#gregorious putnam
Journals of the Unknown - Witches of Salem Preliminaries
We can finally start talking about the story of Journals’ first season, Witches of Salem. But before we start, I would like to share both a sinopsis of this season and the characters who play a relevant role in it, just so I can be sure that these characters’ spirtes will remain somewhere to be seen even if my last resources for finding them disappears.
It is important to note, for some of these descriptions, that there was a second version of Journals of the Unknown released once The Other Guys settled with specializing in interactive story games, and the original one was left behind. I suspect it’s both because the format of a television-like format, where the episodes are released apart from one another, was not working with an audience whose main goal was to play a point and click game. I also suspect that happened because games such as Criminal Case decreased in popularity (since you don’t see that many people playing Facebook games anymore) while games such as Linda Brown gained said popularity (Linda Brown isThe Other Guys’ property, by the way), but that’s only a suspicion.
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Througout the game, we only come in contact with Eva Hope and Sally Acheron, but it is important to know that there were three people who were mostly targeted by the murderer, and that also included Aleena Lareau. To be fair, these characters are some of the few that I can say have been given an official age.
ID: Two pages of a notebook. The first one reads: “Dear Jane, I’m glad that you decided to follow your father’s steps and accept working at the magazine. Remember: 2 girls have died in Salem (one was the tarot reader and the second was the horoscope writer). Now the atendant of the Salem Witch Museu is missing. This doesn’t look good! We think there’s a new witch hunt going on even if the police denies it. Find out but take care!”, signed Ben, in cursive. The other page has three black and white pictures of the dead and missing woman, which reads: “Name: Aleena Lareau. Age: 47. Occupation: Tarot Reader. Status: deceased”, “Name: Sally Acheron. Age: 23. Occupation: Horoscope writer. Status: Deceased”, “Name: Eva Hope. Age: 22. Occupation: Salem Witch Mseum attendant. Status: Missing”. END ID
JANE GOODHART: She’s the main character of the game, and naturally will appear in the following seasons. She’s a journalist whose main motivation in joining the team of paranormal investigations at the Amazing Magazine is to find her long missing father, Ulysses Goodhart, because she doesn’t believe in the supernatural at first. She has a strong sense of justice, but I CAN NOT say the same applies for her sense of morality, honest to God (you’ll see why soon enough...)
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ID: One of the first few frames in The Witches of Salem. It contains Jane Goodhart with a bubble that reads: “Has a new (in all caps and in bold) witch hunt (end of all caps and bold) started? I’m heading there to (in bold) investigate (end of bold)...”. Jane Goodhart appears to be a young adult between her 20′s-30′s, with white skin, light colored eyes and blonde hair. She’s wearing a leatherjacket which matches her hair color, and a necklace. END ID
ULYSSES GOODHART: Jane’s main motivator to go around on adventure, and the main link between the cases of the game. Throughout the game, it is implied that he was a caring father to her, albeit a very distant one due to his many trips throughout the world as a journalist. This importance he gave to his work was very detrimental to his marriage. He was the founder of the Amazing Magazine, and is best friends with Ben Watson/Werels.
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ID: An old protograph, of Ulysses and Jane Goodhart when she was a child. In the photograph, the house of the Goodharts can be seen on the background, and Ulysses holds his daughter on his back (I don’t know how to describe it, but it’s such a stereotypical father thing to do, you know what I’m talking about). Ulysses appears to be middle aged, he has gray hair and a short beard that covers most of his face. He wears a watch on his left arm. END ID
BEN WATSON/WERELS: In the point and click-occult object version of the game, Ben’s surname was Watson. In the interactive story version, his surname is Werels. I will be referring to him as Ben Watson, since this page’s focus is the point and click-occult object version, AKA the original version. He’s the main editor of the Amazing Magazine, and acts as a surrogate father to Jane ever since Ulysses has gone missing.
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ID: An image of Ben Watson. He is a white older man, with gray hair, thick black eyebrows and a mustache. He’s wearing glasses, and a red bow-tie. END ID
JASPER RAFTER/VONNEGUT: Jasper suffers from the same situation as Ben Watson, and has two different surnames, but for the purpouses of this page, I’ll be referring to him as Jasper Rafter. He’s the main photographer at the Amazing Magazine, and just like Jane, he has a good heart but not always the best morals. He’s willing to drop anything in a heartbeat if it means that it will be beneficial to Jane, and he has a not-so-subtle crush on her throughout the entire game; he keeps trying to ask her out, but his hints are too subtle for her to notice.
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ID: A picture of Jasper Rafter. He is a white man with spiky brown hair and blue eyes. He’s holding a professional camera with one hand and gesticulating with the other. He’s wearing a light blue shirt and a dark blue loose scarf. END ID
DARCEY WILLIANS: Darcey also has the same issue as the two previously mentioned characters, but with one difference: I can not remember his original name and whether or not it was truly Willians. Either way, he’s really fuzzy on my memory as to his original personality, but I do remember that he was really supersticious. Nowadays, and even in the last season of the original game, he acted a bit as a despotate, assuming the charge of the Amazing Magazine after Ulysses disappeared, and he overall did not show that much care other than that. He’s a pretty irrelevant characters, to be quite honest. I don’t even have images of him, you just gotta believe me and image Collin Firth during Pride and Prejudice recording but with the most heinous goatee you can possible image.
EUGENE WITCH: He was given a name only in the interactive story version of the game, and in the original he was simply referred as “The Butler”. He’s the butler of the Putnam family, and who either helps Jane or makes her life a little harder if her interference means more trouble to Gregorious. I do think he’s more of a valet than a butler, though, but Journals of the Unknown was not written by English speaking people so I can understand.
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ID: A low quality picture of Eugene Witch, The Butler. He’s looking round in confusion at the gateway of the Putnam Manor. He has short hair and appears to be starting to bald, and wears a mustache alongside the usual butler attire. END ID
RICHARD MURRAY: Gregorious Putnam’s main rival at the elections for mayor, and the current owner of The Lucky Witch gift shop. I can’t speak much about him without going into story spoilers, so just know that he’s more relevant than he seems.
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ID: A bunch of posters of Richard Murray’s electorial campagin. He’s a white man with short hair and a beard. END ID
GREGORIOUS PUTNAM: Richard Murray’s main rival at the elections for mayor, and Witch’s boss. He’s a dishonest man trying to keep the family’s legacy alive despite all of the odds, and acts like your average politician since... well, that’s what he is.
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ID: A low quality picture of Gregorious Putnam’s speaking bubble. He’s a man appearing to be in his 50′s-60′s, with brown and well-adjusted hair, big glasses and wearing a suit. He’s white and is shown frowning. END ID
NORA BRADSTREET: The owner of the hotel Eva Hope was staying in before the incidents of the game. I can’t say much about her, since most of the relevant information are spoilers about the lore of this game’s city of Salem, so just know that she might be more relevant than she seems.
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ID: A picture of Nora Bradstreet, with her pet cat on her shoulder. She’s shown in a birthday hat and happily holding a fork, seemingly to eat her birthday cake. She’s an old, fat woman with big earrings. Above her, it’s written: “Happy birthday Nora!!”, and below a date: “08/11″. END ID
MIKE STEWARD: A corrupt police officer, who became friends with Ulysses Goodhart during the time in which he visited Salem. He doesn’t offer much to the overall story other than political drama and the potencial for the weirdest friendship ever.
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ID: Mike Steward’s speaking bubble. He’s a broad shouldered white man, with short dark hair, and a big mustache, almost touching his chin. He’s wearing the police uniform. END ID
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ragdoll-soup · 8 months
Making a backstory for a charater who doesn't have much of one and basing it off a song for a musical? Couldn't be me-
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mommydearestella · 1 year
Sex in my guest apartment a few years ago.
I wonder if my cousin Gregory Katz was in my guest apartment in back of my former home?  I heard he and David were.  If true I have no idea how he or David Kaufman could have gotten in or if they even knew it was my property.
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thoughtfulfangirling · 9 months
2024 Reads
Another human invented marker of time has passed moving us from one year to the next. It's a good reason to start over my lists right?! XD 2023's list can be found here! 2024 starts below!
You Made a Fool out of Death with Your Beauty - Awaeke Emezi
Pussypedia: A Comprehensive Guide^ - Zoe Mendelson & Maria Conejo
The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek -Kim Michele Richardson
Meru - S.B. Divya
The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist: A True Story of Injustice in the American South^ by Radley Balko & Tucker Carrington
Watching the Tree: A Chinese Daughter Reflects on Happiness, Tradition, and Spiritual Wisdom^ - Adeline Yen Mah
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous - Ocean Vuong
The Last Days of the Romanovs: Tragedy at Ekaterinburg^ - Helen Rappaport]
Pride and Prejudice* - Jane Austen
Fresh Girl - Jaida Placide
Butts: A Backstory^ - Heather Radke
The Girl Who Chased the Moon - Sarah Addison Allen
The Silent Patient - Alex Michaelides
The Blue Sword - Robin McKinley
In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex^ - Nathaniel Philbrick
A Wicked War: Polk, Clay, Lincoln and the 1846 U.S. Invasion of Mexico^ - Amy S. Greenberg
This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible^ - Charles E. Cobb Jr.
This Is Your Mind on Plants^ - Michael Pollan
The Silent Patient*~ - Alex Michaelides
Finding Me^ - Viola Davis
Wuthering Heights# - Emily Bronte
Exit Strategy~ - Martha Wells
The Girls Who Went Away:^ The Hidden History of Women Who Surrendered Children for Adoption in the Decades before Roe V. Wade - Ann Fessler
Bowling Alone:^ The Collapse and Revival of American Community - Robert D. Putnam
Fugitive Telemetry%~ - Martha Wells
The History of Wales^*% - History Nerds
The War on Everyone^% ~- Robert Evans
Searching for Black Confederates:^ The Civil War's Most Persistent Myth - Kevin M. Levin
The Great Influenza:* The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History [2004] by John M. Barry
Network Effect~ - Martha Wells
Zelda Popkin:^ The Life and Times of an American Jewish Woman Writer - Jeremy D Popkin
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay - Michael Chabon
Medical Apartheid:^ The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present - Harriet A Washington
The Assassination of Fred Hampton:^ How the FBI and the Chicago Police Murdered a Black Panther - Jeffrey Haas
The Death of Vivek Oji - Awaeke Emezi
Mutual Aid:^% Building Solidarity in This Crisis (And the Next) - Dean Spade
Passin' Through - Luis L'Amour
The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store - James McBride
Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro
Histories of the Transgender Child^ - Jules Gill-Peterson
Birdseye: The Adventures of a Curiosu Man^ - Mark Kurlansky
When I Fell from the Sky:^ The True Story of One Woman's Miraculous Survival - Juliane Koepcke
Dear Senthuran:^ A Black Spirit Memoir - Akwaeke Emezi
Emma* by Jane Austen
Lud-in-the-Mist - Hope Mirrlees
Woman:^ The American History of an Idea - Lillian Faderman
System Collapse - Martha Wells
A Dark and Starless Forest - Sarah Hollawell
The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love^% - Bell Hooks
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks^ - Rebecca Skloot
Charity and Sylvia: A Same-Sex Marriage in Early America^ -Rachel Hope Cleves
The Gay Revolution: The Story of the Struggle^ - Lillian Faderman
The Woman in Me^ - Brittany Spears
Reclaiming Two-Spirits: Sexuality, Spiritual Renewal & Sovereignty in Native America^ - Gregory Smithers
Being Huemann: An Unrepentant Memoir of Disability Rights Activist^ - Judith Huemann
The Unthinkable: Who Survives When a Disaster Strikes and Why^ - Amanda Ripley
The Writing of the Gods: The Race to Decode the Rosetta Stone^ - Edward Dolnick
Utopia for Realists:^ How We Can Build the Ideal World - Rutger Bregman
The Echo Wife - Sarah Gailey
To Believe in Women:^ What Lesbians Have Done for America - Lillian Faderman
Priory of the Orange Tree - Samantha Shannon
Tribe:^% On Homecoming and Belonging - Sebastian Junger
Freedom^% - Sebastian Junger
Our Wives Under the Sea - Julia Armfield
Nonviolence: 25 Lessons from the History of a Dangerous Idea% - Mark Kurlansky
Bridehead Revisited# - Evelyn Waugh
The Witch Elm - Tana Frencyh
Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin
HumanKind: A Hopeful History - Rutger Bregman^
Autumn at the Willow River Guesthouse - C.P Ward
From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World Find the Good Death^ - Caitlin Doughty
(last updated 9/19)
Currently reading: On Killing (print), Plain Bad Heroines (print), A Study in Drowning (Audio), Gideon the Ninth (with spouse), and Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell (audio to fall asleep to)
Key: * = Reread ^ = Nonfiction ~ = Read with Empty % = Novella #= Doc book club
My goal for 2024 is for 40% of my reads to be nonfiction. I've had two years within the recent past where I managed 20% of my reads to be nonfiction, so I'm aiming to double that. THIS WILL BE HARD FOR ME! Not because I don't enjoy nonfiction but because I enjoy fiction a lot more and have a lot more practice reading it. Haha Also for me, I am in circles where I'm just going to have more awareness of fictional books that I'm likely to enjoy more so than nonfiction. I'm kind of hoping that this years journey will change that a bit too!
Okay, below the cut I'm putting the nonfiction books on my tbr, most of which I have the lovely people of Tumblr to thank for the recommendations!
1968: The Year that Rocked the World
The Age of Wood; Our Most Useful Material...
The Assassination of Fred Hampton
Behind the Scenes: Or, Thirty Years a Slave and Four Years in the...
Being Human
The Big Oyster: History on the Half Shelf
Birdseye: The Adventures of a Curious Man
Bowling Alone
Brave the Wild: The Untold Story of Two Women Who Mapped...
Butts: A Backstory / Evermore Recommended
The Cadaver Kin and the Country Dentist / Automatuck9
Charity and Sylvia: A Same-Sex Marriage in Early America
Dancing in the Glory of Monsters: The Collapse...
Dear Senthuran
Driven to Distraction: Recognizing and Coping with...
Finding Me (Viola Davis)
The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed...
The Food of a Younger Land
The Girls Who Went Away: The Hidden History of Women...
The Glass Universe
The Great Hunger: The Story of the Famine...
The Great Influenza
Helping Her Get Free: A Guide for Families and Friends of an Abused Woman
The History of Ireland
The History of Scotland
The History of Wales
How to Hide an Empire: A History of the Greater United States
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
The Indifferent Stars Above
In the Heart of the Sea / ecouterbien
In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death...
The Last Days of the Romanovs / Automatuck9
Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer
Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical...
Mutual Aid: Building Solidarity During the Crisis...
A New World Begins
Nonviolence: The History of a Dangerous...
This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get you Killed / Empty
Radium Girls
The Road to Jonestown
Paper: Paging through History
People's Temple
Pussypedia / Bookstagram Rec
Salt: A World History
Say Nothing
Sea Biscuit: An American legend
Searching for Black Confederates
This is Your Mind on Plants
Unmasking Autism
The Unthinkable: Who Survives when Disaster Strikes - And Why
Watching the Tree / found all by my little self
We Wish to Inform You that Tomorrow we Will be Killed...
A Wicked War: Polk, Clay, Lincoln and the.. / Rose
The Writing of the Gods: The Race to Decode the Rosetta...
I will actually add to this list as I get more recs and whatnot. And I still have some coming which I ordered from Thriftbooks. Once those are here, I'll add those. I'm a little sad there aren't more memoirs, but there's plenty of time for that yet! This is already 37 books, and given lately I've been reading about 70 (nonfiction may slow me down tho), these should give me plenty of ability to reach my 40% goal. Now it's just a matter of if I do it XD
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Based on the autobiographical novel, the tempestuous 6-year relationship between Liberace and his (much younger) lover, Scott Thorson, is recounted. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Liberace: Michael Douglas Scott Thorson: Matt Damon Seymour Heller: Dan Aykroyd Bob Black: Scott Bakula Dr. Jack Startz: Rob Lowe Ray Arnett: Tom Papa Mr. Felder: Paul Reiser Carlucci: Bruce Ramsay Mr. Y: Nicky Katt Billy Leatherwood: Cheyenne Jackson Tracy Schnelker: Mike O’Malley Adoption Attorney: David Koechner Cary James: Boyd Holbrook Frances: Debbie Reynolds Lou: Eric Zuckerman Assistant Director: Eddie Jemison Director: Randy Lowell Stunt Actor: Tom Roach Camera Assistant: Shamus Cooley Sound Mixer: John Smutny Rose Carracappa: Jane Morris Joe Carracappa: Garrett M. Brown George Liberace: Pat Asanti Dora Liberace: Casey Kramer Assistant Stage Manager: James Kulick Make-up Artist: Paul Witten Gladys: Deborah Lacey Sue: Susan Caroll Todd Backstage Flirt: Austin Stowell Backstage Flirt: Francisco San Martin Stagehand: Anthony Crivello Scott’s Half-Brother, Wayne: Kiff VandenHeuvel Dorothy: Nikea Gamby-Turner June: Charlotte Crossley Liberace’s Attorney: Josh Meyers Joel Strote: Harvey J. Alperin Dr. Ronald Daniels: Jerry Clarke Anchorwoman: Lisa Frantz Health Department Spokesman: Shaun T. Benjamin Priest at Funeral: John Philip Kavcak Young American Dancer (uncredited): Kelly Allen Funeral Mourner (uncredited): Gregg Atwill Patron (uncredited): Greg Baine Guy Outside Casino (uncredited): Brian Blu Party Guest (uncredited): Paul Borst Angie Liberace (uncredited): Barbara Brownell Sex Club Patron (uncredited): Lee Christian Kazarian (uncredited): Kass Connors Showgirl (uncredited): Jacquelyn Dowsett Concert Fan (uncredited): Timothy Skyler Dunigan Deposition Reporter (uncredited): Fielding Edlow French Guy #2 (uncredited): Corey Eid Impossible Dream Dancer (uncredited): Krystal Ellsworth Young American Dancer (uncredited): Kelli Erdmann Hair Stylist (uncredited): Amber Lee Ettinger Young American (uncredited): Derek Ferguson Adult Bookstore Patron (uncredited): Joe Filippone Adult Bookstore Worker (uncredited): Aussie Guevara Dancer (uncredited): Brandon Henschel Young American Dancer (uncredited): Kara Hess Stage Manager (uncredited): Lenny Jacobson Mourner (uncredited): Richard Allan Jones Valet (uncredited): Adam J. Kassel Impossible Dream Dancer (uncredited): Dominique Kelley Cameraman (uncredited): David Dustin Kenyon Theatre Stage Hand (uncredited): Kirk Krogstad Billy (uncredited): Kristin Lindquist Showgirl (uncredited): Rachael Markarian Patron (uncredited): Hugo Pierre Martin Sex Club Worker (uncredited): Paul McDade Young American Dancer (uncredited): KC Monnie Bar Patron (uncredited): Max Napolitano Tailor (uncredited): Gregory Niebel Show Boy (uncredited): Cassidy Noblett Dancer (uncredited): Ryan Novak Young American (uncredited): Meredith Ostrowsky Sex Couple #1 (uncredited): Lance Patrick Liberace Showgirl (uncredited): Brittany Perry-Russell Dancer (uncredited): Ferly Prado On-Air News Reporter (uncredited): Mike Jerome Putnam Maitre d’ (uncredited): Thure Riefenstein Second Anchorwoman (uncredited): Stephanie Maura Sanchez News Reporter (uncredited): Jimmy Scanlon French Guy #1 (uncredited): Roby Schinasi Reporter (uncredited): Nellie Sciutto Bookstore Patron (uncredited): Franklin J. Sterns Startz Surgeon (uncredited): C.J. Stussi Showgirl (uncredited): Becca Sweitzer Stagehand (uncredited): Trace Taylor Stagehand (uncredited): Anna Wendt Print Reporter (uncredited): Ryken Zane Nightclub Patron (uncredited): Judy Bruno Bennett Bookstore Guy (uncredited): Cal Rein Reporter (uncredited): Brian Neil Hoff Young American Dancer (uncredited): Nick Lanzisera Mourner (uncredited): Charles Moniz Showgirl (uncredited): Ayesha Orange Young American Dancer (uncredited): Jason Williams Self (archive footage) (uncredited): Johnny Carson Self (archive footage) (uncredited): Peggy King Film Crew: Editor: Steven Soderbergh Screenplay: Richard LaGravenese Book: Scott Thorson Book: Alex Thorleifson Producer: Susan Ekins Fir...
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sab-carpenters · 1 year
Top 5 Male Characters
matt casey
oliver putnam
winston bishop
gregory eddie
jamal turner
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The 22nd Annual Bryan Awards - Acting Races
Nominations Announced July 18, 2022 Guest Acting Winners Announced on September 11, 2022
Lead Actress in a Drama Series: KILLING EVE - Jodie Comer as Villanelle (BBC America) KILLING EVE - Sandra Oh as Eve Polastri (BBC America) THE MORNING SHOW - Jennifer Aniston as Alex Levy (Apple+) OZARK - Laura Linney as Wendy Byrde (Netflix) THIS IS US - Mandy Moore as Rebecca Pearson (NBC) YELLOWJACKETS - Melanie Lynskey as Shauna Sadecki (Showtime)
Lead Actor in a Drama Series: BETTER CALL SAUL - Bob Odenkirk as Saul Goodman (AMC) OZARK - Jason Bateman as Marty Byrde (Netflix) SQUID GAME - Lee Jung-jae as Seong Gi-hun (Netflix) SUCCESSION - Brian Cox as Sterling Roy (HBO) SUCCESSION - Jeremy Strong as Kendall Roy (HBO) THIS IS US - Sterling K. Brown as Randall Pearson (NBC) Supporting Actress in a Drama Series: BETTER CALL SAUL - Rhea Seehorn as Kim Wexler (AMC) EUPHORIA - Maude Apatow as Lexi (HBO)  EUPHORIA - Sydney Sweeney as Cassie Howard (HBO) OZARK - Julia Garner as Ruth Langmore (Netflix) SEVERANCE - Patricia Arquette as Harmony Cobel (Apple+) SUCCESSION - J. Smith-Cameron as Gerri Kellman (HBO) SUCCESSION - Sarah Snook as Siobhan Roy (HBO) YELLOWJACKETS - Christina Ricci as Misty Quigley (Showtime) Supporting Actor in a Drama Series: BETTER CALL SAUL - Jonathan Banks as Mike Ehrmantraut (AMC) BETTER CALL SAUL - Giancarlo Esposito as Gus Fring (AMC) THE MORNING SHOW - Billy Crudup as Cory Ellison (Apple+) SQUID GAME - Park Sae-hoo as Cho Sang-woo (Netflix) SUCCESSION - Nicholas Braun as Greg Hirsch (HBO) SUCCESSION - Kieran Culkin as Roman Roy (HBO) SUCCESSION - Matthew McFadyen as Tom Wambsgans (HBO) SUCCESSION - Alan Ruck as Connor Roy (HBO)
Guest Actress in a Drama Series: THE MORNING SHOW - Marcia Gay Harden as Maggie Brenen (Apple+) OZARK - Jordana Spiro as Rachel Garrison (Netflix) SQUID GAME - Lee You-mi as Ji-yeong (Netflix) SUCCESSION - Hope Davis as Sandi Furness (HBO) SUCCESSION - Sanaa Lathan as Lisa Arthur (HBO) SUCCESSION - Harriet Walter as Lady Caroline Collingwood (HBO) Guest Actor in a Drama Series: THE MORNING SHOW - Martin Short at Dick Lundy (Apple+) OZARK - Tom Pelphrey as Ben Davis (Netflix) SUCCESSION - Adrien Brody as Josh Aaronson (HBO) SUCCESSION - James Cromwell as Ewan Roy (HBO) SUCCESSION - Alexander Skarsgard as Lukas Matsson (HBO) THIS IS US - Dule Hill as Kenny (NBC) Performance by a Cast in a Drama Series: Better Call Saul (AMC) Bridgerton (Netflix) Squid Game (Netflix) Stranger Things (Netflix) Succession (HBO) This Is Us (NBC) Lead Actress in a Comedy Series: ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Quinta Brunson as Janine Teagues (ABC) THE FLIGHT ATTENDANT - Kaley Cuoco as Cassie Bowden (HBO Max) HACKS - Jean Smart as Deborah Vance (HBO Max) INSECURE - Issa Rae as Issa (HBO) THE MARVELOUS MRS. MAISEL - Rachel Brosnahan as Miriam Maisel (Amazon Prime) ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Selena Gomez as Mabel Mora (Hulu) Lead Actor in a Comedy Series: ATLANTA - Donald Glover as Earn (F/X) BARRY - Bill Hader as Barry (HBO) BLACK-ISH - Anthony Anderson as Andre Johnson (ABC) ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Steve Martin as Charles-Haden Savage (Hulu) ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Martin Short as Oliver Putnam (Hulu) TED LASSO - Jason Sudeikis as Ted Lasso (Apple TV+) Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series: ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Janelle Jones as Ava Coleman (ABC) ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Sheryl Lee Ralph as Barbara Howard (ABC) HACKS - Hannah Einbinder as Ava Daniels (HBO Max) THE MARVELOUS MRS. MAISEL - Alex Borstein as Susie Myerson (Amazon Prime) SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE - Kate McKinnon as Various Characters (NBC) SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE - Cecily Strong as Various Characters (NBC) TED LASSO - Juno Temple as Keeley Jones (Apple+) TED LASSO - Hannah Waddingham as Rebecca Welton (Apple+) Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series: ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Tyler James Williams as Gregory Eddie (ABC) ATLANTA - Brian Tyree Henry as Alfred ‘Paper Boi’ (F/X) BARRY - Henry Winkler as Gene Cousineau (HBO) THE MARVELOUS MRS. MAISEL - Tony Shalhoub as Abe Weissman (Amazon Prime) SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE - Bowen Yang as Various Characters (NBC) TED LASSO - Brett Goldstein as Roy Kent (Apple+) TED LASSO - Brendan Hunt as Coach Beard (Apple+) TED LASSO - Nick Mohammed as Nathan Shelley (Apple+) Guest Actress in a Comedy Series: THE FLIGHT ATTENDANT - Sharon Stone as Lisa Bowden (HBO) GRACE AND FRANKIE - Dolly Parton as Agnes (Netflix) HACKS - Jane Adams as Nina Daniels (HBO) THE MARVELOUS MRS. MAISEL - Kelly Bishop as Benedetta (Amazon Prime) ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Jane Lynch as Sazz Pataki (Hulu) TED LASSO - Harriet Walter as Deborah (Apple+)
Guest Actor in a Comedy Series: ATLANTA - Alexander Skarsgard as Alexander Skarsgard (F/X) CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM - Bill Hader is Igor, Grigor, & Timor (HBO) ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Nathan Lane as Teddy Dimas (Hulu) SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE - Jerrod Carmichael as Host/Various Characters (NBC) SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE - John Mulaney as Host/Various Characters (NBC) TED LASSO - Anthony Head as Rupert Manion (Apple+)
Performance by a Cast in a Comedy Series: Abbott Elementary (ABC) Barry (HBO) black-ish (ABC) The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon Prime) Only Murders In The Building (Hulu) Saturday Night Live (NBC) Ted Lasso (Apple+)
Lead Actress in a Limited or Anthology Series/Movie: THE DROPOUT - Amanda Seyfried as Elizabeth Holmes (Hulu) INVENTING ANNA - Julia Garner as Anna Delvey (Netflix) SCENES FROM A MARRIAGE - Jessica Chastain as Mira (HBO) THE STAIRCASE - Toni Collette as Kathleen Peterson (HBO Max) A VERY BRITISH SCANDAL - Claire Foy as Margaret Campbell (Amazon Prime) WOMEN OF THE MOVEMENT - Adrienne Warren as Mamie Till-Mobley (ABC) Lead Actor in a Limited or Anthology Series/Movie: DOPESICK - Michael Keaton as Dr. Samuel Finnix (Hulu) THE LAST DAYS OF PTOLEMY GREY - Samuel L. Jackson as Ptolemy Grey (Apple+) SCENES FROM A MARRIAGE - Oscar Isaac as Jonathan (HBO) THE STAIRCASE - Colin Firth as Michael Peterson (HBO Max) UNDER THE BANNER OF HEAVEN - Andrew Garfield as Detective Jeb Pyre (F/X) A VERY BRITISH SCANDAL - Paul Bettany as Ian Campbell (Amazon Prime) Supporting Actress in a Limited or Anthology Series/Movie: 1883 - Faith Hill as Margaret Dutton (Paramount Plus) IMPEACHMENT: CRIME STORY - Edie Falco as Hillary Clinton (F/X) THE WHITE LOTUS - Connie Britton as Nicole Mossbacher (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Jennifer Coolidge as Tanya (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Alexandra Daddario as Rachel Patton (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Sydney Sweeney as Olivia Mossbacher (HBO) Supporting Actor in a Limited or Anthology Series/Movie: THE DROPOUT - Naveen Andrews as Sunny Balwani (Hulu) THE FIRST LADY - O-T Fagbenle as Barack Obama (Showtime) IMPEACHMENT: CRIME STORY - Clive Owen as Bill Clinton (F/X) THE WHITE LOTUS - Murray Bartlett as Armond (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Jake Lacy as Shane Patton (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Steve Zahn as Michael Mossbacher (HBO)
Performance by a Cast in a Limited or Anthology Series/Movie/Special: Dopesick (Hulu) The Dropout (Hulu) The First Lady (Showtime) 1883 (Paramount Plus) Impeachment: Crime Story (F/X) The White Lotus (HBO) Lead Actress in Daytime: THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Jacqueline MacInnes-Wood as Steffy Forrester (CBS)DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Marci Miller as Abigail DiMera (NBC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Cynthia Watros as Nina Reeves (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Laura Wright as Carly Corinthos (ABC) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Amelia Heinle as Victoria Newman (CBS) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Mishael Morgan as Amanda Sinclair (CBS) Lead Actor in Daytime: THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Thorsten Kaye as Ridge Forrester (CBS) THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - John McCook as Eric Forrester (CBS) DAYS OF OUR LIVES - James Reynolds as Abe Carver (NBC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Maurice Benard as Sonny Corinthos (ABC) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Peter Bergman as Jack Abbott (CBS) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Jason Thompson as Billy Abbott (CBS) Supporting Actress in Daytime: THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Kimberlin Brown as Sheila Carter (CBS) THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Naomi Matsuda as Dr. Li Finnegan (CBS) DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Stacy Haiduk as Kristen DiMera (NBC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Sofia Mattsson as Sasha Gilmore (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Kelly Thiebaud as Dr. Britt Westbourne (ABC) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Susan Walters as Diane Jenkins (CBS) Supporting Actor in Daytime: THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Aaron Spears as Justin Barber (CBS) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Nicholas Alexander Chavez as Spencer Cassidine (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Robert Gossett as Marshall Ashford (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - James Patrick Stuart as Valentin Cassidine (ABC) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Bryton James as Devon Hamilton (CBS) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Robert Newman as Ashland Locke (CBS) Younger Performer in a Daytime Series: DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Lindsay Arnold as Allie Horton (NBC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - William Lipton as Cameron Webber (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Eden McCoy as Josslyn Jacks (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Sydney Mikayla as Trina Robinson (ABC) Younger Performer in a Primetime Series or Limited Series: AND JUST LIKE THAT - Alexa Swinton as Rose/Rock Goldenblatt (HBO Max) BLACK-ISH - Marcus Scribner as Andre Johnson Jr. (ABC) LOVE, VICTOR - Michael Cimino as Victor Salazar (Netflix) STRANGER THINGS - Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven (Netflix) THE WONDER YEARS - Elisha E.J. Williams as Dean (ABC) YOUNG SHELDON - Iain Armitage as Sheldon Cooper (CBS) Guest Performer in Daytime: THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Ted King as John Finnegan (CBS) DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Marla Gibbs as Olivia Price (NBC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Jane Elliot as Tracy Quartermaine (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Jeff Kober as Cyrus Renault (ABC) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Telma Hopkins as Denise Tolliver (CBS)
Performance By A Cast in a Daytime Soap: Beyond Salem (Peacock) & Days of Our Lives (NBC) The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS) General Hospital (ABC) The Young and the Restless (CBS) Late Night Host: THE DAILY SHOW - Trevor Noah (Comedy Central) LAST WEEK TONIGHT - John Oliver (HBO) THE LATE SHOW - Stephen Colbert (CBS) REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER - Bill Maher (HBO) Talk Show Host: THE DREW BARRYMORE SHOW - Drew Barrymore (Syndicated) THE KELLY CLARKSON SHOW - Kelly Clarkson (Syndicated) LIVE WITH KELLY AND RYAN - Kelly Ripa & Ryan Seacrest (Syndicated) TAMRON HALL - Tamron Hall (Syndicated) THE VIEW - The Hosts of The View (ABC) Game Show Host: CELEBRITY FAMILY FEUD/FAMILY FEUD - Steve Harvey (ABC/Syndicated) LET’S MAKE A DEAL - Wayne Brady (CBS) PRESS YOUR LUCK - Elizabeth Banks (ABC) THE WEAKEST LINK - Jane Lynch (NBC) WHEEL OF FORTUNE - Pat Sajak (Syndicated) Reality Show Host: LIZZO’S WATCH OUT FOR THE BIG GIRLS - Lizzo (Amazon Prime) MAKING IT - Amy Poehler & Nick Offerman (NBC) QUEER EYE - The Hosts of Queer Eye (Netflix) RUPAUL’S DRAG RACE - RuPaul Charles (VH1) SHARK TANK - The Hosts of Shark Tank (ABC) TOP CHEF - Padma Lakshmi (Bravo)
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theroseandthebeast · 3 years
Yuletide 2021 - Fic Recs Batch Three
14 fic recs for Little Women, Marvel (Spiderman, Scarlet Spider, Fantastic Four), Midnight Mass, Midsommar, Mythic Quest, The Night Circus, Only Murders In The Building, Over the Garden Wall, Peter Pan / Peter Darling, and The Power of the Dog
meet me in the green glen, Theodore "Laurie" Laurence/Josephine "Jo" March, Amy March & Josephine "Jo" March
In which there is a different road.
don't read the comments, Peter Parker/Johnny Storm
This time, it was The Daily Bugle Online that had betrayed him.
“Uncle Johnny…” Franklin said. “You’re not dating Spider-Man, right? You would have told us?”
“Of course I would have told you,” Johnny assured him. He looked at the picture again.
Fire in the Cold, Peter Parker/Johnny Storm
“I need you to do me a favor,” Johnny said.
“No,” Peter said.
“But you didn’t even hear what it is yet!” Johnny protested.
“And somehow I already know it’s going to be stupid,” Peter said. “Okay, fine, shoot. Tell me what it is and then I’ll say no.”
Johnny took a deep breath.
“I need you to come with me on my family’s holiday trip and pretend to be my boyfriend,” Johnny said.
A Champion Ring, Kaine/Flash Thompson, Kaine & María Aracely Penalba, Andrea Benton & Flash Thompson 
Flash asks for Kaine's help on a case that requires them to pretend to be married. Kaine overthinks everything.
Sundowning, Mildred Gunning/Father Paul Hill | Monsignor John Pruitt
John, coming back to himself.
The Midwinter Podcast, implied Dani Ardor/Pelle 
Connie's sister makes a podcast investigating what happened during that one eventful midsummer for the Hårga. Reddit and facebook react.
a queen for all seasons, Dani Ardor
In her dreams, dark smudges crowd the edges of the world. One looms larger than the rest, twisting into impossible shapes, morphing into a figure with many faces, all of them howling with rage.
When she jolts awake, the dream-figure lingers. She tries to ignore it. She’s no stranger to nightmares. Her whole life has been one ever since her family’s deaths.
But things are different now. This is a new life. A new family.
a world full of wondrous things, Dani Ardor/Pelle
In the depths of winter, Dani spends some quality time with her family.
Lions and Trevor and Bugs, Oh My!, Ian Grimm/Poppy Li
Ian and Poppy explore their new partnership, along with the standard amount of mayhem they've come to expect.
Periapsis, Vanyel Ashkevron/Tylendel Frelennye
The circus is made up of secrets, known only to a select few. Tylendel himself knows more of them than most.
He runs his thumb along the base of his ring finger. Nothing, not even a scar, betrays the band of binding magic that’s sunk there into his skin. He can feel it if he tries, the loop of it cinched around his very soul. His life is bound into a contest, a game; tied to the circus and to his opponent, whose identity he doesn’t even know.
sick: affected by physical or mental illness; slang for cool, hawt or fabulous, Mabel Mora & Oliver Putnam & Charles Haden-Savage 
"I'm sick," Charles tries to say, but his voice is nails on a chalkboard.
"Mabel, see if he has a fever," Oliver says, gesturing.
She rolls her eyes.
the road through the woods, Gregory & Wirt
They come back different. Wirt would like to pretend otherwise.
The Man Who Was an Island, James Hook | James Harrington/Peter Pan | Peter Darling 
Peter Pan has grown up and made his peace with James Hook. But what if they didn't go back to England? How will Neverland fare now its egotistical god has a man's strength, a man's consistent determination, and no nemesis to hold him in check?
how the white lilies grow, Phil Burbank/Peter Gordon
Peter lays traps, and is caught in them
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At Broadway Bound Kids our mission is to inspire and empower young lives through the arts by creating a nurturing and stress-free environment where kids will gain confidence, make friends, express themselves, and find a place where they feel a sense of belonging and acceptance. All of the proceeds from this event will help support our FREE Saturday program, school based performing arts residencies, community based workshops, summer programs, master classes with Broadway professionals, full scale musical productions, and trips to see Broadway shows. Your support will help us make sure that all kids have access to these life changing programs regardless of their financial resources.
more on how to be part of the Broadway Bee here!
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Journals of the Unknown - Witches of Salem - Episode 03: Just for the Night
This one is a harder episode to put together in its entirety, and I believe it’s about time I introduce a concept that was prevalent throughout the game: the Preliminaries.
What are the Preliminaries? The Preliminaries are a game mechanic that allows the player to learn more about the case at hand without depending on a fully drawn episode and, occasionally, without depending on Jane Goodhart’s presence at all. These interludes often provide the player with unimportant information to the overall pacing of the story, but still relevant enough for the context of it - for example, during the time that is yet to come in which Jane runs in trouble with the police, the Preliminaries are spent with Jasper and Ben, who discover that officer Stewart takes bribes from Gregorious Putnam - ; sometimes, though, it provides the player with information on how Jane would go from episode x to episode y.
And here’s where the problems with this recap start: the Preliminaries are missing, and therefore I have no idea how to trace the fact that Jane Goodhart went from being unconscious in the forest to visiting a hotel by the road. I can induce that she woke up, and that Eva Hope had either left instructions on how to find said hotel or that Jane found documents in her camp that led her to the place. All of that is only especulation, though.
Onto the episode: Jane Goodhart finds a simple hotel by the road and decides to stop by, possibly because she believes that Eva was there before. She enters the reception and, upon finding no one, starts to investigate on her own. She starts by entering on the digital database that keeps track of the clients, and she does so by using Nora Bradstreet’s birthday as a password. She discovers that Eva was, indeed, at that hotel recently. The next step is to invade the “glasses safe” where she keeps the keys - which she does with a clip - and get the key that opens Eva’s old room.
Inside, she notices that the carpet looks strange. Upon taking it away from a part of the floor, she notices that some of the wood looks different than the rest of it. With a GODDAMN CROWBAR she destroys that part of wood, and she finds a weirdly shaped ring: it has a pentagram star on it, and it seems to be... well, impractical to wear, unless you want to sting yourself. She also sees a red card, but before she can check it, all of the lights go off. There is a running sillhouette behind her, but it’s too fast for her to check.
Jane leaves the room, and goes to find the circuit breaker to fix it, which for some reason in a basement? Listen, it’s complicated to explain, so I’ll just show the picture and if anyone can tell me what this is and IMG ID it, I would thank you so much:
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Anyway, after she goes into Brazil, she’s locked up and can not get out. She’s trapped inside of the “basement”.
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murkyhazed-hasmoved · 3 years
A VERY LONG LIST OF MUSES ON HIATUS UNDER THE CUT.  i have also removed all my high school musical muses, and my simpsons muses!
courtney masterson / 6teen
mcteague / alita battle angel
iracebeth / alice in wonderland
grace augustine / avatar
jake sully / avatar
neytiri / avatar
linda belcher / bobs burgers
tina belcher / bobs burgers
charles boyle / brooklyn 99
theo putnam / chilling adventures of sabrina
imelda rivera / coco
jayne wetherby / dracula
patty tolan / ghostbusters
frankie bergstein / grace & frankie
aberforth dumbledore / harry potter
bellatrix lestrange / harry potter
hades / disneys hurcules
hercules / disneys hurcules
beverly marsh / it chapter 2
richie tozier / it chapter 2
ben stone / manifest
michaela stone / manifest
maria rambeau / mcu
stephen strange / mcu
artesian mccullough / orange is the new black
yoga jones / orange is the new black
red reznikov / orange is the new black
gloria mendoza / orange is the new black
natalie figueroa / orange is the new black
gladys jones / riverdale
chuck mortstein / sons of anarchy
david hale / sons of anarchy
june stahl / sons of anarchy
jim hopper / stranger things
nellie lovett / sweeney todd
fester addams / the addams family
wednesday addams / the addams family
shaun murphy / the good doctor
effie trinkett / hunger games
haymitch abernathy / hunger games
lucius best / the incredibles
violet parr / the incredibles
zira / lion king
pamela halpert / the office
sam eliot / the society
axel / the walking dead
gregory / the walking dead
juanita sanchez / the walking dead
morgan jones / the walking dead
noah spence / the walking dead
randall pearson / this is us
lilyanna / tinkerbell
theresa russo / wizards of waverly place
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bdscuatui · 4 years
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Giao dịch Bất động sản Quận Erie - Tin tức Buffalo Sau đây là các giao dịch bất động sản trên 5.000 đô la như được liệt kê trong hồ sơ của văn phòng thư ký Quận Erie trong tuần kết thúc vào ngày 21 tháng 2. AMHERST • Đại lộ 113 High Park, Debra Mary Koessler đến Lewis Ashley Elizabeth R; Patrick Z. Lewis, 620.000 đô la. • 15 Tòa án Guinevere, Rebecca L. Scamurra cho Jessica C. Frattali; Phillip M. Frattali Jr., $ 380.000. • 150 Sierra Drive, Ryan ngôi nhà của New York đến James P. Merrill; Mary A. Merrill, 362.480 đô la. • 57 Hunter Hunter Glen, Anthony W. Muffoletto; Kim M. Thomas đến Desire Giraneza; Mary Samoei, 336.000 đô la. • Tòa án Bramble 153, Anthony A. Tufillaro; Patricia A. Tufillaro đến Ginamarie M. Divita; Ryan M. Divita, $ 315,000. • 27 Campbell Meadows, Marilyn A. Hutcherson; Timothy C. Hutcherson cho Bandar Abdulrahman Almaghrabi; Farda Barandeh, 308.000 đô la. • Vòng tròn 414 Greengage, Mackenzie A. Fogarty; Allison Marchese đến Brian Bray; Cathryn Bray, 240.000 đô la. • 200 đường Briarhurst, Salvatore A. Zambito II đến Gregg P. Morrison, 222.000 đô la. • 38 Sudbury Lane, Ryan Divita đến Lori Lynn Rowe, 220.000 đô la. • 75 Tòa án Sedgemoor, Jessica C. Frattali; Phillip M. Frattali Jr. đến Tyler R. Holmes, $ 212.000. • Tòa án vườn 114, Smit Singla cho James A. Schwartz; Linda M. Schwartz, $ 208.500. • Tòa án Winterset 905, Karen L. Kowalc: 05 đến Karen Tyno, $ 181.000. • Đường 1422 Eggert, Kevin G. Appler cho Gregory M. Dionne; Taylor L. Walsh, $ 172,000. • 4755 # 8 Đường Chestnut Ridge, Carol M. Altman đến Amy Lynn Mccarrick, $ 122,570. • 59b Old Lyme Dr Unit 4, Arman Afshani đến Stephanie A. Smyth, $ 116.300. , Ciminelli Muir Woods LLC đến Ryan ngôi nhà của New York, $ 82,330. • 45 Guilford Lane Đơn vị 6, Nancy J. Hubbard đến Janet Traise, 81.000 đô la. • 3059 Tonawanda Creek Road, Hayes Jann OH; Prentice S. Hayes cho Andrea R. Miller; Matthew D. Miller, 80.000 đô la.AURORA / EAST AURORA • 4150 Martingale Ct # 26, Mona Livingston đến Maureen Ann Martin; Ronald George Martin, $ 490.000. • 226 Walnut St., Ruth E. Musty cho Barbara L. Ronan; Michael E. Ronan, $ 185,000. • Trung tâm 648 St., Henrietta Smith; Henrietta F. Smith đến Tod Douglas Smith, $ 132,000.BLASDELL • 3879 South Park Ave., Florence D. Pinkoske; William L. Pinkoske đến WNY Management Group LLC, $ 115.000.BOoston • 6405 Hillcroft Drive, John C. Tomani; Rosemary F. Tomani đến Therese M. Muscato, 430.000 đô la.BUFFALO • 11 Summer St., Main-Summer Corp đến Gold Wynn Buffalo LLC, 1.300.000 đô la. • 509 Virginia St., Geoffrey P. White đến Frederick Mertz, 515.000 đô la. , Kathleen T. Schwinger đến 1597 Elmwood Buffalo LLC, $ 465.000. • 13 St Johns Place, 829 Bird Ave. LLC đến Edward M. Bartel; Rebecca L. Bartel, 425.000 đô la. • 527 Richmond Ave., Lanzer Holdings LLC đến Kristen Tservranckx, 410.250 đô la. • 433 Prospect Ave., Alexanders 46 Inc; Greg Phillies Enterprises LLC đến Alice M. Damato; Donald R. Damato, 350.000 đô la. • 64 Rand Ave., Bruce Omahen; Rebecca Omahen đến Ansh Gupta; Kayla Kathleen Gupta, 242.050 đô la. • 45 Shoreham Parkway, Atml Trading Inc đến Auwid Adnan M Al, 225.000 đô la. • 342 Amherst St., M & j Limited Partnership to Safe Link Transport Inc, 220.000 đô la. • 22 Putnam South, Darryl Heusinger; Eric Heusinger; Bart Semira đến Jenna L. Darron, $ 217.500. • Biệt thự 391, John Majewski III cho Andrew Binder, $ 210.000. • 277 Woodside, Hook & Lad Development LLC đến Kathryn M. Marzeski, $ 180.000. • 733 St Lawrence Ave., Jason P. Kilonsky; Jennifer L. Scibetta cho Jessica L. Shchurowsky; Stephen M. Shchurowsky, $ 176,900. • 173 West Tupper St., Ronald Scott đến Alisha Kandola, $ 175,440. • 706 Tonawanda St., Ahmed Alkaifi đến Best Home WNY Inc, $ 160.000. • 65 Baynes, Tany Haynes cho Anne H. Showers; Jesse J. Showers, 150.500 đô la. • 176 Crystal, Hook & Lad Development LLC đến Jessica Ruth Kohl, 132.000 đô la. • 33 Mt Vernon Ave., Richard F. Mazella; Suzana Mazella đến Jordan Khoury, 130.000 đô la. • 409 South Ogden St., Steven Melock; Charles C. Siwy; Kinda Siwy đến Jenelle Dixon; Bernardo Ortiz, 128.900 đô la. • 99 Metcalfe St., Kevin Dawidowicz đến Gabriel L. Malcolm, 125.000 đô la. • 50 Aldrich, Ra & bt LLC đến Timothy I. Mulotta, 125.000 đô la. • 72 Kamper Ave., Sean P. Conrad đến Bruce B. Omahen ; Rebecca L. Omahen, 120.000 đô la. • 193 Lisbon Ave., Booboo 55 Corp đến Jon R. Nelson, 117.000 đô la. • 98 Unger Ave., William C. Londo II cho Jennifer K. Lowry; Timothy O. Overdorf, 95.000 đô la. • 17 Condon Ave., Condon 17 LLC đến Mahdi Enad, 95.000 đô la. • 217 Schiller, Alpha One Realty LLC đến Nieisha S. Beauford, 95.000 đô la. • 127 Downing St., Homedog LLC đến Stacey T. Whalen, 90.240 đô la. • 99 Riverview Place, Rosalie S. Bosch đến Gustavs S. Rhodes; Teresa A. Rhodes, 85.000 đô la. • 462 Plymouth, Thomas J. Raftery đến Imran Hassan, 85.000 đô la. • 145 Evelyn, Stanley C. Owcarz; Stanley Charles Owcarz; Stanley Owcarz đến Nai Chan Rot, 80.000 đô la. • 105 Manhattan Ave., Teena Jackson; Teena Jones đến Sabnam Akther, 75.000 đô la. • 65 Forman, Begum Sufia đến Imran Khalique, 75.000 đô la. • 67 Bird Ave., James Mackinnon tới Corey Rae Hunter, 71.250 đô la. • 895 Prospect Ave., Mary K. Sullivan tới Susan. . • 488 Winspear Ave., Lou Lou Lao đến Buffalo Sunrise Dream USA Inc, 64.000 USD. • 230 Hagen St., Jamal Hossain đến Mst Merina Khatun; Md Kutub Uddin, 60.000 đô la. • 27 Theodore, Cindy D. Clarke đến Mohammad N. Zaman, 60.000 đô la. • 25 Mayer Ave., Black Rock Properties LLC đến Buffalo Revival LLC, 57.500 đô la. • 109 Progressive Ave., Mirza Iqbal Rahman Shs; Chữ ký quản lý vốn dba, 55.000 đô la. • 96 Bush St., Mirza Iqbal Rahman cho tài sản Shs; Chữ ký quản lý vốn dba, 55.000 đô la. • 11 Ivy St., Dream Home Realty của Buffalo Inc đến Majed Miah, 50.000 đô la. • 16 Gatchell St., Ugr Cap LLC đến Afrin Akter; Md Main Uddin, 47.000 đô la. • 55 A, Sit Ma Ma Re đến Faw Lan, 45.000 đô la. • 18 Klaus St., Edward Green đến Pamela N. Stoddard; Ronald F. Stoddard Sr., 45.000 đô la. • 582 William, Mohmed Altashi đến Mothana Anwar S H, 45.000 đô la. • 12 Manhart St., Ernestine Price; Ernestine Marguerite Giá cho Mohammed S. Mia, 41.000 đô la. • 275 Davidson, Patricia Ann Thomas đến 275 Davidson LLC, 40.000 đô la. • 1501 Genesee St., Jhura Corp; Jhura Inc đến Mafiz ký kết Inc, 40.000 đô la. • 393 Northampton, Mohammed Ashak đến Kamrul Hassan Bhuiyan, 39.000 đô la. • 56 Wick St., Kevin Clark đến Md Jahangir Alam, 37.100 đô la. • 2166 Bailey Ave. Cứu Grace Min Ministry Inc cho Sadaf Hina Jawed; Muhammad Arslan Yousaf, 36.000 đô la. • 225 Hagen St., Lindenhurst Gas Corp đến Rozina Akhter; Jamal Hossain, 35.000 đô la. • 354 Florida, Michael A. Seaman; Thành phố Buffalo cho người nổi tiếng bất động sản Hoa Kỳ Inc, 34.000 đô la. • 87 Alma, Thành phố trâu đến Nilufa Yeasmin Mosammat, 33.000 đô la. • 94 Krettner St., Timothy James Andulchat; Mary L. Coston đến Esb Group LLC, $ 32,800. • 58 Maryland St., Geoff Wade; Geoffrey lội đến Bonkuka Fnu Kwayo Ithe, 30.000 đô la. • 128 Carl, Michael A. Seaman; Thành phố Buffalo đến Amirul Hồi giáo, 27.000 đô la. • 43 B, Elora Saied đến Aklima Karim Khan, 21.000 đô la. Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ NA Tr đến Hzmy LLC, $ 17,622.CHEEKTOWAGA • 68 Ad Windwood Court, Windwood Place LLC đến 3095 Harlem Road Inc, $ 425.000. • 121 Groell Ave., Zabihollah Khaiber đến Mushtaq A. Mohamed, $ 275.000. Dorothy A. Coyle; Ronald J. Coyle đến 3200 Genesee St. LLC, 220.000 đô la. • 51 Goering Ave., Standard Property Management LLC đến Cyprian L. Mbeke; Kai E. Mbeke, 210.000 đô la. • 35 Crandon, Ralph Tweetsey đến Shahin Ahmed; Nele Begum, $ 167.500. • 116 Yvonne Ave., James E. Kolhoff; Marcella J. Kolhoff cho Humayyah Lee Hayward, 165.000 đô la. • 503 Walton Drive, Briana L. Niland cho Richard A. Hall Jr., 162.500 đô la. • 461 Darwin Drive, Janice Tucker cho Joseph L. Coleman IV, 149.000 đô la. • 99 Lou Ann Lái xe, Syte LLC đến Jenna Willis, 146.900 đô la. • 148 Đường Briarcliff, Jeremy B. Hoover đến Nathaniel B. Niver, 145.000 đô la. • 50 Wells Ave., Susan Casucci; Susan B. Casucci đến Sabrina N. Casucci, 145.000 đô la. • 195 Mcnaughton Ave., Michael P. Wendel đến Laurie A. Yaeger, 140.000 đô la. • 307 Parker St., Malwina Lubonski đến Daniel R. Bunch Jr., 125.000 đô la. • 20 Lái xe Parkedge, Brian D. Richards; Renee C. Richards đến Willie Frank Cickyham; Lucy Shannon, 100.000 đô la. • 142 Elmwood Ave., David J. Bartochowski; Bartochowski Irene M tháng 12; Norbert L. Bartochowski cho David Anderson; Melissa Anderson, 90.100 đô la. • 114 Glidden St., Helen A. Piatkowski; Jeanette Ruperti; Chester J. Wrobel; Thomas J. Wrobel đến Hdh Realty Inc, 90.000 đô la. • 107 Olanta St., Guinevere C. Horst; Thomas E. Horst đến James Haley III, 66.000 đô la. • 94 Woodell Ave., Sandra A. Piatek đến Amanda L. Fliss; Virginia Szalczewski, $ 52.500. • 18 Helenbrook Lane, Suzanne M. Kowal; Barbara M. Stanton đến William A. Scholz, 50.000 đô la. • 1591 East Delavan Ave., Douglas J. Stone; Nancy A. Stone đến Ks State Inc, 36.000 đô la. • 19 Vera Ave., Darlene R. Dudzic; Vincent Lotempio đến Cơ quan thế chấp của tiểu bang New York, $ 33,174. • 114 Glidden St., Schlant Mark J Bkr Tr; Wrobel Thomas J Bkr Tr đến Hdh Realty Inc, 30.000 đô la. • 1272 & 1280 Walden Ave., Scott A. Bylewski; Quận Erie đến 1280 Walden LLC, 17.000 đô la. • Đất trống 3048 William St., James Roberts đến Raas Lending Corp, 15.000 đô la. • 89 Henry St., James Hill đến Kevin Wiess, 15.000 đô la. LỚN • 5354 Briannas Nook, Forbes Homes Inc tới Jeffrey M. Meissner, 492.215 đô la. • 5733 Waterford Lane, Essex Ngôi nhà của WNY Inc cho Kevin D. Callahan; Mary J. Callahan, 450.145 đô la. • 9409 Bonnie Fay Drive, Edward M. Bartel; Rebecca L. Bartel đến Karalyn A. Freitag; Peter J. Freitag, 440.000 đô la. • 9640 Cao St., Ashley S. Tibbetts; Evan R. Tibbetts đến Emily A. Adolf; Kurt C. Adolf, $ 390,000. • 8061 Clarherst Drive, Walter J Floss Jr Tin tưởng có thể hủy bỏ 081806 Tr cho Jonathan D. Schierer; Shirley Schierer, 350.000 đô la. • 6125 Đường Goodrich, Barbara Schmid đến Konrad H. Diehl, 205.000 đô la. • 8885 Tòa án Williams, Karin M. Ryan; Robert J. Ryan đến Mcw Const Inc, 155.000 đô la. • 5861 1c Goodrich Road, Thaddeus Reszel; Thaddeus F. Reszel Jr. đến John E. Thur; Susanne K. Thur, 140.000 đô la. • 8928 Willyoungs Nhìn ra, Cimato Enterprises Inc đến Marrano / marc Equity Corporation, 130.000 đô la. • 8783 Stahley Road, Keepsake Homes Inc cho Rosado Manuel E Garcia; Torres Johanne I Batiz, 85.000 USD. • Vùng đất trống Sheridan Drive, Christopher D. Carollo; Richard C. Reinhold đến Ehsan Afshani; Victoria Skurski, 60.000 đô la. • 8150 Hampalinger Road, Betty Lou Fiegl đến Christopher Lavocat; Meredith Lavocat, 50.000 đô la Mỹ. 7751 Đường Ailen, Lawrence J. Calleri; Paula J. Calleri cho Jennifer R. Hoffman; Todd Hoffman, 285.000 đô la Mỹ. 2274 Orchard Place, Irvine J. Gaffney; Richard C. Gaffney to Jammy Noyes, $ 118,000.CONCORD • 9206 Middle Road, Deborah A. Bruno đến Ryan A. Bruno, 155.000.ELMA • 140 Jackman Lane, Charles Agnello; Debra Agnello to Dane D. Đếm; Renee L. Koppenhaver, $ 580,000. • 2751 Bowen Road, David A Ross & diane M Ross Renovation31 LLC đến Joyce M. Chlebek; Mark P. Chlebek, 394.000 đô la. • 6 Hidden Valley Drive, Costa Family Trust 112211 Tr cho Jason Brostko; Julie Brostko, $ 287.500. • 91 Đường Hickory Hill, Michael C. Walczak; Sharon S. Walczak đến Nicole K. Sobol; Spencer L. Sobol, 285.000 đô la. TIẾNG VIỆT • 6694 Prescott Drive, David W. Bates; Paula M. Bates; Bethany Rubin đến Bank of America NA, $ 150,862. • 9729 Versailles Road, Catherine J. Piall đến Darlene M. Ignasiak, $ 101,017. • 8191 Erie Road, Jean Guenot tới Duncan Tyler Jewitt, $ 80.000.FARNHAM • 580 Thương mại St. Orlando; Nicholas J. Orlando; Paul C. Orlando đến Devon Richards, 82.000 USD. ĐẢO ĐẢO • 301 Thuộc địa, Neil F. Hoffman; Heidi C. Martin đến Breanne Rhoads; Kyle M. Rhoads, $ 189.000. • 153 Riverdale Drive, Scott M. Green đến Michele L. Wanko, $ 163.000 .AMAM • 5566 Camp Road, Dc Sw Cleburne LLC đến Micropropericat One LLC, $ 1,011,050. • 2296 Agassiz Drive, Marrano / marc Tập đoàn đến Jason C. Walsh, $ 344,612. • 53 Nice Ave., Ruth S. Wood cho Eric M. Herman; Laura Herman, $ 245,000. • 6671 Đường Burke, George H. Yoviene đến Maryann Miller; Thomas D. Miller, 220.000 đô la. • 4330-berkley Pl & 14075, Mark Leas; Nancy Vitale Leas to Mark C Leas 2015 Revocable Trust Tr, $ 40,000. LACKAWANNA • 95 South Shore, Kyle Wheeler đến Maureen T. Sweeney, 202.500 đô la. • 87 Shamokin Drive, Salvatore A. Monaco đến Debra J. Pytlak; Richard J. Pytlak, 150.000 đô la. • 50 knowlton Ave., Brett J. Gage đến Megan L. Sobocinski; Timothy M. Wilton, 146.810 đô la. • 37 Vincent Ave., Ethan W. Collins; Kenneth Gutschall cho Rmac Trust Series 2016-Ctt Tr; Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ NA Tr, $ 117,458.LANCASTER • 6291 Broadway, Cheryl A. Derkovitz; Peter A. Derkovitz đến Kim Obllin Bucci; Rudolf D. Bucci, $ 635,000. • 105 Avian Way, Marrano / marc Equity Corporation cho Jamie L. Fletcher; Jonathan R. Fletcher, $ 420,908. • 19 Cây thông, Linda E. Stephens; Richard A. Stephens đến Ari H. Almqvist; Domenika C. Bryant, 360.000 USD. • 26 ngõ Logan, Ann Marie Pickard; James N. Pickard đến Beverly Skorupa; Robert Skorupa, 343.000 đô la. • 25 Willow Ridge, Vera Dziadyk; Zenart J. Dziadyk đến Jeannine Haak; Scott Haak, $ 295.000. • 47 Tín hiệu ổ đĩa, Robin M. Dickman; Scott J. Dickman; Scott Dickman; Robin M. Greene; Robin Greene; Michael J. Herberger đến Fannie Mae, $ 211,712. • 30 Hess Place, Thomas P Schuster Ira Ben; Công ty ủy thác cổ phần đối với Elizabeth Kreppel; Joseph R. Kreppel, $ 208,000. • 76 Robert Drive, Jeannine A. Haak; Scott M. Haak đến Nina N. Mohsini, 198.000 đô la. • 2a St Anthony St., William Severyn đến Ambitious Enterprises Inc, 35.000 đô la. • 2b St Anthony St., William Severyn đến Ambitious Enterprises Inc, 35.000 đô la.MARILLA • 11518 Jamison Road, Justin Enterprises của Marilla Inc đến C & c Snyder Properties LLC, 350.000 đô la. XEM LẠI • Đường đất trống, Đường sân khấu, Candy L. Zackey; Thomas S. Zackey cho John E. Thur; Susanne K. Thur, 130.000 đô la. BỘ SƯU TẬP • 10637 Elm St., Danielle C. Diltz đến Kristen Thomas, $ 118,450.ORCHARD PARK • 124 Breezewood Drive, Michael J. Sullivan Jr. đến Chandler Reid Ferguson, $ 420.000. Edward M. Kruk; Sharon Kruk đến Kelly D. Pomana, 200.000 USD. • 29 Burbank Drive, Delphine A. Rollek; Delphine Ann Rollek đến Thomas Anthony Rollek; Wendy Sue Rollek, 180.000 đô la. • 5661 Scherff, David F. Allan; Diane M. Finger; John Finger cho Bobbi Jo Clark, 150.500 đô la. • 3904 Đường Abbott, Danie E. Brick; Debbie Mcdonell; Deborah M. Mcdonell; Deborah Mcdonell; Joseph D. Mcdonell; Joseph Mcdonell đến Ngân hàng M & t, $ 77,732.SARDINIA • Đường Olean, Mark I LLC đến Mark A. Kless, $ 76,560.CITY OF TONAWANDA • 60 Broad St., D Avid Commercial Properties LLC đến Veg Properties LLC, $ 210.000. • 739 Fletcher St. , Maryann S. Miller; Thomas D. Miller đến Salvatore Niro; Samantha Niro, 152.000 đô la. • 145 Syracuse St., Richard George Sửa sang Bradley N. Sciandra; Raelyn A. Sciandra, 130.000 đô la. • 43 Schuler Ave., Justina Heerdt; Richard Heerdt đến Paige Gore; Luke William Koren, 125.000 đô la.TONAWANDA • 1840 Military Road, Borowski Enterprises LLC đến Classic Lanes Realty LLC, 950.000 đô la. • 167 Irving Terrace, Karolynne M. Walters đến Ye Wu, 214.900 đô la. • 80 Marquette Ave., Ryann Hartmayer cho Kathryn R. Eskew; Ron W. Eskew, 180.000 đô la. • 19-25 Hale Court, V & f Property Management LLC đến G & w Capital Real Real LLC, 165.000 đô la. • 45 Fairlane Ave., Willard A. Sanscrainte Sr. đến Dawn L. Patton; Jonathan Patton, 155.000 đô la. • 111 Westfall, James V. Bartkowski; Thomas V. Bartkowski; Patricia M. Grundtisch; Kathryn M. Ryan đến John H. Callowhill, 134.000 đô la. • 48 Warburton Place, Joseph E. Barry đến Matthew R. Braun, 125.600 đô la. • 463 Harrison Ave., Flower City Properties LLC đến Samantha Williams, 112.000 đô la. • 306 Abbington Ave. , Mark S. Aquino; Ethel Rakowski cho Paul J. Tagliarino, 110.600 đô la. • 471 Delkn Ave., Bertha Tejada đến Roy F. Thurston; Sherry L. Thurston, 101.000 đô la. CÁCH • Đất trống Hunters Creek Road, Mary Munn; Richard Munn đến 606 Oakwood LLC, 84.500 đô la. • 6234 Đường Vermont Hill, Norman R. Daruszka Jr. đến Lsf9 Master Sự tham gia của Master Tr; Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ NA Tr, 79,733 đô la. SENECA TỐT NHẤT • 69 Tracy Lynn Lane, David J. Nagy; Rosanne M. Nagy đến Kelly A. Gorczyca; Matthew C. Gorczyca, 250.000 đô la. • 273 Garry Drive, Lsf9 Master Trion Trust Tr; Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ NA Tr đến Tracy tháng 5, $ 200.000. • 33 Arrowhead Drive, Jennifer R. Hoffman; Todd D. Hoffman đến Ronnie Hartman, $ 193,300. • 77 Barnett Drive, Gerald M. Kane; John P. Kane; Joseph M. Kane; Karen E. Kane; Mary C. Kane; Michael F. Kane; Paul A. Kane; Peter T. Kane; Maureen A. Orayfig; Sheila P. Pierce cho Joseph M. Kane; Michelle Kane, 180.000 đô la. • 120 Burch Ave., Liebner Kinda; Mary K. Schwartzmeyer; Thomas J. Schwartzmeyer gửi Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ NA, $ 172,986. • 51 Greymont Ave., Steven Melock; Charles C. Siwy đến La bàn mạo hiểm của WNY LLC, 120.000 đô la. • 57 Elmsford Drive, Victor Paul Olejniczak đến My Place của WNY LLC, 118.500 đô la. • 4099 Seneca St., Bank of America NA đến Tamsitu Holdings LLC, $ 7.980. [ad_2] Nguồn
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claire-de-macarune · 5 years
Chapters: 9/? Fandom: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (TV 2018) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Zelda Spellman/Mary Wardwell | Madam Satan | Lilith Characters: Mary Wardwell | Madam Satan | Lilith, Zelda Spellman, George Hawthorne, Rosalind "Roz" Walker, Reverend Walker, Faustus Blackwood, Edward Spellman, Hilda Spellman, Dr. Cerberus (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina), Sabrina Spellman, The Weird Sisters (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina), Prudence Night, Dorcas (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina), Agatha (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina), Harvey Kinkle, Theo Putnam Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, The little mermaid - Freeform, click for merwitches?, and Blackwood the Sea Bitch, hush gregory i am searching vibes, skateboarding lesbian? i thought she said sailboating lesbian, whoops, just trust me bro, Fluff, sooooo much fluff, Too much alliteration and imagery, I mean what did you expect?, Internalized Homophobia, Royalty, Spellman shenanigans, crack fluff tbh, feat. le dinglehopper, some mild peril, lilith still says fuck men, the Spellman sisters being soft, honestly, they're the real love story in this fic Summary:
The Little Mermaid AU, as requested.
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The 2019 Locus Award nominees: your guide to the best sf/f of 2018
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Locus Magazine has published its annual Locus Award finalists, a shortlist of the best science fiction and fantasy of the past calendar year. I rely on this list to find the books I've overlooked (so. many. books.). This year's looks like a bumper crop.
Now that the finalists have been announced, Locus subscribers and others can cast their votes; the awards will be presented in Seattle during a weekend-long event that runs June 28-30, MC'ed by Connie Willis.
Record of a Spaceborn Few, Becky Chambers (Harper Voyager US; Hodder & Stoughton)
The Calculating Stars, Mary Robinette Kowal (Tor)
If Tomorrow Comes, Nancy Kress (Tor)
Revenant Gun, Yoon Ha Lee (Solaris US; Solaris UK)
Blackfish City, Sam J. Miller (Ecco; Orbit UK)
Embers of War, Gareth L. Powell (Titan US; Titan UK)
Elysium Fire, Alastair Reynolds (Gollancz; Orbit US)
Red Moon, Kim Stanley Robinson (Orbit US; Orbit UK)
Unholy Land, Lavie Tidhar (Tachyon)
Space Opera, Catherynne M. Valente (Saga)
Lies Sleeping, Ben Aaronovitch (DAW; Gollancz)
Foundryside, Robert Jackson Bennett (Crown; Jo Fletcher)
The Monster Baru Cormorant, Seth Dickinson (Tor)
Deep Roots, Ruthanna Emrys (Tor.com Publishing)
Ahab’s Return, Jeffrey Ford (Morrow)
European Travel for the Monstrous Gentlewoman, Theodora Goss (Saga)
The Mere Wife, Maria Dahvana Headley (MCD)
The Wonder Engine, T. Kingfisher (Argyll Productions)
Spinning Silver, Naomi Novik (Del Rey; Macmillan)
Creatures of Want and Ruin, Molly Tanzer (John Joseph Adams)
In the Night Wood, Dale Bailey (John Joseph Adams)
Unlanguage, Michael Cisco (Eraserhead)
We Sold Our Souls, Grady Hendrix (Quirk)
Coyote Songs, Gabino Iglesias (Broken River)
The Hunger, Alma Katsu (Putnam; Bantam Press UK)
The Outsider, Stephen King (Scribner; Hodder & Stoughton)
The Listener, Robert McCammon (Cemetery Dance)
Cross Her Heart, Sarah Pinborough (HarperCollins UK/Morrow)
The Cabin at the End of the World, Paul Tremblay (Morrow; Titan UK)
Tide of Stone, Kaaron Warren (Omnium Gatherum)
The Gone Away Place, Christopher Barzak (Knopf)
The Cruel Prince, Holly Black (Little, Brown; Hot Key)
The Belles, Dhonielle Clayton (Freeform; Gollancz)
Tess of the Road, Rachel Hartman (Random House)
Dread Nation, Justina Ireland (Balzer + Bray)
Cross Fire, Fonda Lee (Scholastic)
The Agony House, Cherie Priest & Tara O’Connor (Levine)
Half-Witch, John Schoffstall (Big Mouth House)
Impostors, Scott Westerfeld (Scholastic US; Scholastic UK)
Mapping the Bones, Jane Yolen (Philomel)
Children of Blood and Bone, Tomi Adeyemi (Henry Holt; Macmillan)
Semiosis, Sue Burke (Tor)
Armed in Her Fashion, Kate Heartfield (ChiZine)
The Poppy War, R.F. Kuang (Harper Voyager US; Harper Voyager UK)
The Quantum Magician, Derek Künsken (Solaris US; Solaris UK)
Annex, Rich Larson (Orbit US)
Severance, Ling Ma (Farrar, Straus, Giroux)
Witchmark, C.L. Polk (Tor.com Publishing)
Trail of Lightning, Rebecca Roanhorse (Saga)
Empire of Sand, Tasha Suri (Orbit US; Orbit UK)
The Black God’s Drums, P. Djèlí Clark (Tor.com Publishing)
The Tea Master and the Detective, Aliette de Bodard (Subterranean)
“Umbernight“, Carolyn Ives Gilman (Clarkesworld 2/18)
Black Helicopters, Caitlín R. Kiernan (Tor.com Publishing)
Time Was, Ian McDonald (Tor.com Publishing)
Gods, Monsters, and the Lucky Peach, Kelly Robson (Tor.com Publishing)
The Freeze-Frame Revolution, Peter Watts (Tachyon)
Artificial Condition, Martha Wells (Tor.com Publishing)
Rogue Protocol, Martha Wells (Tor.com Publishing)
The Descent of Monsters, JY Yang (Tor.com Publishing)
“The Donner Party”, Dale Bailey (F&SF 1–2/18)
“Okay, Glory”, Elizabeth Bear (Twelve Tomorrows)
“No Flight Without the Shatter“, Brooke Bolander (Tor.com 8/15/18)
The Only Harmless Great Thing, Brooke Bolander (Tor.com Publishing)
“The Last Banquet of Temporal Confections“, Tina Connolly (Tor.com 7/11/18)
“An Agent of Utopia”, Andy Duncan (An Agent of Utopia)
“Queen Lily“, Theodora Goss (Lightspeed 11/18)
“Nine Last Days on Planet Earth“, Daryl Gregory (Tor.com 9/19/18)
“Quality Time”, Ken Liu (Robots vs Fairies)
“How to Swallow the Moon“, Isabel Yap (Uncanny 11–12/18)
“The Secret Lives of the Nine Negro Teeth of George Washington“, Phenderson Djèlí Clark (Fireside 2/18)
“The Bookcase Expedition”, Jeffrey Ford (Robots vs Fairies)
“STET“, Sarah Gailey (Fireside 10/18)
“A Witch’s Guide to Escape: A Practical Compendium of Portal Fantasies“, Alix E. Harrow (Apex 2/6/18)
“Cuisine des Mémoires”, N.K. Jemisin (How Long ’til Black Future Month?)
“The Storyteller’s Replacement”, N.K. Jemisin (How Long ’til Black Future Month?)
“Firelight“, Ursula K. Le Guin (Paris Review Summer ’18)
“The Starship and the Temple Cat“, Yoon Ha Lee (Beneath Ceaseless Skies 2/1/18)
“Mother of Invention“, Nnedi Okorafor (Future Tense)
“The Court Magician“, Sarah Pinsker (Lightspeed 1/18)
The Best Horror of the Year Volume Ten, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Night Shade)
The Book of Magic, Gardner Dozois, ed. (Bantam; Harper Voyager UK)
The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Thirty-fifth Annual Collection, Gardner Dozois, ed. (St. Martin’s Griffin)
Worlds Seen in Passing, Irene Gallo, ed. (Tor.com Publishing)
The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2018, N.K. Jemisin & John Joseph Adams, eds. (Mariner)
Robots vs Fairies, Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe, eds. (Saga)
The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy of the Year, Volume Twelve, Jonathan Strahan, ed. (Solaris US; Solaris UK)
Infinity’s End, Jonathan Strahan, ed. (Solaris US; Solaris UK)
The Underwater Ballroom Society, Tiffany Trent & Stephanie Burgis, eds. (Five Fathoms)
The Future Is Female!, Lisa Yaszek, ed. (Library of America)
The Tangled Lands, Paolo Bacigalupi & Tobias S. Buckell (Saga)
Brief Cases, Jim Butcher (Ace; Orbit UK)
An Agent of Utopia, Andy Duncan (Small Beer)
How Long ’til Black Future Month?, N.K. Jemisin (Orbit US; Orbit UK)
The Dinosaur Tourist, Caitlín R. Kiernan (Subterranean)
Fire & Blood, George R.R. Martin (Bantam; Harper Voyager UK)
All the Fabulous Beasts, Priya Sharma (Undertow)
The Future Is Blue, Catherynne M. Valente (Subterranean)
Starlings, Jo Walton (Tachyon)
How to Fracture a Fairy Tale, Jane Yolen (Tachyon)
Beneath Ceaseless Skies
Strange Horizons
Angry Robot
Small Beer
John Joseph Adams
Neil Clarke
Ellen Datlow
Gardner Dozois
C.C. Finlay
Jonathan Strahan
Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas
Ann & Jeff VanderMeer
Sheila Williams
Navah Wolfe
Kinuko Y. Craft
Galen Dara
Julie Dillon
Leo & Diane Dillon
Bob Eggleton
Victo Ngai
John Picacio
Shaun Tan
Charles Vess
Michael Whelan
Space Odyssey: Stanley Kubrick, Arthur C. Clarke, and the Making of a Masterpiece, Michael Benson (Simon & Schuster)
Sense of Wonder: Short Fiction Reviews (2009-2017), Gardner Dozois (ReAnimus)
Strange Stars, Jason Heller (Melville House)
Dreams Must Explain Themselves: The Selected Non-Fiction of Ursula K. Le Guin, Ursula K. Le Guin (Gollancz)
Ursula K. Le Guin: Conversations on Writing, Ursula K. Le Guin & David Naimon (Tin House)
Old Futures: Speculative Fiction and Queer Possibility, Alexis Lothian (NYU Press)
Tolkien: Maker of Middle-earth, Catherine McIlwaine, ed. (Bodleian Library)
Astounding: John W. Campbell, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, and the Golden Age of Science Fiction, Alec Nevala-Lee (Dey Street)
None of This Is Normal: The Fiction of Jeff VanderMeer, Benjamin J. Robertson (University of Minnesota Press)
An Informal History of the Hugos: A Personal Look Back at the Hugo Awards, 1953-2000, Jo Walton (Tor)
Yoshitaka Amano, Yoshitaka Amano: The Illustrated Biography – Beyond the Fantasy, Florent Gorges (Les Éditions Pix’n Love 2015; Dark Horse)
Spectrum 25: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art, John Fleskes, ed. (Flesk)
John Howe, A Middle-earth Traveler: Sketches from Bag End to Mordor (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; HarperCollins UK)
Jeffrey Alan Love, The Thousand Demon Tree (Flesk)
Simon Stålenhag, The Electric State (Fria Ligan ’17; Skybound)
Shaun Tan, Cicada (Lothian; Levine ’19)
Charles Vess, The Books of Earthsea: The Complete Illustrated Edition, Ursula K. Le Guin (Saga)
Michael Whelan, Beyond Science Fiction: The Alternative Realism of Michael Whelan (Baby Tattoo)
Dungeons & Dragons Art and Arcana: A Visual History, Michael Witwer, Kyle Newman, Jon Peterson, & Sam Witwer (Ten Speed)
Lisbeth Zwerger, The Tales of Beedle the Bard, J.K. Rowling (Levine)
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bainelland · 5 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (TV 2018) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Zelda Spellman/Mary Wardwell | Madam Satan | Lilith Characters: Mary Wardwell | Madam Satan | Lilith, Zelda Spellman, George Hawthorne, Rosalind "Roz" Walker, Reverend Walker, Faustus Blackwood, Edward Spellman, Hilda Spellman, Dr. Cerberus (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina), Sabrina Spellman, The Weird Sisters (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina), Prudence Night, Dorcas (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina), Agatha (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina), Harvey Kinkle, Theo Putnam Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, The little mermaid - Freeform, click for merwitches?, and Blackwood the Sea Bitch, hush gregory i am searching vibes, skateboarding lesbian? i thought she said sailboating lesbian, whoops, just trust me bro, Fluff, sooooo much fluff, Too much alliteration and imagery, I mean what did you expect?, Internalized Homophobia, Royalty, Spellman shenanigans, crack fluff tbh, feat. le dinglehopper Summary:
The Little Mermaid AU, as requested.
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