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Reconstrucció facial feta per IA d'una mòmia guanxe, la del barranc d'Herques, a Tenerife, illes Canàries. La mòmia és datada dels segles XII–XIII, i és d'un home d'uns 30 a 34 anys.
Els guanxes foren el poble nadiu de les illes Canàries, arribats a l'arxipèlag vora el 1000 aC des del Magreb. Llur llengua, el guanxe, és d'origen amazic, i s'extingí al segle XVIII, o començaments del XIX.
Malgrat que els guanxes, tal com els entén la recerca acadèmica, arribessin a les Canàries vora el 1000 aC, en cercles esotèrics s'entén que els aborigens canaris s'assentaren a les illes Canàries en els temps del Dryas Recent, esdevenint, per tant, refugiats del final de l'Atlàntida.
Les tècniques de momificació dels guanxes mostren semblances amb les de les mòmies egípcies, la qual cosa pot indicar un origen comú afro-saharià, d'abans de la creació del desert del Sàhara.
Tal com passa amb altres poblacions amazigues, hi havia guanxes de cabells rossos i ulls clars, fet corroborat per la recerca genètica dels darrers anys.
El frare Alonso de Espinosa va dir-ne el següent: «Aquesta gent (la del vessant sud de Tenerife) és de color una mica colrat i morè, bé sia per tenir aquest color de generació, o per esser la terra una mica càlida i torrar-los el sol, per anar gairebé nus, com anaven. Mes els del vessant del nord eren blancs, i les dones eren formoses, i de cabells rossos i bonics».
#guanxe#mòmia guanxe#mòmia#reconstrucció facial#barranc d'Herques#arqueologia#esotèric#esoterisme#amazic#Atlàntida#Primera humanitat#Segona humanitat#atlanteu
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HII im the amazigh anon (if you still use emojis, u can use 🦇/bat anon for me)
answering your question, yeah, i identify proudly as north African and african in general!! i wouldn't call myself black or arab because im mostly of guanxe and rif descent, tbh being indigenous is a reason i hate taylor sm, shes like a racist caricature of white people would look like if they existed lmaoo
slayyyyy indigenous african representation!!!!
“racist caricature of white people” 😭 tbh she’s the apex celeb manifestation of white supremacy because i have never seen white americans so unified under a white artist like taylor swift, especially as white conservatives/liberals have little artist overlap. it’s crazy how wide her reach is
#anti taylor swift#ask#notyouraryang0dd3ss#anon#🦇#i love this im glad youre here anon#ts: white supremacy#anti swifties#white swifties
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Teide (o Pic del Teide) és un estratovolcà i muntanya de Tenerife, Illes Canàries (28.27 N, 16.6 O). Amb una altitud de 3718 m sobre el nivell del mar i amb aproximadament uns 7000 m sobre el llit marí adjacent, és la muntanya més alta d'Espanya, la muntanya més alta de totes les illes atlàntiques i el tercer volcà més gran de la Terra. El Teide data de tipus d’erupcions desde el tipus estrombolià fins al tipus plinià. Aquest edifici volcànic es troba dins de l’antic edifici volcànic canyada reial el qual alberga alguns cràters d’erupcions monogenètiques com Narices del Teide que només són del tipus d'erupció hawaiana. Combinant el sistema estrombolià amb l’anterior es crea el tipus de sistema eruptiu més comú a les illes Canàries.
Atès el seu historial eruptiu i la seva localització propera a centres poblats, el volcà ha estat designat com un dels 16 Volcans de la Dècada pel seu gran valor en l'estudi de la reducció de futurs desastres naturals. Es troba en repòs, amb una darrera erupció documentada l'any 1909 pel bufador subsidiari de Chinyero, al pendent oest del Teide. Altres erupcions destacades van ocórrer els anys 1704-1706 i 1798. El cim té algunes petites i actives fumaroles que emeten diòxid de sofre calent, així com d'altres gasos. Existeix una probabilitat mitjana-alta de futures erupcions, incloent el risc d'alguna d'altament perillosa del tipus piroclàstic com les dels Mont Pelée i Vesuvi. El nom Teide és una evolució castellana del nom originari Guanxe "Echeyde", anterior a la colonització castellana. Echeyde, a les llegendes Guanxes, era el nom donat al seu infern, on vivia una poderosa figura (Guayota) una mena de guardià de la porta d'aquell inframón.[cal citació]
A la prehistòria, fa uns 180 000 anys, un volcà encara més gran que el Teide va patir una explosió gegantina d'índex 7, que va fraccionar el pic deixant-lo lliscar fins al mar pel nord de l'illa, creant així les anomenades Cañadas del Teide, una gran caldera just per sobre dels 2500 m d'altitud, amb 15 km d'amplada d'est a oest i 10 km d'amplada de nord a sud. Al costat sud, els murs interns del cràter formen un penya-segat que va dels 2.715 m als 2 100 m a Guajara. El mateix cim del Teide i el bufador subsidiari anomenat Pico Viejo (3135 m),[1] tots dos al costat nord de la caldera, deriven d'erupcions que van seguir a la gran explosió prehistòrica.
El volcà i els seus voltants formen el Parc Nacional del Teide, que ha estat considerat Patrimoni de la Humanitat per la UNESCO. S'hi accedeix per una carretera pública que travessa la caldera de nord-est a sud-oest. Un telefèric surt des d'aquesta carretera a uns 2356 m i arriba gairebé al cim (3555 m). L'accés al cim és restringit, i cal un permís per ascendir els darrers 200 m. En 2016, va ser visitat per 4 079 823[2][3] visitants i turistes arribant a un rècord històric. A més és el parc nacional més visitat d'Espanya, d'Europa i actualment el novè del món.[4][5]
El Teide destaca també per gran nombre d'endemismes botànics. Plantes, com el Cytisus supranubius (Retama del Teide), l'Echium wildpretii (Tajinaste rojo); una espectacular espècie de boraginàcia que pot arribar als 3 m d'al��ada, i lErysium -Scoparium, una espècie de planta roquera. Als pendents d'alçada entre 1000 i 2000 m s'hi troben boscos de Pinus canariensis (Pi Canari).
Els romans denominaven a l'illa Nivaria, per la neu del volcà. El nom actual de l'illa també guarda relació amb el volcà, atorgat pels Benehaorites (aborígens de l'illa de La Palma). "Tene-" (muntanya) "-ife" (blanca), i la posterior castellanització del nom, va provocar que s'afegís una -r enmig.
En el quadern de bitàcola de Cristòfol Colom apareix una referència al Teide en erupció.
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Guanxing bends down and takes the key, using a short spell to stop the blood flow from San's wounds.
She slides the key into the lock and turns it, the door swinging open noisily on rusted hinges. The witch breathes deeply as a fresh breeze blows in. She looks at San and smiles.
"I want to make you get back to your friends safely, so I'm not leaving yet." She scratches the back of her neck as her cheeks and hair turn pink with embarrassment. "I'm not very familiar with this area though, so you might have to help me navigate a little."
send ⛓️ to find my muse bloody, bruised and restrained (guanxing and san)
the hellhound has no idea where he is, or how long he's been missing. san hears the door open, light flooding the otherwise dark room - making a soft noise as he tries to lift his head to see who was coming in. "please... no more..." he manages, trying to get his feet under him again.
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#sunday #sundayvibes #guilin #guanxing #china #photography #instavideo #boring #beauty #beautiful #250 @hollieirenechancelier (at Guangxi)
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The Royal Gorge Bridge is a tourist attraction near Cañon City, Colorado within Royal Gorge Bridge and Park, a 360-acre (150 ha) amusement park located along the edge of the Royal Gorge around both ends of the bridge. The bridge crosses the gorge 955 feet (291 m) above the Arkansas River and held the record of highest bridge in the world from 1929 until 2001 when it was surpassed by the Liuguanghe Bridge in China. The Royal Gorge Bridge maintained the title of the world's highest suspension bridge until the Beipan River Guanxing Highway Bridge was completed in 2003, also in China. The bridge remains the highest bridge in the United States and was among the ten highest bridges in the world until 2012.
The main span of the bridge between the towers is 880 feet (268 m) the total length is 1,260 feet (384 m), the width is 18 feet (5.5 m) and the towers are 150 feet (46 m) high. The steel base structure is covered with 1292 wooden planks.
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RP Starter Masterlist
Since the starters are open for any group or original character, I’m sorting them by muse.
For those who might not know, the way to start an RP from a starter is to click the “reblog” button and then type a reply to the starter.
Kang Jihyeun
1. Cold Distance
2. Fated, Yet Forbidden
Genaya Jang
1. Hello Stranger
2. Rivals or Something More?
Bae Hanshi
1. Blood And Roses
2. No More Innocence
Takahashi Jinah
1. Awkward Encounter
2. We Were Friends Once
Lang Shumai
1. Light, Camera, Action
2. Why Do You Hate Me So Much?
Yoon Guanxing
1. Called By The Stars
2. Magical Mishap
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Gravat imaginari de Nicolás Cochín d'una cova funerària guanxe. Any 1746.
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Natural Fibers Yarn Market A Latest Research Report to Share Market Insights and Dynamics - 2028 | Texhong, Daewoo, Lianfa
The Global Natural Fibers Yarn Market Research Report 2019 can be stated as the finished package that assists in facilitation of growth of market. The report comprises of complete, accurate and detailed studies and sub-studies. This report is being capable of providing in-depth analysis of the key dynamics of the market. The reader can prove beneficial with the help of ingenious and comprehensive data included in the report to be discussed on global level.
Key Player Mentioned: Texhong, Weiqiao Textile, Huafu, Henan Xinye Textile, BROS, China Resources, Huamao, Lutai Textile, Guanxing, Hengfeng, Shandong Ruyi, Huafang, Sanyang, Dasheng, Lianfa, Vardhman Group, Nahar Spinning, Alok, Trident Group, KPR Mill Limited, Nitin Spinners, Aarti International, Spentex, Daewoo, Bitratex Industries, Nishat Mills, Fortex, Parkdale
Request Sample Copy at: https://introspectivemarketresearch.com/request/13049
Global Natural Fibers Yarn Market Supplies a perspective of this market for essential drivers, innovative technologies tendencies for term and period. This record studies competitive landscape, business conditions and predictions, promote size and expansion opportunities. The record covers a wide Item portfolio in this current marketplace Analysis and business plan embraced aggressive Situations, and a vast selection of articles. Porter evaluation is provided by this report, Market and PESTEL analysis appeal to assist you understand micro and macro Level market situations.
Product Segment Analysis: Animal Fibers, Plant Fibers
Application Segment Analysis: Apparel, Home Textiles, Industrial Textiles, Others
Regional Segment Analysis: North America (U.S.; Canada; Mexico), Europe (Germany; U.K.; France; Italy; Russia; Spain etc.), Asia-Pacific (China; India; Japan; Southeast Asia etc.), South America (Brazil; Argentina etc.), Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia; South Africa etc.)
This research study the international Marketplace dimensions of Natural Fibers Yarn in areas like North America, Asia Pacific, Central & South America, Europe and Middle East & Africa, focuses upon the usage of economy in these areas. It concentrates on the significant factors, which can be required provide demand, and to create positive impacts in the marketplace like speculation, policies.
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We can make modifications as much as possible to meet our customers' expectations according to their needs and needs. We believe in development and reflect the same. The same can be done for Natural Fibers Yarn market research reports, depending on your requirements. The study on Natural Fibers Yarn market is helpful in making key decisions because of its comprehensive, accurate and reliable nature.
Critical questions addressed by the Natural Fibers Yarn Market report 1. What are the key market drivers and restraints? 2. What is the market size until the top of the forecast period? 3. Which segment is predicted to require the market share? 4. Which region will lead the Natural Fibers Yarn market in terms of growth? 5. What are the upcoming applications? 6. How will the global Natural Fibers Yarn market develop within the mid to long term?
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sabrina lo — missing in my mind [ lo sha-sha — guanxing shizong ]
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15 Facts About The Royal Gorge Bridge
Did you know that the highest bridge in the United States is located near Cañon City in Colorado? In this post, you'll discover the ultimate list of facts about the Royal Gorge Bridge, one of the most amazing bridges in the world! Interesting facts about the Royal Gorge Bridge 1. It was the highest bridge in the world for 72 years The Royal Gorge Bridge was completed in the year 1929 and officially became the highest bridge in the world in that year as it surpassed the Sidi M'Cid Bridge in Algeria. It has a deck height of 955 feet (291 meters) when measured to the surface of the river below, which is much higher than the world's highest bridge at the time which is just 574 feet (175 meters) high! One of the most fascinating facts about the Royal Gorge Bridge is that it took until the year 2001 before it lost its title as the highest bridge in the world. That year it was surpassed by the Liuguanghe Bridge in China which has a deck height of 974 feet (297 meters). It held on to the title of "highest suspension bridge in the world" for a bit longer as it was only surpassed by the "Beipan River Guanxing Highway Bridge" in China which has a deck height of 1,200 feet (366 meters). So what's the current highest bridge in the world? The Duge Bridge in China is nearly double as high as the Royal Gorge with a height of 1,854 feet (565 meters), absolutely astounding! 2. Read the full article
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Cotton Yarn Market Seeking Growth Emerging Players (2019-2025) - Texhong, Weiqiao Textile, Huafu
Research Kraft recently introduced an in-depth study of the Global Cotton Yarn Market, describing the product / industry scope and developing market outlook and status up to 2025. A comprehensive analysis collected to provide the latest insights into the Global Cotton Yarn market's acute features. Cotton Yarn Market explores the effective study of high-leading players in various sectors of industry such as opportunities, size, growth, technology, demand and trend. Cotton Yarn also offers market-specific statistics on the state of suppliers, a valuable source of advice, guidance for businesses and those involved in the industry.
DOWNLOAD FREE SAMPLE REPORT at: https://www.researchkraft.com/request-sample/1028811
Key Manufacturers Diagnosis:
Texhong, Weiqiao Textile, Huafu, Henan Xinye Textile, BROS, China Resources, Huamao, Lutai Textile, Guanxing, Hengfeng, Shandong Ruyi, Huafang, Sanyang, Dasheng, Lianfa, Vardhman Group, Nahar Spinning, Alok, Trident Group, KPR Mill Limited, Nitin Spinners, Aarti International, Spentex, Daewoo, Bitratex Industries, Nishat Mills, Fortex, Parkdale
The Market is Segmented by Product Type as Follows:
Carded Yarn
Combed Yarn
Breakdown Information by Application and Market Share and Growth, Covering:
Home Textiles
Industrial Textiles
Each geographic segment of the market was independently examined with pricing and analysis, distribution, and demand data for geographic market notably:
Americas, United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, APAC, China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, India, Australia, Europe, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Russia, Spain, Middle East & Africa, Egypt, South Africa, Israel, Turkey, GCC Countries
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The Global Cotton Yarn Market Research Report is a comprehensive market research report that includes an introduction to new trends that can guide businesses in the industry to understand the market and make the strategies for their business growth. The Cotton Yarn research report looks at market size, industry share, key growth drivers, major segments, and CAGR. The Cotton Yarn report will answer questions about current market advances and the competitive scope, opportunities, costs and more. The report also scrutinizes in-depth the key international players on the Cotton Yarn market.
The latest advancements in the Cotton Yarn industry and changing market trends are key drivers for huge growth. This study also lists the risk factors that will have a direct impact on the global Cotton Yarn market in the coming years. The types, applications, and key regions of the revenue-generating Cotton Yarn are assessed. This business report on Cotton Yarn also analyzes the top countries with their market potential in those areas.
Highlights of the report:
Scrutinized driver data and restrictions affecting the Cotton Yarn market's growth.
Provide insights into factors affecting growth in the market. Analyzing the Cotton Yarn industry based on a variety of factors-price analysis, supply chain analysis, porter analysis of five powers etc.
Detailed analysis of the global Cotton Yarn market's distribution channels, and consumption patterns.
Comprehensive market player assessment of Cotton Yarn that includes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Extensive detail on recent Cotton Yarn R&D ventures across different regions and end-use industries.
Updated insights into trends affecting the growth of the Cotton Yarn market, including ecological preservation, and regulatory standards.
Enquire more about the report at: https://www.researchkraft.com/send-an-enquiry/1028811
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Guanxing could smell the blood, even if she didn't have an enhanced sense of smell. Afraid it might be someone she knew, she followed the metallic scent to its source.
When she saw the demon she considered turning back, knowing the bad blood between her mum's family and demons. But her desire to help the injured male overtook her worries, and she cautiously approached him. "Do you need some help?" She asked softly.
Injury: Muse will be injured somehow (stabbed in the side, pretty severe but not life-threatening, for a week and a half [unless it gets magically healed]) (For Mingi)
"y'know... i know i'm a demon && all but-- was this really necessary???" mingi mumbles, stumbling back as a hand moves to his side - trying to slow the bleeding. "damn... it's not healing, fucking magic."
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RP Muse Masterlist
1. Kang Jihyeun
2. Genaya Jang
3. Bae Hansi
4. Takahashi Jinah
5. Lang Shumai
6. Yoon Guanxing
Just a heads up, you don’t have to only use idols or idol-based muses, I’ll gladly RP with your original muses as well!!
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