spacepandar · 1 year
tagged by @ruby-red-inky-blue (thank you! i love movies :D)
rules: post 10 of your favourite comfort movies then tag 10 people
Robin Hood: Men in Tights — there were countless summers I spent with my brothers and we all sat together and we all enjoyed this ridiculous movie. we didn’t truly understand all of the jokes and 1990s pop culture reference, but boy did we laugh out loud the whole time.
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2. Pride & Prejudice — this one just hits all the right chords for me. i still love and am Mr. Darcy.
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3. Howl’s Moving Castle — I remember gravitating towards this movie when it first released because I saw Christian Bale was listed as a voice actor. And then I just made this ghibli movie part of my personality and you all have to deal with it.
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4. The Nightmare Before Christmas — another movie from my childhood. It was released on VHS (vhs!!!!) on my birthday, but my mom bought it as a gift for my older brother’s b-day two-weeks later. It’s safe to say I enjoyed it more than he did. I feel a little cringe admitting how much this movie comforts me but I’m trying to get over that.
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5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze — we’re not getting away from my childhood just yet. Another movie my brothers and I loved immensely. Also filipino Ernie Reyes Jr?!? Someone who looked more like us than any other actor we bothered to recognize as kids? We all wanted to be like Ernie in this movie.
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6. Kung Fu Hustle — also enjoyed the crap out of this one with my brothers. See this trend here? I talk about this in therapy. But, it’s got two things I love: martial arts and comedy. So good
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7. Tangled — after swearing I’d never enjoy another animated musical again for some weird reason, this movie came out and i watched it again and again and again.
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8. Alice in Wonderland — during a really hard part of my young adult life, I watched/listened to this movie a lot because something about it made me feel comfortable.
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9. 101 Dalmatians — another movie I had on repeat that I also watched a lot as a kid. I still want a house full of dalmatians.
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10. Little Women — the most recent of the bunch. i watched this for Saoirse Ronan, and then all of these old memories I had of watching the Winona Ryder version came up and I just. I can sit and watch these and for a 90-120 minutes I forget about my real life troubles and I’m just calm.
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of course, share only if you’d like: @ladytharen @scoundrels-in-love @allatariel @jedi-bird @freebooter4ever @gretamaya @freshgratednutmeg and anyone else that would like to be tagged :D
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oetravia · 4 years
Lord of the Rings for the fandom meme
I so rarely get to answer things about LOTR! Thank you!
Favourite Female Character:
Éowyn. She was everything I wanted to be when I first saw her on screen as a child. I’ve loved her ever since.
Favourite Male Character:
Faramir. I just love him (but book!Faramir remains superior 🤷🏼‍♀️)
Also, Merry. An underrated gem of a hobbit.
Favourite Book:
Fellowship of the Ring! (I mean, my actual favourite Tolkien book will always be The Hobbit, but Fellowship comes a close second!)
Favourite Film:
The Two Towers. I was a massive Legolas fan when I was little, so his increased screen time and action scenes won me over immediately. Also, we got introduced to Faramir, Éowyn and Éomer (another underrated fave!)
My Favourite Cast Member:
I don’t think I have one. Again, it depends on my mood, and which part of the bts I’m watching!
My Favourite Ship:
Éowyn/Faramir (bonus shoutout to Sam/Rosie, though!)
A Character I’d Die Defending:
Surprising absolutely no one at all; Boromir!
And Frodo. I will fight you with my bare hands for Frodo Baggins. In fact, I’d fight Boromir for Frodo Baggins. I change my answer; Frodo.
(Book!Frodo is also superior, but Film!Frodo has his merits! 😤)
A Character I Just Can’t Sympathise With:
I’ve just never warmed up to Theoden 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t know why, I just haven’t.
Other than him - Film!Denethor is something I very much enjoy hating.
A Character I Grew To Love:
Boromir! Childhood me absolutely thought of Boromir as a bad guy (with an admittedly epic death scene), but as I’ve grown up I’ve come to love him more than a whole lot of the other characters - including a lot of the Fellowship 🥴
My Anti OTP:
I don’t have one? Wormtongue/Éowyn, purely for the creep factor.
Thank you for the ask!
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thefunnylady · 5 years
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We All Must Have | by: @gretamaya
Silver suddenly found himself pushed against the wall, Flint staring down at him. “Wha-“ was all Silver got out before Flint’s mouth was on his.                                 Flint managed to occupy them both for several minutes, taking time to run his hands through Silver’s curls, a thumb along his jaw, a palm along his side. Silver couldn’t do anything more than grip him.
Read it on AO3: https://bit.ly/2JY7KlE
(So, this is probably the third, maybe fourth thing I have ever done that involved painting humans. I am particularly happy with the faces, considering it is an area where I have struggled in the past. If anyone was interested, here are materials: Pencil: Faber Castell (F), Watercolor: Reeves, Paper: Strathmore: 140lb cold press).
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hotniatheron · 6 years
49. Silver/Flint
send me a prompt!49) “Who hurt you?”
Silver thinks at first, that Flint must have gone to bed early. The house is quiet and still, dark save for the single lamp burning on the mantle.
Then Silver registers that something’s not quite right. There’s a pot of stew still simmering in the hearth. The floor around the table is covered in broken dishes. There’s a smear of blood on the wall leading down the hall to the bedrooms.
“Flint!” he shouts, hurrying down the hall. 
Throws open the bedroom door and finds Flint angrily stitching up a wound on his side. Looks up when he notices Silver there and Silver hobbles over, nearly falling over in his rush to get down on the floor beside him, hands hovering over the gash.
“It looks worse than it is,” Flint grumbles, going back to stitching it up.
“Who hurt you?” Silver asks, taking the needle from Silver. “Let me do that, you always do it crooked.”
Flint relaxes under his touch, leaning against Silver as he sews him up. 
“You’re going to be angry,” Flint says and Silver pauses, looking down at him.
“Who was it?” Silver asks, voice dangerously quiet.
“Billy,” Flint says, shifting to lean back against the bed. Silver’s hand clenches, knuckles turning white.
Notices at this new angle that Flint is holding his other hand against his side, fingers at an odd angle. There’s a graze on his cheek. Clothes rumpled as though somebody grabbed him and shook him. 
“Goddammit,” Silver hisses. “I knew I should have made sure he was dead, I knew-”
Flint reaches out and puts his uninjured hand over his. Pries his fist open until he can lace their fingers together. Pulls it to his mouth and presses a kiss to the back of his hand.
“I gave him a map,” Flint says, grinning softly. Silver huffs and leans forward, resting their foreheads together.
“A map to nowhere?” he asks and Flint nods.
“Too bad he doesn’t know that the cache isn’t on the island. He might come back when he figures that out.”
“That’s fine,” Silver says, pressing  kiss to the corner of Flint’s mouth. “Then I can kill him. Now hold still.”
Flint sits patiently and lets Silver finish stitching him up before he grabs the bottle of rum he’d brought in from the kitchen. Steels himself before he pours the alcohol over his wound, hissing softly when it burns its way across the wound.
“There,” Silver says. “Now stay here while I go get some cloth to tie over it.”
“No,” Flint says, using the bedframe to pull himself to his feet. “You’re not about to be out of my sight so you can run off after Billy Bones in the middle of the night.”
“And why not?” Silver huffs, letting Flint help him up. “It would save us a lot of time, and I bet I wouldn’t even have to say anything. Billy knows what he did.”
Flint huffs, taking a step before he stumbles into Silver.
“Put a splint on my hand first and maybe I’ll allow it.”
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queenvibranium · 6 years
ngl i think early season international breaks are the worst thing about soccer (non-FIFA edition). Things just started and they leave? And then college football starts. It really throws me.
Yeah, I really am not a fan. It does give me some soccer to watch but I don’t really enjoy low stakes soccer. Also, if you’re primarily worried about club football, you’re always just worried about players’ health and form, so it’s not super calming either. 
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ninaahelvar · 6 years
Film ask: 1, 15
1. What’s the most depressing movie you’ve ever watched?
look i’m drawing a blank, so i’m just gonna say Phantom of the Opera (it’s on my computer and it’s the only depressing one on here)
15. A film everyone loves but you hate?
Call Me By Your Name....my friends loved it and i’m here like....yeah nahhhhhh
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beautiful-devils · 6 years
Film ask: 1, 15
1. What’s the most depressing movie you’ve ever watched?
To Write Love on Her Arms
15. A film everyone loves but you hate?
The Breakfast Club, La La Land, The Greatest Showman ( I don’t hate these movies but I was so underwhelmed by them)
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mylittleredgirl · 7 years
I have some of that nail polish you just posted, those are excellent I love them
i didn’t know it was possible to love nail polish this much. the oil slick one (color: birefringence) probably gets the most compliments, but the “ultra holographic” line is just... i can’t express to you how delightful it is. i want it in every color. i usually wear it on its own but right now i’m wearing one (color: maiden lane) as a top coat over a sally hansen insta dri (color: grease lightning). i can’t decide which way i like more. 
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jeeno2 · 7 years
steve/diana 17 to celebrate how we're in way too deep?
@gretamaya also requested this one. :D
Cuddling with snow outside.
Steve Trevor liked to think that during his time in the British Army he’d become something of an expert at preparing for the unexpected. 
But nothing in any of his military training had prepared him for anything like this.
“It’s you,” Diana said, breathlessly, when she found him three weeks later, a few inches of charged space all that separated him now from the woman he’d thought he’d never see again when he got on that plane.
“Um,” he said stupidly, eyes wide with surprise. Because even in his wildest dreams he never imagined she’d be the one to find him. Much less like this: during the coldest night in recent memory, with him lying prone and shivering on a rickety army hospital bed while two feet of snow threatened to shut down all roads leading into and out of this base. 
Diana laughed, then, the sound like tinkling bells or the wind through the trees. Steve wanted to grab her, to pull her down with him on his cot – the other soldiers in the room be damned – and show her all the ways he missed her.  
But she beat him to it, just like she beat him to everything that mattered, and flung herself into his arms.
“It’s me,” Steve agreed, murmuring the words into her hair as he held her, when he finally got his tongue unstuck from the roof of his mouth. He grinned like a maniac, unable to believe this wasn’t some kind of fever dream.
She laughed again, her long, dark hair tickling his cheeks, and he was home.
cuddling prompts :D
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spacepandar · 2 years
15 questions, 15 people
tagged by @jedi-bird (thank you!!!)
Nickname: Sashie, Panda, and on occasion Libby Sign: libra  Height: 5’5”??? Last Thing I Googled: genshin furnishing sets Number of followers: 912 wtf… I’m sure 50% of these are bots and then another 25% are deactivated accounts Amount of sleep: 5-6 hours Dream job: baker (i do it now as a hobby but gosh, if i could be trained to do it professionally), full-time artist, art/creative director, or an art teacher/arts program director Wearing: blue/light blue striped shirt, black sweatpants Movie/Book that summarizes you: movie…either howl’s moving castle or robin hood: men in tights / book…also howl’s moving castle or sabriel Favorite song: The Recluse by Cursive. Although I don’t think I ever mention it, I’ve had an obsession with this song since I graduated high school Favorite Instrument: piano and bass guitar Aesthetic: furniture that looks like it’s from any time between 1960-1980, and then anything else that reminds me of my childhood home Favorite authors: Garth Nix and Leigh Bardugo atm Random Fun Fact: I have a box full of sketchbooks with the oldest from around 2003
as always, don’t feel pressured to do this
tagging: @melyzard @chubbyalien @scoundrels-in-love @ruby-red-inky-blue @ladytharen @absolutebearings @quicksilver-ink @allatariel @freebooter4ever @novemberocean @gretamaya @oh-nostalgiaa @laas-yahnir @freshgratednutmeg @eatsleepandsing
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leralynne · 7 years
Kiss meme: Rebelcaptain + 15 and/or Finn/Rey + 19
19. Kisses because I don’t want you to go and maybe I can convince you to stay just a few minutes longer.
“It won’t be long,” says Finn, shifting on his feet. “They said it wouldn’t be long, anyway. Just a few days. A week, maybe?”
Rey nods. Because it’s true: a week isn’t long at all for him to be away. It’s barely anything next to the long stretches of time they’ve been separated before this.
(She tries, on principle, not to think about those times.)
“And you’ll be here,” Finn is saying, scratching at the back of his neck. “And not somewhere else, so that’s good. Poe will be here, too, and, well, I guess BB8 is coming with me, but—”
“Finn,” Rey interrupts.
Finn looks very grateful to be given an excuse to stop talking. “Yes?”
She studies him for a moment: the soft angles of his face, the crinkle of his forehead. The broad curve of his lips.
She narrows her eyes, nods in resolve. Then she steps forward, places one hand on his shoulder, and kisses him.
It’s fast, over almost as soon as it’s begun, but when she pulls back Finn’s eyes are as wide as she’s ever seen them.
“You—” he stammers. “You, um. What?”
“Come back soon?” Rey asks, swaying a little on the balls of her feet.
Finn’s whole face melts into a smile. “Yeah. Yes. I will, yes. And you’ll be here, right? Just—right here? Not that—of course, you might have other things to do, but—”
“I’ll be here.” She’s grinning.
“Okay.” He reaches out, squeezes her hand. He’s grinning, too. “Okay, good.”
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hurricanedancer · 7 years
First sentence of a fic: Cassian can't find what he's looking for.
It’s a rare occurrence--84% of the time, Cassian keeps track of his possessions. But this time, as K2 watches, Cassian moves around the room, picking up objects and putting them down, clearly searching for something. 
“Where did you last have it?” K2 asks. Humans often find the reminder helpful. 
“I didn’t, Jyn did,” Cassian mutters. This explains the discrepancy; Jyn makes Cassian 42% more likely to forget things.  And plans. And words. However,
“Why did Jyn have possession of your shirt?” K2 inquires. Cassian freezes. He only acts like this when he is uncomfortable with his surroundings. K2 surveys the area, but Cassian’s room is the same as it has ever been. 
This bears further study, K2 decides. If there is a threat in Cassian’s room, it would be best for K2 to eliminate it. 
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hotniatheron · 6 years
gretamaya replied to your post: season 2 was so sexy…..
After Silver lost his leg we don’t get to see him strut around Like That anymore.
um he absolutely struts and still does the little sexy lean with his crutch, once a thot always a thot
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scifibi · 8 years
I just wanted to let you know that after reading your latest rebelcaptain fic I looked at the rest of what you had written and realized that not only had I read it, but I had another one of your stories open in a different tag.
my Master Plan is complete. i am now Everywhere.
lmao tHANK YOU so much tho! hope you enjoyed them both =)
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queenvibranium · 6 years
If Christian goes to Liverpool, I will be putting their schedule in my calendar. ;D Just not Bayern, please, I don't have any desire to watch them. Even this version of Chelsea is fine, I think he'll play. Though in all honesty when I found out that the current BVB coach is the one who brought Marco Reus along I was fine with him being with that dude for a year. Ah, well, there's been plenty of rumors for years and nothing has happened. Which is hilarious because he's 19.
I’d love for you to be watching us, because we could talk about them more extensively but I actually think Christian should maybe stay with Dortmund another season. There’s no rush for him to make his EPL move. I think we all expect that he’ll eventually be there. I’d love for it to be with Liverpool and I’d be pretty thrilled to have him this season. 
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mylittleredgirl · 7 years
@gretamaya replied to your photo: Dog-sitting! Now I’m too boring for two dogs...
What is the other fluff’s name?
she is called Maya by humans and The Interloper by the chief canine officer
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