everyone who sees this ur legally required to watch noragami now.
sorry if youve already been tagged in this but lol im gonna tag @smallblip @free-pancakes @faerielleart @fanmoose12 @gracetoldmeto @froglatte @lilnazx @dontatmethanks @mello-jello
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Okay wait what do you think the slashers would be like at college?
AHAH allright uh....... ive not been to the traditional kinda college personally, I've been and am currenly in a vocational college, so I'm not totally sure how accurate I can be w this but!!  ; v ; honestly????? Student life slasher au hcs???????? Lets go?????? Here's the ones I could think of currently, feel free to ask abt others /send me opinions abt yalls own >:0
Brahms Heelshire
Literature major. English lit? Dunno if they get seperated, I feel like I've heard that in a sentence somewhere!!
Doesn't really have a clear aim for what he wants to do after gratuation. Like, doesn't really care all that much.
However, he is actually really passionate about school and studying. Student life fits him well. He loves learning, etc, and likes to get good grades.
The routine works well for him too. At least, partly. He's a bit bad at taking care of himself, because he just puts a bit too much focus into studying instead of cleaning, showering, eating well, etc.
He really is just a massive tall guy who appears at classes wearing half pajamas and kinda smelling musky but not bad. He never speaks during class but he really, REALLY looks like he wants to "well, actually-"
Gets flustered easily by his thoughts/opinions being challenged. Not good at debating his thoughts w other people, feels personally attacked, and wants to always be swooned over.
Doesn't really talk to people. Stares, however. Like, a lot. At boys n gals.
He has like a p nice apt, payed for by his parents, nat. Its messy. Not too bad, but a lot of pizza boxes. N som nasty mags n such. Kinda empty.
Bubba Sawyer
What if..... the Sawyer family decided to farm instead of murder? Hmm....
Agriculture in vocational college mayhaps??? Economics, mechanization, kinda the technical stuff at first- but he gets interested in the sustainability, politics, etc the further he gets!
A bit of a chaotic student. Tries REALLY hard and is very passionate and spends a lot of time on schoolwork, extra reading etc. But he struggles w organizing papers, files, looses a lot of his notes and pens, etc.
He's always helpful, and like, eeeveryone likes him bc he's just so nice??? Bumbling lad but if u need a pen he will borrow u one, if u need help w schoolwork u should ask Bubba, also just super fun to hang out w !!!
He's... hes big yeah and kinda noticable, he often kinda knees himself on things and rattles tables, drops things etc, so he might be a bit distracting to students who struggle w attention :(
Chop Top Sawyer
Nobody really gets his art. Its kinda grandiose, chaotic, colorful, kinda painful to look at, but he's so full of enthusiasm and joy and he's so nice to everyone that u can't help but to love him.
Always wearing clunky headphones and jamming to loud music that can be heard very strongly thru the headphones. But like, its all bops so nobody minds all that much?
Im guessing this is like BOBBY, not chop top, technically? Long hair Bobby in college with the weed bunts and rocking music.
Actually has like a lot to say thru art, the world just isnt ready for it yet.
Also does performance art.
Jason Voorhees
Forestry. Duh.
Good good student, good kid, solid person. A little shy and withdrawn, but, RELIABLE.
Generally interested in natural resources, sustainability, and very into wildlife studies. Is just there to stUDY HOW TO PROTECT NATURE.
Can kinda come off as scary, pretty often. Tall, muscular as hell (he works out rly often and hikes), has kinda lumberjack kinda look going on w durable pants, boots, flannels and tanktops. Looks like he could fuck shit up but if u spend just a little time w him u find out that he's just... so soft
Not like the most upbeat, gets kinda nervous in big people groups. Probs had some experience w bullying as a kid in school. The enviroment he's in now is much more mature, tho.
Also he's like 6"6 pure muscle people r not gonna mess w him anymore.
Also the reason why the dorm area around him is so fucking chill.
He has 2 knock like once on ur door and stare u down for 5 sec and if ur partying too loud and u WILL NOT BE PARTYING TOO LOUD ANYMORE.
People r scared of him but also love him
Imagine being his wimpy small roommate tho ; v ; who he's in love w and all n uhh... yeah....
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transmortifried · 2 years
tagged by @catgirl-kaiju for this ask game, who had better appreciate how hard it was to copy all these questions on mobile
What was your last…
• Beverage: last night's ice water with black cherry drops added that i took my pills with this morning
• Phone call: took a call for work, which is like 90% of what i do for a living
• Text message: i think it might have also been a work thing?
• Song you listened to: postmodern jukebox's cover of lovefool, which came up on a playlist i had on in the background and then i had to track it down
• Time you cried: a while ago. it's personal.
Have you ever…
• Dated someone twice: i'm only still in contact with one of my exes
• Kissed someone and regretted it: yeah
• Lost someone special: that's personal as well
• Been depressed: hon we're on the depression website, what do you think
• Been drunk and threw up: haha yeah, my 21st birthday, it was really bad. i STILL can't drink tequila
In the last year, have you…
• Made a new friend: i'd like to think so!
• Fallen out of love: nah
• Laughed until you cried: yeah of course i like to laugh. might've been the pride flag ohio flag incredibles post that did it last.
• Found out who your true friends are: pass
• Found out someone is talking about you: please, people are always talking about me. i'm hot as hell and unpredictably awkward, it keeps them guessing
• How many people on your fb list do you know in real life: who the hell still uses facebook
• List three of your favorite colors: red, charcoal grey, and stygian blue
What was your first…
• …surgery: unless getting teeth pulled counts, none
• …piercing: earrings, but that's boring. it went septum, then navel, then eyebrow
• …best friend: someone i went to elementary school with. we don't talk anymore but we've been through some shit together. we were roommates for a couple months too.
• …sport you joined: i was forced to play baseball as a child against my will and spent the whole time being as bad at it on purpose out of spite.
• …vacation: probably a trip up to the smoky mountains?
• …pair of trainers:
• i don't care enough about shoes to be able to answer this
Right now what are you…
• …eating: taco bell baybee! steak crunchwrap with chipotle sauce, grilled chicken 5-layer burrito, and a chalupa that i got for free
• …drinking: large baja blast no ice, see above
• …about to do: sit at work wondering if it's gonna rain again because if it does then i can leave
Your future
• Do you want kids: nope!
• Do you want to get married: maybe!
• Ideal career: independently wealthy and unemployed!
Which do you think is better…
• …lips or eyes: i'm gonna say lips because eye contact makes me uncomfortable
• …hugs or kisses: kisses
• …shorter or taller: *thinks about my two 6 foot girlfriends* no comment
• …older or younger: slightly older, and yet i keep being the slightly older one in my recent flirtations
• …romantic or spontaneous: this is a false dichotomy???? spontaneously romantic
• …nice stomach or nice arms: tough call, but i'm gonna say arms
• …sensitive or loud: LOUD. i love it when a woman feels like she can just talk atound me yknow?
• ...hook up or relationship: relationship. i'm literally no good at hookups
• …trouble-maker or hesitant: trouble-maker for sure!
Have you ever…
• …kissed a stranger: yup!
• …drank hard liquor: twice a week, yeah
• …lost glasses/contacts: not permanently
• …had sex on the first date? jeez i had to think about it but i have. would have preferred to finish the movie though.
• …broken someone’s heart: maybe? we didn't keep in touch.
• …been arrested: nah, but i've been given the Official Warning
• …turned someone down: yeah
• …cried when someone died: hey what the fuck
Do you believe in…
• …yourself:
• …miracles: yeah i mean there's pretty concrete proof of magnets existing
• …love at first sight: nah that's just thinking someone's hot. love is a process that takes time to develop
• …heaven: nah
• …Santa Claus: no i'm not five and for real i hate christmas, least favorite holiday by a decent margin
• …kiss on the first date: i can't imagine this being a big deal to anybody. literally cannot fathom it
• …angels: nope!
i am tagging...
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shinygoku · 3 years
feeling quite self-indulgent today, so am sniffing around to ask if you've had any further edward thoughts? now that you've had a whole extra month down the ttte rabbithole y'know ;)
The lovely lad himself! 💙🚂✨
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Always gonna take the chance to Admire this Hodges pic of him <3
As for my thoughts...
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...my thoughts haven't really deviated from last month! He's just such a swell, lovable guy!! Though I will say some'a my Takes have actually Intensified since last time so I'll jump in the deep end here and talk about what is probably the hottest and most controversial.
I don't see Edward as an Old Dude!
If anything, I do, in fact, see him as one of the Younger (adult) ones!
i.e. my gijinka of Thomas is hard to definitively age, but I was aiming for early 20's. Like, young enough that I still would look at him irl and be all "Son Boy" but old enough to plausibly have the jobs he would have as a human railway worker type of guy.
I still wanna draw how I'd see Edward ^^; but the notion of him being like, 16 years or so older than Thomas feels perfect somehow. So his design would reflect that assuming I could translate the ideas to lines well enough psshshh
I know Edward is based on an old 19th Century Design. But I'm sitting here in 2021 and if Thomas is an E2 then he's 106. Literal ages aren't a factor in this! Steam Engines are sadly a relic of the past, every single character is old and out of date irl.
"But CatCat," says someone who isn't you, Jobey, "The Railway series was first written in like the 40's and the relative ages made more sense back then, also the earliest stories were Set before they were written!"
Still not really holding water! The ages have consistently been tied to how they behave, how they feel. Sometimes they age across many books but for the most part they seem to be in a temporal stasis when Gordon will always Act older than Thomas in spite of being younger as the Proto-A1 compared to that mini E2. Percy is diagnosed with Baby but is older than all the main cast sans Edward himself! Age Shmage, the numbers these Locomotives care about are what's painted on their sides!
I can understand why some people want to lean into him as being the older, wiser, "ahh I've had a good time of it overall" mentor dude with silver hair and a big comfy armchair by the fireplace, from which he reads thick tomes and drinks tea with a saucer held beneath. And that's great! Everyone is free to have their own take and this is a good archetype that deserves some Love~ 💖
Contrarywise, I see certain people get ridiculously precious about it. "urgh whenever I see Edward looking in his 20's I die inside" type of comments only fill my emergency Spite Gauge, which can give me quite the burst of energy when my preferred interest fuel runs out!
But anyway, I've made up my mind on how I see Edward, and a lot of that is thanks to based Season 1 and how very Boyish he is in the early character building eps.
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This is the face of a young man with a quiet impish steak!!
But also, crucially, Edward can still be that mentor figure while not being a wizened Gandalf looking pocket watch in waistcoat wearing old geezer! He can still have several Sons when he's not even 20 years older than any of them!
He has both a Dad and Mentor's Energy, but not an Old Man's. The latter goes to, again Gordon and also Toby (when he's not actively stirring shit at Ffarquhar anyway lol).
What Edward says in canon, one single time, is that he's "Too old to pull a Royal Train". This isn't an indication that he's literally old, but that his make isn't sufficiently flashy and powerful for a visit that's given so much importance.
The other thing that comes up is like "People tell me I'm old fashioned, but I don't care!" ...which is self explanatory! He's told he's old fashioned, not old old! That he's told such because it's not something he himself really thinks about. And that he doesn't put any of his worth to this!
Finally, I guess I gotta debunk things like his creaking in stories like Cows and Old Iron, and Exploit. His basis is what's old about him, not his self. He's also a tremendously hard worker, but humans and engines alike do get worn out through a lot of exertion. He's lucky that whole body parts could be switched out as soon as funds and time are cleared! Ain't these stories set after WW2? So he'd have been On the entire time! Even the hottest new thing woulda been worn out halfway into All That! Exploit had him pull a train that was jam packed when he was originally built for speed over power, and the return journey stacks every element against him short of dropping a tornado on top, any of the engines woulda broke something in those conditions. The point of Exploit isn't that he was weak enough to break, but that he's strong enough to push through it.
...I think that's all the points I wanted to make...
THE TL;DR IS: He can still do the old person-y stuff! Still using a physical diary and reading yellow paged books and tinkering with old watches, listening to Bach and Mozart. He is old fashioned, he just don't let it stop him, baybee! He's a Dad and a wise, trusted, expericened mentor. And also a kindred spirit with Thomas who absolutely feels like a youthful cheeky lad.
And here, after I wrote all that out I tried to draw him again, and I finally got it close to my intentions! 😼✨
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titconao3 · 2 years
Tagging game
Thank you for tagging me, @salchat! i apologize in advance for answers that are going to be very, very vague ^_^ i am terrible at these things!
Fave colour: uuuuum. depends on the day, really; sometimes i’m in a ‘mismatched patterns in eye-searing shades’ kinda mood, sometimes it’s All Black Goth Mood. i have lamps in all sorts of colours too.
Last song: *blinks* um well, no idea; i don’t really listen to music.
Last show: i’ve been ever slower than usual at reading and watching new stuff; the last one i watched in its entirety (well, we’re waiting for S4 to be released) was i think the Gay Vampire Show and that was a while ago. i’m also listening to a lot of podcasts, especially news ones, at the moment (no recs because several are not in English).
Currently watching: Killing Eve S3, and i’m starting the Gay Pirate Show that’s taken over my dash. Gotta keep up with the times ;-)
Currently reading: fics, and the news.
Sweet, spicy, savoury: not sweet, otherwise i’m good :-) although sweet and sour is okay! Uh, if it’s about fannish stuff and not food, i’m not super into PWPs, but it’s not a hard no either.
Coffee or tea: both yes both. These days it’s coffee, lots, in the morning, and herbal tea, lots, in the evening.
Three ships: ONLY THREE? uuum nope sorry i can’t choose :D
First ever ship: probably Jim Kirk / Spock, from the original series. i’m old skool Trek all the way, baybee!
Currently working on: i won’t talk of any ficcery happening (or not happening) because i don’t want to jinx anything, BUT i’m organizing the @frattweek minibang at the moment :D
Fave piece of clothing: well, something comfy and warm in the winter, and something light and flowy (and comfy) in the summer ;-)
Comfort food: oh my, hard to say. i like... fresh bread? vegetable soup? pasta? sushi? curries? i like cheeses too... and rhubarb? omg idk! there’s nothing i specifically think of as ‘comfort food’ to be honest, just food i like.
Fave time of year: hm, let’s see: sneeze season, too hot season, too much work season, bloody holidays with fake merriment season... early autumn, when it’s still sunny and warm but not TOO warm and what’s ahead is fun pumpkin-and-skeletons-themed shop windows, i guess? though late sneeze season usually means more free time to travel, go to museums, & the like. But i Do Not Like the (sigh) holiday season.
Fave fanfiction: i really couldn’t say; that would depend on what fandom, ship (or gen), genre... i’m feeling like at a specific moment.
You’re tagged! Yes, YOU ;-)
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verdandasrsblog · 3 years
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So this week I got Annoyed™ at Kara-Meir and Garlandia’s designs (Partially due to @enkoro-rs suggesting I do Kara-Meir, after which I fell down a rabbit hole). Like with the Laniakea overhaul I’m going to put my reasoning/inspo under the cut for anyone that’s interested
Honestly, where do I even start with Kara-Meir? I guess I’ll just go top-down, 
1) Hair - Based on the novel covers it seems like she was supposed to be blonde originally, and just have an absolute shit ton of hair. Since the flow of the in-game design’s braids didn’t make no goddamn sense, I found some ACTUAL braided bun hairstyles and combowombo’d them into one mega hairstyle.  The pins in the buns with the danglies are really just to be fancy, but I also wanted to incorporate the bits hanging off her belt in her in-game model’s concept art. 
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pictured: whatever the fuck these are supposed to be
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2) Skin/Face/Eyes - So originally I actually colour dropper her skin from the concept art and then realized she was maybe a bit tanner than the concept, but you know what? Fuck it. I tried to keep her face shape from the concept since the cover art of her is just kinda “Generic white lady” but honestly she got a bit pointier than that in the end. I’m also not sure what her canon eye colour is supposed to be; Zooming in on the ref just gave me brown, which is what I ended up using, but if that’s not correct and anyone has the novels let me know. 
3) Clothing - So I restrained her cape to something someone could maybe fight in, but my main concern was her armor - She’s supposed to be a knight but what’s up with the bikini boob breast plate? She’s portrayed as wearing both chain and full plate in the cover art and is clearly a melee fighter, so changing her to plate armor seemed obvious. Since she can wield Sunspear (t75) it makes sense to me that her Def would be somewhere in the 70s to match, which with the rework means necronium. 
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So like, obviously Necronium is a particular aesthetic that didn’t seem quite right for her. Looking at her lore, she has a wolf theme in her backstory and since she's also supposed to have some smithing ability (she was raised by dwarves) I thought it'd make sense that she might make her own. She’s also been to Morytania in the books, meaning she could have access to Phasmatite (Her access to the Necrite is a bit more iffy but she is hanging out on Tuska after that event so she has at least some experience with the desert).  I had tried out the red glow initially but it looked like shite and didn’t really fit her anyway, so I think the gold is a better compromise both character-wise and aesthetically. 
4) Sunspear - So she canonically has a sunspear, and I ended up using the current in-game design for it since her concept art one just seemed... unstable 
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I get that it’s reforged or whatever but it looks like it’s gonna shatter on impact with anything
Truthfully, though? You know what she should have? One of THESE bad boys:
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AKA just a Grecian-style spear head. It’d also be more believable that she thinks it’s a dagger if it looks like this. I still think the in-game sunspear is a bit more ~dramatic~ but it should just be a spear tip quite frankly 
Okay, onto Garlandia: 
1) Hair/Face/Skin/Eyes - I’m grouping the hair in here since I honestly just left it as the in-game version (At least from what I can see from her chat head, I can’t remember if there’s some BS going on on her back or not).  Ancient Greek women did tend to braid their hair so that’s accurate-ish, I guess. For her skin though, she mentions in dialogue that “Her skin shed its colour”, but her model isn’t any paler than the other icyene in game. Accordingly, I made her significantly paler, and gave her a bit of frost bite damage on her extremities from the winter she had to endure after her wings were ripped off (I considered making it darker but there’s a point where they just need to be amputated since it won’t heal, so I went with something less intense to show that it’s healed since). For her eye colour, I zoomed in on her chat head but it wasn’t quite clear - 2/4 icyene in-game have blue eyes, but I went with gold to match the rest of her pallet. 
2) Clothes - This is a big one since I spent a lot of time staring at Greek art trying to figure out what a Greek-inspired character would wear when they never want to be cold ever again (It would make sense for her due to the trauma). Additionally, her skin is kinda fucked, and having it be uncovered would probably just lead to sunburn which is the last thing she needs. The shape of the middle woman’s chiton below inspired the hem of her dress, since I wanted to give her a very flowing, fashionable look:
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She was supposed to have been a noble so like, fuckin’ Fashion, Baybee
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I also turned her weird metal underpants into a girdle, since a waist band of some form or another isn’t uncommon in the images we have of ancient Greek attire: 
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Garlandia, why did you have metal panties? 
Since she’s a bard (I THINK?) I also strapped on some extra storage for sheet music. Her jewelry was inspired by the following pieces, though TBH she could probably be decked out more, I just wanted to leave her hands mostly free for that good good harp playin’ 
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3) Shoes - These get their own section because I did way too much research for it not to. Basically, most Greeks straight up didn’t wear shoes, never mind socks. Also, in her model, is it just me or do her shoes look uncomfortable as fuck??
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Yikes girl are those cutting into your thighs?
Anyways, with her feet/toes being fucked up from frostbite, I wasn’t going to NOT give her shoes/socks, which meant I started looking at roman artifacts instead:
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I found mention of romans wrapping their feet in fabric when it got cold, but the only “sock” I could find was from a roman fort in Britain:
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So, like, needless to say after all that and also getting suckered into reading about the nuances of gladiatorial combat for like an hour I ended up going for something more modern:
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So anyways they’re 0% accurate from what I could find but I like the vibe 
4) Himation - So remember what I was saying about how Garlandia would probably hate being cold? Check out these bad boys: 
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Basically the ancient Grecian version of the Blanket Cape, and also used as outerwear in the winter! It seems like the winter ones would have been made from wool, I’d imagine she’d wear it most places except maybe the desert or Karamja since those are warm enough on their own. 
Anyways thanks for coming to my fucking runescape character redesign dissertation, next on the chopping block? Who knows. Maybe Zuzu (I heard her voice acting recently since I never play with sound and YIKES YIKES YIKES YIKES I HAD NO IDEA OH GOD)
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