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arikittenart · 5 years ago
I finally drew my favorite kuro crackship!
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I imagine these two constantly tease eachother like children---
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yamabukizero · 5 years ago
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queencamellia · 6 years ago
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“Looks like we’re outnumbered.” 
“So we are.”
“Scared, Midford?” he challenged, unsheathing his sword.
She tossed him an uncharacteristically daring smirk, her heart thrumming loudly in anticipation. “Not a chance.”
Commissioned this GreyLizzy piece from fokkusu.art! Definitely one of the best decisions I’ve made in a long time.
(tagging @cielizzydefencesquad​ because I need greylizzy companions to swoon over this piece with please)
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cielizzydefencesquad · 7 years ago
Confession: I always loved Lizzy and Ciel, but I never cared much for Charles Grey until I read your greylizzy content and now I love him :)
They are a rather hypnotic pairing aren’t they? Passionate, sharp-tongued, almost bluntly honest Grey and our sunshine princess Lizzy who can give as good as she’s got - I love this pairing because I feel like they’d be so unrestrained around each other. Lizzy’s known Grey since she was what, 8? 9? They go to the same arena (if Campania’s flashbacks are anything to go by) and knowing Grey’s pride and arrogance, he probably walked right up to Lizzy and demanded a duel to “assess” her skills. 
Cue Grey being all “how did a shrimp like you even gain entry into a club like this? You really that good or did you father buy your way in?” 
And Lizzy smiling as sweet as spun sugar and replying “Shall we make a game of it, Lord Grey? I’m not much of a gambler but I rather like my odds.” 
And that’s when Grey sees that her eyes aren’t merely green - they burn, with emerald fire and a strange sort of amused curiosity that Grey’s never seen on an English lady before.
He smirks. “Gambling huh? I have to tell you Midford, I make my own luck.” 
“Do you?” She grins. “Then you must not have much.” 
And then she strikes - giving Grey just enough time to huff a silent laugh and wonder if she’ll be back in the arena tomorrow. 
I am literally 99.9% sure that’s how their first meeting went, with their duel resulting in a tie - shocking the hell out of Grey because what the actual fuck, he hasn’t tied with anyone since he was ten freaking years old and - 
She’s good. Like, really good - and Grey is determined to defeat her, just once. So they keep meeting up and dueling, Grey smirking and taunting her with a gleam in his eyes and Lizzy laughing and teasing him right back.
And soon Grey’s taunts lose their edge and Lizzy no longer fights like she has something to prove. They gain a strange respect for one another and neither knows how this weekly battle of swords and words became something of a friendship for the two of them. 
But it’s on Lizzy’s seventeenth birthday that Grey really, truly notices her. And dear god - she’s beautiful. 
It’s a horrifying thought because she’s supposed to be “just Midford” - the cheeky, bright-eyed girl he duels two or three times a week. And who sometimes joins him while he’s training. “Just Midford.” The girl he sometimes sees at her majesty’s court, when Midford tags along with her father or mother. And sure Lizzy might be the only girl who’s not openly insulted when he makes a quip here or there, who’ll actually join in on his ridiculous jokes and laugh at his bizarre observations without thinking him uncouth or boorish. 
But really, who cares if she can make him laugh (and not the sardonic, bitter laugh that he’s learned to adopt - the real, genuine laugh that stems from pure and simple joy). Who cares. 
He doesn’t. He doesn’t care that she knows all his secrets, that she can understand him without trying, that she’ll never judge or lecture or think him mad. (And even then Grey feels this odd need to impress her, to try and do better - to make an effort.) 
It’s on Lizzy’s seventeenth birthday that Charles Grey undergoes a revelation and makes a silent, unwavering vow. 
He’ll prove himself worthy - he will. Because even though she’s a knight and a genius with the sword, even though she needs no protection, he wants to fight for her. (Because deep down he knows, it’s her. It’s always been her - and no one else.) 
Ahh thank you so much for letting me ramble away on this ask Anon, I’m so sorry for this jumble of word vomit but this crack!ship got me feelin some type of way xD
Thanks so much for stopping by! 
- mod Nina 
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yelenawithaj · 7 years ago
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Inktober day 6- Sword As usual, the black pen is slacking so I couldn't make it black and white, but it's pretty anyway. I thought about mods of @cielizzydefencesquad while drawing so this is a present for you two
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arikittenart · 5 years ago
my first attempt at drawing this homicidal sexy bastard 😎🤘🏼
click or better quality :)
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yamabukizero · 5 years ago
>>> 0
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queencamellia · 6 years ago
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finally finished this new chapter after literally a year lmao + proofreading now 👌👌👌
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queencamellia · 6 years ago
I have too many unfinished greylizzy fics to wrap up, but (after a realization that I really haven’t been posting greylizzy content recently) I figured that I could post this preview ;)
Lizzy’s hand trembles as she raises her finger, prepared to identify the boy she once loved (and perhaps, the boy she still loves) as a liar.
Before she can, however, the doors of the manor shatter and Charles Grey bursts into the room in all his blustering, electrifying glory. His eyes sweep across their shell-shocked faces before finally brightening with recognition when he spots her.
“It’s about time I found you,” Grey remarks, voice coated with confidence nearly to the point of arrogance. His blunt words, as sharp as his blade, cut through the tense atmosphere. “Come on, Midford, Her Majesty needs you for a mission.”
She feels the weight of several pairs of eyes on her. Grey waits, unperturbed by the growing discomfort of her twin cousins. He doesn’t say a word, but his mouth is turned downwards in slight irritation, as if his patience is nearing its limit even though he has managed to turn her world upside-down in a matter of seconds. In all honesty, Lizzy thinks she might be in a state of shock: she can’t tear her eyes away from the broken doors, swinging precariously from the hinges and revealing the clear cerulean shade of the sky.
“And who might—”
“Ciel,” she cuts off the boy that she has reunited with (the boy who she was rightfully engaged to). Surprisingly, Lizzy’s voice sounds stronger, somehow revitalized now that her mind has an issue to latch onto. Although Charles Grey may seem lackadaisical, his prowess at the sword and admittedly formidable cunning make him a force to be reckoned with. Her cousin doesn’t know what challenging the silver-haired earl entails.
If she had been paying attention, she would’ve noticed the surprise flashing across both azure-eyed twins’ faces. Lizzy’s severe tone, after all, had sounded remarkably similar to her austere mother whenever she berated them in the past.
Lizzy, however, is not paying attention to the Ciels for once. Instead, she locks eyes with the earl who she has sparred with for hours upon hours that probably total to a couple thousands. Though they exchange plenty of banter between clashes and are on fairly amicable terms, Grey has never sought her out in such a manner before.
He had blatantly disapproved of her diffident nature—well, when it came to demonstrating her less feminine abilities, at least—but nevertheless, he still respected her enough to remain silent about her prowess, never spilling the secrets of their evening duels to her fiance despite his distaste for him.
It dawns on Lizzy that this may be something serious.
“Earl Grey,” she says slowly, testing the waters. “We are in the middle of something right now.”
Some intense emotions flickers in his eyes as he cocks an eyebrow. Suddenly, Lizzy remembers how Grey made a cursory scan of the room when he first entered; her fencing companion is not as simple as he pretends to be. Undoubtedly, he’s already gathered the gist of the situation.
“Ah, yes,” Grey replies with an almost bored drawl. He pretends to swoon melodramatically, earning a nearly imperceptible smile from Lizzy. “The Phantomhive soap opera—how dare I interrupt such an important matter? Come now, Midford. A younger brother scheming against the elder one...it’s a tale as old as the Greeks.”
Although she only sees Ciel’s reaction out of the corner of her eye, Lizzy is sure that the other occupants of the room are similarly bristling in fury at his nonchalant dismissal of their situation.
She stifles her smile, sombering. “Grey,” she starts, her formalities forgotten.
“This is a matter of national security, Midford,” he snaps. “International security, perhaps.”
Though Lizzy knows she has changed since she first found out The Truth (sometimes she even wonders if she is “Lizzy” anymore), this manner of tic-for-tac banter is comfortingly familiar. She props her hand against her hip, raising an eyebrow. “Oh, perfect. I’m not sure how that pertains to me, though—”
“Well, we’ve been monitoring the dual Phantomhive situation,” Grey interrupts with a sugary but fake grin, eliciting gasps from some of their listeners. He waves a hand dismissively. “Since Phantomhive screwed his brother over, yadda yadda yadda, but he also did some things, yadda yadda...well, essentially, Her Majesty is suspending both of the Phantomhive twins’ statuses as the incumbent Queen’s Watchdog until we sort out matters. Legalities, and all of that. As such, the role falls to you, next.”
Silence permeates the room.
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queencamellia · 6 years ago
(swoons) all the Kuro hcs that the lovely Mod Nina’s coming up with are inspiring me, so--
concept: post-Phantomhive-drama, several years after OC’s death, Lizzy pioneers the new co-gender program at Weston College alongside Sieglinde and proceeds to woo the entire student populace (males and females alike)
greylizzy hcs (because ya’ll know I would die for that ship): newly-made fencing instructor Charles Grey is not pleased with his new student’s insubordination (read: sass, because Lizzy had dueled with Grey when she was a wee teen and she’s not going to be afraid of him now), but grudgingly duels her nearly everyday (”to demonstrate proper technique,” he explains, casting a chilling glare at one of the clumsy boys in the back). he’s one of the few males who don’t look down on the newly-admitted female populace (for their gender, at least), which makes him super popular among the ladies (Lizzy is not jealous, dammit, it’s just annoying that their practice time is cut short for some girls to bat their eyes and simper coquettishly at a semi-amused, semi-annoyed earl).
sieglinde/lizzy: they’re the queens of the school and nobody is sure whether or not they’re gay for each other because they’re so, so intimate; if boys try to confess to Lizzy while Sieglinde is around...well, they don’t. and so Lizzy continues on her merry way, none the wiser, while Sieglinde sends them all a smug smirk as she trails after her.
also, upperclassman soma (probably in his last year or so of college): would 100% fight any guys who belittle the girls and literally whisk them away everywhere
alois (because I love this little shit): discovers that Lizzy Midford’s reactions are even better than the late Earl Phantomhive’s; proceeds to vie for her attention in classes like dancing; he, lizzy, and sieglinde become a study group; he and sieglinde also have a veryyyy friendly rivalry; he mellows out as time goes on; he also dislikes grey a lot; he and Lizzy become dancing partners because that must be a thing
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queencamellia · 7 years ago
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Elizabeth Midford x Charles Grey (GreyLizzy) Aesthetic | Lizzy's Side
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queencamellia · 7 years ago
more secret agent!Kuroshitsuji
Just updated e v a n e s c e.
Feel free to check it out! :)
Lizzy’s past has a habit of catching up to her.
Or: Two azure-eyed twins, one stubborn silver-haired assassin, and a very overprotective blonde hacker attempt to convince Ronald Knox’s best friend, Liz, to “come back” to them. Ronald and the Reapers are not amused.
[Secret Agent/Organization AU]
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queencamellia · 7 years ago
hanahaki!greylizzy fic
Yo yo I finally published it (and now I’m finally going back to that Lizzy!Disney AU idea I had back in January).
Dedicated to @pangeasexual​ and @your-lovers-and-drifters​, who introduced me to this ship that is still consuming my life oh my god how dare you
Ao3 Link Here!
“I’ve always been your second option, haven’t I?”
His words strike her like lightning, and she’s unable to respond. He takes less than three seconds to examine her expression: after all, Lizzy has always worn her heart on her sleeve.
His lips curl upwards. “It’s okay,” he lies, “I understand.”
(He doesn’t come back next week. Or the following week. Or the next.) (She never knew she’d miss him so much.)
[Hanahaki Disease AU]
unformatted, nonitalicized version below if ya’ll lazy
p.s. Wrote it while listening to this song.
The Budding.
Elizabeth Midford storms into the dojo with an expression that screams murder. Tossing her bag to the side and whipping around to face him, she demands, “Match. Now.” Her expression, wrought with tumultuous emotions of pain and anger, makes several kendo practitioners give them a wide berth. A storm brews in her eyes.
Charles Grey, resident kendo prodigy, blinks in surprise before studying his fellow kendo genius. There’s a beat of silence, then he shrugs and tosses her a shinai. “Wanna put on our bougu first?���
She scowls, fierce and strong and utterly beautiful. If Midford’s smiles are the gentle rays of the Sun, then her scowls are from the fiery pits of hell. She’s fire, her every action and expression unexpected, quick, and exhilarating. She’s fire, beautiful from afar and alluringly dangerous when close. She’s fire, passionate and brilliant.
Well...if Elizabeth “Lizzy” Midford is fire, then Charles Grey is ice. He lunges forward and brandishes his sword with cool, slick elegance only attained with years of hard work. His silver eyes are cutting, perceptive, knowing as they begin to duel. Midford can be beautifully deadly at times, but it takes lots to work up her to this extent.
Undoubtedly, Phantomhive’s done something again.
It’s always Phantomhive, Grey muses bitterly, blocking her blow before pirouetting around. It takes Grey loads of jibes and insults to rile Midford this much, and the blue-haired brat probably didn’t have to work for it at all. Grey can make the golden-haired girl fight out of annoyance or competitiveness. He can’t make her fight out of anger and passion. He's just Grey, Midford's sparring partner and friend; although he already knows that Midford values Phantomhive more than him, the reminder stings.
Grey notices that her eyes are red and he scowls, doubling his efforts to gain a point. His movements are agile, his sword slicing through the air adeptly. Each blow is strategic: for all of his blustering and arrogance, Charles Grey is smart. More than that — he is perceptive, calculative, and ready to strike at any given moment. The tears glinting in her eyes spur him on.
It’s irritating, knowing that Phantomhive has enough influence over her to anger her to the point of tears.
They stop after thirty minutes of an intense back-and-forth battle, their foreheads glistening with sweat as they remove their stifling headgear. The other kendo practitioners swarm them, congratulating and praising them for their awe-inspiring duel; several girls attempt to talk to him, but Grey settles for a scowl that shuts them up. The majority of the girls attending the dojo came for whimsical, silly reasons like seeking love, and after his long string of victories in the previous kendo tournaments, he had become one of their prime targets. He does accept a proffered towel from one of the more tolerable girls, though, throwing it around his neck nonchalantly as his eyes sweep the area before landing on Midford.
She’s breathing heavily — they both are — and chatting happily with one of the girls in the dojo. Grey’s eyes narrow and he abruptly stands up straighter, pushing through the crowd and making his way to her. “Midford, you’re coming with me,” he commands bluntly, ignoring the numerous eyes on them. “You can talk with four-eyes some other time.”
“Her name’s Mey-Rin, Grey, and she’s been attending the dojo with us for the past four years,” Midford protests, but she allows herself to be tugged away by the irate kendo genius. They grab their bags and exit the dojo, heedless of the whispers left in their wake.
The dying rays of sunlight, shining softly past the canopy of cherry blossoms, illuminate their path. The air is cool, but not necessarily chilly; in fact, the breeze is refreshing after two hours of kendo practice. A boy on a bicycle zooms past them, but Grey isn’t inclined to speed up. It’s nice to bask in leisure silence. Each step he takes is languid, but controlled: he matches Midford’s footsteps one by one.
Grey sighs, holding his bag over his shoulder lazily and shoving his other hand in his pocket. He doesn’t speak, but meets her eyes as they wait for the stoplight to change colors so they can cross the intersection.
He’s waiting for her to spill.
Sure enough, after a few more minutes of silence, Midford breaks and asks ever so casually, “Grey...am I annoying?”
Grey halts in his tracks, pivots on his heel, and gives Midford a blatant stare of disbelief. At first, he thinks that she’s kidding. “Midford,” he says, about to joke and answer in affirmation before noticing her trembling hands and downtrodden expression.
Unlike her usually fiery, straightforward gaze, Midford’s eyes are firmly pinned on the ground. The look doesn’t suit her at all.
Instead of saying something remarkably untactful, Grey shifts his weight to his other foot to face her and demands, “Do you think I’d waste my time around people I find annoying? I have standards, you know.”
Something about his indirect answer alleviates the burden weighing on her chest: Midford stands taller, the spark she had been missing finallyigniting in her eyes again. “O-hoh, standards, you say?” she parrots, nudging him in the shoulder. It only partially works: Grey hit his growth spurt about two years ago, and Midford barely makes it to his chin. He indulges her, though, stumbling and sending her a look of mock pain. She snorts, amusement lining her smile. “Careful, Grey. It almost sounded like you cared.”
“We can’t have that, now can we?” Grey agrees amiably. He pokes her forehead and says quite clearly, “You’re hideous.”
Midford beams, swatting away his hand. “So are you,” she returns sweetly. If she notices how he leans a little closer into her as they walk side-by-side, she doesn't point it out. They continue along their well-travelled path in comfortable silence; after all, this is their weekly routine.
They round the corner and enter the convenience store. Grey straightens, his lackadaisical attitude immediately disappearing as he exudes determination and domineering confidence in waves. Immediately, he makes a beeline for the snack section, passing by racks of magazines and alcohol without a second glance. “Midford, the basket!” he orders, pointing at the general direction of the grocery baskets dramatically before grabbing two boxes of Pocky and examining them critically.
This is, after all, serious business.
She rolls her eyes, but nonetheless holds out the green shopping basket obligingly. “You’re going to get fat someday, you know,” Midford chides. Despite her admonishment, she grabs a strawberry Ramune for herself and places it in the basket. When she looks up, Grey’s smirking at her smugly, his face obviously spelling hypocrite.
Ever the mature one, Midford sticks her tongue out at him.
“I work out: I'll never get fat,” Grey dismisses, eyeing the large selection of instant noodles with interest. Midford glowers, grabbing Grey’s sleeve and tugging him to the counter before he can grab any of the large packs of ramen.
“Don’t you dare,” she says, giving him a dirty look. Her stern expression is reminiscent of Francis Midford’s classic knee-shaking glare. Grey tries to look chastised and utterly fails. It’s unfair: she’s even prettier when she’s angry. With narrowed eyes, Midford continues, “I still have an entire stash of cup noodles because of your last instant noodle escapade.”
“How would you know which brand is the best if you don’t try them all?” Grey protests, grabbing his wallet and handing the cashier the amount necessary. Midford frowns when he pays for her items, but doesn’t protest: they’ve come to an agreement that Grey would fund their convenience store expenditures while Midford pays whenever they buy from food vendors. They nod their heads at the cashier in thanks, then hurry out of the store with their bounty.
“Pocky?” he offers, wagging the chocolate-covered snack in front of her face teasingly.
Midford blinks, then nods. “Sur—”
Grey laughs at her shell-shocked expression when he unceremoniously shoves the snack in her mouth, his silver eyes daring her to eat more. She blushes a fierce red, swatting away his hand and shoving the rest of the stick in her mouth. “I really hate it when you’re like this,” she mutters, snatching his box of Pocky out of his hand.
Grey laughs, pretending not to notice how cute she is when she nibbles on another piece. “You’re so sensitive,” he jibes.
The girl sputters, waving her hands in the air dramatically. Grey has no doubt that she would have done well in drama had she taken it. “You can’t just...just... do that to people all the time, Grey!” she exclaims indignantly.
“Yeah, yeah,” he dismisses lazily. His flippant dismissal is met with a roll of the eyes, which Grey pretends not to notice. He sobers abruptly, raising an eyebrow at her. “So…” he drawls. “What did Phantomhive do?”
Grey curses himself when her face falls. Then, he mentally scolds himself: since when has he grown so soft, dammit?
Midford’s smile wavers until it’s strained at best. “It’s...nothing.”
He waits.
Sure enough, she recognizes that he’s not going to drop the subject matter. “It...wasn’t to me personally,” Midford admits. She averts her gaze, emerald eyes focusing on anything but him as she bites her lip hesitantly. “He was just...complaining a little,” she explains.
“Kendo’s such a boorish sport, its practitioners are all stupid, and Charles Grey is an ass?” Grey surmises, his voice raising in pitch to imitate the azure-eyed boy.
Grey sniffs and stuffs another chocolate-covered stick in his mouth. “Why do you even bother with him?”
Midford pauses, tilting her head and seriously considering his question. A battle wages within herself, conflicting emotions clearly flickering in her eyes. Then, she turns to stare at Grey, expression unusually bashful.  
“Well...because I...”
“...you?” Grey prompts, feeling a peculiar sense of dread well in his chest as she fiddles with the Ramune in her hands. Light, pastel pink dusts her cheeks and she shuffles her feet. Grey has never seen her look more alive, even their matches. She looks almost like those frail, lovesick girls with rounded doe eyes and pursed lips on the front of cheesy romance novels. It’s wrong.
“...I like him,” she admits, her face flushed with life as his heart thrums uselessly in his chest. Embarrassed, she averts her eyes. Her shy bashfulness, although cute, isn’t meant for him.
Roses wither away slowly, petal by petal. In contrast, camellias —the roses of winter— fall in one swoop.
Grey feels something plummet in his heart.
She’s still talking. “D-don’t go blabbing about that though, alright? I’m only saying this because I trust you!” Midford blabs, stammering and pushing back a stray strand of golden hair in an attempt to calm her nerves.
There’s this strange atmosphere of tension between them. Grey knows that he’s supposed to respond, now: he’s supposed to tease her, to parody her expression of love. He can’t, though: somehow, his bravado has all but abandoned him. If he says Phantomhive’s name, he thinks he might throw up.
His response is automatic, instinct taking over as his brain fails to understand the weight of her words. “Aw, you trust me? I’m honored, Midford.” For particular dramatic emphasis, he places a hand to his heart and flutters his eyelashes coquettishly at her. Grey’s comment has an immediate effect: the atmosphere around them lightens, and they’re “just Midford and Grey” once more.
She giggles, punching his arm playfully. “You should feel honored, peasant. I’m bestowing upon you my hard-earned trust,” she says, deigning him a particularly regal look.
Grey’s laugh is brittle (fake). “Your trust, hard earned? Hah! You’re much too soft, Midford. Any pickpocket could just ask for your money and you’d happily give them your wallet after hearing whatever sob story they concocted.”
“It pays to be kind, Grey,” Midford admonishes him. She sounds exactly like her stick-in-the-mud brother who is all too much obsessed with chivalry and honor.
Grey pivots on his heel and begins walking backwards leisurely, hands placed lazily behind his neck. “Your kindness will be your downfall,” he predicts.
“'tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all,” Midford quotes. She really should have tried for the drama club; instead, she dedicated her afternoons to dueling Grey in the dojo. “Besides, I could think of worse fatal flaws than kindness.” She pauses to raise an eyebrow at him. “Hubris, for example.”
He scowls, raising a finger in protest. “Say, what are you implying—”
She giggles, rushing ahead of him with laughter bubbling in her throat. “Nothing~” she calls teasingly.
Grey sighs, watching her retreating figure for a long moment. Even with her back facing him, he still finds her...beautiful. Not in the romantic sense (at least, he doesn’t think so), but perhaps in a way that one views art: rapturing, vivacious, and captivating.
She’s Midford, his friend for all of eight years. She’s Midford, the girl who he had dueled practically everyday, exchanging jabs and bantering between sword thrusts and parries. She’s Midford, the girl who he has comforted far too many times than he should. (She should always be smiling.)
She’s Midford.
She’s Lizzy.
Something heavy constricts in his chest.
Grey sighs again, his pace languid as he follows her.
“He’s coming to the tournament,” Midford frets, barely ducking his strike. Her voice is higher than usual, her anxiety obvious despite the helmet shielding her expression from view. She’s nervous, and it shows: thrice already, she had barely avoided his blows, moving around sloppily with the grace of an elephant. She had been too distracted by the fanciful scenarios her mind readily supplied. “Maybe I should just sit this one out?”
Grey is sick of it. Dueling is supposed to be their time (his time), and hearing Midford put herself down because of fucking Phantomhive puts him in the worst of moods.
“No, I can’t do that,” Midford agonizes. “What do I do? If he sees me—”
“—then he’ll realize how skilled and strong you are,” Grey cuts her off, rolling his eyes. Barely concealed contempt for the Phantomhive brat boils in his veins, threatening to seep into his movements, but Grey suppresses it. He is ice, not fire. Swiftly, he easily counters her next blow and twists around to meet another lightning-quick strike. “I don’t see why you’re worrying so much.”
“He hates women like me!” she bursts out, half hysterical. Grey is finished with this nonsense.
“Then he doesn’t deserve you, goddammit!” Grey snaps, pulling off his helmet and allowing her to see his blazing silver eyes. The dojo suddenly grows very quiet as the other kendo practitioners avert their eyes uncomfortably. Despite the attention focused on them, Grey’s eyes are focused solely on Midford. “Try to value yourself more, Midford. If he doesn’t like you for who you are, then he’s not worth your affection.”
Midford shifts her weight from her right to left side, removing her helmet to stare at him. She looks as if she has been struck by lightning, her eyes round with wonder.
It’s in that very moment when Grey’s struck by a realization: the uncomfortable feeling in his chest isn’t annoyance. It’s jealousy.
He wants her to smile at him like that. He wants her to care about him to the point that she misses a crucial opportunity for a counterattack. He wants her to fuss over him, not stupid Phantomhive who has made her cry more times than he knows.
Grey wants her to love him.
He loves her.
It’s as if the world has shifted on its axis; suddenly, he finds it harder to breathe, unable to tear his eyes away from Midford, Elizabeth, Lizzy—
“Grey?” she asks tentatively, her voice suddenly meek. She eyes him as though he were a wild animal; he realizes that his body is still tense. Grey forcibly calms himself, relaxing his taut shoulders and falling back into his usual slouched stance.
“Come on, Midford,” Grey chides. He adopts the same lackadaisical tone he always uses around her, but somehow it’s harder to force the words out. “Your backbone seems to disappear when you’re around him. If Phantomhive’s as wonderful as you claim, he shouldn’t care that you can beat older men without breaking a sweat.”
(I care. I care for your strength; I love you for your strength.)
“I just don’t want to make him uncomfortable,” Midford emphasizes, eyes trained on the floor.
(Do you ever consider accommodating me like that?)
(Of course. She’s Midford, kind and much too caring for her own good: if there’s any way she can help others, she’ll do it with no consideration for herself.)
Grey scowls, then impulsively strides over to her and grabs her by the chin. Pushing her chin upwards so she’s looking him in the eyes, he says, “You’re always worrying about others’ happiness. Who’s going to worry about you?”
She stares at him unflinchingly. Then she tilts her head and smiles, sending butterflies fluttering in his stomach as if he’s a giggling schoolgirl, for pity’s sake. “Well, you obviously,” Midford says.
Grey blinks in surprise, then releases her and takes a step back. “Me?”
“You know, despite what you say about yourself...you’re a good person, Grey,” Midford beams, charisma rolling off her in waves. Her eyes are sparkling in such a vivacious way that he can’t look away. Her smile is like the sun: dangerous, but too captivating to look away. If Phantomhive is the Sun to Midford’s Earth, then Grey is the moon (a shallow substitute for her sun, unable to escape her gravity). “And even more than that: you’re a good friend. Maybe even my best friend.”
“I think that honor goes to Sullivan,” he deadpans.
“Sieglinde’s a sweetheart,” Midford acknowledges, “But she’s always busy with schoolwork to really talk to me, you know? You...you’re different. You pretend to be coarse and ruthless, but underneath that facade is a heart of gold. Wouldn’t you say so?”
Grey scoffs. “Whatever helps you sleep at night,” he responds evasively.
She beams at him again, and suddenly Grey feels as if he’s choking. “And I’m here for y—”
“Shit, I have stuff to do,” he curses, interrupting her. His throat is painfully raw, but he forces himself to speak. “Catch you later, Midford.”
“You can’t escape the truth, you softie!” she calls, laughing as he quickly escapes to the changing room to change out of his equipment.
He manages to stumble into his house, coughing. It’s sheer luck that nobody else is inside: Phipps is probably at the Handiworks Club and Undertaker is away at work. Grey coughs again, nearly tripping over his feet as he manages to toss off his shoes and enter the foyer. His chest is constricting painfully, each step a monumental effort as Grey struggles to breathe.
It's almost embarrassing how hard it is for him to do something that he always took for granted. If Grey lives through this, he swears that he’ll never taking breathing naturally for granted again.
Swaying precariously, he leans against the wall for support. His knees buckle, and he staggers forward, slowly sliding to the ground. It feels as if the world is tilting and God damn it, he can’t breathe!
“Fuck,” he breathes. That one word is enough to elicit another storm of coughs, even more tortuous than the previous ones. His lungs are on fire and are drowning all at once, and each breath saps more of Grey’s willpower.
What’s wrong with me?
Pulling his hand away from his mouth, he stares at the bloody flowers he undoubtedly coughed up with utter bewilderment. Because of the blood, they’re slippery, but he still manages to recognize the scarlet flower. His silver eyes flicker with thought.
Camellias. What the hell?
Grey coughs again, letting out an agonizing wheeze. Black spots dance before his eyes, but he pulls himself up to his feet and staggers to his computer.
He learns it's called Hanahaki Disease.
Heh, although Midford always threatened to kill me...I never thought that it would actually come true.
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cielizzydefencesquad · 7 years ago
Hello loves! To kick off the new year I wrote a little Grey/Lizzy fic entitled starlight supernova. It’s a screwball adventure-comedy that involves Lizzy, Grey, a dinner party, and a somewhat courteous kidnapping. 
“Do you think me considerate?” He asks, eyes tracing the hourglass curve of her waist, the fullness of her chest, and the delicate hollow of her snow-pale throat.
“I think you’re perfectly wretched.” Elizabeth smiles, now standing a foot away from where Grey reclined. “I think you’re wretched and I won’t go anywhere with you.”
“Ah, so you won’t leave with me willingly?”
“No.” Lizzy clarifies and Grey nearly laughs out loud, catching the hint of mischief in her voice. “I wouldn’t go anywhere with you willingly.” She emphasizes the last word, eyes bright with false innocence.
Oh-ho. Grey can’t believe it.
Perfect little Elizabeth Midford! Who would have guessed. 
“Then tell me, my lady,” he reaches for her hand (and she willing acquiesces), allowing Grey to lace their fingers together, “what would you say to a kidnapping?”
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queencamellia · 7 years ago
Cielizzy AND GreyLizzy tho ✨✨ Or: Grey and Ciel could've been pretty cool bros years later Or: mhmmm angssssst Dedicated to my fellow GreyLizzy and Cielizzy lovers 😘😘
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queencamellia · 7 years ago
Kuro Gakuen AU (Ch.1)
Based on this post by @rheaaasss​. I think I’m going to be writing a lot for this AU LMAO.
Ao3 Link Here!
Chapter 1: Signing Up
I’ve learned so much about fencing from writing these two and nOW I’M LEARNING ABOUT KENDO. I’ll be a martial arts expert by the time Lizzy appears again in the manga.
(Yana, bring my angel back. I beg of you.)
 The bell rang, signalling the end of class. Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford, known as “Lizzy” to most, stood up from her seat, having already prepped her bag minutes before. Emerald eyes darting from the left to the right, she sent her seatmate a friendly smile. “Well, cheers to Spring vacation,” she said, offering a hand.
“Take care of yourself, Lizzy,” Sieglinde instructed, shaking her hand and rolling her eyes. “The boys from the upper division hardly look...innocuous.”
Lizzy snorted, knowing her friend was only saying so out of concern. “I’ll keep that in mind. Please... try to come outside every once in awhile?” she begged, clasping onto her friend’s hand. “We have twelve days of relaxation until the school year starts again.”
“I have books to read, new inventions to be made, and other matters to be addressed,” Sieglinde droned, counting off her tasks on a hand. “Not to mention preparation for the coming school year.”
“Sieglinde …”
“Just kidding,” the raven haired girl laughed, nudging Lizzy gently. “I’ll come to whatever barbecue party you’re arranging for the cherry blossom festival.”
Lizzy brightened, beaming at her friend. “Great! I’ll text you with the details, later.”
“Is that your brother?”
“Huh?” Lizzy turned around, blinking in surprise and recognizing the irate look of her brother surrounded by various gushing teenage girls. “Oh, I’d better go save him before he spontaneously combusts from embarrassment. See you later, Sieglinde!”
“Take care.”
“Nii-san!” Lizzy called, exuding innocence as she shoved past all of the squealing girls. “Ready to go home?”
Edward gave her a look of blatant relief for saving him. “Y-yeah. Let’s go, Lizzy.” Gently, he attempted to pry one of the fangirls off of him. The two Midfords took off as if they were being chased by vultures — which, in a way, was a fair comparison. Once they reached the lower-division’s shoe lockers, Lizzy literally shoved her bag at her brother to slip on her shoes as quickly as possible.
“Come on, let’s go,” Lizzy tugged at Edward’s sleeve desperately, grabbing her bag back with her other hand.
But by then, it was too late.
“Damn it,” she muttered under her breath. Pivoting on her heel, she gave a tiny smile at the approaching figure. “Grey-senpai, nice to see you. Will you be coming to the barbecue party as well?”
“Of course, I never pass down free food,” Grey dismissed immediately, slowing down as he caught up to the two Midfords. “Anyways, that’s not what I came to speak to you of.”
“Has my mother cancelled kendo lessons?” Lizzy guessed.
In response, a flier was shoved in her face. Lizzy blinked, stupefied for a moment, then took the flier. “Sign ups for Kuro Academy’s kendo...club?” she read aloud, glancing at Grey in question. “I thought we didn’t have a kendo club?”
“Phipps and I got it running ourselves,” Grey proclaimed smugly. “We’ve already got a couple of fellows to sign up, including your brother.”
“Hm. That’s great.” Lizzy handed him back the flier, smiling at him. “Good for you.”
Grey stared at her, then his silver eyes narrowed. “Is that all?’
“Uh...I’m glad to see that kendo is becoming more popular around here? It’s about time a club was started up,” Lizzy tried.
His scowl deepened.
“...you’ll do well as a coach?” she tried again.
His glare darkened to the point that several bystanders took a step back.
“I’m rooting for you...and Phipps-senpai...and nii-san ?”
“God damn it, Midford,” he snapped. “I’m asking you to join the club.”
Realization dawned on Lizzy’s features. “Ohhhh, I see now.”
“About time,” Grey muttered to himself, slinging his bag over his shoulder. “Well?” he demanded.
Lizzy shifted awkwardly, glancing longingly at the doors. “Sorry, but I’ll have to decline.”
“Great, now just sign—what. ”
“I’m not joining.”
“Why.” It wasn’t a question, but a demand.
Lizzy shrugged.
Grey glared.
“...is this still about you trying to be one of those weak and dainty lolis that your cousin has a complex for?”
“Astre does not have a loli-complex,” Lizzy protested immediately, whipping around to face him. “But strong girls make him feel uncomfortable. I’m his cousin, for heaven’s sake, and he already can’t attend school because of his sickness. And Ciel’s recently gotten a job at a café, so he’s probably even more lonely than usual.”
“Grey-san,” Edward said suddenly, cutting in. Lizzy nearly startled: she had forgotten that her brother was standing next to her. “Don’t you have to find Phipps-san?”
Grey scowled, but glanced at his watch and winced. “I’ll be back, Midford,” he promised darkly. Then, with a dramatic flourish, he stalked past them to search for his fellow silver-haired classmate. Lizzy stared at the empty space he once occupied thoughtfully, then nodded at her brother and began walking outside.
They had just exited the school when Edward said hesitantly, “Lizzy…”
“Are you sure about this?”
Lizzy angled her head slightly so she could meet her brother’s eyes. “About what?” she echoed, waving at Paula, their chauffeur. The brunette servant waved back, flustered, before entering their slick black car.
“You don’t need to sacrifice your happiness for him,” Edward explained softly. “Astre will understand. That new butler has been keeping him company, anyways, and I heard that Uncle Vincent is hiring a few new hands that are closer to his age, too.”
Lizzy was silent for a few moments, entering the car once it pulled up to the pair of siblings. “He’s still mycousin,” Lizzy said hoarsely. “I don’t want him to be...to be scared of me.”
“Exactly,” Edward insisted. “He’s your cousin, which is why he won’t think any less of you even if he learns of your kendo prowess. He’s your cousin, so he’ll still love you just the way you are.”
“You care too much, Lizzy. You’re an amazing girl, and I’m proud to have you as my sister. Astre loves you, and the fact that you’re strong enough to take home several kendo trophies won’t make him love you any less,” Edward said affectionately, leaning over to ruffle her hair. “He...he’d want you to enjoy yourself. I want you to do what you want, too.”
Lizzy stared out of the window in contemplative silence.
“Oh my god , Grey-senpai, how the hell did you get inside my house?”
“Your mother invited me. Early kendo practice, remember?”
“Then... why are you in my room?”
“”Because you would be here? Anyways, I brought the kendo club sign ups right here, all you have to do is sign.”
“Lizzy, I heard screaming. Is something goin— how dare you defile my little sister like this, you ungentlemanly swine!”
“...why the fuck does he sound like he’s quoting Shakespeare?”
“God damn it, Grey-senpai — run!”
“Why are you in my kitchen?”
“Like I said: your mother let me in. These creampuffs are delicious, by the way.”
“T-those were supposed to be for Ciel and Astre, you dumbass.”
“I brought the kendo club sign up sheet—oi, Midford, where are you going?”
 “Midford! Oi, Midford, get out here!”
“Why is Charles Grey standing outside of our house calling for you?”
“Ignore him, Astre. Here, why don’t we head to the living room where there aren’t any windows?”
“It vaguely sounds like he’s talking about kendo—”
“Let’s go, Astre.”
“Give. Me. The. Sheet.”
Grey blinked in surprise for a minute, then hastily fumbled in grabbing the paper and literally throwing it at her with all his might, as if afraid she would suddenly take back her statement if she considered it a moment longer. “Have my charms finally won you over?” he asked, giving her a cocky grin.
“I just realized that if I didn’t address the manner, you’d ruin the flower viewing party with your insistent demands,” Lizzy sniffed, setting down her shopping bags and whipping out a pen. She’d just finished shopping with Ciel for Astre’s birthday present. “Don’t give yourself so much credit.”
“Hah, you know, Midford...there’s a term for girls like you.”
“And that is?”
“Tsun…” And here, Grey leaned closer, leering at her and poking her forehead with his finger. “...dere.”
Lizzy adopted an affronted look, swatting away his hand and grabbing her bags. “I am not .”
“Are too.”
“Am not ,” Lizzy said with finality, rolling her eyes and resuming her walk back to the parking lot where Paula was waiting. “And we are not going to get into one of those kind of childish debates.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Grey easily fell in pace with her, maintaining a distance of about ten centimeters between them.
“I’ll see you at the party?” Lizzy presumed, raising an eyebrow and signing her name on the sheet with a particularly dramatic flourish. Then, she offered said sheet to her suddenly smug silver-haired companion.
He took the proffered paper with particular grace. “Of course.”
“Good. I’ll see you then.” Lizzy nodded at Paula in acknowledgment for opening the car door.
“The first practice starts on the first. Don’t be late,” Grey called after her.
“I’ll be there,” Lizzy returned coolly, shutting the door. It wasn’t until they had driven for several minutes before she finally allowed herself to slump back in her seat, sheer giddiness making her unable to stop smiling.
She’d done it! She actually signed up for the kendo club! It’d taken her several days to gather the courage to do so, but suddenly it felt as if a large weight was lifted off of her shoulders. Lizzy couldn’t help the laughter that escaped her lips, buoyed by the bubbling happiness in her chest.
She did it.
Signing up for this would either become the best or worst thing in her life.
next chapter will be out soon??? maybe???
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