#groceries furniture toys new iPhone
realasslesbian · 2 years
Just thinking bout that time when I was freshly homeless and figured 'well maybe I should bite the bullet and finally ask for help' and was turned away from every shelter, every charity, laughed out of all homeless services, oftentimes with the strong implication that they had hordes of baby mamas they had to keep in their mansions, so how dare childless lil me ask for a loaf of bread.
So, with irl services having left my childless ass to die on the street, I figured I'd post on r/Assistance on Reddit, since I assumed that was for assisting all types of females, not just single mothers, but alas no. My post about living in my car while recovering from skin cancer surgery, could someone just shout me $20 for antibiotics, I will pay you back, was completely ignored bc the next post was 'my lil munchkin never seen the wiggles can someone pay for our plane tickets and accommodation thx' and that seemed to be a theme, both on the r/Assistance subreddit and irl, where females with actual problems but no kids were ignored, while single mothers and their extremely extravagant requests were more than accommodated.
So I made a post about it, got mostly other childfree females agreeing, and then the r/Assistance mods caught wind of a childfree expressing an opinion and abused me right out of the subreddit, just like every other 'charity' I've ever interacted with. You know, just being all 'how tf dare your selfish homeless ass ask for assistance on the r/Assistance subreddit when we have all these single mothers on $3000/week welfare who need us to buy a solid gold pram for the next baby they planning to have'. Eventually I got back on my feet all by myself, no help from anyone, because there is no help for childfree women.
So moral of the story: contrary to how women with kids bang on all day about how hard their life is, in fact life is a lot harder for childfree women, because society deliberately makes it that way🙃
27 notes · View notes
lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Department One: Apparel And Jewelry
What are you wearing today? A t-shirt dress. They’re so comfy.
What does your favorite shirt look like? All my many graphic tees.
What kind of underwear do you prefer wearing? Hipster.
What are your favorite kind of jeans? Skinny jeans. It’s crazy though cause I literally haven’t worn jeans at all for the past 4 years now. I live in leggings and lounge shorts.
What do the last pair of shoes you wore look like? They’re black Adidas with the white stripes.
How many shoes do you own? Like 6 pairs.
How much jewelry do you own? Lots of, but I usually just wear the same earrings everyday.
Do you own any real diamonds or other expensive jewelry? No.
Has anyone ever gave you jewelry as a present? Yes.
Do you like diamonds or gemstones better? Both are nice.
Silver or gold? I like both.
Department Two: Electronics Do you have a DVD player in your car? I don’t have a car.
If you have one, what does your camera/camcorder look like? I don’t have one of those either, I just use my phone.
How much did it cost? --
What kind of cellphone do you have? iPhone 12 Pro Max.
How often do you send texts? Not often.
Do you have your own computer or does your family share? I have my own laptop.
How many computers are in your house? Two.
Do you still have a VCR? Nope.
How many DVDs do you own? I don’t know; a lot.
Does your car have a GPS? --
What kind of ipod/mp3 player do you have? I use the Spotify app on my phone to listen to music.
How many songs are on it? --
What size is your TV? I think the one in my room is a 42 inch.
How many TVs are in your house? Four.
What video game systems do you have? I personally just have the Switch, but my brother has a few other game consoles that I sometimes use.
What about handhelds? The Switch.
How many video games do you have? I have 5 for the Switch. 
Department Three: Home What kind of shampoo do you use? Dove shampoo.
Soap or shower gel? Soap.
What does your comforter look like? I don’t have one on my bed, currently. Actually, I haven’t had one for awhile. I get too hot.
Does it match your pillows? --
What size is your bed? Full.
Do you or your parents like to decorate the house with various things or is it plain? It has various decor.
Does the furniture in your house match? Yeah. What does your couch look like? They’re gray.
How many does your dining room/kitchen table seat? We don’t have a dining room/kitchen table.
Do you have any fancy china? Yes.
Do you have outside furniture? No.
What do your curtains look like? The curtains in my room are black.
Department Four: Grocery What kind of bread do you get? Wheat, white, sourdough.
What is your favorite kind of cake? White cake, funfetti, red velvet.
Do you get a lot of sweets from the grocery store? Sometimes.
What kind of soda is your favorite? Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, and the cherry versions of all 3.
Do you drink juice? What kind? No, I’m not a juice fan.
What is your favorite chewing gum? Mint.
Do you usually get candy from the check-out aisle? No.
What is your favorite soup? I’m a ramen gal.
Have you ever had soup when you were sick? Yeah.
What are your favorite canned vegetables? Green beans and corn.
What do you eat for breakfast? Usually over-easy eggs and Eggo’s.
Poptarts or toaster strudels? Both. What salad dressing do you prefer? Ranch.
Ketchup, mayonnaise, or mustard? I like all 3.
What kind of cookie do you like best? Sugar and shortbread.
What kind of snacks do you get at the grocery store? Chips and dip, cookies, and ice cream.
Do you get the meat from the deli? No.
What is your favorite frozen dinner? Healthy Choice pesto pasta, Lean Cuisine spaghetti and meatballs and spinach and artichoke linguine, Smart Ones scrambled eggs and hash browns, and Hungry Man salisbury steak.
Do you prefer frozen dinners to actual cooking? No.
What is your favorite kind of pasta? Pesto pasta and spaghetti.
Do you eat meat? And if not, do you eat vegetarian meat? I eat meat.
What is your favorite fruit? Bananas.
What about vegetable? Spinach, potatoes, broccoli, green onion, avocado. 
Department Five: Health And Beauty What kind of makeup do you normally use? I stopped bothering with makeup a few years ago; I just don’t have the energy or motivation for it. I wore a little for my brother’s grad party back in June, but that had been the first time in years and I haven’t worn any since.
Do you wear more makeup on special events? --
What is your favorite makeup brand? I liked CoverGirl, Maybelline, Wet n’ Wild, and NYX.
Do you use any acne products? No.
What kind of perfume do you use? I don’t have a perfume, but I have a beachy smelling body spray that I’ve been using the past few months.
Have you ever been on a diet? Yeah, a high protein one.
What products do you use in your hair? Just shampoo, conditioner, and sometimes detangling spray. 
How often do you brush your hair? It’s so short right now I can go a day or two wthout brushing it and it’s fine.
What do you take when you have an upset stomach? Honestly, a heating pad really helps me with that. Sometimes, though, Pepto Bismol might be necessary. Peppermint tea can be helpful for me sometimes as well.
Do you take any prescription medicine? Yeah.
Department Six: Movies, Music, And Books What is your favorite movie of all time? I couldn’t possibly choose.
What genre of movie do like best? I like variety, but horror, psychological, and drama are at the top.
What was the last movie you watched? The new Marvel Shang-Chi movie.
What was the last movie you purchased? I don’t recall.
What is your all time favorite band? Linkin Park.
Do you still buy CDs? Nah, that was many years ago now. <<<
What was the last CD you bought? No idea.
What was the last song you listened to? I don’t recall at the moment.
What is your favorite book? I couldn’t possibly choose that either. 
Do you even like reading? I love to read and do a ton of it. I finish one and go onto another. I’ve been really into a few different series by a few different authors and they’ve provided me with a lot to read for the past couple years.
How often do you read? ^^^.
Department Seven: Sports And Fitness Do you own a bike/scooter/skateboard/etc.? Nope.
How old were you when you learned to ride a bike w/o training wheels? I don’t ride bikes.
Have you ever been camping? Nope, and I have no interest in doing so.
How often do you work out? Literally never. <<<
Are you in good shape? No.
Do you go to a gym? Nope.
Have you ever been fishing? Yes, I briefly tried it out once.
Have you ever been on a boat? Yeah.
Can you play golf? I played mini golf once a a kid.
Ever rode on a golf cart? No.
Would you ever go hunting? No.
What is your favorite sport? I’m not into sports.
Ever played on a sports team? Nope.
Department Eight: Toys What was your favorite toy as a child? Barbies.
Do you still play with toys? No.
Do you collect any toys? Well, figurines and knickknacks.
Did you ever have building blocks? I had Legos.
Did you play with dolls? Yep.
Barbies or Bratz? Which were better? Barbies hands down.
What is your favorite board game? I have many, I love board games.
Do you like to do arts and crafts? I’m not crafty, artsy, or creative, but arts and crafts can be fun depending on what it is. Nothing too complicated. I enjoyed it a lot as a kid.
Do you think that kids now have it better than when you were young? In some ways.
2 notes · View notes
kennethherrerablog · 5 years
20+ Best Places to Sell Stuff Online and Paid Quickly
Do you have something you want to try to sell online and get paid quickly?
One of the best ways to speed up the path to your financial success is by turning your stuff into cash. The good news, now is the best time to sell stuff online because there are so many free ways to sell right away.
I’m always amazed at the process of buying and selling stuff. The myriad of items people buy and sell online and elsewhere are endless. Buying direct from owners is a terrific way to get things you need and want at a discounted price.
And selling things you no longer need or want is a great way to de-clutter your house and bring in some serious extra cash. The list of things we’ve sold online is endless, from cars to clothes to toys to electronics.
Our Top Ways to Sell Stuff Online
With the ever-increasing popularity of smartphone apps and marketplace websites, buying and selling online is easier than ever. Here are our most popular smartphone apps and sites that can help you sell your stuff online and bring in some serious extra cash this month.
1. BuybackBoss (Top cash for old phone)
BuybackBoss guarantees the MOST money when it comes to selling your old phone.
Since everyone today has a mobile phone, you probably also have an old phone lying around somewhere, right?
Turn that old phone into quick cash by getting the highest price for your old phone – guaranteed.
They have three simple steps when it comes to selling your old phone.
First it only takes 30 seconds or less to get your quote. Then, you simply ship your used phone for free and even track your shipment as well. Once your item is shipped, you get the choice of getting paid via check or through PayPal.
Also, if you do happen to find somewhere online that offers you a better price, you can simply send them an email (explanation on their website) with a link to the higher offer. Once they see the better offer, they will update your offer to beat their competitors and notify you once it’s ready to go.
With a Trustpilot rating of 9.6 out of 10 and the best-price guarantee, BuybackBoss is a no-brainer for selling your stuff online.
2. OC Buyback
OC Buyback is perfect if you have an iPod, tablet, Smartwatch, AppleTV or GoPro that you need to get rid of. Also, if you have are selling your old phone, definitely compare the price with BuybackBoss because of Buyback’s highest price guarantee.
It’s extremely simple to get started with OC Buyback. First you just need to select the device you are selling, ship your device for free (or drop off locally for free) and the get paid!
You can get paid via a mailed check (USPS First Class Mail) or get your money sent to your PayPal instantly (or up to 24 hours).
Also, there is no limit on how much you can sell on OC Buyback. Therefore, it may not be a bad idea to take some of that “junk” your friends are throwing away and turn that into some quick cash! 
Bonus: Send your friends $5 as a thank-you!
3. Decluttr
If you have other electronics besides a cell phone, Decluttr is one of the best ways to sell your unwanted stuff online. Here’s how it works:
First, you go to the Decluttr website to get the link for the free app and get a free instant evaluation of what you’re selling.
Once you accept their offer, simply put into a box for shipping and they will send you a pre-paid shipping label.
Next drop your package off at any UPS store, with any UPS driver, or with an authorized shipping dealer (you can search by your zipcode on their site)
As soon as Decluttr receives your package, they will pay you the very next day by Direct Deposit, PayPal, by Check, or they will even make a donation to a charity of your choice on your behalf!
Decluttr is also a really safe way to sell your items because you aren’t selling to other individuals. Instead, Decluttr buys your stuff directly and then resells it on their site.
Categories you can sell on Decluttr:
CDs and DVDs
Video games
Gaming systems
Apple products such as iPods, iPads and iPhones
Lego sets
I know. The Lego thing kind of threw you for a loop, didn’t it! It doesn’t really fit in with the other categories Decluttr sticks to, but apparently there’s a serious market for used Lego sets!
Note: Decluttr also will buy your old cell phone from you, but they won’t give you as much as BuybackBoss will .
Get the App:
Decluttr for iPhone and Android
4. OfferUp
OfferUp lets you list and sell for free. It’s more of a “you’re on your own” site like Craigslist and LetGo, but is fairly popular and is well-organized. In my area it didn’t seem to have quite as many listings as LetGo, but still could be worth your effort when selling. After all, less listings often means less competition for the things you sell.
Arts and crafts
Cars and trucks
Auto parts
Baby and kids
Beauty and health
CDs and DVDs
Cell phones
Clothing and shoes
Games and toys
And many others as well, including Collectibles. You could sell in just about any category on this site.
Get the App
OfferUp for Android
OfferUp for Apple
5. Amazon Seller Marketplace
Amazon has a popular program for selling your stuff online. The Amazon Seller Marketplace allows you to sell a variety of items online, including used items in many categories, as well as new items you’ve made or bought at a discount.
Amazon devices and accessories
Kindle devices and accessories
Automotive and powersports parts, tools, equipment and accessories
Baby gear (new only, excluding clothing)
Beauty (new only)
Business products
Camera and photo
Cell phones
Clothing and accessories (new only)
Collectible coins
Fine art collectibles
Grocery and gourmet food (new only)
Handmade items (new only)
Health and personal care items (new only)
Historical and advertising types of collectibles
Home and garden
Industrial and scientific (new only)
Jewelry (new only)
Luggage and travel accessories (new only)
Musical instruments
Office products
And many more. Listing and selling fees apply, and the prices you’ll pay for selling stuff on Amazon vary based on how many items you plan on listing or selling in a given month and other criteria. For certain membership levels you’ll pay a monthly fee as well as individual listing and selling fees.
Given Amazon’s market share, the amount of exposure your items get could easily make up for the fees you may have to pay to sell.
Get the App:
Amazon Seller for Android
Amazon Seller for Apple
  Do you shop on Amazon? Here’s a list of companies that will pay you in the form of Amazon Gift Cards. Read the post here.
  6. Poshmark
Poshmark lets you sell fashion clothing and accessories online. You can search by who you want to shop for (i.e. women, men or kids), by brand name, or by item (i.e. shorts, dresses, handbags, etc.).
When you sell an item on Poshmark, they’ll send you a prepaid shipping label to send it out. They charge a small commission based on the dollar amount of the transaction as well.
Women’s clothing
Men’s clothing
Kids’ clothing
Jewelry and accessories
Posh’s Posh Protect program, along with their customer service team, helps ensure you get authentic items when you buy, and that you get paid promptly when you sell.
Get the App:
Poshmark app for Android
Poshmark app for Apple
7. 5miles
The premise behind 5miles is that it will help you buy or sell anything within 5 miles of your location, but when I looked online I was relieved to see that they offered plenty of buying selections in a broader range, up to 40 miles or so away from where we live.
It’s free to list and sell on 5miles, just like it is on Craigslist and similar sites.
Cell phones
Women’s clothing and shoes
Electronics and computers
Baby and kids
Auto parts
Jewelry and watches
Sports and outdoors
Collectibles and art
Garage sales
You can search by category, by specific item or by city. This is an easy-to-use site that seems to be pretty popular in many large metropolitan areas.
Get the App:
5miles app for Android
5miles app for Apple
8. LetGo
LetGo uses your location to help you list stuff for sale online and find stuff you want to buy as well. It’s a free site like Craigslist and doesn’t charge any listing or selling fees.
Free stuff
Other vehicles and parts
Baby and child
Fashion and accessories
Movies, books and music
Sports, leisure and games
Home and garden
Not much more to know about LetGo. The site is super easy to use and seems to be increasing in popularity these days: I find more and more listings – at least for my somewhat major metropolitan area – as I browse on a weekly basis.
Get the App:
LetGo app for Android
LetGo app for Apple
  Need a little extra money this month? How about a list of the top 84 Side Hustles that actually work? There are 84 of them – I promise you there is at least one for you. Read top 84 side hustles here.
  9. OLX
OLX helps millions around the world buy and sell things. They share listings from dozens of countries including the United States, India, Russia, the Philippines, South Africa, Portugal and many, many more.
There’s no cost to list or sell with OLX; this is a true free classified ads site.
Personal items
Electronics and appliances
Books, hobbies and sports
And more. Categories may vary based on the country you are browsing. NOTE: if you are visiting OLX’s United States site you will be redirected to Letgo.
Get the App:
OLX for Android
OLX for Apple
10. Cash4Books
Cash4Books buys your used textbooks and other books. As with Decluttr, all you have to do is enter the ISBN (the number at the bottom of the barcode) of the book you’d like to sell and they’ll give you an offer price.
Once you’ve entered all of the ISBN numbers for the books you want to sell, and accepted the Cash4Books offer prices, they’ll send you a free prepaid shipping label that you can use to pack up and send your books to them.
After they’ve received the books and had a chance to assess their condition, etc., they’ll send you your earnings via PayPal. The site says that on average it takes about two weeks from the time you click “Sell my books” until the time you get your cash via PayPal.
Although the site buys all types of books, it looks as if the biggest payouts come from up-to-date used college textbooks.
If you’re a recent college graduate, know someone who is or can find newer versions of college textbooks at garage sales, this could be a great way to make some cash.
Get the App:
Cash4Books for Android
Cash4Books for Apple
11. Trove Marketplace
Trove Marketplace focuses on buying and selling vintage furniture and decor items. You can browse via keyword, or go straight to cities near you where items are for sale.
Trove Marketplace isn’t in every major metropolitan city, however you could offer for items you’re selling to be shipped if you want to appeal to buyers outside of your area. Current cities with Trove listings include:
Los Angeles
New York
San Francisco
Washington DC
More cities may be added by the time you’re reading this.
Note: there is a selling fee for selling your items on this site. At the time of this writing the Trove Marketplace website showed it to be 10%.
Get the App:
Trove Marketplace for Android
Trove Marketplace for Apple
12. Mercari
Mercari allows you to sell your stuff online without any listing fees. However, you will pay a selling fee of 10% of the listing price, so be sure to price carefully. In other words, if you list something for $100 and a buyer bargains you down to $50, you’re still paying Mercari a $10 selling fee.
If you end up selling to a buyer who wants an item shipped to them, Mercari will help you do that by offering to print (and charge you for) a shipping label, or you can ship on your own.
The “other category” can include a variety of items such as automotive (they even had cars listed in addition to auto parts), daily and travel items, musical instruments, office supplies, pet supplies and more.
As I searched the site looked like they had many items for sale in all 50 states, which indicates Mercari is a well-known and well-used site.
Get the App:
Mercari for Android
Mercari for Apple
13. Dealo
Dealo touts itself as a “faster, safer way to buy and sell anything”. The site itself has very little information about how Dealo works, who is using it and where or what the fees are. Categories are not listed either, however the site states you can register, list or buy within 30 seconds.
Get the App:
Dealo for Android
Dealo for Apple
14. Carousell
Carousell helps connect buyers and sellers by listing things people want to sell and coordinating groups based on similar interests.
You can browse the listings via the home page or the specific category you’re selling or buying in, or you can search via location. No listing or selling fees; you just meet up with your seller or chat online to arrange trade of money for your item.
For him
For her
Furniture and home
Kitchen and appliances
Beauty products
Design and craft
Baby and kids
Bicycles and bicycle parts
Outdoors and gardening
Musical instruments
Games and toys
It’s fast and easy to list on Carousell with their app.
Get the App:
Carousell for Android
Carousell for Apple
15. Depop
Depop is sort of an online flea market type of a site. Lots of fun vintage items on this site. Browsing through the listings was like taking a serious step back in time and was really fun. You use the app to buy and sell, and there are no fees or commissions paid.
There are no specific categories listed; the site just says “Find something that means something”. Most of the listings that I found on the site were clothing and accessory type items such as shirts, hats, jeans, jewelry, etc.
Most of the sellers on the site listed shipping fees to appeal to those who were buying from out of the area. The site is pretty simple and easy to use with the app, so if you have some cool, different or vintage clothing or accessories, this could be the way to go.
Get the App:
Depop for Android
Depop for Apple
16. Tradyo
Tradyo helps people buy and sell right in their local area. The site seems to be European based, however there were plenty of listings in my major metropolitan area in the U.S. Listings are free, and you can use instant chat to connect with potential buyers.
I typed in my zip code and found several items available for sale nearby. Then, just for fun I typed “90210” in the search bar (the only out-of-state zip code I know off the top of my head; yeah, I know – I’m dating myself), and there were a lot of listings for that area as well.
Art, antiques and collectibles
Autos, cars and other vehicles
Baby and kids
Books and comics
Car accessories and parts
Clothing and fashion
Electronics, cell phones and cameras
Free stuff
Gaming consoles and games
Garage sales
Health and beauty
Home and furniture
Sporting goods and exercise
Tools and equipment
Lots of categories to choose from, and Tradyo is a site that is easy to use.
Get the App:
Tradyo on Android
Tradyo on Apple
17. Varage Sale
With Varage Sale you can list your items for sale and then meet up with buyers in your neighborhood. There are no categories listed for searching on this site, but there is a search bar that allows you to enter what you may be looking for, along with your location so you can find items near your home or work.
You need to sign up with Facebook or an email account so they can verify who you are – all buyers and sellers have to go through a verification process before they’re approved to buy or sell on the site.
In other words, you can browse the site’s listings, but both buyers and sellers need to sign up in order to get access to contact others within the site. This is a safety precaution that many buying and selling sites are implementing these days.
No listing or selling fees and no charge to bump your listing to the top of the site. A great alternative to the traditional garage sale.
Get the App:
Varage Sale for Android
Varage Sale for Apple
18. Chairish
Chairish is an online consignment store where you can sell used items in a number of categories. The site says it takes less than two minutes to list your item, and that you take home 80% of the sale price.
That’s a much higher percentage than what many brick-and-mortar consignment shops will offer to pay you since they have to cover space rental costs and employee pay and benefits.
You can sell items on Chairish to local people or ship the items out of state. Chairish helps you organize shipping arrangements too. This could be a good venue for you if you have lots of art deco or vintage items for the home.
Art and mirrors
And more. Listing is free, the site has great tips on how to take the best photos to sell your item, and they have 24/7 customer service support as well.
Get the App:
Chairish for Android: No Chairish app for Android users as of yet
Chairish for Apple
19. Wallapop
Wallapop offers free local classified ads for you to sell your stuff on. Kind of like other flea market or classifieds apps, you simply use your app to write a short description and name your price.
Sellers figure out a plan for meeting up with buyers to exchange money and products, whether it’s meeting up in your local area or arranging shipping.
Get the App:
Wallapop for Android
Wallapop for Apple
20. SocialSell
SocialSell has a variety of listings in many areas in the U.S. Their website isn’t worth heading to at this writing; the apps have all the information you need for buying and selling.
Men’s apparel
Women’s apparel
Household and yard
Children and kids
Collectibles and memorabilia
Sports and fitness
And more. Like Craigslist there are no listing or selling fees. Mandatory user profiles help keep sellers and buyers safe.
Get the App:
SocialSell for Android
SocialSell for Apple
21. Vinted
With Vinted you can sell or buy used second-hand wardrobe items such as shoes, clothes, and accessories. There’s no cost to list or sell with Vinted, and like many other selling sites these days, users have to create a profile in order to enhance safety and security.
Women’s clothing, shoes and accessories
Men’s items
You can meet up in person if you find a local buyer, or ship and get payment via PayPal.
Get the App:
Vinted for Android
Vinted for Apple
22. Shpock
Shpock helps you buy and sell things in your local area. There are no listing fees or selling fees and the app makes listing your items and communicating with potential buyers easy.
Get the App:
Shpock for Android
Shpock for Apple
23. Pxsell
Pxsell is the “easiest way” to sell your stuff, according to its app site. Just snap a picture, enter a few details and you’re done. This app focuses on selling in your local area and helping you designate a meet up with sellers.
You won’t pay listing or selling fees with Pxsell.
Video games
Baby and kids
Pxsell requires community profiles for users in order to help ensure safety for buyers and sellers.
Get the App:
Pxsell for Android
Pxsell for Apple
Don’t Get Ripped Off (Here’s How)
Now that we’ve shared some of the more popular apps for selling stuff online, I want to take just a few minutes to talk about online selling and buying safety.
The world is full of con artists and other unsavory people, and it’s important to make sure you’re ahead of the game when it comes to online scammers in the selling and buying marketplace. Here are some tips that I’ve found helpful when it comes to avoiding selling scams.
We’ve not been the direct victim of a scam when selling stuff online, but that’s only because we’ve educated ourselves on what to look for to avoid getting ripped off.
Selling stuff online can be daunting, intimidating and sometimes frustrating. One time when we were selling a fishing boat, a guy got super angry at us because we had several potential buyers on the line and wouldn’t hold the boat for him until he got off work.
Another time we were selling some used furniture and a gal said she’d show up but never did. When I contacted her to ask why, she said “Oh, it was raining and I didn’t feel like going.” No phone call – nothing. She just didn’t show!
Just recently we listed a snow plow for sale. My husband got a weird text from a guy who offered to pay us over and above what we were asking if we’d accept a PayPal payment, and that he’d send his “agent” to pick up the several hundred pound plow. Sounds fishy, right?
Here are some things you can do to protect yourself as you sell your stuff online.
Don’t Deviate From Normal Payment Options
Most sites have you pay one of a couple of different ways: you can meet in person and accept cash or a cashier’s check, or you can accept a PayPal payment if you’re shipping an item.
When selling something and meeting a person directly we only accept cash – never a personal check or money order. We will accept a cashier’s check for big ticket items, but we always call and verify with the bank it’s issued off of first.
Have a First Come, First Served Rule
Don’t offer to hold items for people that may never show up unless you have a good and valid reason to do so. Holding items puts you at risk for losing out on selling your item.
If someone wants your item bad enough they’ll find a way to make it there quickly.
Beware of Giving Second Chances
If someone doesn’t show up or doesn’t do what they’ve promised, be wary. In our case with the lady who wanted to buy our furniture but never showed up, she asked if she could come another time. We didn’t answer.
We like to follow the “Screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice, shame on me” mantra when selling stuff online. If someone disses us once we won’t give them a chance to do it again.
Meet Up with Potential Buyers in a Public Place if Possible
We don’t follow this rule always, but many times we’ll meet buyers at a central location as long as it’s somewhere with a lot of traffic, such as across the street from the local police department or at a big box store such as Walmart.
It’s important to not put yourself in a situation where you’re in an isolated area with strangers.
Never Meet Up with Buyers Alone
Always bring somebody along if you’re meeting up with potential buyers too. I don’t recommend ever going alone, simply for safety reasons.
Always Tell Somebody When You’re Meeting Up with a Potential Buyer
When you’re meeting up with a potential buyer – whether alone or with somebody else – always, always leave information about where you’re going, who you’re meeting (leave the contact info you’ve been using to communicate with them), what you’re doing and when you expect to be back.
Tell your loved ones to call you and check in if you’re not back when you say you expect to be back. It probably wouldn’t hurt to bring pepper spray or some other item to protect yourself if need be too.
If Something Seems “Off”, Go With Your Gut
When you’re selling or buying something online and something seems off, it’s probably best to pull out of the deal. If someone is offering you way too much for an item, or is trying to finagle some weird payment arrangements other than what is typical, I’d bail on the deal.
There are many scam artists out there who offer to give you “this” if you’ll do “that” when you’re doing online selling and buying. For instance they’ll arrange for third-party payment, or send you over what you want and ask you to give them back the difference, or other similar odd types of requests.
These requests often come with a sob story that will play on your emotions in hopes that you’ll ignore the warning signs in an effort to help. Don’t fall for it. The world’s struggles are not all on your shoulders.
Stick to the rules and make sure you’re paid as promised with no goofy back and forth stuff. Selling stuff online can be a lucrative income source, especially if you’ve got a house full of unused stuff.
Just be sure to use selling sites and apps the way they are intended and keep a leg up on potential scam artists. This way you’ll maximize your income and make big strides toward reaching all of your financial goals and dreams.
As you can, there are so many options for you to sell your stuff online. Selling apps for both iOs and Android are picking up in popularity and people are looking beyond just eBay and Craigslist to buy your stuff. Whether you are in a hurry to sell your stuff online or you simply want to get the best offer, you have great options. Try a few of these different apps out and let us know what is working best for you.
What have you used to sell stuff online?
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darcyfarber · 5 years
20+ Best Places to Sell Stuff Online and Paid Quickly
Do you have something you want to try to sell online and get paid quickly?
One of the best ways to speed up the path to your financial success is by turning your stuff into cash. The good news, now is the best time to sell stuff online because there are so many free ways to sell right away.
I’m always amazed at the process of buying and selling stuff. The myriad of items people buy and sell online and elsewhere are endless. Buying direct from owners is a terrific way to get things you need and want at a discounted price.
And selling things you no longer need or want is a great way to de-clutter your house and bring in some serious extra cash. The list of things we’ve sold online is endless, from cars to clothes to toys to electronics.
Our Top Ways to Sell Stuff Online
With the ever-increasing popularity of smartphone apps and marketplace websites, buying and selling online is easier than ever. Here are our most popular smartphone apps and sites that can help you sell your stuff online and bring in some serious extra cash this month.
Table of Contents
Our Top Ways to Sell Stuff Online
1. BuybackBoss (Top cash for old phone)
2. OC Buyback
3. Decluttr
4. OfferUp
5. Amazon Seller Marketplace
6. Poshmark
7. 5miles
8. LetGo
9. OLX
10. Cash4Books
11. Trove Marketplace
12. Mercari
13. Dealo
14. Carousell
15. Depop
16. Tradyo
17. Varage Sale
18. Chairish
19. Wallapop
20. SocialSell
21. Vinted
22. Shpock
23. Pxsell
Don't Get Ripped Off (Here's How)
Don’t Deviate From Normal Payment Options
Have a First Come, First Served Rule
Beware of Giving Second Chances
Meet Up with Potential Buyers in a Public Place if Possible
Never Meet Up with Buyers Alone
Always Tell Somebody When You’re Meeting Up with a Potential Buyer
If Something Seems “Off”, Go With Your Gut
1. BuybackBoss (Top cash for old phone)
BuybackBoss guarantees the MOST money when it comes to selling your old phone.
Since everyone today has a mobile phone, you probably also have an old phone lying around somewhere, right?
Turn that old phone into quick cash by getting the highest price for your old phone – guaranteed.
They have three simple steps when it comes to selling your old phone.
First it only takes 30 seconds or less to get your quote. Then, you simply ship your used phone for free and even track your shipment as well. Once your item is shipped, you get the choice of getting paid via check or through PayPal.
Also, if you do happen to find somewhere online that offers you a better price, you can simply send them an email (explanation on their website) with a link to the higher offer. Once they see the better offer, they will update your offer to beat their competitors and notify you once it’s ready to go.
With a Trustpilot rating of 9.6 out of 10 and the best-price guarantee, BuybackBoss is a no-brainer for selling your stuff online.
2. OC Buyback
OC Buyback is perfect if you have an iPod, tablet, Smartwatch, AppleTV or GoPro that you need to get rid of. Also, if you have are selling your old phone, definitely compare the price with BuybackBoss because of Buyback’s highest price guarantee.
It’s extremely simple to get started with OC Buyback. First you just need to select the device you are selling, ship your device for free (or drop off locally for free) and the get paid!
You can get paid via a mailed check (USPS First Class Mail) or get your money sent to your PayPal instantly (or up to 24 hours).
Also, there is no limit on how much you can sell on OC Buyback. Therefore, it may not be a bad idea to take some of that “junk” your friends are throwing away and turn that into some quick cash! 
Bonus: Send your friends $5 as a thank-you!
3. Decluttr
If you have other electronics besides a cell phone, Decluttr is one of the best ways to sell your unwanted stuff online. Here’s how it works:
First, you go to the Decluttr website to get the link for the free app and get a free instant evaluation of what you’re selling.
Once you accept their offer, simply put into a box for shipping and they will send you a pre-paid shipping label.
Next drop your package off at any UPS store, with any UPS driver, or with an authorized shipping dealer (you can search by your zipcode on their site)
As soon as Decluttr receives your package, they will pay you the very next day by Direct Deposit, PayPal, by Check, or they will even make a donation to a charity of your choice on your behalf!
Decluttr is also a really safe way to sell your items because you aren’t selling to other individuals. Instead, Decluttr buys your stuff directly and then resells it on their site.
Categories you can sell on Decluttr:
CDs and DVDs
Video games
Gaming systems
Apple products such as iPods, iPads and iPhones
Lego sets
I know. The Lego thing kind of threw you for a loop, didn’t it! It doesn’t really fit in with the other categories Decluttr sticks to, but apparently there’s a serious market for used Lego sets!
Note: Decluttr also will buy your old cell phone from you, but they won’t give you as much as BuybackBoss will .
Get the App:
Decluttr for iPhone and Android
4. OfferUp
OfferUp lets you list and sell for free. It’s more of a “you’re on your own” site like Craigslist and LetGo, but is fairly popular and is well-organized. In my area it didn’t seem to have quite as many listings as LetGo, but still could be worth your effort when selling. After all, less listings often means less competition for the things you sell.
Arts and crafts
Cars and trucks
Auto parts
Baby and kids
Beauty and health
CDs and DVDs
Cell phones
Clothing and shoes
Games and toys
And many others as well, including Collectibles. You could sell in just about any category on this site.
Get the App
OfferUp for Android
OfferUp for Apple
5. Amazon Seller Marketplace
Amazon has a popular program for selling your stuff online. The Amazon Seller Marketplace allows you to sell a variety of items online, including used items in many categories, as well as new items you’ve made or bought at a discount.
Amazon devices and accessories
Kindle devices and accessories
Automotive and powersports parts, tools, equipment and accessories
Baby gear (new only, excluding clothing)
Beauty (new only)
Business products
Camera and photo
Cell phones
Clothing and accessories (new only)
Collectible coins
Fine art collectibles
Grocery and gourmet food (new only)
Handmade items (new only)
Health and personal care items (new only)
Historical and advertising types of collectibles
Home and garden
Industrial and scientific (new only)
Jewelry (new only)
Luggage and travel accessories (new only)
Musical instruments
Office products
And many more. Listing and selling fees apply, and the prices you’ll pay for selling stuff on Amazon vary based on how many items you plan on listing or selling in a given month and other criteria. For certain membership levels you’ll pay a monthly fee as well as individual listing and selling fees.
Given Amazon’s market share, the amount of exposure your items get could easily make up for the fees you may have to pay to sell.
Get the App:
Amazon Seller for Android
Amazon Seller for Apple
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  6. Poshmark
Poshmark lets you sell fashion clothing and accessories online. You can search by who you want to shop for (i.e. women, men or kids), by brand name, or by item (i.e. shorts, dresses, handbags, etc.).
When you sell an item on Poshmark, they’ll send you a prepaid shipping label to send it out. They charge a small commission based on the dollar amount of the transaction as well.
Women’s clothing
Men’s clothing
Kids’ clothing
Jewelry and accessories
Posh’s Posh Protect program, along with their customer service team, helps ensure you get authentic items when you buy, and that you get paid promptly when you sell.
Get the App:
Poshmark app for Android
Poshmark app for Apple
7. 5miles
The premise behind 5miles is that it will help you buy or sell anything within 5 miles of your location, but when I looked online I was relieved to see that they offered plenty of buying selections in a broader range, up to 40 miles or so away from where we live.
It’s free to list and sell on 5miles, just like it is on Craigslist and similar sites.
Cell phones
Women’s clothing and shoes
Electronics and computers
Baby and kids
Auto parts
Jewelry and watches
Sports and outdoors
Collectibles and art
Garage sales
You can search by category, by specific item or by city. This is an easy-to-use site that seems to be pretty popular in many large metropolitan areas.
Get the App:
5miles app for Android
5miles app for Apple
8. LetGo
LetGo uses your location to help you list stuff for sale online and find stuff you want to buy as well. It’s a free site like Craigslist and doesn’t charge any listing or selling fees.
Free stuff
Other vehicles and parts
Baby and child
Fashion and accessories
Movies, books and music
Sports, leisure and games
Home and garden
Not much more to know about LetGo. The site is super easy to use and seems to be increasing in popularity these days: I find more and more listings – at least for my somewhat major metropolitan area – as I browse on a weekly basis.
Get the App:
LetGo app for Android
LetGo app for Apple
  Need a little extra money this month? How about a list of the top 84 Side Hustles that actually work? There are 84 of them – I promise you there is at least one for you. Read top 84 side hustles here.
  9. OLX
OLX helps millions around the world buy and sell things. They share listings from dozens of countries including the United States, India, Russia, the Philippines, South Africa, Portugal and many, many more.
There’s no cost to list or sell with OLX; this is a true free classified ads site.
Personal items
Electronics and appliances
Books, hobbies and sports
And more. Categories may vary based on the country you are browsing. NOTE: if you are visiting OLX’s United States site you will be redirected to Letgo.
Get the App:
OLX for Android
OLX for Apple
10. Cash4Books
Cash4Books buys your used textbooks and other books. As with Decluttr, all you have to do is enter the ISBN (the number at the bottom of the barcode) of the book you’d like to sell and they’ll give you an offer price.
Once you’ve entered all of the ISBN numbers for the books you want to sell, and accepted the Cash4Books offer prices, they’ll send you a free prepaid shipping label that you can use to pack up and send your books to them.
After they’ve received the books and had a chance to assess their condition, etc., they’ll send you your earnings via PayPal. The site says that on average it takes about two weeks from the time you click “Sell my books” until the time you get your cash via PayPal.
Although the site buys all types of books, it looks as if the biggest payouts come from up-to-date used college textbooks.
If you’re a recent college graduate, know someone who is or can find newer versions of college textbooks at garage sales, this could be a great way to make some cash.
Get the App:
Cash4Books for Android
Cash4Books for Apple
11. Trove Marketplace
Trove Marketplace focuses on buying and selling vintage furniture and decor items. You can browse via keyword, or go straight to cities near you where items are for sale.
Trove Marketplace isn’t in every major metropolitan city, however you could offer for items you’re selling to be shipped if you want to appeal to buyers outside of your area. Current cities with Trove listings include:
Los Angeles
New York
San Francisco
Washington DC
More cities may be added by the time you’re reading this.
Note: there is a selling fee for selling your items on this site. At the time of this writing the Trove Marketplace website showed it to be 10%.
Get the App:
Trove Marketplace for Android
Trove Marketplace for Apple
12. Mercari
Mercari allows you to sell your stuff online without any listing fees. However, you will pay a selling fee of 10% of the listing price, so be sure to price carefully. In other words, if you list something for $100 and a buyer bargains you down to $50, you’re still paying Mercari a $10 selling fee.
If you end up selling to a buyer who wants an item shipped to them, Mercari will help you do that by offering to print (and charge you for) a shipping label, or you can ship on your own.
The “other category” can include a variety of items such as automotive (they even had cars listed in addition to auto parts), daily and travel items, musical instruments, office supplies, pet supplies and more.
As I searched the site looked like they had many items for sale in all 50 states, which indicates Mercari is a well-known and well-used site.
Get the App:
Mercari for Android
Mercari for Apple
13. Dealo
Dealo touts itself as a “faster, safer way to buy and sell anything”. The site itself has very little information about how Dealo works, who is using it and where or what the fees are. Categories are not listed either, however the site states you can register, list or buy within 30 seconds.
Get the App:
Dealo for Android
Dealo for Apple
14. Carousell
Carousell helps connect buyers and sellers by listing things people want to sell and coordinating groups based on similar interests.
You can browse the listings via the home page or the specific category you’re selling or buying in, or you can search via location. No listing or selling fees; you just meet up with your seller or chat online to arrange trade of money for your item.
For him
For her
Furniture and home
Kitchen and appliances
Beauty products
Design and craft
Baby and kids
Bicycles and bicycle parts
Outdoors and gardening
Musical instruments
Games and toys
It’s fast and easy to list on Carousell with their app.
Get the App:
Carousell for Android
Carousell for Apple
15. Depop
Depop is sort of an online flea market type of a site. Lots of fun vintage items on this site. Browsing through the listings was like taking a serious step back in time and was really fun. You use the app to buy and sell, and there are no fees or commissions paid.
There are no specific categories listed; the site just says “Find something that means something”. Most of the listings that I found on the site were clothing and accessory type items such as shirts, hats, jeans, jewelry, etc.
Most of the sellers on the site listed shipping fees to appeal to those who were buying from out of the area. The site is pretty simple and easy to use with the app, so if you have some cool, different or vintage clothing or accessories, this could be the way to go.
Get the App:
Depop for Android
Depop for Apple
16. Tradyo
Tradyo helps people buy and sell right in their local area. The site seems to be European based, however there were plenty of listings in my major metropolitan area in the U.S. Listings are free, and you can use instant chat to connect with potential buyers.
I typed in my zip code and found several items available for sale nearby. Then, just for fun I typed “90210” in the search bar (the only out-of-state zip code I know off the top of my head; yeah, I know – I’m dating myself), and there were a lot of listings for that area as well.
Art, antiques and collectibles
Autos, cars and other vehicles
Baby and kids
Books and comics
Car accessories and parts
Clothing and fashion
Electronics, cell phones and cameras
Free stuff
Gaming consoles and games
Garage sales
Health and beauty
Home and furniture
Sporting goods and exercise
Tools and equipment
Lots of categories to choose from, and Tradyo is a site that is easy to use.
Get the App:
Tradyo on Android
Tradyo on Apple
17. Varage Sale
With Varage Sale you can list your items for sale and then meet up with buyers in your neighborhood. There are no categories listed for searching on this site, but there is a search bar that allows you to enter what you may be looking for, along with your location so you can find items near your home or work.
You need to sign up with Facebook or an email account so they can verify who you are – all buyers and sellers have to go through a verification process before they’re approved to buy or sell on the site.
In other words, you can browse the site’s listings, but both buyers and sellers need to sign up in order to get access to contact others within the site. This is a safety precaution that many buying and selling sites are implementing these days.
No listing or selling fees and no charge to bump your listing to the top of the site. A great alternative to the traditional garage sale.
Get the App:
Varage Sale for Android
Varage Sale for Apple
18. Chairish
Chairish is an online consignment store where you can sell used items in a number of categories. The site says it takes less than two minutes to list your item, and that you take home 80% of the sale price.
That’s a much higher percentage than what many brick-and-mortar consignment shops will offer to pay you since they have to cover space rental costs and employee pay and benefits.
You can sell items on Chairish to local people or ship the items out of state. Chairish helps you organize shipping arrangements too. This could be a good venue for you if you have lots of art deco or vintage items for the home.
Art and mirrors
And more. Listing is free, the site has great tips on how to take the best photos to sell your item, and they have 24/7 customer service support as well.
Get the App:
Chairish for Android: No Chairish app for Android users as of yet
Chairish for Apple
19. Wallapop
Wallapop offers free local classified ads for you to sell your stuff on. Kind of like other flea market or classifieds apps, you simply use your app to write a short description and name your price.
Sellers figure out a plan for meeting up with buyers to exchange money and products, whether it’s meeting up in your local area or arranging shipping.
Get the App:
Wallapop for Android
Wallapop for Apple
20. SocialSell
SocialSell has a variety of listings in many areas in the U.S. Their website isn’t worth heading to at this writing; the apps have all the information you need for buying and selling.
Men’s apparel
Women’s apparel
Household and yard
Children and kids
Collectibles and memorabilia
Sports and fitness
And more. Like Craigslist there are no listing or selling fees. Mandatory user profiles help keep sellers and buyers safe.
Get the App:
SocialSell for Android
SocialSell for Apple
21. Vinted
With Vinted you can sell or buy used second-hand wardrobe items such as shoes, clothes, and accessories. There’s no cost to list or sell with Vinted, and like many other selling sites these days, users have to create a profile in order to enhance safety and security.
Women’s clothing, shoes and accessories
Men’s items
You can meet up in person if you find a local buyer, or ship and get payment via PayPal.
Get the App:
Vinted for Android
Vinted for Apple
22. Shpock
Shpock helps you buy and sell things in your local area. There are no listing fees or selling fees and the app makes listing your items and communicating with potential buyers easy.
Get the App:
Shpock for Android
Shpock for Apple
23. Pxsell
Pxsell is the “easiest way” to sell your stuff, according to its app site. Just snap a picture, enter a few details and you’re done. This app focuses on selling in your local area and helping you designate a meet up with sellers.
You won’t pay listing or selling fees with Pxsell.
Video games
Baby and kids
Pxsell requires community profiles for users in order to help ensure safety for buyers and sellers.
Get the App:
Pxsell for Android
Pxsell for Apple
Don’t Get Ripped Off (Here’s How)
Now that we’ve shared some of the more popular apps for selling stuff online, I want to take just a few minutes to talk about online selling and buying safety.
The world is full of con artists and other unsavory people, and it’s important to make sure you’re ahead of the game when it comes to online scammers in the selling and buying marketplace. Here are some tips that I’ve found helpful when it comes to avoiding selling scams.
We’ve not been the direct victim of a scam when selling stuff online, but that’s only because we’ve educated ourselves on what to look for to avoid getting ripped off.
Selling stuff online can be daunting, intimidating and sometimes frustrating. One time when we were selling a fishing boat, a guy got super angry at us because we had several potential buyers on the line and wouldn’t hold the boat for him until he got off work.
Another time we were selling some used furniture and a gal said she’d show up but never did. When I contacted her to ask why, she said “Oh, it was raining and I didn’t feel like going.” No phone call – nothing. She just didn’t show!
Just recently we listed a snow plow for sale. My husband got a weird text from a guy who offered to pay us over and above what we were asking if we’d accept a PayPal payment, and that he’d send his “agent” to pick up the several hundred pound plow. Sounds fishy, right?
Here are some things you can do to protect yourself as you sell your stuff online.
Don’t Deviate From Normal Payment Options
Most sites have you pay one of a couple of different ways: you can meet in person and accept cash or a cashier’s check, or you can accept a PayPal payment if you’re shipping an item.
When selling something and meeting a person directly we only accept cash – never a personal check or money order. We will accept a cashier’s check for big ticket items, but we always call and verify with the bank it’s issued off of first.
Have a First Come, First Served Rule
Don’t offer to hold items for people that may never show up unless you have a good and valid reason to do so. Holding items puts you at risk for losing out on selling your item.
If someone wants your item bad enough they’ll find a way to make it there quickly.
Beware of Giving Second Chances
If someone doesn’t show up or doesn’t do what they’ve promised, be wary. In our case with the lady who wanted to buy our furniture but never showed up, she asked if she could come another time. We didn’t answer.
We like to follow the “Screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice, shame on me” mantra when selling stuff online. If someone disses us once we won’t give them a chance to do it again.
Meet Up with Potential Buyers in a Public Place if Possible
We don’t follow this rule always, but many times we’ll meet buyers at a central location as long as it’s somewhere with a lot of traffic, such as across the street from the local police department or at a big box store such as Walmart.
It’s important to not put yourself in a situation where you’re in an isolated area with strangers.
Never Meet Up with Buyers Alone
Always bring somebody along if you’re meeting up with potential buyers too. I don’t recommend ever going alone, simply for safety reasons.
Always Tell Somebody When You’re Meeting Up with a Potential Buyer
When you’re meeting up with a potential buyer – whether alone or with somebody else – always, always leave information about where you’re going, who you’re meeting (leave the contact info you’ve been using to communicate with them), what you’re doing and when you expect to be back.
Tell your loved ones to call you and check in if you’re not back when you say you expect to be back. It probably wouldn’t hurt to bring pepper spray or some other item to protect yourself if need be too.
If Something Seems “Off”, Go With Your Gut
When you’re selling or buying something online and something seems off, it’s probably best to pull out of the deal. If someone is offering you way too much for an item, or is trying to finagle some weird payment arrangements other than what is typical, I’d bail on the deal.
There are many scam artists out there who offer to give you “this” if you’ll do “that” when you’re doing online selling and buying. For instance they’ll arrange for third-party payment, or send you over what you want and ask you to give them back the difference, or other similar odd types of requests.
These requests often come with a sob story that will play on your emotions in hopes that you’ll ignore the warning signs in an effort to help. Don’t fall for it. The world’s struggles are not all on your shoulders.
Stick to the rules and make sure you’re paid as promised with no goofy back and forth stuff. Selling stuff online can be a lucrative income source, especially if you’ve got a house full of unused stuff.
Just be sure to use selling sites and apps the way they are intended and keep a leg up on potential scam artists. This way you’ll maximize your income and make big strides toward reaching all of your financial goals and dreams.
As you can, there are so many options for you to sell your stuff online. Selling apps for both iOs and Android are picking up in popularity and people are looking beyond just eBay and Craigslist to buy your stuff. Whether you are in a hurry to sell your stuff online or you simply want to get the best offer, you have great options. Try a few of these different apps out and let us know what is working best for you.
What have you used to sell stuff online?
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newspatrolling · 4 years
Amazon India announces ‘Freedom Sale’
Top deals by sellers across Smartphones, Consumer Electronics, Fashion & Beauty, Large Appliances, TVs, Home & Kitchen products, Daily Essentials and more until August 11, 2020
More savings – 10% instant discount with SBI Credit cards & EMI
Explore products from thousands of small businesses including artisans, women entrepreneurs, emerging Indian brands and local store owners from programs like Karigar, Saheli, Launchpad and Local shops
Bengaluru, August 8th, 2020: Amazon.in will host its ‘Freedom Sale’ until 11:59 pm on August 11, 2020. With sellers offering deals across Smartphones, Consumer Electronics, Fashion & Beauty, Large Appliances, TVs, Home & Kitchen, Daily Essentials and more, customers can shop from millions of products across hundreds of categories on Amazon.in.
To buy best camera accessories visit : https://www.digitek.net.in/product-category/digitek-photographic-products/digitek-photographic-equipments/digitek-camera-accessories/
Customers shopping during the Freedom Sale can save more by getting 10% instant discount up to INR 1,500 with SBI Credit cards on a minimum purchase of INR 5,000. You can extend your budget with no-cost EMI on Credit cards, Debit cards, Bajaj Finserv & Amazon Pay Later.
This Freedom Sale, customers can also choose products from thousands of small businesses including artisans, women entrepreneurs, emerging Indian brands and local store owners from programs like Karigar, Saheli, Launchpad and Local shops.
Here is a sneak peek to some of the top deals by participating brands & sellers this Freedom Sale on Amazon.in:
Smartphones & Accessories
Up to 40% off on mobiles from top brands
Exciting exchange offers up to INR 13,500; No cost EMI starting INR 1,665 per month
Offers on recently launched Samsung M31s, OnePlus Nord and Redmi Note 9
Watch out for great deals on OnePlus, Xiaomi, Samsung, OPPO and Vivo
Up to INR 4,000 off on OnePlus
Up to INR 5,000 off on Xiaomi
Up to 6 months No cost EMI on top selling Samsung M series smartphones
Up to INR 25,000 off on flagship Samsung smartphones and additional exchange offers up to INR 4,000
Up to INR 10,000 off on Apple with unbelievable offers on iPhone 11, iPhone 8 Plus
Mobile Accessories starting INR 99
Up to 70% off on Power banks, Bluetooth & Wired earphones
Consumer Electronics
Up to 70% off on Headphones
Up to 70% off on Cameras Accessories
Camera devices starting INR 2,416 per month
Up to 60% off on Speakers & Home audio
Personal Computers & Wearables
Up to 30% off on Laptops
Up to 50% off on printers
Computer Accessories & Peripherals starting INR 99
Up to 40% off on Gaming Accessories
Up to 50% off on Hard Drive; Up to 70% off on Pen Drives and Memory Cards
Fitness Trackers starting INR 999
Up to 60% off on Smartwatches
Up to 60% off on Monitors; Up to INR 40,00 off on Desktops    
Up to 45% off on tablets
Amazon Fashion
Up to 70% off from over 1000+ fashion brands and more!
Up to 70% off on clothing
Up to 70% off on Footwear
Up to 70% off on Watches & Jewelry
Up to 70% off on Luggage & Backpacks
Up to 60% off on Cloth masks
Up to 70% off on sunglasses by Fastrack, MTV & more
Large Appliances
Air conditioners | Up to 45% off, NCEMI starting INR 1419/month
Refrigerators | Up to 40%, NCEMI starting INR 849/month
Washing machines | starting INR 6,399, NCEMI starting INR 769/month
Microwaves | Up to 45% off, NCEMI starting INR 459/month
Up to 60% off on Chimneys from top brands like Elica, Faber and Kaff          
Up to 60% off on Television; No Cost EMI starting from INR 799/month
LED TVs starting from INR 5555
Up to 60% off on Smart TVs, starting from 7999
Up to 50% off on premium TVs from TCL and Sony
Amazon Devices
Flat 33% off on Echo Dot
Flat INR 6500 off on Echo Plus
Min. 30% off on Echo Smart Displays
Up to INR 3000 off on Kindle E-readers
Home & Kitchen
Up to 70% off on Kitchen appliances; Up to 70% off on premium Kitchen & Dining Assortment
Min 50% off on premium bedsheets from Spaces, Bombay Dyeing, Maspar & more
Wide range of décor including clocks, paintings, photo frames, showpieces, idols, artificial flowers, home fragrance & Stickers starting from INR 99
Smart lights starting INR 399 from Wipro, Syska & more with exclusive bundle offers on Echo Dot
70% off on furniture – Mattresses, Sofas, Beds, Dining Sets and more; No Cost EMI on furniture starting from INR 174 per month
First ever smart lunch box from Milton with wireless Bluetooth technology; New Range of Aquaguard water purifiers with the goodness of copper
Automotive, Sports & Fitness
Minimum 40% off on Treadmills & exercise bikes
Activity trackers starting at INR 1999
Up to 50% off on Vehicle essentials - Tyres, Helmets, car & bike care, accessories  
Masks, gloves, sanitizers & other safety supplies starting INR 99
Launching Sports & outdoor gear from Decathlon; Starting INR 199
Be beautiful with up to 60% off on Skincare & Haircare
Up to 60% off on Bath Shower & Fragrances
Get gorgeous with up to 60% off on Make up
Make your day with up to 50% off on Perfumes
Get the look with up to 20% off on Professional Beauty products
Experience indulgence with Up to 30% off on luxury skin & hair products
Health, Personal Care & Daily Essentials
Get fit with up to 50% off on Sports Supplements from Big Muscles, Muscleblaze & more
Stay healthy with up to 55% off on immunity & wellness supplements
Up to 50% off on Healthcare & mobility aids
Indulge in your favorites: Maggi, Cadbury & more with up to 20% off on the range
Enjoy your morning cup of tea & coffee with up to 40% off on beverages
A healthy start to a healthy day: Up to 40% off on breakfast essentials
Pets & Baby
Happy Babies with up to 50% off Baby products
For a good night’s sleep, up to 60% off baby bedding
Up to 50% off Baby Bath & Skin care range
Up to 50% off Pet food, accessories & more
Personal Care appliances
Up to 60% off on wellness & grooming devices
DIY grooming at home with top brands like Philips, Vega, Braun, Wahl , Dyson & more
Up to 50% off on Home health care devices: Oximeters, BP Monitors, Weighing scales, Thermometers & more  
Pamper yourself at home with Massagers & Massage chairs from JSB, Lifelong & more
Fill up your kids toy shelf : Up to 70% off on Toys and Games
Keep your kids engaged : Minimum 20% off on dolls, vehicles, building sets & more
Reduce screen-time & create technology free zones: Up to 40% off on board games from top brands Hasbro, Mattel & more
Books, Video games & Software
Up to 50% off on Fiction & Non Fiction Books
Up to 50% off on Text Books, School Books & Exam preparation books
Up to 65% off on e-learning courses, antivirus & office softwares
Up to 50% off on Video games & accessories
Hand-crafted heritage products from artisans & weavers from Amazon Karigar
Up to 60% off on hand-block printed Kurtis and home furnishing from Jaipur
Up to 45% off on handloom sarees
Up to 40% off on handcrafted home décor from across India
Up to 70% off on handcrafted footwear from Kolhapur
Up to 35% off on handloom dupattas from Banaras
Authentic handloom and handicrafts from government emporiums
Up to 20% off on Tantuja, West Bengal
Up to 15% off on APCO Handlooms, Andhra Pradesh
Products by women entrepreneurs from Amazon Saheli
Up to 40% off on grocery and gourmet products from Sirimiri and Spicy carte
Up to 50% off on fashion jewelry from Swara Creations
Up to 20% off on office and stationery products by Greensouls
Up to 40% off on home and décor products from women-led startups
Emerging brands and start-ups from Amazon Launchpad
Up to 30% off on Upakarma Ayurveda Products
Up to 35% off on Khadi Essentials beauty products
Up to 80% off on sports-wear and casual wear by Chkokko
Up to 15% off on Sattviko healthy snacks
Up to 30% off on UltraCare Pro Massager for pain relief
Up to 30% off on Soulflower natural beauty products
Offers by Small & Medium businesses and Local Shops:
Flat 50% off on decorative lights and lamps from Homesake
Minimum 60% of on treadmills by Stunner fitness
TWS noise cancelling headsets from Kapa starting INR 999
Minimum 70% off on Fostelo Handbags
Up to 65% off on Abbie’s cooking supplies range
Up to 40% of on Ayurvedic wellness products from Kapiva
Pack of 3 t-shirts at INR 399 from AWG
Up to 30% off on healthy treats from Yogabar
Amazon Business
Amazon Customers can save big on categories like laptops, printers, office furniture, appliances, tools and many more by shopping during the Freedom Sale. They will get access to 2,500 business exclusive deals for business customers on top of existing offers on top brands, GST invoice for inputs tax credit and discounts linked to bulk purchase.
Up to INR 30,000 off on Laptops
Up to 70% off on Headphones
Up to 70% off on Kitchen appliances and cookware
Up to 45% off on ACs with No cost EMI on top brands
Up to 60% off on TVs
Up to 70% on Décor and furnishing
Up to 70% off on Tools
0 notes
Top 5 Iphone Apps For Preschoolers
Through play they can experiment with ordinary items and these extraordinary. Pans and pots become a band. However learning Learn Colors for Kids and tempo. Old clothes become the wardrobe of kings and queens or even if the players inside band. A little jewelry may become limitless accessories to any character which includes been fashioned. They learn to flourish their imaginations through have fun. The See and Learn Numbers DVD is half an hour long and often will keep playing over as well as again if you do not stop it yourself. A great deal was a blessing in disguise. Before I knew it, my daughter has long been watching this movie for upwards of an minute! I don't want my television staying her babysitter or anything like that, but I could not pry her away over movie for merely two a significant time! Apple likes to focus on the younger buyer in their advertising, but they probably never had the under-five set in your as potential iPhone users. Well, neither did i when I paid out $200 for my new phone, in order to mention mention the even pricier AT&T reduce. My phone has now become their favorite toy and I require to wait my turn if I wish to use it. They are aware of how to flip to the screen with their favorite apps and are nice enough to reply to all my incoming calls that interrupt their games - and promptly say goodbye so they can buy back to taking pleasure in. Give your kids plenty of ideas to cooperate with. This is where quantity play learning center enters in. Keep it stocked full of props of all sorts. Rotate it regularly. Devote items which go with your theme for your week and things for your season. Youngsters will be excited to look at the new dramatic play box for that week. Second, use art to help you your Learning Colors for Kids. Does youngster enjoy finger painting or coloring? Discuss the colors as youngster creates his masterpiece. Things like baby slings and grocery cart liners are also great. A sling can wrap comfortably on the and offer an ergonomic way to hold newborn close a person while released. A grocery cart liner is an excellent option for older babies that can sit as a result of their own -because to produce them from gross germs that might be lurking for a carts. Both of these are affordable and practical, especially when you certainly busy parent that cannot avoid taking your young child out to your store for errand keeps going. Fisher Price makes one of the best dollhouse for little girls. My First Doll House by Fisher-Price is ideal for little hands. Put onto the doll house are a Mother, Father, and an infant. Furniture includes a kitchen table with two chairs, kitchen set which has a little rest room. Your little one will love fiddling with this doll house harmful ingredient to happen!
0 notes
darcyfarber · 5 years
20+ Best Places to Sell Stuff Online and Paid Quickly
Are you trying to sell stuff online and get paid quickly?
One of the best ways to speed up the path to your financial success is by turning your stuff into cash. The good news, now is the best time to sell stuff online because there are so many free ways to sell right away.
Whether you looking to make extra money this month or you are simply trying to declutter your home, selling stuff online is the fastest way to turn your stuff into cash.
I’m always amazed at the process of buying and selling stuff. The myriad of items people buy and sell online and elsewhere are endless.  Buying direct from owners is a terrific way to get things you need and want at a discounted price.
And selling things you no longer need or want is a great way to de-clutter your house and bring in some serious extra cash. The list of things we’ve sold online is endless, from cars to clothes to toys to electronics.
Our Top Ways to Sell Stuff Online
With the ever-increasing popularity of smartphone apps and marketplace websites, buying and selling online is easier than ever. Here are our most popular smartphone apps and sites that can help you sell your stuff online and bring in some serious extra cash this month.
Table of Contents
Our Top Ways to Sell Stuff Online
1. BuybackBoss (Top cash for old phone)
2. OC Buyback
3. Decluttr
4. OfferUp
5. Amazon Seller Marketplace
6. Poshmark
7. 5miles
8. LetGo
9. OLX
10. Cash4Books
11. Trove Marketplace
12. Mercari
13. Dealo
14. Carousell
15. Depop
16. Tradyo
17. Varage Sale
18. Chairish
19. Wallapop
20. SocialSell
21. Vinted
22. Shpock
23. Pxsell
Don't Get Ripped Off (Here's How)
Don’t Deviate From Normal Payment Options
Have a First Come, First Served Rule
Beware of Giving Second Chances
Meet Up with Potential Buyers in a Public Place if Possible
Never Meet Up with Buyers Alone
Always Tell Somebody When You’re Meeting Up with a Potential Buyer
If Something Seems “Off”, Go With Your Gut
1. BuybackBoss (Top cash for old phone)
BuybackBoss is another great place to sell your old phone because they guarantee the MOST money when it comes to selling your old phone. However, you do have to prove it to them.
Since everyone today has a mobile phone, you probably also have an old phone lying around somewhere, right?
Turn that old phone into quick cash by getting the highest price for your old phone – guaranteed.
They have three simple steps when it comes to selling your old phone.
First it only takes 30 seconds or less to get your quote. Then, you simply ship your used phone for free and even track your shipment as well. Once your item is shipped, you get the choice of getting paid via check or through PayPal.
Also, if you do happen to find somewhere online that offers you a better price, you can simply send them an email (explanation on their website) with a link to the higher offer. Once they see the better offer, they will update your offer to beat their competitors and notify you once it’s ready to go.
With a Trustpilot rating of 4.8 out of 5 and the best-price guarantee, BuybackBoss is a no-brainer for selling your stuff online.
2. OC Buyback
OC Buyback is perfect if you have an iPod, tablet, Smartwatch, AppleTV or GoPro that you need to get rid of. Also, if you have are selling your old phone, definitely compare the price with BuybackBoss because of Buyback’s highest price guarantee.
It’s extremely simple to get started with OC Buyback. First you just need to select the device you are selling, ship your device for free (or drop off locally for free) and the get paid!
You can get paid via a mailed check (USPS First Class Mail) or get your money sent to your PayPal instantly (or up to 24 hours).
Also, there is no limit on how much you can sell on OC Buyback. Therefore, it may not be a bad idea to take some of that “junk” your friends are throwing away and turn that into some quick cash! 
OC Buyback currently has a Trust Pilot rating of 4.6 out of 5. Not quite as high as BuyBack Boss, but still worth taking a look at.
3. Decluttr
If you have other electronics besides a cell phone, Decluttr is one of the best ways to sell your unwanted stuff online. Here’s how it works:
First, you go to the Decluttr website to get the link for the free app and get a free instant evaluation of what you’re selling.
Once you accept their offer, simply put into a box for shipping and they will send you a pre-paid shipping label.
Next drop your package off at any UPS store, with any UPS driver, or with an authorized shipping dealer (you can search by your zipcode on their site)
As soon as Decluttr receives your package, they will pay you the very next day by Direct Deposit, PayPal, by Check, or they will even make a donation to a charity of your choice on your behalf!
Decluttr is also a really safe way to sell your items because you aren’t selling to other individuals. Instead, Decluttr buys your stuff directly and then resells it on their site.
Categories you can sell on Decluttr:
CDs and DVDs
Video games
Gaming systems
Apple products such as iPods, iPads and iPhones
Lego sets
I know. The Lego thing kind of threw you for a loop, didn’t it! It doesn’t really fit in with the other categories Decluttr sticks to, but apparently there’s a serious market for used Lego sets!
Get the App:
Decluttr for iPhone and Android
4. OfferUp
OfferUp lets you list and sell for free. It’s more of a “you’re on your own” site like Craigslist and LetGo, but is fairly popular and is well-organized. In my area it didn’t seem to have quite as many listings as LetGo, but still could be worth your effort when selling. After all, less listings often means less competition for the things you sell.
Arts and crafts
Cars and trucks
Auto parts
Baby and kids
Beauty and health
CDs and DVDs
Cell phones
Clothing and shoes
Games and toys
And many others as well, including Collectibles. You could sell in just about any category on this site.
Get the App
OfferUp for Android
OfferUp for Apple
5. Amazon Seller Marketplace
Amazon has a popular program for selling your stuff online. The Amazon Seller Marketplace allows you to sell a variety of items online, including used items in many categories, as well as new items you’ve made or bought at a discount.
Amazon devices and accessories
Kindle devices and accessories
Automotive and powersports parts, tools, equipment and accessories
Baby gear (new only, excluding clothing)
Beauty (new only)
Business products
Camera and photo
Cell phones
Clothing and accessories (new only)
Collectible coins
Fine art collectibles
Grocery and gourmet food (new only)
Handmade items (new only)
Health and personal care items (new only)
Historical and advertising types of collectibles
Home and garden
Industrial and scientific (new only)
Jewelry (new only)
Luggage and travel accessories (new only)
Musical instruments
Office products
And many more. Listing and selling fees apply, and the prices you’ll pay for selling stuff on Amazon vary based on how many items you plan on listing or selling in a given month and other criteria. For certain membership levels you’ll pay a monthly fee as well as individual listing and selling fees.
Given Amazon’s market share, the amount of exposure your items get could easily make up for the fees you may have to pay to sell.
Get the App:
Amazon Seller for Android
Amazon Seller for Apple
  Do you shop on Amazon? Here’s a list of companies that will pay you in the form of Amazon Gift Cards. 
  6. Poshmark
Poshmark lets you sell fashion clothing and accessories online. You can search by who you want to shop for (i.e. women, men or kids), by brand name, or by item (i.e. shorts, dresses, handbags, etc.).
When you sell an item on Poshmark, they’ll send you a prepaid shipping label to send it out. They charge a small commission based on the dollar amount of the transaction as well.
Women’s clothing
Men’s clothing
Kids’ clothing
Jewelry and accessories
Posh’s Posh Protect program, along with their customer service team, helps ensure you get authentic items when you buy, and that you get paid promptly when you sell.
Get the App:
Poshmark app for Android
Poshmark app for Apple
7. 5miles
The premise behind 5miles is that it will help you buy or sell anything within 5 miles of your location, but when I looked online I was relieved to see that they offered plenty of buying selections in a broader range, up to 40 miles or so away from where we live.
It’s free to list and sell on 5miles, just like it is on Craigslist and similar sites.
Cell phones
Women’s clothing and shoes
Electronics and computers
Baby and kids
Auto parts
Jewelry and watches
Sports and outdoors
Collectibles and art
Garage sales
You can search by category, by specific item or by city. This is an easy-to-use site that seems to be pretty popular in many large metropolitan areas.
Get the App:
5miles app for Android
5miles app for Apple
8. LetGo
LetGo uses your location to help you list stuff for sale online and find stuff you want to buy as well. It’s a free site like Craigslist and doesn’t charge any listing or selling fees.
Free stuff
Other vehicles and parts
Baby and child
Fashion and accessories
Movies, books and music
Sports, leisure and games
Home and garden
Not much more to know about LetGo. The site is super easy to use and seems to be increasing in popularity these days: I find more and more listings – at least for my somewhat major metropolitan area – as I browse on a weekly basis.
Get the App:
LetGo app for Android
LetGo app for Apple
  9. OLX
OLX helps millions around the world buy and sell things. They share listings from dozens of countries including the United States, India, Russia, the Philippines, South Africa, Portugal and many, many more.
There’s no cost to list or sell with OLX; this is a true free classified ads site.
Personal items
Electronics and appliances
Books, hobbies and sports
And more. Categories may vary based on the country you are browsing. NOTE: if you are visiting OLX’s United States site you will be redirected to Letgo.
Get the App:
OLX for Android
OLX for Apple
10. Cash4Books
Cash4Books buys your used textbooks and other books. As with Decluttr, all you have to do is enter the ISBN (the number at the bottom of the barcode) of the book you’d like to sell and they’ll give you an offer price.
Once you’ve entered all of the ISBN numbers for the books you want to sell, and accepted the Cash4Books offer prices, they’ll send you a free prepaid shipping label that you can use to pack up and send your books to them.
After they’ve received the books and had a chance to assess their condition, etc., they’ll send you your earnings via PayPal. The site says that on average it takes about two weeks from the time you click “Sell my books” until the time you get your cash via PayPal.
Although the site buys all types of books, it looks as if the biggest payouts come from up-to-date used college textbooks.
If you’re a recent college graduate, know someone who is or can find newer versions of college textbooks at garage sales, this could be a great way to make some cash.
Get the App:
Cash4Books for Android
Cash4Books for Apple
11. Trove Marketplace
Trove Marketplace focuses on buying and selling vintage furniture and decor items. You can browse via keyword, or go straight to cities near you where items are for sale.
Trove Marketplace isn’t in every major metropolitan city, however you could offer for items you’re selling to be shipped if you want to appeal to buyers outside of your area. Current cities with Trove listings include:
Los Angeles
New York
San Francisco
Washington DC
More cities may be added by the time you’re reading this.
Note: there is a selling fee for selling your items on this site. At the time of this writing the Trove Marketplace website showed it to be 10%.
Get the App:
Trove Marketplace for Android
Trove Marketplace for Apple
12. Mercari
Mercari allows you to sell your stuff online without any listing fees. However, you will pay a selling fee of 10% of the listing price, so be sure to price carefully. In other words, if you list something for $100 and a buyer bargains you down to $50, you’re still paying Mercari a $10 selling fee.
If you end up selling to a buyer who wants an item shipped to them, Mercari will help you do that by offering to print (and charge you for) a shipping label, or you can ship on your own.
The “other category” can include a variety of items such as automotive (they even had cars listed in addition to auto parts), daily and travel items, musical instruments, office supplies, pet supplies and more.
As I searched the site looked like they had many items for sale in all 50 states, which indicates Mercari is a well-known and well-used site.
Get the App:
Mercari for Android
Mercari for Apple
13. Dealo
Dealo touts itself as a “faster, safer way to buy and sell anything”. The site itself has very little information about how Dealo works, who is using it and where or what the fees are. Categories are not listed either, however the site states you can register, list or buy within 30 seconds.
Get the App:
Dealo for Android
Dealo for Apple
14. Carousell
Carousell helps connect buyers and sellers by listing things people want to sell and coordinating groups based on similar interests.
You can browse the listings via the home page or the specific category you’re selling or buying in, or you can search via location. No listing or selling fees; you just meet up with your seller or chat online to arrange trade of money for your item.
For him
For her
Furniture and home
Kitchen and appliances
Beauty products
Design and craft
Baby and kids
Bicycles and bicycle parts
Outdoors and gardening
Musical instruments
Games and toys
It’s fast and easy to list on Carousell with their app.
Get the App:
Carousell for Android
Carousell for Apple
15. Depop
Depop is sort of an online flea market type of a site. Lots of fun vintage items on this site. Browsing through the listings was like taking a serious step back in time and was really fun. You use the app to buy and sell, and there are no fees or commissions paid.
There are no specific categories listed; the site just says “Find something that means something”. Most of the listings that I found on the site were clothing and accessory type items such as shirts, hats, jeans, jewelry, etc.
Most of the sellers on the site listed shipping fees to appeal to those who were buying from out of the area. The site is pretty simple and easy to use with the app, so if you have some cool, different or vintage clothing or accessories, this could be the way to go.
Get the App:
Depop for Android
Depop for Apple
16. Tradyo
Tradyo helps people buy and sell right in their local area. The site seems to be European based, however there were plenty of listings in my major metropolitan area in the U.S. Listings are free, and you can use instant chat to connect with potential buyers.
I typed in my zip code and found several items available for sale nearby. Then, just for fun I typed “90210” in the search bar (the only out-of-state zip code I know off the top of my head; yeah, I know – I’m dating myself), and there were a lot of listings for that area as well.
Art, antiques and collectibles
Autos, cars and other vehicles
Baby and kids
Books and comics
Car accessories and parts
Clothing and fashion
Electronics, cell phones and cameras
Free stuff
Gaming consoles and games
Garage sales
Health and beauty
Home and furniture
Sporting goods and exercise
Tools and equipment
Lots of categories to choose from, and Tradyo is a site that is easy to use.
Get the App:
Tradyo on Android
Tradyo on Apple
17. Varage Sale
With Varage Sale you can list your items for sale and then meet up with buyers in your neighborhood. There are no categories listed for searching on this site, but there is a search bar that allows you to enter what you may be looking for, along with your location so you can find items near your home or work.
You need to sign up with Facebook or an email account so they can verify who you are – all buyers and sellers have to go through a verification process before they’re approved to buy or sell on the site.
In other words, you can browse the site’s listings, but both buyers and sellers need to sign up in order to get access to contact others within the site. This is a safety precaution that many buying and selling sites are implementing these days.
No listing or selling fees and no charge to bump your listing to the top of the site. A great alternative to the traditional garage sale.
Get the App:
Varage Sale for Android
Varage Sale for Apple
18. Chairish
Chairish is an online consignment store where you can sell used items in a number of categories. The site says it takes less than two minutes to list your item, and that you take home 80% of the sale price.
That’s a much higher percentage than what many brick-and-mortar consignment shops will offer to pay you since they have to cover space rental costs and employee pay and benefits.
You can sell items on Chairish to local people or ship the items out of state. Chairish helps you organize shipping arrangements too. This could be a good venue for you if you have lots of art deco or vintage items for the home.
Art and mirrors
And more. Listing is free, the site has great tips on how to take the best photos to sell your item, and they have 24/7 customer service support as well.
Get the App:
Chairish for Android: No Chairish app for Android users as of yet
Chairish for Apple
19. Wallapop
Wallapop offers free local classified ads for you to sell your stuff on. Kind of like other flea market or classifieds apps, you simply use your app to write a short description and name your price.
Sellers figure out a plan for meeting up with buyers to exchange money and products, whether it’s meeting up in your local area or arranging shipping.
Get the App:
Wallapop for Android
Wallapop for Apple
20. SocialSell
SocialSell has a variety of listings in many areas in the U.S. Their website isn’t worth heading to at this writing; the apps have all the information you need for buying and selling.
Men’s apparel
Women’s apparel
Household and yard
Children and kids
Collectibles and memorabilia
Sports and fitness
And more. Like Craigslist there are no listing or selling fees. Mandatory user profiles help keep sellers and buyers safe.
Get the App:
SocialSell for Android
SocialSell for Apple
21. Vinted
With Vinted you can sell or buy used second-hand wardrobe items such as shoes, clothes, and accessories. There’s no cost to list or sell with Vinted, and like many other selling sites these days, users have to create a profile in order to enhance safety and security.
Women’s clothing, shoes and accessories
Men’s items
You can meet up in person if you find a local buyer, or ship and get payment via PayPal.
Get the App:
Vinted for Android
Vinted for Apple
22. Shpock
Shpock helps you buy and sell things in your local area. There are no listing fees or selling fees and the app makes listing your items and communicating with potential buyers easy.
Get the App:
Shpock for Android
Shpock for Apple
23. Pxsell
Pxsell is the “easiest way” to sell your stuff, according to its app site. Just snap a picture, enter a few details and you’re done. This app focuses on selling in your local area and helping you designate a meet up with sellers.
You won’t pay listing or selling fees with Pxsell.
Video games
Baby and kids
Pxsell requires community profiles for users in order to help ensure safety for buyers and sellers.
Get the App:
Pxsell for Android
Pxsell for Apple
Don’t Get Ripped Off (Here’s How)
Now that we’ve shared some of the more popular apps for selling stuff online, I want to take just a few minutes to talk about online selling and buying safety.
The world is full of con artists and other unsavory people, and it’s important to make sure you’re ahead of the game when it comes to online scammers in the selling and buying marketplace. Here are some tips that I’ve found helpful when it comes to avoiding selling scams.
We’ve not been the direct victim of a scam when selling stuff online, but that’s only because we’ve educated ourselves on what to look for to avoid getting ripped off.
Selling stuff online can be daunting, intimidating and sometimes frustrating. One time when we were selling a fishing boat, a guy got super angry at us because we had several potential buyers on the line and wouldn’t hold the boat for him until he got off work.
Another time we were selling some used furniture and a gal said she’d show up but never did. When I contacted her to ask why, she said “Oh, it was raining and I didn’t feel like going.” No phone call – nothing. She just didn’t show!
Just recently we listed a snow plow for sale. My husband got a weird text from a guy who offered to pay us over and above what we were asking if we’d accept a PayPal payment, and that he’d send his “agent” to pick up the several hundred pound plow. Sounds fishy, right?
Here are some things you can do to protect yourself as you sell your stuff online.
Don’t Deviate From Normal Payment Options
Most sites have you pay one of a couple of different ways: you can meet in person and accept cash or a cashier’s check, or you can accept a PayPal payment if you’re shipping an item.
When selling something and meeting a person directly we only accept cash – never a personal check or money order. We will accept a cashier’s check for big ticket items, but we always call and verify with the bank it’s issued off of first.
Have a First Come, First Served Rule
Don’t offer to hold items for people that may never show up unless you have a good and valid reason to do so. Holding items puts you at risk for losing out on selling your item.
If someone wants your item bad enough they’ll find a way to make it there quickly.
Beware of Giving Second Chances
If someone doesn’t show up or doesn’t do what they’ve promised, be wary. In our case with the lady who wanted to buy our furniture but never showed up, she asked if she could come another time. We didn’t answer.
We like to follow the “Screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice, shame on me” mantra when selling stuff online. If someone disses us once we won’t give them a chance to do it again.
Meet Up with Potential Buyers in a Public Place if Possible
We don’t follow this rule always, but many times we’ll meet buyers at a central location as long as it’s somewhere with a lot of traffic, such as across the street from the local police department or at a big box store such as Walmart.
It’s important to not put yourself in a situation where you’re in an isolated area with strangers.
Never Meet Up with Buyers Alone
Always bring somebody along if you’re meeting up with potential buyers too. I don’t recommend ever going alone, simply for safety reasons.
Always Tell Somebody When You’re Meeting Up with a Potential Buyer
When you’re meeting up with a potential buyer – whether alone or with somebody else – always, always leave information about where you’re going, who you’re meeting (leave the contact info you’ve been using to communicate with them), what you’re doing and when you expect to be back.
Tell your loved ones to call you and check in if you’re not back when you say you expect to be back. It probably wouldn’t hurt to bring pepper spray or some other item to protect yourself if need be too.
If Something Seems “Off”, Go With Your Gut
When you’re selling or buying something online and something seems off, it’s probably best to pull out of the deal. If someone is offering you way too much for an item, or is trying to finagle some weird payment arrangements other than what is typical, I’d bail on the deal.
There are many scam artists out there who offer to give you “this” if you’ll do “that” when you’re doing online selling and buying. For instance they’ll arrange for third-party payment, or send you over what you want and ask you to give them back the difference, or other similar odd types of requests.
These requests often come with a sob story that will play on your emotions in hopes that you’ll ignore the warning signs in an effort to help. Don’t fall for it. The world’s struggles are not all on your shoulders.
Stick to the rules and make sure you’re paid as promised with no goofy back and forth stuff. Selling stuff online can be a lucrative income source, especially if you’ve got a house full of unused stuff.
Just be sure to use selling sites and apps the way they are intended and keep a leg up on potential scam artists. This way you’ll maximize your income and make big strides toward reaching all of your financial goals and dreams.
As you can, there are so many options for you to sell your stuff online. Selling apps for both iOs and Android are picking up in popularity and people are looking beyond just eBay and Craigslist to buy your stuff. You can literally sell anything online. From cars, to selling refrigerators, to clothes and even old phones, you have money sitting in your house in the form of “stuff”.
What have you used to sell stuff online?
20+ Best Places to Sell Stuff Online and Paid Quickly published first on https://mysingaporepools.weebly.com/
0 notes
kennethherrerablog · 5 years
20+ Best Places to Sell Stuff Online and Paid Quickly
Are you trying to sell stuff online and get paid quickly?
One of the best ways to speed up the path to your financial success is by turning your stuff into cash. The good news, now is the best time to sell stuff online because there are so many free ways to sell right away.
Whether you looking to make extra money this month or you are simply trying to declutter your home, selling stuff online is the fastest way to turn your stuff into cash.
I’m always amazed at the process of buying and selling stuff. The myriad of items people buy and sell online and elsewhere are endless.  Buying direct from owners is a terrific way to get things you need and want at a discounted price.
And selling things you no longer need or want is a great way to de-clutter your house and bring in some serious extra cash. The list of things we’ve sold online is endless, from cars to clothes to toys to electronics.
Our Top Ways to Sell Stuff Online
With the ever-increasing popularity of smartphone apps and marketplace websites, buying and selling online is easier than ever. Here are our most popular smartphone apps and sites that can help you sell your stuff online and bring in some serious extra cash this month.
Table of Contents
Our Top Ways to Sell Stuff Online
1. BuybackBoss (Top cash for old phone)
2. OC Buyback
3. Decluttr
4. OfferUp
5. Amazon Seller Marketplace
6. Poshmark
7. 5miles
8. LetGo
9. OLX
10. Cash4Books
11. Trove Marketplace
12. Mercari
13. Dealo
14. Carousell
15. Depop
16. Tradyo
17. Varage Sale
18. Chairish
19. Wallapop
20. SocialSell
21. Vinted
22. Shpock
23. Pxsell
Don't Get Ripped Off (Here's How)
Don’t Deviate From Normal Payment Options
Have a First Come, First Served Rule
Beware of Giving Second Chances
Meet Up with Potential Buyers in a Public Place if Possible
Never Meet Up with Buyers Alone
Always Tell Somebody When You’re Meeting Up with a Potential Buyer
If Something Seems “Off”, Go With Your Gut
1. BuybackBoss (Top cash for old phone)
BuybackBoss is another great place to sell your old phone because they guarantee the MOST money when it comes to selling your old phone. However, you do have to prove it to them.
Since everyone today has a mobile phone, you probably also have an old phone lying around somewhere, right?
Turn that old phone into quick cash by getting the highest price for your old phone – guaranteed.
They have three simple steps when it comes to selling your old phone.
First it only takes 30 seconds or less to get your quote. Then, you simply ship your used phone for free and even track your shipment as well. Once your item is shipped, you get the choice of getting paid via check or through PayPal.
Also, if you do happen to find somewhere online that offers you a better price, you can simply send them an email (explanation on their website) with a link to the higher offer. Once they see the better offer, they will update your offer to beat their competitors and notify you once it’s ready to go.
With a Trustpilot rating of 4.8 out of 5 and the best-price guarantee, BuybackBoss is a no-brainer for selling your stuff online.
2. OC Buyback
OC Buyback is perfect if you have an iPod, tablet, Smartwatch, AppleTV or GoPro that you need to get rid of. Also, if you have are selling your old phone, definitely compare the price with BuybackBoss because of Buyback’s highest price guarantee.
It’s extremely simple to get started with OC Buyback. First you just need to select the device you are selling, ship your device for free (or drop off locally for free) and the get paid!
You can get paid via a mailed check (USPS First Class Mail) or get your money sent to your PayPal instantly (or up to 24 hours).
Also, there is no limit on how much you can sell on OC Buyback. Therefore, it may not be a bad idea to take some of that “junk” your friends are throwing away and turn that into some quick cash! 
OC Buyback currently has a Trust Pilot rating of 4.6 out of 5. Not quite as high as BuyBack Boss, but still worth taking a look at.
3. Decluttr
If you have other electronics besides a cell phone, Decluttr is one of the best ways to sell your unwanted stuff online. Here’s how it works:
First, you go to the Decluttr website to get the link for the free app and get a free instant evaluation of what you’re selling.
Once you accept their offer, simply put into a box for shipping and they will send you a pre-paid shipping label.
Next drop your package off at any UPS store, with any UPS driver, or with an authorized shipping dealer (you can search by your zipcode on their site)
As soon as Decluttr receives your package, they will pay you the very next day by Direct Deposit, PayPal, by Check, or they will even make a donation to a charity of your choice on your behalf!
Decluttr is also a really safe way to sell your items because you aren’t selling to other individuals. Instead, Decluttr buys your stuff directly and then resells it on their site.
Categories you can sell on Decluttr:
CDs and DVDs
Video games
Gaming systems
Apple products such as iPods, iPads and iPhones
Lego sets
I know. The Lego thing kind of threw you for a loop, didn’t it! It doesn’t really fit in with the other categories Decluttr sticks to, but apparently there’s a serious market for used Lego sets!
Get the App:
Decluttr for iPhone and Android
4. OfferUp
OfferUp lets you list and sell for free. It’s more of a “you’re on your own” site like Craigslist and LetGo, but is fairly popular and is well-organized. In my area it didn’t seem to have quite as many listings as LetGo, but still could be worth your effort when selling. After all, less listings often means less competition for the things you sell.
Arts and crafts
Cars and trucks
Auto parts
Baby and kids
Beauty and health
CDs and DVDs
Cell phones
Clothing and shoes
Games and toys
And many others as well, including Collectibles. You could sell in just about any category on this site.
Get the App
OfferUp for Android
OfferUp for Apple
5. Amazon Seller Marketplace
Amazon has a popular program for selling your stuff online. The Amazon Seller Marketplace allows you to sell a variety of items online, including used items in many categories, as well as new items you’ve made or bought at a discount.
Amazon devices and accessories
Kindle devices and accessories
Automotive and powersports parts, tools, equipment and accessories
Baby gear (new only, excluding clothing)
Beauty (new only)
Business products
Camera and photo
Cell phones
Clothing and accessories (new only)
Collectible coins
Fine art collectibles
Grocery and gourmet food (new only)
Handmade items (new only)
Health and personal care items (new only)
Historical and advertising types of collectibles
Home and garden
Industrial and scientific (new only)
Jewelry (new only)
Luggage and travel accessories (new only)
Musical instruments
Office products
And many more. Listing and selling fees apply, and the prices you’ll pay for selling stuff on Amazon vary based on how many items you plan on listing or selling in a given month and other criteria. For certain membership levels you’ll pay a monthly fee as well as individual listing and selling fees.
Given Amazon’s market share, the amount of exposure your items get could easily make up for the fees you may have to pay to sell.
Get the App:
Amazon Seller for Android
Amazon Seller for Apple
  Do you shop on Amazon? Here’s a list of companies that will pay you in the form of Amazon Gift Cards. 
  6. Poshmark
Poshmark lets you sell fashion clothing and accessories online. You can search by who you want to shop for (i.e. women, men or kids), by brand name, or by item (i.e. shorts, dresses, handbags, etc.).
When you sell an item on Poshmark, they’ll send you a prepaid shipping label to send it out. They charge a small commission based on the dollar amount of the transaction as well.
Women’s clothing
Men’s clothing
Kids’ clothing
Jewelry and accessories
Posh’s Posh Protect program, along with their customer service team, helps ensure you get authentic items when you buy, and that you get paid promptly when you sell.
Get the App:
Poshmark app for Android
Poshmark app for Apple
7. 5miles
The premise behind 5miles is that it will help you buy or sell anything within 5 miles of your location, but when I looked online I was relieved to see that they offered plenty of buying selections in a broader range, up to 40 miles or so away from where we live.
It’s free to list and sell on 5miles, just like it is on Craigslist and similar sites.
Cell phones
Women’s clothing and shoes
Electronics and computers
Baby and kids
Auto parts
Jewelry and watches
Sports and outdoors
Collectibles and art
Garage sales
You can search by category, by specific item or by city. This is an easy-to-use site that seems to be pretty popular in many large metropolitan areas.
Get the App:
5miles app for Android
5miles app for Apple
8. LetGo
LetGo uses your location to help you list stuff for sale online and find stuff you want to buy as well. It’s a free site like Craigslist and doesn’t charge any listing or selling fees.
Free stuff
Other vehicles and parts
Baby and child
Fashion and accessories
Movies, books and music
Sports, leisure and games
Home and garden
Not much more to know about LetGo. The site is super easy to use and seems to be increasing in popularity these days: I find more and more listings – at least for my somewhat major metropolitan area – as I browse on a weekly basis.
Get the App:
LetGo app for Android
LetGo app for Apple
  9. OLX
OLX helps millions around the world buy and sell things. They share listings from dozens of countries including the United States, India, Russia, the Philippines, South Africa, Portugal and many, many more.
There’s no cost to list or sell with OLX; this is a true free classified ads site.
Personal items
Electronics and appliances
Books, hobbies and sports
And more. Categories may vary based on the country you are browsing. NOTE: if you are visiting OLX’s United States site you will be redirected to Letgo.
Get the App:
OLX for Android
OLX for Apple
10. Cash4Books
Cash4Books buys your used textbooks and other books. As with Decluttr, all you have to do is enter the ISBN (the number at the bottom of the barcode) of the book you’d like to sell and they’ll give you an offer price.
Once you’ve entered all of the ISBN numbers for the books you want to sell, and accepted the Cash4Books offer prices, they’ll send you a free prepaid shipping label that you can use to pack up and send your books to them.
After they’ve received the books and had a chance to assess their condition, etc., they’ll send you your earnings via PayPal. The site says that on average it takes about two weeks from the time you click “Sell my books” until the time you get your cash via PayPal.
Although the site buys all types of books, it looks as if the biggest payouts come from up-to-date used college textbooks.
If you’re a recent college graduate, know someone who is or can find newer versions of college textbooks at garage sales, this could be a great way to make some cash.
Get the App:
Cash4Books for Android
Cash4Books for Apple
11. Trove Marketplace
Trove Marketplace focuses on buying and selling vintage furniture and decor items. You can browse via keyword, or go straight to cities near you where items are for sale.
Trove Marketplace isn’t in every major metropolitan city, however you could offer for items you’re selling to be shipped if you want to appeal to buyers outside of your area. Current cities with Trove listings include:
Los Angeles
New York
San Francisco
Washington DC
More cities may be added by the time you’re reading this.
Note: there is a selling fee for selling your items on this site. At the time of this writing the Trove Marketplace website showed it to be 10%.
Get the App:
Trove Marketplace for Android
Trove Marketplace for Apple
12. Mercari
Mercari allows you to sell your stuff online without any listing fees. However, you will pay a selling fee of 10% of the listing price, so be sure to price carefully. In other words, if you list something for $100 and a buyer bargains you down to $50, you’re still paying Mercari a $10 selling fee.
If you end up selling to a buyer who wants an item shipped to them, Mercari will help you do that by offering to print (and charge you for) a shipping label, or you can ship on your own.
The “other category” can include a variety of items such as automotive (they even had cars listed in addition to auto parts), daily and travel items, musical instruments, office supplies, pet supplies and more.
As I searched the site looked like they had many items for sale in all 50 states, which indicates Mercari is a well-known and well-used site.
Get the App:
Mercari for Android
Mercari for Apple
13. Dealo
Dealo touts itself as a “faster, safer way to buy and sell anything”. The site itself has very little information about how Dealo works, who is using it and where or what the fees are. Categories are not listed either, however the site states you can register, list or buy within 30 seconds.
Get the App:
Dealo for Android
Dealo for Apple
14. Carousell
Carousell helps connect buyers and sellers by listing things people want to sell and coordinating groups based on similar interests.
You can browse the listings via the home page or the specific category you’re selling or buying in, or you can search via location. No listing or selling fees; you just meet up with your seller or chat online to arrange trade of money for your item.
For him
For her
Furniture and home
Kitchen and appliances
Beauty products
Design and craft
Baby and kids
Bicycles and bicycle parts
Outdoors and gardening
Musical instruments
Games and toys
It’s fast and easy to list on Carousell with their app.
Get the App:
Carousell for Android
Carousell for Apple
15. Depop
Depop is sort of an online flea market type of a site. Lots of fun vintage items on this site. Browsing through the listings was like taking a serious step back in time and was really fun. You use the app to buy and sell, and there are no fees or commissions paid.
There are no specific categories listed; the site just says “Find something that means something”. Most of the listings that I found on the site were clothing and accessory type items such as shirts, hats, jeans, jewelry, etc.
Most of the sellers on the site listed shipping fees to appeal to those who were buying from out of the area. The site is pretty simple and easy to use with the app, so if you have some cool, different or vintage clothing or accessories, this could be the way to go.
Get the App:
Depop for Android
Depop for Apple
16. Tradyo
Tradyo helps people buy and sell right in their local area. The site seems to be European based, however there were plenty of listings in my major metropolitan area in the U.S. Listings are free, and you can use instant chat to connect with potential buyers.
I typed in my zip code and found several items available for sale nearby. Then, just for fun I typed “90210” in the search bar (the only out-of-state zip code I know off the top of my head; yeah, I know – I’m dating myself), and there were a lot of listings for that area as well.
Art, antiques and collectibles
Autos, cars and other vehicles
Baby and kids
Books and comics
Car accessories and parts
Clothing and fashion
Electronics, cell phones and cameras
Free stuff
Gaming consoles and games
Garage sales
Health and beauty
Home and furniture
Sporting goods and exercise
Tools and equipment
Lots of categories to choose from, and Tradyo is a site that is easy to use.
Get the App:
Tradyo on Android
Tradyo on Apple
17. Varage Sale
With Varage Sale you can list your items for sale and then meet up with buyers in your neighborhood. There are no categories listed for searching on this site, but there is a search bar that allows you to enter what you may be looking for, along with your location so you can find items near your home or work.
You need to sign up with Facebook or an email account so they can verify who you are – all buyers and sellers have to go through a verification process before they’re approved to buy or sell on the site.
In other words, you can browse the site’s listings, but both buyers and sellers need to sign up in order to get access to contact others within the site. This is a safety precaution that many buying and selling sites are implementing these days.
No listing or selling fees and no charge to bump your listing to the top of the site. A great alternative to the traditional garage sale.
Get the App:
Varage Sale for Android
Varage Sale for Apple
18. Chairish
Chairish is an online consignment store where you can sell used items in a number of categories. The site says it takes less than two minutes to list your item, and that you take home 80% of the sale price.
That’s a much higher percentage than what many brick-and-mortar consignment shops will offer to pay you since they have to cover space rental costs and employee pay and benefits.
You can sell items on Chairish to local people or ship the items out of state. Chairish helps you organize shipping arrangements too. This could be a good venue for you if you have lots of art deco or vintage items for the home.
Art and mirrors
And more. Listing is free, the site has great tips on how to take the best photos to sell your item, and they have 24/7 customer service support as well.
Get the App:
Chairish for Android: No Chairish app for Android users as of yet
Chairish for Apple
19. Wallapop
Wallapop offers free local classified ads for you to sell your stuff on. Kind of like other flea market or classifieds apps, you simply use your app to write a short description and name your price.
Sellers figure out a plan for meeting up with buyers to exchange money and products, whether it’s meeting up in your local area or arranging shipping.
Get the App:
Wallapop for Android
Wallapop for Apple
20. SocialSell
SocialSell has a variety of listings in many areas in the U.S. Their website isn’t worth heading to at this writing; the apps have all the information you need for buying and selling.
Men’s apparel
Women’s apparel
Household and yard
Children and kids
Collectibles and memorabilia
Sports and fitness
And more. Like Craigslist there are no listing or selling fees. Mandatory user profiles help keep sellers and buyers safe.
Get the App:
SocialSell for Android
SocialSell for Apple
21. Vinted
With Vinted you can sell or buy used second-hand wardrobe items such as shoes, clothes, and accessories. There’s no cost to list or sell with Vinted, and like many other selling sites these days, users have to create a profile in order to enhance safety and security.
Women’s clothing, shoes and accessories
Men’s items
You can meet up in person if you find a local buyer, or ship and get payment via PayPal.
Get the App:
Vinted for Android
Vinted for Apple
22. Shpock
Shpock helps you buy and sell things in your local area. There are no listing fees or selling fees and the app makes listing your items and communicating with potential buyers easy.
Get the App:
Shpock for Android
Shpock for Apple
23. Pxsell
Pxsell is the “easiest way” to sell your stuff, according to its app site. Just snap a picture, enter a few details and you’re done. This app focuses on selling in your local area and helping you designate a meet up with sellers.
You won’t pay listing or selling fees with Pxsell.
Video games
Baby and kids
Pxsell requires community profiles for users in order to help ensure safety for buyers and sellers.
Get the App:
Pxsell for Android
Pxsell for Apple
Don’t Get Ripped Off (Here’s How)
Now that we’ve shared some of the more popular apps for selling stuff online, I want to take just a few minutes to talk about online selling and buying safety.
The world is full of con artists and other unsavory people, and it’s important to make sure you’re ahead of the game when it comes to online scammers in the selling and buying marketplace. Here are some tips that I’ve found helpful when it comes to avoiding selling scams.
We’ve not been the direct victim of a scam when selling stuff online, but that’s only because we’ve educated ourselves on what to look for to avoid getting ripped off.
Selling stuff online can be daunting, intimidating and sometimes frustrating. One time when we were selling a fishing boat, a guy got super angry at us because we had several potential buyers on the line and wouldn’t hold the boat for him until he got off work.
Another time we were selling some used furniture and a gal said she’d show up but never did. When I contacted her to ask why, she said “Oh, it was raining and I didn’t feel like going.” No phone call – nothing. She just didn’t show!
Just recently we listed a snow plow for sale. My husband got a weird text from a guy who offered to pay us over and above what we were asking if we’d accept a PayPal payment, and that he’d send his “agent” to pick up the several hundred pound plow. Sounds fishy, right?
Here are some things you can do to protect yourself as you sell your stuff online.
Don’t Deviate From Normal Payment Options
Most sites have you pay one of a couple of different ways: you can meet in person and accept cash or a cashier’s check, or you can accept a PayPal payment if you’re shipping an item.
When selling something and meeting a person directly we only accept cash – never a personal check or money order. We will accept a cashier’s check for big ticket items, but we always call and verify with the bank it’s issued off of first.
Have a First Come, First Served Rule
Don’t offer to hold items for people that may never show up unless you have a good and valid reason to do so. Holding items puts you at risk for losing out on selling your item.
If someone wants your item bad enough they’ll find a way to make it there quickly.
Beware of Giving Second Chances
If someone doesn’t show up or doesn’t do what they’ve promised, be wary. In our case with the lady who wanted to buy our furniture but never showed up, she asked if she could come another time. We didn’t answer.
We like to follow the “Screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice, shame on me” mantra when selling stuff online. If someone disses us once we won’t give them a chance to do it again.
Meet Up with Potential Buyers in a Public Place if Possible
We don’t follow this rule always, but many times we’ll meet buyers at a central location as long as it’s somewhere with a lot of traffic, such as across the street from the local police department or at a big box store such as Walmart.
It’s important to not put yourself in a situation where you’re in an isolated area with strangers.
Never Meet Up with Buyers Alone
Always bring somebody along if you’re meeting up with potential buyers too. I don’t recommend ever going alone, simply for safety reasons.
Always Tell Somebody When You’re Meeting Up with a Potential Buyer
When you’re meeting up with a potential buyer – whether alone or with somebody else – always, always leave information about where you’re going, who you’re meeting (leave the contact info you’ve been using to communicate with them), what you’re doing and when you expect to be back.
Tell your loved ones to call you and check in if you’re not back when you say you expect to be back. It probably wouldn’t hurt to bring pepper spray or some other item to protect yourself if need be too.
If Something Seems “Off”, Go With Your Gut
When you’re selling or buying something online and something seems off, it’s probably best to pull out of the deal. If someone is offering you way too much for an item, or is trying to finagle some weird payment arrangements other than what is typical, I’d bail on the deal.
There are many scam artists out there who offer to give you “this�� if you’ll do “that” when you’re doing online selling and buying. For instance they’ll arrange for third-party payment, or send you over what you want and ask you to give them back the difference, or other similar odd types of requests.
These requests often come with a sob story that will play on your emotions in hopes that you’ll ignore the warning signs in an effort to help. Don’t fall for it. The world’s struggles are not all on your shoulders.
Stick to the rules and make sure you’re paid as promised with no goofy back and forth stuff. Selling stuff online can be a lucrative income source, especially if you’ve got a house full of unused stuff.
Just be sure to use selling sites and apps the way they are intended and keep a leg up on potential scam artists. This way you’ll maximize your income and make big strides toward reaching all of your financial goals and dreams.
As you can, there are so many options for you to sell your stuff online. Selling apps for both iOs and Android are picking up in popularity and people are looking beyond just eBay and Craigslist to buy your stuff. You can literally sell anything online. From cars, to selling refrigerators, to clothes and even old phones, you have money sitting in your house in the form of “stuff”.
What have you used to sell stuff online?
20+ Best Places to Sell Stuff Online and Paid Quickly published first on https://justinbetreviews.tumblr.com/
0 notes
kennethherrerablog · 5 years
20+ Best Places to Sell Stuff Online and Paid Quickly
Are you trying to sell stuff online and get paid quickly?
One of the best ways to speed up the path to your financial success is by turning your stuff into cash. The good news, now is the best time to sell stuff online because there are so many free ways to sell right away.
Whether you looking to make extra money this month or you are simply trying to declutter your home, selling stuff online is the fastest way to turn your stuff into cash.
I’m always amazed at the process of buying and selling stuff. The myriad of items people buy and sell online and elsewhere are endless.  Buying direct from owners is a terrific way to get things you need and want at a discounted price.
And selling things you no longer need or want is a great way to de-clutter your house and bring in some serious extra cash. The list of things we’ve sold online is endless, from cars to clothes to toys to electronics.
Our Top Ways to Sell Stuff Online
With the ever-increasing popularity of smartphone apps and marketplace websites, buying and selling online is easier than ever. Here are our most popular smartphone apps and sites that can help you sell your stuff online and bring in some serious extra cash this month.
1. OC Buyback
OC Buyback is perfect if you have an iPod, tablet, Smartwatch, AppleTV or GoPro that you need to get rid of. Also, if you have are selling your old phone, definitely compare the price with BuybackBoss because of Buyback’s highest price guarantee.
It’s extremely simple to get started with OC Buyback. First you just need to select the device you are selling, ship your device for free (or drop off locally for free) and the get paid!
You can get paid via a mailed check (USPS First Class Mail) or get your money sent to your PayPal instantly (or up to 24 hours).
Also, there is no limit on how much you can sell on OC Buyback. Therefore, it may not be a bad idea to take some of that “junk” your friends are throwing away and turn that into some quick cash! 
  2. BuybackBoss (Top cash for old phone)
BuybackBoss is another great place to sell your old phone because they guarantee the MOST money when it comes to selling your old phone. However, you do have to prove it to them.
Since everyone today has a mobile phone, you probably also have an old phone lying around somewhere, right?
Turn that old phone into quick cash by getting the highest price for your old phone – guaranteed.
They have three simple steps when it comes to selling your old phone.
First it only takes 30 seconds or less to get your quote. Then, you simply ship your used phone for free and even track your shipment as well. Once your item is shipped, you get the choice of getting paid via check or through PayPal.
Also, if you do happen to find somewhere online that offers you a better price, you can simply send them an email (explanation on their website) with a link to the higher offer. Once they see the better offer, they will update your offer to beat their competitors and notify you once it’s ready to go.
With a Trustpilot rating of 9.6 out of 10 and the best-price guarantee, BuybackBoss is a no-brainer for selling your stuff online.
3. Decluttr
If you have other electronics besides a cell phone, Decluttr is one of the best ways to sell your unwanted stuff online. Here’s how it works:
First, you go to the Decluttr website to get the link for the free app and get a free instant evaluation of what you’re selling.
Once you accept their offer, simply put into a box for shipping and they will send you a pre-paid shipping label.
Next drop your package off at any UPS store, with any UPS driver, or with an authorized shipping dealer (you can search by your zipcode on their site)
As soon as Decluttr receives your package, they will pay you the very next day by Direct Deposit, PayPal, by Check, or they will even make a donation to a charity of your choice on your behalf!
Decluttr is also a really safe way to sell your items because you aren’t selling to other individuals. Instead, Decluttr buys your stuff directly and then resells it on their site.
Categories you can sell on Decluttr:
CDs and DVDs
Video games
Gaming systems
Apple products such as iPods, iPads and iPhones
Lego sets
I know. The Lego thing kind of threw you for a loop, didn’t it! It doesn’t really fit in with the other categories Decluttr sticks to, but apparently there’s a serious market for used Lego sets!
Get the App:
Decluttr for iPhone and Android
4. OfferUp
OfferUp lets you list and sell for free. It’s more of a “you’re on your own” site like Craigslist and LetGo, but is fairly popular and is well-organized. In my area it didn’t seem to have quite as many listings as LetGo, but still could be worth your effort when selling. After all, less listings often means less competition for the things you sell.
Arts and crafts
Cars and trucks
Auto parts
Baby and kids
Beauty and health
CDs and DVDs
Cell phones
Clothing and shoes
Games and toys
And many others as well, including Collectibles. You could sell in just about any category on this site.
Get the App
OfferUp for Android
OfferUp for Apple
5. Amazon Seller Marketplace
Amazon has a popular program for selling your stuff online. The Amazon Seller Marketplace allows you to sell a variety of items online, including used items in many categories, as well as new items you’ve made or bought at a discount.
Amazon devices and accessories
Kindle devices and accessories
Automotive and powersports parts, tools, equipment and accessories
Baby gear (new only, excluding clothing)
Beauty (new only)
Business products
Camera and photo
Cell phones
Clothing and accessories (new only)
Collectible coins
Fine art collectibles
Grocery and gourmet food (new only)
Handmade items (new only)
Health and personal care items (new only)
Historical and advertising types of collectibles
Home and garden
Industrial and scientific (new only)
Jewelry (new only)
Luggage and travel accessories (new only)
Musical instruments
Office products
And many more. Listing and selling fees apply, and the prices you’ll pay for selling stuff on Amazon vary based on how many items you plan on listing or selling in a given month and other criteria. For certain membership levels you’ll pay a monthly fee as well as individual listing and selling fees.
Given Amazon’s market share, the amount of exposure your items get could easily make up for the fees you may have to pay to sell.
Get the App:
Amazon Seller for Android
Amazon Seller for Apple
  Do you shop on Amazon? Here’s a list of companies that will pay you in the form of Amazon Gift Cards. 
  6. Poshmark
Poshmark lets you sell fashion clothing and accessories online. You can search by who you want to shop for (i.e. women, men or kids), by brand name, or by item (i.e. shorts, dresses, handbags, etc.).
When you sell an item on Poshmark, they’ll send you a prepaid shipping label to send it out. They charge a small commission based on the dollar amount of the transaction as well.
Women’s clothing
Men’s clothing
Kids’ clothing
Jewelry and accessories
Posh’s Posh Protect program, along with their customer service team, helps ensure you get authentic items when you buy, and that you get paid promptly when you sell.
Get the App:
Poshmark app for Android
Poshmark app for Apple
7. 5miles
The premise behind 5miles is that it will help you buy or sell anything within 5 miles of your location, but when I looked online I was relieved to see that they offered plenty of buying selections in a broader range, up to 40 miles or so away from where we live.
It’s free to list and sell on 5miles, just like it is on Craigslist and similar sites.
Cell phones
Women’s clothing and shoes
Electronics and computers
Baby and kids
Auto parts
Jewelry and watches
Sports and outdoors
Collectibles and art
Garage sales
You can search by category, by specific item or by city. This is an easy-to-use site that seems to be pretty popular in many large metropolitan areas.
Get the App:
5miles app for Android
5miles app for Apple
8. LetGo
LetGo uses your location to help you list stuff for sale online and find stuff you want to buy as well. It’s a free site like Craigslist and doesn’t charge any listing or selling fees.
Free stuff
Other vehicles and parts
Baby and child
Fashion and accessories
Movies, books and music
Sports, leisure and games
Home and garden
Not much more to know about LetGo. The site is super easy to use and seems to be increasing in popularity these days: I find more and more listings – at least for my somewhat major metropolitan area – as I browse on a weekly basis.
Get the App:
LetGo app for Android
LetGo app for Apple
  9. OLX
OLX helps millions around the world buy and sell things. They share listings from dozens of countries including the United States, India, Russia, the Philippines, South Africa, Portugal and many, many more.
There’s no cost to list or sell with OLX; this is a true free classified ads site.
Personal items
Electronics and appliances
Books, hobbies and sports
And more. Categories may vary based on the country you are browsing. NOTE: if you are visiting OLX’s United States site you will be redirected to Letgo.
Get the App:
OLX for Android
OLX for Apple
10. Cash4Books
Cash4Books buys your used textbooks and other books. As with Decluttr, all you have to do is enter the ISBN (the number at the bottom of the barcode) of the book you’d like to sell and they’ll give you an offer price.
Once you’ve entered all of the ISBN numbers for the books you want to sell, and accepted the Cash4Books offer prices, they’ll send you a free prepaid shipping label that you can use to pack up and send your books to them.
After they’ve received the books and had a chance to assess their condition, etc., they’ll send you your earnings via PayPal. The site says that on average it takes about two weeks from the time you click “Sell my books” until the time you get your cash via PayPal.
Although the site buys all types of books, it looks as if the biggest payouts come from up-to-date used college textbooks.
If you’re a recent college graduate, know someone who is or can find newer versions of college textbooks at garage sales, this could be a great way to make some cash.
Get the App:
Cash4Books for Android
Cash4Books for Apple
11. Trove Marketplace
Trove Marketplace focuses on buying and selling vintage furniture and decor items. You can browse via keyword, or go straight to cities near you where items are for sale.
Trove Marketplace isn’t in every major metropolitan city, however you could offer for items you’re selling to be shipped if you want to appeal to buyers outside of your area. Current cities with Trove listings include:
Los Angeles
New York
San Francisco
Washington DC
More cities may be added by the time you’re reading this.
Note: there is a selling fee for selling your items on this site. At the time of this writing the Trove Marketplace website showed it to be 10%.
Get the App:
Trove Marketplace for Android
Trove Marketplace for Apple
12. Mercari
Mercari allows you to sell your stuff online without any listing fees. However, you will pay a selling fee of 10% of the listing price, so be sure to price carefully. In other words, if you list something for $100 and a buyer bargains you down to $50, you’re still paying Mercari a $10 selling fee.
If you end up selling to a buyer who wants an item shipped to them, Mercari will help you do that by offering to print (and charge you for) a shipping label, or you can ship on your own.
The “other category” can include a variety of items such as automotive (they even had cars listed in addition to auto parts), daily and travel items, musical instruments, office supplies, pet supplies and more.
As I searched the site looked like they had many items for sale in all 50 states, which indicates Mercari is a well-known and well-used site.
Get the App:
Mercari for Android
Mercari for Apple
13. Dealo
Dealo touts itself as a “faster, safer way to buy and sell anything”. The site itself has very little information about how Dealo works, who is using it and where or what the fees are. Categories are not listed either, however the site states you can register, list or buy within 30 seconds.
Get the App:
Dealo for Android
Dealo for Apple
14. Carousell
Carousell helps connect buyers and sellers by listing things people want to sell and coordinating groups based on similar interests.
You can browse the listings via the home page or the specific category you’re selling or buying in, or you can search via location. No listing or selling fees; you just meet up with your seller or chat online to arrange trade of money for your item.
For him
For her
Furniture and home
Kitchen and appliances
Beauty products
Design and craft
Baby and kids
Bicycles and bicycle parts
Outdoors and gardening
Musical instruments
Games and toys
It’s fast and easy to list on Carousell with their app.
Get the App:
Carousell for Android
Carousell for Apple
15. Depop
Depop is sort of an online flea market type of a site. Lots of fun vintage items on this site. Browsing through the listings was like taking a serious step back in time and was really fun. You use the app to buy and sell, and there are no fees or commissions paid.
There are no specific categories listed; the site just says “Find something that means something”. Most of the listings that I found on the site were clothing and accessory type items such as shirts, hats, jeans, jewelry, etc.
Most of the sellers on the site listed shipping fees to appeal to those who were buying from out of the area. The site is pretty simple and easy to use with the app, so if you have some cool, different or vintage clothing or accessories, this could be the way to go.
Get the App:
Depop for Android
Depop for Apple
16. Tradyo
Tradyo helps people buy and sell right in their local area. The site seems to be European based, however there were plenty of listings in my major metropolitan area in the U.S. Listings are free, and you can use instant chat to connect with potential buyers.
I typed in my zip code and found several items available for sale nearby. Then, just for fun I typed “90210” in the search bar (the only out-of-state zip code I know off the top of my head; yeah, I know – I’m dating myself), and there were a lot of listings for that area as well.
Art, antiques and collectibles
Autos, cars and other vehicles
Baby and kids
Books and comics
Car accessories and parts
Clothing and fashion
Electronics, cell phones and cameras
Free stuff
Gaming consoles and games
Garage sales
Health and beauty
Home and furniture
Sporting goods and exercise
Tools and equipment
Lots of categories to choose from, and Tradyo is a site that is easy to use.
Get the App:
Tradyo on Android
Tradyo on Apple
17. Varage Sale
With Varage Sale you can list your items for sale and then meet up with buyers in your neighborhood. There are no categories listed for searching on this site, but there is a search bar that allows you to enter what you may be looking for, along with your location so you can find items near your home or work.
You need to sign up with Facebook or an email account so they can verify who you are – all buyers and sellers have to go through a verification process before they’re approved to buy or sell on the site.
In other words, you can browse the site’s listings, but both buyers and sellers need to sign up in order to get access to contact others within the site. This is a safety precaution that many buying and selling sites are implementing these days.
No listing or selling fees and no charge to bump your listing to the top of the site. A great alternative to the traditional garage sale.
Get the App:
Varage Sale for Android
Varage Sale for Apple
18. Chairish
Chairish is an online consignment store where you can sell used items in a number of categories. The site says it takes less than two minutes to list your item, and that you take home 80% of the sale price.
That’s a much higher percentage than what many brick-and-mortar consignment shops will offer to pay you since they have to cover space rental costs and employee pay and benefits.
You can sell items on Chairish to local people or ship the items out of state. Chairish helps you organize shipping arrangements too. This could be a good venue for you if you have lots of art deco or vintage items for the home.
Art and mirrors
And more. Listing is free, the site has great tips on how to take the best photos to sell your item, and they have 24/7 customer service support as well.
Get the App:
Chairish for Android: No Chairish app for Android users as of yet
Chairish for Apple
19. Wallapop
Wallapop offers free local classified ads for you to sell your stuff on. Kind of like other flea market or classifieds apps, you simply use your app to write a short description and name your price.
Sellers figure out a plan for meeting up with buyers to exchange money and products, whether it’s meeting up in your local area or arranging shipping.
Get the App:
Wallapop for Android
Wallapop for Apple
20. SocialSell
SocialSell has a variety of listings in many areas in the U.S. Their website isn’t worth heading to at this writing; the apps have all the information you need for buying and selling.
Men’s apparel
Women’s apparel
Household and yard
Children and kids
Collectibles and memorabilia
Sports and fitness
And more. Like Craigslist there are no listing or selling fees. Mandatory user profiles help keep sellers and buyers safe.
Get the App:
SocialSell for Android
SocialSell for Apple
21. Vinted
With Vinted you can sell or buy used second-hand wardrobe items such as shoes, clothes, and accessories. There’s no cost to list or sell with Vinted, and like many other selling sites these days, users have to create a profile in order to enhance safety and security.
Women’s clothing, shoes and accessories
Men’s items
You can meet up in person if you find a local buyer, or ship and get payment via PayPal.
Get the App:
Vinted for Android
Vinted for Apple
22. Shpock
Shpock helps you buy and sell things in your local area. There are no listing fees or selling fees and the app makes listing your items and communicating with potential buyers easy.
Get the App:
Shpock for Android
Shpock for Apple
23. Pxsell
Pxsell is the “easiest way” to sell your stuff, according to its app site. Just snap a picture, enter a few details and you’re done. This app focuses on selling in your local area and helping you designate a meet up with sellers.
You won’t pay listing or selling fees with Pxsell.
Video games
Baby and kids
Pxsell requires community profiles for users in order to help ensure safety for buyers and sellers.
Get the App:
Pxsell for Android
Pxsell for Apple
Don’t Get Ripped Off (Here’s How)
Now that we’ve shared some of the more popular apps for selling stuff online, I want to take just a few minutes to talk about online selling and buying safety.
The world is full of con artists and other unsavory people, and it’s important to make sure you’re ahead of the game when it comes to online scammers in the selling and buying marketplace. Here are some tips that I’ve found helpful when it comes to avoiding selling scams.
We’ve not been the direct victim of a scam when selling stuff online, but that’s only because we’ve educated ourselves on what to look for to avoid getting ripped off.
Selling stuff online can be daunting, intimidating and sometimes frustrating. One time when we were selling a fishing boat, a guy got super angry at us because we had several potential buyers on the line and wouldn’t hold the boat for him until he got off work.
Another time we were selling some used furniture and a gal said she’d show up but never did. When I contacted her to ask why, she said “Oh, it was raining and I didn’t feel like going.” No phone call – nothing. She just didn’t show!
Just recently we listed a snow plow for sale. My husband got a weird text from a guy who offered to pay us over and above what we were asking if we’d accept a PayPal payment, and that he’d send his “agent” to pick up the several hundred pound plow. Sounds fishy, right?
Here are some things you can do to protect yourself as you sell your stuff online.
Don’t Deviate From Normal Payment Options
Most sites have you pay one of a couple of different ways: you can meet in person and accept cash or a cashier’s check, or you can accept a PayPal payment if you’re shipping an item.
When selling something and meeting a person directly we only accept cash – never a personal check or money order. We will accept a cashier’s check for big ticket items, but we always call and verify with the bank it’s issued off of first.
Have a First Come, First Served Rule
Don’t offer to hold items for people that may never show up unless you have a good and valid reason to do so. Holding items puts you at risk for losing out on selling your item.
If someone wants your item bad enough they’ll find a way to make it there quickly.
Beware of Giving Second Chances
If someone doesn’t show up or doesn’t do what they’ve promised, be wary. In our case with the lady who wanted to buy our furniture but never showed up, she asked if she could come another time. We didn’t answer.
We like to follow the “Screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice, shame on me” mantra when selling stuff online. If someone disses us once we won’t give them a chance to do it again.
Meet Up with Potential Buyers in a Public Place if Possible
We don’t follow this rule always, but many times we’ll meet buyers at a central location as long as it’s somewhere with a lot of traffic, such as across the street from the local police department or at a big box store such as Walmart.
It’s important to not put yourself in a situation where you’re in an isolated area with strangers.
Never Meet Up with Buyers Alone
Always bring somebody along if you’re meeting up with potential buyers too. I don’t recommend ever going alone, simply for safety reasons.
Always Tell Somebody When You’re Meeting Up with a Potential Buyer
When you’re meeting up with a potential buyer – whether alone or with somebody else – always, always leave information about where you’re going, who you’re meeting (leave the contact info you’ve been using to communicate with them), what you’re doing and when you expect to be back.
Tell your loved ones to call you and check in if you’re not back when you say you expect to be back. It probably wouldn’t hurt to bring pepper spray or some other item to protect yourself if need be too.
If Something Seems “Off”, Go With Your Gut
When you’re selling or buying something online and something seems off, it’s probably best to pull out of the deal. If someone is offering you way too much for an item, or is trying to finagle some weird payment arrangements other than what is typical, I’d bail on the deal.
There are many scam artists out there who offer to give you “this” if you’ll do “that” when you’re doing online selling and buying. For instance they’ll arrange for third-party payment, or send you over what you want and ask you to give them back the difference, or other similar odd types of requests.
These requests often come with a sob story that will play on your emotions in hopes that you’ll ignore the warning signs in an effort to help. Don’t fall for it. The world’s struggles are not all on your shoulders.
Stick to the rules and make sure you’re paid as promised with no goofy back and forth stuff. Selling stuff online can be a lucrative income source, especially if you’ve got a house full of unused stuff.
Just be sure to use selling sites and apps the way they are intended and keep a leg up on potential scam artists. This way you’ll maximize your income and make big strides toward reaching all of your financial goals and dreams.
As you can, there are so many options for you to sell your stuff online. Selling apps for both iOs and Android are picking up in popularity and people are looking beyond just eBay and Craigslist to buy your stuff. You can literally sell anything online. From cars, to selling refrigerators, to clothes and even old phones, you have money sitting in your house in the form of “stuff”.
What have you used to sell stuff online?
20+ Best Places to Sell Stuff Online and Paid Quickly published first on https://justinbetreviews.tumblr.com/
0 notes
kennethherrerablog · 5 years
21 Best Apps to Sell Your Stuff Online
One of the ways that Peach, myself and many other people reach financial goals such as paying off debt, saving for something important or working toward financial independence is to sell stuff.
I’m always amazed at the process of buying and selling stuff. The myriad of items people buy and sell online and elsewhere are endless. Buying direct from owners is a terrific way to get things you need and want at a discounted price.
And selling things you no longer need or want is a great way to declutter your house and bring in some serious extra cash. The list of things we’ve sold online is endless, from cars to clothes to toys to electronics.
Our Top Ways to Sell Stuff Online
With the ever-increasing popularity of smartphone apps, buying and selling online is easier than ever. Here are our top 21 popular smartphone apps that can help you sell your stuff online and potentially bring in some serious extra cash.
1. Decluttr
Decluttr is one of the best ways to sell your unwanted stuff online. Here’s how it works:
First, you go to the Decluttr website to get the link for the free app and get a free instant evaluation of what you’re selling.
Once you accept their offer, simply put into a box for shipping and they will send you a pre-paid shipping label.
Next drop your package off at any UPS store, with any UPS driver, or with an authorized shipping dealer (you can search by your zipcode on their site)
As soon as Decluttr receives your package, they will pay you the very next day by Direct Deposit, PayPal, by Check, or they will even make a donation to a charity of your choice on your behalf!
Decluttr is also a really safe way to sell your items because you aren’t selling to other individuals. Instead, Decluttr buys your stuff directly and then resells it on their site.
Categories you can sell on Decluttr:
CDs and DVDs
Video games
Gaming systems
Apple products such as iPods, iPads and iPhones
Lego sets
I know. The Lego thing kind of threw you for a loop, didn’t it! It doesn’t really fit in with the other categories Decluttr sticks to, but apparently there’s a serious market for used Lego sets!
Note: Decluttr will probably give you less money for your stuff than if you sell it to an individual, however you get an immediate offer price and get your money quickly – and you don’t have to meet anyone to make the exchange.
Get the App:
Decluttr for iPhone and Android
2. OfferUp
OfferUp lets you list and sell for free. It’s more of a “you’re on your own” site like Craigslist and LetGo, but is fairly popular and is well-organized. In my area it didn’t seem to have quite as many listings as LetGo, but still could be worth your effort when selling. After all, less listings often means less competition for the things you sell.
Arts and crafts
Cars and trucks
Auto parts
Baby and kids
Beauty and health
CDs and DVDs
Cell phones
Clothing and shoes
Games and toys
And many others as well, including Collectibles. You could sell in just about any category on this site.
Get the App
OfferUp for Android
OfferUp for Apple
3. Amazon Seller Marketplace
Amazon has a popular program for selling your stuff online. The Amazon Seller Marketplace allows you to sell a variety of items online, including used items in many categories, as well as new items you’ve made or bought at a discount.
Amazon devices and accessories
Kindle devices and accessories
Automotive and powersports parts, tools, equipment and accessories
Baby gear (new only, excluding clothing)
Beauty (new only)
Business products
Camera and photo
Cell phones
Clothing and accessories (new only)
Collectible coins
Fine art collectibles
Grocery and gourmet food (new only)
Handmade items (new only)
Health and personal care items (new only)
Historical and advertising types of collectibles
Home and garden
Industrial and scientific (new only)
Jewelry (new only)
Luggage and travel accessories (new only)
Musical instruments
Office products
And many more. Listing and selling fees apply, and the prices you’ll pay for selling stuff on Amazon vary based on how many items you plan on listing or selling in a given month and other criteria. For certain membership levels you’ll pay a monthly fee as well as individual listing and selling fees.
Given Amazon’s market share, the amount of exposure your items get could easily make up for the fees you may have to pay to sell.
Get the App:
Amazon Seller for Android
Amazon Seller for Apple
  Do you shop on Amazon? Here’s a list of companies that will pay you in the form of Amazon Gift Cards. Read the post here.
  4. Poshmark
Poshmark lets you sell fashion clothing and accessories online. You can search by who you want to shop for (i.e. women, men or kids), by brand name, or by item (i.e. shorts, dresses, handbags, etc.).
When you sell an item on Poshmark, they’ll send you a prepaid shipping label to send it out. They charge a small commission based on the dollar amount of the transaction as well.
Women’s clothing
Men’s clothing
Kids’ clothing
Jewelry and accessories
Posh’s Posh Protect program, along with their customer service team, helps ensure you get authentic items when you buy, and that you get paid promptly when you sell.
Get the App:
Poshmark app for Android
Poshmark app for Apple
5. 5miles
The premise behind 5miles is that it will help you buy or sell anything within 5 miles of your location, but when I looked online I was relieved to see that they offered plenty of buying selections in a broader range, up to 40 miles or so away from where we live.
It’s free to list and sell on 5miles, just like it is on Craigslist and similar sites.
Cell phones
Women’s clothing and shoes
Electronics and computers
Baby and kids
Auto parts
Jewelry and watches
Sports and outdoors
Collectibles and art
Garage sales
You can search by category, by specific item or by city. This is an easy-to-use site that seems to be pretty popular in many large metropolitan areas.
Get the App:
5miles app for Android
5miles app for Apple
6. LetGo
LetGo uses your location to help you list stuff for sale online and find stuff you want to buy as well. It’s a free site like Craigslist and doesn’t charge any listing or selling fees.
Free stuff
Other vehicles and parts
Baby and child
Fashion and accessories
Movies, books and music
Sports, leisure and games
Home and garden
Not much more to know about LetGo. The site is super easy to use and seems to be increasing in popularity these days: I find more and more listings – at least for my somewhat major metropolitan area – as I browse on a weekly basis.
Get the App:
LetGo app for Android
LetGo app for Apple
  Need a little extra money this month? How about a list of the top 84 Side Hustles that actually work? There are 84 of them – I promise you there is at least one for you. Read top 84 side hustles here.
  7. OLX
OLX helps millions around the world buy and sell things. They share listings from dozens of countries including the United States, India, Russia, the Philippines, South Africa, Portugal and many, many more.
There’s no cost to list or sell with OLX; this is a true free classified ads site.
Personal items
Electronics and appliances
Books, hobbies and sports
And more. Categories may vary based on the country you are browsing. NOTE: if you are visiting OLX’s United States site you will be redirected to Letgo.
Get the App:
OLX for Android
OLX for Apple
8. Cash4Books
Cash4Books buys your used textbooks and other books. As with Decluttr, all you have to do is enter the ISBN (the number at the bottom of the barcode) of the book you’d like to sell and they’ll give you an offer price.
Once you’ve entered all of the ISBN numbers for the books you want to sell, and accepted the Cash4Books offer prices, they’ll send you a free prepaid shipping label that you can use to pack up and send your books to them.
After they’ve received the books and had a chance to assess their condition, etc., they’ll send you your earnings via PayPal. The site says that on average it takes about two weeks from the time you click “Sell my books” until the time you get your cash via PayPal.
Although the site buys all types of books, it looks as if the biggest payouts come from up-to-date used college textbooks.
If you’re a recent college graduate, know someone who is or can find newer versions of college textbooks at garage sales, this could be a great way to make some cash.
Get the App:
Cash4Books for Android
Cash4Books for Apple
9. Trove Marketplace
Trove Marketplace focuses on buying and selling vintage furniture and decor items. You can browse via keyword, or go straight to cities near you where items are for sale.
Trove Marketplace isn’t in every major metropolitan city, however you could offer for items you’re selling to be shipped if you want to appeal to buyers outside of your area. Current cities with Trove listings include:
Los Angeles
New York
San Francisco
Washington DC
More cities may be added by the time you’re reading this.
Note: there is a selling fee for selling your items on this site. At the time of this writing the Trove Marketplace website showed it to be 10%.
Get the App:
Trove Marketplace for Android
Trove Marketplace for Apple
10. Mercari
Mercari allows you to sell your stuff online without any listing fees. However, you will pay a selling fee of 10% of the listing price, so be sure to price carefully. In other words, if you list something for $100 and a buyer bargains you down to $50, you’re still paying Mercari a $10 selling fee.
If you end up selling to a buyer who wants an item shipped to them, Mercari will help you do that by offering to print (and charge you for) a shipping label, or you can ship on your own.
The “other category” can include a variety of items such as automotive (they even had cars listed in addition to auto parts), daily and travel items, musical instruments, office supplies, pet supplies and more.
As I searched the site looked like they had many items for sale in all 50 states, which indicates Mercari is a well-known and well-used site.
Get the App:
Mercari for Android
Mercari for Apple
11. Dealo
Dealo touts itself as a “faster, safer way to buy and sell anything”. The site itself has very little information about how Dealo works, who is using it and where or what the fees are. Categories are not listed either, however the site states you can register, list or buy within 30 seconds.
Get the App:
Dealo for Android
Dealo for Apple
12. Carousell
Carousell helps connect buyers and sellers by listing things people want to sell and coordinating groups based on similar interests.
You can browse the listings via the home page or the specific category you’re selling or buying in, or you can search via location. No listing or selling fees; you just meet up with your seller or chat online to arrange trade of money for your item.
For him
For her
Furniture and home
Kitchen and appliances
Beauty products
Design and craft
Baby and kids
Bicycles and bicycle parts
Outdoors and gardening
Musical instruments
Games and toys
It’s fast and easy to list on Carousell with their app.
Get the App:
Carousell for Android
Carousell for Apple
13. Depop
Depop is sort of an online flea market type of a site. Lots of fun vintage items on this site. Browsing through the listings was like taking a serious step back in time and was really fun. You use the app to buy and sell, and there are no fees or commissions paid.
There are no specific categories listed; the site just says “Find something that means something”. Most of the listings that I found on the site were clothing and accessory type items such as shirts, hats, jeans, jewelry, etc.
Most of the sellers on the site listed shipping fees to appeal to those who were buying from out of the area. The site is pretty simple and easy to use with the app, so if you have some cool, different or vintage clothing or accessories, this could be the way to go.
Get the App:
Depop for Android
Depop for Apple
14. Tradyo
Tradyo helps people buy and sell right in their local area. The site seems to be European based, however there were plenty of listings in my major metropolitan area in the U.S. Listings are free, and you can use instant chat to connect with potential buyers.
I typed in my zip code and found several items available for sale nearby. Then, just for fun I typed “90210” in the search bar (the only out-of-state zip code I know off the top of my head; yeah, I know – I’m dating myself), and there were a lot of listings for that area as well.
Art, antiques and collectibles
Autos, cars and other vehicles
Baby and kids
Books and comics
Car accessories and parts
Clothing and fashion
Electronics, cell phones and cameras
Free stuff
Gaming consoles and games
Garage sales
Health and beauty
Home and furniture
Sporting goods and exercise
Tools and equipment
Lots of categories to choose from, and Tradyo is a site that is easy to use.
Get the App:
Tradyo on Android
Tradyo on Apple
15. Varage Sale
With Varage Sale you can list your items for sale and then meet up with buyers in your neighborhood. There are no categories listed for searching on this site, but there is a search bar that allows you to enter what you may be looking for, along with your location so you can find items near your home or work.
You need to sign up with Facebook or an email account so they can verify who you are – all buyers and sellers have to go through a verification process before they’re approved to buy or sell on the site.
In other words, you can browse the site’s listings, but both buyers and sellers need to sign up in order to get access to contact others within the site. This is a safety precaution that many buying and selling sites are implementing these days.
No listing or selling fees and no charge to bump your listing to the top of the site. A great alternative to the traditional garage sale.
Get the App:
Varage Sale for Android
Varage Sale for Apple
16. Chairish
Chairish is an online consignment store where you can sell used items in a number of categories. The site says it takes less than two minutes to list your item, and that you take home 80% of the sale price.
That’s a much higher percentage than what many brick-and-mortar consignment shops will offer to pay you since they have to cover space rental costs and employee pay and benefits.
You can sell items on Chairish to local people or ship the items out of state. Chairish helps you organize shipping arrangements too. This could be a good venue for you if you have lots of art deco or vintage items for the home.
Art and mirrors
And more. Listing is free, the site has great tips on how to take the best photos to sell your item, and they have 24/7 customer service support as well.
Get the App:
Chairish for Android: No Chairish app for Android users as of yet
Chairish for Apple
17. Wallapop
Wallapop offers free local classified ads for you to sell your stuff on. Kind of like other flea market or classifieds apps, you simply use your app to write a short description and name your price.
Sellers figure out a plan for meeting up with buyers to exchange money and products, whether it’s meeting up in your local area or arranging shipping.
Get the App:
Wallapop for Android
Wallapop for Apple
18. SocialSell
SocialSell has a variety of listings in many areas in the U.S. Their website isn’t worth heading to at this writing; the apps have all the information you need for buying and selling.
Men’s apparel
Women’s apparel
Household and yard
Children and kids
Collectibles and memorabilia
Sports and fitness
And more. Like Craigslist there are no listing or selling fees. Mandatory user profiles help keep sellers and buyers safe.
Get the App:
SocialSell for Android
SocialSell for Apple
19. Vinted
With Vinted you can sell or buy used second-hand wardrobe items such as shoes, clothes, and accessories. There’s no cost to list or sell with Vinted, and like many other selling sites these days, users have to create a profile in order to enhance safety and security.
Women’s clothing, shoes and accessories
Men’s items
You can meet up in person if you find a local buyer, or ship and get payment via PayPal.
Get the App:
Vinted for Android
Vinted for Apple
20. Shpock
Shpock helps you buy and sell things in your local area. There are no listing fees or selling fees and the app makes listing your items and communicating with potential buyers easy.
Get the App:
Shpock for Android
Shpock for Apple
21. Pxsell
Pxsell is the “easiest way” to sell your stuff, according to its app site. Just snap a picture, enter a few details and you’re done. This app focuses on selling in your local area and helping you designate a meet up with sellers.
You won’t pay listing or selling fees with Pxsell.
Video games
Baby and kids
Pxsell requires community profiles for users in order to help ensure safety for buyers and sellers.
Get the App:
Pxsell for Android
Pxsell for Apple
Don’t Get Ripped Off (Here’s How)
Now that we’ve shared some of the more popular apps for selling stuff online, I want to take just a few minutes to talk about online selling and buying safety.
The world is full of con artists and other unsavory people, and it’s important to make sure you’re ahead of the game when it comes to online scammers in the selling and buying marketplace. Here are some tips that I’ve found helpful when it comes to avoiding selling scams.
We’ve not been the direct victim of a scam when selling stuff online, but that’s only because we’ve educated ourselves on what to look for to avoid getting ripped off.
Selling stuff online can be daunting, intimidating and sometimes frustrating. One time when we were selling a fishing boat, a guy got super angry at us because we had several potential buyers on the line and wouldn’t hold the boat for him until he got off work.
Another time we were selling some used furniture and a gal said she’d show up but never did. When I contacted her to ask why, she said “Oh, it was raining and I didn’t feel like going.” No phone call – nothing. She just didn’t show!
Just recently we listed a snow plow for sale. My husband got a weird text from a guy who offered to pay us over and above what we were asking if we’d accept a PayPal payment, and that he’d send his “agent” to pick up the several hundred pound plow. Sounds fishy, right?
Here are some things you can do to protect yourself as you sell your stuff online.
Don’t Deviate From Normal Payment Options
Most sites have you pay one of a couple of different ways: you can meet in person and accept cash or a cashier’s check, or you can accept a PayPal payment if you’re shipping an item.
When selling something and meeting a person directly we only accept cash – never a personal check or money order. We will accept a cashier’s check for big ticket items, but we always call and verify with the bank it’s issued off of first.
Have a First Come, First Served Rule
Don’t offer to hold items for people that may never show up unless you have a good and valid reason to do so. Holding items puts you at risk for losing out on selling your item.
If someone wants your item bad enough they’ll find a way to make it there quickly.
Beware of Giving Second Chances
If someone doesn’t show up or doesn’t do what they’ve promised, be wary. In our case with the lady who wanted to buy our furniture but never showed up, she asked if she could come another time. We didn’t answer.
We like to follow the “Screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice, shame on me” mantra when selling stuff online. If someone disses us once we won’t give them a chance to do it again.
Meet Up with Potential Buyers in a Public Place if Possible
We don’t follow this rule always, but many times we’ll meet buyers at a central location as long as it’s somewhere with a lot of traffic, such as across the street from the local police department or at a big box store such as Walmart.
It’s important to not put yourself in a situation where you’re in an isolated area with strangers.
Never Meet Up with Buyers Alone
Always bring somebody along if you’re meeting up with potential buyers too. I don’t recommend ever going alone, simply for safety reasons.
Always Tell Somebody When You’re Meeting Up with a Potential Buyer
When you’re meeting up with a potential buyer – whether alone or with somebody else – always, always leave information about where you’re going, who you’re meeting (leave the contact info you’ve been using to communicate with them), what you’re doing and when you expect to be back.
Tell your loved ones to call you and check in if you’re not back when you say you expect to be back. It probably wouldn’t hurt to bring pepper spray or some other item to protect yourself if need be too.
If Something Seems “Off”, Go With Your Gut
When you’re selling or buying something online and something seems off, it’s probably best to pull out of the deal. If someone is offering you way too much for an item, or is trying to finagle some weird payment arrangements other than what is typical, I’d bail on the deal.
There are many scam artists out there who offer to give you “this” if you’ll do “that” when you’re doing online selling and buying. For instance they’ll arrange for third-party payment, or send you over what you want and ask you to give them back the difference, or other similar odd types of requests.
These requests often come with a sob story that will play on your emotions in hopes that you’ll ignore the warning signs in an effort to help. Don’t fall for it. The world’s struggles are not all on your shoulders.
Stick to the rules and make sure you’re paid as promised with no goofy back and forth stuff. Selling stuff online can be a lucrative income source, especially if you’ve got a house full of unused stuff.
Just be sure to use selling sites and apps the way they are intended and keep a leg up on potential scam artists. This way you’ll maximize your income and make big strides toward reaching all of your financial goals and dreams.
As you can, there are so many options for you to sell your stuff online. Selling apps for both iOs and Android are picking up in popularity and people are looking beyond just eBay and Craigslist to buy your stuff. Whether you are in a hurry to sell your stuff online or you simply want to get the best offer, you have great options. Try a few of these different apps out and let us know what is working best for you.
What have you used to sell stuff online?
    21 Best Apps to Sell Your Stuff Online published first on https://justinbetreviews.tumblr.com/
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darcyfarber · 5 years
21 Best Apps to Sell Your Stuff Online
One of the ways that Peach, myself and many other people reach financial goals such as paying off debt, saving for something important or working toward financial independence is to sell stuff.
I’m always amazed at the process of buying and selling stuff. The myriad of items people buy and sell online and elsewhere are endless. Buying direct from owners is a terrific way to get things you need and want at a discounted price.
And selling things you no longer need or want is a great way to declutter your house and bring in some serious extra cash. The list of things we’ve sold online is endless, from cars to clothes to toys to electronics.
Our Top Ways to Sell Stuff Online
With the ever-increasing popularity of smartphone apps, buying and selling online is easier than ever. Here are our top 21 popular smartphone apps that can help you sell your stuff online and potentially bring in some serious extra cash.
1. Decluttr
Decluttr is one of the best ways to sell your unwanted stuff online. Here’s how it works:
First, you go to the Decluttr website to get the link for the free app and get a free instant evaluation of what you’re selling.
Once you accept their offer, simply put into a box for shipping and they will send you a pre-paid shipping label.
Next drop your package off at any UPS store, with any UPS driver, or with an authorized shipping dealer (you can search by your zipcode on their site)
As soon as Decluttr receives your package, they will pay you the very next day by Direct Deposit, PayPal, by Check, or they will even make a donation to a charity of your choice on your behalf!
Decluttr is also a really safe way to sell your items because you aren’t selling to other individuals. Instead, Decluttr buys your stuff directly and then resells it on their site.
Categories you can sell on Decluttr:
CDs and DVDs
Video games
Gaming systems
Apple products such as iPods, iPads and iPhones
Lego sets
I know. The Lego thing kind of threw you for a loop, didn’t it! It doesn’t really fit in with the other categories Decluttr sticks to, but apparently there’s a serious market for used Lego sets!
Note: Decluttr will probably give you less money for your stuff than if you sell it to an individual, however you get an immediate offer price and get your money quickly – and you don’t have to meet anyone to make the exchange.
Get the App:
Decluttr for iPhone and Android
2. OfferUp
OfferUp lets you list and sell for free. It’s more of a “you’re on your own” site like Craigslist and LetGo, but is fairly popular and is well-organized. In my area it didn’t seem to have quite as many listings as LetGo, but still could be worth your effort when selling. After all, less listings often means less competition for the things you sell.
Arts and crafts
Cars and trucks
Auto parts
Baby and kids
Beauty and health
CDs and DVDs
Cell phones
Clothing and shoes
Games and toys
And many others as well, including Collectibles. You could sell in just about any category on this site.
Get the App
OfferUp for Android
OfferUp for Apple
3. Amazon Seller Marketplace
Amazon has a popular program for selling your stuff online. The Amazon Seller Marketplace allows you to sell a variety of items online, including used items in many categories, as well as new items you’ve made or bought at a discount.
Amazon devices and accessories
Kindle devices and accessories
Automotive and powersports parts, tools, equipment and accessories
Baby gear (new only, excluding clothing)
Beauty (new only)
Business products
Camera and photo
Cell phones
Clothing and accessories (new only)
Collectible coins
Fine art collectibles
Grocery and gourmet food (new only)
Handmade items (new only)
Health and personal care items (new only)
Historical and advertising types of collectibles
Home and garden
Industrial and scientific (new only)
Jewelry (new only)
Luggage and travel accessories (new only)
Musical instruments
Office products
And many more. Listing and selling fees apply, and the prices you’ll pay for selling stuff on Amazon vary based on how many items you plan on listing or selling in a given month and other criteria. For certain membership levels you’ll pay a monthly fee as well as individual listing and selling fees.
Given Amazon’s market share, the amount of exposure your items get could easily make up for the fees you may have to pay to sell.
Get the App:
Amazon Seller for Android
Amazon Seller for Apple
  Do you shop on Amazon? Here’s a list of companies that will pay you in the form of Amazon Gift Cards. Read the post here.
  4. Poshmark
Poshmark lets you sell fashion clothing and accessories online. You can search by who you want to shop for (i.e. women, men or kids), by brand name, or by item (i.e. shorts, dresses, handbags, etc.).
When you sell an item on Poshmark, they’ll send you a prepaid shipping label to send it out. They charge a small commission based on the dollar amount of the transaction as well.
Women’s clothing
Men’s clothing
Kids’ clothing
Jewelry and accessories
Posh’s Posh Protect program, along with their customer service team, helps ensure you get authentic items when you buy, and that you get paid promptly when you sell.
Get the App:
Poshmark app for Android
Poshmark app for Apple
5. 5miles
The premise behind 5miles is that it will help you buy or sell anything within 5 miles of your location, but when I looked online I was relieved to see that they offered plenty of buying selections in a broader range, up to 40 miles or so away from where we live.
It’s free to list and sell on 5miles, just like it is on Craigslist and similar sites.
Cell phones
Women’s clothing and shoes
Electronics and computers
Baby and kids
Auto parts
Jewelry and watches
Sports and outdoors
Collectibles and art
Garage sales
You can search by category, by specific item or by city. This is an easy-to-use site that seems to be pretty popular in many large metropolitan areas.
Get the App:
5miles app for Android
5miles app for Apple
6. LetGo
LetGo uses your location to help you list stuff for sale online and find stuff you want to buy as well. It’s a free site like Craigslist and doesn’t charge any listing or selling fees.
Free stuff
Other vehicles and parts
Baby and child
Fashion and accessories
Movies, books and music
Sports, leisure and games
Home and garden
Not much more to know about LetGo. The site is super easy to use and seems to be increasing in popularity these days: I find more and more listings – at least for my somewhat major metropolitan area – as I browse on a weekly basis.
Get the App:
LetGo app for Android
LetGo app for Apple
  Need a little extra money this month? How about a list of the top 84 Side Hustles that actually work? There are 84 of them – I promise you there is at least one for you. Read top 84 side hustles here.
  7. OLX
OLX helps millions around the world buy and sell things. They share listings from dozens of countries including the United States, India, Russia, the Philippines, South Africa, Portugal and many, many more.
There’s no cost to list or sell with OLX; this is a true free classified ads site.
Personal items
Electronics and appliances
Books, hobbies and sports
And more. Categories may vary based on the country you are browsing. NOTE: if you are visiting OLX’s United States site you will be redirected to Letgo.
Get the App:
OLX for Android
OLX for Apple
8. Cash4Books
Cash4Books buys your used textbooks and other books. As with Decluttr, all you have to do is enter the ISBN (the number at the bottom of the barcode) of the book you’d like to sell and they’ll give you an offer price.
Once you’ve entered all of the ISBN numbers for the books you want to sell, and accepted the Cash4Books offer prices, they’ll send you a free prepaid shipping label that you can use to pack up and send your books to them.
After they’ve received the books and had a chance to assess their condition, etc., they’ll send you your earnings via PayPal. The site says that on average it takes about two weeks from the time you click “Sell my books” until the time you get your cash via PayPal.
Although the site buys all types of books, it looks as if the biggest payouts come from up-to-date used college textbooks.
If you’re a recent college graduate, know someone who is or can find newer versions of college textbooks at garage sales, this could be a great way to make some cash.
Get the App:
Cash4Books for Android
Cash4Books for Apple
9. Trove Marketplace
Trove Marketplace focuses on buying and selling vintage furniture and decor items. You can browse via keyword, or go straight to cities near you where items are for sale.
Trove Marketplace isn’t in every major metropolitan city, however you could offer for items you’re selling to be shipped if you want to appeal to buyers outside of your area. Current cities with Trove listings include:
Los Angeles
New York
San Francisco
Washington DC
More cities may be added by the time you’re reading this.
Note: there is a selling fee for selling your items on this site. At the time of this writing the Trove Marketplace website showed it to be 10%.
Get the App:
Trove Marketplace for Android
Trove Marketplace for Apple
10. Mercari
Mercari allows you to sell your stuff online without any listing fees. However, you will pay a selling fee of 10% of the listing price, so be sure to price carefully. In other words, if you list something for $100 and a buyer bargains you down to $50, you’re still paying Mercari a $10 selling fee.
If you end up selling to a buyer who wants an item shipped to them, Mercari will help you do that by offering to print (and charge you for) a shipping label, or you can ship on your own.
The “other category” can include a variety of items such as automotive (they even had cars listed in addition to auto parts), daily and travel items, musical instruments, office supplies, pet supplies and more.
As I searched the site looked like they had many items for sale in all 50 states, which indicates Mercari is a well-known and well-used site.
Get the App:
Mercari for Android
Mercari for Apple
11. Dealo
Dealo touts itself as a “faster, safer way to buy and sell anything”. The site itself has very little information about how Dealo works, who is using it and where or what the fees are. Categories are not listed either, however the site states you can register, list or buy within 30 seconds.
Get the App:
Dealo for Android
Dealo for Apple
12. Carousell
Carousell helps connect buyers and sellers by listing things people want to sell and coordinating groups based on similar interests.
You can browse the listings via the home page or the specific category you’re selling or buying in, or you can search via location. No listing or selling fees; you just meet up with your seller or chat online to arrange trade of money for your item.
For him
For her
Furniture and home
Kitchen and appliances
Beauty products
Design and craft
Baby and kids
Bicycles and bicycle parts
Outdoors and gardening
Musical instruments
Games and toys
It’s fast and easy to list on Carousell with their app.
Get the App:
Carousell for Android
Carousell for Apple
13. Depop
Depop is sort of an online flea market type of a site. Lots of fun vintage items on this site. Browsing through the listings was like taking a serious step back in time and was really fun. You use the app to buy and sell, and there are no fees or commissions paid.
There are no specific categories listed; the site just says “Find something that means something”. Most of the listings that I found on the site were clothing and accessory type items such as shirts, hats, jeans, jewelry, etc.
Most of the sellers on the site listed shipping fees to appeal to those who were buying from out of the area. The site is pretty simple and easy to use with the app, so if you have some cool, different or vintage clothing or accessories, this could be the way to go.
Get the App:
Depop for Android
Depop for Apple
14. Tradyo
Tradyo helps people buy and sell right in their local area. The site seems to be European based, however there were plenty of listings in my major metropolitan area in the U.S. Listings are free, and you can use instant chat to connect with potential buyers.
I typed in my zip code and found several items available for sale nearby. Then, just for fun I typed “90210” in the search bar (the only out-of-state zip code I know off the top of my head; yeah, I know – I’m dating myself), and there were a lot of listings for that area as well.
Art, antiques and collectibles
Autos, cars and other vehicles
Baby and kids
Books and comics
Car accessories and parts
Clothing and fashion
Electronics, cell phones and cameras
Free stuff
Gaming consoles and games
Garage sales
Health and beauty
Home and furniture
Sporting goods and exercise
Tools and equipment
Lots of categories to choose from, and Tradyo is a site that is easy to use.
Get the App:
Tradyo on Android
Tradyo on Apple
15. Varage Sale
With Varage Sale you can list your items for sale and then meet up with buyers in your neighborhood. There are no categories listed for searching on this site, but there is a search bar that allows you to enter what you may be looking for, along with your location so you can find items near your home or work.
You need to sign up with Facebook or an email account so they can verify who you are – all buyers and sellers have to go through a verification process before they’re approved to buy or sell on the site.
In other words, you can browse the site’s listings, but both buyers and sellers need to sign up in order to get access to contact others within the site. This is a safety precaution that many buying and selling sites are implementing these days.
No listing or selling fees and no charge to bump your listing to the top of the site. A great alternative to the traditional garage sale.
Get the App:
Varage Sale for Android
Varage Sale for Apple
16. Chairish
Chairish is an online consignment store where you can sell used items in a number of categories. The site says it takes less than two minutes to list your item, and that you take home 80% of the sale price.
That’s a much higher percentage than what many brick-and-mortar consignment shops will offer to pay you since they have to cover space rental costs and employee pay and benefits.
You can sell items on Chairish to local people or ship the items out of state. Chairish helps you organize shipping arrangements too. This could be a good venue for you if you have lots of art deco or vintage items for the home.
Art and mirrors
And more. Listing is free, the site has great tips on how to take the best photos to sell your item, and they have 24/7 customer service support as well.
Get the App:
Chairish for Android: No Chairish app for Android users as of yet
Chairish for Apple
17. Wallapop
Wallapop offers free local classified ads for you to sell your stuff on. Kind of like other flea market or classifieds apps, you simply use your app to write a short description and name your price.
Sellers figure out a plan for meeting up with buyers to exchange money and products, whether it’s meeting up in your local area or arranging shipping.
Get the App:
Wallapop for Android
Wallapop for Apple
18. SocialSell
SocialSell has a variety of listings in many areas in the U.S. Their website isn’t worth heading to at this writing; the apps have all the information you need for buying and selling.
Men’s apparel
Women’s apparel
Household and yard
Children and kids
Collectibles and memorabilia
Sports and fitness
And more. Like Craigslist there are no listing or selling fees. Mandatory user profiles help keep sellers and buyers safe.
Get the App:
SocialSell for Android
SocialSell for Apple
19. Vinted
With Vinted you can sell or buy used second-hand wardrobe items such as shoes, clothes, and accessories. There’s no cost to list or sell with Vinted, and like many other selling sites these days, users have to create a profile in order to enhance safety and security.
Women’s clothing, shoes and accessories
Men’s items
You can meet up in person if you find a local buyer, or ship and get payment via PayPal.
Get the App:
Vinted for Android
Vinted for Apple
20. Shpock
Shpock helps you buy and sell things in your local area. There are no listing fees or selling fees and the app makes listing your items and communicating with potential buyers easy.
Get the App:
Shpock for Android
Shpock for Apple
21. Pxsell
Pxsell is the “easiest way” to sell your stuff, according to its app site. Just snap a picture, enter a few details and you’re done. This app focuses on selling in your local area and helping you designate a meet up with sellers.
You won’t pay listing or selling fees with Pxsell.
Video games
Baby and kids
Pxsell requires community profiles for users in order to help ensure safety for buyers and sellers.
Get the App:
Pxsell for Android
Pxsell for Apple
Don’t Get Ripped Off (Here’s How)
Now that we’ve shared some of the more popular apps for selling stuff online, I want to take just a few minutes to talk about online selling and buying safety.
The world is full of con artists and other unsavory people, and it’s important to make sure you’re ahead of the game when it comes to online scammers in the selling and buying marketplace. Here are some tips that I’ve found helpful when it comes to avoiding selling scams.
We’ve not been the direct victim of a scam when selling stuff online, but that’s only because we’ve educated ourselves on what to look for to avoid getting ripped off.
Selling stuff online can be daunting, intimidating and sometimes frustrating. One time when we were selling a fishing boat, a guy got super angry at us because we had several potential buyers on the line and wouldn’t hold the boat for him until he got off work.
Another time we were selling some used furniture and a gal said she’d show up but never did. When I contacted her to ask why, she said “Oh, it was raining and I didn’t feel like going.” No phone call – nothing. She just didn’t show!
Just recently we listed a snow plow for sale. My husband got a weird text from a guy who offered to pay us over and above what we were asking if we’d accept a PayPal payment, and that he’d send his “agent” to pick up the several hundred pound plow. Sounds fishy, right?
Here are some things you can do to protect yourself as you sell your stuff online.
Don’t Deviate From Normal Payment Options
Most sites have you pay one of a couple of different ways: you can meet in person and accept cash or a cashier’s check, or you can accept a PayPal payment if you’re shipping an item.
When selling something and meeting a person directly we only accept cash – never a personal check or money order. We will accept a cashier’s check for big ticket items, but we always call and verify with the bank it’s issued off of first.
Have a First Come, First Served Rule
Don’t offer to hold items for people that may never show up unless you have a good and valid reason to do so. Holding items puts you at risk for losing out on selling your item.
If someone wants your item bad enough they’ll find a way to make it there quickly.
Beware of Giving Second Chances
If someone doesn’t show up or doesn’t do what they’ve promised, be wary. In our case with the lady who wanted to buy our furniture but never showed up, she asked if she could come another time. We didn’t answer.
We like to follow the “Screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice, shame on me” mantra when selling stuff online. If someone disses us once we won’t give them a chance to do it again.
Meet Up with Potential Buyers in a Public Place if Possible
We don’t follow this rule always, but many times we’ll meet buyers at a central location as long as it’s somewhere with a lot of traffic, such as across the street from the local police department or at a big box store such as Walmart.
It’s important to not put yourself in a situation where you’re in an isolated area with strangers.
Never Meet Up with Buyers Alone
Always bring somebody along if you’re meeting up with potential buyers too. I don’t recommend ever going alone, simply for safety reasons.
Always Tell Somebody When You’re Meeting Up with a Potential Buyer
When you’re meeting up with a potential buyer – whether alone or with somebody else – always, always leave information about where you’re going, who you’re meeting (leave the contact info you’ve been using to communicate with them), what you’re doing and when you expect to be back.
Tell your loved ones to call you and check in if you’re not back when you say you expect to be back. It probably wouldn’t hurt to bring pepper spray or some other item to protect yourself if need be too.
If Something Seems “Off”, Go With Your Gut
When you’re selling or buying something online and something seems off, it’s probably best to pull out of the deal. If someone is offering you way too much for an item, or is trying to finagle some weird payment arrangements other than what is typical, I’d bail on the deal.
There are many scam artists out there who offer to give you “this” if you’ll do “that” when you’re doing online selling and buying. For instance they’ll arrange for third-party payment, or send you over what you want and ask you to give them back the difference, or other similar odd types of requests.
These requests often come with a sob story that will play on your emotions in hopes that you’ll ignore the warning signs in an effort to help. Don’t fall for it. The world’s struggles are not all on your shoulders.
Stick to the rules and make sure you’re paid as promised with no goofy back and forth stuff. Selling stuff online can be a lucrative income source, especially if you’ve got a house full of unused stuff.
Just be sure to use selling sites and apps the way they are intended and keep a leg up on potential scam artists. This way you’ll maximize your income and make big strides toward reaching all of your financial goals and dreams.
As you can, there are so many options for you to sell your stuff online. Selling apps for both iOs and Android are picking up in popularity and people are looking beyond just eBay and Craigslist to buy your stuff. Whether you are in a hurry to sell your stuff online or you simply want to get the best offer, you have great options. Try a few of these different apps out and let us know what is working best for you.
What have you used to sell stuff online?
    21 Best Apps to Sell Your Stuff Online published first on https://mysingaporepools.weebly.com/
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