#greta van fleet crack fics
hyperfixated-gvf · 1 year
Slut Era
Pairing: No pairing | No rating | Words: 1.1k
Warnings: Language, use of the word 'slut' but in a funny way, mention of Josh's rat-tail
Summary: Danny finds out that the fandom has picked up on his sluttiness; comedic shenanigans ensue.
Author's Note: Just a dialogue-heavy crack fic that I wrote purely for my own enjoyment.
“Everybody’s saying that I’m in my slut era. You hear that guys? They know I’m a slut now.”
In the midst of relative silence between the four boys, Danny’s statement came with a tilt of his lips and a sparkle of amusement – his new discovery would put an end to the calm, and he was fully aware of that fact.
Sam honked, winking at Danny from his spot on the floor, feet propped up on the couch and bare. “Now. There’s no shame in being a late bloomer, Daniel. We love you all the same.”
“And now look at me – sluttier than you,” Danny cooed. 
“Who’s sluttier than who?” Josh asked, finally looking up from his phone after searching through his list of podcasts and not finding anything more interesting than the conversation he’d only just registered.
“Danny’s sluttier than Sam,” Jake explained casually from beside Josh. “They’re saying that he’s in his slut era.”
“Who’s they?”
Jake rolled his eyes, already fed up with his twin’s obliviousness two sentences into the conversation. “If you had been listening–”
Sam interrupted Jake’s exasperation with his own, though, saying, “Who the fuck do you think they are? It’s not like I’ve suddenly identified as non-binary without telling you guys. The fans, Josh. The fans know that Danny’s a slut.”
Josh nodded in understanding, gaze sliding over to Danny. “He has been lately, hasn’t he?”
Danny shrugged, rather nonplussed at the label. “I’m enjoying my single rockstar status and will not be apologizing for it; in fact, I’m proud to be in my slut era. It means I’m the most desirable of the band,” he grinned, knowing that the Kiszkas wouldn’t take that lying down.
He was met with three immediate boos and giggled at the reaction. 
“If being single and a rockstar is what qualifies you for a slut era, then we share the desirability, Daniel,” Josh scoffed, crossing his arms. 
“No, it’s what you do with your single rockstar-ness that qualifies you. Which, if my calculations are correct–”
Jake scowled at Sam for interrupting him. “What?”
Sam raised his brows, a classic ‘duh’ in his expression, which pissed Jake off even more – Sam knew full well what he was doing, because Jake had always been extremely hot-headed when it came to people patronizing him, but especially Sam. “You never calculated anything. You’re observing,” Sam corrected. “So, according to your observations…” He waited expectantly for Jake to go on.
“Sam, fuck off,” Jake said with a flick of his middle finger. “You’re being insufferable again. Anyways, as I was saying, according to my calculations, Josh, you do not qualify for a slut era,” Jake sniggered, brushing off Sam’s Sam-ness as he always did. “I, however, am still in my slut era because I get regular sex and have been the most desirable since…ever, actually.”
Again, a chorus of boos rang around the bus.
“You are not in your slut era,” Sam scoffed. “You’ve literally been a monogamous man for the past four years or some shit – you get regular sex with the same woman, which doesn’t count. Maybe when you were in high school. That was your slut era.”
Danny burst out in giggles and gave Jake a smarmy grin. “Yeah, Jake peaked in high school.”
The others joined in on the laugh, making fun at Jake’s expense. But Jake just rolled his eyes and sat back, a pout on his face. “I did not peak in high–”
“Jake peaked in high school! Jake peaked in high school! Jake peaked in high school!” 
Once the chant was established, Jake gave them all an unamused glare and made to get up, but Josh pulled him back down next to him. “Oh, don’t be such a spoilsport. Besides, what would Jita say if we told her you got pissy because we said you don’t fuck other women?”
“She’d said, ‘Oh, Jake, I know you’re still in your slut era and I’m thankful for that fact every day–’”
“No she would not!”
The others had continued snickering at Jake’s high-pitched falsetto and how they all knew he was joking. When they’d all caught their breath, Sam sighed. “When would my slut era be? Cal A. Bungah, maybe?”
“Absolutely not,” Jake denied immediately. “But it can’t be before you lost your–”
Sam stopped him with a finger. “I still don’t care that you whored around in high school while I remained an angel until I was 19. I never will, regardless of what those shit interviewers said that one time.”
“An angel,” Danny scoffed. “Don’t forget I was still your best friend who you told everything - even when I didn’t want to hear it - before you went all the way.” 
Sam grinned at him. “I’m trying to make a case for myself here, buddy, help me out.”
“No. For calling me a late bloomer, you sure are throwing stones at glass houses.”
Sam stuck his tongue out and Danny swatted at it, starting a small push-and-pull spat between the two until Josh picked the conversation back up.
“I think you and I were in our slut era at the same time,” Josh told Sam, recentering the conversation. “You don’t remember the 70’s fuck-boy outfits you were rocking when you were– what, 20–ish?”
Danny sucked a breath in. “Yeah, the one-button-at-the-bottom open shirts with the long hair, colored glasses, and the dangly necklaces were pretty peak slut era for you, Sammy.”
“And I was in my slut era with my rat tail around the same time,” Josh mused.
“Slut buddies!” Sam cried happily, grinning and holding his hand up for Josh to slap. Josh gladly gave him a high-five and settled back in while Jake waved his arms in the air, locking eyes with Josh so that his twin knew he was speaking directly to him.
“Your rat-tail was not the reason you were in your slut era Josh,” Jake enunciated deliberately, making sure that Josh didn’t get on his delusions again that the hairstyle had been a lady-killer. “There were some women who liked the rat-tail, but it was not the reason for your slut era. Repeat after me: I was a slut with a rat-tail. Not because of the rat-tail.”
Josh did not, in fact, repeat after Jake; he only stuck his tongue out and said, “So, in peak slut era order, it would be Jake, me, Sam, Danny? But Sam and I were kinda interchangeable.”
The others nodded in agreement. “I think that’s fair,” Danny said.
It was quiet for a few seconds before Sam giggled under his breath and finished off the conversation with, “I think we should try to get a crowd chant going next show. Danny, lead us off?”
With an understanding between them nearly as strong as the twins, Danny pumped his arm up and down in the air.
“Jake peaked in high school! Jake peaked in high school! Jake peaked in high school!”
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oliverreedmasterass · 10 months
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Synopsis: Greta Van Fleet stumble across a demonic possession and, of course, end up making things like 20x worse
Words: 5.2k
Warnings: I mean, this is based on the Exorcist, so demons and v*mit and really, really coarse language
Notes: This one goes out to @jmkho for her birthday!!! I hope you're having a great day, hun!
The members of Greta Van Fleet were in Washington DC for a few days before their Starcatcher concert at the Capital One Arena. Since they had some time to kill, they were given the green light to explore around the area, take in the sights, and, most importantly, stay out of trouble. That last point was drilled into their heads by their manager but, with wide smiles, they assured him that they were going to spend time checking out the Smithsonian, seeing all the monuments, and, of course, finding a good brewery to relax at. And they stuck to their promise. Well, at least for the first two hours of their day off. 
Sam was adamant that they go to the Air and Space museum since Jake got to do his not-so-innocent photoshoot with the Washington Monument. Josh promised Sam they would go soon, but first he wanted to check out their AirBnB. 
“Josh,” Danny stared at his bandmate. “Why the hell did you book an AirBnB? We’re already staying at a hotel.” 
“It was a dream of mine to attend Georgetown,” Josh eagerly explained. 
“It literally wasn’t,” Jake retorted. Josh shushed him. 
“I wanted to get a place for us to enjoy, living the life I never got to have. It’s a nice and quaint spot on the edge of campus, surrounded by students and professors. It’s gonna be great, trust me.” 
“It’s a waste of money, is what it is,” Danny huffed, but that was the extent of the fuss he would make over what Josh chose to do with his income. 
“I’m setting a timer on my phone,” Sam announced. “If this takes us more than an hour, you owe me something from the Air and Space museum gift shop.” 
“Fine,” Josh shrugged. He knew Sam would want one of the NASA space shuttle models, which was like $30 tops. Hell, he’d get Sam some space food too if the kid really wanted it. 
They weren’t too far away from the place, so they quickly made their way out of the touristy area to the Georgetown campus, which was overrun with people around their age, hustling to class with their oversized backpacks and tall travel mugs of coffee. 
Josh stopped them in front of a two story brick house with white trim that extended impressively high. Jake took in the sight and let out a whistle. 
“The big bad wolf isn’t bringing this house down, that’s for sure.” 
“It’s a brick…house,” Danny jokingly sang. 
Josh rolled his eyes and led the way up to the front porch. 
“I read on the website that this house has been haunted in the past. I figured we could hang around ghosts again to get some good songwriting sessions in.” 
“That’s why you got this place?” Jake frowned. He was kind of fed up with ghosts after they had messed with his equipment at their previous cabin outing. 
“We literally just released a new album, Josh,” Sam pitched his voice up into an annoying whine that only younger siblings can perfect. “Can’t we just enjoy some time off doing normal tourist stuff like, I don’t know, going to the Air and Space museum?” 
“I’m a little bit worried about spending so much time in these haunted places,” Danny chipped in his two cents. “I feel like one of these days it’s not gonna end well for us.” 
“And see?” Josh had his arms crossed. “This is why I didn’t want to tell you guys why I rented this place. I knew you were all gonna be party poopers over it.” Jake opened his mouth to protest, but Josh continued to talk. “I’m doing this for us to grow as a band, to really expand our horizons. Sure, we already have a double album nearly done, but what are we gonna do after that? You said it yourself, Jake, we need to be at the top.” 
“You’re taking that quote out of context,” Jake frowned. “I told you that at the movie theater. I wanted to be in the back row to see Barbie.” 
“Just accept that I’m right,” Josh looked at his band members. He turned to face the front door and his face brightened in excitement. “See?” he whirled back around to face them, jutting a thumb over his shoulder. “The door is wide open. The ghosts are welcoming us in. I feel really good about this.” 
“Why in the everloving hell would you feel good about that?” Sam sputtered out. “Oh, he’s already inside,” Sam grumbled, watching as Josh jumped inside the house. “How are we related to that guy?” Sam turned back to ask. 
“Don’t look at me,” Danny held up his hands. 
“We have to go in after him, don’t we?” Jake checked in, standing on his toes to try and peek inside the house. For what it was worth, it did look relatively normal inside. Sam checked the timer on his phone and tsked. 
“Only seven minutes away from me getting my Air and Space on.” 
“I’m literally gonna whoop your ass the next time you bring up the Air and Space museum,” Jake grumbled under his breath. Danny put his hands on the backs of Sam and Jake and gave them a guiding push in through the open door. 
“Let’s grab Josh and get the hell out of here,” he instructed. 
They quickly found Josh standing at the foot of the staircase in the main landing. His hands were on his hips and he beamed at the space around him while Danny, Sam, and Jake scrunched their noses. The place looked tacky as hell, like it hadn’t been updated since the 1970s. Everything had a mustard-colored theme to it. 
“Isn’t this place great?” Josh greeted them, wiggling his eyebrows to encourage them to shower him in praise. Sam opened his mouth to tell Josh that he was six minutes away from owing him something from the gift shop when a low, guttural moan sounded from upstairs. “The ghosts are here!” Josh clapped in glee. Jake, Sam, and Danny were all pale. 
“Let’s get out of here,” Jake said, tugging on Josh’s arm, trying with all his might to communicate to his twin telepathically that he had nearly pissed himself. 
“Please, Josh,” Danny tried, “I don’t think the ghosts here are nice.” 
“YOUR MOTHER SUCKS COCK IN HELL,” a muffled demonic voice hollered above them. The four men looked around at each other, their faces white. A few beats of silence hung in the air and then they broke down into fits of laughter. 
“Maybe I do want to stick around,” Sam gasped for air, wiping tears from his eyes. 
“I could take some notes from this guy on profanity,” Jake agreed, nodding emphatically. Even Danny seemed to be growing more fond of the idea of sticking around. 
“The timing of that was perfect,” he marveled. 
Josh was radiating with delight. He knew his bandmates would warm up to his exceptional idea. He could feel a really productive writing session coming on - it was practically inevitable. 
“What do you say we go upstairs and meet this goofy ghost then, huh?” he asked around. Everyone was on board, so they booked it up the grand stairwell. Sam pushed ahead of Josh to be the first to the top, and skidded to a halt so his band members ran into his back. 
“If I had to guess,” Sam started, grasping onto the wall to keep upright, “I would say the ghost is in there.” 
He pointed at the door in front of them, which was rattling and knocking around with smoke pouring from the bottom. They all stared at the supernatural sight and then shrugged. The ghost at the cabin where they wrote Anthem of the Peaceful Army enjoyed chucking Jake’s guitars around - they had seen a lot worse. 
“I read a book about interacting with ghosts recently,” Josh shared with his band. “It’s vital to state your name and intent. Open communication is the key to building an amicable relationship with a spirit.” 
He put his hand on the doorknob and started to turn it. 
“Oh wow,” he stopped for a moment to comment. “This is cold as hell.” 
Without giving it even a second of thought, Jake leaned forward and licked the doorknob. 
“Now why the fuck did you do that?” Danny scolded him. 
“A fu,” Jake called out. “Mah tun ih uck.” 
It was awkward as anything, but Josh managed to turn the doorknob while Jake’s tongue was still attached to it. Jake led the way into the room, waddling in on his knees, and they were greeted by two priests and a ghastly looking young girl. Her face looked like she had shoved it in a blender. 
“Oh,” Josh broke the stunned silence. “I didn’t realize this was a hostel. I thought this was a private booking.” 
“Hi, I’m Sam,” Sam lifted a casual hand, remembering Josh’s advice. “I am here to say hi to a goofy ghost.” 
“I am Pazuzu, king of the demons of the wind and son of the mighty and powerful god, Hanbi. I will fuck your shit up,” the young girl boomed in a startlingly deep voice.  
“I on’t ike is, guys,” Jake sputtered out from his spot glued to the door. The demon studied Jake and let a sly grin curl across the girl’s lips. 
“Well look at this fucking idiot,” the demon howled with laughter. 
“I m’naw uhn idiot,” Jake attempted to protest. 
“You need to get out of here,” the younger priest looked at the men in worry. “It isn’t safe for you.” 
“No shit, Sherlock,” Sam stated. “Your demon is levitating.” 
They spun around to find the girl lifting from her covers and shakily ascending towards the ceiling. While this was happening, Danny sprung to action and grabbed Jake’s torso, desperately pulling at him to detach his tongue from the door knob. Jake hollered out in pain. 
“I ‘an ‘eel eye aste uds eeling off!” 
“Jake, shut up,” Danny grunted out. He looked up for a second and cursed to himself when he saw the demon staring at them in interest. Whatever was going to happen next, he knew it was going to be bad. Danny was totally right. The demon came limply hurtling across the room and knocked into him and Jake, causing the three to tumble out the room and down the staircase. 
“I’M FREEEEEEEE!” Jake called as he tossed and tumbled down the carpeted staircase, even doing a flip midair about halfway down. Danny landed first with a soft “ow,” and Jake and the demon conveniently landed on top of him. “Thanks for breaking my fall, bud,” Jake patted him on the head. 
“Please get off of me,” Danny wheezed. Jake hurried to his feet and then clutched at his head. 
“Agh,” he groaned out. 
“Are you guys okay?” Sam called from the top of the staircase. He wanted to make sure it was an emergency first if he had to exert himself and go down the stairs. 
“My head hurts like a bitch,” Jake complained. 
“You must have gotten a concussion,” Danny tried to be the voice of reason. As he was falling down the stairs, he had caught Jake’s head knocking around like a crash test dummy a few times. It would be a miracle if the guy remembered his own name. Danny gazed to his left and then jumped with a scream when he realized that the demon was standing with them, as if they were just hanging out. 
“That was fun, let’s do it again,” the demon conversed in its deep voice. 
“We need to get her back upstairs to her bed!” one of the priests called down to them. Like Sam, he was in no rush to make the trek down to the first floor before he had to. 
“What are we supposed to do about that?” Danny yelled back up. He was getting really fed up with the situation Josh had put them in. Where had that fucker gone anyways? 
A loud crash came from the girl’s bedroom, and Sam and the priests ran back to address it. The demon started to sprint upstairs as well, and Danny instinctually ran after it, leaving Jake standing on his own in a daze. 
When Danny made it back to the bedroom, he gaped at the scene in front of him. Like the demon had done minutes earlier, Josh was now levitating in the middle of the room, his eyes gently shut and his arms spread out in the Jesus position. 
“Oh gosh!” the older priest exclaimed. “Pazuzu got him too!” 
Josh opened one of his eyes and peeked down at his audience, who were all gawking at him. He flashed his pearly whites and gave a small wave with a chuckle, causing the older priest to faint. 
“Turns out if I meditate hard enough, I can levitate too!” Josh caught everyone up to speed. “I think I might have reached nirvana.” 
“What the fuck?” Danny and Pazuzu both murmured. Then, they turned to each other. 
“He’s not a demon?” Pazuzu checked with Danny. 
“Not that I’m aware of,” Danny responded. “Though it wouldn’t surprise me,” he added as an afterthought. “You’re not doing this?” 
“What would I get out of doing this?” Pazuzu arched an eyebrow. 
“Yah!” The younger priest called out as he snuck up behind Pazuzu and threw some holy water.  The demon arched its back and let out a rumbling howl, causing Josh to snap out of his nirvana and drop back down to the bed with a hard thump. Danny and Sam groaned in disgust as the demon unleashed a cannon of vomit onto the priest, staining his entire front green. The priest looked down, choked on a sob of horror, and tore for the window, where he proceeded to fall down an impressive flight of stairs. Josh sat up from his spot on the bed and grimaced. 
“Do you think he’s okay?” 
Sam gave Josh a blank stare. 
“What do you think, genius?” 
“Yes?” Josh sounded hopeful. 
Suddenly, Jake stomped into the room. 
“WHICH ONE O’ YE FUCKERS PUSHED ME OLD ASS DOWN THEM STAIRS?” he bellowed. Everyone did a double take. 
“Is that Oliver Reed?” Sam whispered to Danny in confusion. Danny pursed his lips and nodded his head. Oliver Reed always knew to come out at the worst time possible. 
“I don’t believe it,” Pazuzu breathed out. “The spirit of Oliver Reed possessed that fleshly form? This house ain’t big enough for two demons.” 
“Kiss me ass, yew fuckface!” Oliver Reed snarled at the demon. 
For some reason, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly theme started to play, and Oliver Reed and Pazuzu got into dueling position, curling their hands and staring each other down. Danny, Sam, and Josh stood in a line off to the side, watching in horror. Oliver Reed was a terror to behold, but it was iffy if he could really stand a chance against a demon as powerful as Pazuzu. 
“Fuck yourself with a knife, you pathetic virgin,” Pazuzu got the first blow in. 
“Virgin? VIRGIN? HA! I fucked yer mom and yer dad last night,” Oliver Reed cackled. “I put my cigar out on yer dad’s forehead and he loved it.” 
That seemed to slow Pazuzu down, but after they collected themself, they took a step closer to Oliver Reed. 
“You prideful bastard, you son of a whore, your cock is the size of a maggot.” 
“My lovers tell me they eat fresh because, like Subway, me cock’s a footlong,” Oliver Reed retorted. That one earned a snort from Danny, but Pazuzu and Oliver Reed were too in the zone to notice. 
“I’ll shove my foot up your ass to hear you squeal like a pig,” Pazuzu countered. 
“That’s what I told yer mom last night,” Oliver Reed lowered his sunglasses to give Pazuzu an icy stare. 
“I think Oliver Reed is winning,” Josh whispered to Danny and Sam. They both absently nodded. 
“My mother is dead,” Pazuzu sounded more defensive than heated. 
“I don’t discriminate,” Oliver Reed shrugged. 
“Jesus Christ,” Pazuzu breathed out in horror, and then clutched their chest in pain from uttering the holy name. Oliver Reed barked out in laughter and grabbed a bottle of beer from out of nowhere. Pazuzu watched as Oliver Reed removed the bottle cap with his teeth and then spit it out the window. Off in the distance, the younger priest called out in pain from the bottom of the staircase, where a bottle cap had mysteriously appeared and hit him square in the forehead. 
“Yew want to keep going? I could do this all day,” Oliver Reed asked Pazuzu. While Pazuzu considered the offer, Oliver Reed proceeded to down his entire 40oz beer. 
“Chug! Chug! Chug!” Sam, Danny, and Josh chanted in the background, out of habit. 
“The pen is mightier than the sword, I’ll give you that,” Pazuzu replied. 
“I thought it was ‘the penis mightier than the sword,’” Oliver Reed sounded confused. “Doesn’t ‘at make more sense?” 
“What I’m trying to say is we had our fun talking,” Pazuzu ignored Oliver Reed. “But I need to get back to business.” 
Oliver Reed hollered in shock when an invisible force sent him flying across the room, hitting the wall and dropping to the floor. Pazuzu curled their blue and scabby hands into tight fists and hovered over to Oliver Reed, who was gathering himself 
“Yew asshat,” Oliver Reed fumed at the demon. “Yew made me drop me beer.” 
“The bottle was empty,” Pazuzu sounded confused. 
“It’s the principle, mate! The principle!” Oliver Reed protested. With a rage-filled cry, Oliver Reed lurched forward and tackled Pazuzu to the ground, pinning them to the floor with a tremendous amount of strength. From the floor, Pazuzu’s head started to turn in a complete 360, which made Oliver Reed scream out, “BLEGH! OWL DEMON! I HATE BIRDS!” and gave Pazuzu the opportunity to break free from his grasp. Oliver Reed attempted to regain control of the situation and pin Pazuzu back down, but they were already back to their feet, sending the bed frame at Oliver Reed with their mind. Oliver Reed drunkenly stumbled out of the way, just barely missing being squashed by the wooden structure, and hurled his empty bottle at Pazuzu, hitting them square in the forehead. In retaliation, Pazuzu sent a dresser in Oliver Reed’s direction, forcing him up against the wall. 
Across the room, chimes started to ring from Sam’s phone. 
“Would you look at that?” Sam said over the commotion. “The hour is up. Josh, you owe me something from the gift shop. Can we go now?”
“Sam, I think Jake is in the middle of something right now,” Danny spoke up. “Oh,”  Danny said in surprise. “He’s already gone.” 
Sam made his way down the stairs and let himself out the opened front door, walking with a pep in his step in the direction of the Air and Space museum. He was going to learn about the Wright Brothers and NASA and go inside a real cockpit. And then Josh was going to buy him a model space shuttle from the gift shop. It was going to be absolutely awesome. 
Back in the bedroom, Oliver Reed was threatening Pazuzu with a sword that he had managed to find somewhere. Danny and Josh cowered in fear, hiding behind a rocking chair as Oliver Reed swung the sword around his head like a helicopter blade, tearing and slashing through the air while hollering at Pazuzu that he was going to “shove this pointy thing where the sun don’t shine.” 
“We have to do something before Jake accidentally shanks himself,” Danny whispered to Josh. Josh nodded. Jake’s wrists were too flimsy to be handling that sword in the way he was. 
“We need to do an exorcism,” he told Danny under his breath. “On both of them.” 
“I don’t know how to do an exorcism, Josh,” Danny replied in a panic. 
“You just throw water at them and yell stuff in latin,” Josh said, like it was nothing. He grabbed a bottle of holy water left discarded on the floor in front of them and tucked it into Danny’s trembling hands. “Go and get ‘em, tiger.” 
“I don’t want to,” Danny’s voice cracked, but Josh pushed him out in front of Oliver Reed and Pazuzu. Oliver Reed stopped swinging his sword around and Pazuzu, likewise, turned to face Danny. Danny looked white as a sheet and he made a few choking noises, but then snapped into action. “CARPE DIEM!” Danny’s voice rose. Pazuzu and Oliver Reed exchanged a confused glance. “E PLURIBUS UNUM!” Danny continued as he forced the lid off the bottle of holy water and tossed it in the demons’ direction, missing them both entirely. 
“What the fuck is happening?” Pazuzu asked the room. 
“Hell if I should know,” Oliver Reed shrugged. 
“ET CETERA!” Danny tried again. 
From behind the rocking chair, Josh’s face lit up. 
“Oh wait,” he said to himself. “I do know how to do an exorcism. I made a movie about it in high school.” 
With a newfound confidence, Josh sprung to his feet, hurried to Danny’s side, and grabbed the bottle of holy water from him. 
“I’ll take it from here,” Josh assured Danny. 
“I fucking hate you, you know that?” Danny hissed back. 
Josh squared up to face the demons and cleared his throat. “My name is Josh Kiszka and I am here to send your asses back downstairs.” 
“Like your UPS delivery lookin 'ass could do that,” Pazuzu chirped. 
“Oh, you got roasted,” Jake broke free from Oliver Reed’s control for a second to cackle. 
Josh got into an exorcist stance and began to chant lines of latin that obviously had an effect on Pazuzu and Oliver Reed. 
“What the fuck?” Danny called out in shock. Josh being fluent in latin was definitely not on his bingo card. Then, he got angry. “Why the hell did you make me go out there first?” 
“Yew wanker!” Oliver Reed howled in pain as Josh continued the exorcism. “Aye don’t want to go back down there, Margaret Thatcher is mean to me!” 
Across town, Sam was at the Air and Space museum, but he was bummed out. It wasn’t the same without his bandmates. In fact, it was boring walking around and looking at the displays without Jake and Josh fighting in the background while Danny tried to break them up. Sam let out a sigh of defeat and headed for the front entrance. 
“I guess I’ll go back to the haunted house.” 
Back at the house, Pazuzu and Oliver Reed were both curled up on the floor, moaning and writhing as Josh recited his lines with a firm and powerful voice, the latin echoing around the room. Danny was standing beside Josh now, feeling safe enough to come out from his hiding spot, and watched as the two demons pleaded for Josh to stop.  
“I think it’s going well,” Josh took a break to tell Danny. At that moment, Sam plodded back into the room, his shoes mysteriously gone, and opened his arms up to everyone. 
“Did you miss me?” He greeted his friends and the demons. 
In Josh’s moment of distraction, Pazuzu ejected themself from the girl’s body and zipped across the room, slamming straight into Sam’s body. Oliver Reed sprung to action as well and hopped from Jake over to Danny. 
“Wait, what?” Josh asked in confusion as Sam and Danny shook their heads and then turned to face him with demonic grins. From the floor, Jake let out an exasperated grunt. 
“Did Oliver Reed get me again?” he groaned. 
“Aye like this body a lot better!” Danny exclaimed in a British accent as he checked out his biceps and gave them a firm squeeze. “This mate lifts!” 
“I’ve got gains too,” Jake sounded hurt from the floor. 
“Eh,” the girl begged to differ beside him. Jake took one look at her and jumped with a scream. 
“This is one hairy motherfucker,” Pazuzu commented as he played with Sam’s long locks. 
“Shit,” Josh cursed himself. Things weren’t going as well as he thought they would. Leave it to Sam to come back and screw everything up. 
“Wanna give that exorcism another try, big boy?” Pazuzu asked. It was strange to hear those words coming from Sam’s mouth but, to be fair, Pazuzu had distorted Sam’s voice beyond recognition. When he talked, it sounded like he was gargling mouthwash. 
“Wait, you’re doing an exorcism?” Jake asked as he slowly returned back to his feet. Josh gave him a quick nod. “I can help out,” Jake offered. “I still remember how to do one from that film you made in high school, I think.” 
“Give it yer all, yew short boys,” Oliver Reed cackled. Jake scrunched up his nose at the words that had just come from Danny. 
“That’s really weird,” he commented. “I don’t think I like that.” 
“Guys,” Danny’s normal voice broke through, “please get Oliver out of me. He smells bad and I feel like my blood alcohol content is flying off the charts.” 
“It is a bad feeling,” Jake confirmed, then turned to Josh. “Let’s do this.” 
“You cowardly, ass eating, Led Zeppelin wannabes!” Pazuzu shouted. 
“Sorry,” Sam cut in. “That was out of line.” 
“Just ignore them, Jake,” Josh advised his twin. “They’re gonna try to get into your head.” 
Pazuzu and Oliver Reed were definitely doing everything they could to distract Jake and Josh, since they had their arms wrapped around each other and were rocking drunkenly back and forth, belting out a sea shanty at the top of their lungs. 
“What will we do with a drunken sailor? What will we do with a drunken sailor, early in the morning!” 
“Fuck,” Jake said through grit teeth, his hands balled up into tight fists. “I love that sea shanty.” 
“Selective hearing, Jake,” Josh reminded him. “Pull it together.” 
Jake sucked in a deep inhale and then, together, he and Josh began reciting their latin, circling around the demons and taking turns dousing them in holy water. In return, Pazuzu and Oliver Reed tried to sing louder. With all the commotion they were making, it was a miracle that the neighbors hadn’t filed a noise complaint. Feeling left out, the girl made herself useful by taking turns kicking Sam and Danny in the shins to handicap the demons. 
“Can you please stop that?” Danny begged the girl in his normal voice, taking a break from Oliver Reed’s barking yells. The girl looked him in the eyes, smiled, and sent her foot flying into his shin again, sending Danny toppling to the floor. That seemed to be the nail in the coffin for Oliver Reed, because Danny let out one last agonizing yell and then a rush of blue, white, and red shot out from his body and dove through the house, back down to hell. 
Pazuzu watched Oliver Reed’s dramatic exit and beamed. 
“I knew I was the better demon,” they proudly declared. Then, they turned to Jake and Josh. “Okay, I’m done with my games. I don’t really like this host anyways. He keeps telling me that my music taste is trash, and it’s making me feel bad.” 
Josh and Jake stared in awe as Pazuzu extracted themself from Sam’s body, flashed one last terrifying grin at them, and then dove down after Oliver Reed. The temperature in the room immediately returned back to normal, and the eerie blue lighting was replaced with the warm sunshine coming from the broken window. Without a second’s hesitation, Jake and Josh rushed to Sam and Danny’s sides to make sure they were alright. 
“I think I need to go on a juice cleanse,” Danny shuddered. “That was disgusting.” 
“Pazuzu thinks Shawn Mendes is talented, can you believe that shit?” Sam sputtered out, evidently not feeling any of the after-effects of being possessed. “Like, if that demon is gonna be in my body, I have a right to set them straight.” 
“I’m sorry,” Josh grimaced at Danny. “You were totally right. I was playing with fire when I rented out this AirBnB.” 
“AirBnB?” the girl asked behind them. They turned to face her and winced at her chalky, bruised, and cut skin. 
“Yeah?” Josh cautiously asked back. 
“I live here,” the girl stated. “With my mom. This isn’t an AirBnB.” 
“But isn’t this 3602 Prospect St?” Josh asked. The girl frowned at him. 
“It’s 3600 Prospect St,” she answered. 
“Jesus Christ, Josh,” Danny groaned. 
“Huh,” Josh muttered. “Well. That’s embarrassing.” 
“I mean, you guys did help me out, so I guess I have to thank you for breaking in.” 
“Yeah, anytime,” Jake flashed her a smile, and then reconsidered his words. “Uh, I mean, we won’t break in anytime. That’s not what I meant.” 
“You’re all good,” the girl assured him. “I hate to kick you out, but I need to get to work on my skincare routine stat.” 
“That’s a good call,” Sam agreed. Danny elbowed him hard in the ribs, which made him keel over for a second. “I mean, what? Girl, your skin is flawless,” Sam tried to rebound. 
“Get out,” the girl stared at them. 
“Fair enough,” Josh nodded. “Good luck to you!” 
They hurried out of the brick house and, on the porch, Josh double checked the address with his confirmation email. 
“Wow,” he said to himself. “I don’t know how I mixed that up.” 
“It was a tiny hiccup,” Danny said. “You know, we only got possessed over all of this.” 
“I’m sensing that you’re feeling upset,” Josh tried to do damage control. “But let’s practice some gratitude. I, for one, am grateful that the old priest passed out pretty early on because that guy smelled like moth balls and it was starting to give me a migraine.” 
Josh looked around at his friends, expecting them to take part in the gratitude circle, but all of them stared darkly back at him. Josh panicked, trying to think of a way to get them to forgive him fast. 
“Should we go to the Air and Space museum?” he tried. 
Danny and Jake looked at each other and shrugged. 
“YES!” Sam exclaimed, like he had been eagerly waiting for Josh to suggest that his whole life. He took off sprinting down the sidewalk, his bare feet slapping against the hot pavement. “SPACE SHUTTLE, HERE I COME!” Sam whooped in the distance. 
“Let’s stick to rural ghosts instead of city demons, okay?” Jake said to Josh as they watched Danny chase after Sam with a pair of shoes, shouting that he was burning his feet. 
“Agreed,” Josh nodded. “They’re a bit more our speed, I think.” Josh thought hard. “You really need to find a way to ward off Oliver Reed.” 
“I’ve given it a lot of thought,” Jake declared. “Non-alcoholic beer. That should do the trick.” 
“I think that should,” Josh let out a laugh, giving Jake a loving pat on the back as they walked down the Washington D.C. sidewalk into the glowing sun. 
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jmkho · 1 year
You know what I need? GVF Cooking.
Just them cooking something. I don't know why. A full video too.
And make it a challenge while we're at it, that would be funny.
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So, on another note. Last night I had this idea for a series of sorts. It’s a non-pairing, entire band AU, collection of short stories.
Today I’m thinking it would be fun to collab since the series will have multiple story lines, the more creative minds the better you know?
If anyone is interested in doing a collab or if there’s any groups of fanfic writers out there who has room for another crazy author you can message me and I can go more into detail.
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Word Count: 1.6k
Pairing: Jake x Reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt, ex!Jake
Synopsis: Jake hasn’t healed even months after his ex-girlfriend Y/N said ‘I do’ to another man. After one night of desperately trying to hold onto Y/N, will he get back the woman he loves, or was it all nothing but a mistake?
For a bit of context while I try and write what came before: Y/N is a super successful singer-songwriter although it’s not super relevant in this chapter. She has been close friends with the members of Greta Van Fleet, for several years. She had a tumultuous yet terribly passionate relationship with Jake that ended not very well (you’ll see), although they eventually figured out how to remain on good terms for everybody’s sake.
Disclaimer: English isn’t my native language, so I apologize in advance for mistakes and awkward wordings to come. Also, I guess this fic could be triggering for some because it’s kind of sad and angsty.
Previous Track: Prayer Factory
Chapter soundtrack : River – Joni Mitchell
Oh, I wish I had a river, I could skate away on. I wish I had a river so long, I would teach my feet to fly.
Alright let’s get into this,
Christmas music was playing softly in the warmth of the Styles household. The young couple had decided to host a Holiday party together for their close friends in their newly purchased London home. Kids were running around everywhere, stuffing their face with appetizers, while grown-ups were enjoying more than a few glasses of wine around the crackling fireplace, or in the sitting room.
Harry, however, was busy looking around for his wife with a frown on his face. He had barely seen her since the arrival of the first few guests.
“Hey, Gemma, do you know where my beautiful wife might be?” he asked his sister.
“I’m not sure, although she did tell me she was going to the loo about half an hour ago.”
Indeed, the hostess was still in the master bathroom upstairs. Far from the picture of holiday spirit, she was sitting on the tiled floor, with her arms wrapped around her knees, surrounded by a pile of tissues and mascara running wildly down her cheeks.
“Shit. Shit. Shit,” she whispered, for what felt like the hundredth time, as she heard footsteps heading in her direction. She took some more toilet paper to blow her nose, jumping slightly as she heard a soft knock on the door.
“Y/N, come out, love, everyone’s here,” she heard her husband say.
She got up, flinching as she looked at her reflection. God, she really looked like shit, “Um, you should go back down, I'll be right behind you, I’m just touching up my makeup”, she said, hoping Harry wouldn’t be able to notice the shakiness of her voice.
“Are you okay?” he asked, clearly worried.
“Of course, I am” she answered. She was relieved to hear him walk back downstairs.
Of course, I am, she thought. Was she really, though? Definitely not. She quickly put all her mess into the tiny bin, before starting to work on her hair and face. Just get through tonight, she thought, just tonight.
“Ah, there she is!” everyone cheered upon seeing her walk down the split staircase, her silky dress flowing beautifully behind her and her makeup opaque enough to hide any previous meltdown.
“Sorry I kept you waiting. You know I love making an entrance,” she giggled, trying to hide her nervousness behind a sparkly smile. No one seemed to notice anything wrong as she went around the room, greeting everyone one by one, cracking a quick joke here and there.
Most of the guests were Harry’s friends and colleagues, but Y/N didn’t mind that much, she understood London wasn’t exactly an ideal location for most of her friends. Plus, she had gotten rather close to her husband’s inner circle. It didn’t quite feel like family just yet, but it would come, or at least that’s what she hoped.
“You look a bit pale sweetheart,” Harry’s agent told her laughing, “here, have a drink it’ll loosen you right up”.
Y/N hesitantly took the champagne flute he was holding out to her, mumbling a quick ‘thank you’ and excusing herself before heading to the empty reading room. She let out a sigh of relief as she heard the door close behind her, shutting any noise out.
She loved that room; it was always so quiet and cozy. The walls were covered in her favorite books, and the grand piano was almost buried under a mountain of sheet music and song drafts, both hers and Harry’s. The back wall, however, was very neatly organized. It was where they had decided to place their award shelves.
Without even realizing, she approached one award in particular. It was her second Grammy, which she’d gotten a few years prior. Next to it was a picture taken at the ceremony’s after party. She grabbed it gently, a sad smile spreading her face. It was of her with Josh, Danny and Jake. Sam had taken it while in his disposable camera phase.
She brushed her thumb across Jake’s face, her throat drying up, before shifting her attention back on the glass in her hand. She contemplated the idea of downing it in one swift movement. God knew she needed a drink. But she wasn’t sure it would be wise.
Screw it.
She weakly brought the glass up to her lips but was interrupted as she heard the door open and footsteps approaching from behind her.
“You look beautiful,” Harry whispered in her ear. He laid a soft kiss on her exposed shoulder and wrapped one arm around her waist, his hand landing on her belly. She stiffened at the sensation. “Are you okay?” he asked, genuine worry on his delicate features.
“Yeah, I’m good, don’t worry,” she answered, smiling, setting the frame back onto the shelf. And delicately putting the glass down.
But her husband wasn’t fooled, he could feel that something was going on. Truth was, something had been going on for a while. Y/N had been distant, and quiet, very different from the sunny and bubbly girl he’d married just a year prior. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get her to open up to him. He was worried his job had started taking a toll on their marriage, since YN’s strange behavior had started when he’d come back from a press tour to promote his new album. Then again, Harry knew she had herself been working on some projects and even spent a couple days with her friends in Barcelona while he was away, so she’d always kept busy.
“Are you sure?” he insisted.
“Just tired,” she hummed, absent-mindedly, “who would’ve thought hosting Christmas would be so stressful?”
But Harry wasn’t satisfied with his wife’s answer “Y/N, you look-”
She gently slid out of his arms and walked towards the arched window; it was pouring outside. “I told you I’m fin-”, but they were both cut off by a strong voice coming from the foyer.
“Alright everyone, picture time!”
The reading room was suddenly silent for a few seconds, neither of them wanting to argue, neither of them knowing what to do or say. Y/N was the first to move, setting her glass down on the windowsill and walking past him and towards the exit.
“Y/N-” he sighed, his eyes never leaving her figure.
“You heard them,” she answered, smiling sadly back at him, “it’s picture time.” She quickly vanished behind the mahogany doors.
Harry was left alone in the study, with nothing to listen to but his own thoughts. He couldn’t understand what had been going on. Out of curiosity, he glanced at what Y/N was holding when he’d walked in. He felt a wave of guilt wash over him as he took in the picture frame.
Of course, he thought. She’d told him all about how she’d been spending the Holiday season in Michigan for the past few years. It must’ve felt weird celebrating Christmas without her boys for the first time in so long. Harry felt a lump settle in his throat. He’d taken her away from her family. Of course, he’d hoped he would’ve had become her family by then, but he knew Y/N and the Greta boys had a special bond that was hard for outsiders to understand. They were the family she’d chosen. And she was the only person that they had ever truly let in.
Without thinking, Harry took his phone out of his pocket and dialed his assistant’s number, “Hey, yeah, I know, I’m sorry, I just need you to do something very quickly for me.”
Harry walked quickly to the foyer, finding everyone standing around the staircase, facing the photographer. He walked to the middle of the crowd and next to Y/N, who still looked as absent as ever. But this time he chose to lay a soft kiss on her temple. “It’s okay, I’m sorry, I love you darlin’,” he said softly against her hair.
Except it most definitely was not okay, he did not have to be sorry, and should not have loved her. Y/N felt tears filling her eyes as the guilt once again ate at her. She discreetly wiped a stray tear. There wasn’t anything she could do now, was there?
“Everybody, say cheese!”
She turned around to face the photographer, H/N’s hand wrapping around her waist, a wide smile spreading across both of their faces.
“Cheeeeese!” everybody yelled.
To say Y/N was exhausted would’ve been an understatement. The party had ended being a lot of fun for everybody, perhaps a tad too much fun, as the last guest had left in a cab long after 3AM.
She yawned as she took off her jewelry and heels, before heading to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Y/N heard her husband’s soft snores coming from the bedroom and couldn’t help but smile a little as she remembered his sister had spent the night warning him against the spiked eggnog. He clearly had taken her advice lightly and had ended up getting completely hammered.
She started taking her makeup off, lazily throwing her used wipes in the bin. She froze for a second. The girl wasn’t tired enough to have forgotten the reason why she’d been sobbing on the floor just 6 hours earlier.
She slowly shut the bathroom door, flinching when the lock clicked loudly. She got down on her knees and started rummaging through the trash, only to let out a painful sigh when she noticed her worst nightmare hadn’t disappeared. Yep. The tests were still in there. All three of them, mocking her with their baby blue lines.
Hope you liked it! Once again, don't hesitate to send me whatever or leave comments I’m always happy to get feedback xxx
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readyforthegarden · 2 years
Bubblegum - Epilogue
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Female OC
Warnings: 18+ ONLY! MINORS DNI!! Allusions to sex
Synopsis: When Eden signed her recording contract to become a pop superstar, she hadn't realized she wasn't just signing her creative freedoms away, she was signing much more. Her control over social media, her diet, and even her relationships. When she gets contracted into a relationship with some wannabe rockstar name Jake Kiszka, will she finally find her freedom?
A/N: Thank you to everyone who read, liked, reblogged and commented on this fic!! It truly means the world to me, and I'm so glad so many of you liked it!
🎶 🎶 🎶
Jake sat in the basement of his home in Nashville, shaking his leg as he listened to the guitar parts he had been recording over and over. The headphones were starting to make his ears ache, but something wasn’t right. Something was missing and he couldn’t put his finger on it.
As he twisted and turned in the office chair, his eyes caught movement from the door. It had been closed, but now there was a small crack in it, and a pair of chocolate brown eyes peeking in. Jake lowered his headphones around his neck, and leaned back in his chair.
“Maeve,” Jake called out with a small smirk. He watched as the door opened wider, and the little girl leaned with it, careful not to step foot over the carpet threshold to the studio. “What are you up to, monster?”
“I missed you.” she answered, her voice quiet as she stared at him with eyes that looked just like his own. He now understood how Eden’s resolve melted when she looked at him. Maeve had Jake wrapped around her tiny finger with just one look.
“You can come in, as long as you listen to me, and don’t play with anything, okay?” Maeve nodded and scrambled into the room, eager to climb up into Jake’s lap. “Daddy is working on new music, and I’m missing something. Do you wanna hear it?” Maeve nodded fast, her brown waves and curls flying everywhere. She loved music, and always wanted to be around when her uncles and Dad were working on something. She especially loved concerts, and watching them perform with all the lights. Jake unplugged his headset and lowered the volume, then played the riffs for his daughter, bringing his hands in front of her and playing air guitar while she giggled. 
“Daddy plays good!” Maeve grinned, showing off the gaps where a few of her baby teeth had started falling out. 
“Yeah he does.” Jake spun around with Maeve in his lap, to see Eden leaning against the door frame, a smile on her face. “I go to use the bathroom for a minute and you bolted!”
“Sorry Mommy.” Maeve hung her head. Eden pushed off from the frame and came into the room, kneeling so she was eye level with her daughter.
“It’s okay, sweetie.” she cupped the girls face in her hands so she would look at her. “Next time, please let me know you’re going to another room, okay?”
“Okay.” Eden grinned and after a pause, attacked the little girls face with kisses, making exaggerated ‘mwah mwah’ sounds and eliciting shrieks and giggles from her. When she stood up, she smoothed back Jake’s hair, placing a kiss on his lips.  “Still stuck on this song?”
“Yeah.” Jake nodded, busying himself with straightening the bow he’d placed in Maeve’s hair that morning. 
“Why don’t you take a little break? It’s almost dinner time.” Eden suggested. “Spend an evening with your favorite girls, and come back with fresh eyes tomorrow.”
“You know what?” Jake smiled as he bounced Maeve on his lap. “That sounds like the best idea you’ve ever had.” he turned back around, flipping everything off and hoisting Maeve up into his arms before standing and carrying her out of the room, passing framed gold and platinum records for both Greta Van Fleet and Eden’s latest albums. “Besides, I think it’s lasagna night.”
“Lasagna!” Maeve cried excitedly. Much like her mother, she loved Jake’s lasagna, and would ask for it weekly, if not daily.
“Wanna help me make mommy her favorite dinner?” Jake asked his mini-me. Maeve smiled and nodded, pointing to the kitchen and he followed. A few years ago, he’d had a daydream just like this, as he watched Eden eat his lasagna for the first time, in the kitchen of her Hollywood home, in the middle of plotting her big breakthrough. Making it with her in a home of their own, or with their child. As he tied the small apron strings around Maeve’s back, and used the hair tie on his finger to pull her hair back, he couldn’t help but smile. 
Later that night, after cleaning up the mess of tomato sauce, cheese and béchamel in the kitchen, then cleaning up their daughter and putting her to bed, Jake and Eden laid tangled together in their bed, talking softly.
“Sometimes, I still feel like if I fall asleep, I’ll wake up, and this will all have been a dream.” Eden confessed softly. Jake held her hand between them, rubbing it gently and playing with her fingers. Her wedding band shimmered in the pale moon light that filtered in from the blinds on their windows. “That the last seven years didn’t happen.”
“I feel that way sometimes.” Jake agreed. “I’m so damn happy, it all feels so unreal.”
“I’m so lucky you were such an idiot and signed a contract to date me.” Eden smirked playfully. Jake’s jaw dropped and he let go of her hand, pushing her onto her back and climbing on top of her.
“Excuse me?” he chuckled, poking Eden in her ribs. “You also signed a contract to date me! You’re an idiot too.”
“You’re right, you’re right!” Eden giggled, swatting his hands away. When he stopped, she rested her arms above her head, gazing up at him in the moonlight. “We are two very lucky idiots.”
“Now that, I’ll agree with.” Jake smirked, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Eden’s lips. What started out as a sweet kiss soon turned hungry, and he ground his hips into hers. “Now, about that little brother or sister Maeve was asking us for…”
Taglist: @trafficwasabitch, @obetrolncocktails, @streamsofstardust, @sammiejane22, @myownparadise96, @gretavanbitches, @mamavanheat, @lunaindigoraven, @shutupdevvie @jakewhorecore @josiee-gvf @shesawomaninadream @writingcold @spicedandicedtea @niallsboxx @baguettejuliette @lallisonl @josh-iamyour-mama @gretavanflowerpower
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memilylove · 1 year
Currents 🌊
Thank you for the tag @moonkissedart
Current time: 9:37 p.m.
Current mood: My brain might be seeping out of my skull. Idk, I should lay down for a bit.
Current activity: Finally sitting down to write my fic
Currently thinking about: Where I see myself next week. Like really.
Current favourite song: "Heat Above" by Greta Van Fleet gives me chills even after 100 times of playing it. "Turn to Stone" by ELO is my current 'Oldie but Goodie'
Currently reading: I have 16 open tabs of Inuyasha fanfictions open on my phone. Help. I literally have not opened up an actual book in months.
Currently watching: Metalocolypse. I'm going to see Dethklok... soon, so we're binging the series and I'm remembering how much I enjoyed it.
Current favourite character: Inuyasha & Kagome. period. next question.
Current WIPs: *Cracks knuckles* Let's see, I have two sleepy related drawings going on, one that is scantily clad. A slutty crop top Inuyasha. Inu-gang prompt. Inukagmoro family reunion pic (emotional reunion, not a redraw from official release stuff). My 'Pictures of Happiness' fic cover art, though I'm sure I'm going to be beyond the point that it's capturing in the picture versus where the fic will be. Oh well. It will be nice for those who pick it up from Chapter one. My fic, 'Pictures of Happiness.' Modern AU fic, short story, Vacation themed and ball-slapping sex themed. A kinda canon-divergent love-conquers-all, even a time rift. I'm actually excited for that one I spent most of my 5 hours I had set aside for sleep last night writing a character outline and frame work for it. ope. Whew, that's it.
Tagging: @mcchonkyart @nukawin and @kitramune
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capturethechaos · 2 years
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An - This shit started because Emily was complaining about having a butt cramp, and my solution was to ask if kicking her in the ass would help, she said no :( so I asked if slapping it would be better... @screechesincoherently
Words - 2080
Sam Kiszka x OC!Emily, Josh Kiszka x OC!Hannah
“I’m getting on the plane now. Do me a favor and get coffee ready for when I land, I am already exhausted.” Hannah said, pulling her backpack tighter against her as she walked towards the plane.
“Do I look like your maid?”
“No— you are my best friend that I love very much.”
“Fucking suck up.” Emily gagged into the phone.
“You know it. You love me.” Hannah stated with a laugh.
“I’ll see you in seven hours. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
It was the fastest seven hours of Hannah's life, between the anticipation and the nap she took, she was in Nashville in what felt like the blink of an eye. What felt the longest was waiting at the baggage claim for her luggage, but the wait was worth it when she saw Emily standing in the waiting area, facing away from her, seemingly stretching her legs.
Hannah’s lips turned into a mischievous smirk, an idea popping into her head as she watched her friend stretch. She waited for her bag to come around the revolver, pulling it off of the carousel and running up behind Emily, winding up her hand and bringing it down to strike against her ass cheek with a loud ‘smack’.
“Oh what the fuck?!”
Hannah walked past her, immediately cracking up at the reaction, and the echo that moved around the room. It took her a couple minutes to compose herself, but the sound of additional laughter caught both of their attention.
“Hannah what the hell, there’s other people in this building!”
“I couldn’t resist, I'm sorry. It was so fucking funny.”
“You know how many people probably saw that, or heard it? That shit was loud.”
“Hell yeah it was, that shit echoed!”
The two were interrupted in their argument by another loud smack, quickly followed by a loud groan.
“What the fuck Josh?!”
“She’s right, it does echo.”
Emily and Hannah looked over, seeing a group of four guys standing against the wall of the waiting area, one laughing his ass off at another, who was shooting him a death glare as he rubbed his ass.
“Oh my god Hannah. What in the fuck.”
The two last guys in the group locked eyes, one of them wearing a familiar mischievous grin to the one Hannah had only minutes prior.
“Don’t even fucking try it Sam.”
Hannah cackled at the shenanigans she had caused, looking between the guys and Emily.
“Hannah, that's embarrassing oh my god.” Emily’s face reddening at the attention that Hannah had garnered.
“I can’t apologize, I saw the opportunity and seized it.” Hannah said, finally catching her breath.
“Okay, but you had to do that in front of a group of cute guys?” Emily whispered.
“In my defense, I didn’t notice them.” Hannah replied, matching Emily’s volume.
“Not getting nervous on us now are you?” One of the boys asked, leaning between Hannah and Emily.
Hannah’s face flushed, all of the color draining at the new presence with them.
“Jesus Christ.” Emily placed her hand over her face.
“Fuck me!” Hannah said, flinching away from him and tripping slightly over her suitcase.
“Karma, bitch.”
“Not quite. My name’s Josh.”
“Oh, okay.”
“You two really know how to make an entrance.” Josh said, looking from Emily to Hannah, who was clutching her suitcase for dear life.
“And you really know how to sneak up on people.” Hannah said, finally getting a good look at the curly haired man beside her.
“Okay— well, Hannah, we should probably go, your coffee’s waiting.”
“It’s probably cold by now.” Hannah mumbled, hoping to be the only one to hear it.
“There’s microwaves for a reason. Let’s go.” Emily tried to get Hannah to go, hoping to avoid any more embarrassment.
“Good luck escaping Josh now that you’ve caught his attention.” Another one of the men said as he walked over, his face similar enough to deduce that he was most likely related to Josh in some way.
“I’m Sam.”
“Hi. Hannah, let’s go.”
“Woah, wait! I uh—” Josh said, stammering over his words and looking at Sam with an odd look on his face.
“Let us buy you two some fresh coffee.” Sam said, flashing them a wide smile.
“We’re good, thanks.”
Hannah was flustered beyond words, opening and closing her mouth as her eyes darted between Josh and Emily.
“Hannah— let’s go now.”
“Alright— alright, jeez.”
Emily shot Hannah a look to tell her how bad of an idea this could end up being.
Hannah silently agreed, but a hesitant and argumentative expression washed over her face.
“It’s like watching you and Jake talk without saying anything.” Sam whispered, loud enough to hear as he leaned into Josh.
“Can we at least give you our numbers or something? In case you change your mind.” Josh asked, looking at Hannah and avoiding Emily’s somewhat harsh gaze.
Hannah pulled her phone from her pocket, opening the contacts and turning it towards Josh. A smile crept onto his face as he pulled it from her hand, typing in his details before pulling his own phone out and handing it to her. She took it and put in her contact info before handing it back to him with a smile.
Emily let out a deep sigh before turning to head back to her car.
“I should probably—” Hannah said, pointing to her friend as she walked away from them.
“Yeah— yeah— uh, text me.” Josh said, waving his phone at her as she stepped away from them.
When Hannah turned to look at Emily, she found that she had already put a good distance between them.
“Jesus fuck Emily, wait up.” Hannah said, shuffling along faster to catch up.
“I was this close to pulling out my pepper spray in case things went wrong.”
“Why, cause you got nervous that two incredibly attractive guys were paying attention to us?”
“No, because one of them decided to invade our personal space and you just openly gave him your contact information!”
“I’m sure he would have been so frightened by your extremely intimidating aura.” Hannah said, waving her hand at Emily as they walked.
“Fuck you. If they follow us home and murder me in my sleep you better take the blame for it.”
Hannah looked back at the boys, seeing that Sam and Josh had rejoined the other two against the wall, looking at their phones and laughing at something.
“Ah yes, I’m so worried—”
“—On the plus side, Sam wouldn’t stop checking you out.”
“Stop it.” Emily warned, shooting Hannah a glare, but she couldn’t hide the blush that was creeping onto her cheeks once again.
“Why? You gonna turn into a tomato again?” Hannah teased, bumping into her.
“You wanna walk home?”
“I could probably ask Josh for a ride.”
“You are not giving him– or any of them, my address.” Emily said sternly.
“Our address Emily— our address.” Hannah corrected.
“The bills are still under my name.”
“And yet the lease has us both listed.” Hannah said, shrugging her shoulders.
“Okay, you’re walking home.”
“Fucking god— please no.”
“Oh come on you spoil sport, it’s a public space, and it’s not like they’re going to be with us the entire time. We’re going to watch them perform.” Hannah said, dropping herself onto the couch next to Emily.
“First of all, who the hell says spoil sport? Second, I can’t believe you said we would both go.” Emily said, looking at Hannah with her brows furrowed.
“I never said we would go, only that I’d ask if you wanted to go.” Hannah explained, waving her arms around as she spoke.
“Okay, but that almost always implies that we would both be going.”
“I can go alone if you really don’t want to come with me.” Hannah said, turning and dropping so that her head was resting beside Emily’s leg.
“Don’t fucking guilt trip me into this.” Emily said, looking down at her.
“Okay— jeez. You do you— I want to go see the band perform, their music isn’t bad.”
Hannah rolled off of the couch, standing from the floor and walking towards the kitchen.
“If I were to go, you would be buying my drinks for me.” Emily negotiated, stopping Hannah in her tracks.
“As per usual, deal.”
“I fucking hate you.” Emily mumbled.
“You couldn’t if you tried.” Hannah replied, shooting her a wink and walking into the kitchen.
“Are we sure we’re not gonna get murdered?” Emily asked as they walked into the bar.
“This bar is full of people Em, where do you think that we’re going to get murdered?”
“I don’t fucking know. It’s a possibility though.”
“It’s always a possibility Emily, I could murder you, and yet you live with me— because we’ve built trust, which you can’t do without talking to people and getting to know them.” Hannah said, trying to reason with her.
“Give me your card, I need a drink.”
“Get me a double vodka cran while you’re there.”
Emily gagged at Hannah before making her way to the bar.
“Funny seeing you here.” Josh said as he walked up behind Hannah, causing her to jump slightly.
“You know, if you keep sneaking up on me, you will catch an elbow to the face.”
He laughed, walking around to stand in front of her.
“How long before you start?” She asked, looking at her phone to check the time.
“Five minutes.”
“Shouldn’t you be with your bandmates then?” She asked.
“Trying to get rid of me?” He asked in return, raising an eyebrow at her.
“Can I get a double vodka cranberry and a watermelon margarita?”
“And can I get a round of six shots?” A voice from beside Emily said, pulling the bartender's attention from her.
Emily glanced at the owner of the voice, quickly focusing her attention on her phone as soon as she recognized him.
“You know, ignoring us won’t make us disappear.”
“Sorry.” She put her phone down, but kept her eyes trained on the bottles adorning the shelves behind the bar.
“Not the social type?” Sam asked, leaning against the bar and turning to look at her.
“Not the talk to strangers type. No offense.”
“No offence taken, I get it.”
“Yeah.” Emily picked up her phone again, hoping for some type of relief.
The bartender walked back with their drinks, nodding to Sam as he placed the tray on the counter and walked away.
“Well, good luck I guess.” Emily said, turning to walk away.
Sam turned on his heel, falling into step with her as she made her way back to Hannah.
“Welcome back, nice of you to join us Sam.” Hannah said, reaching towards Emily to grab her drink.
“I got us all shots.” Sam said, lifting the tray to show off the six glasses of clear alcohol.
“Where are Jake and Danny?” Hannah asked.
“Right behind you.” Jake said, making Hannah jump again.
“Alright, let’s do these shots before we get dragged on stage.” Josh said, handing a shot glass to each of them.
“Good luck tonight boys.” Hannah said, raising her shot glass.
“We don’t need luck, we’ve got you two.” Josh said, flashing Hannah and Emily a smile before lifting his own glass and downing it.
“—so long story short, I take all the credit for getting these two together.” Hannah said, raising her wine glass to Emily and Sam as they sat watching her toast.
“No.” Emily said with a slight laugh.
“What do you mean no?”
“You’re just gonna hold that over my head. So no.”
“I will hold it over your head till the day I die.” Hannah said, trying to sound threatening, but failing miserably.
“I love you.”
“Shut up.”
“Never. A toast to the newlyweds!” Hannah cheered, causing everyone to join in, raising their glasses.
Hannah sat down, smiling at her best friend as her and Sam shared a sweet kiss, and felt an arm snake around her waist.
“So, us next, you ready to be the one being embarrassed?” Josh asked, kissing her cheek.
The dance floor at Hannah and Josh’s wedding was full, and Hannah’s full attention was on her new husband. She couldn’t hear as Emily snuck up behind her, winding up her hand before pausing and leaning in to whisper in her ear.
“Karma’s a bitch.” She said before smacking Hannah so hard on the ass that everyone could hear it over the music.
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danakin-skywalker · 2 years
Survival Instincts (Jake Kiszka Smut)
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Warning: NSFW 18+ content, guns, gunplay, fem!dom, choking, cigs
Taglist: @flowervanfleet @weightofdreams-gvf @sierraahhhh @jakekiszska @amourleger @theweightofstardust​ @samkiszkabreakmyback​ @prettyintopeerpressure​ @greta-flanveet​ @fosterkidwiththebrokenjaw​ @the-chaotic-cow​ @ghostly-luck​ @mywaysooon​ @tlexx​ @screechesincoherently​ @garagebandvanfleet​ @gretavanhoney​ and potentially you, just lmk!
Request from @izzys-nose-ring: if requests are open: hate fucking with jake.thats all.
(A/N): Hello gang it’s Saturday night I’m quarantined I’m drinking whiskey and it’s time to write about having sex with Jake Kiszka. Okay, so while I truly love the whole damsel in distress trope, I also love a badass chick who can save herself (and the men, we love some light emasculation). So that’s kind of what inspired this fic. I’m also incorporating this request I got like forever ago that I’ve been dragging my feet on because I personally really don’t understand the appeal of hate fucking. But in this scenario it somehow works for me (if you could really call this hate fucking, I guess Y/N doesn’t really hate him but is more indifferent). Idk. I really don’t support the ownership of guns personally, and I don’t think gunplay is even something I would be into irl, but this idea just wouldn’t get out of my head this week and it’s been a minute since I’ve posted a smut so here you horny fucks go! I hope you enjoy!
Survival Instincts
It was just supposed to be a fun night out with the guys, just something to blow off some steam after a long week. It was never supposed to turn into you on your knees for your friends’ snooty brother.
Let’s rewind a bit.
It was a Friday night. You had just gotten off a gruesome shift at work, really a rough week all around, and were looking for some relief. Naturally, you knew just the four boys to call for a fun night.
It wasn’t often that all five of you were in the same city at the same time, given that you were often traveling for work and they too, obviously, travelled for work. You had met the members of Greta Van Fleet entirely on accident when you were working as a bartender at one of their earlier venues. You cracked a few too many jokes with them and suddenly they had taken you under their wing. Well, Josh and Sam mostly.
You had no qualms with Danny of course, but he tended to keep to himself or quietly observe the mania brought on by you, Josh and Sam reuniting.
Jake, on the other hand, was a different story.
You had no idea what you had done to Jake to make him like this, but he always acted like your presence somehow bothered him. You remembered him being nice enough that first night all of you met, but by the time you all actually hung out as a group he had grown cold to you.
You didn’t really mind, though. You had no problem with him yourself, and you got along well enough with everyone else to feel assured that you were wanted, so his low grumbles and eye rolls never really got to you. In fact, sometimes you got a real kick out of him being so bothered by you. He was rarely able to really get a rise out of you, because whenever he said something snarky you had his own two brothers there to shoot something back.
But you never really bothered to question why it was that he seemed to hate you. You were too busy getting pulled into stupid decisions and situations by his brothers.
Anyway, you had a group chat with all four of them and after you sent a text, within no time all four had responded affirmatively (Josh, of course, responding on behalf of both him and Jake).
The bar you guys decided on was pretty close to Josh and Jake’s place, and thus pretty far from your own. Josh offered to come pick you up to pregame at his place before walking over, and you couldn’t refuse the opportunity to leave your car safely in your garage that night.
So there you were, in the shotgun seat of Josh’s truck while he blasted-
“Really Josh? The Hustle? Not another disco phase.”
Josh beamed over at you, bobbing and jerking his head to the beat. “Y/N, The Hustle is timeless and appropriate for any situation.” He declared.
“I’m pretty sure I can think of at least four situations off the top of my head where The Hustle would be completely inappropriate.” You shot back, a smirk gracing your face.
Josh snorted and took a turn, “Was that an innuendo, Y/N? Is this the vibe for the night? Is it a flirt-with-strangers and make-decisions-you’ll-regret-tomorrow night?” His head turned to you briefly, eyebrows raised hopefully.
You rolled your eyes, “Easy there, Tiger. Let’s get a few shots in us first.”
When the two of you pulled up to his and Jake’s shared house, you sighed gently when you considered who else was waiting for you in the house. Or more, dreading you.
But when you opened the front door and waltzed into the familiar kitchen, he was nowhere to be seen. Josh called out his brother’s name and you could hear a faint, muffled response coming from upstairs.
“Be down in a minute!”
“Well, hurry or else you’ll miss shots!” Josh hollered back.
You raised your eyebrows and hummed in response, opening the fridge and reaching for the drawer where Josh kept his citrus. He always had a variety on hand for his margaritas and salty dogs. But before you could take out the bag of limes, Josh closed the door against you, holding a huge bottle of Ketel One that made your eyes widen.
“You want to take vodka shots?” You asked incredulously, as Jake walked into the room and eyed the bottle himself.
“Oh Jesus.” He mumbled.
Josh grinned and turned to grab three shot glasses from the cabinet. “No chasing vodka in this house.” He reminded you, a rule you knew well but always made an effort to object to.
You leaned against the counter, Jake hovering in your peripheral but not moving. “That’s a lame ass rule, might I remind you.”
Josh turns back to the counter you’re leaning on, still beaming at you. “You remind me every time, Y/N. But then you wake up without a hangover and I never hear a thank-you.”
You grabbed the bottle and started filling the glasses. “Yes, Josh, this little bit of juice I’m not having at the beginning of my night is truly gonna be my saving grace tomorrow morning.”
Jake suddenly approached the counter once the third shot glass was filled. “Shut up and drink.” He retorted, generally addressing both of you but obviously more pointed at you.
You fought the urge to roll your eyes as you threw back the shot, grimacing slightly before setting the empty glass back down. Is he gonna be like this all night?
A few more shots later and the three of you were putting on your jackets and heading off into the night. It wasn’t too cold out, thankfully, but it would likely only get colder as the night dragged on.
It was maybe 10pm, the streets between Josh and Jake’s place and the main road where all the bars are was pretty empty, so the stillness of the night was filled by yours and Josh’s chatter as Jake trailed along behind you.
It wasn’t until you stopped to wait at a crosswalk that danger struck.
A man in a neck gaiter whipped around the corner and pressed a pistol to your head. “Empty all your pockets or I paint the sidewalk with her.”
His voice was low but forceful enough to halt all conversation. You slowly turned to look at the twins, who were similarly frozen with fear. Their eyes were all but bulging out of their faces and you could see Josh’s hands shaking.
“Right now! I’ll shoot her and then you next! Empty your fucking pockets… I want the jewelry too.” This stirred the boys into action, hastily reaching around to remove their bracelets, rings and necklaces while you slowly turned back around to look into the eyes of your attacker.
His words hadn’t convinced you like they had the boys. Maybe it was the adrenaline of the crisis situation, maybe it was the straight vodka sitting in your stomach, but you wanted to call this motherfucker’s bluff.
He didn’t want to shoot you. No mugger ever does. That’s a murder charge that’s a lot harder to make disappear than petty theft. Not to mention he’d have to kill all three of you to avoid any witnesses, which would only further complicate things.
You felt the barrel of his gun against your abdomen now, and you tried your best to think back to the self-defense course you took in Girl Scouts as a teen, still not breaking eye contact with your assailant.
As your eyes continued to bore into his, you watched his eyebrows crease a bit in uneasiness. “What the fuck are you doing, I said empty your-“
He moved to shake the gun to make his point, and in that moment of broken stability you used both of your hands to quickly knock the gun out of his, before turning it and raising it to point right at his forehead.
“…pockets…” he finished breathlessly, making Josh and Jake look up from the pile of valuables they were creating on the ground behind you. You heard them gasp but you didn’t risk turning to see the looks on their faces.
But damn, you wanted to.
Instead, you pressed the barrel closer into his head and started walking him back around the corner he emerged from.
He let out a shaky, unconvincing laugh, “You don’t even know how to-“
You cut him off again by reaching your other hand up to cock the gun against his head, making him gulp his last words. “You wanna mess with my friends? You wanna fuck with us right now?” You taunted, honestly feeling a little power drunk.
You allowed the man to take a few cautious steps backwards, feeling Jake and Josh right behind you.
Again, the man tried to regain some power by firing back, “You wouldn’t dare.”
And he was right. Like him, you wouldn’t. But that doesn’t mean he has to know that.
You pointed the gun over his left shoulder and pulled the trigger, letting the bullet whizz right past him into a dumpster at the end of the street.
However, it was enough to startle him into scrambling away, bounding down the street and out of sight.
You took a deep breath and turned around to face the shocked expressions of the Kiszka twins. You reveled in it for a moment before brushing past them. “You’re welcome!”
“How the fuck did you do that?” Josh exclaimed. “Since when can you even fire a gun?”
You shrugged, disarming the gun. “My dad’s into hunting, he made sure I had good survival instincts. This isn’t all that different from some of the stuff he has. Now pick up your shit and let’s get to this damn bar before we attract another.”
You took the gun and it’s bullets and put them in your jacket pocket. Josh was already bent over retrieving his phone, wallet and jewelry, but Jake caught this action and raised an eyebrow. “You’re keeping the gun?”
You looked back up at him and held his gaze. There was something different about his eyes now. They were a little bit darker, looking a little further into you. You tried to brush it off with a small shrug and a wink, “For the next guy.”
If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve thought you saw the beginnings of a smile form on Jake’s face from what you said. But the moment was broken by Josh approaching him with the contents of his pockets he had spilled onto the ground. He hastily shoved it all back in and the three of you were back on your way to the bar.
“You WHAT? At GUNPOINT?!” Sam yelled in disbelief. You had finally made it and ordered a round, having sobered up considerably in your commute. Sam and Danny were slightly annoyed at how long it took you three to get here, but boy did you have an excuse.
You didn’t really feel like rehashing what happened, but luckily for you Josh was absolutely in his element as he walked his other two bandmates through an only slightly exaggerated version of the story.
You couldn’t help but blush at how scary and badass he was making you sound, but you supposed objectively you couldn’t disagree. It was pretty badass and you felt that way. The only thing holding you back from fully relishing in your life-saving credit was the sour look on Jake’s face.
Somehow, between your little moment on the sidewalk and entering the bar, gloom and doom Jake was back. And now you really couldn’t figure out why he was acting like this. You had literally just saved him. Maybe not his life, as Josh was shaping you up to have, but at the very least you had saved him the headache of freezing all his accounts, calling the DMV for a new license, and buying and setting up a new iPhone.
Was he embarrassed that he had submitted immediately while the only girl in the group was the one with the balls to challenge your attacker? You didn’t have him pegged to be that shallow (or insecure) but you also never knew what was going on behind those dark eyes of his. You supposed it was possible.
As you finished your first drink, you found your heart still thumping wildly with adrenaline. You turned to the middle of the table. “Can I bum a cig?”
Sam turned around to reach into his jacket pocket, but Jake slid out of his chair completely before he could. “I got you, I need one too.” His eyes met yours and you paused for a moment, holding his gaze and letting yourself get lost in it for a moment.
You were shaken out of your trance by Danny chuckling and saying, “Yeah I fucking bet, I’d need one too after all that shit.”
Josh leaned against the booth side of the table, holding his vape in his hand. “Enjoy the cold, losers.” He jeered before taking a hit and leaning down to blow it under the table, in effort to avoid being caught.
You stuck your tongue out at him as you pulled your jacket on and headed for the bar’s back patio behind Jake.
You closed the back door behind you as Jake lit his cigarette. You turned to face him and felt another cigarette softly hit your face before landing on your shoe. You looked down at it and glared up at Jake before bending down to retrieve it.
“Real nice, Jake. After all I saved you from tonight.” You gloated, ripping the lighter from his hands and igniting the end of your cigarette.
Jake scoffed and turned away from you, “Oh, you’re just eating this up aren’t you?” He murmured.
You stepped closer, “What was that? Would you rather I have let him take all your shit before scaring him off?”
Jake rolled his eyes as he exhaled a cloud of smoke, “Oh my GOD, you’re not a superhero for distracting a guy long enough to take his gun. Any one of us could’ve done what you did, you’re just the only one reckless enough to take a risk that big.”
This caught your attention. It also miffed you a bit, but you wanted to keep with the night’s new theme and call his bluff. You wedged your half-smoked cigarette into the corner of your mouth as you started rifling through your pockets. “Oh yeah, Jake? Any one of you?”
Your hands finally fell onto the handle of the stranger’s pistol. When Jake opened his mouth to respond, you whipped it out and pressed the barrel against his chest, allowing any words he was gonna speak to die in his throat.
“Disarm me right now then.”
Jake’s eyes widened and his head darted around, only to find nobody in the general vicinity. “Y/N, stop fucking around with that thing.”
You tilted your head and stepped closer to Jake, faces now only a few inches apart. “What? Scared of the gun? Having some second thoughts, Jake?”
You batted your eyes and gave a sympathetic pout that dripped in sarcasm. You watched Jake’s unreadable expression as gears shifted in his head, meanwhile you slowly dragged the gun up and down the bare sliver of his chest, waiting for him to make a move.
But the move he made wasn’t the one you expected, as he reached an arm up to throw his cigarette butt on the ground and pull your face toward him, slotting his lips against yours.
You gasped into his mouth, your own cigarette falling from your lips, before reciprocating. You had never really allowed yourself to consider Jake in a sexual light, partly because you’re so close to his brothers but also because of his typical behavior around you. It’s not like you didn’t find him sexually appealing, it was more that you would never admit it or act on it.
But you still didn’t allow yourself to fully relax into the kiss, not following the conversation that caused it.
And surely enough, after about a minute you felt Jake’s hands dart over to yours that was holding the gun. But he was too slow, you ripped your hand up from his chest and pressed the gun harshly against his throat.
You felt your eyebrows raise as Jake moaned into your mouth. You took the opportunity to allow your tongue to mingle with his, wrestling in his mouth for dominance. His hands moved from where they rested near his chest after their futile attempt, and instead wrapped them around your waist to pull you closer into him.
You eventually had to pull back for a breath, but Jake darted over to your neck to press kisses onto there, hands gripping your hips tightly to press you against him. You allowed your free hand to weave into his hair, your other hand rested on his chest, gun still pointing upward at his jugular. You could feel him getting excited as his crotch pressed against your thigh, and you felt your own heat pooling between your thighs at the thought.
Deciding to keep being bold, you retrieved your hand from his tresses and trailed them down his side before reaching down and cupping your hand right over the growing bulge in his pants.
Jake let out a heavy breath from his nose and bit down on the part of your neck he was suckling in response. You grinned to yourself. “Hmmmm, maybe I was wrong. Maybe you do like the gun after all, you little freak. You’re into it, aren’t you?”
Jake pulled back to look at you warily. His lips were slightly swollen and his face was flushed. He honestly looked ravishing. But he hadn’t answered your question. So, you readjusted your grip on the gun’s handle and pressed the barrel up against the underside of his chin.
“Don’t make me ask again, Jake.” You said softly, brushing your lips against his teasingly.
His mouth fell open and he sighed into yours, his hands rising a bit from your hips to brush under your jacket. “Yes.” He breathed out.
With that, his lips were back on yours. His fingertips danced along the hem of your shirt under your jacket as you took a moment to consider how you wanted to proceed.
And whether Jake really deserved the decision you landed on.
After a few more moments of deliberation, you took a step away from Jake and his grip on you, and pressed the gun right to his forehead, making his eyes widen once more.
“So what do you think I should do next Jake? Blow your brains out?”
He let a smirk grace his face for a moment, before it was knocked clean off by you sinking to your knees, taking the gun with you to rest just below his belly button.
“Or blow your brains out?”
Jake bit his lip at the sight of you below him, as well as the feeling of the metal brushing against his midsection. When he didn’t answer, you pressed the gun further into his stomach.
“Th-the latter, please!”
You let out a dark chuckle at the urgency in his voice, as your free hand reached up to rub him over his jeans once more. “Mmmm, good choice. Looks like you’ve got some survival instincts of your own, there.”
You flashed a shit-eating grin up at Jake as you unbuttoned his fly. Jake wasn’t looking though, his head was resting against the wall at the sensation.
“God, shut up” He groaned.
Once again, you pressed the gun into his side as you leaned back on your heels, away from his undone pants. “What was that?” You snapped.
His eyes flashed open and he looked down, “Nothing! Nothing, please don’t stop. If you wanna.”
You smirked up at him before leaning forward to return to his crotch. “Very polite tonight. Couldn’t have anything to do with the gun pressed against your stomach, would it? You know that’s still a fatal wound, your stomach acid would fuck all your shit up.” You mumbled as you reached your hand under his boxers to pull out his pulsating dick.
Your eyes widened at the sight and Jake let out a groan. You ran your fingertips up and down his length and watched him throb in response. “For such an asshole, you’re quite the specimen, Jake” You said honestly.
“Thanks” he breathed out, eyes closed again in anticipation.
You let your hands rest at his base as you leaned forward to kitten lick at his tip, making him shudder. You never expected Jake to be so responsive, or so submissive. Sure, you were literally holding him at gunpoint, but not seriously. He had watched you take the bullets out not even an hour ago. Had you been overlooking a key possibility in your curiosity over Jake’s attitude? Was it lust this whole time?
It sure seemed like it was, as Jake reached down to weave his fingers into your hair when you finally took him fully in your mouth, hollowing your cheeks to take almost all of him before resurfacing.
Your hand glided quickly up and down his dick, now slick with your spit, as you allowed yourself to steal a glance up at him.
He was already looking down at you, eyes wide and pupils dilated so big you could hardly see the brown tones that usually graced his eyes. You held his eye contact as you opened your mouth and slid his cock back in, watching his face contort with pleasure. “Fuck, just like that.”
You hummed affirmatively against him and he gasped at the sensation, hands gripping your hair tighter.
Unfortunately, your scalp was your Achilles Heel, and you moaned loudly around his dick in response, core clenching at the action. The heightened feeling made Jake buck his hips into you, bottoming your throat out on his dick until you gagged. You used the gun to push him all the way back, looking up at him with knit brows.
“Oh absolutely not, Kiszka.”
Jake’s eyes widened and he let out a little whimper as you rose to your feet, allowing the gun to rediscover his Adam’s Apple. “That wasn’t very polite, now was it?”
He wordlessly shook his head, trying to gauge your next move. You leaned over to kiss under his ear before biting down on his earlobe. “How about you think of a way to make it up to me?” You breathed into his ear, smiling to yourself at the goosebumps you watched rise on his neck.
His hands rediscovered your hemline, this time delving further south as his fingers lazily undid your belt. You couldn’t help the giddiness in your chest as his fingers approached where you needed him most, but he was taking entirely too long. “Hey.” You got his attention again by poking him lightly on his pulse point with the gun. “We don’t have all night. This is already the world’s longest smoke break to the rest of your band.”
Jake’s eyes widened in realization at your words, as if he temporarily forgot the context of this situation. “Right. Yeah. Sorry.” He murmured as he made quick work of your belt and the fly of your jeans. In that moment, your empathy started to come through. You realized what you were doing in that moment- basically forcing Jake to get you off. He was clearly into the gun, but that didn’t necessarily mean he was into you.
All of a sudden, you dropped your hand that was holding the gun and stepped back, “Actually, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
Jake’s head whipped up to yours, brows knit with confusion. “What?”
You shrugged, “I mean I sucked your dick because I wanted to and because I felt you were hard, but you don’t have to do anything for me if you don’t want to, or if you’re doing it just because of the gun. You know what, let’s just go back inside.”
Jake’s brows only furrowed deeper as he watched you completely talk yourself out of this scenario. You went to walk back inside but his hand grasped for yours, making you drop the gun on the ground. With a swift motion, he yanked you back to him and enveloped you in a kiss. Both of his hands reached up to cradle your face as he held you in place before pulling away.
“Don’t you dare pussy out on me now, Y/N. I don’t take without giving.” He spoke firmly against your lips, as one of his hands trailed down your front, between the valley of your breasts, to slide into your undone pants.
Your mouth dropped open as his fingers made contact with your wetness. And boy, was it wetness. “Damn,” he breathed against you, reveling in the sensation just as much as you were as the pad of his finger found your clit.
You jumped slightly and your hands found a new home on his shoulders, gripping tightly. His hands moved quickly against you, and you were so wet you could hear the sinful noises from under two layers of fabric. You leaned forward and took Jake’s bottom lip between your own, training your eyes on his as your pupils dilated with pleasure.
Jake greeted you with another kiss, this one messier than any of the others. Teeth were clashing and both of your mouths were slick with anticipation. You had somehow replaced the adrenaline from your commute with a new, much more thrilling excitement. One you had never even had the opportunity to consider because it never seemed like an option.
It was intoxicating. It made you feel unstoppable. So, you couldn’t help but seek out more of the dominance you lost when you dropped the gun on the ground. Instead, you reached to wrap your hand around Jake’s windpipe, listening for the low vocalization coming from the back of his throat that confirmed he welcomed the feeling.
He pressed his forehead against yours as he dipped a finger inside of you, pulling you closer and bending his knee so that you could rest on him. You couldn’t help but grind your hips up to meet his motions now that you had his thigh to rest your weight on.
Jake let out a breath. “You’re such a dirty girl.”
You flashed him a small smile. “And you’re one kinky motherfucker, Jake.” You responded.
This made Jake grin. You don’t know if you’ve ever seen him smile so widely and genuinely at you before, but it made your heart flutter. And your core clench around his fingers.
His smile fell into a slackened jaw. “Oh, fuck you’re so tight. Can I, would it be okay if I-“
Your hand fell from his neck to tug him harshly by the collar of his shirt, pulling him nose to nose with you. “Bend me over the railing and fuck the shit out of me Jake. Right now.”
He didn’t take long at all to oblige. You turned around and crossed the patio, feeling Jake hot on your heels. As soon as you reached the railing you felt a hand press down on your back, and another pulling down the back of your jeans.
He granted himself a moment to run his fingers along the swell of your ass before tapping his dick against your ass cheek a few times. “You ready?” He asked.
You turned your head to peek at him from over your shoulder as you pressed your ass further into him, even wiggling it a bit. “You better fuck me like you mean it, Jake.”
Jake’s eyes ever-so-slightly rolled back into his head as he lined himself up with you. “Anything you want, Y/N.” He groaned as he pressed into your core.
You both gasped as he filled you up to the brim, but given how ready you both were (and how increasingly likely it was that Sam might step out for a smoke break of his own soon) Jake didn’t waste any time setting a firm rhythm thrusting into you.
Your hands gripped the railing so tightly you’re sure your knuckles were white. The pressure from the railing hit just below your belly button so that every time Jake jostled you forward, your g-spot was manually pressed against his dick. And it felt delicious.
“That’s it, Jake. Fuck me harder. Just like that.” You whined, pressing yourself further against the railing as Jake rammed into you.
Your head was bobbing down looking at the ground until suddenly you felt Jake wrap his fingers around your tresses and yank your head up, forcing you to look straight ahead. Your mouth fell open and a whimper escaped your lips.
“You like that?” He grunted. You tried to make a mental note to give him props for remembering what elicited a response for you, but you were too busy with the blinding pleasure he was giving you.
“Fuck yeah, you’re gonna make me come.” You moaned back, reaching a finger down your front to play with your swollen bud.
“I don’t have much longer either. Fuck, you’re so sexy like this.” Jake managed out. If you weren’t so distracted by your oncoming orgasm, you might have blushed.
But alas, just a few more backbreaking thrusts from Jake and a few more twists of your fingers and you were coming hard onto his dick. You let out what could only be described as a wail into the night, praying to any god out there that the music inside was loud enough to drown it out because you don’t think you could stifle it if you tried.
Jake followed soon after at the feeling of you clenching and fluttering around him, pulling out at the last possible moment to jack himself off over the railing.
You both took a second to catch your breath and collect yourself, leaning over the railing and hoisting yourselves up by your elbows. Jake pulled his pants up and you did the same, for the first time recognizing the chill of the evening air.
Realization washed over you. You just had kinky-ass sex with the man you thought despised you. He even made you come. You couldn’t hold back the chuckle as it escaped your lips, catching Jake’s attention.
You could only smile and turn to face him, pushing yourself off from the railing, “We could’ve been having crazy hot sex this whole time but you just had to be a sourpuss.”
Jake’s mouth dropped open indignantly. “Okay first of all, I was trying to get with you from the start. It’s not my fault you took such a goddamn shine to my brothers.”
Ding ding ding. We have an answer.
You tilted your head at him, this time in real sympathy, and put your hand on his shoulder. “Well, I’ll tell you what. I’m probably crashing at your place tonight since I came here with you two. Maybe we can make up for some lost time.” You offered him one more raise of your eyebrows before patting his chest and walking back over to the back entrance.
You thanked your lucky stars at your timing when you saw Sam approaching as you walked in, “There you are, I was beginning to think you shot and killed Jake out there. I know you two don’t get along so well but now you have a gun so anything’s possible.”
You laughed off his joke as he brushed past you for the patio door, freezing when he yelled back, “Okay, can you at least pretend to be responsible with this weapon? Why is it just on the ground?”
Your eyes widened to nobody in particular as you made your way back to the table where Danny and Josh were. Jake could take that hit for you.
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hearts-hunger · 3 years
the cabin fever universe masterlist
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Series Summary: This ‘verse is home to the Cabin Fever gang - Josh, Baby, Jake, Sparrow, Sam, and Danny. Cabin Fever is the beginning of Josh and Baby’s love story, as well as Sam and Danny’s; No Strings Attached is the beginning of Jake and Sparrow’s love story. All other companion fics can be read as standalone fics, but they follow the story of the Cabin Fever gang through their many adventures of friendship, dating, marriage, and parenthood.
Pairings: Josh Kiszka x Reader, Jake Kiszka x Reader, Sam Kiszka x Danny Wagner 
Taglist Form | Cabin Fever Playlist ♫ | No Strings Attached Playlist ♫ | Read series on Archive | Full Greta Van Fleet Masterlist
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Cabin Fever ♡ ❀ ✧ ☆ — Josh and Baby’s story
Josh Kiszka x Reader, Sam x Danny
During your week away at the cabin, you and Sam make a pact — on the last day, if he tells Danny how he feels, you’ll tell Josh how you feel. It’s going to be a very long week.
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six
In the Midnight Hour ♡
Josh Kiszka x Reader, Sam x Danny
You and the boys explore the old haunted house in the Kiszka’s neighborhood on Halloween night.
Love Like Ours ♡
Josh Kiszka x Reader
You and Josh celebrate Valentine’s Day.
No Strings Attached ♡ ❀ ✧ ☆ — Jake and Sparrow’s story
Jake Kiszka x Reader, Josh x Baby, Sam x Danny
The destination wedding of a high school friend brings you and Jake together for the first time since graduation. Can you make it though a long weekend without killing each other, or worse, falling head over heels in love?
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five
Big Squeeze ♡
Josh Kiszka x Reader, Danny Wagner x Reader (platonic)
When you need a little extra love, Josh knows just the thing to help.
Affection ♡ ❀
Jake Kiszka x Reader || smut (18+ only)
Nothing hurts when you’re with Jake.
Love is Like a Resting Place ♡
Josh Kiszka x Reader
You and Josh take care of each other after a long day.
Just Because I Love You ♡
Josh Kiszka x Reader
When you’re not feeling well, Josh takes care of you just because he loves you.
Evergreen  ♡ ❀ ✧ ☆
Jake Kiszka x Reader, Josh x Baby, Sam x Danny || series (complete)
Jake takes you on your first vacation to the cabin the gang stays at every year. When memories of past relationships loom heavy, will this vacation send cracks through the foundation of safety and trust you have in each other?
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five
Growing Pains ♡ ✧
Josh x Reader, Jake x Sparrow, Sam x Danny
As you and Josh pack up your apartment for your impending move to Nashville, Josh is right by your side for this big, scary change and all the growing pains it brings with it.
Home for the Holidays ♡ ❀ ✧ ☆
Josh x Reader, Sam x Danny, Jake x Reader || series (in progress)
The Cabin Fever gang spends Christmas in Frankenmuth.
Companion series in the Cabin Fever universe
part one | part two | part three
To Be Loved By You ♡
Josh Kiszka x Reader
Josh helps you tidy the house.
A Sure and Steady Hand ♡
Josh Kiszka x Reader
Josh comes home sick, and you take good care of him.
January Blue ♡
Josh Kiszka x Reader
You’re sick, and Josh takes good care of you.
Inhale/Exhale. ♡ ❀
Josh Kiszka x Fiancee!Reader || smut (18+ only)
You help Josh work out his frustration when he’s had a rough day at the studio.
Hot Stuff ♡ ❀
Josh Kiszka x Fiancee!Reader || smut (18+ only)
You show Josh just how much you like his new haircut.
Josh’s Song ♡
Josh Kiszka x Wife!Reader, Jake x Sparrow, Sam x Danny
The Cabin Fever gang celebrates Josh’s birthday.
Ethereal ♡ ✧
Josh Kiszka x Wife!Reader (Josh POV)
For Josh, home is where you are.
Kisses & Clementines ♡
Josh Kiszka x Wife!Reader
You and Josh pick out a name for your little one.
Little Bird  ♡ ✧
Jake Kiszka x Wife!Reader, Josh x Baby, Sam x Danny
You have a surprise for Jake.
Bringing Me Home to You ♡ ✧
Josh Kiszka x Wife!Reader, Jake x Sparrow, Sam x Danny
You want to be happy when you see those two little lines, but Josh has been so distant. What if he's not happy too?
Heart to Heart ♡
Josh Kiszka x Wife!Reader, Jake x Sparrow, Sam x Danny
You and Josh host Thanksgiving at your house, and your little family has more than one surprise in store for this holiday season.
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hyperfixated-gvf · 3 years
Not Your Dirty Secret (Santa)
On the second day of Tropemas, hyperfixed-gvf gave to me:
A comedic, smutty secret relationship with Jakey.
Christmas Song Pairing: “Secret Santa” by Gwen Stefani
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Reader
Warnings: Language, smut, crack humor, mention of a Santa kink, semi-public workplace sex
Words: 3k
It was all Sam’s fault, really. Jake (and Josh) would usually place the blame on their younger brother whether he was actually at fault or not, but this time, he was.
He just had to be observant when it came to you and Jake’s interactions during the first few weeks of them working at the studio. Just had to make the comment that ‘oh, Jake was such a flirt but he’s also such a romantic and falls in love with at least one girl at every studio they recorded at’ and Jake just had to take offense to that.
Were you not caught in the middle of it all, the culmination of his offense, stubbornness, and inability to say the words ‘you were right’ to his little brother would not have bothered you. It would have been no skin off your nose.
But when the culmination resulted here, in a teensy little storage closet right outside your boss’s office, you had a bone to pick.
“You know, if you just swallowed your pride and admitted that you are a romantic and that you just can’t help yourself –”
Jake shut you up with his lips, stealing the words from the tip of your tongue with his. “I know I can’t help myself, sweetheart,” he murmured against your lips. “They know too. But fuck me if I ever look Sam in his punk-ass little snide face and tell him he was right.”
You laughed quietly, not knowing whether someone would be walking past at any given moment, and leaned in for another kiss, lips already swollen from the previous desperate ones exchanged before your comment. “I’d love to fuck you regardless – just maybe not in the supply closet that’s practically connected to the man who could fire me for gross misconduct and fraternization on the job.”
Jake winked at you. “I might not be your boss, but I am the talent working with your boss; I’m sure I could pull a few strings.” He let go of you and backed away. “But if you’re telling me you don’t want to meet in secret anymore, I mean…” He pretended to pout, but it looked too much like a smirk to be taken seriously.
You rolled your eyes, not dignifying the question with an answer. “You’d better make it up to me. I’m not your dirty little secret, Jake,” you warned with the hint of a smile. He pressed himself into your space, right up next to your ear.
“It’s kinda fun, though, isn’t it? The thrill, the secrecy.” He trailed kisses down your neck and you sighed. “And you can’t tell me you aren’t a little bit dirty after you wiped my fucking come off your face not even two minutes before a meeting with your boss last week.”
“I never said I wasn’t,” you grinned, but it fell away when he guided his hand beneath your skirt, tugging your panties down with one hand and following them with his body, urging you with a nudge of his hand to step out of the material. As his palms ran up the back of your thighs to grasp your ass – one of his favorite spots to grab at any time of the day that wasn’t spent in the company of anyone else – his head disappeared underneath your skirt, licking his way up between your legs.
You bit your lip at what was coming next, spreading your thighs wider in anticipation.
Oh, his lips were sinful.
Soft and dirty and so fucking good at finding every little place on your body that would light up at just a touch. It was a wonder he’d found them all seeing as your secret rendezvous spots were always tight and dark – but you supposed he didn’t necessarily need space and light for what he was good at doing.
Now, on a regular basis, you would not be as wet as you were now just a minute into him pleasing you with his mouth, but he was right – the thrill, the knowledge that you had Jake Kiszka, guitarist of one of the biggest clients your boss had ever had, between your legs during work hours swept a wave of perceived naughtiness and arousal through you.
“You’re so responsive, sweetheart, so good,” he said, muffled voice barely distinguishable between the material of your skirt and your body, fingers moving around to imbed themselves in the wetness between your legs that his mouth had already found.
“You’re so – fuck, Jake – you’re just really good at what you do,” you panted, hips working in tandem with his hand. You felt him pull his mouth away and he reappeared from his hiding place, licking his lips and pushing himself off the ground, not stopping the rhythm of his hand.
You knew your praise would fan the flames of his ego – despite having only a few months to go off of, you knew that when he felt he was doing a good job, he took on a persona that aligned with his stage presence – seeking more attention with each ounce he got, letting himself be consumed by the desire to be watched, to be beheld in a light that surpassed average, that went beyond forgettable into a realm that held him superior.
He was your little sex-narcissist.
He chuckled. “Oh yeah? Am I the best you’ve ever had?” He was fishing for compliments that you were all too eager to give.
“By far. Oh – oh, right there, you got it,” you let him know when he hooked his fingertips and stroked a spot inside you that made your legs tremble.
“I know where it is, baby. I can play you like a fucking fiddle – I know where everything is.”
His arrogance should have been a turn off, but he knew what he was doing – his arrogance was rather warranted if he chose to be. Whether or not he thought of himself as a sex-god in addition to a rock-god was not something of your concern, though, as you had your own opinions that manifested in knee-trembling level orgasms.
You supposed you both got off on his sex-narcissism, though, since he used his ability to give you pleasure as means to be seen as a sex-god.
He reached down and unzipped his pants, drawing his cock out. “Reach into my pocket, sweets, I’ve got something there for you.”
Your first thought was it’s a damn strange time to be giving Christmas presents, but when your fingers closed around a foil packet, you had to laugh at yourself.
“What?” he asked, slowly stroking himself base to head, his fingers keeping time against your g-spot.
“Nothing,” you replied, using your shaky hands to tear it open and moving his hand out of the way so that you could roll the latex onto him.
He withdrew his hand and put it against your lips. You would admit that tasting yourself wasn’t your favorite thing to do, but Jake seemed to love it, so you usually just drowned yourself in his lips afterwards to get rid of the taste and texture.
Jake smirked at your hesitancy, holding your pleasure hostage with his cock poised right at your entrance, not giving you what you wanted. “Come on now, sweetheart, you don’t want me to have to have you written up for a citation, do you?”
You swallowed, engulfing his fingers between your lips and letting him draw them out when he wanted. “No, sir.”
He groaned, “That’s more like it,” before finally snapping his hips into yours, swallowing your cry with a harsh kiss.
You held onto his lips as long as you could, loving the feeling of him working your mouth and you working his – the collaboration contributing to the element of intimacy that you both got off on.
He wedged his thumbs into your hipbones, sure to leave marks, in an attempt to silence the rhythm he was putting out.
You put your lips to his neck, but he nudged you away with the side of his head. “No marks, sweetheart,” he reminded you – a cruel, hypocritical statement in regard to the ones you’d be finding all over your body when you got home.
But still, you tried. “Wanna mark you up so bad, though,” you whined. “S’not fair you get to do it to me when I can’t do it to you.”
He slowed his hips. “I could stop marking you up,” he suggested, grinning roguishly when you whined your dissent. “He’ll find out soon enough, I’m sure; it’s not like we’re being super subtle,” he assured you absently, more focused on his movement than his words, and slid one hand down to your core once again. You gasped at the slick friction skirting around your clit. “Then you can mark me up as much as you want to.”
Jake leaned you back against the shelves, and they dug uncomfortably into your back. He hoisted your hips up, making you rise up on your tippy-toes and eventually wrap a leg around his waist to have him take some of your weight. He did so willingly, using it to steady your body as he started up a string of hard thrusts, pushing you even harder into the shelves.
More marks, but you didn’t particularly care at this point.
“Before I leave for Christmas,” you huffed, still in a whisper, “I’m gonna mark you up, just to leave you with something to remember me by.”
Jake brought you back up towards him and walked so that you were once again against the shelves, but now Jake was right there with you. The man was constantly changing pace and position, but you figured that it couldn’t be easy doing the heavy lifting during sex in a place like the closet you were in.
He nipped at your bottom lip. “Leaving us to work through the holidays while you get to go home? Seems a little unfair, baby. Taking the best decoration with you, too,” he said, groping your ass, and you snorted, though combined with a moan, it was a rather unidentifiable sound.
“I’m not the one who chooses booking dates, that’s all on you,” you shot back, willingly accepting the punishing twist of your nipple when he worked his hand underneath the cup of your bra with a curse and his name.
“Don’t be a smart-aleck,” he muttered. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay and be my present? I’d make it worth your while,” he teased, face becoming red from effort.
You moaned at the arousal building right behind your navel. “Gonna wrap me up and take me on a date, finally?”
For two people who didn’t want to get caught, you sure did talk a lot. Jake’s thrusts stopped abruptly and he pulled out, turning you around and rucking your skirt higher before thrusting back in. The angle was delicious, and you felt Jake’s teeth bite into your shoulder to quell his moan.
He didn’t answer for a second, letting quiet grunts and curses fall from his mouth instead. He reached around to work your clit furiously, and you could tell he was trying to get both you and himself off as quickly as possible – your time was running short.
“You know I’d love to do that, sweetheart, but not until Sam finds out on his own.”
“Stubborn bastard,” you gasped, his ministrations quickly taking you to the edge. “I’m gonna be as obvious as possible from now on.”
He ignored your quip. “Come on, sweetheart, cum for me. We gotta get back soon – lunch doesn’t last forever, and we don’t want them knowing where we go and what we do when we disappear together, do we?”
So your threat hadn’t gone unnoticed. You didn’t answer, your silent pleasure taking up the space in your throat, but that wasn’t good enough for him – he wanted verbal acknowledgement, just to feed his ego.
“Do we?” he asked again, voice gentle, but his callused fingertips gave your hips a squeeze.
You shook your head. “We don’t,” you agreed quietly – and you didn’t, you really could potentially lose your job for gross misconduct and fraternization on the job, but you knew Jake wouldn’t let that happen, so you supposed letting him be stubborn and proud when it came to his own brother was something you could play along with – and grinded your hips back into him, clenching your walls.
“That’s it, baby, keep doing just that,” he groaned. His thrusts became sporadic and he pushed in, deep as he could go, and let out a breathy groan against your ear. His finger faltered on your clit for a second as he came, but then he redoubled his efforts at your core, and you gasped out his name when you came, walls fluttering around him a moment later.
He brought you back down from your high with soft kisses on any skin he could reach and drew himself out of you, tugging the condom off and tying it before putting it on a shelf so that he could pull his pants up. You dragged yourself off the shelves so that you could do the same, but Jake spun you around to capture your lips once again before you could – deep and long, but not dirty; kissing you just because he wanted to.
You pulled away from the kiss, getting high on him again, but sighed. “We have to be getting back,” you said forlornly, wanting nothing else but to have a little time to bask in the afterglow of sex and the intimacy Jake was offering.
You went back to redressing, but when you bent down to retrieve your underwear, your fingers didn’t find any material.
“Fuck me,” you muttered, feeling around like you were Velma looking for her glasses.
“Thought I just did,” Jake said leered from above you. “What are you doing?”
“You threw my underwear somewhere and I can’t find them. Help me look?”
He took a few steps away from you, which wasn’t saying much with the spatial-issue, but you heard the doorknob click. He would not.
“Sorry, babe, but I have to be back out there to record, hope you understand!” he said, a laugh lining his voice, and suddenly, you had an idea of where your panties were.
“Jake Kiszka,” you hissed, “you’d better give those –” but there was a flash of light as he slipped out the door and he was gone.
You stared as your eyes readjusted to the darkness once again, wanting to say you were in disbelief of his actions, but also acknowledging that this was the exact sort of thing he would do in his arrogance.
You fixed the rest of your clothes up, patting your hair and making plans to stop by the bathroom on the way back to the break room.
The door cracked open as you peeked out into the hallway, and once you were certain no one was there, you stepped out, trying to act inconspicuous as though you weren’t freshly-fucked, missing your underwear, and on your way to work with your pseudo-forbidden lover, but yelling coming from one of the studios caught your attention. You changed trajectory and opened the second door down the hallway, where you were confronted with none other than Sam dangling your red, Santa-hat print panties in his fingers, right in front of a subtly-sheepish Jake.
Leave it to him to get caught not even 10 minutes after obtaining them.
“What’s going on here?” you asked, attempting to convey confusion despite the fact that those were definitely your panties. “And why do you have a pair of panties, Mr. Kiszka?”
Sam’s eyes shot to you, narrowing. “Oh, you want to act so innocent, do you? I’ve seen the way you two disappear together – It’s not my first rodeo, sweetheart. Are these yours?”
You kept your face cool and schooled. “Nope.”
“Care to prove it?” he snarked, and Jake snatched the panties out of Sam’s fingers, pushing his shoulder in a less-than-gentle way.
“Sam,” he hissed. “Are you trying to get us kicked out with a sexual harassment allegation?”
Sam blinked and looked properly chastised at the prospect, cursing his propensity to run his mouth first and think later and realizing that your friendly relationship wasn’t particularly at that level of joking around, especially while on the clock.
(Not that you OR Jake really had any room to speak on the subject.)
He sighed. “Sorry, Y/N, that was inappropriate of me.”
You shrugged. “All good. As long as you aren’t trashing the equipment, go at it, I guess.” You opened the door again and made to leave.
“So whose panties are they, then, Jake? I know you’re fucking someone. Got a little girlfriend just like I said you would.”
“You’re wrong. I just wear panties now,” you heard Jake say, monotoned. You could only picture the deadpan expression set on his face and fought the smile that was trying to make its way onto your face. “Took ‘em off during lunch break and wanted to free-bird it for the rest of the day.”
You closed the door behind you, but that didn’t keep Sam’s combustion from your ears, just muffled now. Your curiosity and entertainment made you press your ear to the door – you really couldn’t help it, you wanted to see what Jake came up with this time.
“You expect me to believe that?! Jake – these are women’s panties. If you were wearing panties, you would have gotten the men’s kind that cover your balls and I know for a fact that you only wear patterned underwear when there’s a chance someone will see it. So even if these were yours, you wanted someone to see them. Who is it, Jake?”
“No one. I just had a look at them in the bathroom and got horny. I have a Santa kink, what can I say? Maybe you just tugged my come-covered, Santa panties out of my pocket because you’re a fucking idiot. Are you telling me you don’t find his beard even a little bit enticing? Got a big ‘ol lap for you to bounce on, too, Sammy, ever thought of that?”
You laughed and walked away.
Sam screamed.
Tag list: @fleetsonfire @theweightofstardust
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Credits and shoutout to @starcatcherkiszka​ for the fic idea!! 
In case you want something to listen to while you read: ✨Summer of 69 Playlist✨
Words: 3.8k
Warnings: language
Synopsis: Greta Van Fleet somehow manages to travel back in time to the Summer of 69, during the Woodstock Art and Music festival. You can only imagine what hijinks they’re going to get up to. 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
“How much longer do we have to stay here?” Sam groaned from his spot on the carpeted floor of their soundbooth, staring up at the paneled ceiling with dread.
“Until we get this track right,” Jake called to him as he took a seat on a rickety old stool for a quick rest. “We’re almost there.” 
“You said that 25 minutes ago,” Sam protested. “You big liar.” 
“It is almost 2am,” Danny pointed out from behind his kit. “Maybe we’d be better off giving it another try tomorrow.”
“We’re close though,” Jake stood back to his feet and strapped his guitar on. “Trust me, we’ll get it in the next three takes.” 
“This is agony,” Sam groaned. 
Josh came over the intercom from behind the mixing board with a bit of feedback, making Jake, Sam, and Danny all jump. 
“Ready for take 21?” he asked. Sam scowled at his brother but finally shook his head in frustrated acceptance and slowly rose back to his feet with a loud crack. Jake gave the audio technician a thumbs up and they heard the metronome sound ticking in their headphones, counting them off. “Play your hearts out, boys,” Josh told them. 
Much to Sam and Danny’s dismay, Jake wasn’t satisfied until 15 takes later. Sam had tried to run out of the studio on multiple occasions, but Josh kept grabbing him and tugging him back to the booth, reminding him that their time in the studio was costing them an arm and a leg, and he was being a big baby. So, when Jake unplugged his guitar from the amp with a crackling snap, Sam had every right to let out a deep groan and collapse back to the floor in relief. Danny tossed his drumsticks off to the side and then, in a similar fashion, flopped beside Sam. 
“I just want this album to take us to the next level,” Jake tried to defend himself. Both Sam and Danny held up their hands to make him stop talking. 
“I thought take 4 sounded great,” Danny said. “I don’t think we needed 36 takes.” 
“My tone wasn’t quite right,” Jake shrugged. “I feel really good about take 36 though.” 
“That one’s definitely the one,” Josh agreed as he entered the room. “That’s gotta break our personal record, huh? Sixteen hours in the studio is pretty impressive.” 
Sam let out another deep groan. 
“We can come in late tomorrow,” Josh looked to Jake for confirmation. “I think we all deserve to sleep in a bit.” 
“I think I deserve to not come into the studio for a week,” Sam tried to barter. “I want to camp out in the middle of nowhere where I don’t have to look at any of your stupid faces or think about stupid music or sound mixing or bass lines.” 
“Wow,” Danny sounded genuinely hurt. “Okay.” 
“He’s just crabby,” Josh consoled Danny. “He gets like this when he doesn’t get his nap.” 
Sam shrugged like he couldn’t argue with Josh. Jake finished tucking his Gibson into his guitar case and then joined Josh, standing over Danny and Sam. He was starting to form some pretty impressive bags under his eyes because, even though he was the night owl of the family, playing for that long and that hard really did take a toll on him. 
“I’m gonna go to the lobby, can I grab you guys anything from the snack bar?” he offered in an attempt to make a truce with his disgruntled bandmates. 
“I’ll take a bag of SunChips,” Sam decided from the ground. 
“Just a water, please,” Danny gave Jake a small smile. Jake grinned back, a wave of relief washing over him that at least Danny wasn’t pissed beyond belief at him and his perfectionism. Thank god Danny was such a naturally understanding person at heart because, god, did Jake do things that would set any other person over the edge. 
Before Josh could put in a request, Jake waved goodbye and booked it out of the room, putting his head down to hurry to the lobby. 
“Wait, I want a banana!” Josh called after him. 
“Sounds like a you problem!” Jake yelled back. 
He reached the lobby and, after a quick scan, made sure to fetch everything that Sam and Danny wanted, and went out of his way to forget Josh’s banana. The exhaustion was catching up to him fast, so he fixed himself a cup of coffee to help him get back to his house in one piece and then turned on his heel to return to the studio. As his white vans clicked down the linoleum floor, he started to whistle the guitar part for one of their new tracks. His eyes were set on their studio door at the end of the hall but, out of his peripheral vision, he saw something that made him slow down. His whistling faded and he pivoted back around on his heel to face the door that he had just passed to his left. He pursed his lips as he took in what looked like a beam of bright light trying to come out from behind the door. Overwhelmed with confusion and intrigue, Jake backed up even farther so he was directly in front of the door, and had to squint his eyes to inspect it. Standing closer to it, he could feel that the hallway was significantly warmer. 
“What the?” he whispered. If his arms weren’t full of food and drinks he would have grabbed for the door handle, but instead he squeezed his eyes shut and reopened them to make sure what he was seeing was really real. The white light pouring from the cracks in the frame looked pretty damn real. 
Just to make sure his exhausted brain wasn’t playing tricks on him, he turned away from the door and hustled back to the studio. Sam, Danny, and Josh were all sprawled on the floor now, but they lifted their heads up slightly as Jake let himself back into the booth. 
“I need to show you guys something,” he said as he handed Danny his water, Sam his chips, and gave Josh a middle finger when he held his hands out for a banana. 
“Hey man, fuck you,” Josh frowned at his brother. “I don’t want to go with you if you’re gonna be mean to me.” 
“No, please, I promise, you’ll want to see this. I need you to see this.” 
“Did you drop an entire case of beer again?” Danny let out a yawn. 
“Just, come with me,” Jake decided to reply, since he really wasn’t sure how to even begin to describe the door. Plus, he liked there being an air of mystery about the whole thing. 
Even though Sam had been the most vocal in his frustration earlier, he was apparently the most willing to humor Jake since he clutched onto a nearby wooden stool to pull himself upright. Danny watched his friend stand up and, with a sigh, joined Sam and Jake. They all looked down at Josh, who was laying on his back with his arms folded over his chest. 
“You’re gonna miss out,” Jake told him. 
“I’m already missing out on a banana, I don’t care.” 
“Suit yourself,” Jake shrugged. He opened the door for Sam and Danny, and they disappeared from the studio. Jake tried to catch a glimpse of the mysterious door as he led Sam and Danny down the hallway and grinned when he saw that the light was still pouring from it. Behind them, Josh’s footsteps grew closer as he ran to catch up. 
“I’m getting a banana, I don’t care what Jake’s showing you guys,” Josh explained himself, though he didn’t move past them to the lobby. Instead, they all cautiously approached the door. 
“The fuck?” Sam asked when he caught sight of the rays of light. 
“Who’s supposed to be in there right now?” Danny asked. 
They checked to see if any names were listed on the calendar posted next to the door, but there was nothing. 
“It looks like it’s open,” Josh announced. “But maybe Helios is dropping a track in there,” he added as a second thought. 
Sam was studying the door, deep in thought. 
“Maybe someone left some lighting equipment in there for a music video or photoshoot?” he guessed. “And they just forget to turn it all off?” 
“Are we gonna open it?” Josh turned to Jake. Jake was staring intently at the door once more, debating the pros and cons of opening it. 
Con: there could be something weird behind there
Pro: there could be something weird behind there
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Danny spoke up. “Why don’t we just let management know, and they can send someone over to check it out? I just wanna get back to my bed and sleep.”  
“Don’t you think it’s funny,” Jake started, his eyes still focused on the light, “that we write an entire album about a heavenly gate, and now we’re facing something that looks exactly like that?” 
“It is strange,” Josh admitted. 
“It seems to me like it’s something we’re meant to open,” Jake decided. He was, of course, talking out of his ass, but he wanted to provide a better reason for opening the door other than that he was curious and he had a hard time determining the severity of the consequences of his actions. 
Danny opened his mouth like he was prepared to give a rebuttal, but before he could get his word in, Jake lurched for the rounded door handle and, through grit teeth in response to the heat of the doorknob, twisted and pushed it open. Almost immediately they were all blinded by the light, which they responded to with grunts, flinching away. 
“Okay, maybe those aren’t set lights,” Sam said while he covered his eyes with his hands. “Jesus Christ, that’s blinding.” 
Josh reached into his jumpsuit pocket and retrieved a pair of sunglasses, which he quickly put on. Unfortunately, he quickly discovered that the glasses did next to nothing to spare his eyes from the searing beam. What he was able to see, though, was Jake walking directly into it.
“What are you doing?” he called out in shock. 
“It’s not gonna hurt me,” Jake said over his shoulder. 
“Literally the one thing they tell you is to not go towards the light.” 
“This feels like a different kind of light.” 
“What the hell does that mean? How do you distinguish the difference between light?” 
“Are you gonna grab him or keep arguing with him?” Sam asked from behind Josh, just barely opening his eyes so he could see what was going on. “He’s gonna do something stupid.” 
“Uh, guys,” Danny’s voice shook. 
“What?” Josh and Sam asked. 
“He’s gone.”
Although it was near impossible to see anything other than the striking white color pouring out of the door, it was clear that Jake was no longer standing with them. 
“For the love of God,” Josh groaned out. “Why the fuck did he do that?”
“You were distracted with Sam and he shot me some finger guns and hopped through the door,” Danny caught them up to speed. “Do you think he’s dead?” 
“He’s not dead,” Josh was quick to respond. “I would have sensed it.” 
That earned him a snort from Sam. 
“I swear, there’s academic articles out there about twin telepathy,” Josh felt it was worthwhile in that moment to defend himself against his younger brother’s scrutiny. 
“Jake?” Danny cautiously called into the light, “Are you in there, bud?” 
They were met with deafening silence. 
“Literally say anything,” Danny tried again, panic rising in his voice. They waited a few beats, but not a single sound was uttered from the other side. 
“We have to go in after him,” Josh declared. “And drag his stupid ass back here.” 
“I’m not going in there,” Sam shook his head. “I’m going to bed.” 
“You know you’re not gonna be able to sleep because you’ll be worried about Jake,” Josh raised an eyebrow. “C’mon, Sam.” 
“I want you both to know that being in a band with all of you has easily taken years off of my life,” Danny told the two brothers. Then, he faced the door, let out a short huff, and stepped through it. 
Sam’s face was scrunched in discomfort, not only from the light, but also the situation at hand. It was unclear what laid beyond the door, and Sam had no rational explanation for what could be going on, but he had a feeling in the pit of his stomach that he wasn’t going to enjoy a good night’s sleep in his own bed for a while. 
“Do you want to hold my hand?” Josh asked, holding his sweaty palm up to Sam. Sam looked like he was contemplating it for a second, but finally pushed it away and pointed at the door. 
“We’re going through there together, that’s all I want.” 
Josh couldn’t argue with that so, after giving Sam a reassuring pat on the shoulder, they stood together and squeezed through the tight door frame, entering into the light. 
It was a bizarre experience: while standing near the light had provided a similar sensation to being in front of a fire pit, once they moved deeper in, the air actually grew colder, like the Michigan winters from their childhood. The light continued to sear their eyes, building in intensity to the point where it was still bright with their eyes closed and covered by their hands. Sam and Josh both felt some kind of force latch onto them at the same time, which they responded to with nervous squeaks, and then, like a nightmare roller coaster, they lurched forward. 
If Sam wasn’t so terrified, he would have smacked his older brother for whooping with glee as they were thrust in some unknown direction at a speed that Sam couldn’t fathom. While they whipped around, he was burdened with worry about how they were going to safely stop and, more importantly, exactly where they were going to stop. Their bodies jerked to the left and to the right, and then Sam felt a warmth that they were rapidly approaching. 
“Brace yourself!” He thought he could hear Josh yell over the rush of wind that was passing by Sam’s ears. It was hard to move, but he managed to shakily reach his hands up towards his head and cover it, alongside pulling his knees up into his chest in the fetal position. He opened his eyes for a brief moment, still stunned by the brightness of everything, but saw Josh slightly up ahead, doing flips in the air while yelling out in joy. Just beyond Josh, Sam could see that the white light was starting to break into some kind of green hue. And it looked like that was directly where they were headed. 
It happened so fast Sam couldn’t process anything that was happening in real-time, but they shot out from some kind of cloud, did a freefall for about ten feet, and then landed with a thud in a grassy field. As upset as Sam was with his brothers for forcing him to jump through some mysterious, magic doorway, he was grateful that Josh had half a heart to warn him about a landing. Still, he was in shock from everything, so he opted to lay in the grass, facing the sky that had magically cleared of any strange clouds or scalding heat. 
“Oh shit, are you dead?” he heard Josh ask to his right. The sound of Josh’s footsteps came closer, and then he saw his older brother leaning directly over his head, his eyes bright. “Hiya, Sammy.” 
“Hiya,” Sam softly replied back. “What the fuck just happened?” 
“Probably something the human mind can’t comprehend,” Josh replied with a smile. “I wonder how far away Jake and Danny are.” 
At the thought of poor Danny going through that on his own, Sam sprung back to his feet, which seemed to surprise Josh since he backed up a few steps. 
“They can’t be too far away, right?” Sam asked. Josh shrugged. They both took a second to scan around them to get a better sense of where they could possibly be. Low, rolling green hills surrounded them on all sides and, in the distance, a grove of trees were standing tall. The air was humid, but a light breeze made it easier to breathe, which Sam sucked in. “It feels like the east coast,” he commented. “Up north.” 
“I don’t think we’re in Nashville anymore,” Josh agreed. 
“Danny?” Sam cupped his hands around his mouth to shout. “DANNY?” he tried again. 
“Hey, hey,” Josh put a hand on Sam’s shoulder to stop him. “We don’t know where we are. I think we need to lay low until we find more answers.” 
“I just want to find my friend,” Sam frowned. “He could be hurt for all we know.” 
“We’ll climb to the top of one of those hills and get the eagle eye view, how about that?” Josh attempted to compromise. “You should be able to see him from up there.” 
Sam couldn’t argue with that logic, so they set their sights on the tallest hill and started to climb. Sam didn’t appreciate how evident it was that he was ridiculously out of shape, but he was glad that he could pretend to be intently searching around for Danny while he was actually catching his breath. He and Josh stood back to back, scanning around, trying to catch a glimpse of anything that even slightly resembled their band members when Josh let out a small gasp. 
“Found them,” he announced. 
Josh tugged on Sam’s shoulder to point him in the right direction, and Sam couldn’t help but let out a chuckle when he caught sight of Danny and Jake about 100 yards away, walking side by side through the grass, entirely unscathed. Without another word, Sam started to jog down the hill towards them. Sure, he was out of shape, but he needed some form of consolation that they were okay and they hadn’t just made the biggest mistake of their lives by passing through that damn door. 
“Oh, thank God,” Sam was greeted by Danny when he approached him and Jake. “We had started to assume that you guys stayed behind.” 
“What the hell is going on?” Sam demanded Jake, moving past Danny to grab ahold of Jake’s loose button up shirt so he could pull him close. 
“Still working on an answer to that one,” Jake choked. “Will get back to you soon though.” 
“Let him go, Sammy,” Josh said as he approached the group. Sam looked hesitant, but after hearing Jake make a few more gagging noises, he threw him back down so he stumbled around a bit before regaining his balance. “I’ve got a couple of theories about what just happened,” Josh continued. He held up three fingers, which his bandmates wearily watched. “One,” Josh started, “we’re dead.” 
“Man, I hope not,” Danny commented. 
“Two,” Josh pointed to his second finger, “we somehow managed to find a portal that brought us to a different dimension.” 
“That could be fun,” Jake looked around at everyone and was met by frowns. 
“Or three, someone drugged us back at the studio.” 
“I’m feeling like it’s gotta be option three,” Sam declared. “The other two are baloney.” 
“I hope we went through a portal,” Jake’s mind was somewhere else. “Wouldn’t that be cool?” 
“Not really,” Danny murmured. “I kinda want to go back home.” 
“It’s an adventure!” Jake exclaimed, clapping his hands together. “An opportunity for us to grow and learn things about each other!” 
“That sounds awful,” Sam’s brow was furrowed. “I’m not in the mood for any kind of self-discovery or whatever.” 
“You’ve got no other choice, Sammy boy,” Jake clasped him on the back, which nearly sent him toppling over. “You stepped through that door, now we have to find our way back.” 
“I hate you,” was all Sam could say in response. 
Jake seemed to take no offense to that, since he linked arms with Josh and started to skip away from Danny and Sam, down the hill towards the horizon, singing at the top of his lungs, 
“We’re off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!” 
“What do you think is going on?” Sam turned to Danny after watching his twin brothers skip off into the distance. Danny looked as troubled as Sam felt, which at least brought him some comfort in knowing that he wasn’t the only one in the group who was capable of even a sliver of rational thought. 
“I couldn’t tell you, but I can confidently say that I’m on the brink of panicking.” 
“You and me both,” Sam sighed. Together, they followed behind Jake and Josh, who had managed to move so far ahead that they were ant-sized in the distance. “We’ll be okay though, I think.” 
Danny looked like he really wanted to believe Sam, but there was still a deep frown stuck on his face. 
“I really wish Jake thought sometimes before he did things.”  
“It’s pretty hard to turn him away from bright, shiny things, Danny. No amount of convincing could have deterred him away from going through that door.” 
“Hey! Guys!” Josh was hollering to them. 
“What?” Sam screamed back. 
“We found something!” Josh’s voice could just barely be heard. Danny and Sam exchanged a quick glance and then tore in Jake and Josh’s direction. Even though they were trying their hardest to remain composed on the outside, both of them were dying to know what situation they had gotten caught in. 
When they reached Jake and Josh, they saw that Josh was closely studying a piece of paper that had been left strewn in a muddy patch in the field. Jake leaned over Josh’s shoulder and seemed to be scanning the words as well, his eyes dancing around the page. 
“What’s that?” Sam pointed towards the damaged paper.
“It’s a clue,” Josh looked up. “A huge clue about where we are.” 
“I didn’t know this was possible,” Jake mused to himself from behind Josh with a joyful chuckle. 
Danny couldn’t tolerate the anticipation anymore since he ripped the paper from Josh’s hands and quickly skimmed it over. 
“What. The. Fuck,” his eyes were wide as he lowered the paper. “What the actual fuck.” 
Jake gave Danny a childlike grin. 
“Right? Right?” He could barely contain his excitement. Danny twisted the paper around so Sam, who was feeling really confused, could take a look. 
“Three days of peace and music,” he read aloud. “Bethel, New York. August 15-17, 1969.” 
“So you guys think,” Danny was trying to make sense of everything, “we traveled back in time?” 
“To the summer of 69,” Jake’s smile stretched from ear to ear. 
“Lord help us,” Sam moaned, letting the paper fall back into the mud.
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jmkho · 1 year
👨‍🌾Farmers market Jake and his precious jams
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34 notes · View notes
stardustbarbarians · 2 years
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I Hear the River Say Your Name
Chapter 7 (ch. 1 | ch. 2 | ch. 3 | ch. 4 | ch. 5 | ch. 6)
A Josh Kiszka / fem!reader fic
Summary: Even before you were dating, you and Josh had been friends for years. You didn’t see anything changing between you anytime soon. Then one day, you wake up and Greta Van Fleet doesn’t exist and Josh isn’t your boyfriend.
Tags: angst, fluff, a lot of exposition
Trigger Warnings: mentions of addiction
Words: 5.1 k
A/N: Last chapter! Thank you everybody so much for reading! I'll add more in the author's note at the end. Please enjoy!
It wasn’t hard to find Josh. He had run to the backyard and to the treeline, his footprints easy to spot in the mud. You followed them, careful not to step in them in case you needed to backtrack for any reason. Even with his footprints leading you towards him, you had an idea of where you were going to find him. 
Your intuition was correct. You found him standing in the exact same spot you ran off to on the first night you woke up in this alternate dimension. The light from the Emerald Star was casting an eerie green glow on the earth it shined down onto, giving Josh’s curls a neon glow. He had his back to you as you approached, leaning against a tree with his head bowed and arms wrapped around himself; like he was hugging himself. You didn’t want to look too closely at the irregular way his shoulders were shaking. 
The riverbank was just as you remembered it; muddy, dark, and hissing whispers at you. You weren’t close enough to the water to hear exactly what it was whispering at you, but you’d venture to guess that it was still Josh’s name. 
You couldn’t shake the feeling that you felt like you were intruding on Josh. It made you just want to turn tail and leave him be, but you also knew that there was something more to why he reacted the way he did after walking in on you and Jake. There was also the inescapable urge to comfort the love of your life while he was silently crying. Well, he shared the same name, face, and everything with him, but the man with his back to you wasn’t your real lover. You had to keep reminding yourself of that. 
Gathering your courage up by taking a deep breath, you decided to finally just bite the bullet. 
He whipped his head around at you, his eyes wide as he stood rigid for a split second. He stood there staring at you, the wet tracks left on his cheeks from his tears catching the light from the Emerald Star. Once his brain seemed to catch up, Josh hid his face from you. You pretended not to notice how he wiped at his eyes. 
“Sunny, you- I didn’t hear you coming,” he quietly professed to you, his voice cracking and sounding raw. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” you apologize, taking a small step towards him. You inwardly cringed at the way he seemed to flinch. 
“I should be the one apologizing. I’m the one who… interrupted…” He struggled to get his words out, his eyes refusing to meet yours. 
Your chest painfully contracted at how small his voice sounded. It almost made you not want to press him for information. But you also knew that Jake wouldn’t tell you anything so you had to ask Josh in order to find out what was going on. 
“Joshie, what’s going on?” you tenderly question, reaching out and giving him plenty of time to move away from your touch if he so wanted. He didn’t move as he watched your hand softly grasp his. 
Josh not only let you take his hand, he was the one to adjust your grip so that he could properly hold it. He let out a shaky and deep sigh, gazing out across the riverbank as he contemplated his next choice of words. 
“You wouldn’t understand,” he sighed, drawing your intertwined hands closer to himself, “I wouldn’t expect you to.” 
“Please, just tell me.” You hated how much you were pushing him. 
He gave your hand a squeeze before he spoke, his eyes still refusing to meet yours. It was frustrating, but you also knew beggars couldn’t be choosers. So if Josh couldn’t look you in the eyes, then so be it. You were still getting the info you needed. 
“It’s… It’s you and Jake,” he began. The whispering from the brook filled in the void left by Josh’s silence along with the gentle sound of tree leaves being swayed by the breeze of the night. You thought you heard a wind chime in the distance, faint and carried by the wind. 
 “Look, I know it’s stupid, alright?” 
You breathed a deep sigh, looking over at the river that cut its way through the mud in the ground, reminding you of an artery pumping blood to keep you alive. 
“But, aren’t you dating that Clara woman? Not to sound dismissive, but why should you care about me kissing him?” You brushed your hair out of your face, a gust of wind styling it in front of your face. 
At your question, Josh let out a small, humorless laugh. He looked down at the mud he was standing in, his face highlighted by the Emerald Star. 
“I forget how oblivious you can be sometimes,” he muttered under his breath. You didn’t think you were meant to hear it and you didn’t know if you should’ve been offended by it or not. 
When he noticed the look on your face, he gave your hand a small squeeze. 
“I’m in love with you, Sunny. I always have been.” 
It went dead silent after that. His admission was like a shock to your system, your mind rebooting after he spoke. It washed over you like a cold wave, the realization striking at last. You were immobilized, dumbstruck by it. This wasn’t the first time Josh had told you he loved you - well, your Josh - but you’d just thought… Well, you thought this Josh hated you. 
In your mind, you turned over the few interactions you had, this time through a different lens. What you once thought was disgust was actually just Josh not knowing how to react. You felt a pit open in your stomach, upset with yourself that you didn’t give Josh the benefit of the doubt. 
“I wish you’d say something,” Josh requested, his free hand fiddling with the hem of his shirt, his thumb rubbing over the back of the hand of yours that he was holding. 
“What is there to say? I mean, a minute ago I thought you could barely stand me with how you were treating me,” you respond, perhaps harsher than you wanted to. 
At your admission, he flinched, his face losing a little of its color. 
“You… you thought I hated you?” 
The hurt expression on his face made your chest ache deeply. You never could see Josh upset; you’d tear the world apart in order to make him feel better or to find the thing that hurt him. 
“I’m sorry, Joshie, but what else was I meant to think? You hardly speak to me, let alone look at me, and when you do look at me it’s about as icy as a Siberian winter,” you rant, your tone becoming angrier with each passing moment. 
He looked away from you, his head hanging and a small humorless laugh huffing out from his lips. “I wouldn’t expect you to understand.” 
“Well then explain it to me, make me understand!” 
“I can’t be in love with you!” 
You waited for him to continue. You’d already felt awful enough over essentially pulling this out of him, the least you could do was give him the time he needed in order to give it to you. 
“Back when we first met you, Jake and I made a promise to one another that neither of us would try and make a move on you,” he finally admitted. That’s when he finally looked you in the eyes properly. You could finally see all the pain and sadness that your instincts told you he was experiencing. There was a rueful smile adorning his lips, but only a small one.
“I never thought he was going to break that, but then you - well, kind of you - helped him through his addiction. I saw the way he looked at you: like no earthly sight could match your beauty and like you were worth more than any and all the riches in the world to him. I knew then that he wouldn’t be able to keep his promise; honestly I wouldn’t force him to after that.”
You were dumbfounded, your mouth opening and closing like a fish gulping for water in the open air. They made a promise about me? 
“Look, I acted that way towards you because… because I knew if I even opened up to you slightly I wouldn’t be able to stay away from you like I promised Jake.” He sighed heavily, his free hand coming up to rub at his forehead. 
“Oh, Joshie,” you cooed sympathetically, resting your free hand onto his shoulder. 
You both devolved into silence, unable to come up with anything to say to one another. Once again the only thing that filled the silence in the night was the- 
“Hey, do you hear whispering?” Josh asked, looking around the darkened woods for the culprit. 
You were faced with a decision: tell him what you knew and let him think you were crazy or let him figure it out himself. 
“Lean your ear down next to the river,” you instructed, deciding to go with the former. 
Josh gave you a look, but did as he was told, tugging you down with him as neither of you wanted to let go of the other’s hand. You also leaned in closer to the river bank, hearing Josh’s full name under the rushing of the water. 
After a moment, he jerked upright, staring you dead in the eyes. There was a look on his face that was pure awe; he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. 
“I know, it’s insane right?” 
Josh shook his head, that look of awe still on his features. “That shouldn’t be possible.” 
“What? You’ve never heard a river call out your name before?” You felt a smile pull at your lips. 
“Don’t you mean your name?” he asked, a knit in his eyebrows that tipped off his confusion. 
“No, it’s saying your name, Josh,” you informed. 
He looked at you like you had grown another head right in front of him. “No, it’s clearly saying your name, Sunny.” 
“Why do you call me that?” 
You thought you’d given him whiplash from how quickly you changed the subject. And maybe you did; Josh looked at you like he was getting vertigo. 
“‘Sunny’, why do you call me that?” You realized that maybe you had changed the subject a little too fast.
“Do they not call you that in your dimension?” 
“He does, but I never knew why,” you admitted, tucking your hair behind your ear. 
Josh took a large breath, a tired smile pulling at his lips. You loved it when he smiled, it reminded you of the best things in the world. 
“I call you that because you remind me of sunshine; you make me warm inside like nobody else can.” The look in his eyes made you ache, deeply ache. He was so in love with you but he couldn’t allow himself to be. He was holding himself back for the sake of his twin, standing by as he took away the woman he loved. 
You just breathed, unable to do much else. You were fighting with the lump in your throat, blinking back the film of tears in your eyes. “This isn’t fair to Clara.” 
“Who said I don’t love her, too?” His smile wasn’t as convincing as he thought it was. 
You gave him a look that told him how much you believed him. When he saw your face, he sighed. 
“I can’t dwell on you my entire life, Sunny. I have to move on at some point,” he mumbled, picking at the grass. 
“You’re right.” 
Once again, the pair of you fell into silence. The river was still whispering the mantra of Josh’s full name over and over again. You hadn’t realized that you were thinking about why you and Josh were hearing each other’s names from the river until a thought struck you. 
“Hey, you’re gonna think I’m crazy, but I have an idea.” 
“So, let me get this straight; the way back into your dimension is through ‘true love’s first kiss’, you already kissed Jake, and now you wanna kiss Josh?” Sam clarified, sitting on the couch in the living room next to his boyfriend. The two of them were still wearing their golf attire, having just returned when you and Josh walked back into the house. 
You nodded your head, not a single drop of embarrassment in your blood. Jake wasn’t faring so well, his face about as red as a stop light. He was sitting in the recliner next to the couch, looking like he wanted to sink into the upholstery. 
“I wanted to say goodbye to you first before I leave, and you also deserved to know what was happening.” Even though you weren’t embarrassed, that wasn’t to say you didn’t feel nervous. 
It was silent for a moment, the ticking of the clock somewhere in your house the only thing you could hear. You were fiddling with the hem of your shirt, looking at the carpet that you kept toeing at. 
“Well, I know I’ll miss you constantly bugging us to reform our garage band,” Danny professed, getting up and holding his arms out to hug you. You gladly accepted it, tightly wrapping your arms around him. He smelled like the outdoors and a little like sweat but you didn’t care. He always made you feel warm and safe. 
“You believe me?” 
“Of course I do, you’ve been right about everything so far,” he reminded, smoothing your hair with his hand. 
You breathed out in relief, nuzzling into Danny. 
“Do I have to watch you kiss my brother? I really don’t think you want me vomiting all over the carpet,” Sam chimed, also getting up from his spot on the couch. 
“Oh, like we haven’t had to suffer through you and Daniel making out a million times,” Jake shot back, his head lolling back onto the top of the back of the chair. 
“Ok, that’s different-” 
“Different how?” Josh interrupted, his arms crossing over his chest. He took his twin’s side, as usual. 
“Ok, enough, guys,” Danny mediated, pulling out of the hug to try and de-escalate the situation. He saw what happened when the Kiszkas got into real fights. 
“Whatever, come here.” Sam was the next one to pull you into a hug, also smelling like sweat and the outdoors. 
“I’ll miss you, Sammy,” you breathe, your arms encircling his frame and pulling you against him. 
“You’ll be seeing me again in your dimension,” he reassured, patting your back lovingly. 
At this, you pulled away to look him in the eyes. “You’re one of a kind, Samuel. No one else in the universe is quite like you, even the other versions of you.” 
Despite it feeling like it was almost too cheesy, it was still a sweet moment. For a moment, you thought you made Sam cry. And you did, but he pulled you back into a hug before his tears could fall. “I’ll miss you too.” 
Despite being a little shit for most of the time you spent with him, Sam was still a source of comfort and relief for you. He had managed to make light of a terrible situation and make you laugh where you thought you couldn’t. God you were getting sentimental; you hated that. Giving him one last squeeze, you let go and moved on to the next Kiszka. 
“I think you know what I’m gonna say to you,” you forecasted, opening your arms out to Jake. The younger twin rolled his eyes before accepting your hug. 
“I’ll talk to her, I promise,” he swore, albeit with an attitude. He’s lucky he’s cute or else you would’ve reprimanded him or something like that. 
“Well, yes that. But also-” 
“Give the band another try,” all four boys groaned out at the same time, exasperated by your persistence. You could see the tired smiles on Daniel and Samuel’s face. They at least were charmed by you. 
“Hey,” you called, gaining Jake’s full attention, “take care of yourself, alright?” 
He swallowed, nodding with a tiny smile pulling at his lips. It was tight, but you saw that he took your words to heart. You hoped that he’d be able to do what you requested, learning what you did about him while you were here. At least you found comfort in the fact that you knew this dimension’s version of you would be there for him, and you knew if there was anyone you could trust to look after Jake, it was yourself. 
Placing a kiss on his cheek, Jake went to go stand by Danny and Sammy. Seeing Daniel standing there, you remembered a promise you made to yourself the first day you were in this dimension. 
“Danny, I never thanked you for looking after me.” 
“You didn’t have to, you’d do the same for me,” he reassured, sending you a warm and bright smile your way. You felt yourself return it, walking over to him and embracing him once again. 
“Look after Josh for me, alright?” you whispered into his ear, hoping he knew what you were actually asking. Out of the rest of the three, Daniel was the most emotionally mature and observant of them. That’s why you hoped he’d get what you were asking; and he did. He nodded his head, rubbing his hand against your back before letting you go. 
“Ready to test your theory?” Josh asked, his hands rubbing together nervously. He wore his usual big smile, but you could tell it was his nerves causing it rather than his usual joy. 
“You make it sound like I went through the whole scientific method in order to come to the conclusion that the river whispers your soulmate’s name at you,” you joke, hoping that it will ease some of Josh’s tension. 
You managed to get a giggle out of him with that, making you smile in response. You took his hand in yours, rubbing your thumb against his skin to calm him down, something you learned from Danny. He looked at your intertwined hands like it was a new concept to him despite you two holding hands by the Cass river not even half an hour ago. 
“Are you ready?” you quietly ask him, looking into his eyes to look for any discomfort. All he did was nod, that nervous smile back on his lips. 
Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and leaned in. Josh met you halfway, feeling his facial hair bristle against your skin. It was a welcome sensation, a comforting and familiar one. It was just like how you remembered it, but also it wasn’t. Never before had you felt a pins and needles sensation go through your entire body while kissing anyone before. You began to become concerned when it got more intense and your head became light. You pulled away, looking down at your hands. 
“Blue sparks,” you breathe out in disbelief. You look into Josh’s eyes to see concern, which didn’t surprise you. “It worked.” 
Soon, your entire body was eaten by that lapis electricity. You felt that same dizziness that you felt when you were being administered Cosmic Ash. Not long after, your vision began to fade, Josh’s face the last thing you saw before total darkness consumed you. 
The four boys were left standing awestruck in the living room, silence permeating the air save for the ticking of the clock. It remained that way for a solid minute before Sam broke the quiet. 
“What do you say, boys? Up for a jam session?” 
+++ You woke up in your bed, your head feeling like it weighed a hundred tons and thundering like a thunderstorm of biblical proportions. Your extremities felt like the embodiment of television static. There was a high pitched ringing in your ears, yet you felt safe and comforted. 
Upon opening your eyes, you felt like sobbing. Sitting at the side of your bed was none other than Joshua Michael Kiszka; your Josh. 
“Welcome back, Sunny,” he warmly breathed out, tears glittering in his eyes. You reached out your hand and he gladly took it, your heart jumping in pure joy when you didn’t ghost through. 
“Joshie,” you sobbed, tears burning in your eyes. There was a grin splitting your face open, relief washing over you like a tsunami. He was back, you were back. 
Against your better judgment, you climbed out of your bed and into his lap in order to embrace him, stumbling upon taking your first step onto the floor. But you weren’t in fear of falling, you knew Josh would keep you safe. 
You always were very touchy with him when you hadn’t seen him in a while when on tour, but this time felt different. You wrapped around him, your legs and arms trapping him against you as you nuzzled your face into his neck. His hands immediately went to touch you, one in your hair and the other in the small of your back. He rested his chin against your shoulder, feeling his breath ghost over your ear. 
The two of you just stayed there embracing, drinking up each other's touch that neither of you were allowed to experience in the months that he was away and the days you were sequestered in a foriegn world. You both cried; relief, joy, and a tinge of sadness mixing together in a cocktail of emotions. 
“I’m so glad you’re back,” Josh whispered into your ear, his hand on your back beginning to rub circles into it. 
“I’m so glad to be back,” you responded, your voice breaking from the tears you were shedding. 
Another few moments passed before you reluctantly pulled away from him. “The other boys will want to see me.” 
Josh nodded in agreement, his giant and contagious smile adorning his face. Without any warning, he surged up and placed a sugary sweet kiss on your lips. You were pleasantly surprised, a surprised burst of laughter emerging from your lips. 
“What was that for?” 
The look he had in his eyes was unadulterated affection, his eyes no longer glittering with tears but rather love. He shrugged his shoulders in response to your question. “I just felt like it.” 
You felt like you were smiling like a moron, the grin you were wearing splitting your face in half. “C’mon, lover boy.” 
You climbed off his lap, gripping the back of the chair he was sitting in for support. You still didn’t feel 100% yet. Once he was out of the chair, Josh helped you out into the living room of your house, leading you by your hand. 
Upon entering the room, you were pulled into a hug by Sammy. “Oh my god, you’re back!” 
Letting go of Josh, you returned the hug. He wasn’t hugging you as hard as he usually does. You suspected he was afraid of hurting you or something along those lines. Since you weren’t afraid of such a thing, you squeezed him as hard as you normally would, hearing him exhale in surprise at the change in pressure. 
“Alright, you’re gonna kill the poor bastard,” Jake intervened, placing his hand on your shoulder in order to pull you away from his little brother. 
“Hey, Jakey,” you breathed, embracing him next. 
Danny was after Jake, his strong arms feeling like home. You’d never tell Josh, but Daniel gave the best hugs out of the entire band. 
“Hey doll, how do you feel?” came a female voice from behind you. Pulling out of the hug with Danny but still holding onto him for some support, you turn around to be face to face with your mentor. 
“Veda, it’s so good to see you.” Just like with Sam, she hugged you like you were made of glass. 
“I’m glad you’re back where you belong, darling,” she replied, pulling away and guiding you to the couch. “I’m sure you have some questions. As do we.” 
You took your seat, Josh taking the spot to your right. 
 You waited for everyone to take a seat before you responded. “Of course. Do you want to ask first?”
“What was it like?” Sam asked first, clearly chomping at the bit to know about your experience. 
“Well, it wasn’t all that different from here. Really the only differences were the changes in professions, the emerald in the sky that seemed to have replaced the moon. Oh, and the fact that you and Danny were a couple,” you recounted, looking up at the ceiling as you talked. It wasn’t until you addressed Samuel once more that you saw how red he became. 
“Y-You mean… me and Daniel?” 
“Yeah. It was quite sweet, actually,” you reaffirmed. And it wasn’t like you were deliberately trying to embarrass him, you just stated your perspective on it. 
The two members of the rhythm section shared a look, one significantly more affected by the news than the other was. Danny just gave Sam a sympathetic smile and patted him on the shoulder. 
“I’ve got a question. Who did you end up kissing to get back?” Josh asked, trying to act like he wasn’t that invested. Jake scoffed at his effort, you agreeing with Jake’s reaction. 
“You sure you want to know that, sugar?” 
“Of course he does, it’s all he’s been thinking about since you last contacted him,” Jake confirmed, exposing his twin. 
Josh shot him a look, Jake not being affected at all by the daggers he was being thrown. You just giggled, sliding your hand into Josh’s. 
“Jake,” you answered, pursing your lips to hide your smile upon seeing Josh’s jealousy written across his face. 
“Jake?!” Josh repeated. 
“But then that didn’t work so I ended up kissing you. It seems you’re my soulmate in every dimension.” 
Watching Josh deflate in front of you caused you to burst into a fit of giggles, the other three boys joining in with you. It was hard to get under Josh’s skin, but when one was able to achieve such a feat it was always funny. 
“So, what’s this about Spongebob being off-brand anime?” Jake asked once the laughter died down. 
You shared a look with Sam, finding smugness in his eyes. “Sam, you wanna answer that one?” 
“Of course I do. So, a while back, Sunny and I were debating over what is considered an anime and what isn’t. I came to the conclusion that Spongebob is an off-brand anime and she refuses to accept that,” he explained, that sly look in his eyes he gets when he knows he’s getting under someone’s skin. 
“No, explain to them how you define an ‘off-brand’ anime,” you demand. 
“An off-brand anime is a show that doesn’t come from Japan but is done in the style of an anime,” he explains as per your request. 
“So by his definition, every cartoon/animated show is an ‘off-brand’ anime,” you add, your anger rising as the conversation continues. 
“Never claimed that they weren’t.” 
“Do you guys see how ridiculous this is?!” 
“Easy, easy,” Danny interjects, his arms held out in front of him in a calming manner. Sam, behind Danny’s back, sticks his tongue out at you. Electing to be the bigger person, you don’t react at all, save for sneering a little. 
“Wow, sorry I asked,” Jake mumbled, his face wearing a mask of disbelief. 
You cooled down for a minute, Josh holding back his laughter as he attempted to calm you. 
“Do you have any questions for us?” Veda questioned, having stayed silent through the rest of the conversation. 
“What did you guys do with that Fia Noyer girl? I can’t imagine she can be arrested for what she did.” 
A dark look fell over your mentor’s face, her amused smile morphing into a hard line as her eyes turned into hardened steel. “I took care of her, that’s all you need to know.” 
You felt a shiver go down your spine at the frigid tone she employed. You had no idea what Veda did and frankly you were too scared to ask. You knew what she was capable of. 
“Uh, w-what about the people in the other dimension I was in? Are they ok?” you asked in an attempt to distract yourself from the fate of Noyer. 
The smile was restored to Veda’s face, looking more like your benevolent mentor. However, that hardness never quite left her eyes. 
“They’re doing just fine. When I checked in on them, they were writing music. It seems they took your suggestion to heart,” she answered, her hands playing with her necklace she had around her neck. 
“And what about Jake? Is he doing ok?” You knew that asking after him would only bring more questions from your group, but you needed to know. 
“He’s doing better than fine. He got the girl and everything, she’s helping him get clean from the Cosmic Ash too.” 
You breathed out in relief, falling back onto the couch. You had been the most worried about him. But you had been right about yourself. 
“What was up with m- the other Jake?” You glanced over at your Jake, confusion and slight concern on his face. You couldn’t really blame him. 
“He was recovering from a Vide Noir addiction - the drug I used in order to contact Josh. He got hooked on the anti-drug and the me from that dimension is helping him through that like she helped him through the last one,” you explain, feeling yourself begin to tire. It hit you like a falling piano, feeling like your eyelids suddenly weighed a thousand pounds. 
“Alright guys, that’s enough for tonight. Sunny looks like she’s about to pass out,” Josh delegated, his hands already sliding underneath you to carry you back to your room. 
You mumbled your goodbyes, nuzzling into your boyfriend as he carried you bridal style. You felt him gently lower you onto your mattress, but he made no move to join you, the thought of him leaving you sending a wave of panic down your spine. 
“No,” you protest, your hand grabbing his wrist. You tugged on him with what little strength you had, signaling what you wanted from him. “Stay.” 
With no protests from Josh, he climbed onto the bed with you. You instantly snuggled against him, holding him as tightly as you could. You had convinced yourself that as long as you could hold him or touch him, he wouldn’t vanish from you again. 
“I love you, Sunny,” he whispered, placing a kiss onto the top of your head. Your chest ached, not realizing you had missed hearing that from him so much. 
“I love you too, Joshie.” 
Thank you so much for reading this series! I hope you enjoyed and that you give my other fics a read! This entire series was actually inspired by album Vide Noir by the band Lord Huron. If you liked this series (and if you made it this far I'd venture to guess you did) then I highly recommend you give it a listen. They're another band from Michigan that make incredible music. Anyway, thank you again for reading, I love you all insurmountably <3
@shutupdevvie @trplshotofdopamine @maykiszka @m1rkw00dpr1ncess @allieboop @theleft0ver @stardustingold @hayley1623 @drjm-slay @joshkiszkas @gretavanfleas @jakeyboiiiiiii @alwayssotiredbutneverofyou @sarakay-gvf @gretavanfle3t @doodle417 @sammykiszkasunusedshoes @jmks-housewife @ageoferin @etoilesnoor @ascendingtostardust @godlygreta @turtleskane @prophetofthedune @clovermxon @s0livagant @gretavanflowerpower @dannythedog @baguettejuliette @fan-girl-97 @gaby-gvf @age-of-nyahh @mzbrightside @myownparadise96 @brokenbellsgvf @xserenax-13 @sammysvanfeet @strugglingtodoshit @loofypoofy @chalametpwk @seventieswhore @razorbladekiszka @kdarling1 @capturethechaos @unfortunatelykristin @welightthefire @sammiejane22
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The Bomb
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Word Count: 1.5k
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt, ex!Jake
Synopsis: Jake hasn’t healed even months after his ex-girlfriend Y/N said ‘I do’ to another man.
For a bit of context while I try and write what came before: Y/N is a super successful singer-songwriter although it’s not super relevant in this chapter. She has been close friends with the members of Greta Van Fleet, for several years. She had a loving yet terribly tumultuous relationship with Jake that didn't end very well (you’ll see), although they eventually figured out how to remain on good terms for everybody’s sake. But Jake was lightyears away from being ready to see her married to another man.
Warning: English isn’t my native language, so I apologize in advance for mistakes and awkward wordings to come. Also, I guess this fic could be triggering because it’s kind of really sad and angsty.
Previous Track: Happier than Ever
Chapter soundtrack : The Bomb – Florence + the Machine
"But if I was free to love you, You wouldn't want me, would you? Unavailability is the only thing that turns you on, Come here, baby, tell me that I'm wrong. I've blown apart my life for you, And bodies hit the floor for you, Break me, shake me, devastate mе Come here, baby, tell me that I'm wrong I don't love you, I just love the bomb."
Alright let’s get into this.
The Annual Benefit of the Barcelona Art Institute. The space was beautiful and the exhibition simply exquisite as Y/N wandered gracefully around the sumptuous halls of the venue, occasionally making small talks with fellow art enthusiasts, all the while enjoying a nice glass of champagne. She was deep in conversation with one of the curators about purchasing one of the paintings when she suddenly felt her phone vibrating in her purse.
‘Incoming call from Daniel’
Weird, she thought, it was late at night, and the band and her had already planned to have lunch all together the following day. They had, by some happy coincidence, found themselves in Barcelona at the same time and figured it would be a great opportunity to meet up, since they rarely got to anymore. The members of Greta Van Fleet were there for a concert and some PR business, while Y/N had flown out to attend a couple of events during the peak of social season. She softly excused herself and picked up right away.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Hey, YN,” she heard Danny’s voice, “Listen, I’m so, so sorry, I know that you’re at this Gala thing but, we kind of- have a situation over here…”
“You sound worried, is everyone okay?” YN asked, heading towards a quiet corner.
“Actually… no.” Danny said, “It’s Jake," YN's heart stopped, "he’s-he’s been acting weird all day and he just- kind of, um, freaked out a couple hours ago and walked out before the concert was even over.”
“Jesus, is he alright?” YN asked, a concerned look creeping on her face, “Is somebody with him?”
“Yeah, not really, he’s cooped up in his hotel room right now,” Danny replies, hesitation in his voice, “The staff is losing it, but he won’t let anybody in. He- he did, uh," he paused, "he mentioned you. Do you think- you could- come over? We wouldn’t normally ask but-”
“No, it’s okay, of course. Um, just- send me the address, I- I’ll be right there,” she hung up, racing out of the building, stilettos in hand, and immediately hailing a cab.
She rushed out of the elevator only to see the boys sitting at the end of the hallway, a defeated look on their faces.
“Y/N, thank god you’re there” Sam sighed in relief, jumping on his feet to greet her.
“Is he in there?” she asked urgently, eyes on the closed door.
“Yeah,” Danny replied, “he ended up opening the door, let Josh in, but- I don’t think he said much.”
Y/N walked past him and towards the hotel room. She knocked softly on the door before cracking it open, only to hear Jake’s gravelly voice shouting, “For crying out! I told you, I didn’t-”
 “It’s me,” she interrupted gently, venturing into the room. It was dark, but she still managed to catch a glimpse of what she assumed to be the outcome of her ex-boyfriend’s mood. Chair fallen over, open minibar and clothes scattered all over the floor of the luxurious suite.
Jake was sitting on the floor, arms wrapped around his knees and back facing her, but she could still see his shoulders moving up and down as tiny sobs seemingly racked through his body. Josh was on his knees in front of him, he looked up at YN as soon as she entered. Y/N gave him a weak nod as to indicate that he could leave. He got up and silently walked out of the room, making sure to squeeze her arm on the way out.
She let out a long sigh as she heard the door close behind her. What now? She decided to approach him slowly, the sound of her high heels against the waxed floor letting the boy know of her movements.
“Hey Jakey,” Y/N murmured, looking down at his shivering figure. But the boy kept his eyes on the floor, so she got down on her knees in front of him, “Danny called me… said you had a bit of a- a problem earlier.” She waited for him to speak for a few seconds but was only met with silence, so she carried on, “you know you can tell me any-”
“I, uh,” he interrupted with a hoarse voice, his puffy eyes finally looking up, only to see her all dressed up in her beautiful gown. “Fuck,” he sighed, “I’m sorr- you- you had your charity thing, damnit! I’m such a fuckup,” he started pulling on his hair, rocking back and forth slightly.
“Hey, it’s okay. I don’t- care about that,” she squirmed closer to him and delicately pulled his hands away from his face. Let’s just say she’d seen him looking better. “I care about you. Now tell me, what happened? The boys are worried out of their mind-”
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, “I-I really thought I’d be okay, I thought I could handle it, but- but then-” he paused, “And- and I just-” he looked back down in embarrassment, only for his eyes to catch the delicate gold band that sat in all its glory on her finger. A sour smirk appeared on his face, “Jesus, I’m such an idiot.”
“No, you’re not, we all have bad days… You’re probably tired. I remember touring was always hard on you guys’ nerves,” Y/N said with a strained smile, her hand brushing the boy’s long hair away from his face, desperately trying to avoid the clear possibility that she was the one responsible for his current state. “Come on, let’s get you into bed,” she helped him up and took a few steps backwards to pick up some of the mess from the floor but before she could lean forward, Jake had her engulfed in a tight hug, taking her by surprise.
“Thank you,” he breathed out, and she could smell the alcohol on his breath. Whiskey. “For being here, I mean.”
“I’ll always be here,” she replied with a faint smile, hugging him back, “you know that, right?”
He rested his head on top of hers and inhaled deeply, taking in the citrusy scent of her hair, before burying his face in the crook of her neck. Y/N tensed up as she felt his nose travelling across her skin, his lips pressing soft kisses along the surface of her collarbone.
“Jake,” she whispered, trying to reason with the boy, “wait-”
“Please-” he moaned sadly, his voice breaking as he held onto her for dear life, “Just- just this one time, please- I just- I really need you right now.”
“Jake, you know I can’t,” she sighed, delicately slipping from his embrace, “I’m marr-”
“Don’t-” he hissed, stomping away from her to take a seat at the end of the bed, “Please- just," he gulped, "don’t say it.” She brushed her fingertips against the skin of her neck in an attempt to replace the warmth that had disappeared along with his lips.
The boy’s chest was heaving as he stared at her gorgeous figure, his gaze travelling across every exposed inch of her skin. The skin that was once his to touch. As their eyes finally met, Y/N felt in her core that something very wrong was about to happen.
He had that look in his eyes. The same look he’d had the very first time they’d- been together. Like she was the sun. Jake suddenly got up and walked up to where she stood. He grabbed her by the waist and planted a firm kiss on her lips. They were soft, just like they always were. Heaven, he thought. But that certainly didn’t last long.
She shoved him away with a resentful look in her eyes. “You’re drunk,” she said firmly.
“I’m not,” he retorted, “I mean, I’m more sober than I’ve been these past eight months.”
Eight months, she thought, Jesus, this had been going on since the ceremony. But her thoughts were interrupted as Jake walked back towards her and vigorously pushed his lips back against hers.
“Oh, cut it out, will you!” she yelled, pushing him away once more, this time with more strength, making his drunken frame stumble back.
Jake stood there, frozen for a second, while she stared down at the floor, remorse invading her every bone. She wasn’t only feeling guilty about the fact that she’d let herself be in that situation in the first place, but also that deep down, she still felt there was no place on earth she’d rather be.
He took a step forward hesitantly and placed a hand against her cheek, his calloused index finger travelling down to meet her chin, gently lifting her head and forcing her to look him in the eyes.
She placed a trembling hand against his chest, ready to reject him once more.  Her tiny fist was clenching the fabric of his shirt as she took in a shaky breath, mentally begging for the willpower to turn around and walk out the door. But he had the look. And she felt her heart breaking as she was met with his tired eyes. This was all her doing.
In a leap of faith, he gently lowered his head and let his lips brush against her cheek, before going on a painfully slow journey towards her lips. Now, this wasn’t like the two previous kisses. This one was tender. Desperate.
Unable but to close her eyes at the contact, YN felt her resistance slip away and swiftly wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss, as he eagerly unzipped the back of her dress.
By the prick of my thumb, something wicked this way comes.
Next Track : Prayer Factory
Hope you liked it! This is going to be part of a long series and this is not even the beginning of the story, it just happened to be the first chapter I managed to actually finish, but I’ll make sure that it’s all easy to understand as I gradually post the rest. Please interact, people, always happy to get some reactions and feedback!!
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gvf-imagines · 4 years
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Part 1
(Josh/Danny/Jake/Sam x reader)
Warnings: alcohol use, self harm scars
word count:  3252
Thanks to @callmekane for beta reading this fic!
A/N: I’m excited about what this story will bring! This is going to be a very smut filled fan fiction series where the reader has a very sexual and open relationship with all of the boys! I know some people won’t like it I’m sure but all criticism is welcome! Please leave comments and let me know what you think and of course if you have an idea for the story I’m totally open to hearing your thoughts! I hope you enjoy it my friends ❣️
If you’d like to be on the tag-list so you know when I post part 2 just message me or let me know in the comments!
You smiled as you ran off stage, the fans were still screaming and kept screaming until the next band took the stage. The air was electric, so many people, all here to enjoy the great communicator that is music. You closed your eyes to take it all in, to just listen and feel. You couldn't believe you were here, playing in front of this many people. This year you shared the stage with another up and coming band by the name of Greta Van Fleet. You hadn't heard of them before recently and they were actually really good. They had so much soul and passion in their music, it was true, raw talent. 
You watched from the side stage as they played their eclectic set. The singer, Josh, really got the crowd going. He had so much energy and was really fun to watch. His voice was incredible, unbelievable even. He had this raspy, elegant twang in his voice, that truly matched perfectly with the music his band was producing. The drummer, Danny (if you remembered correctly), had such a powerful and classic Drumming style. It was full of life and emotion , just like you, he put his all into his performance. He was focused and truly the heart of the music. There was a guitarist and a Bassist, unlike your band which only consisted of you and your best friend. You, the drummer and your friend the singer and guitarist. The bassist, Sam,  had a very cool way about him, his body moved with the music in a way that seemed beyond his control. The guitarist, Jake , was stunning, his hands danced along his guitar so expertly, you could tell he truly enjoyed his time with his instrument. 
When they finished their set, the crowd erupted in a wave of applause and cheers, like bright yellow and orange fireworks booming through the air, you watched with your minds eye, in awe as they exploded and cracked in the sky. The Boys bowed and waved before walking off stage panting and sweating.
“Nice job!, excellent show” you comment smiling. Danny returned the smile with a grateful nod. 
“Aw thank you, I'm sorry I don't think we had a chance to meet before the show, I’m Dan-” he began.
“You're Danny, Sam , Jake , and Josh” you said, pointing to each of them and smiling. They all returned the smile, there was positive energy just radiating from them, you could feel it like a blanket of warmth resting over you. 
“My name is (y/n), it's so nice to meet you guys!” you chime happily. The lead singer, Josh smiles at and you think you catch a small wink as well, making your heart skip a beat. Perhaps you were seeing things. God he's handsome, his sparkling brown eyes, he had more structure in his jawline than you had in your entire life His chestnut hair was gorgeous and curly, his whole look just attracted you to no end. 
“Hey your performance was super amazing too, your voice is absolutely incredible” Sam complimented, his voice popped all the bubbly thoughts of josh that foamed in your head. Thank goodness. “Yeah! You did an excellent job (y/n). Its one thing to be a good singer when you have three other band members to help you sound good, but you were out there all alone, just your voice and you still blew that crowd away” Danny added. You were blushing for sure now. 
“Yeah your voice is crazy good, we're honored to play alongside you” Jake chimed. 
“Oh wow you guys are gonna make me cry” you chuckle “thank you so much, that means a lot coming from someone with your talent” you reply. Sam waves his hand incredulously as if you were hyping them up and making them out to be better than they really were.. You weren't. They are  awe inspiring musicians.
“Water?” a stagehand offered walking over with a cooler. 
“Oh thank fucking Christ” Josh rendered making a bee line for the cooler. You chuckled, and now that you thought of it your throat was extremely dry from singing as well. Jake nicely offered you the bottle he grabbed with a smile. A true gentleman. 
“Thank you!” you offer as you grab the bottle from him. You practically ripped the cap off and chugged the whole bottle. It was delicious and cold and ran over your tongue and down your throat with a refreshingly cold bite. 
The five of you stand there and re hydrate for a minute before Sam speaks “we should go grab a drink!” he suggests with a slight raise of his perfect eyebrows. The guys look at you in waiting. 
“You wanna join us?” Josh asks, flashing a pearly white smile. You look around at them for a mere second before responding. 
“Sure! Yeah that sounds fun” 
“Right on, I think I saw a bar down the street we can go to” Jake claims as you all head to the doors behind the dressing rooms. 
Rain began to expel from the dark clouds above you as you all headed down the road. Cold air kisses your skin causing you to shiver slightly, you only had on black leather pants and a pink floral pattern blouse that you tied up a bit to expose part of your stomach. It was late, must have been almost midnight by now, the air was heavy with moisture and you could smell the rain soaked cement under your feet. 
“Are you cold?” Josh questions as he walks beside you, he startled you a bit. You smiled and looked at your arms, they were dotted with goosebumps. 
“Yeah kinda” you reply sheepishly. Josh instantly takes off the jean jacket he was wearing and handed it to you. Jake and the others were a few feet behind the two of you carrying on a conversation about the show. You reached out and accepted the jacket, Josh's gaze nonchalantly floated down your arm, his face fell when he noticed the deep scars that peppered across your skin near your wrists. You notice him looking at them before he brings his gaze back up to meet yours. Your cheeks burned with embarrassment and you quickly put the jacket on. 
“I-I’m sorry, I didn't mean to stare” he says softly, looking down at the wet street. You knew by the tone in his voice he wasn't judging you. His look was filled with concern, not judgement.
“It's alright, people stare all the time” you responded 
“It doesn't bother me so much anymore, i'm used to it.” you added. Josh nods, a sad look still lingers on his gentle face. His jacket was warm, his scent filled your nose, it was comfortable and soothing, much like the rain that fell from the sky. You looked at him out of the corner of your eye, you could tell he was thinking about something, he had that  thousand yard stare stuck in his eyes. You hadn't known Josh for long but it's not hard to tell when someone is enthralled in thought.
“How long have you been singing?” you ask, trying to pull him from whatever trance he was in. 
“A long time, most of my life really” he answers with a smile. Talking about his music clearly made him happy. He in turn asked you the same question. You laugh before responding. 
“Honestly I've only been singing for a few years….drumming is my real talent and I've been doing that for most of my life, coming up on 18 years” you explain. Josh’s expression shifted from a smile to a look of surprise.
“Wow that’s awesome , are you self taught?” he asks again. You nodded “my dad taught me a few things here and there more when I first started out but, mostly I've taught myself” you said. Josh chuckled with a nod.
“That is really cool” he replied, you could tell by the tone and instance of his voice that he was genuinely impressed. 
“Oo careful on the compliments you've never heard me play before, just because I've been playing for a long time doesn't mean i’m any good” you joke, Josh laughs, shakes his head and nudges your shoulder. 
“Well have to get you behind Danny's kit some time” he implores. Hearing him say that made you happy, it meant he wanted to see you again. 
“You guys did really good tonight, I cant believe I've never heard of you guys before really. It wasn't until my manager told me who I'd be playing with at the festival that I started looking into you guys.” you admit. 
“Thanks you did an excellent job too, i really loved that first song you sang, ‘salt is my sugar’ I really resonated with that one, truly felt it, there's a lot of emotion in your lyrics.
“This is it,” Sam announces opening the front door and holding it for everyone to walk in. the smell of smoke and dark liquor hang heavy in the air. An ACDC song played over the speakers. It wasn't very busy, there was an older man sitting at the bar, a couple younger people playing pool and a few others scattered in booths. It was a total dive bar, a hole in the wall, which was just your style. You all sat at the bar on squeaky worn out bar stools. 
“What can I get you?” the bartender asked, perching himself up with his arms rested on the bar as a washrag sat, oh so typically, on his shoulder as he awaited your response. Jake looked at Josh with a raised brow giving him that ‘get a load of this guy’ look. 
“I'll have a beer,” Danny ordered. 
“Me as well please” Jake adds.
“Southern comfort and seven up for me please” you order next. 
“Hmm I'll have a long island iced tea” Sam says. You look at him holding back a chuckle Huh didn't take him for a long island iced tea kinda guy but to each their own. The bartender looked to josh. 
“Salty dog please” he requests.
“Put your IDs on the counter” the bartender instructs as he turns around to collect everyone's drinks. The five of you did as you were told and laid out your IDs. 
“So where are you guys headed now that the festival is over?” you asked playing with a stained, old coaster that sat in front of you. 
“We’re going back to Michigan for some well deserved time off” Josh responds. 
“For a little while anyways” he adds with a smile. 
“Hey I live in silver city!” you reply happily , silver city was a small town in Michigan closer to the upper peninsula. 
“Small world” you added. What are the chances the two of you lived within a few hours of each other and never met until the both of you played a festival in Los Angeles. 
You turn your attention to the combination of alcoholic drinks that the bartender set in front of you. Everyone reached for theirs offering quick cheers before taking a drink. The carbonation of the seven up burned against your throat before the alcohol sent the warming sensation through your chest and stomach. 
“Ah yum” you said, wincing from the sharpness of the alcohol. Jake laughed as he watched you.
“Not very convincing,” Sam says smiling. You laugh and take another drink. You watch Josh stir his drink lightly with the small straw it came with, he notices you looking. 
“Ever had a salty dog before?” he asks, hoping you say no. 
You simply shake your head in reply. He slides his drink closer to you. 
“We can share if you want, it's really good?” he offers. You look at the pink drink in front of you. 
“What's in it?” you ask. 
“It's just gin and grapefruit juice with a little salt around the rim,” he says. 
“Oh god that sounds horrible” you laugh.
“It's actually not that bad” Danny pipes up with a shrug.
“He made me try it a few weeks ago,” he adds. 
“Alright I'll take your word for it” you smile at Danny. You look back down at the drink. 
“I promise I didn't spike it” Josh chimes.  You laugh loudly, why would he even say that? 
“That's exactly what someone who spiked my drink would say” 
“But I guess I trust you guys” you add before taking a healthy sip of the beverage. 
“Hmm that's not bad!” conclude, it was much sweeter than you thought it would be, it kind of reminded you of orange juice and vodka. Josh nods with an I told you so sort of look on his face. 
“Here, try mine,” Sam says next, handing you his glass. 
“Alright you try mine too” you reply with a smile. Sam's slender fingers brush against yours as he grabs the drink from you , your eyes look to his and he winks. 
Oh god, I can't be attracted to two of them. Honestly, who were you kidding? You were insanely attracted to all of them, how were they ALL so cute and gorgeous? Not fair to the rest of man-kind. 
“Wow this one is super good!” you remark going in for another drink of the long island iced tea. 
“Yeah can you believe there's like 8 different alcohols in there? No tea at all” he laughs, you laughed with him. His laugh was sweet and light, like orange sparkling shards of glass dancing through the air. The five of you began talking about life and learning a lot about each other, ordering more drinks along the way. You could tell the mix of drinks was beginning to take effect on you, you felt warm and relaxed. You were standing next to Danny now, he towered over you, this man was truly a beast.the smell of his cologne wrapped around you. It was oaky and mossy with a hint of citrus, you couldn't help but feel an electrifying pull of attraction to him.
For fucks sake, you curse yourself.  
A few games of pool (which, it turns out Jake is like a God at pool) later you all found yourselves back at the bar carrying on more conversation, albeit more slurred now. It was much easier to open up to people when alcohol was involved. You rolled the sleeves of josh's jacked up, exposing your arms as the alcohol was making you extremely warm.
“What happened to you?” the bartender asks loudly. You and the guys all look at him with hints of confusion. 
“I got the worst concoction of my parents DNA possible” you joke , the boys laugh. Jake nudges your shoulder. 
“Shut up you're gorgeous” he says softly. You give him a quick smile. 
“No. Your arm. What happened to your arm.” the bartender says again, nodding to your scars. You hated when people asked that question, like they didn't know why you had those scars on your wrists. Very few things leave scars like that on skin. You looked around at the guys, josh looked pissed and the others looked saddened as this was the first time they had seen your scars, and they knew damn well what it was from, they weren’t as stupid as this bartender. The air of the bar had shifted, the mood went from fun loving to hostile very quickly. Fuck this guy.
“I got in a fight with a weed wacker” you retort sarcastically. The man rolls his eyes.
“What happened? Did your little boyfriend break up with you? Flunk a class? Your puppy ran away?” he was mocking you. You said nothing in return.
“You're just another one of those emotionally confused little girls, no reason to hate her life.” he continues. For some reason he was trying to upset you , and you had no idea why, you'd been nothing but pleasant to the man since the moment you entered the bar.
“First of all i'm not a girl, I'm a woman. Who pissed in your Wheaties this morning man? You're mad because you got all D’s in high school and now you're stuck serving losers like us in this shit hole, pretentious, sorry excuse of a bar? Go fuck yourself. I don’t hate my life.” you answer , anger pooling in your throat. 
“Hey man. Lay off.” Danny says with a look of warning. 
“Of course you don't hate your life” the man says ignoring Danny completely. 
“You just do it for attention, think if you slice yourself up maybe someone will feel bad for you huh? I've seen your kind before girl.” he speaks again. OK now this idiot was pissing you off. You never did it for attention, attention was the last thing you wanted, especially when it came to your scars, you wished you could erase them.
“Look, I've got three things to say to you,” you reply with an irritated sigh. You stood up from your stool and stepped closer to the man. 
“One” you say, holding up your pointer finger giving the illusion that you were going to list reasons of argument to him. Instead you ball your hand into a fist and punch the guy right in his fucking jaw with all your drunken might. To your surprise (and no doubt everyone else's) the bartender fell to the floor, you knocked him out.. Everyone was wide eyed and silent 
“Lets get outta here” Josh says, breaking the glistening silence in the bar, noticing everyone looking at the five of you. Jake grabbed a bottle of Jack before all of you ran out of the door. None of you could suppress your laughs as you took off down the street. Out of breath you all keeled over in a field of grass a few feet from the tour buses in a fit of laughter. You sat down on the wet grass and looked up at the clouds. Danny sat on your left and Sammy was on your right, Josh and Jake sat in front of you and you all formed a small little circle. 
“That felt good” you say softly, referring to punching that shit head of a bartender. Sam laughed.
“Yeah that was awesome, I can't believe you knocked him out” Jake chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. The air went silent again as you all sat with your own thoughts. Your face slowly lost emotion as thoughts of what the man said swirled around your mind. You tried not to let what people said to you about your scars get to you too much but it was hard sometimes. Danny noticed your expression and you felt his hand draw soft circles on your back.
“That guy was an idiot. He was just being an asshole” Josh said softly, you nodded, knowing he was right. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe you were just really that sad but a tear fell down your face and your voice cracked as you spoke. 
“I just feel so alone sometimes” you wiped the tears away as quickly as they fell. You could feel all of them watching you with sympathetic eyes.
“Everyone's got their vice (y/n)” Danny said quietly, his hand still grazing your back. 
Josh rolls his shirt sleeve up and reveals dozens of little horizontal scars covering his shoulder. He grabs your hand and you look up at him to meet his gaze. He stroked your hand with his thumb and gave you a comforting, gentle look. 
“You're not alone”
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