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that original lifeline
chapter 5 / 5 - “you deserve what you are given” - 3.6k
in which Eddie has a good day, has a bad day, sees a familiar face, and tries not to blow up an ambulance. not necessarily in that order.
it’s all done! my first ever standalone, prompt-free fic! I hope you all at least tolerated it as much as I did. I also would like to say—please, if you’re seeing things that look messy or need to be touched up, you’re welcome to let me know. I'm sure I'm going to go over it and re-edit a million times over the next week.
read on AO3
Eddie knew that things were going to be different the moment he slapped his alarm the next morning, because for the first time in months, he actually turned his alarm off. He didn’t lie in bed and ignore it, he didn’t hit snooze until he could get the energy to see the day, he turned it off, he got up, and he started to dress. He couldn’t remember the last time he had greeted a Monday on time for an early morning workout, but the few miles he was able to get in on the treadmill was nothing compared to the look of happiness on his son’s face when he got to join him and Carla for breakfast—instead of running out the door, a granola bar lodged in his mouth. He literally felt like he just woke up on the right side of the bed this morning; judging by the way that Chris lit up, and Carla rose her brows in surprise, his change in attitude was already being noticed.
Even if Carla was good enough not to comment on it.
Honestly, Eddie didn’t know what was going on himself, but he wasn’t going to complain. A day ago, he had almost started to cry at one of those family car commercials with an old dog in it, and today, he was already back into the familiar motions of ‘being well’.
He had been through enough therapy in his life to know the “highs and lows” mental health speech every which way, but what he hadn’t realized until this morning was that when you were low, being low becomes your new normal. Eddie had been through it before (with Shannon, with his parents, with… name a thing), and he knew it would probably come again, but that didn’t make the moments that he got to stand in the light on the other side of the tunnel any less sweet.
It felt like he was standing in the sun.
“Morning Hen! Coffee?” Eddie grinned as he took the stairs up into the loft two at a time, box of danishes in one hand, coffee holders stacked high in the other. He had literally been smiling since he parked his car outside, and was now beaming at Hen only because she was lucky enough to be the first person he got to see that day. Lucky, sure, but he still didn’t miss the way that her brows rose into her hair as she took her cup and her selection of baked goods, knowing full well that this was probably… a lot to take in from his behavior for the past many weeks.
“You’re… cheery.” Hen commented easily, staring at Eddie like a puzzle to figure out—and while that would have made him nervous before, it was actually kind of nice now, a friend showing that she cared.
To his credit, Eddie just shrugged, pulling off another coffee as he put the boxes down on the table, knowing full well they would be devoured before he could even look back. “What can I say? It’s a good day today, the sun is out, and I only have to be here for eight hours. Hey, where’s Chim? I got Mr. Asian James Bond an extra bear claw, since he’s been driving everyone up the wall with his whole sorority girls speech.”
Hen let the topic drop (and Eddie thanked her silently for it) as she groaned and shook her head, taking another drag from her coffee cup as, sure enough, the pastry boxes started to draw everyone in like flies. He started handing out coffees to those who’s orders he could remember, grinning as Hen launched into it. “No no, ‘Asian James Bond’ was last week, now it’s ‘Asian Sex Symbol’ to you. God, that stupid calendar, between he and Bobby I am ready to enter myself, blow them both out of the water as Miss July, and—”
“Hey, hold up, where’s Bosko?” Eddie said, cutting her off before she could pick up too much steam, staring at the last coffee in his hands as Bobby pulled his own free.
Hen and Bobby shared a glance as Bobby cleared his throat around a mouthful of coffee, swallowing before he started to speak. “Actually, Lena’s back with the 136 for the foreseeable future. I’m happy to say that we finally have that vacancy filled.”
Eddie felt his brows launch into his hairline, only vaguely remembering that Lena was supposed to be here on a temporary basis—and he had been a complete ass to her for the past few months. Well, that was going to be a fun little addition to his long list of issues, and he winced as he made a mental note to swing by the 136 later on with another danish and an apology. Hen caught the look, her own brow tilting in return, though she was good enough to redirect her attention back up to Bobby. “So, wait, who’s going to be the newbie on the 118?”
“He is walking up the stairs right now, if you want to turn around. Just graduated out of the Academy last week. Pretty much top of his class, apparently impressed enough people that I had to fight off station 6 to get him to come here—welcome, Evan Buckley.”
“Hey, uh, you can just call me Buck.”
Eddie almost choked on his coffee as he heard a voice behind him, grabbing a napkin to catch a few drops as he turned, trying to repress his cough as he turned around, meeting a pair of blue eyes, staring at Eddie with an intensity that made his insides curl like he had just been sucker punched. He didn’t say anything, of course, just reached out and shook hands, introduced himself, did the whole shebang—with a smile, he might add!
Today was a good day. It could still be a good day. It really, really had the potential to be a good day.
Today was not a good day.
Eddie wanted to work well with Buck, he really did, but every time Buck opened his mouth, all Eddie could feel was pressure, water pushing in on him at every angle, the choking taste of mud in his mouth. At this point in time, Eddie wasn’t sure what was worse—that Buck seemed to put his foot in his mouth whenever he talked to Eddie, or the fact that he didn’t seem to give a fuck where and when he was flapping his yap.
An exploding man hole cover literally knocking someone’s arm into the nearby pool? He had barely started with “Hey, you good? You must have lucked out after that firetruck and all…” before Eddie was talking over him, asking for gauze and a tourniquet to try and save some of the live tissue in the very-much-not-alive arm.
A stab wound to the ass that resulted in the most lifelike Michelin man that Eddie had ever seen? “So, silver star, huh? You save a platoon or something?” Eddie managed to smile, jaw tight as he shook his head. “No, nothing like that. I was just in convoy.”
Even their downtime wasn’t safe—a grocery run that wound up with the entire team stacked high with grocery bags as they walked back into the station? “Hey, I saw a piece about that drill—“
“Alright, who wants lunch?” Eddie was immensely thankful for Bobby’s distraction, not bothering to hide the fact that his interruption was far from a coincidence. By now, even Hen was looking at Buck like he was a crazy person at that point—or maybe just an asshole.
Somehow, after all of their calls, it only came to a head in the gym. Apparently, Buck had decided that the subtle approach (not that anything Buck did could be called subtle) wasn’t good enough, and for whatever reason decided that the gym was the best time to approach Eddie.
Honestly, if Eddie wasn’t a good thirty away from the first real workout he had had in weeks, he probably would have walked away.
“Eddie, you… you know who I am, right?”
His jaw twitching in time with his punches, Eddie finally relented from the poor bag and looked at Buck directly, jaw set as he started to rewrap his hands. “And what if I didn’t? You think this would have gone over well with HR, the new guy bringing up the worst days of my life and all but asking me about a fucking guardian angel?”
“Jesus, that’s not what I—“
“I met Athena.”
Eddie could almost hear Buck’s mouth shut, the clack of his teeth somehow louder than the din of the station behind him. “I met her and she told me that she didn’t know what had happened, and then she offered to make me forget. Forget about you, about everything, because not even she knew where you had wound up.” Eddie started, rolling his wrists easily. “She apologized to me, she said she missed you, well, not that she was alone in that sense. You should probably find a way to apologize to her, too. Let her know you’re okay. Hold the bag.” Eddie’s voice was low even as his tone started to sharpen, doing his absolute best to keep his face neutral, lest he want any attention from Hen or Bobby for harassing the new guy.
To Buck’s credit, he did as Eddie asked, holding the bag steady as Eddie started to wail on it anew, thankful that he at least had the temporary distraction of pressure against his knuckles to stop the urge to scream into the sky.
“Athena… she really did that?” Eddie didn’t respond, just threw another punch, grunting with the exertion. Buck’s voice was low, barely louder than the sound of Eddie’s hands making contact with the bag. “Is that what you want? An apology? Because I’m not going to apologize for saving you, Eddie, I’m not going to say sorry for not leaving you in the bottom of a pit to… I’m not sorry for that. So if that’s what you’re after, I don’t know what to offer you.”
Eddie threw a kick from his left, giving Buck plenty of time to adjust his grip before his ankle came smashing into the bag, panting as he stared Buck down, feeling the anger start to drain out of him as he breathed, shaking his head. “Buck, is that what you think this is about?”
Buck, bless him, just looked like a lost puppy when what Eddie said sunk in.
“You saved my life. I mean, you’ve always kept me safe, but back there you saved my life. You let me go home to my kid, you… I could never thank you enough for that. I’m not mad about that.” He shook his head, flexing his fingers as he took another fighting stance, his poster lower, more subdued than the all out attack he was waging before.
“Well then what—“
“I’m not mad at you because you left.” Eddie repeated, starting another round of punches, each hit slower, shorter, but packed with more force than was strictly necessary. “I’m mad at you because you fucking—because you didn’t come back. Because you chose not to come back. You went through the academy, top of the class, and that was eighteen weeks of you being here, just miles away from me in Los Angeles, and you let me think that you were dead that entire time. You were with me my whole entire life, you were a constant, and then I lost you, Buck, and I had to try and live with that. And then you show up at work today, and you’re alive, and human, and I’ve had barely eight hours to deal with all of this, after I—I fucking mourned you. I mourned you, and you let me, and that—that’s why I’m mad.”
Although, the more he spoke, the more Eddie realized that he wasn’t mad, not really, not that he would own up to it that easily. He wasn’t angry, he was just… crushed. His hook got sloppy and he went wide, eyes wild, stumbling only a little before catching himself on the bag.
“Why does everyone leave me? What did I do, Buck, why didn’t you come back?”
The sudden sound of footsteps drew his eye up to the loft where the next shift was pouring in, easily exchanging pleasantries with Eddie’s team, and Eddie felt the last bit of fight drain out of him as he started to unwind his gloves. The day was done. His shift was over. And after feeling nothing but empty for weeks, Eddie had just about exhausted the entire range of his emotional capabilities in less than a day.
“Eddie, I—“
“Forget it, Buck. I’ll see you tomorrow, or whatever.” Eddie said, not even bothering to look over his shoulder as he headed back to the locker area.
“Fire and Rescue, hello?”
Eddie was having another… long day. Not a bad day, not necessarily, but not a… great day either. He had still managed to get up, he had still brought himself to work, he still managed an honest smile when he kissed Chris goodbye, but he found himself hesitating before he wound up walking into the 118. He didn’t know if he could handle Buck again today—thankfully, it seemed like he didn’t have to. Buck was mostly absent that morning, giving Eddie enough apologetic looks over the table to display that he got he had been an asshole the day before (or, more likely, that Hen and Chim had verbally beat that fact into him before Eddie got there).
Their morning had gone off without incident—there had only been one real call outside a few false alarms, a moron with his head literally cemented into a microwave—and to be honest, Eddie couldn’t deny the fact that he loved how easily he and Buck could work together. Well, how easy they worked together when Buck shut up for three minutes.
Another save, an easy lunch, and Eddie’s eight hour shift looked like it would be ending easily when they got the call to head down to Torrence, walking into what felt like the worlds most mothball-scented Army Navy Surplus store.
Eddie felt his body tense up as soon as the word ‘grenade’, having to take a split second to remind himself that he was still in the States, he wasn’t in wartime, he was still safe. Because he was safe, they were okay, until Buck moved the dressings and a gold glint caught his eye.
“None of the guys I’ve worked with were dumb enough to shoot a live round into their own leg, but I’m familiar with the ordinance.”
Eddie felt his jaw twitch again as Buck stared him down, a tic that he was sure would come to be familiar in over the next few days. Honestly, he was starting to think that Buck was just bringing all the mess with him—he had gone months without a call that threatened his life and limb, and then as soon as Buck came back into his life, there he was, with a grenade stuck inside of some old, gun collecting bastard. He could almost feel the moment where Buck opened his mouth—it was the same feeling he got whenever Buck had appeared, years and years ago, whenever something extremely stupid was about to happen.
“I’m in.”
Of course he was.
For what it was worth, Buck had stellar bedside manner. It was easy for him to to make small talk with Charlie while he hung the morphine, asking about his wife, his life, and Eddie found himself a little bit reassured by how easily Buck was able to buckle down and rise to the situation. After all, Buck had been doing that for Eddie’s whole life—it would be a shame if he lost that skill when he could use it the most.
They kept their talk small and professional as Eddie worked, even though most of his work was giving short, clipped orders, like he was afraid that the grenade would be able to tell how stressed out he was and put them both out of their misery, then and there. They both let out a collective sigh of relief as the grenade plunked, solid and heavy into the bin, Buck hastily closing it like a lid would save them all if that thing were to blow up.
Eddie was just finishing up, throwing a few stitches to try and keep things together until Charlie could make it up to surgery when Buck finally found his voice.
“I was scared, Eddie.”
Eddie didn’t even bother looking up, his fingers working quickly. “I know, but we got it out, we just have to be careful not to move the box too much.”
“No. I mean, about coming back, about seeing you, I… I was scared.”
Eddie looked up as he threw another stitch, sparing a quick look to make sure that the old man was still out cold. When Buck looked up to him, Eddie rose his brows, giving him a little not of encouragement.
“You said I’ve been with you your whole life, but… that goes both ways, Eddie. I don’t even know what happened, one minute I had hurled you out of that lake, and the next I was nothing, there was just nothing, and then…” He took a breath as he moved the dressings, letting Eddie continue his easy stitchwort. “And then I was in a loft in Los Angeles, with a drivers license in my pocket and a brochure for the LAFD Academy on a dresser. I still don’t know how I got there, but I knew it would bring me to you.”
“Here, cut here.”
Buck snipped the end of Eddie’s suture easily, passing him a tube of antibacterial gel, dolloping it along the messy wound site.
“For the first time in years, I couldn’t feel you anymore. I didn’t know what you were doing, or how you were feeling, or if you were safe, and it scared me. I missed you, of course I did, but I knew that if I just went right back to you, it would be like nothing had changed, when really, everything had changed.” Eddie looked up as he covered the gel in an adhesive gauze patch, hanging another bag of fluids, eyes tracking between the steady blip of the heart monitor and the very live grenade in a bin at the end of the ambulance, while his brain tried to keep up with the live grenade that he and Buck were lobbing back and forth.
Nodding for Buck to open the back door, Eddie waited until they both had their feet on the ground to respond, rolling his neck. “Well, that’s kind of par for the course. Being scared, I mean.” he started, a small smile on his face as Buck looked back, catching his eye. Eddie shrugged, eye darting over to the rest of their team, still safely out of earshot as he nudged Buck’s shoulder, the motion easy and simple, muscle memory built up over years.
“Welcome to the human condition. It kind of sucks. You’re going to love it.”
And fuck, Buck was smiling again. Eddie would give anything to keep that look on his face, even as they handed Charlie off to the medics, even as the bomb squad guy called in the robot to… well, to do what, Eddie didn’t know. But that was the beauty of it all—he didn’t have to care anymore. All that mattered to him in that moment were his boots on his ground, the air around him, and maybe, if he played his cards right, the team he got to work with. He could feel Bobby’s eyes on him as he pulled his flac jacket off, a little slow on the uptake of whatever had happened in the ambulance.
“You know, you’re pretty badass under pressure.” Eddie said, his face curving up into the first real smile he had worn in days. Buck looked like a deer in the headlights, like Eddie must have been talking to someone, anyone else, and even Bobby cracked a grin as Eddie smacked him in the arm. “You can have my back any day.”
Buck looked, well, Eddie would have framed the look on Buck’s face if he could. It was a vision of pure joy, the simple sentence meaning more to both of them than anyone else could ever know, and Eddie had to resist the urge to pull him into a bone crushing hug as he kicked at the ground.
“Yeah. Or, you know, you could… You could have mine.”
If Eddie smiled any wider, he felt like his face was going to crack.
They were still not great—not by a long shot—but for the first time in almost six months, Eddie finally felt something close to closure, to peace, a starting point for the two of them that would take them both who-knows-where.
And then, because nothing in Eddie’s life was ever easy, the ambulance exploded. Eddie wasn’t even phased at this point in his life—any exploding vehicle was fine by him as long as he wasn’t on it.
“Are, uh, are you guys hungry? There’s a great burger place around here, they’re open for another hour or so.”
Hanging back as the rest of his crew packed up, Bobby pulled his phone out of his pocket as it buzzed, a small smile gracing his lips as he unlocked it.
New Message from A - 11:12PM
Well? Was I right, or was I right?
“Cap, come on! Burgers wait for no man!”
To A - 11:14PM
They’re going to be one hell of a team.
#guardianangel!buck#evan buckley#eddie diaz#buddie#911#buddiefic#911fic#so happy to have this out of my drafts#srsly don't feel shy about pointing shit out to me#it's what I can do so I can an grow#FINALLY THIS IS DONE#I HATE IT ALREADY LMAOOO
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Heaven Sent (PART 5)
pairing: bucky barnes x guardianangel!reader
word count: around 2.3k
warnings: angst, fluff
series masterlist | overall masterlist
previous: part 4

The team set up base in an old S.H.I.E.L.D facility where Fury was waiting. He stood, cross armed beside Maria Hill, staring down Steve as he approached with an unknown woman by his side. The room was large and concrete with pillars of metal used as support. Before them, there were three floors of glass windows, looking into what seemed like conference rooms, control desks and private offices.
“I gave you strict instructions not to recruit new personnel without my knowledge, Rogers,” Fury glanced at Bucky and Y/N remembered the time when Steve had almost had to physically fight Nick Fury to allow Bucky to stay in the compound and become an Avenger. Of course, Bucky did not know about this.
“I don’t think you want to question her place here, sir,” Steve said, nodding at Fury. Fury was wary – it was his nature not to trust – but he acknowledged Steve’s trust and given that she had clearly assisted them in bringing Sodrov into custody in some way, she couldn’t be all bad.
“You take him to a holding cell,” Steve nodded to Clint and Natasha who were carrying Sodrov on a stretcher. Then he turned to Sam who stepped forward to receive a command. “You take care of her, make sure she stays in sight.” He glanced at you with narrowed eyes and she huffed.
“You’re acting like I’m going to kill you all,” she grumbled, still twirling a knife around her fingers. Steve snatched out for it but it disintegrated again and Fury raised an eyebrow. Useful.
“Yeah, well, you went against orders. It’s not us I’m worried about getting killed, it’s him,” Steve pointed after Clint and Natasha before moving to Bucky. Bucky had tried to remain calm throughout this whole situation, practicing breathing techniques. He had so much anger in him he didn’t know who to direct it to – Sodrov or Y/N – so when Steve laid a hand on Bucky’s shoulder, he jerked away and glared.
“We need to talk about Y/N. She’s not going to do it herself,” Steve looked after you as you pushed Sam playfully into a pillar and threw your head back in a melodic laugh that Bucky so desperately want to smile at. Steve shook his head and sighed, “not properly at least.”
“What is there to know?” Bucky turned and spat with more venom than intended. Steve pursed his lip before taking a seat in one of the uncomfortable chairs. Bucky stood before him, stood feed apart with his arms crossed. “I’m sick of it Steve. You guys acting like we need her, she ruined my life! How could you keep someone like that around?” Bucky’s voice grew louder and louder and the panic grew in his eyes. Was this all a trap? Was it Hydra again?
He crouched on the floor and steadied his breathing. Steve just watched, waiting patiently.
“You can’t blame her for that, Buck,” Steve said after a while, but Bucky just scoffed. He stood again, turning his back to his best friend.
“Why the hell not, Steve? She claims to have guided me through life. How could she guide me to that? Through that?” Bucky squeezed his eyes shut and ran his hand across his face. The thoughts swam and swam until one thought got louder and louder. He let out a frustrated grunt, shrugging off his tactical jacket and throwing it across the room. Before Steve could stop him, he was stalking across the room with long slides, an intent look in his eyes Steve knew all too well.
Steve stood, reaching out to his friend, “Buck where are you-“
“-she can explain this to me. I’m fucking sick of it.”
Steve let him leave, watching as he shoved the door you’d gone through open and yelling at Sam to get out. Sam barked back some sarcastic reply, only to come jogging out of the room when Bucky turned his eyes on him, full of rage.
“What’s your problem?” Y/N stood defiantly as Bucky set his murderous gaze to her. The room they were in was small and had no windows. It seemed to be an interrogation room, holding only a desk, three chairs and a mirror both of them assumed to be a one-way mirror. He stared at her for a moment, in disbelief before turning and slamming the door shut behind him.
“What’s my problem? Are you serious? You know my problem very well, sweetheart.” He stepped closer, getting into her face but she still didn’t back down. She was worried, not scared. Worried he’d do something he’d regret. Worried he was getting pushed backwards. She was not afraid of being hurt.
“I do, Bucky, but does that mean you have to get like this every damn time we’re near each other?” She sighed, shaking her head and averting her eyes. She wanted him to understand. All she wanted was for him to understand. But, how could he?
“Yes. Yes. You know why? Because I don’t fucking understand you. I don’t understand why you would torture me like that and then bring me back here. Why you would cause me nearly seventy years of excruciating pain and then send me to Wakanda, or Steve or whatever,” he was practically screaming at her, but she never flinched, watching the anguish overcome his expression until he was crying. She bit back her own tears, standing her ground despite his continued outburst, “Is it some sadistic joke, huh? You like watching me suffer?”
Y/N snapped then, shoving Bucky hard until he crashed against the wall behind him. She didn’t hold back, from anything, the tears falling down her face like it was rain. She felt it bubble up inside her, like it had been a steady fizz beneath the surface before, but now, like a volcano, she was ready to erupt and let it all out.
“You think it was easy being your Guardian Angel Bucky? Do you think I enjoyed watching as you lost control of your damn mind? I sat there for sixty years, terrified of the days they’d take you off ice. Terrified because I knew the minute they sat you in the chair and said those words, I would lose the ability to guide you. And I’d just have to watch as you did it all.” She screamed at him, knowing the compound could probably hear her right now, but she didn’t care. Her skin glowed brighter as she approached, her anger fuelling a power in her she never knew she could ignite, but it sent Bucky both cowering in fear and inching closer. She noticed his expression softening but she didn’t stop, stepping until she was righting in front of him again.
“My job was to protect you. To make you the best human being possible. And they took that job from me.” She pushed him so he was pressed against the wall, the power coursing through her fingertips sending a wave of pressure through him that had I’m gasping, like he was being held underwater.
It was like someone had opened the flood gates, there was no stopping the tidal wave of emotion she was letting out. Fifty years of feeling, masked by sarcasm and wit, was finally being unearthed and there was seemingly no end as Bucky watched her face contort into the familiar expression of agony.
“You think you’re the only one that had nightmares? I had to live knowing I wasn’t strong enough to fight them and not only did I have to live with my suffering, but I had sit up there every fucking day and watch the love of my life break into smaller and smaller pieces. I had to watch the man I love be picked apart and thrown around like a goddamn rag doll.” She sobbed, hand raising to her mouth to muffle the sound. “I tried every day to help you and everyone up there told me to quit – to leave it for someone else to try and fix. I knew what they were saying. That I wasn’t strong enough to help you but… I coul-couldn’t let you go.”
Bucky didn’t know why he held his arms out, but when she fell into them, fists clutching at the material of his shirt, he felt awash with relief. He squeezed his eyes shut, burying his face in her hair as she rested her forehead on his chest, the sobs ripping through her like a jagged knife.
He didn’t know how long he held her, but when her sobs became less violent and her fists relaxed, she stepped back. He looked at her, dead in the eyes and reached out for her again, hand on her cheek. Y/N’s eyelids shut softly, relaxing into the warmth of his touch.
Bucky found the bad thoughts of her washing away with her confession and then, as the intensity of the hate he felt disappeared, he realised the intensity of the attraction that had laid there, masked by the pain and hurt. A part of him wanted to hold back, think it over. But a bigger part of him told there was not thinking needed. This feeling was all that mattered. She was no longer the cause of his suffering, but an equal in suffering. He had someone who understood.
“Love of your life?” Bucky whispered, stepping closer so they were only inches apart. Y/N’s eyes shot open again, wide with fear as she remembered what she had said. She scoffed to disguise her embarrassment, looking at the floor.
“Don’t get too big headed, there are lots of girls out there that thought you were the love of their life,” she muttered, and Bucky smiled.
“How’s that supposed to make me less big headed?” He teased, thumb running across her cheekbone. Y/N scoffed again, shaking her head with a smile on her face.
“Most of them are dead or in their nineties now, Buck,” she retorted, earning a sharp inhale of breath from the man. She cringed a little, but relaxed when she saw his eyes holding a playful glint.
“Too soon?”
“I mean it’s been fifty years so…”
Both of them laughed until a silence settled over them.
“You were strong enough, Y/N,” he whispered, glancing down. “I… I know I blamed you, but. You got me here. And I think here is the best place I could have ended up.”
“The Philippines, face to face with an ex-torturous slave master?” She raised an eyebrow and Bucky scoffed out a laugh.
“That’s a bit unfortunate… but I’m here with friends. Steve, Sam, Tony…” he waved to the door and she sighed a sigh of relief. He turned to her again, taking a deep breath before letting his gut lead the way, “You brought me to you.”
Y/N held her breath, replaying those words over and over in her head. He was here, in front of her now, holding her and telling her he needed her. It was all she’d ever wanted. So when his thumb brushed her lips, she didn’t hesitate to wrap a hand round his neck and pull his lips to hers, kissing him as if to prove that what she’d said was true.
Bucky Barnes was the love of her life.
Lilith approached cautiously, sensing a tension from her master. He was stood overlooking the stars as they moved further and further into the galaxy, further and further away from Chaos.
“They’ve found him,” she stood next to him, hands clasped in front of her. Ophiataurus didn’t even look at her but she noted a flicker of disappointment in his eyes, which was followed by a heavy sigh.
“Sooner than we would have liked,” he moved to sit back in the chair.
“We underestimated her capabilities…. Her knowledge,” Lilith stepped closer to him again, turning with her back to the galaxy. Ophiataurus looked at her then, eyes fixed with rage. Lilith tried not to cower in fear.
“You mean you underestimated her,” he growled, leaning forward. “You were one of them. You were supposed to know what her powers were. You were supposed to know exactly what she was capable of.”
“It’s been nearly two centuries, I-“
“Was I not the one who rescued you,” Ophiataurus roared, standing so he towered over the fallen angel. She backed away then, until her back was against the glass. “Was I not the one who took you in when your race banished you? When they sent you down here to rot? And what have you repaid me with? You certainly haven’t given me the key to their powers. You disappoint me.”
Lilith bit her tongue. It was true, he had found her when the realm threw her down from above, banishing her for life and stripping her of her powers. But it felt little like a rescue and more like a capture. She went from one agenda to another, and in each one, she rebelled.
“We can make the jump, get closer. She still doesn’t know we’re coming, yet.” Lilith lied. She knew Y/N would know. She’d heard Sodrov’s final words before he’d passed out. And she’d seen Y/N’s face. She was probably preparing right now for a battle. But Lilith lied to protect herself, as she always had done.
“Fine,” Ophiataurus sat back, still not pleased with the exact order of events, but pleased enough that they would be close to Earth. And he still held the intense optimism that in no less than fourty-eight hours, the fallen angel would be his.
next: part 6
#heaven sent#bucky barnes x reader#the winter soldier x reader#bucky barnes series#the winter soldier series#guardianangel!reader
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🔮✨💕Daily reading for Wednesday May 2nd 2018. This reading is meant for everyone who sees this post. ☀️ Seven of Pentacles ☀️ -Vision, perseverance, profit, reward, investment. The Seven of Pentacles shows that you have a strong desire to invest in those things that will provide long-term benefit. You understand the value of putting in time and energy now for longer-term rewards, and you are not necessarily looking for ‘quick wins’ as such. You also want to make sure that you are focusing your attention on the right areas that will give you the biggest ‘bang for your buck’, instead of wasting time on areas that will not deliver any value. You have a long-term view and you are focused on sustainability of results. Similarly, if you are planning for the future, the Seven of Pentacles shows that you are taking a long-term view and you are assessing where you can best invest your time and energy for the maximum output. You do not want to keep putting your heart and soul into something if you are not getting the rewards for it, and no doubt, you have started to see that there are some areas in your life that are just become energy-sappers but without the reward. The Seven of Pentacles may therefore represent fear of failure, delays and frustration. However, the positive side to it is that you are more likely to be learning from these setbacks and evaluating how you can better invest your time to create the most value. 🌸🍃🌼🍃🌸🍃🌼🍃🌸🍃🌼🍃🌸🍃🌼 💌🗝 If you would like a more in depth message about your personal situation, please visit my website www.MoonLightMiracle.com and click on the "Tarot Readings" tab in the menu bar. Or you can write to me directly at [email protected] 🎬 Please follow my YouTube channel for monthly and weekly zodiac readings. 🌙 www.YouTube.com/MoonLightMiracle 💕Chat with me on instantGo - www.InstantGo.com/MoonLightMiracle #tarot #tarotreader #angel #angels #tarotreading #God #GuardianAngel #guidance #energy #zodiac #love #horoscope #astrology #sun #happiness #happy #moon #patience #investment Interested in purchasing your own cards? I buy mine here- http://hhafftrk.com/?a=7964&c=5953&p=r&s1= source- Biddy Tarot
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that original lifeline
chapter 3 / 4 - “there’s a hole where your heart lies” - 3.5k
in which things get worse before they can get better, even if they don’t get better.
read on AO3
“Firefighter Diaz, do you copy?”
Eddie tried to smile as he grabbed the mic hanging from his shoulder, but judging by Buck’s face, it was little more than a grimace. “Five by five, Cap. Over.”
“Alright, Chimney, report?”
“So... you’re sure none of them can see you?”
While there really were no ideal times for Eddie and Buck to talk in the station, the radio check proved to be as good a moment as any—sure enough, Eddie was already tuning out the static that was Hen making fun of Chim for his coffee order (not that he blamed her).
It felt… weird, to say the least, to be back at work less than twenty four hours after his son had lobbed the second biggest bombshell Eddie had ever had to deal with right into his lap, but after the theatrics they had gone to the night prior to try and act like everything was fine, Eddie didn’t have the energy for another weird day in him.
“Honestly, Eddie, I don’t know. You being able to see me, that’s already rare, but not impossible. But Chris seeing me? There are no records of a guardian being seen by anyone other than his or her charge—none. Honestly, the only way I can tell I’m still not here is because the rest of your team hasn’t tried to say hello.”
And thank fuck for that. Eddie had absolutely no idea how he would explain away Buck’s presence if the others started to see him, or at least, no idea how he would explain it and not wind up in a straight jacket. Like he could sense Eddie’s frustration (which, he probably could), Buck punched his shoulder lightly, smiling.
“But they haven’t, so stop worrying, Eds. I’ll figure something out, okay?”
Eddie only let out a laugh, looking up as the siren started to wail, only barely louder than Hen and Chim’s bickering. Going for his gear, he looked up to Buck before climbing the truck, voice pitched low. “You promise?”
“I promise.”
It was a missing kid.
Eddie hated missing kids.
It didn’t matter that his son was in school, it didn’t matter that the kid was three years younger than his own, it didn’t matter that he had a mother and sister all waiting for him to turn up—in the back of Eddie’s mind, right at the corner of his vision, his traitorous brain tried its very hardest to supply all the ways that Chris could go missing.
Even when he more or less found Hayden, it was a hollow victory; Eddie couldn’t see how it was anything close to a win when the kid was still trapped in a pipe forty feet below the ground, unable to do more than move his head. It was all he could do to ignore the low level of terror that pushed through his own stomach, and how fucking helpless he felt while they had to wait—for hours, fucking hours—to get a drill up and ready to go.
He had gotten close to having to step away more than once throughout the day, and now, the night, the only thing anchoring him to the present was Buck’s hand, on his shoulder, gripping his arm, pressing against his side. Chris was right, Eddie thought, Buck would be a good firefighter—he was calm under pressure, for one, and right now he deserved all the credit for keeping Eddie’s head on straight, especially when he stepped up to take the palm mic from a mom who was pushed well beyond her breaking point.
Yeah, Eddie could relate to that.
“Hey Hayden, my name is Eddie. I’m a firefighter, here with your mother and a whole lot of other people.”
He felt Buck’s hand on his shoulder again, and he took a breath, steeling himself.
“We’re all working to get you out of there, so stay calm, okay? It might get a little... noisy. Don’t be scared. We’ll be there soon.”
His smile was thin as he handed the radio mic back to Chim, swallowing heavily as he excused himself, making his way into the house easily. The mother had wasted no time in telling them to help themselves to anything that they had needed, and Eddie made a beeline into the bathroom, gripping the sink as he hunched over and tried to get a grip on his breathing.
He really hated missing kids.
“Eddie, you’re okay.”
Buck. Of course Buck was there, hand on his back, rubbing in small circles. “Chris is okay, he’s still in school, Carla is bringing him to Abuela’s after, and you know you’re going to get bombarded with pictures.”
He was right, of course he was right, but that didn’t make it suck any less. Eddie opened his mouth to respond before motion in the mirror caught his eye—the house was still full of cops, firefighters, and now, drill operators. Buck didn’t seem to mind, though, smiling at Eddie’s reflection anyway.
“You want me to go check on him? It might take me a bit to track him down properly, but—“
Eddie shook his head sharply, moving to grip the hand Buck had on his forearm. God, no, he couldn’t imagine being alone right now, couldn’t imagine the idea of sending Buck away to settle his own paranoia. He would be fine. He just needed to splash some water on his face and move on.
He did splash some water on his face, more frequently as the night dragged on. Those were the only moments that he let go of Buck’s hand, but that was a whole other story. Buck remained silent about it, after all, even if Eddie caught him smiling a few times as they watched the drill go down. He wasn’t even sure when it had started to rain—the 118 had basically been blocked off from all other calls until they could finish their day here. Eddie was getting antsy; honestly, the fact that Eddie was unwilling to let go of the hand of his guardian angel said more about his abandonment issues (after being on both sides of that story) than an hour of therapy could bring up.
Buck’s presence was always welcome, of course, but it could only do so much to calm Eddie’s nerves. The longer the night dragged on, the more Eddie felt like he had to do something, had to step up, and Buck started looking at him like he was about to do something incredibly stupid.
Which, well...
“Cap, I’ll go in.”
“Edmundo.” He had never heard Buck use his full name before, had never heard the other sound so pleading; but while it definitely was enough to get him to pause, it would take more to get him to stop. “I was talking to him on the radio. He knows my voice. It makes sense.”
“Like fuck it does.” Buck snapped behind him, but Eddie couldn’t turn around to gauge his reaction even if he wanted to.
“Suit me up. I’m going down.”
It was almost too easy to pretend that Buck wasn’t mad at him while he was getting ready, strapping on oxygen tanks and harnesses, was easy to pretend that the only reason Buck hadn’t smacked him upside the head was because they weren’t alone, but Eddie knew that was all it was.
Before he knew it—far too soon, honestly—he was ready to sink into the fucking earth.
Unfortunately, it didn’t occur to Eddie that going down alone really and truly meant that he would be going down alone. He had gotten painfully used to Buck being within arms distance of him, no matter where he was, so when he poised himself over the hole, strapped to a rope as wide around as his thumb—
“I can’t go down with you, Eddie.”
—well, he at least had an excuse as to why his face fell.
“No one can see me, but… but I still take up space. I can’t go down with you, what if there’s no room? What if I block you in, or block you from getting to the kid?” Buck sounded completely fucking wrecked, and Eddie swallowed as he looked around, painfully aware of all the eyes on him when all he wanted to do was bail out. He couldn’t do this on his own. He fucking couldn’t.
“Alright, Cap. Let’s go.”
He felt the winch start to wind up as Buck moved forward, and it was killing him to have to fight off any responses when Buck leaned forward and kissed his forehead, the brief contact sending a warmth through his bones that he wasn’t entirely sure was related to Buck’s angelic being.
“For good luck.”
Honestly, Eddie really needed to rethink what constituted ‘rock bottom’. Sure, okay, cutting his own rope had been stupid, but he hadn’t given it a second thought—if he had been pulled out, the kid would have drowned. Hell, Eddie was close to that himself, taking several hits off of the tank Bobby had given him whenever he needed a breath that didn’t taste like mud or metal.
“This is Diaz.”
Because he stayed down there, he was able pull the kid out of the pipe and at the very least, give him some freedom to take a deep breath in the tiny little aquifer that Eddie had dug into.
“Can anyone hear me? This is Eddie.”
He was absolutely clinging to that justification, too. Sure, he had no way of knowing how fast the water would rise, but the water in the pipe had surpassed where the kid was before Chim had made his appearance. Eddie cut his rope, the kid got to live. Hooray.
“I’m alive. I’m still alive down here!”
Handing the kid off to Chim had been cake. It probably didn’t hurt that when Eddie looked up through the hole, all he saw was light. Somehow, knowing that Buck was going to be pissed off at him gave Eddie hope.
“I’m still alive down here!”
And then the drill had collapsed, and any light, any hope that Eddie had, had been snuffed out just like that.
There was nothing. No light, no sound, nothing. Eddie went from the sound of pounding rain and muffled shouts to inky blackness and the sound of his own racing heart, and he couldn’t do much more than shout, hands dug into the dirt beneath him as he started to shake.
He had gambled it all—everything he had, his life, his job, his family, and he had lost. His family, fuck, how was Chris supposed to handle this so soon after Shannon’s death? How could Eddie have done this, how could he have stepped forward when he had so much of his own shit at risk, how—
“…idiotic, arrogant asshole…”
Eddie had to shy away from a sudden burst of light behind him long before he heard any words, covering his eyes with a gloved hand.
“…completely moronic, you—you cut your own fucking line, Eddie! What the fuck were you thinking, you could have been crushed—“
Eddie hated how weak he sounded, but he couldn’t bring himself to particularly care—not when the result was Buck’s hands on his shoulders, the light dimming enough that Eddie could see properly. Buck was pissed, no doubt about it, but the emotions took a side step to a look of concern, of worry, and just like that Eddie was gone, voice tight as tears carved new tracks in the mud on his cheeks.
“I’m—I’m so fucking sorry, I’m so sorry I put you in this situation and—and Chris, god, I’m such a terrible father, and—“
“Woah, woah, calm down, we’re not going to go down that road right now.”
It took some awkward repositioning on Buck’s part but they were both able to face one another, water lapping at their legs as it slowly rose. “You’re reckless, sure, but you’re not an idiot. Being stuck down here doesn’t make you stupid, as much as I hate to admit it. Now, what do we know?” Buck’s tone was bitter, but there was no mistaking the earnest truth in his voice, and Eddie felt his face crumple when Buck looked back to him.
“Well, we’re... about thirty five feet down. One primary entrance and exit point, now blocked by the drill. There’s no radio communications, no way to send a message, and if I had to guess, no way my GPS is picking up anything.” Eddie said, smacking the useless unit on his wrist. “The water is rising, slower than it was before now that the pipe is mostly flooded, but it’s still rising, and I.... I really hope you have some magic up your sleeve.” Eddie’s voice was mostly joking, but the look that Buck shot him quickly crushed any shadow of humor he was reaching for.
“I mean, the fire truck was easy. It’s a movable thing, it’s not fixed, it’s small in the grand scheme of things, but this... Eddie, even if I could move enough earth to get you out of here, I’d be just as likely to crush you. There has to be another way out.” Buck said, his hand easily bringing Eddie in closer, tendrils of warmth creeping under his wetsuit.
There wasn’t, and every soldiers sense in Eddie’s body was urging him to scream that truth at the top of his lungs until Buck understood it, but they had come too far for him to break down now.
Well, to break down again.
“Why didn’t you stop me?” Eddie asked after a long moment, face buried in Buck’s shoulder, Buck’s returning sigh more of an attempt at some levity than anything else.
“Because you’re an asshole with free will, and I can’t stop that. Your specific blend free will is just a little more self sacrificing than others.”
Eddie gave a short laugh, the sound weak and mostly humorless, allowing himself to settle into a moment of silence.
It was easy enough to be quiet when he wasn’t alone with the sound of his own breathing—Buck was still holding him close, his body alight, and Eddie let his breathing time to the pulses radiating off of Buck’s taller frame. The light seemed to dance along the walls of the cave, bouncing and refracting off the water, sinking beneath the murky depths. Buck’s focus seemed to stray to the water as Eddie felt his mind wander, but it was different now—the panic of the moment had given way to a heavy fog, starting to dull just the edge of his senses.
Honestly, the moment was kind of... peaceful.
It might even have been pretty, Eddie thought, his brain becoming a little more addled as he burned through the pocket of oxygen they had in their hidey hole.
Maybe this wouldn’t be a bad way to die after all. As long as he suffocated before he drowned, anyway.
“Buck, I need you to listen for a second.”
His words were slow, spoken between splashes of nasty water as he turned to look at Buck, who was still intently focused on the water, which was easily lapping at their shoulders.
“Eddie, shut up.”
“You—you have to tell Chris—“
“Buck, I can’t, I—“
“No, Eddie, you don’t get to tap out right now. This is my job, it’s my fucking job, and I am very, very good at what I do. Even if my fucking charge cut his own fucking lifeline.” Buck snapped, voice deadly calm, and Eddie flinched back. “Now, I think—I think I have a plan. How’s that tank that Bobby gave you?”
A brief glance at his wrist confirmed what he already knew. “It’s yellow. Two minutes, tops.”
“That’s all I need. Come on, put the mouthpiece in. Close your eyes until I let you go, then we’re gonna have to swim for it, okay?”
“Now, Edmundo.”
If Eddie had the energy, he might have felt afraid in the moment, but when he looked back at Buck all he saw was angel—in the semi-sacreligious, biblical sense. The glow under his skin, which had been growing all evening, was almost blinding now, the very air cracking around him. His eyes were alight like coals and his skin seemed to match the temperature as he grabbed Eddie, arms around his waist. Eddie hardly had the time to put his mouthpiece in before Buck slid them under the water, and then they were off.
The deeper they went, the more Eddie found himself wishing he had suffocated—especially if drowning was the only other option. He could feel everything, every rock scraping against his suit, every tear at his harness, and the pressure, fuck, the pressure, he couldn’t tell if his ears had popped or if the drums just burst entirely. He kept his eyes shut, as he promised, but by that point Buck was so bright that his flimsy eyelids couldn’t keep the light out, and it was all he could do to keep his breathing steady.
If he had dared to peek, he probably would have seen the indicator on his wrist start to blink red, but it wasn’t like that mattered. The air in his mouth had gone stale as soon as Buck let him go, eyes snapping open, trying to tell which way was up as he started to kick wildly. He made quick work of everything weighing him down—the harness, the helmet, the tank, the air long since bad anyway.
He could only barely register Buck’s light in the murky water, legs moving sluggishly beneath him, a stream of frustrated bubbles leaving his lips. His legs were starting to give out, each kick toward the surface weaker than the last, darkness creeping in around the edges of his vision even with the lake being lit up like a beacon.
Suddenly, Eddie was eleven again, and Buck was pulling him out of the swimming hole behind his parents house—only now, he wasn’t sure if he could make it, wasn’t sure if he would be able to surface before the darkness ripped his vision away.
He choked out another mouthful of bubbles as the water around him pulsed with light, and with a sharp tug around his waist he was suddenly launched forward, the cold water slicing across his cheeks like liquid daggers. The closest thing he could compare it to was being thrown from the truck, after the bomb had gone off—one moment, he was choking on his own exhalation, the next, he was hitting the shore, hard, sputtering and coughing even as he continued to drag himself away from the water.
Somehow, the worst part of all of this was the fucking rain—relentlessly pounding down on him, drowning out the sound of his own ragged breathing, his footsteps, he couldn’t even hear Buck stumble behind him anymore. His attempts at encouragement had just turned into ragged sounds, barely there words as he struggled to suck in another breath, blindly staggering away from the water and toward the steady pulse of red lights.
Back toward home.
Eddie could hardly believe it.
He wasn’t sure if it was the last kick of adrenaline or the afterglow of Buck’s warmth holding him up, but he started moving faster, feet scrabbling for purchase on the slick terrain as he stumbled. His breathing had started to become ragged as he dragged himself along, but he still felt his heart start to pound as he heard voices—Bobby’s voice, the familiar tone of orders being barked out, vaguely hearing his own name over the roar of the rain.
They hadn’t given up on him.
He heard more than he felt the moment his legs finally gave out, stumbling face first into the huddle of first responders, the burning feel to his skin finally ebbing into something more pleasant, more bearable, even as the rain started to sink into his bones. He wasn’t in great shape, to say the least; the only reason he remained upright for even a moment was because of the quick thinking of his teammates, reaching out for him as he stumbled.
“I’m—I’m pretty cold.” He got out as he went down, the sudden loss of warmth from Buck’s hands forcing him to focus on the present, even as the touch lingered, skin warm where Buck had pushed him forward.
Things moved pretty quickly after that. He was half pulled, half walked into the nearest rig, foil blankets tight around his shoulders as an oxygen mask was forced over his face and a blood pressure cuff started to cut off circulation to his arm.
He couldn’t tell where Buck was anymore, and how was that even possible? Buck had lit up the tiny-ass cave they were stuck in like a beacon, he had made the entire lake glow like a lighthouse, he had burned like—
Like a flame, Eddie realized, burning itself out.
No sooner did he make that connection did his entire body go cold, the lingering warmth from Buck’s touch snuffed out like a candle, and Eddie felt a noise he couldn’t own up to rip itself free from his throat as he started to shiver.
“Hen, he’s—he’s gone, fuck, I have to—“
“Eddie, stop, we got the kid, he’s okay, you—Eddie!”
His entire body was shaking as he tossed his mask aside and tore himself from her grip, making it only a few steps before he fell to the ground, tears mixing with mud as he cracked his nails trying to dig. “No! No, no, I can’t leave him—I have to get him, he’s—no, fuck, no!”
He only vaguely registered Hen calling for help over the sound of his own crying, voice broken as he continued to wail, the noises coming from his body sounding like something ripped from the depths of hell. Suddenly multiple sets of hands were pulling him back, wrapping him in shock blankets, strapping him to lie down on what he thought was a backboard.
There was already darkness starting to creep in at the edges of his vision, even as his eyes spun wildly in his skull, taking in Bosko, Hen, Chim, Bobby, Kinard...
No sandy hair. No pink lips. No blue eyes.
It wasn’t the first time he couldn’t see Buck, but this was different. He could still feel him, could still feel his presence, the good that he put into the world, and now…
He was gone.
Buck was gone.
And as Eddie finally gave in and passed out, blackness swirling out from the corners of his vision, he thought he would never be warm again.
#eddie diaz#evan buckley#buddie#evaneddie#911#hurt/comfort#Eddie begins#guardianangel!Buck#fic#buddiefic#911fic#evaneddiefic#flospeaks
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that original lifeline
2.8k, chapter 1 / 4 (ish)
me: opens up soft Eddie prompts
me: makes a plan to start publishing Tumblr works to AO3
also me: ignores both of these things and posts this instead
the guardian angel!buddie fic that literally no one asked for.
When Eddie was two—maybe three?—years old, he almost fell down the stairs at his abuela’s house. It was his first real memory, and all in all, it was a pretty boring one.
Someone was celebrating a birthday, and he had been given a small slice of cake and a party hat. That had been all little Eddie had needed to have the absolute time of his life.
The memory gets a little fuzzy the more he tries to look back at it—abuela definitely childproofed her home when Eddie came along, and honestly, how did he get close enough to a staircase to nearly topple down it without anyone seeing? Whatever. None of those things mattered.
What Eddie remembered was the fact that he almost fell down the stairs. Specifically, that he almost fell down the stairs. It should have happened, honestly; he was a top heavy little toddler with a head the size of a cantaloupe and the motor skills of a drunken forest animal.
The point of it all was that he almost fell down the stairs, because as soon as he dropped from the first step, there were warm hands around his middle, catching him in midair, turning him upside down for only a moment before he was set back on his feet, eye to chin with someone he had never seen before.
Sandy hair, light skin, pink lips, blue eyes.
A bright smile—one that Eddie returned—spread over his face as he leaned in, ruffling Eddie’s dark hair.
And then he was gone.
(Eddie didn’t understand where he had gone, all he knew was that the man could lift Eddie like a sack of potatoes and spin him around in the air, but he didn’t quite have the verbal skills to express that quite yet. As it was, his repeated cry of again, again! went unanswered.)
read the rest on AO3
#buddie#911#eddie diaz#evan buckley#guardian angel#guardianangel!buck#AU#Eddie has a guardian angel#Buck just wants a fucking break
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that original lifeline
chapter 2/4 - “you don’t have to be a ghost” - 2.4k
in which Buck doesn’t know how to leave Eddie alone, and Eddie doesn’t know if he wants him to.
read on AO3
“So, how do I know I’m not hallucinating?”
Half a week after being blown up in his own fire truck, nearing the end of his mandated ‘vacation’, and Eddie had just wrapped up one of the better weekends of his entire life. Yes, he was aware of the irony, but any weekend where he got to spend the entire weekend with Chris was a plus in his book. Legos, video games, breakfast food for all three meals, it was literally the kind of weekend that he had absolutely dreamed of when he became a father.
Or, at least, when he resumed being a father after running away to Afghanistan, but that was a whole other can of works that he was bottling up processing in a completely healthy way.
After, though.
After, Eddie had made it all of one day with Chris being in school before he had completely lost his mind. Something about being cooped up in home, speaking to a being that only he could see, without even a hint of human interaction, just didn’t sit right with him.
(Of course, that might have been because the most interaction he had with his team was the occasional text from Hen, but he could work through that hurt later.)
“You really think you’re hallucinating?” Buck’s smile was infectious, more teasing than Eddie would have initially liked, but it was becoming harder and harder to think of Buck as a nuisance instead of a guest. Even now, perched outside of some little pretentious health shop in the heart of LA, Eddie felt more at home with Buck than he had with a stranger before in his life.
Well... Buck wasn’t exactly a stranger, Eddie had to remind himself. After all, they had known one another for most of Eddie’s life.
“Alright, I’ll tell you what. This morning, while Chris was getting, he put two Spider-Man comics into his backpack.”
“That doesn’t prove anything. The kid loves Spider-Man.”
“And an Aquaman comic.”
“Okay, no. No son of mine would betray Marvel for DC.”
Buck smirked, shrugging his shoulders. “I don’t know, man. If I’m right, then not only are you stuck with a very much not hallucination, but your son is a traitor.”
Eddie laughed, readjusting the earbud in his ear, nails drumming a pattern out on the back of his phone. He had realized, quickly, that when they were out in public, all he had needed was an earbud in one ear and his phone out—that was all he needed to make the change from ‘crazy person talking to an invisible man’ to ‘another asshole in Los Angeles on his Bluetooth’.
He could deal with that—it was always better to be the asshole than to be the crazy person, even though Los Angeles was filled with both. Buck, to his credit, was being incredibly patient with Eddie’s quirks, seemingly realizing that most of them came from Buck’s presence in the first place; not to mention his inability to leave Eddie, for lack of a better term, the fuck alone.
(Seriously. Eddie had come out of the shower that morning to find Buck sitting on the bathroom counter. The noise he made was decidedly not manly.)
“Look, I’m not saying that I don’t believe you—“
“Okay, sure, lie to the angel, I’m sure that’s going to work out well for you.”
“—anyway, it’s just... why me? Out of everyone on this planet, why am I one of the lucky few that wound up with a... with a Buck?” Eddie finished, easily trampling over Buck’s objections, smiling as Buck knocked their ankles together beneath the table.
“Wish I could tell you, Eds.” Buck started, shrugging. “You’re my third or fourth human, all I know is that I get the assignment, I come, I go. I’m like a stray cat.”
Eddie actually snorted, swallowing another mouthful of lukewarm, carrot and spinach and mango concoction. “You’re a stray cat that I can only see, that literally lifted a fire truck off of the lower half of my body.”
Buck, at least, had the decency to look chagrined. “I’m... a very strong stray cat?”
Eddie would not give in and bang his head against the stupid little juice bar table. He would not.
“I’m serious, Eddie. The only information I get is that you’re my charge, and I’m your angel,” no, Eddie certainly did not enjoy the way he felt, feeling like he was someone’s anything, “and after that fire truck incident, I’m not sure if the universe is testing you, or if it’s testing me, but either way, you shouldn’t be bearing the brunt of all this.”
Eddie frowned, tapping their ankles together once again, shaking his head. “Buck, if I remember correctly, you’ve been the one saving me, so run that up the flagpole.”
Smiling again, Buck nodded, pushing a hand through his hair. “Well, I’ll just tell Athena that, I’m sure she’ll love it.”
“Oh yeah! She’s kind of like, my boss, you’d love her! She’s the reason I’m still hanging around here, she thinks something big is coming.” Buck said, lighting up, even as Eddie choked on his sludge.
“Your boss.”
“Heaven... has a hierarchy.”
“Oh, god no.” Buck said with a laugh, shifting in his seat, leaning closer in toward Eddie—like anyone else would hear him. “You know, I’ve never told a mortal this before. Hell, I’ve never even appeared to a mortal before.” he started, and Eddie found himself leaning in closer, mirroring Buck’s motions easily.
“Where I’m from, it’s not all fluffy clouds and harps and halos and shit like everyone thinks. Athena is like your captain—she gives us our assignments, she helps the guardians grow, she keeps us out of trouble. Us guardians, we’re… well, we’re souls that had our time on earth cut short. So, we spend our time with others, we get to see the world, we get to... well, we get to help the people who really deserve help.” Buck says with a grin, and Eddie feels his cheeks heating up as Buck’s leg rests against his, a dull, warm weight, pressed through the fabric of his jeans.
“Something big, huh? I just don’t get it, Buck. I’ve been around people that are in more dangerous situations than I am, every day. What makes me so special that I get the extraterrestrial guardian?”
Buck laughed, the sound catching Eddie off guard so badly that he didn’t even have time to hide his smile. “Well, ignoring the fact that you just called me an alien…”
“Okay, fair.”
“Eddie, you’re the first human that's ever been able to see me, ever. You may not think it’s a lot, but… well, I think you’re pretty special.”
And, well. Eddie couldn’t give a response to that if he wanted to, cheeks an embarrassing shade of pink. Thankfully, Buck seemed to take the cue to move on, knocking their ankles together easily as he stood up from his chair.
“Now, come on. Chris is off of school in about twenty minutes, what say you go surprise him?”
After being with the 118 for almost a year, taking a week off of work was straight up weird. Somehow, though, going back to work was actually weirder.
It was easy enough for Eddie to sink back into his regular habits—teasing Chim, buddying up to Hen, causing Bobby a few more grey hairs, but now it felt like everything had been moved a half an inch to the left. He teased Bosko, and he was looking over her shoulder to see if Buck got the joke. Kind asked about Chris, and he shared a fond look with Buck before he beamed at him and went on about his latest accomplishments. He spent some time in the gym, and he couldn’t help the pleased look on his face when he caught Buck staring at him.
The siren rang. Eddie geared up. They pulled out. Buck, inexplicably, rode shotgun, watching Eddie and watching anything but, and Eddie felt happy, happier than he could remember being in a long, long time.
Six hours and four calls into his first shift back with the 118, and he felt alive again.
(The last call they had received was the ever-classic cat in a tree. Eddie had drawn the short stick and got hoisted up to retrieve the tabby, and Buck had sat on the rung right below him, making kissy noises at the cat and cooing at Eddie. Eddie could still feel his cheeks burning.)
He felt alive—even if he could feel Hen staring at him once in a while, painfully perceptive as always.
“So, Eddie, you have a good week off?”
Eddie sighed, knowing full well that Hen wasn’t just asking about his week off, but he knew well enough to play along. “I did, Hen, thanks. Got to spend some time with Chris, got to spend some time around the house, got to get some sun, not that any of that is why you’re asking.”
“What? I have a vested interest in your wellbeing, Edmundo Diaz, that’s what friends are for.” She said, raising a brow as he flopped down on the couch. “So that’s all? Just you and Chris hanging out? No one else?”
Eddie actually felt his heart seize in his chest, and a quick look over to Buck showed the same level of panic on his face that Eddie was feeling in the very core of his being. “Hen, what are you getting at?”
“I’m just saying…” Hen started, sitting with him on the couch, crossing her legs. “I know that look, Eddie. You haven’t looked like that since your first date with what’s her name, Ana? Chris’ teacher?”
Eddie groaned, hiding his head in his hands. “Don’t remind me.”
“Just an observation. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you met someone with all that luxurious time off.” Hen said, nudging their shoulders together, and Eddie’s head snapped back up to full attention, face bright red as he looked to Hen, and then back to Buck, who was suspiciously silent.
And hell, Eddie was a good liar, he really was, but Hen looked so sincerely happy for him, and Buck wasn’t exactly waving his arms so Eddie decided to test the waters. “I… didn’t meet anyone. Not in the way that you think, anyway. We, um. We just kind of connected at one of those shitty juice bars.”
“Oooh, okay, what’s her name?” Hen was immediately hooked—equal parts nosy and honestly excited friend, Eddie knew, which was why it was so easy to talk to her about things like this.
Eddie swallowed, fiddling with the hem of his teeshirt. “His name is Buck. We spent some time talking, and we just… we really clicked. He’s smart, and he’s kind of protective, and he told me he loves kids, so…”
If Hen was shocked, she didn’t show it, more than her brows raising an inch or so while she nodded her head. “Alright, Buck at the shitty juice bar. Did he give you his number?”
“No, actually, I gave him mine.”
Hen may have been nosy, but the way her face lit up was pure excited best friend, and Eddie let himself smile back at her as she punched his shoulder. “That is what I’m talking about! Damn, Eddie, look at you, taking the first steps. I’m proud of you!”
Eddie groaned as Hen pulled him into a hug, but he took the moment to look at Buck again—still suspiciously silent, but the corners of his mouth were definitely upturned, and Eddie couldn’t help the relief that washed over his body.
The last thing he wanted was his big fucking mouth ruining whatever tentative relationship he and Buck had built over the past few weeks.
“You gave me your number, huh?”
Eddie wasn’t sure what he was more thankful for—the fact that he got to have an active (dare he say fun) first day back at work, or the fact that it wound down with little incident after back to back to back calls. Well, no, right now he was thankful that he was stopped at a stop light when Buck said that so he wasn’t tempted to veer into oncoming traffic out of sheer embarrassment. “Well, it seemed like an easier, less psychotic answer than telling her that you literally lifted a firetruck off of me.”
Buck laughed and Eddie felt himself warming at the sound, turning the wheel as he took off, another comfortable silence falling between them.
“Eddie, you know I won’t be hanging around forever, right? My job is to protect you, and once the universe decides to cut you a break, I’ll… I’ll have to move on.”
Eddie felt his smile fall into something softer as Buck looked out the window, humming thoughtfully, shrugging his shoulder as he pulled into the driveway. “Yeah, I’m aware. But while you are here… no reason we can’t be friendly outside a shitty juice bar, right?”
Tracking Buck’s movement as they slid out of the car, Eddie leaned back against the drivers door of his truck, once again tickled by the thought of Buck riding shotgun with him.
“Well, I… like being friendly with you too, Ed—“
Eddie immediately snapped his head to the door, grinning as Chris came down the patio stairs, instantly stooping down to pull his kid into his arms, swinging Chris around in an easy hug before setting him back down on his feet. Chris started to ramble on about his day as Eddie pulled his things out from the back seat, pulling duffle bags over his shoulders and papers beneath his arms. He shared an easy smile with Buck as he straightened up, looking back down to Chris as he started to trail off.
“Dad, are you gonna introduce me to your friend?”
Eddie turned on his heel, trying to see if anyone else had come up to the front door while he was standing there, but no, it was just he and Chris, and…
…and Buck, who was now taking Chris’ hand, with a shocked smile on his face.
His son was shaking hands with his guardian angel. His guardian angel, who no one—other than Eddie—was supposed to see.
“I’m Chris. Do you work with my dad?”
What the fuck.
#eddie diaz#evan buckley#guardianangel!buck#buddie#buddiefic#911#fluff and filler#chris diaz#Eddie doesn't know how to be alone#buck doesn't want him to be alone
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good evening I am making myself very sad writing the third chapter of the guardianangel!Buck fic someone love me
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Heaven Sent (PART 8)
pairing: bucky barnes x guardianangel!reader
word count: around 2.2k
warnings: angst, fluff
series masterlist | overall masterlist
previous: part 7

“Erm, Quill?” Gamora leaned forward, looking over his shoulder at the screen. It was flashing with a Terra logo. Quill hadn’t noticed, the extent of his multitasking occupied with flying this ship across the galaxy and enthusiastically singing along to ‘Rock Me Gently’ by Andy Kim.
“Quill,” Gamora repeated impatiently and Rocket turned to look with a frown. His eyes widened at the symbol and he reached out to hit Quill over the head.
“Ow!” Quill gasped dramatically, hand flying to his head as his brow furrowed, “what have I said about hitting the driver.”
“That it was totally okay and would probably gain your full attention,” Mantis piped up from the back. Quill sighed.
“That was hit on, Mantis, and that was specifically to Gamora,” he turned to shoot a glare at Drax.
“I wanted your attention,” he shrugged, “you said it was the best-“
“Alright, alright, we aren’t getting into this argument again,” Rocket sighed, shaking his head, “you have incoming from your buddy with the plastic suit.”
“It’s Iron Man,” Quill jabbed a button on his dash to accept Tony’s call, switching all flying controls to Rocket.
“Looks like plastic to me,” Rocket muttered, turning to face the galaxy ahead.
“Tony Stark, what’s up?” Peter Quill reclined in his chair, a smirk on his face. When the two had parted ways after the Thanos incident, Tony had given Peter a way of communicating with Earth – more specifically, Tony – in case the Guardians heard of any intergalactic plots against their planet.
“Yeah, and you just give us a call if you need the real superheroes to solve your problems for you,” Quill had retorted with a smirk.
“So, you tapping out?” Quill joked as Tony sighed on the screen in front of him, “in need of the big guns?”
“We’re in need of your ship, Quill,” Tony emphasised, trying desperately to keep his voice level. “There’s an issue with…” He frowned, moving closer to the speaker on his display, “is that Andy Kim?”
“Sure is but back to the part where you were begging for our help-“
“-ship,” Tony interjected.
“Terra, Earth. Whatever you want to call it,” Quill shrugged, and Tony sighed impatiently again.
“Earth,” Tony closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a deep breath. “Look, Quill, enough joking around. This is serious. If… if what happens happens, we’re talking about the destruction of the universe. Yeah, Earth – Terrra, whatever now, but-“
“Alright, alright,” Rocket huffed impatiently, steering the ship in the direction of Earth, “save your big doomsday speech for when we get there, plastic man.”
“Iron Man,” Tony corrected but sighed in relief. “Thank you, I’ll send you our coordinates.”
And with that, Tony’s face disappeared from the screen, leaving only the vast space beyond. It was silent for a while.
“I am groot,” Groot leaned over to mutter at Rocket.
“I don’t know pal. I mean, humans have a tendency to overreact but… Stark sounded pretty serious,” Rocket muttered, “let’s just hope we get there in time.”
Y/N was pacing again. The others had gone to rest or eat, knowing there was nothing they could do. It was a strange feeling. Usually, they had an array of plans – at least a little more knowledge of what was going to happen. Except this time, it felt they knew too far ahead of the game for something like this.
There was no improvisation here and yet none of them had a clue how they were meant to defeat this guy.
Bucky had tried to coerce Y/N to eat with him, and she had pushed her vegetables around her plate as the team ate in silence. She chewed relentlessly on her lip, thinking of all the other options she had. But all resulted in nothing good. Everything bad.
“Y/N,” Bucky whispered when the others had left, clearing their plates. He lay a gentle hand on her shoulder and she whirled to look at him, fork clattering to her plate. She met his eyes, absorbing the concern and immediately knowing what she had to do.
She smiled shakily, reapplying her strong face over the reality of her despair. Bucky watched and hoped he was really making her feel better.
“I’m sorry, Buck,” she whispered, shaking her head. “I was just… overthinking.”
Bucky frowned and leaned down, pressing a soft and gentle kiss to her lips. Y/N kissed back, and Bucky noted a little more desperation on her end, her fingers gently tangling in his hair and pulling him closer. When they parted, she refused to quit him completely, pressing a soft kiss to his jaw and then his neck, her hands moving to grip his shoulders gently.
“It’s going to be okay,” Bucky wasn’t sure whether he was reassuring her or asking her if it was. Y/N sensed his unease and smiled against him.
“It’s going to be okay,” She repeated.
“Come to bed,” Bucky pulled away completely, looking into her eyes. Y/N smiled again, cupping his cheek with her hand.
“I will in a bit, I promise. I just need to go over some things with Steve and Tony,” she murmured, any trace of panic gone from her expression. Bucky sighed with relief, moving to press a kiss to her palm.
“Don’t be long,” he muttered as he stood, walking backwards out of the kitchen as Y/N watched him leave. Once he was out of sight, she stood abruptly, abandoning her plate of untouched food on the counter. She practically sprinted to the conference room where Steve and Tony sat discussing, throwing the door open with a wild expression.
“He can’t know,” she said once Tony and Steve’s eyes fixed on her. They both frowned, glancing at each other.
“Who can’t know what?”
“Bucky can’t know what’s going to happen,” Y/N sat at the head of the table, knee bouncing anxiously up and down.
“What’s going to happen?” Steve gulped thickly, leaning forward.
“You know,” she looked him dead in the eyes and Steve felt everything grow heavier. He’d had some hope when Tony had called the Guardians – that maybe they had a chance of defeating this guy in space, and the thing Y/N had told them about would never have to happen. That he could spare Bucky of the pain. That he could spare himself of the pain of seeing it all over again.
“He’s just… he’s just got you and…” Steve stammered shaking his head.
“He will be fine,” Y/N reached over the table and placed a soothing hand over Steve’s, “I told you before Steve, this is the only way. I can’t let anything else happen.”
Tony watched the exchange in silence, interjecting only when he saw Steve’s shoulders relax.
“So, who do we tell the plan to?” He asked.
“Everyone but Bucky. These space guardians,” Y/N waved her hand, “the Avengers. They all know. But not Bucky. Tell Bucky the plan is to kill Ophiataurus-“
“-and why can’t we do that?” Steve interrupted angrily, shaking his head and repeating the phrase he knew too well, “We don’t trade in lives, Y/N. Never.”
“We have to, Steve,” Y/N’s tone was firm, outmatching Steve’s authoritative edge and sending both men into a stunned silence.
There was a rumble from outside and Tony turned to the window, a blue light beneath a shadowed shape piercing the grey sky and flattening the trees around the compound.
“They’re here,” Tony stood. “Steve, get everyone out onto the ship.”
Steve nodded, jogging out of the conference room as Tony ran a hand over his face.
“You sure about this, kid,” he turned to you, a defeated look in his eyes. Despite knowing what Y/N was planning was the worst-case scenario, he also related to it. The self-destruct in defence of the planet was a tendency he too harboured and unlike Steve, was aware of how he couldn’t stop her now that her mind was set.
“Let’s go,” she stood, stalking out of the room and to the grass.
She knew she had to make an impression and reinforce authority over the situation. This was her blaze of glory and she’d be damned if this group of strangers were going to reinforce authority over her like they’d done with Tony.
So, as she watched the misfit crew clamber off the space ship onto the burnt grass, she changed from her normal human clothes into her guardian gown, a belt containing a sword and daggers hanging from her hips. She stepped out into the humid air, waiting until all eyes were on her until she rolled her shoulders and let her wings unfold from her back.
“Holy shit,” Peter’s jaw fell slack and Gamora elbowed him, despite the awe also etching across her face.
“Now that is just a full angel. No pirate, no baby. Angel,” Drax pointed enthusiastically and Y/N smirked as she approached.
“So, you’re the guardians of the galaxy?” She stood before them and Rocket grinned, leaning on the steps of the ship.
“That would be us, darlin, who’s asking?”
“An actual guardian,” Y/N scoffed, reaching out a hand to the space between her and the group, “Y/N. Guardian angel.”
The group stared at her sparkling hand before Gamora stepped forward.
“I’m Gamora. This is Peter, Rocket, Groot, Drax, Nebula and Mantis.”
“Nice to meet you,” Y/N nodded, turning when she felt a presence behind her. The entire team, bar Fury and Maria were heading across the grass. She turned back to the group before her and smiled, gesturing to the stairs, “May I? We’re kind of running out of time.”
“Oh right, sure,” Peter stepped aside, letting her climb the stairs first, following behind, “any specific destination we’re heading too, Ms. Angel.”
Y/N couldn’t help but chuckle at the name, shaking her head as her wings retracted back into her back to save space on the ship.
“The emptiest part of space you can get us to in four hours will do.”
The Guardians wasted no time in setting off from Terra, under the intense instruction from Y/N and Tony to get them as far away from Earth as possible.
Bucky watched from a window as the planet grew smaller and smaller, in awe when they were actually in space. Y/N watched him for a while, letting him relish in the feeling alone before slowly approaching.
She wasn’t expecting to be shocked herself at the view, but the vast expanse of stars and the shrinking planet below them knocked the air from her lungs and she choked on her words.
“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Bucky murmured, arm wrapping around her waist and pulling her down to sit next to him. He rubbed circles with his thumb across her hipbone but froze when he realised he hadn’t answered her.
“I mean you probably see it all the time but-“ he cut himself off when he saw her expression of amazement, her eyes wide and reflecting the bright stars that travelled across the window, slightly watery, and mouth parted in wonder. She smiled at Bucky’s words and shook her head, leaning against his side.
“I was always too busy looking down to ever look up,” she whispered, the soft vibration of her voice travelling through Bucky and soothing him.
“When I was little… back in the day,” Bucky chuckled, shaking his head. “It would never have even crossed my mind that this would ever be possible. Space was always there and we were here. We were never going to cross paths. Steve and I used to watch the stars and name the constellations like the nerds we were every night but… I never thought I’d be among them…” his face lit up with excitement and Y/N couldn’t help but beam at the expression he held. This was her Bucky. The science nerd. The gentle soul. The protector.
And now she needed to protect him.
“Bucky, I’m tired,” she lied, her voice barely above a whisper. Bucky looked down at her and smiled, laying back on the window seat they occupied and pulling her over his chest.
“We can have a nap, doll, I’m sure they won’t mind,” he kissed her hair and let his eyes flutter closed. Y/N pursed her lips as she ran her hands over his chest, letting her powers send him into a deep sleep, waiting until she heard the soft snores from between his lips until she stood.
“I can do that,” she whirled around to see Mantis watching, Drax by her side slowly raising a snack to his mouth. Y/N frowned at him and Mantis smiled, “He thinks he’s invisible.”
What kind of idiots had Tony brought her? But Y/N wasn’t about to unpack all of that now, instead giving the two a friendly smile before heading to the centre of the ship.
“All right, guys,” she called everyone’s attention to her, spinning a golden dust in her hands, ready to display her plan to the group. They gathered, transfixed by the stardust and Y/N sighed, beginning to weave pictures in gold.
“This is the plan…”
next: part 9
#heaven sent#bucky barnes x reader#the winter soldier x reader#bucky barnes series#the winter soldier series#guardianangel!reader
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🌸🍃🌻💕🔮Divine guidance for Thursday January 18th 2017. This message is meant for everyone who sees this post. ✨ Seven of Pentacles ✨ -Vision, perseverance, profit, reward, investment. The Seven of Pentacles shows that you have a strong desire to invest in those things that will provide long-term benefit. You understand the value of putting in time and energy now for longer-term rewards, and you are not necessarily looking for ‘quick wins’ as such. You also want to make sure that you are focusing your attention on the right areas that will give you the biggest ‘bang for your buck’, instead of wasting time on areas that will not deliver any value. You have a long-term view and you are focused on sustainability of results. Similarly, if you are planning for the future, the Seven of Pentacles shows that you are taking a long-term view and you are assessing where you can best invest your time and energy for the maximum output. You do not want to keep putting your heart and soul into something if you are not getting the rewards for it, and no doubt, you have started to see that there are some areas in your life that are just become energy-sappers but without the reward. 💌🗝 If you would like a more in depth message about your personal situation, please visit my website www.MoonLightMiracle.com and click on the "Tarot Readings" tab in the menu bar. Or you can write to me directly at [email protected] 🎬 Please follow my YouTube channel for monthly and weekly zodiac readings. 🌙 www.YouTube.com/MoonLightMiracle #tarot #tarotreader #angel #angels #tarotreading #God #GuardianAngel #guidance #energy #zodiac #love #horoscope tarot source -Biddy Tarot
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🌸🍃🌻💕🔮Divine guidance for Sunday November 19th 2017. This message is meant for everyone who sees this post. ✨ Seven of Pentacles ✨ -Vision, perseverance, profit, reward, investment. The Seven of Pentacles shows that you have a strong desire to invest in those things that will provide long-term benefit. You understand the value of putting in time and energy now for longer-term rewards, and you are not necessarily looking for ‘quick wins’ as such. You also want to make sure that you are focusing your attention on the right areas that will give you the biggest ‘bang for your buck’, instead of wasting time on areas that will not deliver any value. You have a long-term view and you are focused on sustainability of results. Similarly, if you are planning for the future, the Seven of Pentacles shows that you are taking a long-term view and you are assessing where you can best invest your time and energy for the maximum output. You do not want to keep putting your heart and soul into something if you are not getting the rewards for it, and no doubt, you have started to see that there are some areas in your life that are just become energy-sappers but without the reward. 💌🗝 If you would like a more in depth message about your personal situation, please visit my website www.MoonLightMiracle.com and click on the "Tarot Readings" tab in the menu bar. Or you can write to me directly at [email protected] 🎬 Please follow my YouTube channel for monthly and weekly zodiac readings. 🌙 www.YouTube.com/MoonLightMiracle #tarot #tarotreader #angel #angels #tarotreading #God #GuardianAngel #guidance #energy #zodiac #love #horoscope #PageofSwords #idea tarot source -Biddy Tarot
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