tinylittleshepherd · 2 years
Derek and Addison had a daughter early in their relationship forcing them to split attention between their education, their careers and their family. They never realized that 14 years later they'd be in a struggling marriage with a daughter who wants nothing to do with them and a son who is too young to understand what was going on [Addison M., Derek S.] OC 
Just found this in my bookmarks. I didn’t really like the ending but overall it’s a good fic.
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This is actually my main account these days but I can't quite get the hang of deciding which account follows which
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dakotasgreenkitchen · 3 years
Call Me By Your Name: Chapter 1
“Mommy.” Isabella’s small voice rang through the one bedroom apartment. Isabella was Amelia’s daughter. Ryan had passed but he had left Amelia with a daughter.
Isabella had Ryan’s dark hair but Amelia’s natural beach waves, with a perfect mix of bright and light blue eyes from both her parents.
Amelia had lost her job due to her drug habits with Ryan years before. She lived in a small one bedroom apartment with Isabella, no matter how hard it got Amelia made sure Isabella had food and clothes.
The clothes were mainly hand me downs and the food was not as great as it could be. Isabella being young still did not mind. Deep down Amelia wished she had been careful and cared more so that Isabella could everything that Henry or Zola and Bailey had.
“What do you want for breakfast beauty?” Amelia asked as she picked Isabella up.
“Pancakes.” Isabella gave Amelia a big smile, no matter how stressed, tired or worried Amelia got about their financial situation, looking at Isabella’s face gave her a reason to keep going.
She reminded her, Isabella was her baby and deserved the whole world. Isabella hadn’t asked for any of this and she wanted to be able to give her the world.
Amelia made pancakes as Isabella watched her, Isabella being young had no idea what kind of stress Amelia carried on herself.
Addison offered to let them stay at her house, Amelia did not want to admit defeat- but mostly didn’t want Isabella to grow up hating her for not being able to give her everything that Henry had.
“Mommy, we have to do this assignment for school so where did my name come from?” Isabella asked as she poured the syrup onto her pancakes.
“Well you first name is Isabella and I thought it was very pretty, then Ryan was your daddy’s name. I wanted you to have that as a part of yours.” Amelia smiled as she watched Isabella eat.
As Isabella ate, Amelia flipped through the pile of mail. Her heart raced and her palms sweat as she saw the amount of bills she had to pay.
She had a job as a waitress but that was barely putting food on the table and Amelia did not want to have to admit defeat.
In Amelia’s mind- she was a grown up with a child. She should be able to give Isabella the world.
Amelia quickly tied her apron onto her waist and grabbed her notepad. The worst part of this job was that sometimes people she knew would come and she would have to be their waitress.
A man with sandy blonde hair, ocean blue eyes and in a dress shirt and pants sat in the booth.
“Hi I’m Amelia, what can I get you to drink?” Amelia asked putting on her best smile, the nicer you were the better the tips.
“Hi Amelia, I’ll take just a coffee. Decaf please.” The man smiled, setting his menu down.
“Coming right up.” Amelia said as she mentally took note of his drink order before walking to the kitchen to grab it for him.
Amelia came back and slid the cup to him. He looked up and gave her a small smile, his blue eyes glistening when he did.
“What can I get for you?” Amelia asked as she took out her pen, clicking it so she could write.
“The pancakes and eggs. Eggs over-light please.” The man smiled closing his menu, handing it to Amelia.
“Coming right up-“ Amelia said pausing, realizing she didn’t catch his name.
“Atticus Lincoln, but you can call me Link.” Link said as he clasped his hands together.
“Nice to meet you Link. That will be right out.” Amelia said before sticking her notebook into her pocket and walking away.
As Link was getting ready to leave, he waved to Amelia and flashed her a smile.
Nice eyes, good hair, not that any of that mattered obviously. Amelia was trying to be present for Isabella.
“Bye Amelia.” Link called as he walked out the restaurant.
“Bye Link.” Amelia said quietly as the door shut.
It was late when Amelia got home, she hated late nights. They made her feel like she was missing Isabella’s life.
“Thank you. I’ll pay you back.” Amelia said as she sat her purse onto the small table.
“Don’t mention it. I love you guys.” Addison said pulling Amelia into a hug.
“Thank you still.” Amelia said.
“I’m out. She’s asleep.” Addison smiled, picking her purse up.
“Bye.” Amelia waved, walking to the bedroom. To see Isabella’s tiny chest fall and rise.
“I love you baby girl.” Amelia whispered, pushing a piece of hair out of Isabella’s face.
Amelia kissed Isabella’s cheek, before getting in the shower. Afterwards Amelia sat on the couch, trying to figure out how she was going to make it work this month.
Amelia felt tears roll down her face. She wanted to give Isabella the entire world. But she could barely keep food on the table and a roof over their heads.
“Mommy?” Isabella’s voice said as she clutched her teddy bear.
“Hi baby girl.” Amelia quickly wiped her tears.
“I missed you.” Isabella said crawling into Amelia’s lap, wrapping her small arms around Amelia’s neck.
“I missed you too baby. Mommy’s home now.” Amelia said running her fingers through Isabella’s beach waves.
“I love you Mommy. So much.” Isabella said sleepily.
“I love you more my Isabella.” Amelia kissed her cheek.
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scorsiewrites · 3 years
Part I (Minnesota) -
Promise Me We’ll Always Fight For Our Dreams
Part II (Scout’s Birthday) -
Save The Last Dance For Me
Part III (LA) -
***Amelink One-Shots***
Never Gone
Crashing Down
Memories (AU)
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amelialincoln · 4 years
This is my first Amelink Fic! I’m just getting back into writing so this took Iike ten times as long to write as normal but i hope you enjoy. Plz leave me prompts because coming up with ideas is so hard haha. I was also too lazy to edit so I’m praying that there’s not too many mistakes <3
“Hey, baby.” Amelia awoke to a soft voice coming from her midsection. “It’s your daddy here. You doing okay in there?”
“Link, what are you doing,” She groaned, opening her eyes to peer down at the grinning face resting on her belly.
“Morning, sorry for waking you up,” he answered, sheepishly.
“It’s fine.” Amelia smiled. “What time is it?”
“Quarter past six. My shift starts at seven thirty.”
“I’m on call but I might get a ride with you to pick up some stuff from my office.” She undid her hair and let her chocolate curls fall to her shoulders. “Breakfast?”
“Sounds good,” he replied, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear. “Maggie already left but I think Meredith is still getting the kids ready.” She nodded in response, her eyes falling to where Link was rubbing protective circles around her midsection.
“Don’t get too attached,” she joked. “Anything can happen in the first trimester.” Link sensed a look of worry as she removed his hand from her stomach and stood up from the bed.
“It’s fine, Link. Can we not talk about it right now?” She pulled on a oversized t shirt and a pair of leggings. Link stood, wrapping her in a hug.
“Of course. I just know the last couple of weeks have been a lot for you and after our talk last night...I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
“I’m fine,” she assured him as look of dizziness passed across her face.
“Feeling okay?” His eyes full of concern.
“Link, I’m fine!” She snapped, as they made their way down the stairs. Link shrugged, trying not to notice the slight wobble in her step and wanting desperately to place a hand on her back for support. As they made their way to the kitchen Amelia caught smell of presumably the bacon that Meredith was cooking for the kids.
“Auntie Melia!” Ellis shrieked as Amelia entered the room.
“Hi, Ellie.” Amelia smiled, lifting the toddler into her arms. Ellie wrapped her pudgy hands around Amelia’s neck and wailed when Amelia tried to set her down. “Come on sweetheart, you gotta eat your eggs,” she laughed as she finally set her down in her highchair.
“Thor!” Ellis had refused to call Link anything else since Halloween and although Link had tried to teach her otherwise, Amelia knew he secretly adored it.
“That’s not Thor,” Zola exclaimed between bites of bacon and eggs, “that’s Link.” Amelia chuckled at her exasperated tone.
“You feeling okay, Amelia?” Meredith asked, noting on her pale appearance. “The kids had a bug last week and I think you babysat the night that Bailey had it.” Amelia nodded. Despite Link wanting to share the news of the baby with everyone, Amelia had decided she wanted to get through her first trimester before telling anyone. This meant a lot of time spent at Link’s apartment and a lot of suspicion from her sisters.
“All good,” she responded, avoiding Link’s side eye. She went to open the fridge, gagging as the unbearable smell of bacon hit her full force. The next thing she knew she was in the bathroom. She felt Link pull back her hair as she emptied her stomach into the toilet.
“Oh honey...” Link sighed, as he rubbed her back in small circles. This had become a regular start to their day for the last week and he’d become tired of watching her petite body heaving over the ceramic bowl. He could hear Zola asking softly to her mother if auntie Amelia was alright.
“This is why we should’ve stayed at your place last night,” she told him weakly as she leaned her head back against the wall of the bathroom.
“You said you wanted to come here last night because it was closer and you were tired.”
“Well, you’re supposed to take me to your place anyways, that’s our rule.”
“I’m sorry,” he answered apologetically. “It didn’t seem like a bad idea in the moment.”
“I’m not hungry. Can we just go to the hospital?” She asked, too tired to answer Meredith’s questions. Link nodded, watching as Amelia bypassed the kitchen and started pulling on her boots.
“What’s up with her?” Meredith asked as Link went to grab his keys from the kitchen counter. “If she’s sick she shouldn’t be seeing patients.”
“She’s okay,” Link responded, not knowing what to say. He couldn’t read Meredith’s expression. “See you at the hospital.”
“Bye, Thor.” Was the last thing they heard as they left the house.
“You can’t keep doing this,” Amelia mumbled, without looking up from her computer. “Bringing me food and reminding me to drink water and constantly checking in on me. People are going to notice.”
Link placed the banana and yogurt he’d been carrying on her office desk. “Amelia, you’re already eight weeks. People are going to notice eventually.”
“Quit looking so happy about that,” she answered, not having to glance up to know that he had a smile stretched upon his face.
“I can’t help it, Mia. It would be nice if you could share a little of my excitement.”
Her glare softened. “I’m trying, Link.”
Link bit his lip. “I know you are. It would just be nice to get a scan or something. If Carina knew you were eight weeks along and hadn’t had a scan—”
“I’ve been busy.” Amelia finally met his eyes and was surprised by the desperation in his expression. “I’ll go to her today.”
“Thank you. Page me?”
“Of course.”
Carina was definitely surprised as the neurosurgeon finally made her way down the the OB/GYN floor. “Amelia what can I do to—”
“I’m pregnant. Eight weeks. I need a scan or whatever.” She clasped her hands together to keep them from shaking.
“Okay,” Carina answered nonchalantly. “I actually just had a cancellation so I can do it now if you want.”
“Oh...sure, I’ll page Link.”
“Great, you can just take a seat here and roll up your scrub top,” Carina ordered as she moved the machine next to the reclined patient bed. “You said eight weeks?”
“I think so,” Amelia replied numbly, lifting her navy scrub top over her flat stomach. “It just doesn’t really feel real yet.”
“Probably because you haven’t had a scan,” Carina answered, spreading the gel on Amelia’s stomach as the machine whirled to life. “But definitely real. You can see the outline of the little bambino.” she smiled warmly. “First pregnancy?”
“No,” Amelia replied. Her eyes flicking to the door for what seemed like the thousandth time. Where was Link? “I had an anencephalic baby a couple of years back... I—I know its rare but is it possible that it could happen again?”
“The chances of that are very little,” Carina responded, eyeing the worried neurosurgeon sympathetically. “It is too early to tell but we can confirm in a scan soon. Do not stress, Amelia.” Amelia seemed to be doing the exact opposite as she gritted her teeth, trying to avoid looking at the scan.
“Hey,” Link breathlessly barged into the room. “Sorry, I was with a patient and...” he trailed off as his eyes found the screen. “Is that our baby?”
“That’s our baby,” Amelia answered, immediately relaxed at the sight of him. He kissed her forehead, keeping his eyes fixed on the picture.
“Can we get a picture?” He asked, his voice filled with awe.
“Of course,” Carina responded. “Though there isn’t much to see now. How about we set an appointment for two weeks from now. We can get a better picture then. I know it’s soon but I’m sure that being able to find out more as soon as we can will put you both at ease.” She apologized as her pager lit up and she quietly exited the room.
“That’s our baby,” Link breathed. Amelia turned to see his eyes filled with tears. “You’re going to be such a good Mom, Amelia. I know you’re worried but everything is going to be okay.” His lips brushed hers cautiously.
“It’s weird,” she noted, “having someone here with me.”
“Good weird?”
“Yes, good weird,” her eyes finding the scan and for the first time not feeling her heart skip with fear.
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tinylittleshepherd · 2 years
“Every decision or non-decision shifts the Universe in a whole new direction.” - Ray A. Davis
A Merhayes story set in season 18 (contains spoilers up to and including 18x08).
Please read intro notes for TW.
This is incomplete so it seems but another good long MerHayes
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tinylittleshepherd · 3 years
In Every Lifetime by BlossomOfSnow
oh look an actual fic that isnt Maddison. It’s Addek this time lol, not a huge leap. I swear I branch out. Starts off Merder but endgame is Addek.
Long detailed chapters written in Months. Took me a bit to read due to chapter length. Not because it was a long story.
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tinylittleshepherd · 3 years
Life Ain’t Always Beautiful by Birdieq
The sequel to Don’t Want to Need You. It is unfinished but maybe enough new interest in it will convince OP to finish?
Reposting the first story, as well as some other one shots in the series! good reads. I swear to you guys that I read other pairings. This is just stuff I’ve found at the time of starting this blog.
Don’t Want to Need You: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12544817/1/Don-t-Want-to-Need-You
Life Ain’t Always Beautiful: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12613034/1/Life-Ain-t-Always-Beautiful 
These Little Moments: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12609461/1/These-Little-Moments
Maybe Baby: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12598490/1/Maybe-Baby
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tinylittleshepherd · 3 years
Don’t Want to Need You by Birdieq
Today’s rec. Yet another Maddison/Merder eventual friendship fic.
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tinylittleshepherd · 3 years
Dropsonde (singers in a lower choir remix) By: openended
Links to FF, a03 & tumblr! I’ll do my best to link all sites it’s posted to if I know if it! 
FF: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13649214/1/dropsonde-singers-in-a-lower-choir-remix
a03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24905239
Tumblr: https://dearophelia.tumblr.com/post/622857842091851776/dropsonde-singers-in-a-lower-choir-remix
found this a while ago, and just came across it again. Such a good read if anyone into that! Addie/Alex. Mentions of Maddison & Addek. 
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tinylittleshepherd · 3 years
Grey/PP/19 Fanfic
can anyone give me some good Greys/PP/stn 19 fanfic to read? Preferably really long and well written.
No Towen or Calzona or AddiSam please. Everything else fair game.
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dakotasgreenkitchen · 3 years
is the promo hinting at amelink house, wedding or second baby? what do we think. I AM SO EXCITED HOLY SH*T
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tinylittleshepherd · 3 years
Latest Fic I’ve been rereading.
I’m going to start posting every fic I read that I’ve enjoyed in hopes people will re share and send me stuff in return! Open to almost anything Greys/PP/19!
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