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Search for property in Jersey with leading island property portal, Propertyskipper - now available in Jersey. Are you looking for property for sale or to rent in Jersey from the best local estate agents? We provide a one-stop hub for Jersey property listings to make searching for your dream property as easy as possible.
You can find property for sale in all areas of Jersey that include; St. Helier, Grouville, St. Brelade, St. Clement, St. John, St. Lawrence, St. Martin, St. Mary, St. Ouen, St. Peter, St. Saviour and Trinity.
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Day 6 Mont Orgueil (Gorey) Castle
On the way back from St Catherine's i decided to get off at the bus stop for Mont Mont Orgueil the medieval castle overlooking Gorey Harbour and the Royal Bay of Grouville. I didn't have the time to go around the Castle itself, only to walk around the outside it takes a good 1/2 day to go through the castle interior and make you way to the ramparts.
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English Go Home! Today we return to the Albian timeline, and the island of Jersey - which is not proving as welcoming as the Windsors (or their supporters) hoped...
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German soldiers place armaments around the parish of Grouville, Jersey, Channel Islands - July 1940
#world war two#worldwar2photos#1940s#wwii#ww2 history#ww2#history#channel islands#occupation of the channel islands#grouville#jersey
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Jersey 2019 - Teil 6
Große Ereignisse werfen ihre Schatten voraus, denn heute ist der Anreisetag für das jährliche Oldtimer Event auf Jersey und bevor demnächst große Teile der Stadt bzw. der Insel gesperrt werden, fuhren wir nach dem Frühstück in den Osten der Insel.
Unser heutiges Ziel war das beeindruckende Mont Orgueil Castle. Für dieses Castle ist der Eintritt ebenfalls in dem Heritage Pass enthalten.
Parkmöglichkeiten gibt es entweder im Ort oder an der Straße, an der der Fußweg abzweigt.
Das Mont Orgueil Castle wirft seinen Schatten schon seit mehr als 800 Jahren über den kleinen Fischerort Gorey auf der Insel Jersey. Nur 25 Kilometer von der französischen Küste entfernt liegt die königliche Buch von Grouville. Als „mont orgueil“, also “stolzen Berg”, bezeichnete der Bruder des englischen Königs Henry V., Thomas Lancaster, 1. Duke of Clarence, zu Recht die imposante Lage des Kastells.
Der Ort war taktisch gut gewählt, die Burg wurde auf einem Felsen gebaut und wird an drei Seiten von Meer und Klippen umgeben. Diese Lage lässt vermuten, dass dieser Bereich schon im Neolithikum ( Jungsteinzeit ) vor ca. 6.000 Jahren genutzt wurde und vor gut 2.500 Jahren bereits erste Verteidigungsanlagen entstanden. Die Überreste von einfachen Holzwällen und Gräben hat man gefunden.
Im 10. Jahrhundert wurde Jersey Teil des Herzogtums der Normandie. Bis Anfang des 13. Jahrhunderts gab es keinen Grund hier, auf der Insel, eine Burg zu bauen. Doch als im Jahr 1204 als der englische König John Ohneland die Herrschaft in der Normandie an den französischen König Philippe II Auguste verlor, wurde aus Jersey schlagartig ein Grenzposten zwischen zwei sich im Krieg befindenden Königreichen.
Die Inselbewohner hielten den Engländern die Treue und man beschloss an der Frankreich zugewandten Ostseite der Insel eine Burg zu bauen. Die erste Erwähnung der Burg datiert aus dem November des Jahres 1212. König John befahl die Übergabe von Insel und Burg an Philip d´Aubigny. Die Anlage wurde immer weiter ausgebaut, in den Jahren 1224 bis 25 wurden 1.000 Baumstämme aus dem New Forrest in England nach Jersey gebracht um Palisaden zu errichten.
Im Jahr 1294 wurde die Insel überraschend von französischen Truppen überfallen und verwüstet, die Burg wurde aber jedoch nicht erobert. Sir John des Roches wurde im Jahr 1327 nach Jersey geschickt um diese zu inspizieren und weiter zu befestigen.
Auf Mont Orgueil Castle ließ er an der nördlichen Seite einen Turm bauen, den Rochefortturm, aber auch der Aufbau von verfallenden Mauern und der Brücke und das Dachdecken von Gebäuden, alles Schäden nach einem großen Sturm, fallen unter seine Aufsicht. Als der 100 jährige Krieg (1337-1453) ausbrach war die Burg in gutem Zustand, eine Garrison aus Bogenschützen und Infanterie befand sich in ihren Mauern. Mont Orgueil galt damals als uneinnehmbar.
Im März 1337 wurde die Insel wieder von den Franzosen angegriffen. Doch belagerten sie die Burg vergebens und bereits im Herbst zogen die Franzosen ohne Erfolg wieder ab.
Zwei Jahre später waren sie wieder da, diesmal bis März 1339 und wieder mussten sie abziehen ohne die Burg eingenommen zu haben. Doch die Franzose gaben nicht auf, im Juli 1373 landete der bretonische Feldherr Bertrand de Guesclin auf Jersey.
Er nahm die äußeren Mauern unter Beschuss und konnte in den Außenbereich der Burg eindringen. Die Burgbesatzung zog sich in den Kernbereich zurück und handelte aus, dass sie die Burg kampflos übergeben würden, falls bis Ende September keine englischen Truppen zur Unterstützung kämen.
Als diese kam, gaben die Franzosen die Belagerung auf, verwüsteten aber noch zwei Jahre lang die Insel. Im Juli des Jahres 1403 fielen bretonische Truppen über die Insel her, doch auch dieses Mal blieb die Burg verschont.
Im 15. Jahrhundert erhielt die Burg ihren heutigen Namen, Mont Orgueil Castle. Vorher nannte man die Burg Le Château de Gouray oder Königliche Burg, nach dessen Aufgabe und dem Bau von Elizabeth Castle wurde es dann "Le vieux Château" genannt.
Während der Rosenkriege verhandelte die englische Königin Margarete von Anjou mit ihrem Cousin Pierre de Brézé und man glaubt, dass es Teil eines Geheimabkommens war, dass die Insel den Franzosen als Austausch für Truppen gegeben wurde. Die Burg wurde ohne Kampf eingenommen. Im Oktober des Jahres 1468, nach fast 5 Monatiger Belagerung unter Sir Richard Harliston gaben die Franzosen die Burg wieder auf.
Im späten 15. Jahrhundert wurde Mont Orgueil Castle an die neuen Artielleriewaffen angepasst. Allerdings stellte sich bald heraus, dass die Burg den modernen Kanonen nicht standhalten würde. Es wurde die Entscheidung getroffen in der St Aubins Bay eine neue und moderne Burg, Elizabeth Castle, zu bauen.
Im 17. Jahrhundert wurde die Anlage als Gefängnis für politische Gefangene genutzt, ab 1790 während der Französischen Revolution als Stützpunkt eines antirevolutionären Spionagenetzwerks.
1907 übergab die englische Krone Mont Orgueil Castle an die Bevölkerung von Jersey. Während des 2. Weltkrieges beherbergte es von 1940 bis 1945 eine deutsche Besatzung. Heute ist es ein Museum und Sehenswürdigkeit und seit dem Jahr 1994 wird die Burg vom Jersey Heritage Trust betreut.
Die riesige Burganlage besteht aus vier übereinander liegenden Höfen mit den Wohngebäuden an höchster Stelle. Bemerkenswert sind die Kunstgegenstände, die in der ganzen Anlage verteilt sind. Im mittleren Hof befindet sich eine Ritterstatue von Sir Hugh Calveley, Hüter der Inseln im 14. Jahrhundert.
Über die ganze Höhe des Queen Elizabeth Torhauses erstreckt sich die Skulptur des " Wound Man". In der mittelalterlichen großen Halle sind zwei Kunstwerke aus Metall sehenswert, einmal das "Wheel of Fortune" des Künstlers Brian Fell und vom gleichen Künstler eine Skulptur die den Stammbaum der englischen und französischen Könige im Mittelalter von Eleonore von Aquitanien bis zum 100 jährigen Krieg darstellt.
In der Medizin des Mittelalters wurde die Diagnose oft nach der Farbe des Urins gestellt, im Südost Turm erinnert Gordon Youngs Kunstwerk "Urine Wheel" an diese Diagnostik. Vom Dach der Burg genießt man einen weiten Blick über die Bucht und die Insel.
Über zwei Zugänge kommt man in die Burganlage, der weniger anstrengende Weg führt über die Castle Green-Ebene an kleinen park��hnlichen Anlagen vorbei zum Burgeingang. Der Zweite beginnt unten an der Nordostecke des Hafens über eine Steintreppe zum Burgeingang.
Die zwischen 1204 und 1450 erbaute Burg wurde auch später mehrfach umgebaut. Zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts wurde sie umfassend restauriert. Natürlich wirkt sie wie ein Labyrinth. Insgesamt gibt sie einen ausgesprochen guten Überblick über das mittelalterliche Leben.
Durch den mittleren Burghof schreitet man durch ein weiteres Tor in das Innere Zentrum der Burg, dem Mount oder auch Keep oder Donjon, von dem aus sich ein fantastischer Blick bis zur französischen Küste bietet - und wo man auf den Rittersaal und im Zentrum der konzentrischen Anlage auch die St. Mary’s Crypty (13. Jahrhundert) stößt.
Für die Besichtigung der eher großen Anlage sollte man mindestens einen halben Tag einplanen, um einen halbwegs vernünftigen Eindruck zu bekommen.
Wer will kann sich einer der kostenlosen Führungen anschließen, die von Volunteers durchgeführt werden - oder, wer im eigenen Tempo (so wie wir) die Burg erforschen will, lädt sich bereits vorher den Audio-Führer auf sein Handy.
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Zum Abendessen ging es heute nochmals zum Leuchtturm von Corbiere, dieses Mal konnten wir die Aussicht ganz ohne Regen bewundern. Auch schön!
Für den Samstag haben wir dort ebenfalls noch einmal reserviert, denn da wird vorne in der Bar das Spiel Liverpool - Tottenham gezeigt. Und das ist natürlich lebensnotwendig!
Good Night wünschen
Angie, Micha und der Hasenbär
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Beach BBQ day! We are determined to barbecue despite the clouds that are now looming and the boyf is now wearing two jumpers! . . . . . #jerseyci #jersey #jerseychannelislands #grouville #stmartin #royalbayofgrouville #beachbarbecue #beachbbq #june #summertime #longbeach #visitjersey #visitjerseyci #theislandbreak (at Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQWaTwHr7Rz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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The Beast of Jersey
The reign of terror began for islanders in 1957. In November, a 29 year old nurse waiting for a bus in the Monte a L’abbe area was attacked by a man wearing some kind of covering over his face and affecting an “Irish” accent, and was dragged into a field and sexually assaulted. She was quite severely injured and left with wounds that needed many stitches. The following year, in March, a 20 year old woman walking home from a bus stop was attacked in the parish of Trinity and had a rope put around her neck. She too – in what was to become a signature of the attacker – was dragged into a field and raped. Then in July that year, a 31 year old woman, again walking home from a bus stop, was attacked in what was by now the signature fashion of the offender. Rope around the neck, dragged into a field, raped or indecently assaulted. The same happened to a young girl walking home in the parish of Grouville in August 1959, and to a 28 year old woman attacked in the parish of St Martin’s in October 1959. The latter, although indecently assaulted by the man, was able to fight him off quickly enough for him to flee startled. The former was not so lucky.
Detectives noticed several recurring themes throughout each description of the attacker given by each victim, and when pooled this led them to believe that they were all committed by the same man. Each victim agreed that the man was aged about early to mid 40’s; was about 5″6 tall, and affected an “Irish” accent. Some of the victims described the attacker as wearing a rope or a cord around his waist, and he often restrained the victim by tying their hands together. All of them described the attacker as smelling “musty”. Coupled together with the pattern of placing a rope around the victim’s neck and using the location of a field for the assault, detectives suspected a serial attacker, who became known as the “Beast of Jersey”.
In the early hours of Valentine’s day 1960, a 12 year old boy asleep at home in the region of Grands Vaux was awoken by a man who had climbed through his bedroom window. The boy had a rope placed around his neck, and was then led outside and indecently assaulted. Then the following month, a 25 year old woman walking to a bus stop in St Brelade was offered a lift in a Rover car by a man claiming to be a doctor on his way “to pick up his wife”. She accepted, and during the journey noticed him wearing a cap and duffle coat and gloves, but could not make out his features due to the darkness. He drove the car into a field and overpowered the woman, punching her, threatening to kill her and tying her hands behind her head. She was then dragged out into the field and raped, then placed back into the car and driven away. However, she managed to escape from the vehicle and scream for help, but the attacker managed to get away.
In March 1960, a 43 year old mother and 14 year old daughter in a fairly isolated cottage in the St Martin parish underwent a horrific experience. The mother was awoken at about 12:30am by the telephone ringing downstairs. She went down to answer it, but when she lifted the receiver heard nothing but a click and then the dialling tone. She went back to bed but was awakened about an hour later by a sound downstairs. She started downstairs to investigate, but as she reached the bottom of the staircase the lights abruptly went out and she heard someone in the living room moving about. In the dark, she made for the telephone to call for the police – but the phone lines had been wrenched out. Then, she was confronted by the figure of a man who grabbed her and demanded money. He was very rough with her and threatened to kill her, but left the woman immediately when he heard the daughter coming down to investigate the commotion. The woman took the chance to flee and raise the alarm at a nearby farmhouse, and upon returning to the cottage found her daughter – she was still alive but had been horrifically raped in the now familiar signature.
In April, a 14 year old girl in La Roque awoke in her bedroom to find a man wearing a strange looking mask, though he took off when the child screamed. And in July of that year, an 8 year old boy was abducted from his home by a man wearing a raincoat who indecently assaulted him, then led him home and left him on the doorstep. The attacks stopped for the rest of the year, but began again in February 1961. There was an attack on a 12 year old boy in the Mont Cochon area in the now familiar fashion; an attack on an 11 year old boy in the parish of St Saviour in March of the same year, and a brutal rape of an 11 year old girl in St Martin’s in April.
By now the “Beast of Jersey” had been at large for over three years, and the Jersey police investigations had got no nearer to catching him. Feeling pressure from the press and the scared public, Jersey police had summoned help from Scotland Yard.
. Jersey is not a large island, indeed is only less than 46 square miles in total, and it stands to reason that someone would have known or at least suspected someone who matched at least part this description. Every possible man was looked at, all men with a criminal record were questioned and interviewed. But “The Beast” was still not found.
The intervention of Scotland Yard was effective in that there were no more attacks for two years – “The Beast” had gone to ground. But in April 1963 he returned, attacking a 9 year old boy in St Saviour in his familiar MO. Another attack in St Saviour in November 1963 on an 11 year old boy followed, then he went to ground again. But he was back in 1964, attacking a 10 year old girl in Trinity parish in July. An attack on a 16 year old boy followed in August 1964 in Grouville parish, and then “The Beast” again went to ground. There were no more attacks for two years, and the hunt died down.
But he was back in August 1970, when a 13 year old boy was awakened at his home in Vallee Des Vaux by a torch shining in his face. The Beast made the boy get out of bed and took him to a field at the rear of the house. He then placed his raincoat on the ground, made the boy remove his pyjamas, and then indecently assaulted him. The boy then was returned home and raised the alarm the following morning at 8am, having been threatened by the assailant to remain quiet “because if you don’t someone will harm your mother and father”. The boy was very distressed and dishevelled, and offered a description of what had happened that was now all too common. This time, the assailant had “black spiky hair” and a terrifying mask on. The boy also had the same scratches on his face and body as found on the victim in the 1966 attack. Again, the majority of the island was interviewed (nearly 30,000 people in all were spoken to in the hunt for the Beast) but he wasn’t caught.
The night of 10th July 1971 The Beast was caught for his erratic driving and police where suspicious from the musty raincoat with nails sticking out and the contents of his pockets which included black tape and a black wig.
Paisnel was eventually charged on 13 counts including rape, indecent assault and sodomy against 6 victims, with all but one being a minor. His trial in November 1971 revealed an obsession with black magic. He was sentenced to thirty years imprisonment for his monstrous crimes. He was then taken away to Winchester prison to begin his sentence. He was released in 1991 after being a model prisoner and returned to Jersey, albeit briefly. However, local feeling was still so strong by islanders who remembered Paisnel’s reign of terror, and he eventually was hounded out and moved to the Isle of Wight, where he died of a heart attack in 1994.
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The Battle of Jersey
On the night of the 5th of January 1781 a French force invaded the Channel Island of Jersey. Their objective was to seize the island and stop it from being used as a base to harass French and rebel American shipping.
A French force of 700 men under the Baron de Rollecourt landed and marched four kilometers to the island’s capital, St Helier, arriving between six and seven in the morning on 6 January. When they entered the market, later to be called the Royal Square, with its recently erected statue to King George II, they killed a sentry and surprised the guard. The first division set up defensive positions in the market while most of the town was asleep. At about eight o'clock a French patrol surrounded Government House, then situated at Le Manoir de La Motte on the east of the town; there they surprised the island's governor, Major Moses Corbet, in bed.
His captors took Corbet to the Royal Court House in the market square where De Rullecourt convinced Corbet that thousands of French troops had already overwhelmed Jersey. De Rullecourt threatened to burn the town and slaughter the inhabitants if Corbet did not sign a capitulation. In addition, Corbet was to order the commander at Elizabeth Castle to surrender. Corbet replied that as he was a prisoner he had no authority and that anything he signed would "be of no avail". De Rullecourt insisted and so Corbet, to avoid further harm to St Helier, signed.
The French had already approached the commander at Elizabeth Castle, Captain Mulcaster C.R.E., who refused their verbal request to surrender. The French had advanced towards the castle where the troops in the castle peremptorily fired on the French, killing two or three men; the French then withdrew. Captain Aylward of the Invalids then arrived at the Castle and being senior assumed command. When the French delivered Corbet's written order to surrender, the castle's defenders signalled their persistent refusal by opening fire on the French.
The British were now alerted and with Corbet a prisoner, command fell to the next senior-most British commander was the 24-year-old Major Francis Peirson (in command of the troops at Saint Peter's Barracks). The British troops and militia assembled on the Mont ès Pendus (now called Westmount), to the west of the town. Peirson soon had 2,000 men at his disposal, with which he resolved to descend the hill and attack into the town. The French, who were camped in the market, had seized the town's cannons and had placed them at the different openings to the market to fire on the British troops if they approached. The French did not find the howitzers. The British learned through several people who had been spying on the French troops, that the French number did not exceed 800 or 900 men.
Major Peirson detached the 78th Seaforth Highlanders under Captain Lumsdaine, and sent them to take possession of the Mont de la Ville hill (now the site of Fort Regent), to block any French retreat. Once Peirson believed that the 78th had reached their destination, he ordered his remaining troops to attack. The British were stopped at the edge of the town, where de Rullecourt sent Corbet to offer capitulation terms and to tell the British that if they did not sign, the French would ransack the town within half an hour. Peirson and Captain Campbell answered that the French had 20 minutes to surrender.
The five companies of the 83rd Regiment of Foot and the part of the East Regiment in Grouville to the east who were now covering the landing area, also refused to surrender. When de Rullecourt received their answer he was heard to remark: "Since they do not want to surrender, I have come to die."
The attack began. The British forces in the Grande Rue, now called Broad Street, included the 78th Regiment, the Battalion of Saint Lawrence, the South-East Regiment, and the Compagnies de Saint-Jean. The 95th Regiment of Foot, with the rest of the militia, advanced down the other avenues. The British had too many troops for the battle, a British soldier later saying that a third of the British troops would have been more than enough to destroy the French army. Many British soldiers, confused and having nothing to shoot at, fired most of their shots into the air.
The French resistance was of short duration, most of the action lasting a quarter of an hour. The French only fired the cannons that they had at their disposal once or twice. The British had a howitzer placed directly opposite the market in the Grande Rue, which at each shot "cleaned all the surroundings of French" according to a member of the British service.
Major Peirson and the 95th Regiment advanced towards the Avenue du Marché. Then, just as the British were about to win, a musket ball in the heart killed Major Peirson; his saddened troops, now led by a militia subaltern, Philip Dumaresq, rushed forward and continued the fight. When de Rullecourt fell wounded, many French soldiers gave up the fight, throwing down their weapons and fleeing. Others reached the market houses from where they continued to fire.
De Rullecourt, through Corbet, told the British that the French had two battalions and an artillery company at La Rocque, which could be at the town within a quarter of an hour. The British were not intimidated, knowing that the number of French troops there was less than 200, they having landed that morning. A guard of 45 grenadiers of the 83rd Regiment, led by Captain Campbell, resisted 140 French soldiers until the arrival of a part of the East Regiment, whereupon the French were defeated, suffering 30 dead or wounded, with 70 men taken prisoner. Seven grenadiers were killed during this action. The remaining French soldiers dispersed themselves throughout the countryside to reach their boats; locals caught several trying to do so.
The British took 600 prisoners in all whom they subsequently sent to England. The British losses were 11 dead and 36 wounded among the regular troops, and four dead and 29 wounded among the militia. In addition, Captain Charlton, of the Royal Artillery, was wounded while a prisoner of the French. The French had 78 killed and 74 wounded. De Rullecourt being seriously wounded, died that night at the house of Dr Lerrier in Royal Square (now the pub called The Peirson); he was buried in the grounds of the Parish Church of St Helier.
Captain Lumsdaine stated: "The face of the affairs being in a few hours thus changed, the enemy's vessels quit the Island, the troops that they had landed being drowned, killed, wounded or prisoners."
Reenactors at the site of the battle.
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The Known Graves by WherezJeff http://ift.tt/2v42xQk
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Morning walk #jerseyci #sunrise #hiking (at Grouville, Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byf4I6gH1nD/?igshid=1uflrn3p9psya
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Day 2 Back to St Helier
The main reason for our vis was to visit my mothers grave at the local church Gouray overlooking the Royal Bay of Grouville. we visited town to go to the Central Market and get a small bunch of flowers.
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Edward John Louis Paisnel (1925 – 1994), dubbed the Beast of Jersey, was a notorious sex offender who terrorised the Channel Island of Jersey between 1960 and 1971. He entered homes at night dressed in a women's black wig, a rubber mask, and nail-studded wristlets, attacking women and children. Edward was a builder and considered a pillar of local society. Townspeople knew him as “Ted.” His wife, Joan Paisnel, was the founder of a community home in Jersey where, they cared for orphan children, often inviting them to their home in Grouville. Paisnel was previously imprisoned while the Germans occupied Jersey Island during WW II, for stealing food and giving it to starving families in his community. His first attacks were on four young women, a few months apart. Each woman was waiting for the bus at a bus stop, or walking home from the bus stop when Paisnel attacked them, put a rope around their neck, and forced them by the neck into a nearby field where he could beat and rape them. On Valentine’s Day in 1960 a 12-year-old boy woke up in his bedroom to find the beast of Jersey watching him sleep. Paisnel put a rope around the boys neck and led him out the window to a nearby field where he raped him. Soon after, a 43 year old mother and her 14 year old daughter were attacked. In his next two attacks, he raped two small boys in his signature fashion: entering their home at night, and leading them away with a rope around their neck. His attacks increased over time, in both frequency and brutality. The victims stated that the attacker was aged about early to mid 40’s; was about 5″6 tall, and affected an “Irish” accent. Some of the victims described him as wearing a rope or a cord around his waist, and he often restrained the victim by tying their hands together. All of them described the attacker as smelling “musty." #destroytheday https://www.instagram.com/p/ByfkpSqhhsi/?igshid=y56euwdudre7
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German troops work on the South wall of Fort Henry, Grouville, Jersey, Channel Islands 1940
#world war two#worldwar2photos#1940s#wwii#ww2 history#ww2#history#Grouville#occupation of the channel islands#channel islands#fort Henry#jersey
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Team Kayla Treanor and a powerhouse lineup of coaches
Vale Rec look on paper to be the strongest side in the draw, having finished fifth in the Priaulx League last season. They will face First Tower at the Corbet Field while Grouville, who reached the Jeremie Cup final last season, host Guernsey's Rovers at Le Boulivot. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites.
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Christina Aguilera Liberation shirt
Christina Aguilera Liberation shirt
Maybe the Christina Aguilera Liberation shirt. Their court date is Friday so even if you just have a dollar to spare everything counts. She will literally give you the shirt off her back if you let her. I will do some planning for tomorrow’s campaigning and tomorrow night’s hustings in Grouville which I encourage everyone to attend. I hope you had as enjoyable Liberation Day as I did. This woman…
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