#gremlin eheheheh
cheesyjester · 21 days
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Skrunkly wunkly chubby jester ~
Love this gremlin to the pits of hell and back!~
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screwzara · 9 months
Beach Side Café (?)
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Ehe 🤭 @boiling-potato
Don't mind the horrible background, k?
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tapakah0 · 1 year
You and Cass should remember that your body actually need some sleep... take care
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Eheheheh don't worrry I sleep, I take good care of myself I actually sleep too much because still can't get used to~ changes~ otherwise I'd have been a very angry barking gremlin But sleep is so boring OH I had a nightmare recently~ Bad nightmare, you will be scared, I don't scare kids~
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likesdoodling · 1 year
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The Gremlin Guidebook
By Ferdinand
He definitely has one. Even if it's only in his head. Like, 'how to deal with Myne, bribery with books, a study of chaos' or something.
This looks so much better than I imagined it would-
My colouring is evolving!!!
And this is the shrine maiden arc thingy btw
In case it isn't obvious-
Hopefully you can read all the writing, I know it's kinda small... And I don't think I made any grammatical or spelling errors, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were some. Eh.
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wolfoftheblackflames · 6 months
Oh boy, I've turned into a fanfic gremlin again... Enjoy! (This is just a headcannon, but I felt like writing it anyway)
It was dark in the hotel as a familiar little cyclops as scrubbing the windows clean, her red and yellow eye scowling annoyingly at the dust that didn't seem to go away. "Why are there so many of you?!" She growled before laughing maniacally. "I'll scrub every last one of you. You've met your end, you stupid mess!"
Though the more she scrubbed, the more dust appeared but also the more her vision began to blur. "Uh Niffty, are you ok? You've been scrubbing that spot for the last hour..." A voice spoke as the small cyclops turned to look at its owner. "Oh my gosh!" The owner was Charlie as the princess gasped.
Niffty swayed a bit but was caught by those gentle hands. "Meeh.. The dust won't go away!" She whimpered, pointing to a clearly very clean window. Next thing she knew she was being lifted up into the taller woman's arms, a hand coming under her red hair.
"You overworked yourself, Niff, see you're running a fever." Charlie stated with concern as Niffty was indeed running a high fever.
The smaller cyclops squirmed but couldn't get out of those arms. She pouted and grumbled. Usually, she'd be able to zip out of anyone's grip, scurrying around like a cockroach, but right now, she felt so tired and weak. Niffty hears those feet move as she grumbled, accepting the help reluctantly. Usually, it was the Alastor she was the most comfortable with, but now here she was in Charlie's arms, the princess taking her to her room.
"Uh Char? Why are ya carrying Niffty?" Another voice spoke as Niffty had her eye closed. "I'm taking her to her room Vaggie, she's sick and needs rest." Charlie responded to the owner.
Niffty made a small 'mrrr?' noise feeling a hand stroke her head. "You two look like parents with the little monster." She knew that voice, it was the other demon in Alastor's contract, Husk. He sounded grumpy as always. "Was lookin' for Niff anyways, though it can wait."
Vaggie rolled her eye at Husk but didn't seem to mind the comment. "So where does this one sleep? I've never been to her room so I don't know. Do you Husk?"
"Nope, I know better than to poke my nose into that little monster's room. Try Alastor he might know." The grumpy cat man took a swig of his booze and left.
Charlie looked down at the small cyclops in her arms. "Well shit, Alastor is out today.." The demoness sighed but blinked, feeling Niffty nuzzle her a bit like a cat.
It was a feverish haze, but Niffty couldn't help herself. She felt like she was once again in her mother's arms, being cradled like when she was a child. "Haha..." (Mama) She mumbled nuzzling closer.
Charlie blinked, tilting her head, Vaggie also looked confused. "Uh, she's normally weird but, but affectionate? Now I feel like I'm seeing things." The grey demoness scratched her head.
However Niffty started to squirm, she jumped out of Charlie's arms. "Nyah! I must clean!" She seemed to be back to her normal self and scurried off.
"The fuck...?" Both women spoke staring as Niffty zipped out of sight.
Angel Dust had seen the entire thing and rubbed his chin. He soon followed the cyclops, who was seen stabbing a roach. "Niff, um, how are ya?" The spider demon asked as Niffty looked over, seeming as chipper as ever. "You uh we're bein carried an all so I was curious see?"
"Oh that was nothing, nope ehehehehe." She giggled though she tripped on the carpet. "Yay pain!" She squeed.
Angel looked unconvinced and picked her up. "C'mere you little twerp." He managed to scoop her up and felt her forehead with one of his free hands. "Ah ha, yer sick and yer tryin ta hide it again." He scolded as Niffty whined. "Alrite yer comin' with me ok?"
Niffty blinked as the next thing she knew Angel was making her some chicken noodle soup in the kitchen. She looked at him curiously. "What are you doing?"
"Makin ya some soup, it'll help make ya feel better. Now take these and drink this." Angel handed her a glass of water with some medicine. Niffty did as asked as she grumbled at the bitterness. "Good girl." The spider smiled a bit and got a bowl of soup for Niffty.
The Cyclops was just confused. Usually, she was the one cooking, but also, it was a man, if you could call Angel that was cooking for her. She sipped the hot soup enjoying the burning pain it gave her tongue as she downed it in one go. "Heheheh burning pain, can I go clean now?" She flashed Angel an innocent grin.
"Nope. Yer gonna do sometin else alrite? How about we go to my room and you can snuggle my baby boy Fat Nuggets. I know ya like cute tings and my little piggy is the cutest there is." Angel stated as Niffty looked at him with a grumble."Katte ni shite yo. " ( do what you want.).
He was stopping her from working, but the thought of snuggling a cute piglet was too good to pass up. She then nodded to him as the spider twink picked her up again.
Once in his room, Angel called over his beloved piglet. The demon piggy scurried over to his owner's call. "Kawaii!!!" The cyclops cooed and hugged the piggy. Angel chuckled as the trio curled up on his giant pink fluffy bed and watched an action movie.
Niffty was grinning at the hot bad boys watching them drive their fast cars and kicking ass. She also had Fat Nuggets in her lap while leaning against the fluffy spider demon behind her.
It felt weird at first being in the hotel with mostly women but it had slowly become like a second home, her new found friends appreciated her for the work she did and didn't boo when she did her little cockroach shows for them. She continued to grin bouncing up and down happily but slowly her fever took its hold and lulled her into a soft sleep, as she soon laid against Angel Dust. "Ani-san..." That phrase rolled off her tongue naturally as she nuzzled into the twink's chest fluff.
(Here you go, folks! I was reading up on some of the characters and figured why not give sick/ overworked Niffty a try. She's a giant ass psychotic weirdo, and we love her for it.)
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gigglesoup · 1 month
You are actually trying to kill us with these pics. You are too gorgeous to be on here. You're like a model. AND you're a funny and nice person. That partner of yours better hold on tight. 😉
yes i'm trying to make ya'll cringe yourselves to death with my awkward pictures and bad teases ehehehehe 😈
but in all seriousness thank you so much nonnie!! you're too kind to a little gremlin like me asdfsgjfhadgs
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thornsnvultures · 5 months
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the gremlin I'm becoming is very pleased that they got our bf for only 10$
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ratsoh-writes · 7 months
Personality: Polite gremlin. And not good with confrontations (I am getting better). I forget stuff and am usually bad at following instructions unless they are very literal. I also am horrible at bureaucracy stuff and math.
Deal breakers: condescending people, and people who complain all the time but can't be bothered to do something about it. Not liking turtles. People who chastise you and then do the same thing. People who brag about being hypocrites.
Pet peeves: When you don't clean the kitchen after a big meal. Bad breath in mornings.
Items: Books, comics, blank notebooks, marbles, playing cards
Traits: Long necks, broad shoulders, abs, sense of humor, sense of dark humor, good with their emotions, possibly disty sense of humor. Good at respecting boundaries and making them.
Hobbies: videogames, drawing, baking brownies, reading, walks, bicycles.
Eheheheh this match I have was actually someone I thought you would’ve done well with if you hadn’t gone got Jupiter so soon! I match you with… CIDER! Farmswaps sans!
So first of all, cider and you have a very similar sense of humor. He’s quite fond of dark humor! He doesn’t break out those jokes too often though cause of his friends lol. Cider is a very sarcastic monster who tends to show his humor in blunt remarks more than puns, but does appreciate them.
Another reason I chose cider is that he’s quite blunt, and straightforward when he wants to know something. He’ll be easy to communicate with in a relationship. And he’s no liar. When cider says he’ll do something, he means it. He doesn’t pussyfoot around. Basically he’s a reliable partner
Cider is an outdoorsy man of course~ he’s an animal lover and yes, he can love turtles. He has quite the collection of quails he treats like his own babies. You and him can bond over your animal children. And you guys have food in common! He’s experimental, always down to try new things, and he’s not a bad cook as well!
However there’s one big downside to cider. His family, mainly his grandparents. This monster carries generational responsibility and guilt in the form of desperately wanting his grandparents approval. He needs a partner who is willing to pull ultimatums to remind him to put himself first sometimes
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penguinpuzzle · 1 year
Oswald: ed hehehe ehehehehe
Oswald: HELP
Oswald: I DDI NOT
Oswald: hhrthrrghrgrhrhe
Ed: better
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strawberrybuni · 26 days
ASJHJANJDJAKABHDINAJ HII 🧵ANON HERE, Just read the latest smau and got so flustered I curled into a little ball in the corner while making various Flustered Sounds (tm), as always the power you hold over my endocrine system is immense lol
Also you write all the different characters so well?? The way you manage to fit such specific scenarios so uniquely and perfectly to such a diverse cast is really impressive, your characterization is on point as always and I still always get so excited when you post; your writing is a constant treat thank you so much :))))
(Asjanjdnjamsjkdnjakdb this message may be a bit un-eloquent as I am still in Flustered Mess On The Floor Mode lol; Mahito’s especially has left me as a mess, you write him so so well it’s insane- how flustered being teased by that little gremlin makes me is honestly criminal lol)
EHEHEHEH YOU'RE SO CUTE OMG, I was hoping you and the others would like it, i was hoping to fluster the mahito fans with his teasing >:)
thank you for your kind words as you always tend to shower me with 🥹 it really means a lot with this hard time I've been going through, truly 🫶🏻
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*jumping up and down like the gremlin that I am* Ehehehehe, thank you for that Clay request, anonnie!!! 😍😍😍 Finally, someone!!!
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richardxoliverxmayhew · 7 months
[ you have the same energy as and also ARE a gremlin from the movie gremlins 2 ((specifically)) and I'm not afraid to say it off anon ]
(Anonymously) tell me what character I have the same energy as: ACCEPTING
II @vxctorx
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//Ehehehehe! I wouldn't want to be known as anything else, my darling. You have no idea how pleased I am that you've finally gotten used to me and my tricky, gremlin deeds. A Proper Gremlin Mischief, dare I say!!! >:>//
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andynerd42 · 7 months
I just realized Ansel's bandage stripe things are one color for each brother
On that note any fun facts or lore? 👀
That’s one of my favorite parts of his design. Hmmm fun facts and lore let’s see..
Ansel does not like the texture of meat so he doesn’t eat meat
Ansel loves singing and is really good he’s just too scared to sing in front of anyone (him and Donnie will do dancing and singing sessions where Donnie dances as Ansel sings it’s adorable)
Ansel does not like being alone (✨trauma✨)
ANSEL HATES LIGHTNING AND THUNDER STORMS. He will often hide during a storm so well that no one is ever able to find him.
Ansel would have been pretty powerful if not for his past. If he was trained and raised like the others, who knows what he could accomplish. Instead we have an adorable gremlin who is getting better at using his nimpō slowly
His nimpō is called “glitch”. He can glitch his body and phase through walls and people (think like vanellope Von shweetz) as well as cause others to glitch if in context with him or his weapon. This can cause confusion for the enemy.
Ansel was not treated nicely on the surface as a small turtle tot and because of that he is terrified of humans.
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hypnoneghoul · 10 months
Cursed bitchass motherfucker, chaos gremlin, but a very precious bean all the same ♥️🦇
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every time I think I'm done being annoying online the little gremlin inside of me just "ehehehehe"s and I become even more annoying instead
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antimonyandthyme · 2 years
3, 5, 6
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Oooh what a great question. Probably Shutter Speed, my big bang fic. I think it's been the most complete story I've written so far. It's a mixed F1/photography AU which required more research. I think I managed to draw a lot of connections between photographer!seb and racecar driver!seb. I like how gruff and kind Mark was in this fic. I've had such lovely, wonderful feedback and encouragement from people who've read it too, which I'm so grateful for.
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
Ehehehehe Come Hither, my Vettonso Nando is a Disney Princess fic. Much thanks to @seb-the-bees for not calling me crazy when I went to her with the idea lolol. Like @traincoded says, we've gone from 3 to 5 Vettonso gremlins we've really gotten so big I'm so proud.
6. Favorite title you used
I really like My Own Soul's Warring, which is a play on My Own Soul's Warning by the Killers ahahaha. I tend to think of titles 2 seconds before I post, and I thought I was so clever with this one LMAO.
Thank you for the ask <333
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