#griffith fanfic
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Prince Daemon did not want children with Lady Rhea Royce, but the only thing resentment and anger create when mixed with wine is regret and problems to be ignored when they cannot suit a need. Unfortunately for him, problems cannot be ignored forever, and all three heads of the dragon he created will turn back to bite their father. Prev | Fic Art | Family Tree | Pinterest | Next Taglist below the cut, ask or DM to be added or removed
Ella leaned over as much as she was able to with Griffith half sitting on her dark red skirts, her fingers scrambling for purchase until she could grip the little toy knight he had thrown so that she could set it back up with his others. He was currently in the middle of smacking the foot soldiers around with one of the slightly larger cavalrymen. As soon as the knight was back in a row with the others, he picked it up, examining the painted knight in his rose-adorned tabard with unblinking intensity before throwing it as hard as he could. Griffith laughed and clapped as it sailed past where it had landed before, thudding just beyond the confines of the black and bronze rug where he sat with his mother.
“Oh, it’s like that, is it?” Ella knew he didn’t quite understand questions like that, but he understood her exaggerated, playful offense. Griffith smiled wider now, his cool, gray eyes lighting up as he hunkered down into his spot.
“The dragon is awake!” She scooped her little boy into her arms, and he giggled the whole time as he wiggled in her hold. He yelled something that was probably some sort of attempt at “dragon,” and his efforts were rewarded with Ella kissing his pudgy little cheek so hard that it smooshed his face.
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@fyeahgotocs @ocappreciation @astrid2024 @paaperfloweeers
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channnel · 1 year
Since I posted my old drawing of mdhm (that and I haven't posted for a while), might as well post my very first drawing of it.
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Featuring old art #2, Alan looked so different in my old art style, Claude doesn't have arms, and Jules looks like Jules.
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Drifting Away (Jan Valek x Female Reader)
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Summary: After enduring a terrifying nightmare, you have trouble falling asleep. Then your vampire lover comes to comfort you. 
A/N-Yay my first Valek fanfic :D. Valek has been giving me absolute brain rot after I watched the film seven times now (five when it was on Netflix this past year). I really went into writing this and love how it came out when I just finished it. I can’t wait to write more fanfics of this deadly and beautiful vampire.
Please enjoy ;)
Warnings: Mentions of death, nightmares, smidge of angst, and tons of tooth-rotting fluff in the end 
Citrus Scale:🍎
W.C+: 1.9K
Taglist-@larabiatasstuff @fangirlstorycreator @virgo-mess @terrence-silver
You had trouble sleeping again. It was the same thing night after night. They came back each time as always. The nightmares. Tossing and turning in the bed, as the sheets twisted around your body.
The nightmares kept you from waking up. Preventing you from breaking the spell they put you under. You couldn’t move at all. Every part of your body was frozen. You moaned at each toss and turn. Your white nightgown sticking to you. 
It was the same nightmare. You didn’t know how and why they started. They were always the same one. Coming after you in your dreams each night. 
Dark shadows of figures surrounding you in a circle. They wore all black robes, covering everything except their faces. Pale white faces that were paler than the moon. Their ruby red eyes burning as they looked down upon you.
Each one of them towered over your body. You couldn’t move at all. It felt like you were chained down against your will. Their faces showed no expression. They all had the same face. Looking at their red eyes one by one, they didn’t seem right. They were filled with anger or a rage of some sort.
But it wasn’t rage at all. It was hunger. Hunger burned in their eyes. Burning a hot red glow down upon you. Fear filled your entire body. 
All of a sudden, their mouths began to open. Long, sharp fangs extending from the tops of their mouths. White and clean soon to be stained with blood. You opened your mouth to scream, but nothing came out.
Paralyzed with nothing but fear and no word to be spoken, you were trapped. Your heart raced uncontrollably. Flooding your ears with a painful noise.
Then one by one, the figures snarled and leaped at you. Their paled claw like hands grabbing you. Engulfing you in darkness and draining the life out of you. Everything was black now. Soon after came the screams. Loud and echoing through the darkness.
The screams were yours. The nightmare was taking hold of you. Swallowing you deeper and deeper into its cruel world. No way to escape from it. Until everything stopped.
“NO!” You screamed as you finally awoke. Breaking the spell the nightmare had you under. Your chest heaving with heavy, deep breaths. Gasping for air. Refilling your burning lungs. Every part of your body was cold and shaking.
Heart racing rapidly. Beating against your breasts. An awful thought ran across your mind. Quickly, your hand went up to your neck. Relief washed over you soon after. There was nothing left there. No bite marks. It wasn’t real. None of it.
Everything was the same in your room. Your Antoinette dressing table sitting across the room from your canopy bed. The lavender silk robe, hanging on the edge of the chair. Several bookcases that resided on the right side, filled to the brim with vintage and ancient books that seemed lost to time. The vintage chaise lounge sofa sat in the other corner of the room. The book you were reading was still sitting upon the cushions. And then the balcony. Both doors were opened wide., letting in the late night air in. The sheer pearl curtains dancing and twirling in the soft breeze. Moonlight pouring in, making the room glow a bit.
Nothing has changed. Not one bit of the room has changed. Your heartbeat softly slowed down. Beating at a normal pace again. You sat up and peeled the bed sheets off your lower body. You then swung your legs over and hung them off the edge of the bed frame.
Sweat beaded down your forehead. Covering your face with both hands, you slowly breathed in and out with deep breaths. It felt like the whole room was spinning around, making you feel sick from all the dizziness. Everything was making you feel sick.
 Taking one last deep breath, you moved your hands from your face and into your hair. Combing your fingers through the (H/L) (H/C) strands. It felt hot and stuffy for you. You needed to get some fresh air and clear your mind.
Slowly you placed your feet onto the weaved rug and stood up. Raising both arms above, you stretch out your tired limbs and began to walk towards the balcony. Your feet padded against the cold, smooth stone of the tower. Leaving little echoes behind.
Once you stepped outside, the nighttime air greeted you with a gentle breeze. Cooling your face down, making you feel calm and collected now. Your nightgown skirt billowing and swirling around against your bare legs. It smelled sweet and fresh. Fully surrounded by forest and mountains. Nothing but peace and beauty at night.
The moon hung above in the inky bluish black sky, looking down at you. Brightly glowing with a gentle white light beaming everywhere. The stars twinkled and sparkling like little silver diamonds against the night sky. Feeling so surreal looking at this. You were very much used to it.
Resting your arms on the stone railing, you looked down from the tower’s balcony. The sound of the leaves and branches from the trees blowing in the breeze sounded like music to you. Gently creating soft sounds as it passed through each one.
Off in the distance, a wolf howled. Its howl echoing in the mountain’s valley. Calling out towards the moon above. The creature’s howl singing alongside the wind. A chorus of beautiful midnight music.
As you took in the nighttime spectacle of song, a wave of emotions suddenly came over you. Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes and spilled down. Streaming down your face like a never ending waterfall. A soft sob escaped your lips.
The nightmares you’ve been having were taking hold of you whenever you were awake. Not letting go of your fragile mind. The dark figures haunting you, even with your eyes opened. Their claws ripping into you, with their sharp fangs tearing into your warm flesh. 
Reliving your own death over and over night after night. It’s like you couldn’t escape from them at all. They’ll just continue with no end. Nothing will ever stop them.
“My love, are you alright?” Came a familiar from behind you. Quickly, you turned around to see it was your vampire lover Jan Valek. Standing in the door frame of the balcony, with a worried look on his face.
“Oh it’s you Valek,” you said in a soft sharp tone. “I couldn’t sleep. So I came out to get some fresh air,” you lied. You quickly turned back away from him. Using your thumb, you wiped away the tears before he sees them.
   Continuing to look at the nighttime landscape, you felt him loom over you like a great shadow. “No. Something is troubling you my love.” He said in a hurt tone. “It’s nothing really Valek. Don’t worry about me,” you said, with your voice almost breaking.
Then you felt something icy and light, softly grip your chin. Realizing Valek placed his fingers under your chin, you slowly lifted your head up and looked at him with (E/C) eyes stained with tears.          
“Oh my poor little robin. What has made you upset?” His voice sounded sorrowful the moment he saw your face. You let out a heavy sigh. “They did.” You said softly. “They who my dear?” he asked in return. “The nightmares.” Valek arched an eyebrow.
“I’ve been having trouble sleeping for a while. I thought it was nothing at first, but I was wrong. They were always the same one night after night.” You said in a soft tone.
“What were they about?” He whispered softly. Your heart skipped a beat from that question. “There were these pale faced figures, all cloaked in black. All of them circled around me. Trapping me with no way out. They were all staring at me with hungry red eyes. I couldn’t move or say anything. Fear had paralyzed my whole body. Their mouths opened, revealing sharp, cruel fangs. Then one by one, they attacked me. Lunging forward at my fear stricken body, covering me in total darkness. Biting and tearing into my flesh. Then it just stops and I wake up screaming.” You felt a heavy presence hovering above you now. Feeling the air change and shift.
“Oh (Y/N). Why didn’t you tell me,” he sounded hurt and wounded.
“I didn’t want you to worry Valek,” you softly sobbed, turning away from him. Wanting to spare him of your tear stained face. “I didn’t want to burden you with my own demons. I didn’t hurt you in any way.” Breaking into a full sob. Everything felt like it was crashing down upon you. You never wanted your lover to see you all vulnerable and troubled by anything you were dealing with.
All of a sudden, you felt Valek wrap his arms around you. Nearly engulfing you with his towering form. “I forgive you my love,” he whispered softly in your ear. “Oh Valek!” You sobbed out, burying your face into his chest.
Valek ran his hand through your hair. Soothing and calming you in a way. His long, slender fingers tangled in the (H/L) (H/C) strands. “I do not blame you for anything (Y/N). You wanted to spare my feelings from what you’re dealing with. I will never let anything or anyone hurt my little robin.” He said, bending down and placed a kiss upon your head.
You slowly lifted your head up again to look at your lover. His diamond colored eyes sparkling inside the moon’s light. A warm and beautiful smile spread across his face. Reassuring you you’re safe with him.
“Come my little robin,” he said with a gleeful tone, “let’s return you to bed.” He then bent down and slowly picked you up bridal style. You felt being lifted into thin air the moment your feet left the ground.
Valek glided with you cradled in his arms back into the bedroom. With a swift movement, he placed you onto the mattress and pulled the sheets over your now tired body. Tucking you like a mother would do with her child.
“Now my little robin,” Valek cooed softly, while he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, “close your eyes and dream of something sweet and beautiful.” Cupping your face with his hand.
“But Valek. What if the nightmares come back again,” you said with a worried voice. He softly shushed you with a finger to his lips. “I will stay with you while you slumber away. You have my word.” Placing his hand over his chest.
With a soft and swift motion, Valek climbed onto the bed and laid next to you. You turned over to look at him one more time before falling asleep.
“What do I dream of my love? I have nothing to dream about,” you said with a pain in your voice. “Anything. Anything you could think of. Any moment that was special to you in any way.” His voice started to fade away.
Slowly your eyes began to close as Valek continued to talk to you softly. Reassuring you he’ll keep you safe, while you sleep peacefully. “Dream peacefully my love. I’ll be here for you,” he said as he placed a kiss upon your forehead. 
As you finally fallen asleep, you began to dream about the first time you met Valek.    
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eemcintyre · 8 months
Wicked Game (Terry Silver)
TW- bondage, sadism/masochism, crying, dacryphilia if you squint, denial, control, overstimulation, humiliation, gagging, power exchange/imbalance, allusions to objectification/human furniture, hurting oneself for another’s pleasure; reader is inexperienced/a virgin, age gap, sub drop.
Summary- Terry Silver takes an interest in one of his adult students; an innocent and inexperienced girl with an obvious crush on him. After they start a relationship, he invites her to explore her interests in power exchange and sadomasochism.
IT'S FINE OK EVERYTHING'S FINE I'M FINE. Anyway this one goes out to all the TIG sluts like me and please be kind because I'm beiNG VERY VULNERABLE RIGHT NOW xoxo please and thank you
It was thoroughly unusual to see the Cobra Kai dojo so quiet. Normally, as the most popular dojo in the Valley since the resurged interest in karate, the building hummed with activity from its large number of youth and adult students. But this afternoon, the only people in sight were a few members of what appeared to be a cleaning crew.
Thinking about it further, Y/N realized it made more sense- it was just the start of a new school year, so the younger students were probably busy acclimating to their classes and the adults with such children were just as busy taking care of them. The next tournament also wouldn’t take place for months. Y/N decided that she was thankful for the quiet, as she had begun to worry about the number of people who witnessed her frequenting Sensei Silver’s office and what they might start to think about why that was. Especially because, if their wondering led them to more scandalous lines of thinking, they wouldn’t be wrong.
She made her way past the cleaning crew, trying her best not to undo their progress on the floors as she made her way to the opposite end of the spacious main room, toward the entrance to a stairway. She knew this flight of stairs well, having traveled up the steps many times over the last few months- the dark grey corridor, dimly lit by cool fluorescent lights, would be an ominous and mysterious tunnel, did it not lead to the thrill of Terry Silver’s personal attention.
From the moment Y/N had joined the dojo’s adult class, Terry had taken a special interest in her training, engaging in what seemed to be more one-on-one teaching than he gave to his other students. He also took an interest in her personal life, asking about what she did outside of their classes and checking in with her anytime she seemed to be having an off day. And while Y/N kept it within her innermost thoughts, she wouldn’t lie to herself that she did enjoy the special attentiveness. While the chances of it leading anywhere were slim to none, she’d been pining for Silver from afar since the beginning.
It wasn’t just something, it was everything about him- the fact that he was so much older than her; learned, well-rounded and traveled and still able to move like he was in his prime. The long, soft-looking curls of hair in his unique, trademark ponytail and the frosty blue eyes that she could feel in her knees. The smallest bit of praise on her technique or obedience to his commands would give her butterflies for the rest of the day. It had all earned him a starring role in the imagery of her night and day-dreams.
As someone who had dated very few people in life thus far, let alone ever had sex, these dreams were ones she’d never had about anyone else and didn’t fully understand. While observing his demonstrations to the class of various moves, Y/N found herself imagining, even wishing for that carefully cultivated and controlled strength to be directed toward her. He seemed to relish the thought of inflicting pain on his enemies, and she found it exciting to imagine him experiencing that same relish because of her. But the idea that she might want someone to hurt her was totally foreign, and trying to sort out the feelings left her confused and disgusted. She didn’t know much about that sort of lifestyle, but she knew that it was generally frowned upon as gross and unnatural. Thus, rather than explore it deeper, she tucked the matter deep inside and tried not to analyze it, merely shyly enjoying the thrill.  
As well as she believed herself to be hiding this array of conflicting feelings, Terry could see right through and, as a result, was taken with the need to possess and deflower her innocent, unsuspecting sweetness. The idea that this reserved, weak little thing had so obviously never been touched, or really romantically pursued by anyone before, but was head over heels for him, who at this point had seen and done it all, was downright intoxicating. Every time he caught her staring at him and she quickly looked away, cheeks flushed and hands fumbling, he felt drunk with power and arousal. Thankfully his gi was long enough to cover what she did to him until he could take care of it. 
One evening's particularly challenging session of board breaking had left Y/N with a bloodied hand full of cuts and splinters. After the rest of the students filtered out of the building, post-attending to their own wounds, Sensei Silver took it upon himself to bandage her hand.
As they sat in closer proximity than ever before, her hand firmly clasped by his own in order to wrap it, she’d expressed how embarrassed and disappointed she was to have torn up her hand so badly without managing to break even a single board. Expecting a lecture from her strict teacher, she was shocked when he, while holding a steady, scrutinizing gaze, replied:
“I’m quite pleased with how hard you worked today. Board breaking doesn’t happen overnight; you have to toughen up your hand first.”
He emphasized his words with a light shake of her wrist as he finished his bandaging work. She managed a small, slightly comforted smile, but found herself unable to return the intense eye contact, glancing down at her knees.
“So, why did you do that?” he asked, finally breaking the heavy silence.
“What?” She stared, disoriented, noticing that he hadn’t yet let go of her hand even though he’d finished tending to it.
“If you didn’t realize that what you did today was part of strengthening your hand, then why did you push yourself to the point of bleeding? There were plenty of other students who knew the purpose of what they were doing and still didn’t push themselves that hard. Why?”
The only answer she could give didn’t entirely make sense to her, and yet she knew it was true nonetheless.
“I guess… I wanted to please you, Sensei, by trying as hard as I could. You always say that fear, pain, and defeat don’t exist in this dojo, and I would have felt like I was giving in to those things and letting you down if I didn’t keep going. I was just trying to do what you told me.”
“So, what you’re saying is that you willingly hurt yourself because you thought it would please me?”
She found herself increasingly distracted by his prolonged, firm grip on her hand, although she didn’t try to extricate herself. She reddened, dizziness and heat twinging and twisting in her stomach. It was such an odd way for him to describe it, and yet it wasn’t untrue.
“I… I guess you could say that… maybe. I don’t know…”
He backed off of the subject after that, not wanting to alienate her by pushing too far and too fast. She was going to require a delicate approach.
But over the following weeks he made it clear that he was just as interested in her as she was in him, and she came to the realization that dating him might not be as remote of a possibility as she’d thought. When he finally proposed the idea of going out, she was hesitant. Not only had her small number of previous partners never included someone so much older, who was so intense and intimidating and also an authority figure in her life, but she didn’t want to ruin the good thing she had going with her Cobra Kai lessons if things didn’t work out between them. But she had taken so few chances in her life, and she decided it would be stupid to pass the opportunity up just because she was scared. This was the dojo where fear did not exist, after all.
They ended up going out for dinner one evening soon after and having a wonderful time, and then one wonderful time quickly led to another and another. Though the time that had passed was short in comparison to how slow she usually moved, they were getting more serious with each other than anyone Y/N had ever dated. But, in addition, she noted that something felt off, like it was lying unaddressed, simmering below the surface.
One night, while at his place after the day’s karate class, Terry was eager to experiment by testing her reactions to the subject of mixing pain and pleasure once again.
As the two of them were making out on the sofa in his study, he dug his thumb into a bruise she’d incurred during a sparring session. She shocked herself when she groaned into the kiss, half in pain and half to express the strange way it warmed her stomach and made her throb. She glanced up at him in alarm and he smirked triumphantly.
“That feel good?” he asked, and she froze. “Like it felt good splitting your hand open on those boards?”
“No…” He quirked an eyebrow at her skeptically, knowingly, warning her to tell the truth. “Yes… I don’t know.” She squirmed as he remained unmoving, unblinking.
“It’s alright, you know. Everyone feels conflicted about it at first, but lots of people are aroused by pain, obedience, deferring control to someone else.” She opened her mouth but couldn’t force any words out. He continued. “Do you want to submit to me? Wouldn’t it feel good to be protected, and cared for in every conceivable way; for someone else to make the decisions? You seem to long for it, and I can provide it.”
“I-I don’t know how- what all is involved…”  
“Well, I’m a teacher; I can teach you. If you’re curious, we can explore that side of yourself- together.” When she made no reply, he spoke to one of the fears he knew was gnawing at her. “No one but us would know. The risk is minimal- either you’ll realize it’s not the right fit for you, or you might feel more fulfilled than you ever have in your life.”
She couldn’t argue with his logic. And, so far, the chances she’d taken with Terry had paid off. What was another one? 
“Sensei,” she uttered the title loudly enough for him to hear, but softly enough to not disturb him if he was working on something important.
“Y/N,” he immediately looked away up the contents of his desk to her before flicking his wrist to glance at his watch. “Good, you’re right on time.”
It was thirty minutes before the start of the evening’s karate class, as he’d requested a couple of days before. He wouldn’t say why but did assure her that nothing was wrong. From the way he’d acted when making the arrangement, she figured that it was another invitation to explore their new dynamic, in which case she was still extremely nervous, but in an excited sort of manner, still self-conscious of her body and everything she wanted him to do to it.
For her very first foray into the practice, he’d suggested that, since she liked serving and following orders so much, she should assist him at his home office by holding and carrying papers and anything else he needed, including even making and bringing him drinks. The second time, he’d used her as a footstool while he read a book. Once, he had forbidden her to speak at all during a class, and most recently, they’d made out while her hands were tied. And he had been right- she was a natural. Relinquishing control to him was somehow incredibly exhilarating and a massive relief at the same time.
As Y/N approached his desk, he also rose from his chair, meeting her just in front of the desk and leaning languidly against it. He didn’t say anything else, wanting to study her expression as he maintained the silence. Shifting her weight from side to side, a weak smile twitching at her lips, he could tell that she was burning with curiosity and nervousness while trying to appear still casual and playful.  
“Why the early meeting?” she asked, not wanting to be assumptive if it was not, in fact, for romantic purposes. “And why here? Class starts before too long…” Her eyes flitted anxiously from his daunting form to the discomfortingly quiet room around them.
“Oh, this won’t interfere with class. I have something special for you in mind today. A different training session that I think is going to do you a lot better.” He intruded even closer into her personal space, reaching to grip her shoulders, and she looked up to meet his gaze, her heart thudding as she was enveloped by the scent of his cologne. “Instead of being with the other students today, I have a solo practice for you.”
“Okay,” she murmured, half in agreement and half as a question.
“Come here.” He was intent on preserving the feeling of mystery and anticipation. Taking her hand, he led her to a door off to their side.
“Where are we going?”
“Somewhere you won’t disrupt the rest of the class.”
“What will I be doing? What is this?” Y/N laughed softly, trying to break the tension as her hands became damp with sweat, but he wouldn’t grant her any reprieve and clue her in. He just opened the door, revealing a small closet. While it also housed shelves of miscellaneous office supplies, her attention was primarily drawn to the center of the space, where a chair was positioned, a black duffel bag placed at its side.
“Sit down,” he ordered, and she proceeded shakily to take a seat in the chair, hands folded tightly together in her lap. While he still stood near the doorway of the closet, pacing, he continued speaking:
“This is a test of endurance. Not only will it help you with your Cobra Kai training, but it’s going to help you outside of that as well.”
Finally, he unzipped the mysterious duffel bag, and her mouth went dry when he pulled out several strands of rope.
“Ah, ah… just relax,” he instructed as she began to fidget uncomfortably in the chair, like she was about to get up. Stepping behind her, rope in one hand, he used his other free one to place a steadying touch on her shoulder.
“Do you remember your safeword?” he asked calmly. If Y/N was truly uncomfortable, he always made it clear that she should use it, as trust and safety were to be at the core of such a dynamic. Especially if he wanted to continue in his delicate approach to shaping her into his dearest little slut. She nodded, making a visible but not entirely successful effort to relax into the chair and his touch.
“This is for your own good,” he noted, beginning to loop the rope around her shoulders and arms, as well as her wrists, securing her upper half to the backboard of the chair. “Although I won’t deny that I enjoy seeing you like this.”
Moving to kneel in front of her, he joined her legs to the front two chair legs, spreading them slightly apart as she, torn between obedience and panic, squirmed feebly in the chair. She continued to sputter frantic nonsense phrases and he noted that her eyes were starting to water as he double-checked the secureness of the binds. Tight enough to contain her and give a slight burn, but not enough to bruise. Perfect for her first of such an experience.  
He removed another item from the duffel bag and Y/N let out a soft whine, her shaking growing more intense at the sight of a vibrator wand.
“Darling, I need you to focus.” He said firmly, using the last piece of rope to attach the vibrator to the chair, situated between her parted legs, snug against her clit over her underwear. His cock twitched in his pants when he saw that there was already a wet spot.
“You’re going to sit with this vibrator on your cunt while the rest of us are having class downstairs. You will not come.”
She began to let out an alarmed cry, a tear escaping down the side of her face, and Terry was reminded of the final touch needed to complete her 'look.'
“Oh, that’s right…”
He rifled through the bag for the last of the needed items, revealing a ball gag. That’s when Y/N really started to struggle against the ropes, but by then there was no point. As tears began to slide down her face at an increasing rate, she recoiled when he bent to lick them from her cheek. She was so incredibly disgusted with herself for how turned-on she felt in such a humiliating moment; the mix of emotions was so overwhelming that she wanted to run away somewhere and hide. 
“Wait!” she exclaimed as he held up the gag, about to fasten it behind her head, and, just in case she was about to safeword, he paused. “But h-how… I don’t think I can. What if someone comes in?”
“No one’s going to come in- they won’t hear you if you’re gagged, and I’ll have you safely locked inside with the lights off,” he smirked.
“I’m scared,” she pleaded, her voice cracking. “I feel so strange, and good, and gross and I don’t know what to think or do…”
“See, that’s why this is exactly what you need,” Terry replied knowingly, stroking the side of her head. “Don’t try to analyze everything right away. I need you to trust that you’re safe to leave all that to me- for at least a little while. You don’t have to see the bondage as limiting you. While your body is restrained, you can concentrate on your mind- but not for thinking and analyzing. The restraints are giving you the freedom to let go. Let go of your control and all of your worries. Your only responsibility is to do what I’ve asked you to do; to please me.”
“But isn’t that like being defeated?” she asked, recalling how defeat did not exist in Terry’s rulebook for life.
“Not at all. Not when you do it willingly and intentionally,” he replied simply, tucking a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.
Finally, she stilled, studying him thoughtfully through her glassy eyes. She was already so lovely like this; he could hardly imagine how beautiful she would be once he’d thoroughly exhausted her and erased every anxious, doubtful thought from her head. When several seconds stretched without her protesting further, he moved again to place the gag in her mouth. He was pleased when she parted her lips obediently. 
“I need you to be strong for me. However, if you reach the point where you need to safeword, you have this…” He pulled a small button device from his pocket, nestling it in her tied fist. “It’s good to challenge yourself, and I believe you can handle it. But I can’t have my little fighter taking on too much and really hurting herself, physically or emotionally. Good girls challenge themselves and try their best, but they also need to take care of themselves so they can fight the next day.”
He paused, leaning into her close enough for their faces to almost touch. His tone and expression were grave. “You press this and I will end class immediately and come up here to get you. Understood? Understood?”
She nodded and he took this as his go-ahead to turn on the vibrator. Though it was only on a medium setting, she immediately tensed back up and bucked her hips against the tip.
“Baby, you need to pace yourself,” he chuckled, placing his hands on her hips to still her. She whimpered softly, overwhelmed by how embarrassed and powerless she felt. 
“Now, just focus on the movement and rhythm of the vibrations for me. Nothing else exists. Pain, fear, defeat, your job, other people… It’s just you denying yourself for me. Just allow yourself to float in the delicious in-between state of pleasure and pain, of tension and relaxation, and let me do the thinking.”
In an admittedly devious move, he placed a firm, hot kiss to her neck before getting up, drawing another oh-so sweet muffled and tormented whine from her throat that made his cock leak.
The lock clicked on the door behind him, leaving Y/N to the total darkness and the longest hour and a half of her life.
The hardest part definitely wasn’t not to think- very quickly, she found it almost impossible to think of anything else except the unrelenting pulses of vibration against her clit. Terry hadn’t specified what would happen if she failed to stop herself from coming, but she figured that there would be some sort of punishment and preferred not to find out what exactly it would be. As she clenched around nothing, she could already feel slick absolutely gushing from her pussy onto the seat under her. It was almost a gift that the uncomfortable feeling of the spit that had started dripping down her chin provided some distraction.
Y/N wondered just how ruined her shirt would be by the end of this, and about having to walk out of the dojo probably looking a sight, but this thought evaporated as she felt a new, more intense pressure building in the pit of her stomach. All of the sudden, the intensity of the pleasure had her fighting with all of her resolve not to come, eyes twisted shut, struggling to pull her hips even a millimeter away from the head of the wand. Just as she thought she might fail, a drop of sweat fell into her eye, jolting her more firmly into focus again.
She wanted more than anything to please him, to be a good student and do him proud; put that beautiful smile on his face and be the reason for it. She also wanted to prove to herself that she had the strength and self-control to fulfill what had been asked of her and what she now asked of herself.
Initially, Y/N had been able to roughly estimate how long she had been left, but eventually she lost all track of time. Upon reaching that point, she finally fully allowed her thoughts to drain away like the slick that coated her underwear and the chair beneath her, giving up all wondering when Terry might return and letting go of the worry she had about how she might look by the time he arrived. All that mattered was that she was not allowed to come.
When she finally heard the click of the door’s lock again, she was pulled from her haze by the light that sliced into the complete darkness of the closet, making her squint. Eventually she managed to focus in on Terry, her eyes filling with tears. The man who was both her challenger and protector, assailant and healer, whom she’d made herself so mentally and physically vulnerable for, was here to rescue and tend to her.
The sight that greeted Terry was nothing short of divine. His angel was drenched in sweat, saliva, and slick, and apart from the occasional twitch against the vibrator, had given up struggling and appeared to have little, if any, coherent thought. When her blank gaze finally fully readjusted to the light, he grinned down at her.
“Everyone is gone now; the dojo is closed.” He gave her a moment to process what he had said, crouching before her to fully appreciate how mussed-up and flushed she looked, inhaling the heady scent of her perfume combined with the smell of sex and the warmth radiating off of her.
“Did you come?” he asked, not yet turning off the vibrator. Her head lolled back and forth in an attempt at a shaking motion.
“Good.” He said in a nonchalant tone that, despite her not thinking it was possible, made her more turned on. It was as if they were discussing traffic or the weather. He studied the darkened crotch of her underwear: “Mm, you’ve really soaked through your panties, though. You must be enjoying this even more than I thought.”
Her stomach dropped as the vibrator continued to run and he fixed her with a mischievous look.
“In that case, since you’ve been doing so well for me, I guess I can let you stay here a while longer. I have plenty of other things I can do. How does that sound, darling?” This time Y/N shook her head more frantically, trying to say ‘no’ through the gag. He pretended not to understand her, even though it was intelligible enough.
“What was that, baby? Oh, you’re welcome.” He got up and headed toward the door once more, noting that she still refused to safeword as he closed and locked her in again.
Y/N had never felt so helpless in that moment, consumed by the darkness again and the now seemingly endless torture of the wand’s rhythmic vibrations. She tightened her grip on the button in her fist, knowing that she could end it all at any time, but did not press it. She was determined to last it out until he decided that she was done. After all, she’d made it this far, right?
In that moment, something about the helplessness and the increasingly hazy mental state she was plummeting into became freeing. He had all of the power and that was okay. It meant that she wasn’t responsible for anything except the one thing he’d asked her to do. Nothing else mattered. He really was helping her; this was good for her, to have no expectations or concerns; to humble herself by fulfilling demands rather than making them and be patient to accept what she was given. 
Just as she had reached this stage of tenuous acceptance, she was surprised and confused when the door slid open after what couldn’t have been more than a few minutes. Terry entered with a glass of water, a towel, and first aid supplies in his hands.
“Sweetheart, I’m joking,” he laughed softly, bending down at her feet to set down everything he was carrying. “But you did so, so well for me.” Finally, he removed the gag from her sore jaw, the ball pulling strands of saliva with it. She gasped from the soreness as well as the relief.
“Just come for me now and we’ll be done,” he said, switching the vibrator to the highest setting and controlling its position with his hand instead of the rope, leaning in close for her to rest her head on his shoulder. “Let it all out for me...”
Within moments, he felt her shake as violently as the restraints would allow, warm and sticky come coating the tip of the vibrator through her panties.
“Aahhh…! Thank you! Thank you, Sensei…” she cried in his ear through strangled moans that gradually decreased in volume as she rode out the aftershocks of her orgasm. Her invocation of his title made his cock jerk, and he bit back a growl. As the most intense climax she’d ever experienced faded, mixing with the feelings of confusion, disgust, and submission, she burst into tears. It was complete sensory overload.  
“Shh, it’s okay. You can cry if you need to,” Terry crooned as she clung to him. He cradled the back of her neck with one hand while starting to untie her with the other. Once she was entirely free and her sobs subsided a bit, he reached for the glass of water and raised it to her lips.
“Drink this- I don’t want you dehydrated,” he said as she sipped from the cold glass, staring at him with blissed-out, puffy eyes. Once she’d had enough to drink, she sucked in a shaky breath and collapsed into his arms.
“I’m so proud of you, angel,” he praised her, rocking her back and forth like a child and pressing delicate kisses all over her face. After cleaning her with the towel, he set to fixing up wherever it hurt, applying healing lotion and ointment to the spots on her arms and legs where the rope had burned, and stroking her cheeks until most of the marks from the gag had faded.
“Okay. All better,” he sighed and she sniffed, having stopped crying. He tilted her chin up so that she was looking directly at him. “Now, are you proud of yourself? You should be proud of yourself.”
She blushed. He was happy with her. She had succeeded in doing what he wanted her to do. She responded to his pleased grin with a soft smile that made her face glow and imbued his chest with warmth.
“Just don’t ever trick me like that again,” she pouted. 
“That was rather mean of me, wasn’t it?” he conceded with a small laugh, unable to hide the fact that he was a bit gleeful rather than entirely apologetic.
“Mhm,” she added petulantly, burying her face into his shoulder.
“I can’t make any promises there, doll,” he replied slyly. “Not when you make it so much fun to toy with you.” He squeezed his arms around her a final time and they shared a kiss before he shifted his posture.
“Alright, let’s get you something to eat. Easy now.” He helped her stumble to her feet and guided her out of the closet.  
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davidnsantana · 1 month
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A change from the Merlin usual Merlin fanart
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saintaeter · 2 months
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Blessed King Griffith, from my AU The Court of The Blessed King
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fallloverfic · 5 months
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Rating: Explicit
Category: M/M
Fandom:  Berserk (Anime & Manga)
Relationships: Griffith/Guts
Tags: canon divergence, porn with feelings, fix-it, hurt/comfort, men crying, angst with a happy ending, set after morning departure, golden age, more tags on Ao3
Summary: After Guts leaves Griffith defeated and kneeling in the snow, Griffith realizes he can't just stay behind. He catches up to Guts, and they discuss dreams.
Forget my dream (6,579 words, complete)
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As done as it's gonna be. I've been working on this way too long y'all. So here it is, some good old Griffguts.
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From a fanfic of mine that has also spent too much time in progress lol. Courtesy a poll it now has a real and permanent name (only like 9 revisions lol). 🔥 Now in this scene Griffith is actually very, very ill, but the candle lighting kinda fixed the sickly skin tone soooo...eh.
The wounds and scars are...self inflicted, let's put it that way.
I will post the fic link when it's ready. 😀
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ideklolwat · 2 months
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Holy Daughter of the Heavens and "Blessed" King of Longing
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bramblesbriars · 2 months
Any photo inspiration for how Daniel and Terry look in your excellent fic Middle of the Night? Were you inspired by Ralph or TIG’s appearances in KKverse or their other movies?
Oh I have PLENTY. Too many to post here. I do have a Pinterest board that I will try to link. Hopefully that'll work.
But for specific references I love using plain old Daniel from Karate Kid 3. He's strangely thick in that movie, so he's perfect for the fic.
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(I looked for gifs and couldn't find any. Am sad 😔 )
As for Terry. Well-
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He takes inspiration from an entirely different Terry. I imagine the MOTN Terry wearing his hair down more than KK3 Terry would. And the trench coats, definitely wears trench coats. Hence McCain. His curls and fashion sense just match better for what's going on in my head for KK3 Terry.
I wish I could find better pictures of Daniel. The image I have specifically of him is when Terry first meets him and Daniel is wearing those burgundy sweat pants. They just make his hips look particularly wide.
Anyway. 🤔
Those are the main references I use for MOTN! Leaving the link to my horrid Pinterest board below for ya'lls enjoyment. Or terror.
Thanks for the ask and the support! I always appreciate it! ☺️
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honeydewsour · 4 months
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Penelope Griffith @amberlide ‘s OC ft. long haired version with a braid!
If you like Garreth Weasley definitely check out their works on archiveofourown !!
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 11 months
Griffgutsweekend 2023 Day 1: Thread of Destiny
@griffgutsweekend ; @ofdemonsandangels
Happy Griffguts weekend! This is... not actually that relevant to the prompt but "thread of destiny" was the closest or at least the least un-relevant?
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eemcintyre · 1 month
Surprise very spicy one-shot! (Terry Silver)
TW- daddy kink, humiliation kink, dacryphilia kind of, slight size kink, coming inside.
Summary- Reader is embarrassed to ask Terry (CK era) if she can call him by a title that I think is obvious from the TW
I have no idea what to call this or what dark recess of my mind it came from, but here's a very random little treat for y'all that I hope you enjoy <3 (P.S. happy vacation @karatekels)
“There’s something you don’t want to tell me,” he realized. “I promise, whatever it is, I won’t be upset with you.”
“No. It’s not… It’s not that I don’t want to talk about it, it’s…” The tension in her shoulders dropped from frustration as her voice fell to a barely audible murmur. “I can’t talk about it. I can’t tell you.”
“Come here; sit down.” Terry patted one of his thighs, spreading his legs slightly, beckoning her into his lap.
She glanced timidly up from her shuffling feet to his lap and decided it was better not to keep testing him, as that never seemed to end well for anyone. As he positioned her to straddle and face him, slipping his arms around her waist and feeling her tentatively settle into the familiar, comforting position, he continued.
“You know you can tell me anything, babydoll.” Her back tensed up again and he ran a large hand up and down her spine. “You’ve got me curious now.”
“I can’t…” She tried to wrestle back out of his grip, but he just held her tighter, stroking one hand across her back more firmly and digging the nails of his other hand into her over her clothes as a warning.
“Why? Are you worried I’ll be mad, that I’ll laugh, what?” He smiled gently in an attempt to get her to lower her guard, but she recoiled as much as it was possible from his inquiring expression and touch.
“It’s embarrassing,” she whimpered.
Now Terry was sure- between how she was simultaneously unable to even look at him but also constantly fidgeting against his body, to the pink flush that climbed her neck and had her cheeks absolutely glowing- this was about something sexual.
No longer having to worry about whether something was seriously wrong, Terry’s more mischievous and cunning instincts awakened. He leaned in to begin pressing gentle kisses along her jaw, seeking to both reassure her and heighten the humiliated arousal she seemed to be feeling. Though she still refused to tear her gaze from the wall behind them, her posture stiffened, breaths now coming in short gasps.
“You know I’ll give you whatever you want- all you have to do is ask me.” She opened her mouth, but he corrected her before she could speak- “You have to look at me, baby.”
She tried to curl into herself, hiding her face in the spot connecting Terry's shoulder and neck and letting out a frustrated whine before he pulled her back into his view, gripping her chin to force her to face him. He gazed at her expectantly, not wanting to be too harsh and intimidate her back into her shell, but sternly enough to compel her to obey. Several long seconds of silence ensued.
She swallowed hard, taking one of his hands in hers and toying with it; the action was something solid and concrete to ground her racing heart and thoughts, tracing the veins and his long fingers. He would allow her as long as it took to collect herself, but she was going to tell him what was on her mind. When she finally spoke, he was surprised at how much she managed to steady her voice.
“I was just wondering if… Can I… Can I call you daddy?”
Terry froze, momentarily forgetting to breathe as his vision went hazy and blood rushed to below his belt. When he didn’t immediately respond, she wrenched her chin from his grip and hid her face in her hands.
“I told you, never mind! It’s stupid and weird; it’s disgusting…”
“It is disgusting,” he nodded, his voice hoarse. He slowly pulled her hands from her face, revealing tears glimmering at the corners of her eyes as she tried her hardest yet to struggle out of her spot on his lap. In a sudden move he then yanked her hips so that they were flush against him and squeezed her waist possessively. “I want you to say it again.”
Her jaw went slack, eyes wide with shock as she croaked out “…Daddy.”
“Now, tell me exactly what you want, because I’m aching to give it to you,” Terry groaned, placing one of her delicate hands over his pants and the shape of his hardening cock. She shuddered, this time from arousal rather than anxiety, forcing herself to maintain eye contact as he guided her hand up and down his shaft.
“Please take care of me, daddy,” she whimpered, the title still feeling foreign on her tongue, but not wrong. “I’m so wet for you.”
He felt the last of her stubborn will to fight and hide from him diminish as she started to lean into his touch, melting into the warmth of his large hand over hers and his growing erection beneath it.
“I bet you are,” he replied in a smug, condescending tone that made her feel small and even more embarrassed, if it were possible. “That’s a good girl; keep going.”
She stuttered her way through a few more of the specifics of what she craved; the twisted things she wanted him to do to her that were all the more so with his new title in the mix.
“Don’t worry, angel,” Terry crooned, “Daddy knows exactly what you need.”
With that, he effortlessly swept her into his arms, carrying her upstairs to the bedroom. Setting her on her unsteady feet, he undid every button and zipper with reverence, relishing the way she clung to him when her knees buckled.
Once she was bare for him, Terry pulled her back into his lap at the end of the bed, facing the full-length mirror in the corner of the room. It was nerve-wracking to be totally exposed to him while he remained clothed, especially as this image stared her inescapably in the face from the mirror. She clutched the arm he had looped around her stomach as he spread her legs open with his own and studied her hungrily.
“Just relax for me,” he cooed, stroking the inside of her thigh before running the pads of his fingers through her wetness. “Tell daddy how he makes you feel.”
She was already wet enough for him to work two fingers inside her and thrust at a slow but steady rhythm, feeling her fluttering walls suck him in. He looked up from his handiwork to the reflection of the mirror, admiring how his fingers stretched her. They could reach all the right spots inside her that her own fingers couldn’t.
“Hhhnnn, feels so good… ah! Oh…”
His rough fingers curled up and grazed that spongy spot inside of her that made her keen, bucking her hips against his hand. Her free hand shot out to grab his muscular thigh for support as she clenched uncontrollably around him.
“You take it so well for me,” he hummed, craning his neck to plant hot, wet kisses across the side of her face.
“You’re so deep.” She was already nearly sobbing as the obscene sounds of his fingers moving in and out intensified.
“Listen to how soaked you are. That’s all for me?” He took one of her hands in his and pressed a kiss to it, the tenderness of the gesture combined with his degrading commentary making her lightheaded.
“Yes!” she cried. The combination of humiliation and pleasure was getting so overwhelming that, in the interest of self-preservation, she shut her eyes and covered her mouth.
Terry wasn’t going to go for that. He wanted- and felt he deserved- every single look and sound he elicited; every gory detail. His reward for making her feel so good, even if it absolutely mortified her. In fact, that arguably made it all the sweeter. Prying her hand from her lips, he shook his head, sighing. “Oh, don’t get all shy on me again now. You love it when I humiliate you a little.”
She was unable to suppress a gasp at the pressure inside as he finally increased the pace of his fingers.
“Aaaahhh! God, fuck!”
He grinned. Knowing that she was getting close, he withdrew his hand from her pussy. She started to whine helplessly until he took her by surprise and flipped them both around. Now she was underneath him on her stomach, pressed to the bed, rendered speechless.
“That’s why you got all hot and bothered asking if you could call me daddy,” he remarked. They were still facing the direction of the mirror, and she eyed the reflection of him towering behind her from his knees on the mattress, undoing his pants. “That’s vile.”
After Terry divested himself of his clothing, he grabbed her roughly by the ankles, flipping her onto her back and caging her underneath him again. Then he lunged at her, sucking hickeys into her neck and collarbone, his thick cock prodding at her thigh, making her ache in anticipation. She dug her nails into his broad shoulders, drawing a guttural sound from his lips.
“Was your father not there for you when you needed him to be? Was he even around at all?” Terry growled, sounding both like he was trying to further humiliate her and like he was angry at the possibility of anyone having hurt her. Before she could choke out a coherent answer, he continued. “That’s okay. Now you have a man who will treat you the way you deserve,” Terry spat, finally sheathing his throbbing cock inside of her, to the hilt, all in one go. She wailed at the sudden, all-encompassing feeling of fullness. “Surround you with my love and fill you full of it until you can’t take any more.”
The innuendo was not lost on her and, as his full, heavy balls smacked her ass with each thrust, the thought of him pumping her full of his come sent a fresh wave of heat through her. His powerful thrusts sent her bouncing against the surface of the bed. Each one was initially accompanied by a sharp twinge of pain, but it soon faded into the dull, perversely satisfying ache that she had become used to with him.
At this point, he had her folded nearly in half under him, white-knuckling her legs over his shoulders as he pounded her into the mattress. He would be the sole guiding, protecting and caretaking older male figure in her life from now on. Without interrupting his brutal movements, he bent to make out with her, sliding his tongue into her warm and unresistant mouth. At the simultaneous penetrating movements of his cock and his tongue, she melted in his grip, pussy gushing around him.
“You want me to give it to you?” he asked, breaking the embrace and leaving them both gasping.
“Please! I need you, please!” she pleaded, eyes starting to well up again from the complete and utter overstimulation of everything.
“And who am I to you?” Terry persisted, reason leaving his body as he drew ever close to the edge and the sick animal in him fully took over. He was desperate to draw every last descriptive detail out of her even if it meant overwhelming her to the point of a complete breakdown. He pinned her wrists against the bed, adjusting the angle of his thrusts, only tearing his eyes away from hers to observe the faint outline of his dick rearranging her insides.  
“Daddy!” she cried, the tears finally rolling down her flushed cheeks, her hands fisted into the blankets. Every stroke now had him in danger of blowing his load. He demanded again through gritted teeth:
“Who’s your daddy, baby?”
“You! You are!” she screamed, body trembling violently and words then dissolving into moans as she came all over his cock. The intensity of her pulsating around him was enough to finally set him off as well, and with a few more forceful, erratic thrusts, he came so hard that his eyes nearly rolled back, cock twitching, balls contracting, pumping his come into her with every pulse.
“That’s it, that’s my sweet girl,” he murmured various soothing words in her ear, slipping a hand under her ass for leverage and to fuck his come even deeper as they each rode their orgasm out.
Before he had a chance to pull out, she reached up to maneuver him so that he was laying on top of her, finding the weight calming as the spinning sensations in her mind and body stilled. He was content to oblige, tucking his face in the crook of her neck and taking in the heady scent of their combined perfume, cologne, body heat and sex as he worked to slow his ragged breathing back to normal.  
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What type of horses do you think Griffiths apostles would be?
What type of horses I think griffiths apostles would be?
God, I'm so ready for this. You have no idea
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Zodd- Belgian Ardennes horse
Absolute UNITS.
Enormous draft horses built for pulling trees and logging. Not the tallest of the drafts but incredibly powerful, and otherwise pretty chilled out horses, of course you decide to piss it off, and there's no outrunning that thing.
Very zodd shaped animal
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Grunbeld - Shire horse.
I chose a shire purely because of their height, if I'm honest,it's one of their most prominent features and the same goes with grunbeld, they're HUGE.
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Locus- friesian.
Practically the same picture.
Look at the man, look at the horse. There's no difference. No, nothing.
Locus as anything but a black coated friesian is immediately wrong.
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Irvine- hanoverian horse
Primarily chosen for their altheticism and being a horse used in show hunting. What Is Irvine? A hunter, of course.
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Rakshas- Selle Francais
I chose the Selle because of their athletic abilities, agility, and natural compliance.
There we go! Was a pretty easy post since I love the apostles in berserk. I already had them picked out
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saintaeter · 7 months
Tired of the precarious existence of a mercenary, Guts takes part in a royal tournament in the hope of winning himself a better life. This gains him the attention of King Griffith, the mysterious and alluring ruler of Midland. As he adjusts to his new life in the royal palace, Guts will slowly begin to unravel the many secrets that shroud the saint-like figure of the young monarch.
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fallloverfic · 8 months
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Rating: Explicit
Category: M/M
Fandom:  Berserk (Anime & Manga)
Relationships: Griffith/Guts
Tags: canon divergence, porn with feelings, fix-it, hurt/comfort, men crying, angst with a happy ending, set after morning departure, golden age, more tags on Ao3
Summary: After Guts leaves Griffith defeated and kneeling in the snow, Griffith realizes he can't just stay behind. He catches up to Guts, and they discuss dreams.
Forget my dream (4,789 words, complete)
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