#gtky ask game
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lucyfrostblade · 10 months ago
3, 4, 14, 16 for the gtky ask! <3
ask game link!
3. Favourite food? & 4. Favourite drink?
favorite food is an impossible question but i am a big fan of chicken burritos right now. carbs, protein, veggies, they have it all and i can really appreciate that.
favorite drink is not impossible but is embarrassing: redbull. just the basic flavor. it's embarrassing. but i also drink a lot of tea. there's this white cherry tea i am in love with rn.
14. Something you wish you were better at?
i did have a really emo answer typed out but uh that was a lot so a completely different answer: i wish i was better at art. i just don't have the patience to get better at it and i have too many hobbies for it to be reasonable at all now.
16. Do you have any tattoos? If not, would like to?
i have three tattoos! there's a tlt tattoo on my forearm that's the seventh house skull that i got back in 2019 right before i turned 19. then last october i got a two headed dog tattooed on my upper arm. and in february i got the head of a bunny on my thigh. i have plans for more i just love tattoos so much!
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flameohotwife · 3 years ago
for the author ask game: 3, 21, and 25!
Thanks for the ask, friend! Sorry it took a minute to get back to you--I was hoping things would slow down a bit and they... haven't, haha.
3. what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else? I always write front-to-back. The exception is that I have written a few drabbles for friends or for prompts that I know I'm going to include in some form in a later part of one series, but when I'm sitting down to write something I always start at the beginning and end at the end.
21. what do you think when you read over your older work? It depends! Many of them still bring me joy in some ways, but there are definitely parts that I'll read and cringe at how it sounds. You would think that means I have improved with my writing but really it just means I am not my own biggest fan, haha.
25. copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of. Oh ooof northern! Did you read my answer to 21? Okay, lemme go find something...
She rubbed her fingers against her temples, seeking (and failing to find) a way to block out the sounds of screaming, fighting kids and squeaky notes. Inhaling a slow, deep breath, she forced her blood pressure back down on the exhale and prepared to face her children, setting aside her unfinished work for now.
“Kya,” she called, calmly. No response. Kya was too busy loudly bickering with Bumi over how to hang this set of streamers to even hear her mother. “Kya?” she called again, a little louder. Still nothing. “KYA!!!”
“ Why are you YELLING at me?!” Kya whipped around, eyes blazing in an all-too-familiar fashion. Sometimes looking at her daughter was like looking in a mirror. 
Katara almost bit back that she hadn’t yelled the first two times, but exhaled another calming breath through her nose instead. She stood to join her oldest two children by the window. “I didn’t think you could hear me over all the noise,” she explained, gesturing to the three of them, as Tenzin continued to blow away at his flute with eyes closed tight in concentration. Bumi reached for the back of his neck sheepishly and Katara smiled warmly at how much her oldest child reminded her of Aang. 
That's from Ties That Bind, my Katara Week fic. I'm proud of it not necessarily because of the prose or the wording, but because of how real it feels to me, being in the midst of kid chaos, still finding the little quirks of your children that they inherited from your partner (or you! haha) and feeling simultaneously overwhelmed and capable of handling it. Thanks for playing the Get To Know Your Author ask game, friend!!
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searchingwardrobes · 5 years ago
7, 15, 82 😊
Chocolate or fruity candy?
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Favorite board game?
I answered this for @wellhellotragic but I would add that one reason I always pick a Disney game or trivial pursuit is because those are the only games I can beat my husband at. (He is extremely competitive.)
What's something you've always wanted to try but haven't yet?
Swim with dolphins. Although Raines, it may end up just like the horses 😂
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shardminds · 5 years ago
#15 for the gtky ask game!
hello, my love! thank you for sending one of these my way! also, thank you for coming up with these questions in the first place and thank you for @snowbellewells for her additions too!
(#15) i’ve done a fair bit of travelling in my time—most of it solo—and, with that, comes many fantastic memories and a sprinkling of terrible ones. there are too many wonderful things to choose from so i’ll go for the worst thing.
picture the scene: 18-year-old ems, recently experienced a life changing loss, decides to travel the world. having just spent the last five days with two of my favourite people (and still close friends, even years later) in the ceaseless humidity that is singapore, i hopped on a plane to head to seoul for the first time with only a keen interest in kpop and korean food to keep me going. in hindsight, i should have done more research. i spent the 6-hour flight frantically trying to solidify my knowledge of the language and kept asking the flight attendants for pronunciation tips. they were… confused, to say the least, but helpful! by the time i got off that flight, i was telling everyone “안녕하세요! 내 이름 에밀리입니다!” which, although gratuitous and redundant when talking to a customs official who you will likely never see again, did wonders for my nerves! 
one of my twitter followers asked if i wanted anyone to meet me at arrivals. i said, quite rightly, “fuck yes!”. she was—and is—awesome and met me with a big hug and a tmoney card to use in my time there (i still have it, sorry natalee!) and we went on our way to my hostel. everything was going fine! my new friend went on her way to work and i headed to the bank. 
and then my card declined. 
six times.
any confidence i had before was instantly sapped out of me and replaced with anxiety so crippling i couldn’t even move from the bank i’d taken residence in. 
there’s a pretty big time difference between seoul and the uk, so getting in touch with my bank was useless. their 24h line redirected me to a business hours number which cut out upon referral. panicking, i tried calling my dad, charges be damned, but he didn’t answer either. the only person i could think of that would even be awake at 2am back home was my brother. i called him in tears, sobbing over the line as he laughed at me for being such a dickhead. he thought i was calling because i missed home but, soon enough, he caught onto the gravity of the situation. i’d been in seoul for an hour at this point; the streets smelled like garbage in the summer heat and people whispered “외극인” as i walked past. i was miserable. i wanted to leave.
i was five thousand miles away from home and more scared than i’d ever been in my entire life.
i withdrew some money on my emergency credit card, just enough to pay for my hostel and get a convenience store meal and tried my best to make the most of it. i met some friends, walked a lot, but wasn’t enjoying it as i should’ve been. it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity and i spent the first three days of it in my hostel eating 7/11 sandwiches and drinking banana milk. 
the journey of getting access to my money again ended up with me going to the british embassy just to try and get a contact number. they were rightly pissed, but let me use their phone free of charge until i got through to my bank and begged them to reactivate me. thankfully, and without much preamble, they did and my mood shifted so spectacularly that i ended up buying coffee for the security guards from a caffebene just down the street. things were better after that! i enjoyed myself a lot more and, when the time came to leave, i found myself wanting to stay. 
i’ve had other adventures in seoul over the years that have fared much better than this one, like when i fell down the stairs at hapjeong station and a 아줌마 helped me to first aid only to ask if i was pregnant (i was not, in fact, pregnant. just too many 삼각김밥) or, years later, when my friends and i kept getting approached by drunk uni students who had been tasked with practising their english on tourists or, most recently, when a lovely 아줌마 approached me in a department store bathroom and tried to set me up with her son. if you’d have told me then, that seoul would become one of my favourite countries to visit, i wouldn’t have believed you. 
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born-to-strange-sights · 4 years ago
📷 ello luv
I ended up using this drink picrew which I am now obsessed with because unfortunately I had a really hard to actually visualizing real human people aside from their profile pictures so this is more of a ‘vibe’/~aura~ thing. sooooo...... if you were a drink, here’s what I think you’d look like??
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I get purple vibes from you, so lavender soda!!:)💜🌿
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wistfulcynic · 5 years ago
I would like to ask you 8 for the Fic Writer’s GTKY Game
8 - Any funny/embarrassing stories of people trying to set you up with someone?
When I was in college, freshman year (that’s the first year for any non-Americans) my roommate introduced me to a friend of hers from high school, who she swore was perfect for me. His name was (is!) Ben, and I did like him. We had a lot in common, including the same major (history) and similar tastes in books and films. So we dated for a month or so, slept together once, and then basically realised that there was no spark anywhere to be found and sort of drifted away from each other. This was the first month after we started our first year.
From then on, it seemed like EVERYWHERE I went I met people who also knew Ben and also thought he’d be perfect for me. Since we had so much in common we naturally ended up with a lot of mutual friends and acquaintances. It got to the point where as soon as anyone said “I know a guy you’d really like!” I would immediately say “IS IT BEN?” and shut the whole thing down. Which is HELLA AWKWARD when you have to try to explain, over and over, that actually yes you’ve already been there and tried that and there was just no sexual chemistry and CAN WE PLEASE CEASE AND DESIST AND NEVER SPEAK OF THIS AGAIN. Finally, in our senior (final) year, Ben and I had a class together. Considering the shared major, it was weird that it took so long, but ANYWAY we sort of by tacit and mutual consent agreed NOT to talk about anything that happened that first month and instead forged a new and totally platonic friendship that actually still exists today, albeit mostly via Facebook likes. We have still NEVER SPOKEN of that first month or ANYTHING related to it 🤣🤣🤣. We are far too midwestern.
Thanks for the ask, my dear!!
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regina-del-cielo · 3 years ago
Palm tree 🌴 for the gtky ask game, please and thank you 😊
Hello again! 😊
palm tree ⇢ do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless?
[Looks at my own Primo Nizzuto tag]... WELL.
It's not even because Luca plays him. He has also played Lo Zingaro and I have exactly zero interest in that guy. Primo is just [waves hand] so fucking compelling. Excellent blorbo all around, 10/10 no notes
Get-to-know-me ask game
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searchingwardrobes · 5 years ago
Your first answer had me going 😬🥺, but then your second I was:
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Okay, #5 because I'm curious if anyone has the guts to answer it, but also #13 since you said your husband was your best friend for 10 years before you kissed. (Which is SOOO cute, by the way!)
5 - Has anyone ever walked in on you in a … umm … compromising situation?
Yes, that has happened to me, and I still think about it late at night when I’m trying to go to sleep and all of my embarrassing moments come back to me to haunt both my waking thoughts and dreams.
This summer when my husband was working in a different city while I sold our house and packed up all of our stuff while staying with my parents as the new house closed (the staying with my parents part is important), he’d come home to stay with me on the weekends. Let’s just say that the lock on my door was apparently not working, and I don’t think my brother has looked me in the eyes in seven months. 
So...there. I answered it 😂
13 - How did you meet your best friend?
Lol. Thank you! I think our story is cute too. I’m pretty partial to it.
My husband transferred to my school in the sixth grade, and his mom knew my mom through our older sisters. So, and this embarrasses the hell out of him, his mom asked me if I would sit next to him in class and show him around the school because apparently he was kind of nervous, as he’d gone to the same school his entire life. And that’s exactly what I did and how we kind of became attached at the hip. 
He had no idea his mom had asked me to do this until about a year ago when I casually mentioned it. He was absolutely pissed at his mom for doing that (she has a penchant for meddling...or being a mom as she says), but, you know, I think it worked out pretty well. 
Get To Know Me Questions
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thisonesatellite · 4 years ago
GTKY tag game
i was tagged by the incomparable @winterbythesea, who loves scoundrels at least as much as i do. Thank you so much!!!
1. Why did you choose your url?
It's a play on one of my fave songs (and albums) of all time -- Recovering the Satellites - Counting Crows -- which is why i made it my AO3 handle. When i joined tumblr the name was taken, so i made it ThisOneSatellite, which is a nod to that song plus the fact that i usually like to observe more than join things.
2. Any side blogs?
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
April 2019.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Yes. It's 'what are q looking at'. 'Cause i'm creative, see.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Because @profdanglaisstuff left a lovely AO3 comment on my second fic and asked if i "was on tumblr". i'd heard of tumblr, kind of, and couldn't quite fathom just what it was, but then i thought, oh hell, just do it.
Nothing in the world could have prepared me for what was to come - i didn't even know what a fandom was. i had No. Idea. But it's been a hell of a ride so far and i'm so glad i decided to go!
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
i don't have an icon.
7. Why did you choose your header?
Because it's the joke that's made me laugh the loudest, out of all the funny things i've ever found across the interwebs (and there have been many).
Plus i'm a huge fan of Alien and Aliens. Yes, BOTH, don't @ me. No, none of the others, also don't @ me. 😂
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
Apparently it's a oneshot called Nocturne - with 139 notes. (i broke three digits? ME??)
This actually makes me very happy, because i have a soft spot for that fic, and it features absolutely lovely art by the wonderful @captainsjedi.
9. How many mutuals do you have?
i have no idea. (i'm not even 100% sure what a mutual is. Someone you follow who follows you back? Yes? Well, i'm still not sure how many. 😂)
10. How many followers do you have?
216. And they're all fabulous. (155,687,541 if you count porn bots)
11. How many people do you follow?
12. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
Sometimes several times a day, sometimes not for several days at all.
13. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
No. Am i doing this wrong? 😂
14. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
i have never encountered a post with that message. And i would certainly not be coerced. i am ridiculously impervious to guilt trips.
15. Do you like tag games?
16. Do you like ask games?
Also yes!
17. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
Once again, i have no idea. i think i'm definitely not doing this right.
18. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
No. Well, not that i know of. i would know, right? 😂
i have no idea who has done this already, so i'm tagging:
@fragilebeautifulchaos @tiganasummertree @andiirivera @xsajx @spartanguard and @carpedzem because you all gotta know about the "grab a jam" URL. 💖💖💖 (Only if you guys want to do this, obv.)
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laschatzi · 4 years ago
Another gtky game!
I was tagged by the lovely and wonderful @kwistowee to answer these:
1. Why did you choose your url? Ha! I love to tell this story! It’s a mix of the Italian female article “la” and the German term of endearment “Schatzi” (little terasure). When I first met my italian future mother-in-law, she overheard me and my husband call each other “Schatzi”, and she found it cute and furthermore referred to me as “la Schatzi”. And I always preferred a not-fandom-related url; it drives me crazy when people keep changing theirs.
2. Any side blogs? No, I can barely keep up with this one LOL
3. How long have you been on Tumblr? Hmm I think it was 2012? But I wasn’t very active in the beginning.
4. Do you have a queue tag? I used to tag my queue #I love queue - I know, but I got lazy and don’t tag my queue posts anymore. But I always aim to keep my queue filled.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place? Because I was curious to see what was going on here.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp? Because they’re my otp. Haven’t changed it in ages. I’m a fan of consistency.
7. Why did you choose your header? Because it’s a gorgeous edit.
8. What’s your post with the most notes? Oh man, I ran one of those end-of-year apps few times, but honestly I have no idea how to find that out? I think it was a fic, but I’m not sure.
9. How many mutuals do you have? I also don’t know how to find that out... it must be quite a lot, but I also think quite a few of them have gone inactive over the years.
10. How many followers do you have? 2.436, but I have no idea which of them are still active, honestly.
11. How many people do you follow? 462
12. How often do you use Tumblr each day? Often.
13. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Surely, over the years. But that ended mostly after one or two replies. I learned over the years that mostly it’s not worth the trouble. I’m a fan of roll my eyes, scroll on.
14. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? A safe way to make me not reblog it. I strongly dislike guilt-tripping people.
15. Do you like tag games? Absolutely.
16. Do you like ask games? Yes, I’m open to anything, really.
17. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous? I’m really not sure what exactly is required to be considered tumblr famous...
18. Do you have a crush on a mutual? @thesschesthair makes me choke with laughter sometimes, does that count?
I tag @thesschesthair, @ineffablecolors, @optomisticgirl, @spartanguard, @xpumpkindumplingx, @winterbythesea and @jrob64. Also anyone else who wants to do it.
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applepienation · 5 years ago
justine reaches 100!
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omg this is my first time making my own gif and im-- HAHAHSASA no to plagiarism pls
Greetings to the apples of my pie (cheesy name? well you’re stuck with it now >:D)! I hope you are all well because i would like to invite you all to my 100 followers event! :>
This invitation is quite late, i know (blame my org work, school reqs, and my lack of braincells) but i still wanted to do something to thank you all <3 i really wouldn’t have come this far without you guys so i came up with 2 events to celebrate with you guys!
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1. chismisan with justine
“chismis” in my language means chatting about something, and this is usually tied with smth negative, but don’t worry, we won’t talk about bad things here!! HAHAHA thank you for the name leia @oikaw-ugh 💖
it's kinda like a GTKY bc i want to share more of myself to you guys and know you guys as well!! you can ask me whatever question you want to ask me OR pick among these ask games if u have no idea on what to ask (bc same)
cake asks: general things about me, i picked this bc it’s food themed HAHAHA
space thing: i actually did this a while back but i haven’t gotten through the all of the questions so yeah, ask away! <3 [answered: vega, andromeda, black eye galaxy, pegasus, black hole, wormhole, supernova already!]
sweet and pure asks: did this one as well, but there are also a lot of questions that i haven’t received yet :> [answered: 🌸🍰🍯🍃🐝 🍩 🍓💔 🍭🎶🦄 💤 ✨ ☕️ 🍼🍯💖 wow i actually answered quite a lot already HAHAH but there’s a lot more on the list!!]
reblog/reply with your answer because i really want to get to know you guys :(( i’ll try my best to react and keep the conversation going!!
2. icons with justine  (yep can't think of a name rn ndjdjs)
through a submission, send me a haikyuu manga panel/screencap with your favorite character, your desired color, and i will make you a monochromatic icon like mine! see full pic here
if you'd like to go on anon, send me a link of the picture through the ask box :>
submitted manga panel should only include the face and bust of the character (i.e no full body pls!!)
please be patient though!! i have an ongoing series (latest one here!!) + school is being a b rn :< and i don't want to give you rushed outputs so yes pls understand 💖
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that's all i have for you guys!! the event will run from August 19, Wednesday to August 22, Saturday 11:59 pm GMT +8 ❤
thank you again for helping me reach this milestone :(( i really hope you guys will join so that we can enjoy our time here together 🥺
block the tags justine reaches 100!, chismisan with justine, icons with justine if you don't want to see any of these in your dash!!
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searchingwardrobes · 5 years ago
😂😂😂 Oh, the joys of teaching kids to use the potty!
I can't resist asking you number three as well from the fic writer's gtky game!
3 - If you have kids, what’s the funniest thing they’ve ever done to embarrass you in public? I guess it's only fair that you gave me that one after I gave it to you 😘 So my story is way less dramatic than yours and hopefully isn't still talked about to this day, but features my darling eldest son. He's been struggling a bit with staying dry since he started school and tends to ignore the need to pee until he has to go Immediately Or He'll Have An Accident. We went to watch Frozen 2 together and the poor kid suddenly announces during a particularly tense moment (if you've seen it, you probably know the one), that it's too scary and we have to go. No problem, I think, we head out and I take him to the loo because he is smol and that's just what you do. Anyway, it seemed that as soon as I suggested that we should go to the toilet he remembered that yes, actually, he did need to go and he promptly wet himself. Now this wouldn't be too bad if he hadn't done exactly that earlier and was already wearing the spare clothes that I had for him. The best thing I can do is take off the soaking underwear and put his kind of damp trousers back on and take him straight to a shop to buy more clothes. And that would've been fine, except he's a skinny little thing and the clothes that are long enough for him gape at the waist. (Can you see where this is going?) So he says to me "mummy, my trousers aren't tight enough", but we're in a packed shopping centre and we are minutes away from the bathroom where I'll be able to put him in clean clothes and Everything Will Be Fine. He yelps a little and I look down to see that it's happened: his trousers have fallen down, which means he's showing his bare bum to the world. I immediately pull his trousers back up, not caring if people bump into us as people have indeed noticed and are pointing and laughing (which seems like a needlessly harsh thing to do about a small child?). I rush him as quickly as possible to the bathroom, and get him safely clothed again. Honestly the whole experience was probably as embarrassing for him as it was for me, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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searchingwardrobes · 5 years ago
1. What’s one animal you wish you could have as a pet but can’t? 🙂
Yay! I was hoping someone would ask this! So, a few years back, I read the Rudyard Kipling story "Riki Tiki Tavi" to my then six year old, and in science that year we were learning about land animals (I homeschool). We learned that the mongoose Riki Tiki Tavi is based in fact. These animals really can kill venomous snakes, and they really are sometimes kept as pets for that reason. Ever since, I have wanted a mongoose. I mean, look at it:
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Furry, cute, loyal, and will rip apart a cobra (or here in Georgia, one of the six different varieties of rattlesnake, a copperhead, a water moccasin) with his teeth? Sign me up.
And don't tell me it's a wild animal, be realistic, blah blah blah. I know, I'm dreaming here, remember? Just go read Riki Tiki Tavi, you'll want one too. 😉
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shardminds · 5 years ago
#1 for the fic writer's asks, if you'd be so kind, please?
anything for you, my love ♥ i had a whole answer written out for this and then my computer decided to fart and delete it all. so i’m going to try and write it from scratch again. HERE GOES NOTHING! 
(#1) to preface this, i’ve spent the night in a lot of weird places. backseats of cars in the middle of nowhere, deflating lilo’s on stony beaches, mossy clearings in old forests where the only things separating you from the ground are the clothes on your back, capsule hotels, pig sheds, multistory car parks etc
but the strangest? the weirdest? the ???-est? 
a park bench. 
now, you might be thinking “come ON, ems, that’s NOTHING! tell us about the leaking dingy moored up on lake coniston!” but that night wasn’t strange or weird or ??? at all. i was tired, the boat was there, i didn’t want to walk the mile back to camp and, my final reasoning, lake noise: birds, fish, water and the unknown that lurks beneath it—the best sleep accompaniment. also, if the dingy drifted off into the unknown, i’d be living my lady of shalott fantasy. lord tennyson can bite me and you can pry that poem from my cold dead hands. 
no, the park bench takes the cake because neither of us can remember where the fuck it is.
i wish i could go into all kinds of details about what happened leading up to the park bench and what happened when we left, but my best friend (mim) and i had been celebrating and drinking arguably too much dumb inebriation juice and i can not tell you anything other than what my phone told me: we walked 7 miles that night. THAT NIGHT! now, me being the kind of person i am—wearing heels whenever i get an excuse, despite there already being 6′1″ of me—i know that i would not have been able to walk the hilly terrain of my hometown in the footwear choice i made that night. no way in hell. a bitch can Walk but she also blisters real easy so that would NOT happen. 
however, the evidence declares otherwise.
i’ve lived in my hometown (almost) all my life. i know each twist and turn, each pothole to avoid, each cobbled street and traffic light, but i’d never seen this park before and i’ve never seen it since.
i don’t really remember it that well—the details of the park, that is. i remember sharing a cigarette and giving my hoodie to mim but, other than that, the only thing i can recall is the gargantuan oak trees, maybe half a dozen of them in total, their trunks each as thick as two men. i was drunk so you can blame that for the unreliability of my narration. nothing seemed off or eerie about it, probably because my insides consisted of cider, gin and half a cheesy garlic bread pizza. the bench was not comfortable and i ached for days after.
at some point, before sunrise, we must have started the walk back. i remember nothing of waking up on that bench. i remember walking past the only 24h garage in town and picking up two cans of iced coffee at 5 in the morning and then i remember climbing into the back of mim’s car and napping the rest of the alcohol off for another few hours before we drove back. that’s it. 
it’s frustrating more than anything. i’ve lived here for 18 of my 23 years of life. to say i’m pretty familiar with the place is an understatement, but can i find this park? absolutely the fuck not! 
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justanotherwannabeclassic · 5 years ago
#2 for the fic writer's gtky ask game!
Have you ever had a real life meet-cute?
One day, I volunteer to work a voter registration table with a friend in college. We go to set up the table, only to find out there are no voter registration cards. My friend calls his friend, who brings the cards. He stays and chats awhile, but since this is a huge drive around campus, he has to visit multiple tables. But he keeps coming back to mine, and we keep talking about video games and politics. Eventually he stops visiting other tables, and just hangs out at mine.
Because it’s around lunch time, I offer two “swipe” both him and my friend into our cafeteria, since I had meal swipes and they did not. My friend has a class, so they cannot. This new guy goes with me. We chat for awhile, and at the end of lunch, he says to pay me back, he’ll take me out to dinner.
The next three says, I stress because I don’t know if it’s a date our not. A mutual friends don’t know, because he’s apparently a nice enough guy to pay back meals like that. So he picks me up and takes me to dinner and we discuss international economic policy over steak. We go home and watch a movie. He puts his arm around me, and I realize that this is a date. We kiss. 
This is the story of my favorite meet cute and my last first date, because Reader, I married him. 
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stahlop · 5 years ago
#1 for the fic writer's gtky ask game!
Weirdest place I’ve ever spent the night is the Jerome Grand Hotel in Jerome, AZ. It supposedly haunted and super creepy. It was originally an insane asylum at one point and the hotel definitely plays that up. It had the whole gated elevator and everything. My husband and I stayed there before we were married and there was this creepy painting of a mother and child in our room. But what really freaked me out was I went back to our room after dinner and my husband came later, and as I’m walking down the hall to our room I see a wheelchair at the end of the hall with what looks like a mental patient, and I’m slowly freaking out the closer I get to my room because I’m really not sure if what I’m seeing is actually there. So I get in my room and when my husband finally arrives he asks if I saw the creepy mental patient in the wheelchair down the hall that’s right at the entrance to the bar called The Asylum. I was so relieved I hadn’t actually seen a ghost and also felt a little silly for not realizing that the hotel probably had that all set up to freak out the guests. So definitely a weird place.
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