#group d recruitment 2018
tomorrowusa · 8 months
It's ironic that the administration of the oldest president could be marked by the emergence of a fresh crop of politically savvy young politicians.
David Hogg, one of the organizers of March For Our Lives, is co-founder of a group dedicated to supporting young liberals who run for office.
Leaders We Deserve describes itself as an "EMILY’s List for young people" and that's a useful way to look at it.
The PAC was founded just over five months ago and it's off to a good start.
A Democratic group that aims to recruit and support young candidates for state legislative office announced it raised more than $3 million in the latest quarter of fundraising.   Leaders We Deserve — a group founded by activist David Hogg along with Kevin Lata, Rep. Maxwell Frost’s (D-Fla.) former campaign manager — announced Wednesday its fundraising haul between October and December. More than 100,000 donations were made, with the average contribution being $25, according to figures first shared with The Hill. The group received donations from every state.
Their original goal was to raise $1 million but they took in triple that. And they are using those funds to help younger candidates in races where they can make the biggest difference.
In an interview with The Hill, Hogg said that the goal last quarter was to raise at least $1 million. Hogg, a survivor of the Parkland high school shooting in 2018 who also co-founded March for Our Lives, said the group would be announcing its next slate of endorsed candidates “very soon” and was in the “final stages” of choosing the next picks.   “Part of what we’re doing is really narrowing in on the states where young people can have the biggest impact and not just in voting for these candidates, of course, but voting in statewide races where they may be more inspired to turn out and vote in the first place, especially in a place like Montana, for example, where we could potentially help to break the supermajority,” Hogg told The Hill. Hogg also noted the importance of keeping young voters engaged, as they’ve proven to make or break key races. “The number one reason why young people have turned out to vote so much over the past three election cycles is because of Donald Trump in terms of voting against him, but Donald Trump is not going to be there forever,” said the Leaders We Deserve co-founder.   “And from the work that young people [have] done in the movements over the past several election cycles like March for Our Lives, the environmental movement, the movement for racial justice and others, we know that young people are one of our best ways of stopping Democratic backsliding, ’cause they turn out and vote in such a high rate,” Hogg said. “But we can’t just keep voting against things. We have to vote for something, and we also need to see ourselves represented in office to know that our votes are actually mattering and having an impact and to give us what I perceive to be the greatest way to help our democracy, which is hope.” 
People who vote are taken more seriously than people who don't vote. And one thing which encourages voting is having candidates who reflect the electorate.
Briefly mentioned in the article is that Leaders We Deserve places a high priority on state legislative races. Many disturbing anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ laws get passed in red states because MAGA Republicans have supermajorities in legislatures.
If you're interested, visit their site. If you do contact them, encourage them to become active on Tumblr.
Leaders We Deserve | Invest in Young People
And because state legislative races deserve more attention, look up who represents you in your state capital. If it's MAGA Republicans, get active in the campaign of their Democratic opponents.
Find Your Legislators Look your legislators up by address or use your current location.
Thinking of running for state legislature yourself? The age and residency requirements are mostly lower than for Congress. See what the requirements are in your state.
Eligibility Requirements to Run for the State Legislature
Presidents Franklin Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter, and Barack Obama (among others) all served in their state legislatures at one time.
Perhaps you are one of the leaders your state deserves. 🙂
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ofliterarynature · 11 months
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[ loved liked ok no thanks (reread) book club* DNF ]
The Anomaly | Not the Witch You Wed | A Pale Light In the Black | (My Volcano)* | Klara and the Sun | Our Hideous Progeny | (A Gathering of Shadows) | A Dangerous Collaboration | Empire of Sand | (A Darker Shade of Magic) | Scattered Showers | A Treacherous Curse | Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz | The Hanged Man | Magic Below Stairs | The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy | The City & The City | The Splinter in the Sky
* * * * *
Magic Below Stairs was a charming middle-grade spin off to the Cecelia & Kate series, I had a good time and would be more than happy to read more books in this world!
The Hanged Man was the second in the Tarot Sequence, and still great! Not perfect, but the characters are so fun and the plots are extremely intense, I loved reading this. The haunted ship was scarier than the actual haunted ship horror book I just read.
Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz…bad. You took this amazing set up and look what you did with it! You made it generic and boring and feeling outdated. Justice for the centuries-old, animated, sentient, sorcerous, gender-fluid puppet who deserved better (to be the main character, to start)
(Veronica Speedwell is of course, fun as always. I have unfortunately now hit the books with longer hold times and am very D: about it)
Scattered Showers was a very heartwarming collection! Perfectly (and maybe, best) suited for fans of the author’s novels. Perhaps a little one-note, but a good read. I love the cover design a lot :D
This is the first time I’ve reread the Shades of Magic books since I finished the series in 2018. I loved them dearly. But my tastes shifted dramatically between then and now… ADSOM is ok. A decently solid fantasy novel, but not one that’s delivering what I want these days. A Gathering of Shadows, however, is a hot mess. I already did some yelling about it but there’s really not a plot, the storyline seems forced, and as asexualbookbird put it, it’s really just Book 3: The Prequel. I don’t know if reading it for the first time would be better? Mostly I was bored and irritated and would have loved to quit.
Somebody help me out, was there hype for Empire of Sand? Because I feel like there was, and I was so let down. The world building was beautiful, but it felt like absolutely nothing happened for the entire middle of the book? And the romantic elements weren’t enough to tempt me, I’d have loved this if it had gone full political intrigue instead.
I’m not a Frankenstein person, but I had a great time with Our Hideous Progeny! I’m a sucker for historical fiction with smart female characters, even if I wanted to strangle a lot of the men, lol. I might have zoned out a bit during the denser paleontological bits, but I look forward to future work by the author.
Klara and the Sun is another one I don’t quite understand the love for, it just wasn’t for me.
My Volcano. YES. IT IS BACK AGAIN. FOR BOOKCLUB AGAIN EVEN. This is such a complicated book that only two of us managed to finish it for book club when we first read it last year. Now that we have some new recruits we decided to try it again (no luck alas). BUT I am still not over it, check out my tag for more yelling. Right now I’m trying to convince the group to *not* do a third read next year and maybe try one of the author’s other books (and the author followed me back on Twitter! I got irrationally excited lol)
I was a bit nervous going into A Pale Light in the Black, having had some flops from the person who rec’d this previously, but it was so fun! ‘Space Coast Guard’ is not a thing that would immediately leap to mind as something I’d be interested in, but this goes *hard* on the found family vibes and spends just as much time on the characters’ emotions as it does on the plot, in addition to being super queer! The plot is a little clunky being split in two different directions with the investigation and the military games, but I still had such a good time (and speaking from the future, book 2 does improve on that!)
When will I learn my lesson about contemporary romance? Regardless of the fact that the plot for Not the Witch You Wed could have been ripped from one of the many many Teen Wolf fics I’ve read and enjoyed, we did *not* get along. Sigh.
I’m not sure what I was expecting from The Anomaly, but I think it was something more? Probably because it was a translation? Idk, I don’t find the “are we just a simulation” discussion particularly compelling (and My Volcano deals with related topics in more interesting ways), and the rest couldn’t hold me. Really wish I’d DNF’d this one, but I pushed though in hope.
The actual DNF’s -
The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy I wanted to like. I enjoy quirky world building, but it felt like a contemporary romance masquerading as a fantasy - accompanied by all those pesky cr tropes that annoy me. Most of the characters were irritating me as well, and I didn’t want to forgive Hart, even if I understand why he was being so awful, so I decided to quit before I worked myself up too far.
The City & The City had a cool concept, but after 25% I still wasn’t interested. I’d maybe try something else from Mieville, but this wasn’t for me.
The Splinter in the Sky is a book that probably looked fantastic as an outline. But when it came to filling it out and connecting the dots, well…it was lacking a lot. Readable, maybe not worth the effort, but I’d give the author another try on a future work.
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By: Adrienne Lu
Published: May 31, 2023
As a growing number of colleges around the country have stopped using diversity statements, a lawsuit filed against the University of California system in May appears to be the first to directly challenge their legality. Experts are divided on whether the use of such statements by public colleges will pass legal muster.
John D. Haltigan, the plaintiff, is being represented pro bono by the nonprofit Pacific Legal Foundation. He is arguing that the University of California system’s use of diversity statements in hiring violates the First Amendment and represents unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination. Haltigan wants to apply for a tenure-track position in the psychology department at the University of California at Santa Cruz and is asking the court, among other things, for an injunction that would allow him to apply without submitting a diversity statement. The university system has required diversity statements in applications for tenure-track positions and promotions since 2018.
Haltigan describes diversity statements as modern-day loyalty oaths, comparing them to the anti-Communist pledges demanded of faculty members during the McCarthy era — a particularly sensitive topic at the University of California, which was notorious for firing professors over the pledges.
Haltigan argues that his commitment to colorblindness and viewpoint diversity, his objections to diversity, equity, and inclusion “ orthodoxy,” and his belief that a person should be considered based solely on individual merit mean he cannot compete for the Santa Cruz job. He referred a request for comment to his lawyers but posted on a blog in February that he believes “the DEI rubric in the academy has … contributed to creating a corrosive and hostile environment that is intolerant of viewpoint diversity and is anathema to high-quality research and teaching.”
The blog post includes a passage he wrote in response to the diversity-statement portion of the job application. He wrote that he has served as a mentor to “several students from underrepresented minority groups” and described how his previous research, “published in Child Development, provided insight into how the legacy of economic hardship may, in conjunction with biological and genetic factors, contribute to different stylistic ways of talking about early-life-attachment experiences among African American pregnant women.” The Pacific Legal Foundation has been seeking a plaintiff to challenge diversity statements for years and connected with Haltigan after his blog post was published.
Diversity statements typically ask job applicants — or employees seeking promotion or tenure — to discuss how they can contribute to a college’s diversity, equity, and inclusion goals. Supporters say the statements allow colleges to take relevant skills and experience into account as they seek to recruit and retain a diverse student body, a challenge that has grown increasingly critical as the nation’s demographics shift and many institutions battle shrinking enrollments.
Diversity statements have been used in higher education for nearly a decade, but they took off after the murder of George Floyd. In recent months a handful of states, universities, and state university systems dropped them, typically citing concerns about academic freedom. Lawmakers in 10 states have filed bills to ban colleges from using diversity statements, according to the Chronicle’s database of legislation to restrict DEI efforts in higher education.
Public universities have a First Amendment right to have their own values and mission statements, said Zach Greenberg, a senior program officer with the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, which has warned that diversity statements could be used as political litmus tests. But colleges may not force students or faculty members to adhere to values and mission statements, Greenberg said, “if they’re in political terms.”
“So, a university may say that we are antiracist, we believe in DEI, but we also welcome those with opposing views,” Greenberg said. A university can even encourage faculty to share those views, as long as it doesn’t cross the line into compelling them, he said.
While private employers are generally allowed to practice viewpoint discrimination, public universities, like other public employers, typically cannot discriminate based on political beliefs. “A public university can’t require its faculty to have certain beliefs,” said Brian Leiter, a professor of jurisprudence and director of the Center for Law, Philosophy, and Human Values at the University of Chicago, who has been a vocal critic of diversity statements. “No matter how laudable one thinks the beliefs are, it’s not allowed. And that’s just true of any public employer. There are very narrow exceptions.” Courts have ruled that government can base hiring decisions on political viewpoints only in very limited cases, such as political appointments, Leiter added.
But do diversity statements require a particular political viewpoint? Keith E. Whittington, a professor of politics at Princeton University, said that diversity statements, as they are commonly used in academe, “definitely run afoul of these kinds of viewpoint discrimination concerns.” For example, Whittington pointed to evaluation rubrics from the University of California system that downgrade applicants who say they treat every student equally. The rubric used by the University of California at Santa Cruz, for example, gives applicants less credit if they describe “only activities that are already the expectation of our faculty such as mentoring, treating all students the same regardless of background, etc.”
“There’s a real tendency to want to extrapolate from people’s political views, that may be publicly expressed, to make inferences about how they might treat students in the classroom,” said Whittington, who also serves on the academic committee of the Academic Freedom Alliance, a group of faculty members who seek to uphold academic freedom, which has urged colleges to stop requiring diversity statements.
Brian Soucek, a professor of law at the University of California at Davis, has argued that diversity statements can be constitutional, if used correctly. He previously served as chair of a systemwide committee on academic freedom for the University of California that provided input for the university system’s latest recommendations on the use of DEI statements.
Soucek recommends that in order to avoid infringing on academic freedom, faculty members, rather than administrators, should determine how to judge applicants. In order to avoid comparisons to loyalty oaths, he recommends that colleges ask what applicants “have done or plan to do, not what they believe, when it comes to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in their field.”
And regarding viewpoint discrimination, Soucek argues that the central question is not whether applicants are being judged on their viewpoints, but whether those perspectives are relevant to the position in question. An immigration-asylum clinic, for example, could legitimately ask about an applicant’s views on immigration, Soucek said, but it would appear to be constitutionally problematic if a law school asked an applicant for a bankruptcy professor position about immigration.
In Haltigan’s case, Soucek said, the University of California at Santa Cruz is hiring for an assistant professor of developmental psychology to enhance the program’s “long-established strengths in studying the lived experiences of children and youth from diverse backgrounds.” According to the job posting, the department seeks candidates whose research explores areas such as “cultural assets that promote healthy development in the contexts of inequities related to gender, ethnicity/race, social class, and/or sexuality” and “conditions and practices that leverage the psychological strengths of children from historically underserved backgrounds in the U.S. or other countries.”
For that particular position, Soucek said, “it would seem especially strange for somebody to come in and say, ‘I believe in colorblindness and refuse to see people’s race or ethnicity.’”
“The position, after all, is about the diverse, lived experiences of children of different backgrounds,” Soucek said.
[ Via: https://archive.is/smZQN ]
How dystopian have things become when "merit" and "colorblindness" are disqualifying values?
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reasoningdaily · 2 years
Could AI bias cost you a job? NJ lawmaker wants more scrutiny of hiring software
There's a good chance an employer has used artificial intelligence to determine whether you’re the right fit for a job. 
Nearly one in four organizations said they either use or plan to adopt AI and other computerized processes for hiring and recruitment, according to a survey last year by the Society for Human Resource Management. Software is taking over much of the routine work of hiring, screening and information gathering, said Chinmay Hegde, an associate professor of computer science at New York University.
But skeptics worry about a dark side: that AI systems trained on past hiring decisions will simply automate racial and cultural biases that have previously shut out women, minorities, people with disabilities or other groups.
In response, some lawmakers in New Jersey want more scrutiny of how employers use AI in their hiring decisions.
“This isn’t banning the use of this software, it’s just making sure that we are checking and auditing and putting some boundaries in place to ensure equity processes,” said one of the bill’s main sponsors, state Assemblywoman Sadaf Jaffer, D-Mercer.
How the state would regulate AI
Employers also would have to notify job candidates if automated software was used in the hiring process. A first violation would trigger a $500 fine and up to $1,500 for each subsequent violation.
Jaffer's bill cleared a first hurdle when the Assembly Labor Committee approved it by an 8-1 vote on Jan. 19. A state Senate version, S1926, was introduced to that chamber's labor committee last March but so far has not received a vote.
How AI is used in hiring
Employers in the Society for Human Resource Management survey said they use AI and automation for everything from screening resumes to choosing applicants for interviews to scoring candidates on skills assessments and even administering interviews.
Sixty-four percent of HR professionals told the society they used software to automatically filter out "unqualified" applicants. Employers said the tools save them time and help them to swiftly identify top choices.
"AI systems can help analyze a large volume of resumes and more quickly search for qualified candidates," said Beena Ammanath, executive director of the Deloitte AI Institute. "Chatbots and other automated messaging systems can streamline communications with potential candidates."
What is AI bias?
While such tools can save companies time and money, without care they also "may result in unlawful discrimination," the U.S. Department of Justice warned in a notice to employers last May.
Indeed, Reuters reported in 2018 that Amazon had stopped using an AI recruiting tool because it penalized applicants with resumes that referred to "women's" activities or degrees from two all-women's colleges.
The Justice Department, in its guidance last year, warned that automated hiring can violate the Americans with Disabilities Act.
For example, the department said, a visually impaired employee who has to take an evaluation using a keyboard could fare poorly, potentially costing them a promotion or other job opportunity even if their typing skills weren't relevant to the work.
A chatbot screener might automatically reject someone with employment gaps that were caused by a disability. Or the chatbot might reject an applicant in a wheelchair who indicates that they can’t stand for long periods of time, even if they could do the job while seated. 
The department’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission said employers must consciously take actions that don’t leave out disabled applicants and employees. 
Bill of Rights: On fourth try, 'temp worker bill of rights' passes final hurdle in NJ Legislature
NJ employers urge caution
The New Jersey Business and Industry Association said more information is needed from employers on how they use artificial intelligence, and that several amendments are necessary before the group can support the bill.
“I think we don’t have a lot of concrete data about how these tools are being used in the workplace,” said Alexis Bailey, the association's vice president of government affairs. 
"We’ve heard anecdotes here and there about different issues that have arisen, but I think until we fully understand exactly what these tools are, exactly how they’re being used in the workplace, it’s hard to say where we as a state should come down on regulations,” Bailey said. “We say tread carefully, just because there’s a lot of unknowns and things are changing, as it always does with technology.” 
Last year, the New York City Council approved one of the nation's first laws to regulate AI in hiring. But the city has delayed implementation, after being inundated with questions about what sorts of automation fall under its rules, who will conduct audits and what they should measure.
How to hack AI used in hiring
Job seekers can tailor their resume to look more appealing to algorithms by including terms or phrases from the job description, said Ammanath, of the Deloitte AI Institute.
"Creative or unusual resumes" should be avoided, as "images, artwork and unusual fonts typically do not work well with AI models," Ammanath added. "When it comes to resume formats, candidates should use standard resume templates and common fonts."
But Ridhi Shetty, a policy counsel at the Center for Democracy & Technology in Washington, D.C., said that "at the end of the day, having workers try and think of ways to circumvent these tools really just puts the onus on workers to avoid being discriminated against, rather than doubling down on employers and vendors, who should be more accountable for their practices."
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sa7abnews · 1 month
DHS, FBI probed for info on alleged Iranian agent's assassination plot possibly targeting Trump
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/dhs-fbi-probed-for-info-on-alleged-iranian-agents-assassination-plot-possibly-targeting-trump/
DHS, FBI probed for info on alleged Iranian agent's assassination plot possibly targeting Trump
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FIRST ON FOX: A group of leading bipartisan senators conducting oversight of homeland security and governmental matters are demanding answers from FBI Director Christopher Wray and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas after an alleged Iranian agent was charged by the Department of Justice (DOJ) for orchestrating a scheme to assassinate a politician or U.S. official — potentially former President Trump. Pakistani national Asif Merchant was charged with seeking to carry out a murder-for-hire, the office of the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York said earlier this month. “This dangerous murder-for-hire plot exposed in today’s charges allegedly was orchestrated by a Pakistani national with close ties to Iran and is straight out of the Iranian playbook,” Wray said in the press release. “A foreign-directed plot to kill a public official, or any U.S. citizen, is a threat to our national security and will be met with the full might and resources of the FBI.”   ‘PREGNANT PERSONS’: OHIO SEN SHERROD BROWN SCRUBBED ‘WOMEN’ FROM BILL ON PREGNANCYIn a joint letter to Wray and Mayorkas on Wednesday, Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC) Chairman Gary Peters, D-Mich., Ranking Member Rand Paul, R-Ky., Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Chairman Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., and Ranking Member Ron Johnson, R-Wis., noted that the court documents detailed that Merchant had been “orchestrating his assassination plot since at least April 2024 when he ‘flew from Pakistan to Istanbul and then on to Houston, Texas on or about April 13, 2024, to recruit individuals to carry out his plot to assassinate U.S. government officials.” The senators pointed to a Fox News Digital report citing multiple federal law enforcement sources briefed on the investigation, who claimed that the FBI had been watching Merchant before he entered the U.S. According to those sources, the bureau needed him to enter the country in order to cement its case and arrest him. ‘PATH TO JUSTICE’: DURBIN URGES AUSTIN TO RETHINK REVOKING 9/11 MASTERMINDS’ PLEA DEALSArresting Merchant at Customs would not have allowed agents to get the necessary evidence regarding the plot, per the sources. “In light of this new information and to understand the extent of FBI’s and DHS’s awareness of Merchant and his plot, including the justification to allow him to enter the U.S.,” Peters, Paul, Blumenthal, and Johnson asked that the FBI and DHS leaders provide answers on when and how the Pakistani national became known to the FBI, what the bureau knew at that time and whether it had shared the information with the Secret Service. The lawmakers further asked the entities for information on whether the FBI had sponsored Significant Public Benefit Parole (SPBP) for Merchant for “security interests.” The suspect was allegedly allowed entry through SPBP, which grants non-citizens entry to the U.S. on a temporary basis. KAMALA HARRIS LED DEMS IN 2018 CALL TO REJECT MORE FUNDING FOR BORDER PATROL, ICEThey additionally questioned Mayorkas and Wray on the information provided to DHS by the FBI prior to the decision to allow Merchant into the country. “Did FBI inform DHS about Merchant’s assassination plot? When and how did DHS officials become aware of Merchant?” the senators questioned. In their correspondence, the senators noted that a request made last month is still outstanding for “documents and information from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), including any intelligence regarding a series of enumerated threats known or being investigated in advance of the July 13, 2024 rally,” where Trump survived an assassination attempt.The initial request on July 24 came in response to an attempted assassination against Trump at an outdoor rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. The shooting wounded the former president’s ear, leaving him bloodied, and killed one spectator as well as critically injuring two others.GOOGLE EXECS PRESSED TO TESTIFY AFTER ADMITTING TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT SEARCH OMISSIONS WERE BY DESIGN”Please explain what, if any, steps federal law enforcement has taken to investigate any connection between Merchant’s assassination plot and the July 13, 2024, assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump,” the lawmakers requested in the latest letter. The FBI confirmed receipt of the letter to Fox News Digital but declined to comment. DHS did not provide comment to Fox News Digital in time for publication. Fox News’ Louis Casiano, Bill Melugin, David Spunt and Michael Ruiz contributed to this report. 
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spookysaladchaos · 6 months
Pallet Four-way Shuttle, Global Market Size Forecast, Top 10 Players Rank and Market Share
Pallet Four-way Shuttle Market Summary
According to the new market research report “Global Pallet Four-way Shuttle Market Report 2023-2029”, published by QYResearch, the global Pallet Four-way Shuttle market size is projected to reach USD 772.6 million by 2029, at a CAGR of 28.3% during the forecast period.
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Figure.   Global Pallet Four-way Shuttle Market Size (US$ Million), 2018-2029
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Pallet Four-way Shuttle Market Report 2023-2029.
Market Drivers:
Factors such as high labor costs and difficulty in recruiting workers due to the gradual fading of the demographic dividend have led companies to turn to smart warehousing.
Driven by the demand for innovation and development of emerging business models such as e-commerce and new retail, the intelligent and digital transformation of all aspects of the logistics industry has become an inevitable trend.
The scenario of smart warehouses is relatively closed, and the research and development of car bodies is more customized development based on scenarios, so smart warehousing manufacturers (or manufacturers with related resources) are generally involved.
System technical barriers are high. In addition to hardware car body technology, it may also involve hardware equipment such as layer-changing elevators, track conveyor lines, and racking systems, as well as software such as equipment dispatch control systems WCS/WMS. This means that the product needs to be developed from R&D to The landing period will be relatively longer.
With the growth of market demand for intelligent logistics equipment, more and more companies have begun to enter the fields related to intelligent logistics equipment. The influx of a large number of companies has made the market competition increasingly fierce.
As pallet four-way shuttles are put into use in more and more scenarios, different scenarios have also put forward new demands for shuttles. More stable movement, more precise positioning and higher efficiency will become the research and development of future manufacturers. direction. At present, China's four-way vehicle cross-layer dispatching technology is not very mature, and there is a lot of room for improvement in systems and algorithms.
On the one hand, with the impact of COVID-19 on traditional supply logistics, the world is accelerating the construction of smart logistics, and companies are increasingly investing in intelligence and automation. On the other hand, rising labor costs have also prompted some companies to turn to digital logistics.
Figure.   Pallet Four-way Shuttle, Global Market Size, The Top Five Players Hold 55% of Overall Market
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Pallet Four-way Shuttle Market Report 2023-2029.
This report profiles key players of Pallet Four-way Shuttle such as SURAY Information Technology, INTPLOG (upedge), Nanjing Inform Storage Equipment (Group) Co
In 2022, the global top five Pallet Four-way Shuttle players account for 55% of market share in terms of revenue. Above figure shows the key players ranked by revenue in Pallet Four-way Shuttle.
Figure.   Pallet Four-way Shuttle, Global Market Size, Split by Product Segment
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Pallet Four-way Shuttle Market Report 2023-2029.
In terms of product type, Load capacity 1-1.5t is the largest segment, hold a share of 55%.
Figure.   Pallet Four-way Shuttle, Global Market Size, Split by Application Segment
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Pallet Four-way Shuttle Market Report 2023-2029.
In terms of product application, Cold Chain is the largest application, hold a share of 32%.
Figure.   Pallet Four-way Shuttle, Global Market Size, Split by Region
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Pallet Four-way Shuttle Market Report 2023-2029.
About The Authors
Wangzhuang - Lead Author
John is a technology & market senior analyst specializing in semiconductor devices, materials, and equipment. Wang has 3 years’ experience in semiconductor and focuses on Chemicals, consumer goods, food and beverages, machinery and equipment, software and business services, etc. He is engaged in the development of technology and market reports and is also involved in custom projects.
About QYResearch
QYResearch founded in California, USA in 2007.It is a leading global market research and consulting company. With over 16 years’ experience and professional research team in various cities over the world QY Research focuses on management consulting, database and seminar services, IPO consulting, industry chain research and customized research to help our clients in providing non-linear revenue model and make them successful. We are globally recognized for our expansive portfolio of services, good corporate citizenship, and our strong commitment to sustainability. Up to now, we have cooperated with more than 60,000 clients across five continents. Let’s work closely with you and build a bold and better future.
QYResearch is a world-renowned large-scale consulting company. The industry covers various high-tech industry chain market segments, spanning the semiconductor industry chain (semiconductor equipment and parts, semiconductor materials, ICs, Foundry, packaging and testing, discrete devices, sensors, optoelectronic devices), photovoltaic industry chain (equipment, cells, modules, auxiliary material brackets, inverters, power station terminals), new energy automobile industry chain (batteries and materials, auto parts, batteries, motors, electronic control, automotive semiconductors, etc.), communication industry chain (communication system equipment, terminal equipment, electronic components, RF front-end, optical modules, 4G/5G/6G, broadband, IoT, digital economy, AI), advanced materials industry Chain (metal materials, polymer materials, ceramic materials, nano materials, etc.), machinery manufacturing industry chain (CNC machine tools, construction machinery, electrical machinery, 3C automation, industrial robots, lasers, industrial control, drones), food, beverages and pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, agriculture, etc.
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khabritukda1 · 1 year
The Harsh Truth of "Kerala Story"
The forthcoming Bollywood movie 'The Kerala Tale' has sparked a huge political uproar, with the curren Left Democratic Front (LDF) government, the opposin United Democratic Front (UDF) and the Congress party all expressing their disapproval of the film.  
The disputed movie illustrates the process of how numerous adolescent females were indoctrinated into becoming members of the Islamic State (IS) and travelling to nations such as Syria and Afghanistan.  
About The Kerala Story And Movie  
The Kerala Story's trailer was unveiled on April 26 and sparked reactions and controversy. Vipul Amrutlal Shah's film seeks to narrate the story of how Kerala women were deceived and smuggled to the conflict zone of Syria's Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Sudipto Sen's film follows the journey of four female college students from Kerala who join the Islamic State.   
The movie is labelled as inspired by a true story, but the authenticity of the data displayed lacks concrete proof. It alludes to the controversial concept of Love Jihad in Kerala, where Hindu girls are purportedly enticed by Muslim men to convert to Islam.
On 3rd November 2022, the trailer was unveiled, featuring Adah Sharma portraying the role of Fathima Ba, a Hindu nurse from Kerala who adopted Islam and joined ISIS, ultimately landing in an Afghan prison. She claims to be one of the 32,000 girls hailing from Hindu and Christian communities who have gone missing in Kerala and have been recruited by ISIS after converting to Islam. However, these statistics are grossly inaccurate and based on flawed translations, misquoted statements, and mis interpreted data.  
The Factual And Accurate Story
According to a report by the Observer Research Foundation in 2019, approximately 60 to 70 individuals from Kerala had joined ISIS between 2014 and 2018. The data provided by the Indian government indicates that the number of Indians joining the organization has been relatively low, with only 100-200 individuals joining to date, which is among the lowest figures for any country with a significant Muslim population. The US Department of State's 2020 terrorism report stated that at that time, 66 people from India were associated with ISIS. The events depicted in the film are believed to have been inspired by the actions of four women from Kerala who converted to Islam and went to Afghanistan with their husbands to join ISIS between 2016 and 2018. They were among the 21 individuals from Kerala who joined ISIS in 2016 and have been detained in Afghanistan since they surrendered in 2019. The Indian National Congress and Communist Party of India (Marxist), the only two parties to have governed the state since Independence, have opposed the movie's release, claiming that it promotes communal misinformation. They have also accused the filmmakers of advancing the agenda of the Sangh Parivar to slander Kerala and promote the notion of "love jihad," a Hindutva conspiracy theory. In response to these allegations, the producer Shah has stated that "we will provide evidence for everything we say," and Sen conducted extensive research for the film over four years.
Opposition About The Movie  
Sudipto Sen, the director behind 'The Kerala Story' claims to uncover the truth behind the vanishing of approximately 32,000 women in the southern state. The movie incorrectly insinuates that these women converted to extremist Islam and were dispatched on terrorist operations in India and worldwide. Minister of Culture and Youth Affairs, Saji Cheriyan, expressed his strong disapproval of the film in a Facebook post, stating that it is a tool of the Sangh Parivar to propagate animosity and stir up unrest among communities. He further added that this is a well-known strategy employed by the group to incite chaos in society.
V D Satheesan, the leader of the opposition in the State Assembly, rejected the claims made by the filmmakers and asserted that the upcoming movie had the intention to malign the state's reputation globally. The Congress leader insisted that the movie, which baselessly alleges that 32,000 women in Kerala have embraced Islam and joined ISIS, should not be allowed to be exhibited.
Conclusion And People Review 
According to Producer Vipul Amrutlal Shah, The Kerala Story is the culmination of extensive research and authentic accounts that have never been disclosed before. The film aims to reveal numerous concealed truths and raise awareness about the grave threat of radicalization that women in our country face. Will address various queries regarding the film's plot and setting. The trailer will showcase the protagonists' radicalization and loss of identity, providing the audience with a glimpse of what to anticipate from the movie.
The film aspires to be the voice of countless women worldwide who have been brainwashed and manipulated into terrorism and other offences. Adah Sharma leads the cast of The Kerala Story, which also includes Yogita Bihani, Sonia Balani, and Siddhi Idnani. Sunshine Pictures Private Limited, established by Vipul Amrutlal Shah, who serves as the Producer, Creative Director, and co-writer of the film, is financing The Kerala Story. The movie is scheduled to hit theatres worldwide on May 5th, 2023. 
Following a complaint made by a journalist from Tamil Nadu to the chief minister of Kerala, alleging the spread of false propaganda against Kerala and the destruction of communal harmony, the Kerala state police chief Anil Kant instructed the Thiruvananthapuram City Police to initiate an inquiry based on a report by the hi-tech crime inquiry cell of the Kerala Police.
However, as of 15 November 2022, an FIR has not been registered on the advice of legal counsel.The film is currently under investigation as of 9 November 2022. 
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prnlive · 2 years
Gary Null’s Show Notes 01 18 23 P
If you listen to Gary’s show, you know that he begins with the latest findings in natural approaches to health and nutrition. Starting this week, we will make some of those findings available each weekday to subscribers to the Gary Null Newsletter.
Fewer cases of melanoma among people taking vitamin D supplements
Diabetics should pay attention to vitamin C
Feeling depressed? Performing acts of kindness may help
Selenium protects a specific type of interneurons in the brain
Association of Dietary α-Carotene and β-Carotene Intake with Low Cognitive Performance in Older Adults
Consumption of fast food linked to liver disease
Fewer cases of melanoma among people taking vitamin D supplements
University of Eastern Finland, January 10, 2023
Fewer cases of melanoma were observed among regular users of vitamin D supplements than among non-users, a new study finds. People taking vitamin D supplements regularly also had a considerably lower risk of skin cancer, according to estimates by experienced dermatologists. The study, conducted in collaboration between the University of Eastern Finland and Kuopio University Hospital and published in Melanoma Research, included nearly 500 people with an increased risk of skin cancer.
498 adult patients estimated to have an increased risk of a skin cancer, such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma or melanoma, were recruited at the dermatological outpatient clinic of Kuopio University Hospital. Experienced dermatologists at the University of Eastern Finland carefully analysed the patients’ background information and medical history and examined their skin. The dermatologists also classified the patients into different skin cancer risk classes, namely low risk, moderate risk and high risk. Based on their use of oral vitamin D supplements, the patients were divided into three groups: non-users, occasional users and regular users. Serum calcidiol levels were analysed in half of the patients and found to correspond to their self-reported use of vitamin D.
A key finding of the study is that there were considerably fewer cases of melanoma among regular users of vitamin D than among non-users, and that the skin cancer risk classification of regular users was considerably better than non-users’. Logistic regression analysis showed that the risk for melanoma among regular users was considerably reduced, more than halved, compared to non-users.
The findings suggest that even occasional users of vitamin D may have a lower risk for melanoma than non-users. 
Other relatively recent studies, too, have provided evidence of the benefits of vitamin D in melanoma, such as of the association of vitamin D with a less aggressive melanoma.
Diabetics should pay attention to vitamin C
University of Otago (New Zealand), January 9 2023 
Research reported in Nutrients suggests that low intake and serum levels of vitamin C may be particularly risky for adults with diabetes. 
The study analyzed data from 25,206 men and 26,944 women who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) between 1999 and 2018. Four hundred twenty-eight individuals had type 1 diabetes and 6,807 had type 2 diabetes. At the beginning of the study, 38% of the people had an intake of vitamin C that was below the estimated average requirement (EAR), which worsened to 46.5% by 2017-2018.
Individuals whose intake of vitamin C was lower than the EAR had a 20% higher risk of type 2 diabetes compared with an intake above the EAR, and those who did not use vitamin C supplements had a 28% greater risk than vitamin C supplement users. Low and deficient serum vitamin C levels were associated with fewer years of life in comparison with normal vitamin levels. Compared with an adequate intake of vitamin C, the risk of mortality through 2019 among type 2 diabetics was 25% greater for those with a very low intake of the vitamin. Deficient serum levels of the vitamin were associated with an 84% greater mortality risk compared with adequate levels. Not supplementing with vitamin C was associated with a 25% greater mortality risk among people with type 1 diabetes, a 20% greater risk among those with type 2 diabetes and a 24% greater risk among nondiabetics compared with supplementation. 
“Observation of declining vitamin C intake and deleterious consequences of low serum vitamin C in US adults with diabetes suggests encouragement of vitamin C intake, including vitamin C supplementation of 500–1000 mg/day, may be beneficial for pre-diabetic and diabetic US adults,” the authors concluded.
Feeling depressed? Performing acts of kindness may help
Ohio State University, January 10, 2023
People suffering from symptoms of depression or anxiety may help heal themselves by doing good deeds for others, new research shows.
The study found that performing acts of kindness led to improvements not seen in two other therapeutic techniques used to treat depression or anxiety.
Most importantly, the acts of kindness technique was the only intervention tested that helped people feel more connected to others, said study co-author David Cregg at The Ohio State University.
"Social connection is one of the ingredients of life most strongly associated with well-being. Performing acts of kindness seems to be one of the best ways to promote those connections," Cregg said.
The research also revealed why performing acts of kindness worked so well: It helped people take their minds off their own depression and anxiety symptoms.
This finding suggests that one intuition many people have about people with depression may be wrong, Cheavens said.
"We often think that people with depression have enough to deal with, so we don't want to burden them by asking them to help others. But these results run counter to that," she said.
"Doing nice things for people and focusing on the needs of others may actually help people with depression and anxiety feel better about themselves."
The study involved 122 people in central Ohio who had moderate to severe symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress.
After an introductory session, the participants were split into three groups. Two of the groups were assigned to techniques often used in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for depression: planning social activities or cognitive reappraisal. Members of the third group were instructed to perform three acts of kindness a day for two days out of the week. Acts of kindness were defined as "big or small acts that benefit others or make others happy, typically at some cost to you in terms of time or resources."
Some of the acts of kindness that participants later said they did included baking cookies for friends, offering to give a friend a ride, and leaving sticky notes for roommates with words of encouragement.
Participants followed their instructions for five weeks, after which they were evaluated again. The researchers then checked with the participants after another five weeks to see if the interventions were still effective.
The findings showed that participants in all three groups showed an increase in life satisfaction and a reduction of depression and anxiety symptoms after the 10 weeks of the study.
"But acts of kindness still showed an advantage over both social activities and cognitive reappraisal by making people feel more connected to other people, which is an important part of well-being," he said.
In addition, the acts of kindness group showed greater improvements than the cognitive reappraisal group for life satisfaction and symptoms of depression and anxiety, results showed.
Cheavens noted that just participating in social activities did not improve feelings of social connection in this study.
"There's something specific about performing acts of kindness that makes people feel connected to others. It's not enough to just be around other people, participating in social activities," she said.
Selenium protects a specific type of interneurons in the brain
Helmholtz Zentrum München (Germany) December 29, 2022
Exactly 200 years ago, the Swedish scientist Jöns Jacob Berzelius discovered the trace element selenium, which he named after the goddess of the moon, Selene. Selenium is an essential trace element and indispensable for humans, many animals and some bacteria. A team led by Dr. Marcus Conrad, research group leader at the Institute of Developmental Genetics (IDG) at Helmholtz Zentrum München, showed for the first time why selenium is a limiting factor for mammals.
The scientists have been investigating for years the processes of a novel type of cell death, known as ferroptosis. In this context, the enzyme GPX4, which normally contains selenium in the form of the amino acid selenocysteine, plays an important role.
In order to better understand the role of GPX4 in this death process, we established and studied mouse models in which the enzyme was modified," said study leader Conrad. "In one of these models, we observed that mice with a replacement of selenium to sulfur in GPX4 did not survive for longer than three weeks due to neurological complications."
In their search for the underlying reasons, the researchers identified a distinct subpopulation of specialized neurons in the brain, which were absent when selenium-containing GPX4 was lacking. "In further studies, we were able to show that these neurons were lost during postnatal development, when sulfur- instead of selenium-containing GPX4 was present," stated first author of the study, Irina Ingold.
Furthermore, the scientists were able to show that ferroptosis is triggered by oxidative stress, which is known to occur for instance during high metabolic activity of cells and high neuronal activity. "Our study demonstrates for the first time that selenium is an essential factor for the postnatal development of a specific type of interneurons," said Dr. José Pedro Friedmann Angeli, a scientist at the IDG, describing the results. "Selenium-containing GPX4 protects these specialized neurons from oxidative stress and from ferroptotic cell death."
Association of Dietary α-Carotene and β-Carotene Intake with Low Cognitive Performance in Older Adults
Sun Yat-sen University (China), January 3, 2023
With the increased life expectancy around the world, the number of elderly people with cognitive decline has been escalating, causing a burden for their families and governments. The decline in cognitive function is associated with various factors, including normal aging processes and neurological diseases. However, without any prevention measures to delay cognitive function decline, the decline in cognitive function will gradually develop into mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer’s disease. The process of Alzheimer’s disease is irreversible, and medical treatment for this disease is still limited.
The underlying mechanism of vitamin B12 on cognitive function is related to the activation of methylation reactions in the brain. According to previous studies, vitamin A, an antioxidant in the central nervous system, also participates in cognitive function decline in older people. Both α-carotene and β-carotene can be transformed into retinol, which will be converted into a long-chain fatty acid ester that is the main precursor of vitamin A in the human body. Thus, α-carotene and β-carotene may have similar effects on neurocognitive decline. Some previous studies showed that higher levels of α-carotene and β-carotene in the plasma were associated with better cognitive function. 
In this study, our results reflected that dietary α-carotene and β-carotene intake might have inverse effects on cognitive function decline in older people. However, the excessive intake of dietary α-carotene and β-carotene may be a problem that needs special attention. 
Consumption of fast food linked to liver disease
University of Southern California, January 10, 2023
The new year has begun, and with it, resolutions for change. A study from Keck Medicine of USC published in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology gives people extra motivation to reduce fast-food consumption.
The study found that eating fast food is associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, a potentially life-threatening condition in which fat builds up in the liver.
Researchers discovered that people with obesity or diabetes who consume 20% or more of their daily calories from fast food have severely elevated levels of fat in their liver compared to those who consume less or no fast food. And the general population has moderate increases of liver fat when one-fifth or more of their diet is fast food.
"Healthy livers contain a small amount of fat, usually less than 5%, and even a moderate increase in fat can lead to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease," said Ani Kardashian, MD, a hepatologist with Keck Medicine and lead author of the study. "The severe rise in liver fat in those with obesity or diabetes is especially striking, and probably due to the fact that these conditions cause a greater susceptibility for fat to build up in the liver."
The findings also reveal that a relatively modest amount of fast food, which is high in carbohydrates and fat, can hurt the liver. "If people eat one meal a day at a fast-food restaurant, they may think they aren't doing harm," said Kardashian. "However, if that one meal equals at least one-fifth of their daily calories, they are putting their livers at risk."
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, also known as liver steatosis, can lead to cirrhosis, or scarring of the liver, which can cause liver cancer or failure. Liver steatosis affects over 30% of the U.S. population.
The study characterized fast food as meals, including pizza, from either a drive-through restaurant or one without wait staff.
The researchers evaluated the fatty liver measurement of approximately 4,000 adults whose fatty liver measurements were included in the survey and compared these measurements to their fast-food consumption.
Of those surveyed, 52% consumed some fast food. Of these, 29% consumed one-fifth or more daily calories from fast food. Only this 29% of survey subjects experienced a rise in liver fat levels.
The association between liver steatosis and a 20% diet of fast food held steady for both the general population and those with obesity or diabetes even after data was adjusted for multiple other factors such as age, sex, race, ethnicity, alcohol use and physical activity.
About Gary Null
An internationally renowned expert in the field of health and nutrition, Gary Null, Ph.D is the author of over 70 best-selling books on healthy living and the director of over 100 critically acclaimed full-feature documentary films on natural health, self-empowerment and the environment. He is the host of ‘The Progressive Commentary Hour” and “The Gary Null Show”, the country’s longest running nationally syndicated health radio talk show which can be heard daily on here on the Progressive Radio Network.
Throughout his career, Gary Null has made hundreds of radio and television broadcasts throughout the country as an environmentalist, consumer advocate, investigative reporter and nutrition educator. More than 28 different Gary Null television specials have appeared on PBS stations throughout the nation, inspiring and motivating millions of viewers. He originated and completed more than one hundred major investigations on health issues resulting in the use of material by 20/20 and 60 Minutes. Dr. Null started this network to provide his followers with a media outlet for health and advocacy. For more of Dr. Null’s Work visit the Gary Null’s Work Section or Blog.GaryNull.com In addition to the Progressive Radio Network, Dr. Null has a full line of all-natural home and healthcare products that can be purchased at his Online Store.
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shadowingai · 2 years
As per the Boston Consulting Group study, companies with diverse management teams had an average revenue boost of 19% over those with less diversity. Diversity is important for fostering a more welcoming workplace and may boost productivity and employee engagement. This may be achieved through selecting and elevating applicants from a wider range of backgrounds, offering managers and staff training, and making internal improvements to create a comfortable workplace climate. Any workforce diversity program must include the recruitment of a diverse candidate pool. You must make sure that your recruiting process and interview procedure are inclusive and equitable if you want to expand the diversity of your employment pool. According to the latest survey by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 57% of recruiters claim that their talent acquisition tactics are created to draw in applicants from a variety of backgrounds.
Visit for more info: https://shadowing.ai/blog/enhance-diversity-hiring-in-5-concrete-steps
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indiaepost · 2 years
Comments and suggestions sought from departments regarding transfer drive of Group D employees
Comments and suggestions sought from departments regarding transfer drive of Group D employees
IEP Chandigarh, November 10 The Haryana government has invited comments and suggestions from the departments regarding the transfer drive of Group D employees who are covered under the Haryana Group D Employees (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Act, 2018. In a letter issued by Chief Secretary Sh. Sanjeev Kaushal to all administrative secretaries, comments and suggestions have been sought…
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jahspice-blog · 6 years
Railway Mumbai Recruitment notification 2018 CEN 01/2018
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If you haven’t checked railway Mumbai Group D recruitment result of RRB Mumbai then go for it and check your regional cutoff and Merit List.
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kidwikkyd-blog · 6 years
Check out RRB Ranchi result
Now all the candidates who have appeared for Railway group D and ALP exam can check out RRB Ranchi Group D Result online at rrbranchi.gov.in
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roshniraturi-blog · 6 years
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Mumbai Railway board Big Announcement
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Here is a big announcement of Railway Recruitment Board Mumbai. Now Candidates can Download RRB Mumbai Admit Card online on their Official Website.  
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The Truth About the ‘Great Resignation’ – Who Changed Jobs, Where They Went and Why
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Carrillo-Tudela, C., Clymo, A. & Zentler-Munro, D. (2022, March 28). The truth about the ‘great resignation’ – who changed jobs, where they went and why. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/the-truth-about-the-great-resignation-who-changed-jobs-where-they-went-and-why-180159
Carlos Carrillo-Tudela, Alex Clymo, & David Zentler-Munro write: "There was indeed a great resignation in the UK, according to the data. The chart below shows that resignations rose sharply from the end of 2020 and significantly exceeded their pre-pandemic levels in the final quarter of 2021. However this is not because workers decided to abandon work and leave the labour force. Instead, we are seeing a rise in workers resigning primarily to start new jobs for other employers. The only age group where there has been an increase in people leaving the labour force has been among the over-50s, who have been retiring in larger numbers than normal. So, why have people been resigning to work for other employers in above-average numbers? Some commentators have suggested that the rise has been propelled by individuals looking to make drastic career changes, as workers reevaluate their lives after the pandemic. In fact, this is not borne out by the data."
"Could the rise in resignations be contributing to rising labour shortages? The latter half of 2021 saw many reports of firms facing difficulties filling vacancies, raising the possibility that rising resignations could be causing these recruitment difficulties. We found that there was a higher rate of resignations among workers coming from the five “shortage” sectors finding it hardest to recruit people: construction, manufacturing, accommodation, health, and food, administration and support...Instead of being the cause, the increases in resignations in these five sectors are more likely to be a symptom of their labour shortages: employers “poaching” staff from rivals by offering better conditions as the economy rebounded from the depths of the pandemic. Losing staff will obviously have created additional pain for employers who were already struggling to recruit. In sum, contrary to what some might be hoping, the so-called great resignation of 2021 has not significantly improved the career paths of workers. Workers who have been willing and able to change employers have been rewarded with improved pay, while wage growth for those who have stayed put will be slower and insufficient to offset large increases in the cost of living."
Additional Information
Carrillo-Tudela, C. et. al. (2022). Search and Reallocation in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the UK. CESIFO Working Papers, no. 9621. https://www.cesifo.org/DocDL/cesifo1_wp9621.pdf
(2022). Older workers after the pandemic: creating an inclusive labour market. TUC. https://www.tuc.org.uk/research-analysis/reports/older-workers-after-pandemic-creating-inclusive-labour-market
Cominetti, N. et. al. (2022). Changing jobs? Change in the UK labour market and the role of worker mobility. The Economy 2030 Inquiry. https://economy2030.resolutionfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Changing-jobs.pdf
Photo Source: Jasmund, M. (2018). Exit [Photograph]. Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/t-WxNy6CMyU
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e-vasong · 4 years
What's the five-doesn’t-get-stuck-in-the-future-but-things-turn-out-the-same AU like??
:D I waited until I’d watched season 2 to answer this because I wanted to see if it gave me more ideas (which it did...but I’ll put those in another post if people want so I don’t have to spoiler tag this one).  This AU was brainstormed with @smallerthanzer0​ a while back, and they deserve extra credit because they are the one who listened to me going “lmfao what if Five didn’t get stuck in the future and decided to try and get rid of their dad” and said: wait. eva.  THIS COULD BE GOOD.  
so basically.  in this verse:
 Five does not time travel at age 13 and leave his family behind. he considers it, just as in canon, but something stops him.  Outside interference, maybe, or just a niggling voice in his head that cautions him that the risk isn’t worth it.
What Five does do is snoop.  And what he finds is a journal in their father's study with damning notes on Vanya.
He confronts their father about it.  Reginald doesn’t take the challenge to his authority well.
Five is tired and hurting and at some point he realizes: their dad is never going to stop.  And then he thinks: but I could make him.
So Five starts making a plan.
A plan that, should it come to fruition, would knock the Apocalypse off-course entirely.  The Commission, already interested in Five for his abilities, decides that Five needs to be removed from the equation. 
 Notes start arriving for Five in strange places.  Telling him things no one could possibly know, making promises no one could possibly keep.  Warning of the end of all things.  
Five is no fool.  He crumples them up and throws them in the trash.
Then Ben dies on a mission
They’re 15, going on 16, and something goes wrong.  A mission gets all fucked up.  They think things are over, and then a gun goes off.  Ben’s body jerks.  There’s a spray of blood.  He stumbles, and then the beast comes tearing out.
 Run, Ben begs, and his siblings do, because there’s nothing else for them to do.  Not unless they want to die too.
 But Five can’t.  He promised.  He promised that he’d protect them.   And if he leaves Ben here…that means he’s already failed.  Blood is pouring from the bullet wound in Ben’s shoulder, dribbling down the corner of Ben’s mouth.  He’s hovering in the air, limp and unconscious.
Someone, Klaus maybe, makes a sickened noise and lunges for Ben.  But Luther stops him, catches him around the waist and bodily carries him out.
 Go, Five says, as his siblings make it to the door.  Allison is the last one out.  
Come on, come on, Five, she says, holding a hand out to him.  There’s tears trickling down her face, but she’s trying so hard to keep it together, and Five hates to break her heart any more.  He smiles at her.  
Sorry sis, he says, and slams the door in her face.
Ben’s tentacles are still violently attacking anything within reach; the only reason why Five is still in one piece is because Ben is unconscious and without Ben, the tentacles don’t seem to have eyes or any idea what to aim for.
 But it’s too late.  Five’s been doing this long enough to know when someone is fatally injured.
 But Five has one last trick to try.  And if it doesn’t work…well then.  At least he died giving it his best shot.
 Are you watching? He snarls at the ceiling.  Are you watching?  This is me saying yes.  The deal.  I’ll take your fucking deal, god damn it.
 His world goes hazy, and he doesn’t register the pinprick of pain until the drug is already rushing through his system.
 Huh, he thinks, and then passes out.
From outside, all that’s distinguishable is the sound of Ben’s body tearing itself apart.  Five yells, something inaudible, words swallowed by the din.  There’s a flash of light.  And all is quiet.  
 Ben's body disappears along with Five’s and no one knows what happened to them, except for the fact that they must certainly be dead.
OK I’m putting the rest under a read more because this is long and I don’t want to be rude lmfao.
The Commission wants Five to kill people, just like in canon.  And Ben is...well, the Commission works with time and reality.  They have uses for a boy who can open portals between dimensions, though none of them are very pleasant. 
 In return...Ben gets to live, and at the end of it all the Commission will let them retire with time, money, and the resources to do whatever they want to Reginald Hargreeves.  
(Neither of them buys that, of course.  They're both too valuable.  Five is habitually suspicious, and they both have their doubts about where that mystery bullet that hit Ben came from.  And of course, though Ben and Five don't know it yet, the Commission is killing two birds with one stone with this trick, because taking both of them out of the picture is key for making sure the scheduled apocalypse happens).
So Five kills people for the Commission; Ben becomes a test subject
And things are different, and in many ways they are the same
Five and the Commission are using each other—Five to save Ben and his siblings.  The Commission want to use Five’s powers, and they want to keep him from knocking the Apocalypse off track 
Five has to go hard and fast in this verse: he’s young, the Commission has less patience for his mistakes, and his coworkers are gunning for him because it is embarrassing to be out done by a 16-year old.  There’s no room for weakness or error.
He only ever allows himself moments of softness with Ben, because Ben…Ben needs it.  And isn’t that why Five is doing this?  Isn’t it why he does everything? To be what his siblings need and more?
Hazel hears about this new test subject they got in the labs.  sibling to the new recruit.  powers like they never saw before.  and Hazel meets Five, and...doesn't like the kid, really, but a kid is a kid and that already sits poorly with Hazel.  
But he has got to get a look at what they're cooking up in the labs, so he drops by the medical wing at one point.
And there's this kid laying in a hospital bed.  bandages wrapped around his chest--not as scrawny as Five, but somehow he just seems smaller. Warm eyes, a bright, real smile--so different from his brother already.  And so they get to talking
And Hazel talks to Ben, and Ben is...fuck, he's such a good kid.  And Five must be too, because Ben is always reading some book or another that he says Five snuck in for him. (Please don't tell, Ben says, wide-eyed.  Hazel crosses his heart, and starts bringing books by the dozen.  They trust him much more than they do Five, and they don't mind that Ben is reading, really.  They just worry that Five is scheming.)   
And at first, Hazel tries to convince himself that he's not going to do anything stupid (though--some part of him knows from day one that if Ben asked, really really asked for his help...Hazel would say yes).  But it gets harder.  The surgeries get more invasive, Five gets more desperate, Ben's skin gets sallower and his smiles get weaker.
Hazel spends a bunch of his free time in the medical wing, keeping Ben company when Five can't.  Reading to him, discussing theoretical physics with him.  Until one day he overhears something he shouldn't--plans for Ben.  Idk what.  Maybe they aren't fatal, maybe they're just painful.  Maybe it's the same as normal, but hearing about this child talked about like a science experiment to pull apart and discard is just too much.  And the next time Hazel and Five brush shoulders in the hall, Hazel grabs Five by the wrist.  Makes a big show of seeming mad.
And Five is watching him with cold, dangerous eyes. He's barely resisting the urge to break Hazel's arm and Hazel knows it.  But something must hold him back; Hazel hopes that Five knows that Hazel isn't faking caring about Ben.  That Hazel wouldn't just attack Five in the middle of a hallway.  He must, because he snaps back a couple times, leans into the banter with witty retorts rather than violence.  And then after all that posturing and threatening, Hazel says: "So I know you think you're hot shit around here, but you listen here.  If you ever talk that way to me again I'll...well," and then he leans down, whispers in Five's ear: "the Handler is going to be out of her office in two hours.  Get the key.  East hallway.  There's a collection of spare briefcases, last room on the left."
 And then he keeps walking.  Ben and Five are gone by that night, and the Commission launches a search mission right away.
They aim for October 1, 2008—the day their siblings are supposed to turn 19, which is the age Ben and Five are now.  They fuck up.  Five is distracted, maybe a patrol bursts through the door and opens fire.
They arrive on October 1, 2018, on their siblings’ 29th birthday.  The briefcase is smoking and sparking, a dozen bullets buried in the side of it.  It’s useless.  Five throws it in the trash.
The family is scattered and ten years older than they planned for.  Reginald Hargreeves is still alive.  The Commission is coming for Five and Ben.  The Apocalypse is looming.
Things are so very different than in canon, but in many ways they’re exactly the same.
Five and Ben take off on a quest to reunite their separated siblings.  Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, and Vanya now have two traumatized adolescent brothers to take care of.  It does wonders for group cohesion.
And there’s so much more, but this is ridiculously long already lmfao so I’ll leave off here unless people ask for more deets.  I just have a lot of feelings about this AU.
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