#aleena lareau
Journals of the Unknown - Witches of Salem Preliminaries
We can finally start talking about the story of Journals’ first season, Witches of Salem. But before we start, I would like to share both a sinopsis of this season and the characters who play a relevant role in it, just so I can be sure that these characters’ spirtes will remain somewhere to be seen even if my last resources for finding them disappears.
It is important to note, for some of these descriptions, that there was a second version of Journals of the Unknown released once The Other Guys settled with specializing in interactive story games, and the original one was left behind. I suspect it’s both because the format of a television-like format, where the episodes are released apart from one another, was not working with an audience whose main goal was to play a point and click game. I also suspect that happened because games such as Criminal Case decreased in popularity (since you don’t see that many people playing Facebook games anymore) while games such as Linda Brown gained said popularity (Linda Brown isThe Other Guys’ property, by the way), but that’s only a suspicion.
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Througout the game, we only come in contact with Eva Hope and Sally Acheron, but it is important to know that there were three people who were mostly targeted by the murderer, and that also included Aleena Lareau. To be fair, these characters are some of the few that I can say have been given an official age.
ID: Two pages of a notebook. The first one reads: “Dear Jane, I’m glad that you decided to follow your father’s steps and accept working at the magazine. Remember: 2 girls have died in Salem (one was the tarot reader and the second was the horoscope writer). Now the atendant of the Salem Witch Museu is missing. This doesn’t look good! We think there’s a new witch hunt going on even if the police denies it. Find out but take care!”, signed Ben, in cursive. The other page has three black and white pictures of the dead and missing woman, which reads: “Name: Aleena Lareau. Age: 47. Occupation: Tarot Reader. Status: deceased”, “Name: Sally Acheron. Age: 23. Occupation: Horoscope writer. Status: Deceased”, “Name: Eva Hope. Age: 22. Occupation: Salem Witch Mseum attendant. Status: Missing”. END ID
JANE GOODHART: She’s the main character of the game, and naturally will appear in the following seasons. She’s a journalist whose main motivation in joining the team of paranormal investigations at the Amazing Magazine is to find her long missing father, Ulysses Goodhart, because she doesn’t believe in the supernatural at first. She has a strong sense of justice, but I CAN NOT say the same applies for her sense of morality, honest to God (you’ll see why soon enough...)
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ID: One of the first few frames in The Witches of Salem. It contains Jane Goodhart with a bubble that reads: “Has a new (in all caps and in bold) witch hunt (end of all caps and bold) started? I’m heading there to (in bold) investigate (end of bold)...”. Jane Goodhart appears to be a young adult between her 20′s-30′s, with white skin, light colored eyes and blonde hair. She’s wearing a leatherjacket which matches her hair color, and a necklace. END ID
ULYSSES GOODHART: Jane’s main motivator to go around on adventure, and the main link between the cases of the game. Throughout the game, it is implied that he was a caring father to her, albeit a very distant one due to his many trips throughout the world as a journalist. This importance he gave to his work was very detrimental to his marriage. He was the founder of the Amazing Magazine, and is best friends with Ben Watson/Werels.
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ID: An old protograph, of Ulysses and Jane Goodhart when she was a child. In the photograph, the house of the Goodharts can be seen on the background, and Ulysses holds his daughter on his back (I don’t know how to describe it, but it’s such a stereotypical father thing to do, you know what I’m talking about). Ulysses appears to be middle aged, he has gray hair and a short beard that covers most of his face. He wears a watch on his left arm. END ID
BEN WATSON/WERELS: In the point and click-occult object version of the game, Ben’s surname was Watson. In the interactive story version, his surname is Werels. I will be referring to him as Ben Watson, since this page’s focus is the point and click-occult object version, AKA the original version. He’s the main editor of the Amazing Magazine, and acts as a surrogate father to Jane ever since Ulysses has gone missing.
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ID: An image of Ben Watson. He is a white older man, with gray hair, thick black eyebrows and a mustache. He’s wearing glasses, and a red bow-tie. END ID
JASPER RAFTER/VONNEGUT: Jasper suffers from the same situation as Ben Watson, and has two different surnames, but for the purpouses of this page, I’ll be referring to him as Jasper Rafter. He’s the main photographer at the Amazing Magazine, and just like Jane, he has a good heart but not always the best morals. He’s willing to drop anything in a heartbeat if it means that it will be beneficial to Jane, and he has a not-so-subtle crush on her throughout the entire game; he keeps trying to ask her out, but his hints are too subtle for her to notice.
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ID: A picture of Jasper Rafter. He is a white man with spiky brown hair and blue eyes. He’s holding a professional camera with one hand and gesticulating with the other. He’s wearing a light blue shirt and a dark blue loose scarf. END ID
DARCEY WILLIANS: Darcey also has the same issue as the two previously mentioned characters, but with one difference: I can not remember his original name and whether or not it was truly Willians. Either way, he’s really fuzzy on my memory as to his original personality, but I do remember that he was really supersticious. Nowadays, and even in the last season of the original game, he acted a bit as a despotate, assuming the charge of the Amazing Magazine after Ulysses disappeared, and he overall did not show that much care other than that. He’s a pretty irrelevant characters, to be quite honest. I don’t even have images of him, you just gotta believe me and image Collin Firth during Pride and Prejudice recording but with the most heinous goatee you can possible image.
EUGENE WITCH: He was given a name only in the interactive story version of the game, and in the original he was simply referred as “The Butler”. He’s the butler of the Putnam family, and who either helps Jane or makes her life a little harder if her interference means more trouble to Gregorious. I do think he’s more of a valet than a butler, though, but Journals of the Unknown was not written by English speaking people so I can understand.
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ID: A low quality picture of Eugene Witch, The Butler. He’s looking round in confusion at the gateway of the Putnam Manor. He has short hair and appears to be starting to bald, and wears a mustache alongside the usual butler attire. END ID
RICHARD MURRAY: Gregorious Putnam’s main rival at the elections for mayor, and the current owner of The Lucky Witch gift shop. I can’t speak much about him without going into story spoilers, so just know that he’s more relevant than he seems.
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ID: A bunch of posters of Richard Murray’s electorial campagin. He’s a white man with short hair and a beard. END ID
GREGORIOUS PUTNAM: Richard Murray’s main rival at the elections for mayor, and Witch’s boss. He’s a dishonest man trying to keep the family’s legacy alive despite all of the odds, and acts like your average politician since... well, that’s what he is.
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ID: A low quality picture of Gregorious Putnam’s speaking bubble. He’s a man appearing to be in his 50′s-60′s, with brown and well-adjusted hair, big glasses and wearing a suit. He’s white and is shown frowning. END ID
NORA BRADSTREET: The owner of the hotel Eva Hope was staying in before the incidents of the game. I can’t say much about her, since most of the relevant information are spoilers about the lore of this game’s city of Salem, so just know that she might be more relevant than she seems.
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ID: A picture of Nora Bradstreet, with her pet cat on her shoulder. She’s shown in a birthday hat and happily holding a fork, seemingly to eat her birthday cake. She’s an old, fat woman with big earrings. Above her, it’s written: “Happy birthday Nora!!”, and below a date: “08/11″. END ID
MIKE STEWARD: A corrupt police officer, who became friends with Ulysses Goodhart during the time in which he visited Salem. He doesn’t offer much to the overall story other than political drama and the potencial for the weirdest friendship ever.
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ID: Mike Steward’s speaking bubble. He’s a broad shouldered white man, with short dark hair, and a big mustache, almost touching his chin. He’s wearing the police uniform. END ID
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