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periodicoirreverentes · 1 year ago
derribada en la transgresión de la niebla...
Lala González La Fenêtre bleue (1913)-Henri Matisse derribada en la transgresión de la nieblame dejo arrastrar por las ganas de gritarmi carne hierve hasta pecarhurgo en mis cavernas hasta moririnmersa en esta infinita sensaciónahogadame dejo llevarhasta ver la luz azul del día
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abigailmac91 · 7 years ago
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🏋🏽‍♂️🏋🏻‍♂️🏋🏼‍♂️🏋🏾‍♂️🏋🏿‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️ • • • • • • • #GRIT #GRITSERIES #GRITSERIESMEXICO #LESMILLSGRIT #LESMILLSGRITSERIES #SPORTSWORLD #SPORTSWORLDUNIVERSIDAD #GYMIT #GENERACION1 #Warriors #Fitness #FitBit #FirstRun #Winner #Nike #JustDoIt #Gordito #Challenge #selesacabosugordito #GymBuddies #TeamGrit #GritArmy #FitBuddies #weightlifter #Weightlost #weighttraining #Trainit #trainlikeagirl (at Sports World Universidad)
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deepapricotwolfbandit · 4 years ago
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OCR Buddy has formed The OCR Buddy Ambassadors. From the USA to around the world, we cannot be more proud of our Buddies and of the team as a whole. Introducing: Michael Bulloch @bulloch_spartan_adventures Kortney Martin @kortney_martin2020 Dennis McWhorter @dino37 • Michael is the youngest Buddy. He represents @drinkorgain @xfeat @gritarmy and @spartankidsrace . His drive to improve and promote what he loves in second to none. He’s been doing burpees daily for almost 600 days in an attempt to challenge others to gain strength from within. As Michael says, every day is an opportunity to start. We are glad he has chosen to start being Buddy with us. • Kortney is an original Buddy. She is a @honeystinger Ambassador but she knew me before there was OCR Buddy and before she was a “Martin”. She has been a friend to OCR Buddy and helped form it from the very beginning. She will help promote OCR Buddy to other types of races and for that we say thank you. • Dennis is a huge supporter of the entire OCR Community. If it is OCR (or Trail) related and is something positive, Dennis will support it. He represents @lazarusnaturalscbd @vitalsox @carborocket and @freetrain . More importantly, to us, we welcome him to The Buddies for his constant desire to help others and his continued support and promotion of OCR Buddy. • Three people from different locations with the goal, motivate and inspire you to be all that you want to be. We are proud to have you as an OCR Buddy. • You have to download OCR Buddy from the App Store/Google Play to get a login/password. The download is free and you can upgrade to OCR Buddy Premium for $1.99 (Lifetime Subscription). After you are registered, the OCR world is yours in the app or on a desktop at www.ocrbuddy.com/app #ocrbuddy #ocrbuddyapp #iamanocrbuddy #iamanocrbuddie https://www.instagram.com/p/CR1a6LsC3dZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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