chemanalyst · 1 year
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rutujamnm · 10 days
Green Hydrogen
Green Hydrogen comes from the electrolysis method of producing hydrogen gas with renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Water (H2O) is separated into hydrogen (H₃) and oxygen (O₃) by the process of electrolysis. Compared to other techniques of producing hydrogen that depend on fossil fuels and release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, this approach is considered "green" since it produces hydrogen without emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
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Important Aspects of Green Hydrogen
Method of Production:
Electrolysis: The most widely used process for creating green hydrogen. The process of splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen uses renewable electricity.
Other Methods: There are various experimental techniques, such employing algae or other biological processes, but the most sophisticated and popular one is electrolysis.
Advantages for the Environment:
Zero Emissions: Green hydrogen doesn't release greenhouse gasses when it is created with renewable energy.
Sustainability: Uses resources that are plentiful and renewable, such as sunlight and water.
Energy Storage: Has the capacity to store extra renewable energy and release it when required.
Fuel: Can be used as a clean substitute for gasoline and diesel in fuel cells, which power cars.
Industrial Uses: Can take the role of fossil fuels in sectors like chemical and steel manufacturing.
Cost: The cost of producing green hydrogen is currently higher than that of producing hydrogen from fossil fuels. This is brought on by the high price of renewable energy and electrolyzers.
Infrastructure: Needs a large infrastructure investment to be made for distribution, storage, and production.
Energy Efficiency: Energy is wasted during the conversion process, which makes electrolysis less efficient than perfect.
International Initiatives:
Investments: Infrastructure and technologies for green hydrogen are being invested in by numerous nations. There are noteworthy initiatives and goals for the adoption of green hydrogen from the European Union, Japan, and Australia.
Policies: Governments are putting laws and incentives in place to boost green hydrogen, including funding for research, regulatory assistance, and subsidies.
Innovations in Technology:
Electrolyzer Technology: Increasing the competitiveness of green hydrogen requires significant improvements in electrolyzer efficiency and cost reduction.
Integration with Renewables: Improving the green hydrogen production's integration with renewable energy sources to provide a reliable and effective energy supply.
Perspective for the Future
The increasing emphasis on cutting carbon emissions and switching to renewable energy sources around the world bodes well for green hydrogen. Green hydrogen is anticipated to become a crucial part of the clean energy landscape as a result of ongoing technological breakthroughs and manufacturing cost reductions. Moreover, building the infrastructure required to sustain a green hydrogen economy and increasing production would require worldwide investment and cooperation.
Read More-https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/industry-practice/hydrogen/green-hydrogen
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timestechnow · 11 days
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globeinspections · 23 days
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The Best Green Hydrogen Consultancy services UAE - Globe Inspection
Globe Inspection offers premier Green Hydrogen Consultancy services in the UAE, guiding your transition to sustainable energy. Our experts ensure efficient and innovative integration of green hydrogen solutions. To learn more visit our website globeinspections.com today.
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newsorbiter · 3 months
IREDA's Gandhinagar office to boost green hydrogen and renewable energy manufacturing projects
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 Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited (IREDA) has opened an office in GIFT City, Gandhinagar, specialising in offering debt options denominated in foreign currencies. This initiative aims to enable natural hedging and substantially decrease financing costs for Green Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Manufacturing projects, thereby supporting India's shift towards a more sustainable future. The announcement was made by IREDA's Chairperson & Managing Director, Pradip Kumar Das, during a panel discussion on "Future Growth Opportunities for Long Duration Energy Storage" at the World Future Energy Summit 2024 in Abu Dhabi on April 17, 2024. Das emphasised the critical role of energy storage in achieving the National Green Hydrogen Mission's ambitious target of over 5 million metric tons per annum (MTPA) of hydrogen production by 2030. He outlined key priorities for advancing storage technologies, including enhancing research and development efforts to reduce costs and improve performance, implementing policies to strengthen the supply chain network, and providing competitive financial solutions to encourage investment in energy storage projects. India has undertaken several initiatives in this direction, including formulating a storage requirement roadmap up to 2047, issuing technology-agnostic storage tenders, and implementing supportive government interventions for battery manufacturing and pumped storage hydropower projects. The Central Electricity Authority of India forecasts a storage demand of close to 400 gigawatt-hours (GWh) by 2030-32, necessitating an estimated investment of over Rs 3.5 lakh crore. IREDA has been a pioneer in renewable energy financing, offering innovative products for emerging technologies at competitive rates, and is committed to supporting the deployment of energy storage technologies in India. Read the full article
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phonemantra-blog · 3 months
The aviation industry is on the cusp of a revolutionary shift towards sustainable practices. In a significant development, easyJet, a leading European airline, has spearheaded a groundbreaking trial successfully demonstrating the viability of hydrogen fuel cell technology for ground support equipment (GSE) at major airports. Project Acorn: Taking Root for a Hydrogen-Powered Future This pioneering project, dubbed "Project Acorn," represents a critical first step in the journey toward hydrogen-powered aviation. Conducted at Bristol Airport, the UK's third busiest airport, the trial successfully refueled and operated a baggage tractor using hydrogen fuel cells. This achievement signifies the potential of hydrogen as a clean and sustainable alternative to traditional fossil fuels used in airport operations. A Groundbreaking Step Towards Greener Skies The year-long development of Project Acorn involved a consortium of industry leaders, including Cranfield University, Connected Places Catapult (CPC), DHL Supply Chain, Fuel Cell Systems, and the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). This collaborative effort underscores the commitment of various stakeholders to accelerate the adoption of hydrogen technology within the aviation sector. Key Objectives and Achievements of Project Acorn Project Acorn aimed to achieve several critical objectives: Demonstrate the feasibility of hydrogen refueling for GSE: The successful operation of the hydrogen-powered baggage tractor showcased the practicality and efficiency of hydrogen fuel cells in real-world airport environments. Develop safety protocols and regulatory frameworks: The project provided valuable data and insights that will inform the development of safety guidelines and regulatory frameworks for using hydrogen in aviation. Currently, such frameworks are not established due to the novelty of hydrogen technology in this sector. Prepare the infrastructure for future hydrogen adoption: Project Acorn served as a crucial step toward building the necessary infrastructure for handling and utilizing hydrogen fuel at airports, paving the way for wider implementation in the future. Support the decarbonization of aviation: By exploring the potential of hydrogen, the project contributes significantly to the aviation industry's goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. The Nuts and Bolts of Project Acorn: A Step-by-Step Look The trial involved a meticulous process, ensuring safety and effectiveness: Safety Assessments and Training: Before the live airport trial, comprehensive safety evaluations and personnel training were conducted in a controlled environment at Cranfield University. Hydrogen Storage and Distribution: Transportable tanks containing hydrogen (H2) and a specialized "hyQube" hydrogen refueler were deployed at the Bristol Airport trial site. Refueling the Baggage Tractor: Trained DHL personnel utilized the hyQube refueler to efficiently fill the hydrogen fuel tanks of the baggage tractor, a process similar to refueling a car but with automated shut-off features. The refueling took approximately 3 minutes and provided an operational range of 2-3 hours. Putting Hydrogen to Work: The hydrogen-powered baggage tractor, manufactured by Mulag and equipped with a Globe FC proton-exchange membrane fuel cell, was seamlessly integrated into daily operations at Bristol Airport. Ground handlers from DHL utilized the tractor to service easyJet aircraft turnarounds, demonstrating the practical application of the technology. The Promise of Hydrogen Power in Aviation Experts believe that hydrogen-powered aviation holds immense potential for achieving net-zero emissions while driving economic benefits. The UK's Department for Transport estimates that rapid investment in hydrogen aviation could create over 60,000 new jobs across the country. Additionally, Hydrogen UK projects that hydrogen could contribute significantly to the UK's energy needs and economic growth by 2050. Green hydrogen, produced from renewable sources, offers a particularly attractive solution as it generates zero carbon emissions during operation. This technology holds the key to significantly reducing the aviation industry's carbon footprint while preserving its vital role in global connectivity and economic activity. Project Acorn: A Seed for a Greener Future Project Acorn represents a significant milestone in the journey towards hydrogen-powered aviation. The successful trial paves the way for further research, development, and infrastructure investment that will ultimately lead to a cleaner and more sustainable future for air travel.
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advancebiofuel · 5 months
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Looking for a cleaner, more efficient energy solution? Explore the benefits of our Fuel Hydrogen Production Plant at Advance Biofuel. Let's create a world powered by sustainability!
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humblehydrogen · 6 months
Unveiling the Future: How Humble Hydrogen Pioneers Sustainable Hydrogen Production
In the pursuit of a sustainable energy future, hydrogen emerges as a key player, offering a clean and versatile energy source. At the forefront of this transformative movement is Humble Hydrogen, a company committed to revolutionizing hydrogen production methods. In this blog post, we delve into the intricacies of how Humble Hydrogen is pioneering sustainable hydrogen production, ushering in a new era of clean energy.
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The Need for Sustainable Hydrogen
As the world grapples with the challenges of climate change and seeks alternatives to traditional fossil fuels, hydrogen stands out as a promising solution. However, not all hydrogen is created equal. Conventional methods often involve carbon-intensive processes, such as steam methane reforming, which release greenhouse gases, counteracting the environmental benefits of using hydrogen.
Humble Hydrogen recognizes the importance of producing hydrogen sustainably, without compromising on environmental considerations. By prioritizing green hydrogen production, the company aims to lead the way in reducing carbon footprints and advancing a cleaner energy landscape.
Electrolysis: A Green Path to Hydrogen
Humble Hydrogen employs cutting-edge electrolysis technology to produce hydrogen in an eco-friendly manner. Electrolysis involves splitting water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen using an electric current. This method stands out for its zero-emission nature at the point of production, making it a key player in the green hydrogen revolution.
The process begins with water, a simple and abundant resource. Through electrolysis, the water molecules are dissociated into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen, a clean and efficient energy carrier, can then be stored and utilized across various sectors, from transportation to industrial applications.
Commitment to Renewable Energy Sources
A defining feature of Humble Hydrogen's approach is its commitment to utilizing renewable energy sources in the electrolysis process. By integrating solar and wind power into their operations, the company ensures that the entire production cycle remains sustainable and low-carbon.
Renewable energy sources contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions associated with hydrogen production, reinforcing Humble Hydrogen's dedication to environmental stewardship. This approach not only aligns with global sustainability goals but also positions the company as a leader in the green energy transition.
Advancing Technology for a Sustainable Future
In addition to embracing green hydrogen production methods, Humble Hydrogen is actively involved in advancing technological innovations to enhance efficiency and reduce costs. Research and development initiatives focus on optimizing electrolysis processes, exploring new materials, and improving overall system performance.
As the company continues to innovate, the goal is to make green hydrogen a more accessible and economically viable solution. By staying at the forefront of technological advancements, Humble Hydrogen aims to contribute significantly to the widespread adoption of sustainable hydrogen as a key player in the global energy mix.
Humble Hydrogen's commitment to sustainable hydrogen production represents a beacon of hope in the journey towards a cleaner, greener future. Through their adoption of electrolysis technology, integration of renewable energy sources, and relentless pursuit of innovation, the company is making strides in redefining how we produce and utilize hydrogen.
As the demand for clean energy solutions intensifies, Humble Hydrogen stands poised to lead the way, proving that sustainable hydrogen production is not just a possibility but a transformative reality in the ongoing evolution of our energy landscape.
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mmc2023 · 6 months
Tahun 2023, PLN Kebut Pengembangan EBT dari Hulu ke Hilir Hingga _Green Hydrogen_
Jakarta || Transisinews – 5 Januari 2024 – Sepanjang 2023, PT PLN (Persero) terus mengakselerasi pengembangan Energi Baru Terbarukan (EBT) untuk mendukung agenda transisi energi di Indonesia. Sebagai bentuk nyata, pada tahun 2023 PLN telah menyelesaikan 28 pembangkit EBT baru, program dedieselisasi dengan pembangunan jaringan transmisi dan jaringan distribusi hingga pengembangan green…
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sharemarketnews01 · 7 months
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gangourgroup · 8 months
The Role of Government Policy in Promoting Sustainable Fuels
In today's world, as we grapple with environmental challenges and the need to reduce our carbon footprint, the focus on sustainable fuels has never been more critical. Government policies play a significant role in shaping the development and adoption of biodiesel, biofuel, green hydrogen, and green fuel.
In this article, we'll explore how government policies are driving the growth of these sustainable biofuel industries in India and specifically in Udaipur.
Government Initiatives for Sustainable Fuels
Government policies and initiatives are pivotal in driving the transition towards sustainable fuels. Let's take a closer look at some of the key policies and programs promoting biodiesel, biofuel, green hydrogen, and green fuel in India.
1. Promotion of Biodiesel
Biodiesel is derived from renewable resources and is a cleaner alternative to traditional diesel. The Indian government has introduced incentives and policies to encourage biodiesel production, including subsidies for biodiesel plant manufacturers and biodiesel suppliers.
2. Boosting Biofuel Production
Biofuels are essential for reducing carbon emissions. Government regulations require the blending of biofuels with fossil fuels, and incentives are provided to biofuel manufacturing companies in India to enhance production.
3. Green Hydrogen Support
Green hydrogen is a game-changer in the clean energy landscape. India is focusing on green hydrogen production, and policies are encouraging investments in hydrogen fuel-making companies and green hydrogen producers.
4. Advancing Green Fuel
Green fuel, known for its lower emissions, is gaining prominence. Government policies support green fuel manufacturers in Udaipur and other regions to promote its adoption.
Impact on Udaipur's Sustainable Fuel Industry
Udaipur, known for its scenic beauty, is also making strides in sustainable fuel production. The government's role in promoting sustainable fuels has had a significant impact on the region.
1. Top Biofuel Manufacturing Unit in Udaipur
Udaipur hosts one of the top biofuel manufacturing units in India like Gangour Group. This achievement is attributed to government support, including subsidies for biofuel manufacturers in Udaipur.
2. Green Fuel Manufacturing Companies
Government policies have spurred the growth of green fuel manufacturing companies in Udaipur, contributing to the region's economic development and reduced carbon emissions.
Challenges and Opportunities
While government policies have been instrumental in driving the growth of sustainable fuels, there are challenges and opportunities to consider.
1. Regulatory Compliance
Compliance with evolving government regulations can be challenging for sustainable fuel industries. However, adhering to these regulations also presents an opportunity for businesses to thrive in a sustainable future.
2. Investment and Innovation
Investing in green technologies and innovative approaches is a key opportunity. Government incentives and support for research and development can boost the industry's growth.
3. Global Leadership
India has the potential to become a global leader in sustainable fuels. Government backing is vital in establishing the country as a significant player in the international green fuel market.
In conclusion, government policies are the driving force behind the promotion and adoption of biodiesel, biofuel, green hydrogen, and green fuel in India. Udaipur, with its top biofuel manufacturing unit and green fuel manufacturers, showcases the positive impact of these policies.
However, the industry also faces regulatory challenges and opportunities for further growth and innovation. As we move towards a more sustainable future, government policies will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of sustainable fuels in India.
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theindiaenergyhour · 9 months
State of the Indian power sector
In conversation with India Energy Hour, Abhinav Jindal, Senior Researcher and Energy Economist, takes a deep dive into India's evolving energy landscape with Abhinav Jindal as he delves into the complexities of balancing coal power, repurposing coal plants, the role of state-owned enterprises, and the importance of a collaborative approach in India's pursuit of a sustainable energy future.
The India Energy Hour
As the world races toward a sustainable energy future, India stands at a crossroads in its energy transition journey. Abhinav Jindal, a seasoned expert in the energy sector, recently shared his valuable insights on the complexities and possibilities of India's evolving energy landscape. In a candid conversation, Jindal delved into topics ranging from the role of coal power plants to the promising potential of green hydrogen. Let's explore the key takeaways from this illuminating discussion.
Tune in to the full episode to find out more!
Available on major podcast platforms and our website
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rutujamnm · 12 days
Green Hydrogen Generation
"Green Hydrogen Generations" explains how green hydrogen is anticipated to grow and contribute to the global energy system in the future. Regarding the production, use, and transfer of green hydrogen, it contains forecasts, trends, and upcoming developments. The concept is directly tied to lowering carbon emissions, achieving sustainability, and making the transition to a more environmentally friendly and sustainable energy system.
A "green hydrogen future" is a potential state of affairs in which hydrogen produced by electrolysis fueled by renewable energy sources plays a major role in fostering a low-carbon and sustainable economy. In this futuristic vision, the decarbonization of several industries, including transportation, manufacturing, and energy production, is largely dependent on green hydrogen. It signifies a move away from greenhouse gas-emitting fossil fuel-based hydrogen generation techniques and toward a greener, more sustainable substitute. To fully realize the potential of hydrogen as a flexible and carbon-neutral energy carrier, developments in electrolysis technology, infrastructure development for hydrogen, supportive policies, and enhanced stakeholder collaboration are all necessary components of the green hydrogen future.
The "Green Hydrogen Future" is a comprehensive plan for moving toward a sustainable and eco-friendly hydrogen-based economy. The following are some salient features and ramifications of this vision:
Renewable Energy Integration: With the use of electrolysis and sustainable energy sources like solar, wind, or hydroelectric power, green hydrogen is created. By resolving the issue of intermittency and easing the transition to a more dependable and sustainable energy system, this integration makes it possible to store and use excess renewable energy.
Decarbonization: The urgent need to decarbonize the transportation, industrial, and heating sectors of the economy is one of the main forces behind the green hydrogen future. Greenhouse gas emissions can be greatly decreased by switching to green hydrogen from fossil fuels, aiding in the worldwide effort to slow down climate change and reach net-zero carbon emissions.
Energy Storage and Grid Stability: Green hydrogen has the potential to be a flexible energy carrier and storage medium that can help the electrical grid balance supply and demand. When demand is low, excess renewable energy can be used to make hydrogen, which can then be used directly in fuel cells or converted back into electricity when demand is high. This flexibility improves the stability and dependability of the grid, especially as renewable energy sources proliferate.
Industrial Applications: There are several industrial uses for green hydrogen, such as chemical synthesis, steel production, and ammonia generation. These sectors can drastically lower their carbon footprint and environmental impact by switching to green hydrogen instead of fossil fuels or hydrogen made from natural gas (often referred to as "grey hydrogen").
Transportation: Green hydrogen is an environmentally friendly fuel that can be used for buses, trucks, trains, and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs). While conventional vehicles release pollutants from their internal combustion engines, FCVs produce no emissions at all; the only byproduct of hydrogen combustion is water vapor.
Global Energy Transition: Global energy transition might be accelerated by the green hydrogen future, which would offer clean and sustainable energy to all nations. Realizing this ambition and tackling the common challenge of climate change on a global scale depend on building a strong green hydrogen infrastructure and encouraging international cooperation.
Ultimately, the green hydrogen future offers a way forward for a more resilient and sustainable energy system that puts social welfare and environmental preservation first. It signifies a paradigm shift in the production, storage, and use of energy. However, in order to overcome technological, financial, and legal obstacles and hasten the shift to a hydrogen-based economy, governments, businesses, and society at large will need to work together in order to realize this goal.
Read More-https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/industry-practice/hydrogen/green-hydrogen
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timestechnow · 2 months
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globeinspections · 23 days
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We Provide Green Hydrogen Project Management services - Globe Inspection
Globe Inspection provides top-tier Green Hydrogen Project Management services, ensuring seamless execution from concept to completion. Our expertise guarantees efficient, sustainable, innovative green hydrogen solutions tailored to your needs. To learn more visit our website globeinspections.com today.
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baliportalnews · 9 months
Resmikan Plant Pertama di Indonesia, Kementerian ESDM: PLN Miliki Cara Paling Cepat Hasilkan Green Hydrogen
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mengapresiasi langkah cepat dan nyata PLN yang sudah mampu memproduksi green hydrogen melalui Green Hydrogen Plant (GHP) pertama di Indonesia, yang berlokasi di kawasan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas Uap (PLTGU) Muara Karang, Jakarta. Bahkan GHP yang dikembangkan melalui subholding PLN Nusantara Power ini mampu memproduksi hingga 51 juta ton hidrogen per tahun. Direktur Jenderal Energi Baru Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi Kementerian ESDM, Yudo Dwinanda Priaadi saat peresmian GHP pada Senin (9/10/2023) menyampaikan bahwa kehadiran GHP tersebut menjadi sebuah inisiasi yang baik untuk mendukung upaya pengembangan energi bersih di indonesia. "PLN miliki cara paling cepat untuk menghasilkan green hydrogen. Kami awalnya berpikir untuk bisa menghasilkan hidrogen hijau ini akan butuh waktu yang lama, memakai panas bumi, solar panel. Ternyata inovasi yang dilakukan oleh PLN mampu mempercepat produksi green hydrogen di Indonesia," ucap Yudo. Dirinya juga menjelaskan hidrogen hijau merupakan game changer terhadap tantangan transisi energi. Ke depan, penggunaan hidrogen hijau sebagai bahan bakar alternatif akan dibutuhkan banyak industri. Tahun ini, pemerintah lewat Kementerian ESDM tengah merampungkan peta jalan hidrogen nasional. Lewat langkah akseleratif PLN dalam membuat GHP pertama ini menjadi bukti dan penguat dari peta jalan strategi hidrogen nasional. "Tahun ini kita finalisasi nasional hydrogen strategy. Semoga bisa segera kita keluarkan. Alhamdulillah PLN sudah mendahului strategi ini. Sebelum bukunya keluar, sudah ada buktinya dulu," ujar Yudo. Direktur Utama PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo menjelaskan peresmian GHP pertama di Indonesia ini merupakan buah komitmen PLN dalam mendukung upaya pemerintah dalam melakukan transisi energi. Ke depan, green hydrogen akan menjadi energi alternatif. "Hari ini menjadi bukti, we walk the talk bahwa komitmen ini kami wujudkan dalam bentuk nyata. Ke depan GHP yang ada ini akan kami kembangkan di pembangkit-pembangkit kami, khususnya yang sejenis, sehingga produksinya bisa semakin besar,” ucap Darmawan. Darmawan menambahkan GHP yang dikembangkan PLN Nusantara Power (NP) merupakan hasil inovasi PLN dalam menjawab tantangan transisi energi dengan memaksimalkan aset yang ada. Inovasi terus akan dilakukan untuk menghasilkan nilai tambah bagi negara dan perusahaan. "Kami melihat potensi hydrogen plant yang bisa menghasilkan green hydrogen mampu memberikan nilai tambah dan prospek pengembangan bisnis ke depan," ujar Darmawan. Direktur Utama PLN NP Ruly Firmansyah merinci selama ini korporasinya telah menghasilkan grey hydrogen dari hydrogent plant yang telah beroperasi. Namun, dengan adanya penggunaan solar PV dan didukung oleh Renewable Energy Certificate (REC), PLN NP telah memiliki GHP pertama di Indonesia. Memanfaatkan beberapa electrolyzer dengan konsumsi daya 2.795 Megawatt Hour (MWh) per tahun, PLN NP mampu menghasilkan 100% hidrogen hijau sebesar 51 ton per tahun. "Melalui pemanfaatan PLTS yang telah terpasang di PLTGU Muara Karang, kami menjadikan hidrogen ini berjenis hijau dan bebas emisi CO2, jadi hidrogen hijau ini murni 100% dari EBT," tegas Rully. Lewat upaya ini, PLN NP mampu menghasilkan bahan baku alternatif bagi sektor industri yang bergerak ke arah industri hijau. Ke depan, PLN NP juga akan mengembangan green hydrogen storage yang bisa menyimpan hasil hidrogen hijau ini sehingga bisa dimanfaatkan di kemudian hari.(bpn) Read the full article
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