#guess I'm not going to that coffee shop anymore
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fourdiagnosesinatrenchcoat · 11 months ago
I just unfollowed a local coffee shop on Instagram because they had an entire post about how bad sugar is. How it will give you cavities and bad skin and diabetes and obesity and cancer and and and.
I had a doctor once try to get me to quit coffee because in his view caffeine is the evil molecule.
I'm so tired of people who don't understand in the 21st century that health is not something you can just ensure by doing this One Weird Trick (or who do understand and try to capitalize off people who don't).
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knightyoomyoui · 11 months ago
[SMUT] TWICE Tzuyu x Male Reader - "First Time"
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Here's a Tzuyu smut for 2024, which is the first and one of my two remaining smut fics left before I offically end my TWICE smut anthology series. I guess I can't give that much hint already for what's gonna be the final one, since I feel that you guys know already if I say that it would be my toughest challenge so far on both writing one-shot fanfic and a smut genre respectively. Just noticed that simply my main agenda right now after returning for my hiatus is to finish everything I've left behind that are this close from being complete, and it all starts here. Enjoy reading, you horndogs lol. WARNING: mature content, contains smut, +18 WORD COUNT: 5800+ TAGS: friends with benefits, vanilla sex, masturbation, oral sex, thigh fuck, blowjob, pussy licking, ass eating, fluff, doggystyle, anal, body worship
Here's my Ko-fi account where you can drop your donations or ask for a commission. You can check it out on my Tumblr profile too!  Buy knightyoomyoui a Coffee. ko-fi.com/knightyoomyoui - Ko-fi ❤️ Where creators get support from fans through donations, memberships, shop sales and more! The original 'Buy Me a Coffee' Page.
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You are heavily concentrated on the project that you are currently working on your desktop. It was already 11PM and you haven't had any dinner yet since you're the type of person who wants to finish a work when so invested in just one sitting.
Stretching your back on your swivel chair for a second after you switched to another template in your editing application, you heard your doorbell rang from outside. It surprised you because it's unlikely to have visitors at this rate of time.
Eyeing the heavy long metal beside your door, you carefully made your walk through the door and braced yourself to open it. Gripping the doorknob tight, you slowly turn it. Before you were about to swung it open, a familiar voice spoke from the outside, even surprising you more.
"Y-YN a-are you still there?"
She might have probably seen the lights from your windows still open, and essentially confirming if you are still awake inside or not anymore as she knows that you can sleep on either the lights are off or on, and she's aware also of what time is it already for her to do this.
Any threat or risks that you felt was completely swooped away when you heard her voice. Opening the door wide, there you saw your bestfriend Tzuyu standing in front of you.
As she raises her head, your eyes caught a glimpse of her own... and it doesn't share the same good condition. Her looks baggy, reddish, and... watery.
"Tzuyu, what brings you here?" You asked her curiously. "A-and... did you cried?"
Tzuyu nodded and in a swift moment, she slowly comes up to you and hugged you. You were dumbstrucked at her actions and what happened to her that made her be like this, but what matters first is that this poor lady in your arms definitely needs some comfort.
Raising your arm, you gently patted and rubbed her back as you let her pour all her tears on your shoulder. "Just let it out, Tzuyu. I  don't know what is going on, but I'm here for you okay?"
That's the reason why Tzuyu primarily chose to come right at you whenever she needs help. You were just there all the time for her, and it's so rare for people to make an alloted time for their special someone to accompany them whenever they need to.
"Let's go inside, it's already late." You invited her in to the house. She quickly followed and remove her grasp at you as you paved the way for her to enter.
She stepped inside, and you closed the door. "Let's go there." You pointed at the couch next to your workplace.
Tzuyu silently followed your command before she finally spoke as she got to sit comfortably. "Thanks for this, YN." Her voice was shaky and rough.
"What happened, Tzuyu? Is something wrong going on?" You asked her as you poured some hot glass of milk and cookies for her. "I know you always come by for my help but I didn't expect you to be here in the middle of the night."
"I-it's my parents." She wiped her tears off and clasped her hands together, laying them down on her lap. "They're having another huge miscommunication again. It's been like that for almost a week already, and I can't stand it anymore seeing them like that. I had enough, that's why I decided to run away and come seek for a place to stay in... through you."
You understood her purpose of appearing here immediately. "And you're free to stay here whenever you want, I'll do everything for my friend." Tzuyu smiled at that, but almost sincere as she felt slightly different at that statement. "What was your parents arguing about, if I may ask?"
"It's about my dad going out frequently these days looking for some cash to borrow from. I think he's been into loaning for sometime, much less to our knowledge. He got fired from work when the company he was working in decided not to accept everyone who has a health condition due to safety regulations, and he got both detected that he has acute diabetes and is already middle aged." Tzuyu began to explain.
"My mom was a stylist at a salon but her salary wasn't enough now for just us to sustain because we need it now too for my dad's treatment. Then, just now, they got into an argument when my mom learns that my dad was secretly making loan from most people these days without her permission. You know how loan sharks can be dangerous, right? But my dad just defended that he just want to do something for us to still gain money and he doesn't want to stay at home doing nothing for her family."
Tzuyu started to tear up once again, from the mixed emotions she's having from both of her parent's side in their tough situation. You once again assisted her by giving her a clean cloth to wipe her tears away. "Now I get it. I do understand your father's point though. It's hard for a parent to just find their selves doing nothing when they know the hard time their family must've been going through.
It's their responsibility to take care and provide their daily needs, and not doing that so will ick them uncomfortably. Even if doing loans was also quite not a good idea, atleast you can see how your father loves you and your mom. Your mom was just angry at your fad because she doesn't want him to get in danger once he couldn't be able to pay all his dues in no time."
Tzuyu nodded at you, pinpointing all the comments you have to say regarding her concern, as it makes sense anyway. "I was starting to consider to help them by looking for some job to do to earn money for them, but I'm not that decided yet plus... I don't really feel it yet to engage at work while I'm still studying you know."
"Ahh, the fear that you might be unable to do both of them simulteanously, huh. You don't want to fail your grades, isn't it?"
"Yeah." You were right. You know Tzuyu to be actually a smart girl based from the earlier times when you first met her and your experience of her being your classmate. She has a lot of potential, but what you like about her is that she's careful on using those and avoid the possibility of wasting it on the wrong time.
"You know what, save it for tomorrow. You should go to rest, you look unsettled at the moment. It's already midnight." You mentioned as you looked once again in her droopy eyes and gloomy demeanor. "We can talk about this again for tomorrow."
"T-thank you again, YN." You nodded for her gratitude. "Stay here, okay? You want to watch TV?" She agreed. You opened it for her. "Entertain yourself there with your milk and cookies, I'll be just finish my task here."
She obliged, and she lets you do your thing there on the desktop. Minutes have passed, and with all those glances Tzuyu has been giving on your busy self, she began to get curious at what actually you are doing.
She stood from her seat and approaches you. Peeking at the monitor of your computer, you were shocked when she ducked next to your side, her pretty face almost inches away from you.
Your fingers nervously types from the keyboard and moves the mouse as you just let her observe what you are doing. "What's for the edit?"
"Commission." You simply answered. "Client requested to create a presentation for her upcoming thesis research. She has no other time left because she spent too much researching and revising her topic. Good thing she already has parts prepared for me to input for each slides."
Tzuyu hummed. She continues to watch you do your work while also admiring the fact that you are doing a sideline also apart from your current education. "So you are part-timing too?"
"Freelancing to be exact. I'm the one who looks for clients and offer service. Mostly editing, as you can see."
You started to sense the purpose pf her inquiry. "You know Tzuyu, my only advice about what you're planning is that you are doing right. Don't rush about it. If you don't feel the passion of it then don't head straight. It's hard to do something that you didn't even feel doing in the first place."
Tzuyu keeps that in mind. "Can I put up some suggestions?"
"Sure do. Would love to hear it from you."
She then began to point out some more details she can imagine in her head and you judged it with her by trying it on your work. It almost took half an hour before you finally finish it, saving you some more time of impring your butt too much on the chair for sitting too long and tiring yourself up.
Fortunately, Tzuyu helped you to wrap up early. "Oh wow, I didn't know you were so good at designing. Tzuyu, I swear I see some potential in you."
Tzuyu blushed and became embarassed. "Damn it, YN. Stop fluttering me." You chuckled and awwed at her cuteness. "But thank you."
"You should consider freelancing too, maybe you can attract a client that pays a lot but I hope you can endure the huge assignment."
"I'll take note of it." She nodded. You noticed that she already emptied her milk and cookies. "Cmon, let's get you to your room for tonight."
Tzuyu followed you and both ended up in a bedroom that is cozy and suitable enough for a single person to be used. "You can sleep on the bed, I'll be here on my extra cushion here."
She gasped and became shy at your gentleman act. "B-but, YN... this is y-your room. I'm fine-"
"No buts, no ifs. You are a woman who should be treated with respect. Now please, you can take mine for the night."
You were about to set up the cushion on the floor but Tzuyu tugged your arm. "Yes?"
"C-can you just stay with me on the bed?"
You became speechless at her request. The fact that you are about to sleep with Tzuyu close to you has effectively boosted the blood cursing through your body, creating goosebumps on your skin. You became red and flustered about it.
"W-what? Why?"
"I- I can't sleep without hugging something." Tzuyu pouted.
"I have an extra pillow though."
"I need something big that fits me to cuddle." Her voice became even more softer. You sweared that your heart is about to melt. "I have a life-sized bear that my mom bought for me since I was a kid on my home but I don't want to go back there for now. So... c-can you be my cuddle bear for now, if you might?"
You sighed heavily at how Tzuyu looks so pure and beautiful pleading at you with her puppy eyes and that mellow visuals. This is what's pulling you back: it's your freaking crush and the idea of sleeping with her on the same space, same bed is what's unraveling your lack of composure.
But you don't want your friend to be sad and disappointed because of your stubborness. "Alright, fine. You can hug me in your sleep."
"Yay! Thank you, YN!"
Both of you laid down on the bed you turned around with Tzuyu facing your back, as you can't endure much longer seeing her face too long, although it would be a delight to have such this wonderful sight before you sleep and to wake up in the morning.
She wraps her arms at your waist and hugged you tightly. You blushed when you felt her soft breasts squished on your upper back, sending your heart to race. She buries her face at the crook of your neck before sending a chilling whisper close to your ear.
"Goodnight, YN."
"G-goodnight, Tzu..." You breathily replied before you and her doze off to slumber.
The next morning, Tzuyu woke up first than you. Her eyes slowly opened, regaining her sight, and the first thing she saw was your side-profile. You were now laying flat on your back beside her.
She indulges the pleasant view of your peaceful state, smiling on her own happiness to have such an amazing friend and an irresistable crush like you. Although her frown began to shape from her lips when she remembered the reality that she is still uncertain if you do feel the same for her.
Intaking this moment of you and her in one bed, nothing around but a room filled of silence and being struck by the bright sunlight of the morning. She looked at your bodies laying together until her eyebrows furrow when she spotted something strange under you.
Tzuyu saw a hump-shaped formed onto the blanket that is covering your lower blanket. She was curious to see what it is as she noticed how it almost seemed like it's moving.
Taking off the blanket around you, it had her thinking twice if what she just did is not right at all.
But that doesn't mean she didn't like it at all.
Tzuyu was staring at the source of that hump, and that is coming from your short that is having a tent marked on your crotch.
Unlike from the blanket, what she's looking at was even more obvious at what shape it is. It was long, large and diagonally laying down, measuring it as it reaches down to the upper part of your thigh.
Tzuyu was blushing hard as she realized that she just witnessed you having the most common thing for boys: a morningwood. You have no idea at all that you have a woman beside you who is clearly seeing how hard you can get with whatever reason it may be.
She became so curious, almost deciding if she'll take a touch of it to found out what it feels. Her hands raised up and fidgeting to go forward onto your crotch.
That is, until she got interrupted when she shrieked a little as she saw you moved, and your new position got her swallowing her threat and nervousness crawling inside.
You are now laying sideways, with your front figure now facing her. Tzuyu can feel your morningwood pressing against her bare thighs, and she swear that it's driving her hormones crazy when her skin can feel the warmth of your covered erected cock laying down on her touch.
"He feels so big, oh my goodness." Tzuyu whispered. She even teased it by gently bouncing your cock on her thigh by moving it up and down slowly. Her thighs start to rub with each other as she is beginning to become horny.
"N-no... control yourself, Tzu. You don't want to end up harassing your friend while sleeping. This isn't right." Tzuyu quickly shook her head before carefully removing herself away from your side, standing up from the bed.
As she is now on her feet, she glanced downwards and noticed a wet spot on her shorts. She was shocked to see that she got easily wet thinking about your elongated cock earlier. It had her panicked and rushed quickly at the bathroom to aid this.
Minutes later, you woke up after still in your morning wood, not having any clue that Tzuyu seen that beast earlier. You tried to fixed it by repositioning it on your boxers and hid it under the hem of your shirt.
You exit the bedroom and saw Tzuyu preparing your breakfast on the table. "Wow, Tzuyu I wasn't expecting that you'll be the one to cook." You chuckled as you saw the mouthwatering scrambled eggs and fried rice with the plates.
"Well, I don't want to do nothing while staying here you know. I want to remain productive too." Tzuyu smiled. Her eyes glided down to your shorts and remembering what she just saw almost distracted the stability of her mind. "G-good morn-ning, YN.", she awkwardly greeted you.
"Good morning too, Tzu. Let's eat?"
The two of you began to eat and start some random topics to talk during your breakfast. After both were finished, you volunteered to do some dishes while Tzuyu asks permission to take a shower in which you granted and willingly let her borrow your spare clothes for the meantime.
While you on your way back to the kitchen to grab a new clean rug from your storage area, you heard something that catched your attention from the bathroom door. Your hearing is very sharp and sensitive that's why you can immediately catch on the sounds around you.
And this one is a bit surprising and... enticing. You pressed your ear closer at the door and there you heard loud and clear the sound of someone moaning inside. It definitely is coming from Tzuyu and judging from the noise she's creating, you probably guessed that she must be doing something to satisfy her needs: and you cannot believe it that you have your girl bestfriend masturbating in the bathroom of your own freaking house.
You quickly rushed away out of the door when you noticed that the noise stopped. As you returned to the kitchen, you gently massaged your cock getting hard from that sultry noise.
Is s-she... Fuck, I'm getting turned on with my friend masturbating. Goddamn, control it YN. You don't want her to caught you acting lewd." You hissed yourself before continuing with your dishes.
Tzuyu emerged from the bathroom, just as time you finished washing dishes. You sheepishly avoided her by quickly grabbing your towel and take your turn next at the bathroom to shower.
 As you stepped inside after closing the door to see Tzuyu sitting on the couch and looking at her phone, you looked around your bathroom and had you imagined Tzuyu doing her own business earlier in this exact spot.
It made you rush quickly on taking a bath while fighting with the urge to masturbate by squeezing and massaging your cock and balls with soap, basically edging yourself away from doing so.
It was then you finished, you realized that you forgot to bring your clothes with you at your rush. "I have to be quick."
You opened the door and was about to dash outside when it shocked you that Tzuyu was walking at the same direction as you, emerging out from the kitchen, resulting in her to collide at your naked body. Her feet accidentally pulled your towel after she slumped backwards to control her balance, causing your towel to unveil your lower part.
Both became speechless and flustered as you realized that your largened cock has now exposed to Tzuyu's innocent eyes. You tried to cover it with your hands despite it's massive size. "O-OH SHIT,  TZUYU DON'T LOOK!"
You exclaimed to her but instead she remained staring, gawking at it's size. "Oh my god please turn around, i'll take back my towel. I'm so s-"
"You don't have to, I've seen it already."
Your face crumpled in confusion at what Tzuyu said. "I-I've seen your thing a while ago after I woke up and I noticed that it's... h-hard. It's bulging on your boxers that I was concerned it might break it by itself."
"And I-I felt bad about it, I- I almost want to help it..." Tzuyu slowly steps forwards, removes your hands from blocking it and returns her sight at your cock now pointing at her, she inspects how it throbs everytime her eyes stare longer at it. "T-Tzuyu wait..."
"Does it give you difficulty right now, YN? I-I'm willing to help you, if you d-don't mind." Tzuyu looked at you with her mischievous soft demeanor. You gasped at her offer.
"But Tzuyu, are you sure about that? This is so embarassing but..."
"I don't have a problem w-with it, it's just that... oh God I can't form my words coming out of my mouth well!"
"Don't stress yourself, you said it already." Tzuyu shushed you as she patted your chest. She leaned at your face and landed a surprise kiss on you, making your eyes widen and jaw drop more at her action. "For now, just let me repay you in return for helping me by doing t-the same for you~"
She slowly lowered herself down to her knees, now kneeling in front of you. Her eyes and now leveled equally with your cock facing at her. She bit her lips and viewed at it with mesmerizing gazes. "I've only seeing these from the internet, and I was so right that to see this in personal is a much better deal to admire. I might get addicted with this."
Her hands surrounded the thickness of your cock. She slowly pulls it and bends it upwards, tightening her grip before she starts pumping it in a dangerously slow pace. She heard your deep sigh and looked upwards to see your face floating in cloud nine.
"Does it feel good, YN?"
"Y-yeah, it does. God, it's so much better than using my own hand."
Tzuyu smiled at that compliment. She started to stroke you even more, her fist kept that grip before her other available hand started to come to play too, targeting your testicles.
Your hanging huge balls got fondled with care. "It feels so full and heavy, YN." She pointed out. "Are you even doing it?"
"Y-yeah..." you said as you started to hold her hair and rub it gently.
"How often?"
"J-just... two times in a week, sometimes months." Your breath became raggy as she began increasing the speed of her fists jacking off your thick meat. "Oh god, Tzu..."
"Are you ready, YN?"
"For what?"
She didn't had to reply verbally, but instead gave you the answer orally by circling your mushroom head leaking pre-cum already with her tongue.
"S-shit! I'm sensitive t-there, oh!" You gasped loud as Tzuyu continues to do foreplay on your helpless cock, licking the entire length and juggling each of your balls with her puckered mouth.
After feeling satisfied, she now puts your entire meat inside her mouth and starts bobbing her head off. She fucked herself with an increasing force until her nose is now touching your groin.
Tzuyu pointed at her head and hair to signal you something in which you understood right away. You gripped it and started doing the favor on your own by fucking her mouth with your own choosing of speed.
Your desire on having such lustful act with Tzuyu is making you overwhelm, urging you to participate further in this with her. With the tightening of your groin, you mercilessly pounded her face to race through the end.
"I'm cumming, Tzuyu. Where do you want me in?"
Tzuyu just pointed at her throat. Few pumps and that's all it took for you to blast off your warm seed, filling up her mouth with your load that was saved up for months of your inactivity to ejaculate.
She slowly lets go of your cock with a loud pop before cleaning her lips with the remaining traces of cum left. "We can do it right here, but my pussy is unavailable for now. I-I don't want to get pregnant y-yet..."
"It's fine, Tzuyu. I respect that." You got her point. She must be fearing that she might cause additional stress for her parents in the middle of their financial crisis just to assist her on supporting her pregnancy and the child's needs once she gave birth to it.
You took a mental note that now you're having sex with her, a necessary caution would be required first to perform to ensure the safety.
"But that doesn't mean we can't pleasure ourselves anymore without that. You can still use my body... wear condoms, but only for this another hole I got behind me." She said as she stood up and turned her back on you, making her posture upright as she presents you her ass and rubbing it on your cock.
You had enough of her teasing, you lifted her shirt up and pulled her through her torso. Your hands climbed up to her bra-covered boobs. They are average sized at it's finest, perfect enough to fit in your palm.
You unclasped her bra and removed it around her, now playing on her naked tits while you devoured her neck with supple kisses. She purred and yelped at the sensation she's getting from you pleasing her.
Your fingers pinched and twirling her nipples before you turned her around and made her kiss you. You carried her body and brought her on the couch while she is wrapped around you.
You sat on the couch with her on your lap. Letting go of her lips, you then head on to her breasts by give the attention it deserves, sucking and licking the light-brown delectable areolas and nipples that she have while massaging each it to intensify the pleasure.
Tzuyu was just moaning at your active mouth running around her sensitive area. Your hands then moved around her ass as you kneaded her cheeks from her short before you hooked on the waistband and removed it from her legs.
Her now exposed underwear is the only garment she has left. She crawled on the bed and went all fours. You switched behind her and kneeled, facing her alluring ass as you removed her underwear and took a sniff on it.
Her asshole and the outline of her restricted pussy is now visible to your hungry eyes. Without no more hesitation, you rubbed yourself around her cheeks, making her gasp at the air that you blew from your nose and mouth having in contact with her private areas, tickling her into goosebumps.
You start licking her pussy, wiggling her outer walls before you spreaded it with your fingers then inserted it inside, making Tzuyu scream in surprise. Your mouth then worked next on her hole and sucked on each of her cheeks to grab a taste of her cake.
"Mmmhhmmphhh yeah you're so good at this, YN oh fuck~" she said while grinding her ass across your face and feel your fingers pumping back and forth in her pussy. She started to shiver when you quickened your movement, leaving her in a screaming, groaning mess.
"Ughhh yes fuck fuck fuck YN i'm so close, keep that fingers deep within me~" Tzuyu purred as she gripped tight at the back of the couch, enduring the huge pleasure being provided to her by her dear bestfriend.
"I'm cumming, i'm cumming on your face YN!" Tzuyu yelled before she squirted her love nectar straight to your awaiting face and mouth, tasting and slurping her juices as you slowly rode her orgasm out with slow fingering.
You didn't let Tzuyu to recover some more time as you stood up and jerked your cock at the gaps of her ass. "Are you ready, Tzu?"
"Yes, please. I can take it. I want it to be you, YN. You're the only one I trust."
"I'm glad so, Tzuyu. Tell me if I need to stop okay?"
She nodded. You directed your tip to her entrance and slowly entered. You heard Tzuyu groaned as each inch are now pressing her hole.
"A-ah wait, YN let me adjust." Tzuyu hissed and fixed her position in all fours. "Alright, continue."
You gently pushed deeper and now your cock is inside her ass. You started to move, and you gasped at how tight her ass feels around you, feeling the way she clench when your crotch bumps at her ass.
Sensing that this makes it even feel much better fucking her, you started clapping her ass as you feel like it. Tzuyu just continues to blabber random words of praises and constant moans while your speed changes from rough to vanilla.
Her sultry, sexy voice has reduced to a hum when she felt another splash of wamrth inside of her, but this time in her hole as you shoot another load of cum on her ass with regards to safety of commiting sex with her.
As you pulled out, you saw some few overflow out of her asshole. You gritted your teeth in guilt. "I-i'm sorry, I think I may have done it too much."
Tzuyu giggled and sighed at your considerate behavior. "Don't feel too bad about it, YN. It just means that you really gave it all... which is what I really want from you." She winked.
You blushed before standing back up. "I'm gonna go grab some tissue." You said as you left her for a while before going back to wipe the remaining cum on her ass to keep the couch left unstained with the smell of sex.
"Want to go for one more round?" She challenged you with a smirk as she sat properly beside you, crossing her legs.
"I'm in. What do you want next?"
"Hmm, I think it's time for you to decide for this one. I'm already satisfied with my own cravings, now it's your turn." Tzuyu said, posing herself like she's in deep thoughts. "May I ask you one? What part of my body do you actually admire?"
You traced her naked body but there's this one specific part that drives you crazy whenever you get hynoptized at it's perfect shape and thickness. "If i'm going to be honest, your best gift that was sculpted by the gods for you is your heavenly thighs, Tzu." You swayed your head while whistling at how magnificent it looks.
"Tell me more about it." She flirtatiously whispered at you while playing with your hair.
"I love your ass, those cute tits and that talented mouth too, but your thighs are just too immaculate. Too unmatchable. It's so jiggly..." You started to ran your hands around her well-built thighs. "So smooth, so thick... I would be really honored to be suffocated in these damn pillows."
"Now you gave me an idea to show me what more of these can do." Tzuyu winked. She reaches for your semi-limp cock, awakening it back to it's full size by flicking her fingers around the bulbous head. Her legs shifted above your lap, with your cock sandwiched between those voluptuous thighs to die for.
"And you are very lucky to experience such a rare service coming from such Thighwanese beauty." She smirks before she squishes your hardened cock and strokes its skin with her thighs by lifting both her legs up and down.
"Ugh... mmmphh oh~" You moaned at the relaxing feeling of her thick thighs pumping off your shaft, eager to empty your remaining load you got. Tzuyu was enjoying the sight of yourself trapped and savoring the sensation of her strongest exual appeal.
"How does it feel having my thighs wrapped around your big cock, YN?"
"It's amazing..." You shut your eyes and gasped heavily at the feeling. "Shit, I can't hold much longer if you're doing like this to me Tzu!"
"Cum. Cum for me, YN. Let it out."
You assisted her legs on stroking you by holding her ankles while you buckle your hips, banging her juicy thighs smeared with your pre-cum as it ripples from the impact until you shoot another stream of sticky cum all over it including her knees.
Tzuyu lets you rest as she removes her legs from you and scooped all your cum on her fingers before eating it. She also cleaned your softening cock in payback to what you did to her ass a while ago, sucking it off until no drops are left.
She laid her head beside your arm and cuddled at your body. "I'm sorry if this is too sudden, YN. I got carried away that I started to act like this."
"It's fine, Tzu. You just wanted to destress, let's say in such different way." You nodded. "But it doesn't matter, as long as I get to make you happy and satisfied, I'm always open to accompany you."  You smiled at her and caressed her hair. However, it disappointed when you changed from becoming serious.
"And also, I should be thanking you too Tzuyu for this moment. I've only done this for the first time with a woman, and... to be honest I have to dare myself saying this to you that... you are my ideal girl. The one that I admire for months now. The one that my heart only prefers." Your confession was heard in such clear and simple statement by Tzuyu, and she was very strucked and touched listening at your words.
"And what we did means so much to me because I get to do it with the girl that I love, although it saddens me to think if do you even feel the same as mine. I know I could've confessed to you in a much better setting and better time but I just want to express it all right now to clarify that these isn't just driven from lust, but through my sincere admiration for you that is swirling inside my heart. I love you, Tzuyu."
Tzuyu pursed her lower lip and smiled sweetly at your message. She holds your hands and looked dearly at you. "I'm relieved to know that this is both our first-time having sex together. I was a bit nervous and shy at first but I just let my desire and desperate need of your touch control me, and I'm also glad that it has to be you too, YN. I couldn't imagine other deserving man than only you who I can allow take my virginity."
She went forward and turned your face at her to perform another passionate kiss. "Because I love you too, YN and I will cherish this moment that we did."
"Through that, I must take responsibility for this too. Now shall I ask you something then?" You said.
"Go on." She chuckled.
"Will you be my girlfriend, Tzuyu?"
She grinned brightly at your initiation. "I would be very willing to."
After your heated session with Tzuyu, both of you went to wash yourselves again while doing another quickie session after can't stop getting enough yet with your insatiable bodies.
Now back on getting dressed up, you and Tzuyu proceeded to discuss about her family problem story where you have finally lended some advices for her that might be helpful about their current situation.
More than a week later, you helped her to return back on their home after saving enough courage to confront her parents. When they saw her made her heading back to their home, the married Chou couple welcomed their daughter as they have now settled into peace.
Tzuyu and you then decided to maintain their relationship secret for the meantime as they start to date and explore their affection for each other further. You are also planning to accompany her on looking for a part-time job after she decided that she really needs it, as she prepares herself to balance it with her studies. Not forgetting this kind of relationship you established with her, you and Tzuyu would proceed to fulfill more of your fantasies together mostly taken place at your home like pleasuring yourselves in other various positions that involves rimming, entertaining yourself when one of you is bored by feasting on her pussy, boobs and your cock, or even your most favorite of them all: compressing your face in between her flawless ass and thighs until you end up unconscious.
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m00nkissedlover · 27 days ago
・。Hey Siri! 📱
You've ordered: butterscotch ice cream! enjoy!
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"But maybe that's the way I feel."
modern au! Sirius Black x reader | word count: 515 words
Summary: your boyfriend is jealous...of your smartphone? 📱
Warnings: none!
Note: very short, silly little drabble i came up with! idk, personally, i thought it was a funny idea.
"Hey Siri, tell me where the nearest coffee shop is."
'The nearest coffee shop is Muggle Brew Bakery and Cafe, 1.5 miles away. Would you like for me to place an order?' your smartphone answered in a timely manner.
"Great! Yes, go ah-!"
"Babe, the nearest coffee shop is Muggle Brew! Want me to order something for you?" your boyfriend, Sirius yelled from the next room.
You had to stifle a laugh, poking your head into your shared bedroom. This often happened since your nickname for him just so happened to be Siri.
"Thanks, Siri already told me." you said, holding up your phone.
"Oh. Of course, a thousand thank you's Siri for helping my girlfriend." Sirius responded in the most sarcastic tone ever.
You rolled your eyes playfully and poked him in his side, getting into bed to cuddle with him.
"Hey Siri, what time is it?" You asked as you scribbled something down in your planner.
'The current time is-'
"3:55! It's 3:55 pm, babe." Sirius exclaimed as he slid into the dining room.
You set your pencil down and stared at him for a moment, an endearing smile forming on your lips.
"Did you come all the way here just to beat Siri?"
"What? Pssh! No, that's ridiculous." Sirius said, and as you turned back to your planner, you swore from the corner of your eyes you could see him stick his tongue out at your phone.
You shook your head, laughing to yourself at your boyfriend's adorable behavior.
"Siri, can you get me some chips?" you asked as you lounged on the couch.
'Here's what I f-'
"Not you, Siri! Sirius! Siriiii!" You called out, getting up from the couch and going into your room, where Sirius was scrolling through his phone mindlessly.
"Sirius, you didn't hear me calling you? I wanted a bag of chips."
"Why don't you ask Siri to get them for you?"
"Sirius, are you serious right now?"
"Yeah. Go get your phone and ask Siri to get you chips. I'm sure she'll get some delivered or something." he grumbled.
You narrowed your eyes at him before lunging forward and flopping on top of him. A surprised "Oof!" left Sirius as the wind was knocked out of him.
"What the-?"
"1) Siri doesn't have legs to get me chips. 2) Siri is also your nickname. 3) I'm sorry for making you feel like I don't need your help. I'll always need your help and vise versa."
Sirius's stern stare faded immediately as you cupped his face in your hands and kissed his forehead. He hummed, nodding his head, a goofy grin now plastered onto his lips.
"It's okay. I was just messing with you, sweetheart. Some stupid smartphone assistant could never replace the all knowing Sirius." he said, a cocky grin on his face.
"Hey Siri-!" Sirius cut you off by grabbing you in a big bear hug, rolling over to pin you beneath him.
You laughed, leaning up and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
"I guess I won't be needing Siri anymore." 📱
© m00nkissedlover, 2025
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zumicyt · 3 months ago
billie fic where she gets really busy and reader is sad but then billie realizes and slowly but surely fixes things 🥲🥲🥲
hurt/comfort with tiny angst 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
yes!!! omg thank you so much for the request my love 🪷
make me feel okay ● b.e
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pairing: billie eilish x fem!reader
contains: angsty sadness 😞 fluff, reassurance, billie comforting reader, i think that's it !!
summary: the last couple of months have been filled with emptiness. billie has been in the studio constantly over working herself and it seems like she has no time left for you.
it was 3am. you were laying in your and your girlfriend's shared bed, but the thing was, she wasn't there with you. she was downstairs in her studio recording music non stop. she never left that room. you wouldn't be surprised if she hasn't slept with you in your bed in weeks. you barely saw her face anymore. it made you feel sad inside. you tried to talk to her multiple times but failed each time because she would just nod her head and shoo you off, not even acknowledging you.
Billie was listening to some of her recording snippets in her studio when she heard the door creek open. she didn't take her eyes off the screen and stayed focus on her music. she sees your reflection in the mirror beside her desk top, but doesn't say anything. "baby I brought you some food, please eat it." you say and kiss her on the head. billie just hums and keeps her eyes glued to the screen. you sigh out of frustration and leave the room. it's been this way for months. you were starting to get sick of it. you look through the small crack in the door and see billie take her eyes off the screen and look at her food. she takes a bite out of her vegan nuggets and you smile knowing she is atleast eating. she takes a sip out of her soy milk and you walk away.
tonight you desired to take a much needed self care night and decided to take a steamy hot shower and cleaned your body very well. after that you tried some expensive face masks that billie bought for you and made an iced coffee. you sat on the couch and turned on Swarm, a show billie was in.
After a few hours, you decided to go lay down for bed. you looked over to Billie's side and saw her not there once again. you missed her. you felt yourself start to tear up a bit, thinking about how things might never be the same between you two.
Billie was in her studio and she felt her eyes getting heavy. she decides to get ready for bed. she's been so busy that she hasn't gotten the best sleep and tonight she has time to lay down next to you. After getting her pajamas on, she heads to your shared bedroom. she hears muffled crying and stops in her tracks. she opens the door slowly to see you bundled up in the covers crying. "Oh baby, what's wrong?" billie sweetly asks you. "billie, do you still love me? do you ever have time for me anymore?" You say through tears. Billie looks at you shocked. "My love, of course I do! I'm so sorry, I've been so caught up on my music I guess I didn't make time for you. I'm so sorry." she kisses your forehead and you hug her tightly. she hugs you back and starts humming to you softly so you can calm down. that night she lets you snuggle up against her and you both fall asleep.
thr next day she cancels her plans to hang out with you. you both go out for icecream and see a movie. After that she takes your shopping and makes you feel special. she promised you that she will do her best to make time for you and that she will do better for your relationship.
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birbleafs · 20 days ago
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"We usually keep a few packs of coffee beans at home" They are so disgustingly domestic, they don't even bother hiding it anymore lmfaoo
and AAJJSJAKDJSHS KAVETHAM COFFEE BEAN SHOPPING (HOUSE CHORES??) ROSTER... I guess that's a shopping list Alhaitham is holding while he purchases the coffee beans from Puspa Cafe. I imagine Kaveh must have made a loooong list of requirements of the beans he thinks they would enjoy based on taste, smell, etc. He probably also included some other extra groceries he’d want Haitham to buy from the bazaar too. The fact that it's somewhat implied they now take turns buying necessities for the house, and possibly also share the house chores together (as opposed to Kaveh wanting to shoulder all of it at first because he'd felt guilty and that he'd owed Alhaitham for taking him in at his lowest point in life).... Something about these minute details of routine mundanity and the subtle shift in their dynamics to something more balanced and equal, that speaks volumes of their shared comfort and companionship really rejuvenates my dead fossil heart. I HATE/LOVE them lol.
And I absolutely love how Alhaitham can sass Kaveh for his late-night workaholic over-reliance on coffee while still being point-blank about their mundane domesticity and shared grocery-shopping duties in a single breath like it's NO big deal... Just the Sumeroommies roommating....
I haven't really checked, so I'm not too sure how the lines are written in CN/JP/KR since those languages can skip (obvious) pronouns altogether and the context would still be understood. But it's nice to see the EN translators going with "We" and "home" here because it gives us yet another sense of the subtle changes in Kaveh and Alhaitham's companionship now. Alhaitham is a very strong-willed person who tends to favour the use of "I", and people's individuality and agency first, so seeing him explicitly use "We" and "home" now—which aligns with how Kaveh uses it often too when he refers to both of them together—just feels so heartwarming and so very earned :")
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kteezy997 · 7 days ago
Beyond Business-part 14 (the end)//t.c.
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Warnings: slightly toxic ex lovers, description of sex, cursing
It was a couple of weeks later when Timmy contacted you again. You were surprised it hadn’t been sooner. Maybe he needed time to process everything: most of all, the fact that it was over between the two of you. He wanted to get together for coffee, something simple, just to see how you were.
You accepted, despite your hesitation. He had seemed happy in photos and videos with Kylie Jenner at award shows and inside theaters, even kissing her in front of hundreds of onlookers. She played the part of supportive girlfriend, and he started to fit the mold of a man with a trophy on his arm.
It was easy to start falling out of love with him. It didn't seem like he was grieving the loss of your companionship, which made you angry, you had to admit.
You hadn't even heard of his assistant position being filled after you quit. You guessed that perhaps Aidan Zamiri was taking care of everything, keeping one step away from Timmy at all times.
When you arrived at the coffee shop, you noticed his hair had been cut shorter than before, he was even paler, and his eyes were deeper red. But he smiled at you like he had always done. He gave you a small wave as you walked over to him at his table.
"Hey, I ordered your usual. I hope that's okay." he greeted you.
"Yeah," you answered, sitting across from him, "that's fine." You took the cup into your hand.
"So, how have you been? I heard you got a job."
"Yeah, it's been going good. I think I'm gonna like it a lot."
"Good. I'm glad to know that you're happy. You are happy, aren't you?"
"Yes. And what about you? You and Kylie seem to be getting cozier these days, now that I'm out of the way." you gave him a condescending grin.
"Y/n." he glared at you. The nerve of him.
"What? I'm not being mean, it’s just an observation. Do you think she knew about us? Or was it just not on her radar. Doesn't seem like I was on yours as much as I thought I was."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"I don't know. I just thought you would miss me more and not be all over her so quickly."
"You have no idea how much I miss you."
You ignored the sentiment, "Have you started sleeping with her again?"
"Why does that matter?" he squinted at you.
"I'm asking, Timothee, just answer the question." you were annoyed at his usual habit of avoiding the subject of her.
"Maybe I have started sleeping with her again. Why should it matter to you? You broke up with me."
"It doesn't matter to me. I just wanted to know." you shrugged. You were telling the truth. Why would he assume you would carry strong feelings for him when he made moving on look so effortless?
"Well, I guess we have nothing more to say to each other. I wanted to see how you were doing, and I've done that, so..."
"Is that what you wanted? No, I think you wanted me to get upset and cry about how badly I want you back. You wanted me on my knees for you, right where you want me. You want me to be okay with being your secret."
Timmy scoffed, "Fuck off."
You stood up from the table with a huff, "I certainly can." You turned and walked away. You felt ready to be rid of him.
"Wait, y/n, please! I didn't mean that." he came after you, following you all the way outside onto the street.
You turned around, shooting knives at him with your eyes.
He touched your arm, “I’m sorry.”
“You’re always sorry, Timothée. Why did you ask me to come here?” you didn’t stop walking.
“Because I can’t stop thinking about you.” he admitted, grabbing you, making you stop in your tracks.
You winced, “Don’t start that. I’m over you.” You pushed his hands away.
“Are you sure?” he narrowed his eyes at you, “You really don’t love me anymore?”
“Yes, I’m sure. Who are you thinking you have the right to tell me that you still think about me? What is it, Timmy? Do you think about me when you fuck her?”
His green eyes darkened as he clenched his jaw. His hands wet on you once again. Gently, he pulled you into an alley, pitting you against the brick building. “Yes. You happy to hear that?”
You smirked, your eyes descending onto his pink lips. You missed feeling them all over your body. “Yeah, that makes me happy.”
Timmy’s hands went to your hips, digging his fingers in slightly.
You found yourself leaning in, budging slowly toward his mouth.
He pressed his body against you, sliding his hands around you to keep you close.
You felt the warmth of his lips in that instant. Your arms instinctively tucked around his neck and you kissed him as if no time had passed, as if no feelings between the two of you had been damaged. Your tongues battled deliciously. Soft moans escaped the both of you.
It was good that he took you to his place, because you could leave right after.
You didn’t want to be sucked back in, but the love was still there, the desire for him was still present in your blood. That loved could be acted on, even for just the night.
There were no words passed between you. It was pure sex and passion. It was nourishing to your need for closure: sharing his air, indulging in the smell of him and his bed, feeling his smooth, supple skin against yours.
His cock fit snug inside of you, just like it always had. He kissed your body up and down, almost like he was worshipping you.
When he came on your stomach, he laid down on top of you and as he settled from his orgasmic high, there was a sadness in his eyes. He knew this was the last time you would be together. You supposed that your eyes looked the same to him.
The next morning as the sun arrived through the windows of Timmy’s bedroom, filled with the warmth and the smells you knew too well, you quietly got out of the bed. You put yesterday’s clothes back on.
Timmy didn’t stir, his eyes remained closed as his naked chest rose and fell calmly in his sleep.
You watched him sleep peacefully for a moment, then left his house.
February 24, 2025
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss @lixzey @bitchyunknownuser @ducktapebar @aoi-targaryen @yukideadinside @elloise0 @thatoneweirdgirl17 @mel-vaz @sammy-halpert @iwishchalamet @that-one-fangirl69 @jindongdongie @briefkittenearthquake @imnotoverlyobsessive @timhalchala @heatherpi
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angel-kyo · 1 year ago
Pay it no mind
In which reader confesses their feelings to Gojo, but it seems these are not returned (maybe?).
Warnings: reader is on the receiving end of rejection (kinda), and the fact that I'm obsessed with unrequited love is a warning itself.
Previous: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII
“Don’t tell me you’re scared, Suguru.” Satoru smirked at his friend, who rolled his eyes in response.
“As if I would lose to you.” Suguru passed him the ball. “Give it your best.”
Satoru was aiming for the hoop when Shoko arrived at the basketball court just in time to see him miss the shot.
Geto laughed at him. “Yeah, I'm terrified,” he said sarcastically. “If you need support, maybe Shoko can join your team.”
“Heck no,” the girl said with a light smirk on her face as she sat down on the floor.
“It’s still a tie, isn’t it?” Gojo retrieved the ball and passed it back to Suguru. He then looked at Shoko. “Where is [name]?”
She lifted her gaze to meet Gojo’s easy smile. “I think they went out.”
Satoru knew you had plans, but he had figured you would come and check on him and Suguru before leaving. That was what you always did after they returned from a mission in which you had not been included, and he would do the same for you in the rare occasions you were not sent with him.
“With that guy from the coffee shop?” Gojo turned to Suguru’s voice. He had left the ball on the floor and joined Shoko.
Shoko nodded and another smaller, even softer smile started forming on her lips. “I think so.”
Geto had meant no malice with his question, but with the number of times you had escaped the school grounds to go to the city, and how often you had mentioned your new friend and talked about the many things you had in common, he had finally picked up on what all of Shoko’s teasing was about. To him, it looked like you were excited about your new friend, the same way kids in elementary school would be ecstatic every time they met someone who matched their likes and energy.
“Again, huh?” Satoru picked up the ball Suguru had abandoned, and threw it again. This time it went right through the hoop. He did not chase after it.
Unfortunately, Satoru was still much like a child as well, and he did not seem so happy about being detached of his position as your closest and most exciting friend. He was used to being the one you would go out with, laugh the most with and tell all the news about the things you liked, even if he did not share the same interests. Thinking about you doing that with someone else... it just did not feel right.
“I don’t get what's so great about him, though.” Suguru noticed how his friend's mood had changed by his tone.
Shoko saw the ball Satoru had thrown bounce away.
“They have a lot in common, and he is actually nice,” she commented.
Ieiri was not trying to be mean. In fact, she felt a bit bad for Gojo. Since Ikeda had entered your social circle, you had been spending a significant part of your free time with him. You would still spend time with her here and there, so it had not really been enough for her to miss you, but she realized that, for Gojo, who was used to being around you most of the time, that was probably not enough.
He's used to the whole feast, and you are feeding him crumbles.
“It’s good they are having fun,” Suguru supported.
“Yeah, I guess,” Satoru mumbled.
What Satoru had really wanted to say was that the four of you would always have the most fun together. You had other friends, he knew that, but you had never seemed so... captivated by any of them. Could it be you were not having fun with him anymore?
Suguru’s voice interrupted his thoughts. “Are they...dating?”
The question had been directed to Shoko, but it was Satoru the one who froze in place. That possibility had not crossed his mind.
"I mean, how do you know you like someone like... you know... romantically?" Your voice echoed in his head.
Had you been talking about that guy?
Ieiri shrugged. “It’s not my place to say. Wouldn’t Gojo know?” Her look in Satoru’s direction indicated she was passing the question to him.
“They are not,” the white-haired boy replied too quickly.
Maybe he had answered what he wanted to believe, but you would have told him if that were the case, right? Because you would not hide that from him, right?
“Satoru, do you remember Ikeda?”
You had held it in for too long. Once you started talking, the words burst out faster than you could think them through. You told him everything about how you had reencountered with Haruki; the shampoo, the store, him living abroad, Osaka, Tokyo, the book he had lent you, everything.
In a strange way, it felt as if you were coming clean about an infidelity, which did not make any sense, so you ignored that thought.
I didn't do anything wrong. Not telling him things makes me feel guilty, that's all.
But what was stranger was that Gojo listened to you in complete silence.
“...So that’s what I wanted to tell you.” You held your breath.
Satoru's expression was the perfect definition of poker face, and you felt like he was going to call all your bets off any second.
However, his reaction shocked you.
“I see... Well, then are you ready to go? The movie will start soon.” He stood up, still looking at you.
“What?” Did he even listen? “I mean, y-yes, I’m ready, but…” He was already marching away from you.
“Hm?” He tilted his head.
Was he really not going to say anything? You had said all of that aloud, had you not? You blinked once, twice.
“Nothing... Let’s go.” You followed after him.
Satoru had been rather quiet on your way to the theater, and even quieter during the movie, which, while being socially expected from the public during any type of performance, was unusual on him. And now, he was barely looking your way, fully devoted to his ice cream.
You held your own ice cream to your lips and kept an eye on the man sitting next to you.
He said nothing; yet why do I feel like we are not okay?
Satoru looked at you. “Not hungry?”
“Too much popcorn, I guess. Do you want it?” You offered him your ice cream and he took it with the same smile he would always have when accepting anything you had not eaten.
More silence followed.
Once he finished, he placed his hands on the table.
“What did you think about the movie?” you asked, itching for conversation. Quiet Satoru was a scary Satoru.
“It was good,” he replied without looking at you. His eyes were scanning the few other customers at the ice cream shop; a family ordering at the counter, two young girls at the next table, and a couple sitting farther away.
He wondered if you two also looked like a couple. Probably not now, he thought, we are not even talking much. If anything, we look like a couple having a silent fight.
He knew he was being stiff in comparison to what he was always like around you, but he could not help it. It was not only that Ikeda Haruki had returned unexpectedly or that you and he had been seeing each other over the past weeks. What truly disturbed Gojo was that you had not mentioned a word about it until now.
He did not want to think of what kind of relationship you had with Ikeda now, but he had thought you told each other pretty much everything. If you were ‘seeing’ someone, in whatever way it was, what did it mean that you had kept it from him for so long?
“Doesn’t he have to work or something?” Satoru was glaring at Ikeda, who was at another table and whose hand was resting too close to yours.
Your classmates had gone to pick you up to have dinner together, but when Shoko saw you sitting at a table for two with Haruki, she had pushed the boys to a different table.
“We are the only people here and we told the other waiter we would not order anything, so…”
“But shouldn’t we be leaving?”
From his angle, Suguru could peek at Satoru’s eyes narrowing behind his shades.
Suguru checked the time on his cellphone. “There is no rush, and it would be rude to interrupt them.” He looked at you then back at Gojo.
As time progressed, he had noticed Satoru growing more and more irritated whenever Haruki was mentioned, not to say the ready-to-kill look on his face at the sight of the poor guy.
If asked about it, Satoru would only say that he did not trust your 'friend', who had appeared from nowhere, who was a non-sorcerer, and who was obviously 'a player'. You were aware of Satoru’s opinions on Ikeda, but you had always dismissed his comments as friendly concern. Geto had thought so too at first, remembering how Satoru had also been a bit territorial when you and he first started hanging out. However, Satoru had eased on him sooner rather than later.
On the contrary, Gojo's attitude towards Ikeda was not improving; in fact, it was getting worse. Suguru was no longer sure there were no deeper feelings involved.
“Shoko?” Satoru looked at her, convinced that she would be reasonable and give him the green light to go there and take you home.
“No,” was all she said without even taking her eyes off her cellphone.
“He is going to talk their ears off,” Gojo murmured.
Shoko thought Gojo was no different. Yaga often scolded him for talking too much in class, and half of those times, it was you the one he had been talking to. However, Satoru would probably be offended if she dared compare him to Haruki out of all people.
“I don’t think they mind,” she only commented, because it seemed true. She had heard you praise Haruki’s sense of humor and conversation a handful of times. He was lively and always had something nice to say, or so was your opinion.
The three of them saw you get up and rush to them. “His break is over. Sorry I made you wait.”
“It’s fine." Suguru smiled and everyone stood up. "Satoru is in a bit of a hurry to get that pizza, though.”
“Let’s go,” Satoru said, casually wrapping an arm around your shoulders as he looked in Haruki’s direction once more.
One day, after you returned to the dorms, Satoru had been waiting for you, saying he wanted to borrow something, and he also took the opportunity to ask if you were dating ‘the flirty waiter guy’.
“Don’t call him that," you had told him. "And no, it’s not like that. We are just friends.”
If he has such pure intentions as [name] believes, he won’t mind.
But when Gojo looked at him, Haruki was no longer wearing that sweet smile that he despised so much. Their eyes locked.
You turned your head to wave goodbye to Ikeda once more and Satoru saw the boy's defying expression swiftly transform into that of the innocent friend you praised so much.
I knew it.
Satoru had never wanted to pull you away from someone faster.
Yeah, I remember him all too well.
Satoru was laying on his bed in the comfort of his home. After your little outing to the movies and the ice cream shop, he had walked you home but made no excuse to stay at your place.
He had felt bad for cutting all your conversation attempts short, but he had not been himself; just as he had not meant to completely ignore everything you said about Haruki at your home, but he had, and he understood he made you both uncomfortable in the process.
Of course that threw you off. You had spoken for a while, briefing him on all the events that had taken place in the last weeks concerning the guy that was back in your life, as if you were reporting the details of a mission to Yaga, and Satoru had just dismissed it as if you had told him you had seen a bird outside.
He had listened to every word you said, but...
“You don’t get to decide who I hang out with,” you had told him a long time ago.
If he voiced his thoughts, would that open a crack between you two again?
He tossed and turned all night. Your bed was definitely more comfortable.
Note: I just wanted to say thank you all for reading. I know I always say it, but I mean it, so I want you to know I do. <3
Next: Part IX
@mavs-stuff @witchbybirth @crookedlyaddictedone-blog @tqd4455 @maybe-a-bi-witch @mo0nforme @maliakealoha @zacatecanaaaa @blushhpeachh @astriarose @missesgojosatoru @ba-ks @sukunasleftkneecap
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dark-l-angel · 9 months ago
if you want requests, I am so delulu, I'm stuck in my own world 24/7 and my brain refuses to stop.....
Jason, who growing up had a crush on reader, but being the clueless person we are we have no clue (I swear it's a curse, I genuinely don't know that someone is into me until they say it. No flirting computes with me) but then the whole- ya know, not living thing happens.... The thing that leads up to Red Hood (I refuse to say it) and reader is later confronted by either Dick or Alfred at the funeral and they're like
“You know he like you, right?” and readers response is
“Not as much as I loved him”
which I guess causes a whole sad thing that I can't cope with, so you decide what happens from there, but basically the ending is when Jason is not the scary evil Red Hood anymore but more the Jason people fantasize about, he tells reader how he feels and IDK man something cute and fluffy, my brain is just sad all the time so all I have is the sad stuff.
Anyways, this is a lot longer than I thought it would be, but here it is, please ignore it if it's weird or too much 😅
have a nice day, peace out ✌️
Princess, believe it or not i had hundreds of scenarios to this situation at fucking 5 a.m when i was ab to pass my bachelor exam *I'm talking math day 💀
And having your own world is nice actually.. ❤ at least you have an escape place from painful reality and ur comfort character is hugging you in your rough times. Hope happiness strikes you like jason's beauty did to me 😃💝 love u deeply 💖
Jason todd x fem!reader
"You know that he liked you.. right?" Dick's voice ringed in your ear.. even after all this time.. it's like it happened yesterday..
Thinking while staring at a book jason used to read when you both were younger.. before.. that incident..
You put the book away and picked another, you shared the same love of books with jason, that explains why you become a loyal customer to libraries and coffee shops.
It was always a sad thing to go to libraries, yet it felt like happiness to you.. finally some freedom from this cruel world. You don't have to suffer through reading some simple lines with deep meanings.. in fact, it changed you 360 degrees, your vision to the world has changed since ever jason introduced you to the books.
You were walking around the library while hugging different books, looking carefully through the shelves of another chosen one, Losing all connections with your world, not feeling a specific guy staring at you in admiration.
Your eye fallen on an interesting novel, but it was on the top shelf. You tried to reach it but failed, and you got that idea of reaching it through another book was by your hand. You did, the novel is coming out, but still not enough, you had to put extra efforts by standing on the top of your toes.
"Too bad short angel can't reach her little novel" a tall handsome man was towering you from behind, you looked up and his eyes fell into yours, green emerald eyes inspecting your angelic features in admiration carefully *while you took your time to enjoy his mesmerizing gorgeous beauty like the little whore you and i will do*.
He smirked before looking back to the novel and pulling it out for you, gosh he was handsome, but.. you could swear you know him from somewhere.
He reads the title loud before saying "damn baby girl you've got some pretty good taste out there.. i like it" he smirked "oh thanks, I've always liked that type of stuff especially when *author name* added his pov of the topic.." he laughed.
As you both sat at a coffee shop and continued babbling ab different books to different subjects.. almost everything.. as if you actually know this person years ago, the problem was that you weren't the type to get comfy to people easily.. so what's the matter with this guy?.
Probably his smile that cached your mind? or his emerald eyes and their beauty? his funny jocks? Or it's your shared likings? Or the fact that he was the only person to be able to crack his way through your dead heart and plant a rose of adoration that was meant only for him? The only person to have the ability to warm your heart after all these years? Or him being the reason of your tears of laughter?... sooo much questions going through your head.
You finally managed to ask him.. " i feel like i know you from years, never had fun like this since then.. do i know you by any chance?" You said while wiping away the tears of laughing on his stories.
"You didn't recognize me y/n?" You didn't tell him your name yet.. how would he- "i missed you so much actually... i have been thinking about you in everything i was doing back then, dick might probably told you about it, yet i still do think about you all the time..." you watch the man goes on.. but dick? He spoke about jason only.. and jason is.. gone.. "you forget me y/n?" That can be..
He smiled staring at you in pure love and admiration and adoration.. "It's jason.. the dumb boy who fell dumber in love with you, angel ♡".
Hope you like it ❤ baby gurl was here 😘
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be-missed · 1 year ago
Bad for Business
Jenna Ortega X Fem!Reader
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(picture not mine)
Summary: After receiving a text message from her manager, what would Jenna do? Will she and Y/N can still fix their friendship?
Warning/s: curse words.
A/N: Part 3, thanks for waiting, noticed you liked this one. Emma Myers is the Emma. Also, give me a name for Y/N's best friend, please.
Cool About It (Part 1) | Nothing To Lose (Part 2)
Jenna is currently sitting on the sofa on her manager's office.
"What is your problem Jenna? You have invited a big crowd and thank heavens we don't need to delete much picture from the both of you because they were so surprised from what you did. We only have a few twitter and tiktok accounts that still post what happened." Jenna's manager told her as he seats in front of the girl.
"I'm sorry..."
The only words that came out from Jenna's mouth ever since she was brought by her manager from Y/N's unit to the office, because inside her head, she goes back to the moment where Y/N admitted her feelings. She could've react differently instead of being silent, she could've agreed to Y/N and talk to her, or maybe she can kiss Y/N to prove that she also wants to kiss the girl, or maybe just maybe, she doesn't pull the shit from the park and just watched a movie.
There are so many 'what if's' and 'could've been' that's running inside Jenna's mind not until the voice of her manager removed her from her thoughts.
"Do you understand? We just need you to follow what we said and we will be alright" Jenna's manager said and looked at her intently, looking like he will never take a no for an answer.
Jenna then just nodded her head and quietly said "yes."
Jenna's team was now fixing the table and the papers that were scattered on the table not until Jenna broke the chaos "Please don't contact Y/N anymore. I don't need you in her business." She said and looked intently to her team, and directed it to her manager.
A long pause was given, half-heartedly, her manager nodded. That made Jenna feal at ease somehow, because she doesn't want Y/N to get stress about this issue, it is all her fault anyway.
Even though Jenna doesn't quite remember what are the rules that her manager and her team gave her, she just go with it, because it's normally lesser public appearance, lesser use of her social media, and sadly, lesser meet-ups with Y/N. She thinks she can handle it, because in a few week, she'll be back to filming Wednesday S2 and just will be facetiming Y/N. If Y/N will answer, she thinks.
Jenna was now in her bedroom, tired after the long night that she had. Fumbling with her phone, thinking if she should text Y/N and ask her about what happened, Jenna was pulled out from her thoughts by a facetime call, it is Emma.
Jenna was stunned because what the fuck is Emma talking about, she have no idea, "What are you talking about?" Jenna asked with full curiosity.
"You and your long time friend who owns the coffee shop inside the studio is dating!" Emma exclaimed like stating the truth, Jenna then replied "No, no, what do you mean?"
"Like bestie, your proposal in the lake is all over the internet right now, I should congratulate you, or not I guess" Emma stated as she started to send screenshots to Jenna from twitter to tiktok. Jenna then shakes her head "No, this can't be, my team deleted all the pictures and articles about this." Jenna was slightly panicking because she thought that her team have deleted any pictures and articles from the proposal.
"I'll call you later I promise, bye" Jenna ended the call without giving Emma a chance to reply and reactivated her twitter account just to see what Emma is talking about, and the other girl was right, the both of you are trending.
In her search list, the words that was associated to the both of you are I knew it, dumbass, and Her loss.
She saw tweets like stating that they knew it from the start that Jenna and Y/N was in a relationship, another tweet said that Y/N was dumb to reject Jenna, and some were begging Jenna that if she proposed to them they will say 'yes'. But Jenna thought, they are not Y/N, they are not the person that she likes.
After opening Twitter, she went straight to tiktok and search her name, which is probably not the right thing to do but she wants to see what people say to you, the last thing that she wants is for the general public to hate you and blame you.
And with that, almost all of the videos of Jenna and Y/N are edited with the song Champagne Problems by Taylor Swift. Captions in the videos are quoting the lyrics from "You won't remember all her Champagne Problems" to "I can patch up the tapestry that she shred." She also saw some comments in the video saying "she's fucked in the head" pertaining to Y/N.
That broke her, why are you getting all the hate if it is all her fault? You don't deserve this madness that she brought to your life because all you did was to bring her sunshine and be the silver lining to every dark cloud that she had. You were right, she thought.
Jenna then calls her manager and he answered fast "I thought you all deleted the pictures and the news? What happened now?" Jenna said full in rage, angry for what the public is labeling you as, "I thought you agreed?" Her manager replied "We would not delete the pictures and the news, but we would let it grow, we can handle it anyways, we just need to get Y/N out of the picture and make sure that she will not be part of any narrative. That woman is bad for business Jenna, we're telling you."
That stunned Jenna, all the time that they were talking inside the office she was so occupied with thoughts of you that she fucking agreed with this shit where you are scrutinized. Jenna then starts to cry and ended the call. What she did next will probably make her manager more angry with her.
She went out of her bedroom, grab her coat, grab her keys, ride her car, and drove to your apartment.
Currently in your apartment, you are with you best friend trying to read all the shit that was thrown into you in the internet. You told her the whole story and she thought that was a shit move for Jenna, because not only her manager hated you, but now, almost all of the people in the world hated you.
"I told you Y/N it was a bad idea to go that day didn't I?" your best friend told you proving a point but you can't even focus on her voice because you were so drowned out with your own thoughts that was coming in like a flood.
Your best friend kept on talking and talking until they noticed that you were just spacing out and sat next to you and pulled you in a hug which you gladly melt in to, "I'm sorry this is happening, I didn't mean to blame you, but your friend is fucking shit."
A knock to your door was heard which your best friend gladly attend to. Opening the door they were so stunned for seeing who is in the other side, Jenna.
"What do you need?" your best friend tells Jenna, which she answered "I need to talk to Y/N please." Your best friend just looked at Jenna not until your voice was heard from the inside telling that Jenna should come in.
"You have the guts to show up here, make this right." Your best friend threatens Jenna and left the apartment leaving you and Jenna alone.
"I'm sorry" Jenna started, looking at your back. You tap the empty space beside you and that is where Jenna is walking to, seating beside you.
"I wanna blame you for everything Jenna." Y/N blurted out, not facing Jenna, "I wanna blame you for everything that is happening right now." Y/N lets out a heavy sigh.
Jenna answered "I know, I know, and I'm sorry, I should be the one who gets to be blamed, I don't know what to say, I'm really just sorry and I wanted to tell that you were right." Jenna is now trying to stop the tears from falling while she looks at you, "Y/N please, look at me, just tell me what to do for you to forgive me, I'll do it, please" Jenna begs.
Y/N looked at Jenna with so much pain in her eyes, "be gone."
Seconds have passed, Jenna was too stunned to even speak, still processing what you said.
"No, Y/N please no, this can't be" Jenna said, "This was what your manager wanted in the first place, he wanted me out of the picture ever since you blow up. I don't fucking blame him for that because who am I, right? But this is not the way I imagined it" Y/N looked so defeated in Jenna's eyes. Y/N was willing to give up their friendship, even if it's not what she wants.
"No, that's not gonna happen Y/N, you are my best friend and I can't just leave you hanging, getting all the scrutiny from the media, from the public. This is entirely my fault, please, don't ask me to leave." Jenna plead, because that was the last thing that Jenna wats to do, to leave you.
"Jenna we can't be friends okay, don't you understand? You leaving me would benefit the both of us; it will benefit you since there will be one less problem to your management and it will benefit me because it can possibly help me to move on from you." Y/N said with a sad smile.
"Move on? The hell are you saying? There will be no moving on for you because..." Jenna said, making Y/N confused "because I like you too. I like you too, just like how you like me Y/N."
Y/N laughed "Stop with the pity Jenna, I know you are sorry but you don't need to tell me that you like me to give me a proper closure."
"No, but I'm not lying Y/N, I swear to God, I like you too and I'm just too scared to admit it to myself because I got so scared for what will happen to me, to us, to our friendship." Jenna said, trying to convince Y/N, but Y/N won't budge and just shakes her head.
"Jenna it's okay, you don't need to lie, I understand" Y/N said standing up from the sofa.
"But you don't understand Y/N, I like you, for real, without a doubt. Even before this shit happened, even before that dinner in our house, that night stroll in K-town, the first picture of us from the public, even before my manager knew you; I liked you since then" Jenna said standing up and getting a hold of your hand.
Y/N started to shake her head and retracted her hands from Jenna's hold "This can't be Jenna" Jenna then answered "How can you not believe that I like you Y/N."
"Because I'm just me Jenna, I'm just me and you're you. I mean, you can find someone who's better than me and who will be good for your name, but I'm just me Jenna" Y/N explained.
"But that's it Y/N, I like you because you are you, and I wouldn't want to like anyone because they are not you," Jenna said and continued "Please just tell me what can I do, please."
Y/N sat on the far side of the sofa, her mind twirling with the words that came out from Jenna's mouth. She's very glad that Jenna likes her back, but the damage was done, the media hates her, Jenna's manager hates her, and the public hates her. But most importantly, Jenna hurt her.
"I honestly don't know Jenna" Y/N confessed "You hurt me, and I don't know what to do. The public also despise me, and your manager hates me."
Jenna then kneels beside Y/N and said "I know, I know. I'm gonna tell you how sorry I am and I will apologize until you forgive me but I also know that it isn't enough for you to forgive me. The damage is big and let me just think of a way to handle it. As for my manager, let me just think again." and chuckled looking at you.
Y/N knows to herself that a simple apology from Jenna will make all the pain go away, but this is different, Jenna really hurts Y/N's feelings.
Y/N gave a sad smile to Jenna which Jenna gave back, she rested her head at Y/N's thigh and dropped a light kiss on her knees. Y/N tried to relax in the seat and puts her hand on Jenna's hair and caress it that makes the other girl relax too.
Minutes of silence have passed until Jenna bounced between Y/N's thighs and opened her camera.
"What are you doing?" Y/N asked Jenna and the other girl answered "I'm gonna do something. You just need to stay still, okay?"
Jenna puts her phone down, directed to your indoor slippers since the both of you decided to buy a matching indoor slippers because "it's cute", and captures it.
It surprised Y/N "Okay, what the fuck was that for?" Jenna then answered Y/N "Since my management is not dropping any statement and I didn't sign any contract to get you out of my life, I will be the one to make an announcement."
Y/N questionably looked at Jenna, not sure on what Jenna will do with the picture, not until Y/N saw Jenna opened her Instagram account.
"Jenna, NO." Y/N said while trying to get Jenna's phone, but Jenna knows that Y/N will gonna do so Jenna pushed Y/N away from her and starts to type.
Y/N then surrender, both of her hands up in the air and said "Okay, I'm not gonna get your phone, but please just tell me what you're doing."
Jenna then situated her phone between the both of them and made Y/N read what she typed.
With a surprised look Y/N said "Are you fucking insane? Are you sure? What the hell are you thinking?"
"Please trust me on this." Jenna said with a smile and Y/N just nodded and answered "This doesn't mean I forgive you" and Jenna bring her phone down and looked at Y/N directly and said "I know, I will do my best to earn your forgiveness and trust me back, I just hope you still love me then."
And that made you smile, because you know in your heart, you will always love Jenna, "I will promise to love you" Y/N answered with a small smile.
In his office, Jenna's manager was reading what Jenna posted and it is a picture of Jenna and someone's feet, but boy does he know who it belongs
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After seeing the post, Jenna's manager can feel the nerve on his right lobe pulsated with what he saw. Because what the fuck is this?
A/N: Thanks for waiting, I hope this satiated you all. Just play nice with the ig post please. I feel like I'm gonna have a headache, lol. I also don't know if I tagged the right people, I'm sorry.
People who wants to be tagged (I hope I get to tag you all):
@lilbitdepressed27 @jusnough @stalinf @mirage018 @geed-3 @atlafanforlife @adam-malkov @belatrixdragon @ijustlovemaths @canvascoloredin
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makeitmingi · 1 year ago
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 10]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 3.4K
When Yunho entered the restaurant the next day, he heard you already giving instructions and tasks to the rest of the crew. He walked in with the box of tools he had bought the day before. He was excited to show all of you what he bought, especially you.
"Surprise!" He beamed as he walked in. All 4 of you stopped, turning your head to see the tall male walking in, his face covered by the boxes he was carrying.
"Yunho hyung, what's this?" Jongho asked, helping to take the box from Yunho and putting it on the counter.
"I bought some stuff for the kitchen!" He explained, opening it.
"The guy at the store told me these are important essentials that every kitchen needs. Tomorrow, the electrical equipment is coming." He took the different things out and set them on the table.
"Oh yes, we needed these." Seonghwa said as he looked through all the things Yunho bought.
"Did you have that much fun shopping?" You raised an eyebrow. Yunho blushed slightly, did he seem too excited?
"I didn't really know what to get. And I felt bad for waiting so long to properly equip the kitchen with what you need. If you need anything else, let me know!" Yunho said. Wooyoung and Seonghwa took all the things to be washed and sanitised for you all to use immediately. You went back to mixing your fruit mixture.
"(y/n), the things I go are useful right?" Yunho came to stand next to you. Seonghwa watched on in curiosity. If Yunho had a tail, it would be wagging in anticipation now.
"Yeah. It's tools that we'll definitely use." You replied. Yunho perked up and grinned widely, happy by your words.
"What are you making?" He asked.
"Jam tartlets. The jam is blueberry and thyme." You said, grabbing a disposable spoon and scooping up a little for Yunho to taste. He ate the little bit of jam.
"That's nice! I'm guessing that herb flavour is the thyme?" He said. You hummed and went to take the tray with the blind baked tartlet shells. You gave Yunho two tablespoons.
"Two spoons per tart shell." You instructed.
"O-Oh! Okay!" He beamed, going over to wash his hands before stepping back to help you. He was glad that you just had him do tasks without him having to offer anymore, it was like you were used to him being around.
"So what other stuff are we putting out this morning?" Yunho asked as he focussed on filling the tart shells with equal amounts of jam. You turned to the others in the kitchen.
"I'm making a devil's food cake." Wooyoung raised his hand.
"I'm making a quiche with salmon and leeks. We made matcha financiers, they're cooling off." Seonghwa continued.
"I'm making a plum blechkuchen (German sheet cake)." Jongho said.
"And today's cupcake/ muffin is pandan chiffon with a gula melaka (coconut sugar) center." You finished. Although Yunho has not heard of half of those things, he was still excited to see what they were.
"They sound tasty for sure." Yunho smiled. He finished filling all the tartlet shells and you bent down to check that they were all level.
"Good job." You nodded in approval, putting them close to the serving window.
"Thank you!" Yunho smiled. After that, the other 4 came in and they all go ready for the store opening. As usual, Yunho made the entire kitchen crew drinks to have while they finished up their baking. You took a 5 minute break, sipping your coffee as you brainstormed on dinner ideas for tonight.
"So we're doing ricotta stuffed french toast right? With smoked maple butter and sour cherry sauce." You asked the kitchen. The 3 boys nodded their heads.
"Ribs? We can do a gochujang, barbecue type sauce. We'll leave the ribs in brine before we leave." You suggested.
"Ooh, we got good fish this morning. What if we used it to make a crudo? Use up the yuzu fruits to make the dressing." Jongho said.
"Good idea." You nodded, writing that down.
"What about poached chicken? We can poach it in samgyetang herbs. Use the stock to make rice after that. Chicken and rice dish." Seonghwa suggested.
"Yes, some might appreciate a lighter dish." Wooyoung chimed in. You noted all that down.
"Breakfast has just begun and you're already discussing dinner?" San laughed as he came in while you were all still discussing the dishes.
"We have to be prepared, some dishes need as much time as possible. Like we've decided to do ribs tonight so that means we need to marinate them before we leave later. Give it as much time to tenderise the meat and season it." You said.
"Giving more time to marinate helps tenderise it?" San tilted his head in surprise.
"With rib meat, there's not a lot of fat and flavour. So you marinate it, it firstly helps to soften the meat with the acid content. And it gives time for the flavours and salt to penetrate." Wooyoung explained.
"Oh wow. I never knew that." San said.
"So what is good to use to marinate? From what Wooyoung said, so something salty and acidic?"
"Yeah. But there are other things you can use. Like we'll use pineapple, it has an enzyme called bromelain that tenderises meat. Salt is easy things with soy sauce." Jongho informed.
"We'll go with those flavours since we want to use a gochujang based sauce when grilling. So asian tastes." You added.
"San, we need you! Stop chatting." Yeosang called.
"I'm not chatting! I'm learning." San growled in annoyance. He gave everyone a friendly smile and wave before leaving the kitchen to go help in the front. The 4 of you got back to work, finishing up on the baked treats so you could prepare for dinner tonight and leave to rest for the afternoon.
"Last batch done and cooling." Seonghwa said, putting the last cake by the window. When the treat or cake was done outside, those working the front would come and get the refill.
"I'm going for a breather." You said, going out for 5 minutes. The 3 didn't protest to that.
"Okay, let's clean up and start preparing what we need for dinner tonight." You instructed after coming back in.
"You prepare the stuff for tonight. We'll clean." Jongho came. Seonghwa nodded, bringing the used bowls to the sink to start washing them.
"Guess it's us on prep." Wooyoung bumped his hip against yours.
"Let's get all the meats out for trimming then." You said. Wooyoung helped you bring out all the packs of ribs, putting all the meats on the prep table. There was a lot of meat to get through.
"Rock, paper, scissors. Winner makes marinade, loser preps the meat?" Wooyoung wriggled his eyebrows at you.
"You're on." Seonghwa and Jongho ignored the two of you. But soon, Wooyoung was letting out curses, an indication of who emerged victorious in the game. You smiled happily, skipping to the pantry to collect what you needed for the marinade.
"I hate removing the membrane. It's so slippery." Wooyoung whined. But nonetheless, he took the pack of meat and grabbed his knife. He removed the membrane at the back, trimmed the excess fat cap off.
"Did you bring your boning knife?" Wooyoung asked. You nodded over to your knife wrap.
"I'm going to need it for frenching (cleaning the excess meat, fat and sinew off the bones for cleaner look)." He said.
"Knock yourself out." You giggled, making Wooyoung roll his eyes, continuing to grumble. You made a big batch of marinade, mixing all the ingredients in together.
"Thank you for your hard work this morning." Yunho came in for a short breather.
"How's the crowd?" You asked.
"It's good, actually. We're selling things at a steady pace. I think we're starting to have repeating customers too, I recognise some faces." Yunho smiled blissfully.
"What are you doing?" Yunho came over, full of curiosity.
"I'm making a marinade for the pork ribs. So Woo is preparing the ribs and we'll let them soak for as long as we can before we grill them for dinner. Get as much flavour in them as possible. Then we brush on a gochujang sort of barbecue sauce at the end. We'll serve it with white kimchi and roast potatoes." You informed.
"As someone who loves meat, that sound really good. White kimchi sounds like it will go together really well." Yunho said, nearly drooling as he imagined the dish.
"We'll see if the customers like more Western based dishes." You shrugged and he nodded in agreement.
"What's in the marinade?"
"Soy sauce, pineapple juice, pear juice, onions, sesame oil, peppercorns, salt and garlic. We're going for something similar to a bulgogi or galbi marinade." You explained to him.
"Done." Wooyoung groaned, throwing his head back tiredly. You chuckled and put the ribs into the tubs.
"I'll pour the marinades in." You used a measuring cup to divide the marinade into the tubs.
"Let me help with that." Yunho took one of the tubs after Wooyoung closed the lids, bringing it into the walk in to leave it there to marinate. Jongho helped bring the other tubs in too. After that, you put all your aprons in your little cubbies.
"See you later!" Yunho waved with smile. You all waved back, bowing your heads as you walked to Wooyoung's car to head home to rest for the next few hours.
"They just left?" Mingi poked his head in. Yunho nodded, taking his mug to drink his coffee.
"Grab me some chocolate sauce while you're there? Everyone seems to be craving mochas today." He asked.
"Sure. Anything else you need?" Yunho raised an eyebrow. Mingi shook his head and Yunho went to grab what the baristas needed for the front.
"You're very good looking." Some girls giggled as Yunho keyed in their order and received their money.
"Thank you. You can head to the end for your order pick up." Yunho smiled kindly, gesturing to the end of the counter. Mingi and Hongjoong watched on, both facepalming at how Yunho replied so normally. He was too kind to anyone that he met, not one to turn others away or reject their flirting.
Or maybe he just never noticed it when others flirted with him. Girls would usually get frustrated that Yunho wouldn't flirt back, just respond with a kind smile and a wave.
"What are we going to do with you?" Mingi clicked his tongue and shook his head.
"What?" Yunho asked, confused by his best friend's words.
"You're too friendly, Yunho ah." Hongjoong chuckled, patting the taller on the shoulder before heading to the back kitchen. Yunho still didn't understand what his friends were saying.
"Can I have your Instagram?" One of the girls giggled as they waited for their drink that San was making.
"Sorry, girls. Company policy, we can't give that info out." Mingi came to save Yunho, slinging an arm around his shoulder. The girls either pouted or frowned at Mingi's words, taking their drinks from San and leaving the cafe. Mingi chuckled and let out a soft sigh.
"What company policy are you talking about? I'm the owner and I didn't even know we had any policy." Yunho raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms.
"Trust me, buddy. You'll thank me later." Mingi patted Yunho's shoulders and walked back to the barista area to help San.
Instead of going home to rest, you went to the shops with Jongho to pick up some extra things that you might need for dinenr tonight like ginseng chicken soup herbs and worcesteshire sauce.
"Oh wow, key limes." Jongho said, picking one up to inspect. You looked over in interest.
"What a rarity... And they're not expensive. Shall we make key lime pie?" You turned to meet his eyes. Jongho nodded.
"Key lime syrup for drinks." His eyes sparkled excitedly. The both of you bought a few punnets, putting it into the trolley and continuing on your way.
"Hwa said he needed more stock bags." You grabbed two packets off the shelf. After getting what you needed, you and Jongho went to get a coffee at the coffee stand near the markets then drove to your home. You both decided to spend the remaining time napping at your house rather than splitting up.
When Jongho came to wake you up, you were not pleased to be woken up. All the tiredness of your broken sleep schedule was hitting you all at once, which was not ideal.
"Don't be grumpy." Jongho chuckled as he drove. You hid further into your hoodie.
"Hwa hyung's gonna send you home and won't let you do dinner service, you know?" Jongho reminded. You pouted, you didn't want to be sent home.
"Here." Jongho held out the coffee he poured into a travel mug for you.
"Thanks." You mumbled and took the tumbler to take a sip. When Jongho pulled up to park, you let out a childish whine.
"Come on." Jongho got out and went to open the passenger door for you. You grumbled as you stepped out, you were really just so tired and sleep deprived that you didn't want to be working.
You and Jongho were first to arrived. You went to get your apron, tying it around your waist and tucking two tea towels into your apron string. Then you put your precision tongs and tasting spoon into the pockets in front.
"Let's start." You said to Jongho. He nodded and stood with you, prepping what you needed to start.
"We should get the poaching liquid for the chicken going first. I want as much of the herbal flavour to get in because we need that liquid for the rice later." You informed.
"Okay, I'll prepare the herbs first?" He asked.
"No, help me butcher the chickens. I want to serve them in halves." You said. Jongho nodded and went to prepare his station.
"I'll prep the herbs." You went to get the samgyetang herbs that you bought earlier, brushing off any debris that you saw, throwing it into the pot with some stock.
"Hey." Seonghwa and Wooyoung came in. You were focused at your own counter. Wooyoung pointed at your back, signalling to Jongho.
Jongho put his hands together, tucking it under his ear to show that you were sleeping before this. Wooyoung and Seonghwa nodded their heads, understanding him. They went to put their things in their cubbies and got their aprons. Wooyoung didn't dare approach you yet but Seonghwa was daring enough.
"Hey, darling." Seonghwa came up to you.
"Park, I'm holding a knife. If you're going to ask me to go home now and sleep, I'm not responsible for what I do with said knife." You said, continuing to cut the garlic.
"Carry on." He patted your head and backed away. The only time you called him 'Park' was when you were grumpy.
"I'll get started on the ribs." Wooyoung raised his hand, going into the walk in.
"Hwa, start on the appetisers. Jong, when you're done, prep what we'll need for the rose carbonara. I'll do the desserts after I put the chickens in for poaching." You instructed.
"Okay." They all replied and got to doing their tasks.
When Yunho, Mingi, Hongjoong, Yeosang and San came in for the dinner shift, they too felt the coldness in the room. Yunho could practically see the rain cloud above your head. Wooyoung shook his head, using his hand to do a neck slice action.
"Go." Yunho whispered, ushering the other boys out to the front to get ready for dinner service.
"Don't worry, (y/n). I'll be at the pass tonight." They heard Wooyoung offer from the kitchen window. Tonight was supposed to be your turn at the window.
"We need an extra pair of hands. San." You poked your head out briefly. San raised his hand and jogged to the kitchen quickly.
Yunho pouted, he had hoped he was the first one you call to help in the kitchen. He could do just as well as San.
"Let's get the silverware out." Mingi said. Hongjoong brought his maitre d stand to the front, making sure his iPad with all the reservations was on and working.
"Work phone?" Hongjoong asked. Yunho took it from the charger behind the counter and handed it over. The shorter put it in his pocket.
"(y/n) a little sleep deprived now and like a little kid, she can get grumpy when she needs sleep. So just... steer clear. Don't try to send her home or anything, she already threatened Seonghwa. It's scary." Jongho advised to those that were outside, having come out to get a mug of juice from the bar fridge.
"I'm stepping out real quick to get something. If I'm not back in time, Hongjoong hyung, open for me?" Yunho said.
"Do you need something?" Yeosang asked.
"Kind of...? I'll be as fast as I can. Just manage it for the time being." Yunho said and ran out the front door of the restaurant, leaving his dumbfounded friends there.
When Yunho came back, he came through the back. He put what he needed in his cupboard before coming out of the small room.
"Woah." He almost crashed into you. You raised an eyebrow, looking up at him.
"Aren't you supposed to be out there?" You asked, nodding over to the front of the restaurant. Yunho gulped, suddenly feeling like a child that was caught by his parent.
"I needed to get something so Hongjoong hyung opened up for me." Yunho said. You nodded and went into the get something front your bag. Yunho's eyes followed you until you stopped.
"Need something?" You stared back at him, questioningly.
"N-No! I'm going out." Yunho quickly bowed his head and ran away to support his friends with waiting tables. You slightly frowned in confusion but grabbed what you needed before going back to the kitchen as dinner service was starting.
Thankfully for you, dinner service went by quickly. The customers liked the menu and the food. When it was near closing, your kitchen crew took turns to prepare the dessert and to eat their dinner.
"Why don't you finish up dessert and go home? We'll clean up." Wooyoung offered.
"I'm fine." You rolled your eyes, flipping the french toast in the pan.
"Can I get a coffee, please? Two shots, on the rocks." You turned to Jongho. He nodded and ate another bite, exiting the kitchen to go out and make you a coffee.
"Service." You put yours and Wooyoung's plate at the window. Yeosang came over and took it to serve.
"Here you go." Jongho handed you the cup. You took a sip and exited the back door.
"Last few tables. Is (y/n) outside?" Yunho asked. Seonghwa nodded. Yunho went to the locker room and grabbed something, slipping out the back door. Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Jongho tried but couldn't get a glimpse at what Yunho was carrying. They shrugged and returned to what they were doing.
"(y/n)?" Yunho looked around. He saw you sitting on the curb, cup of coffee beside you as you pressed your cheek on your folded arms. Your eyes were closed as you snoozed.
"Did you need something?" You asked with your eyes closed, making Yunho jump in surprise.
"Ummm, I have something for you." Yunho said shyly. Your eyes fluttered open as you stared at him.
"Sit." You scooted, patting the space beside you. He gladly sat down. You took a sip of your coffee first, raising an eyebrow at Yunho, waiting for him to say something.
"Something to brighten your day... Or, at this time, I guess it's night. To give you energy." Yunho grinned, taking the paper bag.
"Which is?" You were not expecting him to take a sunflower bouquet out for you.
"Oh and this. I don't know how to make donuts so I figured buying one that I know is good will be better than me trying to make one on my own." Yunho said, holding out the box of 3 donuts. You stared at the two items.
"Sunflowers bring light and energy... I just thought... I don't know..." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. You melted a little, this was completely unexpected.
"Thank you, Yunho. I'm really fine, don't worry." You didn't know what came over you as you reached out to pat his head gratefully.
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more-than-fluff · 11 months ago
Half of My Heart
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Taehyung x Y/N
Genre - Singlefather Fluff/Smut
Summary - A little runaway has you encountering single father Taehyung a man who left you wanting more. You just hope you see him again.
Notes - This is something I haven't really written before, the smut is at the end. I wanted to try and focus on the romance a little more so I hope it's still good!
Working another shift in your cafe is making the day go quickly. It's busy as always with customers ordering their usual coffee and sweet treats.
Suddenly you hear a child speak, "Mommy?" You look down and see a little girl standing at the counter looking at you. Very confused you approached the girl, "I'm sorry little one, but I'm not your Mom."
A man's voice then comes through, "Lana, come back!" You look up and see what you assume to be her Dad approaches her.
The girl's little eyebrows dropped down as she looked sadly at you "I…want my mommy.." She said softly again while her father was still following her.
You look up and see him come closer, "Look, your dad has come!"
The girl finally looked away from you towards her dad who was standing a few metres away from you. She looked back at you as if she wanted to say something but quickly walked to her father and hid her face into her daddy's arms.
You look at the man and give him a smile, relieved that she wasn't alone anymore.
The man looked at you while holding his little girl. The girl had her arms wrapped around her father and her head on his chest. She didn't want to even look at you probably because she was shy. She was probably 3 or 4 years old. The man finally broke the awkward silence "Sorry..My daughter ran out of nowhere. We live nearby and I just had to come here find her."
"That's okay, I'm glad she's safe now." You reply.
He smiled at you and said with a little chuckle "Yeah I'm glad too but this little girl is very curious..I always say to her not to talk or walk away with strangers but..I guess she wanted to explore today because she ran away from me. She's such a stubborn one" He laughed and scratched the back of his little girl while she was still hugging him.
You laugh with him, "Well she seems to have a really good father, keeping an eye on her."
He looked at you with a little smile "I'm doing my best alone as a single father but it gets hard sometimes to raise her by myself. You would understand that right? He asks you curiously then looks at his little girl "Right Lana?" He was talking to her while she was still hiding her beautiful little face in his chest.
"Of course." You look at the man and he looks pretty tired so you decide to pull a cake out of the counter and present it to him, "On the house, please enjoy."
He was a little surprised by your act as you pulled the cake from the counter and presented it to him. He wasn't expecting that at all but he looked at you with gratitude "Are you sure you don't want anything in exchange?"
You shake your head, "I know how hard it can be."
He finally managed to get a clearer look at your face now and his smile faded a bit with a little surprise "Can I ask your name?"
"It's Y/N."
"Y/N. That's a beautiful name. I'm Taehyung and this is my sweetheart Lana" He says as he grabs the cake from your hand. His eyes never left your face as he thanks you for the cake. He was now curious about you and wanted to know more about you. His little girl however looked at the cake and started to lick her lips but was still hiding her face in her father's chest.
"Please have a seat." You gesture to one of the empty tables in the shop.
Still surprised by your gesture he decided to accept it anyway with a little smile. He took his daughter by the hand and gently sat her on the chair. Once he also sat down he grabbed a piece of the cake and fed it to his little girl. She didn't protest to his act and allowed him to feed her.
He would occasionally look at you while talking to his little girl. He noticed you were busy working as he heard you serving other customers. He decided not to disturb you as he continued to talk to his little girl, giving her more pieces of the cake. Soon though his little girl asked him "Daddy, who's that girl?" He then smiled at her as he looked at you.
You kept smiling as you looked busy with customers. The little girl looked at her father as she waited for his response and the father pointed to your direction "That girl is Miss Y/N, my sweetheart. She's the one who gave you the cake" He looked at you again and smiled. He wasn't lying either to his little girl as he was attracted to you the moment he looked at you. He found you beautiful.
His little daughter eventually finishes her slice of the cake. She looked back at him and pointed at her plate again as she wanted more "Daddy, can I have more?" She looked cute while asking her father for more cake.
You chuckle to yourself, trying not to make it obvious that you're listening.
He gave her another piece of cake to satisfy her but she wanted even more "Mooooorreeeee" She said and pointed at her plate again as she wanted another piece. Her father didn't mind giving her another piece. She was just too adorable. He finally gave up and said to her "No, that's enough sweetpie. Otherwise you would get a stomach ache"
As you prepared to clean up your cafe, the little girl's father was packing his stuff, ready to leave the cafe with his daughter. The father looked at you again as he was getting up, still keeping an eye on his little girl. Little girl kept insisting him to have more cake but her father was firm with her. She finally got it and decided to go with her father. "Thank you again for the cake" He said to you with a little smile as he was carrying his little girl.
You smile to him, "It was the least I could do, please visit again."
He smiled back at you again as he walked out of your bakery with his little girl. The little girl turned her head back for a second to look at you before she left with her father, you give a little wave before you close up the cafe.
It was summer time, so everything was green. The air was light and it was a breeze. You felt the wind through your hair as you were walking back home. Your shift ended on time today. You would probably sit back and relax as soon as you get inside your home.
You were tired and exhausted so you just sat down, feeling every bit of tiredness in your body. You were just staring at the walls while sitting. All you could think was how adorable his little girl was and how handsome he was the moment he looked at you. You felt a bit of butterflies in your stomach, imagining if those two ever visited your bakery shop again.
The next day came by. The air was still fresh and it was quite hot. You were already in the bakery, preparing things for your day ahead. You couldn't stop thinking about that cute little girl from yesterday and her father. You were hoping that they would come in again, probably buy a cake for his daughter, which would give you a chance to have a real conversation with him.
You finished preparing everything and got everything ready. The oven was on, cakes were baked and coffee was ready for your customers. You walked to the counter and sat behind it, ready to welcome any customers that would go inside your shop.
The first few hours of your shift went by fast as usual because of your regular customers. You were serving them cakes and coffee. They were just chatting with you as usual about how their morning was so far and how their day would go ahead. You found it so nice of them to drop by your bakery before work everyday as they're helping you get through your shift faster.
You kept hoping that the little girl and her father would come by again during your shift. The time kept ticking and you were losing some hope that they would actually come by the bakery today. Your eyes were always watching the door as if you were waiting for something. But as the day went by, there was still no sight of the two. It was just your regular customers coming by today. Soon your shift was ending and it was closing time.
Just like yesterday, you started to clean the cafe and close for the night. No customers were coming inside anymore so you finally had a some few quiet moments to yourself. You kept thinking about how today could have been so much better if only the little girl and her father had stopped by again. You continued cleaning up the cafe with that thought in mind. The place was empty now and it was finally silent. It was finally time to close the bakery shop for today.
You locked the doors, turned off all the lights and took a look at your bakery, making sure there was nobody inside. Once you were sure of that you were leaving. You were now locking the front door behind you as you stepped out. It was quiet outside with almost nobody roaming around. You decided that it was a good idea to go home and just rest. After all, the day was pretty long. You started walking back to your home while thinking about how your day could have gone if Taehyung and his little girl had visited.
You kept walking back home slowly.. you didn't stop or anything, you just kept walking and thinking about it. You felt disappointed that the two didn't even stop by your bakery today. But maybe that's just how it was meant to be like you said. You kept walking, still upset about the whole thing and thinking about whether or not they would stop by tomorrow. Eventually you arrived at your home and stepped inside.
You woke up the next day, probably with some hopes that the little girl and her father would come by again but you tried not to get your hopes too high up. The air was a bit hot as usual, but the day seemed to be a bit windy compared to yesterday. You prepared yourself before heading to work at the bakery. You walked all the way there and once you arrived, you immediately started your shift again.
The day was going through the same routine like before. Customers coming by, you serving them cakes and coffee. After each customer you just kept thinking that maybe the next one would be the father with his daughter. You started to lose some hope but you refused to give up on that dream that the two would stop by your bakery today. The time kept going by slow with every one of your customers that passed by. Eventually your shift was ending again.
You're all ready to leave when you hear the door open, you turn and see Taehyung walk in. Your heart started beating fast when you recognized that it was the man. What were the chances? What did he want to buy anyway? Was he actually alone? What happened to his little girl. You couldn't help but think of these questions in your mind as you saw him walking towards you.
"Just in time, I was about to close." You say, trying to hide your happiness in seeing him.
"I'm sorry I came here at this time when you were about to close." He says to you as he approached the counter. His voice sounded smooth but it had a soft and sweet tone to it. You realized that he was actually alone this time and probably came here without his daughter. He was probably just wanting to buy another cake for her or something.
"That's okay, what can I get you?"
He looked at the cakes that you had prepared for the day and pointed out the one he wanted "I'll take one of those chocolate cakes please." He said it with a polite smile, looking straight at you. His voice was also soft but it had a little huskiness to it that would make almost any girls blush. The way he looked at you made you feel a bit of butterflies in your stomach. The way he spoke was so smooth that you had a hard time not melting when talking to him. The man continued to look at you as he waited for your reply.
"Of course." You smile at him, trying not to fall for his smooth voice. It feels different as he's alone this time.
He noticed how you were trying not to fall for his smooth voice. He knew he had that effect on you, knowing that that his voice was like a weapon for him. He never got bored of having that power over a girl that made her fall for him without even trying. But for today, he stayed calm with that weapon of his and kept his voice soft, sweet with a little huskiness to it. He smiled back to you politely and said in his soft and sweet tone "Thanks. Can I ask something?"
You reach for the cake and return back to place it in a bag for him, "Of course."
"Good.." He said with that soft and sweet tone which almost made you melt again. You could literally hear your heart beating fast because of the way he was speaking. The way he was looking at you was like pure sugar. He didn't realize how much his eyes affected you. He decided to ask you another question "Do you have any plans tonight?"
You shake your head in reply, wondering what his true reason for coming here at closing was.
"Well do you want to have something to eat with me tonight?" He asked this question in that same sweet tone while looking at you. He had no problem in asking you out just like that after seeing your response to his other questions. His flirtatious tone and look were definitely showing that he's asking you out and hopefully you would say yes to it. His eyes were full of confidence as if he already knew that you would say yes.
"I'd love to." You say, figuring out that's why he came.
He got his answer from you. All he needed was a "yes" from you and he managed to get one from you. So he smiled to you in an appreciative of your answer while letting out a soft laugh "Good." He says to you in that same, husky tone. You could swear you felt your knees turn into jelly because of this man.. but he kept calm still while waiting for something. You don't even know if you can call this flirting or not but all you knew is that he's asking you out for dinner tonight and you agreed to it
You finished closing up the cafe and decided to walk with him. He decided to take the lead as he was the one who asked you out so he should get things going. You were walking with him outside, feeling the heat from the summer sun. You also started to pay attention to what he looked like up close as if you never really noticed how handsome he was before. You were paying attention to things like the way he dressed, his eyes and his hairstyle. It all just made you more attracted to him as you kept walking by his side.
"So where are we going?" You ask, looking up at him.
"It's going to be a surprise. It's better if I just lead you somewhere without telling you first." He says to you with a little smile. He's been quite secretive about the place he's bringing you to. If he tells you beforehand, it might not be much of a surprise to you. So he decides to keep his lips sealed for the time being. It was a bit tempting to know about the location but he doesn't sound like he'll break that promise just yet.
You smile and love how he is at the moment, he looks excited, a little nervous but you can see he's trying to hide it with a wave of confidence. "Okay."
"Just trust me. You'll love the place." He says to you as he continues to walk. His confident look made you believe that the place he's planning to bring you to is really nice and fun. So you decided to trust him as you kept walking. It felt a bit weird not knowing about the location but the intrigue of finding out where he's actually bringing you to was enough to keep you interested in him. He just gave you a small smile as he just kept walking while you both were enjoying the evening weather of the summer sun.
You were just walking with him through various different paths and roads. The more you were walking with him, the more intrigued and curious you became to know where he was actually taking you. The suspense of not knowing where the location is was building up as you two were walking and now you could see the location which was quite a distance away. He started to slow down his pace as you two approached the destination
"Okay, we're finally here. Here's where I'm taking you to."
You've finally arrived at the destination where his surprised for you was brought to. You looked at him when you guys came to stopped and he looked back in return. The place looked like a fancy restaurant that was situated in a somewhat quite and peaceful area outside the city. The facade was lit up and had a pretty view with the lights and the decor. It reminded you a lot about romantic date night.
"Really?" You take in the environment, it's beautiful but you weren't prepared. You look to your clothes. "I'm not exactly dressed for this place." You smile at him, a little shy.
He looked at you and noticed how you were feeling a little shy because of how your clothes didn't really match the attire of this place. He looked at you from head to toe first and then he nodded and gave you a small smile. There was a hint of amusement mixed with his smile "Don't worry. This place is pretty chill. They don't have much of a dress code and I think you'll do fine." He says to you as he tries to ease your shyness away before walking towards the entrance.
"Just follow me. I'll take care of the rest." He says to you as walks towards the entrance with a confident stride. The place was pretty quiet despite how fancy it looked from the outside. The exterior was pretty grand and the interior had a nice atmosphere when you entered. And yes, you were probably a bit underdressed for the place compared to everyone else who was wearing something nice like suits and dresses.. but it was fine. After all, he promised that the place was pretty chill and it was true. The atmosphere just felt relaxed overall.
You reach your table and he holds the chair out for you, you sit and look at him. "Thank you." He's such a gentleman
"No problem." He says to you as he pulls out the chair for you and then he goes around the table and sits opposite of you. He was indeed a gentleman as he is very kind and thoughtful towards you. After you sat down, you both looked around you. The place definitely looked more classy now that you were inside. It was pretty cozy and the decor looked elegant. The way he chose this restaurant is what made you more appreciative of this man. Suddenly a waiter comes up to you guys with menus, smiling.
"Thanks." He says to the waiter politely with a smile as the waiter nods and walks away. You noticed how much manners he had on top of being kind and smooth. He could be like a total gentleman with this attitude of his. Once the waiter was gone, he started to look through the menu. He was thinking of his order that he was going to order. He didn't say anything though he just kept silent while he was checking the menu. He's probably planning out everything on what's going to happen in the evening that's for sure.
You read over the menu, it's a little pricey but you don't let him know that you can only get the cheaper things on the menu, "The salads look delicious."
He noticed how you were trying to look through the menu. The salads did look delicious as there were some interesting flavors on there. He looked over at the salads as well and he noticed your interest in the salads "You planning on ordering salad?" He asked you in a soft tone, looking at you expression he can tell that something is off.
"If the other stuff's too pricey for you, I could pay for you." He said to you with a smirk. The way he said it sounds like it's no big deal for him to do that for you. In fact, he's actually offering to cover the whole thing for tonight and just pay for it himself. He wasn't even shy to offer it to you and he sounded sure of himself that's for sure.
You look up at him. "Oh I wouldn't ask that of you."
"Ah come on, it's fine. I don't mind covering it for you. I just want you to enjoy your own meal too as well without worrying about the price if that's what's keeping you from getting anything else from the menu. Besides I'm the one who asked you out on the date and I owe you for that cake, so I'm paying." He said to you with a small grin on his face showing how kind and thoughtful he was. He seemed determined to pay for your meal too. You thought he was sweet yet he seemed pretty confident as well.
You smile. "Okay, thank you." Okay this man can't be real. He's a gentleman from a storybook or something.
"No problem." He says to you in that soft and smooth tone again. The way he was so determined to pay for you really showed how much of a gentleman he really is. He seems like he wouldn't change his mind on this despite you trying to change it back. Either way you were really going to accept his offer as he wanted you to get anything you want. He just seemed so nice and kind that you probably didn't deserve him. Once the waiter came back, you both started to place your orders with the waiter.
You order your meal and look at Taehyung as he orders his. "Alright, I'll have the ribeye steak with a side of mash potatoes." He said to the waiter who wrote the order down for him. The waiter nodded and walked away to send the orders to the kitchen. Once the waiter left, all that was left was just the two of you once again sitting there. He just smiled to you as the table became silent again. The vibe was getting more intense and romantic due to his choice of restaurant. The whole setting just had the mood for romance.
"This place is beautiful." You say looking around and taking everything in but your eyes always landing on him in the end.
"I knew you'd like it. The whole atmosphere and vibe of this place is really great." He says back to you with that sweet, soft tone as he was smiling at you right now. The way he chose this place showed how much he thought about you or at least that's the way you saw it. The way this place looked was a bit pricey but he probably thought that you'd like it anyway.. so that's why he decided to take you here for dinner.
You can't stop smiling at him, you can't believe he came back to you.
"So.. since we're done with the orders.. Can I ask you another thing?"
You nod in response, "Of course."
"Well.." He hesitates for a bit of time but then he decided to just go for it. He had some other plans for this evening after all and he wanted to know your answer to his question first. He takes a deep breath first before speaking again "What do you like to do during your free time?" He finally asks you the question he's been asking himself about you these past days.
You think over the question, "I normally go for walks, draw or read really. I've never been much of a people person." You look down, realising your answer exposes you as quite the introvert.
"That's fine though. Nothing wrong with being an introvert." He says to you as he noticed how you looked down and probably feeling a bit anxious from how your answer made you seem like an introvert. He didn't mind if someone was an introvert. Besides, he was pretty introverted himself so he can relate to you on some level. He decided to ask you another question after that "Do you like being alone.. or do you find it quite lonely most of the times?"
You look back at him, "I guess it can be lonely, but that's what the cafe is for. I see many people everyday."
"Yeah that's true. But there's still some difference on being alone with other people and being really lonely when you're actually alone with yourself. I was kind of wondering which one you were and I'm guessing that it's the latter?" He asks you in his husky voice with a slightly concerned tone. He was probably curious on knowing what kind of person you are.
"You're probably right there." You reply.
"I see… Do you sometimes feel like it would be nice to have someone you could talk to and spend time with sometimes?" He says to you with a soft, sympathetic look in his eyes. He was probably curious if you ever felt that way sometimes. He was feeling quite interested to know about your emotions, what's really going on in your head and what you actually feel on the inside.
He noticed how you're looking at him with a gentle smile. Your gentle smile was enough to make him feel that butterflies in his stomach again. He was starting to feel a bit of an attraction to you in those moments "..and having someone who can be there to hug you when you're feeling sad or comfort you when you're feeling scared about something.
"I wouldn't know if I deserve it." You say honestly in your reply. You're so used to being alone that you honestly don't know what it would be like.
"Well." He suddenly says something that caught your attention and he probably thought of this the moment he got to know you and the way you acted "The way you act, your kindness, the way you carry yourself, you definitely deserve someone like this and you'd do so well in a relationship. If you ask me, you deserve someone a lot better than what you think you deserve."
He looked at you and noticed how your cheeks were beginning to have a slight pinkish hue. He's able to tell how you're really starting to blush right now and he found it quite adorable. The way your blush looked on you was a nice way of showcasing your beauty. He smirked back at you a moment later and then he continued on "Honestly, I'd be grateful to have someone like you."
Your eyes widen at him, "I don't know about that."
"Well, I mean it. I'm sure there's plenty of guys out there who would say the same thing as me." He says to you as he was confident when he said those words. He actually didn't doubt it a bit that several guys would gladly take the chance on you. You were a catch after all. You were pretty, kind, a good communicator and you also have a good personality. He couldn't see any downsides on dating someone like you because you were pretty much the whole package in his eyes.
"Well, they've been keeping themselves quiet." You joke a little but your voice is shaky.
He chuckles when he heard that joke, but he noticed how your voice was a bit shaky. He didn't know if you were still feeling nervous or was it something else at this point. He thought maybe the compliment might've made you a little shy. So he decides to ease the mood by saying something a bit playful "Oh don't get too cocky now. I'm pretty sure they want to tell you the same thing.. but they're just too nervous to do it yet."
You chuckle at him, he makes you feel calm in the moment, "Anyway, what about your daughter, tell me about her."
He noticed how his calm attitude made you feel at ease with how you were acting right now. You did feel calm and you seemed to feel really comfortable talking to him. But that reminded him of where he was going with the conversation next. So he answers what you asked him "Oh my daughter? She's currently being taken cared of by her grandparents from my wife's side who passed away many years ago. I don't really get the chance to see her as often anymore but she's doing well.. she's pretty bright and really friendly too."
"I'm sorry about your wife, I hope you didn't mind me asking." You take a moment before adding. "She's a beautiful little girl."
"Don't worry, it's fine that you asked me about my wife. I know it's been a while but it's still hard sometimes to think about her now. Thank you though for the sympathy." He says to you as he smiles. The memories of his deceased wife still linger in his mind from time to time but he knew that they were in a better place right now.. That's the only thing that mattered. He then goes on to continue the conversation "Yes she indeed is pretty, just like her mother."
You love seeing his face when he talks about his daughter, "You seem like a really good father."
"Yeah, well I try my best really. I don't want her to grow up without knowing that her father loves her so much. I want her to know I'm always here for her whenever she needs me. Although sometimes it's hard to make time for her but I always try my best to do so." He says to you in a soft, sweet tone. He really loves his daughter and it shows. You can see the love in his eyes when he talks about her. It looks genuine.
"From what I've seen of her she's great, and loves cake." You smile at him.
He chuckles at the mention of her loving cakes. That was one thing he couldn't disagree with you on because his daughter liked cakes a lot "You got that right. My daughter is really sweet on cakes and she loves to try out different flavors. It's one of the things she looks forward to most. Even though she could sometimes make a huge mess with the icing, I still love how cute she looks when she does it."
You laugh, "Those are the things you'll miss most when she grows up."
He smiled at your laugh. Honestly these were the moments when she was younger where he would miss most once she grew up as time passes by "That's true though. I'll miss times like this a lot with her.. and even things like her messy tendencies with cakes. She definitely is a messy eater but I don't know.. there's just something cute about it."
You chuckle. Finishing your food, it was delicious and Taehyung asks the waiter for the bill. The waiter comes back with the bill and he hands it to him. He gives him a small nod and then he looks at the total bill. After looking over it he hands the waiter his card to pay for the whole thing and then he gives you a small smile.
"Are you sure? I can pay for myself, it's not a big deal honestly."
"Yeah. Don't worry, I got it." He said with a reassuring tone as he wanted to cover the whole bill as he said before. It was something he said he'd do before and he's staying true to his word. He wanted you to feel more comfortable that he's paying for you. He didn't want you to feel like you had to pay for yourself after everything. He just wanted it to be a nice and wholesome evening for you. He gave you a sweet smile to assure you on his decision on this.
You smile at him. "Thank you."
"No problem." He says calmly as he gives you another sweet smile. He didn't feel bad at all for paying the whole bill for you. He just wanted to go through with paying for it as he said before
The waiter comes back with his card and the receipt with the total amount. He takes both from the waiter and puts his card back into his wallet and then he looks at you smiling "Should we go now?"
This was the moment. The moment where you two were going to head out of the restaurant and continue the evening from there. You stood up and he also follows suit as he got up. The waiter noticed this and went to clear the table as you guys started to walk towards the exit. The dinner was now over but you both looked very happy.
You leave the restaurant and start to walk. You link your arm in his and simply enjoy his company, "Tonight was just perfect, thank you."
He looked down as you link your arms with him as you both started to walk. A gentle sigh leaves him as he smiles and his cheeks start to blush again. That was one more moment of you being with him that made him feel that butterflies in his stomach. He felt like these moments are becoming a recurring thing where in every moment you're with him, you always make him feel all those butterflies. He was truly comfortable with you like he had never been with someone before.
"You're welcome." He says back in a gentle tone
You continue walking, you lean onto him. He smells amazing and feels even better. You don't want the night to end.
The way you leaned in closer to him, your body was pretty much very close to his now. He was glad you were comfortable with how close the two of you were now. He smiled softly at you as he smelled the fragrance on your hair. It smelled very nice and he even noticed how your body feels next to him. It felt warm and welcoming.. like something he could really get used to. Neither of you want this night to end. It almost felt like a dream with how perfect the night has been so far while walking side by side together.
You sigh, "I don't want this to end."
"Neither do I. It feels very nice to have you all to myself right now." He says to you in an almost hushed voice as he stares at you with a gentle look. The way he's looking at you makes you feel like he's completely smitten with you. It feels like he's willing to spend more time with you just to enjoy this moment even longer.
You look up at him and lock eyes for a moment. He notices how you were looking up to him and you both locked eyes for a small bit of time. He felt a strong desire to move into a bit of a physical move. He felt like that he wants to kiss you right now because he was starting to feel a bit more attracted to you now. Maybe it's the setting and atmosphere but he's liking you much more now and he wants to share this affection with you.
He finally goes in for the move and he slowly leans in towards your lips until your lips actually touch. He doesn't try to be too fast about it as he just wants to do this in a slow and gentle manner. He wants to be very careful with this because he doesn't want to go too strong with you. As your lips touch, he just wanted to hold this moment as long as possible before he pulls away. Maybe he'll do this again later but right now he just wants this long, slow and gentle moment with you.
He continues to lean in and he actually deepens the kiss as you both continue to kiss. His lips began to move along with yours slowly and it felt almost as if his tongue wants to meet yours. He's really starting to get into this kiss with you and he's really feeling it now. The emotions he was feeling, the passion that's rising now as he's doing this and the fact that you're kissing him back makes him feel very amazing and happy inside.
He continues to lean in and he actually deepens the kiss as you both continue to kiss. His lips began to move along with yours slowly and it felt almost as if his tongue wants to meet yours. He's really starting to get into this kiss with you and he's really feeling it now. The emotions he was feeling, the passion that's rising now as he's doing this and the fact that you're kissing him back makes him feel very amazing and happy inside.
He pulls back and cups your cheek, "How can I make you mine?" He asks you.
His words made you blush and your cheeks started to turn red. You were just not expecting this question to come out of him. You've never been put in a situation like this before where a guy wants to make you his all. You found it cute that he asked this to you. It made you feel special
You stayed quiet for a bit as you looked into his eyes and he looked into yours as well. You couldn't help but smile as you felt the intensity coming from him
"Make me yours?" You asked him back in a questioning tone. "I think I already am."
He looks down to you, taking in all of your features.
"Come home with me?"
You look up at him and nod. Unable to process anything else than just him. He leads you to his home, it wasn't far from the restaurant. Did he plan that, maybe? But you don't care.
You enter the door and you can't keep your hands off of each other. Lips constantly crashing into each other, hand exploring your body and yours running through his thick hair.
Within moments, clothes are gone. The gentle father you met the other day has disappeared for a moment and you left with a man stripped down to nothing.
He stand back for a moment.
"Wait, are you sure want to do this?"
You smile as he asks, there he is. The man you met.
You bring your hand to his face, cupping his cheek. He moves his head into your hand.
"I'm yours, I want nothing but you right now." You say looking into his eyes. He needs that reassurance from you right now.
"Oh baby." He says before kissing you once more. He lifts you and takes you to his bed. Dropping you softly, he trails kisses over your whole body.
"You're so beautiful, from the moment I saw you. I couldn't stop thinking about you. I want you so much, I can't hold back anymore."
He stops his kisses and looks to you once more, that reassurance is a constant but you give it.
"Then don't, show me everything."
He leaves a final kiss before reaching and grabbing a condom and wrapping it before dropping on top of you, his lips so close.
You look at him, cupping his face. "I want this just as much as you do, please. Show me." You say once more, pulling his face to yours kissing him.
He leans down and slowly pushes himself into you, your eyes don't leave each others as you both gasp in unison. His eyes drop as he picks up speed. Your moans getting louder as the pleasure builds.
"So good baby." He says as he thrusts into you.
"More, please." You whisper into his ear.
He takes your word and pushes into you fully. Your back arches, the pleasure is overwhelming. It builds more and more, you can't hold it back anymore. You need it, you need him.
"Give it to me baby, I need you to give in to me." He's practically whimpering into your ear as he picks up speed one more time.
You can't hold it in anymore, the stars come and you break apart under him. You feel his body shake as he succumbs to the pleasure. You have become one in this, you both needed each other and it has bound you together.
He falls beside you, his chest rising and falling harshly with each breath. You take a moment to compose yourself.
You turn and watch him for a moment, his features standing out even more after discovering every part of him. This beautiful being that you can call yours, as you are his.
He closes his eyes and says. "That was..." He can't finish.
You chuckle to yourself. "Amazing, everything you needed and more?"
He laughs to himself, he covers his face with his arm and takes a deep breath. He then peaks from his cover, and pulls you close to him. He holds you close and kisses your forehead.
"You're my everything." He pauses. "Well, half of my everything."
You look up to him.
"My daughter has half of my heart."
You smile at him, nuzzling back into his chest.
"You have the other half."
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sky-kiss · 1 year ago
Pinned Post: Guess I Should Make One
I mean, it's a Trash House. But I probably shouldn't have just like...a bunch of loose fic just rolling around the blog. I'm going to try and keep this updated but. I mean. You and I both know I won't.
Long Fic:
Sex, Death & the Infinite Void - Chapter 1 - Sky_kiss - Baldur's Gate (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own]
My ongoing fic, focused on Raphael's attempted conquest of the Hells. Things have not gone as smoothly as anticipated. He comes to the Dark Urge after death and makes a deal. Team Theater Kid does its best to navigate deals with Archdevils, start a cult, Joi's father manifesting in her life. Etc.
I Don't Think About You Anymore (But I Don't Think About You Any Less) - Chapter 1 - Sky_kiss - Baldur's Gate (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own]
Ok, it's not long. A two-part fic in a sad times AU, where Raphael offered a Dark Urge a place as his consort. She refuses him. They have a terrible relationship (it gets better?)
Hell In Your Eyes - Sky_kiss - Baldur's Gate (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own]
Raphael has a bad dream. He wants to feel in control again. So, he bangs his duchess. That's it. That's the fic. I lied. This is now a smut compilation fic.
Second Nature to Me Now - Chapter 1 - Sky_kiss - Baldur's Gate (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own]
This is an unholy amalgamation of Baldur's Gate and My Fair Lady. No. I will not answer any questions.
A Helping Hand - Sky_kiss - Baldur's Gate [Archive of Our Own]
Haarlep/F!Tav/Ascended Fiend Raphael have a good time.
Raphael x Tav Tumblr Asks Fics: (Under the Cut. TOO MANY)
Oh, god. Why didn't I NAME any of these. The titles get unhinged:
Angry Raphael Doing Torture
Raphael Speaking Infernal to Tav is Sexy
Tav is a Moron Who Signed a Contract Without Reading It
Bathing Raphael
Tav Accepts Raphael's Offer to Go to Hell (But in a Hot Way?)
Raphael Dancing with Tav
Tav is in Danger, Raphael Saves Her
Tav Snoops Around the Devil's Den (Raph is Right There, Idiot)
Raphael Attempts A Love Confession (Local Devil Crashes/Burns)
Softer Raphael? I Think This One Involves Cuddles
Word Prompts: Love & Worth
Raphael x Haarlep: Haarlep Teaches Raph a Lesson
Raph X Tav: Sex in Front of Mirror
Raphael Get Mugged (But Not Killed!) in his OWN HOUSE
Local Devil Publicly Shamed, Emergency Contact Still His Ex
Local Devil Exploits Idiot BFF's Propensity for Dying
Devil's Boyfriend Asks Out Devil's Idiot Crush; Is Only Sane Person
Local Devil Too Lazy to Shave Himself, But Also Sexy/Shirtless
Local Devil Partners and Terrible Drow Bitch About Parents
Reader Makes Very Bad Choices with Local Ascended Fiend
Local Devil Gets a Treat (Smut)
Local Devil Reminds You He Is Not for Cuddles (He Is)
Local Devil Sandwich Local Idiot (But Cute)
Coffee Shop AU: Friends Attempt to Help Local Idiot Date Hot Man
Coffee Shop AU 2: Friends Takes Matters Into Own Hands Due to Growing Disgust and Repulsion with Local Idiot and Hot Man
Local Devil Masquerades as Priest; Local Idiot Fooled
Local Devil and Local Idiot Just Kinda Grind on Each Other?
Local Devil and Local Idiot Throwdown in Hell
Local Idiot Tries to Rob Local Devils, Is Shocked by Repercussions
Coffee Shop AU 3: Local Idiot and Hot Man Flirt After Date
Coffee Shop AU 4: Just Some Shower Cuddles
Local Idiots Saves Local Devil's Lives: Is a Threesome Currency?
Coffee Shop AU 5: Snowday
Ascended Fiend Raphael Smut
Local Devil Is Kind of Nice for Once, Offers Bath
Local Devil is Truly Over the Local Idiot's Stupidity
Raphael Solo Sexy-Time
Reader Get Wrecked By Local Devils
Local Devil is Feeling Soft for Local Idiot
Local Idiot is so Dumb She Causes Local Devil Psychic Damage
Local Devil naps on Local Idiot
Reader is Hunted by Haarlep and Ascended Fiend Raphael
Local Devil Horrified by Own Child
Local Devil Not Dead, Gets Some Horrible Revenge via Local Idiot
Huge Devil Creatures Gives Cuddles
Local Devil Really Badly Burned (But not Dead!)
Local Devil Mistaken for Tiefling (Exhausted)
Things go Very Badly for Local Idiot
Local Devil Catches a Cold
Local Devil Introduces Local Idiot To Devil Father. It's bad
Asmodeus x Baalphegor
Local Idiot Kills Devil Crush, Consults Major Devil Hottie for Help
Local Idiot has Pissed Off Local Devil, Relationship in Shambles
Local Devil Transforms Nude
Local Devil has Beautiful Hands
Coffeehouse AU: Office Hours
Local Devils go "Fishing"
Local Idiot Helps Bloody Naked Local Devil to Take a Bath
Dadphael: His Kids are Thieves
Local Idiots Gets Absolutely Destroyed by Local Devils
Local Devils are Genuinely Awful: Bad Ending
Local Demon Seduces Local Idiot
Raphael x F!Tav: Corruption Smutlet
Raphael x F!Tav: War
CoffeShop Au Part Whatever: It's Snowy or Rainy and they Cuddle
Raphael and an Angel Play Chess or Something
Raphael is really too old to be drinking milk but here we are
Doll!Tav Get Their World Rocked By Raph/Haarlep
Local Devil "Comforts" a Sad/Tired Tav
Raphael and Haarlep Wreck Local Idiot
Modern AU Snippet Channeling some House of Usher
Haarlep and Raphael have some Bath Fun
Raphael and Tav have a Kissy in Honor of Kissy Day
Raphael is not dead (but is pissed off)
Raphael is too good for sex but is still going bang you
Early Raphael/Haarlep
Raphael Lingers in Bed and has big cat energy
Post post post canon Raphael GETS THE BIG WIN
Raphael & Jaheira have a catty conversation
Random Crap (Headcanons & Stuff) & Other People's DOPE ART:
Raph x Joi: Dirty Headcanons
Joi Looks Like This
Timeskip Raphael (SHAHS, YOU QUEEN)
Raphael & Joi Shopping (Please Note the Brooch)
Simply Drew a Gorgeous Joi (Thank you!)
Simply Drew Raphael and Raphael
Commission of Duchess Joi!
Simply Drew The Cutest Raph/Joi I've Ever Seen, Go, Gaze Upon It
Simply Drew a Sexy Murder Joi (Fresh from hunting her not husband)
Commission of Archduke Raphael and Duchess Joi
Ok. I think that's all of them. You no longer have to roam the wilds of the blog if you do not wish. I have released you from that dark task. Love ya'll. You're great. /finger guns/ Send me asks if you want. If I don't get to them immediately, I apologize.
But yeah. Keep on keeping on. Keep like...being amazing for Raphael. He doesn't deserve it, and he won't appreciate it, but like...I dunno.
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ipilokko · 1 month ago
Would it be too much to ask 36 through 41?
Hehe if yes you can just pick what ash you like most I'm ok with it
No worries, not at all!
"36- do they own items that have sentimental value?"
The house itself is one for Roy! His grandmother left it to him as a legacy with all the things inside so he is emotionally connected with nearly everything in it.
Mollie doesn't really have one... But she sometimes wears her mother's old clothes if that counts.
"37- How would they spend a lazy day when they have nothing specific to do?"
If they're in the mood for a walk, they go outside, have a little picnic in the park, if they are bored of the same scenery, they can go a bit further and visit the forest, they can randomly decide to go to Roy's shop to listen music from different devices, possibilities are endless.
If not, they watch movies together, sometimes the whole day with a coffee break in the middle, sometimes only at night with Mollie trying to wake up the snoring Roy closer to the end of the movie either because she doesn't enjoy watching when he isn't, and she needs him to stop snoring and close the tv so she can also sleep. Other than that they play board games, wordgames... When they're both are in a playful mood maybe they can start a war messing with each other.
If Roy is being a "snobby little shit" and a wiseacre again (he said something about her diet and an actress she liked) and Mollie had a boost to her hormones that day + got up from her bad side they have one or two little fights and then make peace 3 minutes after as the fishes they are.
"38- What do they usually do or where do they go when they need to feel comfortable and safe?"
Roy likes to go out and watch the ocean by the bus stop when he's down. Or lay on his bed or couch and stare at the ceiling to try and relive his most cherished memories. After a while he just can't resist anymore and rely on Mollie for further emotional support. Hold her if she's okay with it, hug her, cry on her shoulder, (somehow) talk to her...
Mollie on the other hand, likes to take an ice block from the freezer and put it around her face if it's summer or put some clothes that are freshly out of the laundry on the radiator for extra heat boost and then guess what? put these on her face if it's winter.
But this is not enough for sure. She also relies on Roy after that. Ask him to be held, to be hugged, to be close. Ask him to be comforted with words or ask him to be comforted withOUT words because as much as he is good at comforting her, she knows damn well he might tell her things she doesn't want to hear or sound unintentionally harsh sometimes depending on the situation.
"39- What is their sleeping habits and favorite sleeping position, either alone and with someone?"
Mollie usually sleeps late and gets up early. When alone, she sleeps on her face with her blanket completely covering her. If she had a stressful day, she draws a circle in ber bed during the night. If not, she only rolls just a bit in her sleep. Usually her sleep gets interrupted randomly for her to realize her blanket fell off the bed. She grunts and pulls it back only to find it on the ground again the next time she wakes up at night.
Mollie likes to sleep on Roy's chest. If Roy fell asleep during a movie or just when he was sitting and the 60° angle makes it hard for her to lay on his chest, she likes to get in his shirt pocket so she wouldn't fall and can use it as a blanket with a built in radiator and his natural scent in her lungs. Sometimes he has stuff in his pockets like coins or folded pieces of paper she spends a lot of effort to take them out and make herself comfortable. She hates it when he has other stuff in his pockets.
Roy sleeps when he gets sleepy, mostly without him realizing him falling asleep. He is a heavy sleeper, it takes Mollie a lot of effort to wake him up, because he wakes up late. But he is perfectly still in his sleep!
When he sleeps alone, he either sleeps oh his side or back. It's more than a habit than a favorite position, since he grew up with glancing out from the window as he fell asleep.
He doesn't have a favorite position with Mollie sleeping on him, as they don't have many options. It's enough for Mollie to be with him, really. However she is comfortable.
"40- How picky they are with food, do they have specific dietary requirements based on their health or culture?"
Mollie eats anything she likes the taste of, doesn't care if it's healthy or not, homemade or not. She likes spicy food and hates the greens except for pickles and green onion (SHE HAS THE FACE TO HATE THE GREENS, SOMEHOW?!). Her favorite vegetables are potatoes and carrots, her least favorites are eggplants and baked carrots. My girl likes em raw. She's a sweet tooth, eats literally anything that us sweet, doesn't care how well the dessert is made.
Roy does like fast food but prefers not to eat much as they aren't the most healthy. He doesn't eat something that isn't fresh or well made or something that he detected some smell he isn't familiar with in the said dish. He enjoys eating both meat and the greens, light salads being his favorite. His favorite vegetables are green onions and celery, (i hate celery i hate celery i hate celery i hate) his favorite greenery are rockets, sorrels and asparagus. He doesn't seek for desserts as much as Mollie does.
"41- What's their usual morning routine?"
As soon as Mollie wakes up, her first thing to do is spend some time with her mind without waking roy up. When she's bored she can walk on his chest for a bit, listen to his breathing then leave his presence and just get some business done in her own room, if she's death level hungry; can burn her finger trying to roast bread and make eggs. Then finally fight with a Roy that doesn't want to wake up or get out of bed.
When his sweet slumber gets interrupted by his wife, Roy sometimes obeys, sometimes just pulls her to lay a bit more with him but she usually doesn't buy it. He then half heartedly gets up and washes his face to get rid of his sleepy mood and shave if it's time for it. After that he just makes coffee, cooks breakfast and goes to work.
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Thanks for the ask! These were REALLY fun to answer!
Link to the ask game
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elisysd · 3 months ago
And when I'm feeling alone, you remind me of home
Chapter soundtrack : Christmas Tree farm - Taylor Swift
If you wanna read Gold Rush
GR Taglist:
@herondalism @aundercover @musingsbyshreya @karmabyfernando @reengard @mycenterfold @smoooothoperator
I know I haven't been the most present around here. Life has been a good mix of ecctic and chaotic lately. I didn't have a lot of time to write anymore. But if you are waiting for a new chapter of KOMH, I promise you it will happen. I'm working on it. Not as fast as I would like but it will be released. Meanwhile, and because I missed Julia and Ethan, I leave you with a little blurb about them and the little family they created. I hope you will like it.
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Julia Leclerc - Verstappen couldn't help but smile as she watched her husband Ethan Verstappen fussing around the Christmas tree. Him, the world champion F1 driver, always striving for perfection, was completely out of his element with the simple task of decorating a Christmas tree. But this was Emily's first Christmas, and for Ethan, everything had to be grand. At this point, it was starting to look like a contest of "who can spend the most money on decorations."
"You're seriously buying everything that sparkles?" Julia laughed as she watched him fix a final crystal ornament onto the tree. "I mean, you know, it's not about the shine. It's about the Christmas spirit."
Ethan, perched precariously on a step ladder, turned to her with a look of mock indignation. "Don’t even start, Julia. It’s Emily's first Christmas! Can you believe that? She deserves the best." He shot her a playful challenge. "And anyway, this is a Christmas tree, not a souvenir shop."
Julia rolled her eyes. "She's one, Ethan. She won't even remember this tree in two months."
Ethan paused, staring at her as if she had just announced she wanted a divorce. "How dare you say such things? Unforgettable! I’m unforgettable. I’m the best dad in the world. She'll remember me, even if it’s just the feeling of me feeding her her bottle."
Julia playfully sipped her hot chocolate, raising an eyebrow. "You? Best dad? That’s a bold claim. I mean, you’ve got no competition. I only have you to judge against."
Ethan placed the star ornament down carefully, then rolled up his sleeves, slowly walking toward Julia. He reached down, taking her mug from her hands and placing it gently on the coffee table. Julia's breath caught in her throat as he tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, his touch soft yet deliberate. Without a word, he bent down, pressing a kiss to her cheek, then her jaw, and finally her lips.
Julia sighed contentedly, but before she could fully respond, she reached up, pulling him closer, her fingers gripping the collar of his shirt, urging him to stay. Ethan, always eager for her touch, settled above her, resting comfortably as she leaned back against the cushion. The moment felt perfect, until a faint cry from the other side of the house shattered the atmosphere.
Julia pulled away reluctantly, her heart pounding as the sound of Emily's cries reached them again. "I guess I’m not the only one who needs attention in this house," she muttered, glancing at Ethan.
Ethan, still hovering near her, gave her a teasing smirk. "Let me guess, my presence wasn’t enough to calm the little princess down?"
Julia raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Well, it looks like you're going to have to put your 'best dad' skills to the test."
Without hesitation, Ethan strode toward the bedroom where Emily’s cries had become more insistent. Julia followed him with her eyes as he went to the nursery.. It wasn’t just the holidays that made everything feel so magical—it was the way their little family had come together, the way Ethan had changed in subtle ways for their daughter. She still couldn’t believe that the arrogant, world-class racer had turned into a doting father, ready to make everything right in the world for Emily.
Ethan leaned over the crib, his voice low and soothing. "Hey, hey, little champion. What’s wrong?"
Emily's eyes were wide and full of tears, but when she saw her dad, she calmed instantly, her tiny hands reaching out toward him. Ethan picked her up with a softness that could rival any other, cradling her in his arms.
Julia smiled as Ethan returned to the living room, Emily cradled gently in his arms. She’d already heard the soft whimpering from the nursery, so it wasn’t exactly a surprise. What was surprising, though, was the look of sheer exhaustion on Ethan’s face.
"She's hungry again," Ethan said with a sigh, clearly not thrilled by the idea of another bottle-feeding session. He flopped down onto the couch next to Julia, the little bundle of joy now wide awake and wriggling in his arms. "Honestly, how do you do this all day long?"
Julia let out a small laugh, adjusting her blanket as she sat up. "Well, I don’t exactly have a choice, do I? Plus, she’s pretty cute when she’s all snuggled up, so it’s worth it."
Ethan made a face as Emily began to wriggle in his arms, stretching her tiny hands toward her mom. "I don’t know how you make it look so easy," he said, carefully handing Emily over to Julia. "I feel like I’m going to break her every time."
Julia took Emily from him, her smile softening as she cradled their daughter. "She’s a lot tougher than she looks," she reassured him. "Trust me, she can handle you."
Ethan raised an eyebrow. "I think I’m still traumatized from the first time I tried to change her diaper. I had no idea those things could be that complicated." He shuddered at the memory.
Julia chuckled, settling Emily in her lap as she prepared the bottle. "You mean the time you nearly broke the changing table?"
Ethan groaned dramatically. "Don’t remind me. I swear, I thought I was going to end up in the ER. She’s like a tiny, squirming ninja. I don’t know how you stay so calm with her."
"Because I’ve had practice," Julia said with a smirk, teasing him as she started to feed Emily. "And maybe it helps that I’m not trying to feed her while balancing on one foot in a wrestling match with a diaper."
Ethan grinned, leaning back on the couch with his arms behind his head, clearly proud of his parenting skills. "Hey, at least I tried. I’m a champion in everything, even in diaper warfare."
Julia rolled her eyes, shaking her head affectionately. "You know, I think you might be a little bit delusional when it comes to your skills as a dad."
Ethan let out a playful sigh, resting his head back against the couch as he watched her feed Emily. "I’m just saying, I’m doing my best. Being a world champion doesn’t exactly prepare you for bottle-feeding duty."
Julia couldn’t help but laugh, shaking her head as she looked at Ethan. "You should try being on the receiving end of one of your bottles next time. I promise you, it’ll be the most challenging race of your life."
Ethan raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "What do you mean? You think I can’t handle it?"
Julia shot him a teasing look. "Well, let’s just say that after a few hours of sleep deprivation and a few dozen bottles later, we’ll see how much of a ‘champion’ you feel like then."
Ethan dramatically placed a hand over his heart. "You wound me, Julia. I’m already losing sleep because of you and your overwhelming Christmas tree obsession. Now you’re telling me I’m not even a good dad?"
Julia snickered, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "No, no, I didn’t say that. I’m just saying, I don’t think being the world champion of F1 makes you a world champion of parenting. That’s a whole other race."
Ethan leaned over, gently kissing her cheek. "Fine. I may not be quite as skilled at baby duties as I am at driving, but I’m doing my best. That has to count for something, right?"
Julia smiled warmly, kissing him back. "It absolutely counts for something. You’re better than you think, Ethan. Trust me, Emily’s already got a pretty amazing dad."
Ethan’s expression softened, and for a brief moment, there was a quiet silence between them as they both watched their daughter drink from the bottle, her little hands grasping the edge of the nipple in an attempt to steady it.
"Maybe you’re right," Ethan said after a beat, his voice a little quieter. "She’s got the best mom and dad she could ask for."
Julia smiled softly, the words settling in her heart like a sweet lullaby. "And she’s going to grow up knowing how loved she is."
Ethan chuckled, leaning in to kiss Julia’s forehead. "She might grow up spoiled, though, thanks to that tree you insisted on decorating."
"Hey," Julia shot back with a grin, "it’s her first Christmas. You’re the one who made us go overboard with the sparkly ornaments. If anything, I’m just supporting you in your quest for a ridiculously grand holiday."
Ethan put on a mock-serious face. "Ah, yes. The best Christmas tree in the world. The only thing that matters this season."
Emily let out a soft coo, and both of them turned their attention back to her as she finished her bottle, her eyes fluttering closed in contentment.
"Guess that’s it for the bottle-feeding championship," Ethan said with a dramatic sigh, wiping his hands on his jeans as he stood up. "I’m pretty sure I lost, but I’m willing to accept my P2 trophy."
Julia couldn’t help but laugh, her heart filled with joy. "You’re a good sport, Ethan. Now let’s just hope she sleeps through the night."
Ethan grinned, his eyes lighting up with mischief. "We’ve been through worse, right? You and me, we’ve survived worse than this."
Julia smiled at Ethan’s lighthearted comment, but deep down, she knew how important this moment was for both of them. They had come a long way from their fake relationship and tumultuous beginnings. Now, as parents, they had their little family, their own traditions, and their own quirks—like Ethan’s questionable attempts at decorating a Christmas tree.
"Yeah, I think we’ve survived worse," Julia said with a teasing grin. "Like the time you tried to assemble the crib and nearly crushed the baby monitor under the weight of your ‘expert engineering skills.’"
Ethan shot her a mock glare, crossing his arms. "Hey, that was a perfectly reasonable assumption. The instructions might as well have been written in ancient Greek."
Julia chuckled, shaking her head. "You could have at least read them before starting the ‘build-a-crib’ challenge. You know, instead of ending up with a half-assembled monstrosity that looked more like modern art than a crib."
"Modern art," Ethan scoffed with a smirk. "That thing had character."
"I’m pretty sure it had a death wish," Julia teased, nudging him playfully with her elbow.
Ethan grinned. "Okay, okay, I admit I might have taken a few... creative liberties. But hey, we made it through. Look at us now. We’ve got a tree, we’ve got Emily, and we’ve got... well, me, still the best dad around."
Julia raised an eyebrow, her playful smile still lingering. "You keep saying that, but I’m not sure Emily would agree after her last ‘wrestling match’ with you and the diaper change."
Ethan sighed, slumping dramatically. "Can’t believe you’re bringing that up again. I swear, changing a diaper should come with a training manual, or at least a referee. That was a fight to the finish. I think I lost more dignity than pride in that one."
"I told you she could be a little ninja," Julia reminded him, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she glanced down at Emily, now peacefully asleep in her arms.
"Yeah, well," Ethan grinned, "at least I didn’t panic and call for backup."
Julia looked at him, raising a teasing eyebrow. "Who would you have called? A pit crew?"
"Exactly," Ethan said with an exaggerated nod. "A pit crew of diaper-changing professionals. I’m telling you, there’s no shame in needing a little assistance from the best in the business."
Julia let out a genuine laugh, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "You know, you really are something else."
Ethan leaned in closer, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. "I know. But I’m your something else."
Julia smiled, a warmth spreading through her chest as she looked at the little family they had created. The house was filled with the scent of pine from the overly-decorated tree, soft Christmas music playing in the background, and the soft glow of fairy lights twinkling all around them.
The night was quiet, save for the occasional coo from Emily, who had fallen into a peaceful sleep in Julia’s arms. Ethan, his arm draped around Julia’s shoulder, stared at the tree, his eyes twinkling with a mix of pride and amusement.
"You know, I’m pretty sure we’ve gone overboard," Ethan said softly, his voice almost thoughtful.
Julia raised an eyebrow, her gaze moving to the tree. "You mean you went overboard. I was just here for moral support."
"Okay, okay," he said with a playful grin, "I might have gotten carried away. But look at it! This is the Christmas tree of champions."
Julia couldn’t help but laugh. "The Christmas tree of champions, huh? What’s next? A world championship trophy hanging on the tree next to the star?"
Ethan leaned back, his head against the couch, his face breaking into a grin. "I mean, that wouldn’t be out of the question."
"Sure, because nothing says ‘holiday spirit’ like a trophy on a Christmas tree," Julia said with a wink. "Maybe next year you’ll add a Ferrari flag as the tree skirt."
"Now you’re talking!" Ethan exclaimed, looking excited at the thought. "We could even have a whole racing-themed Christmas. Emily would love it!"
Julia shook her head, still smiling. "You really are a big kid, aren’t you?"
"Hey, I’ve got to make sure our little champion has the best Christmas memories," Ethan said with a wink. "And that includes a tree that can win any decoration competition."
Julia rolled her eyes but couldn’t contain the smile that tugged at her lips. "You’re impossible."
As the evening wore on, the three of them settled into a cozy routine—Emily asleep in Julia’s arms, the quiet hum of Christmas carols in the background, and Ethan’s arm around Julia as they both sat by the fire, gazing at their sparkling masterpiece of a tree.
"She's going to have the best memories," Julia said softly, glancing at Ethan. "Even if she can’t remember any of this Christmas, I’m sure she’ll feel the love we’re giving her now."
Ethan nodded, his voice softer than usual. "Yeah, you're right. I don’t think I ever understood what ‘home’ really meant until now. But this—this is it. This is everything I’ve ever wanted."
Julia looked at him, her heart full as she leaned in to kiss him gently. "You’re doing great, Ethan. You really are."
Ethan smiled, leaning back against the couch, content for the first time in what felt like forever. "Yeah. I guess I am."
And as the Christmas tree lights flickered softly in the corner of the room, the three of them nestled together, everything felt perfect. Perfect in its own messy, chaotic, and beautifully unique way.
"Best Christmas ever," Ethan whispered, his eyes fluttering closed as he rested his head on Julia’s shoulder.
Julia smiled, glancing down at their peaceful daughter, the holiday magic wrapping them in warmth and love. "Best Christmas ever," she echoed, holding Ethan just a little bit tighter.
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icyhottodo178 · 1 year ago
Secret Valentine: Bakugo Katsuki x Female Reader
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𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙥𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣: 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙖 𝙑𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙣𝙤 𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙖 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙞𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙡 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙢𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙪𝙥 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢 𝙖𝙩 𝙖 𝙘𝙖𝙛𝙚. 𝙔𝙤𝙪’𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙖 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙘𝙠.
𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙨: 𝙁𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛, 𝙘𝙪𝙩𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙑𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙗𝙫𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙡𝙮
𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙚: 𝙃𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙮 𝙑𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚’𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙮 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙤𝙣𝙚! 𝙄 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙚𝙣𝙟𝙤𝙮 𝙢𝙮 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙈𝙮 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙤 𝘼𝙘𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙖 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙄 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚 𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙤𝙣. 𝘼𝙣𝙮𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙄 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙛𝙪𝙣 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩!
𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: 1214
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It's late in the afternoon and you are walking to your mailbox to collect your mail. As you are glancing through the stack of mail you had received, you come across a pink envelop. On the envelop, your name and address was written on it in a neat fashion. "Who could this be from?" You asked yourself as you tried to look for the addresser's name. However, there was no name written.
All it said was, 'From: your secret admirer' in the top left corner of the envelop. Since Valentine's Day was tomorrow, you weren't surprised to receive a letter like this, but that didn't stop you from thinking who in the world could've sent it to you. Once back inside your home, you sat all the extra junk mail on the kitchen table and held the mysterious pink letter in your hand. Curious, you open the envelop. There was a piece of folded up paper inside that you pulled out and unfolded. You started to read the letter.
Dear (Y/N),
I can't help but admire you. You are an amazing and beautiful person inside and out. You make me smile every time you're around me. Geez, I can't believe I'm writing this. My heart is beating out of my chest right now as I write this because of how much you've made me fall for you. I can't handle these feelings and emotions on my own anymore. I had to write to you to get them off of my chest.
If you don't know by now, I'm writing this letter to you as a confession. I've been waiting so long to tell you that I… I really like you! There, I said it. I admit it. I've grown to like you and I was hoping this Valentine's Day, and forever more, that we could be more than just friends. Meet me at the coffee shop downtown tomorrow at 6pm. I'll be waiting for you."
Signed, with love, your secret admirer.
You realize that your face is burning up as you finish reading the letter. "More than just friends? Then that must mean my secret admirer is one of my friends." You say as you try to think of which of your friends it could be. As you thought long and hard, you finally came to a conclusion.
"No way...it couldn't be! The one person I have a crush on...that I've been friends with since we were kids; it couldn't be him could it!?"
You go to bed since the sun had set by now, still thinking about the letter. "It has to be him. I'm pretty confident it is!" You think to yourself. "I mean...at least I hope it is...I want to confess my feelings for him too. I've been waiting so long to finally tell him how I feel." You turn over in bed feeling tired. "I'm too tired to think about it right now. I guess I'll just have to wait and see who it is tomorrow."
After a good night's rest, you wake up the next morning to the sun shining brightly in your window greeting you to a brand new day. You groggily got out of bed and got ready for the day. Since it was Wednesday, you had a whole day to yourself to do whatever you wanted so you decided to watch anime to distract your mind but you found yourself thinking back on who wrote that letter you received.
Before you knew it, it was 5pm. Your entire day had went by so fast that you hadn't realized how much time had passed. It was only an hour away from meeting up with your secret admirer. Coming to this realization, you rushed around and got ready. Eventually, you stumbled upon your closet to be faced with a rack full of clothes. You picked out a red turtleneck with an outline of a heart and your favourite jeans as you quickly put them on, throwing the clothes you were once wearing before into the hamper.
After putting on your outfit, you fixed up your hair the way you wanted it to be and put on some makeup and perfume. Once you had finished getting ready, you left home and took a taxi to get to the coffee shop. Upon arrival, the clock struck 6pm. You had arrived just in time luckily, and found somewhere to sit once inside the shop. The shop smelled heavily of coffee and pastries. Employees were busy at their jobs serving customers that kept coming in and out constantly.
You realized most of the people around you were couples. It didn't come as a surprise to you since it was Valentine's Day, but still...it made you feel a little bit sad. Sad because you felt so alone on a day like today. However, the feeling went away when a person within the crowd of customers sat across from you at the table you were sitting at.
You were taken by surprise. It was Bakugo, your friend who you secretly had a crush on. "Hey. It's nice to see you again. You look really pretty today,” Bakugo said with a smile. Your face heated up at the compliment he had given you since he would rarely give them to anyone but you smiled softly before you spoke. "H-Hi. So it was you who sent me the letter?"
"Yeah, sorry for sending you a shady letter like that. I'm sure you worried about who sent it huh? I was just too nervous to admit my feelings to you in person since I was afraid you wouldn't feel the same,” Bakugo said to you as you knew it was him but a part of you was scared that the letter might’ve been some sick prank or something but it wasn’t and you were really glad.
After Bakugo had explained why he wrote the letter, your heart fluttered in your chest. To come to the realization that it was indeed true that your friend liked you, you couldn't help but feel happy. A genuine smile appeared on your face.
"I'm so glad that you confessed your feelings and that we could meet together. I know it must've been hard to confess since we've been friends for so long. However, you don't have to worry anymore if I feel the same or not because the truth is...I like you and I want us to be more than friends too. You know, when I arrived at this shop at first I felt sad and alone, but not anymore since you're here with me,” You said to him as you are taken by surprise when he pulls you in close and kisses you. When Bakugo pulls away you realized your face was burning up and you cover your face by how flustered you felt.
Eventually, the two of you grab a drink and pastry of your likings and spend the rest of the night chatting with each other. You couldn't have been any happier that the two of you were finally together. You would've never thought the two of you would've ended up confessing to each other on Valentine's Day. After that, Valentine's Day became the one holiday that was special to you; a day that you wouldn't soon forget.
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𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙚: 𝙄 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙚𝙣𝙟𝙤𝙮𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝙙𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙑𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚’𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙮 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙮 𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄’𝙫𝙚 𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙 𝙨𝙤 𝙄 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙞𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙. 𝙇𝙚𝙩 𝙢𝙚 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙤𝙬 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙖𝙨 𝙄 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙞𝙩.
𝙄’𝙢 𝙨𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙖 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙝 𝙨𝙤 𝙄 𝙙𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙬𝙤 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙑𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚’𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙪𝙥 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙢𝙮 𝙖𝙗𝙨𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙨𝙤 𝙄 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪’𝙡𝙡 𝙚𝙣𝙟𝙤𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢 𝙗𝙤𝙩𝙝. 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙆𝙚𝙣𝙢𝙖 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙝𝙖𝙨 𝙨𝙢𝙪𝙩 𝙞𝙣 𝙞𝙩 𝙨𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙘𝙠 𝙞𝙩 𝙤𝙪𝙩. 𝙄 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙞𝙩 𝙞𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤!
𝘼𝙣𝙮𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 @icyhottodo178 𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙛𝙛 𝙄 𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙡 𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚!! 𝙋𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙚 𝙤𝙪𝙩!!
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wildemaven · 11 months ago
Okay, so I guess this sits in the realm of Confessions.
I'm thinking about leaving tumblr. I'm not sure what I did or didn't do to cause this, but the people I thought of as my friends or at least closest moots hardly interact with me anymore. My posts, my fics, my reblogs, my comments to them... They are around, I see them on my dash, but...
It all sounds so middle school, but it hurts nonetheless, and I'm pretty sure anything that feels like middle school (even actual middle school) can't be good for anyone.
The thing is, I really love everyone, and I don't want to give up. But going around to literally dozens of peoples DMs to ask, "Do you like me?" "Are we still friends?" "Are you mad at me?" Is again a kind of painful kid trauma thing I just can't quite bring myself to do.
I feel like my time here is just sort of over. I started with little expectation, and to my surprise, I found community, felt well liked and valued, and then, it just sort of went away.
There was a time when I was really happy about my place here, and just that makes me so sad.
You don't have to answer or anything. I think it just feels kind of cathartic to write it down where if nothing else someone else will read it.
Anyway... I guess that's it.
Held on to this for a little bit because my heart aches for you and I want to wrap you in the biggest hug 💕 I felt I could have written something so similar, as so many are relating to this right now.
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It’s so hard to not feel like you’re feeling when you see people you’ve connected with slowly pull away from you. It hurts even more when they’re still active but actively avoiding you. That fucking hurts deep.
There was a time when this space felt very welcoming and fun. And while I do still have fun, sometimes it doesn’t feel as welcoming— and I know I’m not the only one feeling this.
Cliques branch off, popularity fuels some to feel like they’re too good to interact with others, the vibe isn’t vibing like it use to. And like you mentioned, it can all make you feel like you’re being thrown back in middle schools wondering why you’re not good enough? What did you do to cause this? What’s the point of even being here in this space any longer?
I’m so sorry this has become your reality. I wish it was a simple fix or there was a perfect solution to make things better. I support whatever decision you make, your wellbeing and mental health matter most— just know this community will be a little less bright without you in it!!
You said I didn’t have to post this, but I want others who might be feeling the same to know they’re not alone at all. There’s a lot of us floating around with the same exact thoughts and feeling like we just no longer belong in this space.
You’re more than welcome to jump in my DMs or continue sending anonymous messages to my inbox if that helps you in any way 💕
Coffee Shop Asks
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