minishprincess · 4 years
Obvious Jealousy
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Changkyun x Reader
Request: “ i would like to request a Changkyun x Reader. Something where theyre both oblivious fools when it comes to the others feelings, and they finally confess to each other after something angsty?”
A/N: Yay!I got my first request from one of my best followers. Here you go @nerdygaloresposts I hope you enjoy!
‘God, how can someone be that gorgeous?’
You watch as Changkyun works his way to his tables, greeting and working his amazing charm on the customers. Sighing, you rest your chin on your fist. You watch as he smiles his charming dimple smile, the way he runs his hand through his hair, the swagger in his walk, those gorgeous eyes, his yummy body-
“Yo, earth to Y/N.”
You snap out of your trance to see your co-host, Jooheon, staring at you like you’ve grown two heads.
“Huh? What? O-oh, sorry. I was just thinking.”
He raises an eyebrow, “oh yeah? What were you thinking about? Or whom I should be asking.” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.
You swat him on his shoulder, your face turning bright red. “Stop it! I was not…” You hiss.
“Yeah right,” He rolls his eyes. “Everyone knows you’ve got the hots for Changkyun. Like, it’s pretty obvious.”
“Yeah, obvious for everyone else but Changkyun himself,” You mumble.
“Yeah, well, he can be a little dense sometimes. Things tend to fly over his head from time to time.” Jooheon makes a motion with his hand moving over the top of his head.
You giggle, “yeah, well, maybe that’s for the better. Last thing I need is to get my heart broken. Besides, it’s just a stupid crush.
Jooheon pats your shoulder. "Hey, one, it’s clearly more than just a ‘stupid crush’. You've loved this kid for almost a year now. And two, you never know. He might reciprocate those feelings.”
“Yo, Y/N! Look alive!”
You hear those words before you feel an object hit you in the face. You blink and look down to see a bus boy rag on the floor. Hearing laughter, you look back up to see Changkyun doubled over with laughter.
“Yah! Kyun, what the hell?!” You bend down to pick up the thrown rag.
Changkyun smirks, “hey, I did warn you. Maybe you shouldn’t have been staring into space again. You do that a lot, actually. Do you have some kind of alternate reality going on inside that brain of yours?”
You glare at the server and throw back the rag in irritation, “god, you’re such an ass.”
He easily catches it in one hand. “Ah, you know you love me.” With that, he winks at you and walks off to clear up a table for the next customer.
Your heart stops and you narrow your eyes. Turning back to Jooheon, you sigh. “Yeah, Jooheon. It certainly seems he reciprocates those feelings.”
Jooheon gives you an apologetic look before returning to the kitchen to get more silverware. Just then, three people walk into the restaurant. One man, one women and what you assume to be their daughter. You glance over the teenage daughter and immediately judge her. You tell yourself you’re being ridiculous and put on a fake smile.
“Hi! Welcome to The X Grill. Table for three?”
The man and women nod, the daughter completely ignoring you. You grab three menus and start to take the family over to Minhyuk’s section. Just then, the daughter stops you.
“Um, no. I want to sit in his section.” She points and you follow your finger to see Changkyun smiling and helping one of his tables.
You bite your lip, trying to find an excuse to sit her elsewhere. “’Ma’am, the server in this section has quite a bit of tables to take care of, so is it alright if I seat you over this way? Minhyuk is a great server and would happily help you in any way.”
The girl shakes her head, glaring. “Are you deaf? I said I want to sit in his section. Make it happen.”
‘Yeah, I don’t like her.‘
You grit your teeth and nod, “of course.” You take the family of three over to an empty table in Changkyun’s section. You hand the family three menus and bow your head, mumbling. “Enjoy your meal.”
You make your way back to the Hostess stand and watch everything unfold. Changkyun makes his way over to the table you just sat, greeting them. The rude girl flips her hair over her shoulder and bats her eyes at him.
“He’ll never go along with that, Y/N. Kyunnie isn’t like that,” you turn your head to see Jooheon watching along with you.
You turn your head back just in time to see Changkyun smile and run a hand through his hair, leaning down towards the girl. He gets really close to her, pointing to different selections on the menu with a smirk. The girl giggles at something and bites her lip.
“Yeah, okay. Seems like it,” you grumble, your heart aching.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I don’t know why he’s being like that all of a sudden,” Jooheon pulls you into a short subtle hug. “By the way, Hyunwoo wanted me to ask if you could cover Hoseok’s break over in the bar? I’ll watch the front.”
You nod, “yeah, anything to get away from this barf fest.“ You glare one last time at the two before heading over to the bar.
You see Hoseok cleaning up the last of his customer. He sees you and smile. "Hey, Y/N! Thanks for covering for me. I’ll be back in about half an hour.“
You wave to Hoseok as he leaves to take his break. For about 20 minutes you do everything in your power to ignore the on and off giggles coming from the table of three. Unfortunately it was slow today at the bar, so it’s not like you could occupy yourself otherwise. You never thought you could roll your eyes as much as you did for those 20 minutes.
Thankfully, you did have a customer who seated himself at the bar. You look up to see a very handsome individual. His black hair was swept up and to the side, his lips were perfectly plump, facial structure even a God would be jealous of.
'He must be a model of some kind because WOWZA!’
"Hi, how can I help you?” You put on your most charming smile you can coax out at this time of heartbreak you’re experiencing.
He looks up into your eyes and smiles. “Well, hello there beautiful. Can I please get a corona?”
You nod and rummage through the cooler to grab a bottle of Corona and hand it to the man. He takes it. “Thank you, Ms…” He glances as your nametag. “Y/N. What an absolutely beautiful name to suit a beautiful girl.”
You giggle and lean against the bar counter. “Why, thank you Sir. So you know my name, isn’t it only fair that I get to know yours as well?”
The man chuckles and leans toward you, closing the gap slightly. “I guess that would be fair. The name is Hyungwon. It’s very nice to meet you.”
You blush, “well, it’s very nice to meet you too. What brings you here all alone?”
“I just got off work and decided to grab a beer or two before heading home.” The corner of his mouth lifts up into a sexy smirk, “and I’m so glad I did.”
You bite your lip and giggle again, “and so am I.”
You hear a noise coming from your right side. You turn to see a very annoyed looking Changkyun staring at you.
“What?” you deadpan.
“Y/N, can I please see you in the kitchen?” He says through gritted teeth.
You glare at the boy, “I’m a little busy at the moment. I’m covering Hoseok’s shift right now.”
Apparently some higher being hates you today because that’s when Hoseok returns to the bar. He smiles and pats you on the shoulder.
“Thanks for covering for me. You’re free to go.”
Changkyun claps his hands. “Perfect!”
Before you can say anything, he grabs your wrist and pulls you back into the kitchen. You turn back to wave to Hyungwon and give him an apologetic look. He raises a brow but waves back awkwardly.
Once you’re back into the kitchen, you pull your wrist away from Changkyun. You were pissed.
“Hey, what’s your damage, Im?! That was rude as hell!”
He ignores your comment. “What the hell was that, Y/N?!”
You raise a brow. “What was what?”
Changkyun suddenly turns to face you, his eyes burning with rage. “You were really close to that customer out there!”
“Yeah? And?”
“And you shouldn't be doing that!”
“And why not?!” You throw your hands up in the air, almost knocking over a bowl of vegetables.
“Hey!” A very annoyed looking Chef Kihyun puts his hands on his hips. “If you two are going to be back here, you need to be careful!”
You steady the bowl and give Kihyun an apologetic smile, “sorry Kihyunnie.” You turn your attention back to the matter at hand. “Why shouldn’t I be doing that?”
“Because that’s not lady like. Girls need to be careful who they throw themselves at.” Changkyun growls.
Every word that comes out of this boys mouth is just making you even more angry. “You’re NOT my boyfriend, Changkyun! You can NOT tell me who I can and can’t flirt with!”
Minhyuk peeks his head through the doors to the kitchen, “what the hell is going on back here? I can hear you guys all the way from the floor.” Kihyun just shrugged and went back to his cooking.
Both you and Changkyun ignore the eccentric server.
“It doesn’t matter if I’m not your boyfriend! I’m your friend and I’m just looking out for you!”
“That’s NOT looking out for me! You interrupted my conversation and literally DRAGGED me back here! How is that appropriate! And you should be one to talk, you were pulling out every flirt trick you know on that long haired, giggly monster at table 11!”
“I’m a guy, it’s different! I can handle myself in those types of situations!”
Hyunwoo walks in and stares at the two of you bickering back and fourth. He turns to Kihyun. “Do I want to know?”
Kihyun shakes his head. “They should just kiss already, it’s clear how they feel about each other.”
You groan loudly. “You did NOT just say that! Talk about double standards! I can handle myself JUST FINE!”
“You didn’t know the guy!”
You were practically yelling at this point. “WELL YOU DON’T KNOW THE GIRL EITHER.”
This time, the two of you didn’t wait for each other to finish your sentences. Both being incredibly frustrated with each other, you start speaking at the same time.
Suddenly the room goes dead quiet. Hyunwoo’s, Kihyun’s and Minhyuk’s mouths all drop open in shock. Both you and Changkyun stare at eachother wide eyed. At this point, it was hard to tell who was the one who blurted it out.
All of a sudden you hear the voice of Hoseok and Jooheon at the same time say, “It’s about time!”
You both point at each other and say at the same time, “you’re in love with me?” You both also nod at the same time.
Changkyun grabs your hands. “Y/N, I’m so sorry for yelling at you. I just got so jealous seeing you flirt with him, I couldn’t take watching it.”
You furrow your brows, “well, how do you think I felt watching you with that girl? It hurt too much, I thought the only way to forget about you was to flirt with someone else.”
Changkyun reaches up and caresses your cheek. “That’s why I did it too. I didn’t mean to hurt you, I’m so sorry.”
The two of you just stand there staring at each other, both still in shock. “W-well, now what?”
“JUST KISS ALREADY, GEEZ!” You hear Minhyuk yell before going back to serve his tables.
You giggle, and are the first one to stand up on your toes to kiss Changkyun on the lips. He looks surprised just for a moment before smirking and kissing you back.
Hyunwoo chuckles before clapping his hands. “Aright alright, get back to work people. Let’s save the dramarama for the TV.”
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minishprincess · 4 years
[Fulfilled] you’re a cherry (in whipped cream)
Prompt: hoseok x changkyun: changkyun struggles to sleep alone and usually uses a pillow for comfort, but one day that doesn’t work so he goes to his hyung (hoseok) and asks if he minds sleeping with him, he is a bit embarrassed since he finds it a bit childish.
Requested by @yaoiotakuyaoi
Fulfilled by @upsmution ! Thanks again! <3
Words: 1108
AO3 Link
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minishprincess · 4 years
The Stalker
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Word count: 4.8k
Characters: Wonho x OC
Genres: Romance, thriller, smut, I don’t even know what this is man 
Warnings: 18+, rough sex, choking
You know that feeling? That sick feeling that makes you turn around billion times, just to see nothing ? Simply darkness ? That sick feeling that doesn’t let you sleep at night ?
I do.
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minishprincess · 4 years
#Gun Overstimulating his S/O
Ask:  Can u do a reaction to #gun oversimulating his s/o
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He looked up at you from between your legs with a small smirk. Your moans only egged him on and the way your thighs shook around his head made him smile. Gun moaned against you as he felt you cum against his mouth again. You tried pushing him away, his tongue still circling you and he wrapped arms around your thighs to hold you in place. 
He wasn’t going to let you go easily, Gun enjoyed the way you shook against him too much. You looked down at him again, locking eyes with him as you felt another orgasm bubbling up, the feeling so intense it was almost painful. Gun smiled against you and pulled away before diving in again fully. 
“You taste way too good, baby. I can’t get enough of you shaking for me.” 
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minishprincess · 4 years
[8:11pm] “Come here, I’ll show you how to make yourself feel good.” W/ Changkyun
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
Lets just say being in a friend group with 7 boys is pretty difficult in itself, living with them was a completely different story.
It was always insanely loud. The boys would walk around practically naked 24/7, which honestly you didn’t mind. But the hardest part was that you didn’t have any privacy for yourself.
One of the boys was constantly in your room or if you were in the bathroom someone would be knocking telling you to hurry. Basically you have no sex life so the least they can let you do is masturbate in peace.
You finally had the place to yourself after who knows how long, and you were going to use the quiet time you had to help yourself.
You had to think back to where the boys were going to make sure you even had enough time, Kihyun, Minhyuk, and Hyungwon went grocery shopping, Shownu went to the gym, Wonho had gone to a cafe, Jooheon went to meet an idol friend, and Changkyun… you’re not sure where he went but he definitely isn’t there.
You made sure the door was closed, not really bothered to lock it since no one was home, and layed yourself down on your bed. You quickly rid yourself of the clothing on your bottom half and closed your eyes.
Your fingers ran over your thighs before reaching your core. Your fingers circled your clit slowly as your other hand found its way underneath your shirt to play with your boob.
You gathered your slick and used it as lube to slowly insert a finger in your tight hole. You struggled to find the right pace as you used two fingers now. Your fingers were just missing your sweet spot making you whine loudly. You brought the fingers that were tweaking your nipple down to rub your clit.
The noises you were making were honestly pathetic. Your whimpers and whines increased in volume as you tried to reach that one spot, but you couldn’t.
You didn’t even register your door opening before your hand was removed from your core and replaced with someone else’s. You moaned loudly as almost immediately the fingers curved upwards to massage your sweet spot.
You looked up to see Changkyun leaning on top of you with his fingers buried inside of you, “W-What? I-I thought- What’re y-you doing?”
Changkyun smirked at your already fucked out expression, “You looked like you needed help so I’m helping you.”
Changkyun pulled his fingers out of you and sat on your bed. He patted his lap while looking at you expectantly, “Come here, I’ll show you how to make yourself feel good.” You crawled to Changkyun and sat in his lap with your legs spread.
Changkyun ran his hands up your thighs teasingly, “Tell me, are your fingers too small to please you?” You nodded with a moan as Changkyun teased your hole.
“Would you like for me to help you baby?” You nod and push your hips up as Changkyun’s toying with your clit, “P-Please~”
Once Changkyun gets your approval he immediately presses two fingers in you. Your back arches into Changkyun’s hand as he grips onto your chest, “Fuck- C-Changkyun please!”
You felt Changkyun’s lips on your neck and you immediately threw your head back to give him more access. His fingers increased in speed as lewd noises came from your bottom half.
You clenched around Changkyun’s fingers, “Such a good girl, taking my fingers so well.” It was embarrassing how close you were. You don’t remember the last time someone touched you like this… or when you touched yourself.
Changkyun’s thumb rubbed your clit as his fingers massaged you sweet spot, “Please- Please fuck! C-Changkyun please!”
“Are you already gonna cum? Am I making you feel this good?” You babble incoherently as the coil in your stomach continues to build.
You listen to Changkyun’s deep raspy voice as he whispers both praises and degrading names, “Cum for me baby, be a good girl and cum for me.” It takes not even 5 more thrusts of his fingers for you to cum.
Your moans bounce off the wall as you chant Changkyun’s name like it’s the only word you know. Changkyun continues to thrust his fingers slowly to bring you down from your high. As you’re catching your breath he tilts your head so you’re facing him and presses his lips to yours.
You smile into the kiss with a small giggle making Changkyun look at you with an amused expression, “You totally just walked in on me touching myself.”
Changkyun looks at you with a raised eyebrow, “It’s a little late to be concerned about that.”
You elbowed Changkyun’s side softly, “Well when y’all are around me 24/7, and you know literally 24/7 because y’all really take turns sleeping in my bed, I have no sex life Changkyun! How am I supposed to bring a guy in?”
Changkyun smirks at you before whispering, “Why would you want another one? You have 7 right here… and we’re all willing to help.”
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minishprincess · 4 years
Long Distance Longing
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Long Distance Longing (Wonho Smut)
A/N: A special request for someone who I’ll keep anonymous, for now. I hope it delivered on it being dirty, but still loving at the same time. Well, hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 3.4k
Theme(s): Boyfriend!Wonho X F!Reader, Dirty Talk, Phone Sex, Cam Sex, Daddy kink, Masturbation
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minishprincess · 4 years
Oooh since request is open again..... Minhyuk and Kihyun with reader smut pls 💘 Wherein they're your professor and it's up to you f what will happen. But I want it in school since I'm naughty and also +++Daddy kink arghh. And also I want us dead JSJAKAKKL lmao thnx, take ur time hon.
You are packing your stuff as the clock hit 11:30 a.m for break. “Y/N, can you please stay in class? Mr. Lee and I have to talk to you” your professor Mr. Yoo says, you groan and watch everyone else leave. “What is it, prof?” He smirks at you, sitting on his desk. “You know what to call me when we’re alone” you swallow and see how Mr. Lee, or better called Minhyuk, locks the door. “Come here, babygirl and give daddy a kiss” Kihyun pulls you against him and starts kissing your neck, knowing how sensitive you are there. “Kihyun..”
You feel two other hands around your waist. “It’s daddy, baby” Minhyuk murmurs into your ear. “I have an idea for today’s sex.. lets get you naked” you take off each other’s clothes. At the sight of your naked body the two men get immediately hard. “Kihyun, lift her up and fuck her like that” Minhyuk orders and his friend does as told. Kihyun grabs you by the waist and lifts you up before entering you. “Ah, fuck daddy” he slowly moves so you could get used to him and kisses your soft lips. Meanwhile Minhyuk is on his knees and kisses your back and gets lower. He bites your left ass cheek and slaps the other one. You moan into Kihyun’s mouth and scratch his arm. “You like that, kitten?” He asks.
You want to answer but feel Minhyuk’s tongue licking your ass and moan instead. “Oh, you nasty little slut. Want to get your ass eaten out?” “Ah, Min-”
“Y/N!” You lift your head from the desk. “Would you please not sleep in class? If you’re that tired, you should have stayed at home” you look up to see your professors the their desk. You blush after realizing what you dreamt of. “I- I’m sorry…”
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minishprincess · 4 years
lap of luxury | hyungkyun [mx]
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[GENRE] smut
[COUNT] 3.5K+
[PAIRING] fem. reader x Hyungwon & Changkyun
[WARNINGS] PWP, unprotected sex, threesome, voyeurism, choking, edging, cream pie, oral (m & f receiving), deep throating, slight face-fucking, spitroasting, cumplay, dirty talk, forced orgasm, multiple orgasms, overstimulation
[AU] millionaire au? they’re just really rich
[A/N] Hi! So this was requested by anon and I’m so sorry I took so long to write it. Hyungkyun is not something I’ve ever read myself and so it was quite challenging. Also this is pure filth, I almost feel ashamed of myself. Almost. I hope y’all enjoy!
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“Hey sIS so me and my friend were watching hyungkyuns how long stage and now we NEED a hyungkyun x reader smut where honestly? they just fuck reader raw. sorry for being a hornybebe but it just be like that sometimes.” It really do be like that
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The suite is bigger than the last one you remember; high ceilings, floor-to-ceiling windows, gold coving and mini chandeliers. The carpet is plush, almost engulfing your feet in its softness as you kick off your heels. Hyungwon has always had an eye for the lavish things, from shoes to cars and expensive watches – even women – Hyungwon never settled for anything less than luxury.
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minishprincess · 4 years
And maybe if you’re up to it..No.108 with Kihyun🌻
108. “You should close the door.”
You’ve never regretted having the code to Kihyun and Minhyuk’s apartment until this very moment.
It’s quiet when you enter their place which is odd; you were expecting Kihyun to be in the living room, setting everything up for your weekly best friend movie night, but he’s nowhere to be seen.  Minhyuk sent you a text when you were on your way over saying that he was going to pop out and get snacks but that he’d be back soon.
So, where is Kihyun?
You set your purse down by the couch and figure that Kihyun might be in the bathroom, so you make your way down the hall and when you see that the bathroom door is open and the light is off, your brow furrows in confusion.  He must be in his room, then.  You shrug and walk the few steps to his bedroom where his door is open just enough for you to see the bed where it’s situated in the corner.  You glance in without thinking and freeze, eyes bugging out at the scene in front of you.
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minishprincess · 4 years
Pretty Boy
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Warnings: Smut, Sub!Kihyun x Dom!Reader, pegging, pet play, noona kink
Requested?: No 
Word Count: 820
A/N: I just really felt the need to write this. I’m supposed to be writing an essay for my English class but i’m doing this instead lol. This is my first time posting a fanfic so be gentle. Constructive criticism is always welcome. Enjoy! :)
(This was inspired by a Kihyun smut written by @submissivekpop​ )
A soft purr resonated from the back of Kihyun’s throat as you sucked at his neck. 
“Noona, please.”
“Please, what?” you questioned, “You’re gonna have to use your words, kitten.”
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minishprincess · 4 years
Just A Drop (Vampire!Kihyun)
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Just A Drop (Vampire!Kihyun)
A/N: My requested contribution to the spoopy season. Hope you don’t mind if I turned your request slightly on its head, anon, but I think you’ll still be more than happy with the result. :^) Happy Spooktober, everybody!
Word Count: 5.6k
Theme(s): Vampire!Kihyun X F!Reader, Vampire Bar, Bathroom Sex, Praise Kink, (VERY) Rough Sex Spanking, Degradation, Orgasm Denial, Dom & Sub Play, Orgasm Denial, Squirting
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minishprincess · 4 years
27 and 57 for kihyun oh my god
Took a few days off there for the holidays~ i hope u all are having a wonderful holiday season ❤ if not, that’s okay too, and i hope u enjoy this either way 💋
27. “Oh, the things I’d do to that pretty mouth.”
57. “That’s it baby, you’re doing great.”
NOTE: I’m not accepting requests rn, these requests were sent during a short window of time that I accepted requests~
You and Kihyun having the office to yourself was both a blessing and a curse. You loved the secret sexual escapades, but also never got any work done like you had planned (and told your coworkers). But you tried to look at the glass half full. I mean, how could you think about work when Yoo Kihyun’s there with you looking like that in that suit.
And the way his lips moved feverishly against yours and his hands groped at your ass was certainly distracting enough. Pulling back for a moment to catch your breath, you took the opportunity to loosen his tie. “You look beautiful today, Y/N…Oh, the things I’d do to that pretty mouth,” he smirked his thumb tracing over your bottom lip that was red and swollen from kissing him.
“Well I’m planning on letting you show me,” you replied, lowering yourself to your knees and your hands to his belt. The thin, shitty carpeting was harsh on your knees, but you tried to ignore that. Kihyun watched with bated breath as you lowered his dress pants and let the weight of his belt drop the fabric to his ankles with metallic jingle and a dull thud. Kihyun had already done the service of informing you during business hours that he was hard because of you, so you were not surprised to find him already fully aroused. You stroked your hand over his boxer briefs, rubbing over the shaft, looking up at his face all the while. He smiles down at you, then bit on his lip when you let your tongue lap lightly at the head of his cock through the fabric.
“You wanna fuck my mouth, Kihyun?” you asked sweetly as you pulled his underwear down his thighs. Your mouth watered when his dick was in your hands; it was dying to be sucked, he was dying to be sucked, and you wanted to hear him say how much he wanted you.
“God, please…”
With a little satisfied smile, you wrapped your lips around him, stretching your mouth wide to comfortably incorporate his cock and let your saliva pool in your mouth. You were alone, who cared if you were messy? “That feels amazing, baby,” Kihyun praised when you sucked on the tip and bright your hand up to spread your saliva down his length. “You look even more beautiful with a cock in your mouth,” he added mischievously, carding his fingers through your hair.
You hummed against him positively, then took him further into your mouth, but not far enough to make you gag. Tightening your lips around him, you pulled back and off to catch your breath. You stroked over his cock with one hand and silently grabbed his other, placing it on the back of your head as you lined his cock back up with your mouth. “Fuck…” he murmured as he realized you were asking him to use your mouth. You let go of his hand and focused on getting your mouth around his dick again, and he kept it there, waiting. When he felt you pause, he knew your were ready and slowly pushed his cock further back, pushing at your head softly. “That’s it baby, you’re doing great, I know you can take my cock.” Kihyun pulled back and pushed back between your lips with a blissful moan. You felt a bit of saliva pooling at the corner of your mouth that you were sure would spill out the next time he pulled back, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care about the mess.
Kihyun sped up, holding your head with his wiry, strong hand and rocking his hips forward and back hungrily. You took a break here and there to catch your breath, but mostly breathed through your nose.
“Your mouth feels so good, baby–shit, I’m gonna cum,” he warned with a groan, fucking his hips harder and making tears sting in your eyes. He pulled out quickly, leaving you a bit disoriented, but you quickly recovered and felt his thumb pulling at your chin. You realized he wanted to cum in your mouth, so you opened wide and stuck your tongue out. “Good girl,” he praised once more, jerking off so quickly his hand was a blur. He reached down to grip your chin and in a split second your felt his cum hit your tongue, warm and spattering.
“Pretty,” Kihyun murmured breathlessly, rubbing the head over your tongue once more.
“Maybe we should do some of this paperwork now?” You asked with a sheepish smirk as your hand slowed on his length.
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minishprincess · 4 years
I have been deep in my ki feels lately... So I would like to request something spicy with him and the phrase "Do you want this?" ty~
Thank you for requesting as part of my blog’s 1st anniversary celebration! ♡
✧ Warnings: mature content, smut (a rendezvous in the back seat of his car), unprotected sex, slightly possessive Kihyun
✧ A/N: Kihyun loves making our hearts beat for him, dear anon.
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minishprincess · 4 years
21 and 30 (not angst ) with Kihyun 🙈
You were driving Kihyun home from the event, he had a few things to drink tonight so you agreed to drive as you were sober. He was singing along to the radio happily, the windows down and the warm night air dancing around you both. Smiling over at him as he takes your hand in his. Lifting it up he presses his lips to the back of your hand and holds it there. You focus back on the road but then your eyes dart back to him. His eyes locked onto you. “Just pull the car over!” He says over the music. 
You do as he says and as soon as you get the car into park he grabs you by the back of your neck and pulls you closer to him, kissing you deeply. Shocked, you pull away, “Kihyun! What are you…” 
“Don’t ask questions.” He interrupts and pulls you back into another kiss. You give in to him and let yourself get lost in his kiss. When he pulls away this time he’s breathing heavily, his lips swollen. He cocks his head to the side and gives you a look that sends shivers down your spine. You knew what he wanted, and you were more than happy to give it all to him. 
He climbs into the backseat of the car and motions for you to follow him. Quickly removing clothes he pulls you on top of him, not wanting to waste any time. Straddling him he holds onto your hips as you ride him. You both get lost in each other, and before long your both crying out each others name in ecstasy. 
Afterwards you both get dressed and you drive the rest of the way home. When You get out of the car Kihyun pulls you into him before going into the house, kissing you once again. “Just so you know, I don’t regret anything.”
“I don’t either, Kihyun.” You admit.
“Stay the night?” He asks, and when you nod he smiles and you both head inside, arms around each other’s waist.
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minishprincess · 4 years
44 + 38 for kihyun
man i sure am trash for this boy :’( hope u like this~
38. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.”
44. “And if you lose? You owe me the best head of my life.”
NOTE: I’m not accepting requests rn, these requests were sent during a short window of time that I accepted requests~
“Just one more game, Kihyun,” you giggled, pushing at his shoulder. But he was determined; he was done playing video games and wanted to get to the part of the night where you both had far less clothes on. Kihyun attached his lips back to your jaw and tried to pull the controller out of your hands, but you held it out of reach. “One more,” you said before his lips reached yours and cut off your words.
Kihyun sighed and pulled back, reaching back to his own controller. “One,” he warned, pointer finger and eyebrows raised and a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “One more opportunity to beat you.”
“Oh I don’t think so, I beat you the last time! How about a wager?”
He paused a moment. “I’m listening…”
“If you lose…hm…we go to my favorite restaurant tomorrow and you pay for everything.” You smiled brightly at the idea, already planning your menu.
Kihyun paused again, considering. “Deal. And if you lose? You owe me the best head of my life.” He chuckled mischievously and settled in with his controller.
“Deal.” You chose a new game and focused your eyes on the screen in front of you. It was a racing game, so the winner would be clear, and you were determined now. You passed each other up here and there and first place was more difficult than ever to obtain, but in the end, it was you who ended up there.
“Haha! Yes!”
Kihyun hung his head and couldn’t help but smile at your bragging. You tossed your controller to the other side of the mattress and leaned in to give him a quick peck. “Thank you for the meal, baby. I’ll only get the most expensive thing on the menu,” you teased.
Kihyun was even more fired up now though, and flipped you onto your back. His mouth was back on your skin, this time greedily covering your collarbone, and his hands pushing at your shirt to feel the bare skin of your torso. “Get whatever you want, princess. You may not owe me head, but I’m just dying to give you some,” he told you, his voice thick with lust now. Kihyun slid down between your legs, and carefully pulled at your clothes, piece by piece coming off until you were bare from the waist down, leaving you feeling shy and vulnerable.
Kihyun sighed sweetly as he lovingly placed a few kisses on your thighs, the sound comforting and warm. His breath was hot on your skin, but felt nice in contrast to the cool air of your bedroom. He brought a hand up to push your legs further apart and smiled cheekily up at you, knowing you were shy. Maintaining the eye contact, Kihyun leaned in, a small kitten lick enough to make you pout. He laughed cutely at your expression, loving to tease you, then gave in and gave you a real lick, a long, wet stripe over your pussy.
“Is this my prize for winning?” you giggled, relaxing into your bed and reaching a hand down to his hair.
Kihyun pulled back and propped his head up on his hand, elbow on the mattress. Pulling his other hand up to circle your clit torturously slowly, he grinned at you. “I don’t know, would you like it to be a punishment?”
You pouted again; somehow the tables had turned and he was patient while you were the needy one. You pushed at his head, trying to get his mouth back on you, and he laughed as he got the hint. Kihyun dove back in, his skilled mouth quickly making you into a whining, squirming mess. In just a few minutes you were testing the thickness of your walls and your neighbors’ patience.
“Ooh, don’t stop, please don’t stop, Kihyun!” Your fingers tightened in his hair, and the muscles in your legs tightened so hard you worried you’d pull something. Your climax hit in a snap, and Kihyun had you whimpering pathetically. It was all very amusing to him though; he laughed to himself as you came down from your high, and he purposely started working your clit again before you could catch your breath.
“I know you can give me another one, baby.”
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minishprincess · 4 years
Im lowkey freaky soooo i was wondering 🥺 if you could do a monsta x smut, dom gynecologist doctor kihyun x sub reader, with all that humiliation and CHSHHFJD dont force yourself if its too weird 🤧 anyways have a great day 🥰
I really didn’t have any idea of how to write with a gynecologist kihyun, So I did with a Psychologist doctor if you don’t mind. And one thing, Weird my ass! We all are highkey freaky for this man, Yoo Kihyun. He just make me think of things I ain’t supposed to think about. Anyway hope you enjoy it, and if you have any problem with it please let me know🤗 (I’m talking too much. Goddman!) ———————————————
You had been stressed these days. Schoolwork, exams, house chores, lack of sleep, and one of the worst was your last relationship with your ex. Could it get any worse? So here you are. Sitting on this long chair waiting for this “Dr. Yoo” to come. To your surprise the second, you glanced at the door, he was there.
“Miss Y/n?” You nodded your head before giving him a nervous smile. You couldn’t take your eyes from him, he was just perfect. The way his black hair was slicked to the back. The way his glasses were fitting perfectly on his nose, or the way he unbuttons two buttons of his shirt. You quickly looked at the side avoiding any contact with him, biting your lip nervously.
“So…shall we get started?”
“Yeah sure”
“OK. I want you to lie down on this chair and just relax and close your eyes.” You did exactly as he said. Relaxing into the chair, taking a deep breath before closing your eyes.
“So tell me what is happening with you,” you told him everything, in every detail. You even told him about your last relationship and how your ex has treated you.
“I’m just so stressed” you didn’t realize that a tear slipped. When you opened your eyes a little to wipe off your eye. You were shocked to see Kihyun squatting next to you.
”no need to cry” he brought his hand to wipe the tear that slipped from the corner of your eye. You didn’t know what to do, you were flustered from this simple action.
”thanks” you mumbled in a small voice. Your cheeks were a slight shade of crimson, avoiding eye contact with him.
”You’re blushing” he let out a small chuckle tilting his head so you can look at him. ”look at me”. You looked at him, part of your heart telling you to look at the side again but a part telling you to ki-.
Before you could think any further, his lips were already on yours. You didn’t know how to explain this. It was a shock but at the same time, it felt like he was reading your thoughts. Your eyes were wide open. Seeing him enjoying how your lips felt against his, you gave in too.
His lips were soft. It was wrong, but you were far away from the idea that it was wrong. ”Aren’t you gonna get fired?” you asked feeling a little guilt crossing your heart. What if he gets fired because of you?
”If no one knows, then that’s a no” you gulped.
”Do you want this?” you glanced anywhere but his eyes, thinking deeply. But we all know what the answer is.
”yes” he smirks, molding your lips together again. But this time it was a little aggressive. He hovered over you, never breaking the kiss. His hands were on each side of your head. You brought your hands up to his neck deepening the kiss. He started to unbutton the buttons of your blouse, revealing the black lace bra that you were wearing.
”your ex is missing something here. Huh?” he lifts an eyebrow at you before attacking your knack with kisses. You were feeling butterflies in your stomach. No one ever made you feel like how Kihyun is making you feel right now.
”Dr. Yoo” he hummed against your neck, finding your special spot.
”call me Kihyun babygirl” his hands went to your waist, grabbing into them. He pushed a knee between your legs, bringing his whole body after so that’s his crotch is near your sex.
He grinds into you, earning a small moan from you. ”you like that baby girl? Hmm? Look at you already a mess for me. Such a slut” you moan out at the name. It’s the first time someone besides your ex calling you a slut, but you liked it. You don’t know why.
”please Kihyun more. I want more” you whispered out. Feeling your heat craving for more. ”you want more? Tell me what do you want baby. My fingers or my cock?” he whispered in your ear, licking a strip afterward.
” your cock please” you breathed out, closing your eyes feeling him nibbling behinds your ear.
”good girl” one of his hand went down to your jeans touching your private area. You moan out quietly, scared someone might hear you. He draws circular motion onto your clit. Feeling your wetness on his fingers making him groan at the feeling. ”you’re so wet, baby. Is it all for me?”
”y-yes” he muttered a small ”fuck” moving his fingers faster. He inserted a finger inside of you, which made you arch your back. He goes deep inside, curling his fingers so he can hit these unknown spots that you didn’t even know they existed.
”kihyun, I’m gonna cum” all you could feel was emptiness. He gets his fingers out before you could cum, which made you whimper a little.
”patients baby. I want you to cum on my cock” he gets up on his feet unbuttoning his pants after removing yours. He slides them in one go with his boxer. You could see his dick springing out free and slapping his stomach. It was such a view.
”you like what you see? Don’t worry it’s all yours” he made his way up to you again settling himself between your legs. His dick was just a few inches away from your dripping pussy. He kisses you deeply, biting your lips for entrance. You gladly let him in. Exploring your mouth, he sucked on your tongue. Giving his cock a few strokes before entering you in one push. You break the kiss to let out a loud moan, but he was quick to cover your mouth.
”you don’t want anyone to hear us. Do you?” you shake your head slightly looking at him in the eyes.
”good girl” His thrust we’re deep and slow at first. Taking this time before going any further. He cupped one of your breasts, sucking your neck. You started to undo his shirt to reveal his well-built body. He was just perfect.
”he is missing so much, baby girl” he kissed behind your ears, picking up his pace. You hold the hand that was on your mouth, trying to keep quiet.
”I will take my hand, but promise you could keep quit, hmm?” you nodded quickly into his hand, not being able to make any sound. The second his hand left your lips, you bite your lips preventing any sound from coming out. His thrusts became harder and deeper, hitting every right spot. ”just like that? Huh? Such a whore” you clasped into him, holding him tightly like your life depended on him. You could feel a knot in your stomach forming up.
”kihyun I’m near. Fuck!” he thrusted faster. His hands coming to your clit rubbing quick circles to bring you up faster.
”cum for me baby” you didn’t need to be told twice. You came hard. Soon after he came after you riding both of your highs. Your seeds mixing with his. He pulled out gently, looking down at how his cum is dripping out of your pussy.
”fuck we didn’t use a condom.” he muttered under his breath.
” I’m on birth control” he smiled to you, caressing your cheeks before giving you a soft kiss on the lips. ”Dr. Yoo. Patients are waiting saying you’re taking too long” a knock on the door interrupted you two.
”I think I should go now” you smiled at him before getting up, and getting dressed. You fixed your hair to cover the marks on your neck. When you turned around you could see that he was already dressed. You gave him a smile and wave before going outside. But before that, he grabbed your hand giving you a small paper. You realized that it was his number. You let out a small laugh.
” I’m not such an asshole to not ask you on a date” he winked at you before opening the for for you you like the gentleman he is.
”I would love that ”
Please tell me if you didn’t like it. You can send another request so I can make it up to you. I already feel bad for not making the exact thing you asked for 😢😭.
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minishprincess · 4 years
can i get 9+16 with kihyun? also, i would love it if you‘d include some smut 💞 thank you so much
Kihyun’s hand drug down the back of your legs as rested on your stomach in his bed. “Baby,” you murmur softly.
“I dreamt about you last night.”
He smiles before moving to lie with you. “Yeah.”
You smile before leaning in and pecking his lips. He grins pecking your lips so more.
“How bad was it?”
He lifts an eyebrow at you.
You sigh before moving closer to him. He presses a kiss to your forehead.
“Don’t worry about. I’ll be okay.”
You frown. You hated when the jobs always wore him down and it worried you that he was so at risk.
“Kih,” you whisper. You drag your hand down his chest. “I need you.”
“You need me?” He asks.
You nod, pulling him closer and kissing him in a toe curling kiss. He groans rolling so you are on top of him. You sit up and pull his t-shirt off and drop it away. He inhales sharply and reaches up. His hands on you making you bite your lip and grind down on him.
“Fuck,” he hisses and you giggle before easing his clothes and the remainder of yours off. His lips and hands attached to your body as you ease his mind from the troubles of the underground world.
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