sp4rkzzy · 1 year
Bro idk bout anyone else but I cannot wait for October
Fall? My favorite season. Halloween? My favorite holiday. FNAF movie? You know damn well I'm going. Costumes? I'm finna go all out this year.
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getpoliticaluk · 2 years
section 35 will be remembered with section 28 by generations of lgbtq+ people to come
We will get through this together, we will beat this with support for each other, and we will burry the tories in the dustbin of history where they belong
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chernobog13 · 7 months
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What I suspect happens to 99.9% of all people who actually encounter Bigfoot.
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newjenns · 2 years
shut down is like objectively the better song as far as production, structure, lyrics etc but. something about pink venom is so addictive. so catchy. literally straight to my dome like ah ah ah
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soberingthings · 10 months
My mother just approved the Ice Spice dunkin donuts drink
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every single time spotify updates and changes its layout it is a personal and direct attack to me.
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kii2me2ii2 · 2 years
I'm gonna block ailuromantic or whatever they're called if I see one more recommended post from them I SWEAR TO GOD
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misecat · 2 years
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soramimi-keeki · 10 months
I had a lot of fun making this one
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More doods featuring Brad's pals because THEY'RE MY ENTIRE WORLD (I'm sorry if I come off as a weirdo aa, plus they're a few months old)
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radiocryoid · 4 months
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mariopussy · 1 year
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Like grra keep it a stack
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theodorequartz · 7 months
Undertale x Nezuko Male Reader
Chapter 3: Meeting Monsters
The male was a very curious person. He cannot sit in one place. So, after a few minutes, he starts to get curious of what's on the other side of the way Toriel went.
* ring... *ring...
" Hello? This is Toriel. You have not left the room, have you?"
" There are a few puzzles ahead that I have yet to explain. It would be dangerous to try and solve them yourself. Be good, alright?"
* click...
The male blinked. He wanted to be good... But he was so curious! He wants to explore!
Deciding that he wanted to go, the male started walking ahead. He will apologize to Toriel later for not staying as he has been told to.
As he passed the little hallway that connects to the other side, he found another golden star! It's floating above a bed of red leaves.
He walked towards it and lift his hand to touch the star.
* ( Playfully crinkling through the leaves fills you with love.)
He closed his eyes and slightly purred. He felt his soul fill with love.
He then started walking ahead.
* Froggit hopped close!
The male's (e/c) eyes shined. Oh! Oh! This one hopped! The monster frog is really cute! They all are!
The froggit saw the admiration in the male's eyes, his eyes were round and innocent, filled with awe. His eyes were also really pretty. The froggit croaks bashfully.
* The froggit was flattered by your gaze.
* You won 0 EXP and 0 gold.
The froggit hopped away blushing. The male was slightly disappointed. He wanted to pat it!
The male proceeded on his adventure until he fell down on one of the puzzles. He encounterd a insect-like monster.
* A whimsun appeared!
* Whimsun approached meekly!
The whimsun heard of the kind male walking around the ruins, he especially heard from a few froggits who excitedly told the other monsters in the ruins the existence of the cute, kind male. Looking at the human now, whimsun gets very nervous. He can tell that the human won't hurt him... But still...
The male blinked, curious of the new monster species he encounterd. He slowly walked forward.
The whimsun panicked.
* Halfway through your first word, whimsun bursts into tears and runs away.
The male was baffled. He blinked a few times.
The male felt guilty. He should have not walked forward instantly. He smelled the growing anxiety from the creature and wanted to console it and to also observe it closer to cure his curiousity. He didn't mean to make it run away.
The male decided that he would apologize to the whimsun if he encounters him again!
* You earned 0 EXP and 0 gold.
As he walked up again. The male decided to just jump far across the puzzle to avoid falling down again.
As he neared another puzzle, his phone rang!
* ring...
" Hello? This is Toriel. For no reason in particular... Which do you prefer? Cinnamon or butterscotch?
* You picked ( Your choice).
" C.. cinn!!!/ Tr.. Scot.. ch!"
" Oh, I see. Thank you very much!
* click
* ring...
" Hello! This is Toriel. You do not dislike ( Unpicked choice), do you?
The male never really hated anything...
" Nmm.. no"
" Right, right. Thank you for being patient."
The call ends and the male looked forward to see a puzzle. It requires the rock to be pushed to a pressure plate to put down tha spikes... Or he could just jump right through.
But he wants Toriel to see that he managed to solve the puzzle by himself. She would be soo proud of him!
The male huffed in determination and pushed the rock with ease. He then walked through the unspiked floor.
Toriel then called once again, asking if he has any allergies. He then thought to himself... He doesn't really experience any kind of sickness coming from food. After all he's a...
" Hmmm.. noo"
Toriel thanked the male and hung up.
During his adventure, he made friends with many kinds of monsters in the ruins! They were all so kind! Of course they were a bit warry at first but they all warmed up instantly.
The modsmals are so fun! They had a wiggling contest. The male was very flexible so he has no problem wiggling around. The modsmals enjoyed their little game.
There was this one rock who teased the male by moving away from the pressure plate on purpose, but instantly moved towards the pressure plate because of the male pouting cutely.
* pouts " Ah!!! Grahh!!"
" okay, okay. I'm goin'."
The male also found another star! Next to a slice of cheese. Knowing the mouse might one day leave it's hole and get the cheese... It fills him with love!
What he loved the most tho is the cute ghost he met! He was so cute! His name is Napstablook, even his name was lovely!
Just a bright smile from the male cheered the ghost up immediately. It was very pure and bright. It made the ghost flustered.
The male was amazed by the trick the ghost made, he made a hat with his tears. The male loved it! He clapped enthusiasticly.
They departed ways after that. The ghost forgetting to ask for the cute humans name.
The male instantly held the title "The cute, friendly human of the ruins" by the monsters. None disagreed. Even the though, angry Migosp and Loox likes the male! The veggie monster also gave him veggies as act of friendship.
It took a lot of walking, solving puzzles and befriending monsters till he gets to a large space area with a tree in the middle of it. It has no leaves in it's branches and re leaves are scattered around it.
There he met Toriel! He ran towards her with a bright smile.
Toriel was about to cal the male but stopped as she saw him. She asked how he got there and was impressed that he got to her without any scratch. He puffed his chest with pride in that.
Toriel told him about a surprise which got him exited. Toriel chuckled and led him to her little home.
There was another star at a front of a little purple bricked house. It was on top of red leaves! Huh. The male blink. It seems like the stars are found commonly near these leaves. Or is it just a councidence? The male shruged it off.
The male touched the star.
* ( Seeing such a a cute, tidy house in the ruins gives you love.)
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<3< Ztarrz ? >
sbu, pj zu hpf, upi mrrf yp jraqq zr. o fpmy lmpe ejsyd hpomh pm, niy o grra dp...
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sunset-bridge · 1 year
Can I ask what those monster designs are for? I like them a lot :0
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THANK YOU for enabling me guys,,, SNIFFS ur so real all of you real cuervoheads
ANYWAYS. ok honestly i need to iron details A LOT of them but basically, it stemmed from this drawing i did for day one of ake shoe week, i got a beauty and the beast idea so i drew that on the fly. BUT LATER i kept rotating it in my head the concept and like. yea
so. basic idea is that goro was a normal guy but his dad is a little bastard and cursed him with the mask, transforming him into a beast, presumably so he wouldnt interfere with anything since hes like a . king or an important general or smth so it would be a scandal etc etc. then he sent him to a funny forest and goro is cursed to never be able to take the mask off and also never get out of the forest as long as hes wearing it. anyone else can enter and get out just fine its just goro whos kinda trapped there like a cute lion circling a cage so he goes a bit. bit delulu and also hes of course so mad at everyone
AND sergio ok. i havent quite decided but for now i think hes like. the son of the queen of some sort of flower kingdom but the queen didnt really. want him (T_T). but ok whatever hes here now because people kinda found out she was gonna have a kid so it would be abit sus if . he disappeared. anyways hes like half demon or something yes. so hes obvs not his dad's son (the king) but the queen pretends he is and also everyone believes this BUT sergio knows the truth obvs like. hey why am i half demon huh.,,. ANYWAYS his demon transformation is triggered by strong honest emotions of any kind , so he developed a cute Psychological Mask (pp...pers..on...a) where hes so unauthentic and pretends to be a cute little bumbling but charming idiot macho man etc etc just a bro guy yes thats sergio thats him yup totally cute prince flower guy and absolutely NOthing else.
OK so . i have no idea why but i guess sergio has to go into the forest for some reasonnn and he meets the Beast who is only known to people as The Crow and like. hes like. huh theres something funny about this animal!!! so ofc he comes back to try to catch another glimpse and , he feels, hey, this is no Animal theres something under there. this is a guy i think. this is just his gut but yknow
so now hes determined to know the truth about this beast , honestly just because it sounds interesting and fun to find out and hes so chronically bored this might be like. cool. ofc goro at first is very hostile and rude and Violent but sergio is like. cmooon man cmooon ahahahah. and well later he finds himself Actually Having Fun sometimes when hanging out with sergio NO this is not happening not even true <-- goro thoughts. like he already gave up being a Person because everyone just sees him as a stupid violent animal monster so like. he leaned into it and drove everyone away AND HE LIKES IT THIS WAY nope he doesnt want to be truly loved and needed no way not even happening what the HELL!!
anyways enter a bunch of Stuff here sure i can. try to elaborate more later but ..important bits now
OK SO goros mask curse thing. supposedly it can only be taken off by another person, who loves the wearer honestly and truly yadda yadda fairy tale things whatever. but like. goro has kinda given up on that cuz like. who tf is gonna like him like this. so might as well sink in etc. also he doesnt like himself that much either so that doesnt help
ALSO IMPORTANT he doesnt want anyone to love him out of pity either!!!! GRRA he. he doesnt want this for real. so if anyone tried to like. love him but just out of pity like ooo poor monster guy i will love you and take ur cute mask off. NOPE not that NOPE!!!
BUT he doesnt even tell sergio the conditions anyways . they just proceed to hang out and whatever. onnneee day i guess they have a littttle scuffle and sergio kinda transforms a bit because Feelings and goro is like. WTF.,,.. hey hello ??? and sergio is lik UHM.,,. proceeds to wall up and pretend that didnt happen but this makes goro so mad like. hey wtf u want me to open up but u keep shit like this to yourself? hypocrite loser etc etc
so later they end up fighting like. goro is like. shut the fuck up im tired of you and your stupid idiot faake friendliness just leave me be like damn and sergio is like NO dumbass i do like hanging out with you WILL you listen a bit. anyways sergio transforms again a bit against his will but he cant help it. they fiiiight and then they stop because they are going to Die but sergio finally explains that he was afraid of what people may think of him if they knew he was half demon freakazoid thing and . and. he did think of telling goro maybe but his ego and pride and Fear got the best of him NO WAY no he cant be weak and vulnerable nope. but ..,,, maybe..,
so ofc goro is like. fucking idiot dumbass as if i also wasnt a monster too. eye-to-eye moment of rare vulnerability for both... something about being on the same level and opening up and feeling free with someone etc
anyways they hang out more after this like cute rivals now and they play scuffle sometimes wahoo !! sergio can relax around goro and transform and he feels so Free when hes with him etc.
insert more bits here. ok so goro. hes also afraid of sergio not thinking he was Cool and Awesome and stuff if he did manage to take the mask off.,,, what was he without the mask? he was just a Guy with anger issues and nothing in his heart…! at least like this he could be THE cool beast rival friend yknow. this is all he had going for him ! who is he going to be if he takes it off....
well finally he one day FINALLY tells sergio about the mask and the curse and the conditions and sergio is like. pffft. ok. and asks him to let him take a try . but goro is like. huh. wtf no its not gonna work. but he convinces him, and wow it works ! goro didnt even consider that "love" didnt necesarilly had to refer to romantic love. stupid. but also i dont think he really thought sergio considered him such a close friend/rival/weirdo etc .. THIS IS SO AWESOME thinks goro but only on his head of course.,,, cuz he knows sergio doesnt ever pity him he honestly respects him and sees him as his cool rival this is so cool..,,, waugh
so ! the cute guy behind the crow mask is revealed ! huzzah! sergio is like. what the hell you said you were ugly !!! liar!!! eheheh. gets punched in the ribs immeadiatly
:3 WOW!!! i love the relationship between joker and goro can u tell...! me when the. me when i cant tell you how to see me etc etc me when someone has the same type of brainwave as you etc
i will probably draw a few more things for this au WAHOO
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trainerlynda · 1 year
[A short video, there's a sound of crunching grass and dirt as the camera is pointed at the ground.
A few seconds later, the camera is angled up and Lynda can be seen standing in front of an Aggron in some sort of battle stance.
A heartbeat later the Aggron charges straight their trainer; Lynda catches the heavy mon by the hands. "IS THAT ALL YOU GOT DOZER?!" She flips the Aggron onto their side, the pokemon rolling a few times before getting right back up and charging again. "THAT'S IT! FULL STRENGTH! NO HOLDING BACK!!" She skids on the ground briefly, her feet digging so hard into the ground she makes little holes, the two pushing each other back and forth-... Lynda's eyes are seen for a moment and they are no longer green. More of a... red color. "GRRA!!" She flips the Aggron again.] 🐱: Seeing as Lynda is a bit... busy. I have a hold of her phone for the time being.
Hello, my name is Espie, but you probably already know that.
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grras digital marketing
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