#grej cultcom
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grimm-the-tiger · 9 months ago
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And it is well with my soul You line your pockets full of money that you steal from the poor And on your way down to Hell, you hear me ring that bell I'd pay the Devil twice as much to keep your soul. -"Hell's Comin' With Me", Poor Man's Poison
This line fit CultCom way too well and I had to draw it (even though I haven't drawn Realicide fanart in like a year...sorry...). If you're into folk/bluegrass/Americana, please listen to the rest of the song; you won't be disappointed.
Speedpaint below the cut.
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libunityfan69 · 8 months ago
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filename: evil darcultcool
more versions under cut
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realihub · 2 months ago
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Reference images made by Realicide's artist
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ideologyfairy · 2 years ago
Oki @centi-pedve here's how realicide plays out in my mind, sorry this isn't like a coherent plot summary our thoughts about this are really scattered
The first thing that will tip you off to the fact this is not at all what would of actually happened is that our s/i is heavily involved with the plot so yeah. This also doesn't follow the events of centricide at all.
It would be revealed that the characters of 1984 exist in universe and Winston, Julia and O'Brien would become like secondary characters. I'm sorry for my demons. Julia and Egoism become besties btw.
The series would gain themes of like, Ideologies wanting to allow themselves to be more human and not just strict embodiments of their Ideologies. Because when they're just strict embodiments of their Ideologies, it leads to a society where they're basically just destined to have constant conflict with each other and struggle to make compromises to be friends with people who don't share their exact ideology because they ARE their Ideologies unlike humans who can have more varied thoughts.
Grej would end up taking on a more antagonistic role as someone who wants to keep the status quo of Ideologies not being allowed to have the complex feelings of humans and to not be more then their assigned ideology in order to continue the realicide despite the despair it causes (ie: communalism becoming a cultist because Darwinism kills moralism as part of the realicide) basically just for his own gain instead of the happiness of all the off compasses.
Basically the series would end not with one side completely winning or losing but with a sort of realization that "we should address the root problem of the fact that we're beings that by expected nature are opposed to each other always instead of just killing each other as a solution". Kinda a sappy ending I know, but I promise it wouldn't be a total "let's all just be friends" ending. And the story around it would feel satisfying.
Egoism would also be more than just a necromancer and also kinda become a general wizard/witch archetype I just think that'd be cool idk.
He would have some kind of confrontation with Cultcom that's like "you're so spooked by the idea of objective morality and purity and holiness that you've become a cultist you should stop that" "Repent for your egoistic sins, outsider!"
The only part of the things that we know would happen that happen in my mind is necromancer Egoism and him bringing back moralism and polnih as ghosts. Darwinism doesn't die in my mind. And also moralism isn't really responsible for turning Cultcom back to normal. I'm honestly not sure if they ever even actually turn back to normal in my mind they might just tragically die while still part of a cult.
The Senate Of Six eventually ends up actually joining the team and Ingsoc and Darwinist gain a sort of weird bond over being the only remaining members of the original team. Darwinist is Ingsoc's weird dog fr.
If you actually read all of this tysm.
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discountskeppy · 3 years ago
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augh posting this because i think its really dope actually. anyway did that random colour pallete thing and made this yeah
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centipedve · 2 years ago
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two cultcoms in a row. somebody stop us
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silentatmosphere19 · 4 years ago
Maybe a cultcom? If it’s ok
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There ya go (:
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dekulakization · 2 years ago
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costasmae · 4 years ago
shhhh theyre communing
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walterwhiteapologist · 3 years ago
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vermillionflowers · 3 years ago
Does Darwinist bully you?
"No, he surprisingly doesnt say much about us, we wonder why. He does leave dead animals on our door though, which is equally upsetting."
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grimm-the-tiger · 4 years ago
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Been a while, Realicide, by which I mean like two days. 
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loststolenorstrayed · 4 years ago
ok now u do realicide for the ask 😎
First character we fell in love with: Ingsoc said one word and we went 😍😍😍😍 sign us up
Character we didn’t expect to love as much as we do now: Communalism didn’t really grab us until they went off the deep end tbh, looking back they’re great but we didn’t see it
Character everyone loves but we don’t: Egoism is highly overrated if we’re being serious, what does he do other than disobey and say the funny spook word?
Character we love that everyone else hates: idk Censure is pretty underrated? Also. Moralism. idk if people hate him but they sure are disrespectful about his death and we’re sick of it!!! /lh
Character we used to love but don’t anymore: Grej. Misgendering is unforgivable fuck Grej all our homies hate Grej.
Character we would totally smooch: awful idea but CultCom is,,,,,, 😳🥺
Character we’d want to be like: idk none of them seem fun to be....Moralism we guess?
Character we’d slap: Darwinism needs to be taken down a peg
Pairing that we love: Commoralism and Cult Commoralism have absolutely ruined us we have to go with those
Pairing we despise: honestly, anyone with Ingsoc would be a nightmare, no shade to people who are into him but he’s,,, kinda the personification of an entire ideology built on gaslighting and also we hc him as aroace so it’s a no for us
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centipedve · 3 years ago
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we did it guys. we finally made serious art after ten billion years
EDIT: if you saw the unfixed version NO YOU DIDNT
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discountskeppy · 3 years ago
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discountskeppy · 3 years ago
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a better (?) guide to leftism
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