#guerilla omg
solar-sunnyside-up · 11 months
what basic topics would you recommend for zines/pamphlets? im considering things like guerilla gardening and mending basics, but do you have any other ideas?
Those are great topics! Omg!! When you get around to it I super duper wanna read I fucking love zines!!
Here's a few others you could also prob run off with that are solarpunk adjacent:
Dark sky friendly lights
Pricesharing/communal cooking (include a recipe??)
Patch making or other diy guides
Adopt-a-stop program ideas (like renos)
Guerrilla infrastructures (ex. Benches, crosswalks, lights)
Squatting / housing rights / tenant union stuff
Local foraging info
Any one else got ideas feel free to add your own but those are the ones at the top of my head 💕💕
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queerpunktomatoes · 5 months
QueerPunkTomatoes is a reference to guerilla gardening. All people should have food. (If you need food, please DM and I'll try my best to help.) 🍅
Call me Belly (they/them). I'm 20, based in the US, and a Global Citizen 🌏 Sociology Scholar! Aroace and Queer. 🏳️‍🌈 Fat. White. AuDHD. Chronically Ill. Intersex (apparently).
This blog is pro-marginalized liberation and anti-capitalism. Hopepunk, because we have to believe we can create the world we deserve. Mine are tagged #mytomatoes.
I use the block button liberally, and I encourage you to do the same! I don't argue with people on the internet as much as I can help it. I don't pick fights or owe anyone an argument. I present my thoughts as concisely as I can, and if someone is not willing to listen to me and starts a screaming match, I'm not willing to listen to them. I prioritize my own peace, and will gladly have hard conversations! but only if we're on the same page about respect. I strongly encourage you to do the same 💚
I make mistakes. I'm still learning. Call me out.
Take care of yourself 💚 (if for nothing else, because we need you for the revolution!✊🏼)
Personal stuff under the cut, if you're interested.
Omg hi you clicked the cut. More about me!
I started studying sociology because I needed an extra humanities course in community college, and the second I learned what it means to study society, everything clicked and I realized why I struggled with psychology so much. I hate the pathologizing nature we tend to take on when we look at the world's problems. I'm an empath, and sociology was like finally getting to open my eyes.
I became anti-capitalist pretty much immediately. It didn't take much to radicalize me, because I'd always known things were screwed in the US, I just didn't realize how badly. Thankfully I realized before I was old enough to vote, because I absolutely would have voted for Trump. I absolutely love writing and learning and theory and community conversation, and this blog is my space to make sure I prioritize that :)
I was raised to be all the phobics---homophobic, transphobic, Islamaphobic, xenophobic. Realizing your own sexuality can do a lot to that worldview. I'm aro ace and queer, and I love how broad and contradicting those terms might seem. I'm still unpacking my old beliefs every day, and I am proud of how much progress I've made. I believe there is always more room for growth. I also found out I'm intersex very recently, so that's been a challenge to sort through, but I'm trying to love this new knowledge about myself.
Being fat is a part of my identity (I'm an old fat [as in, not a new fat]) and something I take very seriously. I have chronic an0rex!@ and that dichotomy does inform the way I think about body neutrality and fat liberation.
Anyway, that's a lot of words. I hope you're having a good day :)
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lucaswarmhotchocolate · 6 months
harrymort but harry has a gun. please. someone tell me I'm not the only one who has thought of this. I just feel like harry would be a very good mid-range handheld pistol (I think that's what I'm thinking of idk) user. like 1. it's hilarious to imagine Dumbledore being all vague and mysterious about a Very Important and Serious Weapon that he wants harry to learn how to use, and harry getting all nervous like "omg what niche magical artefact is he talking about" only for old dumbles to pull out a western-style very ornamental gun like "don't point it at anyone and only turn off the safety when you're in mortal danger. good luck" and running off, but ALSO because 2. it's hot and 3. I'm fairly certain it's very illegal in the UK which I find hilarious
bonus point I think harry using muggle weapons is really compelling because it challenges the idea that these wizards are inherently more powerful than muggles which is important to remind their society of if they have any intention of continuing on with the statue of secrecy
It would also be interesting to explore the nature of guns as a uniquely muggle creation that is still illegal in muggle britain as a sort of parallel to Harry's own struggles. Growing up in the muggle world and not feeling like he belongs anywhere because of his abusive family that isolated him from any potential support system he could have had, but still understanding that muggles are not evil as a whole is similar to the concept of guns being illegal in his muggle country even though the weapon itself isn't actively evil or wrong (idk if I phrased that well might edit this bit later today)
Continuing on with the parallels between my weapon of choice for harry and his own history, Harry was abruptly introduced to the wizarding world and had his entire understanding of the world flipped on its head, and went to hogwarts without any real explanation with what was happening and had to pick things up as he went. This theme could be very gracefully continued by having Dumbledore once again putting harry into a dangerous position by giving him a very deadly weapon without much instruction on how to use it nor any reasoning for why he is bestowing it upon harry. NOT in a dumbles bashing way tho, but rather in a "I have no idea how to use this thing, neither does anyone else in this school, but it is probably going to be your only chance of surviving in this war when no wizard expects it. here is the most surface level safety information, it is all I know, I hope this is the right choice" kind of way.
it also ties in well with harry's guerilla fighting style; he can conceal it with minimal effort, reach it easily, and use it quickly, all without relying on physical strength but rather on quick strategic thinking and swift movements.
plus like can you imagine Harry managing to get the upper hand on Voldemort by shooting one of his legs out from under him, immobilizing him, and taunting him by getting up close and threatening to finally dish out the finishing blow, only for voldemort to bite the barrel like "shoot me, I dare you" I think that would be really cool/hot in equal measures
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somasbrianrot · 1 year
The Baddest (Matt Riddle X Reader)
I don’t see anyone write for this man so here I am
Inspired by Baddest - K/DA
Summary: Reader is like a sibling to Sami and Kevin, so when they verse the judgement day with Matt Riddle what happens when reader protects Riddle from Rhea?
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I bite my nails as I watch my ‘brothers’ talk amongst themselves, the judgement day had challenged them to a match, but they needed a third person, just now someone comes through the curtains of the guerilla, you looked over and saw Matt Riddle scoot over on his scooter, quietly snorting to yourself “Hey Kevin, what about him?” Kevin looks over and shakes his head “No! definitely not! I don’t like idi-” “Hey! I heard you two were looking for a third man!” 
“Yeah! they were! hey you don’t have a match tonight, that’s perfect” Kevin glares over at me and I just laugh “That’s what I was going to say little lady! what do you say Kevin? Sami?” “I mean I don’t see a problem” Sami says and now Kevin looks to glare at him “Cool! so it’s a match!” says Riddle before scooting back out of the guerilla “I seriously hate the both of you” “awe, love you too!” you and Sami laugh at Kevin and then continue discussing.
The time for the match is upon us and I watch my brother’s walk out, with their tag titles up in the air, Riddle is next and he gives me a fist bump before he scoots out, I let out the breath I had in and sigh, I had admired Riddle since our NXT day’s but never really had the confidence to talk to him one on one, or really tell anyone I liked him.
I watch as the judgement day eye down my friends and I bite my lip, I see Rhea giving Matt a particularly rough look ‘Is she going to hurt him?’ see you used to be very good friends with Rhea, until she joined the Judgement Day, you guys have been feuding lately, and Rhea was the only one you could admit too you liked Matt, you really hoped she wasn’t going to try use this against you, you watch as the fight happens, Rhea interfering every once in a while.
When it was reaching the apex of the match Riddle had Dominik in the middle of the ring where he was going to try floating bro him but Dominik was pulled out of place and Riddle roughly hit the mat, Rhea then crawled into the ring and grabbed Matt, looking directly at the camera “This is what you get for messing with the judgment day little girl!” I quickly tell the technicians to play my music ‘Baddest By K/da’ starts playing and I run out into the ring, Rhea let’s go of Matt and I slide into the ring, tackling her and beginning to punch her.
Rhea was under me defenseless and Dominik got back into the ring, planning to break me up from Rhea, but before he could Matt grabbed him and got him in bro-derrick position and performed it, going for the pin “1....2....3!” but that didn’t stop you from continuing the assault on Rhea, before you were being pulled off of her, thrashing around “Let go!” “Come on we won, let’s go back” you hear Sami’s voice as you let him drag you from the ring.
when back in the guerilla the boys are all talking before Matt walks over to me “I’ve never seen you so aggressive, it was sick as, especially because you helped save me - hey! I got an idea! we should totally be a tag team!” “that’d be cool Matt” I look at him with a smile and he smiles back.
“Also, want to go out to dinner with me? I need to thank you in some way” I’m stunned before I smile widely and agree “Yes! I’d love too!” “I’ll dm you when I’ll pick you up” you nod and watch as he walks out “Our little y/n is growing up!” “I’d rather it not have been with Riddle but I guess I can’t stop you” you laugh as you continue talking to your brothers and joking around.
you feel your phone vibrate and open it, it was a message from Matt “forget dinner, just come to my locker room ;)” you couldn’t help but giggle “I gotta go guys” you say walking out “USE PROTECTION!” you laugh as you keep walking down the hallway
A/N omg a Matt Riddle post
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ignoreme07 · 9 months
Review/Analysis of Percy Jackson TV Show So Far. Pt. 2:
Episode Two:
What I like/love:
Grover my precious child <3
Mr. D. Just Mr. D. Also does not help he's played by one of my favourite actors who played one of my all-time favourite characters (aka Pimento). He's an ass, but a goofy ass. Like after watching the Insta preview of his convo with Percy, I knew he was going to be an ass about it, but I didn't expect him to say he was Percy's dad to get alcohol ToT.
Percy's sass: 100000/10
Walker's acting deserves an award.
Luke just Luke. The poor man sounds more sad than angry (Which honestly makes the finale 10x better if you think about it since it'll feel more like a twist for people who don't know)
Luke just Luke because he's so charismatic.
Percy learning archery and being in the forges on the comedy scale is 1000000000000/10.
Chris and Luke being besties and being close on-screen and Chris just getting more screen time. Do you guys think he's still unclaimed??? (If so... A+ parenting Lin, no wonder your son/s hates you)
Percy and Annabeth
'She's my little sister'- YESSSSSSSSSS
Luke being the one to tell Percy bout Thalia because it just makes sense cause yknow. But also it helps Luke's character as well.
Totally not biased because I love the Diary of Luke Castellan.
Clarisse (That's all I have to say)
THE PORTRAYAL OF ARES KIDS IN THE SHOW>>>>. Like we were always told how scary they were, but like in the dumb jock, bully way. I'm probs just nitpicking but I love how Chris literally says that Clarisse spends the first few hours hunting in the woods (Guerilla warfare tactics anyone?). Idk why but I think that just shows how dangerous the Ares kids are. Like the Athena kids are always hyped and everything for the strategic warfare, but cmon there HAD to be a reason why everyone was so worried bout the Ares kids joining the Battle of Manhatten. Like it had to be more than they were kids of the War god. (Hello the Spartans worshipped Ares and were one of the greatest warriors in history, they were just given a bad rep due to the Athenians writing down history and the myths)
Also, what's gonna happen with Chris and Clarisse???
Tots not biased since I have a weird love for Ares (fav god in the myths) and his kids
The gods (aka Mr. D) showing why they are in fact assholes.
Percy in capture the flag.
The whole mentality of 'if I get glory my absentee parent will notice me' (Honestly I see how people were converted to stick the middle finger at the gods and joined Kronos)
Percy being mini Luke.
Annabeth figuring out Percy was the son of Poseidon.
The argument between Percy and Mr. D about the quest.
YESSS PERCY DEFEND YOUR MOM (the gods do not in fact care for mortals)
Grover telling Percy about what happened to Sally.
Percy being anti-gods
Clarisse being a more modern bully. Kinda works I guess. Though why do they think he's being a fake? Like just keep it being an initiation ritual, still works and teenagers will do that.
They shouldn't have removed the 'Names have power thing for the gods' specifically since it was a belief that the ancient Greeks had especially for Underworld deities.
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harrowharr0w · 2 months
im bored so heres my friends opinions on paralive characters after i gave them a very lengthy presentation
allen - they think he’s ugly
hajun - “he’s unwanted by his parents, rich, and hates bugs?? he’s just like u fr!!” 💀
anne - “why are they british??” (british accent) (but they think they’re pretty)
yohei - they think he’s REALLY ugly friend 2 thought he had a buttchin
saimon - “why is he kazui?? why did they put kazui in paradox live??” (they do not like kazui)
shiki - friend 1 thinks he looks like hayasaka from yttd, friend 2 just thinks he’s ugly
ryu - friend 1 thinks hes ugly, friend 2 loves him
kanata - friend 1 thinks he’s hot, friend 2 just thinks he looks cool
nayuta - “are they like. incestuous. please dont tell me they have an incest thing going on with them.” - friend 1, friend 2 thinks he’s pretty but not as pretty as kanata
iori - no opinions
zen - (watching rap guerilla mv) “why is he shirtless??”
hokusai - friend 1 thinks he looks like broccoli (she loves toki shunichi though), friend 2 thinks he’s cool because of the cat
reo - they both love reo
satsuki - they don’t like him
shogo - friend 1 doesn’t like him, friend 2 loves him
toma - “ofc you like him. you always love the neon green characters.”
aoi - “THIS is the aimi one??? THIS is the one you love?? why????” (they don’t understand 😞) friend 1 absolutely despises their haircut, friend 2 tried to be nice because she knows i love aoi
kantaro - friend 1: “reo did it better tbh” friend 2: “he did it better than reo” (she loves visty & kantaro)
dongha - “WHAT IS THIS THING?? WHY IS THIS 30 YEAR OLD MAN THIRSTING OVER THIS THING HE’S SO UGLY” “ugly” (friend 1 and friend 2, in order)
chungsung - “he’s kinda hot tbh” - friend 1, “WHY ARE THEY IN A BL EW WHAT IS THAT PHOTO IM CRYING WHY ARE YOU SHOWING ME THIS” - friend 2
kei - friend 1 thinks he’s ugly, friend 2 thinks he looks like someone who i forgot the name of
itsuki - no opinion
rokuta - friend 1 doesn’t care, friend 2 loves him
yuto - “bro why does he have mikoto hair”
ryoga - they don’t like him
shion - friend 1 adores shion “he’s so hot like omg i’d let him (not writing this)”, friend 2 says he’s pretty but she doesn’t like his personality
kenta - “why does he have a discord e-kitten leash… what was he arrested for, roleplaying???” - friend 1, “why do u like him so much he’s weird… awh wait he’s a cutie!!” - friend 2
chisei - friend 1 thinks he looks like an fboy, friend 2 likes him but she doesn’t like his outfit
haruomi - “uglyyyy” - friend 1, friend 2 loves him
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ateez-himari · 5 days
Hii bb how are you???I'm the one who asked about the hima and mingi fight and I just saw it I'm sorry :'(but like the answer is so realistic and real. Couples tend to always be jealous when things like that happen especially when they are surrounded by opposite sex friends, and also being an idol means having to do fan service no matter if you're dating or even married and that's why I think alot of idols would prefer to date a non celebrity
But hima and mingi would probably lose it if they were away from each other for longer than a day, I love them so much🥹❤️‍🩹
And you're more than welcome for the question and if you don't mind I have one more for my cuties to answer
When mingi and hima first got into a relationship did they ever feel insecure regarding themselves(looks,personality, etc...)
Thank you for answering, mwahh💞💞💞
Omg 'bb' ?? Don't flirt with me I'm sensitive 🤭(Just kidding keep going) I was honestly racking my brain to see what there would be to fight about since in every drabble they're so in love, but seeing as they're both just jealous babies it seemed like a really plausible thing! You're absolutely right through, my babies can't stand when they have to be away from each other 🥹
I never mind questions, I love them! Ask as many as you want and I'll answer them all don't worry! 💕Himari definitely had insecurities since the very beginning especially about femininity since being in a boy group required more masculine outfits, very powerful choreography, etc, and often compared herself to other female idols wondering if she was 'woman' enough. There was also the issue of her scars (from the accident) since idols always seem to be flawless, which when wearing more revealing outfits made her extremely insecure to the point of borrowing other members' jackets. Over time though she began feeling more confident in her own skin through not only reassurance from members but atiny as well, since knowing that the people who watched the group closely found her to be perfect just the way she is.
We can tell from interviews (like idol radio where he said he was good at nothing, or an instance where he said the group would be fine without him) that Mingi is not fully confident in himself either, so looking at her previous relationships definitely made him question why Himari was with him in the first place. It was through watching the difference in how she interacted with other male idols compared to him that he started to understand that she truly only had eyes for him, noticing how she usually looked at other people in the eyes while with him she tended to wander over to more of his face's details - like the cute dimples when he smiles, the way his eyebrows scrunch when he thinks, the bridge of his nose, etc.
There was the same issue of femininity that came up with Himari's personality as for a very long time - especially when hate intensified during the Guerilla era - she was afraid of laughing too loudly, playing too rough, and overall not being as 'delicate' as the other female idols in the industry were presented. It was through talking to idols like Jessi, Hwasa and Jiwoo (who she met through Good Girl) that this insecurity slowly faded, and she slowly felt like she could drop these useless precautions around Mingi. He on the other hand felt like he needed to be more 'manly' around his girlfriend since a lot of the other idols she is friends with tend to have this rougher image, but she never bat an eye when he was scared of something, or sulked, instead she simply either comforted him or played along, which helped him feel more confident in his soft mochi personality.
Thank you for asking !! Mwahhhh 💕😘 (You're actually so sweet omg now I understand what people mean by 'cuteness aggression')
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leenaur143 · 5 months
My Chellateez Weekend 2 SCREAMS:
Omg I can already hear Atiny's screams 
oooh same intro its like a TV show 
🔥 Say my name 
Camerawork seems a lot better 
Sannies button fell off shfhdhbd
yeosang's "yes captainnn" 🥹
the backupdancers were so good added to the vibe really well
They deserve the world and more I couldn't be MORE in love with them right now
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so i just read ur guerilla fic and OMGGG WOWOWOWOWEEEEE IM SO BLOWN AWAYYYYY
ngl i went in like expecting this to be the typical cold hearted serial killer and naive goody good reader BUT HOLY SHIT i think i just fell in love w the way u give ur characters such depth and complexity like 🤯
god there's so much i want to put into words and i genuinely love how you flow everything together and the whole story is so cohesive and a delight to read and im just having a ball reading it all the way through (and maybe shed some tears when mc panicked after yunho "took the blame")
also read the bonus scenes and- if i may say this, i wish u kept those in 😭 the buildup and the aftermath was truly something i needed for them and... i don't need to talk abt the smut part bc OOOOHHH MY GODDD.... now listen i usually read smut and ngl i read guerilla bc it popped up in the tags and that scene was brain churning spine melting toe curling piece of edging i've ever read like he just fingered her and it's got me rolling in my bed this much lord-
also if i may ask bc im kinda slow but which atz was which doctors? 😭 ik it's dumb but i got mingi psychiatrist and yunho surgeon and the rest is definitely between the lines but i can't recall any them to save my life rn 😭✋
haha omgg 🥹🥹 thank you so much i read this like thrice im smiling like an idiot rn 😭❤️ yes one thing about me is i wont settle for a typical trope just like that i gotta put in some ✨twist✨ some spice if you must hehe thank you so much for the feedback love <3 haha yes yunho is such a sweetheart when he tried to take the blame like imagine having someone who would quite literally kill for you 😩🤌
bro only the deleted scene was actually deleted the bonus scenes i had in my head but never wrote and and the word count was already a whopping 28k tumblr starts glitching when it gets so high 😭 believe me i wanted to make this a solid 50k word 2 part fic but i was like who's gonna read that 😭 (might write a part 2 one day 👀 with all the spice and smut and how their relationship is hmmm im so tempted rn bc i should be starting a new wip but my headspace is still filled with serial killer yunho he's so 😩❤️)
LMAO IM GLAD THE LITTLE SMUT MADE YOU FEEL ALL HOT AND BOTHERED like this was just the beginning of their relationship and he's already exploring choking for pain vs choking for pleasure KFHSHDJSJA CAN YOU IMAGINE THE UNHINGED POSSIBILITIES??? (again im so so tempted to write a pt 2 😭)
haha omg atz as doctors okay so yeah i mentioned mingi as psychiatrist, yeosang as a nephrologist right? i wrote down all the roles for them and i wish i had gotten the opportunity to explore more of that! but wooyoung as a dentist, seonghwa for paediatrics, hongjoong eye specialist, san ent specialist and jongho gynaecologist hehehe
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amukmuk · 9 months
Hi i just wanted to tell you that thanks to your Rebels foxiyo AU i started drawing again, i just love the idea of Fox leading a group of guerilla fighters.
Omg! I'm so glad my silly little stories sparked inspiration for you!!! If you're comfortable, I'd love to see your art!! 💕
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barfok · 10 months
This is your reminder to talk about the Morag Tong!
omg thank you.
some notes on the history of the morag tong in the nordic occupation:
by tradition, the night mother is a ra'athim woman, often the eldest daughter of the reigning patriarch. at the time of the nordic invasion of morrowind this role was occupied kronin ra'athims second-eldest sister, krora
the nordic invasion of ebonheart was devastating to clan ra'athim, and many of them died in a failed resistance attempt (thanks, nerevar!). while the morag tong survived the invasion, the nords cracked down on them especially hard. krora was rooted out and killed soon after the initial invasion
the morag tong responded to this crisis by dissolving itself. small cells dispersed across morrowind and carried on the sacred traditions in extreme secrecy. the ra'athim, now a cell of guerilla warriors based on south vvardenfell, fund their ongoing skeleton existence.
through the occupiation, yoriss ra'athim, the older sister of kronin, remains in ebonheart. as the nords become complacent in morrowind, she begins to build a framework for re-establishing the morag tong. she does this by establishing a loose network of brothels, gambling dens and speakeasies through ebonheart and its neighboring territories. exiled morag tong are slowly recalled to ebonheart and assimilate into these businesses of ill repute. yoriss pays the reigning nords a heavy 'cut' of the profits, and in return, they let yoriss curate this criminal empire
the nordic occupiers obviously took issue with assassins, and the morag tong was heavily persecuted. but the nords are anything but centralised, and the actual extent of persecution, as well as the form it took, depended largely on what jarl was in charge and how aggressive they were willing to be. nonetheless, the morag tong could not operate easily in this environment-- at this point they were far more of a religious cult than an assassin's guild. so assassination fell by the wayside, they oriented towards their covert mephala worship, towards their brothels and dens of vice, towards preserving their traditions in expectation of the day the nords would be thrown out and the chimer would once more be free
a little more history (tw child abuse/kidnapping):
kronin's son, cruethys, had a daughter in secret. when kronin discovered this he was furious; nonetheless, seeing the opportunity, kronin seized the girl and sent her to yoriss, to be groomed as a new night mother
yoriss raised the girl, alongside (later) kronin's first daughter. she grew up closely enmeshed with the morag tong, and, just as her family had expected, took up the role of the new night mother. her assuming control as a young woman, combined with the slackening of the nordic influence over ebonheart as the civil war broke out, marked the 'official' revival of the morag tong. they're an entity from here on out
the revived morag tong quickly exceeded its diminished role as a branch of ra'athim influence-- the night mother never forgot what kronin had done to her, nor did she forgive. the morag tong went on to play a subtle but influential role in morrowind's politics leading up to the invasion. most notably, they had a dubious alliance with mordrin hanin's dagon faction, and the "red wives of noormoc" vivec mentions were tong agents in hanin's service
after nerevar's successful rebellion, the morag tong sunk back into comfortable anonymity, where they were quite comfortable until vivec killed the night mother under unclear circumstances several decades later
vivec accidentally and unofficially became the tong's new patron after killing the night mother. he had history with her and history with them, and maybe he felt a soft spot for them. nonetheless, he shared an understanding with the tong that persisted well into his godhood :)
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foibles-fables · 4 months
Of course I got the best ending for Talanah! Loved the dream sequence part too, reminded me of a certain scene from Our Flag Means Death Season 2. Thanks again to both you and meg and all the others who made Focus on The Heart. We'll hopefully see how canon proper Guerilla manages to make Aloy/Talanah in 2027 or 2028 though I doubt it'll be as in-depth as your section.
OMG LISTEN. I'm cracking up. That particular scene was written like, summer 2023, couple months before OFMD S2 aired. Then when Meg and I saw the moment in that episode, we both legit went--
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--and promptly regretted not going full-on Dream Sequence Mermaid with ours, lmao.
For real, your kind words are so very appreciated, and I'm thrilled you got the best ending!!! This truly was our love letter to the ship and portrays how we'd both love to see them finally meet in the middle--we'll see what Guerrilla has in store for them in a few years!
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villa-kulla · 2 years
What do you think Howard would have done if Lalo had died in the laundromat, like what happened in the show?
He was going out on his sabbatical and all, but he would never get that call from Lalo and probably would be able to find out that Gus was still alive and thriving in ABQ. Would he just be sad, and keep his distance from the city?
How dare you make me think about the death of characters in my otp, who are in fact, only an otp by virtue of their both being dead lmao.
Omg. Dear god. WELL. The plan (had Lalo not been shot and had his ‘come to Jesus’ moment and crawled away to die with Howard cue “you’re my guy”/”matches your shoes” love confessions + driving off into the sunrise together) was for Lalo to just go straight back to Mexico , enemy out of the way, cartel prince again, maybe missing Howard more than he thought, but able to compartmentalize and move on. And Howard was going to stay out of town for an indeterminate period of time to take the heat off, and honestly I don’t think he made it much farther than that in his head. All he knew was that he needed to get out: out of his job, his marriage, and his town. He would have holed up in some hotel a couple states over and called in regularly to check his messages both at home and at work, because Lalo said he’d check in just to let him know he was okay. Then he could make his decisions, figure out what to do with this fresh start, and move on. That was the PLAN.
But imagine Lalo dies and Howard keeps calling. And keeps calling. But there are no messages, no letters, not even a quick note. Howard wonders if Lalo just went clean break on him and feels temporarily huffy to not get so much as a “goodbye”. But even though Lalo was a lot of things, he was always honest with Howard, and if he said he’d reach out, he’d reach out. So Howard starts fearing the worst, calling all his contacts in Albuquerque, reading up on police raids, getting more and more paranoid. And eventually he finally does what he’d been avoiding, and calls the Pollos restaurant, and asks to speak to the manager.  And when he hears Gus’s unmistakable voice, Howard just slowly hangs up and starts to cry, because if Gus is alive, then Lalo must be dead. And suddenly, cutting all his ties and starting fresh doesn’t feel as exciting and hopeful as it used to, because Lalo’s dead.
So Howard drives back to Albuquerque, hollow and grim, and starts closing up shop properly, but with less excitement than the first time he was going to get out of dodge. He quits his job officially, the divorce is finalized, and Howard wanders the streets like a ghost, no idea what to do now, which is stupid because it’s not like he and Lalo were going to end up together anyways, but somehow knowing he was out there helped, gave Howard direction and inspiration, and now that he’s gone, everything he embodied to Howard - fun, danger, passion, adventure - is gone too. But then one day as he drives aimlessly around town he winds up parked at a red light, stopped next to a laundry. Howard thinks of the laundry he sent Gus to, and stares through the window, and watching the machines inside spin and spin and spin gives Howard an idea...he can finish what Lalo started. 
Fring is a dead man.
(can't make the read more work, warning that what follows might not go well for Howard.....but YOU STARTED IT WITH THIS TALK OF DEATH </3)
Howard starts planning, and he’s certainly not able to raid a fortified laundry guerilla style, like Lalo. But he can play to his own strengths, and sniffs out all the benefits and charity dinners in town, donates money to all of them, plays nice, circles the rooms with a glass of wine in hand, but eyes always sharp, until one day he gets lucky because across the room he sees him. Fring. Howard follows him into a deserted hallway, Lalo’s pistol tucked up his sleeve, and he’s almost at Fring’s back, swinging the gun up, when of course he’s slammed out of nowhere by two bodyguards, and drops the gun, and Fring turns around, knowing Howard was following him and says “Were you hoping to kill me, Mr. Hamlin? The last time I saw you, you weren’t nearly so obvious about it.” And Howard just spits out “Where's Lalo? What the hell did you do with him?” Gus just picks lint off his sleeve like “I’m not in the habit of leaving loose ends. Which brings us to what I should do with you.” And hearing it confirmed, or as confirmed as it could get, Howard just breaks down on the floor of whatever fancy hotel they’re in, and Gus motions for his guys to release him and steps towards him and says, “This is your only warning”. And he picks up the gus Howard tried to use and puts it in his own pocket and coolly says, “This isn’t your world, Mr. Hamlin.” And it’s like being stabbed in the chest, because Lalo had said that to him the last time they saw each other, but out of care, not as a threat, and it’s like Howard can still feel Lalo’s fingers brushing his jaw as he said it. He watches Gus leave through blurry eyes, but then his eyes narrow in cold satisfaction, because he’d never planned on shooting Gus here, didn’t even think he’d get close, knew he’d lose his gun, but that’s fine because inside Lalo’s gun, he’d put....A TRACKING DEVICE. Howard never knew which laundry Lalo was talking about, but now Gus or one of his goons is bound to go there, and Howard can FOLLOW.
Howard has a project now, he’s a man on a mission, and that mission is bringing down Fring. He has some vague plan to collect evidence on what Fring is doing, turn him over to the authorities, and if that doesn’t work, well, like Lalo told him, “there’s always a good reason to kill someone”.
But...unfortunately for Howard, more experienced men than him have tried and failed to take Gus down. And while Howard’s plotting goes undetected longer than anyone could have guessed, he’s simply not a criminal, and it’s really not his world. And maybe after a couple months of investigating Gus, and getting closer and closer, one day while he stakes out the laundry, the black bag comes down over his head and he’s knocked out.
He wakes up inside the superlab, bag yanked off his head, hands tied behind his back, kneeling on the dirt floor of some huge room. He’s facing Gus, and this time Gus is leaving nothing to chance, a cavalry of guys behind him all staring at Howard to make sure he can’t try anything. Gus says “you had your one and only warning to stay away, Mr. Hamlin. Any final words?”
It’s the end. Howard knows it’s the end. He failed to avenge Lalo, but he doesn’t have to fail Lalo’s memory. He asks himself what Lalo would say in this position, and he looks up at Fring and grins and says “Yeah. Lalo was right. Eres un hijo de puta and your chicken tastes like shit.” And when Fring steps forward, snapping open a knife, and cuts Howard’s throat, it’s so sharp and quick it doesn’t even hurt, and Howard collapses to the ground, slowly growing cold, wondering how the hell he got here, murdered by gangsters and about to die in a hole all alone.
That’s when Gus steps over him and yanks Howard’s head back to make him die faster, and hisses in his ear “Your lover died right here, exactly like this.” And Howard looks up at him, eyes wide, and Gus delivers his coup de grace and says “he’s buried under you right now.” He expects this to break Howard once and for all, but Howard just lets out a gurgling choking laugh because Lalo’s here? He’s with Howard? Can he feel Howard’s blood seeping through the dirt, trickling down to meet him? He’s here and Howard isn’t going to die alone after all, and suddenly Howard doesn’t feel so cold anymore, and he laughs again and then can’t stop laughing, and Gus takes a step back genuinely rattled because it’s like he’s looking at Lalo's ghost, laughing on the floor of the superlab while drowning in his own blood, staring up at Fring, face still fixed in a challenge. This Hamlin guy isn’t looking at Fring anymore though, because he’s turning his face to the dirt like he’s resting it on someone’s chest, blood spilling into the ground, eyes slowly closing, smile lingering, until he’s utterly still, gone now, somewhere else with someone else, and now Gus is the one who’s forgotten and alone, still alive to see another day, but no one left on earth who’d care either way. Covering his sudden crushing depression with disdain, Gus orders “get rid of him” and walks out. And there’s already a 6x6 patch in the ground where the soil is still loose, and they’re nothing if not efficient, so they redig the hole, not deep enough to see what might be left inside, and throw Howard in too, his face grey but still with that unsettling smile. And as they pour the dirt back over him, the last thing to be covered are Howard’s hands, cut loose now and curled into the dirt, cold and still, but almost like they’re reaching out to someone. And in the dim light of the superlab, where shadows dance on the walls and death is always close by, it's easy to imagine that only a couple metres down, someone is reaching back.
So yeah.
Apparently that's what I think would happen.
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prapaiwife · 6 months
helloooo what are your favorite music groups? i've seen you post about shinee who i LOVE so i was wondering who else u are into :-)
Hi OMG my favorite groups there's a lot but SHINee is my ultimate favorite like their my first grout that brought me into K-pop and I cannot go a day without playing their music 🥹 but I really love exo my most listened to with SHINee. Then Tomorrow by together (txt) they are neck in neck with SHINee, day6 I loveeeee them so much, loved their comeback. The Boyz!!! I saw in person actually amazing live😭. OH ATEEZ I saw them on tour as well literal beasts on stage another ultimate group for me like guerilla live was an outer body experience that I will love to relive over and over again. Seventeen, bts, 127, dream, enhypen, monsta x, 2pm, oh a Japanese rock band called one ok rock AMAZING DISCOGRAPHY I highly recommend luxury disease one of my favorite albums ever!! And Got7 can't wait for their reunion after military is done!! P1 harmony I mean the bsides the title tracks are just impeccable 😫
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thesuitelife547 · 2 years
B1A4, OMG, ONF Google Drive Folders Masterlist (Updated December 6, 2022)
So if any of you have been on my Twitter, you may know that I have (a lot of) Google Drive folders holding different performances that I’ve subbed for B1A4, OMG, and ONF and this here is the Masterlist for them having the links to the folders and describing what they all contain. 
If anyone has any questions, feel free to reach out because I know this is a lot of stuff and it may be hard to find things. The only folder that doesn’t specifically have what’s in it is the Special Folder. But the first section is all of the live performances and then the second consists of the subbed videos that I have and that are uploaded.
I’ll be updating this from time to time, too, so this isn’t the final list and I don’t think it ever will be.
But let me know if you have any questions. Thanks to everyone and enjoy!
- Marisa
B1A4 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cBfcm1GTR8RJAkG-CrxvMviAJLowLIbS Japanese albums (3, 4), Do You Remember, Follow Me, Listen to the B1A4, Japanese MV (Happy Days & You and I), Road Trip, Traffic Safety Song, Chu Chu Chu (Japanese), Immortal Songs 2 (It Will Pass, Like A Dandelion Spore, The Flight), The First Day She Cried, Smart Campaign Song, SBS Hope TV Logo Song, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15bTrPL772g-VfFpS8G1jo7nYpWg4DVTp The Class, BABA B1A4, Amazing Store, JYP Party People, Japan Showcase Live 2011 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1q5_AtPhJAOZM2nRvG3HZvi5JH35wDzRR Baby I’m Sorry, Beautiful Target, Duet Festival, OK, Rollin’, Sugar Man, Sweet Girl, What’s Going On https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VIUtCPfey2EEr2nhnkn4h89jKy3758vh A Lie, Baby Goodnight, Mask King, Solo Day, Tried to Walk, 10 Years Later (Guerilla Concert), A Glass of water [Inkigayo & Music Bank], DMZ Special Stage, Lonely & Solo Day [MBC Gayo, Seoul Music Awards], FM Date, Solo Day & If Snow Comes [SBS Gayo], Together [Comeback Showcase], You Are A Girl I Am A Boy [Inkigayo, Music Core] https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bcZq2cD8mHdU_eazLp4Yc9iFzvLpflL0?usp=sharing Japanese Albums (1, 2, 5), 1000 Song Challenge (Bounce, By Chance, Confession, I Hate, I Must’ve Loved You, Love’s Battery, Lying on the Ocean, Night of the Moon, Only, Yellow Handkerchief, Young You), Immortal Songs 2 (Dance with DOC, Do You Know Rosie, Forgotten Season, In Case You Don’t Come, In Your Arms, Older Sister, One Love, One Ticket, Rain Falling in Myeongdong, Unconditionally, White Love), Japanese Singles B-Sides (BANA Day, Colorful, Drive, Fly Away, Glass of Water, If…, Ready To Go, Who Am I), Lonely, MV (Sunshine, White Miracle, With You, The Way To Find Love [Cinderella and the Four Knights], No Problem [Smart Prison Playbook], One More Step [Introverted Boss], Other World [Bad Guys], Tell Me [Manhole], The Day We Fall In Love), Only Learned Bad Things, Sandeul Solo Albums, ABC Song [Line Song], KBS Gayo Special Stages, Good Timing [Comeback Showcase, The Show], Here I Am [Lovely Horribly], In A Dream [Comeback Showcase, Kiss the Radio, Show Champion], Intuition [MCountdown], It’s Christmas [Haeyo TV], Lingering Inside of Me [The Tale of Noku], Love Then [Haeyo TV, Show Champion], Nothing Better [Sketchbook], Perhaps [Simsimtapa], Prince of the Sea [MBC Gayo], Road [Golden Disk Awards], Star [I Need Love], Stay As You Are [Haeyo TV], The Place Where You Should Be [Music Core], This Time is Over [Haeyo TV], Winter Story & White Christmas [Music Core], With You [Open Concert, Reply 1994 Music Special] https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18ezSSQ96Mq9cgcJVE9U9Bg9OXFTQj48m?usp=sharing Origine, Origine Comeback Showcase, Adult Diary [Start Up], B1A4 2017 Japan Tour ‘Be The One’ (17.06.16), Timing [Music Bank], Timing MV, Pick Up, Blue Whale [Kiss Episode 3] (19.03.19), The Love of Fingertips MV, Oppa MV
Special Folder [Raw] https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qVF0f3A15Zdts5lEEIOqUv-x20Yf11Pc?usp=sharing Special Folder OH MY GIRL https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jQk4pYiSWp29PrSt4eb_mlgOk_pyh1Rq?usp=sharing Banana Allergy Monkey, Coloring Book, Oh My Girl, OST (Fluttering Footsteps, I Know, Sarr), Pink Ocean, Secret Garden, The Fifth Season, Echo [Remember Me Showcase], Eternally, Listen to My Word [MCountdown], Walking With (feat. Sandeul) [Girl Spirit] ONF https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Z40a0KYH-WhJwGjRxf7lY1OPeigTzGxx?usp=sharing ON/OFF, ON/OFF First Showcase, Complete, Complete Second Showcase, OST (Not A Sad Song, Your Day), ON/OFF Japanese Single, Complete Japanese Single https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LH_OtNhAP84ErXL0TI2cLygTPX24BQM2?usp=sharing We Must Love, Go Live, Go Live Showcase, New World [Road to Kingdom], Spin Off, ONF: My Name, ONF: My Name Showcase, MK’s Soundcloud (You’re My Muse)
BABA B1A4, Celebrity Bromance, Crime Scene, D+B1A4, I Need Romance, God of Music 2, Pikicast Episode 5 
MTV Diary, PC Room Attack, 3 Minute Boyfriend [SNL], Dingo Test, 10th Anniversary - Road, Tei’s Dreaming Radio Clip (16.12.06), Bingo Talk [The Show] (16.12.06), Secretly, Greatly (16.12.11), Section TV (16.12.04), Snack MBTI, B1A4 x Javisi, Music Bank Stardust (16.10.05), Sandeul 1st Mini Album Music Documentary, Show Champion (16.12.27), The Kolor (20.10.22), Today, Too, You’ve Worked Hard Episode 12
On The Run, Blind Date with ONF, The Kolor (20.12.03)
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noctude · 2 years
just so you know!!!! ive wanted to make my business cards into tarot cards forever and your cuno post made me actually start working on it so thank you. guerilla tarot readings, geniused
!!!!!! that sounds SO cool omg….. if you ever feel like sharing a (censored as needed) version i would love to see it
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