lothiriel84 · 4 years
Curious Beak
Love is not a whim and love is not a spell When you love, you love entirely I have many flaws and she has some as well But when you fall, you fall beak and all
A The Monster Hunters ficlet. Grey-romantic!Lorrimer. Set after season 3 Christmas special.
To say that he wasn’t a ladies’ man was the understatement of the decade; and for all that he was a man of science first and foremost, the truth was that it had very little to do with his single-minded focus on advancing his academic studies, either.
He was fast approaching thirty-five, and in all that time, he’d only ever been interested in two women: Margot, and now Suki. It had crept up on him unnoticed, on both occasions, and if pressed to describe it, he would say it felt pretty much like a switch he didn’t even knew was there had suddenly been flipped inside his brain. He hardly ever fell in love at all, but when he did, it was as if his entire worldview had suddenly been turned on its head.
Which was why he found it particularly jarring when Roy boasted about yet another of his conquests; it wasn’t just that his friend went through more girls than he did with his ridiculous cravats, it had more to do with how none of them could seem to hold his attention for longer than a couple of weeks at most.
There were times when he wondered how it felt to be in Roy’s head all the time. Were light switches constantly being flicked on and off at random intervals, or was it just a cacophony of nightclub lighting and novelty glitter balls? Or, could it be that he himself was the odd one out there, and that his own metaphorical switch had got stuck over time, somehow?
Well, it hardly mattered, he supposed. He’d been granted a second chance at sharing his life with someone he loved and who loved him in return, and he was damned if he was going to waste it. And if that meant giving up monster hunting for good, then it was a sacrifice he was more than prepared to make.
Note: Title and summary from The Mighty Fin musical The Diary of a Provincial Lady.
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