#guess I feel like it’ll never happen for me in reality so dreaming about it just hurts? idk but I am not having a fun time right now
insanechayne · 2 years
Went from enjoying silly daydreams to having a panic attack and being unable to think about those types of daydreams anymore, and I don’t fully understand why. Why am I crying at 3am? Why can’t I calm down? Nothing I do is making me feel any better and I hate this
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isoobie · 3 months
BAMBI ─── highschool bf heeseung
🍵 wc 911 kissing, fmr 𝅘𝅥𝅮 listen! for @okwonyo’s event
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“hey! lee heeseung, come here!” a loud voice calls heeseung’s name from across the room in amidst of the calm atmosphere.
“i won’t and what will you do about it!” heeseung responds back and sticks his tongue out before running out of the classroom. however, before he can make it out of the second floor a hand grabs his shirt by the collar to stop him.
“and where do you think you’re going, we aren’t done yet.” its the same voice that screamed his name a couple seconds ago and now he’s looking directly into the owner’s face.
its yn, park yn, class president and heeseung’s best friend who doesn’t know that he has been crushing on her for more than three years.
yn and heeseung are head to head, practically shooting fire through their eyes at each other. if someone from a distance saw them, they would have thought they were sworn enemies but in reality they were having nothing more than fun.
a couple minutes ago, heeseung decided that it was a good (according to him) idea to play a prank on yn and take her favourite lip balm and hide it from her.
he loved teasing her, it was his love language but yn had enough, she wasn’t going to let this slide, it was her last straw.
before heeseung had run out of the classroom yn had looked everywhere for him, the field, toilets, the gym, canteen, even the janitors room but realising he was nowhere, she was mad mad.
but eventually when she found him in her homeroom peacefully resting, she didn’t let this once in a life opportunity go.
eye to eye, neither of them say a word, the silence could speak for itself. yn’s irritation and heeseung’s pleasure was so evident in the air that none of them dared to speak, until.
“so park yn, you gonna’ fight me or what?” his voice was laced with so much sarcasm yn’s bones were crippling with anger.
“give me my lip balm. right. now.” her response was so demanding it shook heeseung more than it should have, he had never heard her speak in such tone before.
“and what if i said no ... ” at this point heeseung just wanted an excuse to stay with her for longer, just to hear her voice for even just a second more.
heeseung couldn’t remember the moment exactly when he fell in love with his best friend but he knew for sure that he loved no one else but her.
all the times they hung out, all the times they video called, all the times she cried about her exes to him, made him fall deeper and harder than ever.
playing pranks and bothering her was the only way he could express his undying affection for her without him accidentally slipping up.
no other words could describe it when he was with her, it felt like the whole world revolved around her and him, and he selfishly wanted to live in that world.
heeseung thinks of yn as a dream, one he never wanted to wake up from. every moment with her was priceless, timeless and worth an infinity. god, he yearned to drown her compliments and make her feel like the most precious person on earth.
“hello? earth to heeseung?” yn’s sharp voice cuts through his thoughts and bring him back to reality. “these games aren’t funny anymore i just want my balm back, please.” he could hear the pleading in her voice, lord, he was so weak for it— for her.
“but yn guess what?” he’s doing it, and he’s only decided it in the last three seconds, he’s going to tell her.
heeseung inches forward like its normal, until he can hear the little ‘thump’ of her back on the brick wall behind them.
he keeps a finger to her lips and doesn’t let her say another word.
“just listen, please” it’s his nth time trying to confess, he can’t let this chance go to waste, he knows it’ll be perfect, “this may seem rushed or out of the blue but funny enough, i like you, park yn.”
yn is shocked, flabbergasted and surprisingly happy, she doesn’t know how all these emotions are tied together but it just happens. heeseung’s bambi eyes stare at her, waiting patiently for a reaction, and only when she smiles a slight smile at him he continues.
“it’s probably been three years, or more who cares, since i have liked you, god that’s long,” he makes sure to whisper the last bit, “i sometimes wonder if you know how i feel, if you reciprocate my feelings back or if you think about me like i think about you. i can’t express in words how i truly feel about you but all i want is you and me, us, please?”
how could yn say no? how could anyone say no? his hands are nervously behind her back while his mouth is slightly open ans his hair messily parted, he was so handsome.
“funny enough heeseung, my answer is ye—”
before they both knew it, heeseung’s lips were already on yn’s while the hand that once was nervous was now on her hips, secured.
“you like your new lip balm, girlfriend?” heeseung’s once soft voice was now back to it’s teasing tone and all of a sudden her anger was all gone.
“oh yes i do bambi, it’s my new favourite”
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isoobie 2024
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
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Sleep is a beautiful thing.
Sleep allowed you the ability to drift away from reality and towards lands known and unknown.
Sleep allowed you the ability to create your own dreams and nightmares that withhold subliminal messagings that elude you into a state of forgetfulness the moment you awake.
The only time sleep wasn’t so sweet was when you were so ruthlessly ripped away from it, leaving you to become irate and grumpy to the point where your avidly looking for someone to take it out on and that somebody happened to be in very same room; upper half draped over your torso, which was the direct cause of the pressure you felt on your chest, forcing your eyes to open. Only be met with his smug Cheshire cat like grin and mischievous cornflower blue eyes, that of which twinkled like stars in the midst of twilight.
‘JJ get off, your fucking crushing me here mate.’ You whined, weakly tapping at his biceps, only to groan when your blonde friend decided to further your suffering by putting more of his body weight onto you. ‘You dick, you did that on purpose.’ JJ tilted his head to the side, blonde tresses following the movement, pursing his lips and furrowing his brows as though he was clueless as to what you were talking about. ‘Crushing you? On purpose? Me? Your best friend? I will not stand for these harmful accusations being made on my persons. Besides you looked lonely and decided to provide you with some awesome company; me.’
You couldn’t help but feel your irritation slink away, only to be replaced by laughter as JJ’s eyes seemed to shine a brighter blue then even that of the summer sky in response before burying his face into your neck, furthering your laughter and even emitting a little squeal from the tickling sensation of his hair brushing against your skin like golden feathers; As much as you hated being ripped away from your dreams, you guessed being rudely awoken by your golden retriever of a best friend wasn’t as much of a bad thing when he’s providing you with a comforting warmth in the form of his body heat and making you smile.
It almost as though you exited one dream and entered another by having JJ being that new dream you’ve entered, that soon you felt your body becoming relaxed and comfortable as a familiar weight pressed down on your eyelids, urging them to close but you found yourself not wanting to when JJ was right there; waiting to be admired in his entirety. ‘I hate you.’ You said with no malice, nor truth behind your words, especially not when your hands began to subconsciously trace the veins in his strong arms that were clung to your waist whilst beginning a headcount of all the freckles that kissed his skin beautifully.
‘Claim to hate me all you want babe, but that doesn’t seem to be translate well when you’re clearing eating me up with your eyes now does it.’ JJ teased, giving your waist a tight squeeze as he lifted his head, angling it towards your own which is when you noticed how his cornflower blues were taking in your every asset and gazing upon them with such raw tenderness and adoration that it made you a little self conscious at the aspect of being viewed so lovingly even at your most vulnerable of states. ‘Keep telling yourself that JJ, I’m sure it’ll become reality soon enough.’ You replied sarcastically but your eyes seemed to have gained a mind of their own as they trailed down from his golden locks that perfectly framed his face, to the slope of his nose, sweeping their gaze across the apples of his cheeks and finishing off their grand tour by admiring the soft sharpness of his jawline before coming back to the home they’ve built in his cornflower blues.
‘I’m sure it’s already became a reality but they’re equally as frightened to admit to it as much as I am.’ JJ told you softly, resting his forehead against yours, gingerly rubbing his nose against yours, ‘after all it’s safer to stick with what you know, what makes you comfortable because you never truly know if taking the leap is worth it’s risks until after the fall.’ You pressed your forehead into his, nuzzling his nose lightly. ‘Then it’s probably best to take a deep breath, clear the mind and embrace all that entails on the journey downwards and maybe, just maybe, stick the landing and come out of it a wiser man.’ You replied, looking deep into his eyes, “after all, what is life without it’s risks, if not an boring, by the rules experience and let’s be honest, not everyone likes to live life by a rule book.’
JJ seemed to contemplate your words as the furrow of his brow and the subtle clenching of his jaw showcased his internal conflict of emotions, of the uphill battle he continuously struggled with on a daily basis whilst fending off his innermost demons simultaneously. He was fighting against what he feels but also trying to justify them and their existence, that of which even he was experiencing troubles in trying to comprehend his own thoughts and feelings as genuine and not something that had been placed upon him and for it to be expected of him to react in accordance to them. ‘It’ll take me a while before I can confidently take a chance on myself and take the leap,’ JJ admitted, ‘so I can only hope that the person I want to take a chance on is willing to wait a little while longer.’
His cornflower blues darted between your eyes, almost paranoid to the aspect that you might not hold out on him forever, which made your heart break for the blonde as you’d happily wait as long as he needed of you until he felt ready with himself to allow himself to fall into your awaiting arms. ‘I’m sure that they’re more then willing to wait until your ready, after all they’ve been waiting for this long, so a little longer can’t hurt.” You told him and you saw JJ smile that pretty smile of his as he buried his head back into your neck where you felt his smile widening as his arms tightened their grip on you, his insides feeling all bubbly and warm that it physically couldn’t be contained. ‘I’m glad to have them, I honestly don’t know what I’d do if they weren’t so patient with me.’ He uttered against your neck. ‘Crash and burn probably.’ You cheeked, making JJ chuckle. ‘Yeah, probably.’ He agreed.
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starshapedoasis · 3 months
Do you want Liam and Noel to reconcile? Their relationship seems quite toxic. Do you think Noel was mentally abusive to Liam? If so how much of it was intentional ?
🚬 🚬 We’re gonna do a Q&A style again.
Do I want Liam and Noel to reconcile? This is a complicated question for me because, let’s say, Liam is my irl friend, not a celeb, and he explains his relationship with Noel to me. I would tell him to keep him cut out of his life. Back to reality, though, I see how important reconciliation is for Liam; he wants it so badly that it makes me want him to have it. I guess in my perfect world, they would go to therapy together. I read a fanfic where they went to couples therapy together, and I thought that would be perfect for them. It’ll never happen, though. I do think one day they will reconcile, and I just hope the years apart, them being middle-aged now and Liam having a better support system around him, will be enough to keep things from getting bad again.
Do I think Noel was mentally abusive to Liam? I do Noel has even admitted it some examples, how he would do interviews teasing going solo just to upset Liam, how he knows to play liam like a used arcade machine, the quote about how the only thing better then making a woman cry is making Liam cry, the pretty green fiasco, etc. I think Noel knew he had the upper hand on Liam, and he liked that and used it to his advantage.
Was it intentional? I guess the real question for me would be how much I think was intentional and how much was a consequence of Noel being the older brother/father figure to Liam and Noel’s natural tendency to be a control freak. I can feel a lot of sympathy for Noel’s childhood. Going through abuse like that will fundamentally change you as a person and how you react to the people closest to you. I also think Noel has always had resentment toward Liam, whether it be that Liam wasn’t beat by their father, he seems to be favored by their mother, or that he kind of "stole” Noel's music dreams, and became the UK’s favorite bad boy frontman. I do believe Noel loves liam it just has LOTS of baggage attached to it.
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whatnotmemes · 2 years
------------WILL WOOD’S “IN CASE I MAKE IT” SENTENCE STARTERS change as needed. mentions of death, grief, mental illness, etc.
TOMCAT DISPOSABLES “Happy to be home, safe and warm.” “Here’s where I’ll be raising my kids if I can find someone to start a family with.” “Is there cheese in the great beyond?” “Mind me not and I’ll mind my own.” “I think it saw my face.” “I’ll make it through again. I have before.” “C’mon, now, what’s one more?” “My dreams were finally a reality.” “My struggles had a happy ending.” “They must want to be friends.” “Something’s not quite right.” “Guess I’ll just go rest my head.” “I held on so tight, for so long.” “Was that all there was to this?”
BECOMING THE LASTNAMES “I've learned to pick my battles by losing most I've fought.” “I'll always do it my way, even if that's just the same way I was taught.” "Wow, can you believe we really made it?" “I know you don’t want kids, but think about a daughter.” “I learned from a good father.” “I mean, sure, they messed me up, but I think that's just the gig.” “Maybe it's just some hormones that kick in in your late twenties.” “I have laid a lot of women, and now I'd like to just lay down.” “Marriage always scared me.” “Marriage always scared me, but I'd like to have a last love.” “Can we be just like my parents when I was young?” “My frontal lobe's done growing, this might just be how I'm wired.” “I've made more mistakes than simple empty moments.” “There’ll be scalpers at the cemetery gates.” “If we grow old together, will you talk to my headstone?”
CICADA DAYS “The greener grass grows where the wildfires fertilize.” “God knows crying ain't gonna change a thing.” “It just feels inhumane to lose this much.” “The ground looks soft enough to bury this now.” “Oh, please, oh no!” “Do nothing. Nothing works.” “Don’t do that if it hurts.” “Let all my red flags fade to white. Yeah, I give up.” “Don’t let me leave.” “I’ll only take more than I gave.” “Okay, I’ll pack my stuff.” “My god, what have I done?”
EUTHANASIA “I was right there, while you fought tooth and nail.” “Say you’re not scared.” “Say you know I love you.” “I know that I’m wrong.” “I want to believe that you'll remember me when you're just memory.” “Can I stop by and say hello?” “Sorry. I would take it back if I could.” “To whom is it I talk?” “It’s okay. It’ll all be over soon.” “I’d never let a bad thing happen to you.” “Everybody dies fighting for their lives, just trying to survive.” “Now I know why we say that there's a better place that waits beyond the grave.” “I choose to believe that we'll meet in sweet dreams.”
FALLING UP “I’m pulling up daisies.” “Would or could the impact kill me?” “Shoot for the stars. Be the next big constellation.” “You make a wish upon the dead but turn and call it a weed.” “Only plastic flowers never die.” “What do you know of control?” “Cut ties- shed the dead weight.” “I ain’t saying it’s fate, but there are no mistakes.” “Am I falling up?” “Is now really a good time for a new tattoo?” “The larger they are, the harder they tend to fall.” “From such height, life looks awful small.” “Second star to the right and straight on till you die.”
THAT’S ENOUGH, LET’S GET YOU HOME “Haunt my bedroom at night.” “Let’s get you home.” “They say ‘Grow up, be a man.’“ “Oh, my god, what’s wrong with me?” “Come and sweep me off my knees.” “I’d rather stay asleep than never see you wake up next to me.” “You seemed fine just a few days ago.” “Never mind, you win!” “Far too late came far too soon.” “Come, but keep your hands off of me.” “Go on back to bed, my love.” “Are you at all like me? Do you know what I mean?” “Alright, that’s enough. Let’s get you home.”
UM, IT’S KIND OF A LOT “I’m afraid of leaving my house.” “I’m afraid of dying of cancer.” “I’m afraid of losing my mind.” “I’ve never been afraid of no one breaking my heart.” “I’m afraid of damn near everything.” “I’ve grown used to fear.” “I love you so much it scares me half to death.” “I’m not used to this. How did it happen?” “I’m afraid that you’ll change your mind.” “I’m afraid there’s somebody better.” “I’m afraid you’ll notice all my flaws.” “I’m afraid I’ll come on too strong.” “I’ve never been afraid to wear my heart on my sleeve.” “I'm not used to fear of losing something I hold dear.” “Please excuse my constant need to self-aggrandize.” “Wait, let me think, hold on, I got this.” “Uhh, I mean, it's kind of a lot...”
HALF-DECADE HANGOVER “Wonder how I didn’t die.” “This is not my life.” “I’m no survivor. I only happened to survive.” “Bitch, I am reality.” “Me and sweet Evan Williams got a date down on Avenue A.” “Either this, in jail, or dead.” “Jesus Christ, my aching head.” “Man, you call that recovered?” “You said, ‘You’ve got your whole life ahead.’ Oh great, another half a century to live to regret.” “I’d rather be anybody else instead.” “I can’t make amends for things I can't remember.” “I can only say I'm sorry and occasionally pray.” “Guess you’ll just have to take my word that I’ve changed.”
VAMPIRE REFERENCE IN A MINOR KEY “I’m turning over the same old leaf again.” “If it weren’t for the ‘everything’, then anything could happen.” “If anybody needs me, I’ll be in my coffin.” “I dig you like a tomb.” “I'm sorry for the things I've done and all I ask of you.” “If you still want me, come and find me in my coffin.” “You could come knocking and I’ll raise hell for you.” “Maybe I should switch up the style of my mistakes.” “I'd kill the man I am for one more chance to be yours.” “No, I ain't begging. I'm just saying it's an option.”
YOU LIKED THIS (OKAY, COMPUTER!) “We are eager to get to know you.” “You are only human, and we are here to help.” “You will finally be not only seen, but witnessed.” “You are broken and we will heal you.” “We work in our own proprietary mysterious ways.” “We have a plan for everyone, free of charge.” “Breaking news: the news is broken.” “Your enemies have been radicalized by an unknown force but you have stayed rational by educating yourself here.” “The revolution begins here.” “Your growth is organic and natural, like a field of poppies, carcinoma, and tick fit to burst.”
THE MAIN CHARACTER “I'm that first person they talk about in all the books.” “I wrote the book about throwing the book at those who don't do it by it.” “Enough lefts don't make a right but two wrongs do.” “If you shake your fist at snakes in grass it looks like punching down.” “God forbid I'm seen just as an average human being.” “I'm the gap between a tragedy and comedy.” “Don’t come at me.” “I’m the main character and you have to like me.” “Villains are everywhere- that's how I know that I'm the hero.” “Judge me by what my cover shows.” “We all do what we need to to get through. It’s nothing new.” “I ain’t done a fucking thing to you!”
AGAINST THE KITCHEN FLOOR “I don't owe you my heart, and I don't owe you my body.” “You should know that I'm sorry for being careless with you.” “I owe you more than I'm pretty sure I ever could give anybody.” “I swear I'm really trying.” “Get it together, ___- know and do better.” “It just don't come natural to me to think that you'd want me for mе.” “I'm sorry. I promise, I'm doing my bеst.” “I just haven't learned how to be human as you are yet.” “I still don't know who you are. I only know that I'm still lonely.” “You gave me your heart. I only gave you my body.” “I’ve lived more lives than enough.” “I'm not a real person- just the shit you can't make up.” “I don't know why you would care, but I'm really trying.” “How did I cause so much harm?” “I’m sorry, but this can’t go on.” “I know you got scars of your own.” “Hide my knives before you go.” “I’ll either live or die alone.” “I will die trying.” “I'm still in the process, but I'm making progress.” "I honestly wanna prove improvement's possible.” “I swear, I'm so fucking sorry.” “I'm not a good person, I'm barely a person at all.” "Someday I'll be perfect, and I'll make up for it all.”
SEX, DRUGS, ROCK ‘N’ ROLL “I guess I’m my own boss, but everyone’s my supervisor.” “I just turned 27 and I’m dying of old age.” “Guess I’m just selfish. I wanna have but not be had.” “This is what I choose to do with my redeeming quality.” “It’s not a gift if you pay for it, but I don’t want no charity.” “I spent all my years to end up right here, and now I really think I’d rather leave.” “I hate sex, I hate drugs, and I hate rock n’ roll.” “I hate proving that I’m still human after all.” “It wouldn’t mix well with my meds.” “I hate to be ‘that guy’, but I’m not that guy anymore.” “I’m not that guy anymore and I made goddamn sure he’s dead.”
WILLARD! “You know I couldn’t hurt a fly.” “I've nearly cried for moths that die at porchlight lamps.” “I myself have been stepped on so many times, it's started to feel like my place.” “Is there room for me in your cage?” “Animals are people too, but these people are animals.” “This cage is inside out.” “It’s awful out here, ____.” “I've never understood what humans do and want.” “It’s quite confusing to me to try to connect.” “These carnivores will no more use my heart.” “They'll call me crazy but their words all seem made-up to me.” “Maybe they just need more friendship like yours.” “You've got a friend in me. Let's go and make more enemies.” “It’s dangerous out here, ____.” “It’s lonely out here, ____.”
WHITE NOISE “They paint the walls with colors that you’re not meant to notice.” “You blend into the background.” “It sorta sounds like a retro top 40 but wrong.” “You’re not meant to sing along. It isn’t that kind of song.” “You can hear the ocean if you hold it up to your ear.” “It’s theoretically dense. It’s impressive.” “It challenges Western notions of art.” “It’s going places ‘cause it comes from the heart.” “It makes no statement, but does so quite loudly.” “It’s an aesthetic. I mean, an anesthetic.” “Does it cure cancer?” “It begs the question, just to tell you the answer.” “Do you believe in the power of silence?” “You fill your head with thoughts you find you can't even feel.” “I know it's hard, but they’re not who you are.”
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Hey, Charity! Could I be an ENP? Or am I overestimating my Ne? If it helps, I’m either an enneagram 9 or a 6 - leaning towards 6, tho. Thanks :)
I’m not indecisive, but I like to keep my options open. If something better show up, I won’t mind leaving things behind, even if they’re unfinished. I like to “feel” that I’m choosing the right thing, though, since I’m afraid of making mistakes. Does my anxiety makes me second guess my feelings? Yes. I’m either right about things or completely wrong, no in between. I don’t consider myself a doer, thinking about things is usually enough for me. I hate to be alone with my thoughts and I’d rather have someone to discuss them with. If I like a certain subject, I’ll enjoy discussing everything there’s to know about it with my friends. I easily classify things as good/bad and have to push myself to see the tones of grey. I’ll defend what I believe in if I think it’s worth it to do so. I’d say that I’m somewhat “me” focused, since I’m constantly aware of my emotional state, focused on figuring my identity out and may act like my feelings are the most important thing in the room. My logic is internal. I draw conclusions by myself and then compare them to external facts to decide what’s true or not. Do I think about the future? Yes and No. I like to idealize the future, feeding my brain with possible scenarios that’d be fun if they became true. But my decisions are made based on what I’m feeling at the present. I don’t think “oh, this will fit perfectly with my 10 year life plan.” I’d rather go with the flow than planning for years ahead. I only make short term plans (a few days from now maybe). At my worst, I become a hypochondriac and a worrywart. I’m suddenly afraid that I won’t be able to “live” anymore if something bad happens to me. When I feel this way, I need to push myself outside and do things to keep me distracted. Stay at home dwelling and worrying may be tempting, but won’t do me any good.
Contradictory traits: I’m seen as the “responsible one” in my friend group, since I’m the one who usually reminds people things like “we should leave now, otherwise we’re gonna be late and x is counting on us”. I wouldn’t say that I like to control people, but sometimes I feel the need to push them to avoid problems. My family constantly mentions how much I’m alike my STJ father. Both of us are organized, methodical, realiable and a little bit too blunt with our words. My ENFP friend and I constantly discuss about my type and she doesn’t think I’m idealistic enough to have high Ne. She has these big and unchangeable goals ever since she was a teenager and she hates when other people come around to explain how “reality” works. Meanwhile, I’ve changed my mind dozens of times about my future, having tons of ideas I’ve never followed through. I also like to consider new povs, especially when the advice comes from people I respect. A little bit of realism won’t hurt, it’ll only mean that I’ll be prepared for what’s ahead.
You sound like an ENFP, yes. You give good arguments for Ne, Fi, weak Te, and nominal Si (not finishing things, abandoning them, changing your mind and dreams all the time, being blunt and fearful of stagnation). But... that your “ENFP” friend has had “big and unchangeable goals” since she was a teenager probably rules out Ne-dom for her. It sounds more like a judging type or Ni in her stack (NJ). Ne is as you describe it -- always changing, always pursuing what’s interesting in the moment, rarely sticking to one dream for your life, starting in on things and losing interest and abandoning them. You have the Ne, lol.
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randomly-a-fan · 1 year
The Deal of the “After” Life-time Pt. 3
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Dream Realm
Jason has kept MJ in his arms while she snoozes, even though what Freddy said is true; about how he can’t bring her back to reality, he still wouldn’t let go. Though, he’s getting close to needing to wake up, so, he kissed MJ by the lips before putting her down and gently rub her head.
Meanwhile in the Real World
“I’m sorry about your mommy, Malon. I’ve known Freddy for quite a while; he wanted your soul in exchange for his assistance...” Papawise said. “What!?” Malon freaked out. “Now, calm down, I never did such a thing; when it comes to arrangements, you need to be specific; I only gave Freddy your warn-out shoes, which have your ‘sole’ on them.” Papawise chuckled. “I’m assuming that Freddy took that scheme of yours and decided to use that on MJ.” Pennywise assumes. “Perhaps... Now back to Malon here, there is a way to free your mother from her demise, however, it’s extremely risky and it needs to be done tomorrow night.” Papawise explained. “Why tomorrow night, what happens tomorrow?” Aquarius asked. “Tomorrow is the night of the full moon, the most powerful light-source for doing the ‘ritual’.” Papawise answered with pride. “It’s how the first generation of the so-called ‘Losers Club’ summoned Maturin the turtle spirit. It’ll work for freeing MJ. But... It comes with a price.” Malon listens to Papawise’s instructions and the cost. “There are two ways: one, is that we free MJ, in exchange for Freddy Krueger’s freedom, including that Shadow Man that MJ trapped years ago for her kidney.” 
Malon freaked out, remembering that Shadow Man that tried to kill her years ago. “Is there another way, that doesn’t involve Freddy or that Shadow Man roaming free?” Malon asked nervously. “That comes to option two: find something of MJ’s that the five bestowed from her; however, if that is the way, MJ can get out without Freddy or the Shadow Man escaping, but, if Freddy does try to escape along with MJ, one of us has to make a sacrifice and take MJ’s place, in order to keep Freddy from escaping into the real world.” Papawise explained. “Sounds to me that we’ll have to go with option two; I know me and Pennywise can be involved in the ritual, including Jason obviously, and you’re going to be the one that says the ritual.” Aquarius advised. “We just need one more volunteer.” Pennywise added. Malon cleared her throat to get the clowns attention. “Are you forgetting about me? I can be the fifth.” Malon volunteered. 
Papawise just laughs to Malon’s attempt. “You’re very cute, Malon, very cute indeed. But, I’m afraid that this ritual is going to be too dangerous for a young mortal like you; one blow from the ritual will have you down with the weeds.” Papawise explained. Malon looked over at Pennywise and Aquarius, since she’s not understanding what Papawise was saying. “He’s saying that this ritual is going to kill you if you’re not invulnerable or strong.” Pennywise explained. “Does MJ know anyone else that is able to survive the blow?” Aquarius asked Malon. Malon thought for a moment on some of the friends that MJ befriended with who cannot die easily, like her dad. Then she thought of someone. “The Candyman can.” Malon giggled, as she made a little tune; really, she was referring to Daniel Robitaille, but she only thinks of him as The Candyman. 
Back in the Dream Realm, Jason was relaxing on the bed feeling pleased with himself, when he got MJ exhausted from all the pleasure he’s given her, even though he won’t wake up with her in his arms. Jason needed to wake up for Malon, so he gave his wife a kiss before tucking her in with a light sheet. 
After Jason woke up, he tears up again, he really hated leaving MJ alone and not get to see each other in bed after waking up. Just then, he heard a door knock, so he got up and went towards the door to see who it was. He saw his daughter, along with Aquarius. “Guess what dad! We’re going to get mommy back.” Malon said happily. Jason was confused, how is that even possible? “Papawise is going to prepare a ritual tomorrow night, so we each need to find one thing that we bestowed from MJ; like a gift or a memento of her, do you know what I mean?” Aquarius explained then asked. 
Jason thought about what Aquarius has told him, then Malon spoke up. “And since we needed one more person to be the fifth summoner, I thought we bring out Daniel Ro-be... uh, Robi-ti? Well, The Candyman, since he can handle the blow.” Malon explained. Malon couldn’t pronounce Daniel’s last name, she gets too embarrassed to accept help with the pronunciations, so she’s going to leave it at that. Jason nodded his head as he agreed, he even agree to let Malon say the ritual, as longs he’s in the bathroom with her; he remembered what he did to MJ years ago, even though he had a good side to him, he’s still a threat sometimes.
Dream Realm 
MJ doesn’t know if it’s been an hour or a few minutes since Jason left, time can be confusing in the Dream Realm. Well, she knew that she’ll see him again when both him and Malon are asleep. However, she can’t stand the heat, it’s almost as worse than the bakery, if not ten times worse. So, bravely yet riskily, she went out to look for Freddy and ask him for an air conditioner; the only path that isn’t on with the heat and flames, which leads to where Freddy chills.
However, she couldn’t find Freddy anywhere. As MJ was looking around, thinking that Freddy has gone to hunt into people’s dreams, she heard dim cries. When she saw the large oven, she heard the cries more clearly. MJ didn’t know what she’s going to get of her, well heck, thanks to her kind heart in nature, she opened it, which let out a whole lot of trapped souls that Freddy couldn’t digest.
Seeing the souls be free made MJ feel good inside, but on the outside, it burns like... Well, Hell. What she didn’t know is that she’s not alone in the room, she was being watched by the Shadow Man; back in the previous story of Sacrifice, he was after Jason, then MJ, and then their one and only child. Because of what MJ did to him, he’s going to make sure that MJ will pay. 
MJ knew that what she did will make Freddy angry, so she closed the oven’s door and rush back to her space, hopefully that Freddy wouldn’t notice.
When Freddy returned, The Shadow Man approached the tired Freddy. “What do you want, Shadow-fuck?” Freddy asked exhaustedly. The Shadow approaches the oven where Freddy keeps his souls. “Did you leave your ball in there, your bone?” Freddy joked. The Shadow Man doesn’t need to have a face to show disapproval. When Freddy opened the door, he was shocked. “What the fuck did you do, you Shadow-Fuck!?” Freddy asked in anger.
Meanwhile, MJ was in the room, praying that Freddy wouldn’t find out. Sadly, her prayers haven’t been answered. “MAKAYLA.” MJ jumped out of her skin and starting to sweat non-stop. MJ heard Freddy stumping on over to her space, so she hid in the closet.
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MJ thought she was in the clear when she no longer heard footsteps, that is until she stared at the exit of the closet, then comes Freddy. MJ screamed and shoved him out of the way, while she tries to escape, that is until The Shadow Man blocked her way. “YOU.” MJ screamed. 
Freddy chuckled while approaching her. “I’m assuming you remember your old ‘friend’? He’s been thinking of you, ever since you gave up your kidney for keeping your family safe, and yet, you all still get into danger.” Freddy reminded. He didn’t forget about the escaping souls, so, he grabbed MJ by the back of her shirt and threw her onto the bed with a thump, MJ tried to get up and run, but she can’t move; in dreams, you go nowhere. Freddy sat on top of her and opened up her shirt to expose her back. “Please Freddy, I’m sorry; I just needed to get cool, so I--” “--thought I would have air conditioner? well, you’re thought wrong, now hold still!” Freddy raised his claws and smite across her bare back. 
The Shadow Man smiled after hearing MJ screaming in pain and getting blood down her back. “Be advised, this is just a warning; if you do anything that will upset me, you’ll get worse cuts than this!” Freddy warned. 
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“Until you stop bleeding, you can wear this nightgown; it should make you feel more cooler.” Freddy added as he threw the Victorian-style nightgown. MJ paid no attention, since all she’s doing is bawl her eyes out. 
Freddy is aware that she has autism, but it doesn’t mean that he’s going to give his victim special treatment. “She’ll cry herself to sleep eventually, it’s a lesson that needed to be acted on.” Freddy explained to The Shadow Man. 
Real World
Everyone who are part of the ritual, including The Candyman whom Malon summoned, all meet at the gazebo to show each other what they’ve got of MJ’s. “Why do you have a wrapper of a peanut butter cup?” Papawise asked The Candyman with a pop at the end of his sentence. “I offered her a Reese, since I’ve learned that they’re her favorite. After she ate it, she threw the wrapper in the trash, but I wanted to keep that as a memento of her satisfactory.” The Candyman explained. “One of the losers from the losers club used a game token to burn, so how is a candy wrapper not a good thing?” Pennywise asked. “I don’t have a problem; I just find it weird.” Papawise answered. “Oh, so I’m guessing that you don’t find MJ’s bra pad so weird?” The Candyman got back at Papawise.
Papawise does admit that he did snatch one of MJ’s warn-out bras, but since it’s too big for burning, he needed to just take the padding. “I don’t much care about it, since right now, I’m a female.” Papawise explained. “What do you have there, Pennywise?” Papawise added with a question for Pennywise. “It’s a freshness container for the pills for dog bites; MJ put me back into health with the pills she gave me, after the encounter with the wild dogs while trying to save MJ’s life, I wanted to keep the container, to remind me of her kindness.” Pennywise explained. “You do realize that turning the items into ash would take a long time, right?” Papawise informed. Everyone was shocked. “Are you saying that the things we’ve bestow from MJ is going to get burnt into ash! Why didn’t you tell us that before?” Aquarius asked angrily. “You never asked!” Papawise laughed with his Wah Hah act.
Malon and Jason stared at each other sadly while the rest were arguing with each other. “We’ll still get mommy back... Right?” Malon asked her dad. Everyone stopped after hearing Malon’s question. “Why are we fighting with each other, when we’re supposed to give up the things we cherish to save MJ’s soul?” Candyman asked. Aquarius nodded in agreement. “He’s got a point; the items that we have can be replaced, but, we can’t ever replace MJ. So, turning the items into ash will have to be our only option.” Aquarius said, after she put down a magnetic anklet for her headaches. 
Jason looked into the sketch that MJ has made for him when they first met; she made a sketch of his mask, as a thank you for saving her innocents; to him, it’s because she was fascinated by his ‘good looks’. “Well, at least there’s one thing that’s easy to burn. Well then, I’ll just take this all back to my place and burn them into ash. We’ll meet at Camp Crystal Lake by the docks tomorrow evening.” Papawise announced.
At last, Malon and Jason get settle down at home while eating pizza for dinner. Then, they both get themselves ready for bed. Jason wanted Malon to sleep next to him, so that they can see MJ together in their dreams. “Mommy’s going to be so happy when she sees us. Too bad we can’t tell her about the ritual.” Malon said sadly. Papawise explained earlier that telling MJ about the ritual will not only get Freddy’s attention, but can lead to serious side-effects, such as brain-dumbing and loss of speech. Obviously, Malon and Jason wanted MJ to come back, all in one piece.
Dream Realm
The thing with dreams, they go to dreamland at a different pace, so Jason was the first to see MJ while Malon comes later. Jason noticed MJ on her stomach looking limp, he wondered if she was tired or if she’s upset about something. When he noticed bloodstains on the back of her shirt, he carefully placed a hand on her shoulder. MJ’s eyes were puffy-red with tear-stain on the bottom of her eyes. “Jay... He... He...” MJ couldn’t get the words out, so she gave him the look to give him the hint to open the back of her blood-stained top. 
Jason’s heart dropped when he saw the claw marks on her back. He lifted his wife up and sat on the bed while hugging her tight. Malon came when she finally dozes off, but when she saw her mom crying, she was concerned. “Mommy... What’s wrong, aren’t you happy to see us?” Malon asked. MJ sniffed when she heard her daughter’s voice, that she finally stopped crying. “Hello, my little princess. I’m so happy to see you again; both you and daddy.” Malon smiled to see her mom smiling. Yet, Jason made Malon turn around for a minute, while he helps MJ get into the Victorian Nightgown that Freddy gave her.
When MJ stood up, she feels like sniffling after seeing that the nightgown was see through. “You’re beautiful, you look like a princess in pajamas.” Malon complimented. MJ was sniffling a little before she started to laugh a little to her daughter’s compliment. “Come here you!” MJ said to her daughter, while waiting for her daughter to give her a hug. “You remind me of little me; I say sweet compliments to make my mom feel beautiful... Just like you did.” MJ said before she gave her a kiss. Jason went down to hug his two girls. “Even though this was only a dream for you two, it felt real just to be hugged.” MJ said in between hugs. 
For the rest of the dream night, the three decided to watch a Disney movie, even though the T.V is actually an 80s T.V Box, but it brings back MJ’s memories from when she was little, so watching The Jungle Book from that T.V Box with low resolution and pixels is no issue. “I know it’s not the same, Malon, but you have to realize that it brings me the childhood vibes.” MJ explained to her daughter, that is until she noticed Malon was sleeping next to her. “Aww...” MJ awed. Jason peeked over to see his daughter sleeping in her mom’s arms. Jason wished that he could make out with his wife while Malon was asleep, but he didn’t want to do it in front of her, even if she sleeps like a rock. However, there’s no rule on kissing his wife in front of his sleeping daughter.
When morning finally came, Malon and Jason tried their hardest to not wake up, but Jason forgot to close the curtains the other night, so the sun shun right into their eyelids. “Aww, dad, we forgot to close the curtains.” Malon whined exhaustedly. Jason understands that Malon was disappointed, he too gets upset whenever he has to wake up from a dream, when it’s the only time to see MJ. Luckily, tonight is the night where everyone does the ritual to bring MJ back, he just hoped that this whole ritual will be a success, or else Freddy wins; even if MJ comes out in the end, there’s still some risk of complications and losing a part of his love to the Dream Demon.
To Be Continued 
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matsukawamatt · 1 year
28 Sep ‘23
Back home with my little baby :)
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I’m happy to see my family and everyone. I’m definitely feeling a bit happier and stuff, but I can’t stop thinking about her still. There must be something wrong with me. The past few nights, even NYC (where I stopped the other night) I’ve had extremely vivid dreams of her and, well, important people in my past life. My dreams last night had her dad in them who I considered, sort of, a friend and in the dream he was angry with me. Aggressive almost. He was basically telling me that I should never come near any of them again and almost that… wow, the more I think of this dream the more it fades? I can’t even accurately say what happened anymore. All I know is that he went from liking me to absolutely despising me. I know it was just a dream, but it still makes me wonder.. I always heard growing up how people hated their in laws but I actually LOVED her parents. Almost as much as I loved being with her hahahaha. Not seriously… but I loved her very much. Anyway, as I said last time in my previous post I’ll remember her in that moment. I cant stop thinking back to the last time I saw her. Being home makes all of this so much harder now.
I need to move on. I’m being annoying and possibly weird. I keep hoping she’ll message me, but I know this won’t happen so as soon as the thought surfaces I try to kill it. I could go on. Every thought I have still I want to share with her. Why is this so hard?? I guess being back home and not stuck on 300 meters of cold iron makes reality just that — reality.
Talking about this is making me sad
I’m seeing Josiah and the Bonnevilles tomorrow (just Josiah) lmao and also Drew Halcomb and the neighbors. This music has really brought peace to me recently and I found out they were playing up here at home, so I’m gonna go there & hope that I’ll make some friends or something. I think it’ll be a good time. If your reading this I probably dont know who you are or I’m dead or something, maybe years from now, so I’m happy you get to look at my trivial little life years from now. All these problems that are non-issues hahahah. To be fair, they’re real for me so, that’s something?
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myobmaya · 2 years
A/N: hi so I wrote this straight from my phone and I barely edited it so sorry for any grammar mistakes I’ll go through it later! Basically Eddie has nightmares from the Upside Down and reader helps him. There’s smut and I guess some angst? Idk pls enjoy!
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You felt his bed shake before you actually heard him. It had to be about 3 o’clock the morning. His dreams usually turned to nightmares around this time. His legs tossing as he struggles to breath and the quiet gasps that leave his mouth have you alarmed. He’s struggling. The dreams are taking over and he’s finding it hard to differ dream from reality.
He used to get them as a child usually after sneaking and watching a movie he knew he shouldn’t have watched as one does. But as he grew into his adolescence he got them less and less until they eventually became something he could easily turn his mind against.
Until recently.
Until the bats happened.
Until the Upside Down.
They were his normal now. Ever since he got back he never got a full nights sleep. Some nights were better than the rest but it always ended up like this. It would often start off with the memory of him and Dustin fighting off the demon bats. Then it would eventually lead him to the memory of them attacking him. Biting him. Scarring him. You saw the aftermath of what the actual attack did to him physically and how he’s now dealing with it mentally.
Sitting up you gently pressed down on his chest before trying to shake him. Whines and whimpers were only met as you saw his eyebrows furrow. It was completely dark in his room, the pale moon light shining from his window allowed you to just make the outline of his beautiful face as his bangs stuck to his forehead due to the sweat breaking out in his body.
“Eddie, wake up. It’s just a dream,” you tried shaking his shoulders this time as he continued to fight his mind. You leaned over him snapping your fingers and clapping your hands. Anything to get him to wake up.
“Come back to me, baby. Come on wake up,” this time you forgone your hushed tone purposely being louder in hopes it’ll snap him out of it. You gently yet firmly began to smack his cheeks wanting him to know he was back here with you as you repeated yourself getting louder with each call. You’d never lay your hands on him so doing so now was a fight within yourself but you were desperate to get him back. His head began to thrash back and forth and his hands were suddenly on your wrists stopping your attempts to wake up.
With a deep gasp Eddie shot up from his sleep sending you to topple over him at an awkward angle nearly missing the floor as you caught yourself at the edge of the bed. His breathing was loud and struggling as he tried to catch his breath.
“No, no, no, no!” The fear in his voice could be heard. Eddie looked around and realized he was in his room. His real room. He caught a glimpse of his guitar hung on his wall next to a pile of clothes that laid in front of it. The panic was clear in his eyes as he finally looked at you. He reached for you and you immediately climbed between his legs wanting to love him but still giving him time to adjust.
“It’s okay, Eddie. It was just a nightmare,” you tried to comfort him. Eddie opened his mouth to speak but it quickly shut as he struggled to breath. Taking one hand between yours and the other holding his cheek you guided it to your chest where you took in a deep breath.
“Eddie, you’re safe. It’s okay. Take a deep breath in,” you watched as his chest rose and stilled, “now out.” His chest followed suite and you could feel your heart crumbling as he held back tears. You let go of his face and both hands had his in yours as your thumbs rubbed circles on the back of his. After a few moments he took his hands back and ran them down his face as you heard him choked back his emotions.
He never cried in front of anyone. He didn’t do it before the Upside Down and he didn’t do it now. It didn’t matter how it physically pained him to choked back his tears, chest tightening and eyes burning, he refused to ever let anyone let alone you see him like that.
Eddie thought he was getting better at handling this. Whatever this was. The nightmares were always the same thing. Being trapped in the upside down and the bats attacking him did a number on him and his mind. The moment he got back he was no longer the same Eddie you had grown to know and love. The scars from the fangs of the bats remained forever on him.
“Can I hold you?”
He let out a shaky breath taking in his emotions nodding ever so slightly. Finally meeting your eyes yours began to water taking in the broken boy in front of you. Taking a chance you crawled up and sat in his lap wrapping your arms around his neck. Eddie closed his eyes taking you in and holding you against him. You stayed clinging to each other for minutes running a hand through his sweaty hair kissing his neck every so often reminding him you were there with him.
“They got you this time,” Eddie mumbled into your shoulder. You heard him sniffle and his hold on you get tighter before gently releasing you still keeping you in his arms. You knew he was talking about his dream. “The bats. They got you and I couldn’t do anything. The fangs and bite marks… and the blood oh my god Y/N, your blood was everywhere and I just, I—“ he choked on his words and you let go of his neck grabbing his face in your hands.
“Eddie, it wasn’t real. I’m here. I’m okay.”
He squeezed his eyes shut and as his lips quivered you placed a kiss upon them. His eyes opened and he shook his head. Eddie’s hands held onto your wrists that still held his face. His fingers feeling the pulse in your wrists.
“I just what it to stop.”
And with that the damn that held his emotions finally broke. Eddie bit back the sob that was bubbling in his throat and just allowed the silent tears to fall down his face. Everything stopped around you as you pulled his head into your neck. His hands never left your wrists as your sweet lover finally broke down.
“Make it stop. Please.”
His voice was a whisper now and you felt his lips kiss your neck before they trailed up to your lips. You kissed him back before pulling back to look at him. His eyes were swollen and watered and there was nothing more that you wanted to do than take away his pain and suffering.
You nodded as you let his hands guide you to sit fully on his lap once once. His hands trailed up under your shirt before resting on your bare breast. He kept eye contact with you as you broke away from him only to pull off the shirt from your body leaving you in your panties. You knew he should probably talk about this, but then again this wasn’t just something he could talk about nonchalantly. It would take time for him to open up and time is all you would give him if that’s what he needed. Eddie didn’t have to use his words to let you know what he was asking and you didn’t have to confirm his desire. This wasn’t just sex. It wasn’t just a distraction. It was letting you both know you were there.
Eddie pulled you down with him as he laid back down never letting you go. The blanket that covered you both was kicked back onto the floor below you. In between the kisses you managed to pull his boxers down enough to free him as his hands left your chest to pull your panties to the side. His hands run up and down your back as his lips met the curve of your neck.
“I’m here, Eddie. Do you feel me? I’m here.”
He didn’t say anything, just nodded slightly as he helped you lift your hips before you aligned him with you and connected as one. You both moaned as you raised your hips before rolling them forward. He always filled you up in the most satisfying way.
You looked down at Eddie watching as his mouth hung ajar. Hands resting on his chest before running them up and grabbing the back of his hair and kissing him as he moaned in your mouth.
Your hips continued their movements and soon you felt Eddie’s hand grasp your thighs. He didn’t sped up your movements, he just wanted to feel you as you rode his worry away. One hand left your leg but it was soon replaced in between your body as his fingers pressed down on your clit rubbing it in slow circles.
“I love you,” Eddie whispered as his eyes shut this time from the pleasure and not from his previous pain. The room filled with eager pants as you continued your pace both of you content with finishing with it.
The coil in your belly began to tighten and with the way your hands gripped onto his shoulders he knew you were close. Keeping his fingers on you, Eddie took his other hand and guided you down to melt into his lips. His other hand helping you as he picked up his hips and began to met yours.
“Let me feel you, sweetheart.”
You nodded letting out a cry as his lips trailed down your neck and to your breast swirling his tongue around you. Eddie rarely got off before you. He always made it his mission to make sure you finished and even now he needed to feel you clench around him more than ever. For the first time since waking up Eddie allowed himself to smile as you hugged his neck gripping onto the pillow below him. He always loved seeing and feeling you like this. The sweet noises that came flowing out of your mouth and the way you completely lost yourself always toppled him over the edge.
Coming undone on him Eddie soon followed holding you flesh against him as you rode out both of your highs together. His thrusts slowing down until hey eventually stopped and he just stayed inside of you. Soft kisses were met on his neck and his hands ran up and your naked spine before he turned you both to lay on your side facing each other.
Eddie kissed your nose as you struggled to keep your eyes open feeling the drowsiness creeping up on you. Before sleep could take over you slide him out of you giggling when you saw him visibly pout. As you raised up from the bed Eddie grabbed your hand squeezing it lightly with a panicked look on his face.
“M’m not going anywhere, my love. Just cleaning up real quick,” you pushed back his bangs, kissed his forehead and finally the hand holding yours as he let go of his hold. Eddie watched as you disappeared into the bathroom for a few moments before coming back out wearing one of his shirts. You had a washcloth in one hand and a pot of clean boxers in the other as you made your way over to him. Without a word you gently cleaned him up. Eddie took the undergarment from you and covered himself as you returned to the bathroom.
Returning back into his room you gathered the blanket that had been tossed off the bed and gathered it up your arms before tossing it onto the bed covering Eddie up in the process. Before Eddie could get it off of him you had already taken it off his face softly laughing as you crawled over him and met him by his side.
“Sorry, Eds,” you apologized as Eddie playfully rolled his eyes at you. Eddie turned on his side and you hugged his back kissing the back of his neck. He held your hands in his rubbing his thumb on top of yours. Eddie listened to the sound of your breathing and watched as your fingers clung around his. He could feel the trickle of your breath hitting his neck and for the second time that night he was reassured he was finally here.
Eddie waited for your breathing to find its pattern and your soft hums of sleep to fill his anxiety before he let himself finally relax. Eddie would go on to explain in more detail about his dream in the morning but for now he would let sleep take over him. For the first time that night, Eddie finally got a good nights rest as the nightmares were defeated. For now.
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ameliora-j · 3 years
twin flame iii // gw x reader
words: 2.2k
warnings: angst, breakup, mention of bruising, crying, angelina slander kinda (it’s just for the story i love her sm!), yn is sorta a pick me if you squint sry, cringey mediocre writing at very best
an: i used song lyrics for some of the argument and the ending :) i hope you like it besties!
part one | part two | part four
you george! i want you!
the words had been running through his mind since the night you left. he had been going over the days leading up to your explosion in his mind for weeks. your words were in his mind day and night. your pained expression, your anger, your hurt. you consumed him. more than you usually did.
george weasley knew he fucked up. he knew without anyone telling him. but they did anyway. every waking second they did. first it was fred, calling him a jerk. then ron, who called him a “bloody idiot.” then ginny, who told him it was his own fault. and then his mum. of course his mum, who said in exact words: “george fabian weasley, this is nobody’s fault but your own. quit moping around and do something to fix it! i didn’t raise you to treat women this way!”
his last straw, however, was his older brother percy. percy of all people. who looked at him with a disappointed shake of his head. receiving a disappointed head shake from percy was nothing out of the ordinary, especially for george. it was his words that stung. percy spoke ten simple words to him that truly set george off. percy spoke “you lost the best thing that’s ever happened to you.” at his sentence, george lost it.
“i know that percy! you don’t think i fucking know that i lost the best thing that ever happened to me! and fred i know i’m a jerk and ron i know i’m an idiot and ginny i know it’s my fault and mum i’m sorry okay! i know you didn’t raise me like this i don’t know what’s wrong with me but i don’t think she’s coming back!” he fell back onto the couch as he tugged frustratedly at his roots.
“george… do you love her?” molly asked him.
“yes mum,” a whimper escaped the fiery-haired boy’s throat. “i love her more than i’ve ever loved anyone before. she’s my world,” he revealed.
“then go, george. go get her,” his dad said. “for your sake and her’s,” he told him.
“and our’s!” fred called distantly from the kitchen.
“shove off fred!” george called back before apparating to your front door. he knocked three times and waited for someone to answer it. when you opened the door, he was shocked at your state.
makeup streaked down your cheeks with your shoulder bruised and your arm in a splint. your eyes were red and puffy, but they were furthermore accompanied by dark bags as if you hadn’t slept in weeks. the truth is; you hadn’t. “hi george,” you mumbled half heartedly.
“hi butterfl-“ you cut him off.
“yn. my name is yn,” you spoke sternly.
“i’ve called you butterfly since you were three…” he murmured.
“not anymore. hurts too bad to hear it. did you need something?” you quickly changed the subject.
“i want to talk to you,” he said. you nodded and walked in, telling him to follow you. george said hello to your brother and then followed you into the lounge where you two sat on the loveseat and you turned to face him.
you sat in a long silence as your eyes traced each other’s features. you memorized him. every line, every freckle, every bump, bruise, and blemish. the silence was deafening. untill he finally broke it. “what happened to your arm?” he murmured softly.
“it splinched when i apparated home. then i apparated again and made it worse,” you bit your lip softly.
“always so reckless,” he tutted softly, causing you to shrug.
“what’d you wanna talk about? know you didn’t come to talk about my arm…” you attempted to get to the point of his visit.
“right,” he murmured softly. “yn i…” he took a deep breath. “the day that i let you walk out of my life is the day that i made the worst mistake in the history of mistakes. i’ve done some stupid things in my life, but letting you walk away has by far been the stupidest. i’m so so sorry that i hurt you the way i did, i cannot express to you how sorry i am, i truly cannot. i love you, yn. with all of me i do, you have to believe me when i say that.”
“i do believe you george. i just don’t believe that you love me the way that i love you. and carrying around that pain is killing me. i mean absolutely destroying me. you live in my mind rent free. you’ve infested it,” you told him. “you with your stupid pretty smile and your god awful jokes and your ridiculous pranks that you somehow always rope me into and your perfect hair and your pretty eyes and just. you. george. stupid you. oblivious you. godric george,” you roughly shoved his chest. “i’ve loved you for years and you’ve always looked past me!” tears rimmed your bottom lash line and your voice cracked as you lashed out on him.
“for years george, i mean years! i’ve watched you fall in love with countless girls just to have your heart broken by them. i stuck by you through everything. even when you stopped being being my friend because it made angelina uncomfortable i waited for you george! and you just pushed me to the side. i did everything for you. i executed pranks for you. i planned pranks for you. i took the fall for you. i got detention for you! i did it all for you. i mean the countless amount of things i did just to be able to call you mine and i just… you didn’t care! you’ve never cared! you’ll never love me the way that i love you and that hurts. so. fucking. bad.” you wiped your eyes.
“it kills me george. it eats at me, every single day it does. i stood by your side and i took the blame with you even when i had nothing to do with the stupid shit you pulled at hogwarts because yeah i was going down, but hey, at least i was doing it with you, right? we made so much trouble and-and we used to laugh. and be happy. we were genuinely happy and i don’t know where we went wrong but we did, but i still say that i hate you with a smile on my face! i don’t get it george why don’t you love me!” a whimper tore itself from the depths of your chest as you let out a silent sob.
“now look what we’ve became…” he murmured, tears falling from your eyes.
“all the things i did just to call you mine… and… and all the things you said but… somehow, i still hope i was your favorite crime. cause merlin knows you were mine.” you sniffled as you wiped your eyes.
“you were mine. you’ll always be my favorite crime.” he leaned over and kissed your head as another silent sob racked your body. “now it’s bittersweet to think about the damage that we did,” he smiled over at you sadly. “i love you butterfly. just as much as you love me, if not more,” he whispered as he stood from his place.
you rolled your eyes water-logged eyes, but still managed to smile. “i wish you thought about that before,” you whispered.
“i do too… i guess i’ll have to just call you the one that got away then?” he asked.
“in another life georgie… i’d be your girl. and we’d keep every promise that we made,” you told him.
“and i wouldn’t have to say you were the one that got away,” you nodded as he kissed your head again. “i love you, butterfly. i always have.”
“i love you too, georgie. i always will,” you sniffled as you watched him walk out the door. you didn’t want this. you wanted to stop him. everything in your body screamed at you to stop him. but your brain wouldn’t work. your heart said no. you were scared of being hurt again.
you wanted to do something. yell at him. tell him to come back. to hug you. to never leave you. to never let you go. but your heart wouldn’t let you. you were frozen in time.
it’ll all get better in time.
you’d heard the saying time and time again. especially after your parents passed away. it was people’s favorite line to use when they saw you. the truth is… you didn’t stop hurting. the pain didn’t go away. you just got used to it. but the pain you were feeling now… you didn’t know if it would ever go away. at least it didn’t feel like it.
two months. it had been two months since george walked out of your house that night. it was nobody’s fault but your own, and somehow you couldn’t help wishing he would’ve stayed.
you saw him everywhere. in the stars in the night sky. in the sunrise and the sunset. in coffee shops and store windows. even in your dreams when you slept. so logically, you decided to stop. if you didn’t sleep you couldn’t dream. and if you didn’t dream, you couldn’t see him.
you dutifully ignored the pain in your chest like an annoying bug on a picnic. you pretended that you were fine, but the reality was; you weren’t. but you played it off. and you were able to keep up your facade. untill one day… that one fateful day tucked in the corner at ninety three diagon alley. your brother asked you to pick up ten second pimple vanisher because he had a date tonight and just received a pimple the size of jupiter on his nose, causing him to look like “the muggle myth rudolph the red-nosed reindeer” as he put it.
you walked into the shop and kept your head down as you searched the aisles. it wasn’t where it usually was. you knew this shop like the back of your hand, of course you had… you’d worked there for nearly three years. you furrowed your brows as you looked around. the shop had completely transformed. nothing was in the place it usually was. that’s when your eyes landed there. on her. right at the front, behind the till at the register you worked, in the uniform you wore was angelina johnson.
you sighed deeply as you extended your neck around the corner to where the office was. you smiled triumphantly as you saw fred sitting at his desk and began your trek. you gently knocked twice on the opened door and fred called, “come in,” distractedly.
you walked in and sat on the desk, right in front of him, forcing him to look up at you. “yn!” fred exclaimed.
“hi freddie!” you smiled as a giggle escaped your lips and you returned the death-grip hug he had enveloped you in.
“what brings you by? not that i don’t love seeing your pretty face, of course,” he shot you a playfully flirtatious wink.
“ybn needs ten second pimple vanisher because he has a date tonight and he woke up with a pimple the size of jupiter on his nose,” fred laughed loudly at your remark. “i tried to look for it, but the stores completely turned around,” you pouted slightly.
“oh yeah, we changed some things up because we needed room for our new products. they’re still in the making, but george disappeared,” he hummed.
“george what?” you asked.
“you didn’t know…?” he asked you.
“no. i… i had no idea,” you stuttered.
“yeah. after the night he went to talk to you, he left a note on our kitchen counter and all his things were packed and he just… left. we haven’t seen or heard from him since. ‘s just been angie and i running the shop now. couldn’t do it alone,” fred explained as he picked up the box. “here you are l-“ before he could finish, you were halfway out the door. “YN WAIT!” he called. “YOU FORGOT YOUR PRODUCT!”
“SORRY FRED! YBN WILL BE OKAY I HAVE TO GO!” you called as you ran out the door as fast as your feet would carry you. if you knew george weasley… and you did… there was only one place he could be. and you prayed to any and every god that would listen that he was there. you prayed like your life depended on it that he was okay. you needed to fix this. to fix him. to make it alright.
in this moment you knew that he needed you. he needed you like peanut butter needs jelly. the way left needs right. like the sun needs the moon. he needed you like you needed him. you ran and ran and ran for miles untill you got to a secluded area. then you took a breath. and you apparated.
it was exactly the way you left it. a dingy old wooden box house sitting at the highest branch of a sycamore tree. you groaned softly as you began to climb the many branches. “george i swear to godric you better be in here,” you grumbled to yourself as you climbed.
it felt like hours—truly it was ten grueling minutes at most—untill you got to the door of the house. you whispered the password and it creaked open. “georgie,” you breathed when you saw him.
there he was. laying on the floor of the treehouse wrapped in blankets and a sleeping bag with a small pillow under his head. the apple to your pie. the straw to your berry. the smoke to your high. the one you knew you’d marry.
the one that got away. your twin flame.
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ohmyeyesmyeyes · 3 years
Idk if you do one shots inspired in songs, but if so, Would you mind doing one with a Taylor Swift's song which is called "The 1"? With Mason Mount please
< i love taylor so much and i really hope i didn’t completely butcher this, but thanks for the challenge :) >
the 1
( WARNING: little bit of angst and fluff?, swearing )
word count: 1.8k
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Things don’t often go as we expect them to, and it’s often incredibly difficult to replan your life around that massive change and adapt your lifestyle so you can — in reality — live again.
It’s like trying to find your feet when you’re in the air — it feels impossible but you know with time you’ll eventually meet the ground again.
That’s what it felt like when you and Mason broke up four years ago.
You were fresh out of uni and at the time, you really thought he’d be it for you, and honestly, so did he. A break up thrown into the mix of having to navigate adult life just seemed to put a huge stopper on all your plans; the holiday you two had both booked for a weekend away in Ireland, the meals out with friends that you had to cancel, and the house showings you were set to attend.
Looking back on your relationship now, you realise it wouldn’t have been the worst thing to end up with Mason. All the years and effort and time put into loving him were — without a doubt — some of the best years of your life (at that stage in life), and did you regret it?
Not one single bit.
But four years is the perfect amount of time to heal, remove the salt from the wound and finish grieving.
But he was here. In real life.
You’d imagined running into him in the supermarket or on a night out with your friends, but a bus stop?
That one was weird. Mainly because you both hated catching the bus with a burning passion.
But it lead to a catch up over coffee.
It was a quiet place, out of the way of the usual lunchtime hustle and bustle in the city, and for that you were grateful. You could hear your own thoughts.
It was awkward at first, you couldn’t keep your eyes from fixating on his figure, his features, because four years can really change a person. He was much broader, his hair a little shorter, but he was still that same Mason you once loved.
You knew that because the first thing he did when he sat down was offer you that cheeky, charming smile that had you hooked from the second you met.
He’d asked how you were, and you answered honestly: you were living well, your best life, and to the fullest. And you knew and he knew that it wasn’t a lie.
He could tell by the smile on your face and the new, sparkling band on your wedding finger. He half expected that blow to sting a little — that you’d found someone and he hadn’t, but he was never one to be bitter whatsoever, at least, not when it came to you.
Instead, he offered his congratulations and the only inkling of regret he held was not being there when it happened.
I guess you never know, never know,
And if you wanted me, you really should’ve showed,
And if you never bleed, you’re never gonna grow,
And it’s alright now.
There was silence after that.
You had one thing on your mind, and you knew by the way he was looking at you that he was also thinking the same thing.
You took a sip of your coffee.
He mirrored your actions, seemingly startled when you placed your mug onto your saucer, the chink of porcelain against porcelain echoing around the small shop cutting through the previous quietness.
“I think I hated you for a while.” You murmured, and if Mason wasn’t leant over the table slightly, he would’ve missed the statement completely.
He nodded in understanding, his brown eyes shining with the faintest hint of guilt.
“I think I was so frustrated with the idea that we just…didn’t work, and I blamed it on you.” You paused, fingers twisting your rings.
He paused, mulling over his words, “And now? Still hate me now?”
You bit back a small smile and met his eyes, “No…I think it’d take a whole load of bad shit to get me to hate you.”
He smiled.
“That’s good to know.”
“I mean, I think it was a long time coming anyway, that break up.”
“It didn’t feel right for a while.”
“No,” you agreed, “as much as it hurt to admit, I think we just failed…as a couple. There was a point where we were just together for the sake of not giving up on the relationship, but with no real reason to continue.”
But we were something, don't you think so?
Roaring twenties, tossing pennies in the pool,
And if my wishes came true,
It would've been you,
In my defense, I have none,
For never leaving well enough alone,
But it would've been fun,
If you would've been the one.
He seemed to ponder over your words, and although he never voiced it, he came to the conclusion that you’d just put into words — perfectly — the itch that had been tickling his brain for the past few years.
“Despite that, you can’t deny that we weren’t something…” he started, before breaking off and shaking his head, as if the mere thought was ridiculous.
“We were something special. I think, had things stayed like they were in the beginning, that…you and I…” you waved your hand, tilting your head, and he nodded in agreement, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Me too. I think…in another life we could have made each other happy. It would have been fun.”
The words ‘if you would’ve been the one’ echoed in your head, and despite the passive aggressiveness of your conscience, you found yourself holding back a smile.
“Water fights in winter and eggs with ketchup…perfect. I’d never have gotten tired of that.” You mused, and he spluttered slightly on his coffee, laughing along with you in what felt like a decade.
I have this dream you're doing cool shit,
Having adventures on your own,
You meet some woman on the internet and take her home,
We never painted by the numbers, baby,
But we were making it count,
You know the greatest loves of all time are over now.
“Then again, who knows? Maybe you’ll fall over in the airport and some lucky person will help you off the floor—”
“You’re about to say something cheesy, aren’t you?” Mason covered his mouth, scrunching his nose in anticipation as you nodded.
“All this nostalgic bullshit has me emotional! I swear, just this once…just this once, and I promise you can laugh about it afterwards.” You swore, holding out your pinkie for confirmation.
He didn’t hesitate, and linked your pinkie.
“You’ll find someone else. It’ll be love at first sight—hey, let me have this moment…maybe love at second sight, knowing you… you’ll go to some really magical place and have the most amount of fun you’re ever gonna have…hikes, skydiving, looking after animals I’m sanctuaries…you’re gonna have the time of your life — like Grey and Swayze.” You sniggered, unable to hold in your laughs at the ridiculous scenarios.
Mason pulled a face, unable to hide a smile.
“Okay, okay. End of story: they’ll be perfect. The Chandler to your Monica or the Robin to your Ted. But, you understand what I’m talking about, right?” You asked, sighing out of frustration.
“You’re saying I’ll find my person.” He concluded, sitting back in his chair.
We were something, don't you think so?
Rosé flowing with your chosen family,
And it would've been sweet,
If it could've been me,
In my defense, I have none,
For digging up the grave another time,
But it would've been fun,
If you would've been the one.
“Like…your grandma and grandad. I want what they have.” Mason smiled.
“They’ll be pleased to hear that,” you said, “I don’t think they’re quite over us yet. You were too…you at family meals. They fell in love with you too.”
This time Mason really laughed. Really laughed. He threw his head back and the people working at the counter turned to look at him, fighting their own smiles at his carefree nature.
What you’d said wasn’t even that funny.
“Too me? Thanks, I think?”
“Oh, that’s definitely a compliment. You’re too damn charming for your own good, it’s a problem. You should come with a warning label on your forehead: EASY TO LOVE.”
“That’ll solve a lot of problems.”
There was silence.
It was relieving to say the least.
“That whole conversation was about four years too late.” You said, pursing your lips.
“Better late than never.” Mason murmured, his eyes trained on you.
The pressure on your shoulders was lifted. All the things that needed to be said were said.
As time passes, the wound heals — sometimes, but in your case, that was true, as hard as it was to come to that conclusion — and it suddenly became easier to recall the loss of what might have been without bringing you back to wishing it would be again.
It was nice.
“Would it be totally inappropriate—”
“Not at all.” You interrupted, shrugging at his raised eyebrows.
“You didn’t know what I was going to say.” He chuckled.
“I’ll have you know that years of knowing you granted me the issue of knowing what you’re going to say,” You said, pointing an accusatory finger in his direction.
“What was I going to say?” He challenged, “If you get it right, I’ll get you tickets to the next game.”
You raised your brows.
“Confident, are we?”
He shrugged, a smug smirk on his lips.
“I don’t think it’s totally inappropriate to be friends.” At your words, he slumped in his chair, hands going to cover his face.
“No.” He groaned, repeating the word like a mantra as you pumped the air with your fist.
“Three tickets to the next game in the bag.” You bragged.
“Honestly.” He whined, peeling his hands away. “Why are you so difficult?”
“You offered the terms.”
“Why am I so dumb?” He rephrased.
“Ah, I'm afraid only you can answer that one.”
“The brain cells I have left don’t have enough energy to come up with an answer to a question as philosophical as that one—yes, it was philosophical to me, okay?”
“I wasn’t going to say anything.” You promised, putting your hands in the air in surrender.
“Just remember who’s going to give you those tickets, yeah?” He teased, sitting up.
“Abusing your power, nice move.”
“Oh…shut up.”
“Weak.” You coughed, trying to disguise the fact you said anything.
He looked straight at you, highly unimpressed by your tactics.
“Very original.” Was all he said.
“Is it supposed to be this easy?” You blurted out, spitting out the words before you could rethink the consequences of them being thrown into the abyss between you and Mason.
He knitted his brows together in thought.
“I don’t know,” he answered honestly, “but we were friends way before, it’s not hard to fall back into old habits. I think that’s why it’s so easy.”
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
Saturnine. Yan Chrollo x Reader [SMUT]
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Tags/warnings: Dubcon, oral sex, creampie, my brain melting, condescending ???, Chrollo always has smth to say Word count: 2.2k. Note: it is finally done .
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When gazing into the mirror, it should be easy to recognize the reflection staring back as your own. It’s the sight you’ve seen your entire life. Maybe the light in your eyes is less noticeable and your smiles no longer appear genuine, but in the end, it still physically bears your image.
You shiver at the chilly air kissing your bare skin, goosebumps erupting at the lack of clothing. Thin fabric clings tightly around your body, sheer and intricate in its lace design, yet astonishingly soft to the touch. It accentuates the swell of your chest, the black as midnight fabric stopping just shy above your midriff. A matching thong connects to sheer thigh highs through a garter belt to complete the set. Never in your life can you recall wearing such a lascivious outfit. Nor did you think you’d ever wear one for him.
Covering your exposed cleavage with your arms, you lower your head, fingernails pressing so harshly against your skin that it hurts. The pain serves to ground you in reality, proof that this is happening and not a dream.
“Did I… do this right?” You murmur, not used to how Chrollo is wordlessly assessing your trembling figure. Normally the air is full of conversation, equal parts rigid and provocative, a verbal game you’ve been forced to navigate. You still prefer the mind games over this maddening silence. You’re convinced he can hear the way your heart pounds viciously as if it was attempting to free itself from your body altogether, the current stress it’s under too much to withstand.
Chrollo moves a step closer and you take a deep, shaky breath. Grey eyes rake over your body, like a predator monitoring its prey, inspecting every inch of you. He spreads his fingers against your stomach, coarse fingers gliding over your skin, gradually moving upwards.
“Mm. You did perfectly.” His voice is rich and husky against your ear, spoken lowly so that only you may hear it. When his fingers reach their intended target, he cups your chest and lays his head on your shoulder. You watch his actions in the reflection of the mirror, glossy lips parting but no words managing to form on your tongue. Emotions swirl within you like an unrelenting vortex. Repulsion. Frustration. Shame. That it came to this, lowering yourself to a level you never wanted to be reduced to.
While you ruminate in your misery, Chrollo presses featherlight kisses from the crook of your neck to your jaw. His lips are soft and well taken care of, curling into a smile at how your pulse quickens. There are numerous mysterious surrounding Chrollo, but you do not doubt that he’s enjoying himself now. Your attention is brought back to his hands on your chest and how he kneads them. A blush ignites when you feel something hard press brush your ass, already guessing what it is.
“S-so you’re going to,” you struggle to get out, releasing a gasp when he suddenly pinches your nipple, “Keep… keep your promise, right?”
The clarification is for your peace of mind. An internal justification is necessary to continue with this illicit act, doubts plaguing your mind. You feel his chest rumble against your back, a deep chuckle leaving him. Regret comes swiftly, knowing that anytime you speak to Chrollo his responses sting deep, piercing your skin and festering.
One of his hands comes to your jaw, tilting your head back to look at him. The proximity has your eyes wide as a doe, his warm breath fanning against your face, dark tresses of hair tickling your face. His grip is tight but not painful. A not so subtle reminder of the Phantom Troupe leader’s innate strength, that goes beyond any measurement your mind could conjure up. Your squeeze your eyes shut when he leans forward, pressing a chaste kiss to the edge of your lips.
“What if I don’t?” Chrollo’s question has you frowning, eyelids fluttering open so you can shoot him a glare. He stares back unfazed, amusement visible from his closed mouth smile and relaxed posture, clearly not feeling intimidated by your little show. You decide to give it some thought, knowing he’ll scrutinize your response if not chosen carefully. Though, it’s admittedly difficult to concentrate when your face is burning up and his hand is still groping your chest.
Swallowing thickly, you arrive at a half-decent comeback. “I’ll… I’ll hate you.”
It sounded far better in your head.
Chrollo raises an eyebrow at your rebuttal but decides to entertain it. “Don’t you already?”
“I’ll hate you even more,” comes your reply, stumbling out before you could think it over. Luckily, or maybe unluckily, he doesn’t take visible offense. Instead, the bastard laughs again. Affectionately, Chrollo brushes his knuckles over your cheek, mirth dancing in his eyes.
“Even more, huh,” he hums, your nonsensical ramblings sounding worse when repeated back. “If that’s the threat I’m contending with, then I’ll be sure to stick to my word.”
You’re not exactly reassured by this, but decide to leave it for now. Suddenly, Chrollo steps back, freeing you from his grip. Before you can ask about what he’s doing, his hands start loosening his belt. Ah. So the time for negotiating is over. His dress pants fall, revealing a prominent bulge pushing against his briefs.
“Now get on your knees for me.”
It wasn’t a request. You do as he says, hyper-aware of how he’s staring at you, the tile from your shared master bedroom cold against your shins. To save what little modesty you have remaining, you readjust your bra so your chest no longer threatens to spill out. Heartbeat picking up in pace, you lift a shaky hand, palming his crotch through the fabric. 
The muscles in his thighs tighten, yet every other aspect of him remains thoroughly composed. Playing with the waistband, you slowly pull it down, revealing Chrollo’s half-hard member. It’s long, around six inches when erect, with a prominent vein that you’ve learned is rather sensitive. Precum is already leaking from the head, a sight that worsens the blush on your face.
Chrollo runs his hands through your hair, a quiet sigh leaving his lips. You pick up on the unspoken encouragement to not keep him waiting. Readjusting yourself into a more comfortable position, you take his dick fully into your hands, giving it a tentative stroke to test the waters. No verbal response. He’s excellent at maintaining his composure, creepy as it may be. Pumping his cock from the base, you bow your head down, eyelids fluttering shut as you kiss and lick the tip. That earns you a sharp inhale and a tightened grip but nothing else. Wetting your lips with your tongue, you continue licking the tip while jerking him off, noting that his cum has a slight salty taste to it.
Now that your confidence has somewhat been built up, you part your lips to take more of him in, getting adjusted to his size. Chrollo lets out a shaky exhale, fingers curling deeper into your hair. It’s difficult to get into a solid rhythm as your anxiety is unrelenting. Being so vulnerable in front of a person whose hands, which are now intertwined with your hair, have slaughtered countless people. 
He could do the same to you at any time, you think, despite his insistence for not wanting to. Hollowing out your cheeks, you manage to take more of him in, stopping just shy as not to activate your gag reflex. It makes your stomach churn when he lovingly strokes your cheek, looking down at you with eyes glazed over with crazed lust. Of course, he wouldn’t make this easy on you and act different — he continues with the delusion that this is love.
“Eager, now are we?” Chrollo laughs breathlessly. You decide to ignore the comment, too focused on having him finish so you can move on with your night. The low groans and whispers of your name are starting to affect you, a factor that only adds to your shame.. Pangs of heat are building up in between your legs, which you subconsciously rub together in a feeble attempt to relieve yourself. Chrollo quietly groans, content at the sight, dick twitching in your mouth. You wish he hadn’t noticed just how turned on you’re growing — not that you’re surprised with how unfairly observant he is — fully prepared for more scathing comments.
“I’m glad you stopped being so stubborn,” he pushes himself deeper into your mouth, gripping your head tightly enough not to let you move away, “So I can finally have my way with you.”
You wince at how he forces his dick down your throat, tears stinging the corners of your eyes and lungs screaming for air. Chrollo drinks in the sight, shuddering, bucking his hips, and pulling your face as tight against him as he can. You figure his release is getting closer from how erratic his movements are growing. At least it’ll be over soon. This line of thought is interrupted as he pulls away, saliva and cum connecting your mouth to his dick in a thin line, which has you frowning. Relishing the opportunity to regain yourself, your lungs greedily gulp in air, and you cough from his previous actions.
Chrollo extends a hand out to you which you hesitantly accept. The more human side is starting to show, his skin sheening with sweat, bare chest heaving for air much like yours, and black tresses sticking to the sides of his face. Your lips part, intending to ask why he stopped. He places both his just hands below your ass, hoisting you up as if you weighed nothing. Yelping, you struggle and cling to him as not to fall, eyes wide with confusion.
“Wrap your legs around me,” he presses a chaste kiss to your forehead and you do as he says, scared that you’ll fall otherwise. “Mm. Good girl.”
Chrollo carries you over to the wall, your back pressing against the hard surface and feeling its coolness on your bare skin. After thinking about it for a moment, you understand what it is he intends to do next, tightening your grip around him. He positions the head of his cock against your opening, smiling at how wet you are. At least he’s too focused to comment on your current state. You look to the side, not wanting to see the pleased expression you know is on his face.
“I’ll take care of you after,” Chrollo promises, slowly pushing himself inside you. You take a deep breath, gripping his shoulders tightly, fingernails digging into his skin. At least he’s allowing you to adjust. You yelp when he grabs a fistful of your hair, tugging it so that you look him dead in the eye. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Hm?”
A half-choked out moan leaves your lips as he fills you, feeling his sizeable length stretching you out.
“Y-yes,” You pant, carnal desire outweighing any solid reasoning at the moment. Chrollo continues to pound relentlessly into your cunt, burying his face in your neck. He’s coming undone, fucking you with a strength that has you breathless. You catch occasional guttural groans of your name and don’t want to admit how nice it sounds.
“I always knew you’d come around.” 
The sound of skin on skin fills the room, mixed in with his grunts and your moans. Squeezing your ass, his thrusts grow erratic, before he finally stills. Chrollo releases deep inside you, pulling you down onto him, hot ropes of cum filling you and seeping out.
He grits his teeth, shuddering at his release. All is still for a moment aside from your heavy chests. Chrollo gathers himself before you do, slowly pulling himself out. You feel his cum as it drips out of you and bite your lip at the possible implications. Everything is so warm and your body feels terribly sore, having to clutch onto him for stability when he puts you back down. Chrollo doesn’t seem to mind this, laughing as he runs his hands through your mousled hair.
“How precious.”
You yelp when he picks you up, bridal style this time, your face pressing against his chest.
“It looks like you needed some help there, dear.” Chrollo hums, placing you down onto the bed with a gentleness you weren’t used to. There’s no way any normal human could be this collected already. Taking deep breaths, you attempt to calm yourself, not wanting to be completely undone before him. Chrollo watches with intrigue while you do so, his eyes piercing through your trembling body. When you finally manage to get your breathing steady, he gently pushes your shoulders down and spreads your legs.
“Now, about that promise of mine,” he presses open-mouthed kisses from your ankle to your thighs, “I intend to keep it. We’ll keep going until you’re no longer able to stand.”
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xmalfoyweasleyx · 4 years
No future with a boy like this - F.W
Summary: Fred disappoints you more than once, giving you no other choice, you had to let him go.
Warnings: ANGSTY, cursing, implied sex very briefly, FLUFF AT THE END
A/N: my firsts time writing angst and I really don’t know if i was overdramatic or not enough dramatic lol please give feedback
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April- 1996 - Hogwarts
Y/n was waiting on the tribune next to the quidditch field. It was already getting darker now. An orange glow spreading over the field. The sun was going down already. She was sitting there for two hours now.
She promised herself she would stop waiting after an hour but here she was, still hoping he would show up.
It was her birthday, it was her fucking birthday. And this wasn't the first time. It started with little dates, he forgot them sometimes but y/n didn't mind, he made it up every time.
He hurt her by forgetting those things all the time. But it was Fred Weasley after all. You knew this was coming when he became your boyfriend. You even got used to it. He was always busy. That's just how Fred is.
And here she was again. Trying to not let the tears of disappointment fall down on her cheeks. She felt miserable and decided to finally call it a night, going back to her dorm. She was exhausted.
Walking down the corridors, she saw Fred. He was just sitting there, laughing with George. That's when it was clear, he wasn't even late, he just forgot.
He saw her and smiled, walking her way, but she turned on her heals immediately. "Y/n!" he screamed confused. He followed her and his long legs made it easy to catch up.
She didn't answer, finding it much harder to hold back her tears now. "Y/n? Hey? What's wrong?" he asked.
Y/n stopped abruptly. "You really don't know?" she hissed.
A confused look formed on his face. "What do you mean"? he stammered. A tear fell down her cheek and his face was full of guilt now, without even knowing what he did.
"You forgot", you snapped, "again!"
He was thinking for one minute. It really took him one minute. What was wrong with that boy?!
Suddenly a wave of realization hit him. "Fuck." he squealed.
Y/n didn't need this shit right now, and ran away before he could say something. Making him run after her. "NO y/n wait! I'm so sorry, I won't forget next time, I promise, I'm so sorry" he begged while grabbing her arm, pulling her closer to him.
"You say that every time Fred" she sighed, another tear fell down.
It broke Fred's heart. It really did. He didn't mean to forget this things, he didn't want to hurt you. His mind was just so full all the time. So many things were going on in those brains of his.
"I mean it, I'm sorry, I love you y/n" he assured.
And she fell for it, like she always did. It happened every time. Fred said things that made her melt, and she forgave him. It was nothing new. Because how could she not? The sweet boy didn't mean to hurt her, she knew that, everyone knew that.
But still, her friends warned her. There was no future with a boy like this. It couldn't stay like this. So she swore to herself this was the last time. She made that clear to Fred too.
Because what if he's the love of her life? Her future? This was her last year after all, y/n’s future was right in front of her. What if Fred was her future? You both couldn't give that up.
May- 1996 - Hogwarts
Everything was alright.
They were okay.
And Fred hasn’t been late for a whole month, sounds like nothing special but to him and her it was.
This weekend y/n was going home, and not just home, but with Fred.
After a year it was time for him to meet her parents. Fred claimed he was the perfect son in law, so he didn’t hesitate to agree. Y/n was nervous and excited at the same time.
Ready in her dorm, with a portkey, she had her favourite sundress on. She was waiting for Fred but he didn’t show up. Okay it was only 15 minutes now, but with their little history it made her nervous. She was absolutely sure Fred wouldn’t forget this. He can’t forget this.
20 minutes later she was still waiting.
No. This couldn’t be true. It just couldn’t be.
And then, she found a note under her potionsbook. After reading only one word, she was already furious, a growing heat filling her cheeks.
Dear y/n, love
I remembered. I swear. But I just won’t make it. I’m not feeling okay and I think I might have a fever or something. I don’t want to make you or your parents sick, so I’m staying in my dorm.
I love you, kisses Fred x
She didn’t really know what to think. She was so disappointed, again.
But she could’t blame her boyfriend for feeling sick. Although she had her doubts, what if this wasn’t true, maybe he lied because he did forget it?
No, no, she had to trust him. Fred wouldn’t lie to her. So she grabbed the portkey and went to visit her parents.
When she traveled back to Hogwarts it was late already, past midnight. Y/n hoped Umbridge wouldn’t catch her.
The corridors were empty, completely silent. This was not unusual. Most of the students were already asleep this late on a Sunday.
Unexpectedly, she heard gigles and laughs coming from around the corner. Did it come from the library? It couldn’t be. Not at almost 1 am.
She went closer to listen. Y/n placed her ear on the door. Was it... Was it...? No. No.
Did she hear Fred’s voice?
She really hoped she was just imagining this. Maybe she should trust Fred more.
But just checking won’t hurt right?
So she tried to open the door. It was locked.
“Alohamora” she whispered.
What she saw broke her heart into a million pieces.
Angelina sat on a table, with Fred extremely close to her, giggling. George and Lee were there too.
She couldn’t believe her own eyes. Looking silently in Fred’s shocked ones.
“Fuck” he sighed. “Y/n-“ he tried.
But she cut him off before he could say anything. “No, I don’t wanna hear another silly explanation from you, it’s enough, I don’t want to see you ever again” she screamed with tears in her eyes, making her vision blurry.
Y/n ran away, faster than ever so Fred couldn’t catch up this time.
“Stop!! Stop!” she heard him scream behind her.
She ran and ran, not even knowing were to.
“Let me explain” another scream followed.
That’s when she ended up in a corridor she didn’t know. A dead end. Ofcourse.
She gave up and stopped. Fred ended in front of her, breathing loudly, trying to catch his breath.
“Baby I-“ he tried
“Don’t call me baby, this is over” y/n cut him off.
Fred was speachless, for the first time in history. He didn’t realise this truly happened. He knew what he did wasn’t okay, but he never expected her to actually broke up with him. It just didn’t occur in his mind this was a possibility.
“But.. but...” he stuttered. “I swear, I can explain, what you’ve just seen, it wasn’t what you think it is. I’ve told you about the shoppe George and I want to open, right? It’s actually going to happen. We’re leaving hogwarts. That’s what we were doing, we were planning things. Tomorrow we’re going to blow up Umbridge, no not literally blow up, but with lots of firework! And then we’re going to open the shoppe together. It’s my dream y/n!” he rambled excited.
Y/n sighed. Understanding why he did this, but it didn’t change a thing.
“That actually makes things worse Fred. I’m happy your dream will come true. But you’re leaving and I’m finishing my year. When are you going to have time for me if you run a shop? You didn’t even have time for me now.” she cried.
Both of them were crying now. Knowing the break up was really going to happen. Fred wanted to keep fighting. But he knew she might be right.
A little sob left his mouth, something he never did before. She was right. He truly loved her but he couldn’t give her the happy future she deserved. He wasn’t right for her, he didn’t treat her the way she should’ve been treated. And the idea broke him. And that’s when she walked away.
They didn’t see each other again afterwards.
The next day, y/n laid in her bed when she heard fireworks, knowing what happened. She couldn’t go outside and watch...
Happy screams and laughs filled the castle. And that’s when she realised Fred and George were gone now. It was reality now. They won’t come back. Although a little part of her hoped they would stay. A little part of her thought Fred would come to her, begging her to stay with him. But she guessed he just didn’t love her enough.
After all the times Fred broke her heart, she was kind off used to it. But those heartbreaks couldn’t ever overcome this one.
August - 1996 - Diagon Alley
The summer was almost over, y/n graduated two months ago. The heartbreak still hurted but she was better now. She still didn’t know what to do now that she’s graduated.
Hermione decided you two had to go shopping. “It’ll make you happier” she stated like it was an actual fact. Y/n couldn’t say no of course.
Y/n’s breath hitched. A big clone of Fred’s face right in front of her (or George). This had to be their joke shoppe. God, it was more impressive than she expected. Guess you should never underestimate the twins.
“Let’s go inside y/n!” Hermione announced excited, grabbing her arm trying to puch her inside.
“Oh no no no no no, I don’t think that’s a great idea” she hesitated.
“Don’t worry, it’s so busy, Fred won’t see you” she promised her. Y/n sighed. She really didn’t want to go inside. She’d love to see the shoppe, but seeing Fred...
Whatever, it was true. It was so busy so Fred won’t ever notice her.
They entered, y/n was surprised, it was wonderful. Fred and George must have worked so hard to get to this point. God, she loved the place.
It brought back memories. All those joke products, most of them were used on her, she remembered. Fred thought it was hilarious to prank her literally all the time, being proud because it was something he invented himself. She couldn’t be mad about it, it made him so happy.
The place even smelled like him.
Y/n took a deep breath trying to gather all of the smell, in hope it would stay in her nose, so she could remember it back home.
She closed her eyes and imagined how it could be, if they didn’t broke up. How she would probably come here everyday to say hi, how she would watch Fred all day doing his job.
And then... she saw him. In his uniform, he stood there proudly on the stairs above her. Smiling happily, seeing all those laughing people because if his work.
He was happy. Fred missed y/n but he was happy. He thought a lot of all the things he did wrong. Although he didn’t really have time to worry.
Y/n sighed, it’s been months. Her heart was glowing inside her chest. She didn’t even feel sad any more. This was what her boyfriend always dreamt of. Her ex-boyfriend.
She turned around deciding it was not smart to look at the beautiful boy, the boy who still made her knees go weak.
Fred’s smell was more vibrant than before now. Almost like he was right in front of me.
Ow, love potions, of course.
Of course she still smelled Fred in it.
“I smell honey, flowers and vanilla soap” she heard a familiar voice whispering in her ear, almost making her jump.
“F-fred, hey” she stuttered, in shock by the fact he’s standing right in front of her.
“You look great, changed your hair” he smiled. It was true, y/n cut her hair a little shorter and decided to give it a lighter colour for the summer. The typical breakup haircut.
“Fred do you want to... talk... please?” she asked, knowing it wasn’t a great idea. She wanted to just run away after she realized what she said.
“We could go upstairs, talk in my appartment”
October- 1996 - Diagon Alley
“Come on darling, George opened up already!” Fred screamed running through his kitchen while jumping, trying to get his pants on. He grabbed an apple as breakfast.
Y/n ran to the kitchen too. “I thought you changed the being late thing” y/n joked, yes they joked about it now.
“You were the one holding me up this time” he smiled adding a wink. “You just can’t resist me in the bedroom” y/n answered daring.
She grabbed him by his collar, pressing a kiss on his lips. “I have no choice with the sexiest girlfriend in the word” Fred grinned, pressing kisses all over your face, making you giggle.
“Baby, you’re wearing your uniform backwards” he laughed.
Y/n worked at the shoppe now too.
When she asked Fred to talk, they actually talked for hours. They talked about what went wrong in their relationship, about what they had been doing in those months they broke up, talked about how they still had feelings,...
And after two hours they made up. Both being happier than ever, deciding they learned from their break up.
Fred asked her to come live in his apartment and work in their shop too. Y/n didn’t hesitate for a moment. She designed their boxes or packages and talked to costumers. But most of all she distracted Fred by rolling her uniforme skirt up and bowing down to ‘grab’ something. Sometimes he took her back to the appartment because he couldn’t hold back anymore.
Y/n now knew, the breakup was necessary. You both learned. And now you’re happier than ever.
Because after all, Fred was your future.
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teddy06writes · 4 years
Some unspoken thing
Karl Jacobs x Reader 
requested: no
Trigger warnings: mentions of covid, mild descriptions of a panic attack
premise: You and Karl have been friends, for years now, and now even your friends are starting to see that unspoken thing between you
“---” talking
‘---’ talking through a call
(y/s/n) -  your screen name
You’d known Karl since you were at least 10, and you both agreed that you’d been together forever, through thick and thin it was always you and Karl against the world. You and your unspoken thing.
When he’d first spoken of moving away from Portland you weren’t too sure, mostly because of college, but still, you found yourself here, sprawled across a couch, exhausted from hauling boxes up to your apartment. 
“Why did we bring so much stuff?” You groaned as Karl picked up your legs long enough to sit down, then letting them drop into his lap. 
He sighed, “Don’t quote me on this, but it was you who couldn’t pack your stuff into less than 20 boxes.” 
“Yah okay Mr. ‘I can’t be bothered to even clean this laundry before I pack it up to leave’.” You scoffed.  
“That's not true! I washed most of it...” Karl trailed off pulling out his phone, “Pizza?” 
Soon the pizza arrived and as Karl went to the door to grab it, you went and grabbed two monsters from the fridge, sitting back down in front of the couch as Karl came back with the pizza. 
“Ey I gotta pizza here!” He exclaimed, setting it down. 
“Eyyyyyyy!” You handed him one of the monsters, opening your own as he sat down, already starting to pull up an old episode of survivor. 
Once the pizza had been finished, and the left overs put away you ended up half cuddled together on the couch, your fingers softly carding through his hair. 
“Hey! I’m back!” You called, looking around the seemingly empty apartment, confused, “Karl?” 
It had been a few months since, you’d moved out to North Carolina, and so far online school hadn’t been too bad even when corona hit, not with Karl and streaming to distract you from the reality of the world around you.
You went back to looking around for your friend, calling, “Hey, Karl where’d you go?” 
Sighing you followed the soft, muffled sobs to Karl’s room, knocking on the door softly, “Honey, are you in there?” 
There was silence, then a muffled, “un uh.” 
You pushed open the door gently, blinking into the mild darkness and turning to see Karl sitting on his bed, half curled into the wall and wrapped in a sweater he’d stolen from your closest a few weeks ago. 
Immediately  you crossed the room, climbing onto the bed next to him and pulling him into your arms, “Hey, hey, what’s wrong? What happened?” 
His arms drifted around your waist, burying his into your chest, “They all hate me.” He murmured. 
“Who do you think hates you?” You cooed. 
“Dream and Sapnap and everyone.”
“They don’t hate you, no one on the smp hates you.” You pressed a kiss to the top of his head, “What happened?” 
“I said somethin stupid, (y/n), I messed everything up.” 
You knew not to push any further, instead just doing your best to hold him closer, whispering, “They don’t hate you, they’d never hate you okay? It’ll all blow over and everything will be okay. I promise.” 
“What if it doesn’t (y/n)? What if I messed it up forever?” 
“You didn’t baby, you didn’t. It’s gonna be alright, I promise.” 
“Ahhhhhh leave me alone!” You half shrieked, running away from Sapnap and Quackity on the dream SMP. 
‘Imposter! Imposter!’ They chanted. 
“I’m just supposed to be babysitting the chat!” You yelled, “I didn’t sign up to bully on a twitch stream! If I wanted that I would’ve been on my own stream!”
Sapnap laughed, ‘Oof! That's sad.’ 
“I know,” You said dramatically, “No one has any respect for (y/s/n), not you, not my chat, not even Karl!” 
‘We all know thats not true.’ Quackity scoffed. 
You half turned, giggling as Karl, came back into the room, “Debatable.” 
“What’s uh, whats going on?” He asked. 
“I’m being bullied, that's what's going on,” The chat started to fill with hearts and ‘(y/s/n) support.’, “Also I’ve decided since your chat likes me more than mine, so this is my stream now, I’m taking over.” 
Karl just half sighed, grabbing the chair from your desk on the other side of the office, and wheeling it over, sitting down next to you, propping his legs in your lap. 
‘(y/n) the world wants to know, how does it feel to now fill the void where Karl Jacobs once sat?’ Quackity asked, through a voice filter. 
“Well, since my dear friend Karl died,” 
“I’m not dead!” He interjected.
You sniffed, “Sometimes I can still hear his voice.”
“Dear friend?” Sapnap scoffed, “Al- Quackity look at the stream and tell me if they look like ‘dear friends’.” 
You face started to grow red, as both Nick and Alex began to catcall at you two, Karl, clearly getting confused as you ducked your head, face entirely red. 
“Whats the matter (y/n)? You got a crush?” Nick teased. 
Half covering your mouth you muttered, “Just some unspoken thing.” 
“If I were to tell you that I kinda sorta didn’t listen to you, and forgot to buy more cereal, what would you say?” Karl asked, shrugging off his backpack as he came into the apartment. 
When he got no real response, he started to look around, finding you a minute later, laying on his bed, “Did’ja hear me?” 
“ehhhh... I don’t really care.” 
His brow furrowed upon hearing your monotonous, “You okay? What’s up?” 
You were still staring up at the ceiling “Grey, ‘s all grey.”
Sighing he came and sat down on the bed next to you, taking one of your hands in his, “Grey?” 
“Sad brain makes everything grey.” 
Karl fiddled with your fingers a moment, before raising them to his lips and softly pressing a kiss to your knuckles, “I’ll go make you tea.” 
He headed out of the room, leaving you to sit up and stare at the ceiling wondering what you’d done to deserve someone like him. 
He headed out of the room, leaving you to sit up and stare at the ceiling wondering what you’d done to deserve someone like him. 
A few minuets later he came back with a mug, handing it to you before he sat down behind you, wrapping his arms around you, “Is there a reason for sad brain today?” 
“Everything's just- blah. I’m just tired.” 
He didn’t need to ask to understand you didn’t mean physically, so instead he just pulled you gently to lean against his chest, pressing a gentle kiss to the edge of your jaw, “Okay?”
You knew Karl had a hard time with words sometimes, and you had long since learned how to listen for the meanings between simple phrases, and especially the weight of certain words, “Okay.” 
‘So what is with you and Karl?’ Niki asked. 
You sighed, “I do not even know where to begin to answer that question.”
You were sitting in a discord call with her, originally trying to plan a joint stream but the conversation had switched.
‘I mean, if you don’t mind me saying so, it seems like your dating.’ 
“Well...” You considered it for a moment, you knew that your feelings for Karl were more than platonic, and had been for a long time, to you, it almost seemed like a fact of the world, the sky is blue, the earth is round, you loved Karl. 
“We've never talked about it, but- I suppose we- uhhh, you know what we’ll just say a little bit.” You quickly changed what you were going to say to be more ambiguous as Karl entered the room yelling, “Hi Niki!” 
‘I know you can’t hear me but hi Karl!’ She yelled back. 
You laughed, turning in your chair, “Niki says hi!” 
Karl grinned, leaning on the back of your chair, “Oh, yeah, dinners ready.”  and Niki raised her eyebrows, smirking at you.
“Don’t look at me like that.” You laughed, feeling Karl’s chin coming to rest on the top of your head. 
‘I’m not looking at anything.’ she insisted, ‘you would be a cute couple.’
Your face started to turn red, “Shut up!” 
‘It was a compliment!’ Niki laughed. 
“I know!” 
Karl’s face grew confused, “What?”
“It’s nothing. Niki I’ve gotta go, we’ll see about the stream tomorrow, okay?” 
‘yeah, bye!’ 
You disconnected from the call, “Dinner?” 
“Yeah! I managed not to burn the chicken!” 
You couldn’t help but grin, “Awesome!” 
“I swear- either there both oblivious or there just really good at keeping it just hidden enough!” Dream exclaimed. 
“I mean if we don’t find out for another two weeks, I get a hundred dollars, so by all means let it drag out.” Quackity laughed. 
Sapnap groaned, “Actually its more like three hundred now, Hbomb, Skeppy and Wilbur all put in more money.” 
“Well I asked the other day,” Niki began, “and they only said, ‘a little bit’, What does that even mean?” 
“Maybe they are dating and that's (y/n)s way of dismissing it.” Tubbo said. 
You were listening to the discord call, trying not to laugh, as Tommy suggested, “Well it’s possible they are dating but like, haven’t realized it?” 
Everyone began to laugh, “Wait- wait hear me out! Hear me out! Like- you know when on like romcoms and shit where two bestfriends end up like there dating even when they technically aren’t and then they accidently kiss!” 
George scoffed, “That's not a thing.” 
“Well still!” Tommy tried to argue. 
“Not even in movies though.” Niki said. 
“Your right,” You laughed, unmuting, “We haven’t kissed yet, so it must not be a thing.” 
The vc went deadly silent as Tommy began to laugh hysterically, “Were you here the whole time?” 
“Maybe.” You laughed. 
“Wait- so are you and Karl together or not?” Dream questioned. 
“Uhhh, let you know when I find out? Do I get the money if I figure it out?” 
“Oh my god (y/n).” Tubbo was trying not to laugh himself as Tommy continued to lose his shit. 
“Yeah,” You looked over to where Karl was half asleep, leaning against you, “I’ve said it before, and I guess I’ll say it again, it’s just some unspoken thing.” 
Music filled the apartment when you entered, some old song by Sinatra, and Karl was dancing around the living room as you pulled off your coat and mask. 
“Are you listening to Sinatra?” You questioned, setting the rest of your things down. 
“Come dance with me!” He giggled. 
You rolled your eyes, still smiling as you grabbed his hand, letting the other come to rest on his shoulder, “God, it’s been so long since I’ve dance.” 
“Come on, you remember don’t you?” 
You chuckled, “Back, side, forward, back. Technically this isn’t a waltzing song though.” 
“You can waltz to anything if you try hard enough,” Karl insisted, “Ready, and- one two three, one two three...” 
You fell into step, quietly humming along to the song as you moved in a slow arc around the room.
“..And- spin out...” Karl murmured, gently spinning you out to the side, and you paused for a a moment before he tugged on you arm, causing you to spin back in, finding yourself, face to face with him. 
You laughed nervously, suddenly blushing at the feeling of his arms around you. 
“What are we?” Karl asked softly, “Like, what is- this?” 
“Some unspoken thing.” Your voice was just as low, suddenly the weight of the hand resting on your lower back seeming to double.
He looked at your lips, then back at your eyes, and you nodded softly, leaning in and pressing your lips together. 
Your arms drifted around his waist as he pulled you closer, before you separated, smiling. 
“Does that mean it’s spoken now?” Karl asked. 
You grinned, “Course.” 
Later, after spending the rest of the night like any other you were cuddled up together on the couch, watching the newest episode of survivor, and you pretended not to notice as he gushed to someone through text. 
Your phone began to buzz with  venmo notifications, and Karl looked at you confused, “(y/n), why is everyone paying you?” 
You chuckled, “Reaping the benefits of our friends conspiring in a discord call that was left open.” 
After the kiss you had sent one text to a group chat; ‘I figured it out: pay up bitches.’
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petite-ely · 3 years
Afraid // JJ Maybank
Seven- Mommy Issues
Pairing: JJ Maybank x fem routledge! reader
Warnings: mommy issues, mother abandonment, anger, maybe some mistakes, tell me if I missed anything
Description: y/n has always wanted answers about her mother, but the truth seems more harsh than what she had in mind.
A/n : hello, hello friends. Sorry for not updating sooner. I had absolutely no inspiration, lol. Anyways, hope you enjoyyyy! :) (also I know the gif is terrible quality but I really wanted to put this clip and I couldn’t find any cleaner option to make a gif)
Afraid Masterlist
Song recommendation
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Gif made by me!
As a child, y/n never realized how her family was different than the others. A lot of kids on the cut had single parents, it wasn’t that big of a deal. Her mom had left when she was only three, to go pursue her dream job in Colorado. It wasn’t a bad thing in the girl’s eyes. It didn’t feel like she was missing out on anything.
As she blossomed into adolescence, y/n finally understood how unconventional her family was. She heard the other girls at her school talk about their mothers. About the cakes they made or the precious moments they spent together. Mother-daughter bonding moments. She had to admit it she felt jealous. Or maybe was it envious?
She had lived all her life without a mother to kiss her scraped knees or braid her hair before going to sleep. And she would have given anything to experience it, even for one single night.
It wasn’t that she didn’t love her brother or her father, far from it, she adored them. They were both so precious to her. Still, she felt as if something was missing from her. Or more like someone.
She didn’t remember her mother, she was so young at the time, but she cherished the stories her father had told her. She fed her imagination on these stories. Making up fake memories where her mother was still there. In her heart it was all real. Reality was bitter compared to the sweet comfort of her imagination.
By the time she was 12, she’d heard the famous story enough to know it by heart, each word of the letter engraved into her head. She begged her father again and again. She wanted more stories, even the smallest anecdotes, she wanted to hear them all. Anything to improve the sketch, constantly redrawn, of the woman she didn’t remember. The woman she couldn’t really call a mother.
She knew the story by heart and yet it felt incomplete. She’d heard enough fairytales and read enough books to know when a story was complete. This one wasn’t.
And she was right.
A week after the twins’s 13th birthday, their dad gathered them around the kitchen table. He wanted to talk. It was very important. Y/n had to admit, this was quite strange, as her father was never the one to bring up important issues. In front of him was placed an envelope, yellowed with the years.
The girl knew this envelope all too well. Every scratch, every little bump, she could almost feel them on the tip of her fingers. It was her mother’s letter. This time, when he pulled out the folded pages, a third paper came out. The missing part.
Big John didn’t say anything, only slid the pearl white sheet to the twins. And though no words came out of his mouth, a million could be seen in his gaze. He wore an unfamiliar expression on his face. It was mix of sadness, fear and regrets. It was the expression of a man who only wanted to protect his children from being hurt.
The missing paper read as so:
“This is my dream, John.
And I know you might think there’s a way for us to fix this, but there isn’t. This time you can’t fix it.
When I got pregnant with the kids, I was so scared. And when I told you, I saw this glimmer in your eyes. This flame suddenly being lit inside of you. You were so excited to have your first child and it was twins! You seemed so happy. It was beautiful.
Then I thought that maybe we could do this, maybe I could be a mother. I had you, so everything would be fine. My friends kept talking about this amazing connection that felt with their babies when they were carrying them. But I never felt it with the twins.
And I thought that maybe once I held them in my arms I would finally feel it. That motherly connection. It never came. And I tried, John. I tried so hard. But I just can’t.
I do love them, I love them so much, but not the way you do. Not the way a parent loves their child It can’t do it, I’m sorry. I wasn’t meant to be a mother. Life is cruel that way sometimes.
If there’s one thing I’m certain of, it’s that you were meant for this. I can see it in the way you look at them. You can do this, John. I know.
Be the parent I will never be able to be.”
Y/n’s curious eyes scanned the paper excitedly. Her face showed a variety of emotions in the span of a few minutes. First, excitement and joy, then, confusion and finally, anger. The tip of her ears burned red, her hand shaking beneath the table.
John B. placed the paper on the table, a loud sigh escaping his lips. Though, compared to his sister, he seemed relatively calm.
Y/n couldn’t contain it anymore. She stormed out of the house, her feet shoeless and her shoulders bare. She had no idea where she was going, but she ran.
It didn’t matter. As long as she was going somewhere. As long as she was moving and running, then she wouldn’t have to think. And if she was thinking, then her mind would take her to a bad place. She didn’t want to go there. So she ran.
The Routledges were never reputed to be angry people, much less violent. They were generally very calm, maybe a bit arrogant, but always composed. Of course, when a Routledge was after something, they would do anything in order to obtain it.
But y/n was one of the exception. She was the first Routledge woman in nearly 150 years. For generations, every Routledge man had sons, who had sons, who had sons until her father. He had a son and a daughter.
She wasn’t an angry person or mean in any way. On the contrary, she was kind and gentle. But compared to her brother and her dad, she felt emotions deeply.
And maybe it was her mother’s side and not the Routledge in her. It was so intense, sometimes. Almost blinding, at some moments. It was like the emotions took over her. It didn’t happen very often but it felt like she didn’t control her body anymore.
When she finally came back to her senses, y/n was standing on an empty beach. She hadn’t realized how far she’d gotten until she felt the warm sand under her feet. A cold breeze wrapped itself around her shoulders. She was so far from home. And so alone.
She walked to the ocean, letting her toes dip gently into the water. The water was cold but calming. Her anger slowly disappeared with each breath she took, until finally she could see everything clearly again.
Y/n turned away. She thought of going back home, when a wave of emotions hit her. She fell to the ground. It was like the air had been sucked out of her lungs.
Her chest burned, she felt like she had swallowed fire. Her shoulders shook and loud sobs escaped her lips. She dug her hands into the sand, trying to ground herself. It didn’t stop her tears from crashing onto her shirt.
A shadow appeared in front of her and she recognized its shape in a matter of seconds. It could only be one person.
“Are you hear to laugh at me?” She said through tears.
“No, not this time,” said John B. He sat down beside her, his eyes looking into hers. “Oh, y/n.” He wiped the tears off of her face
“I’m sorry,” she sniffled. “It’s just that, that,” he placed his arm around her shoulder, she took a deep breath. “Part of me always thought that she would come back.”
“That she’d come stay with us and finally be our mom. But she’s never coming back, ever,” her tone was almost accusing. “I lost so much time making up scenarios for her and she doesn’t even love us.”
“You know that’s not true,” reasoned John.
“Yeah, but it feels like it.”
“We don’t need her anyway,” stated the boy. “We’ve got dad, surfing, plenty of fish and well, each other. It’s not that bad is it?”
“No, you’re right.” She looked at him. “I just feel like I’m missing out on something. Like I’m,” she paused, looking for the right word, “incomplete.”
“I get it. If the roles were reversed and dad wasn’t there, I guess I would feel that way too,” confided her brother. “But don’t give her this much power. She doesn’t get to make you feel this way. You’re whole on your own, y/n/n.”
“Thank you, bird.” She slid her arm around his shoulder, letting her head rest on top of it. “You know, you can be an amazing brother sometimes.”
“Yeah, sometimes.”
“Hey, bird?” “Yeah?”
“How did you find me, anyway?”
“You always come here when you wanna be dramatic.”
“I do not!”
“You so do!”
And slowly, the imaginary memories fell apart and disappeared. Y/n didn’t need them anymore. She’d be better in the real world.
@kaelyn-lobrutto24 @poguestyle17 @im-a-stranger-thing @lasnaro @thoughtsofthestars @briandaflores19 @lunaposey @allycat449-blog @ifilwtmfc @kitty084 @coloradogirl07 @ponyboys-sunsets @chaoticbisous @p0gue420 @sloaneemily @babygal-babygal @itsagurl @mendesmaybank
If you wanna be added or removed or if I forgot you, tell me and it’ll be modified!
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kasey-writes-stuff · 3 years
The boy with the reindeer clothes and captain america mask
You had fallen for Callahan the instant you first met him through bad boy halo’s Minecraft server. It was insane really out of all the guys and girls you could’ve fallen for you wound up falling for the faceless mute boy. I guess there was just something extra charming about how he was able to make you fall for him despite not showing his face or using his voice… It had been years since you had met him and the rest of the crew online and by now you had even met a few IRL! Still your heart aches for the one true person you wished to meet, you wished to hug, to hold, to kiss if he so wished… So all that being said after months of begging and convincing from your other friends to just get up the guts and ask… you finally did it…
You decided today would be the day you call Callahan and ask if he wants to meet up! Despite Callahan never talking he loved when you would call he always said your voice was very soothing and he’s even fell asleep to you talking away a few times.. You can always tell when he falls asleep because when he’s awake he keeps it saying that he’s typing but once he’s fallen asleep somehow it turns off fate or some magical power or maybe someone lives with him that you don’t know about, either way you don’t question it. It was like a silent understanding between the two of you to never question it whether be out of fear of somehow messing it up if you question it or if just simply neither of you cared enough to ask…
You take a deep breathe before clicking call… You anxiously await and within only two rings he picks up and quickly types in chat “hi, what’s up?” You gulp softly “Hi Calla well um I was actually calling because I well I have a question…” He types question marks and “okay? What is it?” You take another deep breathe your voice shaking as you finally say the words “Do you want to meet up with me?” You begin to ramble on about how he doesn’t have to show his face or anything but before you can barely mutter anything else out he types “yea sure I’m down when do you wanna do it? Do you want me to come to you or you come to me or what?” You blink a few times not believing the words you read
Your mind swirls wondering how he agreed to quickly and seems so calm when you felt as if your heart was gonna beat out of your chest… Little did you know he was actually feeling the same way and he had to retype the sentence a few times because his fingers were shaking so much he typoed quite a bit… You suddenly hear finger snapping and quickly are pulled back to reality making a small noise of alarm quickly looking at your computer screen you saw Callahan’s mic lit green and heard the quickest laugh before his mic was once again red… “Sorry I zoned out for a second there um I can come there if you don’t mind, I know it would be easier for you if I did”
Unbeknownst to you Callahan had a wide smile on his face as he silently cheered to himself before quickly typing that he would send you his address later and that he had to go! You laughed softly a bit from nerves of this actually happening and from imagining Callahan rushing around his house getting everything ready for your visit “okay sounds good I’ll see you later bye calla I L-“ you barely stopped yourself you had said it a few times before to him and honestly you said it almost all the time to your other friends but something about saying it to Callahan was different.. You didn’t like saying it not because you didn’t love him but because you couldn’t explain that how you said I love you to him and I love you to your other friends was different so you usually just refrained from saying it
Callahan laughed silently to himself quickly typing “I L- you too” his heart soared anytime you told him you loved him though he tried not to think much of it because you always said I love you to everyone else so it was just your thing right? Though it was painfully obvious you didn’t say it as much to him and that’s something he never understood and while it hurt like heck he could never bring himself to ask about it he was too scared he was too scared of being even more hurt so he just suffered in silence cherishing every time you told him you loved him even more each and every time you said it…
Once you ended the call with Callahan you quickly grabbed your phone FaceTiming Niki as you already begin packing.. Only a couple rings and she picks up “hi y/n! What’s up?!” You smile widely blushing brightly as you say “Well I may be taking a trip very soon…” she claps her hands together “really?! Where are you going?” You shrug softly finding your duffel bag “I don’t know yet” she turns her head at you curiously “what that makes no sense what do you-“ suddenly she stops a giant smile appearing on her face “YOU DID NOT” your smile widens as you nod excitedly “I DID I DID!” She screams happily “AAH Y/N I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!” You scream happily as well “AH THANK YOU” she excitedly says “YOU’RE WELCOME! So when are you leaving?” You throw your hands in the air “I don’t know probably within a week or two maybe?! We haven’t really discussed the details yet” she nodded softly “well let me know when you find them out!” You nodded back “I will I will! I’m gonna go ahead and get packed I’ll talk to you later love you!”
Callahan after ending call with y/n quickly grabbed his phone as he ran about tidying up. I began calling Dream and luckily within only a few rings he picked up “hello?” I quickly begin typing “DREAM” he laughs softly “what’s up calla?” I nearly bump into a wall as I’m typing but stop myself just before I hit it “Okay so I may have gotten asked by y/n if I would be okay with them coming out to meet me and I may have said yes…” Dream gasps softly and I can hear the smile in his voice as he speaks “What?! No way! I’m so happy for you guys! Finally! We’ve been trying to get you two to meet for years!” I roll my eyes light heartedly “I know I know so now you guys can finally stop nagging us” Dream laughs again “hey it was for your own goods okay? We’re just trying to help our friends be happy as they can be okay?” I smile to myself “yea yea whatever you say” he laughs more “Whaattt it’s true and you know it” I snicker to myself “maybe we’ll see, I’m gonna finish getting everything ready I’ll call you later okay?” I can hear his ever widening smile “Of course see you calla”
It was the next day and you were absolutely buzzing wishing you could tell chat the full story of why you weren’t gonna be able to stream next week but alas you and calla both wished to keep it very private in fact as far as you knew only Niki knew and as far as calla knew only Dream knew though you both suspected you had each more than likely had told someone neither of you knew for sure… anyways skip a bit and your stream has begun plenty of messages already asking what the title is about what does it mean and some being worried “Hello chat! Don’t worry don’t worry it’s nothing bad! It’s actually something really really good as to why I can’t stream!” Chat exploded asking millions of questions and others being relived that it was nothing bad, you laugh softly “Well I can’t spoil all the details as we wish to keep most of it private but I can’t stream next week because I’m meeting up with someone! Yes yes before you ask it’s someone you all know! Also again before you ask yes you can guess no I will not say if you got it right or not… at least not directly…”
Names come flying in like wild fire at first you’re seeing mainly Niki,Dream,Sapnap,even punz and bad but then you see one saying Callahan and you can’t stop the light blush that dusts your cheeks as you try to think of a way to discreetly let it be known someone guessed the right answer… Unable to think of one though you simply clap your hands and say “Okay guys someone guessed the right answer! I won’t say who and I won’t say details as I don’t wanna give it away but yes one of you guessed them!” And so of course chat lit up trying to figure out who the right answer was but alas they couldn’t figure it out, you laughed light heartedly at them and after that continued stream as normal just fiddling around the dream SMP setting up a few pranks and then deciding to build a little house with a small hint as to who you’re meeting with!
The house was simple it was made out of birch and dark oak and the small hint you used was you placed three flower pots on each of the widows.. in the first you placed a small red flower, in the second a small white one and in the final a small blue one.. You didn’t say anything about it being a hint you just placed the flowers and moved on doing a few more pranks. “Guys how do we prank Punz?” You giggled your body already erupted with butterflies knowing what Punz’s prank back to you would be “I already know he’s gonna get me back so badly but it’ll be worth it! I’m gonna replace all his pumpkins with melons!”
Chat explodes saying how thats such a simple but good prank and how punz will lose it and it’ll be so funny. You nod giggling “right right chat! So let’s get started shall we?” You begin and about ten minutes in suddenly calla shows up, you can’t help the excited smile on your face as you see Calla’s name pop up in game and you excitedly type “hi calla!” He types back “hi y/n!” You try to contain your ever growing smile “What’s up?” He says “Not much I’m watching your stream and saw you’re trying to prank punz so I decided to come help” You quickly nod now knowing he’s watching your stream you verbally say “Really?! I’d appreciate that so much thank you calla” He quickly says “Of course it’s not problem” and in no time he’s over there with you helping you replace all the pumpkins with watermelons, the job definitely gets done a lot quicker with calla there to help and it honestly is a lot more fun having calla there to bounce jokes off with you! In no time the job is done you quickly thank calla and tell him you’ll talk to him tomorrow and you end stream.
Before you go to bed you check your phone and see a text from calla “Hey so i forgot to ask earlier is that like our house or something? I noticed you made two bedrooms but you could always just make one and use the other to expand the work area if you want but if not it’s cool” You smile softly reading the text “I love the idea of expanding the room I’ll get on tomorrow off stream and fix it and yea it’s our little house… I hope you don’t mind I mean I just figured it’d be a nice little place ya know an extra place for each of us to keep things and to stay… I’m glad you got the flower hint, anyways I’ll work on it tomorrow I’m gonna try and get some sleep goodnight calla” A few minutes later a text pops up “Don’t worry I can always help and work on it besides there’s my own little hint that I wanna add as well so I’ll do it and I hope you sleep well goodnight can’t wait to see you next week” Your smile widens more as a your heart pounds “I can’t wait to see you either ❣️”
Throughout the rest of the week you only did two more streams and of course each one chat tried to get you or whoever happened to be on stream with you to spill who it was you were meeting with but no one you streamed with that week knew… besides calla of course! Chat didn’t believe them when they would say they didn’t know and it was honestly comical seeing them get so upset. It started with Sapnap and George and ended with Boomer and Punz.. Even after stream the duos had tried to get you to spill who you were meeting with but you refused to spill even to them, insisting they can wait just a few more days and though the four of them whined they settled and finally let you go.
So we fast forward and it’s Monday you leave tomorrow so you’re finishing last minute packing and waiting for Karl to come over so you can give him your spare keys because he so graciously agreed to watch your cats! Also so he can just hang out with you a bit before you have to leave and can drive you to the airport! You’re just about to start triple checking that you have everything when you hear a knock at your door. Your cats look at your curiously but don’t bother following see you rush to the door and open it to see a ever beaming Karl! He quickly rushes in hugging you tightly making you giggle as you hug him just as tightly “hi Karl!” He giggles softly “hi y/n!” After a few minutes you break apart and he quickly shuts your door. “Soooo since I’m watching your cats do I get to know where you’re going and who you’re seeing?”
You shake your head laughing softly “Sorry but no you’ll find out when everyone else does! I will say I’m going somewhere I’ve never been before” He tilts his head curiously trying to think “hmm I don’t know there’s a lot of places you’ve never been like you have yet to go to the UK, you have yet to go to like any of the states uhmm are you meeting someone you’ve never met?! Is it Sam?! Oh my gosh it’s Sam isn’t it?! You’ve never been to Texas and you’ve never met Sam!” You shake your head “Good guess good guess and while I would love to go meet Sam it is not Sam..” he pouts slightly “hmm well I don’t know there’s so many other guesses I could make” You smile and roll your eyes softly “Well instead of guessing where I’m going how about you help me double check that I have everything okay?”
He nods smiling softly “okay sounds good!” So for the rest of the night you and Karl double and triple check your bags and then just chill out watching your friends streams and posting pictures together! You both laugh at the fans freaking out over the random content of you two and laugh even more at them freaking out over karl with your cats. Two of your cats loved Karl but they love everyone so it wasn’t surprising but your third isn’t too fond of him but she’s not too fond of anyone, still Dream is convinced when he comes to visit you that she’ll love him and Karl is convinced that spending this week visiting them he’ll be able to make her love him. You’re not confident of either of those things happening but it makes you happy to see them so confident and happy so who are you to destroy their happiness.
Another small time skip and suddenly it’s Tuesday afternoon and time for you to leave, after spending an extra few minutes telling your cats goodbye and promising you’ll be back soon and that they know karl and he’ll take amazing care of them. Karl finally manages to pull you out the door and suddenly it’s all becoming more real than ever… It’s so real you’re frozen in place just standing outside your door, Karl locks your door for you and helps you sit on the ground outside your door rubbing your back “it’s okay everything is gonna be fine, we’re gonna get you to the airport the plane ride is gonna be your smoothest ever and when you get there they’re gonna be there waiting for you smiling widely and with open arms ready to give you the biggest and best hug you’ve ever had apart from my hugs” you nod and then giggle softly both because of how you don’t believe at all his statement of them being there waiting and smiling with open arms and also at his joke “Thank you Karl you’re the best you know that right?” He smiles softly squeezing your shoulder reasssuringly before smiling hopefully “so much the best that you’ll tell me who you’re meeting?” You giggle rolling your eyes “nooo not that much the best but I can give you another hint” he nods “okay okay go on!”
“Okay so I’ve never met them, I’ve never been to the place they live and they’ve been on my stream within the past month” Karl hummed in thought able to rule out, Sapnap, Dream, Alex, and Boomer… That still left way too many people so he shrugged “I don’t know I guess I’ll have to wait like everyone else” You smile softly “Well I can also say at least one person knows, I don’t know if the person I’m meeting told anyone but I assume they told at least one person so hehe” He gasps in mock offense “you told someone?! And that someone wasn’t me?! I’m so wounded!” You laugh at his dramatics “yes yes I did, it’s not that I don’t trust you obviously I do but it was just this certain person for some reason came to mind first but I wanted and still want to tell you as well but the person I’m meeting with wants to keep it very private for right now” he smiles softly hugging you gently “it’s okay don’t worry about it I’m happy for you okay? Now let’s get you to that airport!”
So now you were off! In no time you managed to make it to the airport and you had to admit it was kinda hard to leave Karl, you didn’t get to see him often as you would like.. He was always busy with mr beast and his own projects and you weren’t one to go out much so while you were frequently invited to be in mr beast videos you rarely agreed to them.. Karl sighs softly as he helps you get your bags, he sets them down beside you and hugs you tightly pressing a kiss to the top of your head “Be safe okay? Text me when you land” You hug him back even tighter and nod softly “I will don’t worry, I love you” after a few moments he lets you go “I love you too” Soon enough it was time to board the plane, the plane ride went fairly smooth only one crying toddler who luckily fell asleep and little turbulence and when getting your bags you even ran into a few fans who you gladly took pictures with and who tried light heartedly to get you to spill who you were meeting with to which you simply laughed and gave them a few extra wrist bands you kept with you and gave them to them as you said sorry that you weren’t able to tell them.
Today was finally the day! I rushed to finish getting ready knowing y/n should be arriving to the airport in no time and just as I finished getting ready and grabbed my keys my phone began ringing I quickly picked up and smiled brightly hearing y/n’s voice “hi calla! I just made it to the airport and got my bags! Are you here?” I quickly typed “not yet I’m leaving now I should be there in like thirty! I’m sorry I’m running a little late I couldn’t find the last piece of my outfit” They laughed softly and I blushed softly holding back my own laugh at how infectious theirs was “It’s okay i understand it’s a big thing so the outfit needs to be just right haha I’ll see you soon okay?” Though they can’t see it I nod excitedly as I respond “Yes see you soon can’t wait!” With that I hang up and make my way out the door, soon enough I’ve made it to the car and after what feels like forever but it’s really maybe forty five minutes at most I’ve finally made it to the airport! I take a deep breathe closing my eyes and opening them moments later..
I quickly put on my captain America mask, my light up red nose and raise my hood… Was I embarrassed? Yes definitely, was the chance of making y/n laugh and ensuring they would recognize me worth it? There’s no doubt it’s worth it… Another deep breathe and I manage to get myself into the airport and I begin scanning for y/n and within a few minutes I spot them! I quickly wave at them smiling widely and they break into a smile before trying to contain their laughter, I make my way over to them and press my nose to make it light up and thats when the dam breaks and they’re ever so melodious laughter rings through my ears…There’s something different about it this time though it sounds even better, it feels even more special, it makes me heart soar more than ever before. I find it hard to contain my own laughter a very small snicker escaping causing me to blush and quickly cover my mouth..
You’re practically doubled over in laughter in the middle of the airport but you don’t care you’re with Callahan and everything just feels so right… A few moments pass and you finally collect yourself, you boop his light up nose, he squints his eyes a bit and then pulls the nose off placing it gently on your own. You smile softly at him and start to stand on your tip toes to ensure you can reach his nose but then stop yourself realizing this isn’t Karl or Dream or even Sapnap this Callahan we’ve never met before you can’t just kiss his nose, or grab his hand as we walk or hug him.. He looks at you curiously and you simply play it off “You have a very nice nose” Your eyes widen realizing how that sounds “wait wait I mean this nose not your nose I mean not not that your nose is bad it’s a great nose I just ugh forget it let’s just go so if I embarrass myself anymore at least we’ll be alone”
He smirks softly nodding and holding a hand out for one of my bags, you hand it to him and smile and his smirk turns to a smile as he slings the bag over his shoulder and then holds his hand out again… You’re confused at first and go to push the handle of your wheely bag into his hand but he shakes his head and grabs your hand clasping your hands together.. You blush a light pink smiling happily as you walk off hands swinging softly, you don’t speak until you’ve made it to his car and he signs that you can choose the music. You smile softly connecting your phone to his Bluetooth and deciding to do a mix of new boy bands you liked and nostalgic songs.. You start with love song by why don’t we, you tap your hand to the beat humming a long at first but then softly singing… Callahan sneaks small glances at you smiling brightly seeing you beginning to let yourself loose.. Next comes this love by maroon five your eyes widen as you hear a tapping and then humming as you’re singing, you smile widely as you look to Callahan and see him jamming out! He notices you looking and blushes and stops but you shake your head and giggle “Don’t stop it’s okay I like it maybe we can harmonize together” He smiles a bit and nods, you begin singing again and he taps to the beat and then begins humming once more and in no time you’re harmonizing.. The song ends and you glance at each other wide smiles on your faces and light pink hues dusting your cheeks… You begin to just let a random playlist play different songs ranging from toxic by Britney Spears to The right stuff by new kids on the block plays but then hey Stephen by Taylor swift pops up and suddenly the lyrics come flooding into your mind and you blush brightly quickly skipping it, it’s too early to be playing that, it’s too early to be thinking of Callahan like that and making it so obvious… Luckily for you just before the lyrics really start you’ve made it to Callahan’s house..
Calla quickly hops out and helps you grab one of your bags his other hand grabbing your free one as he leads you to his door.. As you step inside you glance around smiling it’s very clean and simple sure it definitely looks lived in despite what you can see by the bag of trash calla forgot to take out the cleaning supplies he forgot to put back under the cabinet it looks lived in but in a very good way in a comforting way.. You’re not scared you’re gonna ruin anything or like you’re gonna mess anything up “Calla it’s beautiful” He smiles sheepishly as he signs “It’s not much but it’s home here come here and I’ll show you your room and then show you around” You nod and allow him to continue holding your hand as he takes you to your room, once you reach your room he lets go and sets your bag on the bed and you roll your other bag beside it and you nearly shiver at first… Not because the room is cold but your hand is cold and empty feeling like you’ve been outside playing in snow without gloves on so now your hand is freezing but yet feels empty not having the cold snow in it anymore…
He signs “I’ll uh let you settle in and when you’re done you can come out to the living room and we can order pizza or something and watch some tv” You nod and smile softly “Thanks that sounds great” he nods and leaves and so you begin unpacking and as you’re unpacking you get a call it’s from Niki, you smile widely and excitedly as you pick up “Hi Niki!” She smiles excitedly waving “Hi y/n! How’s everything going?!” You sigh in happiness and content as you say “It’s going great ihihi ehe I don’t know if he would like for me to say this but he showed up at the airport dressed like his minecraft skin!” She giggles “No way?! So you still haven’t even seen his face?” Your eyes widen as you suddenly realize “You’re right I haven’t, well I haven’t seen his whole face and I haven’t even seen his hair” Her eyes widen as she says “Is he ever gonna show you his face or what’s going on with that?” You shrug softly grabbing your phone as you finish unpacking “I don’t know honestly? I’m not gonna rush him into doing anything ya know? I mean I know at some point he’s probably gonna take the mask off and he has to take the reindeer onesie off sometime” she nods “Oh yea no no I wasn’t trying to pressure him or anything I was just genuinely curious,so what are you gonna do for your first night and where’s calla’s room compared to yours?” You smile and blush a bit “We’re gonna order pizza and watch tv and his room his just down the hall from mine there’s a bathroom in between our rooms” she wiggles an eyebrow teasingly “So are you gonna cuddle during the tv watching?” You roll your eyes light heartedly “No probably not I don’t wanna make him uncomfortable but then again I don’t know.. maybe… because well…” you pause blushing more hiding your face in your hands as you try and wipe the absolutely love sick look off your face but you’re unable to, Niki’s smile can’t get any wider as she excitedly asks “What what what because what?!” You bite your lip a bit and then take a small breathe before saying “Well he grabbed one of my bags when he met me at the airport and he held his hand out so I thought he wanted my other bag but he shook his head grabbed my hand and held it… and when we were walking to his car his kept holding my hand and when we got to his place he did it again and he actually didn’t let go until he let go so I could unpack…. And you know it’s weird.. my hand has felt cold ever since he let go…” Her eyes soften and she coos softly “Aweee y/n that’s so cute! Maybe you can hold hands when watching tv or something then I’m sure he wouldn’t mind” You nod “maybe maybe I don’t know I’m just so nervous to mess up I mean we’re friends we’re not anything else and this is our first time meeting and as far as I know his first time meeting any of us so I just want it to be good” she nods “Don’t overthink! It’s good you wanna take it slow and it’s good that you’re being cautious and concerned about his needs and comfort but don’t forget your own needs and comfort okay?” You smile thankfully at her “I won’t I won’t! I’m gonna go now I don’t wanna keep him waiting any longer, I love you thank you for everything” she smiles lovingly at you “Of course darling I love you too I’m always here day or night whatever you need whenever you need it bye have a good time” you nod “I will! Bye!”
So with that the call ends and you change into some simple pajama pants and a t-shirt before heading to the living room.. Your eyes widen a bit and seeing the back of Callahan’s head seeing his shortish brunette hair, but then you smirk to yourself a bit seeing he’s stood distracted looking through the TV for a decent movie or TV show… You sneak behind him and poke his sides! He jumps and lets out a small squeak whipping around to face you with wide eyes before his eyes narrow and he playfully smirks at you but then smiles mischievously… “Ohoho mahhannn that was sohoho gohohohod” You were lost in giggles but then saw his face and looked at him and began backing up nervously “Calla… whatever you’re planning d-don’t…” He pauses faking as if he’s thought before shaking his head no and quickly running at you, grabbing you and carrying you to the couch! You squeal in surprise giggles already tumbling out “EEP CALLA Nohohoho!” He tosses you gently onto the couch and carefully sits on your waist straddling you, you cover your face whining softly “Callahahaaaaa” You hear him snicker and you squeak and flinch feeling his hands shoot towards your sides even though they never touched you… You heard a very small laugh and your smile widened as you peeked out from behind your hands and Calla was smiling widely at you lost in thought it seemed…You smirked a bit and poked his stomach and he jumped covering his stomach before his eyes lit again with mischief and his hands darted towards your sides… This time though making contact! His fingers began curiously poking at your sides and he couldn’t help the delighted smile on his face as you squirm back and forth between his poking fingers, soon pokes turn to scribbles and scribbles to squeezes and you’re left laughing your heart out gasping for breathe but you wouldn’t have it any other way… Suddenly a knock is heard interrupting your laughter as Calla pauses and you both realize the pizza is here! Calla swiftly hops off you and runs to the door to pay before you can even manage to collect yourself enough to stand, let alone make it to the door.
Calla already knew all your favorite toppings seeing as you shared most of the same favorite toppings, he came back to the living room carrying two big pizza boxes, a medium box and a very small box… You went to the kitchen and began grabbing you and Calla drinks and plates and by the time you got back Calla already had everything ready to serve and had on the aristocats! You smile fondly at him setting your drinks down as your hand instinctively in a way gently cups his face as you run your thumb along it, he shivers slightly at the coldness of your hand and you giggle “sorry I forgot my hand would be cold, anyways you didn’t have to turn this on we could’ve watched whatever you wanted to” he shrugs softly before his hand comes to cup yours pushing it further against his face as his other hand signs “No you’re the guest so you get first movie choice and since I already know all your favorites and you’ve been talking about wanting to watch this one for weeks we’re watching this one okay?” You smile slightly wider as you nod “Okay whatever you say Calla, I’m not some kind of royalty though so don’t treat me like it okay? I’m just y/n I’m nothing special” even though you may not have necessarily meant to sound so self deprecating or depressing it still hurt Callahan deeply to hear you talk about yourself like that he sighed quietly as he gently removed your hand from his face and in a gentle movement cupped your face with both his hands as he closed his eyes for a few moments before opening them again he did not expect this to happen so soon but he’s gonna follow his gut… He shakily open his mouth saying “y/n p-p-please don’t t-talk a-about yourself like that… you’re even better than royalty honestly… You’re one of the best things to ever happen to me in my entire life and I’ll forever be grateful for you and I… well I… I hope you feel the same… Can I um? Am I allowed to? Is it okay if I?….”
You’re stuck in shock for a moment processing hearing his voice for the first time ever, it’s so nothing like you ever expected yet also somehow it fits him perfectly and you wouldn’t change it at all after finally recollecting yourself you nod and close the gap between your faces… Your lips connect and it’s almost like you feel a little explosion in your stomach like hundreds of mini fireworks went off…The fireworks increasing as he cups your face with both his hands…After a few more seconds you each break apart smiling at each other while blushing bright red… You look at Calla curiously “so um what does this mean?” He shrugs softly his voice a bit scratchy because it’s not used much at all “Well what do you want it to mean?” You shrug back “Well I mean I’d like it to mean something special… I’d like it to mean we’re a thing honestly but I don’t wanna rush you or rush things I mean this is our first time meeting this is literally my first night here and we’ve already kissed… Which I loved the kiss don’t get me wrong I loved it but I guess just for now it’ll be a kiss and nothing more? We’ll just give it the rest of my time here and see at the end of the week to see how we feel? And we’re definitely not going to tell anyone because it’ll make it all harder agreed?” He nodded laughing softly at the last bit “that sounds good and yes I definitely agree, um I know I like just started using my voice but can I go back to signing my throat is actually getting really sore” Your eyes soften as you nod “of course! Never feel like you have to talk to me okay? Don’t force yourself I’m just fine with us using sign to communicate though your voice is really nice to hear don’t feel pressured or insecure or anything I lo-I um… I…” His eyes widen a bit as his blush darkens and he signs “You what? Why do you almost never say you love me?” You sigh softly glancing away before staring at your lap “Because it’s not the same and I was scared… I didn’t wanna say it because when I say it to you I don’t mean it how I say it to everyone else and I just it didn’t feel right saying it to you so much and it being something completely different” He holds your hand gently rubbing his thumb on your palm making you giggle softly and his eyes soften as he uses his free hand to say “It’s okay I get it and I appreciate it now actually knowing why you didn’t say it and I lo- you too!” You smile and roll your eyes light heartedly squeezing his side “You’re such a nerd dude” he squeaks at the squeeze narrowing his eyes playfully and you smirk “You know I still haven’t gotten my revenge yet…” His eyes widen as he backs up and begins to try and stand as he signs “Y/N don’t do it…”
My eyes are widened as I’m backing up seeing the mischievous glint in y/n’s eyes as they say “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t” I sit for a moment trying think of one and just shrug, they snicker “Welp I don’t see or hear you giving me a good reason” With that they begin scribbling on my sides and despite my best efforts to hold back I can’t and I break into giggles that near soft laughter the closer to my ribs or hips they get! They definitely notice because soon after they move one hand to my hip squeezing and kneading as their other scribbles up and down and inbetween my ribs! I let out the most embarrassing squeal before falling into loud laughter! I attempt to squirm away from them but as they hit a couple particularly sensitive areas I actually fall off the couch sending us tumbling the two of us in an out of breathe heap on the floor.. We both groan softly and then giggle “Like the view? Cause I kinda like my view” They scoff and lightly slap my arm before getting off me and pulling me up, I pull them into a hug and they seem worried at first and tense maybe thinking I’m gonna tickle them again but they sigh contently as I fall gently back onto the couch with them keeping my hold on them as I press play on the movie… Y/n falls asleep about half way through the movie and I don’t have the heart to move them so I simply turned on another movie and soon fell asleep my own self..
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