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O grupo Presence organiza evento de evangelismo na rua em Amsterdã
Confira a novidade em https://ntgospel.com/noticias/internacional-noticias/o-grupo-presence-organiza-evento-de-evangelismo-na-rua-em-amsterda
O grupo Presence organiza evento de evangelismo na rua em Amsterdã

Recentemente, o grupo Presence organizou um evento de adoração e evangelização na Estação Central de Amsterdã, na Holanda. A iniciativa reuniu cristãos de diversas denominações, incluindo a Igreja da Cidade de Amsterdã, que simultaneamente realizou um momento de adoração na Praça Dam.
Impacto Significativo e Conversões
A vibrante adoração e a genuína alegria dos participantes provocaram um impacto notável em milhares de pessoas que transitavam pelos locais. John Paul Clarinda, representante do Presence, relatou a percepção de um amor e uma alegria tão puros que “os turistas foram impelidos a aceitar Jesus”.
Renovo e Avivamento Espiritual
O evento também proporcionou aos cristãos presentes um momento de profunda renovação e avivamento espiritual. John relata: “Mesmo antes do início da adoração, os participantes demonstravam fervor no compartilhamento do Evangelho, resultando em numerosas conversões. Semeamos a palavra de Deus e também presenciamos uma rica colheita.”
Música como Ferramenta de Evangelização
A música desempenhou um papel fundamental na evangelização. Atraídos pelas melodias vibrantes, muitos se uniram aos cristãos em cânticos e danças, criando um ambiente de celebração e comunhão.
Transformação em Curso na Cidade
Ao longo de 2023, Amsterdã já havia presenciado diversas conversões durante ações evangelísticas nas ruas. O Presence, com seu foco na adoração e na oração, tem contribuído significativamente para este movimento de transformação.
Segundo o guiame, John Paul Clarinda resume o impacto da iniciativa: “Amsterdã está vivenciando uma profunda transformação, um verdadeiro avivamento que injeta vida na cidade.” A adoração e o evangelismo genuínos demonstram o poder transformador do amor de Deus, impactando vidas e trazendo esperança para a cidade.
#cristãos na Holanda#Estação Central de Amsterdã#evangelismo em Amsterdã#evangelismo na rua#evento de adoração#grupo Presence
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Anon rebelde.
Mis felicitaciones más sinceras por lo bien que has llevado el tema, sin marcas de agua, publicando la fuente, sin bombo personal acerca de la bomba :) Ya podían aprender otras.
No quise entrar en el tema escort porque estaba todo dicho desde el minuto uno que JJ público las fotos pero no puedo dejar pasar el bombazo que ha supuesto ese vídeo en el fandom. La bofetada ha sido tan grande que Mordor a estas horas todavía no ha reaccionado al mismo. Brian ignora la presencia de su reina en el, cuando hubiese sido portada de su blog ya que Cait está participando activamente del evento y mas después de una sequía de apariciones. Algunas se echan las manos a la cabeza de que esos besos no pueden ser verdad con la excusa de como van a rozarse siquiera si está Maril allí como si Maril y el resto de acompañantes no supieran lo que hay realmente entre ellos y precisamente por estar en ese entorno seguro y discreto, ellos bajaron la guardia. La moraleja de esta historia es que cuando mientes a tu publico tienes que tener muy, pero que muy presente, que tienes que mentirle siempre porque en estos tiempos de tecnología nadie se puede esconder de un objetivo indiscreto. Solo espero el próximo movimiento de RRPP después de esto, porque si unos comentarios sin fotos desencadenaron el paseo de las infamia, no quiero pensar lo que hará este video aunque para ser sincero, si son listos, cosa que dudo, no daría más importancia a las locuras de un "reducido" grupo de fans y dejaría pasar el tema no vaya a pasar como con las sabanas de rayas. Pero bueno, creo que eso ya será como pedirle peras a un olmo y mientras que siga la fiesta.
Dear (returning) Anon Rebelde,
Por favor, perdóname por llegar tan tarde. Como ya mencioné, ha sido muy difícil mantenerse al día con todo y con todas esas emociones desbocadas. Pobrecita Anon Rebelde 😘. Lo enviaste ayer por la noche y quería tomarme mi tiempo para obtener una respuesta y una traducción adecuadas. Ese momento ha llegado. Gracias por tu paciencia.
English version:
Please forgive me being so late. As I already mentioned, it's been very hard to keep up with everything and with all those emotions running wild. Poor you. You sent that yesterday night and I wanted to take my time for a proper answer and a proper translation. That time has come. Thank you for your patience:

You wrote:
'My most sincere congratulations for how well you have handled the topic, without watermarks, publishing the source, without personal hype about the bomb :) . Others could learn from that.
I didn't want to get into the escort topic because it was all said and done from the minute JJ published the photos but I can't let go of the bombshell that that video has caused in the fandom. The slap has been so big that Mordor at this time has not yet reacted to it. Brian ignores the presence of her queen in it, when it would have been at the forefront of her blog, since Cait is actively participating to the event and even more so after a drought of appearances. Some of them throw their hands around the fact that those kisses cannot be true with the excuse of how they are going to even touch each other if Maril is there, as if Maril and the rest of the companions do not know what is really between them and precisely because they are in that safe and discreet environment, they let their guard down. The moral of this story is that when you lie to your audience you have to keep very, very clearly in mind that you have to always lie to them because in these times of technology no one can hide from an indiscreet lens. I'm just waiting for the next PR move after this, because if some comments without photos triggered the walk of shame, I don't want to think what this video will do although to be honest, if they are smart, which I doubt, I wouldn't give more importance to the follies of a "small" group of fans and I would let the issue pass lest it would happen like with the striped sheets. But hey, I think that will be like teaching an old dog new tricks and show must go on.'
Well, dear Anon Rebelde, isn't it extraordinary? Ever since you sent me your thoughts, BIF has let someone else do the Pravda comment on the pics. I will not spare one single neuron trying to make sense of what was said. It is of NO relevance and C showed her just how many fucks she gave about all the Stans. Zero, as my ticket to Landcon, Anon Rebelde.
Spring is back on our dashboards. Let's not spoil it with overanalyzing. Let's just enjoy the glorious moment they gave us. I am smiling from ear to ear while writing this.
“For where all love is, the speaking is unnecessary. It is all. It is undying. And it is enough.”
Or perhaps you'd prefer Paramore to 'Erself?
'And that was the day that I promised I'd never sing of love if it does not exist
But darling, you are the only exception'

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Exclusive: Lewis Hamilton Will Drive Ayrton Senna's McLaren In Tribute At the São Paulo GP
Action will be held at 5 pm on Saturday in Interlagos, after the end of the official Formula 1 track activities
According to information from Grupo Bandeirantes, Lewis Hamilton is the driver chosen to drive Ayrton Senna's McLaren in the tribute that will be held at the São Paulo Formula 1 GP. The action, called "Senna Sempre," is scheduled for 5 pm next Saturday (November 2), when all official track activities have ended. The car chosen for the tribute is the McLaren MP4/5B, with which Senna won his second championship in the 1990 Formula 1 season. Before that, on Thursday ( October 31), the car will be displayed at an event on Avenida Faria Lima, the economic epicenter of the capital of São Paulo. The agenda will feature the presence of Emerson Fittipaldi. The tribute car was even highlighted in the program this Tuesday (October 29) at the Autódromo de Interlagos, in the final stretch of the 2024 São Paulo Grand Prix. Hamilton never hid his idolatry and identification with Ayrton Senna. The Brit, who even has honorary Brazilian citizenship, already drove the three-time champion's 1988 McLaren when he was still a driver for the British team. Hamilton was also thrilled in 2017 when he won a helmet from his idol after equaling Senna's number of pole positions at the Canadian GP. The person who also paid tribute to Ayrton on the 30th anniversary of the Brazilian's death was Sebastian Vettel, who drove the 1993 McLaren at the 2024 Emilia Romagna GP, in Imola. On that occasion, the German, who owns the car, stopped on the main straight with the flags of Brazil and Austria, in tribute to Senna and Roland Ratzemberger, who also died on the weekend of the 1994 San Marino GP. Senna will be one of the honorees at the São Paulo GP this weekend, alongside Gil de Ferran and Wilsinho Fittipaldi. The race is the 21st of the 2024 Formula 1 season.
#lewis hamilton#f1#formula 1#brazilian gp 2024#fic ref#fic ref 2024#not a race#2024 not a race#between mexico and brazil 2024#sewis#ayrton senna#tw death
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i love your lamari art <3, tho i wonder, and dont take this the wrong way, why do you ship them (like besides from them looking cute together, which they are :D), especially as kikimari is more popular.
i keep getting this question and I genuinely don’t know how to reply. I really like Kikimari but I also like the “short, buff and awkward” x “tall nerd” kind of dynamic. The more I think about it, the less sense it would made in canon. But I just think it would be cute, the two of them hanging out from time to time and having that kind of “we don’t talk about it” thing going on, genuinely learning to enjoy each others presence. Laios catching feelings without realizing and Namari having an inner battle about her own is really funny. I guess most DM ships are just like that.
TLDR; bisexuality is a hell of a drug
(Mención de spoilers)
También me gusta mucho que a pesar de que Namari no tenía muchos sentimientos fuertes sobre Laios al inicio del manga, el siempre le ha tenido confianza y la ha visto como alguien a respetar a pesar de que dejó el grupo. El siempre ha confiado en su criterio y en el transcurso del manga ella va y hace cosas para defenderlo o apoyarlo que siento tal vez no habría hecho antes. También se veía en flashbacks que iban a comprar armaduras juntos,,, y ese panel al final cuando Namari ve a Laios con la capa de rey y se sonroja??? Y todos la miran así 🤨?? La idea de que desarrolla un crush a partir de ahí me gusta mucho y Laios no piensa nada al respecto HE IS CLUELESS!! Y el ya tuvo un “finjo amistad pero no te soporto”, “finjo amistad porque no sabia como acercarme a ti (sentimientos complejos. Vamos a ser amigos)” y “finjo interés romántico por mejores tratos/beneficios”, pero qué tal . “No te veía así antes y mientras más tiempo paso contigo mas complicada se vuelve mi imagen de ti, creo que siento algo distinto que simplemente querer ser tu amiga”
Y NAMARI OH NAMARI, su arco es la razón por la que siento que el ship no funciona en canon, pero como lo interpreto yo, es que está un poco reprimida; en toda la historia de DM y en los extras nos revelan su historia y los prejuicios y la injusticia que ha pasado por cosas fuera de su control, y el dolor que eso causó a otros. Con la familia Tansu, Namari encuentra, pues, eso. Una familia. Con el resto del cast, Namari encuentra gente que la aprecia, gente que se preocupa por ella. Siento que con Laios es algo parecido, su party es su familia, y toda la gente que conoció en la mazmorra no son necesariamente amigos, pero confidentes y gente que ha visto de lo que es capaz. Ambos han pasado por discriminación y han lastimado sin querer y han tratado de arreglar sus errores, lastimándose a sí mismos en el proceso. Siento que ambos tienen experiencias similares en espectros muy distintos y que eso les ayuda a entender al otro y por eso mismo siguen regresando otro día a pasar el rato.
Y ni hablé de la vida de rey de Laios,,, me duele un poco el final de DM porque Laios es infeliz hasta cierto punto. Obviamente no se arrepiente de su decisión, y esa era la mejor opción que tuvo, pero no puedo evitar sentirme mal con el hecho de que no puede hacer lo que le gusta, las juntas con extraños, la política, todo esto que se indica que lo estresa y que Kabru es mejor manejando. Namari, Izutsumi y Senshi son lo más cercano que tiene a su vida vieja, y como Izu y Senshi viajan mucho, Namari es a quien tiene más posibilidades de ver (Aunque también viva bien pinches lejos), salir juntos es un escapismo del estrés de su vida actual- no hay responsabilidades, no hay otra persona que sepa que es lo que va a pasar el día siguiente, puede simplemente volver a ser el mismo Laios de siempre y tener la compañía de alguien que entiende la dificultad de tener que llegar a cierto estándar.
#ask#im sorry I get embarrassed talking about ships that I like#just translate it on Google idk im so sorry I want to cry it’s really hard to put into words what I think
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Lore bump - ///English///
In my universe, mascots are divided in two large guilds: Olympians and Claners.
Olympians are individuals who embody the Olympic values, striving to safeguard life and promote the use of sporting competitions as an alternative to traditional forms of conflict. Upon attaining the status of Olympian, they receive a ring, also known as a stigma, which symbolizes their most exemplary value; such as perseverance, integrity, sportsmanship, excellence, or brotherhood. This is done through a ceremonial process, or in some exceptional casses, by being blessed by the archons.
The Claners are members of the FIFA CLAN, an organization that controls the mascots of FIFA events and associated confederations, promoting soccer as an alternative to the evils of the world, and also highlighting the vices of the Olympians. They gain power through amulets and spells, and have ranks marked by stars (gold, silver and bronze), assigned according to the role and rank of their members.
En mi universo, las mascotas estan divididas en don grandes gremios: Los Olímpicos y Los Claners.
Los olímpicos son individuos que encarnan los valores olímpicos, esforzándose por salvaguardar la vida y promover el uso de las competiciones deportivas como alternativa a las formas tradicionales de conflicto. Al alcanzar el estatus de olímpico, reciben un anillo, también conocido como estigma, que simboliza su valor más ejemplar; como la perseverancia, la integridad, la deportividad, la excelencia o la hermandad. Esto se hace a través de un proceso ceremonial, o en casos excepcionales, siendo bendecido por los arcontes.
Los Claners son miembros del Clan de la FIFA, una organización que controla a las mascotas de eventos de la FIFA y confederaciones asociadas, promoviendo el fútbol como alternativa a los males del mundo, y de vez en cuando resaltando los vicios de los Olimpicos. Obtienen poder mediante amuletos y hechizos, y tienen rangos marcados por estrellas (oro, plata y bronce), asignados según el rol y rango de sus miembros.
This mascot, for example. It is a special case because it is in the middle of the Olympian/Clanner factions. There are times when a mascot can straddle these groups, but very few get away with it; their presence usually creates conflicts of interest. /// Esta mascota, por ejemplo. Es un caso excepcional, ya que se encuentra en medio de las faccciones Olimpico/Clanner. Hay veces en las que una mascota puede entrar entre estos grupos, pero muy pocos pueden llegar a salir bien parados de ello, su precencia por lo regular genera conflictos de intereses.
#lore building#fan lore#mascotverse#alternative universe#Notreallymascotverseatall#mascots#serioslyihatetumblrfrfr#honkaidianmascotsgoeslikeraaaaaa
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Hugo Valdez | Parabola Synthesis
Hugo Alexander Valdez was a Falnn-born Topaxec philosopher, metaphysician, professor, and failed revolutionary. He studied under Granja during the famed philosopher's last years of teaching along with other members of the Young Farmers, then worked as a professor for three years. Though his works are fewer than most of his colleagues, his novel philosophy on will and desire and his concept of multiplicity and mutation influenced existentialism, nihilism, psychology, and post-structuralism.
Hugo Alexander Valdez was born on Falnn during Alban's attempts to seize the island kingdom under King Uter's attempts to expand territory. While his father, a Roman migrant, died during the resulting war when he was still young, his mother was able to stay employed as a gunsmith. Even so, his childhood years were lived in poverty, only made worse by his weak constitution; he spent most of his time in bed sick.
His mother finally moved to Topaxi to escape the war and lived in a small apartment complex within the city in hopes to better his health. As he grew into his teens, his mother amassed wealth after selling new weapons designs to the Advancement Forces Development Division, founding the arms manufacturer Grupo Valdez in the process. As such, Hugo was able to attend prestigious schools and enroll into the recently established UCAT, receiving a doctorate in philosophy after attending lectures with Granja.
He worked as a professor for three years until his death during the Xamay Revolt, when the Xamay Royal Cavalry raided a meeting and one of the horsemen shot him in the torso before trampling him with his steed, making him the First Martyr to the people of Yarima.
During his years in UCAT and two years after his graduation, he formed the Young Farmers Drinking Club with fellow members Iovan Herrera and Ignacio Otxo. He was among the favorites of the UCAT alumni and was popular among the staff and students, based on his 'charming demeanor' and 'soft, handsome looks' that 'gave a melancholic expression'.
His master Granja wrote of him: "He gave a thoroughly pleasant impression among the rabblerousers of those young farmers. He appeared self confident and calm, without hasty and jerky movements, with a light trace of pedantry."
Despite his polite and jovial presence among the Young Farmers and as a professor of ethics in a local preparatory school for three years, his personal pessimism shocked those who read his only published work, 'Treatise on Vitality and Life Discarded.'
In it, he described his ideas of multiplicity and mutation: that all objects have difference and are in constant movement, a spiritual movement, of always being after something. 'Even the most ascetic has to eat, sleep, and breathe,' he wrote, 'Even chemicals can not sustain their static existence. All changes and all is change. If we examine ourselves further, we find ourselves in ceaseless motion. Our force is essentially ceaseless and unmoving.'
Adapting Granja's concept of the unfolding of the absolute, he claimed all this came from a single point of unity and rest. 'The first motion and the arising of the world are one and the same. The transition of the simple unity into the world of multiplicity,' he wrote, 'We also have the right to give this point that familiar name which from time immemorial has designated what no imaginative power, no flight of the boldest fancy, no thinking however deep or abstract, no composed, devout soul, no ecstatic mind rapt on high has ever attained: Absolute. The Absolute dies and its death is the life of the world.'
For Hugo, the movement which governs all life is 'will', an innermost drive to exist and continue existing; even having offspring is to feel existence continue through them. Hugo then states that this will is a facade that hides 'desire'. 'Everything in the world is desire to death, which in the organic realm appears veiled as will to life,' further writing, '[He] is at his foundation desire to death because the chemical ideas, which constitute his type and, coming and going, maintain him in existence, want death. But since they can only attain it through weakening and there is no more effective means to this than the will to life, so the means steps authoritatively in front of the end, life in front of death, and man manifests himself as pure will to life.'
On his writing of happiness and true value, which influenced psychology as much as Iovan's writing did, he states: 'Life in general is a wretchedly miserable thing: it always has been wretched and miserable and will always be wretched and miserable. To will life is to desire things, and in such desire lies the very price of will. Every vivid feeling of pleasure must therefore be purchased with a vivid feeling of unpleasure, and with every purchase of this kind the will ultimately gains nothing. Even within utopia, suffering would not cease. If humanity finds itself in the ideal state, then there can be no rest. But where shall it then move? There is but one motion left to it: the motion towards complete annihilation; the motion out of being into nonbeing. And humanity will carry out this motion in irresistible yearning for the rest of absolute death. If humanity had nothing to do but eat and procreate, without striving for anything and existing in perfect bliss, it would smash it all to pieces simply to reassert its will into the world, just for movement to continue.'
Finally, he stated about the Absolute: 'Nonbeing must simply have earned preference over being, or else the Absolute in its supposed Ultimate Truth and Essence would not have chosen it.' To Hugo, even the Absolute chose desire over will.
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Jaguars struggle to survive amid human expansion in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest
Humans encroaching upon the Atlantic Forest in southern Brazil are jeopardizing the way of life and causing drastic changes in the behavior of the few jaguars still living in the forest. This is the conclusion of monitoring carried out by the Instituto Manacá, a non-profit organization that works to conserve the Atlantic Forest.
The jaguar monitoring work is part of a large project called the “Serra do Mar Large Mammals Program.” The project verifies biodiversity conditions along 1.7 million hectares of the coastal mountain range forest in the states of São Paulo and Paraná and has the support of the NGO WWF-Brasil and the Fundação Grupo Boticário, a corporate institution that is part of Grupo Boticário, a Brazilian holding company focused on perfumery and cosmetics.
In addition to the felines, they study other large mammals that inhabit the area, such as tapirs and peccaries.
In Paraná, researchers work in a 6,500 square kilometer forested area, where they closely analyze 11 jaguars. To observe their behavior, the project uses camera traps — cameras camouflaged in the vegetation to detect and record the movement of animals in the forest. In addition, they observe tracks and interview residents of rural communities to assess the areas with the greatest potential to harbor the presence of the animals.
Continue reading.
#brazil#brazilian politics#politics#environmentalism#animal rights#image description in alt#mod nise da silveira
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Marcus Miller - Tutu Revisited - LIVE
Marcus Miller - Tutu Revisited "Tutu" (86) ha sido uno de los álbumes de mayor éxito firmado por Miles Davis para la Warner. Lo curioso, en cuanto a los prolegómenos del álbum se refiere, es que iba a ser una colaboración del gran trompetista y mito del jazz con Prince, pero Miles abandonó la idea y llamó al bajista y productor Marcus Miller para que éste fuese su compañero de proyecto, el músico que compusiera y arreglase la mayor parte del repertorio y quien coprodujera el trabajo junto a Tommy Lipuma. Su título es un tributo a la figura del arzobispo Desmond Tutu y el álbum está orientado hacia la fusión del jazz con otros estilos predominantes a mediados de los 80' (r&b y funk, principalmente), utilizando sintetizadores, secuenciadores y batería eléctrica. Veintitrés años después de su primera versión, Marcus decidió revisar el que ha sido uno de sus proyectos más valorados, para rescatar su esencia y plasmarla en un contexto actual. La grabación se realizó en el Auditorio de Lyon, el 22 de diciembre de 2009. Para su consecución, Miller llamó al trompetista Christian Scott, un músico de Nueva Orleans que, con cuatro discos en el mercado, representa el futuro del jazz sobre las sólidas estructuras que en el pasado han dejado músicos como Miles Davis. Siguiendo con el apartado de colaboradores, destacar la presencia de Ronald Brunner Jr., el explosivo baterista que hemos escuchado en el pasado más reciente acompañando a músicos como Stanley Clarke o George Duke. En los teclados y procedente del grupo de Meshell Ndegeocello, Federico González Peña, al saxo Alex Han, descubierto por el propio Marcus en el Berklee College y como bajista y clarinetista el propio Marcus. Con todo lujo de detalles y, al margen de los dos CD's de audio, incluye en video aquel concierto de más de dos horas, así como un documental dedicado a Miles Davis.
FUENTE: Blues y Jazz
"Tutu" (86) has been one of the most successful albums signed by Miles Davis for Warner. The funny thing, as far as the album’s prolegomenous are concerned, is that it was going to be a collaboration of the great trumpeter and jazz myth with Prince, but Miles abandoned the idea and called the bassist and producer Marcus Miller to be his project partner, the musician who composed and arranged most of the repertoire and who co-produced the work with Tommy Lipuma. Its title is a tribute to the figure of Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the album is oriented towards the fusion of jazz with other predominant styles in the mid 80’s (r&b and funk, mainly), using synthesizers, sequencers and electric drums. Twenty-three years after its first version, Marcus decided to review what has been one of his most valued projects, to rescue its essence and reflect it in a current context. The recording was made at the Auditorium of Lyon on 22 December 2009. Miller called trumpeter Christian Scott, a musician from New Orleans who, with four albums on the market, represents the future of jazz on the solid structures that in the past have left musicians like Miles Davis. Continuing with the collaborators section, highlight the presence of Ronald Brunner Jr., the explosive drummer we have heard in the most recent past accompanying musicians such as Stanley Clarke or George Duke. On keyboards and coming from the group of Meshell Ndegeocello, Federico González Peña, saxophone Alex Han, discovered by Marcus himself at Berklee College and as bass player and clarinettist Marcus himself. With all luxury of details and, apart from the two audio CDs, includes in video that concert of more than two hours, as well as a documentary dedicated to Miles Davis
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Exposição Itinerante de Arte Correio em Homenagem à Luiz Sacilotto
100º aniversário de Luiz Sacilotto | Luiz Sacilotto's 100th birthday
O artista plástico Luiz Sacilotto (1924-2003), natural de Santo André, foi um dos precursores do concretismo brasileiro a partir do final da década de 1940. Em seu trabalho, fez uso de várias estratégias antecipando as investigações centrais da Op-art.
Para comemorar o centenário de seu nascimento, Marcia Rosenberger lançou a chamada nas redes sociais e ao seu mailing e a resposta chegou pelos Correios!
Em sua maioria são obras originais em diversas linguagens como pintura, desenho, colagem, fotografia, arte digital, vindas de 32 países como Argentina, Áustria, Bielorússia, Canadá, Cingapura, Finlândia, Grécia, Japão, México, Polônia, Romênia, Taiwan, Turquia, Ucrânia, Uruguai entre outros. São mais de 160 artistas participantes com quase 300 obras.
A exposição itinerante será inaugurada em 20 de abril, na Casa Âmbar de Cultura em Santo André-SP e depois seguirá para o ateliê Coletivo 308 em Guarulhos-SP, com abertura em junho deste ano.
Agradeço aos artistas participantes que dispensaram seu tempo na elaboração e envio dos trabalhos pelo correio,
às artistas do grupo de estudos Encontros de Arte Postal, que me motivam na minha pesquisa e nas ideias malucas que proponho,
a parceria e o apoio da @casaambarcultura e do @coletivo308 na realização desse projeto,
aos familiares de Sacilotto pela presença e confiança,
e à Galeria Almeida & Dale pela generosidade em ofertar um catálogo do artista.
Exposição Itinerante de Arte Correio em homenagem ao 100º aniversário de Luiz Sacilotto organização e curadoria: Marcia Rosenberger
abertura: 20 de abril de 2024 horário: 14 Às 17 horas
visitação: 22 de abril a 25 de maio de 2024 horário: 14 Às 17 horas [com agendamento pelo 11 94814-4648]
local: Casa Âmbar de Cultura R. Pôrto Rico, 5 - Pq. das Nações Santo André - São Paulo
atividade gratuita destinada a todos os públicos

Luiz Sacilotto's 100th birthday
Visual artist Luiz Sacilotto (1924-2003), born in Santo André, was one of the precursors of Brazilian concretism from the end of the 1940s onwards. In his work, he used several strategies anticipating the central investigations of Op-art.
To celebrate the centenary of his birth, Marcia Rosenberger launched a call on social media and to her mailing list and a response arrived by post!
The majority of the works are original in various languages such as painting, drawing, collage, photography and digital art, coming from 32 countries such as Argentina, Austria, Belarus, Canada, Singapore, Finland, Greece, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Romania, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay and others. There are more than 160 participating artists with almost 300 works.
The itinerant exhibition will open on April 20th, at Casa Âmbar de Cultura in Santo André-SP and will then move to the Ateliê Coletivo 308 in Guarulhos-SP, opening in June of this year.
I would like to thank the participating artists who took the time to prepare and send their work by mail,
to the artists of the study group Encontros de Arte Postal, who motivate me in my research and in the crazy ideas I propose,
the partnership and support of @casaambarcultura and @coletivo308 in welcoming this project,
to Sacilotto's family for their presence and trust,
e à Galeria Almeida & Dale pela generosidade em ofertar um catálogo do artista.
Itinerant Mail Art Exhibition in honor of Luiz Sacilotto's 100th birthday organization and curation: Marcia Rosenberger
opening: April 20, 2024 time: 2pm to 5pm
visiting hours: April 22 to May 25, 2024 time: 2 pm to 5 pm [by appointment at 11 94814-4648]
location: Amber House of Culture Rua Pôrto Rico, 5 - Parque das Nações Santo André - São Paulo
free activity aimed at all audiences
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Self-Discovery Journal

𝐒𝐭✰𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 es una joven excepcional que llegó al mundo un 07 de diciembre, se distingue por su aspecto y su personalidad única. Con una altura media-alta, sus cejas gruesas y negras enmarcan unos ojos color miel que parecen guardar un mundo de historias. Sus pestañas largas y rizadas, su piel clara y radiante con sus labios naturalmente rosados se combinan en una cara de forma diamante que llama la atención de inmediato. Su complexión física mesomórfica en forma de reloj de arena y su ascendencia única la hacen aún más fascinante.
𝐒𝐭✰𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 es dulce y humilde, siempre compitiendo consigo misma. Se ama profundamente y nunca se compara con los demás, consciente de su propia singularidad y autenticidad. Su presencia deja un rastro de brillo allá donde va, irradiando una amabilidad y sociabilidad natural que la hacen muy accesible. Es una persona optimista que disfruta conocer a una gran variedad de personas, aunque puede distanciarse en situaciones desfavorables. Su sociabilidad, extroversión, diversión, encanto y agudeza la definen, junto con su espontaneidad, expresividad y sensibilidad tanto a sus propias necesidades como a las de los demás.
𝐒𝐭✰𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 es una persona independiente y expresa sus opiniones libremente. Posee una habilidad única para hablar con energía, pasión y entusiasmo, encantando a personas y grupos con su carisma angelical. Su interés por las personas, sus habilidades sociales, su facilidad verbal y su autoconfianza la hacen muy efectiva en influenciar y persuadir a otros. No le gusta la rutina, ama los detalles. Necesita un entorno que le brinde espacio para actuar y libertad para expresarse sin restricciones. Es cautelosa al tomar decisiones y siempre sincera.
Apasionada desde que tiene uso de razón, ha estado inmersa en el mundo de la música, influenciada desde temprana edad por su familia y principalmente por su bisabuelo, un músico talentoso que le transmitió su pasión por este arte, 𝐒𝐭✰𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 encuentra un profundo amor por el canto y sueña con dominar la batería, mientras se aventura en aprender a tocar la guitarra en su totalidad. Sin embargo, debido a un temor profundo, aún no ha compartido esta pasión con nadie. Le encanta componer canciones, encontrando inspiración en cada capítulo de su vida. Su pasión y carisma son evidentes en todo lo que hace, y su amor por la vida en la ciudad la mantiene siempre activa y vibrante.
Cada encuentro con 𝐒𝐭✰𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 es una oportunidad para descubrir una nueva faceta de su personalidad y para dejarse llevar por su energía y encanto. Conocerla es enamorarse de su esencia, de su espíritu aventurero y de su amor por las cosas más insignificantes y curiosas dónde jamás puede faltar la música y la diversión. Ella se deja llevar y fluir explorando y disfrutando lo que la vida le espera. Lo que ella sabe con certeza es que siempre encontrará la felicidad.
𝐒𝐭✰𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 is an exceptional young woman who came into the world on December 7th, distinguished by her appearance and unique personality. Standing at an above-average height, she has thick, black eyebrows framing honey-colored eyes that seem to hold a world of stories. Her long, curled lashes, radiant fair skin, and naturally pink lips combine in a diamond-shaped face that immediately captures attention. Her mesomorphic hourglass physique and unique ancestry add to her fascination.
𝐒𝐭✰𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 is sweet and humble, always challenging herself. She loves herself deeply and never compares herself to others, aware of her own uniqueness and authenticity. Her presence leaves a trail of sparkle wherever she goes, radiating natural kindness and sociability that make her approachable. She's an optimist who enjoys meeting a wide variety of people, though she can withdraw in unfavorable situations. Her sociability, extroversion, fun-loving nature, charm, and sharpness define her, along with her spontaneity, expressiveness, and sensitivity to both her own needs and those of others.
𝐒𝐭✰𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 is independent and freely expresses her opinions. She possesses a unique ability to speak with energy, passion, and enthusiasm, captivating individuals and groups with her angelic charisma. Her interest in people, social skills, verbal fluency, and self-confidence make her highly effective in influencing and persuading others. She dislikes routine, needing an environment that allows her freedom to act and express herself without constraints. She is cautious in decision-making and always sincere.
Passionate from an early age, 𝐒𝐭✰𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 has been immersed in the world of music, influenced by her family and especially her great-grandfather, a talented musician who instilled in her a deep love for singing. She dreams of mastering the drums and is exploring learning to play the guitar fully. However, due to deep-seated fears, she has yet to share this passion with anyone. She loves composing songs, finding inspiration in every chapter of her life. Her passion and charisma shine through in everything she does, and her love for city life keeps her active and vibrant.
Every encounter with 𝐒𝐭✰𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 is an opportunity to discover a new facet of her personality and to be swept away by her energy and charm. Getting to know her is to fall in love with her essence, her adventurous spirit, and her love for life's simple and curious pleasures, where music and fun are always present. She embraces life, exploring and enjoying what lies ahead. What she knows for certain is that she will always find happiness.
Actualizado 01/07/24
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European Ceramic Tiles Market Size, Growth Trends, and Future Outlook (2024-2032)
The European ceramic tiles market is one of the most established and dynamic markets globally, driven by evolving consumer preferences for sustainable and aesthetically pleasing building materials. With their durability, low maintenance, and endless design possibilities, ceramic tiles have become a preferred choice for both residential and commercial construction projects.
In recent years, the market has seen a surge in demand due to increased construction activities, technological advancements in tile manufacturing, and growing interest in eco-friendly solutions.
Market Overview
Current Market Size and Growth Trends
The European ceramic tiles market was valued at USD 23.7 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.8% from 2024 to 2032, reaching approximately USD 38.2 billion by 2032. The rising demand for innovative tile designs, coupled with government initiatives promoting green construction, is driving market growth.
Regional Market Insights
Italy and Spain: Leading producers of ceramic tiles, known for their high-quality craftsmanship and innovative designs. These countries dominate the European ceramic tiles export market.
Germany: A significant market driven by residential renovation projects and demand for sustainable building materials.
France: Strong growth due to increasing urbanization and rising consumer preference for modern, stylish interiors.
Eastern Europe: Emerging markets like Poland and Hungary are witnessing increased construction activities and rising demand for affordable ceramic tiles.
Key Market Drivers
Increasing Residential and Commercial Construction: Ongoing urbanization and renovation projects in Europe are fueling demand for ceramic tiles.
Focus on Sustainability and Green Building Materials: Consumers and governments are emphasizing eco-friendly materials, driving the adoption of energy-efficient tile manufacturing processes.
Technological Innovations in Tile Design and Production: Advancements in digital printing technology allow for highly customized and realistic designs.
Growing Trend of Home Renovation: Rising interest in home improvement projects has increased the demand for premium ceramic tiles in Europe.
Leading Players in the European Ceramic Tiles Market
Several key manufacturers dominate the market, offering a wide range of tiles with innovative designs and high quality:
Mohawk Industries, Inc. (USA) – One of the largest global manufacturers with a strong presence in Europe.
RAK Ceramics (UAE) – Known for its wide product portfolio and innovative designs.
Grupo Lamosa (Mexico) – Expanding its footprint in the European market through strategic acquisitions.
Marazzi Group (Italy) – A leader in high-end ceramic tile production with a focus on design innovation.
Pamesa Cerámica (Spain) – Specializes in affordable yet stylish ceramic tiles for residential and commercial use.
Challenges and Roadblocks
Despite its growth potential, the European ceramic tiles market faces several challenges:
High Energy and Production Costs: The tile manufacturing process is energy-intensive, making the industry vulnerable to fluctuating energy prices.
Stringent Environmental Regulations: Compliance with European environmental standards can be challenging and costly for manufacturers.
Intense Competition and Price Pressure: The market is highly competitive, with a large number of players leading to price wars.
Supply Chain Disruptions: Dependence on raw materials from non-European markets can cause supply chain challenges, especially in times of geopolitical uncertainty.
Future Outlook
The European ceramic tiles market is poised for steady growth, with several key trends shaping its future:
Increased Adoption of Large-Format and Slim Tiles: Offering seamless aesthetics and ease of installation.
Rising Demand for Anti-Bacterial and Self-Cleaning Tiles: Growing interest in health and hygiene is driving innovation in surface technology.
Expansion of Digital and 3D Printing Technologies: Allowing for greater customization and enhanced design capabilities.
Focus on Recycled and Eco-Friendly Materials: Sustainable tiles made from recycled content will see increasing demand.
The European ceramic tiles market is set to grow steadily over the coming years, driven by the demand for sustainable construction materials, technological innovations, and rising home renovation trends. Companies that focus on design innovation, sustainability, and strategic expansion will be well-positioned to capitalize on these opportunities.
About Us
Mark & Spark Solutions is committed to providing cutting-edge market insights and business solutions. Visit our website at https://marksparksolutions.com/ to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in this evolving landscape.
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La comunidad judía de Bahía
🇧🇷 La historia de los inmigrantes, particularmente los judíos en Brasil, refleja un proceso de adaptación y reconstrucción de identidad, enfrentando grandes desafíos desde su llegada a tierras brasileñas. Los primeros judíos llegaron en el siglo XVII a Bahía, específicamente durante la ocupación holandesa en Pernambuco y Bahía (1624-1654), donde fundaron la primera sinagoga de América en Recife. Tras la derrota de los holandeses, muchos emigraron a otros lugares, pero el interés por su presencia en Brasil comenzó a ser rescatado a lo largo de los años. En 1821, los judíos fueron reconocidos legalmente en Portugal, y la Constitución de 1824 en Brasil consagró la libertad religiosa. Durante el siglo XIX y principios del XX, la migración de judíos aumentó, con muchos provenientes de Europa Central y del Este, en busca de mejores condiciones económicas. En Bahía, el número de judíos creció de manera constante, con comunidades formadas por sefardíes y asquenazíes, y a finales del siglo XIX, comenzaron a establecerse en barrios como Nazaré en Salvador. En la década de 1920, varios grupos comunitarios fueron fundados, como Tiferet Sion y la Sociedade Beneficente Israelita, que no solo proporcionaban apoyo religioso, sino también cultural y social. El impacto de la Primera Guerra Mundial y las políticas migratorias de la Constitución de 1934 redujeron la inmigración, pero la comunidad judía bahiana continuó su integración, manteniendo sus tradiciones mientras se adaptaban a la vida brasileña. A medida que avanzaba el siglo XX, los inmigrantes y sus descendientes progresaron, contribuyendo al tejido social de Bahía con un creciente número de profesionales, aunque su historia sufrió la erosión por los movimientos antisemitas, como se reflejó en la prensa en los años 30. Al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la comunidad judía de Bahía alcanzó su máximo auge, pero con el tiempo, muchos jóvenes buscaron nuevas oportunidades en el sur del país, reduciendo su número en la región.
🇺🇸 The history of immigrants, particularly Jews in Brazil, reflects a process of adaptation and identity reconstruction, facing great challenges since their arrival in Brazilian lands. The first Jews arrived in the 17th century in Bahia, specifically during the Dutch occupation in Pernambuco and Bahia (1624-1654), where they founded the first synagogue in the Americas in Recife. After the Dutch defeat, many emigrated to other places, but interest in their presence in Brazil began to be rescued over the years. In 1821, Jews were legally recognized in Portugal, and the 1824 Constitution in Brazil enshrined religious freedom. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, Jewish migration increased, with many coming from Central and Eastern Europe, in search of better economic conditions. In Bahia, the Jewish population grew steadily, with communities formed by Sephardim and Ashkenazim, and by the late 19th century, they began to settle in neighborhoods like Nazaré in Salvador. In the 1920s, various community groups were founded, such as Tiferet Sion and the Israelite Beneficent Society, which provided not only religious support but also cultural and social assistance. The impact of World War I and the migration policies of the 1934 Constitution reduced immigration, but the Jewish community in Bahia continued its integration, preserving traditions while adapting to Brazilian life. As the 20th century progressed, immigrants and their descendants made progress, contributing to Bahia's social fabric with an increasing number of professionals, though their history suffered erosion from anti-Semitic movements, as reflected in the press in the 1930s. By the end of World War II, the Jewish community in Bahia reached its peak, but over time, many young people sought new opportunities in the southern part of the country, reducing their numbers in the region.

#Inmigrantes#Historia judía#Bahía#Brasil#Salvador#Pernambuco#Cultura judía#Sinagoga#Refugiados#Migración#Tradiciones#Adaptación#Diversidad#Libertad religiosa#Constitución#Sionismo#Cultura sefardí#Asquenazíes#Inmigración judía#Segunda Guerra Mundial#Sefardí#sefardíes#sephardic
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Automotive Sun Visor Market Overview, Trends, and Future Prospects to 2030
The Automotive Sun Visor market is expected to grow from USD 2.71 Billion in 2024 to USD 3.50 Billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 4.35% during the forecast period.
Sun visors, an essential component of vehicle interiors, play a crucial role in enhancing driver visibility and protecting occupants from harmful UV rays. The market’s expansion is attributed to advancements in automotive design, increasing adoption of premium and electric vehicles, and a heightened focus on ergonomic and aesthetic improvements in vehicle interiors.
One of the primary factors driving the automotive sun visor market is the growing consumer preference for vehicles equipped with enhanced comfort and safety features. Sun visors are not only functional components that block excessive sunlight and glare but are also being redesigned to integrate advanced features such as vanity mirrors with LED lighting, storage compartments, and even embedded electronic components like touchscreens. These innovations cater to a more tech-savvy and comfort-oriented consumer base, further boosting market demand.
For More Insights into the Market, Request a Sample of this Report https://www.reportprime.com/enquiry/sample-report/19882
Key Market Players
Grupo Antolin, Daimei, Atlas (Motus), Kyowa Sangyo, KASAI KOGYO, Hayashi, Joyson Safety Systems, IAC Group, HOWA TEXTILE, Dongfeng Electronic, Yongsan, Mecai
Market Segmentations
By Type: Sun Visor with Mirror, Sun Visor without Mirror
By Applications: Passenger Vehicle, Commercial Vehicle
The surge in electric vehicle (EV) production and adoption is also contributing to the growth of the automotive sun visor market. As EV manufacturers emphasize lightweight materials and sustainable designs, sun visors are being developed with eco-friendly materials like recycled plastics and composite fabrics. These materials not only reduce the overall weight of the vehicle but also align with the environmental goals of manufacturers and consumers. Additionally, the increased production of luxury vehicles, which often feature customized and technologically advanced interiors, is further driving market growth.
Technological advancements are playing a pivotal role in reshaping the automotive sun visor market. For instance, the introduction of smart sun visors equipped with liquid crystal displays (LCDs) and advanced sensors is gaining traction. These innovative visors adjust their transparency based on sunlight intensity, offering better protection and visibility compared to traditional visors. Some high-end vehicles now feature augmented reality (AR)-enabled sun visors that display critical driving information directly onto the visor, enhancing safety and convenience for the driver.
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From a regional perspective, Asia-Pacific dominates the automotive sun visor market due to its large automotive manufacturing base and high vehicle production volumes, particularly in countries like China, Japan, and India. The region's growing middle-class population and rising disposable incomes are driving the demand for feature-rich vehicles, further supporting market growth. North America and Europe are also significant markets, driven by stringent safety regulations, a mature automotive industry, and the increasing penetration of EVs and autonomous vehicles. These regions are characterized by a strong presence of premium car manufacturers, further driving the adoption of advanced sun visor technologies.
Despite its promising growth trajectory, the automotive sun visor market faces challenges such as the high cost of advanced sun visor systems and the relatively slow adoption of premium features in low-cost vehicle segments. Additionally, fluctuations in raw material prices and supply chain disruptions, particularly during global crises, can pose challenges for manufacturers. Nevertheless, ongoing investments in research and development and the increasing emphasis on customization and user-centric designs are expected to mitigate these challenges and unlock new opportunities in the market.
Key players in the automotive sun visor market are focusing on innovation, strategic collaborations, and expanding their product portfolios to gain a competitive edge. Companies are investing in lightweight materials, smart technologies, and modular designs to cater to the diverse needs of global consumers. Furthermore, partnerships between automotive OEMs and component manufacturers are paving the way for the development of integrated and innovative solutions that enhance both functionality and aesthetics.
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Name: Tomoe
Japanese Name: 巴 (Tomoe)
Romanized Name: Tomoe
Epithet(s): Warrior Priestess of the Hinomoto Clan
Code Name: The Protector of Hinomoto
Race: Human
Occupations: Priestess, Warrior, Champion of the Queen's Blade
Family: Hinomoto Clan (Extended Family at the Temple)
Affiliations: Hinomoto Temple, Allies such as Shizuka
Bounty Offered: 450,000,000 Berries
Capture: Dead or Alive
Age: 26 years old
Birth Date: April 15th
Height: 1.70 m
Blood Type: A
Origin: Hinomoto
Residence: Hinomoto Clan Temple
Status: Active in the Queen's Tournament Blade
Reasons for capture:
High combat ability and mastery of sword techniques. Potential to destabilize the world due to his beliefs and leadership. Spiritual presence that can attract followers and spark power struggles. Defense of his homeland against external threats, including militarization and corruption. Collaboration with individuals with dark backgrounds, such as his friend Shizuka.
Nombre: Tomoe
Nombre japonés: 巴 (Tomoe)
Nombre romanizado: Tomoe
Epíteto(s): Sacerdotisa Guerrera del Clan Hinomoto
Nombre Clave: La Protectora de Hinomoto
Raza: Humana
Ocupaciones: Sacerdotisa, Guerrero, Campeona del Queen's Blade
Familia: Clan Hinomoto (Familia extendida en el templo)
Afiliaciones: Templo de Hinomoto, Aliados como Shizuka
Recompensa Ofrecida: 450,000,000 Berries
Captura: Vivo o Muerto
Edad: 26 años
Fecha de Nacimiento: 15 de abril
Altura: 1.70 m
Grupo Sanguíneo: A
Origen: Hinomoto
Residencia: Templo del Clan Hinomoto
Estado: Activa en el torneo Queen's Blade
Motivos de captura:
Alta capacidad de combate y maestría en técnicas de espada. Potencial de desestabilización en el mundo debido a sus creencias y liderazgo. Presencia espiritual que puede atraer seguidores y desatar luchas por el poder. Defensa de su tierra natal contra amenazas externas, incluyendo la militarización y la corrupción. Colaboración con individuos de antecedentes oscuros, como su amiga Shizuka.
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Here is a multi-language description for a TikTok video explaining how to install Nova360 AI. This version is designed to guide viewers step-by-step while highlighting key installation features and making the process simple for them to understand.
English 🔧 Ready to install Nova360 AI? In this video, we’ll walk you through the entire installation process so you can get started with automating your marketing efforts in no time!
Here’s what you’ll need:
Download Nova360 AI from the link provided.
Open the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
Customize your settings to tailor the platform to your needs.
Start automating your tasks and boosting your reach with ease!
With Nova360 AI, you’ll be able to streamline your social media marketing, automate Facebook group posting, and expand your online presence effortlessly. Whether you're an entrepreneur, small business owner, or digital marketer, Nova360 AI is designed to make your life easier and your business grow faster. 🚀
Stay tuned and make sure to subscribe for more tips and tricks on using Nova360 AI!
Français 🔧 Prêt à installer Nova360 AI ? Dans cette vidéo, nous vous guiderons à travers le processus d’installation complet pour que vous puissiez commencer à automatiser vos efforts marketing rapidement !
Voici ce dont vous aurez besoin :
Téléchargez Nova360 AI via le lien fourni.
Ouvrez l'installateur et suivez les instructions à l'écran.
Personnalisez vos paramètres pour adapter la plateforme à vos besoins.
Commencez à automatiser vos tâches et à accroître votre visibilité facilement !
Avec Nova360 AI, vous pourrez simplifier votre marketing sur les réseaux sociaux, automatiser vos publications dans des groupes Facebook et augmenter votre présence en ligne sans effort. Que vous soyez entrepreneur, propriétaire de petite entreprise ou spécialiste du marketing numérique, Nova360 AI est conçu pour vous faciliter la vie et faire croître votre entreprise plus rapidement. 🚀
Restez connecté et abonnez-vous pour plus d'astuces sur l'utilisation de Nova360 AI !
Español 🔧 ¿Listo para instalar Nova360 AI? En este video, te mostraremos cómo realizar todo el proceso de instalación para que puedas comenzar a automatizar tus esfuerzos de marketing rápidamente.
Esto es lo que necesitarás:
Descarga Nova360 AI desde el enlace proporcionado.
Abre el instalador y sigue las instrucciones en pantalla.
Personaliza la configuración para adaptarla a tus necesidades.
Comienza a automatizar tus tareas y aumentar tu alcance fácilmente.
Con Nova360 AI, podrás optimizar tu marketing en redes sociales, automatizar publicaciones en grupos de Facebook y expandir tu presencia online sin esfuerzo. Ya seas emprendedor, propietario de un negocio pequeño o especialista en marketing digital, Nova360 AI está diseñado para hacerte la vida más fácil y acelerar el crecimiento de tu negocio. 🚀
Mantente conectado y suscríbete para más consejos sobre cómo usar Nova360 AI.
Türkçe 🔧 Nova360 AI'yi yüklemeye hazır mısınız? Bu videoda, yükleme sürecini adım adım göstereceğiz, böylece pazarlama çabalarınızı hızla otomatikleştirmeye başlayabilirsiniz!
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Nova360 AI ile sosyal medya pazarlamanızı hızlandırabilir, Facebook gruplarına otomatik gönderi paylaşabilir ve çevrimiçi varlığınızı zahmetsizce büyütebilirsiniz. İster girişimci, ister küçük işletme sahibi, ister dijital pazarlama uzmanı olun, Nova360 AI işinizi büyütmek için size zaman kazandırır. 🚀
Daha fazla ipucu için abone olmayı unutmayın ve Nova360 AI ile ilgili daha fazla içerik izlemeye devam edin!
Português 🔧 Pronto para instalar o Nova360 AI? Neste vídeo, vamos guiá-lo por todo o processo de instalação para que você possa começar a automatizar seus esforços de marketing rapidamente!
O que você vai precisar:
Baixe o Nova360 AI através do link fornecido.
Abra o instalador e siga as instruções na tela.
Personalize suas configurações para adaptar a plataforma às suas necessidades.
Comece a automatizar suas tarefas e aumentar seu alcance com facilidade!
Com o Nova360 AI, você poderá otimizar seu marketing nas redes sociais, automatizar postagens em grupos do Facebook e expandir sua presença online sem esforço. Seja você um empreendedor, dono de pequeno negócio ou especialista em marketing digital, o Nova360 AI é feito para facilitar sua vida e fazer seu negócio crescer mais rápido. 🚀
Fique ligado e inscreva-se para mais dicas sobre como usar o Nova360 AI!
This description emphasizes the ease of installation and the key benefits of Nova360 AI, engaging users in each language while focusing on the functionality and features.
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Grupo De Valle and Proconstur team up to develop four pioneering Super 8 by Wyndham hotels, located in Rio San Juan, Cabrera, Cotui, and La Vega. Super 8 by Wyndham, also known as Super 8, is a North American hotel chain that manages the world's largest network of economy hotels, with over 4,000 properties. Initially charging $8.88 per night, these locations will mark the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY that an international brand hotel will establish presence in Rio San Juan, Cabrera, Cotui, and La Vega Dominican Republic. These properties will be part of more than 15 Super 8 hotels under development within Grupo De Valle's Vision2030 plan to build hotels within 30 minutes of every city in the Dominican Republic. The hotels, representing a $25,000,000 USD investment with over 350 rooms and employing more than 200 local residents, will offer various accommodation options with comfortable and soundproof designs. "The rooms include options for families, groups, couples, and individuals, with two-bedroom suites and standard rooms. They feature modern technology, restaurant, bar, and charging stations for electric vehicles, adapting to any traveler's needs," stated Eng. Henry Veloz, president of the exclusive construction company for the 4 projects (Constructora Hotelera Provalle, S.R.L). "This exclusive partnership with Grupo De Valle the Master Franchiser for Dominican Republic demonstrates how we cultivate meaningful relationships with our partners," said Mr. Juan Estevez, President of Mr. Homes. "Our franchisees deeply understand the local culture and their collaboration is invaluable," affirmed Edward De Valle II, President of Grupo De Valle. The 75-100 room properties will offer friendly service and clean rooms at affordable prices -- distinctive features of the Super 8 brand. Our hotels will offer 15% discounts for teachers, nurses, doctors, police, and military personnel year-round. These hotels are for all Dominicans as well as international travelers, stated Amaury Diaz managing partner at Constructora Hotelera Provalle, S.R.L. All properties nationwide will be operated by OPHDOM, led by Mr. Gabriel Salom Ferrer, president of the operating company, one of the country's leading local hotel management firms. We are very excited to add these four properties to our portfolio. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of these hotels becoming part of each city's identity, said Mr. Gabriel Salom Ferrer. The hotels' corporate structure will be managed by Fiduciaria Union Capital, FIDUCAPITAL, S.A. For information about investing in and/or financing a Super 8 by Wyndham brand, email the real estate services department at [email protected]. Press Contact: WhatsApp +1-809-910-3401 Investor Relations Contact: WhatsApp +1-786-280-5447 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Q: Where are the new Super 8 hotels being built in the Dominican Republic? A: The hotels are being built in Rio San Juan, Cabrera, Cotui, and La Vega. - Q: What is the total investment for these four hotels? A: The total investment is $25,000,000 USD. - Q: How many rooms will the new hotels have? A: The hotels will have between 75-100 rooms each, with over 350 rooms total across all four properties. - Q: Who will operate these hotels? A: OPHDOM, led by Mr. Gabriel Salom Ferrer, will operate all properties nationwide. - Q: Will there be any special discounts available? A: Yes, there will be a 15% discount for teachers, nurses, doctors, police, and military personnel year-round. - Q: What amenities will the hotels offer? A: The hotels will feature modern technology, restaurants, bars, and charging stations for electric vehicles. - Q: How many jobs will these hotels create? A: The hotels will employ more than 200 local residents. - Q: Who is managing the corporate structure of the hotels? A: Fiduciaria Union Capital, FIDUCAPITAL, S.A. will manage the corporate structure. - Q: What types of rooms will be available? A: The hotels will offer two-bedroom suites and standard rooms suitable for families, groups, couples, and individuals. - Q: How can I get information about investing in these hotels? A: Interested investors can email the real estate services department at [email protected]. Read the full article
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