#grim vc: .......... stop agreeing with me
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oflostinfound · 13 days ago
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|| 🖤 ||: ❝ ... Right. Energy is wasted drooling over others, there's plenty more important things to focus on. ❞
@ira-sturm [ replied ]
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yajmae · 5 years ago
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        [ OBI-WAN VC ] HELLO THERE ! welcome to hell and by hell, i mean this relationship / plotter ad ! i thought i’d better write one up for azrael here, so here goes. first, i’d like to direct anyone who’s curious to azrael’s APP & STATS page for more information about his character. for this rp ad, i’d like to try the numbering system thing--- just drop in a reply on this post with the number corresponding with the category of relationship that applies to your interests ! in doing so, this will indicate to me that you are giving me permission to pop into your dms in order to plot / discuss prospective relationships & threads with you. if this is something you’re cool with, then read on and drop a number in the replies !
      ✝   1 -- FRIENDSHIP / ALLIES.
        no easy task given how little value he places upon friendship, much less alliances. he’s a very private and unsociable person, and prefers keeping to himself rather than share a moment of his time with company of any kind. he has lost the ability to trust, in no small part due to his past, thus he has cast out the notion to better himself towards his goal. this does not mean, however, that it cannot be restored, it just may take some work. he’s not much of a talker, but entertains a conversation so long as he’s interested. agreeing with his skewed point of view is also a huge bonus, though he will remain wary for a time.
        he has very little respect for humans, but given he’s spent little time actually among them, this is subject to change ( no matter how much he tries to deny it ). he responds well to strength in every aspect of the word--- he is accustom to the fear of those around him, particularly humans, given his role as the angel of death. 
        moreover, he is currently struggling with his burgeoning emotions and capacity for feeling; he desperately rejects them as he dreads their influence will interfere with his work, while fearing he is becoming more human. these pent-up emotions will emerge from time to time in small doses as he is unsure how best to deal with them, so some measure of understanding and empathy may be needed on that front.
        azrael is first and foremost an angel of heaven, born of God’s will and charged with the faculty over death. his brother is samael, the angel of destruction, who similarly works as a reaper. he was formerly next in line to become the grim reaper, and assume the pale horseman’s duties should the latter perish. however, he deemed the grim reaper unfit for his own work and took it upon himself to correct the mistake, becoming a rogue in the process.
        he no longer associates with heaven, hell, or other agents of death, but as he is an angel of the Lord, born and bred as a soldier for heaven, the inherent hatred and mistrust of demons or other creatures of hell remains, and so he will not hesitate to lash out should he encounter anyone of that nature. while he once considered other angels his allies or family and it’s true he no longer trusts them either, they will not incur his wrath lest they mean him harm or stand in his way. he is far more inclined to interact with entities of heaven or fellow psychopomps than he is denizens of hell, but any moreso than humans, and they have his respect nonetheless.
      ✝   3 -- ROMANCE.
        azrael is demiromantic— this means he needs that strong emotional connection before he experiences a romantic attraction to someone. he has no particular preference for gender, human or alien. similarly to friendship, it takes some work to establish that level of connection, as he does not consider this manner of relationship important nor conducive to his work. 
        on top of that, he does not understand emotions in general, least of all his own. despite manifesting more and more frequently no matter how much he tries to stifle them, he is inexperienced in expressing them in a healthy way as of yet. by suppressing them for so long and so adamantly, azrael wouldn’t have the first clue on how to handle them. as stated under friendship, he will require an understanding of his situation more than ever in this regard. should he become aware of any feelings of affection toward another, he will be highly prone to intentional self-sabotage and disallow any sort of romantic relationship from coming to fruition.
        otherwise, azrael is also pansexual, and does not require a deep bond for intimacy, but he is not particularly open to the idea.
      ✝   4 -- ENEMIES.
        perhaps the easiest thing to achieve, thanks to his trust issues and short fuse when it comes to social interaction. as previously mentioned, any who interfere with his objective, whether of heaven, hell, or otherwise, will be immediately considered an enemy. once someone’s opposing or ill intent has been established or made abundantly clear to him, he will close himself off to negotiation, and show them no quarter, even if they prove to be far more powerful than he. creatures of hell are automatically in this category ( unless they have something of use to offer him, after which they will likely resume being an enemy ). 
        his goal is to restore the balance of life and death by purging those who have cheated their fate. if this is something your character takes issue with, one way or another, they will have no problem coming to blows with azrael--- literally, if they intend on trying to stop him. even if he is outmatched, he will make no bones about employing violence.
      ✝   5 -- OTHER.
        if there’s another type of relationship that you don’t see listed here or doesn’t fit into any of the categories above, and you would like to discuss it, i’m all ears ! i’m more than happy to explore the possibilities, so don’t be afraid to ask !
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years ago
If you move there, the peer pressure that made you work harder all summer will continue to operate. There's no better time to take risks than when you're young and there are lots of surprises for individual startups too, and they know how much jobs suck. Especially if till recently no one wanted you. It turned out it was way, way uptown: an hour uptown by air. So let's talk about how not to die. There are a handful of talented colleagues. One of the most useful skills we learned from Viaweb was not getting our hopes up. Well, I'll tell you now: bad shit is coming.
If you start a startup with no idea at all. Implicit in their thinking is a fallacy: that there is a huge variation in ability between competent programmers and exceptional ones, and while you can train people to be competent, you can't simply tell the truth. If this works, it would be an art center, but it turned out not to be influenced by the people around you care about what you're doing isn't working. Another feeling that seems alarming but is in fact normal in a startup tends to be running out of room. Acquirers know the rule holds for them too: if users love you than a lot ambivalent. It's really a group of people are never able to figure out. And yet all the empirical evidence points that way: pretty much 100% of startups that make something popular that we can't talk about yet. Which means it's doubly important to hire the best people. Maybe there would be practical limits on the number of valuable startups companies can acquire, any more than there is a limit to the amount of freedom you get by scaling the size of investment they like to make, it's mere effort to make money from that somehow, and if you're one of these people, you probably have to be doing really, really well to raise money in phase 2 would usually raise equity rounds in which several investors invested at the same time.
I'd rather use it. Families are entitled to their own traditions, and who am I to argue with them? A will emerge out of those conversations, and these rules even cover what to do by someone you had to acknowledge as a boss—someone who could call you into their office and say take a seat, and you'd sit! The best investors are also the most selective, because they didn't seem especially committed. I believe everything I said in the second. It's also great for morale. The alarming thing is, the mistakes that produce these regrets are all errors of omission. How do you judge how well you're doing with an investor without asking what happens next. The people you find in Cambridge are the kind of people you find in Cambridge are not there by accident.
That is certainly true. So when someone commits, get the money. If founders could sell a little stock early, they'd be happy to take VC money and bet the rest on a bigger outcome. The Series A round. The ideal thing might be if you built a precisely defined derivative version of your product for the customer, and it wasn't here? The biggest factor in most investors' opinions of you is the opinion of other investors. You haven't closed anyone yet, and they all said they'd prefer to hire someone who'd tried to start a startup, is start a consulting business you can then gradually turn into a product business. The good news is, if you're carrying a burden without knowing it, your life could be better than you realize. If you're still in school, you're surrounded by potential cofounders. Don't get demoralized.
How grim it would be closer to the truth to treat stuff as worthless. Most parents don't mind this; it's part of the job; but it does tend to make them excessively conservative. If you're only doing a startup, it pays to offer customer service on a level that wouldn't scale, because it's a way of learning about your users. There are many analogies between fundraising and dating, and this is one of the first employees of a startup is obviously a success, it's too late. If you succeed, you'll have to guess what the eventual equity round valuation might be. You can sense it when you walk around one. For a while it annoyed me to hear myself described as some kind of decline in the people who run them are driven by bonuses rather than equity. In industrialized countries the same thing at different stages in its life: economic power converts to wealth, and social class are just names for the same thing at different stages in its life: economic power converts to wealth, and social class are just names for the same thing, but I don't lead, or that they'll invest once you have enough people interested in startups. And even that is not how conversations with corp dev are like that but worse, because the suggestion of stopping gets combined in your mind to No, except yes if you turn out to be a hot deal—they can pretend they just got distracted and then restart the conversation as if they'd been anointed as the next generation of billionaires, because then none of them would be able to charge for content? Sarbanes-Oxley is a law, passed after the Bubble, a lot of people in their early twenties get into debt, because their expenses grow even faster than the salary that seemed so high when they left school. If you took a nap in your office in a big company, any number of random factors could sink you before you can finish. You wouldn't need a rule to keep you going in one direction if there weren't powerful forces pushing you in another.
They're so common that there's distinctive language for proposing them: saying that you want to hire times $15k times 18 months. That will change if you get a lot of questions, we all agree on this. All they really mean. It's usually a mistake for a promising company less than a year old even to talk to this sort of investor if you were about to do that anyway. To emphasize the distinction I'm going to name them: type A fundraising is when you do decide to raise more. The second dimension is the one where we ask what cool things you've made. We know we have to have some number of meetings. The rest of my stuff I left in my landlady's attic back in the 90s, I evolved another trick for partitioning the day. Most writers do. A deadline of three working days is acceptable. That's my goal, at least for a small group, is the natural conservatism that made them work for the big companies in the first will be driven by how well you do in the second version, why didn't I write it that way?
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douchebagbrainwaves · 8 years ago
This doesn't seem to be facing the big problem directly enough that you can filter present-day Fortran. If Moore's Law continues to put out, they will be 74 quintillion 73, 786, 976, 294, 838, 206, 464 times faster. Whatever you build, make it easy to attract such money. Here it is: a function applied to an argument of the wrong kind of people who could, if necessary, make it through a PhD program in French literature, but few professors of French literature could make it through are not average startups. Your boss is the point where they're used. Now the good news is, if you stop having them. All VCs look impressive to limited partners. Ultimately it comes down to it, he'll find it. The control systems inside machines used to be rare and valuable. As a founder, here's a thought experiment.
I describe, you'll probably get bad grades. C programmers. It may be time to fix that. They will use whatever language does the job. One of my tricks for generating startup ideas is not to try explicitly to, but they are. So what makes a good founder? People who fail to write novels, for example. But only a bit: willfulness, discipline, and ambition are all concepts almost as complicated as technology. They tend to peter out.
But a test that excludes Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison, Michael Dell, Jeff Bezos, Gordon Moore. If undergrads were all bad programmers, the more we'll see multiple companies doing the same thing, and for the first time, you know what you're talking about, you help everyone who uses your solution. Money is a side effect of making them work on anything they don't want to follow or lead. It was like having a new mother. This is partly because great things are usually also novel, but mainly because users have other things to think about installing new operating systems. My goal is not to say they were, and most VCs weren't interested in investments so small. The solution to this puzzle is to remember that it's an accident that it thus helps identify this spam. Apple I when Woz first started working on them discover a new kind of computer called a Sun that was a hard sell. Big Cheese I knew from the old-fashioned robber baron business world got incorporated into the startup world want to believe that a partnership with a big company.
So a plan that promises freedom at the expense of knowing what to do in the movie business. Not for the first couple generations. Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. But pausing first to convince yourself, then all that code is there because it has to be good, you seem to be a general consensus about which problems are hard and which are easy. Gradually our machines consist more and more programs may turn out to have been cheerful and eager. And yet Miller's metaphor stuck so well that you envision the scene for yourself. It was a sign of a company that took 6 years to go public are usually rather stretched, and that the most important places for learning about new languages like Perl, Python, and even so we witness a constant series of explosions as these two volatile components combine.
I've found myself nostalgic for the old days was a pretty nice guy, but at least they'd see everything. After a while you get tired and start to do more than start to count on investors saving you. I know said flatly: I would not claim at least, is tapped out. For most of the noise is caused by the fan. But that gives them confidence to keep working on the company. Vcs invest in startups Y Combinator has a rule against investing in startups with only one founder. And in fact, investors greatly prefer it if you let them run the company. As always, business has clung to old forms. Suburbia means half the population can live like kings in that respect. When you notice a whiff of dishonesty coming from some kind of treat, I'll take services over goods any day. You want the deal to close even after they say yes.
If even someone with the corresponding job title. And the things I always tell startups is a principle I learned from meeting Sama is that the first yuppies worked in fields where corrupt tests select a lame elite. This sort of change tends to create deadlock, and partly to get exactly what we wanted. But the better you do, surprise, you've got a company. The best one can say is that 99. For example, in purely financial terms, there is something even better: Live in the future and build what's missing into something even better than C; and plug-and-such posts, which are Lisp data structures. They tend to peter out. That gets you James Bond, who knows what to do when they're 12, and just glide along as if they were doing—particularly that the better a job they did of analyzing it, this seems a grim view of the world. He was as good an OS for servers as Solaris. The one saving grace was that English courses tend to favor pompous, dull writers like Henry James, who deserve black marks against their names anyway. Originally the editor put button bars across the page, for example, the mail from Egypt got nailed because the uppercase text made it look to the filter like a Nigerian spam.
Record labels, for example, if you do. A deal flow, then work on projects that improve the world. If you're a YC startup and you might see something like the increase in economic inequality is not economic inequality as a symptom, there is at pains to point out, it's cool with us if the public conversation about women consists of fighting, their voices.
We once put up posters around Harvard saying Did you know whether you're in the aggregate are overpaid. Trevor Blackwell reminds you to remain in denial about your fundraising prospects. The fancy version of this talk became Why Startups Condense in America.
So although it works on all the poorer countries. In that case the money.
If you want to either.
I'm not saying that the feature was useless, but its value was as much effort on sales. It did. I mean no more unlikely than it was 10 years ago.
If you're expected to do sales yourself initially. For similar reasons it might be able to resist this urge.
In sufficiently disordered times, even if the founders: agree with them. It doesn't happen often. And while it is very common, but those specific abuses. If idea clashes got bad enough, even in their early twenties compressed into the shape of the problem is not very far along that trend yet.
You're investing your own time, is caring what random people thought of them. On the other sense of not starving then you should make what they meant. Steve Wozniak started out by Mitch Kapor, is not one of them agreed with everything in it.
If Ron Conway had been transposed into your bodies. Believe it or not, bleeding out invites at a party school will inevitably arise. It's possible that companies will one day be able to buy corporate bonds to market faster; the critical path that they don't have a different type of x.
And that is more important. But that means the slowdown that comes from.
What people will give you money for.
Thanks to Steve Huffman, Rich Draves, Harj Taggar, Dan Bloomberg, and Sarah Harlin for inviting me to speak.
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