robobarbie · 2 months
if the bloomic LIs were in a heist film, who would have what cliche role?
instant flashbacks to writing about spy xyx with destini before 1.0 came out, good times
Leader: Toasty
Muscle: Quest
Gadgets/safecracking + second in command: Xyx 
Lookout/small enough to dodge lasers and go thru vents: Nightowl
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rosescries · 9 months
adding on to that old ask because i’m a sucker for Edge, does he finally begin studying law once the Taylor aftermath has settled? if he does become a lawyer, would he want to do prosecution or defence?
something something pro bono skeleton pun something something
He's already studying, but he won't actually start pursuing it seriously until it's clear that they're just.... not actually going home.
He'd likely become a defense lawyer.
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virdiaura · 3 months
Libraries and the ghosts haunting them.
(quick a/n right here im literally making this up from a cai bot i got inspired by and im also trying out a new writing style so apologies if this is bad😔🙏 now let the show begin kekekekrke)
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*ahem* I suppose I should start with introductions. You, my dear , can call me Louis. This book or diary you’re probably assuming this is is for the sole purpose of jogging your memories back. Seems that fall did more damage than I thought so hence, this book! Well anyways my dear how about we get into how we first met?
I had just been re-reading yet another book from the library (it was Dickins this time, did I ever tell you I met the man before?) when you suddenly pushed the door open and entered. Of course I had ignored you assuming it was just another hooligan come to ransack the library of its donation box again. But then I heard a : “…..W-What the fuck?!” and of course I turned to see you! Oh my beautiful darling, you were so pretty then as well it might as well had been love at first sight!
Alright this isn’t capturing as much emotion as I want it to, change of writing style!!!
The ghostly man (that’s me!!) had lifted his head at the voice, his eyes widening ever so slightly as his attention was drawn to the unexpected visitor (thats you!!). Despite his surprise, he continued to sit, observing the human for some time in silence before he lifted the book to mark his place and closed it. His grey-hued eyes looked the human up and down, quietly studying her in a curious and somewhat guarded manner.
“Are you real?” she had asked. And the man had tilted his head at the rather incredulous question. With a raised brow, he observed the human standing before him for a moment before slowly speaking.
“I assume you ask to confirm I am not an illusion you’ve conjured up due to your sleep-deprived state?”
Her amused and barely hidden snickers rang out as she humously replied back with, “Either that or the asbestos in the ceiling but yes.” (this statement is still amusing to me as I’m writing it so I applaud you my dear) He had chuckled quietly under his breath at the human’s words. While he didn’t exactly dislike them yet, the man found the reasoning for a midnight escapade through a decrepit library to be a bit odd as he changed the subject.
Her next question had surprised him— “Are you a librarian?” —though it made him chuckle lowly, amused by the question. His expression softened as he leaned forward in his seat, the chair’s old, wooden legs creaking under the change of movement. It was as if he was trying to recall a memory.
“Perhaps at one time, but I believe librarians were referred to as ‘archivists’ in my time.”
“Were they really?”
“They were, though it seems like there’s been a change in terminology over the years.”
She had nodded solemnly as she thought about it in her head before she took a small look around and started inching slowly towards a small nook created by fallen bookshleves.
“Do you think I could stay here a couple days?”
She was already unpacking her stuff so there was really no need to respond but to be polite he did and so in she went into the small nook. She pulled out a piece of cloth and hung it at the entrance of the nook for some flimsy privacy and that was the end of the conversation for the night.
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Well i suppose this will be the end of the first entry in this memory book. I haven’t gave you your medicine yet and— oh my there’s just so much to do. I suppose until then, take care now my darling
—Signed with love, Louis
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stubz · 1 year
So after watching Castlevania Nocturne and reading this amazing fanfic by gremlinwriter along with post-canon trephacard I have thought of something
Romantic or not, you cannot change my mind that Adrian became a wee bit protective of the Belmont family. Trevor nearly died, less than two years after his own mother died, and less than a year after he had to kill his own father.
Meanwhile Sypha is now pregnant, making her much more vulnerable as time passes. First of all no one wants her to fight anything bc of the baby, and second of all she can't bc how can you fight something when it slowly gets harder to put on shoes and walk up and down the stairs.
So I see him being the biggest mother hen. Refusing to let Trevor do anything until he's right as rain. And just hovering all over Sypha, something Trevor doesn't do bc he knows that is the quickest way to annoy her.
And when the baby is born. He's too afraid to hold them. "What if I hurt them with my nails? What if my fangs scare them? What if I drop them? What if I hold them too tight and crush them? Stop laughing Belmont! You've seen me crush a night creature's skull before!"
This lasts for days until Sypha just orders him to sit down and hold her damn baby. Which he does bc Sypha is the boss of the trio
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rec-a-fanfic · 3 months
Wishful Magic by gremlinwriter
Time Travel
Adrien/Sypha/Trevor (slow burn)
Rated M for canon-typical gore, depictions/implied alcoholism
83k words, in progress, last updated September 2023.
Author's Summary:
With a spell found in the Belmont Hold and an unexpected source of powerful magic from Dracula's castle, Sypha attempted to buy them more time when they found themselves overrun by enemies and out of options. She hadn't intended to go too far back in time, just enough to get the upper hand against their foes. A wish once spoken in grief, however, would change the course of history.
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skylilywolf · 4 years
The Convenience Store
Got bored and wrote a little spooky story, let me know if I missed something that needs to be tagged. Its a little over 2 pages in a google doc.
Warnings for violence and depictions of body horror and death
Word count:  1285
I like my job. Its close enough to my apartment for me to walk to work. It pays well enough, I’m never pressed for money, plus my boss gives me a bit of a discount. The neighborhood is good enough, I don’t necessarily feel threatened walking so late at night. The store is pretty small and my shift is usually pretty quiet so I work it alone. My friends visit during my shift sometimes, its nice.
I like my job. But its hard sometimes. There’s only so long you can avoid cleaning the bathroom. There’s only so long you can avoid going to the back to take out the trash. There’s only so long you can ignore the glass windows and the flickering lights. The community is very superstitious, they tend to blame a lot of things on the supernatural. One of my neighbors told me a story once, about the convenience store. They said it used to be a house and that the people who owned it almost never left. The man would come out once a week to buy food and supplies for his family. No one knew how they made any money. Their neighbors were terribly afraid of them and one night someone set the house on fire. No one ever found the bodies.
I never believed in the supernatural, I thought it was all ridiculous. I still don’t. Everything has a logical explanation. The store isn’t haunted. Its just the air conditioning blowing on my back. Its just my shadow in the bathroom mirror, there’s no one behind me. I’m just tired and the fluorescent lights are so bright. That family is long dead, people died all over the place before modern medicine, there is nothing special about this convenience store.
There was a man in the store one night. I never saw him come in, but I noticed him staring at me while I was sorting change. He was silent at first, ignoring my attempts to help him. I assumed he wanted to buy cigarettes, the smell of smoke was choking me. He asked me if I’d seen a little girl, he left when I said no. I called my boss after he left, it seemed like the lights were going out, he’d been so dark I couldn’t make out his face. I chose to ignore the blood on his sleeves.
The convenience store is famous around town for another reason. Days after the house burned down, three men were found dead inside. Their tongues had been ripped out and their bodies were charred beyond recognition. In front of their bodies was a picture of the three of them together, talking. They had been the most vocal people about their distaste for the people who owned the house. No one talked about the murder, no articles about it were never published. After that, the man who owned the house could be seen roaming the streets late at night, around 3am.
My shift is late, its easier to balance school work that way. I get in at 12am and clock out at 6. I take my classes online, so I don’t need to worry about getting to school. The night after I saw the man, a repairman came in to check the lights. Nothing was wrong with them. I chose not to think about it. My boss wanted me to clean the bathrooms that night. The men’s room went fine, just a little tidying up, as usual. I always dreaded the women’s room. There was something unsettling about that room. It was darker than the other, my boss said there was faulty wiring he couldn’t afford to fix. The fatigue of the late hours didn’t do great for my dark vision. The shadows blended together and sometimes it looked like there was a figure looming over me in the mirror. That night was no different. I was halfway done cleaning the stalls when a loud noise startled me. The bathroom door had slammed shut, I usually leave it open when I’m cleaning. I started working faster. Once I finished cleaning the stalls and started to leave, I stole a glance at the mirror. There was a woman in the corner of the room, crying. The walls of the stalls blocked the light, so I couldn’t make out her features. I stopped in my place and asked what was wrong. She said her daughter was gone. I offered to look for her and she repeated the statement. I left her in the bathroom and listened to her sob for the rest of my shift. 
I was the only person to enter the store during my shift that night.
Nothing out of the ordinary happened for a few weeks. One night, however, a little girl came into the store. She said she was looking for her father, so I offered to try and call him and let her wait in the store for him. She agreed to wait with me and ignored any further questioning about calling. She was quiet for a while before complaining of being too hot. I turned down the air conditioning for her, she complained again a few minutes later. I tried offering her cold drinks and she refused, continuing to complain. She started crying and I panicked, she kept begging for help. I tried to call an ambulance but the store phone wouldn’t work and my cell just gave static. I reached out to check her temperature. I thought she was sick and had a fever. My hand burned when I touched her, it was as if I had touched fire. She kept crying louder and the begging wouldn’t stop. It was too late by the time I realized the sobbing was louder because I heard two people. I saw her in the bathroom doorway, staring at me and crying. She approached me slowly and I startled, falling backwards and crawling away. I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see the man. He loomed over me and I could see the blood staining his scarred hands. I couldn’t see his face, but I could feel his rage as he leaned closer to me. He never yelled. He leaned as close to me as he could and whispered in my ear, telling me that if I hurt them he’d rip out my tongue and burn me too. I turned to the mother and child. I wish I never had. Their bodies were mangled, swallowed by flames, flesh melting off bone. When I turned back to the man he was gone - so were the others. I quit my job the next morning and never went back to the store.
Today, the police came and knocked at my door. They said the store was burned down and the person working my old shift was found dead, her tongue ripped out. By hand. They questioned me, they thought I might have information since I used to work the shift. I never told them about what happened. That family is dead. That man has been dead for years, he didn’t rip out her tongue. She didn’t add to the teeth marks in his hands. They wouldn’t have believed me anyway. It doesn’t matter how superstitious a town is, the thought is ridiculous. And some things are better left unsaid.
I can’t sleep well anymore. I keep hearing her sob. I keep hearing her beg for someone to save her. I keep seeing him looming in the doorways. I never said anything, why is he still there? I can’t scream anymore and its so, so hot and I’m exhausted. Hopefully I can sleep for the rest of the night, its only 3am.
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limonium-anemos · 2 years
i had the urge to list this down today 😂😂😂😂 (from april up to today)
fic titles are in alphabetical order lol (current fic im reading is the fire, burning)
hp / tomarrymort
a couple of (a million) faces, xxsnailxx
a godawful game (wip), qekkie
a kingdom's best wish, nevercanreadenough
a place that cant contain me, maidemothercrone
an unyielding rush of ink, goldenzingy46
baby, ive been running, freakydeakymoonmagic
behind every great man, cauldroncakes
blood in the water, maidenmothercrone
carbon date, doshu
dont pretend, anonymous
evidence of absence, lomonaaeren
found (wip), aquaphobe
generational, divida
goodnight, darling (wip), purplemineralwater
hem of your garment (wip), adventitiious, cathartic
his darkest devotion, lomonaaeren
i'd rather be mauled by a nundu than admit i love you (wip), god_of_cake
if i'll ever see you, festivewind
immaculate, lomonaaeren
introducing you, festivewind
lost, aquaphobe
natural selection, lomonaaeren
on the edge of your sleeve, treacleteacups
peverell, cejes
seven flowers, edvic
snowmelt, asterismal
stuck in the middle with you, theladygia
sudden and forgettable, goldenzingy46
terms and conditions may apply, duplicity
the dark mark, nylffn
the fire, burning, freakydeakymoonmagic
the lost and found project (wip), elements
the necromancer (wip), maeglin_yedi
these steep woods and lofty cliffs, rimeme
thorn on my side, immxrtalbi
three times the thrill, orphaned
veneficus reputo, aislingsiobhan
wake from a dream, duplicity
where you are needed, stelaris
you look so pretty (but youre gone so soon), alfisha
+ the current 18 posts of my short fic rec list lmao
daiya / miyusawami
30 day trial, elegist
a thousand times and more, trumpetgeek
appeal, franks22
aubade, teyova
avowal, pseudomint
crossfire, kittebasu
family business, xxsolarxx
in cursive, geloscopic (931pm)
it all starts with a lie, ssho
lucid dream, lytchu
messages from the sun, stonehill
most valuable person, blindwriter
mushy days, hopealumi
neptune, litteringfire
only fools rush in, drunkonwriting
palmar, rosesandthorons
phantasm, pseudomint
promises, wbtrashking
quiet doesnt mean weak (wip), what_ya_pink
remember only this, kittebasu
safe bet, trumpetgeek
so this is love?, xxsolarxx
song of the sunshine child, moonlitstardust
take my hand (and my whole heart too), kittebasu
the great pine tree, skyroenrie
the path we walk, windsoftime
the plum tree which blossoms in winter, trumpetgeek
the thief's carnival, huevokinder24
the trajectory of laughter, pksamurai
tomorrow starts here, haberdashette
toska, jangpoo
we can turn the world to gold, trumpetgeek
will you marry me, lytchu
snk / ereriren
bang-up job, odoridango
becoming human (wip), upside down cakes (erratus)
dust of time, hairi_esh_mooncake
ein reise der fliegen wollte (wip), closet_cleaner
flying free (wip), gremlinwriter
garden of paradise, nanatokyu
magpie, sugarplumsenpai
monsters dont bleed, rayfelle
nuthatch, sugarplumsenpai
sparrow (revised), sugarplumsenpai
swallow, sugarplumsenpai
the hunter, adishailan
til death do us part, sommerregen
who's a good killing machine, flat_king
wildfire (wip), depresso_espresso2
edit: also the tgcf and zhongchi reads arent here asjashkjshAJKHAKJHAS but for those: minryll answered my ask, and most of bina’s twt fic threads and ao3 fics
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Hiii!! I can't seem to find this ereri fic:
Eren is a titan shifter and one day when he, Mikasa and Armin went hunting, Armin got hurt. The survey corps end up finding and helping them, bringing the 3 of them to their outpost. Then, they have to lie, because they are shifters, and end up joining the survey corps (as a way of going back home).
Eren also, in his titan form, often helps the survey corps (anonymously, they don't know it's him) and Hanji names him Huckleberry! I also think the title had the words "Freedom" and "Flying" in it!
I know it's a shitty description sorry!😭 And thank you so much for the dedication into finding fics!
Is this the fic you’re looking for?
Flying Free by gremlinwriter
(Rated M, 173,893 words, multichapter, ongoing)
Eren knew there were a lot of rules he had to stick to. No one could find out the truth about his kind, he had to be careful at all times and that his job was to take out the mindless-murderous Titans with his friends. Until he happened upon a group of riders from one of the cities, most of them already slaughtered and he decided to save what lives he could, not only once, but twice.
Part 1 of Freedom
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eyes-of-mischief · 2 years
weekly fic recs | 7
fandoms: aftg, aot, bnha, bsd, dn, hq
I’ll Be Your Angel by coritkyo
Their fathomless gazes reflected off one another. It was like holding two pitch-black mirrors in dichotomy and searching for light. Andrew had none to spare, and he urged the knife closer to Abram's throat in order to elicit another glint of fear.
Abram’s eyes sparked with the antithesis of fear. The corners of his mouth curled up into a smile sharper than Andrew’s blade.
“You’re holding it wrong,” he whispered.
Andrew suppressed a shiver.
He realized then, that after a million unanswered pleas to all the gods of every religion, his prayers had finally been answered. And yet, the office up in heaven had workers of the same quality as Andrew’s social care workers. They had mismanaged his case and made a mistake. Andrew had begged for an Angel. Instead, they sent him a demon.
[Prologue of a multi-part series]
passenger seat by reneewvlkers
Briefly, because he knows they’ll only be in the car for another couple of minutes at absolute maximum, he watches Andrew for any break in the impassivity.
There’s the faintest twitch, which Neil assumes is Andrew registering his attention, but he’s not sure if it’s anger, embarrassment, annoyance- honestly, it could be anything. Then Andrew’s face settles. Neil doesn’t move, though, content to watch the way the passing lights change Andrew’s profile and colouring. If Neil were an artist, he thinks he’d want to paint this.
Fight or Flight by Jadelavender1301
Alex only has two more years till Nathaniel Wesnisnki is officially pronounced dead. All he has to do is stay out of trouble with the authorities until then and he will be free to start his own life, he hopes. But now on his own for the first time, his new high school recruiting for their exy team, and the senior Andrew Minyard trying his best to get involved with as many authorities as possible, it doesn’t seem like it will be easy.
Flying Free by gremlinwriter
(mature) (graphic depictions of violence)
Eren knew there were a lot of rules he had to stick to. No one could find out the truth about his kind, he had to be careful at all times and that his job was to take out the mindless-murderous Titans with his friends. Until he happened upon a group of riders from one of the cities, most of them already slaughtered and he decided to save what lives he could, not only once, but twice.
headcase (the color of boom) by carthaginian_berries
People don’t really know this, and Denki doesn’t really make it a point to advertise it either, but he almost always feels absolutely, entirely, unequivocally insane.
Like, not in the sort of I think I’m going to snap and kill everyone in the room. Definitely not when he’s tucked in Sero’s hammock like a leaf-wrapped banana slug delicacy, staring at the ceiling and counting all the ways to turn the projected red sketches of the digital clock into all the various numbers and letters, but —
“I think,” Denki says eloquently, with the utmost sincerity, “that there might be something wrong with me.”
or: kaminari’s been going insane since the day he turned six, yet no one at yuuei ever seems to notice except himself.
the lies you tell yourself by TheHangedMan317
(mature) (graphic depictions of violence)
Izuku has always had a strange relationship with fear. He realized, after his quirks began to manifest in their entirety, that the daring he'd known in his youth wasn’t bravery, but an ignorance that masked itself as certainty.
He was afraid. All the time. But so was everyone, and that was where things really started to get interesting, wasn’t it?
Or, when an incident at home leaves Midoriya Izuku motherless and homeless, disillusioned with hero society and just wanting an escape from it all, he falls into the hands of All for One. Things only get worse from there.
nothing's fair in love and war by writedeku
Dazai spreads his hands apart. “It’s a pleasure to see you too, Akutagawa-kun. We haven’t done anything insidious to Atsushi-kun,” he taps a finger to his lips — damn, did Atsushi learn that from him or did Dazai pick it up from him — and shrugs his shoulders. It’s a fluid movement. “I think he just found someone he hates more than the Port Mafia.”
Akutagawa is miffed and mildly jealous. “Excuse me?”
and all i loved, i loved alone by featherx
(mature) (graphic depictions of violence)
“An ability?”
— on the past, present, and future of one Edgar Allan Poe.
death note
A Tithe to Hell by Aja
Light has thirteen days to find out how it will feel--not just to kill, but to destroy.
shame is pride's cloak by youremyqueen
The one where Light surrenders, hands over the death note, gets his driver's license, learns to make puff pastry, and doesn't kill anybody: all under one small caveat.
Disordered by Rachello344
Light and L meet in a long term care facility as roommates. Despite Light's initial dislike, the two become friends, and together, they work on recovering.
In Another Castle by thehoyden
Kenma feels his face go hot. People have to be looking at them. They’re having a fight in front of a real estate agency. But he doesn’t look away, and musters the courage to say, “Kuro, I want you to live with me.”
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ao3feed-fyozai · 2 years
annoying till the end
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/p7CXMdJ
by gremlinwriter (iniya)
Fyodor moved out of the dorms to a nearby studio apartment to avoid contact with ghosts and now, he is forced to put up with the most annoying ghost he has ever met in his life. He has a major hunch that this ghost is the reason many tenants vacated this apartment so quickly and the reason why the landowner was ready to lease it to him at a suspiciously cheap rate.
DAY 1: Ghost AU
Words: 2345, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Bungou Stray Dogs), Edogawa Ranpo (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Relationships: Dazai Osamu/Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu & Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Ghosts, Fyozai Week (Bungou Stray Dogs), FyozaiWeek2022, Dazai Osamu Being Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), ghost!dazai, Fluff and Crack, Attempt at Humor, Fyodor Dostoyevsky Is So Done (Bungou Stray Dogs), POV Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Bungou Stray Dogs)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/p7CXMdJ
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ao3feed-shindeku · 6 years
Plus Ultra Depressed
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MqENAh
by GremlinWrites
Midoriya struggles with accepting that he's in UA, he feels as though he doesn't deserve it. Midoriya knows he's been blessed, but his mind refuses to let him enjoy it.
--------- kk basically this is Midoriya's journey through depression and trying to work past it, but he struggles just as anyone would. I'm mainly writing it to work through my own problems and self harm. It's pretty much a coping method.
Words: 1168, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya, Todoroki Shouto, Kirishima Eijirou, Shinsou Hitoshi
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi, maybe, idk yet - Relationship, it might be - Relationship, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, all depends how i feel later lol
Additional Tags: most of them will show up eventually, prolly will tag as i go, also this will be fairly negative, Self Confidence Issues, Self-Harm, Depression, but its gonna be about getting better, im projecting onto him, im sorry, also idk what that title is lol, its what id named it in my docs
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MqENAh
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rosescries · 9 months
Here you go for the anon that asked!
Oh, here it is!
Thank you and @gremlinwriter for find the post. :D
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ao3feed-tododeku · 6 years
Plus Ultra Depressed
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MqENAh by GremlinWrites
by GremlinWrites
Midoriya struggles with accepting that he's in UA, he feels as though he doesn't deserve it. Midoriya knows he's been blessed, but his mind refuses to let him enjoy it.
--------- kk basically this is Midoriya's journey through depression and trying to work past it, but he struggles just as anyone would. I'm mainly writing it to work through my own problems and self harm. It's pretty much a coping method.
Words: 1168, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya, Todoroki Shouto, Kirishima Eijirou, Shinsou Hitoshi
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi, maybe, idk yet - Relationship, it might be - Relationship, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, all depends how i feel later lol
Additional Tags: most of them will show up eventually, prolly will tag as i go, also this will be fairly negative, Self Confidence Issues, Self-Harm, Depression, but its gonna be about getting better, im projecting onto him, im sorry, also idk what that title is lol, its what id named it in my docs
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MqENAh
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ao3feed-farcry · 4 years
by gremlinwriter
Rook just wanted a successful arrest and to get her friends and coworkers safely away from Eden's Gate. Instead, she found herself running across Hope County, trying to save others, while surprisingly caring and weirdly charming Seeds kept hounding her radio like the hotline for lonely singles. Mostly, Rook did her best to get her friends and boss back and somewhere in-between, she wondered what was really going on.
Words: 9997, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Far Cry 5, Far Cry (Video Games)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Female Deputy | Judge (Far Cry), John Seed, Joseph Seed, Jacob Seed, Faith Seed, Grace Armstrong, Sharky Boshaw, Peaches (Far Cry)
Relationships: Other Relationship Tags to Be Added, TO BE DETERMINED - Relationship
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Deputy is a werewolf, Supernatural Elements, Deputy is a slightly flaily werewolf, Angst, some fluff later on, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Seeds fail at flirting and recruiting, very confused deputy, moraly grey seeds, Good Intentions, they need to work at the execution though, canon typical cursing, Slow Burn, Panic Attacks, Wolf Cuddles, Introspection, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Canon-Typical Violence, some at least
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