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weltonbmarsland · 9 days ago
Here's a self-indulgent post that's a little looksee into my writing room because @kookaburrito commented a day or so ago about being "so curious about all the lovely pics on your office wall". You'll have to excuse an occasional fuzziness of focus (it's hot and I'm tiiiired) and a layer of dust on everything (we live on a busy road and I fucking hate housework so eh). But sure! Here's some bits and bobs...
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We've never got around to painting the hallway in the centre of the house, so the outside of my door is the crappy off-white that the previous occupants chose. Two Reeces and a hare to be spotted. :)
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I have green walls inside! No matter how many times I tried to take a shot of this corner, I just couldn't get a snap that was both in focus and didn't make the lifesize Tennant look weird. So he looks least weird here and the rest is fuzzy. Three Reeces and a Steve in shot!
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Alright, cunt, what happens? Etc.
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These bits are to the right of the doorway. There's no rhyme or reason to anything (though quite a bit of Reeson, obvs). Soomit catches my eye bad enough that I go to the trouble of printing it, it gets slapped up on a wall somewhere.
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Opposite wall to the one with the lifesize Tennant on it. There's a shelf with lots of green things on it. This is just behind my desk actually, so I'm sitting with my back to all this while I'm speaking to you now. Most of the pix here are of a lovely Australian actor called Dan Feuerriegel who played Agron in the Spartacus tv series from last decade. My Dad also gets his head in this shot, as well as oh dear 2 pix of me and my partner D.
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So that was the right-most side of the shelf behind me - this is the left-most. Some bits of Reece. Another of me if you can spot it. (no, I'm not Lemmy from Motorhead)
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Same bit, obviously, just higher up. How many pictures of Shearsmith do I have in this room? Depends on if you count that fanart there as 1 or 6. Simon le Bon & John Taylor from Duran Duran up there, getting the giggles under a sign that says "best of friends". And another set of best-of-friends on the end. Of course.
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Close up of that bit. 'Cos it's nice innit. The pic on the left is a photo of the award my novel won sitting on a poster promoting its release. (winner of the romance category at the Bisexual Book Awards in NYC in 2018, for those playing along at home /humblebrag)
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Just finishing up with a bit of halloween tat. And an ammonite fossil. No Reeces to be found.
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I posted this pic last week of Moon asleep on the end of my desk. (previous owners are responsible for the horrid window furnishings, too, which we also haven't got around to changing in all the time we've been here)
So there you have it. A sticky-beak into the place I spend all my time with you wonderful people.
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expl0sive-surge · 11 months ago
Of course, your well-kept-moustache-ness!
* the phone line the anon (somehow) connected surge and kit to suddenly shuts off. *
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"Looks like we've got some work to do Kit"
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diorjordyn · 1 year ago
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Saving the Day, One Green Punch at a Time
[Bad Unicorn] GRRReen Hands | Mainstore
ELEVEN - Babette Bodysuit | Dubai Event
ELEVEN - Babette Jeans | Dubai Event
FLite.- APEX TURFS | Dreamday
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crescent-coral-base · 2 years ago
It's grrreen.
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wtfbush-blog · 6 years ago
Send 😘 for my muse’s honest opinion about your muse
Them as a person : You are have one of the kindest hearts and giving souls out of everyone I’ve ever met! Your loyalty to others, your underrated talents, your sharp tongue and quick wit are just a few of the qualities I love about you. BFF level!Level of attractiveness : 11/10What annoys them most : How fucking attractive other people are.What they like the most : Fruit bowls and sex. Preferably together. What they’d do if they were locked in a closet together for 4 hours : Play on social media. Overall opinion : Cuddly pit bull. Rating : Can’t be rated because you’re off the charts!
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catball · 3 years ago
ecusre me i am a little nd i lovestorys heres the storys i read today
i readed some of the acroonym of tomorow and i looked at some pictures of from umm 8eyes witht he girls i likethe grrreen one 
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necromanticwhxre · 4 years ago
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nikkirccd-blog · 6 years ago
[ text ] I'm not even sorry about that. It's a fitting song!
[ text ] Puhlease. You’re so full of it! What are you doing?
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caqi-cove · 6 years ago
Getting To Know - F’ismat Ajam
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► Name ➔ The Miqo’tes light green eyes turn to study the questioner, a subtle twitch of her eyebrows preceding her response. “F’ismat Ajam.”
► Are you single ➔ “If you arrre speaking to me purrrely to make a pass, then you arrre wasting efforrrt.” The Miqo’te replies blithely, the tip of her tail beginning to twitch behind her. “If this is rrrelevant to the rrrest of yourrrr questions, then yes. I am.”
► Are you happy ➔ F’ismat does not turn her gaze, though the irritation being channeled through her tail grows. “No, I am not.”
► Are you angry? ➔ “Bitterr, but not angrrry. There is no grrrand injustice that I have any rrrright to be angrrry over.” A slow breath is exhaled as her broad shoulders rise and fall.
► Are your parents still married ➔ “The last time I spoke to my parrrents was a few sennights afterr my fifth nameday. They werrre neverr marrried, a common thing among Seekerrrrs.” F’ismat shifts her feet, her arms folding behind her back as she takes a comforting and familiar at ease stance.
► Birth Place ➔ ”My place of birrrth is irrrrelevant and I do not rrrememberr, orrr carrre.” The Seeker’s tone makes it clear that isn’t hyperbole, she truly doesn’t consider it important. ► Hair Color ➔  Her tail comes to life once again as she replies. “Light brrrown with some blonde. As you can see with yourrr eyes.” ► Eye Color ➔  As the second obvious question is presented, F’ismat’s tail goes from simply twitching to outright flicking behind her erratically. “Grrreen, I have hearrrd it called Pea Grrreen.” ► Birthday ➔ ”Irrrrelevant.” Shes states pointedly. “I do not celebrrrate a nameday, being borrrn is not an achievement. I did prrreviously celebrrrate my firrrst sun as a janissarrry. That was the Fifth sun of the Firrrst Astrrral moon.” ► Mood ➔  ”Disconcerrrrted.” F’ismat squints at her questioner. “I will not elaborrrate on why.” ► Gender ➔ F’ismat’s tail flicks suddenly towards a nearby pillar with an audible ‘whock’! She flinches slightly, her cool and professional air stifled for just a moment. “I am surrrre you have a rrreason for asking, but I believe my figurrre is not so masculine as to make that question necessarrry.” There’s a shift in her body language as she thrusts her chest out. ► Summer or winter ➔  The question disarms the Miqo’te, a ghost of a smile resting on her lips. “Winterrr. Rrradz-at-Han is blessed by Azeyma’s gaze but also high humidity. It can be unbearrrable on some suns. Durrring the winterr it is pleasant, though the evening rrrequirres a blanket.” ► Morning or afternoon ➔ “Rrrise with Azeyma to begin yourrr sun, enjoy the blessed cool of the morrrning. The sight of the worrrld coming to life with you.” She cants her head slightly, the topic seeming to be something she’s fond of.
► Are you in love ➔ “No. I am single, and I do not have significant ties with anyone in Eorrrzea prroperrr. Until I have found my place, I do not intend to change that.”
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “Love at firrrst sight is a rrromantic notion used to help ease trrrousers off prrrrinces, and skirrrts off prrrincesses. You do not forrrm love frrrom something as shallow as a visage. That is lust.” The miqo’te replies sharply, her tail once more springing to life but not swinging as wide as it did before, no need to hit the pillar again.
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “I did. Ourrr rrrelationship was a dalliance. One that would have stained the honorrr of the Tawfiqids and my position.“ She adjusts her footing again, pride seeming to shine from her.
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “A young scion of the Tawfiq family took to me. He showerrred me in gifts and prrraise, but I turrrned down his advances when he apprroached me in prrrivate. His prride was stung if nothing else.” She shakes her head, the sandy brown locks bouncing. “I do not believe I brroke his hearrrt, simply disappointed his loins.”
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “You must be speaking of parrrrtnerrrships. I have no opinion, it has neverrr been rrrelevant.” She pulls her hand from behind her back, holding her palm up to the questioner to delay their next question. “If you mean any kind of commitment, no. I serrrve my masterr and my peerrrs without rreserrrvation.”
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ She simply holds her gaze on the questioner, she doesn’t intend to answer this. There’s a strong chance the answer is ‘no’, but she’s tiring of the topic of romance.
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ She nods, almost relieved that this is something she can easily reply to. “Yes, I did. I thought it was the prreviously mentioned man hoping to rreinvigorrrate his purrrsuit of me. Then the gifts became morrre thoughtful, focused, and feminine. Eventually my admirrrerr came forrrwarrd.”
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “The hearrrt is fickle and flightly, you should not fearrr ‘brrreaking’ it. You will lust or want forrr something again beforrre long.” The miqo’te refolds her arms behind her back after rather smoothly side-stepping that question.
► Love or lust ➔ F’ismat lets her gaze rest on the questioner as her brow begins to knit, her displeasure having grown so great she is running out of patience. “Love. Prroperrr love is what forrms when a pairrr come to rrrealize it is not just lust that drrrives them, but a rrrespect and admirrration that runs deeperrr than anything else. It is not drrriven wholly by a need to sate yourrrself.”
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ She seemed greatly relieved by the sudden shift in questioning. Merciful relief from the far too personal questions about her distinct lack of a love life. “Iced tea is farrr more rrrefrreshing, the bitterrr taste mixes beautifully with a bit of sugarrr orr honey.”
► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Hounds. They are prrractical pets, loyal to their masterr, and naturrral defenderrrs of those they love. We should all aspirrre to earrrn their adorrration.” Her expression sours, nose wrinkling as if a foul odor has passed by. “House Coeurl are fickle, lazy, and cowarrrrdly. They will hide as you arrre slain by anotherrr, then feast on yourrr corrrpse.”
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ There’s a pause before F’ismat replies, the question actually prompting her to think it over. “I feel you will naturrrally have both. Those who you are trrruly close to will be those you maintain. Acquaintances orrr associates will rrremain. If I must choose, it is the forrrmerr.”
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ As the topic steers back towards love and sex, she shoots a glare at the questioner. She thought they were past this by now. “One, and then the otherrrr. Both are good, time spent laughing and watching dancing sets firrrre to your soul. An evening in, rrreading, sipping wine, orrr simply enjoying company is like the sun’s rays kissing yourrr skin. Both are needed, both lead to a life well lived.”
► Day or night ➔ “Day. To watch the colourrr shine frrrom the worrld, see people prrroudly stride ratherrrr than skulk in the moonlight.” The Seeker sounds sure of this, it’s certainly a cultural thing.
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “I was, yes. I was challenged by my instrrructorrr to show my masterrry of the grrounds. I was to pluck a pomegrrranate frrom the orrrcharrd and not be seen orrr caught.” The Miqo’te shakes her head, eyes closing as nostalgia washes over her. “My firrrst night I failed, I was caught leaving the barracks in one of the laundrrry carrrts. The second they failed to considerrr the rrubbish bin as a path. I took two pomegrrranates and left the second on the bed of the guarrrd who caught me.”
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “Forrr a time I had trrrouble going up and down stairrrs while carrrying my worrrkload. I ended up trrripping with a trrrio of blades in hand, I still have the scarr on my shin frrrom that. I started taking extrrra trips rrrather than rrisk it frrrom then on.”
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “You seem focused on rrromance.” She notes dryly, her fail wooshing behind her. “Yes, that is a naturrral parrrt of life. Desirrre is what motivates the grrreat and small.”
► Wanted to disappear ➔ F’ismat tenses, her shoulders pulling back and her musculature tensing. Of all the things asked, this is what has struck her most direly so far. “Yes, when you feel like you’ve no place orrr purrrpose it would be easierrr to simply vanish.”
► Smile or eyes ➔ Yet again the topic turns back to love and the Miqo’tes irritation flares again. She pulls her hands from behind her back and rests them over her bosom. “Smiles, the many exprrressions someone can make is imprrressive. Those that arrre done intentionally and not. Eyes speak of intention, but they do not shift as much.”
► Shorter or Taller ➔ “Betterrr to be tallerr. Therrre is a naturrral rregality to it, and calming to know that if trrruly necessarrry you arrre a pilarrr that otherrrs can rrrest against.” Flicka-flick goes her tail, her eyes sizing up her questioner. They’re likely not much taller than she is which is quite tall for a Miqo’te woman.
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ “What you mean is intelligence or appearrrance. You can be attrrracted to intelligence orr otherrr factorrrs. Shallow as it is, I would prrreferrr a handsome orrr beautiful visage. Intelligence is wonderrrful, to be trrrue, but I would rrrather they be loyal, kind, and attrractive than the brrightest mind in the rrroom.”
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ She takes a step forward as her arms unfold, her index finger thrusting against the chest of the questioner. “Yourrr ‘sly’ questions about my prrreferrences have worrrn theirrr welcome.” Sadly, it seems you’ll never find out what she thinks about this. Considering how deeply she values loyalty though..
► Do you and your family get along ➔ F’ismat clears her throat as she returns to her previous position, her arms folding behind her back again now that she has vented her displeasure. “I was rrrespected and trrrusted among the Tawfiq. Therrre werrre some who werrre less fond of me than otherrr janissarrries, but that was prrreferrence. I will not hold that against them.”
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ She clenches her jaw, her tail freezing in the air. “If you arrre implying something, you should carrrefully rrreconsiderr. Some would say my life is, but I do not considerrr it that at all. I was brrrought frrrom poverrty and strrrife to a life of learrrning and stablity.”
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “No. I was sad forrr a shorrrt time, but the kindness of the Tawfiq family and theirrr serrrvants soothed my tearrrs within a sennight.” The anger in her voice begins to ebb away, the tension lessening with every word spoken.  “I felt.. special, carred forrr, and prrrotected.”
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “I was purrrchased shorrrtly afterrr my fifth name-day. I was considerrred superrrfluous, the Bearrr trrribe had a long rrrun of ferrrtile pairrrings.” F’ismat speaks of this like it was the same as someone picking up a sack of oats from market. “That is close enough, though it was a blessing.”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ F’ismat shakes her head, her tresses bouncing against her dark skin. “No, if I have a grrrievance I speak to them of it. If it cannot be fixed the we arrre clearrrly not frrriends.”
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “I spoke of this exact thing earrrlierr. Do not rrrepeat yourrself, this begins to smell of excuses to lingerrr nearrr me.”
► Who is your best friend ➔ “My Scimitarrr. He has been with me for eight cycles.” Her eyes turn to meet the questioner’s. “Would you like to meet him?”
► Who knows everything about you ➔ “You.” She states flatly before stepping forward and planting her hand on the chest of the questioner. “I am leaving, if you follow I will considerrrr it harrrassment and will brrreak yourrr nose. You will rrreceive no otherrr warrrrning.” F’ismat leverages her strength, sending the irritable soul staggering back before she takes her leave, the last glimpse of her being her tail snaking ‘round the corner.
Tagged by: Not a soul, I saw it being posted and decided to partake.
Tagging: @rasha-tahl , @crazy-coeurl-lady , and anyone else who is interested. Do tag me if you were inspired by mine so I can read!
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shiningluz-archived · 2 years ago
sb: what’s your favorite color, inari? inari: blue! no- grrreen! sb: awesome... i love learning about you! inari: i fucked up, it’s yellow D:
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hwoodbrendon-blog · 6 years ago
Sketchy Girls and Lipstick Boys | Brendon & Ashley
Brendon was just returning to his cabin after spending some time at the caves--and he’d had to restrain the biggest urge to sing in them just to get a sense of the acoustics--when he spotted a familiar brunette, also apparently returning for the day. He’d spoken to Ashley once, but she’d seemed pretty chill and easy to get along with, so he walked over to her to greet her.
“Hey-- Ashley, right? It’s Brendon,” he reintroduced himself, smoothing his hair back with his hand in a gesture of slight discomfort. He liked meeting people in more social settings, like parties, where everyone was loosened up and a little drunk. Few people knew that the singer had a history of anxiety--well, unless they listened to interviews where he talked about it, but you’d probably have to dig pretty deep into the internet to even find them. Apparently some people did, since his manager kept getting requests for interviews that brought up subjects he’d talked about in the past, like his ADHD and same-sex experiences.
Brendon squinted in the sunlight that was still shining down on them even though the end of the day was approaching. He raised a hand to shield his eyes so he could get a better look at the girl in front of him. She was definitely pretty, with her long flowing hair and hazel eyes. Everyone around here was fucking gorgeous, so Brendon really wasn’t surprised by the fact. 
“I just got back from the caves,” he told her, then jerked his head toward his cabin where he was staying. 
“I’ll probably order a massage later but for now I’m just going to chill. Let me know if you want to join. We could knock back a few beers, shoot the shit.”
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wtfbush-blog · 7 years ago
grrreene replied to your post: MCM?
// that double entendre tho
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nikkirccd-blog · 6 years ago
[ text ] Backs are just sexy. 🤷
[ text ] I just started singing Sexy Back. Now it’s going to be in my head all night long!
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nikkirccd-blog · 6 years ago
[ text ] No, but seriously, no. I HAVE NO WORDS!
[ text ] For what?
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nikkirccd-blog · 6 years ago
[ text ] OKAY BUT
[ text ] BUT OKAY
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nikkirccd-blog · 6 years ago
grrreene replied to your post: MCM?
It’s okay to say Ashley Greene with a stick on mustache.
I actually googled Ashley Greene as a man to see if anything came up!
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