#guess I'll just stick to my shirt and bowtie ;-;
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inspector-m3 · 3 months ago
irish skeleton in a suit with old fashioned revolvers
explain your gender in 10 words or less without using boring words like “male”, “female”, “nonbinary”, “masculine”, “feminine” or “androgynous”.
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attleboy · 1 year ago
Oh my goodness I love love love the illustration of Pomni and Caine laying down on the grass!
Can we get a closer look at your design for Caine? I like how you added black and gold accents to him :>
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thank you!! and i'll GLADLY share a better look!!!! :D i'm very happy for an excuse to get out a solid reference for one of my more altered designs andddddd to yap a little hehehe i'll stick the "change log" so to speak under the cut...
added black and gold accents via epaulettes, cuffs and buttons as well as changing some pre-existing accents to gold (for pizazz and to really emphasize the ringmaster thing... makes him look a bit more "in charge"? also i really like yellow so i wanted more of that)
higher heels and more bowtie (just exagerrating design aspects i was fond of... stylish!! :))))
3d shirt collar that pops out (i felt like making this empty and "cut off" draws attention to the fact that his head is just a floating pair of teeth, which i think is jarring and i like that!! it's also just fun to draw)
in summary i wanted more pizazz, more of my favorite color, and more fun stuff to draw!! ^-^ very self-indulgent but that's what art is for i guess...
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crystiesong · 1 year ago
'Under the blood stained sky'
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A while passed and Andy found himself outside on one of the lower balconies overlooking the garden. He'd been fitted with a fancy looking suit that was actually quite snug; it was a black tux with the same coloured bowtie and some gray trousers. And despite it not being out in the open anymore, Andy still kept his pendant tucked away safely under his shirt. That was one thing he was determined to not take off.
On the other side of things, even Aster had been fitted with some new clothes. The younger teen now wore a long dark blue dress with long sleeves and frilly wrists. She didn't seem too happy about being in a dress and the whole ordeal so as soon as the fitting were done, Aster stomped off into the garden.
Ever since they'd left the docks and especially since they arrived at the mansion, Aster had been a stick in the mud. She'd been eyeing everything around them, especially Kiro; even glaring at him. Andy didn't get what she kept glaring at the red eyed teen. Kiro was kind, welcoming and even a bit handsome if Andy did say so himself. Maybe after the party Andy could stay here for a bit and hang out with Kiro some more. Aster could go home and inform Alex of his whereabouts,
Staring out at the garden, the white haired teen couldn't help but admire the beauty in it; the silver leaves on the bushes, the ash gray dirt coating the ground. It was all so breathtaking. Footsteps sounded behind him and Andy looked over his shoulder to see Kiro walking towards him with a big smile. He was still in his Hawaiian shirt surprisingly.
"Hey" he greeted the black haired teen. Kiro smirked and leaned on the balcony next to Andy.
"Why are you still wearing that? Didn't your mother say we needed to be dressed up for the party?"
Kiro rolled his eyes in annoyance "My parents have always been trying to get me to be more 'formal' and 'proper'. What they try to get me to wear is always so boring and dull and they don't like what I enjoy to wear"
"If it's any consolation, I think you have good taste" Andy commented.
The red eyed teen looked over at him with a warm smile "Thanks, you've not bad taste yourself"
Andy couldn't help but awkwardly laugh.
"Did you have any plans before this?" Kiro asked.
Andy shrugged "Not much. Me, my sister and our friends were just planning a small get together. Just a simple sleepover"
"Won't it be a bit late for a sleepover when you get back?"
Andy shrugged, staring back out over the garden."I guess so. We can always have one another time"
His gaze lifted upwards towards the moon, the usual silver rock now glimmering a blood red.
"I see the moon's caught your eye. A beautiful one tonight isn't it?" Kiro inquired. Andy gave a wordless nod.
"It's a special one tonight. It's what's called a celestial blood moon; only known to appear every five thousand years" Kiro proudly stated, puffing his chest out.
"You interested in this kind of thing then?" Andy inquired.
Kiro nodded "Somewhat. Today's my birthday so having something this special happen on my special day is an honour"
"Oh it's your birthday? Happy birthday"
The black haired teen blushed and looked away "Thanks. I look forward to this day every year. It's more than just a birthday; it's the day I can get to leave this place and see the world"
Andy couldn't help but feel shocked "You only leave your home once a year? Why?"
The question seemed to dampen Kiro's mood, the red eyed teen trying to shrink in on himself. "You see, my family is quite protective of me. They found me as a foundling on a stormy night fifteen years ago. Apparently I was quite weak and sick, barely clinging onto life"
Kiro stared up at the blood stained moon "They nursed me back to health and have kept me close ever since; They're worried I'll get sick again if I go away too long. I managed to get them to agree to let me out on my birthday every year but it doesn't feel like enough"
Andy shuffled closer, touching his shoulder to Kiro's.
"You ever done anything fun on the mainland?" he questioned.
The red eyed teen shrugged "I explored the city but what I really want to do is hang out with people; have friends. But anytime I try to make friends it doesn't work out; People just avoid me"
Andy placed a hand over Kiro's, causing the black haired teen to stare up at him. "I didn't"
Kiro's face flushed red and he gave Andy a soft smile "I appreciate that"
Andy leaned his red against Kiro's shoulder, both of them staring out at the starlight. Moments later, one of the servants appeared behind the two boys and cleared their throat. This caused Andy and Kiro to turn around and stare at him.
"The festivities are about to begin. Madam Izora requests you both in the main dining hall straight away"
Kiro nodded in understanding "Thank you Johnathon. Would you be able to reach Aster for us? She's somewhere in the garden"
Johnathon nodded and disappeared from view.
Kiro reached out his arm "Shall we make our way kind sir?"
Andy hook his arm in Kiro's "I think we shall" You can find the rest of the story here : A Different Flavour of Fang
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just-my-fandom · 6 years ago
Hold Me (Peter Parker x Stark! Reader)
Request; Hi so I know you're getting a lot of sad requests but can I request one more for Peter Parker? Reader is Tonys daughter (I know you got so many Stark daughter requests) and is super super close to Tony after loosing her mom, and she is at her fathers side when he dies and when the reader goes back home with Pepper and Morgan she skips the funeral to stay in her room and Peter comes to check in on her and she starts crying and asks him to hold her?
Warnings; Lots of crying, reader becomes depressed and it shows
What really ticks me the fuck off was I had over half of this written, pressed save and some "unknown error occurred" and deleted my shit, CAUSING ME TO REWRITE THIS SHIT. Fuck you Tumblr
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Tony slowly lurrs his head to the broken sob next to him, a figure dropping to their knees in the dirt and moving their hands to his shoulders
"Dad, please," It's his daughter, eyes full of tears and already falling down her cheeks, fingers drawing down to his chest to grab at his shirt, "Please talk to me,"
Tony moves his eyes up to your face, stained red with blood and bruised from taking punches,
"Y/N?" Tony lifts up the hand that rested in his lap, your eyes darting downwards before you take the hand, holding it up to press to your heart,
"Im right here Dad, I promise," You scoot forward, fingers tight around Tonys as you searched his eye's, "Dad you gotta stay strong, please, just for a little bit longer,"
Tony closes his eye's, head shaking weakly, and he grabs your other hand, dragging it to the light on his chest,
"Dad," Panic is visible in your voice when Tonys hand drops, going limp in your grasp, "No, no," You tug at his shirt, chest heaving in sobs,
You pinch your eyes shut as the light fades, leaning forward so your forehead pressed to his shoulder, arms sliding around his back, "Dad please, dont leave me too,"
"Y/N," Your godfather, Rhodey, kneels down, hand at your back, "Sweetheart,"
The cry your release shatters Rhodeys heart, arm wrapping around you to slowly pull you off your father, but your hands fly to his arms, a scream tearing through your throat,
"No!! Please! Dad, wake up!!" Knees falling weak, you drop your head so your hair blocked your face, sobs shaken as you allow Steve to wrap his arms around you, holding you up against his beaten form,
"Dad," You hiccup, Steves hand pressing to your head and lowering it down to his chest, your eyes shutting tiredly,
"It's okay," Steves voice quivers against your ear, eyes looking away from Tonys form, "I got you,"
"Mrs. Stark?"
Pepper looks up at the weak voice, the all too familiar face of Peter coming to view as he bites the inside of his cheek, "U-um, sorry, Pepper,"
"Im guessing you're looking for Y/N?" Pepper asks gently, Peter pressing his lips together, nodding slightly,
"In her room," Pepper smiles weakly, "Be gentle,"
"Got it," Peter whispers, nodding in thanks, and he walks up the stairs to the home owned by the Stark family, eyes catching the picture frames lined on the wall,
One was of you at newborn, Tony holding you so your head was in his hands, and Rhodey sat across from him, laughing off guard of the camera,
Peter looks away, entering your room and pausing when he reaches the door,
He finds you, curled in a recliner seat you had by your window, one of Tonys button ups thrown on and arms tucked against yourself,
Your eyes showed dried tears, staring out the window to give you the full view of the lake, down below being the family of yours and Tony's,
Peter silently slides off his tux jacket, unclipping his bowtie and setting it on your bed, unmade like it has always been,
"Hey," Peter murmurs, slowly squatting down in front of the recliner and hesitantly placing a hand at your thigh, "I don't think I should ask if you're okay,"
You swallow thickly, Peter visibly seeing your eyebrows pinch at a headache that never left, eyes leaving the window to look down at the teenager,
"I should've been me," You whimper, Peter shaking his head slowly and tucking hair behind your ear,
"No, please dont say that," He pleas, and you blink rapidly, tears blurring your vision,
"It hurts, so so bad, Peter," Your arms slide out from around you, hiccuping as you press your sleeve to your eye, "I cant believe hes gone,"
"I know, baby," He draws his thumb under your eye, own eyes shimmering at your broken state, "I know it hurts, but Im always going to be here for you, no matter what happens,"
"Peter," You meet his eye's, arms sticking out, "Please dont leave me,"
Peter rises to his feet, arms looping around you and pulling you up, holding you tight under his chin,
"Never," He breathes, hand running through your hair and allowing you to cry into his shoulder, "I promise I'll never leave you,"
. . .
Peter slowly blinks open his eye's, squinting at the light of the hallway shining, making out the figure of Pepper at the bedroom door,
"Oh, Pepper, I-I must of fell asleep," He whisper shouts, eyes looking down at you to catch your nose in his chest, face at peace and hands at his sides,
"No, no," Pepper smiles, "It's okay," She holds up her phone, "May called just to check up on you. She's okay with you staying the night, Y/N's finally sleeping with you here,"
"Its really bad," Peter frowns, hearing you inhale a deep breath and release it as your muscles relax against his soft touch, "Im afraid she wont be okay if I leave,"
"You can stay as long as you need," Pepper states softly, "You know how Y/N can be, if it comes to it she can spend nights at your house,"
"Stop talking," You whine against Peters chest, voice muffled as you blink open your eyes and look up, "Im trying to sleep,"
"Sorry love," Peter smiles warmly, and Pepper chuckles, sending a wink and closing your door with a soft click,
"I'll be okay," You murmur, hand rubbing your eye as you press your ear to his chest, "I just need you here for a while,"
"And I'll be here," Peter presses kisses to your temple, then tilts your head up with his thumb, lips brushing yours, "Whenever you need me, Sweetheart,"
"What would I do without you?" You smile tiredly, Peter pecking your lips before sliding his mouth to your cheek,
"You'd be dehydrated, sleep deprived and you'd starve yourself," Peter raises an eyebrow knowingly, and you laugh in his ear,
"True," You slide your hands to the back of his neck, scooting up so you were facing him straight on, "I love you Peter Parker. Thank you for being here,"
"Of course," Peter whispers, your fingers tangling in his hair as he leans forward, forehead bumping yours as your eyes flutter shut, and he realizes you've fallen asleep when your smile falters and your grip has loosened,
"Good night," Peter presses his lips finally to your nose, resting his head on the pillow and allowing darkness to consume him
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iamvegorott · 7 years ago
could you—could you maybe have a darkstache fic where wilford conspires with like everyone in the house to mess with dark and dark like *knows* it's going on but he doesn't say anything because he wants to see where this is going sorry i'll shut up now
Took me longer to get to this than it should have, my bad. I believe I twisted this a little bit but I hope you enjoy it. And there’s no need to apologize and no shutting up for you, I like your idea
Big Surprise 
It all started when Dark saw Chase Brody running past his office in the Iplier manor. The Septiceyes occasionally come over but there was a rule of letting everyone know when there were guests. Bing still complains about the day he stepped out of the bathroom after a shower, wearing only a towel, and being greeted by Anti telling him to either put clothes on or join him in a different room. Bing would go out of his way to avoid Anti most days because of that. Everyone has told the search engine that Anti makes those kinds of jokes to literally everyone and rarely means it, but Bing still gets a little red-faced around the virus when he winks at him.
“Chase?” Dark called out, standing up.
“Oh, shit!” Dark heard Chase curse and when he stepped out of the room, he found Wilford standing at the end of the hall with Bing attempting to hide behind him.
“I could have sworn that I saw Chase run past my office.” Dark said with a hum.
“Chase isn’t here. You must be imagining things, dear.” Wilford had a large smile on his face.
“Yep, just imagining things, seeing things when they’re not there, hallucinating-” Bing stopped when Wilford slapped a hand over his mouth.
Dark just sighed and rolled his eyes. Bing most likely invited Chase over, since the two got along very well with their personalities being similar, forgot to inform Dark and Wilford was covering for him.
“I was thinking about having Anti over, what do you think of that, Bing?” Dark grinned when Bing yelped and ran away, heading to his room to hide.
“You tease the poor boy about that too much.” Wilford chuckled as Dark walked over to him.
“And you’re too soft on him.” Dark said.
“You’re soft on me.” Wilford fell forward a little and wrapped his arms around Dark’s neck.
“I’m not in love with Bing.” Dark stated.
“Aw, my little demon loves me?” Wilford sang.
“Could you two be gross and not block the hallway?” Bim said with a huff from behind Dark. Dark raised a questioning eyebrow and Wilford twitched his mustache with approval before Dark grabbed him and lightly shoved him against the wall, pressing his lips against the other man’s. “I just wanted a snack!” Bim yelled before going back the way he came.
When Dark began getting suspicious of what was going on was when he found Anti sitting in the middle of the Iplier living room, tied up with rope with Dr. Iplier and Marvin trying to free him while Wilford sat on the couch and laughed.
“It works, you asshole!” Anti yelled, kicking a leg in an attempt to unloop some of the rope.
“What works?” Dark asked, all four men freezing when the demon spoke.
“Some really kinky shit.” Anti quickly answered, earning a groan from Marvin and a thump to the head from Dr. Iplier.
“Do not imply that I would partake in sex with you. I like having a clean bill of health.” Dr. Iplier said.
“Did you just imply that I’m diseased!?” Anti snapped.
“You are a virus.” Dr. Iplier stated.
“Say that when these ropes are off, you medical school drop out cock!” Anti yelled.
“I did not drop out!”
“You dropped out faster than you’ll drop to your knees to suck my-”
“Why are you two here?” Dark asked, stopping Anti from finishing his comment. He knew how it was going to end and he was not in the mood for that.
“Marvin wanted to test out a new magic trick.” Wilford answered, standing up from the couch. “Anti volunteered to help and Dr. Schneepelstein was busy so they came over here to have Dr. Iplier nearby just in case something went wrong.”
“I see.” Dark did not believe a single word that came out of Wilford’s mouth but he didn’t say anything and decided to challenge himself to discover what was really going on. “I’ll leave you to it.” Dark turned around and walked away, a little excited to do some investigating.
Dark learned about everything when he about to enter the kitchen and he heard hushed talking.
“So the Jims will lead him to here and then that is when Bing will set everything off.” Jackieboy asked.
“Yep. I have everything drawn out in detail.” Google stated. “We’ll make sure that everything is set, all you and the other Septiceyes have to do is show up on time and be in position.”
“This is gonna be great.” Jackieboy chuckled.
“If everything works. Make sure that all of you look over your copies of the plan. One mistake could ruin the whole thing.” Google said. Dark smirked and walked away from the kitchen, he could wait for his chocolate ice cream.
He went to his bedroom and heard Wilford singing from the connecting bathroom, the running water telling Dark that he was showering. Dark went over to the dresser Wilford had claimed and pulled open the top drawer. Underwear, socks, bowties…
“There it is.” Dark said to himself as he pulled out a rolled-up sheet of paper. He had been tempted to tell Wilford to use a different hiding place, but he was thankful he hadn’t gotten to that yet. “Wil. Honey.” Dark sighed when he saw the title of the blueprint was ‘The ultimate prank of all pranks’. He knew that Wilford did that because it was written in bright pink and with blocky lettering. Dark took the paper and folded it up, tucking it into his back pocket and chuckling. He had some studying to do when Wilford fell asleep.
“I’m gonna be a bubblegum bitch.” Wilford’s voice echoed as he reached his favorite part of his favorite song.
“I should probably make sure my bubblegum bitch goes to bed early tonight.” Dark slipped off his blazer before going over to the bathroom door and walking in, locking it behind him when he shut it.
Dark knew every single little detail of the plan and he had to force himself not to smile when the Jim twins an into his office.
“Demon! Demon!” Reporter Jim shouted Dark’s nickname, waving his arms.
“What is it?” Dark asked calmly.
“You are needed!” Dark would normally scold Reporter Jim for grabbing his arm and pulling, but he went with it and allowed himself to be lead out of the room and down the hall. Cameraman Jim had his camera pointed at Dark the entire time, face showing that he was very nervous. “Are you okay, CJ?” Dark exaggerated the softness in his tone. Cameraman Jim stiffened and quickened his pace, walking in pace with Reporter Jim.
“Here! Here!” Reporter Jim released Dark’s arm and ran into the dining room, Cameraman Jim going in right behind him.
“What’s going on in here?” Dark stepped into the room and threw and hand up, catching the bag of flour that was flying towards his face. He yanked on the sack and smirked when he heard Bing yelp and a thud following soon after. Dark then threw the bag to the side, knocking over several small panels and laughing as he watched the elaborate set-up tumble over. Anti cursed when water got dumped on him. Jackieboy found himself covered in glue while Marvin coughed up feathers. Dr. Iplier and Dr. Schneepelstein fell to the ground and landing on multiple pies. Bim and Google were both pinned to the ground by several mattresses. Chase was now tied to King of the Squirrels. Yandere was pouting about colored powders getting all over her white shirt while Jameson tried to wipe it off of his own shirt. Wilford stood in the center of the room, a bright pink liquid dripping down his face.
“Host would like to say ‘I told you so’.” Host stated from the top of a tower of boxes, clicking on and off the flashlight he was holding.
“How did you know?” Wilford asked as Dark laughed.
“You can’t hide anything from me, I thought you knew that, dear.” Dark teased and went over to Wilford, giving him a quick kiss. “Strawberry?”
“I know you don’t like cherry.” Wilford said.
“How come the Jims didn’t get fucked with?” Anti protested.
“I could never hurt CJ and RJ.” Dark chuckled, glancing over Wilford’s shoulder and seeing that Jameson was signing very quickly at Chase with a look of annoyance on his face. “What’s this about making a video for Chase?” Dark asked.
“Are we really blaming everything on me?” Chase huffed, sticking his tongue out at Jameson when the silent man made a fist and made it nod towards Chase, saying that, yes, yes they were.
“Explain.” Dark said to Wilford.
“Well…Chase wanted more views, so I thought that a video of the Darkiplier getting pranked would be amazing.” Wilford said, gesturing wildly with his arms as he spoke.
“I guess you do have a great video, just not one that you were expecting.” Dark chuckled. “I hope you all have fun cleaning up this mess.” Dark sang before walking out of the room, glad he had let all of this happen.
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